#cooper answers
cooper-blogs · 7 months
I got my first Blahaj!! :D
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"I'm a Ghoul fucker, I'd fuck Cooper Howard" of course you would. besides his nose he's weirdly normal looking. The real question is would you fuck Gob?
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dazed-and-confused23 · 2 months
Would love to see another one shot to Dear Hearts and Gentle People where reader runs into the ghoul when he first has lucy with him and there's flirting and lucy just looks back and forth between them like 'wtf'. Think that would be a funny read because of Lucy's reaction
I hope I did your request justice, anon. Enjoy ❤️
Continuation-> HERE
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Dear Hearts and Gentle People 2
Lucy can't believe that this is the same ghoul who had shot up Filly, used her as monster bait, and then kidnapped her. She also couldn't believe that someone could just stand there while she was tied up like an animal and talk to the ghoul like they were best friends.
The three of you had crossed paths, and Cooper had greeted the other woman with a wide, mischievous grin. Lucy had thought she was finally being saved, but then you glanced at her in nothing but curiosity and then focused on the ghoul, the vault dweller already forgotten.
She couldn't understand how two people could be flirting with one another in this situation. You stood close to the ghoul, body language open and friendly, eyes flickering down to Lucy for half a second and then back to Cooper.
“Seems like you've been busy. I hope I'm not being replaced,” you say and Lucy would gag if she could when her captor slid into your space, his free hand curling around the trader's hip, a dry laugh bubbling up past his lips.
“And give up the deal we've got, Darlin'?,” Cooper rumbled and flicked his eyes across your body, arousal pooling in his stomach and making his cock twitch in interest, “I don't think so.”
Lucy watches, wide eyes and mouth open in shock when you huffed in amusement, eyes full of affection for the ghoul that held Lucy hostage. How could you look at him like that?
The vaultie hadn't realized she'd asked that out loud until she had both you and Cooper staring down at her. The ghoul looked a bit miffed, but there was nothing but easy amusement in your gaze. You grin down at the girl, unconcerned with her state.
“We've all got our tastes, girl. Mine just happens to be cowpokes,” you say to her and cast your gaze around. You see a building in the distance that doesn't look like it's about to fall in a stiff breeze and turn your attention back to Cooper.
“Speaking of, I think it's about time I collect that payment, hmm?”
Cooper follows your gaze, and his grin turns feral, his eyes shining in arousal, and he tugs Lucy by the rope around her wrist.
“Well, I think that's a mighty fine plan, Sugar,” Cooper quips and bowed at the waist, eyes tracking your ass as you walked past him.
“Lead the way.”
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paperultra · 9 months
the liminal space.
Pairing: OPLA!Roronoa Zoro x Reader Word Count: 1,575 words Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol use [A/N: written with the cooper!reader from mise en rose in mind. i don't know where in the timeline this occurs, though. lol.]
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cingulomania (noun): a strong desire to hold a person in your arms
Living in close quarters can really change how you see a person.
Roronoa Zoro, for instance, had always struck you as rather aloof, having traveled alone for some time before you joined him, and unused to physical affection. He never gave any indication that he was one to enjoy it, and he never sought it out from anyone. That certainly wasn’t odd. You respected his tendency towards personal space, subsequently believing that it extended to his sleeping habits as well.
So when you wake up, hardly able to breathe underneath the hulking mass of a snoring swordsman, you are more surprised than anything.
“Zoro,” you wheeze, patting his back with the hand that isn’t crushed between his chest and yours. Nothing happens, so you swat harder. “Zoro. You’re crushing me.”
His arms squeeze around you as he stirs, inhaling sharply next to your ear. You stop moving as he lifts his head and opens his eyes just wide enough to register you beneath him.
He pauses.
Good morning, sunshine is what you want to say in a cheeky tone. You want to prove that you’re unaffected by the warmth of his body pressing yours into the mattress, the sensation of his breath across your cheekbone and the way his gaze transitions from something bleary into something sharp.
The greeting refuses to leave your mouth. All you can do is blink.
The next thing you know, Zoro’s rolling off of you and out of bed with nary an apology, mumbling something about going to the bathroom.
You hum distantly in response and stare up at the ceiling as he shuffles to the door. Once he closes it behind him, you reach up and fold your hands over your eyes, cheeks hot.
It all started because you and Zoro could only afford a single bed at the inn.
(You use the term “afford” loosely here. The truth of the matter is that you grossly underestimated how much a room would cost, and the owner of the one place willing to lend you a room for half the usual rate demanded physical labor to make up for the rest. Given that Zoro would be spending most of his time hunting down a bounty, the majority of the unpaid labor fell on your shoulders.)
(But you digress.)
The room is small and bare, which is fine, because you and Zoro don’t have much between the two of you anyway. The only problem is that there is only one bed. Zoro had expressed no qualms about sharing so long as you didn’t disturb his sleep, and you had readily agreed, not wanting either of you to sleep on the floor.
After the first morning, you’re not sure if that was a lapse of judgement on your part or not.
Zoro doesn’t mention it at all before he leaves for the day, and you don’t, either. However, when he comes back in the middle of the night and you’re already in bed, squinting and shielding yourself from the bright hallway light as he takes his slippers off and walks in, he sits on the carpet just a few feet away from your side.
“What are you doing?” you ask as he proceeds to lay down.
He closes his eyes and folds his arms behind his head. You frown.
“Why aren’t you sleeping up here?” No answer. You lift your head from your pillow, indignant. “Hey, don’t ignore me! I know you’re still awake.”
“I’ve had a long day,” he grumbles, “so I’d like some quiet so I can sleep. Thanks.”
You huff.
The thought that Zoro might actually be just as embarrassed flits briefly through your mind, but you extinguish it just as quickly. He’s never seemed like the kind of guy to be self-conscious about those kinds of things. A more likely reason is that he’s decided that he wants his own separate space after all and can’t be bothered to kick you off the bed.
So, you kick yourself off instead.
“What are you doing?” The phrase now comes from Zoro as you throw the covers off and grab your pillow, kneeling on the ground beside him. His eyes open and his brow furrows.
“Take the bed. I feel guilty.”
“I don’t want the bed.”
“Everybody wants the bed.” You lie down on the carpet and cross your arms over your chest, stubborn. “I’ve already slept in it. Now it’s your turn.”
“You’re an idiot,” Zoro says.
Neither of you budge.
The next morning, you decide that the first morning was in fact not a fluke, as you awake with your face smushed against his chest and the smell of steel in your nose once again. He’s not on top of you, at least, but the way he clutches you while you’re lying on your side, one ankle hooked over yours, is somehow ten times more mortifying. You wake him up in the midst of untangling yourself and pretend like nothing happened.
Who’s the idiot now? (The answer is both of you. Both of you are idiots.)
The third night, you and Zoro flop onto the hard mattress with twin groans, heads spinning and feeling overall miserable.
“That was the shittiest booze I’ve ever had,” Zoro slurs next to you, face down in his pillow.
“But you got a lead, right?” you mumble.
“Yeah …”
You had been there in the bar when he’d gotten that lead, but you can’t remember what it was for the life of you. Another inn? Another bar? Ugh, you’re never drinking there again.
“I’m cold.”
There are blankets on the bed. Unfortunately, getting underneath them would require a lot of moving, and you are physically incapable of exerting yourself that much right now.
You shiver and turn onto your side to curl up. You’ll fall asleep at some point, anyway.
Zoro murmurs your name.
“Hm,” you groan, eyes screwed shut.
He doesn’t say anything in reply. But you hear the mattress squeak, the bedsheets rustle as he shifts closer, and your breath catches when the small distance between you closes. He does not wrap his arms around you, no, but your knees touch, and the heat from his skin melds into yours. You hear his breathing slow to a crawl.
Through your drunken haze breaks through a sudden need to draw him into you, to tuck your face into his neck and keep it there forever. You want – you want. But you’re exhausted, and your head aches, so you find yourself slipping into a deep slumber instead.
He’s already gone when you wake up.
A suspiciously lumpy gunnysack in the corner of the room catches your eye once you enter, hand over your mouth to stifle a yawn.
“What’s in the bag?”
“Eight million beri,” Zoro says from his seat on the bed. Cleaning supplies for his swords are strewn around him, and he sheathes the Wado Ichimonji as you close the door. “I ran into another bounty on the way back.”
“Eight mill –” You clear your throat. “Wow. That was pretty lucky.” Eight million beri. Sometimes you wonder if you’ll ever get used to how much bounty hunters can make. (God, that would’ve been more than enough to pay for the room.) “We’re heading out to a marine base tomorrow morning, then?”
“That’s the plan.”
He puts away his supplies, setting them and his swords against the wall near his pillow before standing up to pull down the sheets on his side. You turn off the bedside lamp and do the same, crawling in with a sigh.
The two of you simply lie side-by-side until you decide to break the silence with your big mouth again.
“Am I a burden to you?” you ask.
“No.” The plainness of Zoro’s tone is a small comfort, you suppose. “Why are you asking?”
“Well …” You already regret bringing this topic up as you trail off, biting your bottom lip. “I feel like I haven’t really done much. I mean, I help with navigating and searching crowds and stuff, and I’ve been getting better at fighting, but I can’t help you, you know?” You fiddle with your fingers. “You don’t actually need me.”
There’s a gap between you and Zoro that you’ll likely never be able to close. You had always known that, and so had Zoro; in fact, he had told you at the start that going with him was a bad idea, given your inexperience in bounty hunting and traveling in general. And although you’d like to think that your ability to read a map and fix things convinced him of your usefulness, there are times when you think Zoro regrets bringing you along. Like now.
Zoro grunts, turning to lay on his back. His shoulder nearly lands on your hands, and you draw them to yourself as you wait for his answer.
It is brief and straightforward.
“I’m not forcing you to go with me,” he says. “And if you were a burden, I would’ve told you a long time ago.”
It is brief and straightforward, and yet, there’s a strange lump in your throat. You swallow it and nod, even though he cannot see you do so.
Nothing more is said. However, as the night goes on, you reach out, and you find him, and Zoro finds you, and the space between your arms fills up with warmth and an unspoken promise. And you sleep very well.
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canisalbus · 11 months
is machete an albino dog? if so.. does he have poor vision like some albino animals do?
Yes, actually! His vision isn't quite as bad as it could potentially be considering his condition, but he's definitely at least nearsighted enough that he'd benefit from wearing glasses. He has trouble seeing distant objects clearly and reading in particular gets challenging if the text is small enough and/or farther than, say, an arm's length away. He tends to hold items very close to his face when he's inspecting them, especially if he's not actively paying attention to how he looks at that moment.
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On top of that his eyes are highly sensitive to bright lights. Direct midday sun gives him the worst headaches very swiftly. If he has any say in it, he prefers to go out on overcast days, early mornings and evenings.
He probably has a pair of custom spectacles ready for those occasions when he absolutely can't manage without them, but he's reluctant to keep them on his person consistently (let alone be seen with them). His body keeps finding new ways to let him down and to him, surrendering to wearing glasses would be like admitting another defeat. So he squints and fumbles and does his best to hide the fact he can't see that well. He has a lot of health anxieties and he's worried about the possibility of his vision weakening further and potentially preventing him from doing his job, after all most of it is centered around reading and writing. It's the one thing he enjoys, is very good at, and that makes him feel useful and needed.
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skullsemi · 4 months
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Normal people that I love very very much
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jackfuckingtwist · 25 days
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❝ pull up the ladder when the flood comes...❞
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo: fave show (insp)
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Dp x Dc crossover promt
What if GIW was created by Justice League
to answer the never ending calls for help?
I mean, it would be more believable then JL just ignoring it, right? (Black out, blocked off and isolated Amity park - no complaints, you’re doing great sweetie)
Maybe they’re different than what is seen in the show, but what if? They’d definitely hide their actual goals, and try to set the narrative, benefiting them. Maybe while they were formed, the government somehow affected the recruitment and its legal purpose (idk how to word it any other way, bear with me here), so GIW doesn’t turn out how JL expected?
Like, the main thing is the League knows about the problem and thinks it’s being handled, completely blinded by the GIW doing everything to JL from paying more than a glance towards Amity park. Possibly even gently swayed by the GIW , who’re being careful to give just enough info to make JL to draw their own conclusions, but not too much to alert the League of their less then moral goals and methods
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koinotame · 1 month
yan, trying to make you jealous: hehehe they're going to punish me for being bad and hopefully keep their attention on me this time. maybe they'll even mark me so i can't even think about making them jealous again because everyone will know i'm theirs? or— you, seeing them with someone else for once: oh thank god they finally have some normal friends that aren't me
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kazutora-kurokawa · 9 days
I'm just going to ask this... vampire!rindou x vampire slayer!reader? an encounter that ends with the two of them fucking? 😋
Vampire!Rindou x Vampire Slayer!Reader
♡ NSFW, fem reader, breaking and entering, reader is lowkey strong asf, biting + bloodsucking, rough sex, unprotected sex+creampie ♡
note: thanks for requesting love 🩷 sorry it's so late
Rindou was having a peaceful night in, relaxing in his room and messing around with the DJ table Ran had brought him, when he heard a loud crash. He didn't think much of it though, assuming that it was Ran coming home wasted or making a mess in the kitchen. However, he quickly became aware of your presence when you kicked his bedroom door in, knocking it off the hinges.
He jumped out of bed, ready to defend himself before he caught a glimpse of your face. Even though it was partially covered by a mask, he could just tell that you were the prettiest woman he's ever seen in his life. He went from on defense to pure simp, you could've stepped on him and he wouldn't have cared. You can tell he let his guard down and immediately get suspicious, thinking that he's planning on attacking you.
Yet the way he's looking at your body makes it obvious that he has other intentions, and for once in your career, you might just have to make an exception and fuck your target. He looked as if he wanted to absolutely devour you, the desire evident in his eyes as he pounced on you, pinning you on the floor. He bit down harshly on your neck, sucking your blood and biting harder when he felt your nails digging into his back. His hands fumbled with your clothes, purposely groping you in the process.
As soon as he had you undressed, he was all over you. His hands exploring every inch of your body as he listened to the sweet noises that came from your mouth. He stuck his face back into the crook of your neck, nipping at your soft skin and licking the bite marks he left behind. He undid his pants, pressing his tip against your cunt before burying himself inside you. Rindou was immortal, but he'd be damned if your pussy didn't feel like he died and went to heaven.
The way you squeezed him so tightly, taking everything he gave you with a blissed out look on your face, it drove him off the deep end. His thrusts became rougher, his cock hitting every inch of your walls as he felt you gushing around him. He bit down hard on your shoulder as he came inside you, filling you up. He could tell you were just as spent as he was, so using the little bit of strength he had left, he stood up from the floor and carried you to his bed. Obviously he'd have to explain the mess he assumed was in the living room from you breaking in..and his broken door..and you, a literal vampire hunter, being in his bed to Ran the next morning. But for now he was content with laying next to you, gently lapping at the marks on your neck as he fell asleep.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx
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shady-the-simp · 11 months
Hi, could you please do a masterlist but with the nsfw audios? thank you for your service
Of course, bruv! didn’t even think of it till now…
All audios under this are NSFW (they’re literally audio porn)
Rory Culkin characters:
Charlie Walker 1 2 3
Jack Thurlowe 1
Danny Cooper 1 2 3
Clyde (Electrick Children) 1
Gabriel (2014) 1
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cooper-blogs · 12 days
I've come to realize I reblog bunny content on instinct now cuz my brain is like "the bunny mutual would appreciate this" lol
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htchnr · 2 months
More Coop requests you say?
Reader is a chemist and Coop stumbles upon her lab in the wasteland and she offers him free RadAway if he’s willing to test a few drugs with her, because she wants to study the different effects of the drugs on humans and ghouls.
Can be smut or fluff, just have fun with it!
omg i'm obsessed with this idea.
the draft i've got for it so far is still VERY rough, so no snippets for now (cause that would be embarrassing for me to share with the state it's in omg 😭) but give me a few days it'll be finished up and edited 😁😁🩷
i've still not decided if i want to turn it into smut or not; cause intoxicated rough sex with Cooper sounds so hot honestly, but at the same time idk, without smut could also be good 🤔
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krislgfox · 4 months
Uhh...catnap are u sure that you wanna just eat the coffee beans just like that?? And dogday to say personally your the most cutest dog I have ever I mean EVER SEEN.
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kittyball23 · 6 months
If there is a Broppy baby in the future, who among the official uncles and the surrogate ones (the Snack Pack), would compete to decide who is his favorite?
Now this is something comical to think about 😂
There certainly would be competition, intended as friendly at first, but probably gets a little out of hand with the extreme measures that each official/unofficial aunt and uncle takes.
Satin and Chenille would be drowning the Broppy baby in jumpsuits and kiddo clothes galore
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Every gift Guy Diamond gives will probably be glitterfied, while Tiny Diamond would have “the thing” for their baby
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Biggie will probably make himself the baby’s personal photographer (since he took dozens of pics of Mr. Dinkles)
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Cooper will wanna win the baby over with desserts (although it’s questionable as to whether it can be trusted, since we’ve seen him poop out cupcakes before)
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Smidge will be constantly offering to babysit (I’m thinking the same way the dwarf in Shrek the Third did, especially since they are the same voice!)
John Dory’s gonna try and be the baby’s friend, in an attempt to make up for his bossiness with his younger bros back in his youth
Bruce will wanna tote the baby around on the same carrier he used for Tiny Diamond so they could be together at all times
Clay will read his books to the baby while Viva braids his/her hair and gets the baby lots of hair accessories as well
And Floyd would sing to the baby often, talking to him/her the way he did when Branch was a smol kiddo
But anyway, that’s how I think the whole competition would go down :D
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canisalbus · 3 months
If your still undecided about what modern au Machete would have as a job, I would like to nominate him as a niche fashion model. Not like a popular celebrity, because he's not conventionally attractive, but he has that aura. He can Walk (in heels!!!)
I want to give him an excuse to wear all different kinds of fancy clothes, basically. He deserves to be dressed to the nines and glare down at an audience from the runway.
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