#david lanz
ladybugpeace · 6 months
My first post #David Lanz
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aquoteamusetheword · 7 months
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The Music of My Life
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” ~ Debasish Mridha
I remember when I fell in love with music, rock music. It was when my very cool uncle Lynn returned home from Vietnam. He had a reel-to-reel tape deck and giant headphones (hence the picture). This is when I first heard Iron Butterfly, King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Warm, to name a few… I was hooked.
My Mom and stepdad loved music too. Our road trips always included loud signing with the windows down. I will never forget the Christmas when I received my first stereo. I still know my first two vinyl albums; Supertramp ‘Breakfast in America’ (a favorite even today) and John Lennon / Yoko Ono ‘Milk & Honey’.
Many Friday and Saturday nights were spent playing bumper pool in my friend Stephen's basement. We had a car 8 track player wired to a set of speakers. The only 8 track we had was Bad Company ‘Burning Sky’, I still know every word to every song.
Eventually, we purchased a CD player for the house. My mind was blown when I listened to the full digital recording that was Dire Straits ‘Brother in Arms’, I am sure our neighbors enjoyed it too.
In the event that someone under the age of thirty-five is reading this, I have some explaining to do. Here is a brief history of pre recorded music in my lifetime. In my early childhood vinyl LPs were what we listened to at home. The only option for the car was the 8 Track. If you don’t know what an 8 Track tape is, imagine a case twice as wide and twice as tall as your iPhone. It made up for its clunkiness by pausing and changing tracks in the middle of every other song (usually during the best part of the song). Finally, cassettes arrived, they were roughly half the size, played on both sides and you could record LPs on to them (I know the technology is overwhelming). CDs ushered in the digital age.
Believe it or not, we used to hear a song we liked on the radio, actually drive to the music store, browse the CDs, find the one with the song on it, pay $12.99 (if it was on sale), hope the rest of the songs were good, spend and hour recording it on to cassette so that we could listen to it in the car, this was a far cry from “Alexa, shuffle the hits of the eighties…”
I worked at Musicland when I was in college. After school, my first 'real' job was to manage the one in Brookwood Village in Birmingham. This store was the number one Jazz and Classical location in the entire 2000 store chain. We played it every morning and I learned to love these genres as well. David Sanborn ‘Straight to the Heart’, David Lanz ‘Cristofori’s Dream’ and Nigel Kennedy ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ are all still in my rotation.
It was here that I met the sweetest older man, Stan. He walked the mall a few times a week and he knew and loved classical music like no one else I have ever known. He was in the middle of the long and arduous task of buying CDs to replace his LPs as they were being released. I had his list and anytime a we received one of the recordings on CD, I would give him a call. We often had lunch in the food court, he taught me about classical composers, I taught him about Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stan stopped walking the mall. I left two messages about new arrivals and he didn’t show. I was concerned and missed my friend. A few days later a man entered the store and asked for me, I introduced myself. He told me that he was Stan’s son and that his father had passed away. I never even knew that he had cancer. I will never forget the next words from his mouth…” my dad wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated your talks and you calling him, and he wanted you to have this.” He handed me an LP wrapped in brown paper. We embraced, he departed. I went to the back, shed a tear and unwrapped a pristine copy of ‘Meet the Beatles’ on Apple records, still in cellophane. I have never even had it appraised, to me it is priceless.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things” ~Psalm 98:1
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lioriel · 9 months
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Sometimes, between the tinnitus, kid noise, generalized anxiety, and medication... you just got to take a shower, listen to the Norwegian Rain Suite by David Lanz on loop mode, and paint for a few hours.
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therealadwarren · 21 days
Eagle's Path (1987)
David Lanz & Paul Speer
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strangelock221b · 1 year
I just wanted to share one of my all-time favorite instrumental pieces -- "Cristofori's Dream" by David Lanz. The title refers to the inventor of the piano.
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captainhancock727 · 2 years
David Lanz & Paul Speer - Bridge of Dreams
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humoringthegoddess · 2 years
Christofori's Dream
Christofori’s Dream
I usually don’t highlight music on my blog, for everyone’s dreams are linked to so many different songs, lyrics, and memories that it’s hard to bring new energy into their lives. Today’s blog will be different. Today I will share — and I will ask you for suggestions. Christofori’s Dream by David Lanz is (one of) my favorite songs. My favorite piano song. My favorite dream song. (It’s a great…
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ultrameganicolaokay · 9 months
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Outsiders #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Robert Carey. Variant covers by David Marquez and Serg Acuña. Out in December.
"'Monsters of the Unknown.' What hidden tragedies lie inside the Forever Storm of the Enlil Triangle? On January 1, 2000, a storm kicked up near the Enlil island chain in the mid-Atlantic. And it never stopped. As a West Point cadet, Kate Kane encountered something monstrous in those turbulent waves…and now, she is returning to face it alongside the Outsiders! But can she control her desire for revenge in the service of Luke Fox’s mission of understanding? What secrets will they discover deep beneath the monster-filled waves of the Enlil Triangle? And how will the Outsiders survive their encounter with the monster-hunting specialists of the DC Universe: the New Challengers of the Unknown? This new, boundary-breaking dive into the secret history of the DC Universe is just beginning!"
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geekcavepodcast · 10 days
Marvel Comics Reveals "Venom War" Issues and Tie-Ins for August 2024
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The Venom War is about to kick off with both Eddie and Dylan Brock vying to be the sole Venom host and past and present symbiote characters will be forced to pick a side. The Venom War has been building with Al Ewing's laying the groundwork in the current Venom run, but the war will spill out into it's own comic and tie-in comics / issues.
August will see the release of:
Venom War #1 (of 5) from Al Ewing and Iban Coello (on sale August 7, 2024) in which father and son Eddie Brock and Dylan Brock are both determined to be the one true Venom.
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Venom #36 from Torunn Gronbekk and Cafu (on sale August 14, 2024) sees an older Dylan Brock - Old Man Venom - time travelling in order to guarantee the correct victor in the Venom War, with his first jump taking him into Spider-Man's history.
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Venom War: Spider-Man #1 (of 4) from Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Greg Land (on sale August 14, 2024) puts Spider-Man back in the black suit. After all, Peter Parker was Venom's first host and maybe he is the best choice.
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Venom War: Carnage #1 (of 3) from Torunn Gronbekk and Pere Pérez (on sale August 21, 2024) has Carnage rallying his own troops. His own plans may even involve that little "deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he discovered in CARNAGE #8."
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Venom War: Venomous #1 (of 3) from Erica Schultz and Luciano Vecchio (on sale August 21, 2024) has Black Widow picking a side in the Venom War. Black Widow is looking into those "horrific experiments Alchemax has been running based on their symbiote program… but she isn’t the only one! Natasha’s old teammate from her Secret Avengers days, now known as Agent Anti-Venom, is also on the case!"
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Venom War: Zombiotes #1 (of 3) from Cavan Scott and Juan José Ryp (on sale August 28, 2024) follows a new strain of symbiote that can reanimate the dead and change the living with just a bite. "That’s right—zombie symbiotes making symbiote zombies!"
(Images via Marvel Comics - David Baldeón's Cover of Venom War #1, Cafu's Cover of Venom #36, Greg Land's Cover of Venom War: Spider-Man #1, Salvador Larroca's Variant Cover of Venom War: Carnage #1, Leirix's Cover of Venom War: Venomous #1, and Juan Ferreyra's Cover of Venom War: Zombiotes #1)
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naipan · 5 months
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
SDCC 2022: IDW Launches a new Star Trek comic era with Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Ramon Rosanas
SDCC 2022: IDW Launches a new Star Trek comic era with Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Ramon Rosanas #comics #comicbooks #startrek #sdcc #sdcc2022
IDW Publishing has announced a bold new direction in Star Trek comics, beginning with a brand-new flagship ongoing oseries that goes where no one has gone before! Debuting in October 2022, Star Trek #1 features art by Ramon Rosanas, and scripts by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, the creative team behind Star Trek: Year Five. Star Trek #1 weaves an epic and unprecedented adventure story that…
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kenpiercemedia · 2 years
Marvel Entertainment Unveils San Diego Comic-Con 2022 Panel Line-Up
The Press Release: Marvel Entertainment returns to San Diego Comic-Con with all-star panels, exclusive announcements, fan favorite talent signings, and unforgettable fan experiences at the Marvel booth all starting Thursday, July 21 through Sunday, July 24. Stop by the Marvel booth (#2329) for the livestream broadcast, giveaways, and signings, and check out Marvel’s merch booth (#2519) for…
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cazzyf1 · 2 months
Masterlist of my favourite Niki Lauda Quotes
To Hell and Back - Niki Lauda
My Years with Ferrari - Niki Lauda
Niki Lauda the Biography - Maurice Hamilton
The Art and Technicalities of Formula One racing - Niki Lauda
Niki Lauda and the Grand Prix Gladiators - Ronnie Mutch
The Playboy and the Rat - Roy Calley
Rush to Glory - Tom Rubythorn
Das dritte Leben - Niki Lauda
Niki Lauda Biography - Peter Lanz
Niki Lauda - The Rebel
Hunt v Lauda - David Benson
My favourite Niki Lauda quotes I've found in interviews and articles
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keo6232 · 2 months
In Kooperation mit @ctrsdoesart
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Ihr habt euch schon immer gewundert, was euer Lieblingsmoderator für Niveacreme benutzt, um seinen zeitlosen Dilf-Look aufrechtzuerhalten? In einem exklusiven Podcast mit Richard David Precht gab er es preis. "Sag es, Richard. Sprich es aus." Und Richard sprach aus. Markus Lanz, seit einer Weile 55, wurde als Vampir enttarnt. Was wird das wohl für Auswirkungen auf seine Karriere und den Blick der Welt auf ihn haben? Wir haben ihn zu einem exklusiven Interview eingeladen, doch er hat unsere Topjournalisten sitzen gelassen. Das muss wohl der vampirische Hochmut sein, oder doch nur das ZDF? Und apropos, weiß sein Arbeitgeber von seiner Kondition? Wie steht das ZDF dazu, einen gefährlichen Vampir eingestellt zu haben? Bleiben Sie dran, wir berichten bald wieder!
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ethanreedbooks · 9 days
All the Details on 'Venom War' Debuting August 7th
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Everything We Know About ‘Venom War’ Starting August 7th
Attention, Marvel fans! Marvel Comics is gearing up to launch their next big crossover event, Venom War, and it’s set to kick off on August 7th with Venom War #1. This epic event will unfold across the main Venom series and several tie-in miniseries, featuring a star-studded lineup of creators like Al Ewing, Erica Schultz, Cavan Scott, Iban Coello, Luciano Vecchio, Juan Jose Ryp, Torunn Grønbekk, Pere Perez, Greg Land, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Cafu.
The Story So Far
Al Ewing, the mastermind behind Venom War, has been laying the groundwork for this event from the very beginning of his current VENOM run. The series has chronicled the separate yet intertwined journeys of Eddie Brock and his son, Dylan, as they both navigate life as symbiote hosts. Now, after terrifying glimpses of the future, both realize that only one of them can be Venom. This father-and-son conflict is about to escalate into a full-blown war, forcing every symbiote character, past and present, to pick a side.
“This is what we’ve been building to since the start of this wild and way-out symbiote odyssey—the fateful confrontation between father and son!” Ewing explained. “Where better to have it than inside the squared circle? And who better to bring this all-action epic to the page with than my old buddy Iban Coello? I’m tellin’ ya, goo believer—this is vehemently varied Venom violence like never viewed, and only one host can wear the symbiote when the dust settles! Who’s it gonna be?”
What to Expect in August
Venom War #1 (of 5)
Written by: Al Ewing
Art and Cover by: Iban Coello
Foil Variant Cover by: David Baldeón
Synopsis: The Venom Symbiote has bonded with both Eddie Brock and his son Dylan. Now, father and son are set to clash, each determined to be the one, true Venom! It’s a showdown of showdowns that threatens to tear the world apart.
Venom War: Venomous #1 (of 3)
Written by: Erica Schultz
Art by: Luciano Vecchio
Cover by: Leirix
Synopsis: Black Widow and her newly trained symbiote join the fray, investigating horrific experiments by Alchemax. Natasha’s old teammate, Agent Anti-Venom, is also on the case!
Venom War: Zombiotes #1 (of 3)
Written by: Cavan Scott
Art by: Juan José Ryp
Cover by: Juan Ferreyra
Synopsis: A darker strain of symbiote reanimates the dead, creating symbiote zombies. It’s a nightmare scenario as the Venoms face off against this new horror.
Venom War: Carnage #1 (of 3)
Written by: Torunn Grønbekk
Art by: Pere Pérez
Cover by: Ken Lashley
Synopsis: Carnage has his own plans and a new weapon deadly to symbiotes. Will he side with Eddie or Dylan, or will he have his own agenda?
Venom War: Spider-Man #1 (of 4)
Written by: Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Art and Cover by: Greg Land
Synopsis: The original Venom, Peter Parker, returns to the black suit. He might just be the key to ending the Venom War.
Venom #36
Written by: Torunn Grønbekk
Art and Cover by: Cafu
Synopsis: As the war between Eddie and Dylan Brock rages on, an older Dylan Brock, known as Old Man Venom, time-travels to ensure the correct victor.
Mark Your Calendars!
This summer, the symbiote corner of the Marvel Universe is set to explode with Venom War. Expect epic battles, dramatic twists, and the return of beloved characters in this all-out symbiote showdown. Make sure to grab these issues starting August 7th and join in on the chaotic fun that only Venom and his allies can deliver!
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unfug-bilder · 8 months
Der Großteil des Artikels lagert hinter der Paywall.
Aber allein der Teil, den mensch lesen kann, lohnt es.
Zumal ich das (gerade in der momentanen Situation) NICHT von der FAZ erwartet hätte. Da zöge ich den Hut (hätte ich denn einen).
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