#codex: family history
bluerose5 · 1 year
Serah Hawke,
I don't know if you remember me, but I certainly remember you. I remember a time before the Templar Order, before the Chantry, when I lived in Denerim. I remember, as a boy, a merchant's son who played with me in the markets from dawn till dusk. Both of us would run around, covered in mud with scabby knees and bright smiles. Then, when my parents perished in a fire, I carried the thought of that boy with me in the years to come. How we clung to each other in our final moments together, faces stained with tears and snot, when I was eventually hauled off to the Chantry.
During my years of training, I kept the thought of my best friend close to my heart. To comfort and console me in the good times and the bad.
I kept the thought of you close to me.
I honestly shouldn't be writing you, lest I get us both in trouble, but I know Tobrius well. He is a good man. A trustworthy one. He will be discreet. I understand if you wish not to respond. It'll put you at more risk than myself, yet I cannot help but feel as if it was some sort of destiny that brought you back into my life. That, out of all places, I was transferred to the wretched Gallows where you reside.
Know that, no matter what, the impact you left on my life was everlasting.
Your old friend,
Ser Maurevar Carver
—The first on the pile of letters that the mage Tobrius provided. One of many correspondences between Maurevar Carver and Malcolm Hawke during their time at the Gallows. The pages are worn and stained with age.
Meet in the courtyard after supper.
—The second letter is formed from a torn scrap of paper, nearly ineligible with its rushed, bold script.
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pikkish · 1 year
So I know that 2022 isn't actually canonically when classic Doom takes place, it was printed in one of the port manuals without ever being confirmed by any of the original team, but I think it is infinitely funnier if that is when it takes place, because that would mean Hayden was alive through the events of classic Doom, and he still decided to everything he did. My man you saw the consequences and you still made the decisions you did. This is very much your own fault.
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tenebrous-if · 2 months
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🜲 Play the Game
Estimated Release: N/A
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🜲 Character Descriptions
🜲 Family Descriptions
🜲 Map of Arvandor
🜲 Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, and Action/Adventure.
🜲 Rating: Tenebrous is an 18+ Fantasy IF set within the mythical world of Arvandor.
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The Kingdom of Aetheria, within the world of Arvandor, is a nation ripe with history. King Lysander du Aetheria rose up and led the fledgling Aetherian Army against The Forsaken One— Herald of the Abyssal Uprising— and came out victorious when everyone else had failed. With his victory, Lysander placed Aetheria as one of the key pillars of keeping Arvandor safe; allowing for peace to reign over the continent for centuries.
Peace, however, was never meant to last.
The Order of Netheron, Followers of The Forsaken One, had captured you at the tender age of fifteen, holding you captive for a decade within a tower only labeled as “The Spire”. All due to their wish of resurrecting their fallen deity— something that they believe could only be accomplished by using the blood of King Lysander’s descendants; it was a ritual that didn’t go as planned— one that did bring back their deity, but only for your eyes and ears only; the both of you attached to the other in a way that probably wasn’t intended.
And that’s how you spent the last decade of your life… Growing used to the presence that now appears whenever the time calls for it. It isn’t until your twenty-fifth year that you’re finally found and taken back to Aetheria, to everything you had long thought you’d lost.
Your time in the sun, however, was short-lived as the tidings of an even darker uprising was beginning to grow— one that threatens to demolish everything and everyone.
Can you figure out how to save your home?
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🜲 Create your Aetherian Royal:
Gender [Male, Female, or Non-Binary]
Personality [Mainly involving unique reactions to certain situations— the MC is semi-set in some ways]
🜲 Romance 1 of 4 potential love interests— each offering their own unique experience within the story and how the world at large will react to the burgeoning relationship.
🜲 Bond with your family after being apart for so long. They have missed you a great deal. [The MC is a middle child.]
🜲 Harness the magic that flows through your veins due to the gift of your blood.
🜲 Choose from a variety of skill sets that your MC may be able to acquire. [Note: This means you can choose something to specialize in, instead of having to constantly choose between being a diplomat or warrior. You can instead choose to be a swordsman while also focusing on the art of diplomacy.]
🜲 Build a codex from the various interactions that you can have throughout your story— from places, to people, to old legends that have tested the passage of time within Arvandor.
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Astorian/Astoria du Aerilon: The Heir to Aerilon, and the person that was your betrothed from the time you were seven until your disappearance. Astorian/Astoria spent every winter with you, and you every summer with them, in hopes that a union between the both of you would bring your countries together. You remember many things from that time of your life: their warm laugh, brazen attitude, arrogant smirk, and their inability to stay still for long. Meeting them again? It simply proves how much can change in a decade. [Can choose to have been in an almost relationship with them or still rivals.]
William/Wilhelmina du Arvandor: A recent addition to the Holy Order, who has an iron-clad need to help and be of assistance to anyone that may require it. Being a Paladin has been something they’ve strived towards for the last eight years of their life; training being second to nothing. It’s simply a mere coincidence, or the Divine’s Will, that their first major mission was to rid Arvandor of the last dregs of Netheron… A mission that brought them to The Spire, with a small band of warriors, to carry out that very task— wherein they find the Lost Heir of Aetheria. You.
Gabriel/Gabrielle Adair: Being renowned within the arcane arts, having achieved the rank of High Mage within the Aetherian Institute of Magic, it’s of little surprise that the royal family of Aetheria would call on someone with their skill set— if it weren’t for the scandal that still plagues them. You’re not sure what could have been so bad that would force them to retreat within themself like they have, especially if your parents had seen them fit enough to tutor you, but it’s obviously something that weighs heavily upon them. Will it be possible to wrangle out the secrets of their past when you’re still trying to figure out your own gift?
Ilyran/Ilyria Caelestis: The Forsaken One, an individual that’s visible only to your eyes from a ritual gone wrong. There isn’t much you can glean from them, after all you can only take what they say with a grain of salt, but the shadows that lurk within their eyes has nothing to do with the darkness that now lives within them. It’s hard sometimes to look at what they’ve become when you’ve seen what they were in Old Texts, when they weren’t the Forsaken One, weren’t the Divine’s Disgrace… When they were simply Ilyran/Ilyria Caelestis, High Priest/Priestess of the Holy Order.
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coeluvr · 2 years
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A New Interactive Novel
Links :
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Last Released: Chapter 3
Total Word Count: approx. 137.3k
Last Updated: 27th of May 2024
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Total word count: approx. 16.7k
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Crown of Ashes and Flames is a fantasy interactive fiction game, free to play on pc and mobile. You play as the only remaining member of the royal family of Vesphire; living in the home of the man who took away everything from you.
It is currently in development and each chapter will be released as they are finished.
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The war had taken everything from you.
King Luceris had taken everything from you.
You were just nine years old when all of this happened. One moment you were in your room sleeping and the next you were walking through smoke and ash trying to find your parents.
Love, he said, was the reason he started the war. Ironically, you lost everything you loved but you also lost yourself when he let you survive and dragged you away to his home.
In a new Kingdom with no one on your side what choices will you make to survive? Who will you become?
Inside of you, there’s something burning for revenge and there’s only one thing I want to tell you. Let it out.
Content Warning: This game is rated MA-17. Depictions of violence, injuries and blood, and death; trauma, depictions of mental health challenges, child marriage, psychological horror, animal cruelty, and optional sexual content. Player discretion is advised.
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The story starts in the Kingdom of Vesphire, a fictional kingdom within a fantasy universe, but it truly begins in the Kingdom of Rosea.
The two kingdoms are situated in a world that was blessed by the gods, the lands were filled with magic and beasts of wonder. For unknown reasons the gods abandoned the realm taking everything they had brought with them while the beasts moved to forests and the sea. Anywhere that was far from civilization.
You were born and raised in Vesphire until tragedy struck and you were taken away to Rosea. Contrary to the snowy lands of Vesphire, Rosea was tropical in the north and temperate in the south with mountains surrounding the lane.
The Kingdom is a colorful land with green scenery contrasts to its large white buildings. The streets are always busy from early mornings to the late nights, and filled with calls from the shopkeepers from their wooden stalls with sun-faded striped fabric or blue tarps above it. It is truly a lively place.
The ruler of this kingdom is none other than Luceris De Rosea. He is the man who led destruction right onto your home, he is the one whom all of Rosea admire. The land is immensely beautiful but many of it's people harbor great hatred towards you due to you being the last royal of Vesphire.
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✧ Play as the royal of your own making:
Name [including nicknames]
Gender [male, female and nonbinary options]
Pronouns [choose a preset or set your own]
Personality [develop personality traits that will influence event sequences and the behavior of other characters towards you]
Appearance [including scars and tattoos]
✧ Develop deeper relationships with the characters, each with their own themes and stories, and find romance.
✧ Build rapport with characters from all over the continent, aid them with their problems or use them as a pawn in your story.
✧ Build a codex as you explore the world that surrounds you; encounter people, places, history and magic.
✧ Encounter important timed choices with alternative results if time runs out or you choose to abstain.
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The characters in this list are those with whom you can form a deeper relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. While all characters are available to everyone, only Hunter is gender selectable.
It is important to note that these characters are not the only ones of significance.
Fadiya Akter - The Royal Mage’s daughter, and one of the only people that doesn’t have something against you. She’s cheerful, talkative and kind - like a fairy. Fiercely loyal to you, to the point that she gets into trouble just to defend you even in court. She is a powerful mage just like her mother. She is one year younger than you.
Helios De Rosea - The Crown Prince of Rosea, and the child of the man that destroyed your home. He has a radiating smile that instantly brightens up the room, like sunshine itself. He is the hero of all fairytales, the boy with a golden spirit full of light and hope. He keeps his distance from you, after all you are the last royal of Vesphire. He is one year older than you.
Hunter Oakes - Crown Prince’s shield and Sir Lancelot’s ward. Easygoing and reckless; their serene smile puts everyone at ease. They’re loyal to the hand that feeds them but understand what you went through was an injustice. They are four years older than you.
Soarine De Norazaan - Eldest daughter of the King of Norazaan, and an envoy to Rosea. Her smile is charming and practiced, she has a vixen-like personality. Soarine wishes to take the throne and better her kingdom, her desire for the throne is underlined by a thirst for revenge against the people in her kingdom who have forgotten their own history. She is one year older than you.
Vincent Annora - Son of the current General of the Imperial Army and the one who will take her position in the future. The perfect example of what a knight should be. He is very guarded and passionately protective of the people he cares about, he may seem rough around the edges but has a gentler side to him at times. He dislikes you due to his mother’s own hatred towards you and your late family. He is two years older than you.
Thank you for reading!
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fourthwingfanclub · 4 months
Spin-offs I want after the Empyrean Series is finished.
I know this is getting ahead of myself, but these are books I would like Rebecca to write after we finish the Empyrean Series.
All 5 books in Xaden's POV.
I also want Xaden's first two years at Basgiath. Starting with the execution of his father and deal he made with Lilith. I would love to see more with his relationship with Cat and how toxic a dynamic that must have been, also the intricacies of that arrangement. Starting from the beginning we could see him navigate Basgiath before threshing, including when he kills the prince. Then we can see him get his powers and how he handled hiding his signet(s). There is just so much. I know we can't get this though until the series is finished because he's full of secrets!
The first rebellion - I want to know all the parents, and how the rebellion started. The feud between Fen and Lilith (because you know there has to be more history there). More about Liam and Sloanes mom and their family history, she had to be extremely powerful (I also have a theory which I will make another post about). Also, I think we will learn about Xaden's mom but if we don't get much I want backstory about her and Fen, same with Violets parents. I also want this in maybe Fen and Lilith's POV. Also, little Xaden, Liam, Bodhi, Garrick, and Imogen likee yess please.
The First Six - There is DRAMMA there, probably steamy romance and the Great War. Need I say more?
I want a whole book on Garrick and Imogen - starting from the beginning - slow burn, friends to lover trope, she falls first, Garricks to dense to notice. They're endgame, you can't change my mind.
Some Novellas I think would be fun/interesting to read
The Book of Brennen
The codex (edited and unedited version)
The rules of the Dragon Empyrean
Rhiannons POV love story with Tara and her one tryst with Sawyer.
Sawyer and Jesinia Dual POV
Ridoc - just everything, his conversations with Aotrom, his relationships with just about everyone.
Liams first year at Basgiath
Mira and Drake (because we all see that enemies to lover story from a mile away)
Lastly, because I personally LOVE Bodhi - just anything involving him.
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florbelles · 1 month
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known as "the lost rhindaun" in her homeland, mireene's early life is shrouded in mystery, though she was reported to have been raised among pirates. she would become known to history as the much-younger mysterious woman who appeared in baldur's gate on the arm of the adventurer randal cosantoir when he returned from his travels. some claimed she bewitched the patriar as one with possession of the powers of mind-control and entropy, though renowned for her wit and beauty in her own right; despite the whispers of her detractors, it is not believed she manipulated him cerebrally, though she would go on to employ such capabilities against rivals. while never confirmed, it was alleged she had been working as a courtesan when he met her; it would later be claimed "[síle cosantoir] was trained in the arts of both her parents," though it is unclear if this is the source of, or result of, the rumor. by all accounts, mireene quickly became a prominent and influential figure among the city's elite, often joining her new husband in his travels and forming connections across faerûn. they had two children, aodhan and síle, the latter securing their legacy of notoriety in the history of the coast. despite being officially unrecorded, mireene was known to her family and was keenly aware of her blood, reportedly keeping tenuous ties and sending her children to visit queen anais's court. she was later implicated in a plot to place her daughter on the throne of tethyr, a coup that, real or imagined, would lead to the fall of the patriar family cosantoir. it has been speculated that her very daughter she would have made queen is the one who revealed the plot against ysabel to her father's cousin, lander cadwell, in a bid to escape her fate. of síle, lander would later reportedly say ". . .she favored the father, but took after the mother."
— codex 003, la tour abolie.
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kremlin · 2 months
there was a long stretch in human history where those who could read and write were tantamount to the most skilled and accomplished scientists and engineers today, other than they were respected whereas today we "fuicking love" the subject matter. their job was only to duplicate works, almost certainly the bible, without mistakes, in one take, on material worth as much as gold by weight, correspondingly the flesh of baby mammal that could have fed the many that were correctly starving. to write your own words was an unthinkable and unbelievable action, the few that fucking dared correctly dedicated their lifespan to doing this once, did not consider attributing themselves before correctly dying, and the resulting text was valued so highly a single codex was sufficient collateral for a king to borrow to fund a war in a pre-banking society
look what i just wrote!
isn't it trite to hear "in a past life, i was a shepard, from a family of shepards". as if. you and i were not even water carriers. not even lepers nor miscarriages. you and i do not have thoughts and god hasn't killed us yet
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vigilskeep · 8 months
Considering DA protags are referred to by either title or surname, got any headcanons about that?
i’m going to be real with you i’m not sure i understand what this ask means or if it’s in reference to something i’ve forgotten but i’m going to give it my best shot anyway? and simply proceed to ramble. it’s late so i’m going to be very rambley
i’ve always taken particular notice of duncan’s codex entry saying it’s commonplace for wardens to drop their family names as a sign of abandoning their ties outside the wardens. so the warden being known by their family name is an act of defiance against warden tradition. it’s a good representation of how many warden codes they had to break to do the job, and what firm ties they tend to still have to their respective origins. reminds you that the warden is very often the ultimate anomaly. it can be something of a rallying cry for those whose names arent the type to ordinarily be heard across thedas
as for the ‘hero of ferelden’ title, there’s a couple great things about that one. firstly, it directly mimics loghain’s title, the hero of river dane, which is delicious. who knows how long yours will outlive the death of his, when the wheel of history turns once more! otherwise, i’m super interested in it tying the warden to ferelden especially if the warden is not from ferelden. if you’re dalish, how do you feel about nationhood being applied to you? if you’re a dwarf, are you paragon or hero first? if you’re a city elf or a circle mage, how do you feel about this being the moment they finally suddenly want to decide you’re ‘of’ the same people, rather than pushing you aside? etc
‘hawke’ is so great. love how it depersonifies them. love how they’re the one who doesn’t rlly get a nickname from varric; hawke is the nickname, the false persona carrying the story. love that malcolm probably went by ‘hawke’ too and they stepped right into his shoes. love the genderlessness. love the flavour it gives to the names carver hawke and bethany hawke, the twins who can never be the hawke and struggle to get out from under that shadow, but also are in some ways freer in getting to have their own unique names appended, not made into a lifeless symbol
i’m very fond of ‘champion of kirkwall’. there’s a great beautiful confusing dead tradition of referring to nobles simply as their place name, which would be like for example referring to sebastian himself as starkhaven or anora herself as ferelden, and i would love that to apply to hawke in this case. it’s more relevant if they go dark and become viscount but i think all champions should get it as a treat. you don’t even get to be hawke; you are kirkwall. you clawed your way up it and now it’s a part of you, caked under your fingernails. i like how kirkwall claims them as its champion no matter if they were just fighting for their friend. in da2 everything is narrative, decided after the fact
i wish we could get more into herald of andraste because to me it screams end-of-days cult. a herald arrives ahead of someone, a herald announces them. the implication of a herald of andraste is that they have been sent to cry that she is coming
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
On Dragon Age II's Ending
The ending of Dragon Age 2 has always felt to me like the least morally ambiguous of any of the games' mage-templar decisions and frankly one of the least ambiguous "big" decisions in the series.
DA2 makes it extremely obvious that the Circle mages are about to be executed for something that absolutely none of them had any part in and no one, not even the Knight-Commander, is arguing that that isn't the case. You can feel whatever kind of way about what Anders did, and still recognize the staggering injustice of killing all the Circle mages for something that everyone, including the Knight-Commander calling for their deaths, is fully aware they did not do.
And just in case that wasn't clear, someone made a point of dropping in that bit of ambient dialogue telling us that Meredith is already trying to get clearance for the Right of Annulment before the explosion; she's just looking for an excuse. The game is pretty clear about the injustice of this situation, regardless of how many demons and blood mages there may or may not be in Kirkwall.
I'm a chronic replayer who enjoys making up new characters every time to see things I haven't seen before and I didn't have a particularly difficult time coming up with in-character, circumstantial reasons why a character might annul the Circle in DAO or recruit the templars in DAI and believe they're doing the right thing. For the former: dwarven noble who knows little about magic and believes what the Knight-Commander tells her, and chooses the wrong dialogue option with Morrigan in the party so Wynne attacks and therefore is not present in the party as an emotional anchor and a voice for the mages, and listens to Cullen when he says it's too dangerous to let any of the mages live. For the latter: non-mage human noble from a Chantry-connected family who just implicitly trusts templars, as he was raised to. Or Dalish elf who walks into Redcliffe, sees a magister stinking up the place and says "Well, the Dread Wolf take the lot of you then" and turns around and marches straight to Therinfal, conscripts the templars, disbanding the Order in the process. Just a couple of easy examples I've actually played.
But the ending of DA2 is a choice between "Yes, I will help to execute these people for something everyone knows they didn't do" or "No, I will not do that and I will help them defend themselves and escape." Of course it's possible to come up with in-character reasons to make the former choice, and I have! But it's much less of a choice a character could just stumble into, and you have to do a lot more ideological contortions for a character to do that and believe they're doing the right thing.
Yes, there are a lot of blood mages and demons in Kirkwall. While we don't get a lot of opportunities to treat blood mage NPCs with much nuance apart from Merrill as most blood mages are programmed to attack on sight (and this is likely a product of the game's tight development deadline), the game itself offers an explanation for this in the writings of the Band of Three, the Enigma of Kirkwall codex entry that you can collect throughout the story. While you have to look to find it, this history does make it clear that Kirkwall is meant to be an outlier, for reasons both political and historical (which is another post for another day). And Merrill herself, whether you agree with her viewpoints or not, does offer an important counterpoint: a character designed to be sympathetic while giving a more nuanced perspective to the player on why a mage might choose to use blood magic.
And yeah, even with the fact that the game makes you fight Orsino in the mage ending, I still think this. It's clumsily executed, yes, but Orsino going all blood magic harvester abomination is just one more example of what the game has been showing us all along: that mages (like most people) turn to extreme measures when they're backed into corners with no sense of hope, and the templars then use those extreme actions to justify further abuses of mages. I don't think it was strictly necessary (and for what it's worth, Mark Darrah agrees with that; it's a decision that was made out of concern for gameplay balance more than narrative and in hindsight he's said that he thinks it was a mistake), and I definitely think it could have been executed better, but as it stands it does fit an ongoing theme, and Orsino's actions still do not justify the murder of every other mage in the Circle.
And then there's that thing where Hawke can only receive the support of the nobility and become Viscount if they side with the templars, thereby agreeing to uphold the existing power structures in Kirkwall. It's easy to miss if you've never played through the templar ending (and also because Hawke doesn't hold the position for long and Inquisition doesn't really acknowledge that they ever did Correction: It is actually mentioned in the Champion of Kirkwall codex entry, and possibly other places as well, my memory just failed me), but to me that outcomes is absolutely inspired. It serves to highlight how deeply intertwined the nobility are with the Chantry. The nobles of Kirkwall want Meredith deposed because they feel she's overstepped her bounds by denying them a proper viscount, but they are not anti-Chantry or anti-Circle; they still want mages locked up, and they probably also remember what happened the last time Kirkwall's nobility decided to try and contest the Chantry's power in their city (see: Perrin Threnhold).
I find the templar ending genuinely interesting to play through in terms of seeing the story from that angle, and in terms of what it has to say about power structures and politics in Thedas generally and in Kirkwall in specific, which I also wrote about recently. (To say nothing of how differently it frames Varric in Inquisition when the Hawke he idolizes is the Hawke who slaughtered Kirkwall's mages to a one.) I would honestly recommend playing it at least once for lore reasons if you're into that sort of thing. But I would hardly say that you as a player come out of that ending feeling like you're playing the good guy.
And I'm not even arguing that all choices in the games should be this in-your-face. On the contrary, I don't think they all should. I like it when it's possible for a character to make a choice with unintended outcomes, or get accidentally locked into a worse choice because of previous decisions (like annulling the Circle and then being forced to kill Connor or Isolde). Those are some of my favorite kind of choices in these games. In this particular case, I do think the extreme nature of the choice is important to the story, both as the catalyst for the mage rebellion and to underscore why Anders did what he did.
So when people tell me that DA2 "both sideses" the mage-templar conflict... I respect that it's possible to feel that way about it, but I just don't see it. The game allows the player to role-play a character who might make various choices within its narrative; that is not the same thing as presenting all choices as morally equivalent in-universe, and it has never been the same thing, in any of these games.
If you're looking for one mage-templar choice that puts the injustice squarely in your face, I think the ending of DA2 is very much that.
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creature-wizard · 5 months
https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw?si=6aInyR5QVTAT3z0R Watch if you're bored but you might be surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️.
It's about spirit science
GHJKSD when you said this video was about Spirit Science, I thought you were gonna like, link to a video talking about how the Spirit Science guy Jordan Duchnycz is a rapist or his weird obsession with Emma Watson or his antisemitic claim that Jews come from another planet. I didn't expect you were going to link to like, an actual Spirit Science video.
In brief, what Jordan's putting out here is straight-up baloney. A lot of it's pretty bog-standard New Age pseudohistory based on unsubstantiated conjecture, misinterpretation of various mythological traditions, and shit somebody just pulled straight from their ass. Not only is there no actual evidence to support any of the stuff he's putting out there, the actual evidence we do have inevitably precludes it.
Here are some links that explain why and how we know that people like Jordan are just wrong:
The Sirius Mystery: did the Dogon know about Sirius B?
The Truth About Atlantis
Atlantis @ Bad Archaeology
The Weird Case of Atlantis-Mu in the Madrid Codex
Lemuria, the weirdest continent that never existed
Naacal @ Wikipedia
Close encounters of the racist kind
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis Is Racist And Harmful
Zechariah Sitchin @ Bad Archaeology
"The Emerald Tablets of Thoth": A Lovecraftian Plagiarism
Left- vs. Right-Brained: Why the Brain Laterality Myth Persists
Are the Egyptian pyramids aligned with the stars?
Criticisms of Drunvalo Melchizedek @ Wikipedia
Detailed deconstruction of the "face" and pyramids on Mars claims
"Christ" @ Wiktionary
"Allah" @ Wiktionary
Charles Hapgood @ Wikipedia
It’s better light, not worse behaviour, that explains crimes on a full Moon
Sphinx water erosion hypothesis @ Wikipedia
Egyptian Hieroglyphs @ World History Encyclopedia
Predynastic Period in Egypt @ World History Encyclopedia
Sumer @ World History Encyclopedia
Debunking the Myth: The Council of Nicaea and the Formation of the Biblical Canon
First Council of Nicaea @ Encyclopedia Britannica
Did Jesus Go to India? A Modern Gospel Forgery
Also, the fact that Jordan appeals to channeled information is a massive red flag. Channeling is fun and sometimes produces some interesting things, but a source of reliable information it is not.
He also claims that a pole reversal makes the planet start spinning the other way, which is literally not how pole reversals work at all.
And of course, Jason's claim that thirteen powerful families are controlling the world is that general conspiracy theory shit derived from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, early modern witch panic, and blood libel. The whole thirteen families thing in particular comes from Fritz Springmeier, a far right conspiracy theorist who proudly cites other hateful kooks like Edith Starr Miller and Alexander Hislop and basically claims anything that isn't good wholesome Christian entertainment is actually Satanic programming.
Basically, Jordan Duchnycz is just another New Age conspiracy theorist pushing the same old garbage as loads of others like him.
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bluerose5 · 1 year
—The eighth page of correspondence has multiple entries, as if written in quick succession of one another.
C, you shouldn't have interfered.
And tell me. What kind of person would I be if I didn't?
It wasn't your place.
I beg to differ. It was exactly my place. My job is to protect the mages in my care.
Don't pull that load of nugshit with me. You've never been that interested in being a templar. Stop acting like your so-called duty matters now.
Just because I didn't want the lot I drew in life doesn't mean that I can't strive to make things better for others. That I can't try and make things better for you. Maker's breath, they were WHIPPING you. What else was I supposed to do?! Sit back and watch? Enjoy the show?
The others certainly did.
Well, I'm not the others.
Yet you're so hesitant to go against your precious status quo. You're so afraid of drastic change. How are you any better than the others when your inaction allows the Chantry's abuses to continue?
Are we really going there?
You're the one in a position of power here. Not me. Use your voice to make some change, damn it. Or was it not enough that I was getting beaten for defending a Tranquil against one of yours? It's easy to ignore the problem when you've convinced yourself that the person being assaulted is nothing more than a walking, talking, breathing object.
We'll talk more about this later. Our usual place?
Fuck you!
—The last words on the page were emphasized with three sharp lines scratched underneath them.
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saberamane · 4 months
I can't help but wonder...has anyone figured out the significance of what I named Ezio's horse in WWBFT??
Answer under the cut!
as @omegabeast27 guessed, Ezio's horse is named (unknowingly by Ezio, anyway) after Dante Alighieri.
In the Auditore Family Crypt, there are memoirs on the walls written by Ezio's great-great-grandfather, Domenico. In them, he states how his father introduced him to Marco Polo and Dante Alighieri, and that Dante would be training him to be an Assassin like his father.
The memoirs go on to explain how, after his training, he was supposed to escort Dante to Spain, where Dante was going to protect Altair's (completed) Codex.
Before such a thing could happen, the Templars killed Dante, trying to retrieve the Codex. Domenico went to inform his father and Marco Polo of what had happened, and he was told to leave for Spain immediately with his wife, Isabetta, and son, Renato, with the Codex.
On the ship to Barcelona, they had to take shelter at a port to avoid a coming storm. Amidst the storm, pirates (hired by the Templars) snuck onto the ship, looking for the Codex.
The pirates were not discovered until it was too late to flee, so Domenico hid with his wife and son in the hold, where he broke the spine of the Codex and hid the pages within the various boxes and containers meant to be traded.
Domenico was restrained as the pirates demanded the Codex, and when he told them he had thrown it overboard, they proceeded to sexually assault and eventually kill Isabetta, throwing her body overboard.
Domenico and Renato were thrown overboard as well, the goods on the ship stolen, and the ship itself sunk. Domenico was able to get to shore with his son, Isabetta's body washing ashore the next day.
Domenico took his son and made his way to Florence, where he used Marco Polo's account to draw upon money and make his way to Venice to find Polo and his father.
Both were already dead.
Domenico returned to Florence, where he took to studying the classics, taking vocal lessons, and impersonating a Noble at the Florentine Court, taking on the name 'Auditore' and successfully hiding himself and his son from the Templars.
He purchased the Villa in Monteriggioni, renovated it, trained his son to be an Assassin, and made it his life's goal to hunt the Templars in Italy to extinction to honor his late father and wife.
Domenico did many great things in his life, keeping Altair's Codex out of the hands of the Templars, building the Auditore Crypt, Villa and Sanctuary with his own designs to secure the Armor of Altair, and diminishing the Templar influence in Italy.
So why is Ezio's horse named Dante? Because Domenico, in his own memoirs, stated that Dante Alighieri, in becoming his mentor, ruined any happiness Domenico would ever have in life. And Dante (the horse) is a spiteful beast that likes to ruin lives...in his own way, lol.
Also, strange that Domenico comes from a long line of Assassin's, and yet his father didn't tell him about it until he was old enough to have already been married with a child. Kind of reflects on Giovanni, who while training Federico, hadn't told Ezio until it was too late.
(Sorry for the long AC history lesson. I just thought that Domenico's life was indeed tragic and wanted to incorporate it a tiny bit in my story. Dante (the horse) became quite a big character and I just wanted people to know his name actually had a lot of thought behind it, in comparison to all the other horses lol.)
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ataleofcrowns · 1 year
i know for a fact that you've answered something like this before but i cannot find it, so i going to ask again, i'm sorry! but the codex states that the crown having a relationship with someone in the inner court (so in this case, D and R) is generally seen as questionable. we know that D very much struggles with this during their route, but R doesn't really seem to, so I was just wondering why? and similar question with royal protectors, is it not a concern that a bad breakup with the crown could compromise their ability to keep the crown safe? this obv wouldn't happen to A but i dunno if every royal protector in history is as virtuous as they are
I think you confused the positions of the Court, anon!!
D/the High General is not part of the Crown's inner court. The codex states clearly that the High General is part of the outer court, also known as the Imperial Court.
This is what the codex says:
"Generally, though, it is considered questionable or even wholly frowned upon if the Crown were to choose someone of the Imperial Court as their lover, due to possible biases and mismanagement that could cause."
The issue is the Crown's lover having undue influence in matters of governance.
The Crown's Sorcerer and the Royal Protector, on the other hand, are part of the Crown's inner court, also known as the Imperial Household. The Crown's Sorcerer gives the Crown advice, but have no actual say in governing; it doesn't matter whether they're in love with the Crown or not, it's immaterial.
Same for the Royal Protector. Yeah, a bad break up could happen, but then the Crown would just replace the Royal Protector lol. It's not as if being the RP is a unique position, there are plenty of talented soldiers that could do A's job. Not as well as them, but still acceptably so.
D's route is really the only one where the external pressure of hierarchy factors in, not just because of the High General being compromised in the Crown's favor, but also because of D's own backstory regarding that.
Don't get me wrong, D prioritizes serving Arsur first and foremost, so it's not as if they're especially attached to their reputation... but it would bring back very painful memories. Even if D doesn't care, status matters a lot in Arsur's society: their whole family would become outcasts.
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sapphim · 1 year
So! I've been talking a bit about malcolm and his relationships with his kids, and I received a question about what carver had said about malcolm that I was referring to. Which got some great responses! But as I promised I would, I've collected some direct text from the in game dialogue and codex, and world of thedas about carver that I feel is illuminating in that regard, with some extra concerning leandra/bethany/hawke where I felt like it.
Carver's codex entry if he died in the prologue:
Carver grew up surrounded by magic he couldn't truly understand. He cared deeply for his family, but sometimes felt like the stupidest person in the room. Carver foundered in Lothering, caught between the gifts of his apostate sister, Bethany, and the growing skill of his more focused sibling, Hawke. But even as Carver groused about his lot, he remained dedicated to protecting those he loved. He didn't think twice about sacrificing himself to save his mother during the flight from the darkspawn, and although Carver struggled to find his way in life, there is gratification in knowing his death had purpose.
Act 1
Carver's codex entry if he survived the prologue:
Strong and strapping, Carver is a skilled warrior set on proving himself, although it's not always clear who he is trying to impress. The son and sibling of mages, he grew up surrounded by magic he couldn't truly understand—and he feels like something was expected that he could never deliver. He cares deeply for his family, but sometimes feels like the stupidest person in the room. Carver foundered in Lothering. He blamed his lack of direction on not wanting to draw attention to his family of apostates at home. After his father died, he started down a military path; however, the Blight and rout at Ostagar ended this career almost before it could start. While he knows that swift flight was the only reasonable course in the face of the darkspawn advance, he almost would rather have stood and fought. Doomed though the effort was, facing the horde had purpose—something Carver had been searching for.
Hawke: [Be happy for Mother.] You could slap on a smile for a few days. For her sake. Carver: She's not interested in what I think. She wants to provide for us, and you're making sure it happens.
Hawke: [No one is holding you back.] The "second child" act is getting pretty stale, Brother. Carver: Try it from this side, always running after you. Or taking care of Mother while you mark your territory. Hawke: That's enough, Carver. Carver: Even back home, what could I be? The lone blade in a house of mages? If I excelled, it brought too much attention.
Hawke: [You're being an ass.] You hating everything I do is really losing its charm. Carver: Sure, make light. Why take anything seriously? You're the eldest, you lead by default. Hawke: I don't see you taking the reins. Carver: When should I do that? When I'm following you around, or when I'm caring for Mother while you tame mighty Kirkwall?
Hawke: Well, good talk. Carver: [Sister./Brother.] Carver: I feel… I don't know. It's like Mother, taking everything out on us. She was just scared. Carver: I don't have a place in the life she is trying to bring back. Carver: I'm here if you need me, but I must find my own way.
Family History
Carver: These are by Father? Are you sure they aren't meant for you? I bet another mage could get more out of them.
Hawke: [Ser Maurevar was a good one.] Father must have felt he was worth honoring. Carver: A man who let him look ahead, and a name that would always mean "skill thoughtfully applied." Hawke: Seems like he thought it held some promise. Carver: Not a link back, but how to go forward. That's what I was to him. Carver: I… don't know what to say. Except… thank you.
Carver: I wonder how it compares to yours. Hawke: I'm sure someone thought far too long about my name. Point is, this was a swordsman. Carver: A man who let him look ahead. It would always mean "skill thoughtfully applied." Carver: Not exactly "master of all blades," but… Father actually thought there was worth to a swordsman. Carver: Thank you, [Sister/Brother]. It's… a connection I didn't think was there.
Legacy - Malcolm's Will
Malcolm: I may have left the Circle, but I took a vow. My magic will serve that which is best in me, not that which is most base. Carver: "That which is best in me." Father used to say that, didn't he? To you and Bethany? Carver: She never felt like she could live up to him.
Carver: Father didn't want a child with magic? He got that one wrong twice over. [Act 2, friendly Carver] Carver: He sure didn't show any regret back home. The attention he gave you and Bethany… Carver: Well, I guess he figured the worst that could happen to me was tripping on my sword. Hawke: [He had confidence in you.] He knew you didn't need protecting. You were the strongest of us. Carver: Sure, it's easy to believe that now. But I think… I just wanted to help. [Act 1] Carver: He can't have meant it. You and Bethany, you were his favorites. Weren't you? A: Hawke: [You know that's not true.] You can't believe that. Carver: Maybe not. But you had your little guild and I didn't really meet the requirements. Hawke: [No we weren't. Grow up.] Only relative to his disappointment for you. Of course we weren't his favorites! Carver: All right, all right, but you did have your little mage guild. Carver: I suppose he knew it would be dangerous for you. That templars were the least of the problems. Carver: Bethany didn't like it. Did you know? She wished she was "normal." Like me. B: Hawke: [We should have been.] The amount of complaining you do, I wouldn't have blamed him. Carver: It wasn't easy being outside your little guild, you know! Carver: And no, inside was probably no better. But even if father didn't want you to have magic, you still had that connection. Carver: I was always outside. Hawke: [You were free.] Right, outside with the dog. But you had no leash. Not like we did.
Hawke: [Why did you join the templars?] Carver, shouldn't all this make you want to, I don't know, offer a reason for joining the order? Carver: I have to defend the one moment I stopped waiting and did something? Hawke: If you wanted to spite me… [friendly] Carver: I'd hoped those wounds were at least scabbed. It wasn't you. It never was. [rival] Carver: No! See, right there is the problem. For the longest time, I thought it was you, but it wasn't. Carver: We spent so long running, and why? Because of magic, the Blight, money, and abuses. Carver: Well I'm no mage, I'm no Warden, and you didn't need me. But maybe… maybe there's one thing I can do. [Family history completed] Carver: Father believed in a templar. Why can't I? [else] Carver: For more than me. And you.
Bethany: Do you remember when Carver ran away and enlisted in King Cailan's army at fifteen? Hawke: He came clanking back in so much armor he could barely lift his legs. Bethany: Father didn't know whether to burst with pride or lock him in the cellar.
Legacy - Post Plot
Hawke: You never liked that he spent so much time with Bethany and I, but it wasn't all bad. Carver: He started training me too, best he could. Then I picked up some things from those soldiers who came through. Carver: Remember when I beat him? Took the blade clean away. Hawke: He was holding back. Carver: On magic? Sure, but not the blade. After that… well, he knew I could handle the house while he was off with you. Templar Carver: Another way you take after him, if I remember correctly.
Hawke: You know, I don't think we had it that bad. For a while. A short while. Carver: I think I blinked and missed it.
Bethany: You know, as much as he had to spend time training me, he was so proud of you and Carver. Bethany: His little soldiers. Bethany: His scoundrel and his soldier.
World of Thedas
I'll end with some excerpts from his WOTv2 entry.
Said he wanted to protect his family. That someone had to, because his father had died and, well, you know how the Champion turned out. Carver took it real serious, and I could tell he was hiding some family shame…. Carver said his father taught what he could, but he'd mostly watched mercs sparring when he was young, then aped it with whatever wooden waster he could get. I knew how it was, I did my time with a stick or two. That's what you do when you're on your own for lack of money or interest. Or whatever concerned a father like his…. We were far back from the named companies, supporting the "glory" of their charge or whatever. So far afield, I barely heard the call to attack. Not Carver, though. He ran as fast as he could, and damned if he didn't cut a wedge in the horde. A few of us kep the 'spawn off his flanks and used him as a spear… I never heard a retreat, but I heard the yelling when the royal colors went down. And then the Wardens, too. And I thought we were done without them. But not the Hawke boy. The more ground we lost, the harder he swung that plank of a sword of his. He was shouting that we had to win, that it was to keep our homes safe. I swear he was crying when we finally tackled him… It took three of us to drag him to cover. I had to slap him back to his senses, to make him see that killing five or ten more 'spawn wouldn't matter. The wall was on us, and dying there wasn't going to help anyone. I said if he wanted to do his family good, he'd get them safe. This wasn't his failure….
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beyondxthexrift · 9 months
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Talisen Lavellan, the Inquisitor
For an open man, he tells very little of himself, even when pried upon the topic; and whether he knows it or not, he's covered up his tracks well. My agents and I have exchanged a few reports on our findings, mostly to do with a rumor concerning his bloodline. Some have taken to the idea he's related to Dirthamen - very distantly, but still so.
Regardless, we've been able to learn from Keeper Istimaethoriel that Talisen's mother was a runaway slave from Tevinter. Captured and caught several times. She first fled so her son wouldn't be born into slavery, and every time after, it was so he could live with a parent - as per the letters she wrote to the Keeper. As to where the woman is now, we do not know. Talisen claims to know she is deceased, and we've no reason to work against his claim.
As for his father, we've found little. The most notable being a letter from his wife that was addressed to him though never sent. The details are. . . heartbreaking, to say the least. I will send an agent to deliver the writing to you, to read for yourself. I will also suggest that this information stay between us. If Talisen knew about me continuing to look into his history, he'd surely have my head. He already told me twice not to.
Despite the information we've found regarding his family, it seems that in few letters, he himself had been within the Tevinter Imperium, though whether it was due to slavery or not, I cannot say. Some would suggest so, and if it were the case, he was not in chains long at all. To add, many would say that while residing within the hands of Clan Lavellan, he was one of their lead spies and scouts, when he wasn't tending to the halla, of course. Keeper Istimaethoriel explains him to be an irreplaceable asset, and their lead reason for even sending him to the Conclave at all.
Truly, Josie, I want to know what goes through his mind. Enough power, and any man turns sour, but Talisen seems to break that streak, even as Inquisitor. He's still the same as his Keeper describes - a man of charm and wit with countless secrets tied to his tongue.
If we found him before Hawke, perhaps he'd have been our second choice, behind the Hero of Ferelden.
— Leliana
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Hi! :D
I've finally given myself a proper Dragon Age Inquisitor! Plus this little... whatever this is. it's an excuse of a codex entry for Talisen, because I thought it would've been cool to do, plus it gives everyone a brief look into who he is 😌
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exoticalmonde · 5 months
Part I. Phantom and Crimson Solitaire but the part where Dr. Eve is reading where the mission is situated + history + collectibles
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Instead of Dr. Pinkie being the actual loremaster that I expected given their superiority in everything that ever happens with the game, I have reclaimed the role (at least when it comes to IS2) and that includes all my assumptions about whatever has happened and is happening in it.
First of all, while re-reading the previous post I made about Shalem and Phantom, I realized that, wait a minute, where the hell is this even situated?
Apparently, Gaul. Which I have been able to understand is basically France, but gone because they were too sassy. Something of that sort. My understanding before versus now.
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Second of all, it's not Gaul itself, the place we stumble into is a castle in Calais-Blason. That is a part of Gaul formally, now it is a part of Northwestern Victoria. After the war nothing was left of it because of devastation and because all the people either fled or died.
Phantom was told by the Crimson Troupe that he was born in Calais-Blason and was taken by the Troupe after a flood Catastrophe swept through the area.
We don't really know if that's true or not though.
Then there is a description as we enter the loading screen of the castle that states:
A castle hidden within the woods constructed under the auspices of a Gaulish noble who perished in the war a few years after its completion, leaving it derelict. But a mysterious group has been calling it home recently...
I'm about to eventually figure out who the noble is and we know that the mysterious group is The Troupe. Their 'Blood Diamond' is Phantom and during some investigating of his memories, he was attracted my goodness knows what machinations to re-visit his old home. Our job is to, you won't believe it,
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Gaul's story in general is as straightfoward as it can be based on the Wiki. It was an empire ruled by a family of Liberi located between Victoria, Ursus, and Leithanien. Gaul was so influential that its grand nomadic capital, Lingones, was nicknamed the "Capital of Terra".
Gaul was primarily known for its expansionism, and it reached its peak during the reign of its last Emperor, Corsica I, following the implementation of the "Second Economic Reform Act," a new codex that drastically strengthened Gaul's military.
No surprise there, since Corsica I came to lord over the country because of his military prowess and the rewards he's gained over the years of serving. He was putting all of his military power into expansionism when demand had grown more than what the land's riches could produce. Like any time in history, he thought that it's time to knock on their neighbours' doors and tell them their time is up.
Big mistake. What kind of professional, a military veteran looks at this man and in return says 'I can take him'. Like any monarch, outraged by the Gaul's proposition to become a vassal state, the Witch King refuted by turning all Gallic envoys in Leithanien into lifeless statues. That's how we ended up with the Gallo-Leithanian War.
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Pinkie: "I'm starting to believe you didn't read the story of Lingering Echoes." Me: "Which... I didn't." Pinkie: "There you go!" Me: *Appalled* Pinkie: "We will pick up the pieces left during Zwillingstürme Herbst."
That wasn't enough. Gaul also attempted to invade Victoria – which almost resulted in a complete defeat and annihilation of the latter, forcing Victoria to give up its northwestern colony that would later become Columbia.
In 1053, Victoria, under the leadership of King Frederick III, formed a coalition with Leithanien and Ursus to oppose Gaul, leading to the Battle of the Four Emperors. The war ends with Gaul's total annihilation, Lingones (the Capital) is wiped off the map, and the victors taking over Gaul's former territory.
The fall of Gaul is often considered the most tragic event in Terra's history. During its time, Gaulish culture was considered influential, but are now slowly fading to obscurity. Some collectors sought to preserve Galic relics while bakers and wineries tried to replicate the original Gaulish formula, but the latter are unable to match the original. With their homeland lost, many Gauls were scattered across Terra, and their nobilities were forced to serve the victors. Still, there are some Gallic restorationists who attempted to steal Gallic relics on display in museums in order to rally the surviving Gauls and bring the empire back to life.
Which leaves a lot of questions for where the current Victorian storyline is going to go, because I think most of the land and the people now consider themselves victorians. Granted, their descent remains marked, so here's a list of Gaulish people.
... Clément.............
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To note before I go reading the collectables, here's the most metal thing I have ever seen being done in Arknights so far.
The Last Empress-Consort of Gaul: The wife of Corsica I, also known as the Natator. She chose to stay in the Gaulish imperial palace upon hearing the news of Corsica I's death and killed the invading enemies in a suicide attack by plunging an Originium shard into her body.
Pinkie: "So can we assume all catboys are Victorian?" Me: "Uh-- Well, I think so?" Pinkie: "Because, we already know all Perro are from Bolívar, and Ursus is a thing." Me: "Yeah, sounds the part actually. Officially, all Felines are Victorian."
Collectables I found cool, so i want you to know.
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Banshee's Kiss
Outsiders make extraordinary displays of bravery that far surpass their normal abilities. However, as one of the few male Banshees out there, this has become a far too common sight to Logos.
You could lie to me and tell me that belongs to Logos and I will believe you. I don't understand a lick of what this signifies though. Maybe it is connected to death, maybe it is connected to music, or to the fact this is a relic of the Death Cult (The Troupe).
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Actor's Jewelery Box
A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actress wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point.
Absolutely terrible, actually. Nobody will understand the reference but this reminds me of how Lumine fell off the stage in Off-Script by Jules and Amarettiii. Great scene, wonderful timing in what is happening before that. Genshin brainworms shall always swarm me when Arknightsing and vice versa.
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Fissured Restraints
It seems this sturdy band was once used to restrain something terrifying… Help…
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Godmother's Token
A laurel of bones, the token of a Sicilian noblewoman. This symbol of order will smooth the turbulence of all desires, for conflict is not allowed. Genuine or counterfeit, it still demands you to kneel.
Laurel. Of. Bones.
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Worn-out Group Photo
Do you know someone in the photo?
These are Gopnik and Hellagur as far as I can see.
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Writer's Tongue
The playwright penned his creations with a quill and his own blood, and for himself he devised an ending in which he perishes in a sea of flames.
Something something it has to do with the ending but I have not gotten to any ever thus... I will be reading that later.
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'The Whisperer in Darknight'
A black vinyl. DO. NOT. TOUCH. IT.
I played Darknights memoirs, you have no excuse to keep me away from it. Unless it's... who collected Vynil out of the Penguin Logistics? Was it Emperor himself? Croissant? I don't remember but my hands are up, you can see them.
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Gold-Plated Dice
The gold-plated die has one side representing life. As for the other nineteen sides…
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Emperor's Favor
A very sharp letter opener. It was one of the favorite possessions of the last Ursus emperor, and as such it was very rarely used to actually open letters.
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Silver Forks
One for dealing with actors who botch their performances, one for dealing with incompetent playwrights, and one for anyone who needs it. The Chief will not tolerate any mistakes on the table.
The more I learn about the Troupe the worse it just gets.
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Damaged Revolver Cyllinder
She never capitulated, even after enduring countless trials and tribulations. Her muzzle belched tongues of flame that burned like an angry sun, and the glow above her head was brighter than the daylight itself. Buried here is Outcast, our friend.
Outcast? Who is Outcast? *Googles*
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Kryo: "She is past tense." Me: "She is a 'was'."
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Rusted Razor
If you cut yourself with this, you know what will happen.
Is this allowed? Is... Is this allowed? What do you mean- Yes we all know what happens with a-- goodness me.
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'Brilliant Lament'
His blood yet flows. He has never left this place.
Whose...? Whose???
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White Flower Crown
A floral veil used in Vampire rituals. Its once vibrant redness has been sucked empty, leaving nothing only a pale white color.
Oh, pretty!
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Dancer's Bracelets
The audience breaks into applause as the well-trained dancers waltz around the traps on stage. None of them are aware of the brushes with death the performers have just been through.
The trauma just continues. Thematic.
This is just a set of pastries without context, I love the food in Arknights.
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Broke Mask
He’s wearing the mask. Is he the one who’s speaking or is it the mask?
Oooo it's Phantom. We Phantom enjoyers know when we see the mask.
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