#damn you for hurting my boy!!!!! i was so stressed for the last 2 eps ohhh my god
yohankang · 2 years
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Sang Man trying and failing to hit on Hee Woo. 
(Again My Life, 2022)
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Another very good episode despite the sad ending which was very well executed by hande. What did you think of the episode?
Very good episode. One nice thing about these new writers, so far, is that the episodes flow a bit better than they used to flow. I think the prior team had trouble putting 2+ hour story without it being disjointed.  These guys seem to be able to manage the format better. 
So much to love in this chapter. So much comedy. So much fun. So much ripping my heart out and stopping on it and then kicking it a little and then throwing it into a fiery lava volcano pit for good measure. 
All those emotions were felt. 
Edser to come, but let's start with Babaanne and the Prince.  It really feels like these characters were introduced with another story in mind, and then the show pivoted. Perhaps the new writers wanted something else, or maybe Fox wanted to renew but wanted the show to get back to basics so they changed course to this reset of sorts? It all feels unfinished.
(continued under the cut)
I think we were all expecting more trouble from both characters.  Not that kidnapping Eda isn't causing trouble, it clearly is, but the fact that it was resolved in the first 5 minutes is notable. What was the point? It did give them a cliffhanger, a chance for Serkan to be a hero, a reason for Serkan to fire Balca, and a reason for Babaanne to change her tune, so it wasn't completely pointless, it served some plots, however it was very anticlimactic. 
Babaanne was pretty anticlimactic too. She comes on like a house on fire in 25, having Serkan arrested on serious charges that could have stuck, framing Alptekin, ruining the project the team had won via the tender. She manipulates Eda into breaking Serkan's heart, goes full matchmaker with the Prince, but then when Eda decides, "Nah, I'm not only not going to give up on Serkan, I'm gonna marry him." she backs off all her threats? 
It does make me wonder if both or either (offscreen) the Prince or Babaanne have something to do with Serkan's plane going missing.  Just so they can fulfill their evil potential. Either of them is powerful enough to pull that off, and it makes more sense than either of them giving up so easily. 
As for Aydan and Ayfer, they made for some pretty good laughs this episode. I think the friction caused by their inherent differences is much more funny, than the fighting over Chef Alexander. As I said in another ask, Ayfer worked my last nerve in her very first scene this episode. She wakes up after being dosed by her mother's choice of life-mate for Eda, but immediately blames the Bolats. Fuck off with that. She enabled her mother, she is more to blame for this situation than anyone but the villains. If she would have stood up to her mother and supported Eda instead of choosing to further Babaanne's agenda by opposing the wedding, maybe Eda's life wouldn't have been put in such danger.  I can't with her. She would deserve it if Eda puts a little distance between them.  
GO DETECTIVE MELO! Love her tenacity in putting together the pieces of Henna night and rightly figuring out Balca's duplicity. For a second there I thought they weren't going to tell Serkan what they found, which made me nervous, but then at the first opportunity she blurts it out. Well done!  We should have known Serkan would be two steps ahead of them except that he's been two steps behind when it comes to Balca since the very beginning. It was very satisfying to watch him fire her. Though, I do wish we would have seen him find out she purposely put strawberry in his drink.  Good riddance!   The ILYs between Serkan and Melo were very sweet, it speaks so well of Serkan that he has such a soft spot for her. Of course it is only natural since Melo has been an unwavering supporter of his since the beginning, Serkan picks his allies well. 
Now onto the couples. The tension between all the romantic pairs this episode was fun, and obviously done for over-the-top comic relief, but also very silly, lmao. Those boys are so DUMB!  Engin has the sensibility of a preteen boy and Ferit never knows when to shut up, he's so naive and he can't read a room.  
However, who didn't love the friendship growth between Serkan and Ferit?  They planned a 15-day bike trip? I'm dying! And crying! However, I fully believe that Eda-broke-up-with-me-I-have-a-sad-and-need-a-distraction Serkan planned that trip and I found it preposterous that Serkan would have any desire to still go right after he got married.  We're supposed to believe that schmoopy, smitten, horny Serkan is ready to leave his newlywed bride for that length of time? Puh-lease he's planning every way he's going to sex her up over the next 6 months, and it's going to take every free minute. Also they can't even find time to get to Paris for the night, but he's going away for that?? NOPE.  Maybe next year, Ferit... but also invite the girls to the bike portion.  
The tension between Eda and Serkan in the first half hour of the ep was a nice little truncated story of the stress wedding planning and a looming, giant life change can put on a couple. Edser started the day in a very schmoopy place, but by the time they left Aydan's they were already starting to feel the pressure. The bickering between Ayfer and Aydan felt typical, and I felt myself being more sympathetic with Aydan.  They're rich, why wouldn't they hire a wedding coordinator? That's a helluva lot of work to do in 3 days!  Why would Ayfer want to spent that time doing centerpieces when she could be enjoying the pre wedding festivities? Dumb. The gems as favors do seem a little over-the-top, but I'd like to take home one of those aquamarines when I attend their wedding, so I won't complain. As far as where they're going to live, both ladies need to step off! They need to be at least 15 minutes of driving distance from both of them.  Not living on the Bolat property and not living in Ayfer's neighborhood. Geez. I'm stressed just typing it up, no wonder it set the betrothed couple on edge.  Obviously, they were having a major disconnect when they got to work. Serkan was dealing with a crisis and probably should have just told Eda that instead of burying himself in work, ignoring her, and getting irritated with her. Meanwhile, Eda should have noticed he was more focused than even the typical workaholic robot, and that meant something important. 
The misunderstanding that fueled their full day stand-off was so silly, and preventable, but also led to hilarity and one of my favorite scenes ever so I won't be too hard on how manufactured it was.  Each of these things-- family wedding planning stress, Serkan being inattentive due to work crisis, and Serkan acting a little "the old ball and chain" when Ferit was blundering along about guys trips and postponing the wedding-- all led to an Eda who was already feeling a bit insecure, so when she overheard Serkan's phone conversation it's not shocking she took it the wrong way.  However, it takes a bit more handwaving to believe Serkan took the conversation the wrong way and went right to freezing her out. Come on, Serkan, you're less emotional and have less reasons to be feeling vulnerable at that moment. She was in your office trying to get your attention on wedding planning and your home and future. You were the one too busy to engage!  Though, I suppose it's believable that these two stubborn souls would allow the misunderstanding to fester out of pride, rather than confront it head on and clear it up right away. It's pretty consistent that when one of them gets their feelings hurt and feels rejected by the other, their defensive walls go up and they both revert to pretending they're just fine and the other's rejection can't hurt them. They need to get over this asap.  
That poor wedding planner. She has a couple insisting they get married in 3 days, they're entirely unhelpful and now they aren't even speaking to one another?  I understand her frustration and don't ding her for asking if they're sure they're ready to get married, but her saying that was definitely one of the things that contributed to the insecurities they were both already feeling. They were both so sad when they had the last conversation in the office, each one suggesting the other to take time to think and rest. Their video call that night was equally as fraught and sad. Sweet, dumb babies. 
The entire sequence of the girls stealthing into the hotel and hiding on the couch was hilarious. I love that Eda doesn't realize that crashing the bachelor party could be embarrassing until she's flat on her back on that couch, hiding behind lobby foliage.  As for the boys, they redeemed themselves a little bit, by being too upset to enjoy themselves.  
One of my favorite parts is Eda trying to be breezy as if the girls being there has nothing to do with the bachelor party. I laughed at Melo taking the blame for suggesting the resort. The single gal always takes the blame, just like the unmarried/not engaged Ferit gets the blame later.  This moment (click here) is one of my favorites of the episode. I still am not sure what she's trying to say with her looping gestures and pointing upstairs and then her haughty pose, and I don't think Serkan knows either, but yet he just gets a kick out of her. The guy who Engin said never smiled, smiles pretty damn easily these days. Also j’adored the wardrobe that had them matching perfectly in shades of cream and olive. In sync and gorgeous. 
Speaking of wardrobe, during that fireplace conversation Serkan looked so huggable in that fleece pullover (more casual Serkan, please!) that I felt terrible that they were not in a place where she could cuddle up to him in front of the fire. Come on! We deserved to see that. That was the biggest tragedy in that scene, slightly ahead of them postponing the wedding. As for that, they were both so convinced that the other thinks they're going too fast, that neither of them was listening to how the other positioned it. Each positioning it as the other's preference. That illustrated the trouble that a little insecurity and a lot of pride can cause.  
Now on to my favorite scene of the episode! Seriously, immediately after watching it I mentally vaulted it to my top 10 scenes list (no such list exists, and if it did it would change all the time, lol).  First, can I say how I appreciated that the friends were all shocked at the news they were postponing the wedding? Ferit and Engin couldn't believe it, and Melo, Ceren and Piril all actively questioned the idea that Serkan would want to postpone. Thank you! You just know if Ayfer were there she would have tried to say "Oh, that's too bad, but really for the best, let's celebrate!"  
Anyway, I loved every second from the moment Serkan says, "Eda, can we talk?" until the apology. Finally, instead of being led by their pride, they both show some hurt which is the catalyst for the heated conversation that clears everything up.  
It's impressive how consistent they've been with some characterizations and how Serkan and Eda yin/yang each other. Eda has always had trouble saying, "I love you." It just doesn't come easy to her. She illustrated that in episode 12, she can handle the sentiment and agree with it, "our feelings are mutual" but it's hard for her to say the words. 
Conversely, Serkan has never had that problem. From the minute he confessed he has told her how much he loves her many, many times and in many, many different ways. What Serkan has trouble with is "I'm sorry". It is so hard for him to say those words. In episode 9, all it would have taken to get Eda back was a simple apology, instead he spent an entire episode doing everything to get her back, but the very simple act of saying, "I'm sorry. That is some next level aversion to apologizing. Whereas Eda doesn't have that problem, she can own her mistakes and apologize pretty easily. 
These scenes outside showcased this dynamic beautifully.  After the misunderstanding is rectified, Eda very easily apologizes, but Serkan goes with a "me too" type of response. The sentiment is there, but he doesn't say the words. A few minutes later, after the crew joins them, Serkan goes all romantic robot and tells her how much he loves her, then prompts her, but instead Eda teases and teases until she finally whispers it. 
Obviously, she loves him and obviously he is sorry about the misunderstanding, but I like the consistency that they both still have trouble vocalizing these specific things.
The fact that Serkan was ready to chuck the guys and his bachelor party in order to have a romantic night with her is very sweet, and also points out how silly the notion of him wanting to travel extensively without her right after they get married. I don't mind things that are exaggerated for humor, but still humor shouldn't need you to completely change the attitudes of the characters in order to hit. And playing on jokes about how marriage and a wife might be viewed as a burden, especially in context of a couple who aren't even married yet, isn't awesome. Which I get, the fact that it is a shitty attitude and a crappy joke fueled the fights between the couples, so at least there was that. It wasn't accepted. 
The lovely montage by the lake was a wonderful way to show us some quiet, romantic moments between them. That's one of the great things about this format, they have time to occasionally gift us with scenes that don't drive the plot, don't move forward any story or character development or even have dialogue, they just exist to make us swoon and fall even more in love with this couple. Mission accomplished! The fact that Kerem is the one who found that location just makes it sweeter. 
Engin, Engin, Engin. What makes you think it is a good idea to judge a beauty pageant?  Your wife is in the hotel! Not that she would be jealous, but, you know, assigning a number value to women based on their looks... it's not great. Also I realize that it's a necessity while shooting with Covid, and we just have to suspend disbelief in scenes that should have tons of extras but are barren, but the hotel holding a beauty pageant and the only people in attendance are three dudes who just happened to be bored in the lobby is funny in and of itself.  But glad the girls got a chance to take their revenge and make the boys feel what it's like to be judged in such a way. Plus it was worth some laughs and gave us a way to unite the bachelor party with the pajama party. 
For me the next scenes only exist to have Edser draped all over each other in the bar.  I didn't really pay too much attention, I think Piril/Engin and Ceren/Ferit all made up, but I do know Serkan wanted to ditch everyone and go back to the room and since we know what happened next.... we know why!  Though I did wonder, did he have a massage appointment for like 10pm?  Or was it the next day? It matters not at all, but it did strike me while watching. I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH WE GOT OF THEM IN THE TUB!!!  *flings self into the sun*  That was quite something.  Bless these new writers and their willingness to go there.  I love that scene so much. Serkan's smile is just... something else. 
One nitpick is the lighting. Obviously, with the timeline they shoot on, some production value will go by the wayside, though mostly I think they do a decent job despite all the constraints. However, one place that is consistently lacking is lighting in indoor, one-off locations.  The coffee shop in ep 12 is an example, and this was another one. I can understand they need to get in and out quickly. In this case the crew wouldn't have been able to probably prep as much as they'd like, because you're probably not going to put any stand-ins in the water, and you can't take time to perfect it once your big stars are in the tub, mostly naked, submerged and pruning, but the harsh shadows across each of their faces is distracting. Where were the bounce boards? Even those lines out. 
But obviously we don't care. WE GOT THEM BEING SEXY AND PLAYFUL IN THE TUB! What a bounty. That's all that matters.  Loved all the wedding prep, especially the lovely Aydan and Eda scenes. There was SO MUCH JOY... until there wasn't. 
I'm not going to spend much time on the contrivance that led us to the final scenes. I mean, first, Erdem... why are you so incompetent?  And, second, do they not have E-signature in Turkey? Or scanners? Or even fax machines? The idea of having to fly to Italy just to sign something is ridiculous. Oh well, whatever drives their plot, I guess. 
The final Edser scene was brilliant and beautiful and heartfelt and romantic and ominous and painful. All the things it should have been for what happens next.  Poor Serkan! Poor Eda! Why can't they catch a break? 
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misterbitches · 4 years
it was so well done and good except liek ep1 WAY too much crying for my tastes but wow so many good scenes. tarn yelling at him was also great.
i don’t even think it’s necessarily “dumb” writing (i don’t think this show has dumb writing but i’m thinking of this particular situation) or implausible (as in would a real life person do that?) because teenagers aren’t that bright. and it’s for a reason, there’s a whole life you have yet to experience. that’s why the amount of crying is normal (but a lot for my grown eyes lmao) and that’s why i’m depressed. because these decisions are so childish and stupid and ridiculous and, ultimately, not ones that you make with a clear head .which is GOOD because they’re teenagers. 
but it sucks because it’s so stupid and the reason why tarn and tay’s convo is so important is because she points out that it doesn’t matter how pissed she is about the situation he’s just hurting himself. it’s actually bonkers and just not a good idea. her telling him that he is distracting her (even if she was hurt) is a perfect example. she’s spent this whole time studying for what she wanted first and so if things do go of course her future doesn’t rely on him.
i’m not sure how i would feel were i oh-aew. in fact, i know if that were to ever happen to me i know i’d do the exact same thing. it’s this absolutely stupid and misguided mistake that they BOTH TOOK (one basically yeeting cos of feelings, the other yeeting so the other one can take cos of feelings) and as much as it drives me wild it’s like.....holy shit the stupidity. which is profound.
it’s sad because hoon, though not as present in the story, has been such a good brother. calmer obviously and has more of a plan and he’s sure of himself (him waiting to introduce his gf is really big too and it’s a mature step while it is also something he chose to do—he made a choice for himself and was living a whole life without them being so privvy to it because it’s his life) and obviously he knows what’s going on but he’s so understanding. but the contrast is clear (and there must be about 6-10 yrs between them) he can regulate his life and feelings and is understanding but also like. he wouldn’t do that. 
because he’s older and knows the world more. all the people who are supposed to be more emotionally mature really are in this show and i think age and femininity are clear indicators that the show highlights. whether purposefully or not, but there’s a much different type of impulse and irregularity that people show than teenage boys. then there’s that expectation of what a boy should be anyway. but damn.
it was stressful to watch cause, esp for tay, you see yourself self-destructing in an effort to understand yourself. the sheer self-sabotage and also self-sacrificing bullshit. and imagine how happy oh-aew felt when he got in—that means that you can get over things. at least one thing was going right and he could move beyond tay for his future (WHICH MAKES SENSE HELLO), heartbreak really isn’t going to last forever but someone does something brash, rude, and stupid. lmao
anyway EYE personally think that they should be together. i think. like as a good ending as a romantic drama. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrm you know. if this happened in the real world. well, i’m not sure what i would want. i think i’d prefer to stay friends with that person, real friends, if we could. or honestly i wouldnt bother at all. being a teenager is such a useless time. i feel, when i watch, like i’m kind of back in that same place. except my childhood was like not good very bad and my parents suck but all the circular and ridiculous logic and the anger and confusion.
i almost found no personal peeves or technical or creative faults from eps 2 and 3. the only complaint i have about 1+4 is the excessive crying. well actually in ep 1 it seems like they hadnt fleshed out the sound / music spotting and the rest of the eps NAIL it imo but other than that. i am not such a huge fan of constant crying but that’s very minor and i know many people have a flair for the more dramatic. it was a genuinely great hour and a half (?) almost. i kept wanting to fast forward cos i’m not always keen on drama drama (and i wasnt in the mood and i’m high) but the way it was done was REALLY captivating.
also holy shit instagram is stupid. when i was in HS we had just gotten FB and that was big i guess. it wasnt as developed as now, obviously in 2010 i turned 18 so...havent been a teen for a bit. phones were important then tho and we all had like blackberries before iphones (if you could afford it or your parents gave you one....neither was my option lmao) but the stupid fucking use of insta and the dumb lack of communication is HILARIOUS. on a gen z level....i’m not even that much older than the actors but still LOL and i’m 10 years older than an 18 year old...which seems like a huge leap now but not later. 10 yrs passes by so fast. but i would die if i was laying my feelings bare on insta like that. myspace was ENOUGH.
i have more to say but idk how to express it. strong stuff. 
oh also the jerking off scene was bonkers to me it was so good omg the use of like all the tired old tropes or the common things between the years that teens do. everything about it felt so major lmao i died 
anyway that was pretty fuckin metal. i’m not good with emotional fallout, i always need it paired with something violent or so actively psychologically damaging. so for me to feel stressed about things i’ve been through before, knowing that things will be alright as you get older.....that was good shit!
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OB Rewatch: Gag or Throttle
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The episode from whence my thumbnail image came.
My first watch review can be found here: https://lobsters-on-their-heads.tumblr.com/post/163333202396/gag-or-throttle 
I loved
Exploring Rachel's character, background, and motivations. She'll never be my favorite character, but she is one of the most interesting characters. 
Two minutes later after seeing young Rachel talking with the Neos, adult Rachel introduces Kira Manning to the board, wearing the same outfit, at the same age, but rather less curated than Rachel was.
Fucking adorable Charlotte sitting wrapped in a blanket with her mug of cocoa or whatever, so proud that they “escaped on a boat with only a map and compass”
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I love that Rachel had a real reason to side with the sisters, in her discovery of PT's eye-cam tablet. Although maybe it wasn’t so much siding with them as siding against PT.
The steady drum/ bass beat that starts once Rachel sits in her video room drinking herself numb. Season 5 doesn’t have quite the same spot-on soundtrack as previous seasons, but this was great.
“Fell from a punt and drowned” – “probably also alcohol poisoning”
The climax of this episode takes us back to earlier seasons. There’s horror and genuine suspense, and Ledas working together. 
And Kira, who can feel Rachel’s emotions, asking “Who hurt you?” and Rachel’s response - “All of them.”
Tat plays drunk so well. Finding little details fascinating, dragging the glass across her lap.
I love that Rachel ripped out her own fake eyeball, which was connected by actual tissue to her head. She will do ANYTHING to have control over her own body. I’m reminded of Leekie in Season 2 saying something like, “Rachel takes insult very personally.”
I liked
The opening flashback to young Rachel, with her almost robotic recitations of clones' tag numbers paired with picking her fingernails bloody. Although they seem to have CGI’d something onto Matt Frewer’s head.
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There’s a great contrast of Rachel in this ep – vulnerable, undignified (two pelvic exams and a shot of her wiping the lube from between her legs while wearing a paper gown), talked down to – with the Rachel we met in Seasons 1 and 2 – meticulous, formal, controlling. 
“Liver deep” indeed. We've seen Alison put down some booze before.
I did like Mark's “oh for fuck's sake come 'ere” man hug of his mom.
They're giving Skyler Wexler much meatier material, which is great. They're not keeping her in “cute little kid who rests her chin on her hand” land, as other shows do with their token child. She’s not the greatest actress, but they hired her at the age of, like, 6, and she’s acting opposite Tatiana Maslany, so any less-than-perfections are totally forgivable in my book. 
Rachel keeps the bracelet Kira gives her and wears it for the rest of the episode!
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I didn't like
S immediately busting out her handgun bundle when Sarah said they were making her wait until tomorrow to talk to Kira. Siobhan's been the calm one, as Sarah points out. It’s not the first time Dyad has taken Kira, not the first time things have seemed hopeless.
Cosima's reunion with Scott made me uncomfortable. Sure, I’m glad they had a reunion, and yes, they would be happy to see each other, but the zooming in on faces, the lingering embrace.... eh. [funny, I enjoyed this scene in my first watch]
The whole tired “married man rushes to clean the house moments before his wife gets back” schtick. I mean, okay, it fits here, since Donnie's been living totally alone and I would make a mess, too, and plus, maybe he didn’t have much notice that Alison was returning, but it’s a cliché I’d like to not see for a bit.
Alison's return. I like Alison a lot, but this isn't Alison, and this plot line doesn't work here at all. Nothing about her absence or sudden life change makes any damn sense at the end of Season 5. And she threw away her craft supplies! I mean, listen, I teach essay writing for a living, and one major point we stress is that you don’t bring in extra information in the conclusion unless it directly connects to something you wrote before. We’re in Episode 7 of 10, the final stretch, and Alison’s changes don’t connect.
I don't give a shit about Mark and Gracie. I do think the subplot of no one trying to cure the Castor men is an interesting one, but Mark and Gracie don't do it for me.
There's a lot of bouncing around / sudden scene changes / “gasp!” reveals that aren't gasp worthy.
Other notes
Interesting word choice - “our most curated subject... Rachel Duncan.”
I don't know enough about Dungeons and Dragons to know if Hell Wizard's comment about “DnD in real life” makes any damn sense.
Very telling that Rachel signs a document promising her freedom from the experiment, much like she pressure the sisters into doing in Season 1, but she thinks that this one is for real.
Canon confirmation that Leekie has seen Rachel's vagina. Or very close to it.
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Imagine jerking off into a cup and knowing that you're going to be giving that cup to the woman you call your mother. The Castor men really are just as “curated” as Rachel’s been.
It took me a second to realize the implication of this shot the first time I watched it. I am not always smart.
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Leekie shows real fascination and care for the clones when he discovers Rachel's autopsy of Miriam. He sees Miriam as a human being, not simply a lab rat. However, I think half of his anger towards Rachel is due to her going behind his back, not due to her “encouraging” Miriam to die.
I forgot, again, that Rachel and Cosima are played by the same person.
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I am super impressed that Rachel managed to text while looking with one eye. Anyone who's received text messages from me can attest to the numbers of typos I make while looking at my phone with both eyes.
Speaking of eyes, I couldn't watch. Eyeball horror skeeves me out more than anything.
I have questions
Did Rachel believe PT’s story about his age and background? She’s pretty blasé when Sarah emails her that obit.
What is keeping Rachel's top up? I have so many questions about shirts/ dresses like this. As always, women’s fashion confuses me.
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Rachel Duncan went to summer camp?!?! And had a friend!?! I need more information about this!
Were the friendship bracelet and questions about Rachel really all Kira's idea / natural personality? Did she intuit that Rachel was a good person inside? Or was it part of the hustle?
What is the issue, exactly, with Charlotte's leg? We see her on the bed with seem to be crossed legs, her brace on the bed beside her.
What the fuck happened with the revolt on the island last episode?
Why do the Castor boys all have distinct last names?
Do the Neolution symbles have meaning?
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Did Coady leave Rachel's chart up on the computer on purpose? Did she want Rachel to see it?
In what room did Rachel perform that autopsy of Miriam?
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So PT can hear everything too? Does the eye have a receiver, or has he just tapped her phone?
I would've liked to have seen
An entire episode devoted to Cosima and Charlotte escaping on a boat, with just a map and compass, and then sending the boat back out onto the water and making their way from the shore to the Rabbit Hole. I like to think that maybe they stopped somewhere for donuts on way back.
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YG Treasure Box ep. 9 reaction
I'm ready to cry are you ready to cry?
I love Going Crazy when do I get all the versions and also SEUNGHUN IS IN THIS ONE FIGHTING (all my three faves got eliminated so I've been putting all my chemi-beats into him and Byounggon)
I hate when they show past Treasures being hurt about losing their spots to new Treasures :'(
Byounggon is heartbreaking, he made it to Treasure but got kicked before he even had a chance to perform with them HE DESERVES BETTER. (They all do tbh)
NINE. THEY'RE ELIMINATING NINE TRAINEES FFFUUUUUUU-. And the way they're splitting it???? Better than the 2:2 but still garbage.
Hyunsuk is a reaction king I love him.
Hharuto being such a tease with the song reveal hahaaa what a cutie
Hyunsuk doing the choreo what a good leader this hecker better debut or ima fight YG with my bare fists.
Oh shit I hope this isnt a lasting hurt, I hope he wont push himself and hurt himself more :'(
OMG YEONGUE YOU ARE FIFTEEN. Ngl he's my second vote in team boomerang after Hyunsuk.
Jihoon looks good I'm happy, I hope he's not just fighting through and causing a lasting injury!
Where do I get Jihoons hair sparklies can that be my daily lewk?
Hyunsuk bowing to all sides of the audience <3
Honestly dont know if that's a good score cause I don't know what the max number of votes are???
Oof who got Growl by EXO that is an iconic and difficult song.
Oooohhhhh noooooooooo those poor babies, they have their work cut out for them. This was not set up in their favor at all...
This practice is so painful, they all look so unhappy.
Jaehyuk not practicing on his own is not good, is this a mistranslation? Bby let's go you can do it!
Crying in the bathroom is a mood tho
"I want to do better" YOU CAN I BELIEVE IN YOU!! Look at how much happier and better he does with teachers that praise and support him.
Jaehyuk and Jongseob especially are doing well in this performance, but you can tell they're mostly raw talent right now. I think these bby's are good but need more polish. None are ready for debut yet. THEY'LL GET THERE THO!!!!
6-8 months of training and they did this well??? GOOD BOYS GOOD JOB!! This was an incredibly difficult song and performance and they stepped up, GOOD WORK.
Still dont know what scoring is good based on relative scores but I am not surprised Team Growl didnt score as well as Team Boomerang.
I'm super looking forward to Team Dumb and Dumber. I honestly hope they get first place. I stan all these babies.
Even their practice is NEXT LEVEL IM READY.
Byounggon yelling into Yoonbins upside down mic shit I'm already stoked.
Tag urself I'm all the boys backstage jumping up dancing around and singing along this performance is professional-been-debuted-for-years-already level I'm so sold.
How do you top this omfg. I'm calling it now. First place.
Listen I know Keita and Yedam are super cute AJ combination but can we not forget how fucking precious Junkyu and Mashiho AJ combo is? Aaaaaahhhhh
Okay Team DNA let's see what u got.
Yedam and Seunghuns vocal skills fuck me up they're so good. How has SH not gotten recognized by YG yet fucc
Poor Yedam, not being able to practice must be messing with him, I hope he did well in his exams.
One hour. One hour to prepare. And he did it. Genius in fucking deed. Honestly from the beginning Yedam is the only one I'm not worried about he's going to debut or this thing is rigged.
This performance is so good but I wish it was shown before Dumb and Dumber cause it doesn't have the same vibe.
Omfg Haruto is so funny I'm ded
YG praising Yedam and Yedams cute reaction <3
I KNEW IT I KNEW DUMB AND DUMBER WOULD GET FIRST YAAAAA-omg I'm so worried. I'm stressing who will get eliminated.
Omg they're all such lovely friends look how mature and loving they are in such an awful competition, supporting and rooting and crying for each other.
Is it just me or does YG look disappointed?
Tag urself again I'm the treasure makers calling for YG to debut all of them.
Oh my stress. Elimination.
Yedam and Haruto obvi. "These two were somewhat expected" ya duh
First crying is here. I'm crying. This is so fucked look at them all of them. This is awful. Why am I torturing myself.
Keita too this is fucking awful nooooo
THAT WAS HIS MOM???? HIS MOMMA FINALLY GOT TO WATCH HIM BE AMAZING AND GET COMPLIMENTED AND NOW THIS. I'm so worried about him I so hope he continues just a little longer and debuts, even if he has to switch companies to do it since YG treats him like garbage.
Oh God this is worse. Team Boomerang
Hyunsuk ohhhh honey, oh babyyyyy ohhh noooo me too aaahhhhhh
I'm so happy for Jihoon because of his difficulties but the others.... aauugghhh theres no happiness here they're just sad because this competition has been set up to be so unfair and hurtful gdi
Fuck. Last one. Fuck fuck. Fu c k
Jongseob babyyyyy this show did you so dirty.
I was betting Junghwan would be the one and I'm happy for him but also just devastated in general. This is such a massive loss, we just lose so many every week. It would be so much less painful and sad if they just had the boys that were actually ready to debut compete and had smaller elimination rounds but nooooo u want us all to hurt.
Random note but I really like Jaehyuks speaking voice. It's so soft and gentle.
HOW MANY. SAY 7. SAY 9. SAY 11. SAY 28. I'll settle for 7 but sAY 28.
Okay 7. fucK that means we're losing 4. FuCk.
Omg if they bring Seunghun back and then eliminate him again ima be so pissed.
Fuck who is coming back oh god.
Now I'm just gonna be stressed for another week yay.
Please know I love all the trainees with my whole heart and I will support anyone who debuts, I mean no offense at all to anyone and let me know if I've said something harmful.
I cried like 8 times gawd.
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callistawolf · 6 years
my thoughts on Arrow 6x22
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Hoo... that was a good one, wasn’t it? I mean... the sheer volume of OLICITY in that episode, plus we had Dyla being such a solid couple and even LYLA AND FELICITY scenes... I want to roll around in it and pretend this was the sum total of season 6 right here. 😂
Ugh I forgot about the stupid Quadrant. SMEH.
EGGS. COOKING TOGETHER. I LOVE THAT. Look how domestic this is.
CHEZ QUEEN. Did Oliver JUST call their apartment CHEZ QUEEN? I’m gonna die.  
“Salt me please, Felicity” lol
Aww she’s still worried. And I love when he reassures her. THIS IS SO CUTE.
Kiss kiss kiss I love that. OMG grab her boi.
I love breakfast for dinner. Just fyi.
Felicity protecting William and getting him safe while Oliver beats up thugs is my aesthetic.
Oh man he’s so scared about his family possibly getting hurt MY HEART.
Did no one warn Rene? LOL
Or Dinah.
“Diaz isn’t going to attack the mayor” OH FELICITY. You aren’t this naive are you, bb?
She is NOT gonna let him sideline her again. YOU GO GIRL.
Your bunker has NEVER been secure, lbr.
Aww but they have to watch Diaz’s dudes trash the bunker. SO SAD.
Whatevs, Felicity fixed up the foundry and improved it in the hiatus between 1 & 2 so I feel certain she could do the same thing here. 
Don’t hate me but I like the teams working together again. I know they’re not officially back together or anything but joining forces makes the most sense right now.
Look at my boy looking and sounding like a leader. I’m so proud. *Sniff*
Am I supposed to feel bad that Curtis got stabbed?
Cuz I don’t.
I KNEW DIAZ DIDNT TRUST ANATOLY. Okay so it wasn’t a trap but he is onto my boy here. STAY SAFE.
OH Nice play there Anatoly. Shift suspicion onto Quadrant lady. Casamento. Vento? Mento? I STILL DONT KNOW.
SNIFFERIFIC. She’s so damn cute.
He’s so worried. I love him.
Marital advice lololol oh god I love this so much.
Yeah Felicity doesn’t wanna get divorced tho. So…. Scratch that.
Felicity wyd baby. Oliver is gonna be so mad at you.
HE MAD. OH GURL. Time to bat your eyelashes.
TELL HIM GIRLFRIEND. YAS. “There is no alone for us anymore.”
DINAH LEARNED. That’s promising.
Felicity and Dig talking about Oliver and then Dig talking to Oliver about Felicity…. FEELS LIKE OLD TIMES.
No more going into the field okay honey lets see how well that works for you. Felicity should take that news SUPER WELL. GOOD FUCKING LORD, Oliver.
I love when Diggle yoda’s Oliver. Its when I know all is right with the world.
She is stressing Oliver the frick out with needing to stay behind.
Lyla and Dig are such a great example of a couple that fights well together.
William needs US.
I love when my babies do stunts together!!
So there goes that lair/bunker/hideout. THEY HAVE NO MORE PLACES.
Yeah no chance Diaz is dead. Its not the finale.
UGH so it was for nothing.
I love a heart to heart. He needs to trust her and him and them. BLESS. My boy leveled up.
Kissing his shoulder. That’s her thing.
Oh god he has an idea. His ideas are always awful. I feel like Felicity told him this after the scene cut. Let me have my dream. 
Its not a Quadrant if there’s only two people, amirite?
Honestly, going to Samanda and the FBI for help makes the most sense right now. I know I bagged his ideas, but... this one is not bad. 
“I am the Green Arrow” DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE.
What’s the second thing tho.
It’s prison isn’t it? The second thing is prison. 😭
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So this was so good. I don’t think there’s much about the finale we don’t already know but I’m always ready for the show to shock the heck out of me. I expect Quentin to die because of Diaz. I expect Siren to get very upset about that and to fight Diaz. I expect Diaz to be taken down. I expect Oliver to get taken into custody. These are the facts. 
I haven’t said much about it the last couple of weeks but I’ve been moving further and further from the “Felicity is pregnant” spec. I left a door open before last night’s ep... I thought if there were some good clues and/or sexy times, then MAYBE. But there wasn’t, not by my estimation at least. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen. But it WILL happen eventually. Just might not be a thing till next season or whatever. I can be patient. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen in the finale. 
Which is a bummer cuz I feel like the timing with Oliver going to prison is PERFECT. That is fantastic angst. And I’m not even worried that he’d not be out/free/whatever before the baby would be born cuz obviously he would be. There’s plenty of time. BUT. Oh well. Someone will just have to fic it for us this summer. Cuz its too beautiful to just let go. 
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Ep. 2: “Please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonely” - Ellie
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So, someone found an idol before me because "I value preparation" and wanted to get all the stuff before I actually went out. And, because someone picked food and rations first and picked the right sequence out of probably like 30.... I missed out on an idol. Now I am just wondering if I should even continue idol hunting or just wait till merge because there's usually no point after this since all the advantages are probably found and I'll be idoled out by merge. Fun stuff.
The challenge is due in about 5 hours and I feel damn good about my score. I found what I think is a loophole and was able to get my combined score to 20. If everyone else on my tribe gets an average of 6 links per page, then I think we should be good. I want to win this challenge, but I'll take second. I don't want to have a date with Jay at tribal tomorrow. I had way too many of those last season.
With that said, I do want to go to tribal before we swap. Tribal is where you build trust and I want to make sure I can trust the people I think I can trust. I'm not going to throw a challenge, but if we have to go to tribal in round 3 or 4 I wouldn't complain.
I really just watched half a season of Schitt's Creek in the time it took me to do this challenge huh
I've been talking to everyone and we're all pretty confident we're not going to lose this challenge, but not confident we'll win 😅I think the winners psyched us out last time and now we're scared to hope because we know they're scheme-y. I feel kinda bad for the newbies tho :/ I hope their tribe wins this kind of (but not at our tribe's expense lol).
So I am a little scared if we lose immunity again because I think my life might be on the line. I say this because everyone on our tribe is great and we don't have anything for anyone I think. Since Liz was apparently so adamant about getting me out, they might see me as a person they could get out. I just finished the immunity challenge and I think I actually did really good. I hope the other tribes struggle with it so I have a chance to stay in this. Also, we cannot lose again that would be super emberassing. I'm also praying my tribe mates like me but I can't tell. I know Madi and Rachel like me but I have a weird suspicion that the boys would backstab me so easily. Andddd I might've accidentally left Gian on read for like a day oops. I texted him back and was super nice so hopefully he doesn't care. Pfff
I feel like I kicked some major butt in this challenge. I swear if someone doesnt submit and hecks us over, I will   lose my mind.  
LETS GO BABY!!!! Idol safe in my pocket for another round
The fact that we didn’t get sent to tribal is insane whaaaaat
Woohoo! When Ginnifer said she didnt do the challenge I thought for sure we were going to tribal. I am very relieved we are safe!  Although part of me wanted to go to tribal..... muahahaha
James and I are working together to idol hunt, I am trusting him with my game so much
UGGGGHHHHH this is not how I wanted this to go we better have a swap soon and hopefully gian will be with me! If not I do have an idol and a wicked personality so we lost and the best part is that I LITERALLY LOST MY JOB 5 HOURS AGO WITH NO FUCKING NOTICE AND DID BETTER WHILE LITERALLY CRYING THAN GANJO AND ANASTASIA but also Anastasia did fucking amazing for realizing with an hour left that she needed to do four more! vv proud of her🤍🤍 and don’t want her to leave🤍🤍 also gian was trying to get ME to throw the name out??? I was like hunny no I just lost my job! And then he threw out Ganjo which is who I was already wanting !
so I guess ganjo is the target.
Taking time to really get to know my tribe and loving them, just to lose and have to vote someone out sucks.
Oh no why Ganjo!!! I really don't like that Ganjo didn't submit cause he is most likely going home now. I really wanted Ganjo to stay in this game. This is really bad for my game in the long run. Hopefully Ganjo finds some way to stay.
I am committing to throwing the challenge next round because there has to be a swap soon. I want any one of my friends to be gone by then. Also, I feel SO bad for the newbies. In any case, I feel like Ganjo is going to get voted out silly because he didn't submit for the challenge. Unless there is someone who is super inactive, that could be a devastating nail in the coffin.
*blows out long breath* I reeeeaaaallly thought we were done for for a second there. We did pretty well with the clicking connections challenge, Ginny didn't have the chance to do it but there were extenuating circumstances. I hope we start winning instead of it being 1 - winners, 2 - warriors, 3 - wannabes again and again 😅.
My tribe mates are very understanding people we won again so we’re safe but unfortunately my mind wasn’t in it this round but I’ll be ready for next challenge
Well, I fucked up on the last challenge by not submitting an answer. Haha, I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped my little mind. Hopefully my alliances don’t turn on me this fast. Unfortunately for me, I put myself in this position. If I am able to escape the vote tonight, I mainly want to prove to my 2 allies that I am very loyal and they can trust me to vote where they need me to vote. If not, I had fun for the time that I’ve been here.
So I feel like I’m in the outs of my tribe. When we all were doing a tribe call I joined and met everyone for the first time, however it looked like most of them knew each other for years!! I told them all I was gonna go make some hot chocolate for the challenge and closed my camera and mic, and then Raffy said “is it just me or???” And everyo was like “??”, then he started pointing at his face making some signs that I didnt understand, then someone that I think was Allie said “i think I know what you mean cause I know you”. Bitch the fuck, what does this mean? I just know that I dont like Raffy anymore. However I cant even express my hate to anyone in this tribe cause I have no allies and I need to pretend I’m a sweetheart.
Ellie and I were talking and she was saying I’m the person she has been talking the most and wanted to work with me, what??? You’ve been on the tribe call for more than 5 hours and I’m the person she talked the most? and then she said there are people in this tribe who hate her and dont want to work with her. I pretended to believe her and we made an alliance, and I was saying like “your the person I trust the most of this game”. Its super weird, I feel like the others are all constantly talking cause everytime I start talking to one of them, all of them starts messaging me. I’m annoyed and I cant wait to swap and make all this winners losers.
I was scared for this tribal council but my nerves were eased when literally everyone told me they wanted Ganjo out. So I'm feeling comfortable which I know is dangerous probably. I could get backstabbed of course but I need to be a little less stressed about this game so I'm going to claim that I'm safe. I was the 2nd lowest score to Ganjo though... So I am definitely next on the chopping block if we don't win the next challenge!
I’m still allianceless and it hurts my heart, please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonleyyyyy I’ve been trying to talk to everyone and everyone is so fun and nice, I hope we keep winning
here is a chaotic confessional : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7K7UWS0YzFUtwercdjHZqpEgRMTIphn/view?usp=drivesdk
I am so nervous! This is the most heartbreaking decision and I hate making such hard decisions so early!
0 notes
mtvsims · 4 years
Season 1: Ep. 4: Trouble in Paradise
To access the previous episode, click here.
Back at the house...
Aarav: Well, that could have gone better for me.
Chloe: Same. Neither of us really got a huge target out.
Aarav: At least the person you sent in went home.
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Aarav: Spencer not going home sucks, but it makes sense, since Frank was a weak ass. I’m not afraid of him, though. If he wants me gone after this, he can go ahead and try to take me out.
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Brad: I’m so happy you’re still here.
Spencer: Was not expecting to go in for the FIRST elimination...
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Spencer: One of us needs to win the next challenge.
Brad: Agreed. You’re my ride or die, hundred percent.
Spencer: Hundred and ten percent.
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Spencer: Sad to see me?
Chloe: I’m not apologizing for nominating you, if that’s what you’re looking for. Go get mad at Aarav. He actually threw you in.
Rei: I gotta, uh... go wash my hair.
Spencer: It was such a stupid move for both of you. Especially you, though.
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Rei: Chloe and Spencer are coming to some major blows, and it’s totally because she nominated him for elimination. They haven’t been getting along throughout the season, but now, it’s hitting the boiling point.
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Chloe: WTF? How was it stupid? You’re just mad because I’m not obsessing over you like some of these other girls.
Spencer: I wasn’t even going after you.
Chloe: Whatever.
Spencer: I gave you the chance to justify yourself, but you’re not doing a great job at that.
Chloe: Go after me then. I don’t care.
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Riki: Why don’t you have a drink in your hand, Geoff?
Geoff: It’s only 9am. I at least wait until 10!
Erica: You boys are NOT prepared for today...
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Geoff: How are you feeling about Peggy going, man?
Riki: Sucks. But I’ll just find someone else to hook up with. *looks at Erica*
Geoff: Damn. You mean-
Erica: Don’t bother, Riki. I’m not even into guys.
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Erica: I feel like Geoff and Riki are dumb and dumber. But I’ll get friendly and hang out with them, because at least they aren’t drama-magnets like some of these other people.
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Spencer: Guys, let’s have a meeting. Why did I go in last round and not Peter?
Charles: That was the plan. I don’t know.
Riki: Aarav wants to get into Peter’s pants, that’s why. You were collateral damage.
Rei (to Erica): I love how you and I were safe.
Erica (to Rei): We have the best social games out of anyone else.
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Aarav: I don’t get why everyone is talking about us being a couple all of the sudden. Are you telling people that?
Peter: Cool down.
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Aarav: I don’t want to get targeted for being in a relationship with you.
Peter: Because I’m the biggest target right now? Yeah. I get it...
Aarav: That’s not what I meant...
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Peter: Apparently I’m bad for Aarav’s game, because everyone wants me out? I literally did nothing but the guys don’t like me because I talk about more than Gym, Tan, Laundry every day. Sorry I’m not a Jersey Shore reject...
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Aarav: I don’t want either of us to get targeted. Maybe I’m being an asshole right now, sorry.
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Peter: Just relax. 
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Aarav: I’m trying.
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Alexandria: I’m really the only one training right now? These people are here just to get Instagram followers...
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Erica: Looks like Aarav and Peter are making up...
Bree: Lovely! I’m so happy to still be here, guys.
Riki: Congrats on beating Peggy. *slow claps* What an accomplishment.
Bree: No need to be an asshole about it, Riki. I’m PROUD of myself.
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Bree: It was huge for me to win the first elimination. No matter what people say, I think I proved myself. And I have the confidence now to go all the way!
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Aarav: As much as I like you, I think we need to cool it down.
Peter: What?
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Aarav: I don’t want to hurt you. You’re going to end up getting hurt and we’ll both get eliminated because people will see us as a duo.
Peter: Right.. okay.
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Peter: Go make love to your treadmill and leave me alone, then.
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Peter: Aarav, make up your f*cking mind. You keep giving me mixed signals and treating me like trash for no reason. I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m so sick of this house. I feel like no one will give me a chance...
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Charles: Score!
Kali: You guys, we deff need to be in an alliance.
Geoff: I’m all for that, Kal. You and Chloe are my favorite girls in here.
Riki: Really?
Charles: I agree with Geoff. You both liven the place up.
Kali: Thanks, Charles. I’m glad I can be the life of the party!
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Charles: You feel really tense.
Kali: It’s the stress of this game. I overthink everything. Especially when those She-Hulk bitches like Erica and Alexandria are in this game.
Erica: I-
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Erica: Who does this Kali bitch think she is? I always hear her talking shit about someone. Now, it’s me. Kali, I’m sorry your parents didn’t love you enough and you grew up to be such a toxic creature. Keep my name out of your mouth.
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Kali: I think I’m officially de-stressed.
Charles: I could do this more often.
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Riki: Making the moves on Charles?
Kali: Wouldn’t you like to know...
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Riki: Just try to keep your talons away from his game. We don’t need someone like you weighing us down.
Kali: I take it that alliance talk was just fake then? You don’t really want to work with me?
Riki: I’d rather work with a hunk of dirt. It’s probably more useful than you.
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Riki: Kali is so untrustworthy. Yes, I stir the pot, too, but she’s on a whole other level. If it were up to me, she’d be getting the boot next.
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Casey: Damn, Spencer. That looks so good. What are you mak-
Rei: Put on some clothes. I’m distracted.
Spencer: Sorry. You don’t like what you see?
Rei: No, I like it too much. You’re taking my head out of the game!
Casey: Uh...
Spencer: I’m liking what I’m looking at, too. Want some of my salad?
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Casey: What the Hell, Rei? You’re with me. Remember? Why does Spencer just flirt with everything he sees? And why is Rei acting like I don’t exist when I’m right across the room from her?
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Rei: Yeah, I’m flirting out in the open with Spencer. Casey’s cute, but he’s young and also way too serious. If I was looking for my future husband, I would’ve made an eHarmony video, not gone on The Challenge.
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Casey: Hey man.
Brad: What’s up?
Casey: I feel like Spencer is playing everybody. Ever since he won that last elimination, he’s acting like he owns this place.
Brad: Don’t worry about him, Casey. He’ll probably get thrown in again soon. He’s making lots of waves.
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Brad: Spencer is my boy, and my final 2. But it’s great that he’s pissing so many people off. As long as I can stay the Good Cop to his Bad Cop, I’ll be sitting pretty. Now, let’s get started on this challenge!
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Next time, on The Challenge...
Our next daily Challenge. Who will win?! And who will get nominated to go into elimination? Sides are forming, and it’s anyone’s game.
0 notes
aintzane411 · 7 years
spoilers for voltron season 4 under the cut!
Episode 1:
BOM keith!!! We knew about it but still aaaa
why is everyone being a dick to keith let him live
theyre keeping him so busy just let him take a nap
btw this is 100% not real shiro this is a clone this is wrong
i need a hairspray AU with coran as corny collins
lance had to have been a theatre kid cmon
why does kolivan’s mask have 3 eye holes? he doesnt have 3 eyes does he? 
other guy has 3 eye holes too
rip other guy
i s2g keith is gonna get back and everyone’s gonna rip into him but this poor boy just needs some oxygen and a nap jfc
coran laser noises!!!
ew ka//ura like kudos to shippers but *sigh*
keiths bom suit lowkey looks like he has boobs like i am totally here for trans!keith yes pls
kolivan insists he doesnt bind during missions bc its dangerous and that just adds to his stress levels poor bby
there are. furries in this rebellion. god damn it
“undetected” my boy keith doesnt do “undetected” guys
pls just let keith be happy omg
whyyyy are they furries??? like the artists knew what they were doing cmon
im gonna cry if this is actually shiro like i love kuron to death but please no
im so scared omg
let! keith! rest!!!
“he can finally be the leader i was unable to be” god keith ily im sorry babe
sheith hug!!!! leading into a group hug!!!!
but lets be real im terrified like keith is leaving the team what the fuck
Episode 2:
aaaa flashback!!! Katie!!!
o shit this is called Reunion we’re gonna find matt this episode!!!
ill punch this kid callin pidge a nerd fight me bro
pidge is so cute holy fucking shit
also tag yourself im matt’s “big fucking muscles”
ooh heres the scene they showed at nycc does that mean the kaltenecker scene is in the season too?
my smol smart child im love her
smol smart badass child
stop! misgendering! my! child!
pls give pideg her brother back 
“paladin pidge” how cute
plant gun!
portable xray!
o shit matt was an officer!!!
i like how matt’s “rebel officer transponder” picture is him in the galra prison gear lol
omg matt “what the garrison doesnt know wont hurt them” i love
“what dad doesnt know wont hurt him” MATT
im gonna scream if matts dead
dont you dare
theres still 9 minutes left dont you dare
please plesae please please god
its almost 3am and im glad im emotionally dead inside or else i would have cried like 4 times already
omg its just like ree’s canon holy shit lol
there he is holy shit thank god
this is. so pure.
ofc matt has a bounty on his head jfc
“lets show this guy what the holts are made of” god fucking bless
ok now you guys gotta find sam too cmon
niceeee good work guys damn
Episode 3:
okay pidge has her brotehr now lets get my boys back in the right lions kthx
ok so after rewatching s3 i think haggar and zarkon are possessed by these creatures
omg. omg matt is straight for allura wtf this is the Last Thing I Expected
shatt hug!!
technically kuratt hug but shhhhhhhh
omg lance calm down
oh boy here comes super zombie zarkon rip
“wayward son” omg
milkshake reference yes
wait please give me langst and have lance feel like hes being replaced by matt please i need more langst in my life
omfg kaltenecker scene!!!!
its even better than the clip omfg
i want lotor to come to the good side i want him to be a good guy let him have mommy issues with keith
yessss bls tell hunk how much of a genius he is thank
oh nooooo i bet pidge normally plays the game with lance but shes busy with matt aaaaa D:
i changed my mind i dont want langst
second ship??? oh boy
third??? OH BOY
matt needs to wash his hair
smelly boy
shoutout to ree and matt
i need more info on shiro/kuron omfg please
omg omg matt is gonna pilot green holy shit
damn rip narti there goes our main physically disabled character besides shiro ugh
omg i think lotor is gonna end up on team voltron whoa
Episode 4:
“besides playing keith is really easy, just act moody” dont call me out like this
ok lance was 100% a theater kid but always an ensemble member never a lead, for which he was bitter about and made up for the fact by being way too over the top as an ensemble
is. is coran gonna do drugs?????? what the fuck????
omg corans room is adorable
ewewewewew brain bug omfg ew
space mall!!
omfg his fucking accent jfc
hunk “well it rhymes so its gotta be true” ily hunk
please never use any of this advice for real theater stuff smh
stick alien!
omfg an “on ice” performance holy shit
fuckin stick alien zarkon and haggar holy shit
careful guys you might break an arm
like i did smh
“loverboy lance” beautiful
even tho its not shiro but shhhhh
stop! throwing! hunk! under! the! bus!!!
the fact that no one is questinoing coran’s personality just proves that none of them would notice the subtle changes between shiro and kuron so the theory still stands
jesus christ fucking meta “except for you shiro youre the most popular character ill never get rid of you” fuck you writers
varkon! mermaids!
i miss keith :(
ep 4 moral of the story: dont do drugs kids
let! bibobi! live!!!!
Episode 5:
yesss give me keith!!!!!
omg voltron and bom and rebels are all doing a big mission together yes
me: suddenly remembers the “and lance dies so theres that” interview also me: panics
different VA??? not norman reedus i think???
hunk! being! badass! yes!!!!
im still v suspicious of this shiro smh
shes pretty oh no
why tf does there gotta be furries in the rebellion
oh fuck i almost thought matt died jfc
this commander looks like a steven universe diamond
bby im proud of you for training with the bom but im so glad youre back aaaaaaaa
babe there he is aaaa!!!!!! im love keith!!!!!
now give me the real shiro jfc
and get lance back in the blue lion jfc
i s2g if matt dies
i s2g if lance dies
eyyy hell yeah go acxa
eyyy hell yeah go keith
this is going too well something is gonna happen im so scared
im really scared damn
Episode 6:
hhhhhh im terrified oh boy here we go
this one is called a new defender oh fuck
white lion?!?!?!
will keith be the white paladin?!!?!?!?!!
i just really want everyone back in their original spots bls
wait wtf is going on i zoned out for a bit its 4am
its gonna be those alternate reality being things again istnt it
lance “what are those” nice meme reference
shiro now is not the time to stay behind and analyze fuckin get ur team out of there god damn it now theres a force field around the planet fucking hell
this isnt good. this isnt good at all. and the music sounds so ominous oh god
im so scared
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
lance i s2g you better not do antyhing stupid
bls no a//urance
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
shoutout to coran for just having to hang back while all of his loved ones risk their lives
lance i s2g
im so scared holy shit
w h o a
shoutout to coran for just accepting that alluras telling him to leave when everyon ehe loves could very well die
im love keith and his new leadership skills he learned in the bom but DONT YOU DARE DIE HOLY FUCK
no one is allowed to die
keith dont you dare
keith dont you dare
holy fuck oh my god hes ok hes ok holy fucking shit
o shit
o shit lotor is gonna join the coalition i fucking called it!!!
holy fuck that was a lot of emotions and where the fuck is shiro fuck you writers fuck you
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girlwiththeglow · 6 years
Continuation of LoK Rewatch/Recap Book 1 Eps 6-12
One of the first things I did when I started this blog back in 2013 was to do a LoK rewatch/recap while waiting for Book 2 to begin (the wait for that was BRUTAL as hell btw) I had done up to episode 5 I believe in separate posts.
As I just finished rewatching Book 1 yesterday (20th time? lost count) I felt a small push within me to continue where I left off as I did have every intention to finish it but BOOK 2 excitement pushed that aside and well.... I never ended up finishing them. I suppose I’ll just sum it up briefly in one post just so I can get all my thoughts out of the way.
With 5 already written (check my first archive July-August 2013) I’ll just continue with 6-12. SPOILERS ahead....
EPISODE 6:- “...And The Winner Is...”
~ So, the standout of the episode is of course the REAL MVP that is Korra. Moments spanning from that sneaky power move to Tahno’s face with that water kick (slo-mo camera and separate angle and her “SUCK IT” expression); where she was hanging off the ring, holding up herself AND Mako and flinging him back in there and last but DEFINITELY not least, that badass fight between her and Amon’s Lieutenant where she held up her own and generally kicked ass in a proper one-on-one fight. There was also so much determination in her eyes when she saw Amon (and this was AFTER her last encounter where she was really scared that time he ambushed her) even in the face of that, fierce Korra unleashed that fire punch knocking Amon’s henchmen OUUUTTTT. That’s my girl!
~ Did I mention Tahno was a little bitch? Even though karma came calling for him and his cheating teammates...  THAT FACE still haunts me. Generally, this episode raised the stakes where Amon’s plans are concerned, where the public (and audience) is now well aware of his growing power and the ever-increasing threat he brings to benders. Lin Beifong too I remember just being like HELL YEAH, she and Korra teaming up - Lin especially showing off that she is quite capable with her metalbending - and her quietly growing respect for her was also a big highlight for me. I definitely remember feeling so tense and this exhilarating rush after this ep. This feeling of anything can happen and it was amazing overall.
EPISODE 7:- “The Aftermath”
~ A lot also happens in this eventful episode... Hiroshi Sato revealed to be the Equalists’ benefactor, Asami uncovering the truth and truly realizing the deep hatred and bigotry he has been harboring for benders all this time and... that tense moment where we weren’t sure if she was gonna join him or turn against him and ultimately making the latter decision... maybe it wasn’t too surprising but I feel like how it was executed with her just zapping them and using her self-defense to quickly take them down was kind of a jaw-dropper. We were never really sure and then it just kind of happens. (Part of me wonders if Bryke had stuck to their original decision to have Asami indoctrinated all this time and only befriended the team in order to betray them - and possibly, having to make the decision to become good and redeem herself throughout - if that would have made her more interesting. I feel like it would have given her a better arc throughout the Books and then the love triangle would have been handled differently for sure.) The unexplored angles JUST MAKE ME WONDER....
~ It was cool to see Korra accept that there was more to Asami than what she originally perceived (and for us too) and just added another compassionate layer to Korra, as she genuinely felt empathy for her in this unfortunate situation, even when she didn’t want to be right. At the end of the day, it was her duty to carry out her suspicions for the safety of Republic City... even at the cost of her friendships... it’s a tough call. In the end, Korra selflessly looks out for the team  with the open invitation for all of them to stay at Air Temple Island.
~ Action scenes in this ep, once again, just great. Tenzin using his airbending to dispatch the mecha-tanks, Lin using her metal spikes to crush them... they were on point.
~ This EP. OH EM GEE. This ep! It was one of those heart-pounding episodes that actually kept giving you chills especially after the end. Noone could have foreseen the way this ep was gonna go... and it was frickin’ crazy/nerve-wracking.
~ The new Team Avatar was formed for the first time and it was really cool to see Korra have her friends’ support after she felt like a failure for not mastering airbending and feeling alone and burdened. The look of hurt and helplessness when Tarrlok called her out... she deserved a hug. They all worked well together and I enjoyed their action scenes in the car. Tarrlok’s plan to arrest them in order to get to Korra... how snaky can this one man be? I was about ready for his ass to be handed to him. Korra was about ready to let him have it then, with some pavements aimed to “say hello” to his face, however Mako was able to eventually talk her out of it before she too got arrested. The man was going after innocent people, locking off their power and trying to arrest them because they were out of their houses after curfew. Wicked man I tell ya.... and Tarrlok was well aware this would play right into his hands as we see when she goes to eventually confront him, frustrated with the inactions of the WORST CHIEF OF POLICE EVER...!!
~ That fight tho. Sure, we saw that steely, take-no-prisoners look when Korra confronted Tarrlok and we knew one way or another, she was gonna make sure she got her way. HOWEVER, Tarrlok was clearly SO rattled by her comparing him to Amon, he was OUT FOR BLOOD attacking her first. It was looking bad when she was getting scraped up his icicles and boy it just escalated from there.... ideally though, Tarrlok was NO MATCH for Korra’s sheer power and when we saw her use her earthbending and firebending and he had no water... I wondered if she was gonna burn his face off..... AND THENNNN.....THAT PAUSE. We knew SOMETHING was off, and then when he started moving her like a puppet and her groaning in pain, it allll became so clear and it was horrifying. Those final scenes were unsettling... he threw her like a rag doll against the wall and she was helpless to do anything. And that whole part about “never seeing Republic City again” and her just screaming in the back of the truck while he drove off.... And that whole camera panning up to the sky showing that it wasn’t a full moon..... and credits. CHILLS.
~ I really liked this episode. There were some surprising revelations and familiar appearances with flashback scenes that served to connect the past to the present. I liked that while Korra was meditating on Aang’s past (loved seeing the Gaang btw) to uncover what he had been hinting from earlier eps, the other subplot was spent focusing on everyone trying to find and rescue Korra.
~ Loved seeing Korra use her natural intellect and instincts to discover the truth about Tarrlok (being Yakone’s son) through finally connecting to Aang and of course when she overheard Amon tell his equalists not to underestimate her and electrocute the box before they opened it. She takes the cloth from her wristband and uses it to hold herself up thus preventing her from being shocked. Genius. Then she firebends with such immense power and successfully uses that opening to incapacitate them AND (narrowly!) escapes from AMON by herself. Then Naga being the best damn tracker there ever was being the first one to find her, never giving up on her master.
~ Tarrlok also had his bending taken away by Amon. It’s only until later we find out how significant this will turn out to be....
~ Seeing Yakone bloodbend the entire courtroom with just his mind.... Freaky as hell... Didn't like seeing him bloodbend Toph and especially Aang... That scene disturbed me because it looked extremely painful and maybe he had lasting damage after that who even knows.... :O Aang went into the Avatar State and finally ended his reign of terror by energybending his abilities.
~ I liked that when everyone was searching for Korra, Mako was the one who expressed his anxiety and worry the most. We’re talking about someone who was so guarded, he didn’t trust anyone else he met... until Korra. He was worried out of his mind, believing that Amon had done the worst to Korra. Mako witnessed Amon’s power for himself, watching his brother’s bending almost being taken and he also understood the threat he posed (it doesn’t help that he was personally affected by watching his parents being murdered, therefore he grew up becoming hardened and more cynical to how harsh life is) He may have been a little brusque, but that was brought on by the stress of potentially LOSING another person he cares so much about. (I don’t believe he would have hurt that Equalist either... honestly he just wanted to intimidate him into talking so he knew how serious he was.) This was an eye-opener for Mako himself (even though it won’t be revealed until the finale) how much he couldn’t stand to lose Korra.
They really shared a sweet moment when they reunited, and it warmed my heart when I first watched it.
~ This ep had a lot of great moments, ones that either made you laugh, made you gasp, and a few that left you pretty down.
~ You would think after Korra’s capture and rescue in the previous episode that this one would kinda be a breather right? Yeah.... not so...much.... turns out that this is the takeover. When all of Amon’s plans come to fruition and he pretty much acts on his plans like he promised. All the council people are captured, except Tenzin who is left as the default leader of RC, and while he manages to send out a distress call to the United Forces (contacting General Iroh - Zuko’s grandson!) he too is ambushed, with mecha-tanks subduing the rest of the police metalbenders and leaving Tenzin to defend the rest of the members. Team Avatar proceeds to come in at the right moment to save him and kick some booty..... unfortunately, Amon’s airships are at Air Temple Island (!) leaving Lin and the airbender kids to utterly dominate the Equalists. Shoutout to Meelo, you cute lil stinker you.
~ Pema gives birth at the wrong time (HOW INCONVENIENT PEMA) - Rohan is adorable though. So it’s a bright, hopeful moment in a heavy ep. They find out they have to evacuate right after or else the entire airbending legacy will be in jeopardy if Amon captures them. Tenzin and Korra share a hug before he urges her and Team Avatar to hide and to be safe. It was a nice moment and shows how they worry and care about each other, despite their occasional disagreements.
~ Lin Beifong (heroic and badass lady that you are) makes a huge sacrifice to hold off the rest of the airships from reaching Tenzin and his family.... in the end, she is captured and..... loses her bending as well! I remember just reacting to this with a “nooooooo damn you Amoonnnnn!” This was the downer part of the episode. Just never expected it to happen to Lin...
~ I remember feeling shocked by the huge revelation in this episode. And funnily enough, I remember reading a fan theory online before this ep aired which actually predicted one of the major revelations but I dismissed it. It was the reveal that Tarrlok and Amon are brothers and the sons of the bloodbending crimimal, Yakone. Before we get here... let’s backtrack....
~ I have to point out the reflective quiet scene that was shared between Korra and Mako... which really speaks to the volumes of how much their relationship has evolved since they first met. Korra leans against Naga (contemplating on all that has happened and what will occur for tomorrow) and Mako goes over to check on her. She opens up about how she didn't believe she'd end up in the middle of an all-out war since four months ago she was at home practicing for her firebending test. Mako then says how they didn't know each other then and now he can't ever imagine his life without her in it. (quietly swooning over here, sorry). This is coming from the same guy who when he first met her he thought she was a crazy fangirl and barely even raised his eyebrows at the fact that she was the Avatar and now he then proceeds to share that "she is the most loyal, brave and selfless person he's ever known" - this is the closest admission he's ever come to so far hinting at how he feels about Korra and she, feeling touched, reciprocates her admiration for him too. While it is cut short due to the magnitude of what's happening, it is definitely a significant turn in their relationship and it shows how much Mako supports and appreciates her for who she is, and the positive changes she has brought to his life.
~ So General Iroh finally makes it to RC with his fleet reinforcements, and ends up joining Team Avatar to take down Amon’s forces. This is where the team splits up: Korra decides to stop hiding from Amon and wants to face him head-on; Mako (following up on their last scene and fully aware that he loves Korra) volunteers to aid her as there was no way in hell he was gonna let her do this alone if he could help it. The rest of the team will try to intercept and destroy the mecha-tanks/destroy runways etc. You can see from Asami’s expression (silent acceptance) that she understood now where Mako’s heart truly was once he expressed going with Korra. Their breakup was...real subtle and implied... though I do think that Bryke could have made it a bit more obvious what with certain parts of the fandom misunderstanding that scene...  Korra and Mako then leave in their stolen Equalist uniforms (which I have to say, they look pretty damn good wearing them) and sneaks into the arena...
~ The last half of this ep is spent on the revealing tragic backstory about Tarrlok, Amon (Noatak) and their father Yakone. As soon as they encounter Tarrlok locked in a cage, he simply lets the bombshell drop. BOOM.  Yakone was an obsessed, revenge-driven and abusive father who raised his sons to be exceptionally skilled bloodbenders so they can take over RC and avenge him due to Aang energybending his powers away. (he pretty much RUINS their childhood and scarred his sons for life) Noatak became Amon, this cold, detached, master PSYCHIC bloodbender and ended up carrying on what his father wanted... taking over RC and wanting to destroy the Avatar, with the added bonus of equality for non-benders. Tarrlok, on the other hand, ended up becoming something he hated... realizes this too late and urges Korra to stop him. It was just the saddest backstory we’ve seen thus far in the whole series and despite everything they had done, you did feel sorry for them. Korra comes up with the great idea to expose Amon to his followers thus ruining all he had built up.  And now it’s time to stop Amon once and for all....
All of this leads to the conclusion that is wrapped up in the Book 1 finale....
~ Endgame - such a fitting title for the finale. I remember feeling so hyped waiting for this episode, and it blowing all my expectations out of the water. Several moments had me gasping, screaming, shouting, feeling ALL kinds of emotions. I’ve rewatched it several times since and it always brings out SOMETHING in me, that’s how much it still resonated. So let’s go....
~ Firstly, quick talk about the minor sub-plot. Bolin, General Iroh and Asami are captured by Hiroshi (I believe it’s the first time she’s seen him since she rejected him) and are saved by Naga (the BEST polar bear-dog that has ever existed). Asami and her father go head-to-head in mecha-tanks and they’re doing some serious damage to each other - I admit that I did feel bad for her that her own father sees no problem in attacking his own child... he is really off his rocker. Bolin, I agree that he is a horrible father. In the end, Hiroshi is taken care of and that’s pretty much it. Iroh-man (this was actually a meme created by the fandom back then) does some crazy stunts shooting fire from his feet and hands and jumping on airplanes, and throwing off Equalists, and ... man, Zuko you must be so proud of your grandson. Iroh should have joined the team... would have created a lot of possibilities...
~ The most nerve-wracking and intense parts of the finale involved Korra and Amon. EVERYTHING about it was a nail-biter, and I was constantly on the edge of my seat wondering what next and I was genuinely SCARED for Korra. 
When Korra and Mako hide in an empty room and Amon starts walking around ominously looking....  this part felt like a horror movie. You could see the close-up angle on Korra’s face and eyes and the sweat dripping down her head... some detailed animation there. Then....Amon is just bloodbending her (sharp note moment!) and Mako comes out of hiding to firebend him once he hears her in trouble but unfortunately, Amon was just too strong and paralyzes them both. Pretty much everything after that is .... *explodes* When Amon took Korra’s bending away, the sheer look of terror on her face.... with Mako, just watching helplessly unable to stop it... it was just so crazy and I just remember feeling so shocked in that moment... that this happened to our heroine. It had been building up to it from the beginning of the season but to actually see it happening was a huge blow....
I love how tightly packed the pacing and scenes were executed here because everything that happened after was so significant I can’t even skip over anything. So I’ll try to sum up my standout moments by character breakdown as best as I can without going so much into detail... (otherwise this will be an extremely longer post than I planned...)
- -  Mako’s actions in this episode all served to show his dedication and love for Korra and bravery in the face of danger. He musters up enough energy while Amon was distracted to lightning-bend him, thus completely blindsiding him, causing him to release his grip on the two long enough so that Mako could stall him further, carry Korra and run like hell before he got to them. Even while he is incapacitated by Amon, he gets praises from the latter for getting the best of him when no one else has and being a talented firebender. After Korra saves him, he supports her and tries to stop Amon while he’s escaping. When Korra is devastated at the loss of her other bending elements, in a heartwarming moment, Mako runs after her letting her know he is there for her, and assuring Korra that he didn’t care whether she was the Avatar or not, that almost losing her made him realize that he loves her. Even after she runs away, he follows her all the way up to the cliff determined not to have her deal with her grief alone, witnesses her going into the Avatar State where she shows all of her bending in a display of absolute power.  He’s so much in awe yet so genuinely happy for her that all he does is walk up to her with his arms out, wanting nothing more than to share his relief and joy with her that she’s whole again. The look on his face said it all… 
- - Watching Korra being brought down to her lowest point (the very thing she’s feared all season) and seeing her rise to overcome that and have the will to keep fighting was nothing short of inspiring. She is weakened by the loss of her bending, however she comes to and upon seeing Amon about to take Mako’s bending, reacts instinctively throwing out a punch full of air from a distance NOT KNOWING that she would unlock her airbending in an attempt to save the man she loves. (Cue shocked looks from everyone) Now realizing she can finally airbend then proceeds to knock the breath out of Amon with a series of punches in such a satisfying way (*cheering like crazy!!*) She breaks free from Amon’s bloodbending grip with a forceful air-kick flinging Amon out the window and into the water causing him to inadvertently expose himself, thus proving her right. I felt it for her when she believed that she was no longer the Avatar and that she gave off the impression that she didn’t feel she had value to others as just herself. She needed to hear that admission from Mako even in her state of grief. I honestly got very emotional watching her cry like that. When Aang appeared (cleverly done) and restored her bending with the appearance of the decades of past lives, and we just see her open her eyes connected to the Avatar State at last, it was honestly such a cathartic moment (*cue “The Greatest Change” playing, music swelling and Korra bending ALL the elements in such a powerful moment) and then she senses Mako’s presence, proceeds to jump into his arms and tells him she loves him too. That kiss to me was the icing on top of the cake, reaffirming that these two were indeed meant for each other.
And of course, last but not least, Korra displaying to everyone her newfound energybending in her Avatar State (Tenzin’s face was the best) and restoring Lin’s bending. Loved that whole scene and then Tenzin looks at her, tells her how proud he is of AVATAR KORRA.
- Amon’s lieutenant catches him in the act bloodbending, and proceeds to denounce him as a traitor/fraud even attempting (and failing) to attack him. (Brave, yet foolish)
- Noatak and Tarrlok agree that their life in RC is over and try to repair their fractured sibling bond… Tarrlok realizes with detached resignation that their lives can never be normal again and…. kills them both… (shocking moment)
- Everyone who loves and cares for Korra gather in the South Pole, awaiting word from the best healer in the world, Katara, only to find out that she cannot restore her other elements.
 *Well, this is the end of my Book 1 recap/rewatch. It was fun rewatching my favorite Book and seeing the original vision that the creators intended to stick with... ya know, considering that this was SUPPOSED to be the original ending they planned. (*side-eyeing*) I guess I’ll come back and cover Book 2. As for the other books, well.... don’t know about those. 
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closetedisaster · 7 years
Spoiler alert! Supernatural 12x21 random thoughts ahead!
Not gonna lie, I'm super stressed for this ep. I feel like someone's gonna die 😖 let's get to it then.. (there's a looooot of swearing in this one) - Eileen is back, I'm so scared for her! That's 3 eps, it starts to get ominous ☹️ - Noooo hellhounds... wtf!??? She's dead????? Sam! Why the hell didn't you tell Eileen about the hellhound glasses? Or better yet, gave her one! - Your mommy's being tortured hun 😞 - Protective Dean is life! - No no no no no! Fuck no! This is Not Ok! On the list of Things That Are Not Ok, this is Number Fucking One! Fuck you Spn and specially Fuck You bucklemming! - God Sam looks so broken, why can't he be happy for like one season!?? - Rule No. 1 Sam, do not mention Cas in front of Dean rn! But I get that you're hurting, I'm hurting too. So much. So fucking much! - Yay Crowley! - oh a new hunter face and he has a home, he's dead isn't he? - shapeshifter? how are they controlling it? - waiiiiit... shapeshifter or mind control?? - sooo they took a leaf out of the Hydra handbook? - Oh just shut up. I hope Mary kills you. - God.. they killed Eileen. In the first couple minutes. I feel betrayed.. why did they do it? To get Sam riled up enough to go against the BMOL? They have their mother! Sam's automatically against them! - Ofcourse Crowley knows BMOL Umbridge - ok so Crowley is double crossing the Winchesters? Damn, Crowley willingly gave the hellhound.. which killed Eileen... I hate it. - yes Crowley, what about the Winchesters? We both know you love them too much. - Itsy bitsy demon who's going to die soon. - I haaaaate that it looks like Lucifer is going to be released from Crowley soon, I actually liked that storyline. But it's being very underused as of yet. - Yes Crowley, Eileen! Who is dead! Because of your hell hound! 😤 - ok listen to me, Mary does not deserve this! Bucky didn't and Mary doesn't too! - soooo ex gf torturing new love interest of Ketch. - psychopath? Honey what do you think you are? - Noooooooooooo... why!??? Why are you hurting me like this with the letter? - ugh Dean throw it out! - finally! They know.. - Sam you better fuck them good! - Ok so Crowley's gonna be Lucifer's slave... again! 😒 if the baby is gonna grow Amara rate, it will be soooo boring and such sloppy writing. - ok I really don't give af about Ketch's and Bevel's little rivalry, I just want them gone. Bevel much more than Ketch. - "I do it all the time" Ketch that does not make it better! - oh stop it Ketch, we all know you pine after Mary.. - yaaaaas at Mary manipulating Ketch! Noooo at what's happening to her. This whole episode man.. 😭 - you know who would have been really needed here? Who could have helped Mary? Billy.. 🙄 - ohhhh you underestimate the Winchesters sooo much! - Crowley you've seriously been so stupid. - I hate this so much. - Hey Spn fandom, Bevel is who you vehemently hate on! Not Mary 😑 - God just fuckng deck her! - wtf Crowley? Running? Really? - how many times has Crowley been humiliated in front of his demons now? - oh he has all his wings? - oh come on! You won't seriously kill Crowley too, will you? - oh come on Lucifer, how could *you* be so stupid? He's in the fuckng rat! - Fck YAAAAS! Slay them boys! You go Sam 😍 show them who the fuck they're messing with. - Noooooo.. completely brainwashed. She's been Winter Soldiered 😰 - All of the people Dean loves have been brainwashed in some way haven't they? Soulless Sam in a way, Cas by Naomi and now Rosemary's baby, and now Mary. - Has Ketch been brainwashed too? Seems like it.. - Oh Lucifer really? This is so cliché 😂 Final thoughts: - I absolutely despise that Eileen is gone. I'm disappointed af and my determination to watch is really failing. - I'm over the Lucifer storyline. - Not enough Sam and Dean. - I miss Cas. - Eileen is fucking dead and I'm pissed af! Why do they always do this? Badass characters who are from a minority group always get killed off. And it doesn't even make much sense? - These last 2 eps will be super important, but I don't think they could make up for killing Eileen now..
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