crisism0de · 1 year
"Burnt out from life, but they're still expecting my light."
— i've never been colder
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crisism0de · 4 months
And even with a thousand soles on my doorstep, this house would still fall bare. A sole for a soul could never be a fair trade. Oh, how a bottomless pit weighs full from a view that plays a blinded game. Wallow in the walls whose company can only be shared through a passing sun; to only find warmth in fading light.
- Soul For a Sole
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crisism0de · 7 months
I hate knowing there are foreign feelings existing within me like warfare. Knowing I'm tethered to only remnants of ghost memories. Past tense muscles that don't project behind my eyes. The idea is troubling that I am one of all of me. How they died, but live in every mannerism and every thought. The skins been shed just to step into a new day with every old me.
- The Unfamiliar Familiar
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crisism0de · 1 year
"How do I float on this sinking feeling? The way wet pavement meets the warmth of an aging sun. Somehow stuck in every 'temporary' that they exist all at once."
— where are you?
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crisism0de · 4 years
“You can’t tell, but i’m falling apart. Starting from my thoughts to my toes.”
— silent killers kill me softly
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crisism0de · 4 years
“What do you do when you realize you’re a coward? When you realize your anxiety has chains around your ankles and wrists. When you can’t breathe past the fear, so you hold your breath until the problem’s gone. Will I ever be a person again?”
— avoidance is all i know
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crisism0de · 4 years
“I can never see past this moment in my life. It feels like I’ll always be this way. Decades could pass and I’ll still be right where this moment left me.”
— Stuck.
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crisism0de · 5 years
“I wish the life I live in my head wasn’t so hard to obtain in real life.”
— hate feeling hopeless
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crisism0de · 5 years
“I live in my head because there I have courage. There I don’t get scared. There I am free.”
— im scared of reality
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crisism0de · 5 years
“No one ever tells you that even the things you want the most can scare you too.”
— I’m scared of everything
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crisism0de · 4 years
Eternity is a long time
No one understands how trapped you feel when it’s you you need to get away from. There’s no where to run. No where to turn. It’s you. It’ll always be you. You will always be you. And that’s how it’ll always be. Changing would be pointless.. there’s always something, isnt there? I always questioned how I could possibly be me for eternity. Seems scary.. that’s a long time.
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crisism0de · 5 years
“I sit in the same bubble I always have been. Watching the world’s reflection bounce off of it in front of my eyes. Waiting for the day I’m brave enough to break out of it.”
— at least i’m safe
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crisism0de · 4 years
“the head i have floating above my shoulders is heavy. i walk with the weight of my thoughts dangling above my nose. it feels like any second i will sink through cement like quick sand”
— hallowed breathing and heavy minds
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