#chloe in denial
i-like-anything-water · 9 months
another thing I like about Chlonette is the fact one of them gives too much, and one of them takes too much.
Marinette gives too much of herself to other people, be it as her or Ladybug. She gives and gives and gives. It's concerning sometimes but it's kind of second nature to her.
Give. Be kind. Help.
Meanwhile, Chloe takes and takes. Takes a lot of power, takes a lot of time from her friends, takes a lot of things she can't promise. It's how she grew up, it's how she's taught to survive.
Take. Be one step ahead. Win.
But then it's them facing each other. Marinette tries giving and Chloe tries taking. But what could Marinette give to her rival? Pastries? She has money for that. Gifts? She could just order her butler. Friendship? She's...not sure but she tries.
Chloe tries to take it. She can't.
She tries again but it keeps slipping off her fingertips. She's getting frustrated, what was she doing wrong?! She was doing everything the people around her taught and did and yet she couldn't take what Marinette was giving. She couldn't keep it.
Marinette is getting agitated. Chloe isn't taking what she's giving and it feels wrong and strange. So she tries again and again, and again.
There's a boundary and suddenly they're more distant than close.
Chloe starts giving, but only to her. Only to Marinette. She starts giving what she has which she's aware isn't much. She looks down at her hands and she wished she wore her heart more on her sleeve.
And Marinette? She takes what she's given. She takes and takes. Even if it's small, even if it hurts a bit.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
I can't speak for the Lila one but I know I had to filter out racist, sexist, homophobic Chloe tags
oh yikes.
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eh-whereismycat · 1 year
So I have something to say about the Chloe character writing thingy in this episode (S5E23)
I feel like they write Chloe better than before in this episode, yea I know they f up season 3 on that part Really Bad.
Personally I think it's fine to write Chloe as a villain all along despite her had the chance to be a better self, as long as the writers could including some hints and foreshadows in S2, but we all know it was not the case.
But in this episode, the writers didn't paint Chloe as a one-dimension ridiculous mean girl villain and ignore the S2 & S3 development like they try to do in S4 and most of the S5. Instead they show us her relationship with her mother again, we can see how Audrey's parenting is all about fame,power and money, and Chloe is no longer looking for any emotional support from her family, she is annoyed by how her parents are dare to lecture her.
Regardless of the rationality or legitimacy of her emotions, she does feel sad and lonely. Even though her relationship with Sabina is so toxic to the point her see Sabina as her servant/slave, she doesn't know the word "friendship" nor she would care about it, after all these years she still form a emotional bond towards Sabina, she is attached to her, as soon as her is reminded that Sabina is no longer on her side, she feels hurt and heart-broken. And when she tried to let that out by ridiculing Marinette, not only she failed to do so, she was exposed by Marinette that she had NO POWER over them.
Personally I find it's funny how she had never tried to find Lila for emotional support at the end of this episode despite they were supposed to be a team. Chloe knows she is used by Lila, she is nothing but a rich and famous puppet for Lila, and being with this kind of heartless person would only enhance her inner loneliness, even Lila gave her so far the most successful plan and power, she could not form any attachments towards Lila.
Parental love, friendship, the power of control, she lost all the things she craves. She has nobody to relay on and all she can do is cry by herself.
I love how the writers are pointing out that, Chloe can have her relatable side, she is lonely, her parents are certainly doing a terrible job and there are reasons why she is acting in this way with this mindset. We can feel bad for her, but her misery could be coexist with her evil deeds. At the end of the day it's still her own choice to work with Lila and Monarch, to bully Marinette and so on. Her tears are real so as the harm she has done. She is the utterly ridiculous and miserable one.
Lastly, I've been in this fandom for some good years, not the most active one of course. I believe that nobody would ever doubt that Chloe's character development is like the saltiest topic in this fandom. I empathized with the disappointed fans, I witnessed how people went to the writers' twitter ask for explanation, even harassing them. I agree that they did Chloe dirty in terms of character development, and the strong grudge that Thomas holds towards a fictional character is not the most rational thought in the world. However, frighting over a Fictional Character with a Real Life Person who's also the writers that should have the freedom of creation & expression, and power over their own story is unnecessary. I feel like the critics, the salt, the harassment is more than enough (at least the critics is understandable and somewhat justified, but the third one shouldn't be there in the first place).
Constructive criticism is necessary for a creator and its story to growth, but sometimes I want to remind people that encouragement is also important for the creator, point out what is better than the past episodes! These kindness can motivate them and help them to figure out what the audience expecting. I would say, creators and audiences are bonded over the creation, may as well let it be a healthy, supportive and wholesome bond.
A perfect show never exist, but every episode has the potential to exceed its previous episodes.
I can see their hardwork and improvements regarding the story writing, the pace becomes much faster you can finally feel the time is flowing, they are digging the characters' background story and fixing some flaws in the early episode, relationships are envolving (both family and romantic wise), the way they keep the possibility of how the show could go while keep the timeline moving forward (i.e. whether it ends when Monarch is defeated or let Lila be the next butterfly), and animation in this season is doing great imo! ok I should stop here I still have course works to do omg
and I really want more people could see that and spread the kindness across the fandom, send more love to the creators! they deserve it!
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uh oh, how does Beca react upon learning Chloe's going on a date?
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three-surnames · 8 months
so what do you think this "code" is?
Because you accepted that Eric could make clones of himself but not that he said he was a demon. I'm just wondering, what's going on in your head?
....I don't know, ok? I'm used to weird. My classmates used to act weird around me all the time, because my parents divorced. Don't tell anyone, but I saw Charlie fill the Nutella jar out of nowhere. And yeah, Lucifer's been doing weird things since the day I met him.
But whenever I asked my mom, all she said was that Lucifer is 'complicated' and she'll 'tell me when she finds out'. I know he wouldn't lie to me. But, sorry, I'll just always believe what mom says more.
And he can't be the Devil. Someone like Eric or Maze can't be demons. I know bad things happen to nice people, but this.... no. I guess there's just some weird thing going on, that I'll find out whenever someone decides to tell me.
There can't be a God who allowed that to happen, right?
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Me still waiting for a proper Chloé redemption arc
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itsdeanwinchester · 8 months
Sometimes I deeply miss the TV show Lucifer. Like it was a cop drama and predictable but it also used the formula so well to pull out the trauma and tragedy of Lucifer. It was cheesy but also I loved every second of it. Idk idk idk I miss it
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By: Chloe Cole
Published: Sep 24, 2022
My Speech at the US Capitol
Over the past decade there has been as high as a 4000% increase in children being referred to so-called “gender clinics” across the United States. I was one of these children. My name is Chloe Cole and I am an 18-year-old former “trans kid.” I transitioned from the age of 12 up until 16, when I came to realize it was all a lie. My story is a cautionary tale.
Children and parents across the country have been caught off guard by gender ideology. Discussions about transgenderism and “gender identity” went from being a relatively benign and isolated social oddity to a doctrine that has invaded nearly every academic, medical, and educational institution, seemingly overnight. How did we get to this point? How did we get to the point where nearly every pediatric institution in the country considers it best practice to remove children’s healthy breast tissue while administering drugs typically used to chemically castrate high risk sex offenders?
Raising these important questions is not bigoted, and the refusal of activists to give straightforward answers should be seen as a major red flag. People across the entire political spectrum who believe that this practice is morally wrong have been told they are fascists and bigots for even questioning this atrocity. Parents are being convinced by self-proclaimed “gender specialists” that this is the only treatment that will not end in your child committing suicide. I believe Americans deserve to know the truth about this radical and perverse ideology that is being marketed as necessary and “life-saving” healthcare.
I was only 12 years old when I told my parents I was a boy. Like many parents in that situation, they didn’t have a clue what to do; they were scared and desperate for answers. They wanted what every parent wants for their child— for me to be okay and to thrive. At 13 years old, on advice of so-called “medical professionals,” I was put on puberty blocking medication, and one month later I was given my first testosterone injection. The gender clinic presented my parents with the classic false dichotomy regarding children with gender dysphoria: “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?” Given these options, what loving parent wouldn’t choose to transition their child? Scared for my life, my parents were prepared to sign and consent to anything the doctors would have asked. This was not informed consent, it was a decision forced under extreme duress.
At 15 I went under the knife for a radical double mastectomy, the kind that breast cancer patients get. This was after I was sexually assaulted at school, by a male student. I told myself to “man up,” but I lived my life in constant hatred of my breasts. I started binding, which deformed my breasts as well as my ribcage. I was afraid, and couldn’t wait to finally protect my body from the threat of further molestation. At 16, I understood what had happened to me, and that I had made a huge mistake. I realized that the beauty of motherhood was stolen from me by medical professionals who my family entrusted me to.  I realized, after maturing a bit more, that a child does not in fact “know who they are” at 12 years old. I realized that I wanted to be what I always was and forever will be—a woman.
With these realizations came a series of challenges that were far worse than the transition. Somehow, I had to get myself off these drugs, and tell everyone in my entire life that I was not who I said I was. My parents were shocked and felt like they had failed me on every level imaginable. My friends all turned against me because I was evidence that their beliefs were also a lie. I was a joke. I was a fraud. I was many years behind in bodily development, and incapable of feeding my future children. But worst of all, I was completely alone. Even the medical professionals who got me into this mess have no idea what to do with me and refuse to help. It almost killed me, as it has killed many who regret transition.
A big question still remains: How was a 12-year-old introduced to the idea that they could do something as ridiculous as change their sex?
I was and still am the type of kid who never really fit into social norms. I was a tomboy, I was shy, and I didn’t socialize easily. At 11 I made my first Instagram account. I had unmonitored internet access, and it wasn’t long until I became exposed to a ton of LGBTQ content online. I’d never seen anything like it. You mean that all I have to do is subscribe to this ideology and then I’ll be an accepted, celebrated, and valued member of the most talked about community on earth? And “trans” was (and is) the most celebrated subset of this community. I saw the unbelievable amount of praise and attention trans people got online, and I subconsciously yearned to have a piece of it.
With every additional milestone in my medical transition came more and more attention and celebration. It was the ultimate high. Even in person, I got more attention. Having girls crush on me, and having people come up to me in the hallways asking to make friends was unprecedented for me. I felt like a celebrity. But being a kid, I didn’t know just how superficial these relationships were until they all suddenly abandoned me, just for struggling to become who I am.
Much of this gender confusion is based on old regressive stereotypes of men and women, which are now being reinforced with hormones and surgeries.  But women can have short hair and be interested in playing sport, and men can grow their hair out and wear make up. It does not change their biology.
The truth is, this practice is harming more and more children every day. What will we do to protect this most vulnerable group? Up until now, the media has been parroting the same ideologically-driven talking point—affirm, affirm, affirm! The closest I’ve touched to mainstream media was a Forbes journalist who wrote a hit piece on me, calling basic human biology “transphobic.” There are many detransitioners speaking out, but they are ignored by the institutions that are supposed to be engaged in the search for truth.
Up until today, most politicians on the Left and Right have done nothing but get into Twitter spats on this issue. It was too late for me, and time is running out for many other children. There is no second chance at childhood, so we must do our best as adults to guide our children to pathways that lead to healthy bodies and minds instead of depression and disfigurement. No child deserves to suffer under the knife of a gender affirming surgeon. America’s children—all children—deserve better.
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cheeyathebard · 2 years
A Night to Forget (a Love to Remember)
A/N: Pitch Perfect. This was a tough one to write, My Friends, and it may be a tough one to read. Warning for description and aftermath of rape.
Beca knew it was Chloe. Her girlfriend was the only one who knew the code to her dorm room so, when she heard the door open and quiet footsteps cross the room, she smiled to herself. The redhead was probably tipsy. She normally only turned up at Beca’s room on a weeknight when she didn’t want to get into trouble with Aubrey for drinking the night before a Bella rehearsal.
Beca heard Chloe leave her shoes by the door, then the quiet rustling of clothes told her that her girlfriend was undressing. The footsteps drew closer and Beca silently lifted the comforter as she made space for the redhead to join her in bed. The strange thing was, when she wrapped her arms around her to cuddle her as she normally did, there was a lot more bare skin than usual and Beca realized that the redhead wasn’t wearing her normal pajamas. Soft breasts pressed against her chest, and she sucked in a breath as she felt the muscled flesh of Chloe’s back under her palms.
“Chlo,” she murmured. “Are you naked? Not that I’m complaining.”
There was no answer for a long moment, then the brunette heard soft sniffles. “Yeah,” Chloe finally replied.
Beca immediately grew concerned. “Are you ok?” she asked.
“I’m fine.” There were some more sniffles and Beca shook her head.
“You don’t sound fine. What’s wrong, Honey?”
“I dropped off Tom’s things,” Chloe said softly, as if that explained everything.
“Ok,” the brunette replied. “And what happened?” But when Chloe didn’t say anything, Beca grew even more concerned. “Chlo?”
“I… I think I should go to the hospital,” the redhead said, voice barely above a whisper, even though they were alone in the room.
The brunette’s heart began to pound in her chest. “The hospital? Why? Baby, are you hurt?”
“I need…” Chloe’s breath hitched. “I need to do a rape kit.”
Beca felt like she was in a total nightmare, but it was nothing compared to the nightmare her girlfriend was enduring.
“Chloe,” a nurse said gently. “Do I have your permission to take a swab from the inside of your mouth?”
“Yes,” Chloe replied, eyes on the wall directly across from her. She opened her mouth, eyes never straying from that single, most interesting point as the nurse took the sample.
“Chloe,” the nurse went on. “Do I have your permission to swab underneath your fingernails?”
“Yes.” The calm, emotionless gaze remained and Beca knew the older woman had shut down. And it scared her to death.
“Chloe, do I have your permission to photograph your body as evidence?”
“Chloe, do I have your permission to…”
The questions went on. Beca wanted to scream but Chloe endured them all. She endured being poked and prodded and swabbed and photographed for over two hours as the police and medical personnel meticulously gathered evidence against Tom, Chloe’s partner prior to Beca. They took away her dress and her panties and bra, in sealed evidence bags.
“Miss Beale,” the police detective said gently. “Do you feel up to answering some questions?”
“Can it wait?” Beca asked. “She’s exhausted.”
“I know,” the woman replied sympathetically. “But it would be better to get the information from her while it’s still fresh in her mind.”
Chloe snorted at that. “As if I’d ever be able to forget what happened to me,” she muttered bitterly, eyes still fixed on the same spot.
Beca approached her and cupped her cheeks, ducking to look into her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this, Honey?”
Chloe’s blue eyes gazed past her. “Probably should get it over with,” she said simply. “I’m fine.”
The detective… June Michaels, Beca remembered… took a seat on a stool in front of the redhead and opened her notebook. “Miss Beale… can I call you Chloe?”
The redhead nodded. “Yeah.”
“Ok, Chloe, in your own time… can you tell me what happened?”
“Tom!” Chloe exclaimed, laughingly. “I think we’ve had enough to drink. If Aubrey finds out I drank this much, she’s going to kill me! I was just supposed to drop off this stuff.”
Grabbing his ex-girlfriend’s hand, Tom just shrugged. “Hitler will just have to get over it. She’s not the boss of you, Chloe! Come on, stay out with me. We’re having fun!”
“As much as that does sound appealing,” Chloe grinned, tapping her cheek. “I really need to get home. I have an early rehearsal and I promised Beca we’d have brunch afterwards. It’s our two week anniversary.”
“So you wore that dress just to be a little pricktease then?” Tom said a little angrily, making Chloe frown. “And here I was thinking we’d be getting back together tonight. You know that’s my favorite dress of yours.”
“Thomas,” Chloe warned. “Stop. Angry drunks aren’t fun drunks.”
The quarterback, growled and shoved her hard. “Cock tease,” he spat.
Chloe stumbled and twisted her ankle a little as she went down, sprawling onto her back on the floor. “For fuck’s sake, Tom!” she exclaimed as she tried to get back to her feet. But then she gasped as he pushed her back down and pressed his weight down on her. “Stop! You’re hurting me!”
“We’re fucking, Chloe,” Tom growled again, pinning her wrists together over her head with one hand as he opened his jeans with the other. “One way or another.”
Chloe fought him, screaming out for help, but he had almost a foot of height and eighty pounds on her, and she couldn’t get away. He was too strong and there was no one around to hear her cries. He let go of her hands briefly to yank her panties aside and she pounded her fists against his back and screamed as his mouth lowered to roughly bite at her breasts…
Chloe had to take a break for some water. Her voice was monotone, as if she was reciting a story about something that’d happened to someone else. Her blue eyes were still focused on that spot on the wall, almost as if she was in a trance. Beca knew she was in shock and, as the detective stepped out to make a quick call, she moved closer to her girlfriend. “Chloe?” It was as if Chloe hadn’t even heard her, and when she reached out to caress the older woman’s cheek. Chloe jerked back, eyes suddenly terrified as they finally focused on her. “It’s just me,” Beca said soothingly. “Just me, Baby.”
“Sorry,” the redhead replied, lifting a shaking hand to wipe at the sudden tears on her face. “I’m fine. I just… I… I can’t believe this happened, Beca. How could I have been so blind to who he is?”
Beca’s hands were back on her cheeks, heart breaking for the devastation in her girlfriend’s eyes. “None of this is your fault, Chloe. None of us could have imagined that he was like that. He seemed so attentive and sweet.”
“He was… until he wasn’t,” Chloe replied. “But I’m fine. Really. I’m going to get through this.”
And Beca didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know everything that had happened yet. “I love you and I’m here for you, Chloe,” she whispered. “I promise.”
“I know,” the redhead replied, resting her head on Beca’s shoulder.
After a long span of heartbeats, the door opened and the detective stepped back into the room, waiting respectfully as the young women eased apart. Beca kissed Chloe’s forehead and then took a seat back on her stool across the room.
“Chloe,” Michaels said. “Do you feel up to continuing?”
“Yeah,” the redhead replied with a nod. “I’m fine. Honestly, there’s not too much more to tell. After he lifted my dress and pulled my underwear aside, he… he… he pinned me down again and just forced himself… his penis… inside me. I was saying no but he just wouldn’t listen. It… it hurt.” She looked down. “A lot.”
Across the room, a little whimper left Beca’s throat and Chloe looked at her before holding her hand out in an invitation. The brunette was instantly across the room, grasping her hand and bringing it to her lips. Chloe actually smiled this time and squeezed Beca’s hand in return. “I’m really fine, Bec.”
The detective cleared her throat softly. “What happened then?”
Chloe’s smile dropped and she looked down again. “When he was finished, he zipped up his pants and got up. I curled onto my side and just begged him to leave me alone. He looked down on me and for a moment, I thought he was going to say something but… he didn’t. He just shook his head and left me there.”
“Motherfucker,” Beca growled.
“And how did you end up with Beca?” the detective asked quietly.
“I… I just… I didn’t want anyone else. I pulled myself together as best I could and walked to her dorm, let myself into her room and… I barely even remember making it there. I just knew I needed her.”
Beca was crying now, and she looked away, biting her bottom lip to keep her sobs inside as Michaels wrote some more notes in her notebook.
Chloe,” she said then. “Did you leave any marks on him? Scratches maybe? Or did you hit him anywhere other than his back?”
The redhead shook her head. “I don’t think so. I fought him as hard as I could but he’s so big and he had my hands pinned most of the time. I don’t think I was able to scratch him.”
Michaels nodded and then sighed. “I’m not going to lie to you, Chloe, these cases are hard to prove. It normally turns into a he-said-she-said argument. His lawyer will try to say that the sex was consensual and maybe just a little rough; that you cheated on Beca with him because you’re still in love with him. It’s going to be hard.”
“I’ll testify,” Beca said angrily. “I was awake when Chloe came into my room. I know how emotionally devastated she was. I’ll tell a jury everything.”
Detective Michaels nodded. “I know you will,” she said with a smile. “I can see how much you mean to each other.” She took her business card out of her jacket pocket and handed it to Chloe. “If there’s anything else you remember, please call me.”
“I will,” the redhead replied. “Thank you, Detective.”
When the detective had left the room, Beca hugged Chloe again, rocking her gently. “Do you want me to call Aubrey or your parents?” she asked.
Chloe eased back and shook her head. “I don’t want anyone to know, Bec,” she said. “At least not yet. I’m fine… and I don’t want their pitying looks and questions.”
“I get that,” the brunette replied. “Do you want to be alone so…”
“No,” the older woman said quickly. “No, I… don’t want to be alone, Bec. Will you let me stay in your dorm room with you?”
“But, Kimmy-Jen will be there…”
“I don’t care,” Chloe whispered, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “I just want to be with you.”
“Ok,” Beca nodded, drawing another smile from her girlfriend. “Kimmy-Jen will just have to deal.”
Chloe’s smile softened as she nodded. Then she took a deep breath and blew it out. “Can we go, Bec? I’d really like to take a shower and put all this behind me.”
“Of course,” Beca replied. “Let me get the nurse and make sure you’re discharged.”
Kimmy-Jen was less than impressed with the new situation. “This is a real inconvenience, Beca,” she stated, not for the first time over the previous year.
Beca bristled a little, but she stayed calm. “Look,” she said. “I get it. Having Chloe here is not what you want, but I love her, and she wants to be here with me, so you’ll just have to get on with it, ok? And you’re free to have your boyfriend stay here whenever you want.”
A knock at the door broke their standoff and Beca went to answer it, smiling broadly as Chloe held out a duffle of her gear for her to take. She was freshly showered and in comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt with Converse sneakers hugging her feet. “Hey.”
“Hey,” the brunette replied and stepped aside as Chloe came through the door. She had her hand behind her back and, she looked slightly sheepish as she moved closer to Kimmy-Jen. “Hi, listen, I want to say thank you for letting me stay here with Beca for a while.” She pulled her hand forward and offered a bouquet of flowers to the Asian-American woman. “I hoped these might soften the blow a little.”
Kimmy-Jen looked at Chloe, then at the flowers, then at Beca, then back to Chloe. “They’re beautiful, Chloe,” she said as she took the blooms and brought them to her nose. “Thank you. Still, I have one rule.”
Beca bristled but Chloe nodded seriously. “What is it?”
“No sex while I’m here.”
“Awwww… really?” the redhead deadpanned, looking at Beca and watching the blush creep up her neck and into her cheeks. “Hear that, Bec? You’re going to have to somehow keep your hands off me.”
Even though Beca was blushing hard, she was pleased to see Chloe’s natural optimism and good humor returning. “HowEVER will I manage,” she replied, moving closer to wrap her arms around her girlfriend’s waist and look into her eyes. But she was surprised, then not, to feel Chloe stiffen against her and she eased back, trying to make it look casual. But the redhead took her hand, pulling her closer again with an apology all over her face. Beca smiled and offered her a tiny nod. “So… what do you want to do tonight, Chlo?”
“Sleep,” Chloe replied, rubbing between her furrowed eyebrows. “I’m dead on my feet.” It had been thirty-six hours since she’d really slept, and she had a headache that would take an elephant down. “If that’s ok?” she added.
“Of course. How about I get a pizza delivered and we can crash early?” Beca looked at Kimmy-Jen. “Want to join?”
“No, thanks. I’m staying with Paul tonight,” her roommate replied. “I’ll be back after classes tomorrow.”
“Cool,” Beca shrugged. Then she placed her regular order for herself and Chloe before sitting on her bed and holding out her hand to her girlfriend. “C’mere.”
Chloe nodded and climbed onto the bed as Beca’s roommate left, snuggling against the brunette as she lay on her back and wrapped her arms around her. “I’m so tired,” she murmured. “God, Bec.”
“I know. Take a nap, ok? I’ll wake you when the pizza gets here.”
The redhead nodded and closed her eyes, dead to the world only moments later. Beca kissed her head and closed her eyes too. It had been a long night.
After her nap and some food, Chloe felt strangely awake, and she chuckled as she poked her dozing girlfriend. “Want to watch a movie?”
“I don’t like movies,” Beca stated, as if this was news to the older woman.
“Want to watch porn then?” Chloe deadpanned. “I know you like that.” She waggled her brows teasingly.
A single dark blue eye opened and rolled in her direction. “Shut up. That was one time, Chlo. One time!”
The redhead giggled. “I will never EVER forget the look on your face when you realized you’d been caught.”
The brunette sighed. “It was the one single time in our friendship that I wished I hadn’t given you the code to my door.”
“Why do you think I started knocking before coming in? A woman needs her alone time. I get it. I need mine too.” She paused a moment, then smiled softly. “I gotta tell you though… It was really hot seeing you like that.”
“Really?” Beca asked, one eye still on her girlfriend.
Chloe smiled softly. “Yeah, you were so close, and you looked so beautiful… I wanted to help you finish. It’s why I finally decided to make a move on you.” She sighed then. “It feels weird to be talking about this after what happened last night.”
“Baby…” Beca lifted Chloe’s chin with two fingers so she could see her eyes. “We can talk about anything you want. Whatever you need.”
“I’m a very sexual person,” Chloe said thoughtfully. “I think you know that. I love intimacy of any kind, even just cuddling, and when I saw you… I mean… it aroused me to see you pleasuring yourself like that. It made me want to touch you so badly.” The redhead chewed on her bottom lip. “But I’m afraid… after what Tom did to me, I won’t be able to…” She stopped then. “No,” she said firmly. “I’m fine. I’m going to be fine.”
It was all starting to come together and Beca nodded understandingly. “You’re afraid you may not enjoy sex again?” she prompted a little.
“No… I… Maybe?” Tears crept down the older woman’s cheeks. “Maybe I’m just being ridiculous but, when I froze earlier when you hugged me, I… it made me think.”
Beca nodded and stayed quiet for a while, just holding her friend close. “What... what can I do to help?” she asked then.
Chloe shrugged a little. “I don’t know if there’s anything you CAN do, Bec.” Then she chuckled. “Short of having sex with me to see how I feel about it.”
Again, Beca was silent for a long span of heartbeats. They were together two weeks, and they hadn’t actually had sex yet. “I’ll do anything for you,” she said then. “And I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes.”
Chloe just snuggled closer to Beca, saying nothing but also saying everything. A short while later, she eased into sleep.
Beca wasn’t sure what had just happened but all she knew was that she’d do anything for Chloe; anything at all to make sure she was ok. She ran her fingers through soft red hair and closed her eyes, feeling her heart swell with love for her girlfriend. It wasn’t a new feeling. She’d been feeling it for a while now and she honestly wasn't even sure when it had begun, but all she knew was that Chloe had snuck past all her walls and defenses and had become the most important person in her life.
It had been a couple of weeks since that night. Chloe was still staying with Beca in her dorm and Aubrey had become suspicious that something was going on. They hadn’t told the Bellas about their relationship yet, wanting to keep it to themselves for a while but Aubrey was poking around for clues. She cornered the petite brunette one evening coming out of the library, perching her hands on her hips in sheer annoyance at just seeing Beca’s ear monstrosities.
“So... I can only assume, by the fact that Chloe hasn’t been in our room in two weeks, that you and she are boning?” she said, by way of greeting.
Beca, already tired from a long day of classes, wasn’t in the mood for being questioned. “Chloe’s a grown woman. Who she’s with is no one’s business.”
“Then why isn’t she coming home anymore?” the blonde pressed. “I know she’s staying with you.”
“I think that’s a question for Chloe,” Beca said, trying to step around the Bella captain.
Aubrey moved to block her. “I’m asking you.”
“Back off, Aubrey,” the brunette said. “Seriously. If you have a problem with Chloe staying with me, take it up with her.”
Chloe exited the library and paused when she saw the standoff happening between her friend and girlfriend. “Um... what’s happening?” she asked.
Aubrey’s eyes rolled. “Should have guessed you’d be here too.”
“Excuse me?” the redhead replied, confusion written all over her face.
“You’re never far away from Beca these days. I barely see you. If you’re fucking her, you could have just told me.”
Beca bristled and took a step toward the blonde captain, about to give her an earful, but Chloe caught her arm and shook her head. “Bec,” she said gently. Dark blue eyes blinked at her. “I think it’s time Aubrey and I talked.”
The brunette’s face gentled and she nodded. “Ok... um... see you back at the dorm?”
“Yeah,” the redhead replied with a smile. “I’m cooking for you tonight.”
“Awesome,” Beca grinned, then with a somewhat hostile glare at Aubrey, headed home.
For a long moment, Chloe and Aubrey just looked at each other, then the redhead took her friend by the arm and started them walking. “I’m sorry,” she began. “And you’re right. Beca and I are together almost a month now. But… the last two weeks have been... hard... and I’ve been pretty much keeping to myself… but really… I’m fine.”
“But why?” Aubrey asked. “Don’t you know you can talk to me about anything?”
“Our friendship has been a little strained recently, wouldn’t you agree?” Chloe said, keeping her tone neutral.
“Maybe,” the blonde allowed. “But Chloe...”
The redhead stopped walking and looked down at the toes of her boots. “I was raped.”
Aubrey sucked in a deep breath in shock, hand moving to her mouth as she shook her head. “Oh my God.”
“Two weeks ago, I went to Tom’s to drop off some stuff he’d left in my room. I stayed for a couple of drinks but when I tried to leave, he… he didn’t take no for an answer. I ended up at the hospital with Beca that night doing a rape kit and... I’ve just... been staying with her ever since. I feel safe with her and the thought of being without her... I just can’t.”
“I really want to hug you,” the blonde said.
Chloe shook her head. “I’m totally fine... I just... I can’t right now, ok? Please understand?”
“Of course I understand,” Aubrey nodded. “And I’ll let the Bellas know you’ll be away a while.”
“Don’t tell them what happened, ok?” Chloe asked, eyes silently begging. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I get it. I won’t say anything but please, Chlo, if there’s anything you need, just ask.”
“Thanks, Aubs,” the redhead smiled. “Actually, there is something...”
“Name it!”
“Go easy on Beca, ok? It’s hard for her too. I was the one who asked her to not tell anyone.”
Aubrey looked sufficiently sheepish as she nodded. “I will, I promise.”
Chloe had blocked Tom on all her social media channels and on her phone as soon as he was arrested. Now he was out on bail and even though he was told to stay away from her, Chloe had had to apply for a restraining order against him for harassment. He wasn't allowed within a hundred feet of her, yet she kept bumping into him around campus and, on multiple occasions, had had to turn around and change direction to avoid him and his hostile friends. The gossip had spread around campus like wildfire and the Bellas knew everything now. They’d rallied around Chloe as best they could.
It also helped that she had a fierce, brunette bodyguard who picked her up from class and walked her everywhere to make sure she was never alone. Her bodyguard also brought her favorite coffee and made sure she was eating, even though Chloe’s appetite was practically zero. But still, the redhead maintained that she was totally fine. But Beca was worried about her girlfriend. Chloe was a little withdrawn and definitely wasn’t sleeping very well. It came to a head a few days later, when she and Beca were studying in the grass on the dorm side of the quad.
Chloe had been struggling with a chemistry concept and she finally growled her frustration, hurling her pen away and then burying her face in her hands. Then she felt a hand on her back, and she jerked away violently, even though deep down, she knew it was Beca. “Sorry!” she exclaimed loudly, holding her hands up. “Fuck!” She got up and paced away a few yards before turning back around to face her girlfriend. “Jesus Christ! How can you even stand to be around me, Beca!” she exclaimed. “When I can barely even stand to be around myself!”
“Because you’re an incredible woman,” Beca said with a quiet shrug. “And you make me really happy.”
The redhead just gaped at her for a moment, then she slowly came closer and took a seat again, crossing her legs under her. “Why?” she asked, reaching out to take the younger woman’s hand and lace their fingers together. “How?”
Dark blue eyes held pale blue. “Because you’re made of pure sunshine, and you smell like strawberry cupcakes, even when you’re sweaty after a hard workout. You’re smart and funny and you care about people, even though people suck… especially me.”
Chloe chuckled softly. “You don’t suck, Bec.”
“Of course I do,” Beca replied with a small smile. “Everyone, who’s not you, sucks, Chlo.”
The older woman matched her girlfriend’s smile as she tilted her head a little. “You know,” she said, eyes genuinely twinkling for the first time since that night. “You’re much better with words than you give yourself credit for.”
Beca shrugged. “Meh.”
And Chloe laughed; a light, musical sound that sucked the brunette in without a shred of her permission. “You’re pretty great yourself, Mitchell,” she said then, leaning over to kiss the younger woman. She was aiming for Beca’s cheek, but the brunette swayed a tiny bit in anticipation and the kiss landed closer to the edge of her mouth, lingering as Chloe’s lips grazed hers. It was the first time they’d kissed since that night
Then Beca moved a little more and kissed her back, lingering just a little longer this time. Both women sucked in a breath, eyes closed, not looking at each other for fear of the other’s reaction. Everything seemed to grow quiet around them.
“Sorry,” Beca finally whispered, kicking herself for being too forward. For maybe pushing Chloe too soon.
“I’m not,” the redhead whispered in return, nose rubbing softly against the younger woman’s cheek. They still weren’t looking at each other but the brunette felt a soft squeeze around her hand. “But… I’m not ready, Bec.”
“I know,” the younger woman replied, returning the squeeze as she nuzzled her cheek back against her girlfriend’s nose.
Chloe nodded just once, then leaned back with a smile. “As much as I loved the sunshine and cupcake references, you forgot to mention I have great boobs.” She grinned as she gestured at her own chest. “I mean… you’re welcome.”
Dark blue eyes rolled hard. “Yes, Chloe,” Beca chuckled. “You have great boobs.”
They didn’t notice that Tom was walking by with his group of douchebag friends. “Dykes!” one of his buddies said, scissoring his fingers together cruelly and waggling his tongue at them.
“Oh, for the love of…” Beca sighed, looking up at the guy. “Grow the hell up, Dude.”
“Fuck you, Mitchell,” the guy responded and Beca rolled her eyes again but, before she even realized what was happening, Chloe was up and slamming her body into the guy with a yell that would have made Serena Williams proud. They went down in a tangle of limbs and then the redhead was straddling his chest, weight pressing down on him as she punched him in the face.
She was about to punch him again when Beca grabbed her around the waist and pulled her off the guy and into her arms. The redhead was shaking, her entire body struggling against her girlfriend but, when Beca squeezed her hard, she finally relaxed. “Chlo, it’s ok,” she said into the older woman’s ear. “Let it go, Baby,”
“But he disrespected you!” Chloe exclaimed, lunging for the guy again. She was surprisingly strong for a woman of five-foot-four, but the brunette managed to hold on to her.
“Chloe, please,” she begged. “Please stop. This isn’t you.”
The words broke through the redhead’s haze of fury and her knees gave out, sending her thudding to the ground with Beca wrapped around her.
Tom moved a little closer to her, face impassive. Then he smirked. “Freak,” he said, and just walked away, fully expecting his lackeys to just follow him, which they did.
“It’s ok,” Beca whispered into the older woman’s ear. “You’re not the one who did anything wrong.”
Chloe struggled back to her feet, glaring at Tom’s group as they swaggered away and the people who’d gathered around them began to dissipate. “I’m fine! I just need to get out of here,” she said. “Let’s go back to your dorm.”
“Ok,” Beca agreed, feeling a little shell-shocked from what had just happened. She’d never seen Chloe lose it like that before, and it made her feel totally off-balance. They packed their gear and made it back to Beca’s room without any further outbursts. Kimmy-Jen was there but she quickly decided to take a shower as she watched Chloe pacing back and forth in the small room like a caged tiger.
When she was gone, the redhead just suddenly stopped pacing and she pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” she said, shaking her head. “I feel so…” She shook her head again. “ANGRY.”
Beca slowly approached her. “Of COURSE you’re angry, Chloe. You were raped. And now Tom’s acting like an entitled asshole about it.”
“I need to blow off some steam… I… fuck…” Chloe shook her head again. “I’m going for a walk.”
“Let me go with you,” Beca said immediately. “I don’t want you alone out there.”
The redhead shook her head. “No, I’m FINE!”
The brunette shook her head in return. “You’re not fine, Chlo. I’m going with you.”
It didn’t take much for the redhead to give in.
Barden had a walking trail that circled a small lake on the east side of the campus. They hadn’t spoken, they’d just walked, and Beca was out of breath from trying to keep up with her admittedly fitter girlfriend.
“Chloe,” she finally gasped. “Please, I need you to slow down.”
Chloe immediately slowed her pace and then came to a stop, hands perched on her hips. “Sorry,” she panted. “I just needed to get that frustration out.”
Beca chuckled softly. “You know, there are much funner ways to get frustration out.” She’d meant it purely as a joke, and she wasn’t at all prepared for the sudden predatory look on the redhead’s face. Then Chloe was moving, and her hands were on Beca’s hips, pushing her slowly and gently back against the trunk of a large oak tree.
“You’re right,” the redhead replied huskily, skimming her left hand up Beca’s body to press gently against her neck, rubbing her thumb against her jawline. She licked her lips and the brunette’s eyes widened.
“Chloe,” Beca whispered, voice just as husky. “Wait…”
Darkened blue eyes gazed at her. “I have a strap-on in my bedroom back at Bella House. Will you fuck me with it?”
The bluntness of the request made the brunette gasp in surprise, and she couldn’t say anything for a long moment. “I…” She swallowed hard as Chloe’s eyes suddenly looked everywhere but at her. “Yes.”
The pale blue eyes were back then, boring into her soul. “Yes?” the redhead repeated.
“Yes,” Beca nodded. “If that’s what you want, Baby.”
The older woman swallowed. “But is it what YOU want?” she asked then. “I need to… feel something right now… I’m going to need you to fuck me into the mattress. Do you think you can do that?”
Beca wanted to… and didn’t. It would be their first time together and she wasn’t sure what she wanted yet, but she knew Chloe was spiraling badly so, she did what she knew she definitely wanted to do. She kissed Chloe roughly, tugging on her bottom lip and nipping hard enough to draw a little blood. “I can do that,” she said then, soothing the sting with her tongue.
The redhead gasped and tugged her closer, deepening the kiss for a long moment before shoving her away and then grabbing her hand to tote her back to Bella House.
The Bellas were home, but Chloe didn’t care. The second the front door was closed, the redhead was kissing Beca, pulling her across the living room and up the stairs to catcalls and whistles which she totally ignored. Aubrey was up and behind them, but Beca lifted a hand and shook her head, telling her friend she was ok as she backed Chloe into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
“Take your clothes off, now,” Beca ordered as she went to the closet and to the top shelf where she knew Chloe kept her most personal items. “I want to fuck you right now.” And that was when the brunette saw the first hint of hesitation in the older woman’s pale, blue eyes. “What are you waiting for, Beale? This is what you wanted, right?” Chloe’s chest was heaving, lips kiss-bruised and hair messy from Beca’s hands running through it. She looked so beautiful, it made the younger woman’s heart ache, but Beca knew what she was doing and needed to stay the course. “I said take your clothes off,” she repeated. “Now.”
“I… Bec…” The redhead took a few steps back, holding up her hands. “Beca… maybe we shouldn’t…”
“I said strip,” Beca ordered again, pulling the harness and dildo out of a box and dangling it from two fingers. She slowly moved toward her friend. “This is what you want,” she said again.
“No…” Chloe said, voice small. “Bec, I was wrong… this isn’t… not like this… You’re too important… I…”
The brunette kept approaching. “What if it’s what I want? What if I want to fuck you like this?”
“No,” Chloe said, louder now. “No, Bec. This isn’t…”
Beca was almost pressed right against her girlfriend now. “Say yes, Chloe,” she said softly. “You know you want it.”
Tears were streaming down Chloe’s cheeks now and her hands lifted weakly to press against Beca’s chest, pushing her away. “No,” she said. “Please.”
The brunette pushed gently against her. “Say yes, Chloe.”
“No,” the older woman said again, this time stronger. “No. I don’t want this.”
“But you mean yes, Chloe,” Beca said again, pushing a little harder against her.
“No… No… No…” Chloe cried out. “I DON’T WANT THIS, TOM!”
Tears were on Beca’s face now. “Tell him, Chloe. Tell him.”
“Oh God… oh God… NO.” Chloe threw herself at her girlfriend, and Beca wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly.
“What he did to you was evil, Chloe. And we’re going to make him pay. I promise.”
“I’m so not ok,” Chloe sobbed into Beca’s neck, clutching at her so tightly, the younger woman could barely breathe, but she didn’t care. “I’m… I can’t…” Beca held on to her, murmuring words of love and comfort to her devastated girlfriend. She wanted to be whatever Chloe needed her to be, but she knew she didn’t have the expertise to be able to help her through it. She led her to the bed, and they lay together, holding each other tenderly as the strap-on lay forgotten where it had fallen out of sight. “I need to talk to someone, Bec. I need help.”
“I love you so much, Chloe. We’re going to get you the help you need, I promise,” the younger woman said.
“I love you too,” Chloe whispered in reply. “Thank you for being there for me.”
And for the first time since that night Beca began to believe that Chloe really would be ok.
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lohstandfound · 1 year
part of me can't wait to write the reputation stain'd scene in this fic
mostly because im basing their production of r&j on the one i saw and im giving brooke's tybalt a baseball bat
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carbondated · 4 months
is that … blood ?
❝ This? Oh, It's just a graze, nothing to worry about. ❞ She drew her jacket against her side tightly, hiding it from Chloe's line of sight. Worrying about it wouldn't do either of them any good. At best guess the next town was just over a mile away. She could get it seen to there under the guise of stocking up on supplies, and Chloe would be none the wiser. Come on Song, just one more mile. Hide the damage. Bad habits it seemed, could transcend whole lifetimes. She grit her teeth, biting back a wince every time she so much as breathed, the sun beating down harshly against the nape of her neck. Her vision swam with floating specks, blurring the road in front of her. Everything it seemed was working against her favour today. But River Allegro Song was nothing if not resilient . ❝ come on Chloe, keep up. ❞
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𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑩𝑰𝑫 ᶜᵘʳᶤᵒˢᶤᵗʸ .   // accepting.
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svpergirly · 3 months
When people start to villainize Rachel Amber I just know they wanna be different soooo bad because the worst of Rachel’s mistakes in her eighteen years of life were direct results of being lied to and taken advantage of by the real villains.
I don’t know what it is that people don’t seem to think Frank Bowers was weird af for being in a relationship with a 18-year-old high schooler (because, yes, 18 is legal but still a teenager, thank you) when he was pushing 32. And mind you, if you didn’t play Before the Storm with your eyes closed, you know damn well he showed interest when she was only 15. Fuck that!
There isn’t an alternative reality in which this “relationship” can’t be described as a grown man taking advantage of a teenager’s tendency to be drawn to dangerous shit just to prove something, whether for herself or her jackass of a father. And as strong as Rachel’s i-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-people’s-opinions-about-me personality is, she was still impressionable and somewhat easily influenced like all goddamn teenagers in the world! It’s just how it is! That is easily proven by her claim of finding “someone who changed her life” right before she disappeared. The fact that she gave her bracelet to Frank makes this crystal clear; even if you ask for it on Before the Storm, it ends up on Frank’s wrist at some point. You want me to believe Frank Bowers was more important than Chloe Price to Rachel at any given point? He was not, but Rachel was blinded by her urge to pursue everything that’s prohibited.
Also don’t get me started on Mark Jefferson. His name on itself is self explanatory.
And because I’m forever in the denial phase of my grief for her, I convinced myself this is the last thing I ever saw of Rachel. Never the photos. Those didn’t happen.
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arcadiabaytornado · 2 months
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This aspect of the Amberprice relationship fascinates me so much because how much did Rachel hide, and how much did Chloe refuse to see? 
Did Rachel put on a sweet smile and lie that she was heading home when she was really going to hang out with friends that Chloe wouldn’t like? Or did Rachel tell the truth knowing that Chloe would make up a narrative in her head? Did Rachel admit to hanging out with characters that Chloe wouldn’t like, only to be met with the thought process of: “Well, she would never really enjoy hanging out with those people. She probably just wants her photo taken.” 
The game very much says that both are true, but we don’t have the finer details.  For example: Chloe says that Rachel lied to her about Frank, though we don’t know what the lie was or the maginitude of the lie. Did Rachel tell Chloe that she wasn’t romantically involved with Frank and she was crazy for even thinking so? Or did Rachel say that she was “just” flirting with him, and Chloe downplayed what that meant because she couldn’t face the idea that Rachel was moving on without her? 
It’s so interesting to think about because we only see Chloe’s side of the story. She feels like Rachel deceived her, and we know that’s true because of the junkyard letter where Rachel blatantly says that she’s keeping her “romance” with Mark a secret. However, I do sometimes wonder how much Chloe refused to see what was right in front of her, especially because her first reaction to Rachel and Frank was to go into denial and justify it to herself. 
This is one aspect of Amberprice I think about all the time because, while Rachel clearly wasn’t a 100% honest person, Chloe was clearly turning a blind eye to things as well. I think “How much did Rachel lie about, and how much was obvious but Chloe either downplayed or chose not to pay attention to?” is a genuine question because the answer majorly changes things about their dynamic. Personally, I imagine it as a bit of a 50/50 split, but that answer isn’t set in stone. 
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Can you do "Angry mommy morticica x r"?
when r flirt with marilyn and morticia had enough and decide to take r home and give her a painful punishment like 30 and they end up having comfort sex?
Hello there @batlove4ever 🙃 Thanks for the Morticia request!! I took some inspiration from @puppyboibutch , so check out their blog 💞🫰🏻 I also included a song for this Fic 😚🫶🏻 FYI this is pure. filthy. smut.
Pretty Pouty Puppy ~Morticia Addams xFem Reader xfeat. Marilyn Thornhill
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#30. “Fuck off” “What, on you?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!!, smut, possible infidelity/cheating, possessiveness, possessiveness kink, kissing, overstimulation, smutty smut, mommy kink, punishment kink, angry mommy, pet names, bondage, vibrator use, orgasm denial, masturbation, overstimulation, strap-fucking, doggystyle, praise kink, implied degrading kink, bondage kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were straddling Marilyn’s lap on her chair, your lips intertwined with hers. You were both in her classroom, after school hours. Marilyn bucked her hips up into yours, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips into the red heads. You pulled back slightly and giggled.
“You really think this will work?” You panted.
You were met with a mischievous gaze from the red head.
“Babe, you said you wanted to make Morticia jealous right?” She reminded you of your past whinings and complaints of how nothing you did seemed to rile up the raven haired goddess.
You bit your lip and nodded with a cheeky grin.
“Trust me, this will get her panties in a twist…” Marilyn chuckled, “I already texted her; all we have to do is wait for—”
Your lips smashed back into Marilyn’s before she could finish her sentence. You were one hundred percent on board with this, because Marilyn was right. You wanted to make Morticia jealous, you had tried literally everything and you were desperate.
With a swift swing, Marilyn’s door suddenly opened. Everything went so silent, you swore you could have heard a pin drop… You froze in the red heads lap. Your breath hitched. You could feel the tension in the room. You could hear her breathing right alongside yours and Marilyn’s.
“Up. Right now.” Morticia gritted out.
You scurried out of Marilyn’s lap and stood by her desk, biting your lips and blushing. Morticia stalked her way over to you.
“I have tried to be patient.” She jeered, “I watched you mess around with her, watched you flirt with her, and now I find my puppy straddling her lap…”
You gulped.
Maybe you had taken this too far…? You completely underestimated how much your antics had actually gotten to the woman…
“I… I’m… sorry…” you chocked out, blushing furiously and looking to the ground.
Morticia chuckled wickedly.
“We’re going home. Not a single word.” She seethed.
You nodded immediately.
Marilyn sent you caring look as you quickly followed Morticia out. The whole ride to your house was silent. You clenched your thighs in anticipation.
“I want you on the bed, stripped, and kneeling waiting for Mommy.” Morticia practically growled, as you pulled into the driveway.
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
With that, you scurried your ass up to your shared bedroom, stripping as fast as humanly possible, and kneeling on the bed in wait for Morticia. Your heart was racing and your breathing was erratic as Morticia entered the room, wearing nothing but her black garter lingerie set. You gulped. Morticia walked up you, craning over your pathetically needy excuse for a body, and grabbing your chin.
“Mommy’s angry…” Morticia growled, “And you’re gonna pay, pet…”
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
“Oh puppy…” Morticia wickedly purred, “you look delicious all tied up like this… and that vibrator must feel so good on that needy pussy of yours!”
You mewled and pulled against your silk ties, restraining you to all four bedposts.
“Making such pathetic sounds, such a slutty pet…” she lustfully growled.
You incoherently cried out in pleasurable pain. She’d been at this for hours… But you couldn’t get enough, your hips desperately rutting against the the toy. But she wouldn’t let you cum.
“Little bitch in heat who needs to fuck so badly, hmmmm pet…?” Morticia tauntingly growled, “Too bad Mommy’s puppy has been such a bad girl…”
You squirmed in your restrained hold, the slight pain in your wrists and ankles, pushing you to the edge even further.
“That’s why Mommy has you tied there with that pretty little vibrator…” The raven haired goddess lustfully husked.
“Please mommy please…!” You whimpered and whined, desperate for some proper friction.
“Your little whimpers and whines will make the perfect background noise while Mommy makes herself feel good…” Morticia wickedly purred.
“Oh mommy no please…!!” You mewled, “mommy I’m sorry… I’ll be good mommy please!!”
Suddenly the vibrator went up a intensity, causing you to practically keel over in pleasure. But you couldn’t come. It was becoming painfully difficult.
And then you had to watch Morticia spread out on the big lounge chair across from the bed. She stripped her knickers and spread her legs so that you could see her glistening pussy perfectly. You groaned at the sight. She then began skillfully fucking herself while drinking in the sight of your pathetic being.
“Keep being good like this and I’ll personally breed you after I finish…” Morticia lustfully purred.
“Yes mommy I’ll be so good…!! Won’t cum promise please!!” You cried out.
“Fuck Mon Amour—! That’s a good pet…!” Morticia groaned as she fucked herself to her climax, toppling over the edge with a sinful cry.
You were still tied up and the vibrator was still relentlessly working your dripping hole.
“Are you going to be good now, puppy…?” Morticia purred.
“Yes wanna cum please let me cum mommy!!” You pled.
“Oh no no…” Morticia wickedly tutted, “You don’t get to cum yet…”
You were so frustrated and you made the grave mistake of speaking out…
“Fuck off…!” You cried out.
Morticia cocked an eyebrow at your sudden disobedience.
“What, on you?” She spat back.
“Wait no no— mommy I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’ll be good…!!” You cried, pulling against your restraints even more.
When Morticia finally relented on edging you on for hours, you were in for a whole other level of her anger…
She had you on all fours in the middle of the bed with your hands bound in front of you. She was pounding into you relentlessly with her favorite, girthy strap. Her hand was deliciously wrapped in your hair, as she pulled your head back towards her with each thrust.
“Fuck GOD Mommy—!!!” You cried out.
Mascara was running down your face and your clit was so sensitive you thought you would explode if you didn’t cum.
“That’s it’s, puppy…” Morticia angrily growled, “Take Mommy’s dick like a good little pet…”
By the end of the night (more like into the early morning), Morticia had milked the upteenth orgasm from you, finally allowing you to collapse from exhaustion and overstimulation.
Morticia was quick to throw the strap to the side and open her arms for you to snuggle her form. You happily complied, nuzzing into her form.
“I’m sorry Mommy…” you whispered.
“It’s alright, baby…” she husked in your ear, “but the next time you want Mommy’s attention, all you have to do is ask…”
You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck and nodded, causing the raven haired goddess to chuckle.
“Such a good girl…” she murmured as you drifted off.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
The Miraculous Child
So, in 'Representation', Felix talks refers to ‘the miraculous boy’ a couple times. He also calls Adrien’s conception ‘a miracle’, meaning Adrien too is ‘miraculous’.
The second I heard this, it hit me that the title of the show has had this extra meaning from day one. If we look right back to the start of the series, it has been a story about children and adults, especially parents, some a little overbearing (like Tom) and some neglectful or downright abusive.
The message I take away is - life, bringing a child into the world, is a miracle. Science tells us how it works, but the fact that it works is almost like magic. Yet, there are people out there who fail to see this and don't value the gift they've been granted.
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There will be people reading this and thinking, ‘Yeah? So what about Chloe?’
I hear you.
Audrey is a terrible person, and Andre is no better. When he hauls her off at the end of ‘Revolution’ and says he needs to correct his mistakes, he just sends her away with her mother. He’s washing his hands of ‘a problem’, just like he’s done with everything else, e.g. when he resigned as mayor. He walked away from responsibilities, after creating a mess for the people who voted him into office. Likewise, he walked away from his responsibilities as a father.
Does that excuse Chloe's behaviour towards others, especially Marinette? No. Does it explain it? Yes.
So, let's talk about choice, which has been mentioned several times in the series. Chloe has a choice to become just like one of her parents...or to become something better.
Because, if you think about it, at some point in time, Audrey and Andre and even Gabriel were all children. And children aren't just born nasty. They learn nastiness as they grow up. To become who they are today, they had to have started out in a similar position to Chloe, for example. They represent the potential future for their children.
If we saw them as kids, we'd probably see them being mistreated by the adults in their lives and we'd all sympathise with them and hope for their redemption. But we're seeing them as adults and our instinct is to say oh well, too late, they're just awful people. In fact, they could redeem themselves at any point, as demonstrated by Nathalie's turnaround in Season 5. It's just that, the more awful things you've done, the more you have to atone for. Gabriel would have to do a lot - maybe even have a brain change - to be redeemed. But you see my point.
So, at the end of 'Revolution', we see Chloe at a crossroads. She's on that plane, annihilated by her mother, and hiding by herself in a corner. She browses her contacts and hovers over Sabrina's entry...and her face crumples like her heart is breaking with regrets. Oh, it’s sad.
But she passes over Sabrina and moves onto Marinette. She makes one last attempt to bring her down. It’s an act of desperation – redirecting her own suffering onto another, trying to keep control over things when she’s completely out of control of her own life.
Marinette finally puts her in her place, and we see Chloe fall apart in a real way - for the first time ever. I don't know about you, but I found that very uncomfortable viewing. It was a relief to see Marinette stand up for herself, and it needed to happen...but Chloe's despair was also painful. I think all of those were emotions were intended.
Let’s set Thomas aside here. I don't want to get into debates about what was said on Twitter. He’s not the only writer for the show, anyway. I am just speaking about my personal perception of that scene. Chloe gained heaps of sympathy, after she’d been appalling all season, which was pretty powerful.
The fact is…Chloe needed to be put in her place. But that doesn’t mean she deserved everything she went through. Even so...sometimes these moments are necessary and revelatory. They can be the catalyst for great change.
What I mean is – if you're in denial about your position, redirecting your pain onto others, sometimes you need that wakeup call. You need to hit rock bottom in order to start climbing back up into the light. So, when Chloe fell apart, it was painful...but I also saw it as her potential turning point. As long as she maintained her delusions to escape into at school, it was impossible for her to transform - because she refused to see that there was any change needed. But when you have nothing left…that’s when you might begin rebuilding yourself.
Every episode in Season 5 has had multiple meanings. Looking at 'Revolution', when Chloe was akumatised, she trapped her victims in a maze, going round in endless circles (revolutions). Notably a lot of them were adults.
I think if this had happened early on in Season 4, Adrien would have been trapped morosely in that loop with the others. We saw this kind of thing in 'Guiltrip'. So, it spoke volumes about his growth as a character when he was the first one to seek a way out of Chloe's maze. He immediately used his cataclysm and broke a hole, escaping and letting everyone else out. Metaphorically, what he did was break the cycle. If we think about cycles of abuse, this is what the next generation always has the chance to do - to revolt against the past.
it's interesting, then, that when we got to 'Representation', we saw Cat Noir completely lose it with his father. He needed to let it all out...but he was in danger of going too far...and deep down, he knew it. His worst nightmare was of losing all control, to the point of letting his rage destroy everything he loved. Unconsciously, he's well aware that he runs the risk of becoming like his father. However, his complete breakdown, begging his father to take his miraculous to make it all stop, tells us he won't become like his father - because his conscience is too strong. He wants to break that cycle.
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Felix has also done some bad things - but he's begun the journey of redeeming himself and changing. He too is trying to break out of that cycle so he doesn't become like his father.
Kagami is embracing her passionate side, rejecting the coldness and isolation her mother has attempted to breed into her, no doubt due to her own upbringing once upon a time.
And I think there’s definite potential for Chloe to do the same. There’s no reason for anyone to remain caught in these patterns. The trick is to recognise the pattern is there in the first place - because you can’t break free of something if you don’t know you’re imprisoned. At the end of Revolution, I think Chloe finally saw her prison, saw that she was already trapped in her own maze, going round in circles. Now it’s up to her to pull an Adrien and cataclysm the bars that hold her in.
Because like Felix said, over and over – each child is miraculous simply for existing. And miracles should be cherished.
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revengemicrowave · 1 year
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So continues my attempt to not be aaaaapanic by actually posting stuff haha and feed the Lukadrien tag, my true motive
Another older doodle when I was still figuring out Luka's hair, from Zombie!AU I have all the ideas but no time to do the comic for. Ahh, the endless struggle...
Premise (completely spoiled lol) under the cut. tw: body horror, parasites/bugs, usual zombie stuff, talk of mercy killing a bitten
On a particularly warm day in April, a sudden outbreak sweeps through Paris. People turn wildly aggressive, biting and killing others - who then get back up to do the same hours later. The dead are controlled by a parasite that pupates and hatches from the face of it's host into a stunning, shimmering purple moth. It's wings extend over the face, like when Shadowmoth controls the akumas.
When the host makes a kill, the moth detaches to lay eggs in the new body and die, leaving a shambling biter with other larvae (potentially) still to hatch. However, rarely some stay in rooted to the host brain and become more intelligent, more dangerous zombie variants (like the really mushroomy clickers in Last of Us).
Luka gets seperated from Juleka and Rose on a supply run into the city, the Liberty a safe haven on the water with a small community of other boats. Has a chance run in with Adrien's group when Adrien saves him from one of the first of the more dangerous variants. Everyone is strangers in this AU, besides Luka, Juleka and Rose (and Anarka!), and Adrien, Alya, Nino and Marinette. There are other survivors, but small main group. In the group, Kagami carries a bow and insists she doesn't view the infected as human anymore. Marinette is their medic, Nino is the defender and they're trying to find Alya (who is with Chloe, driving eachother insane). I was also considering Weyham or Max or someone, make it more of a mixed group. Luka is a very reluctant zombie slayer, which is what nearly gets him killed when he first meets Adrien. He has an axe because I'm hilarious. Juleka carries a baseball bat with nails and Rose a can of mace and bugspray (which ends up being suprisingly effective). Rose the alchemist surprise-making a flamethrower, please. So, Luka joins Adrien's group and tells them there's a safe place on the Liberty, but they need to get to it and signal from shore without drawing attention. Because of the cluster of survivors on the river, the banks of the Seine are swarming with zombies, but the moths won't go in the water.
A sneak-through a building goes wrong and Luka gets bit. Marinette patches him up despite his protest about using the supplies, because he 'still shouldn't be in pain'. Kagami reminds them what a bite means, but finally softens when he jokingly tells her to look after the kids (they bond as the two most emotionally mature). The group have to say goodbye, and still in denial and shock, Adrien offers to be the one to 'take care of it'.
At first, it's assumed the bite is what turns you, as no moths have hatched and the first people killed turned after 18-24hrs. Adrien has to come to terms with leaving the guy he's falling in love with in a locked room to turn into a monster, or put him out of his misery.
But Luka doesn't turn (come on as if I'd turn favourite bluebell into a zombie and do that to Adrien) and over summer the hoardes thin as the bodies start to rot. They just need to make it to winter.
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