#crazy mayhem community
kelma69 · 11 hours
What's so bad about writing to his relatives?
dude, either you're pretending to be an asshole or you REALLY are an asshole. His family are people who are uncomfortable talking about this topic; it would be unpleasant for any person to talk about a topic that would concern his deceased loved one. Leave his family alone, this morning hey also sent me Pelle’s sister’s number (he also sent this number to the-old-mayhem) in anonymous messages, many probably know that in Sweden they don’t keep people’s personal information private, but that doesn’t mean that idiots like this man who found They need to write her number. Stop acting like some monsters, put yourself in their place before you write to them and ask about any question.
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greatooglymooglyyy · 3 months
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Spaces (Matt Sturniolo)
contains: angst, a not-so-happy ending, cheating allegations, general frustration, verbal argument, 800+ words
a/n: y'all this will be a two parter so stay tuned. love ya!
“And you have to go tonight?” I shift my phone to my other ear, trying to keep my tone neutral.
“Yeah, baby. It’s a last-minute collab. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” Matt says, his voice fading in and out of clarity as he shuffles through his room grabbing clothes.
“No, I mean, it’s fine. I just thought we’d-”
“Sorry, hold on. Nick! I swear to god, if you still have my sweater, I’m gonna kill you.” Matt yells up the stairs. I pull the phone away from my ear and count to five. I’m trying to stick to my plan and not be a problem but this kid is making it hard. I call Matt’s name twice but, when he doesn’t answer, text him that I’ll talk to him later and hang up.
It makes no sense that him canceling our date tonight is bothering me so much, but I can’t help it. It’s really starting to feel like our lives are running parallel to each other and I don’t know how to get them to connect. I have only seen him in person twice in the last three weeks and this is the fourth time this month that he’s cancelled on me. I’m doing my best not to take it personally; of course, he’s busy. But, don’t people make time for what they want? Am I still what he wants?
I run my hand over my face and try to shake it off. I think about calling my best friend but I doubt Nick will give me any good advice about his brother. God, I gotta get more friends.
I flop onto my bed face down and do one of those movie screams into my pillow to see if it makes me feel better. Huh. Surprisingly effective. My phone dings and I glance over at it:
Matty B🧊:
Call you as soon as I land. Love you
Yeah if he doesn’t have 80 more important things to do. I roll over and close my eyes. Maybe after a nap, I won’t feel so jaded.
I wake up to the sun rising in a panic, sure that I must have missed Matt’s call. But, nope. Instead, it's my TikTok that’s going crazy with over 100 people tagging me in some video. I take a deep sigh before clicking it, already knowing it can’t be good. The video is of Matt and a pretty TikTok girl whose name I can’t remember. They’re at some party and standing a little closer than I'd like. The video is quick, only maybe 4 or 5 seconds, and there’s nothing super incriminating. The way they are tagging me and going off on him in these comments, you’d think he was fucking her in the middle of the dance floor.
I exit the app and go to call Matt before I stop myself. Okay, maybe the video isn’t that crazy. But not calling when you said you were and then going to a party instead AND having the internet blowing my phone up? That’s beyond me. If Matt wants to talk, he’s gonna call me first.
I get up and head to my shower, deciding to reach out to my coworker and see if she’ll have breakfast with me.
“So you think he’s cheating?” Kayla asks, reaching over to give my phone back.
“Nah. If I thought that, please know I’d be on a flight getting ready to cause mayhem.” I laugh. “I just want to know that he’s still in this like I am.”
“I get that.” She says with a sigh, resting her face on her palm. “Y’all need better communication.”
Just as I’m about to agree, my phone goes off. Guess Matt’s awake. I reach down and click the side button to silence it. I’ll call him back later.
“Anyway, what’s up with you and that strawberry guy?”
When we are done eating, we part ways making plans to meet up again next week. I finally check my phone again and my eyes widen at the amount of times the triplets have collectively called me. Nick alone has Facetimed me 13 times. “What the fuck?” I mutter under my breath before I click Matt’s name.
He answers quickly, his voice rushed. “Whatever you think I did, it’s not fucking true.”
“Um, whatever happened to hi, how are you-”
“I’m deadass serious.” He cuts me off, his tone sharp.
“Oh okay. So you didn’t blow off calling me to go to a party?” I say, making my tone just as lethal. “And you didn’t have the internet blowing my fucking phone up this morning?”
“If you honestly think-”
“That you are that stupid? Matt. I’m not that insecure. But, I don’t appreciate the way you’re handling me at all. And I promise you if you keep it up, you’re gonna lose me.” I end the call and toss my phone back into my jacket pocket, heading back to my car.
a/n: part two out now
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reviewdiaries · 9 months
Nancy x Ace and the enigma of hope in 4x08
The timeline for this show is insane. Like, we knew it was insane, but this is truly melt your face off crazy fast. In world, Ace and Nancy have had their “we’ll take our space” moment the night before. Game night was last night. Nick is still riding on the high of being freaking awesome, and Rebecca wants to know why Ace snuck back in looking like he’d been crying with two boxes of her silver…
But the speed with which things are happening just makes the start of this episode more painful, because when Ace shows up after Nancy’s text to the group, she truly didn’t expect to see him. She thought they were back to space and not talking and nothing but fissures in her heart where it hurts to see the lack of him. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It also adds a whole new layer of pain to how Nancy has responded over the previous few episodes. When you’re anticipating a tough anniversary it can often be hardest in the days leading up to it when you’re braced for the pain. Suddenly her devastation the night before when Ace leaves her is even harder to watch. Her determination to distract by showing up bright and early at Nick’s door the day before makes even more sense with the context this offers. Her taking a moment to enjoy an uncomplicated moment with Tristan after a traumatic event where she nearly died, even more understandable.
Grief is complex, it layers everything, and how we react to it can often be confusing and inexplicable to those around us. But Ace knows what day it is - of course he does, he absorbs everything about Nancy. And whilst he will almost always show up (work and breakups permitting) there was no way he wasn’t going to be there today, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much he’s said they’ll have some space. He’ll have told Connor he couldn’t work today because he needs to be there for her. Found himself at a loose end after the night before and ended up sat having breakfast with his dad unsure what to do with a day stretching out empty in front of him. He’ll have sat with the thumping insistence of her wanting space to move on juxtaposed against her text asking everyone to meet at The Claw for a few minutes after his dad left, trying to work out what to do, before he follows his gut, trusts his gut finally and goes to her. For all his fears and doubts he cannot leave her this day, not this day.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams 
It’s there in the little moments, the little pieces of understanding. The quiet comprehension in that Ace way of his without pushing. He’s there for her, in whatever way she needs, no matter how it hurts.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
 And it does hurt, being around her like this with the pain of their words the night before stuck like barbs under his skin. But so does not being around each other. So does the haunted grief he can see in her eyes. And he’s finally starting to trust his gut again, to listen to the quiet thrumming insistence that he stay, that he help, that he hand her the necklace. Because yes everyone expects to see it on Nancy’s body, but if anyone who doesn’t know about the body swap were to see it on Ace he would be the one person it wouldn’t be strange to see wearing it.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
It’s been a year of the two of them causing mayhem and getting into places they shouldn’t. And Horseshoe Bay are familiar with the sight of the Drew Crew causing havoc, but more so the sight of Nancy and Ace, Ace and Nancy, the two so often in orbit around each other, a silent support at the other's side. Ace’s mouth a stoic line against Nancy’s playful hijinks that tells whoever she’s up against that he’s got her back, that if they mess with her he’ll be there too, that he has her back, always.
But the problem these few weeks hasn’t been a lack of feeling, of not being there for the other. It’s been a lack of communication, of fighting so damn hard to protect the other that they end up hurting themselves and then the other - not necessarily in that order. It’s being so twisted up in the pain of wanting and not having that they’ve forgotten how to be around each other, how to find the words to admit what they want. And they want the same thing, they have all along, too afraid that they aren’t worth the fight to actually stand up and say how much they want the other to fight for them.
Tied up and desperate and there’s nothing like being stuck in the other’s body to clean the dirt away and show what’s underneath. Love and hope and a depth of feeling that feels like they could drown in it if they slip.
It’s the little details. It’s Ace finding out that Nancy was learning ASL - not so much for him, although of course it’s for him too, but so she can talk to his dad, so she can be part of his family, carve out her own space next to him. And for a moment he looks at her head on (it’s hard to look directly at her whilst she’s in his body, too confusing to see the love he’s worked to keep hidden shining so blindingly obvious from his eyes, how direct his gaze is, how sure he is in his own skin - like looking in a slightly skewed mirror. Because this is something new. This is a sign that she thinks he’s worth it. This is not him doing something to be useful for her, this is her spending her free time learning something to make his life, their life, easier. It’s a chink in the armour, a small sliver of sunlight breaking through the clouds. It’s a lifeline for him to hold onto.
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GIF Credit @yellenabelova
It’s the way they speak without words again, how even with his own face staring back at him he knows what Nancy is thinking, knows the quiet reassurance she offers him as he leaves her alone with his dad. She’s got this, and he trusts her. Doesn’t trust many people with his dad - protective in a way he can’t quite articulate, but that’s how he’s found he feels about the people that mean the most. Can’t put the words out into the world, just ties them to his tongue and leaves his heart on his sleeve.
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GIF Credit @erinchristmaselvis
It’s allowing the frustration at Nancy barging into the club even though it jeopardises the investigation, to bubble to the surface. Biting out the words that she wanted space, she asked for space, and she’s there, looking confident and competent in his skin and it grates on him in a way he can’t fully articulate. Just as the smell of her shampoo being all around him makes him feel electric in this skin that isn’t his. The feel of being close, so close to her, and unable to feel like he can relax, like he’s constantly stepping over unseen lines and it’s too much and too close and makes him want to scream.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s noticing that she’s slipped out the moment they’re in their own bodies again and not being able to say no to the tug under his ribs that tells him to go after her, check she’s ok, check in, show her he’s there and he cares (he still cares).
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
And he’s not thinking about the bannister at the yacht club. Not really. He’s thinking about the little pieces of her he’s seen today. The tension in her body, coiled too tight and desperate to flee, to do something, to keep busy, to push down the memories that keep threatening to surface. He’s thinking about how tired he felt, how she must not be sleeping. How it felt to be working a case with her, trapped into proximity and cut loose to try and be Nancy Drew for an afternoon. To feel useful and wanted and seen. He’s thinking about the weight of her necklace warm and close to the skin by his heart. The knowledge that she’s been learning ASL. That when he comes to stand next to her by the water’s edge she moves slightly closer to him, weight shifting as though pulled on an invisible string.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He’s thinking about the layers of the conversation. Because they’re talking about the mystery and the yacht club and Nancy’s tendency to slip off and get herself into dangerous situations on her own. But they’re also talking about how Ace wouldn’t want her to change, wouldn’t want her to stop being her, but just needs her to let him be there, let him in, not be alone in this, to lean on him a little and let him help keep her safe. That he sees her, that he understands her, that he can’t do it, can’t bear the space, can’t bear being apart. And so here they are, even when it hurts, even when they rub each other the wrong way, and he cannot stand to leave her. Just wants her to be safe and happy and near him. Selfishly - he just wants to be selfish, just for a little while. And maybe, just maybe, if Nancy was learning ASL, maybe she wants to be selfish too - maybe they can be selfish together, maybe they can find a new way of being that doesn’t pretend that they don’t love each other. That each other are true north, the compass point that never wavers. That maybe they can find a way back to each other. That maybe this thing between them isn’t twisted into something poisoned. Maybe it was just a rough patch whilst they worked out how to be with each other - reminded themselves what they’re fighting for, what they stand to gain if they keep trying to break the curse.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s the slight wince as he knows he has to give the piece of her back. That he can’t keep the necklace, no matter how much it feels like a piece of her next to his heart. That  for all the lightness in her words (her voice, her eyes, her face) he has to tell her he knows. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He’s known all day. And he risks bringing that heartbreak to the surface but he can’t not tell her he knows her, he sees her. Can’t resist the lightest touch of fingertips against her palm as he gives this piece of her back again.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
Can’t take his eyes off her, bathed in the sunset and all fire and fight and beauty and he knows he can’t risk being burned, but god the fight is getting harder and harder to maintain. It’s getting harder and harder to remind himself all the reasons they shouldn’t break the curse when all the reasons why they should are clamouring to be heard.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s the layers to their conversation as he leaves to go fishing with his dad. Because Nancy is talking about her mum, and what it is to lose a parent, but she’s also talking about them. All they’re left with now are memories, messy stupid memories. And he can see in her face the memory of their kiss, has been trying so hard to shutter out the feel of her jaw under his palm, the frantic flutter of her pulse, the feel of her lips rising up to meet his own, the gasp he let slip at the touch of her that she swallowed down along with the longing that he’d kept hidden for so long.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
But he can see the shadow of other memories that she has that he can only hold onto the brief outline she sketched for him - of his lips on her skin and promises murmured into the crook of her neck and waking up together tangled in nothing but sunlight and sheets. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
And it breaks his heart as her voice catches slightly on the idea that he gets to make more memories - with his dad, with another woman. And she is left with ghost of her mother and the ghost of his lips. The pain in his eyes, the pain in her voice. As he looks at her you can see how desperately he’s tamping down the urge to pull her close, whisper into her hair that she’s not alone, that he’s there, he’ll always be there, even when it hurts. It’s another promise, another chink in the armour, in the wall that’s ready to crumble at the slightest push.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He doesn’t want to leave her, feels like she’s sending him away. But crushes that voice under the understanding that she’s giving him a gift, asking him to make memories with his dad for her, for him, for the knowledge that one day there won’t be any new memories to make. That it will just be these to take out and hold in the sunlight and to remember the good and the bad and the hard and know that they are a patchwork of a father who loves his son. That this is a way for him to honour the memory of Kate, for him to embrace the opportunity to spend time with his dad who’s still here, Knows that this conversation isn’t over, it’s just a pause for breath, to regroup, to allow them both to process the day, knows that he’ll go out on the water and talk to his dad and unpick some of the knots of his feelings and come back calmer and clearer and certain of his way forward.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
Because he doesn’t bother with a greeting or telling her who it is. He’s come back to shore knowing he wanted nothing more than to hear her voice, to check she’s ok after an evening remembering her mum. Barely made it into the car after saying goodbye to his dad before he was hitting the call button. Needs to make sure that she understands. That he knows what she was doing and he’s grateful, that he sees her, sees her pain, sees the ways they make each other better and all the ways they might make each other worse, and he loves her, can’t stop loving her.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
The emotion so thick in his voice that he can barely choke the words out around the tears in his throat and the fear that’s been winding its way around him all day. 
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Last night they ended on a discordant note, unsure what the other wanted, poised on a precipice that they never jumped from. And he’s been off kilter and unsure for so long, but today. Today has been sunlight on the water, breaking through the clouds, a chance to breathe a full lungful of air and feel the tension drop from his shoulders. Because he’s been there in all the little ways for Nancy, but he’s started noticing all the little ways she’s there for him too, and to listen to all the ways she’s telling him she loves him too, that she thinks he’s worth it, that she wants to be with him, be near him, keep trying. He can see the disconnect between her words last night and her actions, and it fills him with hope.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
The pauses are filled with all the things he doesn’t feel he can say yet. All the layers he’s starting to peel back.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He’s able to be honest, to let some of what he’s feeling come out. And this is why they haven’t spoken on the phone before now. There are too many opportunities for them to misread, to misunderstand, to second guess when they’re face to face and clouded with emotion and want and the pain of seeing the other. But this, he can speak to his phone, speak to the quiet night around him, let the truth out in small pieces as he lets his guard down and the words out from the confines of his heart.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He can tell her these things, doesn’t need to hear anything back, just needs to let the words drop quietly into the silence between them, and to feel a little lighter with the admission. Ace is so good at listening, and being there for her, but he’s bad at admitting his own needs, at expressing his own wants and desires. The most confident we’ve seen him was in those first few episodes of the season where he finally pieced together the curse, and they were on the same page trying to break it. Since then he’s been lost and adrift and in pain and doesn’t know how to right himself, how to staunch the bleeding.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And then she says the magic words. I’m not happy without you in mine. Not, I need you, not you’re useful, not you make my life easier. Those are all quantifiable things that Ace can do things about by being of service, by being helpful, be being needed. This is something ephemeral, magical, something other that is simply him being in her life. This is Nancy wanting him for him, for the joy and the peace and the love. They make each other better.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
It’s such a rare and precious thing to see him smile. And he’s not even smiling for anyone, simply cannot help the surprise huff of joy, the way her words fill him up with something new, something missing from the darkness of the last weeks. Can see him begin to say something
I - 
Bites it off, cuts himself off, doesn’t want to say it yet. Doesn’t want the first time he says it to be to empty air and the sound of Nancy’s soft breathing over the phone. Wants to be able to see her face. Simply sits for a moment in the knowledge that he makes her happy simply by being him, no agenda, no need to make himself be anything more or less.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And there’s so much more he wants to say. Is filled up with wanting. Could sit and just listen to her be at the other end of the line for the rest of the night. Fall asleep listening to the sound of her voice, the catch of her breath, the way his heart beats out the rhythm of her name in his chest. In the darkness where he can start to unspool his feelings it no longer feels so insurmountable, his feelings, his fears, his desires. He can start to untangle the simple fact that he loves Nancy, and he wants to be with her, and they’re going to break the curse. Together.
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xomoosexo · 3 months
sorry I love pointless comp mc drama anyways firebreathman literally goes off for ten minutes about how rude and mean das is (calls him and "toxic a-hole" like twelve times) and that he knows people who organize basically every minecraft event (lists mcc, blockwars, pandora's box, mayhem, etc) and if he ever gets added he will get him kicked ??? also said that das used to be blacklisted from mc twitch rivals but because they redid the system and laid people off he got back in. apparently he used to cheat a lot and allegedly cheated in twitch rivals back in the day (but fbm isn't sure he believes that's true) he said a lot of other people in the community have had bad experiences with him but they don't want to say anything. and then at the end says congratulations to him for winning and that he won fair and square but that he would be playing any mc events he has the power to stop him from getting into 😭
it seems like most of this was a couple years ago so it does suck if he has gotten less toxic or something and is still being judged for stuff he did 3/4 years ago but also shane (fbm) doesn't go into the extent of it. banning him from all mc events is actually crazy but again if he is actually a really bad person then that makes sense. it seems like they have personal beef that goes beyond this as well... shane was very fired up. also everytime I hear a clip from shane I forget how strong is gcma is like damn. wow.
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magnuficent76 · 4 months
Ermmmm huiiii just a thought but what if you... Talked about Mary Caede moreee :) (hides the suspiciously bouquet of flowers looking bouquet of flowers behind my back)
TEEHEEEE HI MANTIS !!!!!! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !!!! I should talk about Mary. Here I go !!
- Mary is a funny woman. She's unremarkable by many people– just another person trying to get by in the crazy wastelands without getting shot at a million times, making a living by selling whatever produce doesn't die in the harsh climate– yet she's very valued by the people of her community. Mary has always been kind despite there being little place for that in a planet like Pandora, and it's because of that kindness that she slipped out of many life threatening situations before. Some people would argue that it's just a front she puts on so she has some chance of survival, but she'd say that it's more so just cause and effect: The nicer you are to people, the less likely they are to impale you and display your body gruesomely. Besides, most appreciate a break from the near constant mayhem.
- When she was a youngster, this was the exact same reason why she wanted to leave her clan and study medicine. Which she couldn't technically do, due to there being No Real Schools in Pandora and much less Actual Doctors, but when you're bleeding out and far away from the nearest safe-spot, there's no complaining to be done when someone comes patch you up. She was basically a field medic, except she didn't really know what she was doing and had to guess a lot of the time, but hey, it's not like *too* many people died ! She did give up eventually due to how depressing the entire thing was, but not before a certain someone happened to find her with a group of injured men who needed taking care of. And wouldn't you know, that someone was Lucifer Lucio Caede and his devils. That oughta end pretty good for them !
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- Mary's clan, The Farmhouse, disbanded a few years after she left. It just wasn't the same without her around, and even though they still loved the brutality... there was nothing to offset it, no one to dispute it, nobody to lead or to at least give *some* direction of what to do when the oven sets itself on fire after you try to bake something. It was a real mess, not the fun kind, but they were all fine afterwards I'm sure, minimal casualties. She played a major role but her time of leading bandits and organizing big crimes against the intergalactic rules were over. Better things to do, don't you know !
- Can't actually shoot for the life of her, which would usually mean a death sentence, but really means that she has experience finding Other Ways to kill people should the necessity to do so rise. Most of her repertoire with weapons includes blunt force, like hitting someone with a big bat until they stop moving, or outside forces, like running someone over with a car until they stop moving. It's only ever in self defense though, because Mary ABHORRES blood. It used to make her nauseous as a teen and even as an adult it's still enough to make her head spin. Living in the Death Murder planet, you'd think it'd give *some* immunity or at least indifference to it, but nope. Well, should some bodies be made, they'll be great for fertilizer anyway, so it's not a huge deal. Hopefully.
And here's a doodle just for youuuuu <333
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5thave · 6 months
i almost put this on twt in an ooc post but i'll refrain & rather post it here. i think blair's power being so interwined with her ability to communicate is honestly... such a curse in a way, & also so fitting for her character as well. there's also this fear inside her that, if she hypothetically discusses a situation with someone [nate, serena, etcetera] that she'll accidentally use her powers in a negative way that'll result in... absolute chaos? blair's an exaggerator & she knows this, & i definitely think when she was younger something happened where— she exaggerated a story & total mayhem happened. that being said, i think it's really in tune with blair's character to never really be able to showcase her vulnerable side out of that fear of something going crazy.
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arcadia30 · 9 months
Should You, a Grown-Up, See 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem' in the Theater? | GQ
I am beyond pumped at this point lol 😁
But it kinda sucks that the author of this article said this:
Make no mistake: this is a movie crafted for men of a certain age who remember the early ‘90s TMNT movies fondly.
Because it completely ignore the girls like me in the 90s who were tmnt-crazy, who wanted to be a ninja turtle too. It also ignores the women who were those same girls, who are super excited to see this movie.
Yet again, we come face to face with misogyny in the geek world, in particular the superhero fan community. Or even just the superhero community, considering that whenever there's merchandise, Black widow is always left out when having the rest of the Avengers team included :/
It'd be nice if we were included in things, instead of making it boy/man- centric
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Production Updates!!
Last week we had our first shoot day for Where The Heart Is! It was fun and crazy. We laughed, we cried, we filmed, and we slayed. Just like any first day of filming for a Maine Mayhem film, there were a couple bumps in the road but our cast and crew handled them like champs. Thanks to the thorough communication between our AD and DoP, we were able to film everything on the schedule for the day, and we ended up wrapping a whole 2 minutes ahead of schedule. Woohoo!
We filmed in chronological order, which definitely helped acclimate everyone to the film and fully grasp what we were setting out to make. This Friday we are filming the final two scenes of the film, which is a funny full circle moment.
As I’m writing this I’m also editing the Dailies for the stuff we shot last Friday, and everything looks and sounds amazing!! I’m so grateful for everyone involved in this film, and I’ll be back with more updates next week :)
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ughgoaway · 2 months
hey!!! idk how to do this being honest but who cares. i'm not new here (reading, at least) but i never I decided to write here in the box.
anyways, i really love your work 🤍 i spent a few days reading the teacher's au at midnight before going to sleep, crying and dying dying of tenderness because of the scenes i read.
so well, you're one of my favorite writers. idk if the requests are closes but have you ever thought about about a time when girlie is with annie and matty bathing the dog and it's a warm family atmosphere? and maybe then go to the park and play as a family
and well finally i want to ask you how you deal with writing and publishing because I want to start doing it but I'm a little scary hahaha
love, x
omg hi my love!!! I am very honoured to be one of your first asks, that is so cool!!
I'm so glad you're enjoying my teacher au, it's crazy to me that people ready anything I write!! I love the especial fluffy and tender stuff, so im so happy you are liking it too <33
oh my god, thank you so so much for saying I am on of your favourite writers, that means so much to me. you are so sweet!! i can't say enough how much readers like you mean to me, your kind words are such a massive motivator for me.
also, my blurb requests are always open and I will work on your idea tomorrow!! anything involving mayhem is my favourite, and the chaos that will come from the Healy family trying to wash him will be so funny to write. thank you for the amazing idea!! I can't wait to write it hehehe.
posting fics can be so nerve-wracking, but it is so rewarding too! I posted my first fic in April last year, and it has just been the most fun since. if you want to give it a go, I would definitely suggest it. People here are so lovely and encouraging!! as for how I deal with it, I find it much easier because my real life is so separate from this blog. I see it as a creative outlit for getting all my thoughts out, and I try not to take it too seriously. but it is very scary to post your very first fic, I think as long as you prepare yourself for the good and the bad, you'll be okay! and, more writers are always welcomed with open arms, and our little community would love to have you :)
feel free to send in writing in my ask box if you'd like! but honestly, starting a blog and just chatting shit is so much fun- I would highly recommend! can't wait to hear from you again lovely <333
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romirola · 11 months
💕💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕💕
@zozo-01, thank you soooooooo much! I am beyond thrilled to have the chance to talk about a fic! I cannot choose a favorite, so I'm going to take the opportunity to talk about a fic of mine that often flies under the radar: Stronger Together.
Due to my inability to shut up, the answer is going under the cut!
The summary of the story is, "An It’s a Wonderful Life AU featuring best beta Asher! After inadvertently embarrassing Milo, letting down David, and deeply upsetting Babe, a dejected Asher feels can do nothing right. He questions his ability to fulfill his role as Beta of the Shaw Pack and even worse, he wonders if Babe might have been better off if they never knew about the magical world. Before Asher has the chance to stew in his misery for long, Morgan appears, offering Asher the chance to see what life without Asher looks like for his loved ones. With the seer’s help, Asher realizes that his existence positively impacts everyone around him more than he could’ve possibly ever imagined."
This is the story where Asher James-Darragh O'Connell was named! I'll never let go of that name! <3
One aspect I really enjoyed about writing this story was imagining the Asher-less realities for the other characters. What was surprising to me was how Asher's absence automatically led to such gruesome existences for everyone. Oddly enough, I didn't have to try hard to think of the "bad" scenarios. It seemed so obvious that, without Asher, Milo would never feel accepted by the pack or that David would crumble under the weight of his alpha role. Babe being tranced and captured by Adam isn't exactly a given, but it feels right, given his penchant for mayhem and Babe's curiosity.
Writing in Asher's POV was a lot of fun, especially since I got to imagine all the characters through his eyes! And, given that at the time, Morgan hadn't been a voiced character, I had total freedom to craft his character. He's kind of a zany off-the-wall dude when he escorts Asher in the new timeline. In fact, I think that's why I'm not a huge fan of canon Morgan, at least so far. He's so chill and soft-spoken, but in my head, Morgan is an exciting, kinda-crazy, boisterous fellow! Christian also is cast in a different light, since he is alternate-David's beta.
There were lots of ways to imagine the worst (and the best!) for the characters, and it is my hope that Stronger Together reads as a love letter to Asher and all he does for everyone in his life.
The framing conflict that starts the story, that is, Asher's and Babe's argument over bridging is a way to get at how difficult I imagine it is for unempowered/empowered couples to communicate and meet each other where they stand. Babe especially seems the type to struggle not knowing, always depending on Asher for explanation, no matter how hard they try to learn about magic. Since this story, I've expanded on the headcanon that Babe likes to research empowered culture, which shows up in a few other fics (and in the one I'm currently writing!)
What'd I miss in my rambling? Got a question about this story I didn't answer? Please let me know and I'll be happy to tell you!
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kelma69 · 15 days
will you ever even like the Varg/Pelle pairing? I think you are the main hater of this pairing
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No. No and 100 more times no. I will NEVER be a fan of this pairing and I don't think you need to explain WHY.
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theirloveisgross · 9 months
Is this a thing? Origin stories? So I was pretty ill last summer, and for some reason Harry kept popping up everywhere, especially on my instagram explore page that I was browsing bedridden and out of boredom. In hindsight it was probably because of hslot. So I started to view clips of him every now and then, and suddenly my explore page was full of him and funny one direction videos, that let me to louis who was just starting to promote the fitf singles (and I loved his new sound!). Anyway, soon I couldn’t escape the funny 1D compilations and they really cheered me up so much when I was unwell, but I’m sure we all know they are a short, steep and slippery slide down the larry-rabbit hole. Cue youtube videos and master posts and just the whole mayhem and at some point I ended back up at tumblr, found a bunch of blogs and kept following the people those people would repost from and now my feed is full of Louis and Harry and the rest of the boys.
Never have I ever been a part of a fandom that causes me this level of unease tho, and I think it comes from ppl shipping two real people in a very intrusive way. I’m not talking about you lot I follow here of course, but some people can’t seem to behave and understand that there’s sort of a fourth wall that you’re not supposed to break? Like keep the fandom within the fandom bubble, it doesn’t belong out there in the real world.
That being said, you lot here bring me so much joy at a time when life’s been a bit heavy sometimes! And this fandom has so so much talent it’s crazy!! The writers and artists and gif makers and just everyone here is so crazy talented and fun! So kudos to y’all!!
Ah, yes... Harry's tour and his new album, everything exploded last year. I'm so glad you found them then and they provided you with some distraction. They can be... very distracting. I still don't know how to get less distracted, tbh.
Your second paragraph... *sigh* Yes, I hear you. That was something I had to wrap my head around the first few months. The intrusiveness of it all? I felt guilty, too, just by looking at videos being slowed down frame by frame of their reactions, or moments, or whatever. It still feels a bit weird, ngl, but it's so... "normalized" here, in this bubble, that I feel "okay" with it. I do agree with you though, that fandom belongs in the fandom. I still remember that "Sing Walls if Larry is real" sign in Washington last year. We saw it before the show, and we rolled our eyes, and I was like "why would people bring this stuff to their shows", but then Louis did what he did (and trust me, I looked at every angle possible, I am very skeptical about these things, but I was stunned). Why? Why did he do that in the way he did it? Hahajha. Listen- who knows? Maybe they were in a very good place relationship-wise and he was feeling frisky about it. Or... he was just being a little shit and knew the chaos it would cause. Or... yeah, idk. It's hard, and I think it all stems from the 1D days, especially the last year, when the Bears were the stars of the show and how they "communicated" with us through them. And it fucks you up a bit... but people forget circumstances, as well. Things change... they're not in the same band anymore, being worked to death, asked to behave in certain ways and whatnot, or asked to do things they don't want. They're on their own now, and I do believe they appreciate the privacy they have after not being seen together all the time and people thinking they haven't seen each other since... 2016? It's genius, if you ask me. Like, hey, we can be ourselves, in our own little world and nobody's gonna dissect how we move, or if we can even look at each other. And I think things shifted for them in regards of "communicating", it feels like they don't have to, and sometimes some of the things we see, might just be because they're so in tune with each other that these things happen on their own. Not everything, but just some things some people love hammering on about. Okay, I'm rambling here and going on a tangent, and not properly curating my thoughts, sorry...
ANYWAY. I'm glad you're here! :) The talent in the fandom is amazing, I feel so lucky we have people that want to share their work that they do in their free time for free with us all. Love to all! <3
Anyone who sees this and has joined the fandom in the last year or so, send me a message if you want. I’m so curious what was your starting point, what made you go “Larry?” and then “OMG LARRY!”, hajdhahs.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
Had this idea where a severally injured Leo gets stranded in the BNHA universe with April and Mayhem protecting him in the sewers.
She would hide her face as she’d steal medical supplies, she kind of gets caught when she tries to take something Leo really needed.
She was forced to drop it or she wouldn’t be able to escape. She defends her hide a way from some punks wanting to claim her territory, thinking she’s an easy pick because she seemed Quirkless.
A scout group from Deku’s class was following her because of her stealing. They watch her get ganged up on by the punks wanting to rule the sewers.
“You hold up pretty well for a Quirkless.”
Shock! No quirk?
“I don’t need a quirk to beat a punk like you out of my territory!”
She fights well, but a lot don’t know she’s holding back- training with super strong little brothers makes you a lot stronger than normal kids your age even if it was for a year.
Leo drags himself into the fight to talk to April. She ends the fight to rush to him. Not noticing the scout group holding their positions, their communicators listening in.
“April… I don’t think I can make it…. Cough.”
“What no, you’ll be okay! I’ll get more supplies- I- I’m not going to leave you like this. We’re a family.”
She gives him a side hug. He struggles to breathe- he looked so bad.
“I don’t want… to hold you… back…. Tell my brothers.. I love them….”
“No, you can tell them that when we find a way home!”
“It hurts April….”
“I know it hurts, but you’ll get better! I’ll make sure of it! If only those bozos would get off my back! This world is crazy! Nothing like ours… weird we landed In Japan of all places when we were in America that day.”
She holds him still as he tries to get up.
“Big sis’ got you, I’ll patch you up and you’ll be good as new real soon. Come on, give me a smile big guy.”
Leo smiles and it looks as painful as it feels. Leo cried.
“I want to go home…”
“We will.”
“I want my brothers!”
“We’ll see them.”
“I want my dad!”
“We’ll see him.”
“I failed them! They hate me!”
“Hey! None of that! You’re 14, you can’t blame yourself for that! You couldn’t have know they’d come back!”
“T-they hurt me…”
“And I’ll make sure they’d wish they never did! That’s a promise.”
She shed a tear as she bumped her head with his in comfort. She glared at the scout group.
“If you’re done creeping in the shadows- leave. The shows over.”
She gently picked him up and placed him on her back to walk a way.
“Wait! We can help-“
“Shut up! Empty promises mean nothing to me. I don’t trust anyone but my family, and I’m not going to let you separate us.”
“Please listen! Your brother’s not going to make it if he stays in these conditions. He’ll get an infection.”
“…He’s been through this once, he can get through it again because I’m here.”
“He had better conditions the first time right? This isn’t your home right? He’s just a kid isn’t he? Aren’t you too?”
“Just think about it at least! For his sake!”
“…I’ll think about it….Mayhem, let’s bounce.”
They disappear with a strange pet.
Later she shows up in their class room during a lesson. She’s crying because Leo won’t wake up.
“We’ll help if you’d bring-“
Mayhem teleports them to a roof top. The teacher carefully picks up Leo. They are taken back to the classroom, there trying to get April to stop crying.
A shocked gasp at how bad Leo looks by the ones that never saw him.
“You got to save him! He’s my baby brother! He’s too young to die!”
Blah blah blah April is asked questions as Leo gets healed. She answered honestly to most of them and said she won’t answer a few out of principle.
“How did you end up in this world?”
“A machine was going to do something I don’t know what but my other brother interrupted it by hacking it. It would have been more dangerous if we let it complete… anyways, that’s all I remember.”
Blah blah blah April is defending the hospital while Leo is resting. She may be Quirkless, but that doesn’t mean she can’t fight or use other things she’s learned. She still has her bat and Mayhem after all.
She uses the super secret move that Splinter taught her. Any view of the move was blocked as Leo makes his entrance.
“Wait- come on! I want to see it just once! Still can’t believe pops taught you that! Not fair! Do it again!”
“Sorry lil bro, splinter told me to be responsible about using it. Figured no one ever heard of it so using it once should be enough.”
“That move! How did you do it? I thought you were Quirkless?”
“I am! It’s learnable from a master- Specifically this guys dad made that move, pretty cool right? Probably won’t use it again- least for a while. Mostly just suppose to be an intimidation thing. Not to mention I won’t be teaching it to just anyone either, don’t want it in the wrong hands after all.”
“How can you be so strong?”
“Uh Duh playing with genetically engineered super soldier boys since I was little will do that.”
“Eh, old news not important.”
“No explain!”
“Muh Let Donnie do that- when we see him again.”
They say Leo shouldn’t be moving so much as he just recovered, but he waved them off.
“I’m fine! Anyways, April can you contact the guys? You got your phone?”
“It’s been dead since the start and haven’t had the chance to charge it. Probably blown up with messages.”
They get someone to charge it and yeah it was full of messages. Phone calls didn’t work though. Weird.
They spend two more days in much better conditions than before when a voice came from their wrappings.
It was Raph.
They talked and there was a lot of questions from many places.
Eventually they managed to use the machine to get them back.
“Bye! It was nice doing something like a person!”
“Okay okay yeah I need therapy.”
Some of the personal stuff learned about April and the guys was:
The guys have lived in the sewers ever since they were babies.
They’ve never gone to school- just homeschooled and online school.
They barely have friends their age.
They have mystic powers and might be underground royalty???
The pictures of their mom don’t show what she looks like without her cloaking device.
The type of strength needed to actually leave physical damage on Leo is horrifyingly high.
The boys were never human but does have human DNA.
He was the mysterious idol that no one’s ever seen for the past 2 weeks and a half.
He would sing on the radio from an untraceable channel using one of Donnie’s tech he snagged before the mess that got him hurt happened.
The only one that managed to get his signature was Jiro. He gave her his signs for a different reason and said you’re welcome out of the blue.
If she ever sees him again, she’s going to punch him.
Then check if he did go to therapy because some of his songs are so very sad.
Example of song with this post:
I don’t know- maybe they are stuck a little longer or something.
Anyways, I was thinking they’d go to Leo’s and April’s world to help. Maybe. Depends.
Could move some stuff around. But Leo absolutely must become an indie idol with no name or face to him. He wasn’t singing for fame, just comfort and something to do. He was bed ridden for a long time.
Oh and April managed to snag a few baby pictures of the boys from Splinter and the girls absolutely love how tiny they were- especially the ones where they could be held in one hand.
Honestly, I don’t see them telling outsiders about The Hidden City. They aren’t alts and aren’t Yokai or Mutants- they’re humans with powers.
I don’t actually like the idea that they spill things that are very relevant or important to them so easily. The creation of their birth isn’t important to them and some other miscellaneous things.
“By the way- what did you guys eat while you were in the sewers?”
“Oh Leo laid his usual clutch, so eggs for a few days. I managed to rig a small fridge to run cold enough.”
“….He laid a clutch of eggs and you ate it?”
“It’s not like they were fertile and besides, it would be a waste not to eat them. They’re surprisingly tasty.”
“Thanks April. :D”
“No problem. :D”
“Why does he laid eggs when they aren’t fertile?”
“Because that’s what red eared sliders do? They have to lay eggs or I don’t know what would happen!”
“How did you cook them?”
“My bat can burn things you know- it’s usually in an inactive state since I don’t want to set everything on fire all the time.”
“Hey how do you feel about your eggs being eaten?”
“Well for one I don’t mind when it’s necessary but other than that we usually give them to the strays or whatever it is my brother does with them. I let him handle it.”
What do you think?
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plusvanity · 6 months
how do you feel bout Necrobutcher/Pelle? I've seen a lot of content with different ships in this community, but specifically between two of them - never :/
This is a very unexpected question (but a cool one, nevertheless) so, thank you!! <3
I see where this is coming from, and honestly, when I first wanted to write a Mayhem fic, I thought I would write something Jørn/Pelle related lol.
I think this ship has much more potential for a 'healthier' dynamic than Øystein/Pelle ever did, and it's a bit weird that nobody is willing to explore their relationship.
Jørn was a decent enough human being to try (at least) to give Pelle dull knives so the damage won't be as severe when he cuts. Pelle was indeed much closer to Øystein than with Jørn (due to elitism), but with a bit of effort and consistency, I think there could be a chance to work out something.. (talking from a ship perspective)
Man, I wish I had more time to write stories cause my head is full of crazy ideas..
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smilingjerome · 9 months
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tw: blood, violence, body horror, child abuse, cults, murder, insanity, mayhem, and a lot of fucked up shit.
jerome is a super messed up character that totally isn't for everyone and i'm not offended if anyone needs to unfollow/block him. i will do my best with all trigger warnings, but proceed with caution!
age: 24
hair: ginger
eyes: green
height: 5'11"
scars: most notably, the stapled on face. he has a series of scarring around the outside of his face, as his was once cut off to be a mask (long story) and he was forced to staple/stitch/burn it back on. he also has burns on his right hand/wrist/forearm from where his hand was stuck into boiling chicken stock. he has various other cuts and scars, some he remembers and others not so much
canon: most of gotham, or at least the parts i remember. he came back to life again after his last death, and he doesn't know how or why, and he sure as shooting doesn't care!
tldr: jerome's died like 3 times, and comes back crazier each time. he likes to kill, he likes revenge, and he loves to laugh
'Raised' in the circus by his mother, Lila the Snake Charmer, and Uncle Zachary Trumble who ran the chuck wagon, Jerome quickly learned to fend for himself. Viciously if need be. His mother and uncle were violent and cruel, and Jerome took the brunt of the beatings for his more sensitive twin, Jeremiah. But Jeremiah was sent away after telling everyone how scared he was of Jerome. Not entirely without reason -- Jerome was determined to toughen his twin up, even if meant hurting him. But Jerome maintains that his brother lied, to poison everyone against him. With his twin gone, Jerome spent his ninth birthday alone and the old fortune teller, unbeknownst to him at the time, told him:
This world doesn't care about you, or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now.
Something changed in Jerome that day. Or maybe it just was the last nail in the coffin. Jerome would eventually go on to murder his mother with a hatchet. Caught by the GCPD, he made excellent friends in Arkham. His story was enough to catch the attention of Theo Galvan, who broke him and five others out of Arkham. Jerome was chosen to lead this group, and they called themselves The Maniax. They caused some chaos, murdered more than a few people, including Jerome's real father. Jerome put a hell of a show onstage before he was betrayed by Theo and murdered on stage. But his father's last words seemed to ring true in spite of his death, as people across Gotham began cackling and smiling just like Jerome.
You will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness.
This eventually led to the formation of a cult. How and why Jerome's madness spread throughout the city was unclear, but his followers were devoted, maniacal, and without any moral code. Jerome's body had been stolen from GCPD and brought to Indian Hill, where it underwent several experiments. It was then stolen from there by his cult followers, who attempted to resurrect him. After making promises to bring back their leader and then failing, one follower cut off Jerome's face and wore it as a mask. Unfortunately for him, Jerome then did wake up from the dead. He took back his face, took control of his cult, and once more went seeking revenge. After targeting prominent and affluent members of the community, he was caught and sent back to Arkham. This time, Jerome made brand new friends and bided his time. When the moment was right, he escaped once more and formed a new group. His goal?
I just want to paint the town crazy. Afterwards, I couldn't care less how you horribles tear this town apart.
They unleashed a new wave of chaos and destruction on Gotham, but Jerome's true target this time was his brother. He wanted revenge, he wanted the truth to come out -- and he also wanted to show his brother just how crazy he really was. He made his way through Jeremiah's labyrinth to confront him, and when he finally found his sequestered twin brother, he promised to kill him -- but not before driving him insane. He escaped after that, leaving Jeremiah to live in fear of his brother's words.
"You poisoned everyone I love against me with your lies. What was it again? I threatened you with a cake knife? No. No. No. I tried to burn you alive."
"Ok. So things didn't happen exactly like that. But we both know you wanted to do those things."
Teaming up with other villains, Jerome attempted to unleash an insanity laughing gas on the whole of Gotham. Jerome took over a concert, never able to resist a stage, and once more gave Jeremiah a shot at killing him. But he easily overpowered his twin, and escaped to a rooftop. Cornered and shot, he fell backwards, but managed to hold onto a flagpole. He held his hand out towards the officer that shot him, dared him to be a good guy and rescue Jerome -- but when the officer did, Jerome pulled his hand back and fell to his death with a smile and a laugh. But he left his brother a little gift. A special box filled with the insanity gas, so that his twin could carry on his legacy forevermore.
My days were numbered, but you can continue on for me, be my ultimate revenge!
Now Jerome's woken up again. He's not sure how, or how long it's been, and to be honest, he doesn't really care. He's curious to see if Jeremiah opened his little present. And he wants to bring a little bit more chaos to Gotham. A little more fun. After all...
There's nothing more contagious than laughter.
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s-n-arly · 1 year
Chinese New Year Dance Wrap-Up!
So January was extra hairy this year with all our dance commitments. Our Chinese dance troupe usually has a lot of community performances and one big production show right around Lunar New Year (which means lots of rehearsals). This year, I wasn’t merely herding dancers and making props; I was also performing.
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[Photo alt text: Dancers mostly wearing pink and blue posed on stage with lanterns and baskets.]
How did my first production show go?  It was fantastic, but it was also both crazy busy backstage and a bit painful physically. 
I had no downtime backstage.  I had two dances in the first half and two in the second half.  The teens I was supervising had up to four dances, all in the second half.  We all had quick changes that included hair and costumes.
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[Photo alt text: Dancers in red and black dance hanfu posed on stage in fighting postures.]
I have been recovering from a significant ankle injury since September. It was spontaneous tendon mayhem with no trauma, that presented like a severe sprain. My tendons just do this sometimes, and it’s just a sucky part of life.
I spent weeks watching dance class at the back of the room, doing arm movements and recording for home viewing and eventual practice.  I had to gradually add dance in five minute increments.  The swelling persisted into November. Because I’ve been required to wear an ankle brace (kinda visible in the pic below) for all dance activities, I developed really tight calf muscles (probably the soleus).
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[Photo alt text: Women in blue dance qipao, wearing flowers, posed on stage.]
The week of the show, I developed metatarsalgia, which is pain in the ball of the foot, on both sides.  It was likely caused by my jazz style dance shoes, and I had to rush out to buy a replacement pair of ballet flats big enough to hold a gel insole. It got a little better every day, and I went from “oh crap, I won’t be able to dance” to “it hurts, but it’s not the worst thing ever.”  It didn’t fully resolve until about two days after the show.
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[Photo alt text: Dancers in blue and white gazing off to stage-right.]
This show was a HUGE deal for me. It represented a lot of hard work and recovery. It was the first normal feeling performance since the pandemic started, so the biggest thing I’ve done in my limited dance history.
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[Photo alt text: Dancers in blue and pink performing a lantern dance.]
Both of my teachers are incredible at teaching basic and complex skills, and amazing choreographers. It’s an honor to dance with them.  My classmates are incredibly kind and supportive, and it’s a privilege to dance with them.
It’s been wonderful, but it’s good to have it wrapped up so I can have time to write and see friends again. We return to class next week to start learning our spring recital and outreach dances. It will mark my one year anniversary of in-person dancing.  I have grown so much.
You are never too old to try new things to fall in love with.
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