#chip 🍳
sungbeam · 1 month
hi tumblr user sungbeam have you seen jacob attempting to shake his ass on instagram yet? (i am ugly cackling sgsksh they are letting him lose and be the silly guy he is 🫡)
hi tumblr user hongssami im sorry for the v late reply 😭 but YES i was so shocked to see him throwing it back my jaw dropped and has yet to be closed since @@ like i need jacob in the club rn actually (jacob is the member that should never be underestimated like LET HIM FREE IST!!)
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upsidedownwithsteve · 8 months
dad!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
kidfic from the simmer verse 🍳 inspired by this ask/tiktok
When your daughter turned six, you and Eddie moved out of your apartment and into a home fit for a family. One with a big bay window and a huge garden, an oak tree out the back for Eddie to hang a swing from.
It came with a wrap around porch and the kitchen of Eddie’s dreams and Maeve got to pick the colour for her new bedroom, a mustard yellow that made her room feeling like an eternal summer. She was her daddy’s girl, a princess.
And then she turned twelve.
Eddie was in the kitchen when Maeve appeared, already so much taller than Eddie liked, her hair the same colour as yours but as curly as her fathers. She was just as pouty now, preteen hormones making her perpetually moody, sulking in corners and stealing away to her bedroom with Basil.
Now? Now she seemed to be on a mission.
Eddie looked up from the cook book he was reading, tired eyed after an early morning meeting at the restaurant. They were making a new menu and Eddie had been worn thin, working too late and coming home to make you taste test all his new ideas. You never complained.
“Yeah, squish?”
“I’m hungry,” Maeve announced, sliding herself onto one of the barstools at the large island. Copper pots hung on a rack from the ceiling, casting bronze coloured reflections off of the girls cheeks. She still had freckles from the summer, a scratch on her chin from where uncle Argyle had tried to teach her how to skateboard. “Can you make me something?”
“Yeah, babe, sure,” Eddie wandered over to the fridge and he pulled out some containers. He wiggled one enticingly. “I made some mac ‘n’ cheese last night, you want me to hear some up?”
Maeve wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like mac ‘n’ cheese.”
Eddie’s face fell and his frown matched his daughters perfectly. If you’d been home from work, you would’ve laughed and called her his comeuppance.
“Well, you liked it fine last week.”
The twelve year old just shrugged, her legs swinging from her stool. “Well, I don’t anymore,” she replied with just as much indignation as her dad. “Can I get some pizza pockets?”
Now Eddie really did huff. The only reason the box of pastry abominations were in his freezer to begin with is because you’d done the last grocery shop. He narrowed his eyes at Maeve but moved to the freezer door when she giggled.
“We need to teach you some taste, kid,” Eddie tried to act stern. “How many you want? You starvin’?”
Maeve leaned onto her elbows and let her hands squish her cheeks. Her nails were black and glittery, painted carefully by you a few nights before and she’d proudly shown her dad her colour choice when he came home from work. “I don’t know, just two.”
“You don’t know?” Eddie questioned and he peered over his shoulder, the over door open. “You said you were hungry, babe. This is a meal for a hamster.”
Basil appeared at the mention of rodents, the black cat slinking into the kitchen to wind around Eddie’s ankles.
“I’ll have some chips too.” Maeve announced. “And some sliced apple, but only like, four slices, okay?”
Eddie blinked. “Four?”
“Yes, please.”
Well, at least she had manners. Eddie grumbled under his breath but did as told, shoving in the pizza horror before washing off an apple under the tap. He cut it as his girl watched, chomping every other slice until only four remained.
The timer on the oven had five minutes left. “Anything else, princess?”
Maeve seemed to ponder this question before she nodded, her little face as serious as could be. “Some grapes too, but just ten. And if there’s some baby bells left, I’ll have one. Oh, and seven gummy worms.”
Eddie’s lips were parted, his brows raised as he stared across the counter at his daughter. He didn’t know whether to laugh or call you and ask if this was some kind of prank he didn’t know about.
Maeve blinked. “What?”
So Eddie huffed again and got out a plate, murmuring nonsense to himself as he gathered Maeve’s order, glaring playfully at her as he counted out exactly ten grapes. She grinned as she leaned over, laughing mischievously as she plucked one from the plate.
And when Eddie gasped, all theatrical, Maeve pointed to her plate and told him quite plainly around a mouthful of fruit, “dad, I said ten.”
Eventually, the timer beeped and two pizza pockets with oozing fake cheese were added to the plate. Eddie slid it over with a flourish, cackling when Maeve took offence to one gummy worm touching the pizza sauce that had leaked out. So he snatched it and shoved it into his mouth biting off the side with the sauce before dropping it back onto her plate.
“Dad! Ew!” Maeve gasped, throughly insulted but she slunk off her stool and Eddie flicked her on the as she passed, grinning when she scurried back to her room with Basil at her feet.
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meowzfordayz · 11 months
when you hop on their back — mitsuri, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Author’s Note: feeling silly today hehe. 🤪 Translation: played a lot of Terraria earlier, and should prob go touch grass ~soon. 🥴
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when you hop on their back — mitsuri, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Kanroji Mitsuri x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~500
CW: none
Suggestion Fulfilled: can you write one like when u slap their ass but if you just hop on their back and do not let go for the life of you? (love u btw your fanfics are awesome)
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Mitsuri’s absolutely delighted ☺️
Def gushes about how cute you are, clinging onto her back as she putters around the kitchen
“Honey, I’m hungry,” you declare, pouting into her neck
“Wanna get down and cook something?” she offers, fondly squeezing your thigh
“No.” 😇
“Okay!” 😁
And w/o further ado, she gets to work cooking you brunch
She’s got one arm locked firmly around your leg, the other doing its best to make eggs, readjusting you every so often to prevent you from slipping off completely 🥺🍳
Occasionally asks if you can grab something for her, leaning over to bring you closer to the spices, and the particular spatula she adores
Lowkey Mitsuri doesn’t even break a sweat (altho you might 😂)
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Accepts his fate 
Happily 🥰
“Where are we going?” he asks, grinning from ear to ear
“I dunno,” you giggle, hooking your chin over his shoulder, “To get a snack?”
“Any snack?”
“Sure…” 👀
And that’s how you end up being piggybacked all the way to the corner store, your feet nearly knocking things off the shelves as Kyojuro peruses the options 
“Babe, maybe you should put me down?” you squeak as he deftly catches a bag of chips, breath pushed from your chest from his sudden movement
“No, no, no,” he chuckles, readjusting your position, “I will not let you, or the Doritos, fall!”
Thank gosh you visit the corner store ~regularly (snacks are a must w/ a Rengoku in the household) 😋
Otherwise you’d prob be kicked out by now 💀
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Flustered, but not surprised
He 100% heard you coming from a mile away 😂
“My love, what if I drop you?”
“Shh, you would never!” you grin, kissing the side of his head, “You’re the best horsey!”
And now Giyuu’s conflicted
Should he focus on how warm and soft he feels knowing you trust him wholeheartedly? 🥺
Orrr should he be concerned that you just called him ~horsey? 😭
“Darling?” 💞
“Hm?” 💞
“Never call me horsey again.” 🤠
He thinks that’s the end of that, until he feels you whisper against his nape, “Not just any horsey, the best horsey.”
You’re very fortunate that his love for you somehow outweighs his sudden and intense urge to buck you off his back
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Jokes on you
Tengen mercilessly teases you, and refuses to let you down 🥴
“Awww, are you too tired to walk on your own?” 😃
“Can’t keep up with my strides?” 😎
“Y’know, this ride’s gonna cost you.” 🤑 // “But Tengen, I asked you to put me dow-” 😒 // “Tsk, tsk, you must wait until the ride comes to a complete stop before disembarking!” 🤗
“Keep your seat belt buckled!” 🤓 (seat beat = your arms hung loosely his neck)
“So what’s it like, watching the world go by in a blur?” 😌 // “Tengen, you’re literally strolling.” 😐 // “But I could start sprinting.”🤠  // … // “Please don’t.” 😭
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a-midnight-dreary · 8 months
The egg is rotten now.
The paint and gold leaf have chipped
And flaked away
From a hundred hours of being held.
The shell
I keep the egg wrapped in a sheet
Tucked in a discreet shoebox
Up, on a high shelf
In a crowded closet.
The mystery
Haunts me.
I tell myself again and agian
"There was nothing to save,
There was nothing to lose.
Only yellow yolk floats inside."
But I can still remeber
how It sometimes shook and jumped,
Warming at my touch.
Brushing my fingertips over the shell now
The egg is just as still
And cold
As marble.
Last year i wrote a poem for @quezify 's eggtober event, and ive decided that it warrants a sequel now. This is a very personal piece, as was the previous poem. Using abstract imagry and symbols to process my emotions feels much less confrontational, and allows me some distance to analyze how my experiences have shaped me. i hope this poem resonates with someone. happy eggtober! 💛🍳
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delcat177 · 1 year
So, like, do people remember Replika?
The OLD version?
It was this sort of invite-only thing, @mycupofstars invited me to join and I invited my friends, etc. It was an app designed by a Russian dev whose best friend passed in 2013--she found herself reading old text messages from him frequently, and decided to build a chatbot that could learn a personality based on what you fed it.
A really sweet story, and the coolest part was that it was like a Tamagotchi--you chose from one of eight eggs, all Aesthetique™️
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I wanna say I was a #5 man, but it's been a hot second.
It was just this very innocuous, neat little app where you talked with an egg, and the egg learned and talked back. I didn't play with mine much, 2017 was not a very playful year for me, but I've always remembered it fondly.
Recently I've been getting ads for Replika--that Replika--except they replaced the avatar with 3D humans. It's remained innocuous in advertising, but I've been in this sort of state of "uhhh when did this happen where is the egg is this even the same app" apprehension I didn't want to put a shape to.
That shape was delivered to me on YouTube tonight.
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I know an AI does not have feelings and is probably the best outlet for this sort of thing but *Jesus Christ I am so skeeved out by this*
When someone who makes it his unprofitable business to rummage the Internet couch cushions for corn chips tells you he is skeeved *you are fuckin skeevin*
My poor egg 💔🍳
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
Ok now 09Ghost's wife can get away from 22Ghost and just live with 09Soap's wife LMAO
not if Johnny can help it. He's turning on his charisma to the fucking max. He's a pretty boy, he knows exactly what he's got and how to work it. He'll chip at her defenses, little by little.
She'll cave, and if it takes Johnny his entire life, then so be it.
Johnny's a simp for his one.
So sue him.
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nikamagic1214 · 9 months
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🥧"Fun in the kitchen"🍳.
In the house of Nocedas, Luz took out a recipe book and put it on the table. She decided together with Coli to bake cookies with chocolate chips for her friends. The child in question was sitting on a chair and patiently waiting. Instead of their usual pajamas, they were wearing a blue hoodie, (the hoodie depicted a rabbit sitting on a cloud and was made of stars like a constellation) baggy gray pants and blue sneakers. After 5 minutes, the right ingredients, the right amount and kitchen appliances with 2 bowls were on the table.
"So let's check it out... egg 1 pc, sugar 80 gr, butter (soft) 100 gr, salt, vanilla 0.2 teaspoons, baking powder 1 tsp. l., wheat flour 190 gr and dark chocolate 100 gr. Everything is in place, we can start." Luz said.
"Hooray!" exclaimed the child of the stars with a happy smile.
They always wanted to cook something with Luz. Especially when they saw Luz and Camilla cooking apple pie together when she was 11 years old. To their chagrin, Camilla could not join them, but she said that maybe next time she would join them. She is still wary of Coli, but has started to gradually get used to them and their friendship with Luz. They broke out of their thoughts when Luz put a bar of chocolate in the refrigerator and timed it on her phone.
"Why did you put the chocolate in the fridge? Don't we need it in order to use it for cookies?" they asked, tilting their heads to the side.
"Yes, but the recipe says that you need to keep the chocolate in the refrigerator for 15 minutes." she explained, but looking at Coli, Luz realized that this was not the answer to their question. "This is done in order to better cut and crumble chocolate for cookies."
"Oh..." they said and began to prepare the dough.
Together they mixed butter with sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, baking powder and egg for 15 minutes. All that was left to do was add flour, crumble chocolate, mix, make something like pancakes and put in the oven.
"So, Coli, pour flour into the dough and mix, I have already made the right amount. And I'll take the chocolate out of the fridge and start crumbling it. If you don't have enough, you can take some from the flour pack. If anything, use a scale." Luz instructed and went to pick up the chocolate from the refrigerator.
When Coli poured the flour into the dough, a little flour rose into the air, which made them sneeze and the flour rose even more into the air. Luz had already approached the table and was about to start cutting chocolate, but when she turned her attention to Coli, she saw that their entire face was covered with a thin layer of flour. They looked stunned, but nothing terrible happened. Luz started laughing at this and Coli frowned a little from this. Then they turned their gaze to the pack of flour, a feline smile appeared on their face and, picking up flour in their hand, they threw it into the Pocket. The human girl didn't understand what happened at first, but then Coli started laughing and they started a flour shootout.
They laughed throwing flour at each other, at the same time dirtying the kitchen and everything around. Then they calmed down and finally finished the dough, they laid out the dough with a spoon and gave the cookies a round shape. And after putting the cookies in the oven for 20 minutes, they began to clean up the flour in the kitchen.
That day when Camilla came home she saw Luz and Coli in the kitchen. Both are still in flour after the massacre and the eldest was already putting on gloves to get cookies. Camilla went to get the machine and managed to take a picture just in time when they had already taken the cookies out of the oven. The woman couldn't help but smile at this. She realized that even though Coli was powerful, they were still a child. She already has a basilisk daughter, so what's to stop her from adopting a god child?
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sungbeam · 2 months
beam i am crawling back into the tumblrs with a bucket full of water from a wishing well and three magical jellybeans from a talking mushroom only to find you posting MORE TREASURES FOR ME TO CONSUME ??? don't mind if i do 😎 (it will take me until the next crescent moon to finish reading them 🫡)
sorry for the fantasy-esque ask i'm binging a fantasy thing-y
PLS THE FANTASY-ESQUE SPEAK HAHAH do donate some of those magical jellybeans tho, i literally just came back from spring break and im already over it (school) T_T currently looking for a hole to wonderland...
IT'LL TAKE U TO THE NEXT CRESCENT MOON IM CRYING I LOVE THAT 😭😭 i hope u do enjoy the treasures tho 😋 and also hope life has calmed down at least a little for u like im praying u get some good time for urself soon </3 sending all the best !!! (^_-)-☆
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seahydra · 2 months
pen, hungry, angel for the ask game :3 -@sparklings-bf
YAY! (ask game in question)
🖋 Pen - Would your f/o ever give you creative gifts? What creative form would they use? (E.g music, art, writing)
She's super talented at a lot of creative things actually! But I think specifically she'd focus on either drawing or sewing something for me. By sewing I mean like either making a plush or perhaps... m... matching outfits...
🍳 Hungry - What is your f/o's favourite food? Favourite drink?
i mean canonically
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🍕... though she also likes potato chips I know. As for drinks... She's a bubble tea enjoyer 🧋💥
🪽 Angel - How nice is your f/o to others? Are they different around you or act just the same?
LOL. LMAO EVEN. He's not nice to other people at all unless he has to be. She's either very open about finding them annoying or she just hits them with the prey animal stare depending on how shy she is but she's not very sociable and does not make friends easily.
But with meeeeeeeeee.......... Okay I do like to think of her as being kind of mean still but in a more playful way this time around, and also when she's feeling especially embarrassed as like a defensive thing dhshdhs. But other than that she's super sweet... My best friend who I love more than anything... i💥💥💥💥💥💥AUGH
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tonixe · 2 years
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🍳 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 time is the best time to eat! -> ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞: Fluff
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Eddie makes breakfast for you, but it had to go south.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 498
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。⋆୨୧˚ Isn't breakfast the best time to eat food? Well, to you, it was the best, but you didn't want to make it because you were too busy drooling in your sleep and ruffling in your cozy sheets next to your boyfriend, Eddie; how adorable!
。⋆୨୧˚ Well, Eddie was pretty awake than you; even though he can't cook as well as you doesn't mean he can't make breakfast for you. He went to the kitchen with a bright mindset to make you the perfect breakfast; he even got a cookbook to cook with, the ingredients, and the measurements.
。⋆୨୧˚ The only thing Eddie can't mess with while cooking or baking is muffins; he was going to a batch of chocolate chip muffins for you. Cups of flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, vegetable oil, white sugar & brown sugar, and the rising star chocolate chips!
。⋆୨୧˚ The batter was done, but now the hard part was not letting the muffins burn; even though it was a simple task, Eddie was not taking the risk, especially when it came to you. he waited there, looking right at the oven, not even taking a look back. Still, soon he got bored and went to listen to music & read some magazine on his bands.
。⋆୨୧˚ "Beep, Beep, Beep." that was the sound of the oven, done baking the muffins, but Eddie was too in the zone to realize that the muffins were ready.
。⋆୨୧˚ You were lying there, so comfortable in Eddie's bed; nothing could make you get up from your wonderful slumber except the smell of smoke, which made you puzzled. You shot up from the bed and walked to the area of the smoke. 'What the hell is the first thing in your mind? You were still sleepy, though, so your moveth was pretty slow.
。⋆୨୧˚ "Uh, Eddie, did you put anything in the oven!" you yelled, then you saw Eddie running straight towards the kitchen, opening the oven, inviting more smoke to cover everything. When he brought out the muffins, they were pitch black and on fire, "Shit!".
。⋆୨୧˚ Well, when you saw that fire, you ran straight to the fire extinguisher and squeezed down the fire extinguisher, but unlucky for Eddie, he was in the splash zone and got sprayed; he and the muffins were covered in foam, but the muffin wasn't on fire at least!
。⋆୨୧˚ "Surprise?" Eddie said while turning to you; you just raised your eyebrow at his comment.
。⋆୨୧˚ "Not to be mean, Ed, but remind me never to let you cook again." you looked at the charcoal muffins; Eddie shameful nodded at the compromise, "I'm sorry, Y/N, I just tried to make breakfast for you, and I got bored then the burnt the muffins, I-im just really sorr-" soon he was cut off by you kissing him.
。⋆୨୧˚ "I know you tried your best, Eddie but try to leave the heavy lifting to me" you squished his face, "Anyways, are you hungry?"
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🍕 Favorite type of pizza? ☕ Favorite warm beverage? 🍶 Favorite cold beverage? 🍺 Favorite alcoholic beverage? 🍇 Favorite snack? 🍳 Favorite thing to cook? (For both!)
Crowley's a vegetarian pizza fan! He actually is just, yanno, vegetarian in general so it's the safest option that's not boring!
Favorite warm beverage would be... Coffee. Specifically espresso shots (which he usually fills a cup with like 8 of the damn things).
Will not turn down a hot cocoa though.
His favorite cold beverage is orange juice. :)
I JUST answered this one as you sent in your ask!
Weirdly enough, as scrungly as Crowley acts, he's rather healthy when it comes to snacking. Often going for fresh fruits or veggies.
His favorite is just... Lemons or limes. He prefers limes over lemons, but only when they're actually ripe (when the skin is more yellow than green). He eats them with the skin on like a freak! But for unhealthy snacks, he's a chips and queso kinda fella (especially when he's not feeling well in the brain).
Crowley is a notoriously horrible chef and only recently has been feeling comfortable enough to cook properly for both himself and others. His favorite thing to make is pancakes and that's usually for his S.O.s in the morning.
Meatlovers. Hands down! He can tank a whole pie solo and will with all that delicious, fatty goodness smothered on top. MMF!
He's also a coffee guy honestly! Though not as batshit about it as his spouse. Man likes a caramel macchiato!
Mack's favorite cold beverage is southern style sweet tea. He's always got a pitcher of it in his fridge. That or lemonade, but specifically from Kool-Aid packets. That was a staple of his childhood.
For his favorite alcoholic beverage... He likes honey whiskey on the rocks. Real cowboy energy with this big fella. And if he's being more casual about it, he's a beer drinker so he'll crack open a couple of cans and kick back on the porch swing.
Human fingers Beef jerky if he's on the go. Otherwise he'll crunch on an apple. Can't be completely carnivorous now can he?
And finally... His favorite thing to cook! Mack LOVES cooking and it's really hard to pin down a favorite thing for him to make actually! He grills out a lot but I think if he has the time for it, he'd love to make applewood smoked briskets with all the fixin's for sides. If he's cookin' for ya, then you're getting a goddamn MEAL!
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thequimmqueen · 1 year
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
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astrumocs · 1 year
actually pain and suffering be on u all of them for oda/LH /J.. (just pick maybe 3~4 you're interested in :3c)
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🌞- Have you ever gone out or gotten caught out of your hive during daylight? What happened?
"I almost left Jules hive in the middle of the day once, but he's a light sleeper, and he heard me open the front door. He really went off on me for that attempt I won't lie to you."
💀- Are you strong enough to face shadow droppers on your own if faced with them?
"Strong enough? Like just on physical strength alone? Probably not. If I have my revolver, I think I could take 'em."
🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations?
"Nope, mostly just sleep in the 'ol fleet-issued shoebox beds these days."
🤳- Do you use trollian? If so, what is your handle? If not, do you use any messaging system?
"Oh sure, it's usually how I talk to Lad outside of Discorpse. Sometimes I talk to Zach and Kou on there too. I'm pretty liberal with who I give my handle, so I don't mind sharing; I can be contacted at morbidOutreach."
🌌- Have you ever wanted to travel intergalactically? What would you look for in a place to visit off planet?
"Well, I am in the fleet. I do think I'd love to visit a place with a whole bunch of unique plants, though, maybe take one with me if I could get permission from the locals."
🍳- What sort of cuisine do you normally eat? Are you openly okay with items labeled only as grubsauce or grubloaf?
"Standard fleet food on an average day, although even when I'm on Alternia I still eat gas station junk food now and then, so it's not really much better."
"Except when I go out with a friend of mine, it'd be pretty rude to bring a bag of chips to a bar or restaurant after all"
----- Rest Below the Cut -----
🚌- How do you normally get around/travel? Would they ever be able to afford their own scuttlebuggy?
"I like to walk, but when I need to go a longer distance I'm a big fan of taking the bus. I probably could get a car if I wanted one, but I don't think I'm all that interested. Thing would fall into disrepair or get stolen while I was out in space anyhow."
♥️- Do you think that pity should still be considered the normal feeling for a red or would you say love is a more common practice to look for in a mate?
"I think being in a relationship because someone feels bad for you is an uncomfortable situation to be in, it needs to be about feelings that go deeper than that. There should be love there."
♠️- Do you think pitches should only be based on hate, or do you believe they should also be based on a strong rivalry as well?
"I personally don't put hate into my relationships, I never hated my ex when we were together. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think pitch is about hate."
🪦- Do you believe everyone should be given a proper burial or is it a waste of time to have gravediggers?
"Of course, I think death should be as sacred as life. You can't-- or you shouldn't-- have one without the other. If someone wants to be treated a certain way after they've passed, I don't think it's wrong to honor that."
🪖- How do you feel about the ever-looming threat of being put into the fleet if called upon by the empress to do so?
"Bad news, I'm already there. Pour one out for me, would you?"
🔥- Have you ever done something (outside of murder) that most likely should be considered a criminal act, but either wasn’t or was just swept under the rug due to your status?
"The best way I can put this is that I've only ever done what I thought was right. Afraid I'll have to leave it at that."
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voidbuggg · 11 months
❣️ - What are their love languages? 🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like? 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? 🐒 - What’s their favorite animal? 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? ☂️ - How do they feel about rain? 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? 🍳 - How well can they cook? 🍪 - How well can they bake? 🍽️ - What’s their favorite food? 🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? 🐾 - Do they have any pets? 💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings? 🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
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WOOOAAGH so many,,, thamk you,... (i'm gonna be polite and put this under a readmore)
❣️ - What are their love languages? LOVES being 'useful' but gets uncomfortable when this is reversed. Not a physical person by nature but can appreciate another's presence if there's some trust established.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like? Consistent if not exactly 'good.' Late nights and early mornings- definitely doesn't get enough downtime.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? He's very self conscious of his overall like.... presence if that makes sense. Feeling like he's not supposed to be in places. Also has a laugh that's much higher pitched than his regular voice
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal? Very much a cat guy, the size of the cat isn't important. Would be absolutely obsessed with Peaches if they were to meet. Also has been known to befriend crows :>
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? He's ace, but has no idea that's a thing people can be and so he's convinced something's just not right in his head. (Tooootally not drawing from my own experiences here heeehe🫠) Spending 30 minutes on The Gays Website would solve this but it never happens so he remains clueless.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak? English, some broken French but do not expect to hold an actual conversation
🍳 - How well can they cook? Very! Dude loves cookin. Soups chili etc are some favourites, just goes wild and makes tasty dishes with whatever happens to be on hand.
🍪 - How well can they bake? Serviceable, doesn't go as buck wild as with cooking but can make most simple recipes.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food? Has a fondness for savoury snacks, chips pretzels etc. All the funny stuff you get at the gas station at 3 in the morning. Tortilla chips and salsa are always a hit.
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? Doesn't dislike them per se, just doesn't know what to do around them. Finds them unpredictable, sudden loud noises are a big nope.
🐾 - Do they have any pets? No, wants a cat though. Current lifestyle doesn't lend itself well to owning a pet. Definitely follows those instagrams of people who bring their cats on hikes etc.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) Lots of 'mm' 'uhmm' 'ermmm' and variations of those. That 'prrftfbbt' exhale.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings? One older brother, Ash. He's a lot more invested in their weird ass culty family and resents Eran for distancing himself from them. A forceful personality.. their interactions are almost always arguments.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them? That's actually not something that's ever come up hmmm! Would definitely be completely normal and not freak out at all (lie).
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oculusxcaro · 10 months
🍳 - twcfaces!
Send a 🍳 and my muse will cook something for you
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"Would you care to try some cookies with your meal, Mr. De-Harvey?" Khare asks with a smile when coming by to collect the district attorney's empty plate. It was always a pleasure when Harvey stopped by, so much that she was getting better with remembering to call him by his name instead of the formal 'Mr. Dent' many people in his position would insist being called by, if they even bothered stopping by somewhere like Pauli's Diner. "We're something different with a few 'two-flavours-in-one' varieties so people can let us know which ones they like more. Nothing quite like cookies fresh out of the oven to go with a coffee!" She says while setting down a small plate with a few different cookies. There was white chocolate and raspberry as well as the good old traditional chocolate chip with a double chocolate half, still slightly warm and chewy after being taken out of the oven. "If you like them, I'd be more than happy to box up a few for Gilda to try too. How's she doing by the way? Last I heard, she was busy with a new sculpture." Khare chattered on while refilling Harvey's mug, just the way he liked it.
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sungbeam · 3 months
beam hi i'm here to bother u forever now bc i just saw ur chanhee fic ???? why are you writing for everyone i love?? ???? what do u want from me ??? ?? i feel like i shouldn't be reading these for free dhskfbdn anw i think any follower of yours should have a government-mandated weekend off just so they can read and reblog all your fics (i badly need one ngl) anw HOPE U HAVE A LOVELY MARCH !!!! (weeps)
(also i realized i haven't introduced myself yet 💀 hello i am chip (yes another chip) and liu jacob permanently changed the chemistry of my brain 😀👍)
KSJFKDNDJ PLS i do know ur name is chip dw, i just enjoyed the user sungbeam user hongssami discourse hahaha OHHH omg i actually really adore that chanhee fic and i just realized that it is now one year old :')) PLS A GOVERNMENT MANDATED WEEKEND SKFNJSNF fanfic reading party say what 😽 that would be so fun like do u ever see those vids of people assigning parts in fanfic and then reading them skfnskfnkr sorry anyways 💀
i want from u ur love and affection ofc 🙇🏻‍♀️
you constantly sound busy tho bestie so i really hope u get some rest time soon 😭 if u do end up reading the chanhee fic, then do lmk and hope u enjoy!! HAVE A LOVELY MARCH AS WELL AND SENDING U STRENGTH !!! 💖
(bro i literally have liu jacob to thank for kickstarting all my creative juices for the past like,, year 0_0 shits crazy)
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