#cucumber face pack
directsellingnow · 1 month
Skincare Tips for Summer: गर्मियों में इन ब्यूटी टिप्स के साथ पाएं ग्लोइंग स्किन
Skincare Tips for Summer: गर्मियां आ गई हैं और इसके साथ ही चिलचिलाती गर्मी, उमस और हमारी त्वचा को ताजा और चमकदार बनाए रखने के लिए लगातार संघर्ष भी आता है। जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं, गर्मी के महीनों के दौरान त्वचा की चमक बनाए रखना काफी चुनौती भरा हो सकता है। लेकिन चिंता न करें, क्योंकि इस लेख में, हम कुछ आजमाए हुए और परखे हुए ब्यूटी टिप्स के बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिन्हें कोई भी अपनी त्वचा की देखभाल…
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churipu · 4 months
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐝! 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
featuring. sukuna ryomen x reader
warnings. sukuna wanted a son, but got a daughter instead (he's smitten for her shh), sukuna is modern af bye he knows how to use a phone ok, reader is called "wife", ooc sukuna bye
note. ok listen, i've been having a girl dad sukuna brainrot lately. and i even gave out a req to @rrairey (u go check out her works rn) — but i just had to write something about girl dad sukuna jsjdksjks it's on my mind 25/8 and i can't stop unless i actually write abt him (i'm lying, he's still going to be in my mind bye).
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girl dad! sukuna who initially wanted a son but when he finds out he's going to be having a daughter instead, he didn't know how to feel. he thought that if he had a son, he could at least play "rough" with him. it's sukuna, he doesn't know what soft is.
girl dad! sukuna who has to secretly watch tutorial videos on the most random thing like "how to play nicely with your daughter" or "how to be nice to your daughter". but also searches up for things like "easy hairstyles to give your daughter for beginners", when your daughter isn't even born yet.
girl dad! sukuna who hates to admit it but he's pretty worried about having a daughter. finally shoves his ego down his throat and comes up to you to talk about it, and you encouraged that he's going to be a good father — but still, he's worried.
"ryo, you're worried about what exactly?" you asked the male, brushing his hair.
"not being a good father." he replies, leaning into your touch with a big frown on his face, grumbling under his breath slightly about how embarrassed he is to be so fragile in front of his own wife.
"baby, you're going to be the best father."
although your words were supposed to be encouraging, and he did feel a bit of burden lift off of his shoulders — the male still couldn't help but to worry about his unborn daughter.
girl dad! sukuna who complains about your pregnancy cravings and how his daughter is a weird baby. despite that, he will go out of his way to get you what you wanted, not caring if it was two in the morning, or five in the morning. he will get it for you and your growing daughter inside your belly.
girl dad! sukuna who grows anxious when your due date was inching closer. he took a break off from work and devoted his time to look after you, especially since you were walking for two right now. even if you did tell your husband that you were fine — he still thinks it's his job to look after you and your daughter.
"damn it brat, stop moving so much. you'll hurt yourself," he gently tugs on your arm, directing you to the couch, "what'dya want?"
"sausages and blueberry jam . . ." you tell him nonchalantly, missing the look of disgust on his face.
". . . just stay there." he walks a few steps before turning back, "don't move."
girl dad! sukuna who watches labor videos only to focus on the husbands and what they were doing in it so he could try to take notes and searches for what he should get ready for labor, or if he could do anything as a husband for his wife during labor. the results didn't ease his worries — they added up his worries. like adding fuel to the fire, the internet tells him that giving birth was the second most painful thing after getting burned alive.
girl dad! sukuna who already thought of names for your daughter and even buys things for her. telling you that he'd be out to grab a few things and then coming back with a crib set, toys, or even a baby walker. he even got a baby strap for both you and him to use, picking out the most random motives like skulls and fires.
"ryo, why did you pick that motive?" you asked, eyeing the baby strap that had white skulls all over.
"our daughter will like that. i know it." he retorts.
girl dad! sukuna who looked as calm as a cucumber but internally panics the most when your water broke. he grabs the bag that he had packed, following a youtube tutorial and helped you get into the car so that the both of you can finally drive off to the hospital. he holds your hand tightly along the way, showing his worry as he "tries" to follow driving laws (which he ended up driving past the speed limit and had to get a ticket in the hospital).
girl dad! sukuna who had to pay a ticket as you were tended in a hospital room (you didn't know about this and he didn't tell you about it so you won't worry). the doctor telling both you and him that the labor procedure will have to wait up to a few hours as they proceeded with "watchful waiting" after they checked on the baby's condition and yours so they could see if it was safe for you to give birth normally.
girl dad! sukuna who waited those long hours with you as you laid on the bed, telling him how nervous you are. and all the bad possibilities that could happen (he searched that up too), he tells you to stop saying those kind of things. sukuna wasn't angry — he just didn't want you to stress so much, rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb to soothe you. he didn't let go until the doctor came back to finally do something.
girl dad! sukuna who was inside the delivery room with you, even after telling you that he won't come inside a few months ago. holds onto your hand (which you were holding onto tightly as the procedure goes on for hours), he winces — but he didn't care about his hand right now, he only cares about you and his daughter. brushing your hair lightly, mumbling out hushed praises to you (unknowingly, it just comes out), wipes away your sweat with his bare fingers and pressing kisses onto your face every single time he feels your hand clenching around his.
"jus' a bit more, pretty." he whispers, kissing your knuckles multiple times before moving on to kiss your forehead, "a bit more."
girl dad! sukuna who almost bursts into tears when he heard the loud cry of your daughter, but blinked his tears back. peering slightly at your worn out face. he tells you how he's proud of you (spoiler: he hates it if you reminded him about it in the future).
"y'hear that? you did so good, pretty. 'm proud of you," he clung onto your hand, grazing his thumb over your forehead as a smile adorned his face, "she's here, baby."
girl dad! sukuna who couldn't hold his tears back when the nurse suggested skin-to-skin contact with the father. he wasted no time tugging his shirt off to hold his little bundle of joy, nestling her in his arms — unknowingly letting a few stray tears of joy out as he coos down to his newborn daughter.
"oh, you're so pretty, little one." he cradled her gently against his bulky arms, sniffling softly. he was so gentle — different from how he used to be, his eyes soft and watery as he affectionately stares down at his now sleeping daughter.
girl dad! sukuna who slept on a chair by your bed when the doctor told you that you'll be allowed to go home once your body is fit again, he didn't care that he didn't have a bed to lie on. he was just there, prepped in a chair as his fingertips touched your wrist near the IV injection on the back of your hand. making sure he didn't touch the transparent hose. and his eyes darted back and forth from your resting form and his daughter who was now all warm and bundled up inside a bassinet. making sure that the both of you are resting well even if he was barely able to open his eyes fully.
girl dad! sukuna who carried all your bags and your daughter's car seat with ease while leading you down the hospital hallways and to the car. helping you buckle your seatbelt and making sure that his daughter is going to be safe and sound during the ride home, prepping up the car seat like he learned, giving his daughter a light kiss on her head before closing the door.
girl dad! sukuna who tells you to rely on him every time his daughter wakes up in the middle of the night — he won't let you get up, gently tugging you down onto the bed and tucking you underneath the covers before leaving to tend your daughter without any other words. as if his daughter is the most fragile thing in the world, he carries her into his arms and hushed her softly, nuzzling his nose onto her head, trying to get her back to sleep.
"shh, baby, mama's tired right now . . . go back to bed." he whispers, kissing her small forehead.
girl dad! sukuna who offered to shower your baby for the first time after two weeks upon arriving back home (under your watch of course), as you filled the bathinette with warm water — sukuna was cradling her in his arms, swaying his body side to side. and when you tell him the water's ready, sukuna prepped his big hand behind your daughter's small head so the water won't go to her face and began cleaning her. concentrating, he wets his finger and traced it over his daughter's face, making sure she's not frightened. and once he's done, he cupped his hand and scooped some water to wet her hair, rubbing her head lovingly.
girl dad! sukuna who's personality did a somersault ever since you were pregnant with his daughter. turning soft and more clingy, he has your daughter strapped to his chest. and will tell you that he's got it every time his daughter cries or ruined her diapers, he's learnt it all thanks to other great dads on youtube.
girl dad! sukuna who was even more ecstatic than you are when his daughter said her first word, which was of course "mama", he didn't care that she didn't say "dada", he focuses on the fact that his daughter had grown so much to be able to say her first word. tells your bundle of joy how proud he is of her even if she probably doesn't understand her father.
sukuna who had his eyes on the television immediately darted to his daughter who was in your hold, his lips were slightly parted as he tries to process what just happened, "did . . . did she . . ?"
when you confirmed his question, he pulled you into his arms and kissed your head before kissing your daughter's head, muttering out a, "papa's proud of you, baby."
girl dad! sukuna who treats both you and your daughter like the most precious beings in the world. he. spoils. you. both. to no end, coming home from work with a present for the both of you. mostly food for you, and a toy for your daughter. you just know [daughter] is going to grow up spoiled by her father.
girl dad! sukuna who spoils your daughter rotten. and ever since her first steps — he's been going out with her to no end, of course going out as a family of three. holding your daughter's chubby little hands as he guided her down the street, earning coos from strangers all around him.
"good girl, that's right . . . left and right." he said softly, watching [daughter] walk slowly, still a little wobbly.
girl dad! sukuna who gets a little emotional when your daughter has her first birthday — because, it's been that fast? he tries not to cry, i swear. but silently slips inside the bathroom and lets a few one out before coming out like he didn't just cry over his daughter growing up too fast. he swore it was just yesterday that he was in the hospital.
girl dad! sukuna who will with no shame, participate in tea parties with his daughter once she's known enough about it. you'd call them both down for dinner and when they didn't, you decided to be the one to approach them inside [daughter]'s room. and there he was, sitting on the floor, to his left and right were [daughter]'s stuffed animals and your daughter was sitting across from sukuna with a silver tiara on.
"this looks fun," you chuckled, eyeing them.
"mama! tea party?" [daughter] beams out at you, you walked over to them and carried your daughter into your arms, "mama, no tea party?"
"after dinner, baby. okay?"
sukuna has no shame in it. at first, he did try to decline his daughter, telling her that she should ask you instead, but your daughter looked so crestfallen that he just has to accept — which turned out to be a daily thing now. a tea party.
girl dad! sukuna who will be his daughter's experiment subject to trying out make ups. he's a little skeptical (lies, he's very skeptical), but it's not like this is the first time he's had make up put on his face. he's had his fair share of you trying to put make up on him, but this was a toddler doing it and not a full grown adult. but he couldn't say no, so he just submits to his daughter and lets her modify his face and clips on cute hairclips to his hair.
"mama mama! look at papa," your daughter cheers, pointing at sukuna. and you laugh, carrying your daughter before approaching the male who was sitting down on the floor in the living room.
"you look pretty, ryo."
"i feel pretty, my little girl did it to me." he rolls his eyes before grabbing a mirror to look at his face.
eh, not bad.
girl dad! sukuna who drops his daughter off for the first day of pre-school, telling her that she should punch anyone who messes with her (thankfully nobody yet). and gets a bit emotional again as she walks inside the building, his eyes going glassy watching her skip inside her new chapter.
girl dad! sukuna who's overprotective when it comes to his little girl. a trip to the park was a daily routine for his family — and believe me when he has eyes everywhere for his little girl, if anyone was bothering her, he would have no fear on finding out who their parent was. taking matters into his own hands, leaving the children out of it. as much as he wanted to confront the kid for bothering his little princess, he knew the parents had the most fault.
"your boy has issues. the next time he lays his hand on my girl, i will come for you." he said to the boy's father before walking back to you.
the boy and his father never came back to the park after that day.
girl dad! sukuna who watches his daughter grow from a small girl to an eight year old in a matter of what felt like a week. he swore yesterday she was just babbling out her first word, and the next thing he knows, she's got a "boyfriend" at school? oh, boy.
"you don't have a boyfriend." he mutters out, eyeing his daughter.
"yes i do have a boyfriend," your daughter replies back with her soft voice.
the banter continued until your daughter ended up in tears, and sukuna had to force himself to say that she indeed had a boyfriend in school. he's upset that she's growing up too quickly, but at the same time — he's proud of his little girl.
girl dad! sukuna who finds out you were pregnant with a second child, who turned out to be another girl. and he was still as loving and caring like he was with his first daughter, this time, he had a helping hand to take care of you.
"mama has a baby in her belly, so you can't be too rough on her, okay?" he baby talks his eight year old daughter like she's still a small baby — he softly caresses your clothed stomach as he speaks to her.
girl dad! sukuna who had to see his first daughter cry over her new "soon to be" born baby sibling. thinking both you and him were not going to love her anymore — and his heart breaks, because why would he not love his princess anymore?
"hey, hey, why're you cryin'?" sukuna tucks [daughter]'s hair behind her ear as she lets out a few fat tears out of her eyes.
"mama and papa will still love me, right?" she asks, her voice breaking slightly.
sukuna pulls the young girl into his embrace, holding her with one of his arm as he wipes her tears with his other, "'f course mama and i will still love you, you're our princess."
girl dad! sukuna who proudly watches his big girl now approaching his newborn daughter and her sister, eyeing the baby with such an innocent glint in her eyes. oh, and big girl? doesn't matter, to sukuna, your first daughter will always be his little girl.
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teenidlegirl · 10 days
꣑୧ ݁.﹒cop!miguel 𝓍 teacher!reader (part 2) .ᐟ
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⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who hasn’t stop thinking about you. since the moment he laid eyes on you at the school, you never once left his mind.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who daydreams about you when he wakes up. those gorgeous eyes, a smile that makes his heart flutter, soft angelic voice. god he has got it bad, and he only just met you.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who almost forgets to wake up gabriella for school. he rips off the bed sheets off his body and jumps out of bed to rush over to her room. a sigh of relief escapes his lips when he finds his little girl all dressed up. smart, responsible girl.
“you slept in, papá.” gabriella giggles at the sight of her half-asleep father.
miguel softly chuckles, nodding. “i did.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who makes huevos con jamon for breakfast, gabriella’s favorite. while she eats, he packs her lunch in her cute mermaid lunch container. dino nuggets, cucumbers, carrots and an empanada as a dessert. a caprisun as well besides her water.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who drops of gabriella at school but sticks around a bit just to see you again. standing off to the side, watching his daughter run off to the playground to play with friends. it’s the morning routine when kids play for a bit before school starts. parents are allowed to stay until the bell rings.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose eyes dilate and heart flutters when you walk by with another teacher. there you are, the pretty teacher that he hasn’t stop thinking about since he met you. the woman who has infiltrated his mind. dreamt of you every night.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose heart skips a beat when you notice him and wave at him from afar. he quickly waves back, a little too excited.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who suddenly feels nervous when you start walking towards him. a wave of self-conscious hits him. does he look good? is his hair alright? does he smell good? god he hasn’t felt like this in years, since damn high school.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is a nervous reck as you stand in front of him, all in your glory. heart leaping out of his chest. warmth rising in his cheeks.
“nice to see you again, officer o’hara.” you softly smile, arms folded over your chest.
“igualmente, señorita.” he gulps, plastering a small smile in return. “it’s always nice to you.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel that wants to facepalm himself when he realized what he said. god how stupid he sounds, but he’s being truthful. its always nice to see you, even if it’s the second time he’s seen you. it just happened to slip through his mouth.
those thoughts pause at the most heavenly sound ever, your laughter. a sound that blesses his soul. miguel quickly looks back at you and sees that gorgeous smile he’s been dreaming about.
“well, it’s always nice to you too, officer o’hara.” you say sweetly, that same soft smile on your face.
“miguel.” he said gently. “miguel is perfectly fine.”
“i like being polite, señor.” you recite his words from your first meeting. a little smirk on your lips.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who continues to be mesmerized by you. reciting his own words right back at him. a surprise after a surprise.
“how was your weekend?” he asks, very interested in what you did this past weekend.
“bien. i spent some time with my family, had a little get together. did some reading and grading.”
he nods, acknowledging. “sounds like a nice, peaceful weekend.”
you nod, softly smiling. “it was. and yours?”
“bien tambien. i took gabriella to an aquarium. she loved it. she loved the clownfish because they remind her of finding nemo.” miguel smiles at the memory.
“awww que chula. i think of nemo too, it’s one of my favorites. i was actually thinking of playing nemo for the ‘end of the school year’ party.”
his eyes perk up. “really?”
“sí!” you nod happily. “that or shrek.”
while you are laughing, miguel simply gazed at you with adoration. relishing the heavenly sound of your laughter once again. he feels honored to hear it once again, blessing his ears again. it immediately improved his mood this morning, not that he was in a bad mood, just tired but you made him feel better.
“shrek is a classic.” he grins.
“mhm. gotta show them the classics.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel that has a little frown and pout on his face when the school bell rings. meaning morning recess is over and it’s time to line up to head to class. that also means he has to leave, unable to continue his conversation with you.
“time for class. it was nice seeing you again, officer o’hara. have a nice day at work.” you offer a smile.
he mirrors your smile, concealing the slight disappointment bundling up inside him. “it was nice seeing you too, señorita, y gracias.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who watches you wait for your students to line up. gabriella is first in line. the sight makes him smile. she noticed him and waves at him with a big smile. he waves at her then glances at you.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose heart swoons when you both smile at each other as a final goodbye before you walk away with your class to your classroom.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who exits the school and walks back to his car. the conversation with you replays in his mind, making him grin instinctively.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who arrived at the station. dressed in his uniform, a vest with “NYPD” on the front with a radio attached on his shoulder, his gold badge clipped to his belt along with his holster.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who isn’t aware that grin is still plastered on his face as he ventures through the station. that turn many heads, astonished.
“what’s got ya in a good mood, partner?”
miguel snaps out of trance, the grin vanished as he looks and sees his closest colleague. patrick, usually referred as ‘cowboy’ due to his thick western accent.
“don’t.” miguel grumbles, walking past him.
“you ain’t a good liar, o’hara. who’s the lady?” patrick follows him, hands gripped on his belt like a true cowboy. a little smirk plastered on his face.
“there’s no lady, patrick.” miguel denies.
“clearly there is if it got you smiling like that.”
a frustrating sigh escapes his lips. god he’s never gonna let it go, not for a long shot.
“cállete and let’s do our damn patrol.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who does his usual patrol around the city alongside patrick. luckily no crimes committed or sticky situations.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who still can’t stop thinking about you and your conversation this morning. he wonders what you’re trenching at this moment. are you reading that one book in class gabriella has been talking about? doing math problems on the white board? making some arts and crafts stuff?
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose patrol finished before gabriella is off from school. another chance to pick her up and to see you again.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel that is waiting in front of school along with other parents. his gear and vest are left on the car, not wanting to scare people with his pistol.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who smiles when his daughter runs to him, visibly excited to get picked by her father once again.
“papí!” gabriella squeals, jumping into her dad’s arms. “you picked me up again!”
“sí, princesa. i got off early today.” he smiles.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who allows his daughter to play with friends a bit, carrying her backpack on his shoulder. also, a chance to speak with you again.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who turns and looks for you to find you with a student who seems a bit sad. a concern frown settles on his face as you comfort the child while looking around as if searching for someone, a parent possibly.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who grows more concerned and walks over to investigate.
“is there something wrong?” he asks gently.
“oh, hi miguel.” you flash a brief smile. “this student’s mother hasn’t arrived yet to pick her up.” you glance down at the little girl beside you. “her mother normally picks her up on time but supposedly not this time. but i’m sure she’ll come, just a little late.” you gently pat her shoulder reassuringly.
miguel tries bypassing how you referred to him with his name, how heavenly it sounds from your lips, and focuses on the concerned student.
“yeah, i think she’s just a little late.” miguel crouched so he’s eye level with the little girl. “i’m sure your mom had something to do but she’ll be here soon.”
the little girl nods. “yeah, i’m just a little worried.”
both of yours and miguel’s expressions soften.
“it’s okay to be worried but i promise your mom will show up very soon.” he said softly.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who feels relieved when the said mother arrives and picks up her daughter, endlessly apologizing for her late arrival. apparently her car wasn’t starting for a few minutes but then it did.
“everything went okay.” you sigh, relieved.
he turns back to you. “sí, everyone is okay.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who feels that sudden burst of anxiousness and bashfulness when it’s only you and him once again, most parents gone.
“gabi was telling the entire class about her visit to the aquarium.” much to his surprise, you started the conversation, which miguel is pleased about.
“oh really?” he grins.
“yes, talking about all types of marine creatures she saw. she said she loved the moon jellyfish and they’re her favorite. the different types of fish and whales. how excited she was when she saw nemo and dory.” you softly chuckle.
that grin grow wilder into a smile. memories of the aquarium visit replays in his mind. how happy and excited his little girl was, mesmerized by all the marine creatures. it was a good day.
“she did love it. i’m glad i was able to get the day off and take her.” he folds his arms.
you mirror his actions. “and i’m glad you’re able to pick her up again.” a soft smile on your lips.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel whose heart flutters once again.
“i’m glad too. my patrol ended early so i was able to pick her up again.”
“gabi was very excited to see you again. i saw her running to you. she adores you very much.” you say sweetly but also sincerely.
that makes him smile. “i adore her too. ella es mi mundo.” he glances at his daughter who is playing with her friends in the small grass field.
now you’re the one to feel your heart flutter. how sweetly he talks of his daughter.
“you’re hers too.” that makes him look back you with surprise. “even though we’ve only just met and hardly know one another, you’re a great dad, miguel.”
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who doesn’t believe his heart could take more of your kindness. swoon over the moon when you say his name for the second time today. it makes his knees feel like jello.
“gracias… i tried to be. to give her the best life i can give her.” he said shyly, averting your for a moment.
“you are.”
he shoots up and meets your gaze.
“by how hard you’re working for your daughter, you are a good father.” you said sincerely.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who simply gazes at you, captivated by your kind sincere words, speechless. his heart on the verge of exploding by the endless amounts of kindness you’ve given him. his infatuation with you grows stronger.
by his lack of words, you suddenly feel concern that you might’ve overstep. “w-well, i’m must be getting back. got some assignments to plan.” you awkwardly said with a smile before turning around. cheeks a little flushed from embarrassment.
sudden panic settles in his stomach. “wait.” reaching out with a hand but never touching you.
turning around, you anxiously meet his gaze.
“gracias, for what you said.” miguel takes a step closer, still leaves some space in between you two. “i really appreciate it, it means a lot.”
concern and embarrassment fade away, relief washing over your body. that soft smile returns. “of course, miguel.” with that, you walk away.
there it is again, you said his name for the third time.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who watches you return to the school. part of him feels a bit disappointed because he wishes to continue talking to you but he knows you have responsibilities to do. plus, he needs take gabi home since she has some homework to do.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is also disappointed with himself for not asking if you’ll be interested in a coffee or something. but perhaps it’s too soon since you two recently met. maybe next time.
⠀♡ ˖ ࣪ ༘⠀ cop!miguel who is determined to pick up gabriella more often to get to know you more.
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ᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁. 𝓣𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓  ˖ ࣪ ༘  @nightingale1011 (no date yet, sorry! need slow burn first but it’ll happen in the next chapter for sure!)
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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afewproblems · 1 year
(Prefacing this: the compliments are not my brain child, I wondered what would happen if Eddie gave Steve some Leslie Knope-esque endearment!)
"Steve you're a genius! Your brain is almost as perfect as your face!" Eddie exclaims after Steve manages to offer Eddie a perfect ending to his new D&D campaign.
It throws Steve off kilter in a way he's never felt before. He's used to compliments about his appearance; he wasn't Steve-the-hair-Harrington for nothing after all.
Eddie certainly has a way with words, and apparently, the compliments are no exception.
But no one would say he's a genius. It leaves him with a warm feeling in his chest and a small smile whenever Eddie isn't looking.
Steve doesn't want to read too much into it, their friendship is still relatively new and they've grown so close so fast, but Steve can't help but notice that it keeps happening.
While they grab a beer at the Hideaway just the two of them, Steve hustles Eddie at pool, turning the game around with a wink and sinking the rest of the balls in a matter of moments.
"Steve, you cunning, pliable, chestnut haired sunfish!"
Steve is grateful for the low light in the bar and hides his smile in his pint glass.
It happens again when Steve surprises Eddie with two sandwiches and a thermous of soup he packs for their last stargazing trip to the quarry
"Oh Steve, you perfect sunflower!"
This one is his favorite so far. Steve can't help the smile and soft flush that paints his face for the rest of the night after Eddie blurts it out.
After a few weeks of this, Steve can't keep his curiosity at bay any longer.
"Eds?" Steve says one afternoon while it's just the two of them in the store front of Family video. Eddie flips through a magazine at the counter as Steve rolls the return cart back to the front.
Eddie looks up and grins as their eyes meet, "yeah Stevie?"
"Why do you, I mean, not that I don't enjoy it, I mean--"
Eddie snorts as he closes the magazine, "you good sweetheart?"
Steve hazards a quick glance around the empty store once more. Robin still seems to be on break in the back room so they have at least a few more moments without an audience.
"The compliments," he whispers eventually.
Eddie tilts his head to the side with a small grin and nods, waiting for Steve to continue.
"I just...why?"
Eddie falters for just a second before he closes the magazine and walks around the counter.
"Steve," Eddie says softly as he takes the opposite side of the return cart handles.
"I think you know exactly what I meant by every single one of those compliments big boy".
"I think I liked Sunflower better," Steve murmurs as Eddie takes a step past the cart, into his space.
He's close enough that Steve can count the light freckles on the bridge of Eddie's nose.
"Me too," Eddie hums he leans in close and Steve feels his eyes flutter shut as Eddie reaches for Steve's hands gripping the cart handle.
"Hey Steve-- OH GOD, GROSS!" Robin screams from the Employee's Only door behind them, "get a room you skeeves!"
Steve flinches as his eyes open, but Eddie looks cool as a cucumber with a sly grin on his face.
"If uh, you're done your break there Buckley," Eddie snickers as Robin covers her face with her hands, peeking through her ringed fingers, "I think Stevie will be going on his, and uh, getting a room".
Steve flushes from his chest to the tips of his ears but he can't help the wide grin the blooms over his face as Eddie winks at him.
Eddie's cheerful laugh and Steve's giggles ring out as they race past her for the backroom, drowning out Robin's groan of disgust as she throws a tape at the pair of them.
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kapriisunz · 9 months
TENDER | LA!Buggy x ambiguous!reader
synopsis: You give your clown lover much needed love after he came back from Arlong Park.
Warnings: NONE - Live action Buggy with long hair cause I need this man in a ponytail and a face mask with some cucumbers on his eyes.
A/N: I know I know I said I’ll post the Sanji fanfic but it’s taking a longer time than I thought to get it out to you. So! I thought that I can feed y’all some snippet/drabble.
p.s: If it comes out that the actors don’t want their portrayal too be used in this way, I’ll delete this out of respect. Until then, Enjoy.
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When you saw Buggy practically drag himself back into Orange town on a dingy boat demanding his crew too pack up and set sails to. . . somewhere? You got concerned yet happy.
From the fact that he was attempting to hightail it out of the town and that he was still alive after being taken captive by Arlong and his crew for four days.
Which is why you have your jester sitting in front of you in his captain quarters raking his long wet blue hair with a bristle brush.
It’s been a long time since you’ve both had a relaxing day without interference of new pirates, or pirates in general as well as entertaining keeping hostage of the folks in Orange Town.
Buggy sighs in content, taking in the feeling of your presence and the sway of the boat against the sea waters. Relaxing into the feeling of you running your fingers down from his scalp after setting the brush down.
You tap him on the shoulder and ask him to turn so that he isn’t facing away from you.
He turns, you give him an affectionate smile seeing how his hair is gradually drying and framing his face.
You cup his face with one hand while cleaning off the paints with a damp rag.
He's a clown pirate, so it makes sense that he would be a little strange, but one of his peculiar habits is to knowingly avoid washing his face while bathing so his clown paint stays on.
And you think you finally figured out why.
He enjoys you pampering him, he wants it to last longer without telling you. He can see how much you care about him from this simple act of compassion.
He likes being adored, liked, and well-known by many of people, but it never seems to work out. That’s why he forces people too partake in loving him.
However unlike the ‘audience’.
You’ll always love him.
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claymorexpunisher · 1 month
I'll Shut You Up (18+ Fic) (Ch. 2/6)
Disclaimer: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately and if you still choose to click and read, do so at your own discretion. ALWAYS make sure to discuss everything prior to engaging in ANY kinks… Thank you for the love always and I hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Rhea Ripley/Fem. Reader
Summary: It’s pretty well known that Rhea and Fem. Reader can’t stand one another. Reader thinks Rhea’s way cockier than she should be and Rhea thinks as highly about Reader as much as she thinks about the dirt at the bottom of her boot. Well… so they say, at least. A packed hotel mishap forces them to bunk together, and Rhea presses her luck by running her mouth.
Fic Tags: Enemies to Hatefucking, Forced Proximity, Overbooked Hotel, WM Weekend, Bottom/Sub!Rhea, Top/Dom!Reader, Bratting, Oral Sex, Cunninglingus, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Clitoral Stimulation, Sex Toys, Size Difference (shorter reader), Strap-On, Hair Pulling, Spit as Lube (rare occasion), Begging, Light Face Slapping, Spanking, Biting, Choking, Enemies to Lovers.
Total Word Count: 8,411
Prev Chapter
Because fate is a cruel asshole, I got exactly what I didn’t want.
“Absolutely fucking not.” I repeated, this time louder, my hands clenched so hard around the handle of my suitcase that my hands shook.
I watched Rhea’s smirk widen even more; she was clearly taking pleasure in my obvious irritation.
“I’m not sharing a room with you.” I spat once I shut the door behind me and I walked further into the room.
“Not like you have a choice, sweetheart.” Rhea replied, cool as a cucumber in bed.
The sheets covered her lower half until she decided to peel them back and saunter over towards me just to give me a condescending pat on the head as she toward over me, laughing at the way I glowered at her.
As I broke are stare-off, my eyes mistakenly wandered over her muscled frame, over her black sports bra and I stopped short- no pun intended- at her v-shaped underwear that quite literally left zero to the imagination.
“Eyes up here, cutie.” Rhea purred.
Her pointer and middle finger slowly lifted my chin and her eyes sparkled even as I batted her hand away and frowned deeper.
“I know I’m a sight for sore eyes but-”
“Oh my god. Do you ever shut the fuck up?!” I yelled as I rolled my eyes and shouldered past her with my luggage and I heaved the dark blue suitcase onto the couch a few feet from the bed.
“You always say that. And yet…” My skin prickled as I heard her coming up behind me and her warm breath ghosted over my ear as she murmured, “…and you’ve not made a single attempt to make me.”
She’d used two of the magic words you could throw at a Dom Top and I began to salivate before I pulled myself back.
“But then again, I don’t see how tiny little thing like you could possibly even try.” She laughed.
This time I decided I wasn’t gonna let her get the best of me.
“I don’t think you really want me to sort you out, sweetheart.” I replied, letting her see my words for what they were.
“Ooh, but I think I do.” Rhea replied with a slightly raspy giggle, gasping softly as her eyes landed on my open suitcase.
I was taking out my pj’s, completely forgetting about the red strap-on dildo that I had wrapped in plastic and stuffed onto the side of my suitcase.
“What are you doing with that?!” She asked, shock laced her tone.
Shock that irritated me to no end, but again, I remained calm.
Right then and there, I decided that enough was enough.
If Rhea was gonna keep baiting me, then like any effective Dom Top, I’d bite.
I’d bite until she yielded just like any brat eventually did if you push the right buttons.
“What do you think I’m doing with it? Putting a sock over it and making puppet shows on my spare time?” I retorted.
I watched Rhea’s hand reach around me towards the toy and I let her snatch it.
I was gonna let her have her fun for now…
While I continued sorting out my toiletries and picking my pjs, I stole a glance behind me, watching her inspect the toy.
I was immediately plagued my filthy thoughts of shoving that toy down Rhea’s throat until tears pooled in her eyes, making it nice and wet for what I was going to do her, and it was all I could do to not clench my thighs.
Once again, I was caught staring at the Aussie woman and our eyes met.
That damn persistent and infuriating smirk was back on her lips as she put the toy back where it was, but I set aside along with its harness.
“Who’s gonna use that on you? Because I really don’t see a tiny little thing like you using it on anybo-” Rhea’s words cut off as I interrupted, but I didn’t bother verbally answering her question.
“You walk around like you’re hot shit. Like you’re Hunter’s golden child… and I almost can’t blame you entirely. The way he’s paraded you around and talked big game about you…” I chucked and turned around to face Rhea, noticing the small step she took backwards.
Yeah, I was definitely starting to figure this woman out…
I reached out and pulled her towards me by her the elastic of her underwear.
I smirked a little as I watched and felt Rhea’s stomach muscles flex as she inhaled sharply.
“But you’re nothing more than a delusional shot at redemption and absolution for him. Absolution from his sins against someone he can no longer apologize to. You are the living embodiment of his guilt and regret. That is all you are to him. And deep down I think you know that… But he’s put so much energy and time into you and you… for as much as you say you’re no longer a people-pleaser-” I looked up at Rhea sharply, sensing that she was going open her smart mouth and I wasn’t wrong.
I was pleased to watch her mouth snap shut as soon as steely gaze met hers.
“Yes, I’ve watched some of your interviews, I’m not dumb. I study everyone in this locker room nowadays. Especially you.- And you walk around like you’re this… this alpha female. But you’re nothing more than an insecure little brat who needs the validation and a lot of attention and you don’t know how else to get it, so you’re completely okay with cosplaying as someone for some applause and attention and praise from your boss or from the fans. And now that I think about it, maybe even from me.” I continued and I noticed a switch flip at that, as if I’d hit a nerve.
But still, she said nothing.
Hm. Boring.
“You walk around as if being hand-picked by someone like him is some type of flex. Sweetheart, if you were sick and tired of cosplaying as a big, bad and Dominant woman when what you really want and need is to be in your place, then all ya had to do was ask.” My voice was down to a mere whisper. I watched goosebumps raise on Rhea’s skin as my fingers continued to explore the skin on her abdomen with every word I hissed at her.
Her momentary obedience was short lived and her eyes became furious.
Red-hot anger burned in them, along with something else entirely underneath that she seemed to try to smother.
But I was nothing if not observant…
All of it fueled me.
I drank it all up, and my eyes glinted in amusement now as her hips bucked a little and she silently urged my hand lower as if her body had a mind of its own and as if her anger was propelling her actions.
But I didn’t give her what she wanted.
Not yet at least.
The hand that was on the waistband of her panties slowly snaked upwards again, and my thighs became slick with my arousal as Rhea let out an involuntary sound that was a cross between a whimper and a growl.
“Fuck. You. You don’t know me-” Rhea snipped, eyes blazing with fury but I swiftly interrupted.
“Neither do you.” I replied sharply.
My traveling hand suddenly came upwards to grip her neck, not quite cutting off her breathing as much as cutting off the rant I knew was on its way.
The way she froze and suddenly went pliant fascinated me… and it just proved my points.
“You’re nothing but a carbon copy of someone else. I mean look at you, Rhea.” I said as my other hand went up to fiddle with a strand of her dyed hair.
“You have no idea who you are. Who you really are. You’re all bark and no fucking bite. Playing the role of someone else even when the cameras are offand I’m sick of it.” I growled. “I promise you, I could have you squealing like the fuckin virgin you seem to think I am, in .5 seconds.” I chuckled as her eyes widened for a fraction of a second.
Some of that cocky defiance returned to Rhea’s eyes but I could tell it was half-hearted.
But it fueled me just as much.
“Show me, then. Show me who I am… put me in my place.” Rhea purred, her tone and gaze seductive as she gazed down at my lips and back up at my eyes.
She then took advantage of the fact that my hand slackened a bit in surprise.
She was quick, but I was quicker and I moved my head before Rhea could sink her teeth into my bottom lip and I my hand squeezed a tad bit harder and I watched her struggle not to go completely pliant.
She was definitely a stubborn one but I didn’t mind.
From her demeanor alone I could tell that she was goading me some more, not quite believing that I’d deliver on my promise yet curious to find out if I would.
“Okay… then how do you want me, ma’am?” Rhea shot back sarcastically as she walked towards the bed once I let go of her throat.
“Like this?” She asked as she crawled onto the bed, back arched and her ass up in the air, inviting me to spank it so I did just that.
I chuckled as her body jolted and she gave a yelp as both my hands cracked down on each of her ass cheeks as soon as she settled down behind her on my knees.
“That works, actually. Hands behind your back.” I commanded.
Of course she didn’t immediately comply, so I did it myself, holding at least one of her wrists over her back.
“Fuck! I hate you-” She began to rant as I pulled her panties down and I brought my hand down on her ass again and again, until her ass cheeks turned the gorgeous red I had envisioned.
Her body trembled even as she fought and I could see her pussy glistening with arousal.
I stole a look into her eyes and noticed them becoming glassier by the second and that made satisfaction and arousal course through my veins, hitting the spot just as much as a delicious pot of my morning fucking coffee...
Next Chapter
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bbyquokka · 4 months
Hyunnie thst type of bf to have a spa day with u when u had a rough day at work and he be like
Getting face masks and wine ready and he be like
"Spill the tea baby, what happened"😭
spa day
cw: gn reader, established relationship, food & alcohol mentioned, it gets suggestive at the end, hehe. words: 1k ~ (1,002)
a/n: soft thought turned slightly hard? mhm, yes, hehe. i dont make the rules, my mind told me to do it! i hope you enjoy! don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
“i'm so over today. freaking dumb ass people and their dumb ways of thinking. how can i give you a refund on something you used months ago!?” you mumble to yourself as you throw your bag on the floor and kick your shoes off.
your commotion makes hyunjin jump in his seat. he puts down his paintbrush and wipes his hands on an old tee. he peeks his head out of the studio door, brows furrowed together as he notices how stressed and unamused you look.
“fucking people. i don't get paid enough to deal with the bs.” you continue to grumble. you go to flop down on the sofa but a pair of strong and warm arms pulls you out of your bubble and back down to reality.
“oof!” you grunt as hyunjin pulls you into his chest. he rocks you side to side, stroking your hair softly.
“rough day?”
“you could say that.” you laugh bitterly before melting into hyunjin's chest.
“want to talk about it?”
"yeah, that'd be nice.” you whisper.
“ok. but go take a shower first.”
“trying to say i smell?!” you look up at him. hyunjin thinks for a split second and nods. you scoff and gently slap his chest. “ok ok, finee.”
you push yourself off him and walk to the bathroom. you do your usual shower routine, feeling a hundred times better and more relaxed in your comfy lounge wear.
you open the door to the bathroom and walk to the living area, gasping at how it currently looks.
the coffee table moved to the side to make room for two cushions and a blanket. candles lit up in the room with the tv on low volume. hyunjin dressed in shorts and his robe, his hair up on a half ponytail.
on the coffee table are two glasses of wine, bowls filled with your favourite snacks and treats, two facemasks and other spa inspired items.
hyunjin looks up at you as he pours you a glass before setting the bottle on the table. he gives you a warm grin before walking to you.
“what is this?” you whisper, still in awe.
"thought the best way to help you relax was to have a spa day!”
“you did all this in the time i was in the shower?” hyunjin nods and grins, clearly impressed with his handiwork. “that's impressive.”
“haha, thank you! now come and relax.” he guides you to the cushions. you sit down cross legged as he hands you a glass of wine.
“thank you.” you take the glass and take a big sip of it.
“easy there tiger. at least wait until food arrives.” he laughs
“you ordered food?”
“yeah, your favourite!”
“god i fuckin' love you.”
“i love you too.” hyunjin puts down his glass and grabs a face pack and a headband. he hands you the band and waits until you have finished putting it on.
he opens the pack and gently puts it on your face, soothing it out with his fingers. you hum softly at the refreshing coolness of the pack. you close your eyes slowly and sip your wine as you relax.
“all i need is some cucumbers on my eyes.” you mumble. hyunjin laughs softly before putting a mask on himself, relaxing beside you and sipping his wine.
“so, tell me what happened.”
“ugh. well–” you go on a rant and rave about work, about the customers, managers and bosses. the more you talk, the more annoyed you start to feel. hyunjin simply nods his head and listens to you.
he's good like that. he won't interrupt you in the slightest and just let you go on. once finished, does he soothe you with some kisses and hugs.
halfway through your long rant, the doorbell rings. hyunjin answers the door to the food delivery guy, forgetting about his mask. the delivery guy gives hyunjin a shocked face before laughing when hyunjin explains the situation.
he walks back to you, explaining what just happened. you laugh and make jokes about it, forgetting about your rough day at work and why you were so angsty to begin with.
“thank you, hyun.” he looks at you as he peels off his mask.
“for this. i appreciate it greatly.”
"no problem! i hate seeing you distressed so this is the least i can do for you.” you hum softly and take your own mask off.
after eating the food, hyunjin gives your hands a massage and even paints your nails. you do the same, matching the colour he has given you. you both enjoy each others company and enjoy what he has done for you.
you can't believe how lucky you are.
“strip.” you blink at his sudden request before noticing the bottle of massage oil in his hand. you strip yourself of your tee, resting on your stomach with your chin on your hands.
hyunjin straddles you and pours the lotion onto your back. you shiver at the coldness which makes him laugh.
“wasn't expecting a massage, hyun.” you giggle
“it's not a spa session without a massage!”
"mhm, i guess you're right.” you grin before groaning. his thumbs dig into your tense back muscles, fingers working their magic on you.
you squirm underneath him, moaning and groaning. hyunjin swallows thickly as something so innocent is sounding so lewd to him. he feels himself heat up and his groin to feel warm.
“babe.. please, can you keep the moaning to a minimum.” he begs.
"but your fingers feel so good, hyun.” you grunt innocently as he digs into your muscles.
"yn.. please..” he huffs. you ignore him. hyunjin bites his lip hard, his penis twitching several times.
“h-hyunjin.” you moan softly.
“fuck.” you squeal as he turns you on your back suddenly. your eyes widen as you look up at hyunjin. his eyes filled with lust as he licks his lips, ready to devour you.
“you're doing this on purpose yn. you must really enjoy riling me up.”
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stargirlsmooch · 2 years
my sweet omega
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alpha!ari levinson x fem!reader
when ari finds you sad and shaken up, he does everything within his power to defend his girl. that's just before he marks you as his beloved mate. smut + fluff + a little angst (not because of ari). 18+ 2.7k words.
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The smooth summer rays brushed gently against your skin as you walked the lines of the cropland, picking out the cucumbers and peppers that looked ripe enough, not being able to help yourself from biting into a particularly juicy one. This harvest was particularly large, with more omegas joining the pack and more pups being born, there were more mouths to feed, and that meant more plants to be grown.
The pack farm had been your family’s responsibility for 6 generations, every vegetable and fruit that the community would ever need was growing here, underneath your feet. Your parents were lovingly training you to be the next one in the line of succession: teaching you how to correctly gather the crops, how to ensure they grew to their full potential and how to keep them safe over the winter months.
You lived a very isolated life on your farm, with it being a mile from the pack village, you didn’t tend to bump into many other people, liking the silence and serenity that the open meadows provided. Of course, sometimes Alpha Joe and his son, Ari, would come to visit-  they liked to ensure that everything was as best it could be for their little society. 
Joe was a very peaceful and merciful leader, always offering you help when he found you in the field or carrying the crops that were too heavy for you back up to your house to be cleaned. Then you and the future Alpha would stand over the basin for hours, scrubbing potatoes and chatting about anything and everything. 
Ari was a sweet Alpha, just like his father- a gentle giant. You remember the times in high school when a comment from one of the betas would pull so violently at your heartstrings that you would leave the cafeteria a crying mess, only for him to find you and hold you tight, soothing you in a way only an Alpha could. 
The pair of you had been close since you could remember. Joe would bring him around the farm every weekend to help your family- whether it was fixing the gutters on your house, adding insulation to the barn, or helping you herd the cows- Ari was always there. 
Now that the two of you were in your 20s, you thought that your friendship might’ve started to dwindle, especially with all the new responsibilities that Ari was taking on: he was gearing up to become the new Alpha in a few years. But that couldn't be further from the truth- the more stressed Ari became, the more times he had to visit the farm to let off some steam. He wasn’t able to explain the calmness that he felt when he was here, you right next to him, just walking the fields together.
You hadn’t noticed him come up behind you as you bent over to pick a perfect cucumber, jumping and dropping your shears and basket of veg as two large hands grabbed your waist.
“Hi, y/n.” 
“Oh my God. Ari don’t do that!” You shouted, throwing the vegetable in your hand at his head, which he caught. Huffing exasperatedly at all the crops strewn across the floor, you sat down in the dirt and began gently placing them back in the basket.
“Sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said, sinking onto his knees to help you clean up. Ari had come over to see you, after a particularly aggressive meeting with a neighbouring alpha, he needed a touch of your sweetness to lighten his mood again. Now, he was kicking  himself for putting a frown on your beautiful face. 
Slowly, your scowl morphed into an expression of pure sadness, as the overwhelming sorrow from the morning overcame you again, triggered by Ari. He tipped your head up towards him, his finger underneath your chin and his eyes filled with confusion.
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” He whispered, taking a seat on the ground next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders as your head slumped against his chest. 
Your morning had been filled with gloom since the moment it began- you woke up in heat (which for you, being an unmated omega, was just an uncomfortable experience filled with stomach cramps, back ache and an unwarranted need to be close to an alpha), you tripped over on the way to the barn and cut open your knees, and when you walked into the barn, you found your favourite cow mauled to death. 
“It’s not you, Ari.” You started, taking a brief break to try and keep the tears at bay, “just having a bad day.”
“Why, sweetie? Tell me what’s going on.” Ari said as he resorted to picking you up and setting you in his lap, where you immediately snuggled into his warmth, your omega instincts overriding your logical thoughts. You inhaled his heady masculine fragrance, letting it calm every inch of your body until you were melting into his lap. 
“Well, first of all, I’m in heat…” You whispered, not letting the embarrassment seep into your words as you admitted it. 
Ari just chuckled at that, the brief sounds shaking your body as he said, “I can tell, sweet girl.” 
Your sugary scent had been driving him crazy since the moment he saw you, but he wouldn’t tell you that. 
“Anyway… and then I hurt my knees, and…” You couldn’t say it out loud, it hurt too much. People would probably think you were over reacting- it was just a cow. But Daisy had been a friend when you didn’t have any. When you were a little girl, you used to sit next to her in the meadow when she was grazing and tell her all your deepest darkest secrets- and now she wasn’t here anymore, your comfort taken with her.
“What is it?” 
“Daisy…” You sobbed, leaning into Ari further and hiding your face in his neck. He could feel the tears leaking through his shirt and onto his skin. 
“What happened to Daisy, y/n?” He asked quietly, rubbing his hand up and down your spine, dispelling more of his potent alpha scent to try and keep you calm. He could physically hear your heart breaking in your chest as you cried, it shattering into tiny fragmented pieces as he held you as close as possible.
“Someone broke into the barn… and now she’s gone, Ari.” 
Your pain-filled whimpers escalated until that’s all Ari could hear amongst the surrounding greenery, and all he could do was sit there and stew in his fury. Who the fuck had the balls to do this to his sweet girl?
The alpha in him lifted its head, menacingly bearing its teeth as the anger began simmering under the surface. Ari took a deep breath, keeping the rage at arms length as he slipped his hand into your hair, held the back of your head sweetly, and told you what he wanted you to do.
“Listen to me, sweetheart. You’re gonna go upstairs, get into bed, and try and sleep off your heat, whilst I go and found out who did this to Daisy.” He ordered, slowly making his way to his feet and placing you down on yours. Once you were safely stood up, Ari delicately took your face in his hands, giving you a brief kiss on the forehead.
“No, Ari… I need to finish my harvest. Momma won’t be happy if I don’t.”
“I’ll talk to your mom, sweetheart. Now, go up to your room.”
“Ari, seriously, I have to…” You stopped speaking when you felt the shift in the air and saw the expression on Ari’s face.
“Daddy is telling you to do something, sweet girl, that means you do it.” 
Never had you had a reaction so strong, your insticnts immediately dragging you towards your house in submission, wanting nothing more than to obey his commands. You whispered a quiet “Yes, Daddy” as you strolled back up to the house, watching Ari take off walking in the other direction, towards the barn. 
Once you had made it to your bedroom, luckily without crossing paths with your mother, you stripped down to your underwear and climbed between your sheets, your head peeking out of the top as you let a well-needed slumber take over you. 
Ari was deep in a cycle of outrage when he reached the pack house, where the alpha family and its betas lived, slamming the door wide open and making his way into the back yard, where all the male betas were sat gathered around with beers in their hands, enjoying the sun.
As soon as Ari stepped out onto the back deck, all eyes turned on him, they could feel his violent irritation rolling off of him in waves. Ari was only interested in one beta, who he was gonna rip to shreds for making his girl cry. 
“Stand up.” He ordered, his eyes trained on Brock, watching him get to his feet shakily, fear plain on his face. When Ari had opened the door of that barn, Rumlow’s scent had been the first thing to hit his senses, smacking him in the face like a punch.
It made complete sense that Rumlow would’ve been the one to do this to you, having had it out for you ever since you had said no to holding his hand in kindergarten: playing pranks on you in elementary school eventually turned into him spraying evil comments at you every day, having you run back to Ari for protection.
So to continue his reign of terror over you, he took your most beloved thing away from you in the most damaging display of aggression Ari had ever seen. Ari’s own heart broke at the imagination of you opening the barn door and seeing your precious pet like that, all bloodied.
The future Alpha was able to overlook Brock’s treatment of you a few years ago, when his mind was preoccupied with more pressing personal responsibilities and his feelings for you weren’t as powerful, but now, you were his responsibility and his love. When Ari made his way back to you later, he had every intention of making you his, mating and marking you like he was meant to. 
“What is it, Alpha?” Brock asked quietly, setting his beer down in the cupholder of his chair and standing up straight. Ari couldn’t help the wicked smirk that graced his face, the excitement for the fight building up inside him.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” 
When you woke up a few hours later, your heat was hammering through your body full force, revitalising every cell in your body until you couldn’t help yourself from squeezing your thighs together, trying to dispel some of the pain. 
Ari… where are you? 
Just as you were about to reach over to your bedside drawer, grab your phone, and call him, your bathroom door opened and the Alpha stepped out, a towel slung around his hips as he brushed his long hair out his face. His tanned muscles were on full display, making you whimper and tip your head back at the sight of them and the water droplets running across them. 
He showered without me?
“Daddy’s right here, sweet girl.” He said as he knelt on the edge of your bed, his towel hardly covering what you needed. The worry on your face made his heart beat patter faster inside his ribcage- you missed your Daddy so much. 
“Where have you been, Daddy?” You asked, sitting up against your headboard, your duvet pulled up to cover your bare chest. Ari shook his head at your question, gently lifting the covers away from you.
“That’s not important right now, honey. Let’s get you through this heat first.” 
Ari dropped his towel, revealing himself to you. His thick, long cock standing proudly in front of you as you got up onto your knees, dropping the covers the rest of the way so you were sat there in nothing put your pink cotton panties. 
“Yes, please.” You said quietly, crawling forwards until you were sat at the edge of the bed, your legs hanging over. Ari stalked forward, grabbing the underside of your knees and opening them until he was standing between them. His hands gripped the soft flesh of your thighs whilst he leant forward to kiss you cheek tenderly, his cock laying against your stomach, mapping out the path it would take inside of you. 
“Let’s get these off first, sweet omega.” He said, ripping your panties from your body and kissing your nipples simultaneously. You whimpered at the presence of pleasure, feeling your heat gradually subside.
“Need your cock, Daddy. Pretty please.” Begging worked wonders with Ari. You had learnt over the years that all you had to do was say please for your Alpha to be at your beck and call. 
“Sweetheart, you know Daddy can’t say no to you.” He whispered against you lips, having sucked on your breasts so intensely that adorable little bruises were forming around them, marring the skin and igniting a fierce want inside him.
He needed to mark you.
You laid back amongst the sheets, Ari’s hands holding your hips, opening them up more and dragging you to the edge of the bed. He stayed standing as he dragged the tip of his cock through your pussy, spitting on your slick folds and watching it mix with your own cream. The pretty white liquid covered almost every inch of your little pussy, giving him a taste of what it could look like when it’s covered and leaking his own cum.
“Look at this, baby. This all for me?” Ari dragged a finger through your wetness, before replacing is with his cock again and slipping the tip inside slowly, causing you to whimper.
“Yes, Daddy.”
He eased himself in, watching your pussy wrap around him, the cream gathering at his base once his cock was fully stuffed inside. “Fuck, you feel so good, my precious girl.”
You couldn’t string your words together, with the feeling of being split open sending bursts of pleasure through you, there was no way you could find the strength to talk. It felt like his cock was steadily fucking every rational thought out of your brain until all you could do was clench around him, extracting more pleasure from the experience.
“That’s it, omega. Fuck, look at you going dumb on Daddy’s cock…” He said as he picked up his pace, slamming his cock into your sloppy hole, “you don’t have to worry about a thing, sweetheart. Daddy’s got you.” 
It creeped up on you, white hot pleasure burning through your tummy as he fucked you, pulling out every once in a while to spit on your pussy some more, hightening the wet sounds of him thrusting in and out.
“Daddy… I’m close.” Whimpering, you held onto his shoulders, your nails piercing his skin with little crescent moons as you said, “Mark me.”
Ari didn’t need any convincing, he had been wanting you to be his for years, dreaming of making you as his mate. The orgasm rushed out of you as his kanines punctured the skin of your neck, covering your Alpha’s cock and balls with your juices. Ari came with you, emptying himself inside you, painting your soaking walls. 
The two of you came down from the high together, Ari pulling out gently and watching his thick cum leak out of your tight hole, whilst you took deep breaths and got used to the heavy weight on your neck- the mark of your mate.
Ari cleaned up your ruined pussy, being careful with the strokes of the flannel he had gotten from the bathroom, before laying you down in bed, your head resting on his chest like earlier this morning. You kissed the skin there, relishing in the knowledge that you owned every inch of it now, as he did yours. 
“You’re all mine now, my sweet omega.”  
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gardenofnoah · 10 months
there are reasons why a body stays in motion
summary: you work too hard—kita knows it the second he meets you. he’s not expecting you to take him up on his offer. you don’t either, until you end up on his farm.
tags: shinsuke kita x reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, smut (oral, reader receiving), afab reader (no pronouns used, terms for body parts used("clit")), reader is a first responder, kita is a mother hen wc: 4.7k
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the farmer’s market is quiet. mostly because it hasn’t opened yet.
you walk between stalls as the owners of them set up, smiling softly at those who greet you. it’s still a little dark out—the grass under your feet still a little dewy without a sun to warm it. if you were anyone else, you might still be in bed.
but you never made it to bed. in fact, you’ve been up for more hours than you care to count. that much is obvious by the way you sway slightly on your feet in front of Hanaka’s tomatoes.
“hey, you,” she murmurs, affectionate and maternal—reaching beneath the wood top to grab the coffee she’s brought you, as is your weekly tradition. “long night?”
“mm,” you hum around the plastic lid, tipping your head back. the coffee is a little bitter and a little grainy, but it doesn’t matter. truthfully, you’ve been up for so long that things are starting to lose their taste. in this case, that might be for the best. “on call. the phone just kept ringing.”
she nods, sympathy apparent on her face, and you know she understands. Hanaka is retired now—blissfully so, she says—but when you met, she was your coworker. she’d adopted you as some sort of pseudo-child, teaching you and looking out for you. it was a loss when she left, but you were happy she finally was getting to rest. when you found out she’d reserved a stall at the market, you made the effort to be there. even if it meant losing out on your rest.
“silly of you to come straight here,” she admonishes you sweetly, in the way that only she can. it makes you smile.
“and let the coffee get cold? never.”
she rolls her eyes, turning to busy herself with stacking deep green cucumbers into weaved baskets. you let your eyes roam the spread in front of you, reaching to brush a fingertip over the waxy skin of a tomato. your stomach growls—abrupt, and loud.
Hanaka snorts, shaking her head as she calibrates the scale. “head down the row,” she says, pointing in front of her without looking, “there’s a stand that does rice.”
you feel a bit like a zombie as you move among the crowd—still mostly vendors, until you can smell someone cooking. your feet bring you to a halt in front of a grey-haired man, shaping neat triangles of rice around what appears to be pickled cabbage and bean curd. your mouth waters.
"we're not quite open yet—oh." he pauses when he looks up at you, concern immediate and all over his face, "you need to sit down, darlin'?"
it makes you laugh. "is it that bad?"
he smiles at you, directing the man to his left to bring you a folding chair. you thank him, plopping unceremoniously into the seat. when you look up, there's an expertly assembled onigiri in your face.
"ah." it's warm in your fingers and you fight the urge to unhinge your jaw and shove the entire thing in your mouth. "thank you...?"
"Kita," he says, and his smile is kind in a way that feels a little disarming this early in the morning, "don't mention it. can't have you passin' out in front of my stall—s'bad for business."
you chuckle around a mouth full of rice—and holy shit, is it good. you try to tell him that, but to stop eating does not feel like an option. it makes him laugh.
"glad to hear it. can't take credit for the recipe—but the rice is from me."
"you're a farmer?"
"mm. have been for more than a few years now. just started comin' to the market though."
you nod, shoving the last of the onigiri in your mouth and greatly suppressing the urge to lick the stray bits of grain off your fingers.
he goes back to work, packing and shaping in a way that feels casual, but you have a hunch that the motions are some that he's practiced greatly. your lack of sleep emboldens you to let your eyes wander—his hands are calloused and careful, and it's obvious what he does just by the look of them. corded muscle flexes under sun tanned forearms as he shapes each onigiri with great focus, and you find yourself fascinated by the repetition.
"y'think you're closer to livin' now?"
you look up and find his eyes already on you, mirth all over his face. you grin, caught, warmth spreading up your neck.
"think so. what do i owe you?"
"nothin'," he waves you off, brown eyes crinkling. "just go take a nap."
you smile—warmed by his generosity. you get up and leave of rough estimate of coins on top of his register anyway. "see you later then, Kita."
later comes quicker than you thought. the very next week, as it turns out. you're a little more rested when you see him again, and it's the first thing he notices.
"y'look like you slept." he says by way of a greeting, handing you another perfectly formed onigiri—this time with pickled plum and what you suspect is salmon. it falls apart decadently in your mouth, the flavors complimentary and not overpowering against the rice. it's good.
"i did," you tell him around a mouth full, "wasn't on call last night."
he smiles, gentle around his eyes, as he watches you. "work?"
you nod. "social work—kids, mostly."
he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the counter. he considers you for a moment before he speaks again.
"so not sleepin' is normal for ya."
you shrug, avoiding his gaze. it's a little too early in the day to feel chastised by a man you only just met last week, even if he is admittedly a little handsome and insists on feeding you. he sighs, reaching for a stray piece of register paper.
"you like ducks?"
"like, the bird?" you look up at him, eyebrows arched in confusion. "yeah, i suppose i do."
he smiles down at the paper, scribbling a few lines down on it and handing it to you. "have a few babies that just hatched in the paddies. come by and see 'em if you ever feel like y'need a rest."
he waves you off, turning back to his work, and leaves you a little shellshocked as you look down at the paper. it has an address on it—for what you assume is his farm. you fold it neatly and push it down into the pocket of your jeans with the mental reminder of taking it out before you wash them. you shake your head, smiling to yourself as you turn and head back down the lane, dodging a few folks that are entering the market. you have a few hours before work—just enough time to knock out on the couch.
a few weeks later, you find yourself bouncing down a rocky lane, rice paddies on either side of the thin road. you figure you have to be in the right place, but feel a little nervous until you arrive to a little cabin at the end of the gravel, the numbers on your paper painted neatly on the side of the mailbox.
it's late—probably too late to be stopping by unannounced—but Kita didn't give you a phone number, and the day had been long. the thought of baby ducks and looking at anything that wasn't the blue light of your laptop felt like a lifeline.
he's leaning against the doorframe as you shut the car door behind you. you smile when you see him—maybe sneaking a little peak at the way his white t-shirt stretches around the biceps he has crossed over his chest. he doesn't say anything until you clear the porch steps.
"y'alright?" he asks quietly. it's a little startling—you're always careful not to let the effects of the day show. you feel exposed in front of him, and it has you shifting on your feet.
"i believe i was promised baby ducks."
the corners of his eyes crinkle and you find yourself genuinely charmed. he doesn't acknowledge your lack of an answer, and you're grateful for it.
"sit," he says, gesturing to a wooden rocker on the porch, "i'll grab 'em."
you do as he says, leaning back and taking in the view. the sun simmers a deep red on the horizon, bathing everything in it's hue. the paddies stretch on for what feels like miles. the house itself feels like an island—the one lane road it's only connection to life beyond it.
the rocker creaks as you push your toe against the porch, swaying gently back and forth. it's quiet, save for the chirp of the cicadas and the occasional bloat of a bullfrog. you jump when you feel something furry rub against your shin.
you look down and are greeted by an orange cat with the most round cheeks you've ever seen. old and a little ratty, it chirps at you, headbutting your leg.
"hello there," you smile, bending forward to scratch behind it's ears. "where'd you come from?"
"that's Barn Cat," Kita says, trudging up the wooden steps. "he hangs out in the fields."
you chuckle, looking up at him. "his name is Barn Cat?
"yup," his grin is contagious. you let your eyes roam around him, looking for the ducks he was supposed to get. they stop on the pouch he's created out of his shirt—widening as you hear several little quacks come from inside of it.
"hold out yer hands," he says, standing in front of you now. you do as your told, and a few seconds later, there's a teeny tiny baby in your palms.
"oh my god," you breathe, not quite able to wrap your brain around how something can be so small, "oh my god."
Kita chuckles, smiling when you look up at him. something about it brings you back to this moment—you're suddenly very aware that you've interrupted this man's evening and ordered him around at his own house.
"i'm sorry for showing up like this," you say quietly, running a fingertip over the downy-soft little body that's now nestled in your lap.
"no need. i'm glad yer here."
you can feel that the smile you give him doesn't quite reach your eyes, and you know that he notices.
"long day?"
you hum, watching the tiny duck tail twitch in its sleep. suddenly feeling a little envious of the rest it's able to get, and how simple its life will be. wake up, swim around, eat bugs, go to sleep. it won't ever think about anyone else. its little conscious will always be clear.
"yeah," you murmur. "it was."
he moves to sit down in the rocker next to you, smiling at the little duck that has taken up all of your attention. when you look up, his eyes are gentle and unwavering from yours. you're certain he's looking too deeply, but you know there's nothing you can do.
"i should get going," you say, mostly to convince yourself that it is true. Kita's mouth turns downward for only a moment, and then that soft smile is back again.
"give me yer phone," he murmurs, extending a hand toward you. you shrug, pulling it out and handing it to him. he types something quick and hands it back to you, Shinsuke Kita and a phone number on the screen.
"meant it when i said you can come by anytime," he tells you, hand lingering still in your space. "call me if ya need anything."
you get to texting, after that. it's funny—he's a man of few typed words, so you learn about his days through pictures. a criminally early shot of the rice paddies. the baby ducks that look bigger each day. Barn Cat sprawled out in the sun on the porch. dinner there, too—filleted tuna and rice under a waning sun. sometimes he calls, when your schedule allows it. the low timbre of his voice through the speaker frequently (and embarrassingly) lulls you to sleep. you have a hunch that he does it on purpose.
you've showed up at the farm enough times now that you're unable to use the excuse of the ducks anymore, especially now that they're bigger and far less cuddly, but neither of you acknowledge it. he starts showing you around. walks across narrow paths in the fields become excuses to bring you inside—into his home. the cabin is quaint and cozy, and decorated in a way that surprises you. pictures cover the walls—some of Kita as an adult, but mostly of Kita as a child, which makes him bashful and you smile. you stop at one of him as a chubby toddler, sitting in the lap of a woman he's clearly the spitting image of.
"that's gram," he says quietly, behind you. "this is her place. i moved out here when she got sick, and then i just..."
"stayed," you whisper, tracing the edge of the frame with your fingertip. he hums, closer to you now.
"didn't feel right t'leave."
you think it's admirable, but you don't want to embarrass him, so you keep it you yourself. he leads you down the hall, pointing out rooms as he goes—bathroom (you can't hide your surprise at the massive clawfoot tub in the center of it. he just shrugs, continuing down the hall—flushed up to his neck. it makes you smile.), guest room ("mostly unoccupied," he says, and you wonder if it was intentional). his bedroom is slightly larger than the guest room and considerably less decorated, but still tastefully so—the bed is large and looks temptingly soft, and the dresser adjacent to it is an antique, heavy and well-loved. you both linger in the doorway, coated in warm lamp light and shoulders brushing, not talking much and still saying a lot between you.
"you hungry?" he asks, voice a little gruff. you shrug, following him into the kitchen. you take a seat at the bar stool on the other side of the counter, watching him work.
he doesn't ask what you want and truthfully, you know he doesn't need to. there hasn't been a time yet that you haven't liked something Kita's made you. he moves with the same fluidity and grace he does at the market—he prepares your food with the same care, too. you watch him blatantly, this time. his brow furrows a little as he plates it. it's cute—it makes you ache.
you're expecting it to be good, but this is really good—unagi over rice, soft and chewy when it hits your tongue. you groan audibly, savoring each bite. Kita grins at you across the counter.
"good?" he asks, even though he doesn't need to.
you nod emphatically, not bothering to pause long enough to answer him.
"good." he looks awfully proud of himself. that ache twists in your chest again. "don't make it too often. glad ya like it."
it's quiet between you as you eat—you try to leave a few extra for him because he was nice enough to make you something so luxurious, but it's hard to stop yourself.
you linger in the cabin for the next hour or so, finding every reason to stay until you can't anymore.
"y'know," Kita mutters, looking a little shy, "yer welcome to stay in that guest bedroom. s'not like anyone else uses it."
he goes red immediately and it makes you smile. you fight yourself hard to keep from teasing him.
"i have to work early tomorrow," for the first time, that fact feels disappointing. "but i'd be happy to next time."
the smile he gives you leaves you a little breathless. "be careful gettin' home."
next time comes sooner than you thought it would.
the weekend comes and you shoot him a text, asking him what he's doing tonight. his reply comes immediately—whatever you're doing. come over—i'll cook.
you sit outside to watch the sunset after dinner. it goes down past the hills, extinguishing the light like the flame of a candle. you kick your feet out over the rail in front of you. the cicadas sing from their perches in the trees and the paddies look like an undulating, dark sea from where you sit. the only light is the dim bulb above your head, and the stars don’t pay it any mind. bright and shining, you can’t remember a time that you’ve seen so many.
“do you ever get lonely?”
he’s watching you—you can feel your skin warm where his gaze lingers, but you keep yours in front of you. Kita’s been the picture of hospitality, sweet in the way he’s shown care to you—but he’s seldom talked about himself. you feel vulnerable, toeing the line. he’s silent for a moment, and then it stretches on long enough that you start to regret asking.
“s’hard to, out here with all of this noise.” he says it lightheartedly, but you wonder if he’s deflecting. you have your answer a moment later when he says, quieter, “at night, mostly. y’notice when yer the only person for miles.”
you hum, picking at a splinter in the wooden arm of your chair. you feel the same, somehow. though you have trouble understanding how you can feel lonely being around as many people as you are. you tell him as much.
“they don’t really see you though, right?” he asks, but it’s rhetorical. “you help ‘em but it’s one sided. they remember what y'did but they don’t know who you are.”
it never fails to rattle you, his ability to see right through you. your face heats. “that’s the way it should be.”
“sure,” he says, smiling softly. “but it weighs on ya.”
you tuck your knees under your chin and close your eyes—frustrated, knowing that he's right and still wanting to fight him on it. you jump when his knuckles brush against your own.
"i didn't mean to upset ya, darlin'."
"you didn't," you murmur, shaking your head and willing your limbs to relax, "you're right. i just wish you weren't."
he smiles and keeps the back of his hand pressed to yours. it's a sonic interruption to the silence—you're so aware of the warmth of his skin that you feel it in your eardrums. you wonder if he can, too.
it's a while before you speak again—to bid him goodnight, even if you don't want to.
"goodnight, darlin'." his voice is low and soft, nearly a whisper over the cry of cicadas. you still hear it like he screamed it. "extra quilts're in the closet."
it makes you smile, how he can't help but make sure you're comfortable. it would be easy to mistake it for something else—something more.
"goodnight, Kita."
you get in the car and drive on muscle memory alone. eyes burning, you dial the number you now know by heart.
"hey darlin'," Kita's voice comes through the speaker like a warm blanket. it helps to settle you.
"hi," you croak, immediately wishing you'd taken a minute to get it together before you called him.
there's a pause. "you been cryin'?"
"only a little." you don't see a point in lying to him. "you around?"
"yeah, i'm here—where are you? i'll come get ya, don't want ya drivin' out here upset—"
you let out a wet laugh, shaking your head. "i'm alright, Kita. i'm already halfway there. i just wanted to let you know i'd be over."
there's another pause, and you can hear the way he's fighting with himself on the other end of the line.
"alright," he says finally, "be careful."
he's waiting on the porch steps when you pull up to the cabin. you're barely out of the car before he's pulling you into his chest. new tears threaten to spill over into the fabric of his shirt. you can feel the way he softens himself to hold you—like you'll shatter in his arms if he's not careful.
"c'mon," he whispers into your hair, "let's go in."
he takes your coat (and your shoes, and your bag) before he's pulling you closer again—keeping you tucked under his arm like something will swoop down and snatch you up if he's not careful. you'd laugh if you weren't soaking in every second of his affection like a sponge.
"can i run a bath for ya?" he asks, reaching to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. the callouses on his fingers brush the curve of it and it makes you shiver. you nod.
he only leaves you for a few moments before he's back, corralling you down the hall and into the bathroom. there's a pile of comfy sweats folded and set on the toilet, and a fluffy towel hanging on the hook.
"holler if ya need anything."
you smile at him, a little more genuine this time, and he leaves you to it. you strip the clothes from your body slowly, hoping that if you do it right, the day will come off with it. you sink down into the warmth of the water and sigh. your eyes start to burn again as you lean your head back on the rim of the tub, this time just at Kita's kindness. you feel guilty for relying on it.
you feel guilty knowing you've been keeping what's in your heart hidden from him.
you use his soap, knowing you'll smell like him—knowing it won't be enough to satiate the longing you feel, but doing it anyway. you're not sure when it started—if it hadn't been there all along—but it's been tearing up your insides for months. he makes it worse with the way he cares for you. it's almost cruel.
you drag yourself out of the tub eventually, drying off in record time just to be swallowed by his clothes , soft and warm and smelling of him. you brush your hair out in the mirror and tie it up on top of your head. you feel a little more like a person now.
Kita's up and hovering at the end of the hallway as soon as you open the bathroom door. you manage a little laugh this time—mostly content and only a little guilty, letting him mother hen over you. you close the distance between you, looping your arms around his middle. you feel him relax, just a little bit.
"you need to talk about it?" he asks, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you closer. you shake your head. "alright. come lay down."
he penguin walks you down the hall, grinning when you laugh. he moves right past the guest bedroom and into his.
he arranges you on the bed to his liking—cocooned in blankets and reclined against his pillows. he lays down next to you, on top of the comforter. respectful of your space, even if you wish he wasn't.
"thanks for taking care of me," you whisper, turning your head to look at him. "sorry for turning up like this."
his eyebrows knit together like he's never heard a more wrong thing in his life. "i'll have ya any way you turn up."
you blink at him, feeling like you've short circuited. you huff out a laugh, closing your eyes. "how unfair."
you open your eyes and feel stuck, pinned to the bed underneath his stare. there aren't many other options than to spill your guts onto his sheets.
"you make it hard not to love you, Kita."
he freezes, eyes locked on yours. your stomach ties and unties itself, but you can't look away.
it's another agonizing moment before either of you even breathes, and then you blink, and he's hovering over top of you, hands planted on either side of your head.
"say it again."
"i love you." it feels like the easiest thing you've ever said.
"tell me i've got it wrong," he rasps, leaning in to nose along your cheek.
"you don't."
your hand fists around the material of his shirt and you yank him down to your waiting mouth. it feels exactly the way you knew it would—warm and soft, not unlike the feeling you get every time you walk through his door. it’s gentle and unhurried, and you know he knows no other way. you let him break you apart slowly. 
he pulls away from your lips, only to press soft kisses to your cheeks, your chin, your brow bone. his mouth brushes against your temple and to your horror, you let out the world’s most pitiful little moan. 
his eyes go wide as he looks down at you, flushed and breathing hard beneath him. your fingers still tangled in his shirt, he closes his own around them and brings them to his lips. he keeps his eyes on you when presses them to the sensitive skin of the inside of your wrist. 
you feel no control of your reaction—your eyes flutter closed as the rest of you shudders underneath him. it’s so little and it’s almost too much. you know he’s figured you out when you’re able to meet his gaze again—deep brown filled with as much adoration as they are hunger. 
“tell me what you need, darlin’.”
"your mouth," you whimper, feeling hot.
"where?" his smile turns a little wicked, still pressed to your skin.
if you were overwhelmed before, it would pale in comparison to this—his kisses turn hard and heavy, soft lips sucking harsh bruises into your skin. you keen and whine underneath him, writhing both toward and away from his searching mouth. he doesn't take his sweatshirt off of you—he just pushes it up to kiss every inch of skin it exposes. he only pauses to check in with you, only stopping for a second to ask half of a question you'd already started answering before he'd asked it.
he cradles your waist in strong, wide hands and bends down to lap at your navel, nipping sensitive flesh, tongue slipping inside the dip of your belly button.
your hips buck violently, whimpering into the crook of your elbow while you reach down to card your fingers through silver strands. you feel yourself making a mess of his sweatpants.
"please, Kita," you hiccup, nearly slurred in his onslaught. he hums against your skin and you feel it in your belly.
"s'alright sweetheart," he murmurs, pressing gentler kisses between your hipbones, taking the elastic of the sweatpants down with them. "i got ya."
he reduces you to something less than human with the hot slide of his mouth against the inside of your thighs, licking and sucking his way up to where you need him the most and then back down, too far away. it takes a wholly unreasonable amount of begging to get him there, and to get him to stay.
"please, please i just need—oh," your spine bows off the bed and then pulls taut at the feeling of his tongue sliding slowly through your wet heat. he lets out a groan at the taste of you, and you watch through hooded eyes as he grinds his hips into the mattress.
one hand keeps a steeled grip in his hair, and the other one sneaks under his sweatshirt to pull at your nipples. it's sensory overload—the feeling of the pebbled flesh under your fingers and the way Kita suckles gently on your clit has you squealing. he opens his mouth, panting and tongue lolled out, encouraging you to ride it. you don't need to be asked twice.
every snap of your hips against his face pulls a weak moan from him, and a louder one from you. everything is wet and hot and your thighs shake around his head with every drag of your achy clit across his tongue.
"Kita," you whimper, feeling the warmth start to spread, "gonna cum—i'm—"
it damn near melts you into the mattress. every muscle in your body contracts and then releases, leaving you immobile under his tongue. he holds your thighs apart, sucking on your clit while you shake and cry under him. it doesn't stop—every brush of his tongue pulls another dizzying contraction from deep inside you. he only relents when he's licked up every last drop of you.
he kisses his way back up your body and you feel like you're on fire. when he presses his lips to yours again, finally, it douses it. you only smolder underneath him now.
forehead pressed to his, you can't help but let out a little giggle. he grins, his pretty mouth pulled up in the corners, and presses another round of kisses to your jaw.
"i love you," you sigh, pulling him closer. he hums.
"i love you," he nips at the point of your chin, "and you're callin' out sick tomorrow."
there's nothing in your heart that wants to argue with him.
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angelicyoongie · 10 months
Abundance (XXIII)
— summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don't get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, it turns out crazy is an understatement. — pairing: hybrid bts x human f!reader — genre: fluff, angst — warnings/content: none — word count: 5k
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Yoongi hovers awkwardly near the entrance to the kitchen, tapping a nervous rhythm against his thigh as he watches Seokjin work. The hamster hybrid's shirt is stretched tight over his broad shoulders, the fabric hardly even shifting as he slices into the vegetables on the cutting board. He cuts with the kind of speed and precision Yoongi has only seen on TV, the kind that comes with years of practice.
Yoongi waits for the moment Seokjin puts the knife down before he clears his throat, "Hey, uh, do you need any help?"
Seokjin's hands jerk with surprise, startled, at the unexpected voice that calls out to him. A slice of cucumber falls out of his grasp, landing on the floor with a soft splat. Yoongi winces as Seokjin lets out a soft sigh, watching as the hamster hybrid carefully deposits the rest into a nearby bowl.
As he bends down to pick up the fallen piece, Seokjin's slacks hugs his figure a little too perfectly. Yoongi's back stiffens as he finds his gaze drawn to Seokjin's backside, cheeks warming at how he struggles to look away, eyes glued to the sight in front of him. There's no one that can hold a candle to Jimin's ass– uh, assets, but Seokjin certainly isn't far off. 
Yoongi's throat suddenly feels terribly dry. 
He doesn't manage to tear his eyes away before Seokjin throws him a look over his shoulder, brown eyes unreadable as they dart from his feet to the tips of his pointed ears. Yoongi fights the urge to take a step back, to cower, all too embarrassed at being caught staring. Seokjin's undivided attention makes his body feel hot and itchy, like his skin is too tight and too loose at the same time. He wants the older alpha to look away, to give his flushed body a break, but he also dislikes the idea of Seokjin not looking at him all the same. It's confusing. Yoongi hasn't felt this way for years – not since he first met Jimin. 
"Sure, you can help," Seokjin shrugs as he straightens up, tossing the slice of cucumber away like he didn't just catch Yoongi blatantly gawking at his ass. 
Yoongi's tail whips nervously behind his back as he walks over to Seokjin's side. He takes the cutting board and knife offered to him with a small thanks, biting his lip as he starts carefully slicing up a couple of carrots. Yoongi is hyperaware of Seokjin's presence just next to him, their elbows brushing whenever the hamster hybrid reaches out for something. 
They work in silence for a while, only Seokjin's low hums filling the air between them. Even though Yoongi feels like his cheeks might be permanently stained pink with embarrassment, he can't help but feel strangely relaxed, comfortable, as they continue to prep the food.
Yoongi finally musters up enough courage to speak when Seokjin starts dividing the vegetables into small lunch boxes, hands clutching the edge of the counter as he says, "I want to apologize for how I accused Jeongguk of messing with Jimin."
Out of the corner of his eye he sees how Seokjin pauses, tilting his head in Yoongi direction to show that he's listening. Yoongi is thankful that Seokjin doesn't turn to face him head on, that he lets Yoongi talk without the added pressure of being stared at while he does so. He's once again struck by how considerate Seokjin is even when he doesn't have to be, how he always stretches himself a little further to be accommodating to those around him. 
Seokjin is nothing short of a true pack alpha.
Yoongi releases a small breath, "Deep down I knew it had nothing to do with him, but it was easier to use him as a scapegoat than to actually face the fact that I hadn't been as attentive as I should have. It was out of line, and I'm sorry." 
Yoongi's ears pull back as he dips his head, almost disappearing into the shadow of his dark hair. 
"I appreciate your apology, Yoongi," Seokjin nods, easy-going as usual as he swiftly moves on, "Now, can you help hyung prep the food we need for dinner? Y/n mentioned she might get home a little late, but it doesn't hurt to get a head start on things." 
Seokjin reaches out for another cucumber to dice, pursing his lips in effort not to smile at the breakneck speed Yoongi's head shoots up to look at him. The cat hybrid's gaze is wide, clearly flustered at the comfortable tone Seokjin has taken with him. 
"S-sure," Yoongi stutters.
His tail does a cautious yet curious swish behind his back as he accepts a new batch of vegetables from Seokjin. Yoongi places them down on the board with clumsy fingers, skin burning from where Seokjin's hands brushed up against his. He worries at his bottom lip as he dices up another carrot, all too aware of the question that's been burning at the back of his mind for some time.
"Have you and Jeongguk been settling in alright?" Yoongi lets it spew out before he can talk himself out of it.
There's a slight pause in the Seokjin's steady rhythm as he cuts, the split second of it enough to make Yoongi worry he's overstepped.
"I think we've adapted to the situation pretty well. Our instincts settled about a month ago, that made things a little easier," Seokjin pulls his shoulders back in small shrug, unbothered.
The confirmation makes Yoongi's stomach drop.
Only a month ago?
It's been well over three since you brought them all home. 
Guilt claws itself up Yoongi's throat, his chest tight with shame. He acted horrible towards the preys for what he thought was a valid reason at the time – he wanted them gone to give himself and Jimin a better chance at staying with you – but he knows now that there's no excuses for the awful things he did. Yoongi can't imagine having his instincts on edge for months, of always feelings like danger is lurking around every corner.
And in a way, it was.
It didn't take more than a petty comment to trigger a full out brawl in the living room and it's only a miracle that no one was seriously injured. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn't come home when you did? 
Yoongi doesn't know how to apologize for the months of torture he was compliant in putting Seokjin and Jeongguk through. He doesn't think there is a way to ask for forgiveness for something so terrible.
Yoongi swallows around the lump in his throat, his slow drawl soft as he asks, "And your ruts? Were they manageable?" 
It's no wonder it hit them out of the blue, that Seokjin didn't realize what was going on before it was too late. With how their instincts must've been going haywire for months, it makes sense that their cycles arrived earlier than they should have, that their bodies were desperate for something to regulate their emotions; to make them feel like they were in control. 
Yoongi remembers how sick they both looked, their eyes hazy and skin flushed red, something that's not in the slightest bit normal for a rut. The whole situation screamed wrong and out of the ordinary, yet he practically had Seokjin's head for not noticing sooner. 
"Ah, Yoongi-chi, why the sudden interest in our rut? Do I smell a little jealousy?" Seokjin sniffs the air obnoxiously in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Despite the turmoil that's settled on Yoongi's face, Seokjin sees the corner of his lips quirk, his ears lifting up just the slightest bit from his head. 
Seokjin grins. He's never one to pass up on an opportunity to tease.
"You certainly did seem to like how Y/n smelled after it passed, hm?" He hums, turning to Yoongi with a raised brow as he adds, "I don't think I've ever heard a cat hybrid purr so loudly before." 
He sees the flush return to Yoongi's pale cheeks, hears the embarrassed whine the cat hybrid lets out as he ducks his head. Yoongi abandons his knife in favor of hiding his face behind his hands, muffled voice garbling out something unintelligible. 
"You don't have to be embarrassed, it's okay to like our scents," Seokjin leans his hip against the counter, cocking his head a bit before he adds, "It's cute."
Yoongi's tail flicks behind his back, showing his interest despite the groan he lets out at Seokjin's comment. The cat hybrid rubs his face, hands falling down to his side to show off his pout as he says, "Ah, hyung, don't tease." 
Seokjin's heart skips a beat at the sight, stomach fluttering at the soft jut of Yoongi's pink lips. He finds himself a little speechless at the other alpha's use of honorific, blinking in surprise. Yoongi has always kept that wall firmly between them, always made sure to be a little disrespectful, bratty, in ways he could get away with.
The hamster hybrid clears his throat when Yoongi glances up at him, hoping he doesn't see the slight tremble to his hand as he reaches out for his shoulder. Seokjin settles his hand there, giving Yoongi a gentle squeeze. 
"Our ruts went fine, by the way, it's nothing to worry about. It was just our pre-ruts that were a bit more intense than normal." 
Yoongi's expression shifts into a scowl, his shoulder sagging under Seokjin's hand as he murmurs, "I'm sorry. I'm part of the reason it was triggered too early – that it made you and Jeongguk sick." 
Seokjin shakes his head. 
"It's all water under the bridge, Yoongi-chi. Don't worry about it." 
Yoongi makes a non-committal sound in return, holding himself back from following after Seokjin's hand as he lets go of his shoulder. 
The thing is, Yoongi doesn't think he deserves to be let off the hook that easy. Much like Jimin feels guilty for the way he's been acting towards Taehyung, Yoongi shares the same sentiment towards Seokjin. He needs to prove himself worthy of the older alpha's forgiveness before he can embrace it. 
"Though, if you really feel bad, maybe you can go pick up that box of groceries that's supposed to be delivered to the door in a few minutes? I think my knees are starting to give out with my old age." 
Yoongi looks at Seokjin with a frown, "What are you talking about? You're only one year older than me." 
"A lot can happen in 365 days!" 
"Fine," Yoongi hides his eagerness to help with a roll of his eyes, tail swishing with faux annoyance.
If he has to blow his back out carrying boxes to get in Seokjin's good graces, it's an easy sacrifice he's willing to make.
He hurries out of the kitchen before Seokjin can change his mind, pressing his hand to his chest the moment he's out in the hallway. Yoongi feels his heart hammer beneath his skin, jumping against his palm from the radiant grin that Seokjin flashed him as he walked out. 
Yeah, Yoongi thinks, ears perking at the sound of the doorbell, he'll do whatever it takes to make Seokjin smile at him like that again.
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Namjoon glances up at the blue sky with a sigh, grass tickling his ears. 
The fresh air does little to clear his mind, his thoughts straying back to Taehyung no matter what. It was shocking to find him wrestling on the ground with Jimin, their tussle reminiscent of how pups play fight to grow closer and learn about boundaries. Taehyung's giggles were bright and happy, a little wild, the way he only gets when he's truly excited. That night, after he and Hoseok had scented Taehyung so aggressively they almost left him scent drunk, desperate to restate their claim on their packmate; shame had curled deep in Namjoon's chest as he realized he couldn't remember the last time he made Taehyung sound like that. 
Have they waited too long?
Namjoon lets out a harsh breath through his nose. It's like his mind is warring with itself, the bright yellows clashing with the blues. 
One part is happy that Taehyung is growing closer with Jimin, that he's bridging the gap like you asked them to do, that he's gaining another friend that isn't just his own pack. But the other part is terrified, clawing at his insides and screaming that Taehyung has realized he can do better, that the shelter left him with limited options and now he's realized he wants more. 
It leaves Namjoon feeling a murky green, his emotions bubbling just below the surface, waiting for that final drop before it all overflows. 
Namjoon jolts up at the sound of the garden door slamming shut. His loud thoughts are interrupted by the sight of a frozen Jeongguk, the bunny hybrid's fingers still closed around the handle. As soon as their eyes meet, Jeongguk's body relaxes, the tension draining out just as quickly as it arrived. 
"Hey, hyung," Jeongguk offers shyly. He gives Namjoon a gentle smile, probably smelling the turmoil in his scent as he walks across the garden to join him.
Namjoon can't help but wonder just what made Jeongguk change his mind about him. He knows that his species alone is one most people, let alone hybrids, tend to stay away from. Namjoon is also an alpha wolf – which doesn't exactly make him the most inviting. It's like taking the two worst possible things and slapping them together, making one creation that's designed to scare away prey hybrids.
Jeongguk has always been a little skittish around him, even after their truce, but the bunny hybrid's opinion of him appears to have softened drastically in the past weeks. 
He thinks it started the day he made Jeongguk laugh for the first time, Namjoon's clumsiness always hitting at the worst possible times. He was carrying a load of fresh laundry, everything clean and folded neatly in a stack. He was only a few steps away from the den when he tripped over nothing, hands dropping all of Hoseok's hard work as he reached out to brace himself against the wall.
Groaning, Namjoon had sat down in the hallway, staring mournfully at the crumpled clothes. It was only when he had tried to fold the same sweater three times that he picked up on Jeongguk's small giggle, the bunny hybrid peering at him from the kitchen. 
Blushing, Jeongguk had timidly crossed the hallway to join him, bending down to show Namjoon how it was done with a kind, "Oh, hyung, you're doing it all wrong." 
Namjoon tried, he really did, but nothing ever seemed to line up quite right when he tried to fold it the way Jeongguk had showed him. He learned how patiently impatient Jeongguk was that day. In the end, he sat on the floor, watching the bunny hybrid with wide eyes as he quickly folded the laundry back to the pristine way it had been before Namjoon had tripped. 
Ever since that moment, it felt like Jeongguk had slowly begun to realize that Namjoon wasn't much more than a clumsy wolf, with hands and feet too big for his own good. He was certainly no vicious predator.
"What are you doing out here?" Jeongguk asks, eyes darting to the blades of grass stuck to Namjoon's hair. 
"Just thinking," The wolf hybrid sighs, shaking his head to dispel the images that keep repeating in his head over and over. "I thought coming out here would give me a fresh perspective but it didn't help much." 
"Do you... uhm, do you want to talk about it?" 
In all honesty, Namjoon doesn't. He's tired of thinking and feeling uneasy about his relationship with his pack. Talking about it with Jeongguk, who seems to have the most stable and loving bond with his packmate and mate, feels like the worst thing to do for Namjoon's heart right now. Why set himself up for more heartache than necessary? 
But as he takes in the cute furrow between Jeongguk's brows, the way his slightly too large front teeth nibble at his lip in worry, he must admit that it's sweet that Jeongguk is that concerned about his troubles. 
"Actually–" Namjoon pushes himself off the ground, dusting off his trousers, "Would you like to go on a walk with me? I have something I want to show you." 
Namjoon keeps glancing at Jeongguk with every other step, making sure the bunny hybrid looks comfortable as he leads him down one of the paths he found. It's pretty, wildflowers covering every side of the small trail, sparse trees on one side and houses on the other. He timed it multiple times to know it only takes eight minutes to walk from the house to the beginning of the trail, the area you picked out a perfect blend of having both nature and the city within manageable walking distances. The city is certainly further away, probably thirty minutes by foot, but Namjoon finds he prefers their quiet neighbourhood over the hustle and bustle of city living. It must be the wolf in him, always yearning for nature no matter what. 
Jeongguk's step falters as he noticed a patch of pretty wildflowers, the vibrant hues of red, lilac and yellow blending together in a striking picture. "Wow," He smiles, one foot thumping the ground in excitement, "the flowers are so pretty here!" 
"They are," Namjoon agrees, tail wagging as he watches the bunny hybrid lean down to sniff them. He stands there, instincts silently preening as he observes Jeongguk enjoying the scenery. Jeongguk likes the the trail he picked out, he did good.
Clearing his throat, Namjoon ducks his head, a little shy as Jeongguk glances over at him, "I don't mean to overstep, I hope I'm not, but I've been spending some time memorizing a few safe routes you can walk on your own if you need time to yourself. This is actually the longest one." 
Namjoon pulls a face as he looks off to side, chest rumbling he explains, "What those weasel hybrids did to you was terrible, Jeongguk. The fact that it happened on your first walk alone too... I'm so sorry. Shelters never allow you much privacy, so going on walks have always been very therapeutic for me. It makes me sad that your first experience was so badly tainted by them." 
"I know how frustrating it is to be constantly cooped up inside so I wanted to offer you an alternative. I understand if you don't feel comfortable walking these routes yet by yourself, especially not after what happened last time, but I'm always willing to accompany you if you need it. I can even walk far behind you if you'd like, making sure that everything is safe while still offering you some time alone! Or not, that's fine too! I'm sure Seokjin hyung or Y/n would–" Namjoon's rambling ceases at the small noise Jeongguk makes, the bunny hybrid giving him a look he can't quite decipher.
Jeongguk's lips are parted in what must be surprise, long ears standing tall with attention and his doe eyes sparkling. 
"Namjoon hyung," Jeongguk breathes, visibly touched at the wolf hybrid's thoughtfulness. "Thank you." 
"Oh," Namjoon murmurs. He stares bashfully down at the ground, cheeks reddening as he says, "It's, um, no big deal." 
It really isn't, so why is his heart beating so hard? 
Namjoon suddenly find himself unable to meet Jeongguk's gaze; the soft eyes he can feel studying his face. "Let's continue walking? There's a spot a little further up the road I think you'll like." 
"Sure, hyung," The bunny hybrid hums, taking pity on him. He falls into step besides Namjoon, matching his long strides without problem. 
Namjoon is so caught up in trying to tame his flaming cheeks that he doesn't notice the small rock in his path, the front of his shoe getting caught on the edge. He lets out a yelp as he stumbles forward, eyes closing automatically as he braces for the inevitable impact. The last bruises he got on his leg had just started fading too. 
A strong grip closes around his arm, yanking him back before he can fall. Namjoon opens his eyes to find Jeongguk staring at him intently, the corner of his lip twitching like he's fighting off a smile, "Hyung, you really need to be more careful." 
Namjoon blinks, the blush that was once contained to his cheeks slowly spreading down his neck at the amused look Jeongguk gives him.
"I know," He sighs. As far as Namjoon remembers, he doesn't think there's ever gone a week by where he hasn't been told that in some shape or form. 
Jeongguk gives him a small tug on the arm before he lets go, resuming their walk. Namjoon takes care to pay extra attention to his surroundings this time, not wanting to make a fool of himself once again. It's the heightened focus that makes him aware of how close the bunny hybrid suddenly is, the distance between them so small that their arms keep bumping into each other.
Namjoon doesn't comment on it, pleased that Jeongguk feels comfortable enough to touch him - accidental or not. 
His gray ears perk as they round the last bend, the trail opening up to a small park hidden away at the end of it. It's quiet today, no kids running around and no adults occupying the benches places around the grassy field. 
"Ah, he's here!" Namjoon lights up as he sees the small cart tucked into one of the corners of the park, beneath one of the largest trees. The old man resting beside it raises his hand in greeting as he notices them and Namjoon copies the motion.
Jeongguk makes a questioning sound as the alpha wolf speeds up, tail wagging behind his back. Namjoon glances back at him, grinning as he says, "You like ice cream, right?" 
Namjoon offers a warm greeting to the old man once they reach him, exchanging pleasant small talk as Jeongguk contemplates which flavour to pick. The bunny hybrid's eyes are shining with joy as he peers into the containers, gaze jumping back and forth as he struggles to choose. 
"Have you had cookies and cream before? I think you'd enjoy that," Namjoon points to the flavour in question, smiling as Jeongguk immediately agrees.
Namjoon goes for chocolate, letting Jeongguk find them a bench as he pays. The bunny hybrid's back is facing him as he walks over, his brown cotton tail vibrating with excitement. Namjoon has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning too big, endeared at the sight. 
"Namjoon hyung, this is so good," Jeongguk wrinkles his brows as he eats, staring angrily down at the ice cream as if he's offended by how good it tastes. 
"Right?" Namjoon hums, taking a spot on the opposite side of the bench. "Mr. Kim's ice cream is definitely worth the walk." 
They enjoy their treats in silence, only offering a few passing comments here and there. Namjoon knows his tail hasn't stopped moving since they entered the park. 
He offers the last bites of his cup to Jeongguk, pushing it forward as the bunny hybrid eagerly leans across the table to grab it. Jeongguk's oversized sweater slips as he moves, exposing the skin below his collarbones, his faded mating mark on display. 
Namjoon swallows thickly, averting his eyes before Jeongguk can catch him looking. He traces his fingers along the wooden grain on the table, ears twisting back with uncertainty.
He wants that too. 
Namjoon can try to deny it all he wants, that he's content with the way things are - but he's not. He doesn't just want a packmark, fleeting touches and careful kisses during ruts, he wants everything. He's tired of always holding back, of not being able to take care of Hoseok and Taehyung like Seokjin takes care of Jeongguk. He wants, no, yearns, to love them, chest tight with the need to call them his. 
They promised to take it slow, to talk about it later, but it's been years. How long are they going to allow themselves to suffer, to stay in this weird in-between where all the lines are blurred yet impossible to cross? 
He didn't want to burden Jeongguk with his troubles, but perhaps the bunny hybrid can offer him another perspective. Namjoon thinks he owes it to himself to at least try. 
"Jeongguk," Namjoon picks at a loose splinter, mustering up the courage to ask, "How did you and Seokjin hyung become a pack?" 
"Oh, I wouldn't leave hyung alone," Jeongguk snorts as he swallows the last of Namjoon's ice cream. He leans one arm on the table, resting his head in his palm. His long ears twitch as he thinks back, a fond smile on his face as he explains, "From the moment I saw Seokjin hyung, no one else mattered. He always took care of me and the younger hybrids, taking on the role of an older brother. He has always been so kind and selfless, always willing to help. I kind of latched on to him – after my shelter transfer I was desperate for something stable, safe, and hyung was exactly that." 
"We became bonded very quickly, much to Seokjin hyung's horror," Jeongguk sighs. "He wanted me to have a chance at being adopted, to find a home, but that didn't matter to me. I didn't want a family if he wasn't part of it." 
Namjoon nods, heart squeezing in sympathy. He knows how that feels.
"He was just as attached as I was though, so we decided to become a pack so that they legally couldn't separate us. For all the lectures hyung gave me on the importance of being adopted, I think he was just as scared as I was whenever someone came to look around. He didn't want to lose me either." 
"How did you become mates, then? It sounds like what you had was more brotherly than a relationship?" Namjoon tilts his head, glancing up at Jeongguk.
The bunny hybrid grins, a little smug. "I'm very determined once I set my mind on something and I just knew that hyung was it for me. He had his worries since I'm younger, but none of that mattered to me. It took some time to convince him to give it a shot, to at least try to see me as a potential mate and not just someone he needed to take care of. Uh, well, let's just say my first rut opened his eyes a lot?" 
"I was already nineteen at that point, so there wasn't anything legally holding us back from mating. We waited another year I think, I didn't want to rush hyung into something he wasn't comfortable with. Deep down, we both knew we loved each other and that we had done it for a long time, but sometimes it's just easier to fall back on what's comfortable. Change can be scary." 
Namjoon feels exposed, like Jeongguk can read the thoughts appearing behind his eyes.
Smiling wistfully, the bunny hybrid shrugs his shoulders, leaning back on his seat as he says, "Change can be scary, but at least you'll know, right? For better or worse." 
"Yeah," Namjoon grimaces, "For better or worse." 
He flashes Jeongguk a wobbly smile, collecting their used cups as he gestures to the path they came. "Are you ready to go back?" 
The bunny hybrid springs to his feet, the seriousness gone from his expression in a flash. Namjoon steps over to a nearby trashcan, taking a deep breath as he chucks the empty cardboard away. 
Whatever Taehyung and Hoseok wants, he'll accept it. If they have to stay the way they are, he'll learn to deal with it. He's been tampering down his feelings for years already, so what's a lifetime more of it, really? 
As he walks back with Jeongguk, eyes once again trained on the ground, he finds that he can't voice the thing he wants to say the most. That while he'll always respect his packmates wishes, he's not sure he will ever be able to fully heal if they reject him. Not again.
There's only so much sorrow a heart can take before it's beyond repair.
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"Shit," You curse, wincing at the uneven gravel road.
The ground is filled with bumps and holes, rattling your car something fierce. You're in the middle of nowhere, following the coordinates your whistleblower supplied you with. They hadn't said much, just that whatever was waiting for you would be helpful to your case. 
Your destination is twenty meters ahead.
You try to squint past the dust the car keeps kicking up, seeing nothing but the road. Your contact hasn't betrayed you, right? They wouldn't send you off into the forest to have you taken out by one of Lim's men? 
Glancing over at the GPS, you slow the car to a stop just as the cheery robotic voice announces that you've reached your destination.
You wait for the dust to settle, eyes scanning the road for anything out of the ordinary. Finding nothing, you cautiously exit your car, keeping your keys tucked between your fingers. You doubt it'll do much should someone actually try to attack you, but it feels comforting nonetheless. 
It only takes walking to the other side of the car before you spot it, a rusted red mailbox barely visible beneath the climbing vines growing all over it. 
"Please don't let something jump out at me," You whisper, stepping through the tall grass to reach it. You lean back as you open it, letting out a relieved breath when you only find a small envelope inside.
You quickly snatch it up, hurrying back to your car. Locking the doors, you do another sweep of the forest around you before you carefully open it, pulling out the folded piece of paper inside.
You can't quite believe your eyes as you straighten it out. 
They can help, is all it says, along with three names scribbled messily below. 
You know them.
A choked sound bubbles past your lips, hands shaking as you stare at the black ink.
An Daeun
Yoo Jeonghui
Nam Minseo
It's the same names you gave to Kim Hajoon only a week ago.
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a/n: i know things are pretty angsty for the canines right now, but it'll get better soon 🥺 we are very close to a breakthrough!
i would really love to hear what you think about the chapter! yoongi's crush on seokjin is pretty obvious, huh? do you think he knows? and what so you think about namkook's talk? or what the MC found at the end?
(it's 1 am rn and i'm tipsy so i'll fix any mistakes in the morning lol)
if you like the chapter, please let me know! 💖 engagement has been quite low lately and it’s pretty discouraging :(
chapter 24 should be posted near the end of August! see you all soon and stay safe <3
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aroacewxs · 7 months
rui facts that are common knowledge atp but i just feel like repeating
hates vegetables because of their texture, and dislikes anything that has similar texture to certain vegetables. example: he hates watermelon because apparently to him the texture is just like a cucumber's? he's not very fond of many fruits either, albeit he dislikes them less than vegetables
only eats at places he's a regular at and becomes distressed when the menu changes. he picks off all vegetables from his food and sometimes emu helps him and eats anything he doesn't like
preferred rivers and lakes over pools as a kid. he would search for shiny rocks and the like in these rivers and lakes and show nene his discoveries
he owned many encyclopedias as a kid. one of them being one about poisonous plants. it had a bright red cover that scared nene LMAO but he read it over and over so now he can recognize which plants are poisonous or not
favourite animal is the platypus because he finds the fact that they are egg-laying mammals interesting
owns three monitors. has a tablet (owned this tablet since he was a kid) and a phone
horrible at packing! he's always thinking about worst case scenarios and possible hypotheticals that could occur during his travels, causing him to overpack and not use half of the things he brings. he mentions that this was the case when he went to america with wxs, and he struggled with the same problem when he was trying to pack for his kyoto trip in pandemonium
his favourite show he performed with wxs was the little mermaid. the show that made him feel the most nervous was a pianist named torpe, and the show that left the strongest impression on him was the one tsukasa performed with the others to convince him to join wxs again
dislikes cleaning because he finds it pointless when his room just becomes cluttered again sooner or later
worst sleep schedule known to man. has been scolded by wxs for coming to rehearsal with horrible eye bags
he people watches a lot. very observant of his environment and uses anything that catches his attention as inspiration for shows and other stories. this can be seen in island panic, where he makes up an entire possible conversation between three monkeys he was observing and in the area convo where he views students fighting to buy bread at the tuck shop as a metaphor for human nature and survival
his role model and inspiration is a director named tom gray! he watched interviews of him and read his books over and over
enjoyer of sci-fi
eats his taiyaki by first splitting it in half to avoid burning his mouth with the hot bean paste. interestingly enough, it is said in japan that the first bite you take in taiyaki determines your personality. rui breaks his taiyaki first before eating, making him a "person of action."
he deepened his interest for shows as a kid by imagining how he would adapt his favourite books into stage productions
there's a specific stool in his room that has remained since his childhood. also an orange box of toys(?) It seems
on the other hand, several aspects of his childhood room have changed: his lampshades are in the shapes of flowers now, his couch is patched up in blue, and he has multiple streamers and balloons. the balloons have little faces on them btw. he also installed a clock. the step ladder near his bookshelf is gone too from what i can see
ok that's all i can think of from the top of my head, hopefully none of these are incorrect,, i'll be very sad if something is wrong. if you know any fun rui facts that aren't listed above PLEASE enlighten me
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iamthecomet · 9 days
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺: 𝘎𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨
Rating: G Pairing: Swiss/Mountain Words: 741 Mushy May by @forlorn-crows Banner by @ghuleh-recs
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Mountain sets an armload of pots down in the soft grass of the greenhouse. He straightens, stretching his spine until it pops loudly. He sags, wiping sweat from his brow with his dirt covered forearm, smearing it through auburn eyebrows and over freckled skin. 
Swiss huffs out a laugh as he watches, setting more pots down, looking over at Mountain’s dirt streaked face. 
“It’s too hot for this and you know it.” 
Mountain frowns. It is hot. It’s a balmy 95 outside, so he knows the greenhouse is much warmer. The air thick and damp. Beyond the glass walls he can see the others at the lake. Cumulus stretched out on a blanket with a book. Rain, Dew and Aeon trying to drown each other, Cirrus, floating a good distance away from them on a giant floaty shaped like a piece of pizza. 
“It has to be done, Swiss.” 
Mountain sighs, dragging his eyes away from his pack. He’ll finish up here and be out there with them in no time–but he can’t wait any longer. It’s too hot in here for the vegetables he started in the spring, and besides that they’re starting to take over. 
Mountain nods. “It’s going to rain tomorrow. If we get them in today they’ll get a good strong start and–”
“And we’ll be overrun with tomatoes and cucumbers and squash like always,” Swiss teases. “I think there’s still shredded zucchini in the freezer from last year.” 
“Leave it to you to scoff at abundance.” Mountain rolls his eyes. “It’s only a couple more trips. I can do it, you don’t have to help.” 
Mountain turns to gather more plants. Loading his arms with plastic and terracotta pots alike, balencing them precariously in an attempt to make it take less trips back and forth from the vegetable garden. Swiss catches a poorly balanced pepper plant just before it falls to its death. 
“Shut up,” Swiss chides. Taking more of the plants from Mountain. “I don’t mind.” 
“You were just complaining.” 
Swiss waves him away. “So? I can complain and still like helping. I just wish you’d talk to them less while you’re planting them, it would go faster.” 
“You have to talk to them, Swiss.” Mountain says, matter-of-fact as they push through the greenhouse doors and out onto the lawn. “They get nervous otherwise.” 
Swiss doesn’t dignify that with a response, instead he just leads the way to the vegetable garden. A wide swath of freshly tilled land surrounded by a low stone wall, bracketed by fruit trees in full bloom. Swiss takes his stack of plants to one side of the garden, and Mountain goes to the other. 
They work silently. Planting seedlings in neat organized rows. Hands tamping down fresh dirt around delicate roots. Mountain whispering praises, and reassurance to each tiny plant. 
There’s a whoop of laughter from the lake, and a shriek that could only belong to Cirrus. 
“Someone flipped her,” Swiss says without looking up. 
“They’ll be dead before dinner.” 
“It’s really a shame that we’re missing the show.” 
Mountain laughs to himself, he shakes his head as he plants his last cucumber plant. “We can take a break, if you want.” 
Swiss stands up, wiping dirt off the knees of his jeans even though it’s a lost cause. He shakes his head. 
“It’s like one more batch. We might as well finish. The lake will be there when we’re done.” 
Mountain’s back screams in protest when he stands, but he knows Swiss is right. He knows if they go to the lake now–even if it is just to watch Cirrus attempt murder–they’ll never come back and the last batch of Sunshine’s favorite tomatoes will never make it into the ground. 
“You’re right.” 
“Usually am,” Swiss says with a smile. He slings his sweaty arm around Mountain’s shoulders, leans his head into Mountain’s. Horns knocking together as Mountain angles toward him. Swiss smells like sweat, and dirt and weed. Earthy in a way that makes Mountain want to crawl inside of that smell and live there.  
“Just, less talking to the plants this time, yeah? I do want to make it to the lake before winter.” 
Mountain sighs, tries to swallow a laugh. “Fine. But it’s your fault when we don’t have enough tomatoes.” 
Swiss rolls his eyes, breaking away from Mountain to pull open the greenhouse door and step into the oppressive heat. “I’m willing to risk it.”
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absurdthirst · 9 months
Hey! I hope you’re having a nice day and don’t feel pressured to answer this, but how do you think the Pedro boys would react to having triplets? (I just learned im having two boys and one girl)
Heaven knows I’m already worried about mine with the casually offered reductions and all the talks about how difficult it’s going to be since it’s my first time. My heart goes out for the Pedro boys in less advanced universes knowing the complications that could come up.
Having Triplets:
Javier Peña: Gets drunk. Like - very drunk. Smokes an entire pack of cigarettes while he drinks. Worrying. Obsessing over the idea that he was already nervous to be responsible for one kid, but three???? He's never gonna sleep again. He's going to be grey by the time the kids are born, or bald from the stress. Once he's gotten over his hangover, he's asking questions. Demanding to know the risks and he has a fucking notebook full of questions for the doctors every time you go. Turns into the most solid father that you've ever seen.
Ezra: Speechless. For the first time since you have met the loquacious prospector, he is completely speechless. "I don't quite thing your suit's gonna be fitting you soon, little gem." His life has been one big adventure and he has just floated along. Now he will have to put that sharp mind to work to make sure that his little family has their feet firmly planted on a safe planet. Ezra will be planting roots - just don't ask him where he acquired the things he brings home for the babies.
Mando: Have you ever seen a wall of metal worry? That's what it would be like. This towering hunk of beskar would just lurk and be underfoot. Silently watching and you would wake up to any and all little luxuries that he could possibly get his hands on. The man would invest in a real bed for Maker's sake. He would even get a medical droid, putting aside his dislike for most tech to make sure you had the best help available.
Pero Tovar: Pero wonders why you are as big as a horse. (You hit him with a frying pan for saying that) When the midwife tells him that she feels more than one babe in your belly, he starts to worry. Childbirth in his days is not without risk and multiple babes are even riskier. He will start praying to God to allow the babes to born healthy and breaking his back even more to provide for the four of you.
Frankie Morales: His military training is the only goddamn thing keeping this man from having a panic attack, or a stroke. Definitely going to be getting high one last time before he flushes the coke down the toilet. If for nothing but to work out that fear without you knowing. To your face, Francisco Morales would be the most calm, rational man with dealing with the idea of triplets. He even trades in his beloved truck for a van - not a mini van, because those things drive like fucking ass - but a cargo van to haul the kids and all their shit around. He will be working himself into the ground to his get license re-instated so he can be earning more. He can't raise triplets on his retirement alone.
Agent Whiskey: In complete denial. Absolutely refuses to believe that you are having more than one baby. Like complete disassociates when it comes to that. Despite Ginger confirming it and everyone talking about the babies. He's convinced that everyone is pulling some elaborate trick on him. Right up until the moment he has baby number one in his arms and you start pushing again for the next one. Then shit gets real.
Dave York: Dave is another cool cucumber when it comes to dealing with the idea of triplets. He starts planning. Logistics is what matters. Paying for these kids. He will start taking more contracts and being away from home, but he always tries to make sure he's home for doctor's appointments. Surprisingly handy. Already put together the three cribs and started stocking up on diapers. He's changed his share before with Molly and Alice, but this time it's going to be interesting with three at the same time.
Oberyn Martell: Thrilled. He will be on the maester's ass to make sure that the births are smooth sailing for you. Multiple babies at once? He will enjoy running his hands over your swollen belly and making sure that the servants are nearby all the time so you do not have to do a thing. Spending hours with you in the water because it easy on your body with all three babies growing. Present for every moment from the moment your pains begin, until you are holding all three.
Max Phillips: Mixed feelings honestly. Three little baby biters? Pretty cool. Three sets of dirty diapers to change? Less so. Max is smarmy and cocky, but the cracks of that facade start to show when he realizes he's made three tiny little half vamp/half human beings that will need to be cared for. He might even put his little feud with Evan aside because the man has bigger fish to fry. But expect him to start offering you blood smoothies. You know, for protein.
Marcus Pike: The combination of stress and excitement inside him is like being pulled in two different directions at once. Immediately starts reading books on the subject of twins and making a detailed list of everything you need to buy. Will be making full use of his paternity leave to help you with the babies.
Marcus Moreno: It's a good goddamn thing he's a super hero. Marcus literally saves the world, so he is used to stress. There's a little bit of panic behind those rimmed Clark Kent glasses he has and he wonders if his powers was what caused this. He knew that copper IUD was a bad idea. He can only hope that Missy loves being a big sister, because she's gonna have 3 younger siblings.
Max Lord: Passes out. Literally the man faints at the news that he is going to be a father to triplets. The internal panicking that this man does rivals ten men. Nearly enough to do something stupid like wish he had the dream stone back, but not quite. You end up having to calm him down.
Zach Wellison: Gets a second job. Then a third. You practically don't see the man for nearly three weeks after being told that he's going to have triplets with you because he's working so damn much. Trying to make sure that he can buy everything you need and provide for the babies. Only starts to slow down when you remind him that you need him with you now. You don't want to do this alone. It takes him a minute to get that through his head, but he's pretty happy as soon as he gives himself a moment to be.
Dieter Bravo: FREAKS OUT. Like has a melt down as he denies it. Until he can see the ultrasound and has the three little nuggets pointed out to him. He's wide eyed and asking you if you want some of his drugs. You might need them more than him. When you decline, he takes all of them himself and starts to ask if you feel any different now. Playing with your stomach and talking to the babies as he lays out why is he upset. He's scared. Scared he's going to screw up and then it's three little people he's fucked up. Showing exactly why Dieter will end up being a good dad. Whacky as shit, but a good dad.
Javi Gutierrez: Obsessed with them. He has already been thrilled by your pregnancy and having a baby, but now that there will be three? Completely in love with the idea of built in best friends. The decorating of the nursery is now tripled and Javi just completely throws himself into it and treats you like a queen the entire time. Waits on you hand and foot and marvels over your changing body. Gets you one of those belly harnesses to make sure that you are as comfortable as you can be.
Tim Rockford: Have you ever seen the scene of a man pacing back and forth and running his hands through his hair? That's Tim. Like seriously concerned with how he is going to pay for three babies. On a detective's salary. There's going to be a lot of overtime in this man's future.
Joel Miller: What the hell can he do? Not like he can go back and unring that bell. He's panicking, his heart racing and his entire body feeling weak but he hides that from you. Does you no good and he won't have you worrying. He's fucking worried. Because this is a shit world you live in and there's a very real possibility that he will lose you and the babies. Rest assured that he will BURN THE WORLD DOWN to keep you and them safe.
🎉🎉Congratulation Anon!!! I hope that you have a smooth rest of your pregnancy and birth! Fingers crossed and good vibes being send your way!!!
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
"Oh, I haven't yet asked this distinguished gentleman for his immortal name."
The words "Ha ha, this humble one is the untalented Qing Jing Peak Lord of Cang Qiong Mountain, the Xiu Ya Sword, Shen Qingqiu of the Central Plains" veered off course just before they reached Shen Qingqiu's throat.
So close, so close—he'd almost given them his old name. He couldn't think of another name in the moment, and after muttering for a bit, he resolutely said two words: "Peerless Cucumber."
SVSSS Vol 2 p 178
This haunts me
SQQ is fine basing the mushroom off his old face but it never occurs to them that "Shen Yuan" is a name he could use. He is so disconnected from his real life name from his first life
He always thinks of himself as Shen Qingqiu from word go or Peerless Cucumber, taking pride in that identity
Everything that had happened before was as unto smoke. From today forth, as he walked the jianghu, he would use this ID, which had been plastered all over the comments section for years.
SVSSS Vol 2 p 178
How Shen Qingqiu chooses to identify himself as privately and in his own head is fascinating to me and really proves that his life pre transmigration was not as happy as he had painted it
And I know we all make jokes about him being kind of a lazy rich boy but I honestly think if he really did go on an endless honeymoon with Binghe Shen Qingqiu would get depressed
Like even when Binghe was in the abyss he kept busy by wandering around on missions, fighting shit
Shen Qingqiu is someone who has a jam packed schedule but claims they are bone idle with nothing to do
But like hes just out of the ground as a mushroom man and is free to do whatever he wishes and immediately he gets pulled into helping people and being useful
His lack of identity with his Shen Yuan identify and his casual dismissal of that him as a "worthless pretty boy idling his life away" reveals a lot about his self worth
Add in the fact that he is always surprised from this point that anyone cared that he died at all and it really paints a sad picture of Shen Yuan
Maybe he and Airplane have more in common than we thought
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pedge-page · 4 months
Sorry all, Momma is tired as fuck so PK4 is gonna be delayed a bit :(
Do not fret, to the four people who read these, for I have a sneak peak present:
Warnings: Pisskinkpisskinkpisskinkpisskink 18+ ONLY
- - - -
You don’t even realize you were biting your finger nails while sitting on the toilet seat in the stall. Your skirt bunches up over your legs as you spread them. Fuck, you can’t touch yourself at the office!
Just as you’re about to text an extremely lengthly curse off to Joel, another image attachment comes in:
Joel lying on the couch with the camera facing down towards his feet, the evident bulge still packed tight in his head with his girth hand gripping at it through his jeans.
Joel: Warm n tight, just like you :) 
Another video comes in, and there’s barely any intuition in you left to ignore it as you’re hitting play so quickly.
He’s positioned the phone in front of him again at the couch, folding laundry causally with his legs spread wide. The bulge in his pants, however, is much bigger. Each uncomfortable  shift only elicits a whimper from him, grinding into his palm to adjust the position but only turning him on more. He leans back and unbuttons the pants. The zipper practically falls away on its own to give room to the massive piss filled condom it’s been desperately trying to hold together.
He sighs in relief, jiggling the sack. It’s now the length of a fat cucumber, sagging to the cushion from the weight. 
“Shit. This is a fuckin’ strong ass condom, baby. Feels like I’m bout to burst everywhere.”
He continues to smack it, jerk it, play with it like a silicon boob and not like it’s his own urine filling a condom and drawing his poor dick, still hard as a rock and an angry shade of red infused with the yellow tint of the sloshing liquid. His leg bounces, both of you hypnotized at the way the latex ripple with each wave.
“Can’t wait for you to come home and see how big it’s gonna get in your hand.”
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hee0soo · 1 year
Summary: The members get a break and everyone is going home! Everyone?
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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March 2019
Watching the members run around the dorm like headless chickens was one of the funniest things Heeyoung had seen in a while. The company had given them a week to travel home and enjoy time with their families and now 8 out of 9 members had started packing way too late!
The girl should have known that the probability of the boys starting to pack a few days ahead was zero to none and she was right!
Why she wasn´t packing her own bag? Heeyoung didn´t like to go home!
Her parents lived in Seoul, so if technically she already was home and as far as she knew her parents were currently not even in the country. And staying with her older brother was not an option to her!
That left her as the only member not packing in a hurry. Instead, she was sitting at the kitchen counter with some cut up vegetables to watch the chaos that was Ateez!
“Noona just because you already packed, doesn´t mean that you can´t help us!”
Mingi whined as he rushed from the living room towards his own room.
Oh yeah, none of them knew that she was going to stay back! Heeyoung wasn´t hiding it, it was more that none of them asked if she was going to see her family.
“Ah Mingi-ah, where would be the fun in that huh?” she answered and bit into a piece of sliced up cucumber.
Hongjoong made a face of disgust at the offending food item before hurrying of with his laptop.
Heeyoung could hear the grumble of her fellow Matz member about how she was going to turn into a rabbit, if she kept eating the veggies!
“It wouldn´t hurt if you tried it too every now and then, you know!”
The leader hurried back, having forgotten the charger, which was still lying on the dinner table.
“Hwa, Sannie and Yunho are going to get picked up in an hour. Mingi and Jongho tomorrow morning and Wooyoung is going to visit Yeosangies family before driving to his parents! I won´t go home until all of you are safe inside a company car or from your families so spill my lovely Heeyoungie, when are you getting picked up?”
The girl took another piece of vegetable and watched as Hongjoong pulled another face.
“I´m not getting picked up.” She stated after having gulped down her food.
“So the manager is driving you home?”
The raised eyebrow of her fellow 98-liner told Heeyoung that apparently he still hadn´t caught on.
*Boys!* she thought and rolled her eyes a little.
“I´m not going home Joong-ah. I´m staying here and enjoying my alone time for a bit.”
With those words, the girl got up from her seat and went to clean up her snack bowl.
Hongjoong was frozen to the spot, blinking rapidly at his best friend.
“Come again?”
With a sigh the girl repeated her words.
“I´m staying here. My parents are somewhere in France and I really don´t want to spend my time in a house I’m not welcome in! So I’m not going!”
He could respect that. If Hongjoong were in his fellow rappers position, he too would choose to stay behind in an empty dorm rather than in a big lonely house where she would only be criticized!
For Heeyoung, the topic was over and done with as she walked past the still flabbergasted leader to go to her own room.
For Hongjoong however, the topic was definitely not over! He almost sprinted into his own shared room where Seonghwa was building a new Lego set on the floor! His bag and suit case already neatly placed by his nightstand.
“What´s got you in such frenzy?” The eldest asked, not taking his eyes away from his toy.
“Did you know that Hee-ah isn´t going home?”
Hongjoong picked up his phone from the desk, searching through his contacts.
“No, but I’m not surprised either. She doesn´t even call it home so why would she willingly go there?”
The leader grimaced.
He too should have known about Heeyoungs intention to stay back!
Finding the contact he was searching for, the boy called his mother.
“Hongjoongie, do you need your appa to pick you up already?”
“Eomma, no. I want to ask you something. One of the members is going to stay back in the dorm because their parents are out of country and I-“
“Of course you can bring them! Who is it?”
“Ah, it´s Heeyoung-ah!”
For a moment all he could was his own breathing before the woman on the other end of the line answered cheerfully!
Hongjoongs heart sang at the prospect of his first child being allowed to stay with him.
“Ah thank you eomma! I´ll text appa when we´re ready!”
“No need to thank me my baby. The members are just as much our family as they are yours! I´ll see you two tomorrow!”
Hanging up, the second oldest marched right out of his room into Heeyoung´s.
The girl was spread out on her bed, while watching something on her phone.
“Pack your bags; you are not staying here alone!”
He said, hands on his hips and waiting until the female rapper moved to start packing.
Heeyoung was slowly getting annoyed with the boy.
“I told you, I’m not going to that place!”
“I know you´re not! Because you´re coming with me instead! That is not up for discussion. Eomma already knows you´re coming so get to it! Now!”
Heeyoung tried to argue but seeing as Hongjoong had his, I´m-the-captain-look on she knew it was a lost cause.
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The next day, HongYoung was getting picked up in the evening after the rest of the boys had cleared out.
Wooyoung had pressed a chaste kiss to his Noona´s cheek, causing her to grimace and scramble to get away from the affection of the younger before following Yeosang out the door.
The drive was short. Annyang wasn´t far from Seoul, only about a half an hour drive and Heeyoung listened to Hongjoong talking to his father.
It almost gave her whiplash, how fast he turned, from leader to youngest son in the span of 2 seconds!
In the evening, after Hongjoong´s mother had threatened her son with her slipper to hand over his laptop and actually rest for the time of their stay, the two rappers had settled down in Hongjoongs childhood room.
He had insisted on the girl taking the bed and him taking the floor, resulting in an argument which had the Kim parents remember the times when their sons were still children.
Amused by the bickering, they watched as their youngest sons temper flared a little, pulling the captain card when he realized that Heeyoung wouldn´t relent otherwise!
The older woman had to hide a snort as she saw Heeyoung stuck out her tongue at Hongjoong when he turned his back to her and every bit of doubt about a girl and boy sharing the same room flew out of the window.
Heeyoung wasn´t a future daughter in law she had to worry about, more like the sister Hongjoong never got to have…
With the girl tucked under her blanket and Hongjoong under his, the light was dimmed and silence fell over the room.
The girl could hear her leaders breathing even out, indicating that he had already fallen asleep.
She sighed softly as her insomnia made it hard to fall asleep. If she had been at the dorm, Heeyoung would have just gotten up and watched some TV in the living room, but this wasn´t the dorm!
Not wanting to disturb the boys sleep, Heeyoung decided to get up and leave the room altogether. If she was going to stay up all night, she was going to do it on her own condition!
And that´s how she found herself on the little balcony of the Kim Household!
Her phone was playing a soothing tune and gazing into the stars, she enjoyed the calm serenity of the night.
The night was silent. Something Heeyoung wasn´t used to after having lived in the busy city of Seoul practically all her life! The only noise she could hear was the rustling of a bush a little further into the garden.
A little orange kitten was making its way through the garden, past the flowerbeds Hongjoongs mother had grown there and towards the female rapper.
Meowing at her to give the small animal some attention, Heeyoung bent down to pet it as it came closer, only to jump onto her lap and purr the night away.
Surprised by the sudden affection but not unhappy, the girl relented and let the cat nap on her.
She was sure that it wasn´t a stray, as the feline looked healthy and fed so it probably was a neighbors cat that had gone on a little adventure of his own.
Heeyoung let her mind wander, thinking about the day and how warmly her leader’s parents had greeted her and invited her into their home!
Never once in her life, had she seen her own parents show that kind of warmth.
They were never there and the girl and her older brother had been raised by nannies most of the time! And if they were there, they only ever cared about the golden child. And that was not her!
Did she miss it growing up? Yes and no!
You can´t miss something you never got, but Heeyoung did see the way the other parents acted around their children and it made the girl wonder why it was so different for her and her brother.
Why couldn´t her parents act like that?
The soft stroking of her hand, paired with the gentle music still playing, was slowly lulling her into a trance which was only broken by the door being opened from the inside.
It was Sang-mi, Hongjoongs mother, wrapped in a sleeping robe, checking for the source of the music!
“Oh sweetheart, what are you still doing awake? It´s almost 1 in the morning?”
The woman asked, sounding a little worried.
Heeyoung flinched at being addressed so suddenly and the cat on her lap threw the older woman a nasty look as if to say, “Why are you bothering us?”.
 Whipping her head around to look at the woman who was obviously asleep not too long ago, Heeyoung bowed as best as she could without disturbing the cat any further.
“Sang-mi-ssi, I’m sorry! Did I wake you? I can stop the music if it´s too loud?”
“Don´t be ridiculous dear and please it´s eomeoni for you!”
Sang-mi sat down in the other chair next to her.
“And now tell me what´s on that beautiful mind of yours. Joong-ah mentioned you have trouble sleeping sometimes, is that it?”
The worry in her tone was still audible and Heeyoung felt bad.
“I´m used to it, please don´t worry about me eomeoni! I was just thinking and enjoying the quiet. That´s hard to do with a dorm filled with boys…”
Heeyoung looked at the cat, scratching behind its ear.
Sang-mi´s eyes fell on the feline as well. She hummed in understanding.
“You know, Hongjoong speaks very highly of you. Always has ever since he wanted you to join him as a trainee! And I think, whatever he saw in you, was only a small fraction of what´s hiding behind all those walls you have built around yourself!”
Not knowing what to say, Heeyoung just looked at the other woman who saw her silence as invitation to continue talking.
“I don´t know why you wanted to stay back in the dorm. I’m guessing it´s not just because your parents aren’t home but I want you to know that, if you want, you can join my son anytime when he visits us. You´ll always have a place here if you need it okay sweetheart?”
Heeyoung could feel herself tearing up. Not enough to outright cry, but enough to have her eyes glaze over.
The softness of Sang-mi offering her home to her, made the girl want to curl into the warmth she radiated!
 “Home was never with my parents. Not even when I was still a trainee at Pledis, and for a long time I just thought I didn´t have one. I had a place where I lived but not… a home…”
“And now?”
“Now? The boys are home to me… the dorm is because that´s where the boys are and even when they´re gone, the dorm still feels like it…”
“Home isn´t a place to most people! It´s where your loved ones are!”
The girl could only nod.
It made sense!
The members had been the only thing keeping her upright at times and throughout all the struggles and fear they had gone through before their debut, it had always been 9 makes one team and nothing less!
The rain of thought got cut short as a yawn threatened to overcome Heeyoung.
“I think it´s time for you to go to bed now too. Don´t want to have my boy having a heart attack because you suddenly vanished into thin air.”
With these words Sang-mi got up and went inside, only stopping to turn and say one more thing before vanishing behind the door.
“By the way Heeyoung-ah, this cat you’re holding, hates every one! You’re the first person I know he´s that cuddly with!”
The cat blinked sleepily at Heeyoung and as if he knew that she would be getting up now, it jumped down and trotted back into the dark.
Heeyoung had to gather her thoughts before she too, went inside.
In Hongjoongs room, the leader was peacefully snoring without a care in the world!
The talking with his mother had stirred something inside of her, something that didn´t want to sleep alone in the bed and that´s how the girl found herself kneeling down next to her same aged friend, shaking him ever so slightly awake.
It was like he had a sensor for when he was needed because the boy could probably sleep through an earthquake if he wanted to, but his leader sense made him wake up anytime one of the members needed something!
A little grumpy but none the less awake enough to comprehend he was being talked to, he voiced out a rough, “What?”, while trying to open his eyes.
“Can I sleep with you?”
The request paired with how tiny the girl sounded and looked made him soft and without further ado he lifted the blanket he had been wrapped in, to let her crawl under it.
It was like having a giant clingy teddy bear attached to his front and Hongjoong, skinship hater number 1, wouldn´t have it any other way!
Taglist: @andjeoidjavo @sunghoonieee @stopeatread @neohyxn
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