#copia pls sit down
mochilled · 1 year
I’m about to redraw that Copia piece I did months ago out of pure spite because it’s always getting traction every time I post something new no matter what I do LMAO
Like that piece and the Aether/Dew meme one will get no traction whatsoever for a little bit, but the second I post a new piece, suddenly the algorithm or something brings those back up?? I’m glad people still enjoy them regardless buT PLS IM BEGGING
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sentientgolfball · 3 months
“you heard me. i want you to sit on my face.” for copia and cumulus pls? :3
Come to think of it, I think this is only like the second time I've written ghoul/papa. Huh.
Anyway I hope you like it :3
Send me a pair and a prompt!
“Pardon me sweetheart?” 
Those words were not what Cumulus was expecting to come out of Copia’s mouth. Not that she was complaining, though, she had come to his room looking for him, worried he might be overworking himself considering no one has seen him for more than a few minutes for the last two days. Granted, she wasn’t entirely expecting things to get heavy so quickly. She just genuinely wanted to check on him, make sure he wasn’t dead on top of a pile of paperwork. Tax season always did this to him. She had found him passed out in his desk chair, softly snoring with his glasses halfway down his face. Cumulus had scooped him up and carried him to his bed. Despite how gentle she was, Copia still woke up with the movement. She hushed him, told him to sleep, and for the most part he had listened, burying him head into her chest to stop her from leaving. It all went downhill from there. 
“You heard me Dolcezza. Sit on my face…per favore?” 
She ran her claws through his hair, earning a delightful little hum from where he had one of her nipples in his mouth. This is the most relaxed she’s seen Copia in a while, though he’s usually like this when the two decide to spend some quality time together. It was evident how much he needed this, how tired he was, by the lack of blush and how easily the request fell from his lips. Cumulus would never dream of denying him. 
“If that’s what you need baby” she coos and gently pulls him up by the chin to kiss him. 
Copia practically goes boneless the moment she slips her tongue into his mouth, filling his senses with her citrus taste. He lets her control the movement, lets her pull away when she wants to. When she does, she can’t but smile fondly at the way Copia looks up at her like she’s his whole universe. 
She slowly sits up and pulls him into a hug. He buries his nose into the soft feathers on her neck, breathing deeply. She kisses the side of his head, carefully flipping their positions. 
“Lay back for me baby” Cumulus gently presses a hand to his chest, lightly pushing. 
Copia falls with ease, sighing when his head hits the pillows. Cumulus makes quick work of sliding her underwear off from under her nightgown before crawling over to him. She straddles his face, bunching up the pink fabric before slowly lowering herself. She can’t help but tease just a bit, stopping once her cunt is only a inches away from his face. Copia grabs her hips and pulls her the rest of the way down, whimpering softly once she’s finally on him. He rubs small circles into the meat of her thighs as he lazily eats her out, dragging his tongue from her clit to her slit to dip inside only to slide back up again. Cumulus’ eyes flutter closed, head tilting back as she settles more of her weight onto Copia. 
He circles her clit with his tongue before wrapping his lips around her and gently sucking. Her hips involuntarily grind down seeking more. He drags his tongue back down to her slit and dips inside. He licks into her as far as he can, eagerly drinking up everything she has to offer. This time Cumulus grinds down purposefully, biting her lip when she feels Copia’s nose press against her clit. 
“You’re being so good for me baby. Keep takin what you need” she sighs, rocking forward again. 
He tongues at her until he begins to feel her thighs shake. He licks back up to drag the flat of his tongue over her and clit and that’s enough for her. Cumulus’ mouth drops open, sighing as she cums against his face. Copia licks up as much of her slick as he can, not stopping until she’s shuddering from overstimulation. She pauses for only a moment to catch her breath before sliding off of him. She sits next to him on the bed, smiling down at him. Copia’s tongue darts out of his mouth, licking her taste off his lips. She can see his chest rising and falling with deep breathes. She bends down and kisses him gently, holding him there until she feels him sink farther into the mattress. 
“Feel better?”
He nods “Thank you tersoro.”
“You know I’d do anything for you sweet thing” she plants a kiss on his forehead. 
Cumulus doesn’t even have time to clean either of them up before Copia’s eyes slip shut. His snoring resuming shortly after. She huffs a laugh and settles in next to him, holding him close to make sure he gets the best sleep he can. 
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ethereal-maniac · 3 months
omgg I js got the best idea idk if u did this already but the reader has curly hair and does it everyday so the ghouls haven’t seen their natural hair so when they’re straightener stops working they have to wear it natural(I’m rlly insecure ab my hair it gets so frizzy n wild😭😭 p.s ik it’s a lot bear w me pls AND UR THE BEST WRITER EVER BABE<333
GenderNeutral!Reader x Sodo, Swiss, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Cumulus, Cirrus and Copia (seperate)
A/n: Omg stop you got me kickin my feet n shit, I would be delighted to fulfil your request. I wasn't sure if you meant head canons or a fic so I did head canons, I hope thats alright! (Also decided on Era 4 Ghouls) 😚🩷
❗️CW❗️: none, just fluff :)
Do not copy, translate or transfer (plaigarise) any of my fics.
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He immediately pictures running his fingers through your wild hair when your on your knees- but then notices you seem a little skittish.
Man is your body guard for the whole day, if anyone comments about how it's 'too frizzy' or 'too tangled' they are getting a furious Ghoul in their face with a set of sharp teeth ready to gnaw the flesh off their bones.
You're way to gorgeous to hear that sort of nonsense.
He has pretty crazy hair too sometimes so he understands your struggle and doesn't complain when you take some extra time each morning to do your hair.
But boy does he wish for your straightener to be broken forever.
He can't stop grinning at you and walking up to you all day just to smell your hair, pet your head, then walk away again.
Specifically in that order, don't ask, he's just a little obsessed.
He can’t help but try to groom your hair a little when you express how much you wish your hair straightener was working.
He takes your face in his hands and tilts it down so he can run the rough of his tongue over your hair, trying to tame the strands.
He quickly stops when you let out a yelp of surprise.
“What? You said you wanted your hair straight?” He asks with wide eyes.
“Not like that baby,” you laugh, pulling him into your arms.
“I think I prefer your hair like this, it suits you a lot,” he trills.
He purrs louder when you walk into the bedroom to find him still in bed, telling him that your hair straightener’s broken.
He smiles with droopy eyes and makes grabby hands for you, then proceeds to rub his face against your hair when you lie next to him.
“It’s so pretty my love,” he murmurs while trying to practically suffocate himself in your hair, his arms trapping you against him.
He seeks you out during the day more than usual just to twirl curls of your hair around his fingers.
He nods dumbly as you talk, not really taking in much that's being said.
He then proceeds to randomly interrupt you as you complain about some menace in the library saying softly, "I really like your hair today."
He is in love all over again.
He was shocked when you walked into the greenhouse with crazy hair, he can't stop looking at it with wide eyes while trying to touch it.
He wants to get on his knees and beg you to never straighten it again but he understands it's easier for you.
(Just don't leave him alone with your straightener, he will tear it to shreds, I repeat, he will tear it to shreds).
She really likes this look on you, messy and free.
She tries out a LOT of hairstyles on you, human and Ghoulish styles.
She will probably hide your hair straightener every couple of months when it's fixed again.
Don't be mad, she just wants to see your hair in all it's glory once in a while. :(
You know that hairstyle that couples do where they put their hair in a joint plait?
Yeah. That happens. And you have to find Copia to try and help untangling it.
She sits you down immediately.
You must know your hair looks very majestic.
She gets a brush out at random times during the day to gently sit you in front of her so she can brush your hair and play with it for a while before letting you continue on with your day, she kind of likes the 'frizzy' texture.
She, like Phantom, also attempts to groom your hair multiple times because it ‘tastes like you’.
Oh man he loves to see you embracing your natural hair, even though you didn’t really have a choice.
If he can’t spend the whole day in bed with you, he’ll ask for you to just be with him while he works around the abbey so he can card his fingers through your hair.
He finds it extra soothing when it’s your natural hair, un-straightened.
He doesn’t really know why but to him it just really feels like you.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
I'm a sucker for fluffy family shit - Jez
Terzo as a dad headcanons
He's very insecure at first, scared he's gonna be like Nihil.
But he's super thrilled at the same time, he adores babies!
Totally there for the birth, doesn't care if his hand gets absolutely ruined and if he gets cursed for eight generations. He is there and that's it.
He absolutely fucking cries when he sees his baby!
Gushes about his child to everyone, no matter the occasion. (Think Maes Hughes from FMAB but even worse)
This man has pictures of his partner and kid(s) all over his walls.
He gets the names and birthdays of his children tattooed.
He's big on gentle parenting and communication - things he himself craved as a child.
He does have a small fantasy of Irish twins, but he'd never dare ask you for that, he knows having a baby is incredibly exhausting for your body.
He makes sure you're on bed rest for a long time before he lets you walk around.
Probably has Omega carry you around while he himself carries the baby right next to you.
He gets so lost in baby talk it becomes a part of his everyday speech.
He could be discussing something with his brothers and then calling some random object how he calls it with his baby.
His perfect afternoon is sitting on the couch, you snuggled into his side as the baby sits and babbles on his lap.
Satan save the ministry if his child's first word is "Papa" because this man will not live it down.
"Oh, I'm sorry, old man, do you have a precious little baby whose first word was Papa and who squeals in delight when they see you? No? Yeah, that's what I thought." - Terzo to Nihil after being told to do his job
Nihil is not allowed anywhere near the babies, by the way.
Terzo absolutely goes to Primo for parenting advice. Anything weird happening to the baby? He bolts for his oldest brother.
Terzo's brothers both get to play an active role in the children's lives.
If they were to find out Copia was their brother, he's absolutely getting involved, too.
And his little ones would be such little charmers!
If you pump or formula feed, you don't even see the bottle before he feeds the baby. He's just so quick with it, it's ridiculous.
Loves to give baths to the baby, especially when they're a bit older so he can splash the water with them.
He would have a bit of an issue with diapers at first, but he's a brave boy and he can take it. It just takes a few days at first. After that, he's 100% ready and willing to change diapers.
Omega teases him that his kids are gonna be taller than him. Secondo totally joins in on the teasing. (And you do, too)
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ghostchems · 7 months
i just spent like a whole 10 minutes thinking about it but pls could i request a dracopia fic with 22 and a lil bit of 28? Maybe a bit spicy but im just thinking about the blood tbh lolthank youu sm!
lil 900 word drabble with food ol’ dracopia. violence, blood, and a lil spice below the cut!
You’re on your knees in front of him, your hard gaze on the floor at his feet. Copia loves to toy with you, to push you until you are nothing more than his plaything. Your nails dig into your knees as he starts to circle you, his shoes tapping on the marble floor, filling the silence between you. You don’t dare look up at him but you know that he must be grinning from ear to ear, amused by your obedience. His leather glove rests on your shoulder and he gives it a hard squeeze. There is no comfort in his touch, only control.
“We will be trying something different today, my pet.” His voice is smooth and his hand reaches for your chin, grabbing it harshly and forces you to look up at him. The moment you look up at him, you know you’ve lost the game. You swallow thickly, lip quivering from the hungry look in his mismatched eyes. “No need to worry, tesoro. If you do exactly what I want from you, there will be no punishment — only a reward for your good behavior.” Copia’s lips quirk into a cruel smile as he lifts his hand to smooth some of the hair out of your face. Like the fool you are, you believe him and you lean into his touch.
“You haven’t earned that yet.” He growls and cruelly pulls his hand away, wiping it on his black shirt. You look up at him with wide eyes, your hands settling in your lap while waiting for his instruction. Copia loves to make you wait, to lock his eyes with yours and keep quiet until the unease takes you over and you find yourself begging him for orders. He doesn’t make you wait long, instead taking a few steps away from you and resting his hand behind his back. “You will help me with my meal, pet. You’ll hold them down while I feed. You will make sure I am sated.”
You nod, knowing better than to speak to him. He gives you a sinisterly warm smile and it makes a flash of heat rush to your cheeks. Copia takes his time turning on heel and leaving you alone in the room to fetch his snack. You slowly bring yourself to your feet as his orders start to sink in. You’ve seen him feed on yourself and others before but you’ve never taken part in it like this. He is testing you and you feel honored but the idea of helping him take so much from another person doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Copia returning, a mischievous glint in his eyes while holding a man up by his shirt. He looks weak, his shirt torn and his hair messy, his head hanging low before he’s able to lift it to offer you a haunting grimace. Copia shoves him in front of you, his expression changing to the cruel, twisted creature that you’re so used to. Fear takes hold again and you’re quick to obey, grabbing the man, who puts up no fight, and bracing his arms behind his back.
Copia strikes with inhuman speed, his fangs sinking into the man’s neck. He screams in response, his arms jerking and you try your damndest to keep a tight hold of his wrists. Suddenly, Copia presses in further, his fangs sinking deeper and deeper. His back is forced against your chest and you let go of his wrists only to wrap your arms around him to keep his arms by his sides. Your eyes flicker to Copia and you realize he’s been watching you this whole time.
He winks at you before he tears a chunk of flesh out of the man’s neck. Blood stains your clothes and you stumble as the man flails, a gurgling scream ripping from his lips. Copia latches on to him again and soon the man is quiet. You feel his fingertips on you, his hand trailing up your waist to your chest to then tangle in your hair as he keeps feeding. Your arms start to grow weak from holding the man and your knees wobble from Copia’s touch, always weak for it. He seems to sense this, shoving the body between the two of you to the ground causing a quick moment of panic and fear in you.
He was too strong, you couldn’t have possibly kept the body upright, could you? Was he sated? You failed. You failed the one thing he asked of you and —
Your thoughts are interrupted by Copia’s blood-stained lips crashing against yours. The kiss is hungry and possessive, and you melt right into it once it registers that you’re not in trouble. A gift. Copia is giving you a gift. You groan as he tugs at your hair even harder, your eyes squeezing shut while you savor the taste of him. He pulls away from the kiss, a soft smile on his face.
“You did well, pet.” Copia pats you on the cheek, though there is nothing comforting about the touch. “Clean this mess up.” He gestures to the body on the marble floor between the two of you then offers one more pat, this time on the shoulder, before leaving you alone.
You look down at yourself, your already tattered clothes now covered in blood but that doesn’t keep the dumb smile off your face.
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dearlymrme · 1 year
Part 2 of the corruption kink pls pls pls pls
The man is adorable, a dork, and very awkward in a conversation, but Copia's not shy, simply stumbles over his words. He is certainly not sexually repressed, or maybe he is, with the looks he’s been giving you when he thinks you’re not noticing.
The man wants you. And you want him back, and you are not a good person.
That’s what you tell yourself when you glance at Papa Emeritus the IV and imagine what he looks like with his face covered in tears, his tongue lathing your fingers and drool dripping down his chin.
You shuffle back in bed and groan as you skirt your hand down your stomach and rub at your womanhood.
What would he be like, you wonder? Would he be a quiet submissive or loud? Would he be accepting, or would he go down fighting?
All you know for sure is that you want to see him broken. You want to see those big eyes of his wide with shock as you push him back onto the bed.
He would whimper as you grab him by those graying locks and pull before capturing his lips with your teeth and giving him a fierce kiss. He’d have no room to fight back as you plundered his mouth and lick and lap at his flavor with a groan. You’d suck those already damn kissable lips until they're swollen with blood and pouty. You'd trail your teeth down his neck and decorate his collar with hard love bites and leave beautifully crescent brown and purple bruises, making it no doubt that the man had been put in his place beneath you.
You shift and stroke your clit with a groan, gathering your wetness before stuffing two fingers into your cunt.
And then, you would sit on his face, give him no chance to think before pressing your cunny over his mouth and grinding your clit down at his perfectly shaped nose.
“Get to work.” You would say. He wouldn’t disappoint you. He’d eat you out like a champ. You imagine this man is quite sexually experienced. He has to be with how confident he is on stage. Maybe awkward, and maybe it's been a while. That's why when he gets a taste, he turns into a starving dog, scarfing you down like a five-star buffet.
He wouldn't tease. He's sloppy and doesn't care at all for how wet his face gets. He slurps and groans, wet obscene sounds that drive lightning to your lower stomach. He'd try to make you go harder, faster, with his hand gripping your hips and trying to roll you, but you'd slap them away and take it at your own pace, grinding his nose into your clit in small little circles.
You'd grip his hair. Nearly pull it out from the root as you quickly approach your climax and see him reaching for his cock, immediately snatching up his hands and pinning them to your thighs.
And after your first orgasm is when you would tease him. You'd take him from his pants and wonder, is he big or small? Is he thick or thin? He could be anything and it would still feel so satisfying as your tight walls milk his soul from his cock.
He's still drunk off you taste and pure lust, and he's begging at this point. Pleading to you to move, and you deny him, shimmying on top of him just to get comfortable, and he would give a good defiant buck of his hips.
You would score your nails down his chest and catch his gasp with your mouth.
"Don't move. You move and I stop entirely."
Sniffs, tears beading at the corners of his eyes. He looks so pathetic and desperate. He holds onto your hips like they are the lifeline in the storm that is your torment.
You groan, understimulated despite you rubbing your hand and assaulting your clit. Yes, the fantasy is good but the fact that your Papa is only five minutes away is too much of a distraction. You could have him if you just woman up. You craved you imagine just how shocked he would look if you stuffed his hand down your panties and he got a palmful of your slick with how wet you are.
No, no. This isn't enough. You're tired of toeing around him. You're tired of ignoring the looks. It may be a little presumptuous of you, but you wondered, if you showed up at his door, would he invite you in?
There is only one way to find out.
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iamthecomet · 3 months
"The MountainDew make up you all want....or is it?"
Com don't do this to us (pls do it to us)
Oh it's gonna be....SOMETHING. I'm excited about it, which is never a good thing for you. A teaser under the cut, because I love you ♥
He wants to go home. To his greenhouse, and his plants, and his strays. He wants the smell of evergreen instead of gasoline, and he wants to rest. 
There are moments where he feels alive again. Sitting up there at the start of a show. Hands on his sticks. Sock clad feet pressed to his pedals. Drums around him, in front of him, as grounding as earth itself. 
Those few breaths before everything starts are his favorite. Charged. Heavy. The crowd amped up, waiting, suspended just before the first notes fall. He likes rest too. The joy. It’s pure, unadulterated. It’s easy to forget every other thing plaguing him when they’re in the middle of it.
And then, when it’s over, and they stand for bows, it crashes down again. He stands where he always did, but the ghouls around him are different now. And he loves them, all of them, he does. 
But it’s not the same. He’s not over the shock of seeing Copia where Terzo should be. Of seeing Dew with Ifrit’s guitar. He feels uprooted, toppled. He wishes it was easy for him. That he could just deal with it, go with the flow. Everyone else seems to be able to. Aether seems fine. Dew seems…better at least than he did. But Mountain is still stuck back on the night it all happened. Grappling with it. 
So many things have changed since then and he doesn’t know how to accept them when he’s still standing in a dark hallway listening to Aether tell him what happened. Listening to Dew scream and rage in pain. 
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sphylor · 7 months
Not sure if it'll work, but consider this to be your reminder about kitty dew & his emotional support apple
aaa thank you!!! nature programme is now finished (and so is the series im so sad) so i can talk about kitty Dew and his emotional support apple!! (original post here) credit to @gh-woah-st who came up with some of these ideas too !! <3<3<3
so he brings it inside at the end of the day and shows it off to all the other ghouls, proudly strutting around the den with the net in his mouth and a smile on his face. then Copia pops by to check in on the ghouls and as soon as he hears the door open, Dew sprints towards it and stares at Copia with expectant eyes. the poor guy still doesnt quite understand the whole regression thing but when Rain steps in and is like "Dew's kitty and he wants to show you the apple he picked today" he remembers and is immediately like "oh that is such a beautiful apple, piccolo gattino" (pls tell me if that italian is wrong btw) and Dew starts chattering up a storm. he bumps his horns against his shoulder and rubs his cheek against him, purring so loudly, just so excited that Copia likes it.
he ends up falling asleep with it and the next day Mountain asks if he could add it to the crumble he's making with some of the apples they picked the day before. Dew lets him because "whatever its just an apple" and carries on with his day like normal. but as the crumble is being dished out after dinner he gets really sad. how is he going to know if he's eating his apple or not? he's starting to feel genuinely upset over this until Mountain places a seperate mini crumble in front of him and tells him that his apple was used to make that one and that it has more of the crumble on top because he knows he likes it more than the actual fruit part. Dew sits there and stares at it for a moment, not making any move to eat it even as Mountain dishes out his own crumble and sits back down. and even as Dew does start eating it, he's slow and he takes his time, not immediately inhaling it like he does with most food (an old habit from being a runt in the pit). Mountain's scared that he didn't enjoy it, or that the gesture was too much, until Dew stays behind after dinner anf gives him the biggest hug he can, whispering a small "thank you" into his chest.
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moony-ghoul · 1 year
ant hurt/comfort with literally any ghoul pls lol i’m just sad and want ant to be held and told he’s good ! :(
okay time to finally tackle this one after it deleted itself last time i wrote it
ants exhausted to put it simply
they felt it in their bones, a constant ache. they can’t remember when they last slept or when they had a meal, opting for quick bites when they become available
the ripped callouses on their fingers sting every time they move, reopening when they sit down for their 4th rehearsal of the day
but they can’t stop
aether left impossibly big shoes for them to fill, putting in any less than 110% effort isn’t an option. ant knows that they’re hurtling towards burning out. they don’t care. they don’t have the choice to not be perfect
it’s been months of pushing themself further and further. it started as hiding away for a few more extra minutes of practice by themself, that quickly turned into waking up in the middle of the night to strum out a few songs, and before they even had time to realise they seemed to be in a constant state of rehearsal. they skipped out on dinners out, skipped out on going to some shitty bar in whatever city they were in, they hid themself away every time.
if they were going to fuck up again they don’t want the other ghouls to see it
ant doesn’t feel conscious anymore, they never know if they’re actually on stage or not, they don’t know what city they’re in - hell they don’t even know what country they’re in anymore
their fucking hands keep shaking
it’s fucking everything up for them. they can’t play well with shakey hands. it causes an even heavier weight to settle in their chest
so they start planning
they’re gonna get to the hotel around 2am, then they have the next day off, then bump in at 10am the next day, then sound check at 2- or was it 1? are they gonna be in costumes for it? they’ll have to ask copia. will he be mad that they don’t know the schedule? what if-
a large hand covers theirs where it’s balled into a fist on their thigh
swiss’ head is still leaning back against the torn leather seat of the van, ant thought he was sleeping
“i can hear you thinking”
their voice sounds wrong coming out of their mouth, too small and broken
“it’s okay.” swiss gives their hand a light squeeze, “we’re gonna bump up together tonight, you can tell me what’s going on in ya head once we’re there”
ants throat goes dry, the weight on their chest doubles
the drive to the hotel goes quicker than they would’ve liked. the countdown to having to talk with swiss keeps ticking down
is swiss angry at them? why else would he want to talk? what have they done wrong?
the pair unpack in silence, usually ant finds this comforting now it just serves as a reminder of the impending doom
they wait for him to finish up his shower, resting against the headboard with their knees tucked tightly to their chest. some movies playing on the tv but they’re staring through it
ant doesn’t hear the click of the bathroom door, only coming back to earth when swiss’ hand lands on their leg
his smile is soft, it makes ant just collapse onto his chest and cry out all the exhaustion. but they don’t, they don’t know swiss’ intentions, this may all be a trap
swiss breaks the silence first
“what’s going on with you?”
his voice is gentle, like he stalking to a child. it makes ants head spin, they’re trying to understand the situation in front of them, trying to keep themself a step ahead of swiss but that’s very hard when they don’t know what’s going on
“…what?” they huff out in an almost laugh
“ant,” swiss says much more sternly this time, “somethings not right with you”
that’s what this is about
he’s noticed. swiss has noticed. he knows how shit ant is, as a musician and as a ghoul. did copia set this up? is this how they’re planning on sending them back? because they’re not as good as aether
“you keep doing that”
can swiss hear their thoughts? is it some strange multi ghoul talent they don’t know about?
“doing what?”
“you keep disappearing, like you’re stuck in your own head.” swiss let’s out a shakey sigh. “let me in. please? i want to help you”
swiss’ hand rubs small circles into ants ankle, slowly breaking down the walls ant has built up so perfectly
“i- im fine-“
“no you’re not. you keep hiding away, you’re not eating, i doubt you’re sleeping either. i know you think nobody’s noticed but i’ve noticed. i see you, bug, please just let me in”
ant feels the dam breaking in their chest first, all that pressure that’s been building slowly cracking, once it does there’s no way for them to build it back up
their head falls to their knees as their sobs shake them. swiss’ arms wrap around them, glamoured nails scratch fully up and down their back
“i-i-i’m j-just so *sob* tired”
“i know, baby, i know. you’ve been working so hard, we all see it”
ant somehow starts crying harder, letting their knees fall and wrapping their arms around swiss’ waist, tears staining his shirt
after a few minutes their tears start to slow. somehow they feel even more exhausted than they originally were
swiss pulls them away from his chest, holding their head ever so gently, wiping tears away with his thumbs
“i just wanted to be good” ant whispers, “as good as aether”
ant watches as something in his expression shifts, he looks almost hurt?
“are you kidding? you’re already amazing, even at your first rehearsal you blew us all away. you’re not aether, but you’re you. you’re trying to compare land and sea here, bug. you’re a beautiful musician, you drive me crazy every night watching you, you captivate an audience in a way i’ve never seen before. stop trying to be aether and be phantom, cause you’re pretty fucking cool”
if ant had any tears left they’d definitely be crying again. instead they wrap their arms around swiss’ neck, tackling him into a tight hug, almost knocking him off balance
they mumble ‘thank you’s and ‘i love you’s into swiss’ hair before he repositions them to lay down
ant doesn’t let go of swiss for the rest of the night, falling into a very much needed sleep
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Idk If I'am too late but could i request a angst/fluff where sodo comes back fron tour and the reader is insecure about herself and what sodo did while he was away. With a good fluffy ending pls :)
Love your writing ♥️
It’s times like these when you truly hated being alone. Where every single thought would rush through your mind, the voices inside your head saying all of these awful things that made you question your entire life. Every decision you’ve made and everything you’ve ever said.
Sodo would normally come up behind you whenever you got like this. He’d take you into his arms, softly shush you as he would kiss your face. He would sit down with you in his lap and he would tell you everything he loved about you while softly caressing your face.
You try to think back to those times. What he would say to make you feel better. But those voices start to attack your treasured memories.
Do you think he still feels that way when he’s on tour?
He never seems that upset about leaving you. There’s probably a reason why.
He’s always so tired when he gets back. It’s probably more than just touring.
There are so many fans that would happily spend a night with him. Do you really think he would be happy with only you?
So when the day came that the group was coming home, you couldn’t bring yourself to be excited. You didn’t spend your time in his room like you normally did whenever he left. Instead, you hid in your own room, trying to drown out the negative voices in your head. You hid away under the covers, even when you knew the bus would be arriving at any moment.
You think back to all the times Sodo’s come home before. How he would be one of the first ones off the bus so he could pick you up and give you that hungry kiss. He would tell you how much he missed you, and you remembered the one time Copia had come to split you two up, only to have the fire ghoul growl at him.
But as you lay in your bed, you wondered if that was all just an act. If he just kept up that excited front so you weren’t suspicious of him. You weren’t stupid. You had seen the videos of how sexual he acted on stage. You wondered if it extended beyond that. You wondered if he brought fans back to his dressing room. If he would pick people up after the shows. He always did say how stressful some of the rituals could be. Would he have people go back with him to relieve that stress?
Your bury yourself deeper within your blankets, hoping that if you get far enough inside that your thoughts will leave. But they don’t. All you can think about is Sodo in the arms of someone other than you. And really, it’s enough to make the tears finally run down your face.
When your door opens, the smell of campfire hits you and you hear boots thump across the floor. You know who it is and you don’t want to see him.
“Where’s my baby, huh?” Sodo calls out, like this is all a game. Like you’re enjoying hiding from him. You hear him unlace his boots as he continues, “I’ve been away all this time and I don’t get a hello hug or kiss from my girl?” You hear him get closer as he slips out of his boots, your bed dipping down as he crawls on top. “I’ve been so lonely while on tour, and my room was all empty when I got in there. Where is my girl hiding?”
“Go away.” Your voice cracks that little bit as you sniffle, burying your face in the comforter. He stops for a second.
“Hey, hey. What’s going on?” His tone changes to a more concerned one and you feel him try to peel back the covers. “Baby girl, look at me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Just go away, Sodo.” When he can’t take the covers from you, he simply reaches out and moves you so that you’re on your back and looking at him. The comforter makes you turn at an odd angle, but your tear-stained face is still facing him. You see how soft his features look, a gentle hand coming up to wipe your tears away.
“What’s got you upset?” You pull away from his touch, moving yourself up and putting more space between you two. “Babe?”
You don’t want to respond, the knot in your throat keeping you silent. You know you’ll start crying again if you open your mouth. You suppose he notices it too, reaching out to wrap his arms around you and pulling you to his chest. Your attempt to get away only lasts for so long before you break down, burying your face in his neck.
“It’s okay. I got you,” he coos softly, rubbing your back. He lets you have a moment to try against him before he tries again. “Talk to me, won’t you? What’s got you upset?”
“You!” It’s such a vague response, one that takes your fire ghoul by surprise.
“Me?” he parrots back with his brows furrowed. “What did I do?! I just got home from tour and I managed to do something?” It takes him that beat of silence to realize as you hiccup another sob. The bewildered expression melts away, being replaced with a more somber look. “What do you think, huh? What’s that mind of yours been tellin’ you?”
“That you don’t care about me.” Still, it’s not the real truth, but it’s all you can get out before another hiccup escapes you. Sodo gently cups your face, wiping away your tears again as he softly shushes you.
“Of course I care about you.” He takes a second, inhaling softly and letting out a small hum. “You’re worried about my loyalty to you?” You nod. “Sweetheart, you know that’s something you don’t have to worry about.”
“But I do!” you fire back. “Look at me and then look at you! You really think I wouldn’t be worried? Everyone loves you!”
He lets out a soft, amused huff. “Sweetheart, I have been lookin’ at you. And I wish you could see just exactly what I see.” He leans forward, hesitating just a bit. When you don’t move back, he presses a soft kiss to your lips. “If anything, I should be the one worried you’ll find someone while I’m on tour. Have you seen how the siblings look at you?” You feel the tip of his tail start to tap on your bed, a harsh thumping that’s a stark contrast to the smile on his face. You assume the thought of it is upsetting him.
“I just get worried,” you tell him softly, your crying having finally subsided.
“I know, baby. I do, too.” He presses another kiss to your lips. “How about I go take a quick shower, and when I come back, you can tell me all the nasty things your mind has been lying about?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
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hazeghoul · 2 years
How I imagine the Papas are like whilst driving:
- Stereotypical father, complains about everything he can complain about. Someone driving to slow? Complaint. Radio playing something he doesn't like? Complaint.
- Yknow the snack reach dads do? Primo's got his hand in reaching in the direction of snacks the moment the packaging is open.
- Satnav? What's that? He's convinced he knows the right way, all the shortcuts. It has ended up in him getting lost multiple occasions but he'll claim it's because they changed the layout of the roads.
- Music is full blast, terrible singing no matter what the radio plays. I like to think his music taste is extremely varied so he'll be happy no matter what is playing, but the one time they play a song he doesn't like he sulks.
- One hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on whatever surface he can, but he does drive with two hands most of the time.
- If he gets stuck in traffic, he is 100% down to play silly games like eye spy, he finds enjoyment in the small things and I feel like he'll have an eye on his surroundings 24/7 so guessing his answers is like a needle in a haystack half the time.
- Takes the scenic routes where possible, he feels like they're more interesting most of the time and he'd rather go slower than be stuck in traffic on motorways/highways. Also means that if he can have the roof down he will. one arm resting on the door like some attractive mfer, hand resting near his mouth/jaw, hair tussled from the wind, main character/love interest energy.
- Sings along to any love songs on the radio. But not like his brothers who don't overly try, he'll put his whole heart and soul into it
- The rides mostly silent, minus singing but he'll strike up conversation on the odd occasion. Would rather sit in comfortable silence than try and fill the void with unnecessary talking.
- Games, games, games. Eye spy, would you rather, that game he played with Saltyman, Seestor and Peepaw Tobias pls, what the fuck was that chapter T-T anything silly and fun, he's down to play. Yknow when kids point out every animal? Copia does that, every sheep, cow and horse he sees is accompanied by him saying the name. It only gets worse when it's made into a game.
- I like to think he's got the chill vibes kinda music, so instead of the radio, he's playing some chill playlist he has on his phone. Humming along to the words and tapping his fingers along to the beat.
- I feel like he talks but also doesn't? He goes with the flow, if he feels like talking, he will and if he doesn't, he doesn't. He'll talk about anything, but mostly about stress of being Papa or how his rats have been, new rats, rats that are no longer here, stories of old rats and stories about his life in the ministry.
Might make a part two for this with a romance twist? I had some ideas for Copia and Terzo but chickened out
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Prompt 4, Copiia pls!!
This is very popular today
“Shit I’m sorry I didn’t mean to - I I’m should’ve knocked. Uhm I-I’ll just go.”
Tag: copiia, fluff
Secondo didn’t expect that Copia was in, no he did in some ways, it was only 7pm and he wanted to ask if Copia would like to have dinner with him.
He did notice that door was ajar,he just didn’t expect for Copia would be in, wearing a dress as he brushes his hair.
He panicked , flustered. “Shit I’m sorry I didn’t mean to - I I’m should’ve knocked. Uhm I-I’ll just go.” Before he turns on his heels and leaves.
Copia was startled but he knew it was about time he got find out, he braces himself and calls out for the Papa from his doorway.
“Papa wait please!
Have dinner with me!”
Secondo stops. Wasn’t he the one who’s supposed to be asking Copia anyway? He turns towards Copia, blushing.
Copia sits across the table, the two of them had finish their meals , throughout the time Copia didn’t look at Secondo, he keeps his eyes down on his food , embarrassed. He felt bare in his evening dress, he felt like he should put on a jacket on top. But Secondo already found like so, fuck it he thought.
Papa Secondo on the other hand couldn’t take his eyes off of him, the soft yellow fabric only makes Copia’s skin glow.he notices how beautiful his chestnut hair is now that it’s not hidden with the biretta. Slowly the Papa reaches out from Copia with his hand , sliding across the table and slowly holding his fingers.
“Caro what’s wrong? You barely look at me”
“I-!!” Copia sighs looking away a bit before turning to Secondo with glassy eyes. “Scusi, I just felt embarrassed getting caught like this”
Secondo shakes his head while he slowly scoots closer. “You didn’t do anything wrong to be caught for. I on the other hand, I do apologise for not knocking earlier. I didn’t mean to startle you”. He slowly kisses Copia’s hand.
The Cardinal smiles a bit. “I wanted to tell you anyway, I just didn’t know how to.”
“You’re afraid I might make fun of you? Lucifer no, how could I? If I would I have know how beautiful you look, I might as you to wear this while I’m at the office.”
“Ai!” Copia giggles nervously, lightly tapping Secondo’s hand. “P-perhaps every night instead?”
Secondo’s ears turns red as he nods. “Show me Copia, I would like to see it every night.”
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tempest-ghoulette · 1 year
Tangled Up
So I got the idea for this from @naranchuu who head cannoned the ghoulettes have movie nights and I just really liked that idea so this was written :)
It was common knowledge around the abbey that the ghouls were very tight knit. That could especially be said for the three ghoulettes, Cirrus and Cumulus being summoned together and Sunshine being taken under the other two ghoulettes wings as soon as she was summoned. One activity that the three enjoyed immensely was their annual girls night where they would usually watch movies and cuddle, snack, do each other’s hair and makeup, and other fun activities wink wink. It was during one of these girl nights that a sort of dilemma happened.
“Well that was an…. interesting movie,” Cirrus commented with a look as the credits rolled.
“Not one of our best choices no,” Cumulus remarked from her curled up position on Cirrus’s left side. “That ending was definitely something.”
“Can we watch something else please,” Sunshine pleaded with a little pout from Cirrus' other side.
“Of course we can hun,” the taller ghoulette replied, pressing a quick peck to Sunny’s forehead.
Reaching somewhere behind her head Cirrus grabbed the remote and began looking through the selection of films they had downloaded. It was ultimately decided that they would watch Tangled, it being one of Cumulus favorites and Sunshine not having seen it before. About ready to hit the start when Sunny spoke up.
“Wait, we can't start yet we finished all the snacks.”
“They have a point Cir, if we’re watching another movie I want to be able to snack.”
“Well which one of us is going to get up then?” Cirrus questioned with a glance at the two.
The two shorter ghoulettes shared a glance knowing in that moment that neither really wanted to get up from the cocoon of blankets. So sharing a nod they both decided to give Cirrus their best puppy dog eyes.
“Oh no, no no no no that isn’t fair,” no matter which side she looked at, Cirrus was met with two sets of equally big eyes and quivering lips. It especially didn’t help when the two started to purr and nuzzle into her neck, sealing her fate as the one to get up and retrieve the snacks. “You're lucky I love the both of you, those eyes should be illegal,” she remarked, beginning to sit up.
“Mmmm you know you love us lover,” Cumulus purred with a triumphant smile. “ Yeah, oh can you get those little chocolate covered cookie dough balls Cir pretty pls,” Sunshine asked while batting her eyelashes.
“Of course Sun, any requests Lussy?” shooting her air counterpart a questioning glance with a tilt of her head.
“Some chips and drinks I guess, whatever you get I’ll be fine with.”
With a nod Cirrus began to rise from their little nest of pillows and blankets, she got about a couple inches from her spot when she felt a tug on her tail and promptly fell on her ass. Glancing back she noticed that somehow during their cuddle they had managed to knot their tails together.
“Well how in the seven pits of hell did that happen,” Cirrus remarked while lifting up the appendage.
“So is that why my tail was going numb,” Sunshine replied. The two air ghoulettes shared a look before glancing back at their partner “What I just thought one of you was laying on it,” replying with a shrug.
“Well forgetting the how, who is gonna untangle us,” Cumulus asked “I mean I’m trying to get us untangled but I can’t quite get it.”
“I know Aeth is helping out Copia with some band stuff,” Cirrus mumbled “And I think Rainy said he was going down to the lake.”
“Dew and Swiss would probably just laugh and take pictures before they help,” Sunshine commented.
“So that leaves Mountain,” Cumulus spoke up “I think he’s just reading in his room, I’ll ask him.”
“Hey Mounty, me and the girls' tails are knotted together, do you mind coming and untangling us?”
“Sure thing Lus I’ll be right over.”
“Ok he said he’ll be right over and help us out”
“Good my tail’s starting to go numb”
And with that the three ghoulettes sat and waited for their earth ghoul packmate to come and untangle them from their predicament. A couple of minutes later a soft knock could be heard at the door followed by a chorus of “come in.” Opening the door Mountain walked through the frame and immediately stopped in his tracks, eyes lowering to the trios tails knotted up “well that certainly is a predicament.”
“Mounty please help us,” Sunshine whined while stretching towards the earth ghoul as far as she could. 
Letting out a low chuckle the earth ghoul made his way over before Sunny accidentally dragged the other two trying to get to him. “Well let's get this sorted out shall we.”
Crouching down Mountain began working on the girls’ tails. It took a lot of pulling, twisting, finding out whose tail was wrapped the others, and a little hissing and whining but somehow Mountain managed to free the tails. The three then tackled the giant ghoul, peppering his face with little kisses and tails happily wagging, little flowers beginning to sprout from Mountain's horns because of all the attention.
“Ok Ok you two I think it’s time we give him some space, and besides I still need to go get those snacks,” Cirrus replies pulling the earth ghoul up with her towards the door “We’ll be back in a minute.”
Shutting the door behind them the pair made their way towards the kitchen. “Thanks again for helping us Mounty”
“It was no trouble at all,” the ghoul said with a blush beginning to creep up his cheeks.
“Well would you care to join us for our movie, it’s the least we can do, you saved us from the possibility of either Dew or Swiss getting pictures of our little conundrum.”
“As much as I’d love to spend time with you ladies, I promised Rain I’d and spend time with him at the lake.”
“Well you two have fun then, tell Rainy we said hi.”
“Of course enjoy your movie, and try not to get stuck together again.”
“Mmmmm I make no promises,” Cirrus replied with a little smile.
Letting out a little chuckle at her remark, Mountain leaned down to place a quick kiss between Cirrus’s horns who let out a happy trill, Mountain made his way out of the commons and into the hall. Making her way around the kitchen and picking up a variety of snacks and drinks, Cirrus made her way back to her room. Pushing open the door and being met with two equally excited ghoulettes ready to receive their snacks and lover. Distributing the snacks Cirrus settled back into their original spot between the two(tails to themselves) and started up Tangled.
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gasolineghuleh · 4 years
Getting very handsy with Copia in public 👀 making him cum in his pants maybe. Who knows. Ruin me pls ilu
Thank you for commissioning me for this, my absolute darling of a bestie. 
After conferring with her, this prompt was changed slightly to 3xCopia.
NSFW 18+ Below. TW: Public orgasms, Papa iii and Copia. They are not related in my writings. 
Terzo could practically feel the heat radiating from the man sitting beside him. He allowed his white gloved hand to rest nonchalantly on Copia’s knee, blatantly ignoring the strangled intake of breath that came from beside him. He kept his eyes trained on his older brother, now about half way through mass. The discussion of the day was on lust- an apt topic given the current situation he had his lover in. 
“...and though lust is often a blessed gift, brothers and sisters, we must remember that there is a time and a place in which it is encouraged to indulge.” Papa Emeritus the Second turns his eyes blatantly towards his youngest brother, who gives a sarcastic smile and wave. “Sometimes it is not the best idea to follow in the footsteps of your leaders. In these times I offer you only-” 
“You know, Cardinale, sometimes I think he is full of hot wind.” Terzo leans conspiratorially towards the meeker man, a sly smile lifting his lips in a half-grin. “Not the only one who is full of something, si?” His hand drifts from Copia’s knee up to squeeze his thigh slightly before going back to his own lap. With luck they were alone in the pew, but the rest of the Chapel behind them certainly was occupied.
“Papa, you know we aren’t alone.” Copia hisses his response from the side of his mouth, pointedly avoiding eye contact with his superior. Papa only smiles, resting farther back into the pew and slinging an arm casually around Copia’s shoulder. Most of the clergy was in the dark about their sexual relationship, and the embarrassment that pinked the Cardinal’s features when the idea was brought forth was something that Papa couldn’t quite resist. He tips his head slightly and murmurs to his Cardinal, attempting to get that pink hue to cross his face.
“You know when this is over I’m going to bend you over the nearest empty pew, si?” Papa squeezes Copia’s shoulder tightly as the other man chokes back a groan, forcing it into a cough instead. “How’s that plug treating you, hm- is it nice and snug?” Papa leans in even closer, daring to brush his lips against the shell of the Cardinal’s ear. “Is it pressing exactly where you wish my cock would, or do I need to shift you?” He nudges the Cardinal just slightly, causing him to rock in his seat.
Copia brings a leather clad hand to his mouth, biting on the side of his palm with a soft whimper. No one is within ear shot of him at this low of a volume, but that doesn’t seem to deter the anti-pope’s attempts to get further noises from the man. Papa drops a sheaf of paper with the hymns for the mass scribbled on them and cocks an eyebrow at the Cardinal, gesturing down towards them. It was an unspoken rule within the clergy that those lower on the ladder assisted and aided the Papa’s when they could, and should expect to do so without being asked. 
“I sincerely despise you for this, you know.” Copia addresses Papa with a flat intonation as he reaches down for the papers. His eyebrows only crinkle slightly in discomfort as the toy shifts inside of him. As Copia sits back up, Papa crosses his legs, allowing him to lean even closer to the Cardinal while still appearing somewhat natural for all intents and purposes. Copia hands him back the papers with a slight glower on his panda painted face.
“Grazi.” Copia settles back into his seat, rocking his hips slightly to readjust the toy to a comfortable position. It’s causing sparks of pleasure to shoot up and down his spine, causing his eyes to go half-lidded. He barely notices when Papa leans in to whisper again under the guise of reshuffling his papers. “You know…as soon as this mass is over I have every intention of pulling that plug out and replacing it with something better.”
“Oh but what could be better than this, Your Eminence?” Copia returns the verbal teasing, smiling slightly as he notices Papa tense from the title. Power play is one of their favourite topics in the bedroom, and he’ll never tire of the affect it has on him.
“I believe you know, my Cardinale.” The small acknowledgement of ownership is enough to get a slight sound from Copia, who quickly covers it with a cough. “Oh you like that, yes? You like when I say that you are my personal Cardinale? My toy, my rat, mine to use when I feel like I deserve it because I am Papa, yes?”
Copia screws his eyes shut tightly, his hands clenching together on his cassock. The fabric bundles and bunches between his fingers as the leather of his gloves creaks slightly. Papa leans down to pick up another conveniently dropped paper and shoves Copia just the proper amount- almost instantly Copia gasps loudly, pulling his feet up off of the floor reflexively as his body tenses. Papa leans back in the pew slowly, shuffling his papers loudly and coughing to cover for him as Copia shakes beside him. Only barely visible on the red cassock is a rapidly spreading wet spot- further evidence of the orgasm still working its way through the Cardinal’s body.
On the stage, Papa Emeritus the Second continues his sermon as though nothing has happened. Behind the pair of them, the clergy seem none the wiser save for Sister Imperator who is staring daggers at the back of Terzo’s head. His phone buzzes softly in his lap and he flicks the screen on to a text from the Sister that simply reads “STOP TOYING WITH MY NEW CLERGYMEN”. He tilts the screen to Copia, who snorts a laugh.
“She didn’t just make you cum in her pants, now did she? I’d say she’s in no position to tell me what to do with my toys.”
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Ghost BC X Love Languages
another “kat has mental illness” post inspired by This post. But this one is much happier than my murder HCs. please enjoy. (again i didn’t do all of them because I Do What I Want) 
Papa II: He seems the most cold on the outside, compared to the others. In life, and in love. But if you really know him, that just isnt the case. Papa II loves just as fiercely and as passionately as both his brothers and the ghouls, he just shows it very differently. He won’t take you on extravagant getaways at your every whim, or pull romantic stunts in your name, or shout to the roof tops about how you’re the only one for him. But if you have a favorite flower, every night he’ll bring you home a few that he picked from the Church gardens on his lunch hour because he thought of you. He’s gentle with you - not strict, stern or callous like he is with others. He knows youre strong, but thinks the best way to nurture that is to show you small kindnesses. He won’t say I love you every three minutes like clockwork, and he will only call you by your first name unless you tell him you’d prefer something else. His love language is more focused on truly understanding his partner in every way one can imagine to understand another. 
Papa III: His love language gets misunderstood a lot. And a lot of HCs I’ve posted talk about how he loves, more so than any other of the group. We know the youngest Emeritus to be extravagant, in love and in life, to be passionate, to never hold back when it comes to self expression. And as true as those things are, when you know those things about a person, they might begin to come mundane. At first, the flowers he brings you will keep you smiling for weeks. And then it’s fancy dinners. Vacations. A sky writer to mark your name in the heavens. He tries to outdo himself with every new display of affection, but thats exactly why his perfect partner is someone who never becomes accustomed to the lavish. He doesn’t do all these things so you think better of him, or return any favors. All he wants is to keep the smile on your face. He’ll tell you he loves you when he thinks you need to hear it, and even when you don’t want to. He’ll take care of you when you’re sick, however serious, and at the end of every single day, no matter what you did, he’ll crawl into bed beside you and kiss your hair and tell you how amazing you are.
Cardinal Copia: It seems, one of the only things the cardinal can do with confidence, is love. He’s very good at it. His love language revolves around how his partner likes to be shown affection, and he’s adaptable for it. He listens to his partner extraordinarily well, and proves it to them in small gestures. Kind words, or love letters, or small thoughtful gifts. He’ll do what it takes to let his s/o know that he does hear their words, and does want to do everything in his power to make them happy, and does want this to last forever. He’s good at reading people. If you’re in a bad mood, he’ll listen to you. If you want comforting, he won’t leave until you smile, but if you want to be left alone, he’ll give you space. He’s good like that - never takes it to heart when his partner needs some alone time. After all, he only has a social capacity so high himself. 
Swiss: He’s the most casual about things. He’s honest to a fault with the people he cares about. He’ll call you babe/baby, and kiss you on the top of the head before he leaves for work every morning, and before he goes to the bathroom or the kitchen. After a long day while you two are watching TV he’ll rub you feet or your back or whatever hurts. He’ll buy you flowers, and chocolates, and on Valentine's day a beautiful necklace or bracelet you pointed out in the mall a while ago. He won’t do big things for you, because he just doesn’t know how to do them without coming off as disingenuine or cheesy, but he hopes its the little displays every day that make up for it. You’ll never have to doubt that Swiss loves you, together or apart. If he’s mad at you or doesn’t feel like you’re reciprocating his feelings, he’ll tell you instead of letting it bottle up. He won’t yell, or scream, and wants to talk about issues so you can move forward from them and understand how to treat each other better. He expects the same on your end, honesty and calm discussions. Swiss needs a partner who understands that he needs to feel just as loved and noticed as he makes you feel. 
Rain: (Okay after that thing Nyx wrote about Rain in lingerie i have a very specific idea of him in my head that i am finding it IMPOSSIBLE to convey. This is not it. I will find a way one day to explain to you how i see this good man but until then you’re getting Usual Rain.) His love language is soft. He’ll give endless words of affirmation and make sure every single second of every day that they understand how much he loves and cares for them. He’s the type to give small gifts all the time, of things that reminded him of them, but not without good cause and not too much. Once a week, maybe, and only if he thinks his s/o will really enjoy it and be flattered by it. He’s more likely to stay home more than his partner, so he’ll do things around the house to keep it nice and clean. Make the bed. Sweep. Take care of any pets that need attending too, and make sure they’re fed and exercised appropriately. He’ll cook dinner for his s/o, and hell make a new recipe once a week just for some flare and see if it gets added to the roster of Good Meals that his s/o is happy to have any time. House wife boy, I suppose. 
Mountain: He’s the most casual and quiet when it comes to love. He will do absolutely nothing and assume saying i love you once in a blue moon is more than acceptable - it’s not that he doesn't care or doesn’t think of you, he’s just a little clueless. You would have to properly sit him down and tell him “i like that you do this, but i would like a little bit more of this” for him to even realize that he isn’t making you feel how he wants to. And he would listen, he’s good for that. He won’t just do it because he was told to either - he takes it to heart that he isnt making you feel loved like you should be, and he genuinely wants to remedy that 
Aether: His love language is primarily quality time. Whether out on a walk, or on a date, or sitting on the couch silently and doing your own thing, Aether is happy to just be around his s/o. He loves being able to just spend time with them, no matter what they’re doing, and comfortable silence is important to him. It shows you’re comfortable around him, and don’t feel the need to impress or ask questions. When you speak he’ll put down his phone or whatever he’s doing, and give you his full undivided attention, and expects the same from you. He’ll treat you how he expects to be treated, but never in a way that seems like he’s expecting anything ridiculous from you. Nothing elates his heart more than hearing that his s/o is proud of him, and appreciates him and all he does. Of gifts, he’s most likely to be practical with it. If you needed something for work but didn’t have time to run to the store, or needed groceries, or needed something for the house he’ll get it for you. it’s rare that he’ll give you any gift that doesn’t serve a useful purpose except for a holiday or birthday present.  
Dew: Sometimes it can be hard to tell his romantic attraction from platonic attraction, and if you dont really read it just right, it can cause some problems for you. He’s not about any of that classic romantic shit aside from a decent cuddle at night. He tends to treat his s/o like a best friend, because that’s kind of who they are too him. They’re his first options for invites to whatever adventure he wants to go on, or when he wants to walk to the gas station across town at 4am for a slushie. He won’t be more gentle with you than he is with his friends, including a little rough housing, but he still makes sure you don’t get hurt. It can sometimes feel like you’re just one of the guys, the only difference being that you’re having sex, but you have to look closely. He makes the most effort to be around you. He’ll leave you little gifts around the house that don’t seem like gifts - half a chocolate bar, a stick he found on his walk home that he thought you might like. If you live together he’ll clean up after himself more than he would have. He won’t call you pet names unless you ask him too, but he’ll shorten your name to whatever he thinks your name should be. Change it all together if he thinks it doesn’t fit you. You just have to know Dew really well to be able to understand his love language, and for a lot, its something they never learn. (the chocolate part was inspired by another post that ive now lost so if you wrote it or have the link pls send and i will link it here! wasn’t my idea i just agree!!!) 
- Kat
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gasolineghuleh · 4 years
Bitch PLS give me more of that awkward rat man not knowing how to get his intentions across properly and complaining to his rats I NEED IT
Henlo. Presented by threat. I love you.
Copia is kneeling on the hard stone floor in front of his rat cages, delicately poking strips of carrot through the bars and talking to both himself and the rats. It’s around three in the morning, but sleep is a long way from coming. He saw her again today- hair delicately pinned up, habit perfectly flowing around her curves, slight heeled shoes accentuating the shape of her body. Did she even know how he felt about her? A sigh slides through his lips unbidden.
“Bechamel, what do I do?” He opens the door of the largest cage and lifts the tan hand into his ungloved hand, relaxing his posture into a full seated position. He rubs a finger over the rat’s soft back absently, talking aloud to himself as he does. “She’s so beautiful. Do you think she’s soft? She looks so soft. Maybe I should approach her after services one day. Some of the other Sisters have made their… affections… known. Maybe she has them too? What do you think?” 
“Weeeet weeeet weeet,” Bechamel squeaks her answer in return, nose twitching up at Copia in what he perceives as either affection or indigestion. She stands up on her hind legs and gazes at him, hungrily expectant for more snacks.
“Yes, yes. Here.” Copia reaches into the front pocket of his pajamas and gives the rat a small grape. “I hid this, you know. The others just got carrots tonight.” He smiles as he watches his favourite rat chew happily for a few moments before setting her back in her cage and locking it up. “Be good, yes?” 
The Cardinal stands up slowly with a groan as his knees crack and stretches broadly, his tummy briefly exposed to the kiss of cold air in the room. He comes down from the stretch and bends down swiftly, bouncing his finger tips off of the floor and standing back up. Long days of sitting at a desk and translating texts have left him with sore muscles, and some nights it’s all he can do to stand properly without creaking. 
“We are not as young as we used to be, eh lads?” Copia looks back at the rat cages and laughs to himself, running a hand through his hair quickly. His shower could wait until the morning. For now, he was exhausted. His fingers dance quickly over the buttons of his pajama top, unbuttoning and discarding it on top of a comfortable recliner beside his bed. The bottoms are removed with the same speed and tossed aside before he flops onto his comforter with a groan, forearm slung over his eyes.
A slight breeze comes through the window beside Copia as he moves his arm to look outside. The moon is only half full and the stars are providing the majority of light from the heavens tonight. The sky resembles a black canvas that a painter has shaken a white brush out over- spotted and dappled in light. Copia sighs with contentment and turns his thoughts to the woman of earlier. 
Beautiful. She seemed to float through the halls of the Abbey, hardly not noticing how attractive she was to the Cardinal. How his every thought of late had been of her- how she smelled of dew on the pedals of a flower, how her hair seemed to shine when she turned her head, and how her smile always brought joy to his heart. Soon enough his thoughts turn to less pure places. Copia finds himself thinking of her figure in the habit, curved and begging his hands to hold her. Before long, the kiss of the breeze through the window feels like her lips, whispering praises and wishes on his skin.
The Cardinal finds his hand drifting unwillingly to the hem of his boxers, fingers toying with the idea of moving further. His thoughts bounce back and forth momentarily before finally pulling himself out, running a thumb over the head of his cock and sighing. It’s been a while since he’s done this, and the feeling is already sending a shock to his core.
“Mmm,” he hums softly to himself as he tightens his grip on his cock, stroking slowly and squeezing as he gets closer to the tip. He brings his other hand forward and cups his balls, a groan coming out unwarranted. Copia’s always loved the act of self pleasure- something about bringing your body to the peak of sensitivity and back down the other side strikes him as an act of pure beauty. To really know oneself. 
Copia keeps his thoughts diligently away from the young Sister in the congregation- he hasn’t yet made himself known to her in that way. Instead, he thinks about the people he has been with. Sensations, thoughts and body parts flash through his mind as he works himself, squeezing in intervals and thrusting his hips into his own hand. His breath is coming in small gasps and pants now, sweat beading on his forehead as he reaches his own climax.
It’s not until he plants his feet firmly on the bed and thrusts up roughly into his own hand that he cums, squeezing and milking his cock through his orgasm. His cum lands hot on his own stomach, concave through his shuddering exhalation of pleasure. Copia takes a moment to steady himself before grabbing some tissues from his nightstand and cleaning himself. He returns his gaze to the window outside.
The last thought through his mind before he drifts to sleep is the Sister, twirling gracefully through the halls of his subconscious.
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