Tea vs. Coffee
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Tea and coffe are major part of life...... No one can kick out of our house in every morning except these caffine....
So we should know some interesting chemistry of tea ang coffee.
It found that the average caffeine level in the cups of tea (black tea) was 40mg vs 105mg in the average cup of drip coffee. The amount of caffeinein coffee or tea depends on a number of factors, including the method and length of brewing or steeping.
Tea drinkers have a significantly lower risk of stroke and heart disease, and tea is known to boost brain health. The caffeine in tea may also be a con, although the levels are lower than coffee.
Coffee has a higher caffeine content than tea, which may be good for those looking for an instant energy fix.
Coffee is incredibly high in antioxidents. People get more antioxidants from coffee than any other food group. Black tea offers a variety of health benefits, including improved cholesterol, better gut health and decreased blood pressure. Coffee delivers a bigger burst of energy than tea, but it is shorter-lived and the crash is much faster than from tea. While both teaand coffee contain antioxidants, there are more intea.
Tea and coffee have both long been touted for their physical, mental, emotional and social benefits. While both drinks have their advantages, both tea enthusiasts and coffee lovers will defend their drink of choice to the end. With the fierce competition between the two drinks, it may be difficult to sort out what's true and what's just hype. The following comparisons examine the potential benefits of the world's two most popular hot drinks, allowing you to decide for yourself how they stack up. That being said, we see absolutely no reason why you can’t be a tea and a coffee person. 
Both tea and coffee serve important social functions. Today, the drinks continue to be a mainstay of discussion groups, although they now tend to be split by function.
For example, tea is considered the drink of relaxation, which is why friends often use it as a way to unwind after a long day. Coffee, on the other hand, has come to be associated with the work world. Coworkers frequently gather around the coffee pot to take a break from their duties and charge up for the rest of the day.
Is caffeine beneficial? It depends who you ask: The harried worker facing a 16-hour shift may depend on the energy boost that caffeine provides, but researchers disagree on whether caffeine serves as a health risk or benefit.
But when consumed in excess, caffeine can lead to reduced concentration and even panic attacks. Both coffee and several types of tea include caffeine, but coffee contains a much higher concentration. For this reason, those apt to drink large quantities are better off sticking to tea so that they don't exceed the daily recommendation of 300 milligrams.
Coffee has its advantages, but tea wins in the war of the antioxidants. While green tea is most commonly associated with antioxidants, white tea actually contains more. Coffee also contains antioxidants, but in a much lower concentration than white tea.
Both tea and coffee are capable of providing drinkers with benefits. Despite all the research, there still is no conclusive answer as to which drink is the better health choice. Based on caffeine levels, tea might be better if you like drinking your beverages in large quantities. Otherwise, when consumed in moderation, both beverages make an excellent addition to an overall balanced diet.
In the end, the choice is up to you. But if you’re looking for a drink that gives you healthy boost and a great taste, choosing Tea gives you the opportunity to drink well.
In day to day life also we meet different different type of peoples who all may have their own inflence on us. In case of any relationship also you may find the person who gives u lots of care, love nd attention , respect etc etc, what we really want from a person, on instant basis, but by the time all that energy in relation flews away like a buttwrfly..such people we cn compare with the coffee....
so find the people like tea... who gives u wht ever u wnt from an ideal person slowly slowly but a with a permanant energy and affection lasts long with such person.
one famous line i do remember i wnt to share...
don't take it personally its just a outcome of my thoughts..
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Its all cz of bonding in chemistry (in life as well)
Basics of chemistry is bonding....
So, why do the reactions occur as they occur? Can you mix just hydrogen and oxygen in a gas chamber and get the water that you drink?
Whatever around us we see all things are made up of small molecules...which in turn includes atoms, their shape, their bonding , their nature weather it is accepting or donor...etc etc..
In short there is a chemistry behind everything out there...and in basic of all that there is a big word - BONDING
here are basic bondings of chemistry...
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without this bondings chemistry can not be imagine...these are the heart of chemistry and every chemist...
same is applicable in real life also...
when your basic bonding, understanding, needs of each other are clear..you can have whole world in your palm...but if it is lacking of bonding, communication, sharing, understanding than don't think that will go more...
definatelly you have to have your basics clear than only you can have relation as well as chemistry (🤔🤔🤔) in your hand....
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The Hidden legs in Conclusion 🦉🦉🦉
Just Imagine being able to turn your head a full 270 degrees. For years, this range of motion and other unique physical characteristics and physiological adaptions of owls have allowed them to survive and even thrive in the wild. Owls have adapted to nearly every ecosystem on the planet. They are quite specialized predators, having eyes and ears that are designed for hunting and unique feathers that enable them to fly almost silently. 
There’s a lot many of us don’t know about animals we see on a regular basis, and some facts can catch us totally by surprise.
One of these surprises includes its legs... yes you heard that right. Legs of an owl are hidden under their body... The power of this nocturnal hunter’s grip comes from the strength of his leg muscles, so it makes total sense that they have long legs to help them catch prey!
Another interesting fact about an owl is instead of building nests, owls simply take over the abandoned nests of other birds. Barn owls frequently inhabit structures such as barns, belfries, and deserted buildings. They also nest in the crevices of cliffs, inside hollow trees, and inside dense evergreen trees during cold weather.
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We, being human we should also learn something from the behaviour of this bird. And it sumups that we should never showoff our hidden things which includes our next move, our next step, the thoughts which may b take us to our goal...NEVER...cz in a way it will cut your wings only... see your goal as a 'PREY' & urslef as an 'OWL'......as owls always get the prey that they want ofc with the help of thei 'HIDDEN LEGS'!!!!!!!
The second most important thing that we should definatelly learn from this is dn't trust anyone blidnly cz... u vl never ever knw how much long legs they have !!!¡¡!!!...🙃🙃🙃🙃
I know both these are quite opposite thoughts...but do think about both the aspects and if there is any debatable thoughts I wc all to have a healthy debate on this.🙃☺️
Last but not the least, from owl's nesting behaviour one should learn that any thing which is being left by someone else is may be useless to them but it may b precious to someone else also...so never see anything from their use purpose but see every single thing from how you can make it usef for urself.
This way you can have useful output from every single things. ☺️🙃
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Talk between Iron (Fe) and Gold (Au)....
Once there was an interesting conversation between Iron and gold.
Gold : hey Iron, during your making you are also beaten and hitten in the fire. And i am also going through the same, than why you make noise at the time making.
Iron : Dear gold, when you are hitten by an Iron hammer you don' t make noise. while at the same time when an Iron is being hit by an iron hammer ..... it makes noise.😔😔😔😔
conclusion :
This is true with most of the people. when people are being hurt by someone they love, or their own people than they get hurt and that pain convert into voice....
we never know that what is the reason behind any rebel/voice that is against someone....
never ever make any judgment/perception about anyone without knowing them.....
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Mostly Colour change in chameleons has functions in camouflage, and most commonly in social signaling and in reactions to temperature and other conditions.
The relative importance of these functions varies with the circumstances, as well as the species.
Here are some indication when they change color and what do they mean.
when show brighter colours : showing/displaying aggression to other chameleons.
darker colours : means they submit or "give up".
Some species, have blue fluorescence in their skull tubercles, deriving from bones and possibly serving a signaling role.
Some species adjust their colours for camouflage in accordance with the vision of the specific predator species (bird or snake) by which they are being threatened.
Some chameleon species also uses colour change as an aid to thermoregulation (adjust to their habitat)
Becoming black in the cooler morning to absorb heat more efficiently.
A lighter grey colour to reflect light during the heat of the day.
It may show both colors at the same time, neatly separated left from right by the spine.[citation needed]
Some chemistry of color change :
Chameleons have two superimposed layers within their skin that control their colour and thermoregulation. The top layer contains a lattice of guanine nanocrystals, and by exciting this lattice the spacing between the nanocrystals can be manipulated, which in turn affects which wavelengths of light are reflected and which are absorbed. Exciting the lattice increases the distance between the nanocrystals, and the skin reflects longer wavelengths of light. Thus, in a relaxed state the crystals reflect blue and green, but in an excited state the longer wavelengths such as yellow, orange, green, and red are reflected.
The skin of a chameleon also contains some yellow pigments, which combined with the blue reflected by a relaxed crystal lattice results in the characteristic green color which is common of many chameleons in their relaxed state. Chameleon color palettes have evolved through evolution and environment. Chameleons living in forest, have a more defined and colorful palette compared to those living in the desert or savanna; which have more of a basic, brown and charred palette.
Conclusion :
Purpose of color change in chameleon are either for food, for protection, for adjusting weather, or addopting perticular habitat. And over all this we do have proper knowledge of what their specific color change means.
Unless humans are so unpredictible.
They do change color, but only that perticular one can know the reason.People changes their color once they are done with their thing.
and the sad point is we do not have knowledge of what their color change means, when they show color change, what is the purpose.....NOTHING AT ALL...
Just think about it once!!!!!!
Do not be more dangereous than animals!!!!
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