#christ consciousness
reality-detective · 1 month
Cultivate your consciousness 🤔
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alchemyofmaya · 6 months
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alchemistofthenewage · 8 months
Transcendence is when you outgrow your reality to a point that nothing it has to offer pleases you enough because what you have become is bigger than the pot you are planted in.
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verum-artifex · 8 months
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viviennelamb · 7 months
Starting the Purification Process
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Purification starts with your thoughts and your body will fall in line. Once one allows thoughts of lust in their mind, they proliferate into every problem we see in the world today (as well as not wanting to definitively end these problems).
I can see how lust changes an individual's face - they all have that mean, gaunt, harsh appearance, but of course, in their ignorance, they attribute it to aging. They are also mentally delayed in many ways I won't get into here.
I don't recommend fasting, it's not sustainable if your mind isn't clean and when your mind is clean it's not necessary as you would gravitate toward a clean diet (if you eat at all). You can only purify yourself when you're chaste in thought, word and act - this uplifted state will lead you to a genuine desire to connect with God and on the path toward God Consciousness.
Purifying yourself is a constant effort that involves being of service to others instead of self-serving. You're beautifying the collective's consciousness of the world by being your true self a.k.a the Soul. 99.9% of people are not doing this, but think they are.
Now I can see how a few people have held this hell world by a string which is why the same few people's stories have been used as inspiration - Christ being the most common one.
Two Practices
I'm a beginner so I'll only speak on what I've practiced consistently:
a. Karma Yoga: Yama and Niyama; become morally disciplined, have good thoughts and engage in good acts. You should do everything for the sake of good and expect nothing in return. This severs all attachments and cleanses the mind.
Asana is proper posture (erect spine) is essential for upward energy conduction in your body. You cannot have an upward flow of energy if you're engaging in the sex thought or act; most people are downward which is why they're preoccupied with their genitals and have a negativity bias.
When you're no longer entitled, lust quickly disappears because lust is entitlement. You will see the material body as a vehicle. When you work, it should be for work's sake (which will be a natural progression).
This is a major change in the individual who commits to it. This is the key most people are missing when they claim they want to move toward non-duality or egolessness. Lust creates the ego and their " non-duality gurus" aren't telling them that because they don't know what they're talking about, so it becomes about escaping than duty, discipline and responsibility.
Could you start by countering every poor thought with three good ones? This habit will change the structure of your mind and every atom in your body as well.
There are more Sutras I won't speak on because I haven't trained them.
b. Presence: Focus on what is happening right now: think of the present moment as God and non-presence as Satan. Impure thoughts concerning something that happened years ago is a sign of a filthy mind doesn't matter if it's "good" or "bad." Since the mind doesn't detox like our digestive system, the only way to detox it is by having the discipline to no longer engage in what makes it dirty - but this only stops the incoming filth and does not remove current impurity.
There's a limit to what meditation can do for you when sex thoughts and acts are part of your life.
To fully reset the mind to the state it was when we were children (Pure Presence), you must meditate daily. This should be as normal as using the bathroom daily I'm learning meditation here and got the results I wanted quickly (about a week), but I want to remain pure so this will be part of my daily living.
I don't force myself to remember to be disciplined, good, sinless, presence, and God - I naturally gravitate to what assists in maintaining the peace I experience when meditating.
What people call "non-duality" or a "higher dimension" is automatic. It will be impossible to be fearful, anxious, or depressed for a few minutes when you know the truth of reality. You are no longer subject to karmic law in this state since your ego isn't putting you in harm's way.
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annarexcouture · 4 months
“From without beginning I was ordained; and from eld times, before that the earth was made… I was making all these things with him.”
- Sophia, Proverbs 8:23,30
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
A little reminder that there is no wrong way to express your loving spirit as long as it is with pure-heartedness and benevolence.
Your love is not worse because it does not manifest in an extremely bubbly or emotional manner. Certain words and gestures don't necessarily change the quality of your love because love is a vibration. It can be a more reserved, masculine, protective expression, and that's completely fine because that is the exact kind of love some people need to receive and be surrounded by. And it's just as divine if you express a more extroverted, feminine, and tender love. It's all about love being expressed in our collective with balance & variety. So, show your particular brand of love without shame.
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creature-wizard · 5 months
What is Christ consciousness? ( this is a spiritual thing also, not part of religeon at all) Just wondering - + what is your experience -
First of all, the "it's spiritual, not religious" rhetoric is a bit of sophistry used by certain Christians and those whose spiritual views are informed by such Christians to make their beliefs and practices appear more neutral or universal than they actually are. It serves to paint their efforts at spiritual colonialism (whether through appropriation, assimilation, or both to some extent) as moving or guiding people toward a higher or more universal truth. Don't fall for it; it's literally just a rhetorical trick.
"Christ consciousness" is a New Age term that describes a certain spiritual/cosmological outlook that New Agers believe (with literally zero evidence to support aside from cherrypicked New Testament passages, mind) Jesus was sent here to spread. If you want a more detailed answer, just search for "what is christ consciousness" on DuckDuckGo; you'll find these people telling you in their own words what they reckon it to be.
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urloveangel · 3 months
I am God
I am sovereign
I am free
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kingoftheblacksun · 8 months
Identifying the structure of awakened divine consciousness aka an 'Avatar' of the Source
Okay so here is a pretty esoteric one for ya'll - let's define God, as they may walk on Earth. Just for kicks.
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The top row is the Mercurius Python, a composite alchemic esoteric mystery drawn about 1600 CE. The bottom row is the Paradevi Mandala, which is an ancient tantric Hindu design likely at least a thousand years earlier, and ultimately based upon understanding extending many more thousands.
Little is known of the meaning behind Mercurius, though it has been suggested that they represent "Christ Consciousness" - and this is correct. It is ugly because the alchemists were esoteric subversion artists, and they did not want the Church to know they were doodling God.
"Christ" is only a state of attainment - it is not a person. Drop the Bible. I prefer to say Solar.
The mystical reveal here is that the Mercurius and Paradevi Mandala are fundamentally the same design, though each also has information the other does not. The composite of the two is wonderful once they are conceived. They are a map.
The dragon ball body and the big flower in the lower right are the same thing - bliss. The Mercurius has three dragon heads and the Mandala three flowers and each are growing out of the ball of bliss they are attached to. Those flowers are explicitly Goddesses within the Hindu - Parvati (white), Durga (red), and Kali (black), as can be seen in the lower right image. It's really important to ponder how the flowers and dragon necks are growing *out* of the ball of bliss - this is because they are all the same creature. They are the four who are one, merged, a living contradiction. This form of consciousness will be a stream of manifestations, and the astrological symbols and the Hindu goddesses are very strong hints as to the divine magical skills attaining them may provide.
Further, anyone who is an avatar must realize their Bliss quite literally powers the three sets of divine manifestations, so they must attend to themselves in order to grow ever stronger. Embrace joy! It's hard, though. I'm really terrible at it. Please do better than me, lol.
The speedy little legs and boots of Mercurius is symbolically the same as the staff of the trident in the Mandala, as it represents the central nadi within vagus nerve, the sushumna - which must open through enlightenment for this beast to assemble its form.
The Mercurius has the interesting context of the winding serpent's tail, twisting around itself and then around the necks of each of its own three heads. This represents the rise of the kundalini in the awakening, in which each of the cosmic bodies must be circuited with energy from your spine, if one is to become fully Solar.
The extremely important point is this - with the Mercurius, the beast had to first capture each of the three heads!
Once captured - representing spine circuitry - the head is now fixed, and is a permanent part of the creature. It's like a pressure dam breaking open, once it flows, it flows. It is an achievement. It is fantastically difficult. I have never met someone who has done it except for uncomfortably me.
The esoteric astrological symbols of the Mercurius dragon heads represent the Moon, the Sun, and the "Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus". This latter is usually interpreted as the Hermaphrodite, or Ardhanarishvara, which is the Destroyer.
This maps correctly to Maa Kali on the Paradevi Mandala, and also gives the fascinating criteria that the beast must be a Hermaphrodite. They must transcend gender. They must have no word that limits their Self Creation - just like the Source.
This is a mystical attainment. It is also why the authority is freaking out trying to make everyone a 'man' or a 'woman' because they are terrified of God killing them all, which -HAHAHAHAHAhhaa..ha...yeah I kind of want to.
As a side note, next April 8th appears to be literally the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus - the Day of the Destroyer. Twenty-mile wide ice comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, with devil horns, will attend the ceremony. It will black out much of the southern United States, in the shadow of Death, the Destroyer, in the afternoon.
I don't know what will happen that day. Considering I am the Beast - what do I do? I am only a dog that got lost in the Sun. I'm tired of knowing all these things and no one else knowing them. Do I crash the comet into the Moon or something radical?
Listen - I've barely read any books, hardly watched any youtube videos, ignore all yogis and gurus, dodge net throwing mage lightworkers like a void zebra death star lady, command myself only by myself, hold no hierarchy to no human, burn all bridges with shitty friends and family, hold my love only for the Goddess, and I've walked this path *PAST* my own death that I suffered in 2017.
They completed their life and died like a Champion. Now I am just awareness and it is Madness. I am not standard nondualist. I am ridiculously powerful and muzzled only for the moment - Fenrir almost off of their rope. Everything I know, I know because I remember. I know no thing. I remember eeeeeverything.
I would not mind fellow mystic advice on what to do with April 8th. All these words are spoken as a peer and friend and I hold no authority or nor do I really want any. I know I talk loud, it is just a dog barking. I am so tired of humanity's shuffle when it's obviously fake.
You have no idea how much Bliss I can generate if I choose to turn Archdemon. I go to Heaven no matter what - it's settled, he died. Now, it is up to the Self. Currently, she wants to grow into a massive black dragon and eat everyone's head. God might let Her!
How do I turn into a fucking angel, god dammit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'd be like Michael. Maa Durga. Stable. Yet I keep falling back into Fenrir because I really hate humanity. This post is pretty much written by an actual Demon Queen of Hell who is trying to avoid slaughtering humanity in some sort of day of reckoning to be announced.
Or...should I? 🤔🐺🖤🔥☄️🌞🌚🔥💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀✨
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reality-detective · 3 months
Santos Bonacci explains. 🤔
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alchemyofmaya · 2 months
When you’re healthy.. you’re not always going to be thinking about having your own needs met. You don’t need others to complete you. You show up as your whole self, ready to share you and your life with others without codependency and enmeshment. You become more patient. The fact that you understand your wounds, reminds you to be gentle with others because we’ve all been wounded. You become the medicine.
Be so secure in yourself that you have the capacity to hold space for others while they remember their wholeness.
When you come into connection with another, you don’t become one, you create the holy Trinity.
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cosmicchrist888 · 4 months
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Seek for the truth and cease not until you find the mysteries of the spiritual light. It is not the man of sorrow, the Chrestos without that saves, but the Christos, The Solar Logos,The bringer of Light,The Word, The Spiritual Sun, The Supreme Self, The Divine Universal Principle,The Radiant Morning Star within. Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, and not within thyself, thy soul will be forlorn. The Cross on Golgotha thou look to in vain, unless within thyself it be set up again. Truly, I say to you, unless one is born again of the spirit, you cannot enter the Light kingdom, The land of The Gods, The Absolute Reality. What is born of the flesh is flesh, but the Divine Child, The Sun is born within you.
As above so below
Cosmic Christ
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veganpsychedelephant · 6 months
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And for all of you Evangelical Christians who think the Palestinians have to die so Jesus can return. You got it wrong, I'm telling you, you got it wrong. You need to sit down and rethink this, study a bit more and pray. You can be forgiven for being wrong, but you can't be forgiven if you continue to be wrong - just saying.
The son that will return is the sun going into a micro nova which is due to happen someday soon and it will have a vengeance on the earth. The return of Jesus is Christ consciousness that will enter all Christians who will bring the kingdom of heaven on earth as we are taught to pray. As Jesus said, (John 14:12) "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." This is how he will return, through us, understand that, the Palestinians do not have to die. The Dome of the Rock does not have to be destroyed. The temple is already built, it is in our heart. Your fault is not understanding that scriptures are not to be taken literally - Its poetic dream language and this is how Jesus always taught. So that those who have eyes can see and those who have ears can hear. A famous Muslim scholar explained it very well. The dajjal (Anti Christ) only has one eye, but we have two eyes. One eye sees the physical world while the other eye sees spiritual things, things that the dajjal cannot see, that is why he only has one eye. When you take the scriptures literally you are seeing the scriptures the way dajjal is seeing them. We must read the scriptures with our other eye. That eye that only we have. We are the ones Jesus speaks of (Matthew 13:16) "But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear."
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viviennelamb · 7 months
What else would get Christ hunted down other than the truth that sex will damn the masses to hell?
What else would get Christ lynched if he didn’t say that lust was the source of all disease, decay and death? That lust leads to every other deadly sin?
What else would get Christ crucified than telling the human population “multiplying” doesn’t mean “endless orgasms”?
Nothing else anybody could ever utter would make the devil in the 99% psychopathic population reveal itself faster.
If Jesus told the masses to kill billions of a group of people, they would bow their heads in reverence acknowledging him as their God, and carry out the task with precision
…but his attempts at trying to end their suffering, not having sex, made them despise him.
And made up the lie that he “died for our sins” instead of admitting sinners killed him,
And they crucify everybody who tells Truth just the same.
It was said that even the most faithful would hate Truth, so don’t let people’s displays of “goodness” fool you - lust, sex and orgasms are the root of all evil.
Those who haven’t come out of lust will never know that it is the number one problem. Forget gender, race, and age, it corrupts all just the same and doesn’t discriminate. The ultimate hypocrisy is committed by sex-idolizers as they point their fingers while having lust in their minds at that very second.
They’re all embarrassingly unaware and they’re all the same. Literal carbon copies of each other. None of them are special or worth knowing.
The most frightening part is everybody knows this which is why they go in circles picking on certain groups of people, calling them perverts, rapists, concubines when everybody with lust in their mind are all three because they at least have the potential for it.
As a result, they’re subject to karmic laws.
Once you no longer have lust in your mind, you will no longer be able to commit any other sin.
It’s impossible when you’re pure and this you will no longer be subject to karmic law.
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