#chicken and mushroom pot noodle
lilacthebooklover · 6 months
my sister just came into my room, asked me about my opinion on pescatarians, and proceeded to make me smell the chicken & mushroom pot noodle she was eating. today was when i learned that chicken & mushroom pot noodles are vegetarian.
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echojedis · 1 year
Wrecker would learn to cook elaborate and delicious three course meals, Echo and Hunter would learn how to cook a few basic healthy meals, Crosshair doesn’t cook but enjoys eating other people’s cooking and Tech survives entirely off pot noodles and red bull
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Spicy Vegan Hot Pot
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fattributes · 1 year
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Chanko Nabe
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curiousruby · 7 months
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Chicken Noodle Casserole For a creamy chicken bake topped with buttery crackers, this chicken noodle casserole combines juicy, poached chicken with mushroom soup and noodles.
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rutpedreno · 7 months
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Chicken Noodle Casserole For a creamy chicken bake topped with buttery crackers, this chicken noodle casserole combines juicy, poached chicken with mushroom soup and noodles. salt to taste, 1 cup sour cream, ground black pepper to taste, 1/2 cup butter, 6 ounces egg noodles, 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup, 4 skinless boneless chicken breast halves, 1 cup crumbled buttery round crackers, 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
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makeyrmomsad · 8 months
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Chicken Noodle Casserole - Chicken Breast This chicken noodle casserole combines juicy, poached chicken with mushroom soup and noodles for a creamy chicken bake topped with buttery crackers.
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thekingofchungus · 10 months
tesco free from cup noodles are shit
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redbuddi · 3 months
Share Your Ramen Recipes!
I'll start!
Garlic Mushroom Miso Ramen
1 Packet of Chicken Ramen
1 Egg
1 tsp Miso
Minced Garlic
Put your saucepan on medium heat, and melt a spoonful of butter into the pan. Once it's melted throw in a spoonful/squeeze of the garlic and brown it.
When the garlic is browned, toss in a small handful of mushrooms and a small spoonful of the miso, stir until the mushrooms are coated, and sautee the mushrooms for several minutes.
Open the ramen, set aside the flavor packet, put the ramen in the pot and fill the pot with water until the noodles are halfway submerged. Pot the saucepan back on the stove and turn the heat to high.
Once the water is boiling, crack the egg into the pan. Once it is cooked, turn the heat off and take the pan off the stove. Add the flavor packet.
Transfer to a bowl and enjoy!
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dtfpeta · 11 months
Domesticity with Price...
(a/n: yes I want to make my lover a home cooked meal. yes I want him to wrap his arms around me while I cook. also I was this close to putting nsfw but I may just make a part two)
tags: husband!price, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, f!reader
Word Count: 1.8k __________
Price who comes home to his doting wife standing in front of the stove. A roaring pot of boiling water being salted by your delicate hands which form a harsh pinch on the granules before releasing them into the porcelain dish.
He watches from the door as you slowly canter your hips, humming along to the soft melody of Al Green from your distant record player. His cheeks contort with a smile when he hears your abysmal attempt to recall the lyrics. Startling you out of your unaware serenade when his hands catch in the fabric of your dress to wrap around your waist.
"Smells good." He comments regarding the dish. His face is buried in the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of garlic, rosemary, and other spices that coat the house in its aroma. Your own fragrance of vanilla overwhelms his senses as he sighs into the crook of your neck.
"It's not nice to sneak up on someone like that..." You chastise, knowing the irony that lies in your statement being as stealth is not something your husband is unaccustomed to. "Could've burned myself." You add, half-heartedly scolding and rolling your eyes as his arms tighten their purchase on your hips.
On the stove lies a pot boiling with its now added component of rigatoni. To its side is a sizzling pan that has been providing the house with its encapsulating smell. John eyes the skillet. The melted butter works to caramelize the now translucent onions coated in sparse flakes of red pepper and rosemary. A wooden spatula wielded in your hand stirs the minced garlic cloves, doing your best to prevent their quick to burn nature.
Price loves your cooking and you love to cook for him. Seeing as his face melts into bliss when he tastes what magic you have cast on something as simple as a chicken pot pie. Or the way his eyes bulge when you reveal that a dish he has been scarfing down like a starved dog over the past several months contains mushrooms.
Ever since that day, he has not once argued about an ingredient in your cooking. Even as he eyes the tomato sauce being added to the pan, knowing he is going to suffer a severe case of heartburn but almost welcoming it, as he knows it will accompany an array of flavors he will be holding up his plate for more of.
"M'sorry love." He relishes. "Been looking forward to this all day. N' watching you from the door just made me miss ya' even more."
You scoff at his cheesy comment, placing your left hand to rest on his forearm that is draped around you as your right stirs at the still hard noodles.
You lay your utensil down and lean back into his embrace. Closing your eyes as you feel your bodies link together like a puzzle. One piece being a head taller than the other, but fitting together nonetheless. You sway with your husband to the tempo of the song playing in the background. His body is warm against your back, being stripped of his tactical gear and left in a black cotton shirt tucked into the waist of his same toned cargo pants, the legs of which are folded above his combat boots.
"How was work?" You ask, eyes still closed and body entangled in him. He regards your question with a low hum, feet lightly stepping side to side.
"Hm, the usual. Told some of the boys we could treat em' to dinner sometime. Be nice to get together, maybe show you off a lil'?"
He lightly pinches at your sides while pulling you closer to him. The scruff of his beard dances against your skin as he attacks your neck in quickly scattered kisses.
"John!" You laugh while attempting to distance yourself from his assault. Only to be swiftly turned around where you find his blue eyes smiling fondly at you. The warm tinted light from a nearby lamp casts soft shadows on the crows feet that crinkle near his eyes. The edges of his smile lines sharpening the more he beams at you.
There's not a place on Earth he would rather be.
For the longest, he distanced himself from love. Only finding that unachievable compromises would be asked of him, and due to his work, he was never able to fulfill those wishes. It only put a strain on his and his partners' relationship. He learned to deal with the lack of intimate companionship over the years. Just having the bond of his brothers in arms till he would return to his empty flat and scrounge up whatever microwaveable dish hadn't gone freezer burnt or remnants of leftovers left in his barren refrigerator. Until he met someone he could incorporate into the unpredictable schedule of his life.
The first time you cooked for him he was floored. Joking about how he'd have to hire you as his personal chef and saying how he could only dream of coming home to this every week. You had brought the ingredients to his apartment, insisting that you would treat him to a hot meal if he helped you, which he gladly agreed to. He stood slicing carrots and celery while you stirred a pot of chicken stock, placing sprigs of thyme and bay leaves into the broth as the chicken roasted in the oven, soon to be shredded and added to the pot. Said pot being three times bigger than your head.
"You trying to feed the whole squadron?" He'd teased. To which you only responded with a light snicker, knowing that in making such a large portion would provide him with leftovers for the rest of the week-and then some.
Several years later you now stood in your shared home, a simple wedding band adorning the both of you two's hands. Price's socks litter the shared space until you have to reprimand him to pick them up. Him responding with his own accusations of how you frequently leave your bra on the couch as well as your adversity to keep your hair ties in one place. What can you say, it's just more convenient when they're around the house.
The two of you's cleaning habits aren't the only thing that could use work though. The decorations are an obvious clash of one person who enhances the space with homely, comforting pieces, and another who has a hard time letting go of secondhand artifacts. And after Price's constant defense of his 'live laugh love' banner hanging on the wall of the kitchen, you began to give in to the cliché relic.
A more than familiar tune begins to play from the record player.
"Oh my God" Price's teeth shine through his grin as he picks up on the melody as well. It's the song you shared your first dance together to.
His coordinated hands move to your hips, your own responding by wrapping around his neck. You gaze up at him. The quickening of your heart makes its frequent appearance as he looks down at you. The butterflies you feel every time you look at him have yet to diminish their strength over the years. Even as you heard stories of the dreaded period following the honeymoon phase where couples do nothing but bicker, your heart remained the same.
The only thing you can focus on is his hickory-toned voice humming to the lyrics of the track. The vibration rumbles through his chest, making its way to your ear resting upon him. He sways with your body against his until you are replicating the dance from that night. Since that night he has always made it apparent you were his first priority. He protects and serves you, as you have brought a peace to his life he didn't think was possible.
"Y'know on my way home," he began "saw this woman with her kid. Maybe 5 years old. He was sitting on a bench while she was on the ground tying his shoe. He was swinging his leg, reading some comic book to her. Poor lasses feet barely touched the ground!" He lets out a breathy laugh before pausing for a moment. "Just got me thinking."
"Bein' a dad." He stated, kissing the temple of your face. "Making you a mum."
You smiled into his chest. John knew you wanted kids, and he did too. The time just never found itself convenient. And even now there are uncertainties, but the knowledge you have that John would be an excellent father left you planting seedlings of the idea in his head when you had the chance. Passing by a pair of cute baby shoes in the store. The ring of adolescent laughter when you'd visit the aquarium. Or even a dress you would buy, waiting for your husband to compliment it before mentioning the garment worked as a maternity piece too.
Something had been pulling at his paternal strings lately, however. He yearned to fill the house with the both of your makings. Leaving your marks in its foundation. Whether that be with the rug you both haggled for at the flea market. The broken spring of your living room couch, product of an intense wrestling match between you two. (In which both parties were considered victorious by the end.) Or the poolhouse-toned blue paint that made its acquaintance on the crown molding of your bedroom wall. (Also caused by some spout of play fighting or whatever attempt Price had to get his hands on you.)
You leaned back to search his face, only finding a look of great fondness pulling at his features. Your palms came to cradle the sides of his face before a smile stretched on your own.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." You brought his lips to yours, embracing him in a tender touch as you laughed into the kiss. Your hold on one another tightened. Knowing that Price was ready to take such a giant step now made you giddy as you imagined him holding his future child, playing make-believe with them, and cleaning up their bumps and bruises from playing in the yard.
"Can't believe you're saying yes to a baby before a dog, John." You both laughed before you turned your head at the smell of burnt garlic.
"Shit!" You quickly grabbed a wooden spoon to stir at the red mixture before turning the stove off.
"Don't tell me you lost your touch already, sweetheart?"
"You were distracting me." You declare, pointing your spatula at the towering man. "Just get the bowls from the cabinet and set the table, yeah?"
"Of course, hun." He mocked.
You glared a burning look into the back of his before he did as instructed, your temper cooling as you poured the pot of soft noodles into a strainer.
You and John were able to turn a house into your home. Soon the floor and walls would be sheathed in memories of your family. One of the first being your dinner of a burnt tomato rigatoni pasta.
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peachdoxie · 1 month
Decided to be adventurous and buy the ingredients to make a chicken noodle rice mushroom soup thing tonight. The ingredients include a whole ass bay leaf. Big steps in the "throw shit in a pot" eating disorder exposure therapy method.
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senshiscookbook · 3 months
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Giant Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hotpot
So a few weeks before I decided I was going to attempt this recipe, I actually obtained a hotpot from my local Asian grocery for entirely separate hotpot reasons (hence the hotpot you see in the photo). It works! It’s great!
For ingredient replacements, I made the following substitutions:
Giant scorpion — Lobster tail, which I got from my local supermarket. I realised halfway through cooking them that cutting them in half with a knife was going to be really hard, so I actually used kitchen scissors to slice the shell open before using the knife to crack them lengthwise. If lobster is inaccessible for you, use shrimp.
Invertatoes — Small potatoes (babyish), if you’re going to attempt this i recommend peeling them before putting them in the hotpot because it makes them melt into the stock in a way that’s really nice. These will be cooked when you can poke a fork through without resistance.
Walking Mushroom — King Oyster Mushrooms, cut up the stem and slice it vertically so you end up with these 1-2 inch mushroom slices in squareish shapes. You can keep the caps whole for the look but honestly if you’re not taking photos, the texture is nicer when sliced through lol.
Dried Slime — Konnyaku/Konjac noodles, I also found these at my local Asian grocery. I like the texture of them a lot and they’re really yummy because they’re basically made for hotpot.
Algae — I rehydrated a bunch of wakame seaweed before placing it inside the hotpot. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS I recommend NOT using a hotpot stock with a lot of particles. There are also other types of Japanese seaweeds which are meant for soup that look closer to the real deal, but they are not as easily available to me.
Hotpot stock — I know it says water and salt in the manga but frankly I wanted spicy food, so I used HaiDiLao mala hotpot stock. You can use whatever stock you want to be honest, the downside of the stock I used is that while it was extremely tasty, the peppercorns and chillis did get lost in the seaweed so I kept biting into peppercorns by accident. Honestly, that’s my bad for being way too eager to eat spicy food. Anyway use something you won’t regret as much, like mushroom stock or chicken stock or something.
It’s possible to make this meal fully pescatarian and gluten-free (the konnyaku noodles AFAIK do not have any gluten in them). I added a little bit of noncanonical chicken to my hotpot because I was trying to eat up ingredients in my fridge before travelling, but you are of course not obligated to do this.
You can also see from the photos that I laid out the ingredients in the pot before I poured the stock in, which is generally counterintuitive for hotpot, but I did it to get the layout. So whatever. Bring everything to a rolling boil. If you’ve put everything in at the same time, everything cooks fairly quickly except the potatoes which will finish cooking last (see above for the sign that they’re done). Since this is hotpot, feel free to begin picking at it in order of doneness, beginning with the seaweed and noodles (neither needs much cooking) and then heading over to the proteins.
Yay, cooking!
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bitchfitch · 7 months
hey don't cry. Way fuckin too much Piss Easy creamy veggie and chicken pasta
2 lbs chicken tenders/skinless chicken breasts (optional)
16oz box of bow tie pasta
1/2 bag frozen carrots
1/2 bag frozen broccoli
1 large tomato.
8oz fresh mushrooms.
bag of spinach.
onion if you're yucky like that.
1 brick of cream cheese.
1 cup dairy (whole/half fat/buttermilk/anything high fat)
1/4 ish cup of flour
garlic powder
a number of garlic cloves
butter or some kinda cooking oil if you're a coward
cheap as shit white whine for deglazing the chicken and drinking while you cook. (optional)
1. fill a big ass pot with water, dump the frozen veggies in, set to boil on high heat add salt. More than that.
2. reduce the chicken to 1 inch cubes, fill a bag with flour, salt, and garlic powder. dump the meat in and shake until thoroughly coated.
add pasta to the veggie water as soon as it gets boiling. set a timer for what the box says to cook it for. don't take out the veggies.
3. put a large pan over medium high heat, add butter to Thoroughly coat the bottom in a good layer. crush the garlic into it and stir until the butter in brownish and your kitchen doesn't smell like damp broccoli anymore. add the cubed and powdered meat in a single layer cover and leave alone for like. five minutes?
4. cut the tomato into thin strips or dice it or whatever. Just make it smaller. Chop the spinach and dice the mushrooms too if you're fancy. cube the cream cheese to make life easier on you.
5. check to see if the under side of the chicken is golden brown, flip if it is, have some wine if it isn't and then flip when it is. Let sit until it's time to add it to the pasta or it starts burning.
6. pasta should be done around now, drain it and the veggies, add back to the same pot.
7. check that the chicken is done, salmonella is a vibe based thing, be brave and deglaze with a few splashes of wine.
8. dump/scrape the chicken and pan juice into the pasta pot, add the mushrooms, spinach, tomato, dairy and cream cheese. some more salt to taste. juice the lemon into the pot. and stir until thoroughly combined.
9. oh fuck that's too much food.
10. like a truly absurd amount of food. feeds 2 people for like a week too much.
11. portion out and freeze the extra/make friends with your neighbors/local feral animals by giving them some.
12. thaw frozen portions in broth/water and bullion for instant chicken noodle soup :)
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ladytauria · 11 months
been sitting on this one for a bit, because i felt like it wasn’t finished, but i re-read it today &? it is. so enjoy this tiny bit of domesticity based around a headcanon i have~
under a cut even though it’s really short~
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Tim doesn't cook much. It isn't that he *can't*—he’s more than capable of following a recipe. He used to do it all the time when he was younger, and burned through the meals Mrs. Mac brought. Now he just doesn't see the point. Why bother standing over a stove, prepping a meal for one, when he could spend his time better elsewhere?
Tonight, though... tonight is special.
Well—not really. It's just a Thursday. No significant holidays or anniversaries Tim is aware of. Just—a normal, boring day. But that’s the point. Jason is coming over, like he does so often now, and Tim is making him dinner. Because he can, and he wants to, and Jason deserves it. He’s always shoving food at Tim—over half of it homemade—and Tim… Tim wants to return the favor. Wants to express his appreciation, his affection, in the language Jason knows best.
So, here he is, standing at a stove in an empty apartment. For once, though, he isn't thinking of cold, empty halls or broken promises. Instead, he's smiling, humming off-key to himself as he stirs a pot of noodles.
He’d opted for something fairly simple. He doesn’t cook much, after all, and his skills are a bit rusty. Pasta is easy. Throw in tomato sauce, spinach and mushroom, breaded chicken, and parmesan—perfect.
He did buy boxed pasta, he’ll admit. And already seasoned breadcrumbs. But he made the sauce, chopped the vegetables, and grated the parmesan himself.
He’s draining the pasta when the door opens, and shuts again. Jason. He’s a little early, but that’s alright. He can hear him walking; the thud of heavy boots on hardwood. He knows it’s on purpose. Jason can be deathly silent if he wants to be. It makes Tim smile a little wider, that he isn’t.
“Somethin’ smells good, babybird. What’d you—“
Tim doesn’t have to look over his shoulder to know Jason’s rounded the corner to stand near the island.
“You’re cooking,” he says. Tim can hear his surprise, and smiles to himself.
“I am,” he agrees, adding the pasta to the simmering sauce and stirring.
“Huh. Need a hand?”
“No. It’s just about done,” Tim says. He flicks off the burner, reaching for the plates he'd set out. He offers Jason one, and they serve themselves, one after the other. Tim pours sparkling juice. Wine would be better, but they have patrol soon, and it’s better not to risk it. Jason doesn’t waste time digging in, and he hums appreciatively around his first bite.
“Damn, Timmy. You’ve been holding out on us.”
Tim shrugs, feeling warm. “It’s— I’m not— It’s no big deal, really,” he says. He’s no chef, not really. He can get by in the kitchen well enough to make things taste good, which was really all he needed growing up.
Jason bumps shoulders with him. “Don’t. This— It’s nice, babybird. What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion,” Tim says, shaking his head. “I just—wanted to.”
Jason says nothing for several moments. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Tim sees him swallow. “…thanks,” he says, quietly.
“Anytime,” Tim says softly, sincerely.
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foodshowxyz · 1 month
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Spicy Chashu Ramen with Soft Boiled Egg (Serves 2)
Ramen Broth (store-bought or homemade - chicken or pork recommended)
For the Chashu Pork:
1 lb boneless pork belly
4 cloves garlic, smashed
1 inch ginger, peeled and sliced
½ cup soy sauce
¼ cup mirin
2 tablespoons sake
2 tablespoons brown sugar
4 cups water
Ramen noodles (fresh or dried according to package instructions)
2 large eggs
1 can (14 oz) bamboo shoots, sliced
4 scallions, thinly sliced (separate white and green parts)
2 sheets nori, cut into thin strips
Chili oil (to taste)
Marinate the Chashu Pork: In a large pot, combine garlic, ginger, soy sauce, mirin, sake, brown sugar, and water. Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add pork belly and ensure it's submerged in the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or ideally overnight.
Cook the Chashu Pork: Bring the marinade in the pot to a simmer. Cover and simmer for 1.5-2 hours, or until pork is very tender. Remove pork and let cool slightly in the marinade. Once cool enough to handle, thinly slice the pork belly against the grain. Reserve the remaining marinade for later.
Soft Boil the Eggs: Place eggs in a pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, then immediately remove from heat and cover for 7 minutes for a runny yolk, or 9 minutes for a slightly firmer yolk. Drain hot water and run cold water over the eggs to stop the cooking process. Peel and set aside.
Prepare the Ramen: Cook ramen noodles according to package instructions. While noodles are cooking, heat reserved marinade in a saucepan.
Assemble the Ramen: Divide broth between two serving bowls. Add cooked ramen noodles, then top with sliced chashu pork, bamboo shoots, white parts of scallions, and a soft-boiled egg (cut in half if desired). Drizzle with chili oil to taste.
Garnish and Serve: Top each bowl with green parts of scallions and nori strips. Enjoy immediately!
Leftover chashu pork can be stored in the marinade in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
For a richer broth, you can add a tablespoon of butter or sesame oil to each bowl before serving.
Want to make your own chili oil? Simply infuse neutral oil with crushed red pepper flakes for a few days.
Experiment with other toppings! Popular options include corn, bean sprouts, wood ear mushrooms, and seaweed salad.
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privatejoker · 8 months
listen: left over rotisserie chicken stock, gochujang, silken tofu, as much spinach as you can reasonably wilt into the pot, smoked oysters, oyster mushrooms, kimchi, instant noodles.
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