#cw: rape mention
writingpuddle · 1 year
i wanna talk about this scene because its one of my favourite character moments for both aaron and neil. theyve just gotten to the cabin, only a handful of days after nathans death, and aaron gets neil alone and says this:
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now listen. maybe what aaron is doing here is exactly what it looks like. maybe he is concerned that neil is exploiting andrew, and this is him being a protective brother. and i do think theres a part of him that is. he could also be reacting badly due to homophobia, and maybe a part of him is too. but mostly -
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he's testing neil.
see, aarons not totally heartless. in that moment in baltimore, when neil was bloody and beaten to shit - aaron was horrified with the rest of them. he might not like neil particularly much, but when you see someone you moderately dislike tortured past the point of human endurance, youre going to put aside your dislike for a second. youre going to take their side, and aaron does. when the foxes claim neil, aaron is right up there with them.
but unlike neil and andrew, who spend the next few days in the emotional wringer with the feds, aaron had several days to process. to really process what allison pointed out to them.
and he realized he could use it.
maybe thats callous of him, but mostly its inevitable; this is how the twins have learned to communicate, to leverage each other with bribes and threats. he watched andrew nearly kill kevin, pick a fight with the feds, grip neils hoodie like he might disappear if he didnt hold on tight enough, and he understood that there was nothing andrew wouldnt do for neil.
meanwhile, neil is still coming off of weeks of telling himself, gritted teeth, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me, its fine so long as andrew doesnt care about me...
hes barely begun to acknowledge the much less dangerous fact that he has feelings for andrew. less dangerous because if andrew doesnt care about him, then neils death wont hurt him, and neils feelings cant be hurt if hes the one that dies. but if andrew has feelings for him, then this whole time hes been risking that his death would break andrew - break the very person he most wants to protect.
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so neil denies it. hes made the first wobbly step towards freedom, but he hasnt yet dealt with the moriyamas. he could still die at any moment. wrapping his head around his fathers death hasnt given him enough time to break those weeks of conditioning himself in the dark. andrew doesnt care about me. andrew cant care about me. neil will go to war for andrew but the idea that the converse is true is too dangerous to look at directly. to protect andrew, to protect himself, he denies it.
but when aaron asks neil if andrew will fight for him, he's not really asking. we can see it in the casual way he shrugs off neils denial. he doesnt care what neil says. he wants to see what neil does. he already knows - or has a pretty strong bet - what andrew will do. what he needs to know is if neil is serious.
listen, i am personally of the belief that if andrew released aaron from his deal for neils sake and then things went sour with neil, andrew would respect the broken deal anyway. but i dont think aaron sees that - he hasnt yet fully internalized that andrew does things out of his own brand of fairness, and not out of malice. so he needs to know; andrew will fight for this. will neil?
so he lobs a grenade at neil, a loaded accusation, and neil comes back swinging. and theres aarons answer. neil isnt exploiting andrew, hes not just playing around. hes as viciously protective of andrew as andrew is of him and those two repressed assholes might not be saying it with words, but aarons not stupid. andrew gave himself away when neil went missing and now neils showed his hand too.
neils right. he has been had, and hes just lucky that what aaron wants is exactly what neil wanted anyway.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 3 months
every single character in shameless is shitty, yet people who like mickey or carl, for example, don’t have to constantly explain why they like those characters. i’m so done constantly having to justify my love for debbie gallagher, i’m tired of people telling me she’s a shitty person (even when i’ve already talked about the shitty things she’s done). do you ask mickey fans why they love someone who used to be a nazi and who literally took peoples lives? do you ask carl fans why they like someone who used to be a racist and said and did very offensive and harmful things? no, because they’re funnier and are men. and “those things are in the past”, yet y’all can’t accept me talking about season 11 debbie because of her actions in season 5. she isn’t even the only character who raped someone, and what she did to matty is much more justified than what other characters did (mandy, karen, frank, sheila, jody, etc.)
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turtle-paced · 3 months
But why not tell Cersei or Tyrion?
Nobody gets to use Jaime's actions. Nobody gets to judge.
I'm sympathetic to Jaime not wanting to open himself up to Tyrion and show that sort of vulnerability to the little brother he's always filled a protective role for. The context for Jaime's decision is that he was a quasi-hostage who witnessed Aerys commit horrible murders and rape. After the fact, he felt he'd failed Rhaegar's family by trusting Tywin wouldn't hurt them. We know Tyrion. He'd absolutely probe into the hows and the whys. He'd see more than Jaime intended to tell - and Jaime knows that would happen.
But with Cersei... yeah! That points to some dysfunction in the relationship, that Jaime cannot and will not trust her with that sort of information!
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metamatar · 9 months
i think no fault divorce is great but it doesn't solve the problems with marriage.
some context: it sucks that indian feminists oppose no fault bc they are conservatives who think the marriage is the site to rescue women from poverty. right now divorce law in india requires married couples to prove (1) abuse, (2) failure to fulfill conjugal duties (oh yes this also means the court can sometimes require women to try to fulfill their conjugal duties, like a bit of state mandated marital rape) or (3) atleast a year of physical separation to get a divorce that both parties consent to (obvious economic barrier to get proof, difficult to do with children). ofc most middle class couples in india just lie about it and get divorced anyway. note the the historical interest the state has had in preserving the marriage form. india's status quo has long been the norm, no fault divorce is very new in the west, and couples can be required to attend mediation when they have children to fix their relationship even when both agree to divorce in many countries.
despite this, the cultural message in the pro marriage crowd to women alienated by the failure of the institution to grant them promised safety, much less satisfaction, is that no fault or other forms of divorce by mutual consent are now easy to access. so marriage is no longer a fraught or dangerous question for women in a heterosexual relationship, the party most likely to be in a subordinated position both during and after a marriage. this is a liberal fantasy that ignores that it is not merely the marriage contract itself that creates the duties, responsibilities and relationships of domination and economic dependence but the marriage as social form. so even if breaking the contract was easy, breaking up a marriage is not.
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alvariearmy · 1 year
Amazing how everyone on Team Green is supposed to just “get over” the absolutely horrendous things Team Black does to them, but Team Black is fully justified in everything they do.
Criston Cole is still upset that Rhaenyra coerced him into sex even after he said no? (Otherwise known as, raping him.) He should just get over it, she’s a strong and powerful woman who is allowed to say no even after she denied him that same choice. Why should she give up the things she values just because she forced him to give up something he valued?
Aemond is angry that Lucerys bullied him, attacked him 4v1, and cut out his eye, leaving Aemond permanently disabled and likely with chronic pain? Who cares! Lucerys was only a child, and he faced… Well, okay, he didn’t face even a hint of a consequence, but still! His mom is Rhaenyra, so he can do what he wants just like she can! And he was totally justified in everything he did to Aemond because… Aemond… spoke a truth that was obvious to anyone with eyes and a lick of common sense, then later claimed a dragon that was now unclaimed?
If they should just get over these horrific and traumatizing events, shouldn’t Team Black be able to get over things too? Lucerys died on a mission he never should have been sent on in the first place? Whatever, Rhaenyra has other children, just grow a better bond with one of them! Aemond had a spare eye, Rhaenyra has spare sons, that’s how it works, right?
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richmond-rex · 2 months
I apologize for the heavy topic, but I find it kinda perplexing considering Henry vii and Elizabeth of York had for all accounts a loving relationship throughout their marriage, Philippa Gregory chose to have Henry basically rape Elizabeth in one of the early chapters. I haven’t read the white princess in a while, but I think he did it to either “test her fertility” or it was related to the fact that she was sleeping with her uncle in this continuity. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get behind their relationship after that point in the book since any nice moment they have, I’m thinking, “yeah, it’s nice that you’re both admiring your newborn son, but you raped her.” Honestly, it feels kinda gross to me. I thought I heard that Gregory also chose the story where Edward IV tried to assault Elizabeth Woodville and then she put the knife to her throat in retaliation as part of how they met. I haven’t read the White Queen, so if that’s not true, please ignore that part. If it is, it almost seems like Gregory has a weird thing about adding sexual assault to what originally seemed like decent relationships historically.
/cw: rape mention/
Hello! Sorry for taking some time to reply, but yeah Philippa Gregory's concept of romance is very hard to get behind — of all the versions of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville's first meeting, Gregory choosing the one that involves attempted rape and that historically was meant to portray the king of England in a bad light really is something that raises the eyebrows. Specifically though I'd argue Gregory's intention was never to make Henry VII likeable or to portray him as a true romantic interest; her comments on him perverting England, corrupting and usurping the country are very clear (besides his frank sadism at tormenting Elizabeth). If I remember correctly, from Owen Tudor to Henry VIII, she wrote all the Tudor men as rapists.
I'd argue she's got a very grimdark view of women's lives in the past and she makes her heroines' lives excessively brutal as a way to make more readers sympathise and root for them (though by the insufferable and entitled way she writes them, I don't know if she is successful tbh). But in view of her portrayal of the Tudors as foreigners who didn't know nor respect the traditions of England, that depiction is certainly concerning as well.
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ashilrak · 8 months
Something I find really interesting about writing/reading/talking about fic for PJO is how everyone sees Gods and Demigods differently.
I mod a couple servers and run events, mostly exchanges, so I've seen a lot of conversations about what people like to write and want to see. Mrthology got an ask the other day about how we write the Gods, and it made me think about one of the splits in how people see PJO that I see a lot: Gods and Demigods as more human vs Gods and Demigods as something Else.
Reading PJO is how a lot of kids got into the myths, and even more people read the books without sparking a sudden interest for mythology. But, I also know a few people who got into PJO because they were already into the myths; @mrthology read the Illiad long before she read PJO.
I definitely have a split in my mind between the Gods as I read/write them for PJO and how I see them when reading/thinking about them in other contexts, but it's impossible for me to see them as completely separate. The myths are part of the PJO canon (unless otherwise reinterpreted, and there are countless versions of every myth so there will always be room for discussion), so to me, I will always see the Gods as capable of these horrible things and that is SO important to how I see them, and want to read/write them.
But I know so many people who explicitly want to see the Gods as more human. They want to see the found family and learning to be better, to grow and to change and love. This is honestly more accurate to how they're written in the Riordan verse, and it's me bringing in the other sources/views.
I've gotten many comments over my fics about how I write the Gods so differently, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. And I guess it is different from how they're shown in the books, but to me it's just what makes sense. It's Gods being Gods. Apollo from the Illiad is the same Apollo we meet in Titan's Curse, layered underneath something more deceptively approachable. The rape myths are history, and what does that mean for the Demigods who know it's all real and find themselves alone with a God? There's a level of horror in every interaction.
I didn't see it when I first read the books. It's not really explicit in the book; they're written for kids. But I'm older now and I bring an awareness of other myths and stories that I can't shake away as I think about the Gods in PJO. It's between the lines, but it's undeniably there. To me.
The love is still there. I love writing Poseidon and Percy, and writing fics where a God unexpectedly falls for a Hero is self-indulgent and fun. I don't see them as all bad, but I can't see them as human either. Love means something else to a God, who feels everything so extremely, and it's not always going to be sweet.
There's not really a point to this, but I had a few minutes to sit and write it up and it's been on my mind.
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 2 months
I love Fiona and Marisol’s friendship. But Katie and Fiona are not friends and I’m glad haha.
Fiona would never be friends with an abuser after her own experience with Bobby. (I see rape as a form of abuse).
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
I’ve seen at least one viral tumblr post argue for Steven Hassan’s BITE model for “mind control” to warn tumblr users for signs of a cult. And like, it’s a noble goal, but I don’t trust the BITE model one bit. For one thing, the concept of “brainwashing” or “thought reform” or “mind control” is very controversial and there is no scientific consensus that it’s real.
Now there are tons of abusive and authoritarian groups, let’s call them cults, who use tactics of socially isolating members from their previous family and friends and outside information. This is itself abusive and makes it harder for members to think critically about the group and leave. And children are easily influenced and can be indoctrinated, especially if they are raised in isolated circumstances.
Still, brainwashing theories do often make outlandish claims of a total “thought reform” that removes personal agency from adult members of cults in a way that is hard to prove or disprove. Scholars such as Rebecca Moore argue it’s even pseudoscientific.
It mainly functions as a comforting thought for friends and family of cult members, as it removes personal responsibility, the member becomes a victim instead of a willing participant, and it’s similarly useful for ex-members to absolve themselves of their actions. It was used more worryingly in the 70s and 80s to justify coercive “deprogramming”, which was family of cult members kidnapping them and attempting to reverse the claimed brainwashing of the cult.
This brings us to Steven Hassan, who I think might be the most visible advocate of “brainwashing” theories active today. He was a moonie for a couple of years in the 70s, before deprogramming and becoming a prominent member of the anti-cult movement of the 70s/80s. His BITE model seems credible at first glance. There are a lot of genuine signs of an abusive group environment on this list. If anything, some of the signs are too obvious, to the point of being facile. The model literally has “murder”, “torture” and “rape” on the list.
Hassan also places a lot on the idea of hypnosis being this super-effective method of controlling another person, which I don’t think the scientific evidence supports. And I have other reasons to think Hassan is a complete crank about hypnosis, more on that later.
A lot of these things are very general too, in a way that makes it easy to accuse almost any group of being a cult. A lot of these things are not in themselves abusive and just general human group behaviour. For example: “Extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda, including... Newsletters, magazines, journals, audiotapes, videotapes, YouTube, movies and other media.“ This is literally just an aspect of being an organization in a society with mass media. The organization linked to above is set up by Hassan himself, and it has both a newsletter and a youtube channel. Another example is “Require members to internalize the group’s doctrine as truth.“ Basically any political and religious group has an underlying ideology which it expects its members to believe in.
So basically any group of people will hit many points on this model, which makes it liable to be misused to label any group the speaker doesn’t like as a cult. And Hassan himself likes to stretch his definition of “cult.” He has famously labelled the Trump movement as a cult. And not to defend Trumpists, but while Trump is an authoritarian fascist leader, in my view his movement lacks the rigid organization and cohesion to be an effective “cult” environment. Hassan’s idea of “mind control” also obscures the deeper societal reasons behind Trump’s success as a politician. The misogyny, racism, and transphobia of Trump’s ideology is rooted in systemic inequalities providing a material basis for such supremacist ideologies to prosper in USAian society.
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Less famous, but more revealing, is his tweet thread from a few years ago where he comes to the conclusion that trans people are a cult, or at least a “cult-like situation.” You see, Steven discovered the world of forced feminization hypno porn youtube videos. Now that’s a weird subculture, and forced fem as a porn genre has problematic transmisogynist ideological baggage, as I’ve written about briefly here. But it’s porn, both the creators and audience know it’s not real. You can’t be hypnotized into becoming a trans woman against your will.
Except according to Steve Hassan, PhD and self-described “World-renowned expert on cults.”, they are wrong. As he explains “What I watched in Hypno porn IMO was weapons-grade mind control and if a person watches it...they could be profoundly influenced to, for example, believe they were a woman in a man's body.“
It’s a hilarious twitter breakdown, where Hassan destroys down any credibility he might have had in one go. His BITE model seems to be this sophisticated and realistic model of “mind control”, far removed from its depictions in literal cartoons and hollywood movies. But no, his idea of the power of hypnosis is identical to that of porn videos. The funniest thing about forced fem hypno videos are the transmisogynists who think it is real. Hassan has tried to explain his conversion to the moonies as a result of mind control, but I think the simpler explanation is that he is a very gullible person.
Of course, Hassan’s transphobia is worrying. He is a famous “exit counselor” for cults, an advocate of deprogramming and since he believes trans people are essentially a cult, the twitter thread is essentially advocating for conversion therapy for trans people. He explicitly disavows conversion therapy, but he is essentially advocating it by another name. He has similarly mostly disavowed the coercive “deprogramming” of the 70s and 80s anti-cult movement, except as a “last resort.” We should keep in mind that the “father of deprogramming”, Ted Patrick was involved in efforts to kidnap women to cure them of “leftism” (in the case of Susan Wirth in 1980) and lesbianism (in the 1981 case of Stephanie Riethmiller, which included corrective rape). Deprogramming and conversion therapy turned out to be the same thing.
It is legitimately funny when people like Steven Hassan think hypno porn is “weapons-grade mind control”. Yet there are many monstrous acts you can justify when you argue that people lack personal agency and need to be rescued.
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the-cryptographer · 4 days
was curious what i'd make of the dany child bride wedding chapter. i remember the differences between the tv show version of the consummation and the book version was a topic of much discussion but... tbh i think both work. the gentle paternalism version of the child rape in the book is maybe a bit more interesting and in line with the general direction i know the story is going - where Dany finds solace from her physically abusive brother with the Khal who, while exploitative in his own way, does ultimately provide the basis for her later empowerment. but otoh I do think it was maybe not a bad move for the show to make the violence of the act itself more explicit?
That aside, I did have one huge beef with the wedding chapter tho. And that was the whole note about a dothraki wedding being considered dull and passe without at least three deaths. just from an anthropological and population dynamics perspective... it's ludicrous. especially if those deaths are coming from healthy respected working male members of the tribe, and isn't merely blood sport between outsider captives and slaves. like... assuming the majority of tribe members get married the way people in most human societies do, that means every marriage has to produce three healthy adult children for the population to break even. and we're talking a society of martial fighters that would realistically have high rates of infant mortality and death in childbirth?
Idk, maybe Dany has misunderstood something that's been lost in translation. That there are only this many deaths, or any at all, because it is the Khal's wedding specifically. But... I understand the central conceit of this part of the novels is that this 'mongol horde'-esque people seem barbaric and upsetting and foreign to Dany, but they end up taking her in and as she learns more about them she finds more to respect in them than those from her own culture. But it also really veers into things that are logistically insane and unlike any actual human society in the process which imho kinda undermines the whole message.
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lost-technology · 7 months
Tri-Tober Fanfic shorts Prompt 15: Mercy Setting: Any / All canons Summary: Their captors lay dead at their feet. The man who had freed them was cold, but not without some quaint mercy. Prompt 15: Mercy Free The women stared at the aftermath.  They were already numb after everything that had happened to them.  Now those men – those horrible men whose breath stank of rotgut and unbrushed teeth, those men who had beaten them bloody and had forced their way inside them… They were dead, every one of them.  Some of them were riddled with bullet holes where they’d shot each other.  The leader had torn his own heart out with his bare hand and had watched it beat its last before his brain expired.  The man with the blue hair and golden eyes retained his presence.  The air felt heavy, laden with whatever power he had tapped into in order to create such a scene.  The survivors could do nothing but stare.  They had all watched this happen, but had trouble believing it.  It was like something out of a comic book or some badly-written dime novel.  The man with the blue hair told the chained women that soon he was going to obliterate every man woman and child on the planet – and they believed him.  He also told them to make good use of the time they had left.  Neither of them could go home again, for they had been the last survivors.  They could go somewhere, though, anywhere but here.  Their freedom was a cruel mercy, but a mercy nonetheless. 
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
🌳, 🌠, and 💗 Eneas, and 🌸 for both Sal and Eneas if it hasn't been sent already?
Oof, they were great as well, thank you so much! 💕 Eneas 🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now? Eneas was mostly the same 10 years ago. Let’s do 230 to 240 years instead, that’s a more interesting difference. Despite hiding it from view as best as he could – afraid it might cost his life or something worse –, he was incredibly angry. He bowed, he smiled, he was all charming from a very young age, because pleasing those around him became his only chance not to be thrown back into the gutter or to be killed like a worthless piece of meat. Underneath, he carried a storm of fear and pain, and rage. With the things he had to do against his will, every idea of morality and goodness became meaningless and could only seem like another form of cruel mockery from those righteous people on their high horses who had it so easy to be radiant and clean and who would damn someone like him in a heartbeat. And he bowed and smiled, all charming, singing his song, playing his violin, fulfilling his duties, getting ready to provide them joy and pleasures of every despicable sort, locking away his own agony and shame. Should he have been more courageous? Stand up against them and fight? Would death have been better? He wondered often. Unfortunately, he never has been courageous and he never has been strong. But he has been smart and he has been tough. So, all he did, was grit his teeth, the anger in him growing, and this burning wish for revenge. Sometimes those emotions broke free. One time he killed a man because he lost control over them. But he managed to escape from the place before he got caught. And behind their backs, he learned, and studied, and grew and started to use his talents against them. In many cases, he got the revenge he searched for. Today, Eneas is quite powerful. It was a long way, but he managed to master his abilities as a sorcerer and mind mage. With this power came a new security, step by step. Today he is calm, his schemes and lies, and tactics of manipulation are refined and a dangerous weapon. He still bows and smiles and makes charming compliments. People tend to love it. And now he does too, in control behind his masks, watching attentively. His emotions – while still stronger than those of most – are kept in check and are much more stable. Indeed, he is in a much better mental place. His younger self would look at him in relief and fascination, seeing he is still alive and independent, and even powerful. Rather than giving advice, he would ask him what to do. Older Eneas would gently tell his younger self to not lose hope, and promise that he will find a way out as long as he does not refrain from going the necessary steps. Further, he would stress that he must not trust anyone, no matter how much he wants to. Before taking his leave, he would hesitatingly add one single thing: That, when the time has come, he should go back and search for his family. Even to only see them again, should he decide against showing himself, will bring him greater peace than the never-ending uncertainty about their fate. 🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
This one I answered here. 😊 💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why? Eneas chooses his talent for music and his imagination or creativity as his best features. Without both, he would be long dead. Others would probably name his ability to tell stories so vibrant they come to life, his voice, the way he truly listens, or his charm. 🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent? His voice may be one of the most attractive parts of Eneas. Velvety, smooth, and rich, it can caress as much as intimidate, and easily captivates those listening to him. It’s pleasant and compelling, deep when he speaks, and with a wide range to reach higher tones during singing. In most situations, it stays calm unless he truly panics or gets overwhelmed by emotions or is very excited / passionate about something. Since he speaks very clearly and pronounced, it often sounds like he is talking with the faintest accent no matter the language. His laughter sounds inviting and pleasing. But in certain situations, there is a sharp edge to it. Eneas would rather give up on his appearance than his voice since it plays an important role in everything he does. Not only is he a skilled and highly talented singer, he loves to draw people in by telling stories, by making compliments, and just by using sweet or poisonous words to manipulate those around him. Eneas’ voice claim is the beautiful Steve Barton and his role in one of my favorite musicals (“Tanz der Vampire”) partly influenced his character too. Here are listening examples: X, X. ~~~ Salvadore: 🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent? Salvadore has an appealing voice, pleasant to listen to, modulated and controlled in most cases, and more on the deeper side of the spectrum. There lies confidence in this voice and strong authority when he speaks in front of crowds, gives orders, or when he explains a plan. It can appear sharp and condescending but also has the potential to become very low and very warm in private moments. When he is overwhelmed with emotion, it often sounds husky. Salvadore’s voice becomes quiet when he gets angry, dangerously so. Only very few people manage to get a heated reaction out of him every once in a while when they make him mad, it needs a special connection for this to happen. His anger usually is very calm and very cold and this reflects in his voice. He speaks clearly and completely without any kind of dialect. In languages that aren’t his native one, of course, he has a faint accent. Despite of his love and talent for music, Salvadore’s singing-abilities are very limited. He can carry a simple melody in most cases, but this is all. Sometimes he hums and sings in private, but only to himself. Salvadore is very eloquent, one of his most important strengths and favorite pleasures is captivating speeches. He loves to talk in front of people and knows how to use his voice to capture interest, point out issues, and how to cause enthusiasm for a goal. In private Salvadore also enjoys reading to people who are dear to him.
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turtle-paced · 3 months
Should we blame Jaime for not taking action against Aerys when he murdered Rickard and Brandon or when he raped Rhaella? On one hand, he was a knight who failed to uphold his vowes, but on the other he was only 15, with all the adults he ideolized telling him to obey and protect Aerys.
We don't all need to have the same reaction to the text and how much weight you put on some of these factors is up to you. Me personally, I don't blame fifteen-year-old Jaime. He spoke up. He got shut down.
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midnightshade · 9 months
Fanon really has made some of the fandom completely irritating to be around. I see so many people saying Kenjaku is canonically a Curse and canonically a rapist when literally none of the text backs that up or actively debunks it, but these ideas are so prevalent that even pointing it out that it's wrong gets you dogpiled
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
I mean... Sigyn fans are not particularly happy with the way she was written in the comics but they still try to salvage what they can by looking for crumbs of her personality and Logyn validation in individual lines and insisting that the relationship can still be salvaged in the comics if the writers "do it right" next time. They use her in their icons and have classic logyn panels as their headers. So I'm pretty sure if Sylvie was named Sigyn they would hold on to it as the ship validation they've been waiting for years and trying to fix what they dislike about it, instead of throwing the entire relationship away. They can argue that Sylki is unhealthy all they want, but a ship where one character occasionally snaps at the other and "betrays" the other in a conflict of personal interests will always be leagues healthier than a ship where one characters tricks the other into marrying them, commits r*pe by deception, and treats the other like utter garbage. But somehow their ship is the one who deserves all the second chances and fix ups, while ours is the one that must be thrown away for a conflict that can still be mended in canon with no need of reboots or retcons like Marvel Logyn needs. Trust me: they would definitely have embraced Sylvie-as-Sigyn, flaws and all.
If you say so to the acceptance of a Sylvie-Sigyn. I won't argue too much with that given that it's a hypothetical.
And yea, why is their ship with a more problematic history more acceptable than Sylki? Like them, I am not a fan of the writing in the majority of Thor comics written before 2009/10 (with the exception of masterpiece Loki (2004)).
I do like finding panels that look like shitposts though.
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
Anon doesn't think you're "biased" at all. In fact, anon is beginning to hate that word. There should be MORE people like you, who actually call a spade a spade, or in this case a manipulator a manipulator. Fandom culture is absolutely flooded with people who make excuses for every kind of terrible behavior under the sun. The Once Upon a Time fandom keeps making excuses for Regina outright RAPING a man, for example. There should be more people like you willing to Tell People the Truth.
//Timeline Anon and I recently watched a review about Colleen Hoover's November 9. It's the story of Fallon, a girl who had to retire from acting because she was in a house fire, and Ben, an amateur writer who decides he wants to date her on the day they meet, but she's moving to New York. Thus, they decide to meet up every Nov. 9 for the next 5 years.
//Fallon's an okay character for most of the book, while Ben is a neckbeard incel "M'lady"-type creeper who keeps invading her privacy and talking about her panties as if it's supposed to be charming. He's essentially one of those anime perverts played completely straight.
//And it turns out, not only was Ben the one responsible for the fire that scarred Fallon- an act of revenge arson because he thought Fallon's father was the reason his mother died- but he's known about this for years and she doesn't find out until year five. She gets a restraining order as soon as she does.
//Then he sends her a manuscript that explains his backstory, though it's more of a confession/desperate sob story to try and get her to take him back. And what does Fallon do after receiving this confirmation about the guy that physically and emotionally scarred her for life, is creepily obsessed with her despite barely knowing her and has made her life much harder than it needed to be?
//Oh, she takes him back and apologizes for leaving him, since his life was sad and that's what really matters. A moment that actually made me scream with anger when I heard it.
//This, Twilight, 50 Shades, and especially Anna Todd's After, all are the worst examples of this kind of glorification and apologism toward abusers, manipulators, and actual criminals. Their terrible behavior is always excused and their actions are never their fault because they had hard childhoods. You know, never mind all the trauma they put other people through.
//I absolutely hate these books and the messages they push, which I'm honestly sure are unintentional because these are framed either as heartfelt romances or dramas you're meant to get invested in. Except I don't care because everyone involved is a terrible person, and the people involved cannot tell compelling stories to save their lives
//I have no patience for these stories or any others that carelessly utilize incredibly toxic behavior for the sake of drama with no consequence or repercussions. I have less patience for people who do this shit IRL.
//No amount of past trauma or sob stories will ever make hurting people okay.
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