#darwin tremor
zooterchet · 1 year
Smokin' Aces 1 (Killing the Cast)
Jack Dupree: Reference a famous graphic novel you haven't read, but are aware of through a commentary source (a synopsis), placing his female partner as a character with something that didn't happen in the novel, then read the novel.
Darwin Tremor: Find a color blind Jew, and strike up a drug partnership, but provide their pricing scheme, letting them cheat off you.
Lazlo Soot: Place an impressionist, as frozen in your voice, by duplicating a type of grass in marketing, without a chemical trick, to make it more potent.
Georgia Sykes: Date a dominatrix, but allow her to dump you, but refusing to amend a relationship when she breaks a rule or limit as a deliberate test of your resources (your value as a college assistance lawyer, the Church of Satan).
Sharice Watters: When she makes an offer to put you in her preferred sexual position, assume she means your preferred sexual position to her, initiating.
El Estrago: Contact your mother's doctor, for advice on where to go to a psychiatric ward, then ignore it and use a clinic out of the Yellow Pages, the Indian YMCA assistance guide for Asian immigrants.
Jeeves Tremor: Look at a tattoo, upside down, on a military veteran, and pretend to read it, but refuse any question offered afterwards.
Lester Tremor: Call him a reference to a video game, in his presence, then socialize normally, with a female lead contact to put you in his range.
Pistol Pete: Mention to a friend, before campus, that you want to buy an album, by "Blue Cheer", with the song "Summertime Blues", then have him take you to Newbury Comics, while you're on psilocybin mushrooms, then when you get on campus, try to score acid, off your chaperone.
Hollis Elmore: Put your marijuana bag, in your left pocket, and only sell pot, out of your right pocket. If he's a cop, he'll notice, and signal you. Run a fence operation, through the room signalled, from his contact that is passed wood, but refuse to sell, to approaches out of your room, telling the first door opened contact, that "you're out", then stop.
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year
Terramoto de magnitude 7,6 danifica prédios em ilhas da Indonésia
Um terramoto no mar com magnitude de 7,6 na escala de Richter danificou hoje edifícios de vilas em ilhas pouco povoadas no leste da Indonésia e foi sentido no norte da Austrália, de acordo com as autoridades indonésias.
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Dois prédios escolares e 124 casas ficaram danificados nas ilhas Tanimbar, no arquipélago das Molucas, na Indonésia, divulgou a Agência Nacional de Mitigação de Desastres, com apenas uma pessoa ferida.
“Os moradores locais sentiram fortes tremores por três a cinco segundos. Houve pânico quando o terramoto ocorreu e os moradores deixaram as suas casas”, disse o porta-voz da agência, Abdul Muhari, num comunicado.
O epicentro do tremor de magnitude 7,6 foi no Mar de Banda, próximo às ilhas Tanimbar, que têm cerca de 127 mil habitantes. O terremoto foi sentido em várias regiões, incluindo as províncias indonésias de Papua e East Nusa Tenggara, bem como no norte da Austrália.
A Agência de Meteorologia, Climatologia e Geofísica da Indonésia emitiu um alerta de ‘tsunami’ que foi suspenso três horas depois.
“Com base em quatro observações do medidor de maré em torno do centro do terramoto, não houve nenhuma anomalia significativa ou mudança no nível do mar”, disse o chefe da agência, Dwikorita Karnawati.
O Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS) disse que o sismo foi localizado a uma profundidade de 105 quilómetros, não muito longe da ponta norte da Austrália e também de Timor-Leste. Os terramotos mais profundos tendem a causar menos danos na superfície, mas são amplamente sentidos.
Mais de 1.000 pessoas no norte da Austrália, inclusive na cidade de Darwin, relataram à Geoscience Australia que sentiram o terramoto. O Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Center disse que o sismo não representa uma ameaça de ‘tsunami’ para o continente ou quaisquer ilhas ou territórios.
A Indonésia é frequentemente abalada por terramotos e fica no “Círculo de Fogo” do Pacífico, o arco de falhas sísmicas ao redor do Oceano Pacífico, onde ocorre a maioria dos sismos e erupções vulcânicas do mundo.
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yara-kremen · 1 year
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Ти кажеш, що ти не вивозиш. Але ти вивозиш! Трьохсотих везеш з-попід обстрілу на медеваку,  Пакетами корм – на нулі годувати собаку,  Коробками ліки між поштами та блокпостами,  Везеш до кордону дітей і старих із котами.  Ти кажеш, що ти не вивозиш. Але ти вивозиш!  Чекаєш, ненавидиш, мрієш, кохаєш шалено,  Щоранку ідеш на роботу під звуки сирени,  Рішаєш у класі – або у генштабі – задачі,  Копаєш окопи, копаєш картоплю на дачі. Ти кажеш, що ти не вивозиш. Але ти вивозиш! Лишатись собою у світі абсурду і болю, Під обстрілом їхати знову по мінному полю, Тримати того, хто себе уже сам не тримає,   Читати новини про місто, якого немає.   За це не завжди видають ордени та медалі. Але ти встаєш і вивозиш. Все далі і далі.  Кричиш чи сльозу витираєш – і знову до бою. Ти правда вивозиш. Я дуже пишаюсь тобою.  Darwin Tremor https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKLk2RIOTs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leanpick · 2 years
Darwin hit with by 6.2 magnitude earthquake
Darwin hit with by 6.2 magnitude earthquake
Darwin has felt the effects of a 6.2 magnitude earthquake which caused buildings across the capital city to shake. Locals reported feeling tremors for around 30 seconds after 12.00pm on Friday, with the quake originating from across the ocean in Timor. The Bureau of Meteorology has told concerned locals there is no tsunami threat as a result of the earthquake. Camera IconThe earthquake which hit…
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newsbuzzfinderblog · 2 years
6.1-magnitude quake strikes off East Timor - Times of India
6.1-magnitude quake strikes off East Timor – Times of India
DILI: A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of East Timor on Friday, the US Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far as the Australian city of Darwin, although there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The USGS said the quake hit at a depth of 51 kilometres (32 miles) off the eastern tip of Timor island, which is split between East Timor and Indonesia. An AFP…
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stupotato · 3 years
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Bit of self-indulgent Smokin Aces Astu cosplay >u>   Anyone else remember that movie? XD 
 Comments, likes, and shares loved and greatly appreciated 💙
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[Image Description: Close up of Jack Dupree’s face as he is laying dead on the ground, Darwin Tremor from offscreen manipulating his face to open his eyes and smile.]
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sophiamamamia · 2 years
Так казав мені, мілкому, євангеліст-священик:
За концептом, або за догматами книг священних
Божий Cин після страти у пекло саме втрапляє,
І ламає систему, пускаючи всіх до раю.
Ця легенда у Нього давно викликає втому,
Це неначе гастролі – дві тисячі літ потому
З благодатним вогнем Він спускається в ніч у пекло.
А у пеклі на вулицях точиться бій запекло,
А у пеклі – зґвалтовані діти та ями Бучі,
Мертві котики, коні опалені, дріт колючий,
Чорні хати, квартири залишені, крик сирени,
Кожен голос повторює – Господи, глянь на мене –
Чи не бачиш, іде Сатана із нечистим знаком,
По слідах його кров проростає червоним маком,
Він не знає любові, він хоче усіх нас зжерти,
Як Ти смертію смерть подолаєш у царстві смерті?
Як Ти волю даси тим, що вже народились вільні?
І підійдуть до нього солдати, і всі цивільні,
Молоді і старі, і маленькі, і нерожденні.
Всі, що стільки трималися у вогняній Геєні,
І спитають: скажи нам чітко, як Символ Віри –
Ти ж казав, що нема випробовувань вище міри,
Що обмежено біль, який кожен із нас сприймає,
Але ось Маріуполь, і міри йому немає.
Але висохли очі, якими на рай глядіти!
Він заплаче і скаже – пробачте. Не знаю, діти,
Де Мені взяти стільки любові на цю скорботу.
Він сидітиме з нами під бомбами всю суботу,
І піде лиш в неділю, зранку, на Воскресіння.
І прийде Сатана.
А в кишені його – насіння.
Автор: Darwin Tremor
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quackodesu · 6 years
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talokanda-forever · 7 years
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the-chomsky-hash · 2 years
[A. Knowledge is not made to console: it disappoints, it worries, it incises, it hurts - cont'd]
[1. Four tremors in a hundred and fifty years completely upset the great chain of being: - cont'd]
[b. François Jacob gives each of them a name: that of the plane of objects which offers to biology a new field of experience - cont'd]
ii. [Time:] Darwin perhaps humiliated man by bringing him down from the monkey, but - much more importantly - he stripped the individual of his privileges by studying the random variations of a population over time.
Throughout life, chance plays with the discontinuous.
– Michel Foucault, Growing and Multiplying, Le Monde, “On F. Jacob, The Logic of the Living, A History of Heredity”, 1970
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robbyrobinson · 3 years
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The next day, Hexside opened its doors to begin the school day. Willow was once again at her locker and was withdrawing some of her class books. Gus walked down the hallway and casually glared at the other students. Seeing Willow, he galloped over to her.  
“Morning, Willow,” he said.
Willow smiled. “Good morning.”  
Before he could say anything further, Gus glanced around as if looking for something. “Hey, where’s Luz?” He looked over at the popular clique of girls. “Come to think of it, where’s Amity?”  
“I think it was Eda who got into contact with me about some kind of experiment the two were doing. She said that they would be gone for at least a day or two at worse.”  
Gus’ eyebrow raised in curiosity. “The two of them doing an experiment together?”  
Given how he knew about Amity having feelings for the human girl, one side of him couldn’t help but wonder if she was perhaps experimenting around with chemicals to create the ultimate love potion to give to Luz. He quickly shook that idea from his mind. Sure, one could not deny that Amity was head over heels for Luz, but she wasn’t the type of witch who would play with someone’s free will in that fashion. Even if it pained her for Luz to be seemingly ignorant of her feelings, it would equally pain her to force her to love her.  
Skara and the popular girls caught sight of the two and walked over to them. Typically, seeing the popular kids approaching the “misfits” of the school’s social system would otherwise be a bad omen (befitting the Social Darwinism of the world), but Willow and Gus greeted them with little anxiety.
“Hey, guys,” Skara said, “you guys doing good?”  
“Yes, we are,” Willow said, “we saw your performance on Penstagram last night, it was really good.”  
“Aw, thanks!” Skara proclaimed. “The girls and I were going to go camping out and we thought if you’d like to come?”  
Willow scratched her chin in deep thought. “I could use the occasion to better my talents.”  
It was a bizarre sight. At best, the popular clique of girls would voluntarily grace the two with quick glances, but now, they were having civil conversations with them. It started shortly after the Banshees won against Luz and her friends, but they were graceful enough to compliment Luz and Willow for their teamwork. They would have loved having them on their team too, but Boscha, as the team leader, quickly shut that down. But with the three-eyed girl having been missing for roughly a few weeks, that created enough of a schism that they ingratiated themselves with Luz and the others. With Boscha out of the picture, the girls revealed themselves as not sharing the same malice. One could say that they would be total sweethearts to the trio of misfits if Boscha did not exist.  
“So, you will come?” Skara asked.  
“I will keep it mind,” Willow replied, “but I appreciate the offer.”  
Principal Bump sat at his desk troubled. He tapped his bony fingers on his desk in an effort of figuring out what he could do. He had broken out in a cold sweat with the hairs on his arms and legs sticking up. Starting a few weeks ago, Bump could sense something amiss in the Boiling Isles. An indescribable, inhumane calamity was about to happen, but he was uncertain when it would come. He found himself gawking at the clock on the wall in a daze.  
“Calm down, old man,” he said to himself, “maybe in the few hundred years I may’ve misinterpreted the signs.”  
He picked himself out of his chair and opened the door to his office. Goggling around, things continued to appear to be of order at the school. Relieved, Principal Bump stepped out of the door and trudged down the hall. He ended up seeing the Abomination Teacher talking with another teacher.  
“Aw, Principal Bump! What is the occasion?”  
“Oh, nothing,” Principal Bump answered, “I was actually on my way to the library.”  
Principal Bump turned to leave. “You seem to have a lot on your mind.”  
Principal Bump chuckled and placed his hand behind the back of his head. “Oh, it’s just about this year’s curriculum is all.”  
The Abomination Teacher glared at him. “What about it?”  
Principal Bump staggered for answers. “Uh...something about the...lunch choices?” He picked up the pace without staring at the teacher again. “I’ll announce it later.”  
The Abomination Teacher shrugged and head his way down the opposite side of the hall. Principal Bump arrived in the library already seeing that a few students were there to study or conduct research. He advanced towards the chief librarian’s desk. The librarian was an aged turtle with glasses and chains to keep them from falling down.  
“Ah, Principal Bump,” she said, “what brings you here?”  
He had a stern look on his face. “I am sure that you know why I am here.”  
As she was a turtle, the reptile took longer time to digest the brevity of the situation and slowly pushed herself out of her chair. “Follow me.”  
Principal Bump groaned to himself, but he decided to follow the ancient beast anyway. The librarian wobbled on her short, stubby legs and clutched her cane to keep herself from falling on the ground. One instance, she fell on her back and remained in that defenseless state for a whole day. “Is your week going good?”  
“Oh, it is,” Principal Bump lied, “just that I feel that some horrible force of evil is going to arrive at any minute as we speak.”  
“Right, I completely understand,” the turtle replied, “steamed roots gives me gas.”  
The turtle neared a book case and paused for a moment. Her heavy beak opened and closed. The loose skin on her arm vibrated when she reached for one of the books. Her claws withdrew a book, and she slid it out between two other books.  
“Oh, would you look at that?” she asked “it’s the story of Otabin. Have you ever read it?”  
Principal Bump face palmed. “Yes, I have; 65 years ago.” He stomped his foot impatiently. “Please, just hurry.”  
“I’m going as far as I can,” she interjected.  
Once the book was removed from its shelf, the ground shook. The middle of the case descended to reveal a secret door behind it. The turtle librarian lifted her finger in the air and swirled it. Fire formed above her finger to which she cast it into the entrance. The fire was that of a living creature with a mind of its own. It danced in the darkness of the secret room and jumped onto a series of torches. It gracefully plopped itself over the tops of the torches and lit them.  
“Oh, I remember that it was lunch time,” the turtle librarian announced, “I’m going to head back; if you need anything, call me.”  
“I will, thank you kindly,” Principal Bump replied. “Having steamed cabbage again?”  
The librarian chuckled. “It either eats me or I eat it.”  
She turned around to reveal the faded colors on the back of her shell. Much like Bump, she was an old soul in the Boiling Isles. So old enough, in fact, the library was built over her. The library was her home; she was familiar with every scrap of information native to the demon realm but ironically was unfamiliar with what happened outside of her sanctuary.  
Principal Bump followed the lit torches down the hidden room. Cobwebs lined the wall and floors of the ancient halls. Taking a left, Principal Bump came upon a room containing ancient objects and artifacts. Spears and clubs. Torture devices such as ones designed to rip off fingernails or iron maidens. Even the bones of prehistoric anomalies alongside cases of animals forever asleep in jars filled with an entombing substance. Claws and teeth on shelves and basilisks and bowls meant to collect the contaminated blood of the victims of the basilisk’s deadly bite.  
“I see that the turtle didn’t tidy this place up in years,” Principal Bump noted.  
He skewered the room for the item of his inquiry. In the right side of the room was a desk made out of a petrified wood. Curious, he walked over and sat down on the chair. The splinters were poking into Principal Bump’s rear. He bit his tongue to keep from hissing. He sat there for a few seconds to allow the pain to fizzle out. Opening a drawer, Principal Bump allowed a slight smirk. He reached his hand into the drawer to obtain the object.  
It was a book of indescribable size. The cover of the book possessed a bumpy, leather texture of some unknown material. Principal Bump held it with both of his hands and took a deep breath. “The Necronomicon; I never thought in my lifetime that I would face this book again.”  
The Necronomicon; an ancient, dreaded piece of literature detailing information that no one – not mankind, or witch kind – should know. Information of the gods of old and where they once trekked and where they will once more. Spells of how to raise the dead and of essential salts. This book, baptized in a dark, malevolent evil, was one of a few copies of the original iteration of the book that was made thousands of years ago by the savior of the Boiling Isles when she sensed that Nyarlathotep could likely return to the Isles to bring it back to its days of chaos.  
He slipped the book into his cloak’s pocket and turned to leave the macabre room. He had feared the worst: the very idea that someone or something managed to find his copy of the Necronomicon and intend on using it for their own nefarious purposes unsettled him greatly. As far as he was concerned, he could have sworn that other copies of the decrepit texts were purged during the time of the Savage Ages. The hooded figure had appointed several disciples with taking copies of the Necronomicon and distributing them to the furthest regions of the Boiling Isles. Generation after generation, witches passed down the task of protecting a copy of the book and taught the next generation of the dark magic.
As Principal Bump traversed down the hall, the school day was about to begin. Once more, everything seemed to be running smoothly, but something about it was growing unsettling. Everything was going too perfectly. Principal Bump’s trudging ceased to a stop.  
Voom. Voom...voom..
A tremor shook the foundations of the school threatening to collapse. Cracks formed on the ceiling. Powdery balls sprinkled down accompanied by larger chunks of the ceiling caving in. Debris fell from the ceiling in the direction of some of the students.  
“Look out!” Principal Bump yelled.  
He swirled his finger and a green aura came out of his fingertip. Before the debris could fall on a group of students, he caught it with a shield made of the same aura. “Get out from under it before I lose grip of it!”  
The students obeyed and fled. With them gone, Principal Bump dropped the piece of the ceiling, shattering it on the floor. At first relieved, from the corner of his eye, series of cracks formed on the ceiling. He repeated the magical spell, temporarily using it as a glue to hold the ceiling for as long as his elderly body could muster.  
“Where did that quake come from?” Gus yelled.
“I have no idea,” Willow replied, “we may have to evacuate the school to avoid being buried alive.”  
A blast of magic blew the entrance of the school off its hinges. The figure was initially unrecognizable from the thick smoke, but some students could vaguely make out who it was.”  
“Hello, all! Your star has arrived!”  
That voice. That bossy, demanding, condescending voice. The type of voice that would pierce your brain and throw you through the wringer. The smoke clearing away only made it more evident who it was.  
“Boscha?” Skara announced. “Girl, where have you been?”  
Boscha staggered herself into the school with her crutches. “Yeah, it’s me.”  
She locked her three eyes on Willow. “Hello again, half-a-witch.”  
Unnerved by the deathly coldness of her words, Willow spoke up. “Now Boscha, I want you to know that I had no intention of breaking your leg.”  
Boscha held one of her crutches up and pointed it at her. “I don’t need any explanation from the likes of you.”  
Willow noticed someone standing beside Boscha, a man she did not recognize. A tall man, roughly around six feet, and short black hair and a finely groomed mustache. He wore a classy uniform comprised of a dark black color. He had a vastness to him, most assuredly originating from his eyes. He struck Willow as a man who was always inquisitive and knowledgeable. He held out his hand to the three-eyed girl.  
“Wait, dear protégé, remember what I told you.”  
Boscha glared at him. “But you promised me that you’d help me get revenge on Willow.”  
“There will come a time for that, I assure you, but may I remind you that we are here for one thing in particular?”  
Boscha sighed. “Fine.”  
Principal Bump took out a whistle and blew it. Within minutes, the guards arrived to detain the two. Principal Bump then ran in the opposite direction to avoid confrontation. The tall man chuckled in his monotonous tone and walked forward. He moved around gracefully like a swan his feet barely touching the ground. He hummed a tune to himself when the first guard made a grab at him. The man lifted his finger to the ceiling and without the guard having time to respond, he levitated the man and held him in the air for a few seconds.  
“I apologize for the abruptness of my arrival, but I have an important date with your principal, so...”  
He snapped his fingers and pitched the guard towards the lockers. The lockers shifted and contorted by the time the guard hit them. Instead of a hard metal, they were replaced with a clay-like substance. He sank deeper into the wet, squishy goo until only his chest and face stuck out. The man snapped his fingers again and returned the texture of the lockers to their metallic selves. The guard grunted and pulled but he was deeply wedged in the lockers.  
He continued his uninterrupted waltz down the halls casually lifting the guards into the air and smashing them together to make them unconscious. The tall man continued to chuckle in the likeness of a hyena whilst carelessly pummeling legions of guards and tossing them into a pile. Making his way down the hall, he turned to look at his apprentice.  
“Make sure that no one leaves until I have received what I wanted.” He could see that Principal Bump boarded himself in his office. “This could take a while.”  
Boscha nodded and held her crutch out to direct the students. She forces them to huddle in the halls and demands them to sit. “I have been gone for a long time, you know.”  
She eyed her classmates to see if they would respond. “I cannot even begin to think this is the same school; I have been away for a long time, but with my mentor’s help, I can bring the school back to its glory days.”  
She noticed her rival and walked over to her to get down on her level. “Don’t think that the moment he allows me to enact my revenge that I will go easy on you.”  
“What is it that you are suggesting, Boscha?” Willow asked. The half-witch spoke in a tone of utter defiance mixed in with annoyance. In some ways, she practically celebrated when she first heard that Boscha was missing. In fact, rumors had spread claiming that she was eaten by some monster. She knew it was too good to be true, but at the least she was having a field day of believing that she was free from her harassment.  
“Much like how Amity did a duel with round eyes at that convention, I want to challenge you to a witches duel,” Boscha explained, “the loser becomes the punching bag for the rest of their lives.”  
Willow rolled her eyes clearly not wanting to humor Boscha’s challenge. “If I win, will you not only leave me and my friends alone, but be forced to accept defeat?”  
Boscha snickered in her typical superior way. “It’s not like you’d win, but if you want to die slower, it is a fair idea.”  
Willow extended her hand so they could finalize the deal, but Boscha pulled out her purple scroll and browsed it. “My teacher always complained that I am rotting by brain by looking at my account, but his old butt doesn’t know a thing about how the Isles changed.”  
She looked through the posts. “How is Amity?”  
“She is with Luz now,” Willow mentioned passively, “they are doing...some odd experiment.”  
“What does that human trash have that I don’t?” Boscha asked. She did not really anticipate an answer as it was more of a rhetorical rambling on her part. “Amity had gotten soft because of hanging out with you losers.”
Willow shrugged. “I don’t know...maybe because Luz is nice to her?”  
Boscha ignored her response and paused on a picture. She brought the scroll down to Willow’s eye level. It was a picture of Skara and the others attending Cat’s birthday party. Willow, Luz, and Gus were there. “How in Titan’s name did you lame-os get invited anyway?”  
“Skara invited us,” Gus said.  
The three-eyed girls looked at Skara with scorn. “You’re friends with these losers now?”  
Skara shook her head. “They’re not losers, they’re pretty cool.”  
Skara took her bag and slipped out a flower that had a face similar to hers. “Willow made this for me.”  
Boscha grabbed the flower and set it on fire. “You are sacrificing your social life for this nonsense!?” She face palmed and took a deep breath. “What else happened while I was away?”  
Principal Bump cowered behind his desk but he also had a vase in his hand. He held it firmly between his hands. “I order you to leave the school at once!”  
The man chuckled from outside the door. “So you are expelling me, old man?”  
“I am warning you, if you don’t leave, I’ll...I’ll...”  
The tall, lanky man was already standing in the room.  
“Now, enough tomfoolery and let’s get to business.”  
He sat in a chair paralleled with Principal Bump’s desk and held his hands up in a dipping motion. He intertwined his fingers before placing his chin on top. He stared at Principal Bump in a mockingly affectionate expression. “It’s been...how many years now, Mr. Bump?”  
Mr. Bump did not say anything at first due to the dread causing his stomach to churn loudly. “What do you want, Nyarlathotep?”  
Nyarlathotep chuckled in his deep voice. “My dear man, you of all people should have known already that I would be back.”  
“If it is the Necronomicon you are seeking,” Principal Bump started, “I will have you know that the one page detailing the incantation to release your powers – page 217 – had been removed from every copy of the Necronomicon including the one that I was assigned with protecting.”  
Nyarlathotep leaned back in his chair, gripping his chest. “You wound me immeasurably, old boy. But I must be the bearer of bad news.” He seized Principal Bump’s mug and drank the hot contents inside of it before speaking again. “I am well aware that you are hiding a secret from me.”  
Principal Bump leaned forward. “Oh? Pray tell me what it is.”  
“Since my return, I have been studying up on a few archives of the Isles,” Nyarlathotep explained, “and I discovered a lovely little monster.”  
“I don’t like where this is going,” Principal Bump stated.  
Nyarlathotep grinned. “Precisely; I am sure you are familiar with Grometheus the Fear Bringer?”  
Principal Bump tensed up. That terrible, blob abomination that every year they had to elect a Grom Queen to fight against it. An entity that could masquerade as the worst fears of its victims with the threat of its release spelling devastation for the denizens of the Boiling Isles. Months back, Grometheus was already bested. For Nyarlathotep to threaten to unleash this unholy beast, Bump shook his head.  
“You can’t be serious?”  
Nyarlathotep kept his grin pasted on his face. “I am afraid, old boy, that I am not bluffing.”  
Principal Bump stammered. “But that beast could probably kill everyone on the Isles if you do such a thing.”  
He clasped his hands together in a praying motion. “Please, Crawling Chaos, do not; please do not harm any of the students.”  
Nyarlathotep gasped. “Oh, you worry your silly little head there, good sir; not one hair on their precious little heads will be disheveled.”  
Principal Bump sighed in relief.  
“As I am sure you can see, I am a fairly busy man,” Nyarlathotep explained, “we are both men in this scenario; I have been around making deals, biding time and drinking apple blood, the usual rendezvous.”  
He leaned in again to stare at Principal Bump. “We are both reasonable; let me cut to the chase: I know that you have some ally on the Earth realm, and I would hope that you’d enlighten me on their whereabouts?”  
“But I have made an oath years ago to protect the Necronomicon.”  
Nyarlathotep raised an eyebrow. “I will present you with two events: either Grometheus is free to stretch his legs again and ravage and sow endless nightmares on you and your students; or subsequently, there lies a world where I receive the information I desire and you and your students will be safe and they will further their education unharmed.”  
Principal Bump scratched his chin. “And I can trust you at your word?”  
Nyarlathotep nodded. “Of course; shall we shake on it?”  
Wary, Principal Bump extended his right hand and shook Nyarlathotep’s. Unbeknownst to him, Nyarlathotep had crossed the fingers of his other hand.  
Boscha waited impatiently for her master’s return. He walked out with his smile even wider than before. She trudged towards him with her crutches. “What is the plan?”  
“Once Miss Blight arrives with the Necronomicon containing the incantation for my powers, everything will change on the Isles.”  
Boscha smiled. “So you’re going to rule the Isles again?”  
Boscha’s smile dropped when she heard what her mentor said next.  
“No; this world had grown ungrateful of the sacrifices I had given for them in order for them to perform magic. This world will be wiped clean and from there shall come a blank slate. From there, I will create a group of people who will have no inclination of resistance for they will not know about the insolence of the old generation. They shall become my people and I will become their god.”  
Boscha almost fell backward. “But what about me?”  
Nyarlathotep pet her shoulder. “You will be by my side as my acolyte. We shall watch together as this world dies and is blown away like dust in the wind.”  
Boscha looked down to think. “But you promised me that I could get my revenge.”  
Nyarlathotep held his hand up. “You can still have it; this world’s destruction will be imminent, but I do love a good duel.”  
As they existed through the gaping hole that used to be the entrance, Nyarlathotep turned to face his protégé. “Did you keep the debris from falling?”  
“Well, thanks to some of the power you gave me, sure,” Boscha replied, “but would it be better to just have it fall?”  
“Boscha, Boscha, that would be wasting time that you could have preparing for your fight. But, please, do create a mirror field around the school. We wouldn’t want to have anyone potentially foiling our plans.”  
The three-eyed girl nodded and held her hands out. Glass began to form around the outer portion of Hexside. Before long, the glass completely encased the school. One of the students ran towards the entrance only to bounce off the glass. “We’re stuck!”  
Nyarlathotep chuckled. “That is how it felt to be trapped in glass for thousands of years; it gives you such displeasure.”  
Boscha looked at the school. “Why this?”  
“Much like observing a mouse in a vivarium to study, the students and faculty will be trapped, desperately searching for a way out of their maze, but all points lead to a dead end.”  
With that, the two made a leave for Belos’ empire.
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Genetically unhealthy reptiles
So there are quite a few unhealthy reptile morphs out there and I only discovered most of them by fluke, so I thought I'd make a masterpost. There are likely many more which I haven't heard of yet, so feel free to expand on this post with others.
Enigma Leopard Geckos
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The Enigma morph is one that covers the Geckos body in little spots that look like freckles, very cute but it comes with a devastating condition known as "Enigma syndrome” This disorder affects a Geckos fine motor control and results in many secondary symptoms such as stargazing (looking upwards frequently), walking around in circles frequently, wobbly and difficult walking, seizures, and an inability to catch prey due to their aim being affected from this condition. Overall it significantly decreases their quality of life. An animal may not demonstrate this condition for many years, it can come on years into their life. This is a dominant genetic disorder meaning any animal which is an enigma will pass this onto offspring. Even 'healthy' appearing animals will carry this gene and pass it along to offspring. The Enigma morph needs to be phased out completely since all who are Enigma have the potential to develop this disorder.
Sunkissed Corn Snakes
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The Sunkissed morph is pictured above, rather striking in its vivid colouration. However the price for it is something known as "Stargazing Syndrome" which is pictured in the right side photograph. Stargazing syndrome is a vestibular syndrome (balance affecting condition) which prevents normal functionality of the central nervous system and causes these snakes to twist their necks and heads upwards towards the sky. Basically put, these snakes can't work out which way is up and are often found upside down on their backs. It affects these snakes by causing difficulty moving, disorientation, inability to right themselves into a normal position if on their backs, and sometimes even tremors and seizures. Once again a genetic disorder, however since its recessive you often won't know if the snake is a carrier or not. The only way to tell if a snake carries the stargazing trait is to breed them; any who prove to carry this trait should never be bred again.
Spider Ball Pythons
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The Spider morph is absolutely stunning, characteristic of that 'drippy' black patterning on the body and a rather unique head stamp/pattern. It can come in many varieties since it's commonly bred into other morphs such as pied, banana, etc. However it causes something called "Wobble Syndrome" which is a severe neurological disorder. This is hypothesised to be caused by an error in the neural crest during embryonic development. The neural crest is responsible for arranging neurons in the correct positions and depositing pigmentation. This morph alters where pigment is usually placed in the body, giving them the gorgeous appearance, however it consequently prevents neurons from reaching their correct positions, hence the neurological disorder. Wobble Syndrome causes many severe and debilitating issues to the snake. The most noticeable being 'corkscrewing' which is where the snake will flip it's head and neck upside down, right way up, and upside down again in quick succession. However they are also affected by head tremors, difficulty moving, lack of coordination, inability to right itself if upside down, torticollis (neck spasms), poor muscle tone, and difficulty eating due to head wobbling and missed strikes. Wobble Syndrome is a dominant genetic disorder meaning any snake which expresses the spider phenotype will suffer from and pass on this disorder to offspring. It can range from barely noticeable to severe, and an animal may not suffer at first, but can develop the disorder after several years of being 'healthy'. The Spider morph needs to be phased out completely since all who are Spider have the potential to develop this disorder.
Jaguar Carpet Pythons
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The Jaguar morph has to be one of the most visually stunning morphs out there, it's characterised by it's gorgeous spots which resemble a jaguars. However the price they pay for their beauty is once again, "Wobble Syndrome". Jaguars are identical to Spider Ball Pythons in their suffering, and it's even thought that the Neural Crest deformity is the cause for these guys too. It is important to note that there are several species who can carry the jaguar gene. The gene originated in Jungle Carpet Pythons but has since been bred into other Carpet Pythons (CP for short) species such as the Irian Jaya CP, Darwin CP, Coastal CP, and Diamond CP. Pretty much the only difference with the Jaguar morph is that it is not a dominant gene like the spider morph, and it's not a recessive gene like the sunkissed morph. The Jaguar gene is a co-dominant mutation. What that means is that the Jaguar gene is visible along with whatever other gene the snake carries. You almost always have two genes for something, and in codominance neither of those genes are recessive to the other, and neither are dominating to the other either. This means both genes express, so to put that into a visual sense (but not genetically accurate!) if you bred a black and a white cat together, the offspring would be black and white if they were co-dominant. This just like the spider and enigma morph means any snake which expresses the Jaguar phenotype has the ability to develop Wobble Syndrome and will pass it along to offspring. The Jaguar morph needs to be phased out completely since all who are Jaguar have the potential to develop this disorder.
Silkback Bearded Dragons and Scaleless Snakes
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Silkback bearded dragons and Scaleless snakes are exactly what they sound like, they are completely devoid of any and all scales and instead only have the layer of skin present beneath reptile scales. I admit I do not know much about Scaleless snakes, but assume they suffer the same affects as the silkback bearded dragons so have included them here. Silkback bearded dragons are produced when two leatherback bearded dragons are bred together. The leatherback gene is co-dominant (it can also be recessive) and if a dragon receives two copies of this co-dominant gene then they are a silkback. Co-dominance means two genes are working together, so one copy of leatherback and one copy of normal scales means together these genes create a dragon who has reduced spikes and scales but they still have scales! Two copies of the leatherback gene means the co-dominance has nothing to partner with, so the dragon we get is completely devoid of scales. Now, for an animal which is supposed to have scales, having no scales comes with many severe issues. The main being that they suffer extreme shedding difficulty and have no protection from sharp objects or other dragons. Scalesless animals can easily be cut or punctured from ornaments in a tank which are safe for their scaled or leatherback counterparts. Even a basking log, brick, or rock can cut them if they run against it wrong. This means their tank needs to be almost empty or only have soft, pliable decor which provides no risk of injury. This can be severely damaging to the animals mental wellbeing as there is no enrichment opportunities for the animal. Shedding wise, these animals need to be soaked in baths almost daily to maintain skin hydration, and when it comes time to shed their shed will shrink to their skin and it's often for them to lose toes, bits of tail, or even get pieces stuck around their heads and necks which can cause severe damage. You can also not breed silkback bearded dragons (am unsure about Scaleless snakes?) pairing another dragon with a silkback will cause extreme injury. If the silkback is female, the male bearded dragon will cut her open with his claws as he mounts her and he will tear her shoulders and neck open where he holds her with his mouth. These injuries can be life threatening. Furthermore, if the silkback is male he may receive lacerations and cuts to his stomach upon mounting the female or he may be critically injured if she rejects him and bites or scratches in retaliation. If all of that isn't bad enough these scaleless animals also have an increased risk of illness due to decreased immunity (immunity decreased due to unknown reason) and suffer extremely reduced lifespans. Scalesless animals are an incredibly unnatural and disgusting morph which needs to be completely phased out.
That's all for my masterpost currently. There are likely many more unhealthy morphs I have yet to hear of, so please inform me if you know of any others I've neglected to mention and I shall research and add them here. Please do not ever support or purchase one of these animals as it encourages the breeding of severely unhealthy animals with significantly reduced quality of life. With so many healthy and wonderful morphs and species available there is absolutely no reason to ever purchase one of these.
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project-sefirot · 3 years
An Endless Darkness | Chapter 4 | EVENT
You found Neshama in the garden once more, sitting on a bench, leaning forward slightly.
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“I’ve been doing some thinking recently…” She was staring at a white flower, though her eyes didn’t seem fully focused. “About emotions.”
 She sighed slowly, before continuing.
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“You told me it was okay to feel these emotions, it was human, it was how I was meant to be, and yet…” Neshama leaned forward slightly, grimacing. “I cannot allow myself to.”
Silence fell over the garden.
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“For as far back as I can remember there are those who called me shallow, heartless, and perhaps that is how I was made to be.” 
She sat up, patting her legs slowly, gathering herself.
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“But even that is wrong, isn’t it? There is something there. I saw it, on that day. And it scared me.”
It seemed she didn’t realize she was biting her lip.
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“Under the surface, there was only an endless darkness. Cold, empty, devoid of hope.” Before you realized it, she was hunched over, hugging her own shoulders. “All I could feel from that was… an intense desire for self-destruction.”
She was shivering, just thinking about it. After a bit, she sat up, seemingly composing herself.
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“That was when I decided… I’m alright like I am now. Living this shallow, awful existence. Stuck in this never-ending dance of death. I am… just fine.” 
Flashing you a wide smile, she nodded. Her smile faltered slightly.
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“I was made to be a guiding voice, to supervise the work of humans. And that’s all I need to be. The alternative, it’s… it’s…”
She looked away.
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“Please, don’t look at me like that. I don’t want you to see me like this.” 
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Delilah begged you with tears in her eyes.
“I can’t. I don’t know what I’ll do.”
Having been pushed into a corner from your selfishness,
“It hurts to look at them. If only I never knew--”
Baring her true feelings,
“But I can’t. I love you all so much, even like this. What do I do?”
Crying is the shedding of tears (or welling of tears in the eyes) in response to an emotional state, pain or a physical irritation of the eye. Emotions that can lead to crying include anger, happiness, or sadness. The act of crying has been defined as "a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures", instead, giving a relief which protects from conjunctivitis. A related medical term is lacrimation, which also refers to non-emotional shedding of tears. Various forms of crying are known as sobbing, weeping, wailing, whimpering, bawling, and blubbering. For crying to be described as sobbing, it usually has to be accompanied by a set of other symptoms, such as slow but erratic inhalation, occasional instances of breath holding and muscular tremor. A neuronal connection between the lacrimal gland (tear duct) and the areas of the human brain involved with emotion has been established. Scientists debate over whether humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotional states. Charles Darwin wrote in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals that the keepers of Indian elephants in the London Zoo told him that their charges shed tears in sorrow. Tears produced during emotional crying have a chemical composition which differs from other types of tears. They contain significantly greater quantities of the hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and Leu-enkephalin, and the elements potassium and manganese. The question of the function or origin of emotional tears remains open.
“Please, ████ me--”
Grant her request
Grant her request
Grant her request
An alarm rings out through the facility...
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myfriendpokey · 5 years
subterranean modern
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1. Modernism as a concern with being modern.
Which on the face of it is a weird and trivial thing to be concerned about. Who cares? Is the modern good, bad, does it have any specific qualities or objectives whatsoever? If it does, then why not address yourself to those goals directly, rather than having to fret about the merely temporal? The neoclassical and romantic don't strictly speaking have to worry about being modern, they  could always be justified on the basis of the eternal human verities, like such-and-such, or the other thing. The postmodern doesn't need to worry about being modern as "modernity" is something which has already happened, and which is inescapable, which is why we can safely afford to engage in pastiche. So what was the moment in between - when art could neither justify itself as something safely outside of history nor as something already contained within one which had already occured? A period of art trying to deal directly with historicism itself?
To be anxious to be modern is to see your life, beliefs, status and role in the context of a history where any of these things could abruptly or violently be changed by forces out of your control - it involves a sharp awareness of how poorly "history" will treat or has always treated those deemed to have been left behind. And it's an anxiety with no necessarily fixed political expression, which helps to explain why modernism itself could be so various (and sometimes dubious) in this regard. The Martian attack in War Of The Worlds is famously an extrapolation of the West's own colonial history,  turned back on itself: now we are the victims of genocidal, technologically accomplished marauders. But if this is a critique of the colonial mind it's also a kind of paranoid extension of it, imagining faceless alien hordes just waiting to swamp europe if we ever get lax or fall behind in the arms race: the common cold which eventually undermines and destroys the space invaders also mirrors western anxieties about foreign contamination (as syphilis had historically been viewed), or miscegenation. The awareness that a change in "history" could mean death or diaspora might just lead to trying to punch first and most brutally in the name of preserving some advantage, or trying to hold on to your spoils another few generations – but it could also mean trying to find another way of thinking, acting, writing which would break out of the cycle itself.
Literary modernism drew on and tried to position itself within a range of competing historicisms (Marx, Freud, Spengler, Carlyle, Darwin, etc) and in the process tried creating new ones. The results are in general not inspiring: Yeats’s gyres and cycles; Shaw’s mysterious “life force”; Joyce’s Vico-inspired circular history; Ezra Pound’s doggedly stupid efforts to construct a new theory of fascist political economy by crossing John Adams with dynastic China. But I think we also have to see these as scaffolding, to some extent, around a larger project: which is the idea of art as an intervention in history, an apparition of the future (or the uncanny past) which would burst in on the present with a set of new demands for everyday life. We currently live in an economic system in which the blood of the present is continuously drained to artificially prolong a possible, impossible future: one which attempts to pre-emptively shut any political act which would infringe on the right of rentiers to generate constantly increasing returns on their investments until the heat death of the universe. The avant-garde is the reverse – something which would take its energy from the future in order to extend the range of action in the present. When the neoclassical emphasis on the merely aesthetic (or the merely moral, the improving) palls into kitsch, when the postmodern emphasis on “challenging narratives” becomes a purely ritual form of defusing tensions so that business can go on as usual, the concept of the modern as an unsettled question still has capacity to startle.
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2. Are videogames modern?
Emilie Reed has already explored this question from the perspective of visual modernism. But i think if we ask it using the definition that I started out with earlier in this post, the answer has to be: no, absolutely not. Videogames aren't anxious about modernity, not because they're so formally advanced (the whole videogame industry is largely an anachronism) but because they never had a sense of history to begin with. History in videogames is at most the history of the stylistic signifiers of videogames themselves - from 8bit to 16bit and so forth - but even then, there's no real sense of that transition being historical in nature, in being linked to some specific change in how people lived or worked or thought about their lives.
To some extent this is because videogames emerged and were propogated across a strangely uniform historical moment – the moment of neoliberalism, from the mid-70s to present, of a supposedly vindicated free market capitalism re-emerging throughout globalized economies worldwide. Videogames are up there with the IMF in terms of historical signs that you're living in this state of affairs: luxury commodities, consumer-grade electronic toys which take advantage of a busy tech sector, cheap manufacturing and shipping, and of course a progressive slackening of regulations around marketing to children. Videogames mean leisure as well as novelty - every videogame is an excess, a kind of portent of the easy abundance and constant progress that the market had to offer. They emerged without anybody much ever wanting them to, part and parcel of the range of spontaneously occuring new conveniences and devices that accompany consumer society.Twenty years too late, they nevertheless would have fit right into the famous “kitchen debates” of the 1950s, in which a model house filled with brand new appliances and recreational devices acted as showcase for a way of life that “anyone in America could afford” (start saving those pennies!!)
[The history of Atari is an interesting time capsule of videogames as aimless luxury doohickey rather than anything as essentialist as a “medium”. Atari’s other products from this time included a sort of proto-winamp skin, a music visualizer that plugged into a tv to display a limited range of soothing animations. It cost $170, which i believe would be over $600 in 2019 dollars – shades of the Oculus Rift, but also an interesting indication of the kind of commodity Atari thought they were making in general]
Videogames are “futuristic” but it’s in a sort of vague, unwilled way – nobody asked for these things to be invented. People behind the scenes were certainly struggling to produce and advance on them but the public representation is, as the Housers say, that videogames are made by elves. The famous “end of history” was still a few years off, but the sort of passive, ambient futuricity of videogames were part of the pitch, part of the idea that if history hadn’t yet ENDED it could at least be something that happened far enough away that you never felt the tremors.
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Why is videogame culture so hospitable to the far right?
Postmodernism is haunted by the notion of conspiracy, the idea that history lingers on in some subterranean way, continuing to exert a baleful influence upon the present; officially denied, but still working behind the scenes, a secret society of postal workers here, an albino papist assassin there... so perhaps it’s not surprising that something of the same paranoia would hang around videogames, or some of the specific targets it would end up revolving around. One weird thing is that the people paranoid about keeping politics out of the format never seem to be all that vocal when it’s, say, the US military working with these companies for explicit propaganda purposes, or weapon manufacturers looking for free advertising, or large companies involved with weird shady review practices, etc.... but it also makes sense when we consider that these things, the military, industry, big tech, are what have always supported the supposedly ahistorical  bubble that videogames exist within. If the US army does it, it can’t be political – because that army is exactly why we’ve been able to keep a certain form of “politics” at arm’s length.
If fascists find a home within these circles it’s partly because fascism is itself anti-political, or at least anti- the discursive and constructed nature of the political, anti-having to be political. It addresses itself instead to the inchoate realm of pre-existing essences and “natural”, i.e. historically unexamined, identities, posited as seperate from and superior to the ebb and flow of any given discourse. Which in fact is not dissimilar to how videogames have also presented themselves, and the affluent 1970s american middle class leisure patterns that they continue to preserve in  aspic through their design assumptions although they’ve dissolved nearly everywhere else.  To talk about the specific political meanings implied by such-and-such mechanics is not wrong per se but i think it does miss a broader picture: these things were sold, not as an artform or a medium of communication to begin with, but as the simple birthright of those lucky enough to have been included in the winner’s circle of 20th century globalization. And insofar as the gruesome escalating culture war around these objects is not really about them but about that birthright, about the right to not have to think about these things or what they cost or how they’re made or what they even really do, they will retain some character of the horrible idiot Boy’s Adventure rhetoric of fascist thought – traitors within, invaders without, take back what’s ours etc.
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It’s not like modernism proper was lacking in antisemites, misogynists, imperialists, fascists of every stripe. Although the real connection between the two has tended to be overemphasised: it doesn’t include, say, the painters exhibited as “degenerate art” under the nazis, or murdered jewish artists like Bruno Schulz, or the feminists, socialists, anarchists, homosexuals, etc etc (and even the most ignominous cases like that of the futurists don’t feel quite conclusive, unless you think Mussolini really was keen on abstract sound poems as the new and vigorous art of the future). But maybe the gruesomeness of that list is the point: everything bad about modernism is already here. We have the weird cultish adoration of a strictly pro forma version of “difficulty”, we have the idiot jingoism and “provocative” chauvinism, we have lots of dumb schlock about saving western civilisation and masculinity and etc. Like the scrapmetal cars in Mad Max all-new unified theories of history are or have already been constructed from the flotsam, junk science and vague prejudice of the previous century. At a point where gamer cults are watching youtube explainers of Carl Jung while drinking brain-enhancing nutrient paste i think we have officially lost the right to make fun of W.B. Yeats for hanging out with Rosicrucians and injecting ape glands into his scrotum to restore male vigour. It was good while it lasted.
But given that we’re here already, is there anything worth taking from modernism the first go round? I can think of a few different things. The internationalist qualities of the artist’s magazine and manifesto, both cheap and portable forms which could easily be adopted or changed, which served as hubs for local action and also as ways to exchange findings and ideas with other groups doing the same. Compare this to videogames where “local scenes” surely do exist but for the most part do so as ancillaries to a generic industry pipeline, making games for the same carefully featureless, anglocentric audience that this entails. Relatedly, how central translation was to modernism, not just as a way to introduce more works to the existing market but as a form of creative estrangement and of getting out of a limited market-based parochialism – a way to engage not just with singular decontextualised works but also with criticism, theory, arguments. Given how much more capitalised even alternative videogames still seem to be than alt comics, literature, etc, it’d be nice if we could achieve at least parity with those forms.
I could also point towards the modernist interest in material and the new working methods this opened up – the interest in what mass production could mean and what new relations to art it could entail – attempts to create new forms of audience, of public and public speech, and to imagine forms of popular art which didn’t necessarily abide by the gloopy poptimist ethos of the popular always equalling the profitable always equalling the ubiquitous (there were many false starts, but i believe poptimism finally died forever with the advent of the funko pop). And I could also point at the interest in combining the critical and the aesthetic – in the argument that style is itself a combination of the critical and the aesthetic, is also a way of thinking about history, rather than just being what gets swapped in over the programmer art when it’s time to show a build, or treated as the meaningless expression of some changeless pre-existing taste. Is taste changeless? Or to what extent? What does this mean for forms of public speech, like art, which themselves exist within the constraints of taste? Unfortunately, we will probably not be helped in our thinking on these questions if we only ever write about Red Dead Redemption 2.
Part of the reason videogames have tried pointing themselves away from the modern is to try to establish their own lasting importance; instead of a provisional tangle of different incongruous traditions and materials designed to fit a peculiar historical or economic context, these things are a medium, which is imagined as a sort of mysterious Stargate portal onto the realms of Systems or Empathy or Play or whatever other Panglossian catch-all helps get you some of that californian venture capital, or possibly a book deal. But part of the consequence has been a stunted dogshit format where art is downgraded for being anything other than an advertisement for itself and which acts as a haven for fascists looking to also naturalise their tiny bubble of seigneurial rights away from any consequence or critique. Videogames might not be modern but by now they’re part of our image of what modernity looks like, and as that modernity continues revealing itself to be frayed, collapsing, incoherent or wildly unsustainable these things will like it or not become another part of that stock heap of broken images pulled from at random to build the futures that you may or may not ever want to live in. We can start thinking about the past as a way to find alternatives within it; or we can outselves become that past, and have our bones incorporated into the deathmobiles of the new age. History is back baby! it’s still a sewer!! awooo!!! Get ready to die historicist, on the fury road!!!
[images: Modernism(1995), World History Quiz, My First Amazing History Explorer, Smart Mouse for Sega Megadrive]
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blue-scorpion-king · 6 years
The 27 Queen Ministers of the BLU Factional Empire, of Bagklock Earth
//After 2 days, staying up on both nights, including today on this post being posted, I have completed this section for the BLU page on my page and to show you. :3 Now, I am off to bed.
In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the successful 8-G Revolution, and The Empress of the then, newly established BLU Factional Empire's rise from Soviet 'ash', among Her plans were to make 27 daughters, that will be Her generals and 'Queen Ministers' in any future conflict, negotiation, operations, projects, secret or not, and deals within the socialistic imperial government of BLU.
These 27 Daughters of The Empress were made artificially, not clone, by taking an embryo, put in 1/4 Togruta, 1/4 Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, 1/4 Orc {Warcraft}, and 1/4 quarter-giant Draenei DNA, put 1/2 DNA of 2 different races, add 1/3 of DNA from any ethnicity The Empress has chosen to Her daughters' 1/2 Russian & Japanese genetic make-up, add the DNA of the 13 Apostles, splitting each strain into 2 for adding to the 27 daughters' genes, expect for Judas, that was send from Section Matthew III of the Vatican, put innate manipulation/generation power to control an specific natural phenomena/disaster until they are older, make them all 27 embryos female, the beginning letter of their names line up with the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus the Greek letter of Rhi (Ragyo), have the motif of an set of 27 natural phenomena/disasters in an zodiac-like set, with an additional secondary animal motif, with DNA of those specific animals added on top of that (Similar to Terraformars), each of them be trained, & educated, for an period of time at an place chosen by The Empress, their Mother, and besides being 'Queen Ministers', be the generals of the 3 sections of the Purge Troopers branch of the BLU military: Wolfenstein, Doom, & Quake. With their genes mixed in with the Apostles' DNA, which is used in the process of making the 2nd and 3rd, and current, generation of Purge Troopers, this notion would make the Queen Ministers the partial gene-mothers of their Purge Troopers within their Sectors.
But, one of these 27 daughters, Ragyo Kiryuuin, who had found an 'living' alien material underground, that came from space, and for an long while, out of her Mother's sights, called Life Fibers, opposes any of her Mother's wishes and suggestions and even Her love for her own personal, sexual, and selfish desires, to even the extent of experimenting on herself to become fully 'human', just 7 feet, 10 inches tall, yet not, through Life Fibers.
-Like their Mother, the 27 Queen Ministers have their aura 'halos' behind their heads reflect on their powers, like an aura-made thunderstorm, radiation mushroom cloud, laser rain from an cloud, or an light red blizzard, that is always 'active', even when sleeping. => The Queen Ministers of the BLU Factional Empire/The Empress' 27 Daughters <=
*1>Ragyo Kiryuuin (55 years old; March 27th, 1991=1st born) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Rainbows]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Swan] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Avariel (Winged) Elf, & Human - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & French - All of Apostle Judas Iscariot's DNA}] {*Former* General of the Wolfenstein Sector} ({*Rhiagyo*}) <[BWH, in inches, in her most recent shrunken state from her previous form: 56.5"-77"-95"]
2>Alghazala Kiryuuin (54 years old;Hephavenge 26th, 1992=2nd born=39 meters, or 128 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Dust/sand storms, or 'dust bowls'/sand storms, falling down from above, and blowing east, west, south, and north]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Stag deer] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Sphinx Monster Persona, & Thep Khufan/'Snare-Oh' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Egyptian - Half of Apostle Simon's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-223 feet-234 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-63"-74"]
3>B'asada Kiryuuin (54 years old;Typio 25th, 1992=3rd born=39 meters, or 128 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Metal flake storms, or 'metal bowls' falling down from above, and blowing east, west, south, and north]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Lion] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Devil Bug Monster Persona, & Chimera Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Iraqi - Half of Apostle Simon's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 202 feet-222 feet-230 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 42"-62"-70"]
4>Cdreoilin Kiryuuin (54 years old;Blastupho 24th, 1992=4th born=39 meters, or 128 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Making fire, firestorms, and fires]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Wren] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Criffith (Sentinent Griffith), & Warca-Troll - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Irish - Half of Apostle Jude's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 195.9 feet-222 feet-223 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 35.8"-62"-73"]
5>Dhisano Kiryuuin (54 years old;Zuma 23rd, 1992=5th born=38.7 meters, or 127 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Vibrations to make earthquakes, landfall, mud flow, & landslides]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Horse] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Pegasus Centaur Monster Persona, & Inkling - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Omani - Half of Apostle Philip's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 209 feet-234 feet-256 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 49"-74"-96", or 8'0"]
6>Ealaoka Kiryuuin (54 years old;Mercdonius 22nd, 1992=6th born=38.7 meters, or 127 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Magma to make geysers/volcanoes]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: (Samoan) Koala] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Tengu Monster Persona (Wings on the back, not as arms), & Zabrak - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Samoan - Half of Apostle Jude's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 196 feet-226 feet-234 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 36"-56"-74"]
7>Fasalaamaa Kiryuuin (53 years old;July 21st, 1993=7th born=38.7 meters, or 127 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Lightning & Thunder to make thunderstorms and lightning strikes]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Salamander] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Gandharva Monster Persona (Wings at the back, not as the arms), & Wererabbit Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Nepali - Half of Apostle James' DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 196.9 feet-223 feet-234 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 36.9"-63"-74"]
8>Gemdveda Kiryuuin (53 years old;August 20th, 1993=8th born=38.4 meters, or 126 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air/Wind to make hurricanes/typhoons]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Bear] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Fairy Monster Persona, & Tetramand/'Fourarms' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Cuban - Half of Apostle Philip's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-222 feet-236.5 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-62"-76.5"]
9>Haccipita Kiryuuin (53 years old;Galbickus 19th, 1993=9th born=38.4 meters, or 126 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Water & vibrations/tremors to make floods, tsunamis, and seaquakes]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: (Sea) Hawk] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged (Deviant) Hawk Anthro, & Sahuagin Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & State of Illinois, United States of Valentina (America) - Half of Apostle Peter's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-224 feet-236 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-64"-76"]
10>Ipala Kiryuuin (53 years old;Vespubass 18th, 1993=10th born=38.4 meters, or 126 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Heat to make heat waves, heat bursts, and mixing with water molecules in the air to make humidity]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Bat] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Bat Faunus, & Cyclops Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Spanish/Hispanic - 1/4 of Apostle Jude's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 201 feet-225 feet-234 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 41"-65"-74"]
11>Jhimeemogoi Kiryuuin (52 years old;Kwaruba 17th, 1994=11th born=38.1 meters, or 125 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Water & air to make rain & hail]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Rattlesnake] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, rattlesnake Lamia, & Lepidopterran/'Stinkfly' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Mongolian - Half of Apostle Andrew's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 250 feet-281 feet-290 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an 10'0" female: 90"-121"-130"]
12>Kaculeus Kiryuuin (52 years old;Kwaruba 16th, 1994=12th born=38.1 meters, or 125 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Heat, water, & air to make raining rocks/magma]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Stingray] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Stingray Therian, with mutated backfins + Skewer (Darwin Quad/IV flying animal), with the organic methane gas-using jet-like pods, fusion, & Yeti Monster Persona (Reversed in environment adapation) - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Australian - 1/4 of Apostle Jude's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 198 feet-216 feet-236 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 38"-56"-76"]
13>Licanema Kiryuuin (52 years old;Jokphant 15th, 1994=13th born=38.1 meters, or 125 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air, water, & lightning to make raining lightning & electrified rain & hail]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Hyena] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Thunderbird Monster Persona (Wings at the back, not as the arms), & Vaxasaurian/'Humongousaur' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & State of Alabama, United States of Valentina (America) - Half of Apostle John's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 200 feet-234 feet-242 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 40"-74"-82"]
14>Nameisenbar Kiryuuin (52 years old;Ajanyomba 14th, 1994=14th born=37.7 meters, or 124 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air, steam, & water to make mist & fog]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Anteater] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Wyvern Monster Persona [Wings at the back, not as the arms], & Arburian Pelarota/'Cannonbolt' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & German - Half of Apostle Thomas's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 201 feet-230 feet-243 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 41"-70"-83"]
15>Mpweza Kiryuuin (52 years old;Dhoanga 13th, 1994=15th born=37.7 meters, or 124 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air & vibrations to make windstorms, gales, tornadoes, airquakes, and breezes]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Octopus] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, female Octopus Fishmen, & winged Manticore Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Ethiopian - Half of Apostle Bartholomew's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-231 feet-242 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-71"-82"]
16>Ocorvo Kiryuuin (52 years old;Mwiwamdba 12th, 1994=16th born=37.7 meters, or 124 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air & water molecules to make all types of clouds]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Raven] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged (Kim Type) Raven Anthro, & Dullahan Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Brazilian - Half of Apostle Judas Iscariot's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 206 feet-231 feet-244 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 46"-71"-84"]
17>Pacanguro Kiryuuin (52 years old;Mwiwamdba 11th, 1994=17th born=37.4 meters, or 123 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air & light to make beams of light, lasers, and laser rain]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Kangaroo] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Pixie Monster, & Vulpimancer/'Wildmutt' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Italian - Half of Apostle James' DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 199 feet-232 feet-248 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 39"-72"-88"]
18>Qemanchota Kiryuuin (51 years old;Haheptenper 10th, 1995=18th born=37.1 meters, or 122 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Mud]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Penguin] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Cockatrice Monster Persona (On the back, not as the arms, unlike normal Cockatrices), & Holstaur Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Canadian - Half of Apostle Andrew's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 208 feet-237 feet-250 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 48"-77"-90"]
19>Rkekada Kiryuuin (51 years old;October 9th, 1995=19th born=37.1 meters, or 122 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Twilight (Inbetween light and shadow)]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Lobster] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Hornet Monster Persona, & Slime Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Tamil Nadu Indian - Half of Apostle Thomas's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 198 feet-223 feet-236 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 38"-63"-76"]
20>Sarana Kiryuuin (51 years old;October 8th, 1995=20th born=37.1 meters, or 122 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Rust]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Spider] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Arachne Monster Persona, & Geochelone Aerio/'Terraspin', with hidden organic methane gas-using pod mutations inside her lower half's shell (Not located at the spide abdomen) for flight - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Ecuador - Half of Apostle James, son of Alphaeus' DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 204 feet-240 feet-250 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 44"-80"-90"]
21>Topolilla Kiryuuin (51 years old;October 7th, 1995=21st born=37.1 meters, or 122 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Shadows]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Moth] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Moth Therian, & Ogre Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Mexico/Latino - Half of Apostle Judas Iscariot's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 212 feet-243 feet-252 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an 12'0" female: 122"-147"-172" (Different BWH at her
actual height)] 22>Ubullisa Kiryuuin (51 years old;November 6th, 1995=22th born=36.8 meters, or 121 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Radiation]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Bull] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Succubus, & Minotaur Monster Persona - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Latvian - Half of Apostle James Alphaeus' DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 206 feet-238 feet-254 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an 8'0" female: 46"-78"-94"]
23>Viraca Kiryuuin (51 years old;Cecetutampetelf/'Cecetutam' 5th, 1995=23rd born=36.8 meters, or 121 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Blood & air, of all known (Bagklock) colors, to make 'plagues', flows, floods, blood rain, blood snow, and erosion via blood]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Crab] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, winged Dragonfly Therian, & Transylian/'Frankenstrike' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Romanian - Half of Apostle Matthew's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 200 feet-240 feet-250 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an 10'7 female: 80"-70"-120" (Different BWH at her actual height)]
24>Wantilopa Kiryuuin (49-50 years old;December 4th, 1996=24th born=36.8 meters, or 121 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air, ice, & lightning to make thundersnow, lightning strikes, and electrified snow]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Antelope] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Necrofriggan/'Big Chill', & Satyr - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Swedish - Half of Apostle John's DNA}] {General of the Wolfenstein Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 200 feet-242 feet-250 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 40"-82"-90"]
25>Xsavær Kiryuuin (49-50 years old;Undecember 3rd, 1996=25th born=36.5 meters, or 120 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Coldness to make coldwaves, cold bursts, and micing with water molecules to make frost]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Ram sheep] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Angel Monster Persona, & Crystalsapien/'Chromastone' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Norwegian - Half of Apostle Bartholomew's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-242 feet-251 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-82"-91"]
26>Yakrokotiilia Kiryuuin (49-50 years old;Duodecember 2nd, 1996=26th born=36.5 meters, or 120 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Air, Ice, & vibrations to make snow, blizzards, icestorms, avalanches, snowquakes, or icequakes, & of course, ice]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Crocodile] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Genosian, & Polar Manzardill/'Arcticguana' - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Finnish - Half of Apostle Peter's DNA}] {General of the Doom Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 197 feet-243 feet-252 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 37"-83"-92"]
& 27>Zosp’ilo Kiryuuin (49-50 years old; September 12th, 1996=27th born=36.5 meters, or 120 feet tall) [[Motif & manipulation/generation power: Crystals]] [Secondary animal motif & DNA: Elephant] [{1/6 Togruta, quarter-giant Draenei, Kousou-Akuryo {Aka Frieza’s race}, Orc {Warcraft}, Dragun [Humanoid Dragon], & Petrosapien - 1/3 Russian, Japanese, & Kongo Bantu - Half of Apostle Matthew's DNA}] {General of the Quake Sector} <[BWH, in feet: 200 feet-242 feet-250 feet] <<[BWH, in inches, if is an normal female: 40"-82"-90"]
->Inspirations: The Alphabet based system of Yhwach Bach's (Bleach), the Primarchs of The Emperor of the Imperium of Mankind (Warhammer 40K), & the Diamonds Authority (Steven Universe).
~The Bat~
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