#crowley is a bottom
callmehector · 1 year
vocal bottom
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needy bottom
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kinky bottom
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thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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beezinapainttube · 10 months
@neil-gaiman i love you thank you for Good Omens bestie
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tartppola · 4 months
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crowley’s va… *wipes stray tear from my eye*
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biceratops7 · 6 months
Here's a neat detail:
Not to talk about season 1 Good Omens in the year of our Lord and Season 3 announcement 2023, but I kind of just realized another little moment that's very sweet and true to real life.
I really like that Crowley isn't just fine again after he learns Aziraphale survived the bookshop burning after all. Normally in stories when there's a "surprise, I'm alive!" moment, the characters just kind of celebrate for a minute and then move on business as usual. But Crowley doesn't. He continues to be visibly be shaken and a little unfocused throughout his conversation with Aziraphale, and when he has to explain what happened, he starts crying again.
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I don't know I just thought that was a really nice detail because anyone who's experienced similar whiplash in real life knows about that... residual grief period I guess? I think this was a core memory that informed a lot of Crowley's behavior in season 2, you don't ever really forget that moment you lost them no matter how brief. There's just something very loving and vulnerable in him being like "I thought you were gone, and even though I know now you're ok, I want you to know just thinking about it upsets me deeply."
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generalmoony · 1 month
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Slaying through the ages 💅
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emihotaru · 17 days
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Mermay day ???? The Underwater Kiss
Ok... so, we're not on a very daily update for mermay, here...
Buuuut, we knew with. @bucky1984 that our project would take much more time than just a month, soooo, does it really matter??
So here is our must have underwater kiss... and, as you can see, of course, Aziraphale has his wings too^^
The french version of the second chapter of "There are stars at the bottom of the sea is ready, and we're working on the english version, I hope we can post it very soon!
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celestialblueboy · 5 months
Brat Crowley
Simp Crowley is obviously very real. But we forget to talk about what a brat Crowley is about it all.
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When Aziraphale asks for a volunteer who is ‘familiar with firearms’, Crowley is the only one who doesn’t raise his hand. We learn a few moments later that Crowley has never shot a gun. But in this moment before Crowley is on stage, he KNOWS that Aziraphale does not know about his lack of experience. Crowley just loves to see Aziraphale sweat.
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And if Aziraphale asks him later why he didn’t raise his hand earlier, Crowley will just shrug and say ‘I wasn’t familiar with firearms’. <- Brat behavior
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They both know Crowley will do whatever Aziraphale wants, but he’s gotta put on a lil bitch fit about it.
It’s their foreplay. I hate them.
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ineffableteeth · 6 months
Crowley being absolutely spent and unable to move after a night with Aziraphale and Aziraphale casually getting up unphased and doing his normal routine is one of my favorite things
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kiwifruit67 · 9 months
Good Omens season 2 fucked me up so bad I started watching Supernatural
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tokocoo · 2 months
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"it'd be funny if we both got it wrong, eh?"
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greeneyed-thestral · 7 months
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cow-bott · 10 months
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stupid comic they are stupid I hate them <3
I know they look inconsistent... I'm figuring it out...
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Following up on this excellent post from @nightgoodomens, it really is astonishing to see so many people in the GO fandom misunderstanding the characters/personalities of Aziraphale and Crowley. While I by no means am against people having head canons or differing interpretations, it has become frustrating to see people pushing their ideas about Aziraphale and Crowley onto others and declaring them to be official canon, leaving no room for any kind of discussion.
One of the things spoken about in the above linked post is the denigrating of Crowley, which seems to be a near constant in the fandom at this point, particularly in relation to the "apology dance" scene. (Which, to be fair, is chock full of soft!Dom Aziraphale vibes--thank you, Michael Sheen.) What seems to keep getting missed is that the entire apology dance routine is something that Aziraphale and Crowley do to each other. There is just as much of a possibility that Crowley sat there with a similarly smug look on his face and let out a guttural, snakey "Very nice" when Aziraphale did the dance in the years he listed off, because they play this game together.
Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is one of equals, and I think this is also something people seem to not understand well. It seems as though a lot of fans who project themselves onto Crowley want to be taken care of, and so they want to believe the same of Crowley, and that the reason he wants to be taken care of is because he is broken. But someone doesn't have to be broken to want someone to take care of them. Sometimes the people who are a shambles on the outside can be dominant, just as sometimes the most buttoned up, put together people can also be submissive. And sometimes the people who look in control on the outside can feel not at all that way on the inside.
But this nuanced thinking seems to increasingly be difficult for many GO fans, particularly those who spend a great deal of time on social media, a place where people are either blindly praised or denigrated and torn down, and where such behavior greatly reinforces that binary, black-and-white mindset. We so badly want the world to be clear-cut--good vs. evil, heroes vs. bad guys--but very often that just isn't how things work. And it is exactly what Terry and Neil were trying to speak against in the GO book (and subsequently, the TV show).
The other thing that I think influences a lot of fans' perceptions about Aziraphale and Crowley is their chosen corporations (i.e., Crowley being thin and Aziraphale being plump). There is an automatic assumption that thin somehow equals more vulnerable, and for all of the emphasis that is placed on Aziraphale and Crowley being genderfluid/nonbinary/not subscribing to traditional gender roles, it's Crowley who seems to be viewed as more androgynous/femme, and is therefore looked at as inherently vulnerable. Meanwhile Aziraphale is thicker and viewed as more masculine, and therefore he is somehow inherently not vulnerable. Yet if the body types were reversed, it seems highly likely that fans' attitudes toward them would be much different.
(It also saddens me that this seems to mirror the fans' treatment of Michael and David, where Michael serves as a target for the fans' venom and is seen as less desirable/more threatening because he presents more traditionally masculine, while David is not targeted or attacked and is seen as more desirable/less threatening because he presents much more androgynously. Consequently, many fans find it easy not to sympathize with Michael, and when you can readily disregard someone's feelings, it becomes easier to see them as "less." In the case of Aziraphale and Michael, it leaves no room for either one to be vulnerable and is unfair to both of them.)
What I have always taken away from Good Omens--and from Michael and David's portrayal of Aziraphale and Crowley and how deeply they both understand these characters--is that Crowley doesn't need to be a perfect angel for Aziraphale to like him. He just needs to be a little bit of a good person. And Aziraphale doesn't need to be a perfect demon for Crowley to like him--he just needs to be enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Neither one has to fully subscribe to the other's outlook or point of view to listen to what they have to say.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the middle. In the place that becomes their side, and where they take care of each other, fight with each other, and love each other. And that's more than most of us could ever ask or hope for...
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behindthunders · 8 months
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Aziraphale: So, what are you in the mood for now?
Crowley: A very plump angel
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: Wot?
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avocado-writing · 2 months
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Aziraphale x Reader
Breakfast in Bed
Soft Dom!Aziraphale*
The Voice
Receiving Head*
Confessions in the Storeroom & pt2*
Whipped Cream*
Twinned Feelings (drabble)*
First Time*
Biblically Accurate*
Thigh Riding*
Body Positivity
Crowley x Reader
In the Bentley*
Practical Jokes
Road Head*
Dyslexic Reader
Rough Dom*
Lazy Day
Brought Back
Leg Humping*
Abandonment Issues
Not Right
Moving In
Corruption Kink*
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
Driving the Bentley
God Took Her Time*
Tech Genius
Trouble Trusting*
Teen Angel (platonic)
Getting Older
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley (part of the Light, the Dark, and the Spaces Inbetween)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
The Honeymoon*
Double Ball Gag*
Beach Day*
Orders* & pt2*
Admiring Aziraphale*
A Little Young
Self Care
Xmas oneshots x x x x x x x
Gabriel/Jim x Reader
Uriel x Reader
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emihotaru · 7 days
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And we continue with our Mermay even if we are in June!
This moment... it's THE moment... All the story we built started from here, when I said to myself "I wanna draw THIS situation"
I'm so glad @bucky1984 followed me in that direction! I can't wait for you to read this moment! (In chapter 6 or 7, I think...)
The chapter 2 of There are stars at the bottom of the sea is almost ready, and we're working on chapter 3!
Thank you for your patience!
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