#currently evaluating the courses i have to register next semester
sharlmbracta · 4 months
i'm gonna fuckign die this year lmao
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jimbojamz · 2 months
Customer Journey of a choosing a Sloan Class
All of us face this dilemma every semester - which classes should I pick! Today I will bring you through the customer journey of choosing a Sloan (or non-Sloan) class, and ways to improve the user experience.
Activities: Hear about a class or professor from friends or second years, looking at previous year's bidding spreadsheet to identify popular classes
Motivations: Map out your personal/academic interests and gaps, identifying your anticipated course load for next semester
Questions: Can I trust other people's reviews? How many bid points will this require?
Barriers: 1000 bid points across 5 classes, unmet pre-requisites, scheduling conflicts
Proposed Improvements: Document the bidding best practices and share with 1st years, create a database of past 5 years closing bids each class and professor to increase transparency and awareness
Activities: Login to SloanBid during bidding period, ask friends on how much they're bidding for the same class, have plan B's and C's
Motivations: Visualize your ideal course schedule, identify priority classes and adjust bid points to optimize 1000 bid points
Questions: Did I bid enough points What are the chances I get off the waitlist if not successful? Can I go as a listener /P/F instead?
Barriers: Opaqueness of bidding process cause students to self-doubt probability of successful bids
Proposed Improvements: Increase spaces for classes that have historically required large amounts of bid points (e.g. >300)
In-the-class Experience
Activities: Attend the first few classes even if on the waitlist to evaluate class content and suitability
Motivations: For waitlisted classes, show commitment to the professor and for registered classes, evaluate if content is suitable or whether a better alternative exists
Questions: Do I like this class and the professor teaching it? How's the syllabus like? Am I currently waitlisted on other classes that could be more appealing to me?
Barriers: 54 unit maximum per semester means I have to select my classes carefully and minimize opportunity cost
Proposed Improvements: Have a transparent waitlist process to see which position on the waitlist you are for other classes, which allows you to prioritize 'the next best alternative' if you have a high chance of getting off the waitlist!
-James Lee
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seminalstudy · 5 years
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Hi everyone! I’m currently in the process of transferring to a new university and one of the biggest parts of that has been planning out and scheduling which classes to take my first semester, in hopes that I can graduate at the same time as people my age :’) As someone who’s planned how to graduate in three years not once but twice now, I figured I could share my experience and/or advice with anyone looking to maximize their college academics!
1. Establish a timeline: Ask yourself how many years you’re giving yourself to complete your degree as this will help you figure out how heavy your course loads will have to be to graduate at your expected time (this could be anywhere from 2 years to 5 or more). At my first college, I planned to graduate in three years in order to save money and because the school had easier academics, so I was confident I could handle the extra work. My new plan to graduate in three years is so I can graduate with other students my age, set your goal!
2. Now that you’ve established a broad timeline, it’s time to start looking at potential majors/minors and career tracks: Hopefully, this is something you’ve started looking at before applying to college, but don’t worry - it’s not too late! As someone going into college with the knowledge that I’d be taking out max loans each year, I tried to figure out what I wanted to do early on so I could maximize my credits ie take as many required classes as possible and not ‘waste’ credits on classes that wouldn’t really contribute to my degree (ofc I ended up changing my mind 3/4 of the way thru the year but that’s life). I narrowed my options down to 3 or 4 majors and managed to eliminate 2 of them pretty early on.
3. With at least one track in mind, research all the requirements to earn a degree in that area: Universities often have “general education requirements” regardless of your major, so you take classes in multiple disciplines and broaden your perspective. Course catalogs/general bulletins/college websites are where you can find info about your gen-eds and major-specific required courses. It’s really helpful to map this out by hand or in a spreadsheet program (I did it both by hand and with Excel to stay uber-organized). This is also where you can narrow down the majors you’re interested in by looking at the required courses and course descriptions. I considered a Data Analytics major early on, but after seeing how much coding was required (not a strong suit or interest for me) I could comfortably eliminate it.
4. Reach out to your advisor/navigator/registrar to clarify any questions: If you’re confused by any of the requirements for your major/gen-eds, talk to someone at the university. I feel bad for the numerous advisors I’ve had because I pestered them with questions so I could have a complete understanding of everything - it really helps in the scheduling process and I’ve never had a staff or faculty member be irritated by the questions - they love to help (plus it shows initiative and starts forming connections which is A+). Seriously, reach out if you’re confused, don’t just sit in the dark!
5. Map out required courses and pre-requisites: This is where Excel or Google Sheets can be your best friend - they make it really easy to keep track of what needs to be taken when. Some courses require a certain academic standing (sophomore, junior, senior) for you to take them, others require you to take several classes before you can register for it. Certain progressions of classes can really limit what your schedule looks like, so this step is incredibly important (and somewhat time-consuming).  
6. Generate a slightly less vague timeline: Based on pre-requisites and required class standings, begin to assign classes to fall and spring semesters. Let’s say you have to complete a senior capstone in order to graduate, and you can only take it senior year, write it into the timeline. Maybe you need to take Math123 and Math124 for your major, but Math124 requires you to complete Math123 first. Place 123 into a semester and 124 in the semester following that. This doesn’t have to be exact, but it’s good to be aware of what your future schedule will look like, and what classes you need to take sooner rather than later (this is also time-consuming because you’ll find numerous variations in potential schedules). 
7. Determine the courseload you’ll need to take: Some people luck out and have lots of AP/IB or like credits that will transfer into real college credit, helping to eliminate the number of classes you have to take (I was not such a person). You’ll generally receive a credit evaluation during the summer before the first semester so you can plan accordingly. Most advisors recommend taking 15-17 credits, but if you need to take more so you can graduate faster or less so you’re not overwhelmed, do what you need. I ended up taking the max credits allowed then over that, but that’s only because I was pushing so hard to graduate faster. This kind of ties into the last step, but you also need to evaluate your personal strengths and weaknesses.
8. Determine the courses that will maximize your first semester: Fun fact, your major requirements can often double-dip and count for your general education requirements too! Look at the pre-reqs for your higher-level classes and try to choose those that will open up the most classes, see which of your major required classes could count for gen-eds, such as humanities or science courses. If you’re between a few majors, look for classes that a required for them. For me, I was between a Business Administration or Sustainable Business major, so many of the requirements were the same. I took classes that could count for both, but if I wanted to go one way or the other, I wouldn’t be screwed over.
9. Try to balance the courses you NEED to take with those you WANT to take: I’m a humanities kind of gal (science has not been mon ami in the past) but both of my colleges require science and math classes. So, when I have to take a math and science course simultaneously, I try to add in some of the subjects I’m stronger in (history, english, etc) so that my GPA wouldn’t die. If you’re fortunate enough that affording college isn’t a concern, I’d personally say take as many courses that interest you as possible, but when financing a higher level education is more of an issue, complete your requirements but leave some space to explore your interests.
10. With a handful of courses in mind, look at actually scheduling your classes: With online registration, you can generally look at which classes are full, what times are available, etc. Are you really, definitely, for sure a morning person who can handle that 8am? Do you need a definite break for lunch? Will you be more productive in the mornings or evenings? Are there multiple profs for the class and does one have better ratings than the other? (ratemyprofessor.com is a lifesaver) Is there enough time outside of class to study/do extracurriculars/have a social life? Sometimes you’ll really need to take a class and it’ll be at some ungodly hour, but sometimes you gotta suck it up. Try not to overload one day with classes and make sure there’s enough time between classes to get to your next class, especially if your school has a large campus. This part is really based on personal preference, so enjoy it!
11. Give yourself time to do all of this: Especially for a first-year college student, there’s a lot already happening, and the opportunities are endless. It takes a lot of time to thoroughly research. This is a big process if you really care about being organized, and it can set you up for great success in college! All of these steps are really tied together but you’ll need more than one day (I took several weeks lol) to plan out a college career.
12. It gets easier: After doing this for just two semesters, I was much more comfortable making these big choices. For my new university, I managed to accomplish this in only a few days, but I was already familiar with the major I’m pursuing and how to lay everything out. For those of you continuing in college, consider mapping our the rest of your time if you haven’t already, and keep track of the courses you’ve taken and still need to take! This way, you won’t be thrown any loops when graduation comes.
Disclaimer: This advice is based purely off my own U.S. college experience which is undoubtedly very different from others! Ultimately, pursuing a higher-level education is your own personal journey, and do what you need to do to find success, this is just me trying to help out others!
If you have any questions about any of this, want to talk scheduling with me, or see my schedule planning notes and spreadsheets, just message me, I’m always willing to talk and even more willing to make friends!
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benjaminsmith1999 · 4 years
A work of Art
The issue or questions is, do colleges shower their students with A’s. And even more important question we should be asking in today’s world is, are these institutions doing it because their arms are being forced. And with this issue, it is leaving many universities at a crossroads with this question, how do we maintain integrity while remaining a viable business.  
           As a current college student, sometimes I catch myself in a pipe dream, wishing even hoping that this previously stated issue was a problem that was found within the classrooms of Utah Valley University. School isn’t cheap, nor is it easy and now I really understand that, being a first-hand witness. Before I ever walked into a college classroom, I had placed a prejudgment on those who had dropped out and I labeled them as quitters. But now as a student I first realize I jumped to a conclusion, and secondly, I’m really not surprised that there are high dropout rates, and overall a dip in new students attending colleges nationwide.
What are the Facts?
           First off, there are many facts that are feeding into this research, first and foremost colleges are decreasing in attendance. One reason behind that is, college is getting more and more expensive as the years go on. First off, I want to mention that I don’t believe there should be a direct correlation between how much money you give away to a school and the grade you receive at the end of the semester. But there are many students and parents who are paying large sums of money, and despite all this money going to a “good cause” in many cases there doesn’t seem to be a grade at the end of the semester that would justify registering for another semester of school. Now there are many arguments to be made based off of grading, and work ethic, and favoritism in the classroom. But the real issue I want to go at today is first why, do colleges shower their students with A’s and whether or not its justified.
           Some of the many facts leading into this article “Why Colleges Shower Their Students with A’s” which was written by Brent Staples. First and foremost, some colleges do shower their students with A’s because it could be a poorly attended class, college desks in classrooms are becoming more and more vacant (staples, 1998). One of the causes for this, is because new organizations have submerged like phoenix university that offer diplomas at half the price, and you can do it all in the comfort of your own home. So, that beckons the question, what really is making me stay at a four-year university, especially when diplomas are being less and less looked at in the work force, and specialized jobs are becoming very rare and hard to find. I would say one of the biggest reason colleges are losing students is because of the price, it has been estimated that within the next 20 years college could get close to 300,000 dollars for a 4-year degree. But some other interesting points made by staples, that more professors feel an obligation and pressure to shower students with A’s because the administrations that are running higher education institutions will seriously reconsider giving tenure and promotional opportunities, if there are complaints or “negative evaluations” from students (staples, 1998).
How can the issue be defined?
           Staples first used the words of the economist Milton Friedman, by stating “Colleges have simply issued more and more A’s, stoking grade inflation and devaluing degrees” (Staples, 1998). The issue is, Grades are hard to achieve, and a lot of money is put into college, and sometimes the grade that is achieved isn’t worth the money that was put into the student attending the institution. And so, professors and teachers are being forced into giving out good grades, to keep students coming back, and to keep their bosses happy. But I don’t believe that the administration is to blame, because looking with a naked eye it would be obvious that the teachers are the victims here, which is partially true. But a deeper look provides the necessary amount of information, showing Higher Education institutions are trying to stay a competitive business and at the same time keep their integrity and honor. Furthermore, these institutions are attempting to keep thousands if not tens of thousands of individuals happy, and sometimes have to make a decision between the consumer and their employee’s. And in any business the number one is always going to be the consumer *cough* *cough* in this case the student, so teachers are caught in the crossfire when universities try to pinpoint a solution for the complaint of bad grades.
           In addition, there are these aforementioned issues found in the academia world today. There is evidence that supports the claim of, Colleges’ showering their students with A’s in hopes that they will stay and continue their education at the respected institutes. Statistically speaking, Staples pointed out that Grade inflation is an obvious indicator of this claim, first in the last 10 years campus wide grade averages have crept up from a grueling C to a B- which is either an indication that people are getting smarter, or schools are encouraging teachers to be easier and give more grace towards grading (Staples, 1998). While we are in the discussion of statistics, universities are starting to show a downward spiral of overall classes being attended, which means a whole slew of things. First off colleges are losing students and losing money, it’s a simple equation, no consumer leads to no business’ which leads to no money.  So, one of the solutions to this issue, is colleges have been asking teachers to make the course easier and hand out more A’s.
           Also, statistics are showing that there is an overall dip in diplomas being handed out, because there are cheaper and more convenient options being presented. One example of this is Phoenix University started nearly 20 years ago, and with them opening up and offering cheaper and quicker routes to obtain a diploma (Staples, 2019). And with the changing world, corporations are seeking more for handworkers, and individuals who have a form of schooling not specifically a degree from a four-year university. Institutes like Phoenix university also offer almost all courses online, and it can all be done from the comfort of your own home (Staples, 2019). Some evidence of Phoenix university being the first choice for many comes in the fact that nearly 200 universities and colleges have been closed down since the opening of phoenix university and that number is continuing to climb. Many people are trying to determine the exact issue, so they can create a remedy for this issue, but just like the medical world, you can’t be prescribed a medicine until the issue is diagnosed. Grades are hard to achieve, and a lot of money is put into college, by the individual who is attending. But sometimes the grade that is given isn’t a good representation of how much money was put forth initially.
How much does this issue matter and Why?
           Many will ask is in today’s world is this relevant and does it matter, and I would argue Yes, and why I argue yes is because it all feeds into socioeconomics. For example, because college is such a huge thing in our culture, if you do or don’t receive higher education, it can greatly predict your social standing. And additionally, play a part in the amount of success you will have in the future, which then can predict where you will live and then that plays a part in the way children are raised, because you become who you surround yourself with. Which matters because the youth of today, will be the leaders of tomorrow. Without a formal education at a good college or institution, that right there will greatly predict how you will live the rest of your life. Staples doesn’t give a solution but does mention the importance of immediate intervention, or else “diplomas will become weaker and more ornamental as the years go by” (Staples, 1998). I would like to think, he also sees the negative effect it could have on our society if grades inflate, and diplomas become less sought after, it would bring a complete unbalance to the whole system.
What actions should be taken as a result?
           First and foremost, Staples says “One way to Stanch inflation is to change the way the grade point average is calculated” (Staples, 1998) he went on to say, that classes like math and science are weighed the same as a health or physical exercise class. So, in some cases students who gravitate towards majoring in harder subjects are going to obviously have a lower GPA just due to the rigor of the class (Staples, 1998). But some actions that would be beneficial, first would we need to make proper legislations that assist in keeping the price of college at a reasonable range I’m not arguing to make it free but keep it affordable and available for anyone who may desire to attend school.
           So in a sense there is a way to fix this issue, first and foremost we need make a larger focus on lowering the overall prices of college there in turn college students wouldn’t feel so entitled to an A, and that will lighten the amount of pressure institutions are under, from the outside forces like parents and students. Eventually people would be more prone to staying and continuing to try their best, and receive a great grade based off of their work, and not their entitlement to that grade.
           A writer from the associated press went on the opposing by stating that overall, the amount you pay for a college degree in the 4 years is well worth it. Because you could potentially make that money back tenfold, He stated, “A college degree is generally worth the average debt for an undergraduate borrower”( AP, 2005)  because with time, and pay checks building up, the net worth of that specific person justifies paying the college tuition. But it still leaves us at a question, should college be cheaper; and should lawmakers go to battle over this issue. In closing, this as I previously stated is a large issue and something that would greatly benefit our society, and future if it was resolved quickly and soon.
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sluttyshakespeare · 5 years
3 Beautiful Facts About Academic Listening
Reading is fundamental to college success, no matter your significant or discipline. According to the University of Michigan-Flint, the average university student registered in standard courses need to study between 4 and 6 hours daily. Reading comprehension and retention of realities and data are 2 abilities you need to master in order to get the most out of your college experience. Here we'll check out various strategies for IELTS practice test reading: what to do and what not to do as you try to maximize your reading comprehension. We likewise consider a sample essay about radiation chemistry (thanks to WyzAnt) to show the strategies we check out. How to Improve Your Academic Reading The following strategies will help you get one of the most understanding from each reading resource you speak with. Read with function Before you begin reading, try to identify the purpose of the reading as it associates with the rest of the course curriculum. You should initially identify the type of information that can be obtained from the text: does the resource include data and figures you require to remember, or does it explain abstract ideas you need to be familiar with in order to progress in the course? Master the art of 'skimming'. Rather than reading a designated text in its totality, skimming the pages for essential material conserves you a lot of time and reading energy. As noted by an academic reading guide from Swarthmore College:" [Skimming] is not simply reading in a hurry, or reading sloppily, or reading the last line and the very first line. It's actually a disciplined activity in its own right. A good skimmer has a methodical technique for discovering the most info in the least amount of time.". You ought to pay attention to the text to differentiate crucial passages from tangents, extraneous remarks, and other info that is somewhat unimportant to the task. Keep an eye out for "signposts," or terms/phrases that denote sidebar conversations. "I would argue" and "As a side note" are 2 examples. Usually speaking, you can avoid reading these paragraphs in detail. While skimming implies selective reading, it's likewise crucial to examine the entire text to make sure there aren't any crucial facts or data concealed in seemingly unimportant paragraphs. There are, obviously, specific assignments you should not skim: works of fiction for a literature class or long readings meant to be essay triggers, for example. When it pertains to books and other standard academic readings, skimming can be quite reliable. Evaluate the credibility and significance of the text. In addition to course tasks, a considerable quantity of academic reading is required in order to write premium research papers. For these structures, trainees are typically asked to curate reference materials and resources on their own. Initially, as noted by the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, you need to make sure all resources for your research paper are scholarly, or "written by specialists in a specific field and serve to keep others interested in that field as much as date on the most current research, findings, and news." While not all of these resources are always pertinent to any given term paper, scholarly publications are regarded as more reputable and authoritative than non-scholarly works. Many university libraries enable trainees to carry out tailored searches in order to identify books and other publications with particular information. As soon as you outline your research paper, perform a comprehensive search of your school's library system to find the resources you need. This detailed example from the University at Buffalo's library system discusses how to look for various works by keyword, subject, author, and title. Keep in mind to scan the racks around books you find, considering that recommendation products are normally classified by topic.
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When you get a few potential research paper sources, take a while to skim the material and flag particularly helpful areas or quotes. If you are needed to return the books in relatively little time or are unable to check them out, make copies and arrange the documents to match the basic summary of your paper. Technique posts and books differently. The bulk of your IELTS practice test reading takes one of two kinds: published books or journal short articles. Although these two sources include a different layout and composition style, they normally cover the very same subjects, and you can use the very same method to examine books and journals prior to a comprehensive reading.
What is academic reading?
Reading in an academic context is different from everyday reading. Academic reading requires a more active, penetrating and recursive method than does leisure reading. It is an important ability for finishing a written assignment. ... Academic reading includes layers of: asking questions. If you are appointed a book reading, it might be handy to begin with initial passages prior to delving into the core text. According to the University of Southern Queensland, trainees need to "never start reading at page 1 of the text." Rather, you must initially seek advice from the intro, tabulation, index, author's notes, even the conclusion. These resources help you establish the main focus of the reading, which, in turn, enables you to read with function and skim the text better. Additionally, taking a glance at book reviews on websites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble is a helpful way to record the theme of a publication before you start reading. Just as many scholarly books have an intro or brief passage of some kind, the majority of journal short articles feature a quick abstract, or summary, of the whole piece. The majority of abstracts are two to three paragraphs in length. Although many academic journals are only offered for purchase, a lot of corresponding abstracts are readily available free-of-charge. Prioritize and arrange your reading tasks. If you have a large amount of reading to do, it's easier to remain on task if you. choose the most important assignments and group readings by subject in advance. Consider putting the books and hard copies into stacks by subject or theme, with the most important readings on top. Then, work through your assignments methodically. Chunks of reading can make a massive stack of reading appear workable, and it'll be simpler to determine and track overarching themes and connections between tasks. Develop effective methods to keep in mind essential content. As you participate in academic reading, it is important to maintain all of the essential truths and information present in the text; for many people, this means multiple read-throughs. The University of Southern Queensland notes that a person's capability to keep info from a book or journal post is linked to their reading experience. "The quality of memory is associated with the quality of your interaction with what you are trying to remember. Clearly, if you have actually arranged, dissected, questioned, evaluated and assessed the material you read, it will sit more firmly in your memory, and be more accessible." For this reason, many students have a much easier time remembering short articles about leisure subjects than academic texts; individual stake or interest in a subject creates greater levels of retention.
You can increase "memorability" of a specific reading by utilizing visualization, oral recitation, and other cognitive techniques that enable you to totally comprehend the text. Some trainees develop mnemonic gadgets to help remember bought lists, solutions, and other comprehensive information sets. One example is the phrase "Dear King Phillip Came By For Good Spaghetti," which is a mnemonic gadget for keeping in mind the 8 basic rankings of biological category (Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Household, Genus, Species). In the next section, we go over some note-taking methods that even more increase your retention of academic readings. Impose time limits Despite the common practice of all-night cram sessions, most academic experts agree that trainees should set time limits for their academic readings-- and adhere to them. A thoroughly allocated reading schedule allots ample time to complete the work, re-read the material one or two times to increase memorability, and make up some helpful notes about the text.
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According to a report from Utah State University titled, "The number of Hours Do I Need To Study?", the relative trouble of all your courses during a given semester/quarter should dictate just how much time you invest studying each week. "High trouble" courses need three hours of research study, "Medium trouble" courses require two hours, and "Low trouble" courses require one hour. Once you figure out the levels of difficulty, increase the hours of each course by the number of hours you go to the class each week. This yields the number of hours you must devote to each course on a weekly basis. For example, a high problem course you go to three hours per week typically needs 9 hours of weekly study. The USU report suggests no more than 20-25 research study hours weekly. Trainees should register in a mix of high, medium, and low problem courses each term to guarantee they are not overwhelmed with the weekly requirements. Bearing in mind as You Read Every trainee has his or her own preferred method of academic note-taking. Whichever approach you choose, the exact same rule uses: clear, informative notes are fundamental to successful memorization. According to a tutorial from California Polytechnic Institute (Cal Poly), there are 5 unique schools of thought when it comes to academic note-taking; these systems can be used to remember during a live lecture or when you are engaged in academic reading. The Cornell MethodLecture/reading notes are transcribed (utilizing shorthand language) on a sheet of paper with clear margins. As soon as the lecture/reading is ended up, write one- or two-word cues in the margins next to each essential information point. To review the product, cover the main body of your notes and leave the hints exposed; with appropriate studying, you need to eventually be able to recite all of the info by simply seeing the cue. The Outlining MethodMost trainees discover this approach during their primary/secondary school education. General ideas are written on the far left-hand side of the page and, as the material becomes more specific, the notes are caved in even more to the right. The Mapping MethodRather than merely writing the notes, mapping typically entails a visual part: numbers, marks, color coding, or some other sort of illustration of the academic text. The Charting MethodLike the mapping approach, charting includes a component of graphic representation to supplement the composed notes. In this case, it normally takes the type of a graph or data table. The Sentence MethodThis system involves developing a different sentence for each unique idea, reality, or data point, and after that numbering them on the page in an order that corresponds to the lecture/reading. You can build on sentence-based notes by including page numbers or other markers for your own referral.
In addition to different note-taking techniques, here are a couple of extra ideas to assist you produce much better notes for your academic readings: Make flashcardsThese can be especially helpful for memorizing vocabulary terms, essential concepts, and crucial dates. Develop a set of flashcards for each unique section of the course; this permits you to find out each area individually, and after that integrate all of the flashcards to adequately study for midterms and last examinations. Rewrite til it hurtsFor formulas, sequential timelines, and other topics that need understanding of a specific order, it can be handy to just transcribe the notes by hand till you have actually memorized the proper series. Mark quotesIf you are writing an academic term paper, quotes from authoritative sources are a valuable commodity. Usage color-coded Post-It notes to mark useful passages in your book sources, and produce a digital document with copy-pasted blurbs from online journals and publications. Do not forget to keep in mind the page number in addition to the individual who has coined the quote, and his/her official title if it isn't the author of the work. Refer to more than one source for difficult topicsHaving difficulty comprehending the basics of a particular idea or concept? Locate a source that covers the exact same ground and compare/contrast the various definitions. Sometimes it is easier to grasp details with more than one context. Create a list of staying questionsSometimes, an academic source does not cover all of the info you need. When you end up reading and assembling notes from a given work, put in the time to consider and write out other subjects you still need to research in order to completely comprehend the product. Sample Essay To demonstrate what an extensive task of academic reading looks like, we have actually examined an excerpt from an undergraduate chemistry class. In the margins of the essay, we describe the mentality and techniques an attentive student ought to employ when reading the sample. This recommendations can be applied to any assigned reading given to you throughout your undergraduate studies. Finishing reading projects is one of the biggest obstacles in academic community. Nevertheless, are you handling your reading effectively? Consider this cooking analogy, keeping in mind the distinctions in process: Shannon has to make supper. He goes to the shop and walks through every aisle. He chooses to make spaghetti, so he reviews aisles and reads lots of plans completely before deciding which groceries to buy. Once he arrives home, he discovers a dish for spaghetti, but needs to go back to the store for ingredients he forgot.
Why is academic reading crucial?
The goal of the research study is to examine trainees approach to reading by examining the quality of their learning results. ... These include-- reading, writing, vital thinking, oral presentation, and media literacy. Despite the value of these abilities for academic success, teachers hardly ever teach them Taylor likewise has to make dinner. He desires great deals of carbs since he's running a marathon soon so he decides to make spaghetti. After inspecting some dishes, he makes a list of ingredients. At the grocery store, he skims aisles to discover his components and picks items that fulfill his diet.
Taylor's process was more efficient due to the fact that his purpose was clear. Establishing why you are reading something will assist you choose how to read it, which conserves time and improves understanding. This guide notes some purposes for reading along with different strategies to try at different stages of the reading process. Purposes for reading People read different sort of text (e.g., academic articles, textbooks, reviews) for different reasons. Some purposes for reading might be to scan for specific details to skim to get an overview of the text to relate new material to existing knowledge to write something (often depends on a timely). to critique an argument. to discover something. for general comprehension. Techniques. Strategies vary from reader to reader. The same reader might utilize different techniques for different contexts due to the fact that their purpose for IELTS practice test reading modifications. Ask yourself "why am I reading?" and "what am I reading?" when choosing which techniques to try. Prior to reading.
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Establish your function for reading. Speculate about the author's function for writing. Review what you currently understand and wish to learn about the topic (see the guides listed below). Preview the text to get a summary of its structure, looking at headings, figures, tables, glossary, etc . Anticipate the contents of the text and pose concerns about it. If the authors have actually provided discussion concerns, read them and write them on a note-taking sheet. Keep in mind any conversation questions that have actually been offered (in some cases at the end of the text). Test pre-reading guides-- K-W-L guide. Crucial reading questionnaire. Throughout reading. Annotate and mark (moderately) areas of the text to quickly remember crucial or interesting ideas. Inspect your predictions and find answers to posed concerns. Usage headings and transition words to determine relationships in the text. Develop a vocabulary list of other unknown words to specify later on. Try to presume unfamiliar words' significances by determining their relationship to the main point. Connect the text to what you already learn about the topic. Take breaks (split the text into sectors if essential). Test annotated texts-- Journal short article · Book chapter excerpt. After reading. Summarize the text in your own words (note what you discovered, impressions, and responses) in an outline, principle map, or matrix (for numerous texts). Talk to somebody about the author's concepts to examine your understanding. Recognize and reread difficult parts of the text. Define words on your vocabulary list (attempt a learner's dictionary) and practice utilizing them. Test graphic organizers-- Concept map · Literature evaluation matrix.
What is academic listening?
Search results page Featured bit from the web Academic Listening. Academic Listening involves the reception and understanding of spoken product with an educational function. This location has many kinds, consisting of academic lectures, debates and seminar discussions, and frequently uses a high level of language structure and vocabulary. When you get to university, you'll find you require to get through a lot of readings either from your reading list, or for larger reading in preparation for a project. These might be journal short articles, chapters in edited books or chapters in books. A number of these academic texts will appear rather difficult, particularly to begin with. Don't anguish! You might not need to read every post on your reading list. If you learn how to preview your readings initially, you can pick those readings or areas of a reading that are most relevant to your requirements. There are a variety of strategies that you can use to make the job less overwhelming. Your System Handbook or Research study Guide will have a academic reading list. This list will normally be divided into required readings and advised readings. Constantly start with the required readings. Ideally, these will be basic texts that can offer you an overview of the topic. When you have a basic idea of the course content, more specific or detailed texts will be much easier to comprehend. To maximize your reading, you require to be able to determine your purpose. In most cases, this function will be determined in questions consisted of in the System Handbook or Research Study Guide. These questions will make it much easier to understand what you read. If there are no questions, you require to recognize more particular functions for reading since why you are reading will determine how you read. The method you read an unique, a paper, a telephone directory and an academic short article will be various since your function for reading will be different each time. There are three main kinds of reading that individuals do:. Reading for fast reference-- when you need to find specific info. Reading for enjoyment-- to unwind, for enjoyable, since you like the writer's style. Vital reading-- to understand/analyse concepts or concepts.
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bujo-lettuce-tomato · 7 years
Planning Ahead for Fall: How I do it
So last week, I outlined some steps you can take to plan ahead for the fall semester (that’s in 19 days for me, I am literally counting!) and this week, I’m going to show how I made use of them in my bullet journal :)
Looking Back
I do a lot of this when making any spread, tbh, partly because a little bit of continuity helps my brain, and partly because I really like the way I’ve planned previously! I’m going to draw inspiration from a couple of places: my summer spread (gorgeous, functional!), my April monthly/class-tracker hybrid spread (somewhat like my typical monthly one, but with a class-tracker stuck in) and of course, last semester’s class schedule page (very, very important). Weekly spreads are going to change as needed, of course, but I’m going to try to model them off of my newer vertical spreads rather than my horizontal ones.
Breaking it Down
Now comes the time to think about how I’ve used those spreads I’m drawing from, to figure out what’s worth keeping and what needs changing.
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First, my summer spread: I just can’t stop gushing over how darn useful and practical it was! I put a lot of love into it, and it shows. I did fourteen weeks on a single page, with each month color-coded and each day with a dozen squares, in sort of a compressed running calendar. I added mini calendars on the bottom, and used little checkmark-banners on the sides for my exam grades. The writing space was a little bit cramped, and obviously I couldn’t put every event in there, but that also forced me to really focus on the important stuff: upcoming school assignments. Fun fun fun. To extend this spread to seventeen weeks (the semester, the week before, and finals) I’d move the calendars to the side and make the title smaller. I’d also have my grades moved on a separate page, because I like having a hard copy and 5 courses just won’t fit.
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Now for monthly spreads. I’d like to keep them consistent, and April seemed to work well. I combined my tried-and-true Class Tracker with part of my typical monthly spread. I used to have important highlights right next to my mini monthly calendar, a week-by-week thing with more room to write underneath, and finally habit trackers at the very bottom. I’m bad at consistently using habit trackers, and that is probably correlated with me not using the “week-of” space either... and besides, the semester-long spread covers that purpose. It all works out. Of course, to have my monthly-class-tracker, I need to use five-week months, which just so happens to work out this semester with some overlapped weeks and a three-week December.
My schedule page is a no-brainer: I’ve had it sketched out since I registered for classes in April, and it looks just like my spring one. Of course, this page also determines the most important thing: color coding! I've been using more or less the same color-coding scheme since middle school, so it’s just a question of adapting what I already have :)
Designing My Spreads!
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When I actually put my semester spread on paper, I realized that having the calendars on the left hand side didn’t make sense visually, so I moved everything over to the left. Finally I decided that the calendars were kind of redundant since I already had some in the front of my bujo, and the space would be much better used as a notes-space, where I can expand on weekly events if needed.
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I sketched out my monthly spread with a few modifications: The calendar and month title now are squeezed to one side, while monthly highlights and a blank space for goals and motivation take up the rest of that empty space. Also, my class session boxes are going to be outlined in their respective color for quicker visual recognition, because that can’t hurt! ...aaaaand then I realized I wanted to have a grade tracker spread right after my semester spread, because that makes a whole lot of sense. This is why you always sketch spreads in pencil first! Either way, I wasn’t planning to finish this spread until I get back in town for school, so it’s not a big deal to move it at all. Now let’s just hope I don’t wreck this page with eraser smudges :/
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I’m also not going to finish my schedule page until after add-drop week is over, because you never know, but given my current classes, I’ve ended up with a really happy, vibrant color scheme! (shown here on my pen test page, because I don’t want to put anything permanent down until I have my final schedule) Purple for developmental bio, magenta for biochem and pink for its lab, red for choir, green for critical writing in biology, yellow for performance in world cultures (my last non-bio elective class, RIP me). Biochem also has what’s listed as a lab but I hear is optional recitation/scheduled office hours? It’s weird, imma roll with it, and definitely not pick a color for it until I can ascertain what, exactly, that hour is dedicated to.
Next Steps
Obviously, I can’t really evaluate my spreads until I actually start using them, but I can set aside time for self-evaluation. I’m going to be doing that purposefully every week (my weekly spreads now include a weekly summary section! I’ve done a mixture of regular journaling and reflecting about my productivity and goals in there, and so far it’s at least not a negative thing. I also do it automatically whenever I make my next monthly or weekly spread, even if it’s more of a “maybe I should move this box over a little and write smaller” kind of thing. I always try to focus on the practical rather than the pretty: yes, sometimes I’ll start on a spread with a theme in mind, but that’s because I already know that the spread is going to work for my purposes that week or month. Usually I just sketch things out and then doodle around the “skeleton”. Art is nice, and it’s part of why I keep doing what I’m doing, but my bullet journal is always also a tool.
So that’s pretty much it! Over the semester, I’ll be posting more regular posts (including study tips, life tips, etc.), and at the end I’ll probably revisit this post to talk about what I’ve learned! It’s all just part of the journey :)
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aprilpillkington · 5 years
10 Hip Details About TOEFL
Reading is essential to college success, despite your major or discipline. According to the University of Michigan-Flint, the average university student registered in standard courses should study between 4 and 6 hours each day. Reading understanding and retention of truths and information are two abilities you need to master in order to get the most out of your college experience. Here we’ll explore different techniques for reading: what to do and what not to do as you attempt to maximize your reading understanding. We also think about a sample essay about radiation chemistry (thanks to WyzAnt) to highlight the techniques we check out. How to Enhance Your Academic Reading The following techniques will help you gain the most understanding from each reading resource you consult. Read with purpose Before you start reading, try to determine the purpose of the reading as it relates to the remainder of the course curriculum. You should initially pinpoint the type of information that can be gleaned from the text: does the resource consist of information and figures you need to memorize, or does it describe abstract principles you require to be knowledgeable about in order to advance in the course? Master the art of ‘skimming’. Rather than poring over a designated text in its whole, skimming the pages for crucial material conserves you a great deal of time and reading energy. As noted by an IELTS practice test reading guide from Swarthmore College:“ [Skimming] is not just reading in a hurry, or reading sloppily, or reading the last line and the first line. It’s actually a disciplined activity in its own right. An excellent skimmer has an organized technique for finding the most info in the least amount of time.”. You need to pay very close attention to the text to distinguish essential passages from tangents, extraneous remarks, and other info that is rather unimportant to the project. Watch out for “signposts,” or terms/phrases that denote sidebar discussions. “I would argue” and “As a side note” are 2 examples. Usually speaking, you can avoid reading these paragraphs in detail. While skimming suggests selective reading, it’s also essential to examine the entire text to make sure there aren’t any essential facts or information concealed in relatively unimportant paragraphs. There are, naturally, certain tasks you must not skim: works of fiction for a literature class or long readings planned to be essay triggers, for example. When it concerns books and other standard academic readings, skimming can be rather effective. Examine the credibility and relevance of the text. In addition to course assignments, a substantial quantity of academic reading is required in order to write top quality research study papers. For these compositions, trainees are typically asked to curate referral materials and resources on their own. Initially, as kept in mind by the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, you must make sure all resources for your research paper are scholarly, or “composed by professionals in a specific field and serve to keep others thinking about that field up to date on the most current research study, findings, and news.” While not all of these resources are always appropriate to any offered term paper, academic publications are considered more credible and reliable than non-scholarly works. The majority of university libraries allow students to perform customized searches in order to determine books and other publications with particular information. Once you outline your term paper, carry out a comprehensive search of your school’s library system to locate the resources you need. This illustrated example from the University at Buffalo’s library system describes how to search for different works by keyword, topic, author, and title. Keep in mind to scan the racks around books you locate, because referral products are normally classified by topic.
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As soon as you obtain a few potential research paper sources, spend some time to skim the content and flag particularly informative areas or quotes. If you are required to return the books in fairly little time or are unable to check them out, make photocopies and arrange the files to match the basic summary of your paper. Technique articles and books in a different way. The bulk of your TOEFL practice reading takes one of two forms: released books or journal short articles. Although these two sources include a different design and composition style, they generally cover the very same topics, and you can utilize the same strategy to examine books and journals before an extensive reading.
What is academic reading?
Reading in an academic context is various from everyday reading. Academic reading needs a more active, penetrating and recursive strategy than does recreational reading. It is a vital skill for finishing a written task. … Academic reading includes layers of: asking concerns. If you are assigned a book reading, it might be useful to begin with initial passages prior to diving into the core text. According to the University of Southern Queensland, trainees must “never ever start reading at page 1 of the text.” Rather, you need to initially speak with the introduction, tabulation, index, author’s notes, even the conclusion. These resources help you establish the primary focus of the reading, which, in turn, allows you to read with purpose and skim the text better. In addition, taking a glance at book reviews on sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble is a beneficial way to capture the style of a publication prior to you begin reading. Just as the majority of academic books have an intro or cursory passage of some kind, most of journal short articles include a brief abstract, or summary, of the entire piece. Many abstracts are two to three paragraphs in length. Although numerous academic journals are just offered for purchase, most corresponding abstracts are available free-of-charge. Prioritize and organize your reading assignments. If you have a big quantity of reading to do, it’s simpler to remain on task if you. choose the most crucial projects and group readings by subject in advance. Consider putting the books and printouts into piles by subject or style, with the most essential readings on top. Then, overcome your projects methodically. Portions of reading can make a massive pile of reading appear manageable, and it’ll be easier to recognize and track overarching themes and connections between assignments. Develop efficient ways to keep in mind important material. As you take part in academic reading, it is crucial to retain all of the important realities and information present in the text; for most people, this indicates several read-throughs. The University of Southern Queensland keeps in mind that one’s ability to retain info from a book or journal article is connected to their reading experience. “The quality of memory is connected to the quality of your interaction with what you are attempting to remember. Clearly, if you have organised, dissected, questioned, evaluated and assessed the material you read, it will sit more strongly in your memory, and be more accessible.” For this reason, many trainees have a simpler time keeping in mind posts about recreational topics than academic texts; individual stake or interest in a subject produces higher levels of retention.
You can increase “memorability” of a certain reading by using visualization, oral recitation, and other cognitive methods that allow you to totally comprehend the text. Some trainees create mnemonic gadgets to help keep in mind ordered lists, solutions, and other comprehensive info sets. One example is the phrase “Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti,” which is a mnemonic device for keeping in mind the eight standard rankings of biological classification (Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Types). In the next area, we discuss some note-taking strategies that even more increase your retention of academic readings. Enforce time frame Despite the common practice of all-night cram sessions, a lot of academic specialists agree that students must set time frame for their academic readings– and stick to them. A thoroughly budgeted reading schedule allocates ample time to finish the work, re-read the product once or twice to increase memorability, and make up some useful notes about the text.
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According to a report from Utah State University entitled, “The number of Hours Do I Need To Study?”, the relative trouble of all your courses during a given semester/quarter must dictate just how much time you invest studying weekly. “High trouble” courses need three hours of research study, “Medium difficulty” courses need two hours, and “Low difficulty” courses need one hour. When you determine the levels of difficulty, increase the hours of each course by the number of hours you participate in the class per week. This yields the variety of hours you need to commit to each course on a weekly basis. For example, a high difficulty course you go to three hours per week usually requires 9 hours of weekly research study. The USU report suggests no greater than 20-25 study hours each week. Students ought to register in a mix of high, medium, and low difficulty courses each term to guarantee they are not overwhelmed with the weekly requirements. Taking Notes as You Read Every student has his or her own preferred method of academic note-taking. Whichever technique you choose, the exact same rule applies: clear, informative notes are fundamental to effective memorization. According to a tutorial from California Polytechnic Institute (Cal Poly), there are five unique schools of thought when it pertains to academic note-taking; these systems can be used to remember throughout a live lecture or when you are taken part in IELTS practice test reading. The Cornell MethodLecture/reading notes are transcribed (utilizing shorthand language) on a sheet of paper with clear margins. Once the lecture/reading is ended up, write one- or two-word cues in the margins next to each important details point. To examine the product, cover the main body of your notes and leave the hints exposed; with proper studying, you need to eventually be able to recite all of the info by simply seeing the hint. The Outlining MethodMost trainees discover this approach during their primary/secondary school education. General ideas are written on the far left-hand side of the page and, as the material becomes more particular, the notes are indented further to the right. The Mapping MethodRather than just writing the notes, mapping normally involves a visual component: numbers, marks, color coding, or some other sort of illustration of the academic text. The Charting MethodLike the mapping method, charting consists of an aspect of graphic representation to supplement the written notes. In this case, it normally takes the type of a graph or data table. The Sentence MethodThis system involves producing a different sentence for each unique idea, reality, or data point, and then numbering them on the page in an order that corresponds to the lecture/reading. You can build on sentence-based notes by adding page numbers or other markers for your own reference.
In addition to various note-taking techniques, here are a couple of extra pointers to help you produce much better notes for your academic readings: Make flashcardsThese can be especially beneficial for remembering vocabulary terms, key ideas, and crucial dates. Create a set of flashcards for each unique section of the course; this permits you to discover each area separately, and after that combine all of the flashcards to adequately study for midterms and final examinations. Rewrite til it hurtsFor solutions, chronological timelines, and other subjects that need understanding of a specific order, it can be practical to just transcribe the notes by hand up until you’ve memorized the appropriate series. Mark quotesIf you are writing an academic research paper, prices estimate from reliable sources are an important commodity. Use color-coded Post-It notes to mark helpful passages in your book sources, and develop a digital document with copy-pasted blurbs from online journals and publications. Do not forget to keep in mind the page number as well as the individual who has actually created the quote, and his/her main title if it isn’t the author of the work. Refer to more than one source for challenging topicsHaving problem comprehending the principles of a specific idea or principle? Locate a source that covers the very same ground and compare/contrast the different definitions. Often it is simpler to grasp details with more than one frame of reference. Produce a list of staying questionsSometimes, an academic source does not cover all of the details you require. As soon as you finish reading and compiling notes from a given work, make the effort to think about and write out other subjects you still need to research in order to completely comprehend the material. Test Essay To show what a comprehensive job of reading appears like, we have examined an excerpt from an undergraduate chemistry class. In the margins of the essay, we describe the mindset and strategies a mindful trainee ought to use when reading the sample. This suggestions can be applied to any assigned reading offered to you throughout your undergraduate studies. Finishing reading tasks is one of the greatest challenges in academic community. Nevertheless, are you managing your reading effectively? Consider this cooking analogy, noting the differences in process: Shannon has to make supper. He goes to the shop and walks through every aisle. He decides to make spaghetti, so he reviews aisles and reads numerous bundles completely prior to choosing which groceries to buy. Once he arrives home, he finds a recipe for spaghetti, but needs to go back to the store for active ingredients he forgot.
Why is academic reading crucial?
The objective of the research study is to evaluate students technique to reading by assessing the quality of their learning results. … These include– reading, writing, vital thinking, oral presentation, and media literacy. Despite the value of these skills for academic success, professors rarely teach them Taylor likewise has to make dinner. He desires lots of carbs because he’s running a marathon quickly so he chooses to make spaghetti. After inspecting some dishes, he makes a list of components. At the grocery store, he skims aisles to discover his active ingredients and picks products that meet his diet plan.
Taylor’s process was more efficient because his purpose was clear. Developing why you are reading something will help you choose how to read it, which saves time and enhances comprehension. This guide notes some functions for reading along with different techniques to try at different phases of the reading procedure. Purposes for reading People read different kinds of text (e.g., academic articles, textbooks, reviews) for various factors. Some functions for reading might be to scan for specific info to skim to get a summary of the text to relate brand-new material to existing understanding to write something (often depends upon a prompt). to review an argument. to find out something. for basic understanding. Methods. Strategies differ from reader to reader. The same reader may utilize various strategies for different contexts since their purpose for reading changes. Ask yourself “why am I reading?” and “what am I reading?” when deciding which methods to attempt. Prior to reading.
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Develop your function for reading. Hypothesize about the author’s purpose for writing. Review what you currently know and wish to learn more about the subject (see the guides listed below). Preview the text to get an introduction of its structure, taking a look at headings, figures, tables, glossary, etc . Predict the contents of the text and posture questions about it. If the authors have provided discussion concerns, read them and write them on a note-taking sheet. Keep in mind any discussion concerns that have actually been supplied (often at the end of the text). Sample pre-reading guides– K-W-L guide. Vital reading survey. During reading. Annotate and mark (sparingly) areas of the text to quickly recall important or interesting ideas. Examine your forecasts and find answers to positioned questions. Use headings and shift words to recognize relationships in the text. Develop a vocabulary list of other unknown words to specify later. Try to infer unknown words’ significances by determining their relationship to the essence. Connect the text to what you currently learn about the topic. Take breaks (split the text into sectors if essential). Sample annotated texts– Journal article · Book chapter excerpt. After reading. Summarize the text in your own words (note what you discovered, impressions, and reactions) in an overview, idea map, or matrix (for numerous texts). Speak with somebody about the author’s concepts to check your understanding. Identify and go over tough parts of the text. Define words on your vocabulary list (attempt a learner’s dictionary) and practice using them. Sample graphic organizers– Idea map · Literature evaluation matrix.
What is academic listening?
Search engine result Included bit from the web Academic Listening. Academic Listening involves the reception and understanding of spoken material with an educational purpose. This location has lots of forms, including academic lectures, arguments and workshop discussions, and routinely makes use of a high level of language structure and vocabulary. When you get to university, you’ll find you need to make it through a lot of readings either from your reading list, or for larger reading in preparation for an assignment. These may be journal posts, chapters in edited books or chapters in textbooks. Much of these academic texts will appear rather challenging, particularly to begin with. Do not anguish! You might not need to read every article on your reading list. If you find out how to sneak peek your readings first, you can select those readings or areas of a reading that are most pertinent to your needs. There are a series of methods that you can use to make the job less overwhelming. Your System Handbook or Study Guide will have a TOEFL practice reading list. This list will generally be divided into needed readings and advised readings. Always start with the needed readings. Ideally, these will be general texts that can provide you an overview of the topic. Once you have a basic concept of the course material, more particular or detailed texts will be simpler to understand. To take advantage of your reading, you require to be able to determine your function. In many cases, this function will be determined in questions consisted of in the Unit Handbook or Study Guide. These concerns will make it much easier to comprehend what you are reading. If there are no questions, you require to determine more specific purposes for reading since why you are reading will figure out how you read. The method you read a novel, a newspaper, a telephone book and an academic post will be various due to the fact that your function for reading will be different each time. There are three primary types of reading that individuals do:. Reading for fast reference– when you require to discover specific info. Reading for pleasure– to unwind, for fun, due to the fact that you like the writer’s style. Vital reading– to understand/analyse concepts or ideas.
10 Hip Details About TOEFL published first on https://the4th3rd.tumblr.com
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kaliiwashere · 5 years
noun student tma portal login
Now, you will notice your noun student portal login page examination outcomes on the web page that follows. This is the thing, the Nouonline Portal tma login link is true in front of your display screen staring at you right now, and for you to see it; you may have to learn further to the Noun student login portal procedure. This guideline is for all college students who have successfully registered with Noun edu portal login, however in a method or the opposite, have misplaced their Noun login password. When I try to login, I get the message: Invalid username or password! I Don’t understand if ant loss’ anytime I strive to achieve to my TMA ,All is prepared however only GST 102 nonetheless not yet ready till date! However as a consequence of the fact that you're a new pupil, you continue to have to pay for matric gown, register your exams and programs plus other bills. While you enter your Matric No, proceed and click on on the Submit button. Step 5: on the next web page, you can be requested to enter your Matric Quantity. Additionally, you will find the not too long ago added iLearn on the NOUN pupil portal which in line with the school, promises to improve academic standard of the Nigerian populace, regardless of the placement, social status and geopolitical zones.
NOUN TMA Portal is now energetic so you can begin submitting TMAs. Right here in this article, i will probably be giving an indepth overview of how the Noun TMA works and the way students of this nice institution can use it for their benefits. A newly generated password will be sent to the e-mail address you used for Open College of Nigeria registration, Log-on to your e-mail handle. Declaimer: This isn't the official website of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). It's best to bear in mind that you'll want a pc with a very good web connection and in addition a printer connected to the computer before you possibly can print out NOUN result. Once you’re by means of you’ll get a profitable message, now you can proceed to print the course you registered. Depending upon the time available to you and your workload, you'll be able to mix work and your studies or you can research full time and progress at your individual fee.
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From the Image is an Instance of the Scores any NOUN Student can get if he Subscribes to our TMA Benefit Solution Supply. Click on the "Noun Scholar Login." discovered on the Nouonline Portal homepage. Click on on the one you wish to examine and look at it. Select the programme you want to apply for be it Undergraduate, Postgraduate or PhD. To qualify to proceed to appropriate diploma programme of NOUN, holders of Diploma Certificates could be required to make up any deficiencies in their SSCE / GCE, NECO, NABTEB and T.C II. Holders of HND with a minimum of Lower Credit from institutions recognised by the Senate of NOUN. As a consequence of its Open Distance Studying nature, NOUN does not supply lectures to students in classrooms, except in some specific study centers, like the research center in Lagos which offers lectures to regulation students. The institution of the Nationwide Open College of Nigeria is seen because the springboard for distance studying in the country. The attention of the administration of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has been drawn to malicious websites set up to mislead and extort cash from college students and most people for access to NOUN noun student portal login page sources on-line.
Entry to assignments, quizzes together with self-examine evaluation tools. Entry to information which tends to supply answers to any difficult faced by the students as associated to their courses of research. New NOUN TMA Portal was created for all GST Programs. Reply with "first semester" when it's requested on the portal regardless of your current semester. Prior information and relevant work expertise (together with first diploma/HND/RN) could also be thought of for advanced placement and waiver. Digitized lecture video and audio supplies, the Good e-Guide, are advanced learning extras, set for an enhanced student’ learning experience and made available on the platform. Subscribers who are Receiving Free Information Every noun student login portal index day-Click beneath to Comply with free of charge. After getting efficiently entered the requested information correctly, hit the “Enter” beneath to login. Moreover, these in Science Training should have credit in English Language. If you choose the “Edu Portal”, it will present you the primary log in web page the place you must enter your registration particulars.
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This is to bring to the attention of all Centre Administrators and students that the students Administration Portal (Studware) is currently undergoing upkeep. NOUN StudWare is a students' info system developed and supported by the Directorate of Administration Data System of the National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN. The institution of the Nationwide Open College of Nigeria is seen because the springboard for distance studying in the nation. In this publish we can be taking a look at Noun Scholar Portal as we are conscious that Nationwide Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is Nigeria’s Federal Open and Distance Learning(ODL) establishment, the first of its variety in the West African. I bought questioning what i should write about as that is my first submit. A registered and licensed Community Well being Extension Worker with a Diploma in Group Health Extension (Ordinary National Diploma) and with not less than two years submit qualification experience. Prior information and relevant work experience (including first degree/HND/RN) could also be thought-about for advanced placement and waiver.
Everybody I noticed did not pay past 50k including I final Friday. As of 2011, the variety of learners was about 150,000. The university has a total of forty five examine centres at strategic areas in Nigeria, together with in prisons the place inmates can examine and earn a degree. To apply for admission in the college, you are expected to have at least a minimal of 5 O-level credits together with Arithmetic and English Language. 5 (5) credit score passes in not greater than two sittings in WASCE, GCE, NECO or NABTEB in the next topics: English Language, Arithmetic, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Health Science. International Baccalaureates, Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) with not less than two ‘A’ Degree papers in relevant subjects and pre-requisite variety of ‘O’ Level credit score passes. The duration might be dependent on how long a pupil takes to accumulate the requisite variety of credit needed for a final award. It is the primary of its form in West Africa and it's recognized as the biggest tertiary establishment in Nigeria based on student numbers.
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One of many advantages the varsity has over the other tertiary institutions in Nigeria is its immunity to union strikes such because the ASSU strike. Tutor-marked Assignments: The sort of assessment is designed to supply students with a chance to evaluate their studying and progress over the duration of the course. Level to note, the NOUN TMA is the same as Take a look at in different learning establishments. TMA on GST 204, AGR 202 and AFS 202 are usually not loading. Are you in need of NOUN TMA solution? NB : Though we're but to get a tangible explanation from authoritative sources, from our critical evaluation, we consider the suspension only affects potential(incoming/new) students. Compulsory payment for 400Level first semester students which was previously N28,000 is now N18,000. The pioneer scholar enrollment of the establishment stood at 32,four hundred which rose to 57,759 students in 2011. Beneath the management of Prof Vincent Tenebe, the then Vice Chancellor, the institution operated from its administrative headquarters located at Victoria Island, Lagos.
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Note: a Successful passport will probably be displayed on your scholar portal homepage. In that, you can now login as a returning pupil on the NOUN Portal. After you’ve executed that, click on Apply to proceed to the pre-fee software web page. Then Click the Submit button to add the photo. After correcting filling in your username and password, click on the “Log In” button. Password. Enter the password that accompanies your username. Fill in your Password but click on on “Forgot Your Password” in case you can’t remember what you used as your password. Finally you might want to login to your e-mail address, so you possibly can have access to the password despatched to you by Noun. The portal provides entry to classes like course registration, tuition fee verification, course list, e-library, obtain of relevant course supplies, portal clearance and iLearn. Respond with "first semester" when it is requested on the portal irrespective of your present semester. Noun Portal login Particulars ought to be a significant Asset to you. If you select the “Edu Portal”, it'll present you the principle log in page the place you will need to input your registration noun student portal login page details.
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pipbabi · 5 years
how to login noun student portal
Now, you will notice your noun student portal login page exam outcomes on the page that follows. Here is the thing, the Nouonline Portal tma login hyperlink is true in front of your screen staring at you right now, and so that you can see it; you may need to learn additional to the Noun scholar login portal process. This guideline is for all college students who have efficiently registered with Noun edu portal login, but in a method or the other, have misplaced their Noun login password. When I attempt to login, I get the message: Invalid username or password! I Don’t perceive if ant loss’ anytime I attempt to attain to my TMA ,All is prepared however only GST 102 nonetheless not yet prepared till date! However as a consequence of the fact that you are a brand new pupil, you continue to need to pay for matric gown, register your exams and courses plus different expenses. If you enter your Matric No, proceed and click on the Submit button. Step 5: on the subsequent page, you will be requested to enter your Matric Number. Additionally, you will discover the recently added iLearn on the NOUN student portal which based on the school, guarantees to enhance academic normal of the Nigerian populace, no matter the situation, social status and geopolitical zones.
NOUN TMA Portal is now lively so you can start submitting TMAs. Here in this article, i will likely be giving an indepth evaluation of how the Noun TMA works and how college students of this great establishment can use it for his or her advantages. A newly generated password can be despatched to the email deal with you used for Open College of Nigeria registration, Log-on to your e mail address. Declaimer: This isn't the official web site of National Open College of Nigeria (NOUN). You need to be aware that you will want a computer with a good web connection and also a printer linked to the pc before you possibly can print out NOUN outcome. Once you’re by you’ll get a successful message, now you can proceed to print the course you registered. Depending upon the time out there to you and your workload, you'll be able to mix work and your studies or you may examine full time and progress at your individual rate.
From the Picture is an Instance of the Scores any NOUN Scholar can get if he Subscribes to our TMA Benefit Resolution Provide. Click on the "Noun Student Login." found on the Nouonline Portal homepage. Click on the one you want to verify and look at it. Choose the programme you wish to apply for be it Undergraduate, Postgraduate or PhD. To qualify to proceed to acceptable degree programme of NOUN, holders of Diploma Certificates can be required to make up any deficiencies of their SSCE / GCE, NECO, NABTEB and T.C II. Holders of HND with a minimum of Decrease Credit from institutions recognised by the Senate of NOUN. As a consequence of its Open Distance Studying nature, NOUN does not supply lectures to students in classrooms, besides in some particular examine centers, like the examine heart in Lagos which provides lectures to regulation college students. The institution of the National Open University of Nigeria is seen because the springboard for distance learning within the country. The eye of the management of the Nationwide Open College of Nigeria (NOUN) has been drawn to malicious websites set as much as mislead and extort money from students and the general public for access to NOUN noun student portal login page sources on-line.
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Entry to assignments, quizzes together with self-research assessment tools. Access to info which tends to supply solutions to any tough faced by the scholars as associated to their programs of study. New NOUN TMA Portal was created for all GST Courses. Respond with "first semester" when it is requested on the portal regardless of your present semester. Prior knowledge and related work expertise (together with first degree/HND/RN) could also be considered for superior placement and waiver. Digitized lecture video and audio supplies, the Sensible e-Book, are superior learning extras, set for an enhanced student’ studying expertise and made out there on the platform. Subscribers who are Receiving Free Data Day by day-Click below to Observe without spending a dime. After you have efficiently entered the requested info correctly, hit the “Enter” below to login. Moreover, those in Science Training will need to have credit score in English Language. If you choose the “Edu Portal”, it'll show you the main log in page the place it's essential to enter your registration particulars.
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That is to carry to the eye of all Centre Administrators and students that the scholars Management Portal (Studware) is at the moment undergoing maintenance. NOUN StudWare is a students' data system developed and supported by the Directorate of Management Info System of the National Open College of Nigeria, NOUN. The institution of the Nationwide Open College of Nigeria is seen because the springboard for distance learning within the nation. On this put up we would be looking at Noun Pupil Portal as we're conscious that National Open College of Nigeria (NOUN) is Nigeria’s Federal Open and Distance Learning(ODL) establishment, the primary of its type in noun student tma portal login the West African. I obtained questioning what i ought to write about as that is my first submit. A registered and licensed Community Well being Extension Worker with a Diploma in Group Well being Extension (Peculiar Nationwide Diploma) and with not less than two years put up qualification experience. Prior data and relevant work experience (together with first diploma/HND/RN) may be thought-about for advanced placement and waiver.
Everyone I saw didn't pay beyond 50k together with I final Friday. As of 2011, the variety of learners was about a hundred and fifty,000. The college has a complete of 45 study centres at strategic locations in Nigeria, together with in prisons the place inmates can study and earn a level. To apply for admission within the university, you are expected to have no less than a minimal of 5 O-degree credit including Mathematics and English Language. Five (5) credit passes in not greater than two sittings in WASCE, GCE, NECO or NABTEB in the next topics: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Well being Science. International Baccalaureates, Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) with not less than two ‘A’ Stage papers in related topics and pre-requisite number of ‘O’ Degree credit score passes. The duration shall be dependent on how lengthy a pupil takes to accumulate the requisite variety of credits wanted for a closing award. It's the primary of its sort in West Africa and it is acknowledged as the largest tertiary institution in Nigeria based on student numbers.
One of many advantages the varsity has over the other tertiary institutions in Nigeria is its immunity to union strikes such as the ASSU strike. Tutor-marked Assignments: This type of assessment is designed to provide college students with a possibility to evaluate their learning and progress over the duration of the course. Point to notice, the NOUN TMA is identical as Test in other learning institutions. TMA on GST 204, AGR 202 and AFS 202 usually are not loading. Are you in need of NOUN TMA resolution? NB : Though we're yet to get a tangible clarification from authoritative sources, from our vital evaluation, we consider the suspension only affects potential(incoming/new) students. Compulsory fee for 400Level first semester students which was formerly N28,000 is now N18,000. The pioneer student enrollment of the institution stood at 32,400 which rose to 57,759 students in 2011. Underneath the leadership of Prof Vincent Tenebe, the then Vice Chancellor, the establishment operated from its administrative headquarters positioned at Victoria Island, Lagos.
Word: a Profitable passport will likely be displayed in your student portal homepage. In that, now you can login as a returning pupil on the NOUN Portal. After you’ve done that, click Apply to proceed to the pre-payment application web page. Then Click the Submit button to add the photo. After correcting filling in your username and password, click on the “Log In” button. Password. Enter the password that accompanies your username. Fill in your Password however click on “Forgot Your Password” if you happen to can’t remember what you used as your password. Finally it is advisable login to your e-mail handle, so you may have entry to the password despatched to you by Noun. The portal offers entry to categories like course registration, tuition price verification, course checklist, e-library, download of related course materials, portal clearance and iLearn. Respond with "first semester" when it is requested on the portal regardless of your current semester. Noun Portal login Particulars ought to be an important Asset to you. If you select the “Edu Portal”, it should present you the principle log in web page where you need to enter your registration noun student portal login page particulars.
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minxiebutt · 7 years
The Draw
For @glassesgirl0401 for the Eruri Secret Valentine.
Summary: Sometimes, finding a soulmate does not light a fire in one’s blood, but rather, the opposite, cooling the pain of long separation.
 Author notes: Hello, Frauke! I’m sorry that I’m late for Valentine’s Day, but I hope you enjoy this little thing. Your list gave me so much to work with, and the idea of aro/ace soulmates gave me the warmth fuzzies, so that is what I’ve gone with. I hope you have a wonderful belated Valentine’s!
It's there, that whirling twirling stirring of restlessness nestling deeply, soundly, steadfastly in his bones in a way that he can neither deny nor express, driving him toward too often, too intense sessions of introspection, meaning to discover and employ a way to soothe said restlessness once and for all, to no avail.
The charm of his hometown dulls predictably with age, and his parents say it's part of growing up, that he is too large for their humble nest; that the cure for his late night paces and frets is to spread his wings, find his own flight, fly-- figuratively speaking.
 The gleaming glamour of Manhattan is all he's ever known, but Erwin Smith, at the age of eighteen years, freshly graduated from high school, two-time student body president and most recent prom king, is inexplicably homesick for stetsons and cowboy boots and longhorns to kill a man, so after trading the prestigious supply of Ivy League for equally proud Texas A&M, he departs for the southern state.
 It's been his dream since childhood, to be like his father and follow those too-large footsteps, so he studies as hard as he can and applies with all the hope he can muster; however, there is no happy acceptance in the letter in his hand, not from the school he wants, off in New York, his father’s alma mater and the school that would have guaranteed a smoothly successful career.
 “I'm sorry, pumpkin,” his Ma says, catching him in a half hug, holding the second, less exciting, more predictable and expected letter from Texas A&M, his back-up school, who will gladly take him on scholarship.
 “It's alright, Ma,” Levi Ackerman says, content façade, as his heart swells in disappointment and that old aching in his bones flares and makes him want to curl up and cry. He can't, though. It hurts him but he knows this is better, this scholarship keeps the burden of cost off his mother, and he’ll keep living at home, not yet leaving her alone in the too-empty house with all her thoughts and sorrow and family photos.
 It hurts him, it makes him long for the bustling nightlife of New York City, something tugging at his sternum, fit to open him up should he pull against it. It aches sharply for a few weeks after his graduation, and then one night, amidst a heavy downpour that leaves his city in a flash flood watch, it spreads out warm and heavy and makes him sleep soundly.
 Erwin’s first night in College Station, Texas, it rains so hard that he thinks he might be washed away, but he makes it to his new apartment safely and when he eventually settles under the freshly-made sheets of his new bed, he finds that for the first time he can recall, that stirring in his bones has muted to a gentle throb, as if there is another heartbeat inside of him.
 The muted gentle throb is content to accompany Erwin in relative peace until classes begin in the autumn, after which the throb becomes a fierce piercing in his chest, and he wonders if he should visit the clinic to be evaluated for heart attack risks.
 Levi takes a position pushing paper at the university clinic, a small building on the corner of campus that doesn't seem to be anyone’s interest this close to the beginning of the semester, so he mostly sits and plays with his phone on the clock. He's behind the receptionist’s desk, out of sight from the waiting room, heavily invested in a round of online poker, when the aching comes stumbling into the forefront of his mind like a drunkard, demanding attention and demanding it now.
 “Sorry,” someone says, a yankee accent, “Uh. Do you have information on, uh, heart attacks, please?”
 Levi can't explain it, barely registers his own actions, but he pushes to his feet, letting the cable wire around his rib cage lead him out into the waiting area, where suddenly the air is static.
 The yankee has a hand in his own chest, rubbing, but he stills when Levi, drunken on the aching in his bones, giddiness permeating his bloodstream with delirious warmth, stumbles into his line of sight and there, on Levi’s lips, without the slightest of indicators: “Erwin.”
 They stay up all night but not with inappropriate activities, instead with trading stories and dates to find comfort in their mutual experiences, and that it's not so insane after all, that all this time, their tugging and aching has been for the other one.
 Two days in and Levi knows that his Ma can see the difference in him, and he knows that she purposefully doesn't speak of it, that she wants to avoid pushing her own life choices on him, because not everyone gets married in college, it he wants to badly to take her in his arms and squeeze her tight, proclaiming that he has found the one for him.
 The first weekend after meeting Erwin, Levi packs an overnight bag and lets Ma know that he is staying with friends. She smiles, unquestioning, supporting his newfound social growth.
 Despite the current social trend of using movies to excuse for sexual activity, Levi binges a whole season of Erwin’s favourite show with him in one night, going through twelve forty-minute episodes without so much as a wayward stroke or shy kiss. They are, however, entwined like lovers; Erwin, on his back, his legs spread open on the long couch, Levi settling snugly between his thighs; Levi, chest to chest with Erwin, has his arms around the other’s torso, his hands immobilised where they spread over shoulder blades and sinew and strength.
 “Am I heavy?” Levi asks during an episode’s intro music.
 Erwin grunts a soft decline.
 “Of course not,” Levi says, acting tough to distract from the blush creeping up his neck. “Why would I be? You lift weights like a maniac.”
 As if Levi is not the same way, as if they are not nearly one in the same, of the same feather, a flock of two.
 Erwin invites Levi to Manhattan for Thanksgiving, and even though he wants to agree so badly, to board the plane alongside Erwin, to meet his parents and his litter of little sisters, Levi must turn him down.
 “Ma shouldn't be alone for Thanksgiving,” Levi says, with all the weighted responsibility of a boy who wants to be the man his father wouldn't want him to be.
 “I understand,” Erwin says, and it's true.
 “I wouldn't want any of our parents to get the wrong idea about us.” They don't fuck, don't even kiss. They're together, easy companionship like cookie cutters, but not intimate, and surprisingly to Levi, neither of them are bothered. There are no heated, lustful glances, no air charged with sexual tension begging to be explored and satisfied.
 It's unspoken between them, this knowledge that they will be together forever, that they were made for one another, but they're young still, and youth draws skeptical, unsolicited criticism.
 Hardly a month later, Erwin spends the whole of the Christmas holidays with Levi and Mrs. Ackerman.
 Erwin doesn't kiss Levi until after college graduation. It's not a goodbye, but a see you soon, because Erwin is going home to break some important news to his parents. Levi is there at the airport to pick Erwin up a few weeks later, his sternum on fire, a degree for every mile that has separated them, and he surprises himself by seeking a kiss, one chaste press of lips to lips that Erwin gives willingly.
 It turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were more accepting of their son being with another man than the notion that a healthy, young adult male could possibly be uninterested in sexual activity. Erwin is quiet about the trip for a few days before he opens up and tells Levi about the peculiar exchange, but afterward, they find a good giggle in it, that everything somehow must come back to sex, as if the only reason to live and breathe and find a soulmate is to fuck, to degrade hard-won commitment to a crude, biological urge.
 Eventually, they decide to get married, more on the pragmatic side of why not? than for a romantic reason. Instead of even the smallest of ceremonies, instead of even informing their families, Levi manages to coax Erwin down to City Hall on a quiet Tuesday morning, where they don’t even exchange rings before the Justice, opting to simply recite cardboard vows, because everything that needs to be said is already there in their bones.
 Afterward, like an inside joke of a modest celebration, they buy hotdogs from the vendor in the park and discuss their next steps together as one.
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ddrkirbyisq · 4 years
There are a LOT of voices shouting things about the ongoing blacklivesmatter movement and so far I've mostly avoided saying anything of my own because I prefer to find quieter spaces to speak rather than enter a discourse that is already so "noisy".  It's been a few weeks since I've started diving into this stuff though, so it's about time for an initial post.
I've always hoped that my blog can provide a journaling of my own thoughts and experiences that others can connect to in a more personal way.  In the same vein, I'll be attempting to reflect upon and provide some updates with my experiences with blacklivesmatter.  My intent is not to tell you that you should follow the same models and patterns as I have (though you are welcome to do so if you wish), but simply to give you personal thoughts of what it might look like to incorporate this movement into day-to-day life.  I can't claim to be the best at this, nor the most knowledgable...far from it.  But amongst all the call to actions I've seen, I haven't heard any stories about personal everyday people things, so here we are.
Well, that's already more than enough of a foreward...let's get into it, then.  I'll try to start with the more abstract stuff and then narrow in on concrete things later.
For brevity, I'll simply use "BLM" to refer to the blacklivesmatter movement as a whole (which of curse is not to be confused with the "Black Lives Matter Foundation", which is an entirely different thing).
BLM as a class
My basic model for incorporating BLM into my day to day life has been to treat it as a sort of class.  Classes require you to do readings, listen to lectures, complete homework assignments, and do research projects.  And yes, every once in a blue moon, you might get a pop quiz.  BLM is much the same way for me, and the number one thing that I would tell anyone hoping to get involved in the movement is simply to DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Let me drill down into some of the various ways in which the "BLM is like a class" analogy makes sense to/for me. BLM takes time Deconstructing systemic racism is a project that takes time, even if we are talking about the small bubble that is your own daily life.  If you don't feel like you can fit an extra 3-unit class into your current daily schedule, you might want to evaluate just how effective you can be and what your level of commitment is here. On the plus side, you're in charge of your own course curriculum.  If this movement is important enough to you that you really want to dive deep and are prepared to do a lot of work (you need to do the homework!) for it, then by all means, give yourself a larger workload and bump your unit count up to 5.  If you feel like all of your free time is eaten up by this other "Surviving in a world of Covid-19" course that you're struggling to pass, then maybe you can think about taking BLM as an introductory seminar instead.  Sure, you won't come out on the other end with as much knowledge and training, but sometimes that's all you have the space for.  And hey, there's always next semester. You're "behind" There are a lot of people (including myself) who are just now starting to realize that BLM (and various associated issues) are important to them.  Qualms about herd mentality aside, that's a great thing, it really is.  But one of the first things you have to realize is that these issues are....really not new, not by any stretch of the imagination. So yes, you're showing up for this new class and you're really eager to learn but...unfortunately, you registered a bit late.  And by "a bit late" I mean many of your peers have been enrolled in this class since they were born.  You've really got some catching up to do. This could just be me, but in my personal opinion, being late to the party isn't really something that is particularly worth advertising.  "Hey guys!  I know you've been working hard for months to learn all the material in this class, but guess what, I'M HERE NOW!"  Now, if you put in the effort (do the homework!), I'm fully confident that you'll be able to pass the class with no problems.  But let's just not get carried away here. Asking for help I think a lot of people's first instinct upon thrusting themselves into #hashtag blacklivesmatter might be to ask others to give them a rundown.  "Can you help teach me about racism?"  "I really want to help, what are some things I can do?"  Yeah, about that......so like, imagine that you've just stepped into a class that's been going on all quarter and you turn to your neighbor and say "Hey!  So...I know we've got this midterm coming up, but I just signed up for this class yesterday.  Can you quickly teach me what we've gone over in the past 2 months?" Do.  Your.  Homework.  Asking other people to educate you feels disrespectful of their time, and of the course itself.  There's an entire syllabus for this, you can't just skip all of the work and suddenly go from zero to hero. Now, that doesn't mean you can't ask others for help.  But there's a big difference between "The homework is too hard...tell me how to do it..." and "So I read the textbook, but I'm really confused about this problem.  I think you need to use recursion, but I'm stuck trying to figure out a recurrence relation because..."  People will always be much, much happier to engage with you after you've put in the effort.  That applies across all subjects, not just this one.  It's OK to ask for help when you're stuck.  It's not okay to ask for handholding before you've tried. Cheating I really want to encourage everyone interested in this BLM "class" to try to be effective students of learning.  Yes, it's perfectly possible to scrape a passing grade by copying your friends' notes and by having them do all the work on the group projects while you simply show up for the presentation.  But if you do that, I feel like you're really missing the point of this class. There are going to be students that are in this class just because they felt like it was "required".  If you want to treat this class as "just another general education requirement" and are taking it simply to prove that you're "BLM certified", then go ahead, do whatever you want.  Skip the homework, cheat on the tests, sure.  But I really hope that you're better than that.  (You're also going to need this knowledge if you ever hope to continue on to the higher-level versions of this course, etc.) Keep in mind that copying your neighbor's answers or looking up the homework questions on stackoverflow is not a foolproof strategy.  I mentioned earlier that the "Black Lives Matter Foundation" is entirely separate from the BLM movement.  The "Black Lives Matter Foundation" is in fact an organization that's unrelated to the Black Lives Matter Global Network.  It's got a single paid employee whose goal is to "bring the community and police closer together".  A ton of folks (I'm talking $4 million dollars worth) have mistakenly donated to one thinking that it was the other.  Why?  Because they didn't do the homework.  I'm not here to tell you whether you should donate to or shouldn't donate to.  I'm just saying that if you want to "hashtag defundthepolice" you probably ought to do a little research before you donate to an org that "brings the community and police closer together". Learning styles Okay, let's face it.  Not all of us are go-to-lecture people (case in point....myself).  That's totally fine -- one of the things that we've hopefully learned through our education is that everyone has different effective learning styles.  It's on you to figure out how to work best in this class. Do you want to.... "Watch speakers and lectures" -- There are numerous talks and videos on BLM subjects that you can stream for FREE from the comfort of your own home. "Read the textbooks" -- Try reading through a few books on this topic (of which there are countless).  And I'm sure you've seen a billion articles on the interwebs about this by now. "Form study groups?" -- Find a partner or two whom you can talk with regularly about BLM. Heck, if you learn best by =taking tests= there's even a bunch of those out there that you can go through. Not everyone's involvement with BLM needs to look the same and I'm sure you can find your own role in all of this.  Are you going to participate in nonviolent protests?  That's great, especially since I'm sure there are many who can't because they are ill or otherwise unable to.  Are you going to confront other family members and have frank dialogues with them regarding BLM?  That's great, especially since there are many people who are unable to do so due to barely being on speaking terms with their family.  Are you going to donate to (hopefully well-researched) organizations that will use your money to further good causes?  That's great, especially since there are many who simply don't have a stable source of disposable income that they can donate. Everyone can find their own means through which to pursue this common goal of justice.  For myself, I'm not comfortable having a discussion about this with my family members, so that's off the table.  However I happen to have a handwritten letter hobby -- I can tie that into BLM by writing to legislators regarding relevant policy decisions.  We all have our part that we can play and I'm not going to judge you based on which you slot into. Daily homework Took a lot longer than I expected, but we're getting into my actual practical experiences now... So, so far my self-assigned courseload for BLM has been "do something related to BLM every day".  I've kept that up so far, and hope to do so for some reasonable period of time.  Maybe a daily thing doesn't make as much sense for you as much as a weekly thing, that's totally fine.  Daily just happens to be a good cadence for me, while still allowing me a good amount of flexibility based on whatever else I happen to have going on that day. Here's some examples of things that I've counted to fulfill my "daily BLM assignment": - Watching a few TED talks given by people on color on what it's like to live in America, how we treat race, etc. - Reading an article about white fragility - Reading an article on "allyship" and what it means to be an "ally" - Watching "Just Mercy", a film about a black civil rights attorney that is free to watch this month - Literally looking down the "100 Greatest African Americans" list and clicking Wikipedia links on names that I recognized but didn't know much about - Reading and learning about Muhammad Ali specifically cuz hey, boxing, that seems interesting - Looking up my local police policies to see where they fall - Contributing to non-profit organizations through my employer's donation matching program - Doing initial searching into legislation such as the Justice and Policing act that is currently being pushed through the legislative process - Writing this blog post....(took longer than I thought it would...) ... I want to stress that I the amount of effort that I dedicate to this each day is sometimes a decent amount, but oftentimes it's very low and I'm OK with that.  I've literally had a TED talk playing on my second monitor while grinding out some daily quests on Ragnarok Online and that happens to be two things that I can comfortably do at the same time -- actually it works out shockingly well.  Could I be focusing more on whatever video I happen to be playing?  Sure, but I'm making it work for myself and that's what counts.  It's not a race here. Research Even if none of us ever learned any of the =truly relevant= (read: shameful) history of our country back in Social Studies class, my hope is that we at least came out of our education with some sense of how to approach a large project that requires some sort of research and critical analysis. Depending on what you self-assign for your BLM workload, you're probably going to undertake some larger, more "vague" projects.  Don't get caught in the trap of operational procrastination!  It's important to take these larger goals and break them down into microtasks so you can profit from checking off little checkboxes each day while making forward progress toward an otherwise-daunting task. One example of a larger-scale "project" might be donating money to an organization(s) related to BLM issues.  You could just click on the first twitter link you see and call it a day, but here in this class, that's....barely worth a "C", honestly.  You can do better.  Come up with a breakdown that might look like this: - What organization(s) should I donate to?   - Should I donate to a larger organization or a grassroots organization?     - What is generally more effective?  I should look up what other people have said about this     - Search what are the most well-known BLM organizations and why.     - Search what organizations are local to my city/county - What is this organization going to do with my money?   - I should look up what this organization has done in the past.   - I should look up what this organization says they are going to do in the future. - Is this organization trustworthy?   - What are other people saying about them?  I should look up external comments on them   - Who is leading this organization?  I should look them up.  Are there actual people of color running this organization? - How much money should I donate?   - I should think about whether I want to donate one-time or setup a recurring schedule For myself, an eventual project is to use my voice to affect change via writing to legislators.  Here's what that process might look like.  This one has a bit more detail because I've already started digging into it, but there are still a lot of blanks to fill in. I'm concerned about Police brutality, accountability, and injustice.  If my local community has issues with these things, I should write to my legislators to suggest change and express my opinions. - What is the current state of the police force in my local area?   * It turns out my local area has a unified public safety model, where staff are combination police+fire+emergency responders.  My local area is also known for being extremely safe and having a low crime incidence. - Looking at https://policescorecard.org/, my city is rated as a "D-" for Campaign Zero.   * I'm not going to take this at face value.  Where did this rating come from?  The rating seems to be "B" for police accountability and approach to policing, but "F" for police violence.   - Where did the "F" come from?  Are these statistics artificially inflated because there isn't enough data?     * For example, 100% of the times police said they saw a gun, it was never actually found.  This got assigned the lowest possible score...but there was actually only a single incident here.  So 1/1 = 100%.  That's silly.   - policescorecard.org also says that the police have only adopted 2 out of 8 recommended campaignzero policies     * Is this actually accurate?  I should verify with the actual department policies.  Fortunately the department itself has already issued a public statement regarding this where they reference specific sections of their policy.  In some cases the policies might have been updated and in other cases the policy might actually more reasonable than the policescorecard.org rule? - If there is a problem with police behavior, how are the officers held accountable?   - Are the violations escalated to a third party or are the policing officers responsible for enforcing themselves? (as is the case in many other places) - What has the city council said on this issue?  I should look up past meeting minutes. - I found a website that has a pre-written letter regarding defunding the police   * I should evaluate the points brought up by this letter.  Do they actually make sense or not? (Repeat all above steps, but for the state level....etc.....) ... Does it feel like I'm writing a research report?  Yes, in a lot of ways, it does.  That's how it is.  Turns out that public education was.....ok, well I can't in good faith say they always really excelled in teaching us how to do this kind of stuff, but they gave us a good start, in any case.  Use those skills.  Do your research! Motivate and enable I've constantly said that you should do your homework but I think collaboration and cooperation is great and highly appreciated as a lot of us are all taking this class together (and a lot of us are....unfortunately behind where we ought to be).  Just remember that there's a difference between someone making a study guide versus copying homework answers from a friend.  The goal is for everyone to =learn= and contribute, so I think it would be cool if we could help make that as easy as possible for each other. Share some strategies that worked for you, if you'd like.  If you have a cool "daily BLM assignment", maybe other people would be into it too.  If you found a grassroots organization that you researched and think is worth donating to, share it with other folks in your area and tell them WHY you think this organization is worth donating to.  Maybe ask a friend if they want to join you on a protest walk?  Above all else, I want this class to seem easy to get into, not confusing to start (....even though it's actually really hard and tough and miserable..........ugh). This post is way too long so I'll save other thoughts for later.  I guess this ended up just being the "Treat BLM as a class" post.  I feel like this post is long enough that I probably said something silly in the middle of it, so apologies in advance if I was being dumb anywhere.  (We can't learn learn unless we allow ourselves to make mistakes, and correct them....)
0 notes
mlmcompanies · 5 years
Course Hero is an education technology website that allows students and educators to upload and share study resources with each other.
In our Course Hero review, we’ll let you know if it’s worth using.
Back before the internet, college and university students were limited to their classmates and campus resources like professors and the library. You had to leave your dorm room and seek out help from these sources.
When the internet was invented, someone decided that crowdsourcing education was a good idea, and so sites like Course Hero sprung into existence. Students share their study materials on the site and get to see other people’s study materials in exchange.
It sounds too good to be true, and some people have even lobbed scam accusations at the site.
Read the rest of our Course Hero review below to see what I think.
1.) What is Course Hero? Course Hero is an education technology website where students and educators can upload documents and share study resources. It was founded in 2006 by a Cornell student named Andrew Grauer so he and his fellow students could share resources. Course Hero is now based in Redwood, California.
2.) How does Course Hero work? Course Hero is crowdsourced, meaning you have to contribute to Course Hero’s library of resources and/or community of students and educators to take advantage of everything on the site. Users earn unlocks and tutor questions through a variety of actions, such as rating other’s resources or sharing their own.
3.) What types of study resources/documents are on Course Hero? Course Hero has study guides, practice problems, video lessons, and class notes in basically every school subject.
4.) Does Course Hero have a mobile app? Yes. They have an app for iOS and Android.
5.) How many study resources does Course Hero have? Course Hero has over 25 million course-specific study resources.
6.) How do you earn free tutor questions? At the start, you are given 2 for creating an account, 2 for verifying your email, and 5 for logging into the mobile app for the first time. As for uploading documents, you are given 3 questions for the first 10 documents, 6 more when you upload 30 total documents, and 6 more when you reach 60 documents. After that, you are given 8 per friend you refer, 1 per tutor question you tag to a course.
7.) How do you earn free unlocks? You earn 5 per 10 documents you upload, 3 per quiz you create, 1 per 5 of your documents being unlocked by others, 1 per 5 of your documents receiving a thumbs-up, and 1 per 5 pieces of other peoples’ content you rate.
8.) Do tutor questions expire? Yes. They expire within 30 days of them being credited to your account.
9.) Can I redeem tutor questions for cash if I don’t want them? No.
10.) How long do unlocked documents stay unlocked? They stay unlocked for your entire subscription.
11.) What are Practice Problems? Practice Problems gives you additional study material. It pulls information from Course Hero’s library of resources and creates small problems sets for you to study with. Practice Problems is currently free, as it’s still in beta.
12.) How many times can I do practice problems? You can redo the same practice problems as many times as you want by clicking restart. Once you exit a problem set, the problems will change.
13.) How does tutoring work on Course Hero? All you do is type out your question, pick the subject it’s for, and submit it on the tutor screen. A tutor should have an answer for you in minutes. If their answer is sufficient, you can accept it.
14.) What if a tutor doesn’t answer my question sufficiently? You can follow up with your tutor for additional clarification. If they still don’t answer your question, you can flag the answer as “unhelpful”. Course Hero sends a Question Processor to evaluate the situation. Usually, the question will be canceled and you’ll get your tutor question back. You can follow this process if their answer is incorrect as well.
15.) How do I become a Course Hero tutor? You’ll need to fill in their application form with some basic personal information, your country of residence, your highest level of education, a brief description of your teaching or tutoring experience, and where you heard of Course Hero.
16.) How many hours do tutors work? Tutors set their own hours. You can work as much or as little as you want.
17.) How much do tutors make? Course Hero claims their top tutors make $500 per week. Your results will be a lot less at first, though, as you need to earn ratings for your tutoring. The higher your rating, the more money you can earn.
18.) What subjects can I teach as a tutor? Subjects include art/humanities, business, engineering/tech, foreign languages, history, math, science, and social studies. There are a ton of specialties within each subject you can choose from.
19.) Do I need to be a professor or certified tutor to become a Course Hero tutor? No. Course Hero does not provide strict requirements, but you need to at least be educated beyond high school in your subject of choice. The more credentials and experience you have, the more likely they’ll accept your application.
20.) How long until I hear back regarding my tutor application? They receive a high volume of applications, so they can’t guarantee you’ll get a response, let alone within a certain time frame. Again, the more credentials and experience you can display, the faster you’ll get a response.
21.) How much does Course Hero cost? Course Hero has a free subscription with limited access to Course Hero resources. However, you can earn tutor question and unlock resources by uploading your own documents and referring others to Course Hero.
22.) Does Course Hero have a free trial? No. Course Hero basic membership is free.
23.) Are there any upsells? Course Hero’s Premier subscription is the only upsell. Premier subscribers get 30 unlocks per month. You get 10 tutor questions on the monthly plan, 20 tutor questions on the 3-month plan, and 40 tutor questions on the yearly plan.
24.) How much does a Premier subscription cost? It normally costs $39.95 per month. However, you can opt to pay for 3 months at a time or a year at a time. Paying 3 months at a time costs $59.85, which is equivalent to $19.95 per month. Paying a year at a time costs $119.40, which is equivalent to $9.95 per month. You can change or pause your subscription at any time.
25.) Do Premier unlocks roll over from month to month? No. Your unlocks reset to 30 every month no matter what.
26.) What is the educator platform? Course Hero allows educators access to their library of documents so educators can customize their course materials. Educators can earn unlocks and unlock documents the same way students can.
27.) What is Course Hero’s refund policy? If your GPA for the semester in which you first subscribe to Course Hero Premier is less than your GPA from the academic term immediately prior to your subscription, Course Hero will give you a full refund. To request this, you’ll have to provide them with copies of your transcripts. Tutor answers are non-refundable. You may cancel your subscription at any time to avoid being billed for your next month, 3 months, or year.
28.) Does Course Hero have an affiliate program? Yes. Affiliates can earn 10% commissions per referral. To become an affiliate, you have to join through an affiliate network they’ve partnered with. To use Course Hero branded banners and other marketing materials, you have to create a Course Hero account and register for a developer API key. Alternatively, they have a “refer-a-friend” program. Each referral through this program earns you 8 free tutor questions.
29.) What is an affiliate network? Affiliate networks are intermediaries between affiliate marketers and companies with affiliate programs. They help companies reach a much larger audience for more sales. Examples include Clickbank and CommissionsJunction.
30.) Which affiliate networks offer Course Hero’s affiliate program? Skimlinks, VigLink, ShareASale, FlexOffers, and CommissionJunction.
31.) What is Course Hero’s BBB rating? A+
32.) Is Course Hero a scam? No. Due to its crowdsourced nature, it has to be a legit platform or it would go under because people would stop contributing in order to gain access to other documents.
33.) Isn’t using Course Hero considered cheating? No. It’s similar to having a large study group where everyone’s sharing materials and ideas. Course Hero claims they don’t tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or copyright infringement and they will permanently ban anyone who engages in any of those actions.
34.) What constitutes cheating on Course Hero? Cheating includes copying and submitting materials as your own work, uploading recordings of lectures in the same term you recorded them, using Course Hero resources when told not to use outside help, and using Course Hero in a way that violates the academic honor code of your instructor and/or school.
35.) Comparable companies: Chegg, Kahoot, Quizlet, StudyBlue
Course Hero Review – Overview
Course Hero is a crowdsourced online learning platform for students and educators to share study resources like notes and study guides.
Similar to Facebook, Course Hero started in a dorm. In 2006, a Cornell student named Andrew Grauer started Course Hero so he and his fellow students could share course materials in case people didn’t pay attention in classes.
Now, Course Hero boasts over 10 million student users contributing to and studying on its platform.
It works by incentivizing students to share their study materials through an unlock system. Students gain access to the documents they need by sharing their own study materials, allowing the platform to thrive.
As you’d expect, Course Hero has had its fair share of criticism.
There’re the accusations of scams.
Some think Course Hero’s resources cause students to care less about learning and more about grades, while others simply accuse the site of allowing mass cheating.
I can see where they’re coming from, but keep reading our Course Hero review for more info.
Course Hero has both its main website and a mobile app. Course Hero’s main features are its library of crowdsourced study materials uploaded by students, its team of online tutors you can either seek help from or join, its scholarship opportunities, its educator accounts, and their new practice problems feature that is still being beta tested. Users earn unlocks and tutor questions to access the first two.
The types of study materials on Course Hero include notes, essays, homework help, study guides, and lab reports.
These documents can be viewed in full and downloaded with earnable unlocks. When you unlock a document, you have access to it for the entirety of your subscription. Earning tutor questions let you seek help from Course Hero’s online tutors.
Most documents let you see a page or two to make sure the document you’re about to unlock is relevant to what you’re looking for.
To find study materials, you can type what you’re looking for into Course Hero’s search bar.
Alternatively, you can search by school, subject, or book. Searching by subject is a great way to find specific study guides, while searching by book is useful for English or literature classes.
Further study materials are available in the form of their practice problems.
Course Hero draws on its library of study materials to create practice problems. After you complete a problem set, you can repeat the same problems as many time as you want by clicking restart. Once you exit a problem set, you can do another problem set with brand new questions.
This is currently free as Course Hero is in the middle of beta testing it, so take advantage while you can.
For personalized help, tutors are available 24/7 to answer your homework questions.
To get help from a tutor, ask your question, pick the subject you need help with, and a tutor will help you out. You can rate your tutor afterward. If you tried your best to get an answer from the tutors but they couldn’t help, you can have your tutor question given back to you.
Usually, tutors are fast about answering questions. In fact, several tutors are able to help you at the same time.
But to speed up the process, you have to be as specific as possible in your questions.
The tutors are fellow Course Hero users, meaning you can become a tutor and get paid to help others.
As a tutor, you’ll be helping your fellow Course Hero students.
Tutors get to pick their subject and set their own hours. You don’t need to show up anywhere either, so it makes for a decent side hustle.
Course Hero claims their top tutors earn $500 a week on average. That’s not bad side cash for an easy job you can do on your own time.
To become one, all you have to do is fill out their short application. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get a response, though. Course Hero gets a ton of applications every day, and they can’t possibly respond to all of them.
I’d recommend listing all your relevant credentials and experience when you’re applying for a tutoring position. The more reasons you give them to hire you, the more likely you’ll get a timely response.
Unlocks can be earned a few ways.
For every 10 documents you upload, you earn 5 unlocks. Once these are uploaded, you earn 1 unlock for every 5 people that unlock a document of yours. 5 thumbs-up rating earns you another unlock.
You can even make quizzes for your uploaded study materials, which earn you 3 unlocks per quiz.
Most of your tutor questions are earned during the account creation process, while some can be earned through uploads.
Creating your account and verifying your email earn you 2 tutor questions each, while logging in with the mobile app for the first time nets you 5 more.
As for document uploads, you get 3 questions for the first 10 uploads, 6 more when you hit 30 total uploads, and another 6 questions when you hit 50 total uploads.
Sometimes, tutor questions will be relevant to a course on Course Hero. If you accept the tutor’s question, you can tag the tutor question to a course if prompted and earn back your tutor question.
Lastly, you can refer friends and earn 8 questions per referral.
Both unlocks and tutor questions take an hour or so to credit to your account once you upload a document, so don’t be alarmed if they don’t show up right away.
If you need help paying for school, they’ve got scholarships on there too.
Course Hero’s scholarships are really easy to apply for if you meet their application criteria. Most of them require a short answer, but some of the larger ones involve a bit of essay writing.
They change up the scholarships all the time, so keep your eyes peeled if you’re in school.
Educators can use Course Hero as well.
Course Hero offers accounts to educators so they can customize lesson plans using materials in Course Hero’s library. Unlocking these documents works the same for educators as it does for students.
Course Hero’s main upsell is it’s Premier subscription. A Premier subscription gives you 30 unlocks a month, but your unlocks don’t roll over. Monthly subscribers get 10 tutor questions, quarterly (3 month) subscribers get 20 tutor questions, and yearly subscribers get 40 tutor questions.
Unfortunately, tutor questions don’t roll over. Once you use them, you’ll have to buy more or earn them as if you had a free membership.
For what you get, Premier doesn’t seem to be worth the price. If you’re a student, you probably don’t have the money or the willingness to spend the money anyways.
You might as well skip the upsell and earn your unlocks and tutor questions the free way.
Course Hero’s basic subscription is free. The Premier subscription has 3 pricing options. You can $39.95 per month, $59.85 per 3 months, or $119.40 per year.
Opting for the 3-month option saves you $20 per month. The yearly option yields you $30 in savings.
If you’re a college student who’s always seeking out additional study resources, that yearly price might be worth it. If you simply have a hard semester, then the 3-month option might be better.
The monthly option isn’t really a great value unless you’re desperate and don’t have a lot of study documents yourself. You can always upload study materials and refer friends to earn free unlocks and questions.
Speaking of unlocks, you can only buy more of them if you have a Premier membership. Tutor questions can be bought at $3 a piece if you don’t want to earn them.
Affiliate Program
Course Hero has an affiliate program where affiliates can earn 10% commissions per referral. The affiliate program is run through various affiliate networks. These include Skimlinks, VigLink, ShareASale, Flexoffers, and CommissionJunction.
The affiliate networks Course Hero works with could change, so keep an eye out for that.
Course hero also provides you with branded icons and banners to market their site. To gain access to those, you must have an account and register for a Course Hero developer API key.
The refer a friend program isn’t exactly an affiliate program, but it does earn you a lot of tutor questions. Since tutor questions don’t roll over even for Premier subscribers, make sure to have a steady referral stream if you need a lot of tutor help.
Course Hero is definitely not a scam. In fact, it can’t be a scam or it wouldn’t exist in the first place.
Think about it.
If students didn’t benefit from Course Hero, then students wouldn’t contribute study materials to the platform. Course Hero would soon go under.
Based on their 10 million+ users, it doesn’t look too scammy to me.
I think crowdsourced education enhances the learning experience. It’s like having one large study group that’s willing to share all their resources with you and only you, as long as you give a little bit back.
Now, I can see why people equate using Course Hero with cheating. But how is browsing notes or getting tutor help online any different than sharing your notes with your classmates or visiting a tutor on campus?
Not to mention Course Hero bans anyone found violating their strict standards on cheating and copyright infringement.
Crowdsourced education is powerful, and Course Hero is a great example.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 5 years
Course Hero Review – is it a scam?
Course Hero is an education technology website that allows students and educators to upload and share study resources with each other.
In our Course Hero review, we’ll let you know if it’s worth using.
Back before the internet, college and university students were limited to their classmates and campus resources like professors and the library. You had to leave your dorm room and seek out help from these sources.
When the internet was invented, someone decided that crowdsourcing education was a good idea, and so sites like Course Hero sprung into existence. Students share their study materials on the site and get to see other people’s study materials in exchange.
It sounds too good to be true, and some people have even lobbed scam accusations at the site.
Read the rest of our Course Hero review below to see what I think.
1.) What is Course Hero? Course Hero is an education technology website where students and educators can upload documents and share study resources. It was founded in 2006 by a Cornell student named Andrew Grauer so he and his fellow students could share resources. Course Hero is now based in Redwood, California.
2.) How does Course Hero work? Course Hero is crowdsourced, meaning you have to contribute to Course Hero’s library of resources and/or community of students and educators to take advantage of everything on the site. Users earn unlocks and tutor questions through a variety of actions, such as rating other’s resources or sharing their own.
3.) What types of study resources/documents are on Course Hero? Course Hero has study guides, practice problems, video lessons, and class notes in basically every school subject.
4.) Does Course Hero have a mobile app? Yes. They have an app for iOS and Android.
5.) How many study resources does Course Hero have? Course Hero has over 25 million course-specific study resources.
6.) How do you earn free tutor questions? At the start, you are given 2 for creating an account, 2 for verifying your email, and 5 for logging into the mobile app for the first time. As for uploading documents, you are given 3 questions for the first 10 documents, 6 more when you upload 30 total documents, and 6 more when you reach 60 documents. After that, you are given 8 per friend you refer, 1 per tutor question you tag to a course.
7.) How do you earn free unlocks? You earn 5 per 10 documents you upload, 3 per quiz you create, 1 per 5 of your documents being unlocked by others, 1 per 5 of your documents receiving a thumbs-up, and 1 per 5 pieces of other peoples’ content you rate.
8.) Do tutor questions expire? Yes. They expire within 30 days of them being credited to your account.
9.) Can I redeem tutor questions for cash if I don’t want them? No.
10.) How long do unlocked documents stay unlocked? They stay unlocked for your entire subscription.
11.) What are Practice Problems? Practice Problems gives you additional study material. It pulls information from Course Hero’s library of resources and creates small problems sets for you to study with. Practice Problems is currently free, as it’s still in beta.
12.) How many times can I do practice problems? You can redo the same practice problems as many times as you want by clicking restart. Once you exit a problem set, the problems will change.
13.) How does tutoring work on Course Hero? All you do is type out your question, pick the subject it’s for, and submit it on the tutor screen. A tutor should have an answer for you in minutes. If their answer is sufficient, you can accept it.
14.) What if a tutor doesn’t answer my question sufficiently? You can follow up with your tutor for additional clarification. If they still don’t answer your question, you can flag the answer as “unhelpful”. Course Hero sends a Question Processor to evaluate the situation. Usually, the question will be canceled and you’ll get your tutor question back. You can follow this process if their answer is incorrect as well.
15.) How do I become a Course Hero tutor? You’ll need to fill in their application form with some basic personal information, your country of residence, your highest level of education, a brief description of your teaching or tutoring experience, and where you heard of Course Hero.
16.) How many hours do tutors work? Tutors set their own hours. You can work as much or as little as you want.
17.) How much do tutors make? Course Hero claims their top tutors make $500 per week. Your results will be a lot less at first, though, as you need to earn ratings for your tutoring. The higher your rating, the more money you can earn.
18.) What subjects can I teach as a tutor? Subjects include art/humanities, business, engineering/tech, foreign languages, history, math, science, and social studies. There are a ton of specialties within each subject you can choose from.
19.) Do I need to be a professor or certified tutor to become a Course Hero tutor? No. Course Hero does not provide strict requirements, but you need to at least be educated beyond high school in your subject of choice. The more credentials and experience you have, the more likely they’ll accept your application.
20.) How long until I hear back regarding my tutor application? They receive a high volume of applications, so they can’t guarantee you’ll get a response, let alone within a certain time frame. Again, the more credentials and experience you can display, the faster you’ll get a response.
21.) How much does Course Hero cost? Course Hero has a free subscription with limited access to Course Hero resources. However, you can earn tutor question and unlock resources by uploading your own documents and referring others to Course Hero.
22.) Does Course Hero have a free trial? No. Course Hero basic membership is free.
23.) Are there any upsells? Course Hero’s Premier subscription is the only upsell. Premier subscribers get 30 unlocks per month. You get 10 tutor questions on the monthly plan, 20 tutor questions on the 3-month plan, and 40 tutor questions on the yearly plan.
24.) How much does a Premier subscription cost? It normally costs $39.95 per month. However, you can opt to pay for 3 months at a time or a year at a time. Paying 3 months at a time costs $59.85, which is equivalent to $19.95 per month. Paying a year at a time costs $119.40, which is equivalent to $9.95 per month. You can change or pause your subscription at any time.
25.) Do Premier unlocks roll over from month to month? No. Your unlocks reset to 30 every month no matter what.
26.) What is the educator platform? Course Hero allows educators access to their library of documents so educators can customize their course materials. Educators can earn unlocks and unlock documents the same way students can.
27.) What is Course Hero’s refund policy? If your GPA for the semester in which you first subscribe to Course Hero Premier is less than your GPA from the academic term immediately prior to your subscription, Course Hero will give you a full refund. To request this, you’ll have to provide them with copies of your transcripts. Tutor answers are non-refundable. You may cancel your subscription at any time to avoid being billed for your next month, 3 months, or year.
28.) Does Course Hero have an affiliate program? Yes. Affiliates can earn 10% commissions per referral. To become an affiliate, you have to join through an affiliate network they’ve partnered with. To use Course Hero branded banners and other marketing materials, you have to create a Course Hero account and register for a developer API key. Alternatively, they have a “refer-a-friend” program. Each referral through this program earns you 8 free tutor questions.
29.) What is an affiliate network? Affiliate networks are intermediaries between affiliate marketers and companies with affiliate programs. They help companies reach a much larger audience for more sales. Examples include Clickbank and CommissionsJunction.
30.) Which affiliate networks offer Course Hero’s affiliate program? Skimlinks, VigLink, ShareASale, FlexOffers, and CommissionJunction.
31.) What is Course Hero’s BBB rating? A+
32.) Is Course Hero a scam? No. Due to its crowdsourced nature, it has to be a legit platform or it would go under because people would stop contributing in order to gain access to other documents.
33.) Isn’t using Course Hero considered cheating? No. It’s similar to having a large study group where everyone’s sharing materials and ideas. Course Hero claims they don’t tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or copyright infringement and they will permanently ban anyone who engages in any of those actions.
34.) What constitutes cheating on Course Hero? Cheating includes copying and submitting materials as your own work, uploading recordings of lectures in the same term you recorded them, using Course Hero resources when told not to use outside help, and using Course Hero in a way that violates the academic honor code of your instructor and/or school.
35.) Comparable companies: Chegg, Kahoot, Quizlet, StudyBlue
Course Hero Review – Overview
Course Hero is a crowdsourced online learning platform for students and educators to share study resources like notes and study guides.
Similar to Facebook, Course Hero started in a dorm. In 2006, a Cornell student named Andrew Grauer started Course Hero so he and his fellow students could share course materials in case people didn’t pay attention in classes.
Now, Course Hero boasts over 10 million student users contributing to and studying on its platform.
It works by incentivizing students to share their study materials through an unlock system. Students gain access to the documents they need by sharing their own study materials, allowing the platform to thrive.
As you’d expect, Course Hero has had its fair share of criticism.
There’re the accusations of scams.
Some think Course Hero’s resources cause students to care less about learning and more about grades, while others simply accuse the site of allowing mass cheating.
I can see where they’re coming from, but keep reading our Course Hero review for more info.
Course Hero has both its main website and a mobile app. Course Hero’s main features are its library of crowdsourced study materials uploaded by students, its team of online tutors you can either seek help from or join, its scholarship opportunities, its educator accounts, and their new practice problems feature that is still being beta tested. Users earn unlocks and tutor questions to access the first two.
The types of study materials on Course Hero include notes, essays, homework help, study guides, and lab reports.
These documents can be viewed in full and downloaded with earnable unlocks. When you unlock a document, you have access to it for the entirety of your subscription. Earning tutor questions let you seek help from Course Hero’s online tutors.
Most documents let you see a page or two to make sure the document you’re about to unlock is relevant to what you’re looking for.
To find study materials, you can type what you’re looking for into Course Hero’s search bar.
Alternatively, you can search by school, subject, or book. Searching by subject is a great way to find specific study guides, while searching by book is useful for English or literature classes.
Further study materials are available in the form of their practice problems.
Course Hero draws on its library of study materials to create practice problems. After you complete a problem set, you can repeat the same problems as many time as you want by clicking restart. Once you exit a problem set, you can do another problem set with brand new questions.
This is currently free as Course Hero is in the middle of beta testing it, so take advantage while you can.
For personalized help, tutors are available 24/7 to answer your homework questions.
To get help from a tutor, ask your question, pick the subject you need help with, and a tutor will help you out. You can rate your tutor afterward. If you tried your best to get an answer from the tutors but they couldn’t help, you can have your tutor question given back to you.
Usually, tutors are fast about answering questions. In fact, several tutors are able to help you at the same time.
But to speed up the process, you have to be as specific as possible in your questions.
The tutors are fellow Course Hero users, meaning you can become a tutor and get paid to help others.
As a tutor, you’ll be helping your fellow Course Hero students.
Tutors get to pick their subject and set their own hours. You don’t need to show up anywhere either, so it makes for a decent side hustle.
Course Hero claims their top tutors earn $500 a week on average. That’s not bad side cash for an easy job you can do on your own time.
To become one, all you have to do is fill out their short application. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get a response, though. Course Hero gets a ton of applications every day, and they can’t possibly respond to all of them.
I’d recommend listing all your relevant credentials and experience when you’re applying for a tutoring position. The more reasons you give them to hire you, the more likely you’ll get a timely response.
Unlocks can be earned a few ways.
For every 10 documents you upload, you earn 5 unlocks. Once these are uploaded, you earn 1 unlock for every 5 people that unlock a document of yours. 5 thumbs-up rating earns you another unlock.
You can even make quizzes for your uploaded study materials, which earn you 3 unlocks per quiz.
Most of your tutor questions are earned during the account creation process, while some can be earned through uploads.
Creating your account and verifying your email earn you 2 tutor questions each, while logging in with the mobile app for the first time nets you 5 more.
As for document uploads, you get 3 questions for the first 10 uploads, 6 more when you hit 30 total uploads, and another 6 questions when you hit 50 total uploads.
Sometimes, tutor questions will be relevant to a course on Course Hero. If you accept the tutor’s question, you can tag the tutor question to a course if prompted and earn back your tutor question.
Lastly, you can refer friends and earn 8 questions per referral.
Both unlocks and tutor questions take an hour or so to credit to your account once you upload a document, so don’t be alarmed if they don’t show up right away.
If you need help paying for school, they’ve got scholarships on there too.
Course Hero’s scholarships are really easy to apply for if you meet their application criteria. Most of them require a short answer, but some of the larger ones involve a bit of essay writing.
They change up the scholarships all the time, so keep your eyes peeled if you’re in school.
Educators can use Course Hero as well.
Course Hero offers accounts to educators so they can customize lesson plans using materials in Course Hero’s library. Unlocking these documents works the same for educators as it does for students.
Course Hero’s main upsell is it’s Premier subscription. A Premier subscription gives you 30 unlocks a month, but your unlocks don’t roll over. Monthly subscribers get 10 tutor questions, quarterly (3 month) subscribers get 20 tutor questions, and yearly subscribers get 40 tutor questions.
Unfortunately, tutor questions don’t roll over. Once you use them, you’ll have to buy more or earn them as if you had a free membership.
For what you get, Premier doesn’t seem to be worth the price. If you’re a student, you probably don’t have the money or the willingness to spend the money anyways.
You might as well skip the upsell and earn your unlocks and tutor questions the free way.
Course Hero’s basic subscription is free. The Premier subscription has 3 pricing options. You can $39.95 per month, $59.85 per 3 months, or $119.40 per year.
Opting for the 3-month option saves you $20 per month. The yearly option yields you $30 in savings.
If you’re a college student who’s always seeking out additional study resources, that yearly price might be worth it. If you simply have a hard semester, then the 3-month option might be better.
The monthly option isn’t really a great value unless you’re desperate and don’t have a lot of study documents yourself. You can always upload study materials and refer friends to earn free unlocks and questions.
Speaking of unlocks, you can only buy more of them if you have a Premier membership. Tutor questions can be bought at $3 a piece if you don’t want to earn them.
Affiliate Program
Course Hero has an affiliate program where affiliates can earn 10% commissions per referral. The affiliate program is run through various affiliate networks. These include Skimlinks, VigLink, ShareASale, Flexoffers, and CommissionJunction.
The affiliate networks Course Hero works with could change, so keep an eye out for that.
Course hero also provides you with branded icons and banners to market their site. To gain access to those, you must have an account and register for a Course Hero developer API key.
The refer a friend program isn’t exactly an affiliate program, but it does earn you a lot of tutor questions. Since tutor questions don’t roll over even for Premier subscribers, make sure to have a steady referral stream if you need a lot of tutor help.
Course Hero is definitely not a scam. In fact, it can’t be a scam or it wouldn’t exist in the first place.
Think about it.
If students didn’t benefit from Course Hero, then students wouldn’t contribute study materials to the platform. Course Hero would soon go under.
Based on their 10 million+ users, it doesn’t look too scammy to me.
I think crowdsourced education enhances the learning experience. It’s like having one large study group that’s willing to share all their resources with you and only you, as long as you give a little bit back.
Now, I can see why people equate using Course Hero with cheating. But how is browsing notes or getting tutor help online any different than sharing your notes with your classmates or visiting a tutor on campus?
Not to mention Course Hero bans anyone found violating their strict standards on cheating and copyright infringement.
Crowdsourced education is powerful, and Course Hero is a great example.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/course-hero/
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19 - “Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.” Og Mandino
So I’ve become accustomed to posting in this blog in a way that is more “tell you everything we’re doing” than examining a specific area that we’re exploring as a group. I’ve changed that up a bit this week.
Let me explain. Our courses are challenging us quite a bit more this semester with the “who are you as designers for social impact?” and “what are your roles and responsibilities?” questions. It may come as no shock that rather than arriving at definitive answers, these questions lead to more questions for us on a personal and a group level: What do we value? What does design mean for us? Social impact? How do we see ourselves designing for a better world? What does this world look like? Who specifically are we designing for? What are we contributing? How do we make sure that what we’re contributing (and how we are contributing it) are responsible and ethical? How do we encourage others in our discipline to do the same? How do we measure impact? And how do we do all of this in the context of a world that is changing so rapidly with social, economic and governmental systems as we know them being fundamentally challenged and changed?
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Snowy weather and brisk runs help with the posing of questions
These are only a few of the questions we’re considering, and each of us has a different focus. As we progress further in the semester, you’ll witness through this blog a lot of our daily work and efforts that help us to formulate our responses to some of these questions, and, to be sure, there will be a lot of other questions that come to fruition in the process.
In the meantime, I will share a bit about our endeavors through the week (were you worried I wouldn’t? Never fear, the play-by-play is still here).
I see the week starting on Sundays, so I’ll begin there. The day entailed working on the thesis first draft (yesterday was the first official week of my thesis sport integration project. We started with a trial week to try and recruit players to commit for all six weeks. We were gung-ho, until we realized that our assumptions about the pre-registration process were, well, not accurate. But this is what prototyping is for! We learned that people who register might not necessarily come, and that people who do not register WILL come. This is helpful for us as we iterate the program each week. It meant some serious struggles and questions for me in terms of evaluations, as I based my evaluations plan on a consistent group of people coming - but fortunately I have some awesome mentors who have helped steer me anew. I’m strong in my faith that this will be as God wills it, and it will work out for good). 
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Here is a pic of week one of the program - this week we had to cancel because of an event at the church, an inability to play outside because of the snow, and a hard situation for one of our leaders preparing for his refugee status interview. Praying HARD that this inspiring human is rightfully granted the status to continue his noble work in France. 
The rest of the day contained church service, reading for school, and preparing a presentation for Social and Urban Governance demain.
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Monday, a LOOOOOONG haul of early social and urban governance on community mobilisation, which raised tons of questions about the ethics of activism for me. How far is too far in challenging the powers that be and bringing power to the powerless? Saul Alinsky, in rules for radicals, makes an argument that ridicule is a most powerful weapon - but is it ethical? Super stimulating subject area - I’m loving our readings and linking them with the readings we have for Designer’s Social and Ethical Responsibilities.
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We followed this with Research & Methodologies, which was a peer-editing workshop, for the most part. Lillian took the time to connect with each of us and give wise advice. I really appreciate her as a professor. She is encouraging, insightful and dedicated. Not to mention wonderful at keeping those of us who may be a bit neurotic (ahem, moi) grounded.
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Tuesday is group KILLING IT day as we forecasted the future for the Sprout Methodology that we are lucky enough to work through with Maurizio & Laureano. I would share more details about the process, because it’s a practice that I find really useful for any professional domain, but because our professorial duo is waiting to publish, I’ll refrain (I’m encouraging those interested in developing for the future to keep an eye out for the methodology when it’s published). We finished the day discussing our social and ethical responsibilities assignment and I spent an absurd amount of time deciding on an example of “bad” design from an ethical and social responsibility lens and examining different ethical theories. I was really convicted by some of the current trends we’ve been discussing in design studio with AI, as well as an ethics reading about the mental manipulation that mega corps like Google and Facebook design their technologies for. I went to bed with more questions about a solid “bad design” than I did answers.
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Wednesday AM is a MakeSense morning, where we meet with Sabine (and Layla, my thesis mentor) and discuss our projects individually. This was crazy-helpful for me in re-evaluating WHAT I’m evaluating with my thesis project. Was it easy to go through? No, but so important for me to reassess with the advisement of these women who are well-versed in the social business sector.
I spent quite a bit of time devoted to my hefty pile of french assignments (yes, a lot, but so good for me! And the professor, Emma, is INCROYABLE - I feel myself learning a lot, even if it’s hard to keep up with! The wonderful thing is that Emma is one of the most attentive teachers I’ve encountered in terms of a) practicality and b) adaptation to the level of each of her students. She also GENUINELY cares and wants each of us to excel. She doesn’t play favorites or make anyone feel incompetent - it’s a joy to delve into this beautiful language with this strong woman guiding us!
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Then I spent the evening trying to figure out our ethics assignment. It was incredibly challenging; I was reminded from my undergrad days in philosophy just how mentally demanding the field is - especially when it comes to ethical arguments on something like Facebook (which was the “bad” design I chose to focus on).
Thursday and Friday, as I’m sure you know by now, are long ones for us. We “sprouted” with Maurizio and Laureano in Design Studio, learned about the professional practice of art buying and consulting from Matilde Biondi Morra di Belforte. 
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Then Friday AM rolled in (me for French) with cozy socks for a fully-loaded friday, and settled in for a SUPER discussion about Tactical Urbanism (Holla at our girl Smarti for a bomb presentation) and even toyed with questions of ethics when it comes to designing with vs. for communities. Which was a nice segue into ethics presentations, where each of us chose a “bad” design to present on.
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Rica and I didn’t have time to present, but Smarti delved into the good and the bad about the “sweater of the future” made of recycled plastic fibers, Emilie Logan talked to us about the ethics of the swank LA-based fashion brand Revolution, Vaila filled us in on the good intentions but bad consequences of a water pump playground in Africa, and Hanna brought us into a critical space regarding a project called salivation, meant to make a statement about food rationing and the future. It was reassuring to know that I was not the only one in the group that really struggled with the assignment in terms of trying to apply these ethical theories to our bad designs. 
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“Can something really be designed well if it does not consider the ethical impacts that it may impoe on our planet and people?” This is the big question for us moving forward. 
More to come on this next week as Rica and I present. Until then, we’ll be reading and thinking critically about our design projects for this class (if you have ideas for us, please don’t hold them back!)
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Us asking Thomas Watkin, our Social and Urban Governance prof, to pose for us for the blog. He was a good sport and laughed with us as we did the least-candid “candid” shot ever. 
Have any thoughts on the questions from part one of the post? Or any questions of your own? Please let us know! One thing I feel certain of: as designers for social impact, we cannot work alone - we can contribute better when we collaborate with each other.
Thanks for joining with us in exploring a better future. We believe that more smiles are in store.
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ninetiescat · 7 years
story of my medications
This is my response to the message I received on my sarahah (@illusionarium), reading,
May be a bit personal, but I want to know your story behind all of your medication. Your social medias are phenomenal which raises my curiosity as to why you have to take so much.
This is going to be way more information than what you asked for. I haven’t proofread this but I tried to write carefully. Potential trigger warning beyond this point.
I’ll start at the very beginning, getting to the more-than-you-asked-for right away.
How I got on meds in the first place:
In January 2012, the night of day 1 of the second semester of my freshman year of high school, so roughly five and a half years ago, I was involuntarily put under mandatory 72-hour hold in a psychiatric ward for threatening to kill myself. I was in there until the afternoon of day 3 of the semester. This is pertinent because I wanted and somehow proceeded to achieve straight A’s and knew that staying in longer meant I was missing more class-time and putting that at risk it took a month to catch up on those three days I shit you not. (For the full hospital story, see this post.) While being held there, I did my best to abide by the rules the hospital operated by—i.e. rules none of us were directly informed of, rules we had to be informed of by our fellow inmates let’s be honest, it was essentially a prison who were there before us and learned the hard way so we didn’t have to—but those rules were just things to check legal boxes, they didn’t make any real sense, and they weren’t consistent, so despite my genuine best efforts, it became very clear very quickly that they wouldn’t release me after 72 hours (72 hours is only the minimum) if I didn’t sell my soul to the devil. I always swore I would never take psychiatric medications—I just didn’t believe in it, if I was doomed to be sad then so be it, I didn’t have anything against other people taking meds but I didn’t want it for myself under any circumstances—but I couldn’t afford to be held longer than the bare minimum basically if I took a breath one second later than expected, Staff would threaten to hold me for an extra week, a threat that was said to me five times, so I agreed to be medicated to check one of their damn boxes needed for an on-time release. Then, when released (about 24-hours after agreeing to take meds and taking the first dose), I was told that if I stopped taking the meds I would be readmitted. I assumed, despite Staff being heartless assholes for the most part, that they—medical professionals (well, sort of)—wouldn’t flat out lie to me, so I reluctantly continued taking the meds. I cried, I went to the doctor they referred me to every month and a half, I sold my soul and gave up what I stood for, I took my shit as prescribed, I was a good girl, and I hated every second of it, but I hated it less than I hated hospitalization. It wasn’t until a year and a half later that I cried to that doctor (who was very nice; I quite enjoyed seeing her) about hating being on meds and wanting to stop but knowing I can’t without being readmitted, and she, surprised by my statement, informed me that that was a lie, I was never required to keep taking them, they could not readmit me for that, period end of story, I had been blatantly lied to. Unfortunately, by then I had gotten in too deep (I’ll explain why), so despite still hating being on meds, I carried on.
Why I stayed on them:
I grew up depressed, anxious, and with insomnia; it’s all I’ve ever known, so I couldn’t complain too much having never known better I mean I complain all the time, talked about suicide etc., but I wasn’t fighting for better because I didn’t know what to fight for and didn’t have the motivation too. A year and a half into bouncing from medication to medication (I’ll elaborate later), I had had no success with improving my depression or anxiety, but after about a year of that, I found a sleeping medication that worked, and holy fucking shit. Over the course of my life, my sleep had been getting progressively worse; for instance, at age 14.5, Night 2 in the psych ward, bedtime from 10pm through 7am, I took over an hour to fall asleep and woke up eight times I remember because Staff yelled at me about this the next morning. That was quite normal for me, I wasn’t accustomed to anything better, but getting a night of what normal sleep should be for the first time…was just something I couldn’t pass up. It was like a brand new world. The medicine that did the trick was an atypical antidepressant prescribed to me for insomnia by that point my doc had gone off-label, as I was already failing to respond to traditional treatments, so I said fuck it and kept on making my way down Big Pharma’s product list trying to treat all my issues for the heck of it. Note however that I had also been diagnosed with ADHD, a problem I wasn’t previously aware of, and medication for it worked also, but I could’ve accepted pre-ADHD-med life more than pre-insomnia-med life.
Since then:
My insurance dropped that first doctor not technically a doctor, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, PMHNP, didn’t know that for a long time, didn’t know there was an important difference at the year and a half mark, so I switched to doc #2 not a doctor, advanced practice registered nurse, APRN, who quit and was replaced by #3 some kind of nurse practitioner who quit and was replaced by #4 APRN whom I hated, so I switched to #5 family nurse practitioner, FNP, who was great, but I really needed a psychiatrist. So now I’m seeing #6, a psychiatrist! A PhD! An MD! At last! My therapist of five years said I needed an actual psychiatrist and advised I try to get off of my meds (four total at the time), which is a main reason I took medical withdrawal from college in March. This doctor is fab and is trying so hard to get me the best treatment possible. We tried weaning off slowly, but the withdrawal symptoms were too bad to handle alone, so we’ve tried substituting new meds with them to ease the withdrawals (elaborated on later). Because of how that is going, he wants me to seek a second opinion technically an eighth if we include the psych ward, five NPs, my therapist of five years, and himself from an accredited institution if we can find one that will see me because my “case has advanced beyond what conventional medical treatments can help” and I have “suffered too long,” and if a re-evaluation shows that my diagnoses are correct, I could benefit possibly from experimental treatments or clinical trials since my shit is so treatment resistant.
How that’s going—what I’m diagnosed with and what all I’ve tried:
Chronologically, I’ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, ADHD, and panic disorder, with anorexia nervosa present but left undiagnosed. In trying to treat my five diagnoses in the last five and a half years, I’ve had my system pumped with twenty-five different psychotropic medications. Of the 25, I’ve only had any success with/positive reaction to 8. I’m currently on 6 daily. Let’s list them out chronologically with more info than you asked for for shits and giggles shall we—“[medication class] prescribed for [whatever, usually off-label], italicized means it worked, bolded means I’m currently on it:
Zoloft/Sertraline—(from the hospital) antidepressant for depression & anxiety
Xanax/Alprazolam—sedative for anxiety
Trazodone—weird antidepressant for insomnia
Tranxene/Clorazepate—benzodiazepine for insomnia
Ambien/Zolpidem—hypnotic for insomnia
Prozac/Fluoxetine—antidepressant for depression
Elavil/Amitriptyline—idk it treats everything and was prescribed for idk I can’t remember tbh
Remeron/Mirtazapine—atypical antidepressant for insomnia (worked for a year, stopped, immediately replaced by Seroquel)
Adderall XR and IR—stimulant for ADHD (XR extremely effective but couldn’t tolerate ingesting it, IR ineffective)
Buspar/Buspirone—anxiolytic for anxiety
Inderal/Propranolol—beta blocker for anxiety/depression
Seroquel/Quetiapine—atypical antipsychotic for insomnia
Lamictal/Lamotrigine—anticonvulsant for depression (under slow withdrawal at the moment)
Daytrana/Methylphenidate—stimulant for ADHD
Klonopin/Clonazepam—benzodiazepine for anxiety
Valium/Diazepam—benzodiazepine for anxiety then insomnia
Lexapro/Escitalopram—antidepressant for depression
Wellbutrin/Bupropion—antidepressant for suicidal thoughts (it helped a bit)
Atarax/Hydroxyzine HCl—antihistamine for insomnia
Phenergan/Promethazine—antihistamine for insomnia
Clonidine HCl—alpha blocker for insomnia & high blood pressure/elevated heart rate
Trileptal/Oxcarbazepine—anticonvulsant for depression/to ease Lamictal withdrawals
Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine—stimulant for ADHD
Dexedrine/Dextroamphetamine—stimulant for ADHD
Evekeo/Amphetamine—stimulant for ADHD
So I’m currently on Seroquel, Lamictal, Valium, Clonidine, Trileptal, and Evekeo—three for insomnia, two for depression, and one for ADHD. I am incapable of sleeping without sleeping medications; I go about 36 hours wide awake, then go from wired to unconscious note that sleep is not an unconscious state for about half an hour, then snap back awake as if nothing has ever happened until I take the next dose. I have extreme difficulty reading, comprehending, writing, and understanding information without ADHD medication, one of the main two reasons I’m taking a second semester off from school. My anxiety is debilitating and currently only being treated through therapy, which is undoubtedly beneficial but not the same; I used to take Valium to stop my panic attacks (it would calm down the physical symptoms so I could use what I’ve learned in therapy to calm the mental symptoms), but when I started taking it for sleep it stopped working for panic, so I just have to ride it out. I started Clonidine as a substitute for Valium for falling asleep, but it makes me so damn sleepy during the day that I’ve been slow to let go of the Valium and raise the Clonidine. I’m not addicted to any of it, simply terrified to not sleep. A sleepless night is a nightmare few people understand; yeah no one likes a sleepless night, but it’s fucking torture when you get more suicidal with every second you’re awake. I get in bed every night terrified that this will be the night I stop sleeping; Seroquel, for the first four years, worked effortlessly for making me fall and stay asleep for roughly eight hours and wake up on my own with no drowsiness, then all of a sudden it stopped helping me fall asleep and out of desperation I added on Valium because it was my only option and I knew it had hypnotic properties. Since it’s not healthy to be on it super long term, my doc wanted me to trade it for something safer, like Clonidine. I was put on Lamictal after going through rounds of antidepressants that failed; Lamictal treats seizure disorders and bipolar disorder and is related to Trileptal but carries a greater risk of a deadly side effect. Seroquel is an antipsychotic that also treats bipolar disorder; it seems the medications that work best for me with the fewest side effects are the ones that treat bipolar disorder, for which I have not been diagnosed (technically I am down as bipolar in my files for insurance reasons, as my insurance could request my files, see the depression diagnosis, and refuse to pay for Seroquel and Lamictal because they are not approved to treat unipolar depression), which I find interesting. Trileptal has shown very little evidence on efficacy at treating mood disorders and is in no way approved for their treatment, but I have responded to so few medications that my latest doc thought hey, why not. Fun, isn’t it?
And at last,
why I have to take so much:
My shit, aka an intricately intertwined clusterfuck, is just so damn treatment resistant that 1. no one medicine can treat any one problem well enough to suffice on its own 2. everything is so bad that even if one worked really well and wiped out one problem altogether the others really can’t go untreated yet. There are only two instances in which I am okay with being alive—on stage performing or in an airport. I’m not lucky/privileged enough anymore for the former occasion (bonus: my sleeping meds contain antihistamine properties and I’ve watched as my voice has deteriorated over the past four years, escalating in the last four with the addition of Clonidine) and not rich enough for the latter to occur as often as I’d like, so I spend virtually every day wishing I was dead. It’s so normal to me now. It’s been twenty years. I can smile and laugh and dance around for a few minutes, but that’s all I get; it doesn’t last. My favourite singer can release a new song and I’ll cry with happiness as I sing at the top of my lungs for hours or see some aesthetically pleasing decoration in a store and take a hundred pictures of it and that’ll make my day, but it simply doesn’t last. I’ve only managed to live this long because my anxiety is severe in just the right ways to keep me incapable of going through with any method of suicide. I’ve become accustomed to coasting by; I often wonder how many people can tell I’ve got issues or can tell what kind of issues I have without being informed first. I wonder too what I’m like beneath the medications, if I would even be recognizable; I thought I would find that out over the summer, but that will have to wait until the weaning is all done I suppose my psychiatrist estimated the process would take 3.5 years when I started seeing him.
Soooo…I hope that answered your question and makes some sort of sense. Feel free to inquire further; I’ve spent the past six months doing nothing but researching and focusing heavily on all of this so I know it well and have a lot to say about it.
0 notes
 AKA - seeing the man behind the curtain and still thinking he’s a wizard.
 Sometimes growing up makes you realize a lot of things you took for granted when you were younger. Your parents aren’t always right about everything, food doesn’t just magically appear in your fridge, or the Santa at the mall isn’t the real Santa (spoilers, I know). But then there are other things that you just have to learn as you go, like car insurance sucks, health insurance (I’m American) REALLY sucks, and buying property doesn’t always mean cheaper month to month bills. You have to do your dishes. You have to scrub out the tub and toilet. You are the one who has to vacuum, sweep, mop and take out the trash all the time. There isn’t anyone there to catch you if you fall. You need to make your own doctors appointments. You need a job, that you may or may not like. It’s all part of growing up and it’s all what shapes us into the people we are.
 Growing up, your parents/guardians instill in you values and beliefs that you just assume are universal truths. “Everyone eats dinner at 6pm” “Thursdays are always burger nights” “Clear your plate when you’re done eating.” (Forgive me, I’m a chef by trade, so food is my metaphor or choice). It isn’t until you get away from them and live for a bit that you see how the rest of the world lives. Not even class differences, but much smaller than that – going to a friends house and seeing what they eat for dinner, how they arrange the furniture in their living room or even which parent does which tasks. IT’s one of those eye-opening experiences that makes tou think about the way things are and how they potentially could be – it makes you ask, “Why?”
 And that’s when conflict starts. “But why do I have to make my bed every morning?” “But why do I have to do the dishes before I go to bed EVERY NIGHT? They’ll still be there in the morning.” “Why can’t we eat dinner at 8pm instead of 6 so we can go see this movie?” I remember asking my parents why we didn’t go out to eat more. We were relatively well off family, everyone was always home at a decent hour and I wasn’t asking for a Michelin dinner – just Portillo’s or something easy. I always got dirty looks from my parents and they asked, “Well, are you going to pay for it?” I was nine years old. I was more interested in collecting Pokemon cards (the original 150) than collecting dollars and coins. It became a sticking point for me, so much so that I would stay at a friends house, at least 3 nights a week, for dinner because we would go out somewhere. My friends parents had no issue getting all of us some cheeseburgers from McDonalds or Hot Dogs from the place around the corner. It saved them time, made everyone happy and was inexpensive. The nights I would come home for dinner were always spent sulking because I didn’t want to eat the Shake and Bake nonsense my Mom would make, or the gray steak Dad would make (our broiler was not very good). So I went on trying to avoid coming home for dinner. Avoid the problem and it would just go away, right?
 Fast forward 6 years. I’m 15, in high school, just got my braces off and I have my first boyfriend. Coming out in high school was not something I was ready to do. I had told a few of my close friends and that was good enough for me, but “flaunting” it was not something I was prepared to do.
 **Sidebar: I, as most young, scared gay kids, covered by fear with active homophobia. I never hurt anyone (to my knowledge) but I used to think of it as a bad thing. I’ve since grown up, but we’ll get to that.**
 I had my boyfriend and we were together outside of school whenever possible. He lived by school, so I would always say I had to stay for an extra rehearsal or something and just go to his house. Both of his parents worked late, so we would usually have the house to ourselves for a few hours. Things got pretty serious pretty fast. Six months in (remember we’re 15) we decided to tell our families. Well, he told his family, and I chickened out. I remember calling him from the laundry room in my parents basement, crying. I told him I wasn’t strong enough, or good enough for him and we needed to break it off. It wasn’t fair for him to be with someone who couldn’t bring himself to admit the relationship to his family. I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t strong enough. I broke up with him. At the time, this was the best course of action I could think of. Avoiding the problem, once again.
 Jump ahead another six years. I’m 21, living “on my own” with roommates on our college campus in an apartment my Dad is paying for. So adult. I’m doing small catering gigs out of our apartment to pay my rent and casually seeing someone. I’m pulling Cs in my classes (I used to be an A student) and I’ve gained about 80 pounds since coming to college. It comes time for winter finals, and I end up sleeping through my last one. I’m already doing poorly in the class, but theres no way I can make it up. I end up failing the class and I get put on academic probation. This is very new for me. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t avoid my parents finding out – the university mailed a letter home. I took the next semester off to “figure everything out.” I went to see a therapist. He told me I have “performance anxiety.” That didn’t register with me. How could I have performance anxiety? I have been performing on stages since I was 7. His evaluation told me that the performances I was used to – being in large groups and not really singled out – didn’t affect me or my life like the ones I was currently doing. Tests in classes that I knew I needed for my degree. Coming to terms with people – one on one – in relationships that could lead to something more fulfilling, more real, than just hanging out and having sex here and there. These were the things that were giving me anxiety, that I were afraid of.
 So I dropped out of college. It was definitely a mutual decision. I went to talk to my advisor and dean, and we came to the decision that me retaking courses and pulling my grades up wouldn’t be enough, and I’d end up somewhere mediocre when I graduated. I didn’t want that, and honestly I wasn’t happy in the career I chose. I thought the material was interesting and exciting, but the day to day drudgery was eating at me soul. I wasn’t happy.
 I moved home, mustered up some courage, and enrolled myself in a culinary school…without telling my parents. They weren’t very happy with me. We had a few fights, one lasting about a month where my Dad didn’t really speak to me, and one big one at the end. The final one happened all over the house, us following each other screaming and crying, and ended up with me making the biggest admittance I’ve ever made to anyone in my life – “I just want you guys to be proud of me” was what I told my parents through tears.  It was one of those “a-ha” moments that only came about because I had nothing left in me – nowhere else to hide.
 Over the last six years, I have gone to culinary school, graduated and worked countless jobs around the city networking with chefs and people I never imagined I would ever meet, moved out on my own (for real this time, mortgage and all), bought my own car, and have had the same job for almost two years now. I’ve dropped the 80 pounds I’ve gained from college and try to eat healthy whemever I can. Ironically, it’s taking me quitting the job I’ve worked the past two yeasrs for me to have this “a-ha” moment.
 I have been a chef for the last three years at two places. The first was a grocery store and butcher and the second was a restaurant. Both have taught me more in three years than my seven collective years of college ever did. And the latter job has taught me to question everything again. I’ve been asking “why?” again – and not accepting “that’s just how it is” as a legitimate answer. I love the restaurant industry. Looking at it from afar and seeing how many people it gives jobs to, how much the industry as a whole does for every single person every single day, and seeing the individuals who come in, bust their asses for a minimum wage paycheck, and are satisfied with a pat on the back and a “good job, see you tomorrow” really make me take pause. The great things people can do when they accept each other, put aside their differences and come together is great, but also seeing the hard work, dedication and sometimes overworking it takes to just get the doors open really makes me proud to do what I do. I’ve seen life from a lot of different viewpoints over the last 27 years, and I feel like I’ve seen the man behind the curtain. I know pain for losing someone you love and I know the joy of seeing new life come to be. I know how to start a business and I’ve seen businesses I’ve run nosedive when I leave. I’ve seen people flourish in jobs we’ve given them after a tough life on the streets or even jail time. I’ve seen rich, worry-free grown men who think they’re shit doesn’t stick humbled to the point that I have to teach them how to clean lettuce properly so the customers and their restaurants don’t end up chewing on sand.
 It’s important to keep perspective and know where you’ve been. Some people say that you should never look back because it distracts you from looking forward, but I disagree with that. Looking back gives you the knowledge you need to be able to move forward and be greater than the sum of your parts.
 I am a man. I am gay. I am white. I am loving. I am generous. And I am Human.
 We can all fight about politics, race, gender, inequality, pay, or even how to fold a bedsheet. When it all boils down, we’re all human, and we need to work together to be great. As one of my best friends and mentors put it, “Everyone just needs to do their fucking job. Stop fighting and complaining, just do your job.” Our jobs are to be greater than the individual. Let’s do it.
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