#clintbartonbirthday bingo
averyrogers83writes · 4 years
Routine Mission
Title: Routine Mission 
Author Name: @averyrogers83
Fill & Square: Birthday (5)
Rating: General
Warnings: Some angst, fluff. 
Pairing: Clint x Reader
Summary: Clint has always hated his birthday, having a rough childhood and all, but you wanted to make it special, unfortunately though things don’t work out as expected. 
Word Count: 779
Author’s Notes: Submission for @clintbartonbingo​ @clintbartonbirthdaybingo
@asthearrowflies​ @patzammit​ @shield-agent78​ @ellaprime7​ @mychemicalimagines​ @chuuulip​ @dj-lowkey​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @bloodiedskirtts​ 
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Clint’s POV
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It was supposed to be a simple routine recon mission. The one where he was just supposed to go in gather some intel and get out. That’s why he volunteered to do it. Also with the fact that his birthday was coming up and he didn’t want to think about it.  He hadn’t had the best childhood. In fact it was the classic troubled kid who grew up with an alcoholic abusive father, shipped off from one foster home to another kind of childhood.  That is until he and his brother Barney finally got sick of it and ran away to join the circus.  As he grew older he got into more and more trouble until he got caught and someone took a chance on him and recruited him into S.H.I.E.L.D
Through the years he had forgotten all about his birthday, never giving it a second thought.  This year was different though.  This year he had you, but he still didn’t like the thought of his birthday coming around so here he was once again volunteering for another mission to get away from his past. So birthdays weren’t something he usually liked to think about.   So he did what he normally does, he made the call to go out on another routine mission in hopes that it would only take him a day or two.  Boy was he wrong.  
One day turned to two, then three, until he ended up being gone for half the month.  He wanted to tell you that he was ok, to let you know that he was sorry for not being there as he had promised but there was no way for him to contact you.  Most importantly he didn’t have the chance to tell you how much he cared about you in case anything went wrong.  He was sure that you would have gotten sick of him by now and by the time he got home you’d be gone.  Another failed relationship.  Something else he had gotten used to. Why had he volunteered to go on this mission anyway.  Nothing he could do now except get through it  and hope that you would still be there when he got home.
The Quinjet had made it’s descent into the hanger slowly opening the bay doors to allow the members to flee and to their homes and crash, relieved to finally be back home.  Clint was the last one to grab his gear and exit the jet.  Exhausted, sore, relieved.  As he approached closer to his home a sudden sadness overcame him.  Would you still be there when he opened the door or would he find it empty once more.
He unlocked the door and took a deep breath as he slowly opened the door, surprise and relief overcame him when he saw that you were still there lying on the couch sound asleep.  A smile crept across his face.  He hadn’t scared you away. Even though he had broken his promise you were still there waiting for him to come home.   He lowered his bag to the floor and quietly came to your side as he sat on the edge of the couch. He brushed your hair from your face and placed a soft kiss on your lips.  You stirred awake and smiled at him through your sleepy eyes.  
“You’re home” your voice hoarse as you sit up to give him a hug.
“I’m sorry. I really thought I would have been home sooner” he hugged you tightly as though to make sure that you were really there with him.  “I was so sure that you would have left” he tried to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. “Why would you think I’d be gone.  It’s ok, it’s your job and I understand that. I was worried though when you didn’t come back and I hadn’t heard from you, but then Steve texted me and told me that you were on your way home soon.”  You looked into his eyes as you wiped the tears from his cheeks.
“I’m sorry that we missed your birthday though” you looked at him with sad eyes.  “I wanted to surprise you. Next year, NO MISSIONS” you teased.
He hadn’t even realized that you knew it was his birthday. Coulson or Nat probably spilled the beans.  He felt bad because he had missed spending it with you, but hearing you talk about the next year gave him hope that maybe this time things would be different.  
“I promise next year no missions.”  He kissed you again and held you tight. He would definitely make up for missing his birthday with you.
Reader POV
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It was supposed to be a simple routine mission, at least that is what he told you.  You had made plans to celebrate Clint’s birthday.  Nothing extravagant, he was never one for celebrating that day due to a harsh homelife. Something you could relate to.  The two of you had a rough childhood, dealing with an abusive parent made it hard for a kid to find the joy in something as simple as a birthday.  You were determined to make up for that.  You wanted to make his day special. Something simple to let him know how much he meant to you.  
A week before he told you that he was to go out on a mission.  It would be a quick in and out job and he’d be home before you knew it.  It was his job and even though you knew there would be times where he would have to leave for days on end, maybe even months, you hoped this would be the one time he would be back in a day or two.  Even though you would still worry about him.  You kept yourself occupied with getting things ready for his birthday surprise.  On the day of his birthday you had put the finishing touches on dinner and the small cake you had made for him.  It was your first time making it from scratch and you were hoping that it would turn out.  
The day had come and gone and when he hadn’t come home and there was no word from him, you began to worry even more.  You became anxious as thoughts that something bad had happened to him.  What if he wasn’t coming home, what if he decided the two of you being together was a mistake.  You tried to quiet your erratic thoughts.  At night you would cry yourself to sleep, that is if you were able to get any sleep.  Your mind raced from one bad thought to another till you were too numb and exhausted.  You knew you couldn’t contact Clint while he was on his mission, but you made a call and found out that he was ok and would be home soon.  
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you hung up the phone.  It was late and even though you tried to stay awake to greet him when he walked through the door you were too sleep deprived to be able to stay awake and soon fell asleep on the couch.  The light touch of his lips against yours woke you from your slumber and you smiled.  He was home.  You sat up to wrap your arms around him and you knew you weren’t dreaming when you felt him hug you back.
“I’m so glad you’re home. I’m sorry you missed your birthday surprise. Next year no missions.”
He looked at you and smiled. “I promise next year no missions.”
You would find a way for him to make it up to you later, but right now you were just happy to have him back home where he belonged.
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averyrogers83writes · 4 years
Coffee Coffee Everywhere, Coffee Coffee None to Spare
Title: Coffee Coffee Everywhere, Coffee Coffee None to Spare Author Name: @averyrogers83 Fill & Square: Coffee (6) Rating: General Warnings: None Word Count: 842 Pairing: Clint against the world Summary: Why is all the coffee gone?! Link:
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Author’s Notes: Silly little writing for @clintbartonbingo​ 
@asthearrowflies​ @shield-agent78​ @clintbartonbingo​ @ellaprime7​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @mychemicalimagines​ 
If you have never seen a coffee addict before, look it up in the dictionary and you’ll find a picture of one Clinton Francis Barton aka Hawkeye. This guy has coffee flowing through his veins.  He lives off nothing but coffee and pizza, however if he had to choose only one vice to have for the rest of his life it would be coffee.  
Clint Barton is not just a coffee addict.  He is a snobby coffee addict.  He will only drink            the best coffee around. Unless of course there is nothing else but the nasty swill that you would find mostly in hospital cafeterias 
Needless to say, imagine Clint's dismay when he dragged himself into the kitchen to grab himself a hot cup of java only to find the pot was empty.  He went into the cupboard where he normally put his favorite coffee grounds and it was empty.  He opened the next cupboard and it was empty too.  Clint spent the next thirty minutes tearing the kitchen and common area apart looking for coffee. 
Beyond frustration Clint stormed out of the compound and headed to the store.  The man went to ten different stores and each of them were out of coffee.  He couldn’t even find the cheap stuff.  How in the world could every store in New York City be out of coffee beans.  Worse he couldn’t even find an open coffee shop to get himself one hot freshly brewed cup of joe.  
This had to be a nightmare.  Surely he would wake up and walk into the kitchen and the cupboards would be full of every bag of coffee beans imaginable, but when he pinched himself he knew it wasn’t a dream. For the first time Clint felt defeated.  He was tired, angry and frustrated. He had managed to go all day without a drop of the black liquid gold that managed to sustain him throughout the years. 
For the first time he thought he might actually go crazy.  Steve and Bucky ran into Clint in the elevator, and when they said hello he just mumbled obscenities at them.  He didn’t care if Steve Rogers’ precious virgin ears were offended.  He didn’t even talk to Nat and Tony, and was half tempted to shoot Sam with one of his arrows.  
Clint decided the best thing for everyone was to go off to bed and hoped that tomorrow would be a better day and the coffee shortage would have been a horrible nightmare.  As he unlocked the door to his room he noticed that the door would not open. No matter how hard he tried, the door would not budge.  He put all his weight against it, nothing.  Even running into it with his shoulder didn’t move the door an inch.  
This was the last straw.  It had been a crappy day with no coffee and now he couldn’t even get into his own room.  Every curse word known to man dripped from his tongue like venom as he crawled through the vents. As he got closer a familiar scent assaulted his nose making him move faster.  
Bucky and Sam had decided that they were going to play a prank on their friend by hiding all the coffee that was in the compound knowing that Clint couldn’t function without it. The thing is they probably did go a little overboard with their little prank. 
Instead of just hiding all the coffee in the compound, they enlisted the help of Natasha, Tony, and Steve in the prank going around to the nearby stores and coffee shops and buying all the bags of coffee they could find.  Once they knew Clint was out of the compound and on a coffee rage they filled his room up with all the coffee they had bought.  It was the perfect prank. 
When he opened the vents he gasped in awe. Bags and bags of coffee filled his room. Not just the small bags that you find in your local grocery store, but huge burlap bags of coffee beans, bags of coffee grounds, even coffee beans were spilled onto the floor. It was a coffee lover’s dream.  
So many beans that he could practically swim in it and he was half tempted to do so. As he lay there on the stack of burlap coffee filled bags a thought occurred to him.  Where was he going to put all this coffee and would he have to share it with the others. 
He couldn’t think straight when his coffee meter was on empty so he grabbed one of the small bags and crawled back through the vents and came out into the kitchen where he promptly made himself the strongest cup of coffee imaginable.  He smiled from ear to ear as he savored every last drop of the bold rich flavors. 
As he finished the pot of black liquid Bucky walked into the kitchen noticing how happy and content the archer was.  It made the whole prank worthwhile just to see the smile on his face. 
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