#cool and mysterious bonnie so real
bxnnie-bxwl · 6 months
I wish I could be him
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yellowocaballero · 26 days
In Stars and Time AU: Sif Puts The Star In Starcraft
Wow the ISAT fandom has a lot of cool AUs. That's a lot of fun! What if my extremely good buddy @lazuliquetzal theorized while playing ISAT for the first time that Sif was a fallen star? What then? What if I have unsuccessfully tried to restrain myself from talking about it?
Anyway AU where Sif is a star and also a gamer.
Sif is a hip Gen Z star who doesn't go outside nearly enough and spends all of their time playing videogames watching Earth. Their sibling Loop is always telling them to stop touching grass and to get their head back in the clouds, but they can't help it - they might miss the newest adventures of their favorite humans! Look at them, they're questing! Aren't they so cool? Isabeau just got a rare item drop!
Mirabelle and Isabeau are cool. They're brave, strong, nice, and best friends. Sif loves watching their heroic quest and cool adventures. After a while they even feel like his real friends. Eventually they start making a wish on themself - if they could only join them on their adventure! Get out of my room Loop I don't know what a parasocial relationship is.
Mirabelle is scared. Mirabelle is worrying that she's leading Isabeau on a doomed journey, that their struggle is destined to end in their deaths. She doesn't know if she can do this at all. Why her? Why not somebody more competent, more worthy? In a moment of desperation, she clasps her hands together and makes a desperate wish upon a star from the very bottom of her heart - that her party will be protected. That the Change God will send somebody to help them and keep them safe and save the world. Somebody, anybody, a little more competent than her.
Sif logs on.
Sif is a stroke of luck. Sif is mysterious, cool, and very talented. Sif can protect the whole party with a smirk on their face and a quip on their tongue. They're cool. He cheers you up, he's reliable, they're strong, and they are a treasured member of the party. They're a treasured friend. Things might be hard and scary, but with Sif there everybody breathes a little easier.
Sif loves, loves, loves being a human! The world is so fun and exciting, nothing like the boring and dreary cosmos! They have croissants, trees, friends! Being a human is great. They have an entire life on Earth, one way nicer than in the boring old sky that never changes. Sorry, Loop, they're skipping dinner, they have a World of Warcraft guild raid adventure with Mira today!
Sif has a job to do. Sif's here to grant a wish, and Sif is going to earn his place here. They protect the spirits of their friends by joking and keeping everybody hopeful. No friends get injured on their watch! Even if Sif gets hurt, that's part of the job. Bonnie's just upset about the eye because they don't know it's Sif's job as their friend to protect them. There's no point in feeding them during snacktime, so they'll patrol while you guys relax. Sif can't tell them how lonely they are or how they don't want this adventure to end, that's burdening them. They can't know that Sif's not really their friend, that they're not human, that their only point is their job - that's not protecting them. Get out of my ROOM PLANET, Loop, I'm NOT turning off the game touching space! It's not a game to them, it's their lives. Even if it'll never be Sif's.
But this adventure is drawing to a close. Mirabelle wished upon a star, and a star fell, and the star's about to grant her wish. And the star will have to log off. Even if the star wants to a be human, even if the star wants to be together forever - the game ends. Even if this ending really freaking sucks.
Why does this have to be a JRPG? Why can't it be one of the good games, the games that you can play forever and ever - like a farming/life simulator or an MMORPG or something? Where you do the same chores every day and nothing ever changes, and you're happy and safe in this little town forever? Everybody seperating at the end isn't a happy ending. Sif hates this ending. Sif hates this genre. Sif can't log off. They can't protect their friends if they log off. It's their job to protect their friends. They have to play the game right and create an ending that makes sure everybody is safe and happy and everything's perfect.
The party - Sif's family - reaches the third floor. Sif cracks open his Star AO3 account. Mirabelle unlocks the door and swings it open to find…
What's a coffee shop doing here?
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toringo · 8 months
that sounds like a cool au!! could we get a basic rundown of it to start?
Alright, so!
The story takes place in the early 2000s. The basic story is that Michael finds his old man in the Fazbear's Fright and tries to understand what happened to him and make some connection, which is made difficult by the fact that William can only speak through the prerecorded voice lines from Spring Bonnie's voice box and has only the scraps of his old memories mixed up with delusions that make him think he IS Spring Bonnie. Henry is in deep distress and conflicted about what to do, Elizabeth wants nothing to do with any of that crap but is forced to deal with it, Charlie wanders around and Mike tries to figure out how to clean this 2m tall rotting rabbit. For reference, some character dscp.:
Michael Afton (born 1969)
After the mysterious disappearance of his father, Michael Afton tries to make sense of everything while also taking care of his sister. His only clue as to what might have happened to him is the decrepit pizzeria he'd owned and the long-cold murder case from the 80's. Desperate for answers and money (as his only source of income is his uncle), he gets hired at the new Horror Attraction that takes inspiration from the rumors surrounding his father's business.
William Afton (born 1942)
Recently discovered in an abandoned pizzeria, Spring Bonnie - now renamed Springtrap - was added to the cast of the newest attraction. Confused and alone, he roams the dark corridors, looking for anything familiar, until he stumbles upon the new security guard, who seems to wake up some old memories. Unable to distinguish reality from his delusions, he attacks the guard thinking it to be himself.
Elizabeth Afton (born 1973)
Injured and traumatized by her father's creation, Elizabeth grows cold and distant. Her brother's death and her accident make her despise anything related to Freddy's or the animatronics. Even under the care of her obsessive brother and uncle, she tries to lead a completely normal life free of anything dangerous or paranormal. She wants nothing more than to distance herself from her father's legacy.
Henry Emily (born 1941)
He's left with nothing. His issues started long before the murders or deathly accidents. After losing his daughter to the man he considered closest to him, from a kind if a bit awkward man he turned into a cold shadow of what he used to be. The only thing that keeps him alive is spite and the overwhelming need to find and beat the crap out of William.
Charlotte Emily (born 1971)
A lost soul trying to figure out how to help the others and the real reason for the whole massacre. She and the other spirits cannot rest until William is completely gone, but some force keeps him there no matter what she does. Her compassion and ties to William make it easier to see the man beyond the mosnter, which in turn makes it harder for her to make the final decision.
Mentioned characters (in order of importance):
Mrs. Afton Evan Afton/CC Cassidy The Ghost Children Michael's friends Henry's family William's parents Hope it's clear enough! I'm excited to talk about it but I'm tragic at explaining stuff.
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The Magical Turnabout: Cleared!
Whoo! I haven't had a shot of the old AA charm in a while, but something about Case 6-2 clicked for me in that front! I suppose I should go through the old bullet points then, shall I? Let's do this!
(Cutting this off here because GOOD GRIEF are there a lot of thinks about this case)
TRUCYYYYYYYY! I'm so sorry for what DD has done to you, but I really liked her and Apollo here! Who knew that giving your character a stake in the plot and room to breathe actually makes them an interesting person to watch and root for? The legacy of the Gramaryes weighing on her shoulders, her dedication to her magic, her wonderful bond with Apollo... it all shines through, giving me a lot more to grab on to emotionally than in the prior game. In Trucy We Trust!
APOLLO JUSTICE IS DOING FINE! He's got something of a legacy to hold up himself, being the only one alongside Athena to hold the fort while Wright's away. And they were under serious attack, too - losing out on the office and a dear friend & daughter of Wright is a hefty thing to deal with. And yes, he's as jaded and snarky as he ever has been.
Athena's here. That's pretty cool. I'm not going to complain much about her not getting too much here, since this isn't really her story. She's still a god-damn riot and keeps up a charming dynamic with Apollo, and her righteous indignation at Retinz's shenanigans is pretty cathartic.
Ema gets a nice look here too! Showing her in a much happier tune after achieving her dream job - a little reminiscent of her younger years - while still keeping the snide built up from AJ. I do like the conflict of interest her with Trucy on the line. Seems detectives can't go a trilogy without someone they actually like being put in the slammer, but it's a nice crumb.
Case 2-3 was pretty fun in how it faked a magic trick to hide the real murder, but a lot problems got in the way of fully appreciating it. This doesn't have nearly the same issues and manages to make use of the inherent mysteries and mechanics of the magic tricks performed to its advantage. Even the main villain had a grander illusion to unravel at the very end - that being the mystery of how the victim truly perished. It was fun following along & seeing the show behind-the-scenes!
Bonny & Betty are fine. Both are sympathetic enough being admirers tricked into being accomplices in muder. Betty in particular seems scorned to all get-out, having to pretend to be the other for so long. Bonny has to deal with self-esteem issues and a slightly controlling twin sister. I liked them!
Roger. Motherfucking. Retinz. The man's got intelligence up the wazoo but that's about the only admirable trait I can assign to him. This man is easily the most despisable AA villain I've seen in a long time - not counting ones that are hateable due to bad writing, Dual Destinies - who almost managed to get one last cut in on Trucy before he vanished for good. He doesn't make his grudge a secret and his actions - both in setting up his schemes and his general behaviour - make him one awful son of a bitch. A mistrusting, dishonest, egocentric magician who stands in stark contrast to Trucy. Pretty dang good for a one-off villain!
Now then... you're probably wondering what I think of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. While I'm not going to make sweeping judgements until I see the whole story, I do have some thoughts. Just bare with me.
Khura'in is a country that hasn't seen a Not Guilty verdict in over 20 years. Nahyuta didn't oversee Phoenix's first trial there and the next has yet to come. They have a poor opinion of defense attorneys and a deeply religious reason to want justice for the victim in order to bring them peace. Nahyuta is an asshole. I will make no illusions to the contrary. He is the product of a country that has - at this point - not had any reason to believe the accused isn't the culprit. It's probably not a fair system at all; Manfred's perfect record didn't come about by playing fair, after all. But that's the environment Nahyuta practices and was likely raised in as well. He's got good reason to be an insufferable prat at this point and it's clear we haven't seen the full extent of his character. His cultrue may have largely informed this side of him, but I do enjoy him being in conflict with Ema over indicting someone she knows and cares about. Ones duty taking priority over ones emotions seems like a hint at something... tragic. This is a man who's probably had to push similar feelings down and is well practiced in that, to the point where he's completely shut-off from someone he used to know. We have seen, however, that he is very open to learning about different cultures when the need arises. He went so far as to wait an hour to sample something as simple to L.A. as a burger - enough to be able to recommend a particular flavour. He's researched television programs, social customs, and is even willing to admit that cultrual differences means he might not carry things out as expected. It's one of the more charming parts of his character and I really do enjoy it.
His connection to Apollo... I don't really know what to say at this point. It feels like he occupies an odd middle-ground between Edgeworth and Simon in their debuts. Edgeworth because he actually bothers to talk with Apollo in the lobby, Simon because he's so closed-off that nothing really comes of that. I get what they're doing here - telling us that the prosecutor is someone from the attorney's past and telling us they used to be different - though it's missing something from Phoenix's and Edgeworth's spat in Case 1-2 that gave that scene more to chew on.
Frankly, I think I'll have to check out the rest of SoJ just to figure out if I like the guy or not. Dual Destinies - for as many mistakes it made at the end - did manage to get me to give a hoot about Simon, so maybe SoJ can do something nice with this guy. I've heard the contrary enough times to be cautious but I can't let outside opinion and heresay sway me on these things. Not anymore, at any rate. As before, I want to be damn sure my feelings are my own.
But first! Case 6-4. I've heard many a divisive thing about it - from the wonderful cast to the unfortunate treatment of its leading lady. I'll let you know what side of the coin I land on when I get to the end there.
Until next time! In justice we trust!
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Why IS Chica the best glamrock animatronic?
Chica is the best: Sorry Roxy.
I find Glamrock Chica the most developed of the Glamrocks within the confines of the canon. Just because in her little screentime she has more defining traits then just food. (But I can see why people meme on her being a complete garbage chicken etc)
You might think Roxy is the "most developed" cause she cries and we actually have sympathy for her. And she does have a few faucets here and there like her jumping on the racetrack and a distinct mean girl personality.
But for me personally, having self confidence issues/mental illness is not the same as a well written character and having a personality. (Sorry Daycare Attendent. You are far more developed by the fans give you credit for. )
(granted I love Roxanne I relate to her and she used to be my favorite Glamrock first and we'll get a lot of scenes with her in Lofi later)
All we know about Monty is that he's violent and cool and possibly murdered Bonnie, or at least took the fall for it, and wants to usurp Freddy. And uses his claws to deal damage. (And this is canon text. Not anything the voice actor said)
So where does that place Chica?
Well, like the Chica's before her, she has a problem with food. More specifically, eating things she shouldn't. Like garbage and the like. But mostly her obsession with Pizza.
Her obsession with the Monty Mystery mix has caused her damage with the trash compactor before.
So yeah, garbage chicken likes garbage....
And I can get why she gets relegated to memes of "PIZZA!!!" and junk. (And I enjoy them fjfhhfh)
But that's just not it.
She seems to be the only Glamrock who is dedicated to the band souly for the sake of the music.
Monty is obviously in it for fame.
Roxy wants adoration.
Freddy is just happy to play with his friends.
But Chica is in it for the music.
(I feel this is an intentional aspect of their design from Fazbear Entertainment. To give an impression of a real band drama dynamics)
But when Chica isn't sneaking out to get garbage, she is practicing religiously.
Jamming out for the sake of it. Honing her skills. Even in the opening cutscene in the game, she is stretching her fingers right before they go on stage. And she looks the most intense out of all the Glamrocks. While everyone else is smiling and excited to go on stage, she's the only one who isn't smiling, and has an intense look about her. She only starts smiling and having a good time when the performance begins.
She's 100% focused to give a good performance and show.
And the in-game texts suggest that she used to sing in performances alongside Freddy before she got her voice box upgrade which prevented her from singing without damaging guests ears.
Her dedicated area of the Plex is Mazercise. Which encourages kids to be fit (but she probably gets a lot of mom's there. Kids run through the maze like crazy kids while parents actually do a jazzercise routine) while promoting hydration with the smoothie bar and food. It's honestly a stupid but brilliant marking ploy.
But Chica's Glamrock outfit does look like an 80s leotard, which gives me the impression that she leads Mazercise activities and takes it very seriously.
However, this is just speculation. But it is worth noting that Roxy isn't dressed like a Racer, and Monty isn't dressed like a golfer, and Freddy isn't dressed like he's down for lazertag/fazerblast at all times. (So when I see Glamrock Bonnie designs that look like he's always in the bowling alley. I bite. Lol)
The Daycare Attendent is the only acception. Looking like a clown meant to be entertaining to young children. (In theory)
So Chica looking like an 80s workout video is really a core aspect to her and part of her design.
Chica takes her job as a musician and fitness instructor VERY seriously but that isn't really all.
She's the only one of the Glamrocks when possessed, still seems sweet and compassionate.
Always asking if she can take the lost child to their parents and offering candy.
Granted, it also serves as a double edged sword and is meant to be intentionally creepy.
The lines she feeds are the exact kind of stuff that kidnappers say to their victims like "your parents want you to follow me"
Which is meant to be creepy and off-putting. Even being the only Glamrock to call for Gregory's name.
However while the other Glamrocks have the generic "I can help" and Roxanne occasionally asks "are you lost?" And "are you hungry"
Roxy seems to be self obsessed with catching the kid. Constantly claiming her own praises and crying constantly when she gets shattered. (Hhm almost like the virus exploits people's weaknesses. Almost like she feels she can prove her self worth if she finds greggors)
Also gives the impression of someone who doesn't know what to do with a lost kid. Like "are you hungry? Kids eat, right?" She can also say some mean stuff about the kid being worthless and not having friends. (She was meant to appeal to teenage girls so I get it but ouch)
Monty's dialogue just adds to his character about being a big dumb brute but seems a bit impersonal with the kid like "Yo kid, why you gotta be like this bro" and tends to have no additional voice lines when he's shattered. Just screaming in pain (which is horrible but tragic from a character standpoint cus if you take Monty's claws you lose all personality dialogue you had)
I just find Chica's methods of reaching out to a lost child being sincere if she wasn't corrupted.
She wants to take them to their parents, give them snacks to calm them down (she loves pizza and food and it works for her) and even calls out to others about there being a lost child.
Even when shattered and she loses her ability to speak, Chica makes a variety of noises. She's still trying to talk to you.
I also find Chica's death the most tragic. Roxy and Monty you can almost say got hubris. Like arrogance and pride. But Chica just wanted to eat garbage, and the look on her face as she tries to get out and struggles always get me.
So to recap.
Chica adores her guitar and is in it for the music. And spends a lot of time practicing even if she's a robot and doesn't need to.
She takes Mazercise seriously (implied from her design)
She loves the children genuinely and not just for fame reasons or adoration like Roxy. I theorize she might be the least popular cause she's not Freddy or one of the new ones.
What you rather have at your birthday party? A chicken who likes food, or an Alligator with an attitude problem or a beautiful confident and cool wolf, or Freddy Fazbear himself?
She is just very sweet and genuine, even from what the canon text implies and has enough different traits about her that make her come together for me.
It's not just Food and garbage.
Just part of it.
And I love all the Glamrocks and they all have something like "you think they're like this but they're really like this"
But I think the difference for me is that Chica's vice doesn't connect to her performance at all.
She eats garbage, loves food, loves music loves kids.
Monty wants to be famous and is destructive and is a little bit of an idiot and the most difficult Glamrock to deal with but we don't know anything else about him other than that.
Roxy stops other racers from winning other than her, is very boastful and needs to talk herself up constantly and feels like a loser when one little thing goes wrong for her.
Freddy is kind and warm hearted to kids and protects Gregory with his life. But often has a lot of exestential dialogue throughout the game and doesn't seem to be okay. Despite Freddy being the character who talks the most, all his dialogue is basically "go here and do the thing. It is a videogame Gregory." With very small bits of personality and it's pretty straight forward (either that or he acts suspicious for no reason. Which alludes to the scraped Dialogue where he was originally going to get corrupted and hunt down Gregory too)
Anyways. I love all the Glamrocks.
I just think Chica is the best and deserves the world.
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thegeminisage · 9 months
i decided to make a list of 15 of my favorite plot devices
i think they're mostly in order but all things are subject to change. time to explain my passions
1. asexuals - self-explanatory. the best number one joy of all time is when there is an asexual person, canonically, and not just in my mind palace. so far no show has managed to do this except fucking shadowhunters (and bojack horseman ig but it's not my thing). i know there are people out there who can write way better than the shadowhunters writing room but i don't know why they aren't getting on this. tick tock. example: raphael shadowhunters
2. amnesia - notably different from dementia, which is depressing and bad (thinking about you, dean winchester). amnesia is only good because eventually they get it back. the best thing about amnesia is that it shows you who your Little Guy (gender neutral) is with everything stripped away from them including their sense of self. do they still go for the same kind of coffee? do they still click with the same people they used to love? can they still fight? what do they stand for? it's very rewarding when your little guy acts the same way without knowing why. it's also especially cool for action heroes bc they'll still be able to win a fight and it's like wow <3 fight scenes with emotional stakes!! also i love that it gives us a mystery to solve. sometimes a partially amnesiac character is amnesiac because they did a terrible crime. and they've got to solve it while accidentally working against their past self. fun! examples: fang from ff13. wolverine. why, who did you think i was going to use
3. brainwashing - for the same reasons as amnesia. it's the same concept: take away everything and who is your little guy? the real little guy is in there and they are working so hard to get out. also they will be sooo sad about all the crimes they did later. example: fenris dragon age. d'avin killjoys. and okay fine one other guy we're not talking about
4. enemies to lovers - what's better than two people wanting to murder each other until they don't......always a good side of bickering with this as well. main draw tho is the process of simply two people getting to know one another in the way that you can tell strangers things you can't tell your friends. it's more work to love someone when you hate them and with more work comes a better reward. also, sexual tension. example: so many. fenris/hawke. fenris/anders. botw link/zelda. john/aeryn. bonnie and damon if the cw weren't cowards and i don't even like damon i think he's unforgivably horrible (derogatory)
5. monster under the bed character - i don't know if this has a real name. it's like the One Guy (again, gender neutral) who has shaped the protagonist's whole life who is threat number one in any given situation. Primal Fear of this guy and all they represent is similar to how little kids are scared of the monster under the bed hence the name. it's not JUST an arch enemy or an antagonist it's like. the only enemy that matters. not a bad guy but THE bad guy. if you can boil someone's issues down and stuff them all into a single person and then also make that person scary. and then also they can fight!! fuck yeah fight scenes!!! if you're really lucky this will overlap with either somebody's parent or somebody's ex. examples: AUGH SO MANY. for dean winchester it's yellow eyes. for sam winchester it's lucifer. for fenris it's danarius. for jace wayland it's valentine. for dutch killjoys it's khlyen. for anakin skywalker it's palpatine. for derek hale it's kate argent. going nuts just thinking about it
6. reluctant assassins - crucially if they don't care about being assassins it doesn't work for me (sorry kassandra asscreed). i went into this in more detail here but your assassin simply Must be compromised in some way so they can regret all their little crimes later. otherwise what's the point?? this overlaps so thoroughly with brainwashed iedk if it should count as its own entry but whatever. examples: fenris dragon age. dutch killjoys. d'avin killjoys. elliot leverage. and the other one
7. two-person love triangle - this is a very specific sub-example of secret identities in general which ARE good except they're usually in superhero media and i am really just so totally fucking over the entire CONCEPT of superheroes. anyway it's when one person has a secret identity and the other person forms a relationship with their "real" identity and their "secret" one. and then they feel conflicted about loving two people at once and having to choose but SURPRISE it's the same person! i like this because it has anti love triangle energy. lots of romantic tension and none of the dumb fucking YA bullshit. (apologies to YA.) example: arthur and merlin (who is also "emrys" at least in fanfic)
8. 4th wall shit - when the piece of media is in your house with you. i don't feel i need to clarify further than this because dr gaster is probably spying on me as we speak. examples: everything toby fox has ever made. s*pernatural, sometimes. i also had a deeply haunted experience with final fantasy x.
9. last guy (gender neutral) standing - part of a team or group that got tragically mcmurder prior to the start of the story and this person is so terribly sad about it. crucially this has to be a side character whose relationships with dead people are more important than or equally important to their relationships with the current living cast members. character deaths you almost agree with because then at least they can be with their fallen buds. examples: auron from ffx, noel from ffxiii
10. immortal characters - for the same reasons as above but also they CAN'T DIE EVER so they don't even have that to look forward to. also sometimes they wind up being science experiments. examples: jesse turner from @cambionverse (sorry jesse)
11. evil doppelganger - usually this is in video games where they just take the sprite or the polygons and recolor them to be black but also you have some mirrorverse/au shit going on sometimes and then there's evil twins, and shapeshifters, and clones...i love when everybody gets tricked into thinking somebody is doing crimes but actually theyre just out here and it's their evil double causing problems on purpose and not even being the one to go to jail forever because of it. also, when the evil double has mind-reading powers or whatever b/s to 1. make them a better trickster 2. to make them better at precision-point roasting of whomstever they look like. also acceptable: when you little guy just suddenly turns fucking evil and/or gets possessed and you have to cure them to get them back. idk maybe that should go under brainwashing. examples: dutch and aneela. link and dark link. zelda and the puppet. soulless sam. demon dean. hullen johnny.
12. fire powers - WHO doesn't love a little arson...i feel like this is the same concept behind werewolves which boils down to "fear of anger" bc with anger comes the loss of control and the devastating fallout... your fire guy (gender neutral but idk any fire girls) has to have a lot of self control or they'll fuck everybody up. they're very dangerous! not unlike assassins. also, fire is pretty. bonus if they have done crimes before either on purpose or on accident. examples: jesse turner again, roy mustang aka the OG fireguy, prince zuko
13. big damn reunion - when two people are split up with little to no chance of ever seeing each other again and then they do anyway. this is why i'm never mad when they bring characters back from the dead. examples: i'm actually totally blanking on these, i feel like it tends to happen in fic so much more often. also i've been writing this list awhile
14. time travel - i love! time travel! i love when people see an apocalyptic future and go back and fix it (chrono trigger, ff13). i love when there's a stable loop (tears of the kingdom) or a paradox (song of storms in ocarina of time). i love visits to the ancient past (skyward sword). i love when there's just an actual fucking timeloop (s*pernatural). it's really good!!! examples: oops i just listed them all
15. body swap - last but not least i think it is so fun when two people wind up living each other's lives. it's more fun in tv when people get to switch which character theyre playing but it's good in any form because what a way to get to know someone and also the endless potential for shenanigans. examples: dreamless (webcomic), your name, various episodes of tv shows many of which are bad (s*pernatural's was extremely bad).
ok, that's the list. originally it was 10, then 13, then 15, so i think i'd better stop here.
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
man the more I think about the fuhnaff movie the angrier I get
I WANTED to like it. I was 26 when the first game came out. I remember seeing the fucking game trailers before it took the LP world by storm. Scott Cawthon revealed himself to be a massive piece of human garbage ofc but I guess I was naievely hoping 1) the money goes to Blumhouse folks and B) someone who is not Scott did the writing.
-The writing was awful. Like. The aunt was murdered by Golden Freddy* and that was never addressed? Her body was just there in Mike's house? And, oh, yay, Afton said "I always come back!" But within the context of the movie that made no fucking sense! I GET putting shit in for fans, but jesus, he wasn't Springtrap, he was still Afton! This was the first time the audience met him
-Whyyyyyyy was there so much goddamned focus on Mike. The first FNAF had an appeal because it was mysterious and tense. The animatronics don't move right away. But no let's focus 70% on this guy who, if I remember right, is actually his brother's killer??? And then he was groomed by Afton to lure more kids to their deaths?????? Maybe?????? Why was a movie called "Five Nights at Feddy's" so completely unfocused on the five nights or Freddy.
-We needed a lot more of the stage show. I wanted outdated animatronic banter like fucking Chuck E Cheese. I wanted more than one way-too-on-the-nose song. Like, jokes about Foxy having his own stage (also wasn't Foxy supposed to be in a room separate from the main party room?) Give us a full-on flashback to how Freddy's used to be, complete with Spring Bonnie walking around and pulling children away from parties.
-The tone was all over the place. So wait, the animatronics are stuffed with dead children's bodies and the souls of those children make them move?? So the children murder people?? Do they think every adult is the person who killed them so they're trying to get revenge?? But also they're under Afton's control so they're not trying to get revenge?? I didn't care about Mike's trouble with his little sister. The aunt subplot was unneeded.
-How could Abby hear/ see(?) the ghosts?? Why only those ghosts?? Who was the Golden Freddy kid?
-Vanessa fucking threw pills into a creek or whatever that was. You don't fucking dispose of meds like that, it can severely impact the local ecosystem. I get she was trying to make a point but jesus.
-What was that scream????????
-Seriously why wasn't the movie like half the actual game, seeing the animatronics start to move and roam and make the choking sobbing and gasping noises, Chica rummaging in the kitchen, cameras going out, etc and half learning the horrible secrets behind it all.
-Was Chica trying to put Abby into Circus Baby? If so why would Circus Baby be there at all
-Painfully PG. The springlocks tearing Afton's insides apart looked like he was having an IBS episode and spilled ketchup on his shirt. I know the core fanbase NOW is children but it's also a HORROR game. I also know they're going to pull the same shit they did for M3GAN, PG-13 in theatres, "unrrated" for the physical release. Still, it really steams my rice. Even the babysitter getting got was a shadow.
-Was Vanessa a real cop or was she cosplaying for her dad's convoluted as fuck plans????
-I still don't get how the whole "if we vandalise the place in the day, Mike will get fired" thing was going to work. No one else comes to Feddy's at night (except "it's my beat" Vanessa)
-Os there a dead kid inhabiting Cupcake??????????
At least the actual, physical puppets/animatronics were cool.
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Glamrock Diner AU
[Reference Sheet] [further context]
Springbonnie is more prominent in this au ramble because I have blatant favoritism. But I'm working (and taking suggestions) on how Fredbear should work
I'm also taking suggestions on the entire au in general, I love working together with my followers to help flesh something out <3
And so without further ado-
The Retro Rink
-Fazbear ent decided to retheme the Bonnie Bowl into the Retro Rink sometime after Bonnie went missing. And added 2 new animatronics, the Retro Glamrocks, Springbonnie and Fredbear!
-For this retheme, the Retro Rink had the walls and carpet and such changed to look like a mash of the old locations, but mostly like the original Fredbear's Family Diner
-ex: Fredbear's Family Diner's striped gray walls with confetti bits at the top, blue arcade carpet, mostly red doors + decorations. Also the checkered walls and floor from other old Freddy's locations. There are also bits that are made to match the Retro Glamrocks themselves
-The ice cream/food area is very largely unchanged, but the arcade area is now more focused on "Retro games" Both real ones and stuff you'd find in old Freddy's locations
-The Retro Rink replaces Bonnie's stage with a slightly larger one, where the Retro Glamrocks now preform! They sing old songs from the diner, duets, and remixes of old songs from the diner
-Bonnie Bowl is on the 4th floor along with the Fazcade/Dance Hall whatever it's called. So while definitely still impractical, I really like imagining that DJMM has been given a tunnel to enter the area with (maybe it could also be used for one of the bonus bosses' fights?) DJMM helps with the remixes :]
-Neither of the Retros are wearing their roller skates when you first enter the Rink for Monty's Mystery Mix. But they are when the bonus fight "unlocks" for you. I'm not sure when the fight takes place? But I'm trying to avoid after 6. I'm also not sure storywise why they don't just chase you with rollerskates immediately
-Their roller skates are like heelys. Retractable and such. I fully believe fazbear ent is capable of making animatronic feet that can just turn into rollerskates. Can be accompanied with a fun animation too! Like they lift a foot off the ground to turn it into a skate and then lift the other. Fred and Spring can even have different animations to show off their different personalities and how they use the skates! Maybe Spring just jumps to get both feet into skate mode immediately. Ooh that'd be a fun animation to watch, esp if he jumps down from a ledge while doing it, like the DJMM tunnel 👀?
-Fredbear uses skates normally and calmly. Spring is concerningly close to crossing the line between casual skating and roller derby
-Springbonnie more actively chases you than Fredbear does. Fredbear will leave you mostly alone unless you very obviously get into his line of sight, you'll need a distraction like for tutorial Chica. But in the bonus fight Fredbear gets much more intense, kinda like fnaf 1 Freddy
-Springbonnie can jump similarly to Monty, has enhanced hearing, and of course speed from the skates. A hearing upgrade is immediately out because I can't imagine how that'd be useful gameplay wise, and it's not very accessible either. A jumping upgrade would be super cool, but at the same time doesn't feel very useful? And it feels weird giving Freddy an upgrade that isn't really unique to the animatronic you took the upgrade from. But also. It would be super cool, maybe the bonus upgrades could be made useful and special areas are added to the map where you can use it. The speed from the skates is the best upgrade I think, but ah, Fredbear should probably be the speed because I can't think of ANY other upgrades for him that'd be useful for Gregory
-So, right now I'm thinking you get a "sprint" upgrade from Fredbear and jumping from Springbonnie!
(Freddy would definitely be devastated if he learned you upgraded him with Springbonnie's parts)
Personally +Extras
-The Retro's love DJ Music Man!! They are besties!!!!
-I imagine Springbonnie would either love or hate Sun, but I'm not sure which. They don't see Moon all that often and don't really have a strong opinion
-Fredbear likes Sun! How nice that Sunny takes care of children :], Fredbear doesn't really like Moon however, on account of the whole traumatizing them thing
-While it took awhile for the Retro's and Glamrock's to start properly interacting and starting friendships, especially Springbonnie and Freddy, they did in the end all get along!
-Springbonnie, Roxy, and Monty get along like a house on fire and are fiercely competitive. Fredbear, Freddy, and Chica watch from the sidelines like exasperated older siblings
-Fredbear is similar to Freddy in terms of personality I think. He really cares about children and is programmed to help teach them to skate +plus take them to a med station if they get injured. Although I think if they switched roles in the tutorial Fred would've listened to Gregory about not needing medical attention, he doesn't believe him of course, but Fred figures helping the child get away from the guard and out of the pizzaplex is the more pressing matter. Fredbear also has a rather tired personality, I've always seen Fredbear as sort of a tired/chill character, probably mostly bc of how Golden Freddy is always slumped over. And it's a nice contrast to the energy of Springbonnie
"Is Glamrock Springbonnie possessed by William?"
-So far I think Springbonnie isnt possessed by William. But I figure he definitely has some "memories" not really anything Springbonnie can put into words or think about. But they instinctively call Gregory "Little Bear" because of it. Also a fear of water and fire that's just chalked up to them being an animatronic
-Since not possessed, Afton and Vanny definitely want to get their hands on poor Spring. They could also be like, slightly possessed? Yknow? Like it comes and goes.
Spring is definitely under the effects of the glitch the night you're there tho. Should I be counting the glitch and possession as different things
(Oh hmm now I'm thinking too much about Burntrap's motivations. Does he even Want a new Springbonnie body? Because while stealing Springs' casing would be easy, like, it leaves the question why he won't take the casings from any of the animatronics in the real game? Surely there's extras and some spray paint lying around. Ahh oh well whatever that's a story plot hole for this au and we're not focusing ok story right now, so this is a future me problem 👉😎👉)
-I personally like to believe that Monty didn't do anything to Glamrock Bonnie, but so far for the purposes of this au it doesn't matter if he did or didn't I think
-I really like making Spring and Monty friends
-Springbonnie absolutely loves being a menace to Monty. This was pretty much the very first thing I thought of for this au. I decided on this due to Monty being largely assumed to have destroyed the first Glamrock Bonnie. Also it's kinda cathartic for her? Like the fragmented memories make it so Spring sorta subconsciously knows about some "dangerous red alligator" so messing with Monty who they trust would never actually hurt them makes Spring feel better and more in control. This also works in favor for Monty! It's comforting for him that the new rabbit is so willing to prank and be annoying around him despite all the rumors about what he did to the old Bonnie. They're friends and they trust and care about each other :]
–(ough if I give this au plot Monty is gonna get messed up, where is his bunny friend :[ he's getting blamed for the disappearance again :[, he just wants to find Springbonnie and know he's okay)
-I actually have like a whole little comic concept of how Monty and Spring meet, I probably won't draw it, but for now just know that Monty was the first to see one of the Retros and Springbonnie enjoys chaos
-Springbonnie always says bye to Monty by saying "See ya later alligator" and greets Monty with a "Hey there alligator!". This isn't important to the au I just think it's cute
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10 Days ago, on Freddy: Foxy and Freddy meet
Classic Freddy’s been spamming Foxy for months, apparently he has Freddy blocked. Foxy apparently had a high paying job at classic Freddy’s pizzeria and a highclass luxury home.
Funtime does and says stuff.
Foxy broke in by climbing over the electric fence. Which Funtime turned pff because he was worried about the birds.
Spoilers for a MGaFS episode I haven’t watched yet (it came out two days after this). Foxy apparently has a Glamrock clone-baby and came for parenting advice.
And he stopped seeing himself as bioorganic after highschool.
Freddy apparently forgot when Eclipse told him about what Monty did to Foxy. Freddy casts a longterm toe itching spell on Monty.
Funtime tries to give The Talk. Foxy shuts that down immediately.
The kid is 28 something old. They don’t know what unit of time, just that it’s 28 of them. Could be years, could be days. Kid also claimed to have killed a thousand people to find Foxy.
So, after the almost gouging out Glamrock Freddy’s eye over his (Glam Freddy’s) emo phase in highschool, Foxy apologized to Classic Freddy. But not to Glamrock Freddy. And then Freddy and Foxy became friends. (But the rest if the family still hated him)
Foxy tries to remember if he apologized to Glamrock Freddy for the stuff he doesn’t remember when Monty took him there.
When Fazbear’s started on FNAF 2, they just gave the classics the entire FNAF 1 location, because they didn’t need that set anymore. So the classics turned it into a real pizzeria.
Foxy was a lead singer, with his own stage and cove and fanclub. Foxy thinks that was cool, but doesn’t care too much, because he has a contract with Monty right now.
Freddy will have to hire a Roxanne look alike to replacement him. Foxy cares now. He goes off to kill her. Freddy puts a stop to that immediately.
The kid sounds confusing and might possibly secretly be an adult. Freddy just gives generic advice.
Foxy points out that he just started dating Mangle, so the sudden mystery kid might complicate things
Freddy directs Foxy to Spring Bonnie for advice on this situation.
Foxy asks about magic, Freddy demonstrates by setting Funtime’s hat on fire.
Foxy has Freddy turn him into his son for a few minutes, to test the legitimacy. It really is his kid. Biologically. Freddy could sense it woth magic. His theory is that Foxy let himself go bio-organic long enough to knock someone up at some point. Foxy shuts that down by telling him the kid claimed to ge a clone.
Freddy asks if Monty clones Foxy behind his back. Foxy says Monty’s reaction to the kid tells him probably not.
Freddy thinks Foxy had him blocked because the last time they spoke, Freddy called him something incredibly foul
Foxy insists on leaving over the fence instead of through the gate. Funtime had turned the electricity back on. Foxy gets electrocuted.
Funtime Freddy: I have 2 braincells now.
Foxy: Are they here right now?
Funtime Freddy: That’s a good question.
Classic Freddy: I need her, alive, so please don’t.
Funtime Freddy: Awww, I was gonna help him. I know a great way to make people disappear!
Foxy: I’m starting to like you a little bit more.
Classic Freddy: Yeah. Or they’ll grow up to be resentful of you and possibly kill you in the future.
Funtime Freddy: If you need, Foxy, I can, lend you a hand. *gestures to a hand he drew on the wall*
Classic Freddy: I would go before he turns that into a real thing and starts slapping you.
Funtime Freddy: Because, we can be, friends
Classic Freddy, whispering: don’t be friends with him
Foxy: Booty means like treasure, like, like loot. Like, uh-
Classic Freddy: Gold.
Foxy: -money.
Funtime Freddy, staring at Foxy’s ass: But you’ve got no treasure back there, then.
Classic Freddy: You see, what I called you was *censored for several seconds) with a hankerchief.
Foxy: …Alright. Good talk.
(After Foxy gets electrocuted)
Classic Freddy: …Get the shovel.
Didn’t know they didn’t already know each other huh
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cavaliere000000 · 10 months
ill be brief, you dont know me, and i dont know you. but... and if i may be so bold... i think... we could really hit it of? its crazy, i know. im just some chill guy on the internet , all mysterious and i dont really let anyone in and youre like fashion student. which is cool sorry that sounded rude hahaha. i gues i just dont know a lot about you but... you see, i want to. two people across the world... who knows... we could be the next leonardo davinchi and picasso... or heh, bonnie and clyde! sorry, i had to crack a joke. i use comedy to cope, you know? anyway, to finish of i just wanna say you're a real cool guy or girl (they? [sorry-{you might not even get this math reference sorry haha}]) and i think we should hang-out sometime. my discord is HuTaosBF2001 (dont worry shes a game character, im single unfortunately or rather fortunately because sometimes i like being alone. it allows me think and ponder.) you dont have to add me or even respond but it would be great if you did. you see i havent been doing very good as of late, you see i have depression and anxiety and just a lot of personal issues on top of that 😂 im kind of a mess but im great company and ill never let you down. so, yeah! :)
traumatizing read thank you wayne
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project1939 · 6 months
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(Female pro baseball player Bonnie Baker on What's My Line?, top, father and daughter goof around on My Little Margie, bottom.)
Day 54- TV and Radio: 
My Little Margie, season 1, episode 10, “Efficiency Expert,” August 18th, 1952 
What’s My Line?, season 3, “Perle Mesta,” August 17th, 1952. 
The Chase, “The Promotion,” August 21st, 1952. 
The Whistler, “The Final Papers,” August 24th, 1952. 
The Chase episode was really thrilling today. A cop has a girlfriend named Jean who types up the recordings an author of a novel sends her on a Dictaphone. The man is a mystery, however, and she has never met him in real life. Suddenly his novel starts describing murders before they happen. Is he actually a disturbed killer? And, to make things worse, has Jean fallen in love with him? This could have been made into a really good movie- I was riveted until the end. 
I enjoyed My Little Margie more today. I’ve mostly been watching the show because there’s not much to choose from on the summer schedule. Today’s show added an element that has been sorely missing, and I ended up being very moved. Near the climax of all the typical hijinks that happen on the show, Margie goes to her dad and says, “You always say you try to be both mother and father to me. Will you act like my mother now?” They work though their conflict by pretending he’s her mother, and it wasn’t played for laughs. It was just really sweet- they were both more vulnerable with each other, and I loved it. I wish they had more cute loving moments with each other instead of just screwball antics. 
What’s My Line? continued to play with gender expectations. The first guest was a female professional baseball player, and it took the panel forever to guess! Even when they ascertained she played a sport, it took a long time. Was it tennis? She was from Canada, so was it a special Canadian sport? It was funny to see, again, how far from people’s expectations being a baseball player was. They also had a lady veterinarian on, which was cool. 
...And now a word from today’s best sponsor: Philip Morris cigarettes! Something wonderful happens when you change to Philip Morris! Coughs due to smoking disappear! Food tastes better! Your “parched throat” clears up! You won’t have that stale “smoked out” feeling anymore! Wait... what? All of that sounds like what will happen if you actually quit! (Shhh... ask Lucille Ball about switching- she preferred Chesterfields so much, she would hide them inside Philip Morris packs due to her sponsorship agreement! ...This portion of the ad sponsored by Chesterfield.) 
0 notes
danceworshipper · 3 years
So I used this website to find which characters/people I have the same personality type as. Some of them are... confusing, to say the least
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Me talking about them all under the cut!
Harry Potter: BILL and CHARLIE??? There's gotta be some mistake here, I'm not that cool. Blaise though - I can see that. And I'm happy about it. Harry Potter characters are also all a hit.
Undertale/Deltarune: How... do you assign a personality to a heart? Bob, sure, he's hilarious, Doggo, yep, love him, SUSIE MY BELOVED, I don't really remember who Seam is whoops, but... Yellow Soul. Okay. Overall, this is a hit. Still confused though.
Undertale/Deltarune: How... do you assign a personality to a heart? Bob, sure, he's hilarious, Doggo, yep, love him, SUSIE MY BELOVED, I don't really remember who Seam is whoops, but... Yellow Soul. Okay. Overall, this is a hit. Still confused though.
Favorite Shows: SPIKE???????????? This one made me the happiest. He's one of my favorite characters in that show - I'm so not as cool as him though. Chris Kratt just made me happy because I loved that show. Hunter fits me actually super well, wow. And Sir Percival - I haven't actually gotten to where he's introduced in the show, but from what I have seen he's great. So yay, all of these are good!
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Hogwarts Mystery: ERIKA! She almost makes up for them sticking me with Jacob (derogatory). I'd much rather be a badass Quidditch bitch than that useless fuck. 1/2 good.
Video Games I Love: HANK FUCKING ANDERSON I LOVE YOU. Okay, now... how do you get a personality from two animatronics that kill you just like the other ones?? Don't get me wrong, Foxy makes me happy and Withered Bonnie is cool too, but huh??? All good though, even if those two don't make sense!
Real People: Jensen Ackles, eh? And Kristen Stewart, damn, the website must think I'm hot as hell. Also how am I half of Fall Out Boy, my favorite band ever?? Can't complain. Sam Golbach - I feel like we're very different, but the more I think about it the more I can see it. I haven't watched anything from him in a long time - guess I know what I'll be doing later! And yeah, Rosemarie, cool. I like that. Real people are all a hit.
Misc Games: I wasn't aware that Diogenes had a name, or a personality, but okay. Protagonist is cool, love him. I haven't kept up with Yandere Simulator, but Nemesis does look really cool so I'm going to be happy about her. Robert... buddy, I wish your ending was better. I was so mad when I immediately went for you and looked up a walkthrough and everything to get stuck with that bullshit. Ellie, sure, she's cool I suppose, and 47 is here because he made me crack up laughing. All in all, these guys are a hit as well!
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Shows/Movie I Liked: Beck Oliver, eh, he's kind of an ass, but he is actually really similar to me. Mittens I love, no complaints there! Perry and Vanessa... why does this website think I'm cool? I'm not. 4/4
Shows/Movies I Haven't Watched: I've heard good things about both Bobby and Claire. It also gave me Ruby the demon, don't know why I didn't screenshot her. Nice, we love demons. My dad says Jasper fits me, and my mom says that Salem does, so I guess these all work. (technically I've watched spn but only the first season and years ago so it doesn't count shut up)
Misc Others: Edith is fun. I like her. Max? Eh, I could never be that quiet. It also gave me Charlie from Charlie and Lola, but I don't think it fits so I didn't put him here. Eddie yeah, I'd get super pissed off by Roger too and have my head up my ass, I can see him. Artemis I feel like is a direct attack against my hatred of men and chronic virginity, but she's also a badass so I'll allow it. Mulan - again, I'm not that cool. And Jessica Rabbit - I'm not that hot, but thanks for the ego boost.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
hi can i have a stefan x fem reader fluff ig? idk stefan has been living in my mind rent free i miss him so much lol😌
yes 🥰
imagine - having your first offical date w stefan! (fem!reader)
note - this wasn't meant to be a blurb in the first place,  but this is like super long. i got kinda carried away.. like 3.2k words...... enjoy :
“Oh, you look so cute!” Caroline squealed. She jumped on her heels in excitement, standing back to look at her work. 
You were going on a date tonight with the very handsome, very mysterious Stefan Salvatore. He had been in town for a few months, and while you knew all about vampires and witches, you never actually had a chance to talk to him one-on-one. There were many occasions where you had to save your best friends, and you had to work with him. From what you gathered by working with him he was kind, smart, funny, and extremely handsome. You were very surprised he asked you out, considering you two never actually spoke to one another. 
He had asked you out after Isabel came into town. Amongst all the crazy, there still seemed time to enjoy a nice date out with a nice boy, so you took the chance. There was really no reason to say no, anyways. 
You had told your best friends about the date, making them very excited and very pushy in helping you. Caroline, who was the head in all of this help, planned your outfit, makeup, and gave you pointers on what to say and how to act. You felt a little annoyed by her, but you knew she meant well. Plus, she really did dress you in something cute.
You looked in the mirror, seeing yourself in a dark-blue dress and a black belt that went around your waist. The dress was spaghetti-strapped, so you had to wear a black jacket over it. The dress ended just right above your knees, and you had black heels to match. Caroline had insisted on you leaving your hair in its natural state so Stefan could see the real you, but you decided to put it up in your favorite hairstyle. Your makeup was natural, all but the red lipstick on your lips that Caroline also insisted on. You couldn’t help but smile, you loved what she did.
“Thank you, Care,” you smiled. You turned back to your friends, seeing Bonnie and Elena’s faces in big smiles. 
“What?” You asked. 
“You just... you’ve never been on a date before. I’m so excited for you!” Elena exclaimed. 
You chuckled, “I’m excited for me, too. After tonight, I won’t be the friend who hasn't been on a date anymore!”
“Well, I haven't been on a date before,” Bonnie said. 
You scoffed, “Uh, yes, you have. You just haven’t had a boyfriend before, which is something I haven’t had, either.”
“Yeah, Elena’s the only one who has had a boyfriend,” Caroline smirked. 
Elena rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and we all saw how that worked out.”
You chuckled a little. A knock on the front door got your attention. 
“Is that him?” Bonnie asked. 
You nodded, suddenly getting nervous. Caroline sensed your nervousness and pulled you into a hug. 
“You will do great! He asked you out without even getting to know you, don’t stress,” she said. 
“Thanks, Care. I gotta go. I can’t keep him waiting,” you sighed and pulled away. 
The girls followed you to the door, making you roll your eyes and try to shoo them away. You opened the door, your anxiety almost immediately disappearing  once you saw Stefan. 
He was wearing jeans, a grey-fitted shirt and a leather jacket. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“You look beautiful,” he spoke, looking into your eyes. You looked down at the ground with a shy smile on your face.
“Thank you. You look really, really um, handsome,” you said, bashful. 
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Are you ready to go?” He held his hand out for you to take. 
You lifted your head up, putting your hand out hesitantly and slipping it into his. Tingles ran up from your fingers to your arm as you interlocked hands with his. 
“Have fun!” Elena giggled. 
“Not too much, though!” Caroline exclaimed.
You looked back, rolling your eyes at them. You went out of your house, shutting the door behind you. Stefan walked you to his car, opening the door for you. 
“Wow, and he’s chivalrous,” you teased, stepping into the car. 
“Back in my day, women were treated like princesses. Every man did everything for them,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, sounds like heaven. I mean, despite all the rights we didn’t have,” you snorted. 
Stefan chuckled, “True.”
Stefan got in the driver’s seat, starting the car. 
“So, where are you taking me?” You asked. “My house,” Stefan answered. 
“Oh, I should’ve put on something more... chill,” you chuckled, looking down at your date attire.
“No, no! This is proper date attire, anyways. I’m cooking for us,” Stefan glanced at you, smiling.
“Woah, I feel so special,” you smiled. “I like to cook for the girls I take out,” Stefan said. 
“And do you... take a lot of girls out?” You asked. You started to feel nauseous as you thought of his answer.
“No, honestly. Just whenever I do, I cook,” he shrugged. 
You nodded. “When was the last time you had a girlfriend?” 
“Um, 1964, I think,” he answered. Your eyes widened, “You waited 45 years?”
“Well, it’s not like I waited to find the right one or anything. I was just never very interested in dating or anything,” he answered honestly. 
“What made you change now?” You asked. “Oh, well,” Stefan started. Now it was his turn to be shy. 
“Well, first off, you. I know we’ve never talked a lot, but whenever I would see you, I’ve always would think you were pretty. And, Caroline and Damon wouldn’t stop teasing my about my “very apparent crush”,” he explained. 
“I never noticed it. Then again, most people are oblivious to those types of things,” you chuckled.  “Agreed. But yeah, so, you’re basically my reason.” You smiled, “You know you to make a girl feel special.”
“I try,” Stefan smiled and parked his car the the Salvatore house entrance. Stefan got out, hurrying to open the door for you. 
You giggled, “Thank you.”
Stefan hummed a “you’re welcome”.
You two entered the house. You had been here plenty times before, so it wasn’t a big surprise to you. But the kitchen table was. 
The table had a white cloth on it, candles, silverware on napkins, and a pretty bouquet of flowers on it. You smiled, “This is so beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Stefan said, moving past you to the stove. You went over to him, watching him grab a pan and different ingredients. 
“So, what are you making?” You asked. “Ratatouille,” he answered. 
You cocked up a brow. “Like from the movie?”
“Yeah,” Stefan smiled. 
“Cool,” you smiled. 
“Do you mind helping me?” Stefan asked. “Nope. Not at all. I must admit, I like cooking, but I'm really bad,” you chuckled. 
“I bet you’re not that bad,” Stefan said. “We’ll see. So, what do you need me to do?” You asked. 
“Preheat the oven to 375, please,” he directed. 
You nodded and walked over to the oven.
“Now, help me with slicing some vegetables. Which one do you want to slice, eggplant, squash, tomato, or zucchini?” Stefan asked.
“Um, I’ll take the squash,” you said. You went over next to him, taking a knife and placing the eggplant on the cutting board. 
“So, what was life like in the 19th century?” You asked. 
“Hm, peaceful. Fun, relaxing. Of course, there was a war going on, and vampires running through town,” Stefan said.
“Like Katherine?” You asked. Stefan sighed, “Yeah, like Katherine.”
“What about your childhood?” You asked. 
“Um, rough? My mom died when I was little and my dad was always tough on us. We were expected to be men by age 6.”
“Wow, that sounds fun.” Stefan chuckled, “It was. How about you? What was your childhood like?”
“Fun, relaxing, never boring. Well, that was before I met Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie,” you said. 
“What was it like before then?”
“Um.. horrible? I had like, no friends,” you chuckled. “I was the weird, book-carrying girl that no one liked and everyone teased. Bonnie and Elena adopted me soon after I was in one of their classes in middle school. I’ve been best friends with them ever since. Granted, I'm more closer with Bonnie and Elena, Caroline was kind of jealous of me I think, but we all are best friends. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.” Stefan smiled, “That’s sweet. Damon was, and well, still is, my best friend, as much as I hate to admit it. We’ve drifted apart. A lot. Ever since we were vampires we have been.”
“Wow. Well, it's nice to at least have someone like that you can ask for help, always. I'm a single child. But, Caroline and Bonnie are like the two sisters I’ve never had. Elena, of course, has Jeremy,” you said. “Who isn't here, but hey, that’s why she has us.”
“That’s nice. Well, wait, now thinking about it, I do have a best friend, other than Damon,” Stefan said. 
“Ooh, who?”
“Her name’s Lexi,” he said. “If she’s your best friend, where is she?” You asked. 
“In New York. We send emails to each other and whatnot. She’s the one who helps with my bloodlust,” he explained.
“Wow, she sounds really nice,” you smiled. “Yeah, she is. And don’t worry, there is nothing romantic going on there. She just makes me a better person,” he explained. 
“That was my next question. Well, I hope I get to meet her someday. She sounds awesome,” you smiled. 
“I hope so, too. Hey, maybe I’ll email her and have her come over next time. She's actually very interested in you,” he said. 
“Oh, really? She knows about me?” You asked. 
“Well, I mean, she asks me all the time if I'm seeing anyone, and I told her I liked you, and well I told you about her,” Stefan blushed. 
You giggled, “Well, good to know. I'm even more excited to meet her now.”
“Good, good. I’ll tell her that,” he winked. Your face began to feel warm again and you hid your face from his view. 
He had a big smile on his face. He moved over to the stove, turning on the heat and put on a saucepan. 
“What happens now, chief?” You asked, settling your hands on your hips. 
“Well, now we make the sauce. You mind dicing these bell peppers?” He asked, getting one yellow and one red one out of the fridge. 
You nodded, washing your hands and beginning to dice them. 
“Do you want some wine?” Stefan asked, holding a wine bottle.
“Sure,” you smiled. 
“This is the good stuff. We keep all the good liquor in this cabinet. Don’t tell anyone,” Stefan said. 
You nodded, “Lips are sealed.”
Stefan smiled and poured you a glass, setting it next to him. You thanked him, dicing up the bell peppers. Once you were done, you let Stefan take over. He put olive oil in the pan a few minutes before, then put the bell peppers, onion and garlic he was dicing earlier. 
“How did you learn how to cook?” You asked.
“Um, kind of just by watching my mom. I learned more by doing jobs and stuff. You know, I can’t be a lazy vampire the whole time, so I went to culinary school. It was a good hobby for me and soon became a fun, creative, and easy thing for me to do. It distracted me a lot from the bloodlust and family, too,” he explained.
“Culinary school, huh? That’s really cool,” you said. 
Stefan chuckled. “Thanks .”
You hummed in reply. You two talked more about your childhoods, interests, what you want to do after high school. After a few minutes of the vegetables sautéing, you had put the veggies that you had sliced up into a pattern in the pan. Stefan put the pan in the oven, setting the timer. 
“So, what do we do now?” You asked. “Well, we could drink more wine and talk or, we can drink more wine and I can give you a house tour,” he said. 
“Ooh, I want house tour!” You exclaimed. 
“Alright. Follow me, m’lady,” Stefan said, holding his arm out for you.
You giggled, “Don’t mind if I do, kind sir.” You wrapped your arm around his, your hand intertwining with his. Your other hand held the wine glass that he had refilled. 
“So, that’s the kitchen, as you saw. This is the living room, and the Salvatore study is on the other side. You’ve already seen those, though, so let’s go upstairs.”
You nodded, walking with him up the stairs.
“So, over here are a few guest bedrooms. This is Damon’s room,” Stefan said, opening the door a little. You peeked into it, your eyes widening. 
“Wow. Never knew Damon was such an alcoholic,” you snorted, pulling your head back. 
“All vampires are, honestly. We’re basically immortal so, you know, no liver disease or anything for us,” Stefan said. 
“Wow, lucky. I mean, I don’t drink much anyways. I usually just have one beer at every party I go to. I don’t like the taste of cheap beer,” you explained. 
“Wow, I may have just found the perfect woman,” Stefan teased. 
You giggled, “Yeah, my friends think I'm too picky, but you know, if I’m gonna drink, I wanna drink the good stuff.”
“Exactly! See, I understand you, don’t worry,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled, leaning into him a little as he led the way down the hall. You put your head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that he was exhibiting. You liked how you felt while being close to him, too. You felt safe, comforted. At home.
He looked down at you, smiling. “Here are a few more guest rooms, and here is my room,” he said.
“Can we go in?” You asked. 
Stefan nodded, opening the door. You stepped in the room, looking over everything. 
His bed at across the room, against the wall. He had his desk in the middle of the room, a bunch of books on it. He had a couch next to his bed and a few other chairs around the room, too. There was a huge bookshelf with lots of other books and other decorative objects. 
“Wow. your room is huge,” you said. 
“Yep,” Stefan said, standing in the doorway. 
You went over to his bed, taking a seat. Stefan went over and took a seat next to you. 
“This is a... wow,” you said, bouncing on the bed slightly. “This is a comfortable bed. Where did you get this mattress?” 
“Um... I’m not sure,” Stefan chuckled. 
“Ugh, I am jealous,” you smiled. “I wish I could sleep here.”
“Maybe you can if we continue uh, going on dates and stuff,” Stefan said. 
You turned to him, smiling big. “I’d like that.”
Stefan smiled at you, putting his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down on your cheekbone lightly. Your stomach did flips and your whole body became warm from his touch. You saw him leaning in and you started to get nervous. You had never kissed anyone before. Well, you have, but your first kiss was just a peck. And you had a feeling that this wasn’t gonna be just a peck. 
You leaned in, too, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Stefan’s face got closer and you felt his lips brush on yours with feathery-light pressure. Your body jolted back, your eyes going wide. 
Stefan looked at you, worried. 
“Did I... did I do something wrong?” He asked. 
You started to blush profusely. “No,” you shook your head. “I just um... the feeling really was new and surprising to me.”
Stefan smiled, “Yeah, kisses with the right person are like that.”
“You didn’t even kiss me, though,” you chuckled. 
“Do you want me to?” Stefan asked, looking into your eyes. 
You smiled and nodded slowly, scooting closer to him. Stefan put his hand on your face again. bringing his lips to yours. He kissed you and your whole brain exploded. You saw bright colors as you kissed him back, loving the feeling he gave you. His lips were soft and warm, and were really really good at kissing. They kissed you back slowly, softly. He was going gentle on you, which was something you appreciated immensely. Your hands went up to his neck, wanting him closer.
You pulled away for air, though, your eyes meeting his instantly. You went back to your flustered and shy behavior, looking away from him and biting your lip in excitement. Stefan couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. 
The oven beeped downstairs, singling that the ratatouille was done. He took your hand, pulling you up. 
“Hungry?” He asked. 
You smiled, “Very.”
You two walked back downstairs. You set two glasses and poured wine in them while Stefan took out the pan. He put the food on two dishes, mixing up a salad and getting some dinner rolls. 
You went over to him, getting your plate and setting it down on the plate by your chair. Stefan brought over the rest of the food, sitting down with you. 
“Dig in,” Stefan smiled. 
You did as he said, groaning at how amazing the food tasted. 
“You are... ugh, amazing. God. What can’t you do?” You asked. 
Stefan smiled. “Um... I can’t bake.”
You scoffed, “Everyone can bake. Sorry, Stefan, you're perfect.”
Stefan smiled, “Nope, that’s you.”
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. 
“Yeah,” he smiled bigger and nodded.
You blushed profusely again. “I think the wine is catching up to us.”
“Hm, maybe. But you asked,” Stefan smiled. You laughed, “I did.” You two ate and talked a little more about your hobbies. After a third glass of wine, you decided that it was time for you to go. So, Stefan went and drove you home. The drive home was silent, but comfortable. Stefan had asked to put a hand on your thigh, to which you smiled and granted him access to. His touch made you warm and fuzzy inside, which was something you would be able to experience again with him. 
Stefan got to your house, walking you up the the door. 
“I had an amazing time,” you smiled.
“I did, too,” Stefan smiled.
You took his hands in yours, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed you back for a few moments before you two pulled away for air. 
“I’ll call you, uh, later,” you said. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting. Have a good night, Y/n,” Stefan smiled. 
You smiled back at him. “I will. See you tomorrow.” You unlocked your door, going inside your house.
“You, too,” Stefan smiled, watching you close the door with a big smile. 
You shut the door behind you, putting your back to the door, seeing Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie in your living room. 
“So, how was it?” Bonnie asked. 
“I think I’m in love.”
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
“Call in Sick Tomorrow.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: During his final moments, Freddy recalls the events from the robbery and the night before, where you find out who he really is, and because of your job as the retail jeweler at the same store the criminals plan the heist at, you showed up at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Pairing: Mr. Orange/Freddy Newandyke x Reader
Tags: swearing, angst + violence, guns/shooting, robbery + blood
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,289
Author’s Note: not me simping for a young tim roth lmfaksmwksksksk ugh</3 hope y’all like it - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!!
THE cop who was covered in his own pool of blood from his gunshot wound, was now practically sticking to the dusty warehouse ramp. He laid there for a good fifteen minutes, maybe more or less, who was there to count? His company wasn’t making things better, either. “Listen to me, Marvin... listen to me, Marvin Nash, I’m a cop.”
“Yeah, I know.” The other bloodied cop, Marvin Nash, was tied up and had his ear cut off by Mr. Blonde, all he could do was bicker and moan in pain and rage. 
“You do?” The first cop asks.
“Yeah, your name’s Freddy something.”
“Newandyke,” he said. “Freddy Newandyke.”
“Frankie Ferchetti introduced us about five months ago.”
Freddy shakes his head. His wound definitely didn’t cause him memory loss. He was just too clueless to acknowledge colleagues, that was something he was aware of and he needed to work on it. “Shit, I don't remember that at all.”
“I do.” Marvin Nash coughs a bit of blood. “Freddy. How do I look?”
Freddy winces out a chuckle. “What? I don't know what to tell you, Marvin.” How do you look? If I told you, I’d be lucky you’re tied up.
“That fuck. That sick fuck! That fuckin' bastard!” 
“Marvin, I need you to hold on. There's cops waiting to move a block away.”
“What the fuck are they waiting for? This fuckin' guy, he slashes my face… and cuts my fuckin' ear off! I'm fuckin' deformed!” Marvin cries out.
Freddy clenches his jaw. How the fuck do you think I feel over here, asshole? “FUCK YOU! Fuck you, my love of my fucking life is gone! I’m fuckin’ dyin’ here! Y/N is gone and I’m fuckin’ dyin’!”
Marvin Nash, a bloodied cop who was now “fucking deformed”, really had no idea how bad the fellow cop’s current state was. Both of them were in pain, but one of them was gonna die first.
Freddy calms down a bit to explain the upcoming events he hopes to happen anytime soon. He was bleeding pretty bad, and it hurt like hell. “They're not to make a move 'til Joe Cabot shows up. I was sent in to get him. Alright? You heard 'em. They said he's on his way.” Marvin lets out a soft breath. Relief was touching a bit of his soul, now all is left is to wait it out, and listen to the sounds of rattling bullets and yells from cops out of one ear. 
“Don't pussy out on me now, Marvin,” Freddy says. “We're just gonna sit here and bleed… 'til Joe Cabot sticks his fuckin' head through that door.”
Marvin whimpers, then takes a long pause. “Freddy?”
Freddy looks up at Marvin Nash once more, lying on his arm for support, his body feeling like a throbbing stubbed toe. “Freddy?” Marvin talks about the giant elephant in the room. “What even fucking happened?”
THE last thing Freddy needed was to end up falling for you while he’s undercover. While he’s good at hiding his true identity from the recruits, he was also good at hiding it from you, but it wasn’t what he wanted in the first place. 
Freddy would never lie to you, but you don’t know that your boyfriend is actually a cop and not a cool bad boy that took care of weed for customers. It pained Freddy to lie to you about who he was. He never even told you that his name was Freddy, only to refer to him as his alias, Mr. Orange, but you paid no mind to it. You loved the mysterious thrill he had, even if that meant calling him a color most commonly known in a fruit.
To this day, he still wonders why you would want to date someone with such a dangerous persona. You made a living working at the same store the recruits were planning the heist at -  Karina’s Wholesale Diamonds, and you were allowed to wear the jewelry that was sold and refined there. You never came to think Mr. Orange was ever gonna steal from you, holding you at gunpoint? Rob your store while his face is covered then he kisses you goodnight hours after?
And so, Freddy’s confession and his first and last fight with you happened the night before the heist. A stressful twelve hours, and it all started with you throwing his police badge on the coffee table, right on top of his Marvel catalog. 
“You’ve been staring at that thing for a whole minute now,” you said, standing stiff as a statue, towering over him on the couch. 
Mr. Orange scrunches his nose. “It was from a cop back in Torrance. The fucker most likely lost his job for carelessly leaving it on a bench.”
“You’ve visited Torrance?”
He nodded. “Y/N, I kept that badge in one of my stashes. You and I agreed to not go through each other’s shit like that - y’know, outta respect?”
“I know that, but you asked me to get your TV guide from one of the drawers. You said you keep it next to your stash, I may not have found pot but I definitely found that.” You nod at the badge. 
Orange shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, babes, but that ain’t mine. Also I ran outta weed, that’s why I haven’t been making any sales lately.”
“You must suck at reeling customers in,” you took out your other hand hidden behind your back, now throwing four poorly folded sheets of paper stapled together right next to the badge. “Otherwise why the hell would you have this; an annotated script about you delivering weed to people, the same words you told me about how you walked into the men’s room with a big bag of weed in front of a couple of  cops and a dog?”
Orange was silent. You knew he was lying. Silence was as painful as spewing out another lie. Not once has there ever been a close call, but now he was trapped with no words to come out his mouth. Even if he did have something to say, each lie he told you felt like he was throwing daggers at your heart. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Orange, is there something you’re not telling me?” Orange merely frowned and got up from the couch, eyeing you up and down. He looked tired from whatever he did the whole day and resting on the couch while watching a movie on the TV was well needed. That, but he was tired of sleeping next to you while a police badge was taunting him in one of the drawers.
“I don’t sell weed, y/n. And the police badge wasn’t from Torrance.”
“So all of that... you smuggling weed in a bowling bag?” you scoff, feeling your blood boil. “You just made that up?”
“Y/n- baby” he starts.
“What the hell? Why would you make that up?” you ask.
“It’s what I had to do,” Orange says. 
You scoff. “Right. That was your way of making friends or to get free drinks, or even getting me to sleep with you?”
“It’s not like that, it was never like that.”
“This is so fucked up!” Hearing you say that made Freddy’s heart fall into a thousand pieces. “Tell me the truth, Orange, if that’s even your fucking name. Who gives birth, looks at their child and goes, ‘Your name is Orange’? As if your kid won’t ever get bullied from that.”
“That’s because that isn’t my fucking name. It’s an alias.”
You shook your head. “Okay, then. Who the fuck are you?”
He clenched his eyes shut, and opened them, wishing you disappeared out of his sight. “Look at my badge.”
You slowly hunched over the table, picking up the badge. You raised a brow at him.
“I want you to hold it while I tell you. My real name is Freddy Newandyke. I’m working undercover for a diamond heist formed by Joe Cabot... the group of criminals he hired are gonna rob your store, stuff a briefcase full of diamonds worth a college tuition, and they’re gonna break it apart, pawn it, whatever fulfills their need.”
“You’re a cop,” you say, confirming what he said was true. Otherwise, that could have been another lie.
He nodded. “I work for the LAPD.”
“What else?”
A pause, then he traces his finger on your hand before curling it with his. “I love you.” His face softens. “My name’s Freddy Newandyke. I’m a cop. The gang I’m undercover for is gonna rob your store tomorrow, and I love you.”
You slowly nodded, looking down at the badge in your other hand. There were no signs of a lie in his tone of voice. His name seems legit, and of course, you loved him, too. “Why didn’t you tell me... Freddy?”
“Because you go after guys that would do the things I told in my story, fellas who you fantasize of having a fucking Bonnie and Clyde ride or die bullshit with, and not me - a cop who geeks out over Marvel.”
“You’re saying my work is being targeted for a heist?” you said. “And you’re part of it?”
Freddy nodded. “You think I’m ever gonna rob you, lie to your face like that? Then walk out of your life, take off just like that - and never see you again?”
“You’ve been lying to me.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you, and whether I told you about who I was or not, I don’t want you involved. Crime gets you in trouble, being undercover puts you in danger,” Freddy kisses your forehead. “You can get caught stealing and smuggling drugs, you can get caught slipping out of character if you’re not careful. You can’t win.”
You tried walking around the couch to disperse into the kitchen, but Freddy stopped in front of you. “I wasn’t born yesterday, asshole. I know what an undercover cop is, if your cover gets blown, you’re fucked.” You crossed your arms. “So what else is gonna happen?”
“We planned this; cops are gonna show up on time, as long as a gun doesn’t go off, we’ll be okay, and the men will be in cuffs as well as Joe Cabot. But listen to me, I don’t want you to show up to work tomorrow, I don’t want you there, I don’t want to have a man in a suit point a gun at your face, and I definitely don’t want you to be a hero,” Freddy says, cupping both your cheeks. “That’s my job.”
“I’m freakin’ pissed at you, but I’m not gonna stay home.” You took his hands off your face.
“I’d rather let myself get caught by a bunch of criminals than have your life threatened by criminals.”
“You’re willing to do that?”
“Anything for you.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Getting hurt is part of the job. Y/n, you can’t be a hero. Not like that.”
“Y/n, please.” Freddy begs, his face tightening. “If you can’t forgive me; if you can’t trust me anymore, then you can hate me all you want. But for fuck’s sake, at least call in sick tomorrow.”
Yet, you were so stubborn, that was something you needed to work on. Freddy knew it, too. You didn’t listen. The day came, and you showed up, anyway, not wanting to live knowing the guy you loved no matter who he claimed he was. He was in charge of standing at the door, not allowing anyone access inside or out. But upon seeing you behind the counter through the glass window, you saw Freddy’s face drop. “No…”
The deafening sound of the alarm goes off by one of the retailers, forcing Mr. Blonde to shoot everyone he saw, including you.
Freddy cried out this time, “No!” 
People inside- the employees and customers, all screamed together. Freddy slammed his hands against the display windows, watching you as you fall back onto the floor, bleeding out from your shoulder. Mr. Blonde nearly shot everyone in the room, even almost hitting Mr. White in the process. He spotted your foot sticking out, and you attempted to crawl away, but he pointed his gun at you again. 
Just as planned, the police break in, prompting him to run away. You collapsed in your pool of blood, realizing how this was straight out of a crime movie scene, and the pain of your wound was inexplicable. How could you feel it with every inch in your body and still manage to move ever so slightly?
You looked back, realizing you were all alone, the only one left alive. Freddy didn’t do what a hero would have done, and escaped with the men, holding back his tears with his dear life behind the dark shades of his sunglasses, fighting to stay in character.
He had to assume the more logical conclusion; you were treated at the hospital, or you bleed to death back at that jewelry wholesale, and you died hating him.
Whether you knew him as a criminal or an undercover cop, you were going to show up, anyway, because you want to protect him, like any kind of Bonnie and Clyde you’d expect from movies. Except Bonnie and Clyde were both shot to death. In this world, Clyde escapes - Bonnie was left to bleed out.
FREDDY stared up at Marvin Nash. Does Freddy regret accepting the undercover mission? A brave young man like him took such a dangerous job, but he knew he was better off without it. The last thing he said to you swarmed his mind like bees; “Call in sick tomorrow.”
taglist: @locke-writes​
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fuck it, Klapollo Camp Rock AU (where I change like half the plot to make it fit the characters better lmao)
Apollo and Trucy are Phoenix’s adopted kids; Phoenix has a catering business and gets hired last-minute to cater the food at Camp Rock
Trucy’s 12 and has been dying to go to the camp since she read about it on the Gavinners fan forums--they’re her favorite band and that’s where they got their start. She’s hoping to eventually start a magic-themed band where she integrates magic tricks into their stage performances
Apollo’s 19 and really does not want to spend his summer at some music camp--he’s not a fan of being onstage or performing at all, though he knows guitar and has a notebook full of songs he’s written over the years. He’s not sure they’re any good, but they’re personal and they’re his.
(He’d also been planning on spending his summer going on an epic road trip with his best friend Clay, before Clay found out he got into an intern program at GYAXA and they had to abandon that idea--leaving Apollo at loose ends for the summer)
Phoenix insists that both Trucy and Apollo come to the camp with him and help out--Trucy gets to participate in camp activities, and Apollo’s supposed to be a counselor who can sit in on some classes if he wants. Trucy’s thrilled; Apollo less so.
Meanwhile, there’s been some drama within the Gavinners--amidst rumors of unruly behavior and accounts of an uncooperative, pop-diva attitude, Klavier Gavin is unwillingly pushed into spending his summer taking some time off from the band and acting as a guest teacher at Camp Rock, under the supervision of his former mentor and owner of the camp, Miles Edgeworth
Shortly after arriving at camp, it becomes very obvious that Phoenix and Miles already know each other--and Apollo and Trucy start wondering if they’re going to have to start making bets about if they’re going to have a new dad by the end of the summer
Trucy finds a group of friends to fall in with almost immediately--she ends up moving into a cabin with Athena, Pearl, and Juniper Woods
Meanwhile, Apollo’s stuck having to live with Phoenix in the staff cabins--and having to go through camp counselor orientation, where he meets fellow disgruntled counsellors Ema and Kay, who he bonds with over mutual distaste for having to supervise a bunch of kids with ~musical dreams~
(Kay got drafted into being a camp counselor by Edgeworth, who’s not quite her dad but who might as well be. She dragged Ema along because they’re dating and Ema needed a job to help with her grad school debts--studying forensics isn’t cheap!)
Sometime during the nebulous time period before camp Officially Begins, Apollo’s helping clean the dining hall and takes a break to chill and play some guitar and hash out one of his newest song ideas
While he’s doing this, Klavier just so happens to walk past the open window, on his way back from trying to argue with Edgeworth that he’d had a world tour planed for this summer, and what if the fans forget about him? He’s gotta get out of here!
Klavier’s entranced by Apollo’s singing--who is this mysterious singer with the fantastic voice and incredible music composition skills? He runs into the dining hall, only to find an empty room and a guitar propped up against the wall--no trace of the person who’d been playing
But Klavier can’t get the song out of his head--and so he vows that, before the summer’s end, he’s going to find out who was singing
The first time Apollo meets Klavier properly, he does not get the best first impression of the rockstar--Klavier’s supposed to be teaching a class about song composition and music theory, but he basically goes at it with the least enthusiasm possible and uses a bunch of technical terms that go way over the heads of the group of 12-to-14-year-olds Apollo’s supervising (including Trucy et al.)
Somewhere in here, Trucy finds out that Apollo has literally no idea who Klavier is, despite her having been obsessed with the Gavinners for at least three years now. She makes fun of him mercilessly.
Apollo ends up making some snarky comments about Klavier’s teaching ability to Ema, and Klavier overhears
The next time they encounter each other, Apollo’s moving some baking supplies from the storage into the kitchen, and Klavier stops him halfway--he asks Apollo what his problem with him is, and Apollo tells him straight--he thinks Klavier is acting way too high-and-mighty and not letting the kids have any fun in his classes. He chides him for his perfectionist attitude, telling him that the camp isn’t about putting together the perfect performance, it’s about learning and making mistakes and having fun.
(He’s mostly saying this because Trucy was really upset that she couldn’t follow the lesson the other day, and spent days stressing about how this might mean that she can’t be a real musician magician, and Apollo’s basically gonna defend Trucy with his life, even if he himself doesn’t want to be at camp)
Apollo asks Klavier about his experience at camp--surely everything wasn’t about being perfect the whole time back then?
He leaves Klavier to think about that and gets back to his errands--and Klavier does take Apollo’s words into account
During his next lesson, Klavier actually plans a kind of fun, hands-on activity, and Apollo’s surprised (and kind of touched, honestly)
They end up hanging out a lot more during their free time, after that, and realize they actually get along pretty well
Meanwhile, there’s background Narumitsu shenanigans going on where Phoenix and Miles keep having emotionally charged moments over really mundane things, like double-checking the food supplies and confirming the amount of music-themed cupcakes to be made for the weekly Music Event
Trucy and her group of friends are working to put together a performance for the Final Jam at the end of the summer--it’s just been announced that the winner of the Final Jam contest will get to record a song with Klavier, and it’s basically a guaranteed jump-start to their career
They’ve got stiff competition--(though I haven’t decided from who yet, OOPS, lmao--open to suggestions! Who’s around their age and Mean? Bonny and Betty DeFamme, perhaps?)
Apollo has no plans to participate in the Final Jam at all--again, he doesn’t like performing onstage in front of a bunch of people who are going to judge him
HOWEVER--the rival group to Trucy’s plot a scheme--they’re going to frame Trucy and her friends for masterminding a sabotage of the competition! Whoever the “leader” of this group is plants evidence around Trucy’s cabin and drags Edgeworth into it to investigate--though Edgeworth believes that Trucy and her friends are being set up, his hands are tied--the rival group have Connections and famous family members, and the camp’s already struggling financially. He can’t afford to have these rich parents pull their support
And so, Trucy and her group are banned from performing--until the end of the Final Jam. 
Obviously, Apollo and Phoenix are outraged. Phoenix goes to confront Miles about it, and finds out about the financial situation--and Apollo asks Trucy if there’s anything he can do
And Trucy sees an Opportunity--because she’s Noticed Apollo and Klavier spending time together
She asks Apollo to perform at the Final Jam on her behalf, and Apollo, although kind of uncomfortable with the idea, agrees, because he wants to make his sister feel better, and if he’s got to face his fears to do it...well, he’s going to do it for her, even if he makes a fool of himself
Meanwhile, Klavier’s been trying and failing to find out who his mystery singer from the start of the summer is--and he’s running out of time. 
And Then...
it’s the Final Jam!
A bunch of performers perform various musical numbers, and they’re all pretty good
Klavier is one of the judges, along with the rest of the Gavinners and Miles Edgeworth
Apollo actually hadn’t technically entered the competition during the designated sign-up period, so he’s not on the official program--he gets announced as a surprise late entry, and Klavier is taken aback
because he had no idea that Apollo could sing, or play an instrument, or anything--Apollo had basically just made out that he was here against his will and got dragged into this to help out his dad, Phoenix
So Apollo walks out onstage, looking very awkward and holding his guitar, and all eyes are on him
and Klavier recognizes the guitar, doesn’t he? It’s the guitar that was in the dining hall, that first day
But wouldn’t that mean...?
And then Apollo starts playing, and he opens his mouth to sing, and from the very first notes, Klavier knows this is it
This is the song! 
Anyway, he’s stunned, shocked, until without realizing it, he’s stumbled up, grabbed a microphone, and he’s onstage, singing along with Apollo in a Dramatic Duet(TM)
Apollo’s also stunned--he’s spent the entire summer listening to Klavier lament about his mysterious singer that he’s trying to find, and this song that he’s never gotten out of his head (that Apollo never actually got to hear, come to think of it...), and it turns out that in the end...he was Klavier Gavin’s mystery muse?
They finish the song, and Edgeworth announces that that’s it--it’s the end of Final Jam!
The judges go away to tally the scores, and...what’s this?
The curtains go up, the lights turn on, and it’s a surprise performance, from Trucy, Pearl, Athena, and Junie!
They get to play the song they’ve been working on all summer, and it’s a hit--surprisingly good for a bunch of kids between 12 and 14!
(Trucy’s integrated magic tricks and it looks Super Cool)
The votes come in, and...
turns out Apollo got disqualified for the fact that Klavier ended up singing with him, oops
(He’s secretly glad--he didn’t really want to get roped into more public performances with Klavier)
The winner actually ends up being Vera Misham, who’d entered with a heartfelt ballad set against a backdrop of her own drawings
But Trucy’s made a bunch of new friends and got to surprise everyone with her magic/music combo!
And Apollo meets up with Klavier out by the lake, after the show, to talk things over
because really, Klavier spent an entire summer pining after him?
And Klavier’s like, “Wow, I’m an idiot, I spent the entire summer torn between hoping I’d find this mysterious singer who stole my heart right at the start, and wanting to get to know you more--and it turns out you’re one and the same, and all my worrying was for nothing.”
to which Apollo responds: “You’re sure you’re not...disappointed? Because I’m just...me, and I don’t really want to be a performer, and I’m really not that cool, and--”
Klavier cuts him off: “Nein, don’t talk like that! You are perfect, exactly as you are--and I can’t tell you how happy I am that it’s you”
And Apollo lets himself believe Klavier, and they just smile at each other with these stupid huge grins on their faces, standing out on the dock on the lake, before Apollo finally decides that fuck he’s gonna go for it
and he kisses Klavier, right there, arms wrapped around his neck so he doesn’t go falling over with the combo of standing on a dock and standing on his tiptoes so he can reach
They only break apart when they’re interrupted by the sound of raucous applause from the bushes by the shore--
where Trucy and her band were watching, and they cheer them on
(Apollo turns exactly as red as his signature hoodie, and even Klavier is hard-pressed to just laugh it all off)
Klavier and Apollo make sure that they’ve got each others’ contact details, and confirm that yes, they want to try this dating thing, even though they’re both going to be pretty busy and not in the same place
The only thing left is to get all packed and ready to go home--so Klavier walks Apollo (and Trucy) back to the cabin Apollo shares with Phoenix--
--only to walk in on Phoenix and Miles finally having gotten their acts together, making out on the couch.
(Trucy wins a lot of money that night, and everyone at the camp learns definitively not to enter into bets with her)
In the end--Trucy’s got lifelong friends and promising feedback that her music/magic idea is gonna work out; Apollo’s got a boyfriend and more confidence in his songwriting abilities; Klavier’s also got a boyfriend and learned that it’s important to not forget what’s fun about making music; and Phoenix and Miles found each other again after Several Years Apart (and later decide that they’re going to try running the camp together--but that’s something that’s not immediate).
Vera gets to record her song with Klavier; and Kay and Ema actually end up having a pretty good summer, despite their cynical outlooks at the start (and Kay’s attempts at stirring up mischief)
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modernmarcy · 4 years
[UPDATED: Complete Guide] Are you interested in watching Adventure Time, but intimidated by the thought of watching 283 episodes? Have you watched the series before, but want to watch again without any filler episodes (unless it’s Bubbline, of course?) This is for you!
After seeing several requests, I have compiled the complete list of all the Adventure Time episodes that contain major plot, important backstory, major characterization, and/or Bubbline moments. I have also included optional episodes that I think will increase your understanding/enjoyment of the show (I put the reason next to it; if it says something about being an arc, backstory, characterization, etc., be warned that not watching may make the major plot points of the show a bit more confusing for you). 
I condensed the show down to 153 of the 10-minute episodes (91 episodes if you don’t watch any of the optional episodes). Optional episodes are in italics. Episodes with Bubbline moments, characterization of Marcy/Princess Bubblegum (PB), or major backstory/plot related to Marcy/PB are in bold. Anything with a an asterisk (*) can be watched at any time (order doesn’t matter, though you may still want to watch it in the same season).
I hope this helps someone out since I spent hours putting it together! Without further ado…
Season 1
1 x 2 “Trouble in Lumpy Space” | Introduces LSP
1 x 3 “Prisoners of Love” | Introduces the Ice King
1 x 5 “The Enchiridion”
1 x 9 “My Two Favorite People” | Introduces Jake & Lady Rainacorn (LR) arc
1 x 10 “Memories of Boom Boom Mountain”
1 x 12 “Evicted”
1 x 15 “What is Life?” | Introduces NEPTR + Ice King characterization
1 x 16 “Ocean of Fear” | Finn characterization
1 x 17 “When Wedding Bells Thaw” | Ice King characterization
1 x 20 “Freak City” | Introduces Magic Man
1 x 22 “Henchman”
1 x 24 “What Have You Done?” | Ice King characterization (*)
1 x 25 “His Hero”
Season 2
2 x 1 “It Came from the Nightosphere”
2 x 2 “The Eyes” | Ice King characterization
2 x 3 “Loyalty to the King” | Ice King characterization
2 x 6 “Slow Love” | Just a funny/cute episode (*)
2 x 7 “Power Animal” | Establishes more of Adventure Time universe
2 x 10 “To Cut a Woman’s Hair”
2 x 11 “Chamber of Frozen Blades” | Ice King characterization (*)
2 x 12 “Her Parents” | Jake and Lady Rainacorn (LR) arc
2 x 15 “The Real You”
2 x 17 “Death in Bloom” | Establishes more of the AT universe
2 x 18 “Susan Strong” | Introduces Susan Strong arc
2 x 20 “Go with Me” | Subtle Bubbline
2 x 24 “Mortal Folly”
2 x 25 “Mortal Recoil”
2 x 26 “Heat Signature”
Season 3
3 x 3 “Memory of a Memory”
3 x 5 “Too Young”
3 x 6 “The Monster” | LSP characterization/general cuteness (*)
3 x 7 “Still” | Ice King characterization
3 x 9 “Fiona and Cake” | Gender bending episode (*)
3 x 10 “What was Missing”
3 x 14 “Beautopia” | Susan Strong arc continues
3 x 17 “Thank You” | Not vital to plot, but adorable (*)
3 x 18 “Apple Thief” | Not vital to plot, but a favorite (*)
3 x 19 “Holly Jolly Secrets Pt. 1”
3 X 20 “Holly Jolly Secrets Pt. 2″
3 x 21 “Marceline’s Closet”
3 x 25 “Dad’s Dungeon” | Finn and Jake background
3 x 26 “Incendium” | Flame Princess Arc
Season 4
4 x 1 “Hot to the Touch” | Flame Princess arc
4 x 2 “Five Short Graybles” | Established more of AT universe (*)
4 x 5 “Return to the Nightsophere”
4 x 6 “Daddy’s Little Monster”
4 x 8 “Hug Wolf” | Generally cute (*)
4 x 9 “Princess Monster Wife” | Ice King characterization + great episode
4 x 10 Goliad
4 x 11 “Beyond this Earthly Realm” | Ice King characterization
4 x 13 “Princess Cookie” | Generally cute
4 x 15 “Sons of Mars” | Established more of AT universe
4 x 16 “Burning Low” | Flame princess arc + PB characterization
4 x 18 “King Worm” | Serious foreshadowing
4 x 19 “Lady and Peebles”
4 x 20 “You Made Me”
4 x 22 “Ignition Point” | Flame Princess Arc
4 x 24 “Reign of Gunters”
4 x 24 “I Remember You"
4 x 26 “The Lich”
Season 5
5 x 1 “Finn the Human”
5 x 2 “Jake the Dog”
5 x 6 “Jake the Dad” | Jake/LR arc
5 x 5 “All the Little People” | Cool and very slight Bubbline cameo
5 x 9 “All Your Fault”
5 x 11 “Bad Little Boy” | Gender bending + Marcy/Ice King development
5 x 12 “Vault of Bones” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 14 “Simon and Marcy”
5 x 16 “Puhoy” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 17 “BMO Lost” | SO ADORABLE. If you don’t watch you’re missing out (*)
5 x 18 “Princess Potluck” | Ice King characterization (*)
5 x 20 “Shh!” | Established more AT universe and is cute/neat (*)
5 x 21 “The Suitor”
5 x 22 “The Party’s Over, Isla de Senorita” | Ice King character development
5 x 23 “One Last Job” | Jake character development
5 x 26 “Wizards Only, Fools”
5 x 28 “Be More” | BMO backstory (*)
5 x 29 “Sky Witch”
5 x 30 “Frost and Fire” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 31 “Too Old”
5 x 32 “Earth and Water”
5 x 33 “Time Sandwich”
5 x 34 “The Vault"
5 x 38 “Red Starved”
5 x 40 “Play Date” | Finn character development
5 x 41 “The Pit” | Finn character development
5 x 45 “Blade of Grass”
5 x 46 “Rattleballs” | Finn character development
5 x 47 “The Red Throne” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 48 “Betty”
5 x 50 “Lemonhope Pt. 1″
5 x 51 “Lemonhope Pt. 2″
5 x 52 “Billy’s Bucket List”
Season 6
6 x 1 “Wake Up”
6 x 2 “Escape from the Citadel”
6 x 4 “The Tower” | Finn character development
6 x 6 “Breezy”
6 x 9 “The Prince Who Wanted Everything | Gender bending (*)
6 x 10 “Something Big”
6 x 12 “Ocarina” | Jake character development
6 x 14 “Princess Day”
6 x 16 “Joshua and Margaret Investigate”
6 x 19 “Is That You?” | Flame Princess arc
6 x 22 “The Cooler” | Flame Princess arc
6 x 23 “The Pajama War”
6 x 24 “Evergreen”
6 x 25 “Astral Plane” | Martin arc
6 x 26 “Gold Stars” | Lich arc
6 x 27 “The Visitor” | Martin arc
6 x 28 “The Mountain” | Flame Princess arc + Lemongrab characterization
6 x 29 “Dark Purple” | Susan Strong arc
6 x 32 “Friends Forever” | Ice King characterization
6 x 35  “Graybles 1000+” | Foreshadowing
6 x 38 “You Forgot Your Floaties”
6 x 39 “Be Sweet” | Lich arc + LSP character development
6 x 40 “Orgalorg”
6 x 42 “Hot Diggity Doom”
6 x 43 “The Comet”
Season 7
7 x 1 “Bonnie & Neddy”
7 x 2 “Varmits”
7 x 4 “Mama Said” | Finn/Jake character development
7 x 5 “Football” | Adorable BMO (*)
7 x 6 “Marceline the Vampire Queen”
7 x 7 “Everything Stays”
7 x 8 “Vamps About”
7 x 9 “The Empress Eyes”
7 x 10 “May I Come In?”
7 x 11 “Take Her Back”
7 x 12 “Checkmate”
7 x 13 “The Dark Cloud”
7 x 14 “The More You Moe, The Moe You Know (Part I)” | BMO arc
7 x 15 “The More you Moe, The Moe You Know (Part II)” | BMO arc
7 x 18 “President Porpoise is Missing!” | Adorable + Marcy cameo
7 x 21 “King’s Ransom”
7 x 25 “Flute Spell” | Introduces Huntress Wizard
7 x 26 “The Thin Yellow Line”
7 x 27 “Broke His Crown”
7 x 28 “Don’t Look”
7 x 29 “Beyond the Grotto” | Established more AT universe/cool (*)
7 x 30 “Lady Rainacorn of the Crystal Dimension” | LR backstory (*)
7 x 31 “I am a Sword”
7 x 32 “Bun Bun” | Finn + Flame Princess arc and characterization
7 x 33 “Normal Man”
7 x 34 “Elemental”
7 x 35 “Five Short Tables” | Gender bending (*)
7 x 36 “The Music Hole”
7 x 38 “Preboot”
7 x 39 “Reboot”
Season 8
8 x 1 “Two Swords”
8 x 2 “Do No Harm”
8 x 3 “Wheels” | Jake characterization/background (*)
8 x 4 “High Strangeness”
8 x 6 “Jelly Beans Have Powers”
8 x 7 “The Invitation”
8 x 8 “Whipple the Happy Dragon”
8 x 9 “Mysterious Island”
8 x 10 “Imaginary Resources”
8 x 11 “Hide and Seek”
8 x 12 “Min and Marty”
8 x 13 “Helpers”
8 x 14 “The Light Cloud”
Season 9
9 x 02 “Skyhooks”
9 x 03 “Bespoken For”
9 x 04 “Winter Light”
9 x 05 “Cloudy”
9 x 06 “Slime Central”
9 x 07 “Happy Warrior”
9 x 08 “Hero Heart”
9 x 09 “Skyhooks II”
9 x 10 “Abstract”
9 x 11 “Ketchup” 
9 x 12 “Fiona and Cake and Fiona” | Gender bending (*)
9 x 13 “Whispers”
9 x 14 “Three Buckets”
Season 10
10 x 01 “The Wild Hunt”
10 x 02 “Always BMO Closing” | Cute BMO episode that is sort of important to this season’s plot but you will still understand what’s going on without it
10 x 03 “Son of Rap Bear” | Flame Princess arc fulfilled; fun episode 
10 x 04 “Bonnibel Bubblegum”
10 x 05 “Seventeen”
10 x 07 “Marcy and Hunson”
10 x 08 “The First Investigation”
10 x 09 “Blenanas” | Finn characterization; brief appearance of PB
10 x 10 “Jake the Starchild”
10 x 11 “Temple of Mars”
10 x 12 “Gumbaldia”
10 x 13 “Come Along with Me”
Follow Modern Marcy for affordable finds inspired by Adventure Time (along with a lot of fanart, fan theory, and general posts about the show and its characters!) I’ll be opening up an Etsy shop next month with Adventure Time knickknacks and props from the show (and stuff from a few other fandoms!) so be sure to check back :)
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