#cycle of the werewolf review
moviesandmania · 7 months
SILVER BULLET (1985) Reviews and new 4K UHD + Blu-ray details
Silver Bullet, based on Stephen King’s werewolf novelette, will be unleashed on December 5, 2023, by Scream Factory as a Collector’s Edition disc in a 4K UHD™ + Blu-ray. For the first time ever in 4K UHD™, the Collector’s Edition includes a new 2023 transfer from the original camera negatives, along with bonus features and new audio commentary. Collector’s Edition Bonus Features Disc One (4K…
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Bring Me The Horizon - POST HUMAN: NeX GEn album review
Well I didn't expect to write a full BMTH album review today but here we go. The band officially blueballed their audience to the point that as soon as they passed the longest streak without releasing an album, they surprise-dropped it completely unexpectedly. Just a heads-up, I'm not familiar to the lore of the album, what the Nex Gen is or whatever but still, here's my review:
[ost] dreamseeker
This is the shortest and most basic noise intro they've done I think for a while, it's just sounds of steps and the fade in to the first track
2. YOUtopia
Way before the album was announced, back during the Survivor Horror album cycle Oli said something along the way that the Post Human series wants to explore each of their favorite and most played genres, one of which was "emo" as he said. Emo in a sense that MCR or Underoath was emo, not the old-school way. YOUtopia has definitely the MCR feeling to it, not as much as LosT has though but that is not the point. This song has a bouncy riff, catchy chorus (similar style to Werewolf, the song the guys did with Lil Uzi Vert on his latest album) and the most 'amo' feel outside of the singles for me. Great song, definitely will be played during concerts.
3. Kool-Aid
The last single before they dropped the album, possibly the most balanced song out of the singles. Very catchy chorus, even the first few seconds feel like the "you're gonna die in the pit" fright that I usually feel at concerts. The breakdown is crazy, it has a very death metal guitar solo, what more do you want?
4. Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd
When I first read the title I thought this would be the most emo song on the album. I was not wrong. The style of 80% of the song is pure pop punk. There's the old school blink-182-like riff, the chorus sounds like it's from a 00's teen movie. Sometimes in the song there are cheeky blastbeat parts which I adored with Super Mario coin sounds that were hilarious. Oh and there's the Poliphia-bridge that made me smile. This is gonna be a top song on the album for sure for me. It's just so unapologetically fun, it's crazy.
5. liMOusIne (feat. AURORA)
The most out of place song for me, it doesn't even feel like BMTH. It sounds like they hopped on the Deftones-core hype train with the 8 or 9 string low tuned guitar riff that is more Sleep Token than BMTH. Still it's a banger, the bridge by AURORA is really catchy as well. The outro of the song is probably my favorite of theirs outside of One Day the Only Butterflies... on the previous album.
6. DArkSide
DArkSide was the fifth single, and in my opinion the most basic bitch one. It just sounds like they wanted to rip off Linkin Park's Somewhere I Belong again, this of course doesn't mean that the song is bad. In fact it grew on me a lot since it got released. The lyrics are very edgy which is expected from a BMTH song but this song was also a bit too cheesy for me, it definitely goes for the safe radio play option that the band still needs to be as popular as they are.
7. ​​a bulleT w- my namE On (feat. Underoath)
If you read this review carefully you might have noticed that I namedropped Underoath earlier. Well, they are featured on the album. This one literally feels like an old-school Underoath song but with Oli's vocals and the modern hyperpop spin that they do through the whole album. At some point Spencer's vocals felt like they were originally be Jordan's which kinda broke my heart a bit, since the Oli+Jordan duo were my favorite songwriters in the scene. If you're a fan of Underoath you should definitely give this one a spin.
8. [ost] (spi)ritual
Intro=Dark Signs by Sleep Token, Lyrics=Fully Satanic, title=clever wordplay. It's a 2 minute long interlude that has some guitars in it so most fans will not be disappointed in it, the biblical references are there for the edge of it but are barely audible, if you're one of those fans who recently got offended by their latest marketing ploy (the Jesus one), then I'd suggest skip this one. Also it's BMTH, they have always been against religion in general so... don't be surprised.
9. n/A
This song broke me. The first two lines are: "Hi, My name is Oli and I'm an addict. I'm here cause I'm not quite all there". The guitar work is very simple in the beginning, reminiscent of Where is My Mind by the Pixies, but you can sense that something big is coming. This is the most personal song on the album, I haven't heard Oli open up this much about suicidal thoughts and addiction since Sempiternal. It also has a grotesque feel to it as he discribes how he would kill himself in various ways (jumping down a building, making love to a chainsaw, etc). This one is also pretty emo, but not just because of the lyrics, by the sound as well. Definitely will be landing on my playlist.
10. LoSt
Undoubtedly my favorite song on the album, i've been constantly listening to it since it came out last year. If there is a thing called "I'm not Okay"-core this is it. The breakdown is the funnest one through the whole discography of the band, the chorus is a clone of the aformentioned MCR song and the pacing feels like a pop punk banger with an easycore breakdown. Still 10/10 for me.
11. sTraNgeRs
It's kinda crazy to think about how much time passed between each single and the album itself. This song will always remind me to coming home from my ex-girlfriend whom I've completely alienated from at that point and humming to myself: We're just a room full of strangers. I know that the original meaning of the song is quite the oposite, it has a sense of unity and togetherness but still, my personal story overwrote this one for me and I cannot help it. This was the second single and in my opinion didn't age as well as the others but still a very good song.
12. Rip (duskCOre RemIx)
Some segments of the lyrics of this song can be found throughout the teasers BMTH put out in the past few years. This one is a purely hyperpop/heavy pop banger that is very common towards the end of the record. The pacing is again very pop punk and emo, but it has those glitchy effects and even a dance beat at some point. It's a fun one but the poppiest out of the whole record I think. Oh and there's a woah-woah post-chorus which is again, very pop punk. Also despite the sound is very happy and hyper the lyrics are very self-loathing and depict the disappointment Oli had with himself after relapsing during COVID. Just a not so fun fact.
13. AmEN! (feat, Lil Uzi Vert and Daryl Palumbo of Glassjaw)
The heaviest song on the album that was premiered live in my home country last year. I'm really disappointed I missed that and am still salty about it. Anyway this song is the same as Darkside for me, it's not a bad one, in fact, the old school BMTH fans will like this one the most, but for me it's not as exciting. I'd rather listen to the random bullshit they come up with than Oli trying to replicate Suicide Season style vocals which tore his throat up back then. But back to the song, it also grew a lot on me, the choir breakdown will always be fun and the lyrics have very much the Hospital of Souls kind of feel and edginess.
14. [ost] puss-e
Speaking of randomness, this one is about the female genitalia. it's an interlude (as every song beginning with [ost]). I think it's the biggest brain fart they had since the Music to Listen to... EP dropped. The callout before the breakbeat is literally: What would you do for pussy?. It's a random noisy shitshow that people will be mad about just like they were during the amo era but this is still unfathomably BMTH at their finest.
15. DiE4u
It's crazy to think about but this song came out almost 3 years ago, back when Survivor Horror had its album cycle and people were still mostly locked up in quarantine. The lyrics are about addiction again, not surprisingly and were inspired by Oli's relapse that I mentioned earlier. During COVID he made some very bad choices that lead him to get on ketamine for the first time since I think 2013 or so. This song is basically him singing to the drugs, it's a little fucked isn't it? It definitely didn't hold up as well as LoSt or AmEN because back in 2021 Oli was still trying to spread the idea he had about making a new genre called heavy pop. Well, some of his ideas are on the album so I guess he was successful.
16. Dig it
The closing track of this massive album and again we're back to the topic of self-hatred. Oli is again very disappointed in himself to a melody that is similar to Something in the Way by Nirvana. Maybe that was an inspiration, since that song also screams self-loathing. Then there's the modern pop drumbeat, but still the instrumentals are very lowkey, it's clear that the intention is to focus on the lyrics. The closure of the track gets heavy as usual and we hear Count Your Blessings era vocals again. There is even a little snippet at the very end after a little silence, that the AI playing the album failed which means the album is over.
Overall it's a great album, I think Oli and the band ended up with a terrific record, however I still miss Jordan's work on some of the songs. Maybe some ideas were scrapped, maybe even reworked at certain points but I'll always miss his handprint from now on I think. All of the fanbase will be happy with this record I guarantee it.
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the-smut-analyst · 7 months
Fantasy Rom-Coms
The genre I never knew I needed. Until I found it.
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Short 'n' sweet book rec post today (because I know I've been doing a lot of deep-dive analyses of late). I deserve a break. You deserve a break. So let's do it.
Here's my top three fantasy rom-com series at the moment!
Pick them up if you enjoy a bit of smutty fantasy and are in the mood to laugh.
1. Anything by Kimberly Lemming
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I do not know if my tits were built for murder. I don't even think they were built with my back in mind.
Lemming is an auto-buy author for me. This woman is bloody hilarious. The humour is farcical and somewhat absurdist, which is my absolute favourite style. I grew up with the likes of Monty Python, The Mighty Boosh, and The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson - so Lemming's work is right up my alley.
Her character Alexis, the dirty-talking sword (yes, you read that correctly) is, in my mind, nothing short of comedic genius.
"Oh my god, chip my steal, you're so annoying," Alexis snapped. "Maybe if you fixed your attitude and took a bath once in a while, women would talk to you. You smell like old cheese and a mother's regret."
I know some reviewers have been thrown off my the modern vernacular in Lemming's work, due to its medieval-like fantasy setting. However, I think that is exactly what makes these books so good (and refreshing).
The love interests speak a bit more "ye oldy", while the female protagonists speak like we do. The result is something akin to what might happen if a modern romance reader were dropped into a smutty fantasy world. It's brilliant. For example:
"Every scratch," he whispered, his tone gentle and comforting. "Every bruise, I will pay back in fire and blood." I blinked. "Um... that is so sweet but so unnecessary."
I'd recommend reading Lemming's work in publication order, which is as follows (links included):
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon
Mistlefoe (novella - available with KU)
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf
Two Scoops of Hellfire (novella - standalone - available with KU)
A Bump in Boohail (novella - available with KU)
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human
2. Alphas of Nasila series by V.K. Ludwig
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“If you ever see me running in heels, then you better run, too,” she says with a scoff. “What am I supposed to run away from, anyway?” “Me!” “Why? You got a chase kink or something?”
The best way I can think to describe this series is that it is Omegaverse satire. The pairings are alien males and human females, and the smut / romance includes all your fairly standard A/B/O tropes - with the exception of non-con. The consent is refreshingly solid here.
Book one of this series, Heat for Hire, was actually my entry into the Omegaverse. If you're unfamiliar with the genre, then this is a good place to start because the protagonist, Elli, is unfamiliar with how alpha/omega pairings work. So all the... ahem... knotting, heat cycles, etc. are explained via her first experience of them.
My skin prickles at the memory of Rhen’s growl. But only until I remember that I rubbed myself to orgasm on a civil servant.
However, book two, Knot for Nest is by far the best of the series, in my opinion. The chemistry between the two protagonists, Lucy and Tjor, is brilliant - and it's just a genuinely hilarious read. Lucy is a snarky, independent omega who absolutely knows how to play the big, bad alphas to her advantage.
Book three, Purr for Purchase, is a lot higher angst (and less comedic) than its predecessors. It wasn't really my cup of tea, but that's just because I'm not a huge fan of pregnancy in romance.
If you've tried the Omegaverse before but not enjoyed it because of the power imbalances or dub/non-con, then I'd still recommend this series. The Omega / Alpha dynamic is very much reserved for the bedroom and does not reflect how the couple interacts outside of it. This is particularly true of Lucy and Tjor. She might enjoy being "dominated" during sex, but she genuinely holds all the power in the relationship.
“Big, bad alpha, all calm and well-behaved between my thighs.”
The characters in each Alphas of Nasila book are interconnected and the events chronological. However, you do not necessarily have to read these books in order. If you're sceptical of the Omegaverse in general, start with book two. All these novels are available with KU.
3. Claws & Cubicles Series by Kate Prior
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Some people really haven’t adjusted to life under the Dark Reign of Terror yet. Some things are different, but honestly it’s all cosmetic. Things aren’t that different from when we had a normal, living CEO.
This series is like The Office, but with monsters (and smut). The dry, relatable humour of a boring corporate job - but with non-human co-workers like orcs, the undead, etc - is genius.
The comedy definitely leans into that classic British deadpan / understatement style. Think IT Crowd, Faulty Towers, and After Life. I think anyone who's ever worked in an office will definitely be smirking and chuckling their way through this series.
“You could have just called me in. I’ve got skin.” I wonder if that last remark is rude or something. After all, he doesn’t really have skin, to my knowledge. I hope I don’t have to take an undead sensitivity training class now.
Book one, Live Laugh Lich, gets pretty kinky (the MMC has three... er... yes). The smut here isn't going to be for everyone. But I liked the humour so much that I didn't really mind if the intimate scenes weren't my cup of tea.
However book two, The Orc From the Office, holds a much broader appeal, I think. I adored this installment. I'd recommend pushing through and reading this, even if you had mixed feelings on book one. The orc MMC is a socially awkward cinnamon roll and I love him.
I wonder distantly if my health insurance covers being eviscerated by Orc cock.
Book three, The Gargoyle from General Management, left me a bit wanting in terms of the character development. However, the setting of everyone being away together on a company retreat was comedy gold.
All of the Claws & Cubicles books are available on KU.
That's all! I hope you enjoy the smutty rom-com fantasy recs!
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nockergeek · 8 months
For the past two years, my partner and I have spent October watching horror movies. Some are films we know, others are new to us. Each year, we try to theme the movies; 2021 had Undead October (all vampires, zombies, and ghosts), and 2022 had Otherworldly October (all threats from space or other planes of reality).
2023’s theme? Kingtober - all movies based on stories by Stephen King.
We try to watch a movie everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way. The last two years, we’ve ended up with around 21 movies watched. We’re just shy of three weeks in, and up to 14 movies.
Our reviews so far:
(Note: these reviews are our opinions. As always, your mileage and tastes may vary.)
Movie 1: Carrie (1976). Stephen King’s first published novel, the first film adaptation of his work, and one of the best. The direction and cinematography is fantastic, and while maybe not scary, it tells a tragic tale of a girl victimized on all sides. Highly recommended. A.
Movie 2: The Shining (1980). I’m a fan of the book, and… I have notes. I’m with King on this one - Kubrick did not make a good adaptation. He has a great sense of framing shots, but no sense of humanity. Jack’s slide into madness feels more like a facade cracking. C at best.
(Yeah, that one’s going to be controversial. I know it’s a very famous film, and Kubrick is a director with vision, but I don’t feel like he gets people well. Also knowing what he did to Shelley Duvall makes it hard to watch her scenes.)
Movie 3: Doctor Sleep (2019). An intriguing sequel to The Shining, and you definitely need to have seen that film to appreciate the visuals in this one. Better characters, but a far more complex plot that doesn’t quite fire on all cylinders. Decent use of Chekov’s boxes, though. A high B-.
Movie 4: Silver Bullet (1985). A passable popcorn werewolf movie. Good story (Cycle of the Werewolf is a good novella) marred by some rough acting, uneven pacing, and some really bad effects. I’m guessing they didn’t have Rick Baker werewolf money. A solid C+, and very watchable.
Movie 5: Cat’s Eye (1985). A perfectly serviceable anthology with two thrillers based on short stories, and one new kid’s fantasy/horror story. Really only marred by horrible synth music. It would get a B, but Drew Barrymore gets flipped off by a troll, so it gets an automatic A+.
Movie 6: The Dead Zone (1983). One of the best King adaptations so far, easily up there with Carrie. David Cronenberg is a fantastic director, and he and Christopher Walken tell Johnny Smith’s tragic story of unwanted psychic visions with craft and grace. This one gets a solid A.
Movie 7: Creepshow (1982). George Romero and Stephen King’s homage to old EC horror comics. It’s intentionally campy and wonderfully stylish, with vivid colors and dark comedy throughout. Good use of animated interludes, which really drives home the comic book feel. A fun B+.
Movie 8: Christine (1983). The tale of a boy and his evil, possessed, regenerating murder car. John Carpenter does a great job adapting the book to film, and has some fantastic shots, the best of which is Christine in flames chasing a bully down like the devil itself. Another solid A.
Movie 9: Children of the Corn (1984). Wow, this movie was bad. Poor pacing, terrible effects, high-school-level acting, multiple characters making dumb decisions, and odd exposition kids ruin what is otherwise a neat concept. Such a letdown after the last two films. D-.
Movie 10: It (2017). This one was solid, a very good adaptation. It did a good job of ratcheting up the terror, making you want to see how It was going to mess with the members of the Losers Club, and had good character arcs too. Let’s hope Part 2 holds up as well. This one gets an A.
Movie 11: It Part 2 (2019). So, yeah, the follow-up was just about as good as the first one. Excellent pacing with moments to breathe and laugh between the horrors, and a surprising amount to say about trauma and healing. Maybe a bit overlong, but still good. B+.
Movie 12: Graveyard Shift (1990). A movie about an old textile mill with one hell of a rat problem. This one is both over- and under-acted at the same time, and the lead has zero presence or charisma. Mildly entertaining, though, in a campy way. Still better than Children of the Corn. C-.
Movie 13: 1408 (2007). One skeptical writer vs. the most evil room ever. Purely psychological/paranormal horror, and excellently written and acted. Lots of fake outs and mean-spirited twists in this smallest of haunted houses. Among the best we’ve watched so far, and an easy A.
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tuliharja · 10 months
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation episode 4 review
Gotta love how at the beginning of the episode Bambiette's girlfriends were trash-talking about her...such a 'lovely' friendship they've, wouldn't you agree?
Anyway, seeing Bambiette's maniac pleasure in destroying things and trying to destroy Shinji, Momo, and Sajin somehow made me smile. I don't know, but the fact she seemed to be so thrilled when her 'bombs' landed and how pretty those were? There was almost something poetically beautiful in that whole thing. Then again, Bambiette's reckless (stupid) nature is something I really dig as there is almost this murder-like child glee in her...
And yes! Finally! We got to see our handsome wolfman as a man! Though, just like Bambiette I felt a bit disappointed. After all, doggies (yes, I know Komamura is a wolf, but calling him 'doggy' isn't that far off, considering thanks to the evolution once upon a time dogs too were wolves...so, in a way, Komamura went backward with his new technique?) are much cuter~.
I kind of wish we would have learned more about the whole ordeal behind Komamura's clan. What exactly were his people (in the past?) do, that made it so, they had to live in shadows? Not to mention, the way Komamura's grandfather speaks, implies once upon a time they were all humans? So, what kind of 'sin' they committed, that made it so, they were turned into beasts? And it seems that cycle hasn't been able to break, because Komamura too was in his beast form... not to mention, I'm now wondering if given enough time, would Komamura one day turn out to be as big as his grandfather? Or, because he used Jinka Technique (basically used up all his powers), it's impossible. After all, before that he was a werewolf, but now he is just a small wolf...so yeah. A lot of questions, which I kind of hoped would have gotten answered or at least touched one more.
They really went with Komamura's Bankai 'this is GCI, take it or leave it'. Kinda impressive that they didn't even try to tone down that fact, but at the same time...I don't know. His Bankai looked okay in the manga, but now...it's an artistic style choice and easier to animate like that, I get it, but even so...it personally wasn't my cup of cacao. But at least the fight between Komamura and Bambiette was a very good one. I bet if they had animated his Bankai differently, doing Bambiette's flying attacks around it would have been trickier to pull. But at least now it went smoother till the end.
Bambiette's biggest mistake against Komamura was her fear that he managed to install in her. Then again...most living beings are scared of death, so it was somewhat natural Bambiette would freak out when she found out Komamura was like a dead-dead. I mean, aren't all shinigami technically dead? But because we see them walking, talking, etc. it gives this illusion of them being 'alive', but...they really aren't. They're like echoes of living that can bleed. Hmm. Then again, Komamura could be different, because he is a werewolf. Or not. Like, where goes the line between being shinigami and not being one goes? Does having an education that allows you to use Zanpakuto make you shinigami? Because Komamura's grandfather seemed to view Komamura as not being one of them, but in the end he was? Because of his "wolf spirit". So yes. Where does the line between being shinigami and non-shinigami (not soul in this case) go? After all, I feel like Komamura blurred that line and in the end owned both 'worlds' if we can talk about 'worlds'...
Even so, it doesn't make it any less sad Komamura turned into a tiny wolf in the end. He gambled it all and managed to take down only one Quincy. Now imagine his transformation had lasted much longer? Yeah, he would have belonged to those big threats Yhwach warned his Sternritters about.
Komamura's whole little arc was very emotional and I feel like despite the fact his grandfather 'helped' him, in the end, his grandfather also used Komamura. (This could explain why Komamura's grandfather is so big and old because by eating other werewolf's heart/revenge/soul, he manages to keep going on and grows bigger.) But like Komamura realized, the path of revenge will only lead to one's destruction. His lieutenant's words sounded almost hollow when he tried to reassure Komamura. But, maybe this truly is Komamura's clan's curse? The need for revenge, but against whom or what? Because Komamura's revenge was to avenge Yamamoto's death...and shinigami aren't above such things as revenge, so what made Komamura's clan so special they were consumed by the werewolf curse? Because they were willing to burn so brightly for their revenge?
Somehow, this whole episode was about Komamura, even though there were little parts about others here and there. Next time...hmm, I wonder if we'll see Rose and Kensei against that Superstar and those two 'mysterious' lights. Manga readers will know what those are~.
Oh my gosh, that ending! I just loved, loved that ending clip of Senjumaru waiting for Ichigo! She looked absolutely stunning, in the middle of her clothes, with a wicked smile on her lips.
My my. What does she indeed want about little Ichigo? ;D
Also, did Ichigo just become Soul King's spare vessel in case of emergency? ^^'
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therubyreader · 1 year
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My Review of The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
See a full list of my book reviews here
*Disclaimer: there will be spoilers later on in the review*
Review Word Count, non-spoiler: 1,008 Review Word Count Total: 1,692
Am I writing a review for a book I just finished yesterday instead of waiting for weeks and by the time I get to writing I’m already done with the whole series??? Looks like it, but don’t get used to this because I know I’m going to be back to my horrible habits soon enough. In the first ever installment of “a book review written about a book a real person in my real life recommended to me” (or another much catchier title) I bring you a review of The Raven Boys.
The book brings us to the fictional town of Henrietta, Virginia (yes I did just Google if it was real, I am multiple shades of not the smartest) where we are introduced to Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic, or well one of them, and she lives with her aforementioned mother, aunts, and cousin. The women of 300 Fox Way are all psychically gifted, except for Blue, who is only able to amplify their gifts but has none of her own. On the night of St. Mark’s Eve it is tradition that Blue and her mother go to an abandoned cemetery and watch the spirits of the townspeople who will die that year walk through, though Blue can’t see them this year is different, she sees the spirit of a boy named Gansey meaning he is either her true love or he dies by her hand (she’s fated to kill her true love with a kiss so, it could be both). Parallel to this, Gansey is looking for the mythical Welsh king Glendower who is prophesied to grant a wish to the person who wakes him and his search brings him, unknowingly, to Blue. Together they, as well as Gansey’s friends Ronan, Adam, and Noah, search for the ley line that runs through Henrietta in hopes it leads them to where Glendower’s body is hidden.
I’m going to be totally transparent with you all and let you know that my friend has been trying to get me to read the Raven Cycle books for a solid amount of years, probably almost as long as I’ve known them (which has been almost seven years now) but I finally caved when they said they would read the Shadow and Bone trilogy in exchange, and I can’t pass up a good deal. I was hesitant to read the book because the summary doesn’t really do it justice, and also it just didn’t appeal to me even after my friend explained it. I think it just felt a lot like something I would’ve read in middle school, but not in a fun nostalgic way, and this was most likely because I did read another of Maggie Stiefvater’s books in middle school, Shiver, and my werewolf phase is a dark past I’m not trying to remember. And I honestly had this apprehensive feeling throughout the first half of the book where I couldn’t shake that vibe of middle school negativity but I forced myself to read it and to endure because I made a deal with my friend and they were nice enough to let me borrow their copy of the book complete with the author’s autograph and my mother didn’t raise a quitter. I think this feeling was made worse because I literally couldn’t stand any of the raven boys, save for my boy Adam, and eventually Noah, throughout the whole first half which in hindsight is good writing. Stiefvater did a great job writing entitled rich boys who are horrible in their own unique ways but I actually started to like (or well, be ok with) the other two boys by the end of the book.
I think once the action of the story really got going then I actually started to enjoy it, though it is a little annoying that I had to read about half the book before anything with consequence or excitement started happening. But, then again, I’m someone who really likes more action and conflict heavy books no matter how much they trigger my anxiety so this style of book where all of the world building and setting up the conflict take up the first half of the narrative without much consequential action isn’t super my thing. That being said, once I got over that (and myself) I actually enjoyed the book quite a bit, sorry for doubting you [insert friend’s name here for privacy reasons]. I enjoyed how each of the children’s (they’re teenagers but I’m an adult so they’re children to me) back stories and life circumstances are woven into the story, that it’s not just them looking for this mythical king but also them experiencing the hardships of life while on this quest. These characters are all very real with very real problems so you can relate to them all in one way or another which definitely adds to the story so it doesn’t feel like a run of the mill fantasy story that doesn’t have any depth or humanity. The question of “don’t these kids have school?” that a lot of stories with teenage protagonists makes you ask isn’t really necessary in this book because they do have school and their plans have to be put on hold until the end of their school day on top of the plot heavily revolving around Ronan’s horrible academic behavior.
Though this isn’t my favorite book ever it definitely exceeded my expectations (which, let’s be honest, were very low and that was entirely my own doing) and I’m very excited to continue reading the series, I already got my hands on the second book (public library beloved) and I only read the prologue as of right now which is already very intriguing. I will say if you’re interested in this book I do recommend giving it a chance but you will have to power through a solid chunk of it before it really gets good but overall a very Stranger Things but for a different breed of nerds vibes out of ten.
Spoilers Below!!
There are a lot of things I want to talk about in terms of the specifics of this book that I don’t know what I want to talk about first so I’ll just go in order of least complicated to most. First, Gansey calling Blue “Jane” because he thinks her name is stupid, rude. He’s right but like, that’s her name dude, she likes it, stop being mean. Another thing that doesn’t require many words is that it isn’t really explained how so many people are just presented with this idea of magic and are cool with it. I know Adam kind of touches on him being convinced by Gansey that magic is real and so is Glendower but I feel like in our day and age (which this is supposed to be set in, just ten years ago) not many people would be on board with it. I don’t know, it might just be me, but if you told me at seventeen that you were looking for a mythical king and a ley line I would think that you’re insane and probably not talk to you very often after that. But then again this could probably just be chalked up to their version of our reality being more accepting and open to magic and I could just be overthinking it, which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for me. 
I also wanted to talk about the absolute plot twist of Noah being a ghost this whole time. I texted my friend about it as soon as I read that part and they told me it was stated right at the beginning of the book when Declan is introducing the raven boys to his newest girlfriend. I honestly didn’t remember it and so I went back and there it was, she made a comment about his hands being cold and he responded something along the lines of “I’ve been dead for seven years so that’s about as warm as they get” and then it isn’t acknowledged by literally anyone or the book itself. I think I just laughed it off as an angsty teenage boy joke but he was being serious. When Gansey and Blue found his body (which, why was it near the cemetery, did we ever address that?) I figured it would be the body of Czerny, just process of elimination, but when the ID said Noah, I was shocked. Then I thought it was like that thing where Ronan from the future wrote a note on the rock for Ronan from the past and this was going to be Noah’s future but nope, he was a ghost. I did think the ending where they dug up his bones and reburied them on the ley line was funny in a cute endearing way, especially with how Noah immediately started patting Blue’s hair. 
I am going to take this moment to pour one out for my homie Adam, that boy is too pure and kind for this world and he just receives the worst end of the stick possible. First, his dad is absolutely awful, he is a scholarship kid at a rich private school which probably feels horrible, and then he likes Blue and he doesn’t even know he’s going to get his heart broken in the future because Gansey is obviously Blue’s true love. I do hope Adam is able to have a happy ending at the end of the series because that’s what he deserves, life keeps beating him up for no reason. Justice for my man Adam. 
I think the thing I’m most excited to see is how the whole Blue and Gansey relationship is going to pan out, especially since she’s supposed to kill him, which sounds morbid but I know they’re going to find a loophole to keep him alive somehow and I just want to see what it is. Watch me be wrong and he just straight up dies, the end. Anyways, the moral of the story here is that you should trust your friend when they recommend a book because you’re going to like it.
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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Books I’ve read so far in 2022!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
251. Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I absolutely devoured this book. Although you can tell that this is a product of the time (mainly by certain derogatory words that King uses), the story feels timeless. I also think that this is the perfect read for October. The artwork, the atmosphere, and that build up of terror is definitely going to keep you up at night.
252. Just A Bit Obsessed by Alessandra Hazard--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-Read in October 2022: This is the one I was most excited to re-read in the early books of this series. I love how certain events in this book happened because the actions of the woman in this felt very petty. Definitely made me feel giddy as I re-read!
253. Two Truths & A Lie by April Henry--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I usually enjoy YA thrillers because they're fun and there isn't a lot of thought processing behind it because of their predictability (save for a few I've encountered in the past), and this one wasn't any different. While it was fun, it wasn't mind blowing. I had my suspicions over who was the killer and what some of the twists would be, so it wasn't entirely surprising. But with all of that being said, it was still an entertaining read and would make for a great cozy murder mystery by the fireplace as the weather gets colder. I don't have a fireplace, but the image just sounds nice. Will this blow your mind? No. But it might just entertain you!
254. Nick & Charlie by Alice Oseman--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I LOVE MY BOYS. Even if they sometimes lack communication and let their insecurities get the better of them. I loved that this had Oseman's classic art throughout the book. I love these two so much and like one of the characters said, if there was an example of what soulmates look like, it would be them. Please read Heartstopper before you read this!
255. Two Degrees by Alan Gratz--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was the second book I've read by this author and I am convinced that I need to read all of his books. I loved this novel and what it could represent, AND that it is aimed for the younger generations (anyone of any generation SHOULD read this). Just like in the last book I read by Gratz, this one tells three separate stories that eventually come together into a great overarching narrative. What I love about this is that it makes me want to connect the dots before the epilogue and try to guess how these characters might know each other. I think each story carries its own important message in regards to the climate change currently happening, how people are reacting (or not reacting) to our changing world, and the aftermath of the consequences of our actions. Gratz doesn't hold back when it comes to giving us the jarring reality of the situations these characters face, including the casualties that occur during these events. I also found it so terrifying how the hurricane story mirrors what just recently happened in Florida. That timing was just...wow. I highly recommend this book and I think it should be taught in schools. Our world is changing and I'm glad to have another book that explores the topic.
256. Spells for Lost Things by Jenna Evans Welch--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I received a copy via the publisher because I interviewed the author on Indigo's Instagram page. This did not affect my review in any way. Much like the MC of this book, reading her story was like taking a trip into the whimsical world of family and Salem. I enjoyed getting to know more about this witchy family and their cursed history. I also loved how the male MC learned to trust and love those who offer him a home and felt for him as he faced some of the darker realities of his situation. I adored watching the two of them fall for each other as they tried to solve the mystery at the heart of this book, and how they helped each other find themselves. This was just such a sweet read about family and magic and I think if you want a good October read that won't give you nightmares, then this might be perfect for you! The atmosphere and setting is great for those who love realistic fiction with a touch of the otherworldly, and the humour will make you want to wish you were a part of this family. I didn't make this a five star rating because it took me a bit to get into the story but once the mystery started, I was hooked.
257. Nowhere Girl by Cheryl Diamond--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The moment I heard about this book, I absolutely wanted to read it. This was so heavy, but so good. I couldn't stop listening to it--even through the darker moments. I think that if you're thinking of reading this, definitely check for trigger warnings. Diamond had such an incredibly rough life leading up to this book's publication. I think she put the perspective of the situation (from the POV of an outsider) best herself when she shared the POV of a man in her life: how her childhood is so fascinating, but it's easy to think that when you're not the one living it. She lived with an abusive father, siblings, and a mother who fell more and more into herself. Despite the heartbreak and the moments where my heart dropped for her, I am so glad I read this and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for incredibly hard hitting memoirs that don't shy away from the dark realities of some families.
258. How Moon Fuentez Fell in Love with the Universe by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The fact that this book was on my shelves for years hurts my heart because IT WAS SO GOOD. I was so surprised and hooked from the beginning! Gilliland deals with some heavy topics in this, but I love that these topics were explored (especially because we are seeing more and more fatphobia in society). I think this book will help anyone who thinks they are alone in hating their bodies, or thinking that the insults thrown their way makes up who they are. Moon struggles with her self-image and the way others see her because she has always been compared to her "perfect" twin sister. I think exploring these topics will help (even if they can be triggering) because it will hopefully help the reader feel less alone. Don't even get me started on Moon's love interest. I loved how their romance flourished and that this was a classic enemies to lovers romance trope, intermingled with some pretty bugs. Her love interest was such a cinnamon roll and I'm so happy that they found each other. However, you can see their ages in how they react to certain situations (even though Moon is more mature in other situations.) Also, this book is definitely for the older teen (and up). Keep that in mind if you're recommending it to anyone younger than fifteen or sixteen. Please read the trigger warnings for this book!
259. Every Summer After by Carley Fortune--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I finally read this one after it was so popular during the summer. I can see why, though. This has summer written all over it (especially because of the title and cover.) I enjoyed this and I loved that it was set so close to home (for me). I liked seeing how the relationship between the MC and the brothers was slowly developed through flashbacks. I wasn’t a big fan of one of the big twists and how the love interests acted at various times (although I understand too because they’re so young). Not going to lie though, I’m team older bro. Sorry not sorry. One of the main reasons why this isn’t higher rated for me is because while everyone hyped this up, I just kept thinking of the other romance novels that used this same theme and storyline. I know there’s no true original ideas anymore (for the most part, save for the few instances) but I mean, this was still not as good as other novels I’ve read with a similar storyline. Would I recommend this to others? Of course! It’s a great summer read and if you haven’t read the books I’m thinking of, then I think you will love this.
260. The Ghosts of Thorwald Place by Helen Power--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was NOT expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. There was something about it that just kept pulling me in when I wasn’t listening to it. Also, a Toronto setting? Heck yeah. This building made me think of the Ice towers in the city. The mystery was fun and the twist was unexpected. I mainly loved this book for the voyeuristic storyline of this ghost watching these lives continue—no matter how chaotic. It shows that we truly never know what a person is doing behind closed doors. This was also surprisingly terrifying. I wasn’t expecting to feel moments of discomfort (despite the topic and genre of the book). There are various scenes that are definitely nightmare inducing. Perfect for October tbh. If you want a thriller/horror novel with compelling characters and a unique perspective on what it might be like to be a ghost stuck where you were murdered, then you might enjoy this one. But read it with the lights on.
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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maneslion2 · 2 years
Mildly fixating on The Quarry. Watched all of Jacksepticeye's playthrough and I agree with his general review at the end that a lot of the characters lost so much of their intrigue by the end of the game. Other people have already mentioned it but not seeing any character interactions post game is disappointing and unsatisfying and the credits podcast is just bad, but I still enjoyed watching gameplay overall.
I have a lot of thoughts about the game's narrative that I want to get out of my brain, so very very long rambly review under the cut. Fair warning, spoilers below.
Overall I liked the game! It was fun to watch Jack's playthrough and watch videos on the different possible endings. I liked the concept of the game a lot, the monsters were cool (when you could see them, please stop making games so damn dark I'm begging), and I overall enjoyed reading and exploring the different story paths you can choose as the player.
But I just can't help being disappointed by the writing of the game as well..
Laura and Travis were the best written characters in the game and made the most interesting story impact in my opinion. The player's choices on how to handle their relationship from the very start actually changes the course of gameplay and story progression which I think is really the appeal of these types of open ended games! It was honestly my favorite part about the story and the choices presented to the player.
Both Laura and Travis really carried the narrative forward with simple but believable character motivations that parallel each other. Both are willing to make sacrifices and protect those they love by any means necessary, even if that means killing someone else. They create interesting foils to each other in that they are incredibly alike and yet have different moral outlooks on the situation. The game does well in creating this interesting dynamic and then leaving it in the hands of the player to either turn it into uneasy cooperation or hateful violence.
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Laura in particular goes through such an intense character arc from the moment we meet her in the prologue to the very end of the game and I love how she develops throughout. The hunted becoming the hunter is such a fun trope and is a classic for a reason! She's easily the shining star character of the game with overall clearly understood decisions she's made and solid character growth to reach the point at which she rejoins the story at the halfway mark. She's my favorite overall tbh.
By extension Max, while on his own is not as strong of a character, benefits from his interactions and relationship with Laura. They play off of each other in a way that is more thoughtful and realistic, something I think many of the other character interactions lack overall. We can feel the history they have together in the way they talk with each other, giving them both more emotional depth and granting the player insight into their lives prior to the game.
By the time Laura had shared her story with the other counselors I cared about them. I wanted to see Laura succeed, I wanted to see her survive, I wanted to see Max healed of his curse, I wanted to see them try to reshape their relationship, I wanted to see them keep holding on to each other after the night was over, to see them changed for the better in the light of day.
Travis as a character is complicated and sympathetic. He played the part of a red herring excellently from a narrative standpoint. He also forces the player to confront the reality that awaits those who survive a werewolf bite, to consider the lives of the werewolves outside of their curse. We want to feel sorry for him because of the situation he is living in, stuck in a cycle he can't break out of. But we also cannot forget the actions he's committed and choices he continues to make to maintain that same terrible cycle.
Travis wants nothing more than to defend the people he loves even when they are hurting him, even when they ask him to hurt others to protect them. I pity Travis, he is a character of tragedy and the damages of familial abuse and toxic relationships. But I cannot forgive him for the decisions he's made, regardless of circumstance, as he's used his position of power to maintain his family's personal freedoms at the cost of human suffering. I do not like the type of person Travis is, but I love what his character provides for the story as a whole.
I desperately want to like Ryan more than I do, but I quite simply don't much care about him on his own. His character really did not change or even show much depth throughout the entire game, despite the fact that he has one of the most story impactful decisions to make in the late game in what kind of ending the player will achieve.
The concept of the character is great and his role in the story makes sense, it just feels like so much of his dialogue and actions don't follow through with what his character was supposed to be for the other characters and needed to be for the emotional impact of the story. I do not at all blame the actor for this as it really just feels like poor writing. (I've seen Detective Pikachu and Justice Smith was a fantastic lead actor in my humble opinion.)
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I think Ryan's character would have benefited from showing stronger conviction and emotion. So much of his character is reactionary but only when he is forced to be, and it feels like he's just performing actions without any personal investment in the outcome. It feels like he's being directed through actions with no agency of his own, being puppeted along as a means of pushing the narrative. Ryan is supposed to be a major force in the games narrative, a character the player spends a lot of the game with, and he's so tragically hollow of personality.
Ryan is one of the few characters who cannot die until very late game, regardless of player decisions. All the screen time just allows the bad character writing to linger with us longer. I really wish he had more emotional impact in the story's final act, especially considering he's being confronted with the horrific secrets of his mentor, who it is implied he shares a strong familial relationship with. But even then, it honestly feels like he wasn't even emotionally present during that moment.
[Side note: I know a lot of people read Ryan's character as autistic. I definitely understand that interpretation and don't want to invalidate anyone who subscribes to this particular headcanon! However, I personally believe this is an unintended side effect of poor directing/writing. He's described by other characters as mysterious, broody, and stoic. The game developers try to build Ryan up as a sexy lone wolf type at the very start, but he comes across as awkward and emotionless through almost every single interaction after that. I genuinely believe this is the game directors/writers failing to present the character they wanted to portray and why I have a hard time connecting with Ryan's character as a whole and personally don't read his character as being autistic. But I do not in any way want this to be interpreted as a personal attack on anyone who likes that particular reading of Ryan's character! These are just my own thoughts.]
As a character I thought Kaitlyn was really cool and had a lot of really badass moments. A lot of player decisions that affect character survival happens with Kaitlyn as the acting character, which I really enjoyed seeing. Brenda Song is a fantastic actor and brought a lot of life to the game as a whole through her performance. Kaitlyn is expressive and clever, acting as a grounding force during intense moments, pairing well with every character she is with (especially Dylan, but I mention that more later).
But I think most importantly, her character is consistent and fulfills the role she's put in. I never felt like her character was pushed down a narrative path that didn't make sense for her own arc in the story. Kaitlyn's core personality doesn't change throughout the night, but I don't think she needed it to for her to be compelling as a character. The only thing I think she truly lacks narratively is a final scene (depending on her survival) with the other surviving characters after the night is over. Though, the same can be said for all of the characters and the story in general.
Emma had cool moments and interesting chemistry with the other characters and played a strong driving force in the first and middle acts of the story. You can't ignore her influence on the other characters, and I enjoy how self motivated and driven she is overall. She is bold and fearless, knows exactly what she wants and doesn't crack under the pressure of the night's horrors.
I honestly think the most boring ending for Emma is if she is never infected and survives the night partnered up with Abi (the worst written character imo). Their scenes prior to their potential last encounter with Kaitlyn are honestly forgettable. The most interesting interaction happens if she reunites with Jacob in the woods. This scene is probably the most satisfying ending you can achieve with Emma, as it ends her part of the story with a stronger character development and closing scene. I really only wish she'd had more to do while surviving the night in the lodge, but that's more a failing of the overarching narrative.
Both Nick and Jacob as characters suffer from having no strong story impact in the late game, but I don't think it's a bad thing with Nick. I didn't really care much for his character aside from Abi's interest in him; he's incredibly average and not terribly memorable on his own. I don't know if there's a specific trope name for it, but Nick's character does not do much outside of serving a critical narrative role in moving the remaining survivors forward in the story.
Nick is the first bite victim and explicitly displays the consequences of the werewolf infection to the other characters and the player. We see first hand how his mild personality changes with the infection taking over until his violent outburst and transformation. Nick serves as an important narrative device and motivation for the other characters. I do wish he'd been a little more interesting during the pre-infection screen time he had, but I think his character very cleanly completes the role he is meant to play even if he's kinda boring overall.
But Jacob, oh you poor sweet fool. The reason we're even in this whole mess. I like Jacob a lot. He's a very realistic character in terms of motivation and one I empathized with a lot while he bumbled his way through the night time and time again. He doesn't want summer to end, doesn't want to believe his relationship with Emma is over. He doesn't want to believe that his feelings aren't mutually returned, doesn't want to believe he was nothing more than a summer fling. We don't know what waits for Jacob when he returns home, but we can see he's not ready to return to it, not ready to let go of the love he thought he'd found with Emma.
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This is such an intrinsic piece of the human experience, a potent mix of fearing change and the unpleasant reality that those we love may not feel the same for us. It serves as a very believable narrative device for the setup of the game's story. He is literally and literarily the fool of the story, the narrative embodiment of how we as humans cannot foresee all the consequences of our actions. His character is one of tragedy, and I have a fondness for tragic characters.
It is because of Jacob's critical role in the set up of the story that I'm so disappointed by how his character is written out of its narrative conclusion. Jacob is a key player in many early chapters of the game, affecting multiple character choices and interactions. But as soon as Jacob is truly on his own, separated from everyone else, it's like the writers didn't know what to do with him. The player is given many decisions that affect his final outcome at the end of the game during the middle and final acts of the story, but his character ultimately has no impact on any of the game's branching conclusions.
Outside of a single easily missed scene (with some variation depending on player choices), Jacob doesn't even get the chance to admit that he's responsible for the counselors being stranded at the camp. I genuinely think this was a missed narrative opportunity for the game and the story as a whole. Giving the player the choice to determine Jacob's fate through the actions of the other characters would have been a very fun and interesting point of storytelling and gameplay.
Does Kaitlyn defend Jacob, admitting she helped him sabotage the van, or condemn him, saving her own reputation by pushing him under the bus? How would Abi react, now knowing Nick was not a victim of bad luck but of Jacob's misguided actions? Does Dylan blame Jacob for (depending on player choices) his own werewolf infection or missing hand, or does he try to diffuse the situation as the group's jester and peacemaker? How does Ryan (depending on his survival and player choices) react, having lived through the horrors of the Hackett house, knowing his friend Kaylee is dead, all because Jacob couldn't let go of his summer freedom?
Or imagine if he'd joined Ryan and Laura in confronting the Hackett's in their home! He's physically strong and could have been utilized as an ally in their fight for survival. Maybe because of player choices he's helping Laura in her search for Chris, or helping a wounded Ryan escape from Bobby, or maybe he gets separated from them and has to try and find them again in the big dark house? Maybe he gets restrained and is used as a human bargaining chip by the uninfected Hackett's, what if he's killed by them as a result? What if Jacob was confronted by a supernatural beast who was his good natured boss for the last two months and has to decide if he has the conviction to pull the trigger?
What if he has to choose to sacrifice himself for Laura and/or Ryan's safety? That ending for Jacob would have been so terribly tragic and emotional but also so damn impactful for the player! Jacob, the cause of them being stuck in the woods and enduring the horrors of the night, giving his life to allow Ryan to survive his own mistake and give him a chance at ending the curse permanently would have been such a satisfying conclusion to his story arc! He started the night selfish and refusing to let go, but he ends the night by giving everything he has left to ensure the others can survive and be free of the werewolf curse. Like!!! Fuck!!!
I just... I just wish Jacob had played a bigger part in the ending of the game's story. Granted, I'm not a game developer and have no way of knowing how much more extensive the final scenes would have become with Jacob present. I imagine it would have greatly changed the potential endings for the game. Doesn't make it any less disappointing though when it feels like it wasn't even considered as an option.
Off of the topic of Jacob but still on topic for missed opportunities we have Dylan. If you spend any time in the game's fandom spaces or consume fan made content it's easy to see he's a fan favorite. He's awkward in a way that's endearing for the audience and maintains an upbeat attitude despite all the shit thrown at him throughout the night. He shows himself to be intelligent while also saying and doing some of the dumbest shit. He fills the role of a jester amongst the group, providing moments of lightheartedness between the horror and gore and providing a break in tension between other characters.
But despite all of this I think his character is hindered by the poor writing of Ryan's character and the general lack of closing scenes after the story's final confrontation/climax (which varies depending on player choice).
A lot of Dylan's early motivations are influenced by his romantic interest in Ryan and desire to be emotionally closer with him. They share a lot of scenes in the first arc of the game, which should naturally allow for growth in their relationship, whether that's platonically or romantically is dependent on player choice. But because of Ryan's weak writing it doesn't feel like the relationship develops in any meaningful way. They're cute at a distance, but because of the writing their chemistry is stilted and heavily dependent on Dylan.
What little growth they do experience is then completely cut off and never explored again when Ryan partners up with Laura, leaving the rest of the counselors fates entirely in the hands of the player as they are no longer essential and do not impact the final confrontation of the story. Dylan has more emotional interactions and relationship development with Kaitlyn than he does any other character throughout the whole game, and I think this is indicative of both the good writing of Dylan and Kaitlyn as characters and the weak writing of Ryan's barely existent character arc. We could have seen them bonding over trauma or explore a budding 'we almost died and don't want to waste our chance' romance, but now we can only hope fanfiction writers will take up the challenge and give them the relationship they deserve.
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And finally we have Abigail. I'm disappointed by Jacob's character arc because of his lack of any meaningful role in the story's final arc. I'm disappointed by Abi's character because of her lack of personality and agency and overall uninteresting character development. Abi is friendly if a little shy, a talented artist, and has a crush on Nick and not sure how to make a move because she's shy. And that is basically the extent of her character traits.
Other than Ryan, I think she is one of the weakest characters when considering the writing of the game. She has a strong introduction, with her and Emma having a fun setup with their opposites attract dynamic. But soon as they meet up with everyone else Abi's character starts to lose all the momentum she had only just started to build up.
Everything about Abi soon as we see her with Nick starts to just feel kind of boring to be honest. They're in that awkward state of "will they or won't they" crushes on each other, which usually presents fun romantic tension for the audience. But it feels bland and a little hollow when compared to the breakup tension growing between Jacob and Emma and the far more charismatic Dylan and Ryan's edge of a romantic breakthrough tension (as weak as it may be). They just feel like the same kind of nice guy and shy girl romance we've all seen dozens of times before. They don't have the character depth built up over time or compelling charisma established from the start to really keep me interested in their flirting.
But the true downfall of Abigail's character starts as soon as Nick gets infected. Her entire personality and all of her actions revolve around Nick, and while she does show some unexpected resolve when she calls out his increasingly aggressive behavior that's the last bit of interesting personality we ever really see from her again. After she no longer had Nick to fret over it's like she just didn't exist outside of being there for the other characters to protect.
I honestly forgot about her several times after she didn't have Nick to react to anymore, only remembering she was there when she was visibly in the scene. I could not tell you what her and Emma talked about in the storage cellar or in Chris's office, I do not remember. Even in the ending where she lives and can help Kaitlyn kill Caleb it felt less like it was a conscious character choice and more like she was filling in the role of an actor for a plot point that could have been done easily by anyone.
I liked Abigail when she was introduced alongside Emma, and the moment that was over I couldn't stop comparing her to any number of shy girls with colored hair who look cute and say just enough to try and convince you they're interesting but in the end they don't actually contribute anything substantial to the plot outside of being a mechanism to push the narrative of the other characters. She feels like a stereotype and a bad movie trope, not a fully realized character. And that sucks.
The last character I want to mention is Silas, the wolf boy. Honestly, my biggest criticism of Laura's writing is her hesitation with killing Silas at the very end, as up to that point she, and the player, really didn't know much about him. We get some teasing throughout the game, but I genuinely feel like I missed something when it comes to the foreshadowing of the White Wolf and I'm not sure if it's an inconsistency of the writing or my own poor memory.
Ryan mentions the White Wolf after Travis reveals that Chris was not the first to be bitten, but that it was actually Caleb who was bitten first by the true originator of the curse, Silas. But I genuinely can't follow this exchange when Travis stands up and demands if Ryan has seen it, because I don't remember him ever encountering Silas at all before this conversation happens. I don't know, that may be on me for missing something. Regardless I don't think Silas was given enough compelling foreshadowing within the game's narrative, despite being the source of the werewolf curse itself.
I think this also plays into a general feeling of distance from his character. The story really doesn't give the player much time with Silas to sympathize with him. We're told he's a tragic character. Through implicit and explicit clues we learn that he was treated like an exotic animal displayed for the amusement of visitors, a freak in a carnival under the supervision of his mother. But we don't ever really see it for ourselves outside of a scene prompted by a hidden collectible and the final confrontation at the very end of the game. Other than the cage and implied trauma of his upbringing we really don't know much about Silas as a character and I don't personally feel strongly one way or the other about his potential death.
It's just confusing honestly. Multiple characters call Silas a boy, but when we see him as a human he looks at the youngest to be in his late teens. He's not done anything spectacular to win over Laura's sympathy other than be a tragic victim of his circumstances. But no one know where the curse came from, we don't learn how Silas became the wolf boy. If there had been more explicit evidence or interactions with Silas indicating that he is not truly at fault for the situation they're all in then maybe I can understand the writer's decision for Laura's hesitation to kill him. But,,, we don't have anything like that. It feels like a moral dilemma shoehorned into the moment to make the player really think about their final decision. But at that point, true only thing it's telling me as a player is that there is another ending to explore, but I have no personal investment in the character to want to choose that option.
Silas as a character feels a little incomplete when compared to the rest of the narrative and the other characters. The parts that matter for the story set up and plot are there, but there's not much beyond that.
I don't know, I really did enjoy watching let's plays for the game, despite my overall negative criticisms of the game's writing. Not sure how to end this post now, lol just like the ending on the game.
I guess the TLDR is that I watched gameplay for The Quarry and couldn't help but think, "I could fix them."
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fuckspn · 1 year
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I posted 1,275 times in 2022
152 posts created (12%)
1,123 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@fuckspn I'M one of my own top reblogged blogs?? girl help the snake is eating its own tail
I tagged 522 of my posts in 2022
#the fuckspn rewatch - 62 posts
#the greatest hits - 10 posts
#heritage post - 6 posts
#oh you know - 3 posts
#prev x2 - 3 posts
#sorry op - 3 posts
#i still think about this post sometimes - 2 posts
#shattered - 2 posts
#prev - 2 posts
#screaming and shaking and spitting phosphoric acid - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but i’ve only seen up through tombstone so my choice of s8 and s11 is simply because they’re the later seasons i watched almost every ep of
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay but there really is something so malicious about how supernatural was allowed to acknowledge dean’s Intense Subtextually Gay Relationships With Men and how they’re Clearly Different From Sam’s Relationships With Those Same Men as long as it’s all directed at the other character. anyone and everyone was allowed to make cracks about cas and crowley being in love with dean for years on end but when dean admitted that his relationship with cas is different than sam’s--i lost cas and it damn near broke me--the line had to be cut. yeah these guys’ relationships with dean are different than their relationships with sam but it’s all because of them being the weird gay ones who insisted on falling in love with dean despite his valiant heterosexual effort to keep them at a platonic arm’s length. of course dean wasn’t allowed to reciprocate cas’ feelings or react to the confession or even be particularly nice to cas because if we acknowledge that dean is part of the reason deanandcas is so different from samandcas then we’re also acknowledging that the gay subtext isn’t just coming from cas but from dean too, which means we’re acknowledging the possibility that our all-american marlboro man action hero isn’t straight. and we can’t have that because it failed the market research
1,261 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
EXTREMELY fun night for terminally online people
1,355 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
claire novak is genuinely the best character supernatural ever came up with. she’s a bitch. she’s empathetic. she’s bratty. she’s selfless. she held a sword to a random teenager’s throat. she has abandonment issues and struggles to accept the love of her adopted family as a result. a gay angel is possessing the corpse of her biological father and using it to have sexual tension with her surrogate father figure. she has a saintlike capacity for love and forgiveness. she is determined to kill and cannot be stopped. she’s a dean mirror. she was a werewolf for a hot second. she’s holding dean’s dvd of caddyshack hostage. she actively refuses to go to college. she broke the unbreakable cycle of violence by forgiving the supernatural creature that destroyed her family instead of seeking revenge. AND she’s a lesbian
1,476 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
how do you even come back from this. how do you survive doing something this embarrassing. i literally think i’d fake my own death and move to a 12-person town in the canadian wilderness
1,565 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
saw trap voice hello, jensen ackles. your spn prequel is at risk of cancellation due to low viewership. you know the only way to save the show is to renege on 12 years of homophobia and make destiel canon for the third time. if you refuse, the show will be cancelled and you’ll have to say goodbye to your best friend dean winchester forever. which will you choose, jensen: dean winchester alive but bisexual, or dean winchester straight but dead? misha collins will tweet about cas being a top every hour on the hour until you make your decision
3,728 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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werewolfcave · 1 year
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I posted 24,156 times in 2022
That's 1,578 more posts than 2021!
968 posts created (4%)
23,188 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14,578 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#dr - 2,105 posts
#hs - 1,276 posts
#rwby - 982 posts
#wc - 696 posts
#pokemon - 589 posts
#rgu - 465 posts
#werewolf - 446 posts
#tlt - 441 posts
#replyin to y'all - 357 posts
#pmmm - 321 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#vriska is so incapable of dealing with vulnerability that her trying to flip it to blackrom bc she can't deal with the idea that she pities
My Top Posts in 2022:
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* on technicality Aru is an angel, created by God to watch Earth and all that
** The Mayor of the City Future Diary takes place in literally made the Future Diaries
341 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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428 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
I want sapphic relationships where they are eachother's undoings and their starts and their beginning and they have eachother's hearts in a vice grip!!! I want sapphic relationships where they truly don't know what they would do without the other! Codependency! Consumption! Cycles! Possessiveness! Obsession! Unwillingness to let go! Go to the ends of the earth to find you again! Destroy everything to see you again! I'll take care of you and you take care of me and nothing else needs to matter but it does matter and we are tearing eachother apart but we'd be so much worse if we didn't have eachother!!!
481 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Autistics will gather around one friend's camera on discord and watch them go through the car wash cause it's got pretty colors and rainbow soap and they'll cheer every time colors come on screen
642 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I hope this makes sense. I am open to suggestions and critiques. Sequel here
Inspired by: a juri post and a miki post by @horse-girl-anthy, the boy princess by @iztarshi, the Palace Perspective, and a post that calls Juri a "boy shaped girl" and Miki a "girl shaped boy" but I cannot for the life of me find it (if someone can, please send it to me)
664 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scarevalue · 1 month
The Pink Moon is rising and that mean's it's time for another Full Moon Feature!
This cycle we look at Larry Fessenden's Blackout...and the return of the suicidal werewolf.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Ravenswatch Preview (Steam Early Access)
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For this Ravenswatch Preview, we enter a world full of Fallen heroes of old folk tales and legends: you are on the verge of a crucial battle against the Nightmare invading and corrupting your world. A roguelike action game by the creators of Curse of the Dead Gods, playable solo or in online co-op.
Ravenswatch Preview Pros:
- Beautiful cel-shaded graphics. - Download size. - Full controller support. - Four playable characters - The pied piper, scarlet, the snow queen, and Beowulf. - Graphics settings - display mode, monitor, render resolution, refresh rate, v-sync, and texture quality. - Can rebind controls for both keyboard and controller buttons. - The quick guide is your instruction manual. - The compendium fills in with heroes and magical objects. - One difficulty at present - normal. - A book menu system that looks cool. - Roguelike ARPG gameplay. - The map randomizes every run and uses the fog of war mechanic. (map uncovers as you play) - You can see your seed number. - Earn EXP and level up, regain all health, and pick one of two random upgrades/abilities. - Fast travel points are all over the map. - You can see enemy health bars. - Breakable objects. - Enemies can randomly drop health balls. - At the end of a run, you get a breakdown and experience earned that does an overall level-up rank. - Little set events can be triggered. - Scarlet is little red riding hood, by day you are Scarlet and when night falls you turn into a werewolf. - The Sandman is where you go to buy consumables or upgrades. - Smash up particular rocks for currency. - Ravens' feathers are used to respawn. - In multiplayer all heroes level at the same time. - Raven feathers are shared by all players. - You can heal/revive each other in multiplayer. - Enemies can have a stagger bar underneath their health. - Ranking up with your character at the end unlocks new abilities and upgrades. - The enemies that appear and react can change in day and night cycles. - Heal when you level up. - Cool unique day/night mechanic. Ravenswatch Preview Cons: - Doesn't play well with the keyboard as it uses WASD for movement and it feels off. - Getting used to the health mechanic (only drops and fountains regain health). - The map layouts at present feel very grundy and repetitive. - Leveling up is not a big event. - No in-game tutorials at all. - Only the one difficulty. - Combating with large groups gets very messy. - Doesn't have any online matchmaking. - You get given the world seed but no way to use it. - At the moment it's all about abilities, no equipment loot. - Loot boxes are minimal. Related Post: Resident Evil 4 Review (PlayStation 5) Ravenswatch: Official website. Developer: Accueil - Passtech  Publisher: Nacon  Store Links - Steam Early Access Read the full article
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
An illiterate girl's quest to read 10 Stephen King books by the end of the year.
Hey there Tumblr, I wanted to document my getting back into reading with a blog because I’m better in writing than in speech (I tried vlogging but it just isn’t for me)
So hello, I’m Catherine (she/they), and I’ve always hated books. But now that I’m in college I’ve developed a new appreciation for reading I previously didn't have. Really, once you start reading what you like instead of what you're forced to read- reading becomes a lot more fun.
Anyway, as the title states, I am trying to read 10 Stephen King books by the end of the year (happy late birthday btw). Why Stephen King? Well, there's something in my soul that deeply regrets that I didn't get into reading sooner. I missed all the great book series of my childhood (Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, Maze Runner, Goosebumps) and there just doesn't seem to be big blow up series like there used to be. I want to make it up to my inner child, all the lost years of reading.
So I renewed my library card, got my life together and decided to read Stephen King books. Stephen King was a staple in my childhood, but really only for the smart kids. If you were a smart-ass you read Stephen King, and I want to be that smart-ass. Also, he is the author that re-invigorated my desire to read so I feel like it is just right to start my reading journey back up with his books.
I will try to read some of his longer books, not necessarily IT or The Stand long, but long. Though I feel 8 out of my 10 books will be sub-400 page reads (which is still pretty long, imo).
Here's the current lineup:
Rose Madder (Read)
Misery (Currently Reading)
Needful Things
Night Shift
Salem's Lot
Here's some potentials:
The Institute
The Dead Zone
Cycle of the Werewolf
If It Bleeds
Mr. Mercedes trilogy
I would like to try to read more current works, The Institute is shelved for now because the beginning is kind of slow. Overall I would like to strive to read more but 10 is a good starting point. I'll post reviews as I finish each book.
I hope you will join me on this journey of reclamation! Thank you for reading :)
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catlynn-reviews · 5 years
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Book: Cycle of the Werewolf Series: Stand-alone Author: Stephen King Pages: 128 Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5) Favorite Quote: n/a Recommendation: If you like werewolves, horror, Stephen King, short stories, graphic novels, unlikely heroes, unlikely villains. Synopsis:
The isolated Maine village of Tarker Mills is terrorized by the horrifying bloodthirsty creature stalking its inhabitants at the time of the full moon
My Opinion:
As the short synopsis reveals, this book is very short. It says that it is 128 pages, but I’d say around half of it is pictures, if not more. I usually prefer books with more words, but I want to read every Stephen King book, so I read this one on principle.
A classic example of a Stephen King novel, with a fantasy horror element and a sort of surreal plot. I enjoyed it, and I feel that others would too.
There wasn’t a lot of substance to the novel, so I really don’t have a lot to say about it.
0 notes
gothmomlite · 4 years
(via Goth Mom (Lite): Spook Out! Day 29 ~ Silver Bullet (1985))
One of my fave Stephen King adaptations, Silver Bullet still wigs me out after all these years...
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mylifeinfiction · 4 years
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Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King
A really enjoyable, bare-bones werewolf story. A quick read starting off with a handful of wonderfully graphic werewolf attacks. It only loses points because it’s unable to maintain its initial bone-chilling ferocity through to the end. 8/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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