#chicken cookie jar
cowboyjen68 · 11 months
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Bought this hen, who is giving me Side Eye, from an estate sale and I absolutely did not need a cookie jar.
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Poulet cookie jar, circa 1980-1995.
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themethereoncewas · 2 months
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Zaterdag 30 maart 2024... koekjes bakken... kipverwerken
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tophillydental · 2 years
Food the past two weeks
So, I’ve managed to avoid TooGoodToGo the past two weeks I believe, partly because of being so busy but also because they would get ALL my money.
Instead, here’s some restaurants that were tried this week (Won’t be any pictures here but if you check out my instagram highlights under the ‘food’ topic, you’ll see what I’ve been up to! https://www.instagram.com/cheyokok/
1. Friday nights out: Pizzeria Cappelli. A nice slice, 10/10 would go back if I was in that area, as they’re open til 4am :)
2. Sabrina’s Cafe with the roomie. We both got stuffed french toast, and I bought a pumpkin spice latte on the side because let’s be honest, it’s basically October
3. LaScala’s Fire Philly: Going out with my big, her friends, and my classmates who happen to be littles to my big’s friends (just one interconnected group), we chose here to eat dinner at one night. Ordering 3 pizzas and 3 pastas, that was such a great decision by my big. Everyone pretty much got to sample 6 different dishes, and the total bill wasn’t a lot compared to all the foods we got to eat. Next time going out, I will definitely do the half and half method, or whatever fits the group size haha.
4. Quality Taste Jerk Hut: Now this one was a real treat. Accompanying a classmate because I too, wanted some Jamaican food but was probably never going to go out of my way to get it until November maybe, walked in and immediately felt like I was in Jamaica again. First of all, the staff had a Jamaican accent and was really nice! The place smelled AMAZING! And they had two sections of the store, one side that sold a lot of jerk-related foods and curry, and another that sold oxtail and patties. Of course I couldn’t leave without getting some jerk chicken and two festivals. When I got home, that festival was DEVOUREDDDDD!!!
5. Copabanana: Went for a classmate’s birthday:) Happy birthday woot woot! Their margaritas, A1! Especially if you get the $20 one designed for 3 people. One of those by yourself and you’re set!!! Ordering their nachos with beef on it, as you can never go wrong, they were splendid *chefs kiss*. 
6. Surreal Creamery: Ending the Copabanana night at Surreal Creamery, a cookie monster ice cream in a mason jar, topped with caramel sauce, oreos, and graham crackers was amazing. It was more than enough for two people, plus leftovers for whoever wanted the jar (speaking from experience as I wanted the jar). For $12, I’d say its worth it. Ice cream that’ll last about 3 days with a bunch of toppings.
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which you don’t want to give up on jungkook (even when he gave you reasons to, even if they give you reasons to).
> idol!jungkook x reader, angst, fluff / word count: 7k
> warnings: tears overflowing </3 mentions of cheating (but again no one did it ok !!), heh judgemental family members amirite, is giving lipstick marks a warning ?
> in which masterlist!
note: anniversary reveal! and more of oc’s pov :( in the aftermath of in which jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much left to give !! it’s up to u which one to read first if u haven’t. the in which series is a puzzle 😭 i’d love to hear your thoughts after reading <3 hugs and kisses <3
“i feel like this shouldn’t be taking this long.” jungkook jokingly remarks as he pushes the shopping cart with folded arms, tiptoeing and tracing your steps as your eyes wander around the entire shelf of feline necessities.
“leave me alone. there’s too many options.” a huff escapes your mouth as your index finger underlines the flavors of cat treats, aiding you in reading the small words.
he pulls back the cart before it could collide with your hip, resting his chin on top of his arms as he impatiently waits for you to pick out a small gift for your friend’s cat, who you will be catsitting tomorrow.
“just pick the one with the happiest looking cat. that should make it easy, right?”
entertained by his own humor, his bright giggles harmonize with yours. eventually, you’re forced to sit on your toes so you can scan the other products shoved in the lowermost shelf.
“surprisingly, many of them don’t look that happy.” you mutter absentmindedly to yourself.
“i’m getting bored.” jungkook pouts sulkily, bouncing his leg. in the midst of spacing out, he spits out the first question that pops in his mind. “what crime would you get arrested for?”
“arson,” you answer with a shrug, perhaps a little too quickly. the most adorable packaging you’ve seen so far steals your attention, and it’s almost as if you’re being beckoned by the colorful jars of cat cookies.
tuna? salmon? or chicken?
“oh?” he perks up in intrigue, mouth gaping in surprise. “why didn’t i expect that? why arson?“
“i mean, nothing special. it just sounds efficient? it takes little work but creates colossal damage.”
his face lights up when you stand back on your feet, relieved that grocery shopping is almost over. you place the jar of your chosen flavor, tuna, in an unoccupied space in the shopping cart.
“but realistically? i’d probably burn down my building with my forgetfulness and then get framed for it. i imagine that sometimes when i cook.”
“who would frame you?! tell me, baby.“ he angrily yells in a whisper, a cheeky smile growing on his face. “i’ll investigate and take care of them. that’s what i will get arrested for.”
“damn, how romantic.” you reply teasingly, granting his lips a loving peck. afterwards, you whisper to him as if you’re trading a well-kept secret, hushed voice and squinted eyes. “later. i’ll show you which of my neighbors i suspect.”
“baby?” jungkook chirps the pet name one more time, seizing your hand and putting it under his so that he’s pushing the cart while holding hands with you.
you hum in acknowledgement, sparing him a short glance as you look around, just incase you find something else you need while you’re on your way to the counter.
“have you thought of anything you want for our second anniversary?” he asks with sparkling eyes, his excitement uncontainable as more days get crossed out from the calendar. “a gift? and where you want to go?”
and that’s when your calmness completely shifts into chaos. his questions are giant buckets filled with ice, callously dunked over your head without any sign or warning. your walking pace gradually slows down as his words sink in, and you drown in the tornado swirling violently in your chest.
“our… anniversary?” you choke out.
your evident confusion is met by jungkook’s disappointment, halting on his tracks as to not leave you behind. “yes, february 25. that’s in three months… have you forgotten?”
“excuse me-”
a middle-aged woman rudely pushes your back, and you apologize in panic as you face your boyfriend to provide her the space to pass through. your heart drops to your stomach when you notice his stoic expression, hurt and distant, before you allow yourself to be whisked away from the center of the aisles.
“babe, please don’t be mad. i swear, i didn’t forget!” you cling to his muscular arm, hugging it to your chest as you stand behind a long line of overflowing shopping carts. “i literally have all the 25th marked in my calendar. how could i forget?”
“ugh, you tell me.” he frowns at you, lightly bumping his head against yours.
“i just didn’t realize it’s that near already.” the half-lie, half-truth tastes bitter on your tongue. “have you ever thought that time moves too fast when you’re happy and having fun? that’s exactly how i feel when i’m with you.”
yes, jungkook have thought of it a million times.
“fuck, alright, i’m not mad. you’re pretty good at this, huh?”
your sweet smile is pleasantly contagious. a flushed-face jungkook unconsciously copies you. he becomes pliant as you raise his arm to wrap it around you, stealing his body warmth this chilly november afternoon.
“i want to see a waterfalls with you. can we go there?”
he presses a kiss to your temple, unmoving for seconds, before he pulls away with a distinct smooching sound that fills your stomach with butterflies. “mhmm, niagara?”
you fail to hold back an amused snort, covering your mouth to prevent unwanted attention from strangers. “be serious. think local! we barely even go out of town!”
“but i’m serious.” he blinks at you. “we can just take pictures, have a dinner date, then go home!”
“you do know that it’s at the other side of the pacific, right?”
the cold breeze engulfs you in a big embrace as soon as you step out of the grocery store, carefree and unaware of its thorns prickling your skin. hand in hand, you and jungkook walk to his car parked two blocks away, carrying a plastic bag while he took the heavier two.
after putting out the small fire, your tumultuous emotions clamber to the surface, and it becomes increasingly difficult to hold them down the longer he’s around. the clouds are dark gray, as if they’re writing in pencil beforehand, my tears are about to fall. you feel stupidly envious of their ability to weep anytime they need to, in the face of the casualties. how nice would it be if you allowed yourself to be the same?
“this wasn’t here before. when did they open? let’s go inside for a bit.”
distracted by your stream of thoughts, you are guided inside an establishment with you only noticing belatedly. jungkook lets go of your hand to marvel at the collection of sunglasses displayed in extended rows. you stay idle by his side, watching him check himself out in the mirror as he tries them on one by one.
“that one looks good on you.” the praise automatically slips from your mouth when he wears a rectangle-shaped brown frame, more on the bigger side. as expected from your extremely handsome boyfriend, he makes it appear more stylish than it originally looked on the shelf.
“really? should i buy it?” he wears a radiant beam, repeatedly lifting it up and down as he inspects your face with and without the filtered lens.
“hm, i think so.” you skip over the grocery bags on the floor, squeezing in yourself in the small mirror. “here, look here again.”
jungkook rests his head on yours as he smiles at your reflections, tight-lipped, bringing out the most endearing set of dimples you’ve ever seen.
“why are you acting cute today?”
“i was just born this way.” he grins proudly. “and i guess i missed you.”
the ever-present sincerity in his voice adds weight to the heaviness chained to your heart, and you reward a kiss on his cheek to conceal your uneasiness, leaving a conspicuous lipstick mark in your wake.
“yah!” he lightheartedly scolds you with a chuckle, pushing up the sunglasses over his hair to examine his face.
you reflexively seize his wrist with an offended gasp. “hello? are you about to wipe off my kiss?”
“you can give me a thousand more in the car.“
“but that defeats the purpose.” you defeatedly answer as you let him go, witnessing your lipstick turn into a faint blush that compliments his honey skin. “oh, fine! i guess i’ll go window shopping over there.”
“where’s ‘over there’?”
he whips his head around to discover that you’ve disappeared.
you don’t flinch when you feel someone hold your waist. maybe you know it’s jungkook. maybe you know jungkook will die before he lets anyone else touch you in his presence.
“are you sure you won’t get anything?”
“i won’t. i just saw the hot air balloon two months ago.” you timidly shake your head as you return the sixth eyeglasses you tried on. “are we going home?”
your boyfriend responds by intertwining your fingers together.
“let me take this again then.” you reclaim the grocery bag you were with earlier, taking it upon yourself to hold the paper bag of his new sunnies as well, just to lighten his load. how the hell did he manage to carry everything in one hand?
your eyelids briefly flutter shut when he kisses your cheek. “thank you.”
when jungkook pushes the door open do you only hear the raindrops crashing on the pavement, splashes of cold water staining your denim pants as you stand under the canopy roof.
“shit, it’s so cold.” he shivers with a laugh as you simultaneously pull your hoods over your heads. “carry the bags on your other side.”
“why?” you ask innocently, but you do as he says anyway, not seeing any reason not to.
“just because.” he transfers to your right, capturing your free hand to put it inside the front pocket of his hoodie along with his. “let’s go!”
and you know the probability of you buying cold medicine for two in twenty-four hours is high, but this moment feels like it could last forever — running under the rain with him and feeling overwhelmingly alive, heart and soul; realizing halfway that he switched positions so he’d be the one closer to the busy and slippery road. they have wild similarities: nature and jungkook. a breath of fresh air. stars. the candied scent of flowers. dulcet sounds. warmth. home. resourcefulness. whimsical. unstoppable force. they devastate you catastrophically without meaning to. sometimes you overthink that they do. sometimes you know them and sometimes you don’t. you’re part of the problem but it’s hard to admit.
jungkook drives ten times more carefully. the rain is pouring harder as the seconds fly by, giving the radio speakers of his car a run for their money. the twenty-five minute drive to your apartment is nothing short of torturous, tinted windows too blurry and too reminiscent of memories you’ve been trying to push into the recesses of your mind. but they’re out of control, ceaselessly replaying in your head, and you can still see his tear-stained face even when you close your eyes. the windshield wipers are working hard but the sky is remorseless.
“we should end this… i think it’s for the best, before we get drained.”
“i think that i’m just wasting your time, that this isn’t- it’s not going anywhere.”
he’s wrong. you so strongly wish that he’s wrong.
you swallow the lump in your throat, chewing your bottom lip harshly, but the thread you’ve been hanging on has been snipped. you begin to cry silently, curled up on the passenger seat and face hidden by the hood you haven’t taken off. you pretend to be asleep as jungkook softly hums the tune of the songs playing in the radio. you feel so fucking suffocated. you hate this car. you hate the rain. you hate that you’re being this way. you feel guilty that your boyfriend is excited for your second anniversary while you’re stuck up in the past. you feel ashamed of feeling, almost.
you don’t know how to tell him that you’re sad because you love him. and even sadder when he thoughtfully wraps you in a blanket in the middle of a red light, stroking your back as he whispers. “my baby must be so tired.”
the rain has become a clement drizzle by the time you arrive at your destination. standing before your apartment unit, jungkook sets down the grocery bags on the floor to take off the wax cord necklace hidden underneath his clothing. he uses the pendant, his copy of your house key, to unlock the front door.
you slip off the loose sneakers on your feet by the floor mat before heading straight to the bedroom. you hang your boyfriend’s backpack on your study chair and place his paper bag on top of your desk. he enters the room when you’re already pulling the thick hoodie over your head, leaving you in a navy blue body-hugging top.
“love, are you okay?” he asks as he brings out fresh clothes from his backpack, looking over your sprawled out figure on the bed, eyes shut and breathing heavy.
“i’m alright.” you force yourself to sit up, sliding off the bed to stand on your feet. your head is pounding and you want to puke your guts out. is it normal to experience such heartache that you feel physically sick? “i’ll put away the groceries.”
“okay. i’ll be there to start cooking dinner!”
you merely nod, brushing past him.
you begin with restocking the fridge. meat, eggs, yogurt, almond milk, fruits, and the like. jungkook arrives when you’re already unpacking the second bag, and his first instinct is to affectionately hug you from behind. after too many days physically apart, he’ll be damned if he’ll allow even an inch of distance between your bodies.
your actions are put on halt when his palm presses on your neck, and then the back of it. “why do you feel so warm? don’t you feel sick?”
it was the final blow. to be honest, it’s been long overdue. you’re frozen in place, defeated as one by one, the tears finally drip from your damp eyelashes. they roll down your cheeks, some crashing on the table and seeping into the wood to form tiny circles of a darker shade of brown. the rest of them rolls down to the hand that is checking your temperature. you sniffle before he can question the new sensation on his skin.
“hey- hey, what’s wrong? are you crying?“ he moves to your side for a better view of your face, but you shake your head in denial. “what happened? baby?”
“nothing.” you mutter, brushing him off.
you gather the bottles of soy sauce and vinegar, wiggling out his hold to place them in the shelf above the stove. you return to the table to pick up the stuff that goes in the cabinets, but jungkook catches your wrist, removing the pack of sliced bread from your hand.
“i thought we’re not supposed to shut each other out.” he whispers, pulling you closer and guiding your arms around his waist. “it breaks my heart when you cry, baby.”
his doe eyes are pleading as he tilts up your chin to meet his gaze, thumb softly drawing circles on the apple of your cheek. you feel so utterly lost, overwhelmed by his gestures of kindness and affection. and yet you cry, because if he loved you that much, how did breaking up became an option he was willing to choose?
“our anniversary…” you trail off, ripping apart at the seams. “it still counts.”
neither of you knows if it’s a statement or a question.
“it still counts.” he nods slowly, repeating your words. “sh-should it not?”
his heart races in his chest as fear creeps up on him, dreading your answer. did he fuck up again? but your response only leaves him with more questions floating above his head.
“if we only had a pause- does that mean you… didn’t try looking for someone else? right? you didn’t sleep with anyone? while we were…”
for a moment, jungkook forgets how to speak as silence reigns over. his forehead creases in confusion, a sharp pang digging in his heart like a dagger as you wait with bated breath.
“no. why would you ev- no. no, i didn’t. where is this coming from?” his round, agitated eyes search for a clue in your expression but you don’t allow him that privilege, impassive as you withdraw from the close proximity between you.
“it doesn’t matter, that’s all i needed. thank you for answering.” you sigh heavily, turning on your heel to head to the bathroom. “i’m going to wash up.“
“____, come on. don’t walk away from me.” he almost begs out of desperation as his fingers curl around your arm, itching to embrace you because serrated trepidation is gnawing at his insides. he’s not losing you. he’s not losing you. he’s not losing you. he won’t let you slip away.
you sigh. “let go, jungkook.”
“how can i let you walk away after learning that you think i cheated on you?” he frustratedly blurts out, the words revolting on his tongue. this was never supposed to happen. he was supposed to be a partner who never gave you any reason to question his faithfulness. “that doesn’t matter?”
“it doesn’t.” you assert firmly.
jungkook is scared. he doesn’t understand how you can look at him like this, pretend you’re not wounded and bleeding. he doesn’t know if you’re giving him a pass or if you’re punishing him.
“either way, you broke up with me, jungkook… i would hate it, but it wouldn’t have been cheating.”
“it is to me.” his hauntingly angelic voice shatters, along with your fragile hearts as he says- “i didn’t love you any less and you know that.”
sorrow seeps into the silence, permeating the cold air, thick with heartache and tension. you walk away from him wordlessly, and jungkook is taken aback, vision blurred and unfocused as his hand drops to his side, devastatingly dejected.
“____!” your name fades into a muffled noise.
the doorknob clicks when you lock it. numb as your feet carry you to the sink, numb as you twist the faucet until you can’t anymore. the strong pressure of the water hitting the porcelain echoes throughout the dimly-lit bathroom. you tightly grip the edge of the sink as you fall apart disastrously, like a wave blazing past the shore and destroying everything in its path with ferociousness — because it’s the only thing left it knows how to do. your endless tears turn the cold tap water into saltwater. it inevitably overflows, spilling over the edges and soaking your trembling hands.
when he broke up with you, it opened the door to many other possibilities that hurts you to think about. you thought you knew, too. but the seed of doubt was planted in your mind when you were forsaken, and it kept growing as a wildflower even when he came back and laid beside you after not reaching out for weeks.
the last time you cried like this, you begged him to allow you to keep loving him.
your weak knees give in to the pull of gravity, heedless of nasty bruises as you cover your mouth to restrain your afflicted sobbing, nails scratching the porcelain as your lone hand insists on holding you up. sometimes love is not a warm comforting embrace. sometimes love is teeth. sometimes love is biting and perversely holding on. were you not worth fighting for? this time around, can he sacrifice something else instead of you? does that make you sound selfish? what if you don’t care that it does? and you wonder if it’s alright for two people to be in a relationship despite having different ideas of what loving means. you wonder if you’ve truly changed his mind.
outside, jungkook anxiously paces back and forth. the piercing sob that tears itself from your throat and crawls through the small cracks of the door is a direct, forceful punch to his gut. he swallows thickly, wiping away the tears brimming his eyes. he can’t cry, not right now. four months have passed, but it isn’t time’s job to heal all wounds. it’s his.
“what are you making?”
jungkook’s bubble pops when he hears your voice. he didn’t even realize when the shower stopped running, too absorbed in the kitchen so that he won’t intrude into your boundaries despite his restlessness. he takes you in, clad in your silk pajamas, before looking back at the bowl of dark brown batter he’s been tirelessly stirring and folding to incorporate the ingredients together.
“all of a sudden? thought you were going to make dinner.” you leave no space between the two of you as you dip in the tip of your pinky finger for a taste.
that was the original plan, but he knows that you like to consume sweets when you’re feeling down.
“i’m about to. are you hungry?“ he speaks in a subdued voice, gingerly rubbing your lower back. “i’m putting this in the oven now.“
“can i help?”
jungkook dies a little inside when your eyes meet and he notices that yours are swollen, yet still gleaming with affection.
“you can, uhm, peel the potatoes?”
you curiously look back to see the ingredients for gamjatang, pork bone soup, laid out on the dining table. “okay.”
as you begin to diligently do the task you were assigned, he transfers the batter to the pan covered with parchment paper before pushing it inside the pre-heated oven. the faint pitter-patter of the rain fills the apartment as the clouds squall once more. he occupies the seat next to you, entire body facing you as his arm rests on top of the backrest of your chair.
“don’t you want to talk about it?”
you frown, briefly pausing as you ponder so you won’t cut yourself. “no, i want to… i just needed time to think.”
he grows quiet, biting at his nails as he watches your hands smoothly peel off the skin of a potato using a paring knife.
“it matters to me.” he’s been dying to say. “____, you know that i love you, right?”
you thought you had no tears left in you, but your face is feeling hot yet again.
“i know.”
“i did a shitty job at showing it because i was stupid, but it never stopped being true.” he says, steady and sure, doe eyes longing to read your mind. “i love you so much, hm…? i love you.”
“i know. that’s why i’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.”
a small bitter smile appears on your face as you pick up another potato to peel.
“the other day, your aunt told me you went on dates… she even showed me old pictures of you and the girl together then apologized to me-” you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “for setting you up, because she thought i got what i wanted from you and finally backed off. but none of your friends ever mentioned this person to me… or you… that’s why i couldn’t- i couldn’t… it was embarrassing.”
it’s hilarious, really, how you were scared shitless of jungkook’s parents not approving of you, but you failed to consider his relatives. you can’t shake off the subtle looks indicating that you were dirt on her shoe, the honeyed condescending tone that made you feel small and hollow as you sat with her at the bus stop, completely clueless as she rambled. you wanted to laugh, cry, and curse up a storm. and you would’ve chased after her when she went to ride the bus without giving you the opportunity to stand up for yourself, but you had to remind yourself that your actions might taint people’s perception of jungkook, and you couldn’t risk that.
“baby- baby, look at me. please.”
he carefully pries away the potato and the knife from your hands, cupping your face in his big palms. you gaze at him wide-eyed as you ground yourself by clutching onto his wrist. your loud heartbeat pounds in your ears because it’s not always that you can look at each other like this, meeting halfway, seeing more than feeling.
his eyebrows are closely knitted, nose scrunching and barely blinking as he sets the record straight.
“it was one time. she’s been trying to set us up since forever, then… then she planned a date during the time we weren’t talking without even confirming with me… it was a place outside the company, so i just went to say it was a misunderstanding and i’m taken! i felt embarrassed because it’s a family friend. nothing more…” he caresses you tenderly, feeling a pinch in his chest as he tries to put himself in your shoes. “i promise, love, i left after like two minutes. why would i go on dates when i was losing my mind, hm? i was missing you like crazy.”
you melt into him when he crosses the short distance between you, pressing his soft lips on yours for a kiss that makes the whole world quiet. your noses brush each other before he withdraws.
“she left out that part, didn’t she?” he rhetorically asks with venom stirred in his otherwise dulcet voice.
you purse your lips into a thin line.
“seriously, this- this is ridiculous… this is bullshit. she really did it this time. ah, i’m angry! does this even make sense? what’s the point of all that?” jungkook huffs with a sarcastic chuckle as he runs his fingers through his hair, squeezing and tugging to release his growing frustration somehow.
this is why his lover has been doubtful of his devotion? he has known his aunt since he learned how to recognize faces, and he knows that it takes a whole lot for you to reach this breaking point. he can only imagine the interaction that took place, and it makes him feel sick to his stomach.
you’ve seen the good and the bad, and you focus on the good, and you stay with him despite despite despite.
he takes a deep breath to compose himself, and then his tongue prods the inside of his cheek as his determined eyes search for his phone. he quickly snatches it from the table and stands up, the screen coming to life as he unlocks it with his thumb’s fingerprint. “i’ll be right back, baby.”
“jungkook,” you call out his name as a warning, grasping his wrist before he can go too far. “don’t act rashly.”
“i’m not! i’d go to busan but i’ll put that off because i’d rather spend my day-off with you.”
you don’t know what you were expecting his reaction would be, but it’s not a great leap to say that he is furious, pending to explode.
“i’ve been nothing but polite even though she was fucking badgering me non-stop, but i won’t let her think that it’s okay to treat you like that… she doesn’t have the right to meddle with my life, and she can’t disrespect the most important person to me. i-i-” he pauses to breathe, chest heaving with the weight of his emotions. “i won’t allow it.”
you are his calmness and he is the storm.
his voice wavers by the end of his sentence, doe eyes turning glassy as he sincerely confesses, which is probably why this isn’t the right time for you to smile like a lovesick highschooler with a crush. this is exactly what you tried to avoid, making a mess and a series of uncomfortable holidays, so why does it have to feel good to hear him say that?
you nod with understanding as you free his wrist. “okay. don’t take too long.”
jungkook heads to the front door before his anger can be erased by his adoration for you, so endearing as you peel small potatoes like you had all the time in the world.
as he steps outside, the raucous rain rings in your ears and its distinct smell mixed with the soil enters the apartment.
you cluelessly blink at the ingredients surrounding you as you mutter to yourself. “how many of these am i supposed to peel again?”
jungkook returns after a phone call that went longer than planned, but not before wiping the wet floor from both sides of your front door to avoid accidents. he discovers you squatting infront of the unlocked kitchen oven.
“what are you doing?” he asks with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“it’s baked…” you raise the toothpick you poked the brownie with, tilting your head to the side. “right?“
“oh, it is! let’s take it out.”
he rushes to the counter to wear oven mitts, and you stand aside so he can carry out the pan from the oven. you follow him as he places it on top of the wooden table mat on the table, tugging at the hem of his t-shirt to gain his attention.
“what happened?” you interrogate him worriedly as he pulls off the oven mitts from his hands.
“huh?” you’re coaxed to move closer when he caresses your nape, sliding down to the smooth expanse of your back. “my mom will call you soon.”
“what? why?!”
“she wants to cook for you. to apologize for what her son and her sister did.” he scrunches his nose with a guilty chuckle, scratching his head. “let’s go home for dinner one of these days, okay? we’ll cook your favorites.”
“but i thought…” you chew on your bottom lip, hand balling in a fist and crumpling the fabric of your boyfriend’s t-shirt. “did you call your mom too? i don’t want to cause trouble.”
“what do you mean? you’re doing nothing of the sort.” he gives you a disapproving look, gently squeezing your tense hand to quell your worries. “and it just turns out she was listening the whole time i was talking. they’re hanging out together. uh, besides, she would’ve found out one way or the other.”
“but they can’t be fighting, right?”
“aigoo, don’t worry about it anymore. stop hurting your brain. it’s mean.” he strokes your head lovingly with a small smile that suggests an answer to your question. “your mother-in-law loves you. everything’s okay. it’s cold so let’s just eat our dinner then cuddle in bed, hm, baby?”
oh. your mother-in-law?
“you’re so annoying.” you mutter half-heartedly, burying your face in your hands as the tears surge in once more.
god, you feel so relieved.
you crash against jungkook’s body when he tugs you closer to envelope you in his arms. maybe, just maybe, if he does it long enough, you will be pieced back together. even though he, himself, breaks when you weakly pound at his chest with clenched fists.
“i hate you. i hate you. i hate you.” you chant like a broken record in between sobs, glitching in cracks and pauses and stutters. the more you say the same three words, the more they lose their meaning.
he squeezes his eyes shut, enduring the heart-splitting pain and embracing you tighter. “i know- i know.” he repeats your words from earlier.
he hates himself, too. he needs to get his shit together. he understands — he has to grow up if he wants to keep you.
“but i love you, and i’m scared you’ll leave again and i won’t beg you anymore.” you ramble without thinking, brain on auto-pilot mode. “i’m not that kind of person, jungkook. that’s not me. i don’t have to prove it, do i?”
you feel so utterly exposed, disgustingly vulnerable. nevertheless, before jungkook is anything else, he is your best friend.
“t-they think i’m using you.” you hiccup, forearm covering your stinging eyes. you taste the salt in your own tears as you speak. “but that’s unfair, so unfair. i only accept what i’m given. i barely ask you for anything. it was only one time, o-only one time. i asked you to come back, because i missed you. i want to be with you because you make me happy.”
jungkook’s jaw clenches in anger, no longer able to withhold his tears. he sniffles, wiping his wet cheek on his shoulder. you’ve suffered more than enough because of him. if anything, he should be the one getting the lashings from his side and yours. this is wrong. this is all wrong.
“shh- shhh. breathe, baby.” he coos as he pushes down your arm, brushing away the tears on your face. “come here.”
you whimper when he swoops you off your feet, carrying you bridal style to the living room. he sits on the sofa, and he sits you on his lap. you slide off him, just a tiny bit for your back to reach the armrest, pulling him along with you.
“hug me,” you demand quietly.
he fails to defy the urge to smile, abruptly pulling you in for a passionate kiss that steals the air from your lungs. your eyelids flutter shut, tense body relaxing into him as your lips follow his lead in this delicate dance of enigmatic intimacy. your fingers graze his jaw shakily, afraid it might cut you and you’ll be awoken from this enduring dream. they desperately tangle themselves with his hair, digging to keep him glued onto you.
“i won’t leave again. no matter how hard you push me away, i will stay within your reach.”
he makes a whispered promise carved into the walls of your apartment, sealed by his lips pressing to your knuckles, and you’re left to wonder forever if he kissed your left ring finger on purpose.
jungkook is soft-spoken, slow and careful with his words that could make or break you.
“i’m so sorry that i hurt you. and i’m sorry that you have to go through this because of me. i’m sorry for everything. i’m sorry. but…” he inhales, and exhales, licking his lips. “the noise might never stop. i know it’s not as easy to say, but i hope we don’t let them get into our heads. just because we can hear them, doesn’t mean we have to listen, you know?”
and as much as it kills him to admit-
“we’re fragile right now, so i want to protect what we have.”
you profusely nod your head, and his thumbs sweep over your cheeks to catch your teardrops.
“let’s be happy, and love each other for a very long time, hm…? i know you’re not that kind of person, so you can ask me for anything. or you can even take them without asking me. i don’t care. what about it?” he says with passion and conviction, galaxy-filled eyes expanding as he shakes his head. “but never me, or my love. you shouldn’t feel like you have to ask for it. do you know why?”
you arch an eyebrow at him, still switching between fiddling with his long and slender fingers and tracing the veins running along his arms. “why?”
“because i’m yours. every single second of everyday. i love you. you deserve all the love i can give. that’s my number one responsibility as your boyfriend… but i failed you. i know you forgive me but… but i-i want to love you better. i won’t get tired of fighting for us, and showing you that i mean everything i say.”
“don’t say things like that.” at last, you crack a genuine smile, giggling as you lightly hit his chest. “i’ll become greedy.”
“good. that’s what i want.” he retorts with a chuckle, but he means it wholeheartedly.
he wants to be inconvenienced by you. he wants to make impulsively confrontational phone calls he will overthink before bed. he wants you to wake him up in the middle of the night clawing for snuggles. he wants you to jump on his back when you’re exhausted of walking. he wants to charm the owner of your favorite restaurant into cooking one more meal before closing because you always ask him to make a quick stop when he visits you. he wants his life to be influenced by yours in every possible way, two different colors mixed in a palette to create a new one that matches the sky.
“thank you.” you smile sheepishly. “and i’m sorry too, for everything. i don’t handle these things well… i’m still learning.”
“mhmm-hmm.” he shakes his head in disagreement, before leaning in to pepper your face with kisses. “i love you.” he smells like romance and comfort, sugar and cocoa from the brownies — the cure to your nausea. you still taste a hint of the sweet flavor when your tongue darts out to lick your dry lips, traces from your taste test and his.
“babe?” you whisper after minutes that felt like hours, drowsy and cozy cuddled up with your boyfriend in the corner of your sofa.
he hums in question, sleepily nuzzling his face on your neck.
“i’m so hungry. i think i’m going to die.”
“ah, yes. i can hear that.”
“should i slice the onions next?” you question in a sing-song voice as you enter the kitchen, immediately regaining possession of knife.
“stay away from them. i don’t want you to cry again.”
you pout, clicking your tongue. “you’re right. then what else can i do…? why do you look scared?”
you study jungkook’s wary stance in amusement, taking a glance at your hand where his shaking pupils are trained.
he playfully puts up his arms in surrender, laughter laced with nervousness. “baby, stop waving the knife around.”
“i’m not!”
“yes, you are! just put it down. i’ll do everything, okay?”
you place it back on the table with a scoff, slumping on the chair and crossing your arms. “and then what?”
“then have the brownies for appetizer.” with a self-satisfied grin, he cuts out a slice of brownie that has cooled down during the time it was left unattended.
“i don’t think this is how it works.”
“shhh, baby.“ he menacingly hushes you with his pointer finger over his lips. “don’t say anything. just taste it first. ahhh-“
you take a small bite from the piece that he’s holding out for you, and then another after deeming it too small.
“how is it?” he gulps as he anticipates your reply.
“really?” he giggles when you chomp on the remaining dessert and accidentally bite his poor fingers.
“don’t know what makes a good brownie exactly, but it’s perfect to me.” you nod your head enthusiastically, somewhat feeling better with the prospect of having your stomach filled with more of your boyfriend’s cooking.
your jaw slacks open in offense when he slaps your hand in the middle of your attempt to pick up the knife, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he threateningly looks at you.
“what was that for? i just want more brownies!” you cry out, lightly kicking his shin from under the table.
“oh- ow!” he cracks up in hearty laughter, corners of his eyes crinkling as he rubs the affected area. “sorry, i’m sorry for my fault! they’re all yours! please forgive me! i’m sorry!”
you send him a scowl before pouring all your focus into slicing the rest of the dessert into bite-sized squares.
he bends down to your eye-level, cutely tilting his head to the side as he speaks lowly. “i’ll cook dinner now. just wait a little more… maybe two hours?”
“please tell me you’re joking.”
not long after, you hop on the vacant counter space with the brownies for a better view of the kitchen scene. you leisurely swing your legs as you watch jungkook freely move around your kitchen, occasionally getting lost as he converses with himself. if your calculations are correct, he has asked himself the questions “oing? what was i supposed to do again? what did i come here for?” twice so far. it’s a good thing he talks to himself out loud so you can remember things for him.
he stirs the pot of stew, leaves to gather more ingredients, then comes back to dump them in. the cycle ends with nods of satisfaction, before he waddles over to your spot for a snack break. straight away, you greet his parted lips with the chocolate-y goodness that was reaped from his sweat and tears.
as he chews on the brownie, he turns his face to the other direction and pokes his cheek for another request. with your thighs caging his hips and your hands grasping his collar, you tug him closer to your body. your plushy lips plant gentle but full kisses on his cheek, trailing down to his defined jaw and neck when you run out of space. the tingling sensation shooting up his spine prompts his fingers to dig into the soft flesh of your thighs, breathing gradually getting heavier with your every electrifying touch. the final kiss is granted to his adam’s apple, more prominent as he swallows.
you straighten back up while fixing your hair, and jungkook’s starry eyes follow your red lips in a hypnotized daze. there’s no one else who can make his heart flutter quite like you do. your breathy giggles are music to his ears as you take in the sight of both his cheeks adorned with scattered lipstick marks, appearing like watercolor on paper.
“what’s that for?” he eyed you suspiciously while you were painting your lips, but it’s him who kept coming back to you for more although you were already happy with one.
“you look so funny.”
but if this arrangement goes: he can make you laugh by granting you the permission to leave marks where your lips have been, he will happily live with that.
“can i take a picture?”
but you don’t even have to ask. your phone is still charging in the bedroom, so he proposes his for your convenience.
“here. just airdrop them to yourself.” he hands it to you with a cool shrug, nonchalant on the surface but giddy inside.
taglist in the reblogs! send a message/ask if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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kinardsevan · 14 days
You Are The Reason
Here, have a mini fic because the plot bunnies just never stop.
It’s late when Evan finally reaches Tommy’s doorstep. His mind is still caught up on his conversation with Eddie and where that whole situation may or may not go, but as the door opens to the house, Tommy is standing in front of him in an apron. The image of his strapping, gorgeous boyfriend dressed that way makes every other thought fall out of his brain. 
“Come on in,” Tommy says, leaning forward and placing a quick, chaste kiss on the corner of Evan’s mouth. Evan steps inside and drops his duffel next to the door as Tommy closes the door behind him. He turns to head towards back towards the kitchen, but Evan grabs his forearm to stop him, and as Tommy turns back, Evan brings his other hand up around Tommy’s head and kisses him again. Tommy smiles into it but allows Evan entrance to his mouth as he snakes his free arm around his waist. 
“Mmm,” he murmurs after a few seconds. Evan bites down on Tommy’s bottom lip, just hard enough to leave a mark, before releasing him. His hand slides off the back of Tommy’s head, runs down the side of his neck towards his chest as Tommy presses his forehead against Evan’s. 
“I missed you too,” he murmurs softly. He places another quick kiss on the corner of Evans’ mouth and then pulls away, though his arm is still around Evan’s back, and he’s leading him forward. 
“Come on. I made chicken risotto.” 
Evan raises his eyebrows as Tommy leads him through the living room and around the corner into the kitchen. As they step up to the island, Tommy pulls out a seat for Evan and gestures towards it as he walks around the island towards the oven.
“You didn’t have to do this,” Evan tells him, even as a smile plays on his lips. He’s still learning how to accept letting someone else take care of him. “It was already late without the stop-off at Eddie’s.” 
“You’re fine, Evan,” Tommy insists as removes his apron and hangs it up on a hook before turning and picking up two plates and turning back towards Evan. He places one plate in front of him and sets his own nearby before he circles around Evan again and sits in the spot next to him. He rests his hand on the back of Evan’s chair as they begin to eat, letting his thumb graze gently over Evan’s spine now and then. 
“You okay?” He asks after a few minutes of silence. “I know it’s late. We can just go straight to bed, do the movie tomorrow night.” 
Evan looks up at him, almost disappointed. “No no. I want to do the movie.” 
The corner of Tommy’s mouth upturns and he nods, maneuvering another forkful of risotto off of his plate. 
“Okay, Evan.” 
Evan finishes faster, but Tommy isn’t far behind him, having been tasting the food as he cooked to ensure proper heating. When they’re finished, he takes Evan’s plate from him and walks over to the counter and opens his dishwasher, dropping the dishes into the rack before he stands back up and turns around. He’s about to offer an option for doing the movie in bed, but stop short when he sees Evan’s expression shift suddenly, looking him in the eyes as though he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 
“D-…Evan. Were you just staring at my ass?” 
The way Evan’s cheek twitches makes Tommy laugh, and he almost can’t hold the eye contact with his boyfriend because of just how fucking cute it is that he’s been caught in the act. 
“I-I mean, it’s a very nice ass,” Evan says. 
Tommy just shakes his head at him. 
. . . 
Evan passes on the option to have the movie in bed, and they end up in the living room on Tommy’s couch with the ottoman pulled out for their legs. Within five minutes, Tommy is questioning Evan’s choice as it seems that with each passing minute, his ray of sunshine personified is sinking a little deeper into the couch and as such, a little closer towards him. Still, as five minutes turn into ten, and ten into fifteen, Evan Buckley seems to be fading deeper into sleep even as he tries to pass off that he’s not.
Tommy isn’t entirely sure how he misses the exact moment, but suddenly he looks down during a slow part in the film, and Evan has snuggled down into the space beneath Tommy’s armpit, an arm tossed over Tommy’s stomach while his head rests in the space between his chest and collarbone. 
Tommy chuckles and rolls his eyes, but opts against waking him. He pulls at the throw blanket he’d pulled out at the start of the movie resting over his legs, and tugs it over so that it’s also covering Evan, and then shift’s his hand up into Evan’s hair, gently massaging his scalp. The move makes the younger man sigh in his sleep, trying to melt even deeper into Tommy. 
Tommy just chuckles and presses his lips into Evan’s hairline before turning his head and resting it gently against Evan’s, focusing on the movie once more. 
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
Favourite german colloquialisms and idioms
Ein Freund zum Pferdestehlen (lit: a friend to steal horses with) A reliable, loyal, and trustworthy friend, someone you can depend on 100%
Mit jemandem ein Hühnchen zu rupfen haben (lit: to have a chicken to pluck with someone) to have an unfinished argument/dispute/disagreement with someone that one will finish as soon as they see the person again, who will then probably "experience their blue miracle" (sein/ihr blaues Wunder erleben): get their ass handed to them.
Die Sau rauslassen (lit: to let the sow loose) To throw down at a party
Sows are generally an intensifier. Either in wie Sau (as fuck), the adverb saumäßig, or just add the prefix sau- to an adjective of your choice.
Auf dem Teppich bleiben (lit: to stay on the carpet) to quit being overdramatic, to stay grounded in reality and not let emotions take over a debate. Same meaning: Die Kirche im Dorf lassen (lit: to leave the church in the village)
Das geflügelte Wort (lit: the winged word) Figure of speech, idiom
Sich etwas ans Bein binden (lit: to tie something to one’s leg) To burden oneself with something that’s more trouble than it’s worth
Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof (lit: life is no pony farm) Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows
Jemandem den Marsch blasen (lit: to blow the march for someone) to scold someone very harshly. Also: jemandem die Meinung geigen (to play someone one’s opinion on the violin), jemanden anscheißen (to shit on someone)
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn (lit: even a blind chicken  sometimes finds a seed) A stopped clock is right twice a day
Backfisch (m.) (lit: baked fish) teenage girl; this one's a bit old-fashioned
Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben (lit: to miss some cups from the cupboard) To be crazy, insane, idiotic. The things people can miss to express this sentiment are quite diverse (and this is something people really like to get creative with): needles from the fir tree, battens from the fence, lightbulbs from the chandelier, cookies from the jar…
Die Radieschen von unten ansehen (lit: to view radishes from below) To be dead. Variations exist with almost any plant imaginable, most notably tulips and grass
Was die Sonne nicht heilt, deckt die Erde zu (lit: what the sun can’t heal, the earth shall cover) This health problem will either resolve itself or the speaker will die from it, in any case it will be over eventually
Da warst du noch Quark im Schaufenster (lit: Back then you were curd in the shop window) Back then, you weren’t even conceived
Eine (neue) Sau durchs Dorf treiben (lit: to drive a (new) sow through the village) to manufacture short-lived public outrage that will soon be replaced by a new scandal
Hanswurst (m) (lit: Hans Sausage) a ridiculous, funny person, fool, clown (but not an actual clown from the circus)
Man hat schon Pferde (vor der Apotheke) kotzen sehen (lit: horses have been seen vomiting (in front of the pharmacy)) stranger things have happened
wilde Ehe (lit: wild marriage) to live together/have a family together without being actually married
Bauernfänger (m.) (lit: farmer catcher) Conman. Not to be confused with:
Rattenfänger (m.) (lit: rat catcher) political agitator, demagogue
Noch feucht hinter den Ohren sein (lit: to be still wet behind the ears) to be inexperienced/a newbie
Du hast wohl den Schuss nicht gehört (lit: Have you not heard the shot?) Are you out of your fucking mind?
Da sind Hopfen und Malz verloren (lit: hops and malt are lost here) A hopeless case
Völkerverständigung (f.) (lit: understanding between peoples/nations) Getting to know people from other nations, making an effort to understand their culture and showing them yours in turn. The building of international relationships based on mutual respect and equality. Diplomacy. Also: Völkerfreundschaft (friendship between peoples/nations)
Sich den Arsch aufreißen (lit: to rip one’s ass open) to work very hard
Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen (lit: no master has fallen from the sky yet) nobody is born an expert; keep trying and you’ll get there!
Mach mal die Augen zu, dann siehst du was deine ist (lit: close your eyes then you’ll see what’s yours) I heard this a lot as a child and now I never feel entitled to anything, ever
Da geht mir das Messer in der Tasche auf (lit: this opens the knife in my pocket) I think this is infuriating and I’m about to figuratively stab you (loads of expressions for this sentiment but this is my fave)
Kinderstube (f) (lit: children’s chamber) upbringing, education. Someone who doesn’t have Kinderstube has no manners
Waisenknabe / Chorknabe (m) (lit: orphan boy / choir boy) someone who is innocent, virtuous, well-behaved and an all-around lovely person. Often used ironically.
Maulaffen feilhalten (lit: to sell mouth monkeys) to stand around gaping with your mouth open instead of doing something useful
Ach du grüne Neune/liebes Lieschen (lit: oh you green nine/dear Lieschen) oh my!
Käseblatt (n) (lit: cheese sheet) a newspaper of very poor journalistic quality
Jemandem ein X für ein U vormachen (lit: to try to sell an X as a U) To scam or trick someone. Same meaning: Jemanden über den Tisch ziehen (to drag someone over the table). Not to be confused with:
Jemanden/etwas durch den Kakao ziehen - (lit: to drag someone/something through the cocoa) To make fun of or parody someone/something
Steckenpferd (m.) (lit: stick horse) hobby
Da will man nicht tot überm Zaun hängen (lit:  where one doesn’t want to hang dead over the fence) Just to make sure you know exactly how awful this town/village and its inhabitants are
Schnapsidee (f) (lit: schnapps idea) an idea that only a very drunk person would conceive of or consider good
Held im Erdbeerfeld (lit: hero in the strawberry field) Someone who sees themself as a great hero without any real skills/achievements to back this up
Leben wie Gott in Frankreich (lit: to live like God in France) to live the high life
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madwomansapologist · 21 days
Marcille studying how to take care of chickens and using that knowledge to help her clean Falyn's feathers.
light like a feather | marcille donato x falin touden
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Navigation | More Farcille | AO3
synopsis: Marcille being hungry for knowledge isn't a novelty. Unless the subject is chickens.
warnings: alright first time writing for dungeon meshi + first time writing a ship. what a month to be sapphic. also i am high on cramps medicines so vibe with me. fluff and an attempt at comedy. non canon compilant. where does it takes place on the story? whenever you want boss
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From the balcony, Falin watched as they moved in the forgotten city. Cooking dinner, counting the suplies, mapping the ever changing ways. So concentrated.
She could jump. Falin could land right next to Senshi, nineteen feet bellow the balcony, without a single scratch. Her breath wouldn't even be affected. Althought it would be an easy task, she continued there. Alone, watching over them, very aware that this wasn't some sort of saint-like behavior anymore.
It was the one of a predator.
Falin had a dragon within her. Not human, not monster. She was something new entirely. Falin should be mad. Grieving over herself, over what was taken from her and what was needed to get her back. She didn't.
It was great. To be strong. She never strong before. Laios is the strong one. The fighter, the protector. She knows she is stronger than him now. And she feels... free. Like whatever that was taken from her didn't belong there at the first place. A useless weight that left her soul.
Before she would too watch over the party. It was great to observe, to understand people without being perceived. It was easier like that. People used to think she was too calm, too nice, too great. They would probably say that her stare is off-putting now.
She wanted to jump, but instead walked downstairs. An old building, perfect for them to spend the night and get ready to move for the next layer. The ghosts there welcomed them.
She smelled Marcille before seeing her. It was impossible to not recognize her perfume. The soap — made by the mage herself —, the mixture of flowers, a bit of cinamon. Delicate, as most elfs are.
She didn't mean to sneak into her room. It was just natural for her to not make noise. Watching the long hair dripping against Marcille's nightgown, a glimpse of the book she had on her hands caught her attention.
Chickens: care and reproduction.
"You want to be a farmer now?" Falin sat besides her. "Good thing I haven't bet on that."
Marcille practically jumped away, yelling more than if a lion was attacking her. Falin only giggled.
She always had been prone to exageration. Marcille doesn't lie, not to her. All it takes is one glance and Falin knows what she's feeling. And now she is acting like a child caught stealing from a cookie jar.
"Falin! You scared the life out of me! And what... why would you ever bet on that? I am only interest on... chickens. That's all."
Liar. Horrible liar.
Falin sat besides her, and it barely took a minute for Marcille to grab her hand. Another thing she is glad. She never knows when people want her closer, but Marcille always tells her what she wants.
Squeezing lightly at her thin hand, Falin tried to read the book. "And what about chickens are so interesting?"
"I, humm, I wanted to understand a few things. Just curious," Marcille bit her lip. She seemed embarrassed. Maybe Falin wasn't sneaking, but Marcille was definitelly hiding from something. "About their feathers."
Oh. Sure. Marcille's always talking about how hair can be crucial to magic users. And since she cut her own, Marcille is probably worried about the lack of the resource. Maybe feathers is a substitute for that.
But since they are still so deep into the dungeon, Falin don't think they'll be able to find anything like that. There is no mammals there. Actually, she isn't sure of that. But Laios must know!
Then, what are they both even thinking about. There is a clear, easier solution for that. "You can cut mine. It's no problem."
Marcille stared at her, the embarrassment gone. "What?"
"My hair," Falin said, smiling proudly. "If you ever need more for a spell, just cut mine. It's fine. Don't need to look for substitutes when I'm here."
Marcille closed the book, throwing it away. Laying down at the bed, she pulled Falin with her. Marcille just remembered why she never had the need to hide things from Falin. Always so toothaching sweet.
"I worry so much about you," Marcille got the hair away from Falin's golden eyes. So enchanting. "Do you know how long it took me to align your bones? To put everything at the right place, the perfect order?"
Falin didn't answer. She didn't knew it, but wouldn't open her mouth either way.
"Even when I was done, when I was watching as your skin grew, I wasn't sure if I haven't mistook anything." Marcille held her hand, the touch so delicate. Their finger fit perfectly together. "You're the one to care for our souls, so I will gadly care for your body."
Falin watched their fingers intertwined. She feels so warm around Marcille. Almost as if Marcille is the dragon. So protective, so careful. So perfect.
"And what does that have to do with chickens?"
Marcille laughed. It was loud, and soon Falin was laughing along side her.
"You have feathers now," Marcille brushed against them. "I need to help you with them."
Falin stopped laughing. Her feathers. The most obvious trace of the monster within her. And instead of fearing it, ignoring it, hating it; Marcille cares for it. Skin and feathers, teeth and fangs.
She didn't felt like a predator anymore. Just like herself.
"You're so dumb." Falin got up from bed.
"Falin!" Marcille was quick to clumsy follow her out of the room. "You take that back!"
Helping Senshi, she ignored as Marcille tried to understand what she meant by that. Surrounded by her friends, Falin just allowed the truth to sink in.
She wasn't alone anymore.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
GENERAL TAGLIST: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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avatar-of-the-blank · 7 months
What do you think each entity tastes like?
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fatallyfalling · 6 months
Strawberry Wine ~ 𖤓
“ safe & sound “
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{{ Peeta Mellark Headcanons }}
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, canon Hunger Games violence/trauma, wholesome fluff, etc.
{{ word count }} 487
{{ prompt }} fluffy headcanons for our beloved bread boy !!
{{ a/n }} this is short & sweet while i test out Peeta’s character! I’m not sure what i exactly want to write with him since i’ve adored everlark for forever but for now please enjoy my silly happy thoughts! Some of these i’ve heard around the internet i think but i can’t remember where :[
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Peeta Mellark, the ashy blonde from District 12 who stole the hearts of the Capital with his charms and sweet, boyish nature while also managing to tame a stubborn Mockingjay - Katniss Everdeen, and poured out his heart and soul to get back to her any way he could.
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- Peeta is a morning person. He'll get up early and have breakfast ready by the time Katniss pulls out of bed (she learns to sleep in post-rebellion).
- His favorite type of bread/pastry is croissants. The tedious labor of laminating the cold butter block into the fluffy dough is cathartic in a way.
- Once, he tried to teach Katniss to paint. Once. Her attempt at trees looked more like crazy brown and green spiders but he still kissed her temple and had the painting framed, much to the girl on fire's dismay.
- Peeta doesn't like hard liquor - he never did. Effie hooks him on a strawberry wine made special in what used to be District 11, he's gifted at least one bottle every birthday or holiday.
- He's such a housewife no questions asked, hands down. Hungry? He'll cook. Thirsty? Anything you want. This man has to be physically removed from the kitchen during friendly gatherings so he can actually relax and enjoy the company.
- Also, his Dad lore is insane.
(speaking to his kids when they're older) "Oh yeah, your Mom tried to kill me once. but it's okay I made it even the next year so we're good now."
"One time I almost got eaten by a monkey in a fight to the death."
"Another time I took a spontaneous road trip, got held hostage, and then led a rebellion to victory alongside your Mom."
- Peeta teaches himself guitar so he can play along while Katniss sings. His chords are wildly out of tune at first, but he gets it eventually.
- Peeta doesn't like store-bought bread, saying his homemade loaves taste better (they do).
- He's a hugger, every hello and goodbye is met by a bear hug. His hugs are amazing as well, nice and tight but also comforting and warm.
- For a while after the war Peeta kept a journal on his nightstand to record his dreams/nightmares. Even if the text turns out to be chicken scratch in the morning Katniss still helps him decipher and work through it to solidify reality.
“What does that say ?”
“Uh… I think… no - wait, I have no idea,”
- Effie and Peeta definitely have wine nights to talk about their scary guard dog partners and how much they love them.
- Speaking of paint - it’s everywhere, all the time, mainly his hands. Oil paint is next to impossible to clean so almost all of Peeta’s shirts have some amount of color speckled on the sleeves or the thighs of his pants.
- Peeta also keeps a cookie jar of homemade cookies in the kitchen, they’re replenished every week with regular flavor swaps.
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Curtis Brothers Minific
“What are you doing?” Soda lounged in the doorway, watching Darry put away the chicken Pony had made for dinner.
His brother jumped a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Nothin’. Just putin’ the leftovers away.”
For all his voice was steady he looked guiltier than Steve had that time mom had caught him stealing cookies back when mom and dad were still alive and little things didn’t matter so much. Soda wasn’t sure what, but it was clear he was hiding something.
“That’s your chicken. Pony an’ I made sure to save you some.”
“I just ain’t all that hungry is all,” Darry shrugged, trying and failing to be nonchalant.
“Bullshit.” Darry was always hungry, they all were, teenage growth spurts and growing boys and all that jazz. “Are you gettin’ sick or something?” 
He couldn't help the slight spike of panic that shot through him at the thought. Darry hadn’t been proper sick since before their parents had died, and Soda knew himself well enough to know he wasn’t any good at looking after sick people. That wasn’t really the issue though, they could figure that out, but he got a bit nervous himself whenever Darry looked any sort of vulnerable, and Pony went clean crazy. He didn’t even want to think of the headache he’d have to deal with if his big brother was getting sick. Trying to nurse Dar, and go to work, and try and talk Pony into talking would make for a very tough week indeed.
“I ain’t sick,” Darry told him, batting away his attempts to check for a fever. “I mean it Soda, I’m fine.”
“Then why ain’t you eating? And why are you actin’ like I caught you doing coke off the countertop? I swear you never looked so guilty in your life.”
“I ain’t.” Darry set his jaw stubbornly and went back to slicing the leftover chicken breast and wrapping it in plastic wrap.
“Yeah you are. C’mon superman, spill.”
Darry sighed, like talking to him was the biggest chore in the world. 
“It’s track season,” was all he said, rubbing at his neck again. For a second he didn’t get it- then slowly, Soda felt himself grin.
“You big softie! You’re savin’ it for Pony, ain’t ya? So he’ll have his favourite before his big race.”
“The kid’s gotta eat,” Darry said simply, but Soda could see his cheeks flushing.
“There’s a bit of peanut butter in the cupboard. He could’ve had that.”
“Not when I’m about to finish it he couldn’t,” Darry said, putting the last of the chicken in the fridge and swiftly pulling the jar of peanut butter out of the cupboard, spreading it across a slice of bread.  “Now don’t touch those leftovers and make sure Steve doesn’t either, savvy?”
“Yeah, I savvy,” Soda grinned easily, following Darry into the living room, clicking the kitchen light off behind him.
Pony didn’t notice, and Darry would never admit it, but it was clear to anyone with eyes that Dar spoiled the kid rotten. 
The next morning Pony let out a joyful whoop when he found the leftover chicken and hurriedly fixed himself a sandwich. For all he tried to hide it, Darry’s smile didn’t quite fit behind his newspaper. 
Soda didn’t bother to hide his own grin as he ran out the door. His brothers were the strangest guys he’d ever met, but god did he love them.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 months
If you have a chronic pain condition, get a rice cooker. They're decently cheap, you can often thrift them, and they make so many meals.
My go to is "garbage rice" - toss in rice, a frozen veggie mix (usually peas, corn, and carrot), add spices (usually curry spices) and water then cook. After about 10 minutes of cooking crack and egg or two in and cover until done. Add some tamari sauce or similar and top with a slice of cheese.
Takes me less than 5 minutes of standing time.
I've skipped the egg in favor of canned chicken then added jarred sauces (usually curries) and that's excellent too.
By using all frozen or shelf stable foods, I don't have to meal plan. I just stock a set list of ingredients and mix and match. I can just throw something together when I'm hungry.
If you have more energy, I've baked cookies in mine, made Mac n cheese, and made hot pot like soups (I fell in love with mine in my dorm room).
I know people sing the praises of the slow cooker and instant pot but I think nothing beats the simplicity and ease of cleaning of a rice cooker. Just feels more manageable.
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hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Not Allowed — Lorsan (AFK Journey/Arena) x gn! reader
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summary: you met a strange wilder and found yourself falling for your fantasy. What seemed like a dream had become a distant memory, but Lorsan thought of it as anything but.
tw: uhhhh lovesick fools making stupid decisions
a/n: I kinda went off on this one. Ending kinda sucks, sorry.
wc: 2.7k
Master List
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It has been a fairly normal day for you. You woke up before the crack of dawn, barely taking care of yourself before you made your way outside. It was a crisp autumn morning just like any other which helped you wake up slightly. You dragged yourself over to the chicken coop after picking up your basket. The hens were barely awake, all the easier to grab their eggs. After refilling their water and food, you put the eggs safely away in your kitchen. Then you made your way over to your dairy cows. The nice thing about cows was that you didn’t have to feed them, the bad part was giving them water. You started the horrendous trek of taking your metal bucket, going over to the water pump, filling the bucket, carrying it over to the water trough, and repeating the cycle. 
After all the animals were taken care of, you made your way back to your house to fully take care of yourself. I mean your animals were fed, time to feed yourself. The sun was shining brightly now, the sound of your animals filling the silence. It was a comforting atmosphere, something you wouldn’t trade for the world. You decided to cook a few of the eggs, after all, it's best to have them fresh and you had the freshest. It was when you made your way back to milk your cows had your day changed. 
“Oh boy!” You heard an energetic voice call out. “I wonder if there’s any food.” Fully opening your front door, you watched as a man with bunny ears looked around your farm. At first glance you did find him cute, but that doesn’t mean he can just go stealing your hard work. 
“Excuse me!” You called out, walking over to him. “Do you need food?” The man paused, quickly turning around, he looked as if you had caught him taking a cookie from the cookie jar.
“Oh, uhm, you see I’ve been traveling a great distance and I haven’t had much to eat,” He explained, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “I didn’t mean any harm.”
The sheepish look on his face had quickly calmed you down, and you felt yourself sympathizing with him, “I can make you something if you’d like.”
“Really?” He asked, perking up. 
“Yeah,” You smiled back. “As long as I can get your name first.” You both introduced yourselves to each other, and you made him a salad at his request (thankfully you still had some lettuce and vegetables). As he ate, Lorsan, as you learned, had talked of his adventures and all he had learned. You, a mere farmer, were quite intrigued by his tales. You rarely left the farm as you sold your products to Rowan who would come to you. The only time you left was to go to the local village to buy items you were running low on once a week. So Lorsan’s tales were quite fascinating. 
“I have to finish my chores now,” You spoke up after Lorsan finished his food. 
“I can help,” He replied, ears twitching slightly. “To thank you for your kindness.”
“Do you know how to milk a cow?” You asked, head tilting to the side. 
“Well…no,” Lorsan responded sheepishly, then a bright smile took over his face. “But I’m a quick learner!”
“I don’t see why not,” You smiled back. His enthusiasm was contagious. You were quickly proven that you should not have trusted him so easily.
“Ah! Careful!” You exclaimed, quickly grasping Lorsan’s wrists to stop him from squeezing too hard. “You’re gonna hurt her if you squeeze like that. You gotta be firm but gentle. Like this.” You moved your hands to cover his and showed him the right amount of pressure. 
“I-I see,” Lorsan stuttered slightly, you missed the way his cheeks turned a light pink. He proceeded to follow your directions after you stepped back and you smiled proudly at how well he was doing now. You had to teach Lorsan how to do some basic chores, but with him by your side, you found yourself enjoying the daily routine that started to feel boring. By the time you both finished, the sun was starting to set.
Feeling a bit of concern (and a bit of selfishness), you asked Lorsan if he wanted to stay for the night. Once again, he was a bit astounded at how kind you had been to him so far. Not to say that people from other villages were unkind, it’s just they were more hesitant to help, and none of them had gone as far as you had. Yes, he had helped you with your chores, but it didn’t feel like much of a chore as you did it together, making jokes together. In fact, Lorsan found himself dreading the day coming to an end. He couldn’t waste any time in just one spot, as the longer he took to find someone to help his people, the more danger they may find themselves in. 
Normally, Lorsan would fool around, he was notorious for his mischievousness back in the dark forest (much to his dismay), but he couldn’t make light of his people’s situation. He had no idea how bad the corruption had gotten, and he feared that by the time he got help it would be too late. It had already been two years since he left after all. But his naive personality still poked through. 
He agreed to your invitation to stay the night as it wouldn’t hurt to get rest in a proper bed. He messed with the salad you made him, green eyes continuing to glance up at you every so often. The conversation had come to a lull as you started to consume your stew. Lorsan felt conflicted, he greatly enjoyed your presence, even if you both had only known each other for a short period of time. He didn’t want to leave so soon, he enjoyed how easily he was able to make you laugh, the look of awe in your eyes as he mentioned his abilities as a Windwhisperers, and your gentle touch as you corrected him. 
His heart beat faster at the memory. Lorsan thought he was coming down with something. It was weird, he hadn’t felt this strongly towards someone before, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. It kept gnawing at him, a part of him wanted to stay, even if it was for just a bit longer, but his guilty conscience weighed more heavily.
“I wish you could join me,” Lorsan spoke, eyes falling onto a tomato amidst the leafy greens. 
You paused, but didn’t think too much of what he said, “That would be nice. Your travels sound quite fun when you’re not being chased off.” You laughed lightly at the teasing remark, but quickly stopped when Lorsan didn’t laugh with you. 
Your eyes scanned his face. His emerald eyes were down cast, his lips tugged slightly downwards. He used his fork to push around his food, ears slightly droopy. You then realized he was being 100% serious and you felt your heart jump. The scenario reminded you of a cheesy scene in a romantic novel you managed to read in your sparse free time. 
“You would love the dark forest,” Lorsan continued, now twirling his fork. “I think you would get along well with Lyca.”
You fiddled with your napkin, suddenly feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders. He does understand your position, right? You are the sole owner of this farm, you have a life, you have animals and people that depend on you. There was no way you could just drop everything on a whim because you met a cute wilder who wanted you to become his companion on his journey. But you were also young, and the thought of being tied down to one spot, never truly seeing the world, also weighed down on you. It was easier to forget about your wish to explore as you lose yourself in your chores, lose yourself in books and lose yourself in your trade. Lorsan had brought that longing back to the forefront, the want to explore, the need to see sites that laid only in your wildest dreams.
It was all too conflicting for you. 
“...you know I can’t leave,” You muttered, eyes downcast. “This is my home.”
“I know,” Lorsan responded despondently. A pregnant pause followed, and you found yourself wanting to mend whatever had just broken. 
“Come back,” You stated, leaving no room for debate. Lorsan finally lifted his gaze to meet yours. “When you find whoever you need to, when you fix your land, come back.”
Lorsan felt his mind race. He hadn’t thought of coming back, he didn’t need to…not before at least. Would he even be able to come back? His position was high ranking, and he would be needed a lot more once he returned…but he also wanted to see you again. His eyes soaked in the determination in your gaze, how could he deny someone he found so breathtaking? 
“Okay,” He agreed, a small bittersweet smile overtaking him. “But only if you consider one of us going with the other.”
You felt your face warm, that was such a drastic decision, but you supposed you had time to think it over. Yet you still wanted to tease him slightly.
“Are you asking me to run away with you?” You teased, hiding your smile behind your hand. “We’ve only known each other for a day.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with it,” Lorsan stubbornly replied back, trying to hide how warm his face felt. You were right, after all. What business did he have asking you to leave everything behind for him? Because he felt strangely for you? He hardly counted that as a reason, but he still held hope, heart fluttering at the thought of you by his side. 
“Too bad there wasn’t a way we could stay in contact,” You sighed, standing up to clean the table. 
Lorsan’s ear twitched, eyes widening at his brilliant plan, of course it would take a bit of a toll on him, but for you, it was worth it, “I could contact you through the wind! You’ll just have to keep an ear out for my messages.”
Your eyes also widened, not having expected such a response, “I would be able to hear it?”
“You should,” Lorsan nodded excitedly, ears bouncing with the movements. “I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve been pretty good at all this Windwhisperer business from a young age.”
“Then I’ll look forward to the wind.”
That had been over a year ago. The time between Lorsan updating you had grown far and few in between. Your naiveness has dissipated. It was a wonderful fantasy while it lasted, but there were too many flaws in the plan. No matter what way you thought, a problem arose. There was no way you could sell your farm or animals, there was no way you could drop everything just for him. It was too extravagant an ask. And Lorsan couldn’t drop everything for you either. Yes, he may have always dreamed of the world beyond the dark forest, but he had a duty that held him back. That didn’t stop his chest from aching every time he was reminded of you. Farm animals were common on his journey, and he remembered how sweetly you smiled at him as you showed him your chickens. How he longed to stay with you. He didn’t want to be tied down, but was it really being tied down if you were by his side?
While you had given up, Lorsan was still pursuing his dream. He had finally managed to find someone that could dispel the corruption. Not to mention it was thee Merlin. He didn’t waste any time getting them on the first ship to the dark forest. It took more time than he’d like to clear everything. He had met his sister and old friends, but a part of him still felt like he was missing. He loved his people, he really did, but he would constantly strain his ears, listening to your soothing humming that the wind mercifully sent his way.
When everything was said and done, his Master Arden had noticed the gray haired man’s despondency. Lorsan had been given many tasks, not allowing him a moment’s respite. Not even being able to think of coming back to you like he had promised. That familiar feeling of the trees closing in on him returned. The comfort of the forest had become a prison once more.
“What’s troubling you,” Arden asked his pupil, wanting to alleviate his worries. 
Lorsan snapped out of his stupor, he had found himself trying to listen for you once more. “I met someone,” Lorsan explained, knowing better than trying to hide from his mentor. “But my duty lies here, in the dark forest.”
“A good whisperer should listen to not only the wind, but also to his own heart,” Arden responded wisely. “Need not worry about us, as our problems have been resolved.” Lorsan felt his breath hitch, hope overtaking him once more.
It has been a normal day for you. Waking up before the crack of dawn, barely taking care of yourself before going to the chicken coop. You put the eggs in your basket, the movements being nearly autonomous. Your days blended together, repeating the same motions over and over. The wind had become a low whistle like it had before, no longer carrying the words you once searched for. Your days have dulled once more. You were just a mere farmer after all.
“I wonder if there’s any food.”
You paused, not sure if you were just hearing things. If your monotonous days had finally broken you and you were hallucinating a reality that had once been real. Your head turned, albeit hesitantly, and your eyes widened at the familiar head of gray hair, green eyes, and bunny ears. You could never forget such a pretty face, nor the sheepish look that rested across it. 
“You’re back,” You stated, slight awe in your tone. You hadn’t really thought he’d ever come back.
“Of course I’m back,” Lorsan scoffed, crossing his arms. “I did promise you, didn’t I?” Your eyes soaked in his figure, noting the backpack that he carried and the slight grin on his lips.
“It’s just been awhile,” You replied, rubbing your arm nervously. “I thought you forgot.”
Lorsan’s jaw fell slack (somewhat comically might I add), “How could I ever forget someone like you!” You felt your heart jump. That feeling you thought you’d gotten over returned like nothing had ever happened, like you both hadn’t been separated for years.
Feeling a bit insecure, you couldn’t help but bring up what weighed on you, “You stopped sending messages.”
His ears drooped slightly in response, “I’m sorry about that. It takes a lot of energy for me to do that, and when I found someone that could help, I wanted them to help as quickly as possible so I could come back.” You truly felt silly. Of course he was busy, he was a hero after all.
“It’s alright,” You smiled, the ache wasn’t fully gone, but you understand. “You’re here now, aren’t you?” 
Lorsan perked up at that, a bright smile overtaking his features, “Yes! Do you remember the second half of our promise?” That was the part you were dreading. Telling him you couldn't move to the dark forest. You nodded, shifted back and forth on your feet.
“If it would be okay with you, I would like to move in.”
For the second time that day you felt yourself freeze. He…wanted to live with you? Didn’t he want to be with his friends? Didn’t he want to live where he grew up? Was he being serious?
“I-I mean it’s okay if you say no,” Lorsan fumbled, feeling his nerves consume him. “I understand, b-but I really enjoyed that day, and I wouldn’t mind helping you with your chores.”
You really shouldn’t say yes. Yes, you got to know him better through his messages, but he still didn’t know you all that well. Even though it had been years since that day, it felt like a rushed move, but his pretty green eyes had your resolve melting.
“Okay,” You agreed, a sheepish smile crawling over your lips. 
“Really?” Lorsan gasped, bouncing on his feet. 
“Yeah,” Your grin widened. “Just don’t cause too much trouble.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #5
previous: 1, 2, 3, 4,
*Zack walks in with his head in a pumpkin*
Zack: Zack-o'-lantern
Genesis: do you think our menstrual cycles have synced?
Sephiroth: please stop crying. I am not equipped to deal with depression this early in the morning.
Kunsel: When I die please donate my penis to science.
Angeal: Director Lazard dresses like a gay penguin.
Sephiroth: Is fruit cake an insult? I just called someone a fruit cake and thought it was quite funny.
Kunsel: Why does Rufus sound like he went through puberty twice?
Sephiroth: I thought the Molly you spoke of was the name.
Roche: Kunsel can have a little medieval torture, as a treat.
Zack: Where were you when my hand was stuck in the toaster??
Sephiroth: I don't know what Coraline was complaining about. She had two mothers.
Lazard: One of these days I'm going to lose my shit and punch Genesis in the face.
Angeal: (on the phone): I-just-swallowed-whiteout help desk, Angeal speaking, how may I help you?
Genesis: Merry Christmas.
Zack: It's October?
Genesis: Alright shitty Christmas then.
Zack: *break dancing while Genesis sobs*
Genesis: If we're all single by age forty let's become a married throuple.
Angeal: I can't tell if that drawing you did is President Shinra or Colonel Sanders.
Roche: Fuck it. I'll just steal Sephiroth's hair. It's no big deal!
Sephiroth: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a single piece of lasagna right now.
Cloud: Ronald McDonald would never treat me like this!
Sephiroth: I do not mean to be immature, but I will now be giggling whenever we reach the 69th floor.
Genesis: Eat this apple and tell me it doesn't taste like chicken tenders.
Angeal: Sephiroth stop laughing Genesis might be going to jail.
Zack: 🎶 Grab somebody sexy tell 'em HEY *tackles Sephiroth*
Cloud: There's a pickle in your wallet. Is that a metaphor?
Lazard: There's no need to act defensive, Roche. Lots of men have gay thoughts about Sephiroth.
Genesis: Bullying IS a healthy coping mechanism.
Lazard: Do you like my new bottle of pills?
Cloud: What if—bear with me—What if! No one cares about Loveless?
Sephiroth: I think he's the size of twelve capybaras stacked on top of each other.
Angeal: Which one of you gay clowns told upper management about—Put your hand down, Genesis, that wasn't a compliment!
Zack: *through a mouthful of cookies* HE'S A DILF!
Angeal: You can't threaten me with a butter knife.
Sephiroth: If I sniff this entire box of markers, will it put me out of my misery?
Zack: My fear is that he'll come at me with a rolling pin.
Cloud: Seph! Stop choking Genesis with that extension cord he's into that shit.
Lazard: If you keep this up, Sephiroth, I'll make you wear a shirt for a week.
Genesis: How do I look?
Angeal: With your eyes, Gen.
Roche: I personally frame all of my speeding tickets.
*Cloud walks in shaking*
Sephiroth: Somebody stole a jar of jam from my desk drawer.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 4 months
Hey guys! I wanted to put together a list of low spoons foods, and thought you might enjoy it. My primary objective was to come up with a list that requires little to no prep, is relatively inexpensive, and has a fairly long shelf life. There's also a few of my favorite simple recipes at the end. Bon apatite!
Proteins: Tuna/Canned chicken: Canned tuna/chicken can usually last a few years, and you can get it for a dollar or two, sometimes cheaper. It can be cooked easily in a skillet, eaten raw, or added to soups/pasta. Mix with some mayo for a quick tuna or chicken salad that goes well on bread, tortillas, or crackers. You can add raisins or cheese for a little extra variety as well! Breakfast sausage: A lot of meats are really scary to cook with, but I've come to the conclusion that breakfast sausage is designed for people with that groggy, zombie-like morning brain, so it's fairly simple; just pop it on a plate (usually with a paper towel to catch the grease) and toss it in the microwave. You can get it as links or patties, and if you're like me where foods with a hint of flavor are unreasonably spicy, there's a maple variety that's sweet rather than spiced. Deli meats: There's no rule against buying a package of pre-sliced ham, turkey, roast beef or even bologna that's designed for sandwiches and instead just snacking on it when you need some protein, or just serving it on the side with your meal. If it feels weird to just eat sliced deli meat and you've got the time and energy, get some sliced cheese as well, cut them into squares with a butter knife, and eat them with crackers for DIY lunchables. Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, and you can eat it on bread, crackers, tortillas, celery, pancakes, or even just on its own on a spoon! If you don't like the texture, you can mix it into something else like oatmeal, sauces, or pancake batter. If you don't like the flavor, try it with a little cinnamon sugar (put cinnamon and sugar in a jar or shaker and shake it until incorporated.) If you've got a peanut allergy, alternative butters are good too, but often separate if you leave them out for too long, but are much better in baking than on their own. Eggs: Making eggs is hard sometimes, but you can boil a bunch in advance and leave them in the fridge for when you need them (not too many or for too long, though.) Just put them in water and bring it to a boil; once the eggs start to float, leave them there for ten minutes. Once they're done, drain them and leave them in cold water for ten minutes to cool. Either peel in advance if you've got the time, or peel as needed. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
Dairy: Sliced Cheese: Just like with deli meats above, you can get sliced cheese to chomp on when you need a little boost. There's a lot of flavors to choose from! Shredded Cheese: Shredded cheese is great for sprinkling onto your meals or just snacking on handfuls of. You can also throw some onto some tortilla chips and pop 'em in the microwave for ~30 seconds to make quick, cheap nachos. Cheese sticks: Not a fan of eating slices or shreds of cheese? Cheese sticks are much more snackable and can be eaten on the go! Yogurt: You can eat it as is, or you can mix in frozen fruits and honey to create an almost ice-cream like treat! Chocolate Milk: A carton of chocolate milk that you are going to drink is better for you than a carton of regular milk that is going to go bad because you can't bring yourself to drink it. If you're like me and milk leaves a weird taste in your mouth, try following it with water or finishing the milk before you finish the rest of your meal. Cream Cheese: You can put this stuff on anything, guys. Bagels? Crackers? Toast? English Muffins? Tortillas? Regular muffins? Cookies, even? Go crazy! Cottage cheese: A lot of people like cottage cheese for salads or with peaches, but it can also be tasty on its own.
Grains: Crackers: You can eat them as is, you can add cream cheese, nutella, peanut butter, tuna salad, deli meats and cheeses, or you could dip them in a spread like hummus, guac, or ranch. Tortillas: Sometimes bread can be Scary and Evil and there's no way you're gonna eat a whole loaf before it goes bad. I get it. Tortillas last longer, they're a better texture, and it's only eight servings per bag. Use them whenever you'd make a sandwich- pb&j, ham & cheese, tuna salad and more can all go in a simple wrap or roll up. If you're feeling ambitious, you can also make a quick breakfast burrito by throwing scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage in a tortilla with a little cheese. Pancake mix: Boxed pancake mix is simple enough- just add water, or milk to make it fluffier, then cook according to instructions. It's a little time consuming, but it's simple to learn, and if you make a big enough batch you can just pop them in the microwave, airfryer, or even the toaster in the morning for the rest of the week. You can also spice up your mix by adding frozen fruits, peanut butter, bacon bits & cheese, or chocolate chips, or by replacing the water in the recipe with coffee, apple cider, or chocolate milk! Toaster Waffles: Toaster waffles are great for a quick breakfast or snack, but can also be used for sandwiches, or topped with a protein like peanut butter!
Fruits and Vegetables: Raisins: Raisins are sweet, inexpensive, take a long time to expire, and are guilt free— no one in the history of ever has ever felt bad about eating too many raisins! You can easily throw them in a trail mix (trail mix is a loose term; just throw whatever little snacks you have in the pantry into a bowl and mix 'em together,) or a chicken salad, and they're really good sprinkled on peanut butter! Dried fruit: You can find these in the trail mix section of most stores. If you don't like raisins, there may be a different dried fruit you do like. Dried bananas are delightfully crunchy. Dried mango is still a little moist. Find a dried fruit that works for you! Pickles: Pickles are a vegetable with an extremely long fridge life. You don't have to settle for pickled cucumber though; you can find all kinds of pickled vegetables at the store, or ask a friend who pickles (you know which friend came to mind) if they have a jar of pickled veggies they'd sell you or any tricks to pickling your own. Frozen Fruit: Fruits last so much longer frozen, and you can get fairly good sized bags of them for not too much at the store. They're great for mixing in with yogurt, baking, pancakes, and more! Frozen Vegetables: If expiration dates are your worst enemy, consider getting some longer lasting frozen veggies. They can be microwaved or added to soups or ramen. If you're not a fan of the taste, you can hide them by adding some in with the frozen fruit in a smoothie. Canned vegetables: Canned veggies also last a while, and can be added to soups, boiled, or sometimes eaten as is. Canned soup: Tomato soup or a soup with veggies in it is a great way to get some vegetables into your diet. You can also add any canned, fresh, or frozen veggies to any can of soup you have on hand to use up some of your leftovers before they go bad. Tomato sauce: If you keep a jar of marinara, pasta, or pizza sauce on hand in the fridge, you can spread it on any grain you have lying around (bagel, biscuit, crackers, bread, english muffin, tortilla) and add shredded cheese to make a quick and fun pizza. You can go crazy with extra toppings as well! Applesauce: It's great as is, but you could also mix in brown sugar and cinnamon, or add it to pancakes or oatmeal. It can also be used as an egg substitute in most of your baking, and you can even use it as a spread on pancakes!
Quick Recipes: 3 Ingredient Pancakes • 1/2 cup applesauce (or one mashed banana) • 1 egg • 1 packet instant oatmeal Mix all ingredients together and cook on a greased skillet at 375°
Two Minute Mug Cake • 6 tablespoons boxed cake mix • 4 tablespoons water or milk Combine ingredients in a mug and microwave for one minute.
Toaster Crispy Quesadilla • 1 tortilla • 1 slice of cheese (I like to use cheddar!) • deli meat Place a slice of cheese toward the top of the tortilla. Layer desired amount of meat on top. Fold the sides over your meat and cheese (so they can't drip out the sides) then fold in half over the cheese (so it won't drip out the bottom.) Place in the toaster with the open end UP! Toast as desired.
Tuna Bagel Melts • plain bagel • tuna salad (one can of tuna with a few spoonfuls of mayo to taste) • two slices cheese Open the bagel and spread tuna salad on it. Place the cheese on top of the bagels. Broil or airfry for a few minutes.
Cracker Pizzas • a dozen crackers • a few tablespoons tomato sauce • three slices of cheese Arrange the crackers on a plate. Spread a spoonful of sauce on each cracker. Fold each slice of cheese into fourths so they break apart. Place one little slice on each cracker. Microwave for thirty seconds.
Simple Smoothie Recipe • 1/2 cup yogurt • 1/2 cup milk • 1/2 cup frozen fruit Combine all ingredients in the blender. Blend. [To make this easier, pre-mark your blender. Add a half cup of water to your blender and mark with a sharpie to the fill level. Repeat twice. You now know what level to fill each ingredient to without the hassle of measuring them.
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3dogbones · 6 days
✨Well my bruhtato chips, something has happened.✨
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WE HIT THE GOAL OF OVER 100 FOLLOWERS! (Well we did a little while ago but BE QUIET I FORGOR OK?!) So that means it’s… DRUMROLL PLEASE…
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The only guidelines I have is that it must be Epic wearing a chicken onesie with a jar of cookies. You can change perspective, pose, etc. YOU HAVE FREEDOM! GO CRAZY! 💥💥💥 NO DEADLINE!
And no ai, gacha, tracing or anything shady like that >:(
The rewards were a little tricky because like, erm, my drawing request are already open so art rewards would be pointless, so instead I decided:
EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATES GETS A MYSTERY THING IN THEIR MAILBOX! Woooooo very intriguing now you have to draw epic for me 😈😈😈
Tag it as #3dogbones100DTIYS and @ me so I can find it!
(Really quickly just wanted to thank all of you guys that follow me also. Without you guys, I probably would have given up on art a long time ago. But you guys give me the determination to keep going and just brighten my day! I love all of you dearly <3)
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Above are the versions without shading and without background, and below are the outfits I found online to use as reference, even though I did change some of it in my drawing.
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And epic sans belongs to yugogeer012
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