#chat: kobik
vvolfstare · 5 months
🥧 - bake something together
Bucky was good in the kitchen when the mood struck him, and he enjoyed the simple processes of putting together a dinner. He'd even branched out a little, watched some YouTube videos, learned a couple new things, and it felt good to be able to do that much for himself and the little soldier. Baking was a bit beyond his capabilities, but how hard could it be to follow a recipe, really?
Harder than he'd thought. Something about the goopy mess in the bowl looked wrong, although he couldn't put his finger on exactly what it was. "You sure we got everything, kid?" He frowned over her head at the list of ingredients, one hand braced against the counter. To be fair, he hadn't been closely watching what she was doing. There could be a puppy hidden in that bowl for all he knew.
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walkitoffrogers · 9 months
❝ i’m a real vampire. ❞
Steve's relationship with Kobik had started off… complicated. He still remembered what it had been like to be trapped in her mindscape while Red Skull controlled his body, and he thought it had probably given them a rather unique understanding of each other. He also remembered that she'd tried her best to set things right, and he'd always been proud of her for that. These days, he mostly just thought of her as Bucky's kid, since his best friend had basically adopted her.
If he'd bought Halloween candy and decorated the Brooklyn walk up, it was because he knew they'd be stopping by. Like Bucky, Steve would do a lot to see that she got to have as many normal, fun things as possible, like Halloween. He'd grinned at her costume, shoving down the fleeting thought that she might actually be able to make herself into a real vampire if she wanted to, or could have at one point. He didn't ask a lot of questions about her power level, since it wasn't relevant to being a kid. "Think vampires can be appeased by Halloween candy, or are we going to have to break out the apple cider?"
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torchedx · 9 months
❝ forget being ‘too old’ to trick or treat. i’m doing this forever! ❞
In Johnny's opinion, college was way too old for any sort of Halloween activity that didn't involve Jell-O shots, but he'd do a lot worse to make his teammates happy. He'd been lowkey disappointed in them for not being more enthusiastic about Kate's trick or treating idea. To be fair, he hadn't been enthusiastic about it either, but he was still here, and it was turning out to be more fun than he'd expected.
The last time he went trick or treating, he was pretty sure he was ten, Susie had taken him, and he'd been dressed as a robot, covered head to foot in aluminum foil and repurposed cereal boxes. His idea of a costume these days was fireman's pants, suspenders, and a helmet, no shirt required, and he'd scored numbers from at least three hot moms as they looped around the neighborhood. "Dude, same. I'm making bank." Not talking about the pillowcase half-filled with candy, of course. He'd probably end up giving most of that to Kate and the rest of the team.
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eulalielatibule · 3 months
Suburban Dad Sunday idea: Bucky going about his day with his toddler following him about and copying him <3 😊 He's fixing up his bike so his mini-me tries to do the same with their push-car or he's doing washing and the kid keeps handing Bucky things to put in!(And, as a bonus, when he's chatting with Steve the kid keeps babbling at the same time as him - putting a hand over his mouth because it's their turn to talk to Uncle Steve 🥰)
Lmao that is so cute!!! I love this 🩷 Bucky would be so amused by his little mini-me.
I'm making this with Kobik, who is one of my favorite marvel kiddos 🥰
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Bucky first notices Kobik copying him when he's outside working on his car.
He's muttering to himself while messing around with the battery
Suddenly he notices the 4 year old roll up beside him in her little barbie car and hurries out with a giggle as she pretends to pop the hood open.
"Whatcha doing, Little Soldier?" He asks amused as she plays with her toy tools.
"I'm working on my car like you!" She beams up at him before going back to her very hard work.
Another time, he's doing the dishes and as he's humming Kobik pops up next to him.
"Daaaaad can I help?" She makes grabby hands for the towel and Bucky nods,
"Sure kiddo but be extra careful. These are mom's good plates."
She nods and veeeeerry carefully dries the plates off and then uses her powers to float them up to the cabinet.
That makes Bucky chuckle and he goes back to washing, singing idly to himself.
And he hears Kobik singing along- or at least trying to, as she doesn't really know the words but it's to the same beat! She's trying!
The last time, just the other day, Steve came by to visit. Which was one of Kobik's favorite things.
She loved Uncle Steve almost as much as her Buckaroo.
Steve and Bucky sit in the living room, sipping on beer as they chat when, once again, Kobik comes by.
At first she's just sitting on the floor and playing with her Legos but then she starts copying Bucky.
"And that's when I finally stopped-"
"I finally stopped-"
He blinks and looks at Kobik and then at Steve who's holding back a laugh, and Bucky shakes his head and continues."
"Anyway, he came in and-"
"He came in and-"
"Kobik why are you-?"
"Kobik why-"
And by now she's giggling and standing up, while Bucky puts on a grumpy face but inside he's cracking up along with them.
"You little stink-" suddenly he's muffled by Kobik's little hands on his mouth, and Steve cackles as Kobik takes over the story!
Ahhh omg I loved that so much. Thank you for the ask! 🩷🩷
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grimmusings · 6 months
@birdswings thank you for the tag, lovely! 💛
how long have you been roleplaying?
I started passing a notebook back and forth with my friend in middle school. My first muse was a canon character from The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike against her LOTR elf. Then I wandered into the cesspool that was AOL chats, made my own storyline because I was so awful no one would let me play with them (I'm still writing in that storyline and made some lifelong friends in it), played a bit on Myspace, had one hideous Facebook experience, and then moved on to the golden age of InvisionFree before discovering Tumblr and Discord rp. I've always played in groups or with a couple people I already knew until this year though, so I'm actually pretty new to Tumblr indie!
what got you interested in roleplaying?
All my favorite games when I was a kid involved making up stories with my toys (Barbies, Beanie Babies, stuffed animals, dolls, the little plastic figurines I called my "friends"), so I consider this a slightly more sophisticated extension of that. I just play with my dolls inside my head now. 😂
are there any lesser played canon characters you’d like to see in your community?
ARE there. I'm going to stick to some lesser known fandoms rather than listing specific muses from all of them, but I'd love to see more from: Sin City, The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, The Lost Boys, Fright Night, All for the Game, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, Dreamcatcher, Simon Snow, and The Raven Cycle. From my larger fandoms, I'd love to see more King Ezekiel (TWD), Scott Lang, Ian Rogers, Natasha Stark, & Yelena Belova (Marvel), and Jack Kline (Supernatural).
would you consider writing them?
Girl, don't tempt me. We're already out of control.
what do you enjoy the most about creating ocs?
I write most of my OCs on Discord rather than Tumblr because the ones I have here don't get a lot of traction (which is fine, no shade, Steve and Bucky are my favorites too 😂). Most of them were created for a specific partner or group and then grew into their own things out of that, so I suppose it's the same thing I love about writing canon muses: the way the story and the characters come to life in ways I never expected when I'm building with another person. My muses constantly surprise me, OC or otherwise.
tagging: @defectivexfragmented, @pleinsdemuses, @tormentedsoldier, @velvetnviolentviolets, @pctentialbreakupsong, @cybernetic-asset, @theking-blackheart-muses, @kobikate, @nightmarefuele, @brooklynislandgirl
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vomagari · 2 years
SamBucky AU idea!!!
There's an app you can download that helps bring people together to fund trips. You type in your interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and any preferences. The app matches you with people based on similarities and the amount of money willing to put forth for the group. Typically, the groups are a bit large so the funds are even throughout the group, instead of just a few people paying the majority. But Sam has just inherited some money from his late brother, who has recently passed away. And although he would have put it towards the boat, or towards his nephews' saving accounts, his brother instructed him to use it for one thing and one thing only.
Gideon wants Sam to retrace the steps he'd taken around the world. Gideon left home young, after their parents had died and Sam was old enough to take care of himself and Sarah. He writes all of this to Sam in a letter, explaining that they were better off without him and although he distanced himself, it was never their fault. Gideon just couldn't handle it.
Stricken with grief, Sam takes throughout the winter to come to terms with everything with Sarah by his side. So they wait until AJ and Cass are out on summer break so they can all go. Sam uses that app, although he is very suspicious of having other people with them, and is paired with a group of people who just needed one more person to pitch in. There's Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter, Bucky and Kobik Barnes, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing. He chats with some of them to work things out and they seem friendly enough.
Steve and Sharon are definitely still in their honeymoon phase. They wander off a lot.
Bucky and his daughter Kobik often take stops to try out desserts. Both have a huge sweet tooth. Almost worryingly so.
Misty and Colleen are into the more active parts of discovering new places. They explore the cities and do as much as they can. They wake up early and sometimes stay out late, but they join the group's dinner without fail.
Bucky's a polyglot, so he's often the middle-man. And luckily for him, Sam is a man with a lot of questions. Maybe too many to be reasonable but Bucky likes learning with him. Sam's smile is nice.
AJ, Cass, and Kubik get along super quick. Sarah can depend on Sam and Bucky to watch over the kids while she enjoys some spa days. Although at dinner, she misses them so much that she peppers them with an embarrassing amount of kisses.
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themainframes · 3 years
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SSTORM (4:18 PM): Family ran into two guys claiming they’ve been held hostage in CT  -- that have anything to do with what Romanoff and Barnes were looking into re: KOBIK?
JSTORM (4:19 PM): for reference, those “two guys” were melter and nitro. pretty sure those dudes would say aaaaanything to avoid getting tossed back in jail.
BGRIMM (4:25 PM): Joifhjuhrefuerohufuf JKKUL
JSTORM (4:26 PM): see? he with the giant gravel thumbs agrees with me. the only scary thing about conneticut is the fact that they call themselves the nutmeg state. flame out, bitches.
RRICHARDS (4:28 PM): Thank you, Johnny. The Fantastic Four will be looking into it as well and will share updates. Apparently it’s not the first case of this.
VRICHARDS (4:30 PM): Mom said that Wanda said that
(VRICHARDS was removed from the chat by RRICHARDS)
SSTORM (4:31 PM): Thanks, all.
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kylinavie · 5 years
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Something to say before this post on what happened: I did let Bucky and Steve went to universities, but unfortunately I lost all those photos and videos while transporting from win to mac system. Don’t worry, this is just their first year (week), they have another three to come. Another thing is that I won’t let them both go to universities at the same time again bc this is really unnecessary since Steve never came to visit Bucky’s dorm (except I let Bucky invites him over), he just kept inviting him to another place, 50% of the chance might invite Bucky doing some adult activities (yeah, probably the one you are thinking). The most important point is that I don’t know how Steve was doing at his university. Every time I let Bucky visit him, he just sat there watching TV, probably never studied, so it’s better to let one stay at home earn some money first. They are not crazy rich like Tony, T’challa, and Hela in the game, their bank savings are not gonna be enough to cover the expense of 4 kids (or maybe more), you know what I mean.
Ok, back to this.
Sebastian has grown up. He finds it difficult to chat with his older brother R.J. (Don’t really know why).
Kobik really didn't care about when she should be at home, she stayed at the bar with her friend (her childhood friend) till 3 am. Well, at least the sims world is not that dangerous than our world, she arrived home safe and sound. (No punishment from her parents, bet they didn’t know about it)
[Oh, by the way, Goose was pregnant and delivered 3 kitties, don’t know how that happened, but one of the kittens looks really like Mayor Whiskers]
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 8 Roundup!
Badge earners for the past week:
Shera Thudworm
Congratulations on earning your participation bages!
And now, onto the bingo fills!
Title: Black Lightning Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Therapy Ship: N/A Rating: Teen  Major Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death Summary: Tony has a favorite superhero, and it's not Captain America. Word Count: 2118
Title: Maze of Horrors Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Labyrinth Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Psychological Torture, References to Past Torture, Child Abuse, Mildly-Graphic Blood/Injury Summary: Whoever this was, if their goal was to break them, they were doing a pretty damned good job at it.They still hadn’t found the exit and Tony felt like their time was beginning to run out. Time for what, exactly, he had no idea but his skin was crawling with the realization. Word Count: 6550
Title: Go the Fuck to Medical Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Day-in-the-Life Ship: Phil Coulson & Avengers Team Rating: Teen Major Tags: N/A Summary: Phil Coulson likes the Avengers, likes working with them. But when it comes to convincing them to seek necessary medical attention... the next person to complain is getting dragged there by their ear! Word Count: 198
Title: Stars Aligned Collaborator: Nix Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Date in the Park Ship: ScienceIronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: romance, nerds Summary: Moodboard
Title: Retirement Collaborator: thoughtfulbreadpolice Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - Retirement Ship: Stuckony [Hinted] Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Hinted Polyamory Summary: Fifty year old singers could ride a stripper pole upside down, but Tony sleeps wrong and he can’t turn his head to the right for six days. Word Count: 500
Title: Like No One’s Watching Collaborator: monobuu Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Friday Ship: WinterIronWidow Rating: Gen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff Summary: It’s her first performance ever, but with one parent missing and the other two shrouded in the darkness of the audience, young Kobik is a little overwhelmed. Word Count: 1821
Title: Aliyah Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Writing Format: Use of symbolisms Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Grief/Mourning Summary: Tony Stark is Jewish and has a bar mitzvah. A character study of a Jewish Tony Stark.Chose not to warn due to discussion of Maria and Howard Stark's death, though not explicit Word Count: 355
Title: In Her Sights Collaborator: periwinklepromise Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Third Date Ship: Tony Stark/Susan Storm Rating: Mature Major Tags: Female Tony Stark, Science Girlfriends Summary: "Um, Sue? Do you know you're invisible right now?" Word Count: 1039
Title: my body is not their bed - ii Collaborator: Simi Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Genderswap Ship: WinterIronWidow Rating: Explicit Major Tags: soulmates, Fem!Tony, implied/referenced child abuse, explicit sexual content, PTSD, genderswap, gender issues, torture, polyamory Summary: In 1995, the Engineer and the Winter Soldier escape HYDRA and end up, bleeding, on Peggy Carter's doorstep.This is their journey after. This is the story of their victory march. Word Count: 13077
Title: Another Captain Collaborator: camichats Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - AU: Sci-Fi/Futuristic Ship: Wanda/Tony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Star Trek Fusion Summary: Tony (Chief Engineer) and Wanda (First Officer) get the news that their Captain is retiring, and soon they'll have to get used to a new Captain of Avenger. Word Count: 1802
Title: On the Run Collaborator: ashes0909 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - On the Run Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: First Meetings, Tony is Tony, James is AU, Fluff, Banter, Pets Make the Best Wingmen Summary: The man was walking towards Tony, and as he approached, he could see his half-quirked smirk. Of course Tony’s Frenchie looked calm and content in muscle-man’s arms, not barking and running around like the menace he was.  “Lose something?” the man asked as he approached, the loose leash zipping back into the handle as they got closer. Word Count: 1082
Title: Insulation Inspiration Collaborator: ashes0909 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - Blanket Forts Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff, Winter, Established Relationship, POV Tony Stark Summary: “It’s rare to get a blizzard this bad but I remember…” Steve chuckled again, shifting so he could brush a kiss on the top Tony’s head, but he didn’t continue.  So, Tony prodded. “Yes…? Vague memory alert. You know I’m all about instant gratification. Don’t leave me hanging. What do you remember?” Word Count: 1418
Title: Trash, trash, tabloids are trash. Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - mirror image Ship: Tony/Happy Rating: Gen Major Tags: Discussion of Fat Shaming Summary: Tony doesn't need the other look he gives Happy's laptop to understand what's up - he does need it as a way to cool down even slightly though. Right there, on the little desk Happy insists on keeping in the corner of their bedroom even though he's got a fully-furnished office down the hall, People magazine's tacky colors flash across the screen. Tony looks at the pictures and had he not seen the title above them, he would be grinning. Now he knows why his husband was acting all weird the day before at least. Word Count: 1849
Title: Stars Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive  Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - art format: complementary colors Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art fill Summary: Image of Tony looking up at the stars
Title: Brutal Motivation Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - shared trauma Ship: IronWidow Rating: Teen Major Tags: non-graphic torture, implied/referenced child abuse, ballerina Nat, angst and fluff Summary: Natasha and Tony both carry many scars. It shouldn't be surprising that some of them match. Word Count: 716
Title: King Me Collaborator: phoenixmetaphor3000 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - Royalty Ship: Loki/Stephen/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: its a moodboard lads  Word Count: N/A [moodboard]
Title: Yeah, let’s do it again but this time let’s go full psycho Collaborator: Juls Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Canon: Avengers Academy Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Platonic Relationship  Summary:  When professor Fury gives his class a scientific project, Bucky decides to pair up with Tony, hoping that the genius will help him. He regrets it when he realizes that Tony loves too much make things explode.  Word Count: 1313
Title: Stay Still Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Stay Still Ship: Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble  Summary: This was not how Tony expected to finally catch up with Barnes. Word Count: 100
Title: Nothing for the Nerves Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Secret Relationship Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Tony and Bucky have been dating for three months, and it is high time that Bucky met Tony’s friends. There’s nothing to be nervous about, of course....Right? Word Count: 1449
Title: Baking Rivalry Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R1 - Tension Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary:  It’s a moodboard with a bit of scribbing about a baking rivalry tbh :P Word Count: 233
Title: white petals stained red Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Hanahaki Disease Ship: Stucky, pre-Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: When the first petal falls, he’s not even surprised. He’s not quite sure who it is, but that’s not really a surprise either. Only he could be so lucky to fall in love with two people at the same time. Unrequited love, that is, hence the petals falling from his lips. Tony stares at the two white petals in his hand, feels the back of his throat itch and thinks “Oh. This is it, then.” Word Count: 2338
Title: All I Know Is You’re Someone I’ve Always Known Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Wake Up! Ship: Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Endgame Fix-It Summary: Tony wakes up to Nat waiting for him in the soul stone… and that’s when things start to get weird. Word Count: 6196
Title: YSMIR - Chapter 2 Collaborator: endrega23 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Anticipation Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags:  None Summary:  First, take twenty to thirty tablespoons of challenge. Sprinkle it with a pinch of bet, and add some brotherly competition according to your taste and a slice of one-upmanship. Let it sit and stew, then, at the critical moment, add it to a nightmare-fueled, sleep-deprived inventing binge. Be sure to separate it from any moderating influence, or it won't produce the desired effect. Finally, pour it into a genius, and wait Word Count: 4907
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thatdarnblogagain · 5 years
Females in Marvel arguably stronger than Captain Marvel
Well here I am again, riding the wave. What wave? Oh you know, The Captain Marvel wave. Seems Brie Larson’s character just can do no right, whether on or off-screen. So let’s keep that going and milk the cow because I am tired of the idea of her being the  “Strongest” in the MCU or Comics.
So here is my list of characters arguably capable of smacking the taste out of Captain Marvel’s mouth!
1. Rogue -
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(Strongest!?!? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...)
Now that FOX has been assimilated by the Borg...I mean Disney, the X-Men are fair game and there are several women in that team that I believe could beat Carol. However one did! One actually put her in a coma by simply absorbing her powers and poof! That was it, “strongest” woman eating her food through a tube for years but it did see Rogue become a good guy sooooo, win?
2. Kobik -
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(This isn’t even my final form!)
So cosmic cubes are items of immense power! Kobik is one of these in humanoid form. She can reshape the past, such as what she did with Captain America’s. Almost Omnipresent and Omnipotent, this being could with the snap of the finger say to Captain Marvel what many want to say. “Begone”.
3. Scarlet Witch -
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(When she strips away people’s powers tell her to @ me!)
Let’s look at feats! Wanda once said no more mutants and straight up did to mutant kind’s powers what Thanos did to the universe in the MCU. Wanda stood toe to toe with a Phoenix powered Cyclops. In the MCU she is SEVERELY toned down much like her brother was and we see how that worked out for the scarlet speedster. Oh that is not a typo! He was scarlet after Ultron was finished with him. Too soon?
4. Jean Grey without Phoenix Force -
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(I do not need telepathy to call bullsh** on this Captain Marvel nonsense)
Look! Listen! Shhhhhhhhhh! Jean Grey is bar none one of the strongest women in any Comic book. The mere scope of her power WITHOUT the Phoenix Force is enough to make her a threat to Carol. Telepathy & Telekinesis. That is all it takes. Jean’s mastery of these is at the level that she can control others. Professor X had to put restraints on her mind to limit her power but she was still stronger than most other mutants...Nuff said.
5. Hela -
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(Hear that Feige, Hela is not pleased!)
Whether in the MCU or Comics, Hela is a force of nature having created a new EDM rhythm on her in movie, brother, Thor while beating him around Valhalla. Understand Thor had to cause Ragnarok to stop his sister and even then it is not confirmed she is dead. Because ya know she is the Goddess of DEATH!!! ...do I really need to say more? 
6. Storm -
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(Oh you think you are strong? Which of us can f*** up the planet?)
There is a belief in the comics that if Storm wanted she could destroy the world due to her weather manipulation but on a smaller scale the mere fact she can control the flow of air around others and Carol still needs that to breathe (Outside of her Binary form)...she gonna turn purple real fast.
7. Monica Rambeau -
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(She grew up so fast and got pissed just as fast!)
I could make a Rambo joke here but my mind says don’t push it...just let it go, don’t push it! Known as Spectrum in the comics and while having a humorous run in the Agents of H.A.T.E comic book, Monica is a legit beast, having been seen as an Alpha Level threat at one point by Tony “FREAKING” Stark. Sadly she will always be stuck with the line, “Get me sandwich” from Captain America in the Agents of H.A.T.E storyline.
8.Enchantress -
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(Frog, Pig or roach! Pick one real quick!)
This mystic enemy and sometimes anti-hero has a litany of spells at her beck and call literally! Able to fight or outwit Asgardians for literal fun, she is a not to be trifled with ironically. Imagine Zatana! Now imagine Zatana no longer giving AF! Now combine that with Dr.Strange! That’s Enchantress on a slow day.
9. Sersi -
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(I may not be relevant but this beating gonna be!)
Sersi is an Eternal and as such has godlike powers. Healing Factor, near immortality and my fave, Matter transmutation! This is not alchemy, kids. She can straight up take whatever or whoever she wants and send them wherever! Can Carol survive the sun or a black hole? Time to find out
10. Jean Grey with Phoenix Force -
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(So strong I get two places on this list...eat it Emma! WTF is a Carol!??!)
And that’s the list...ok, I will explain!
See in Avengers vs X-Men, Carol was among a group of heroes that tried to stop the Phoenix force on its way to earth for Hope Summers since Jean was AFK from the party chat. Well Phoenix must have been from the 90s because he went all “Move b**** get out the away!” on them. Carol was left floating along unconscious by the way. Now Jean with her already staggering powers amplified by this monster of an energy source is game over for most world breaking enemies let alone Carol.
This list is very heavily opinionated so you may disagree and that is fine. I disagree with what Marvel is doing with Carol in the MCU because she does not fit or deserve to be in that position. At no point has she ever been the strongest woman let alone character in the Marvel Universe!
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After the Whisperer posted their data leak on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s classified Project KOBIK, a group of heroes were summoned by Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. On the Helicarrier, formerly disgraced agent Sharon Carter gave them a rundown on the Pleasant Hill experiment. Upon arriving, they received a less than warm welcome and the group found themselves divided.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: She had been the last one on the Helicarrier. Funny, considering the fact that she was the one who had called them all there. Funny, considering the fact that she was the one (alongside Bucky) who was leaving a trail of property damage in her wake with little explanation. Natasha was, to put it very lightly, pissed. Wake up in the morning seeing red and going to bed with it still there kind of pissed. She and Bucky had decided early on it was best to not tell anyone what they were working on until after they had a better idea, but after the Whisperer and the whistleblower it was hard to deny that it was the right time. And so, the mass message. Everyone there had been selected for a reason. They could be trusted. Not the S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliates, but Sharon had called and Nat decided to at least hear her out. Krakoa had offered up five mutants for back-up with powers based in telepathy, tracking and teleportation. Her tardiness was a strategic tactic to stop the others from asking questions before she was ready. Braced against a wall with one and hanging onto one of the hooks, Natasha glanced around the group. “Everyone read their files? We have the Whisperer to thank for that. And Bobbi. Way to blow that whistle.” The anger was still present.
SHARON CARTER: As the helicarrier began its ascent, Sharon took a look at the anxious eyes around her in the room and glanced over to Bobbi and Daisy. It didn’t seem like those two were exactly eager to answer the questions regarding Project KOBIK, but then again neither was Sharon. The agent figured they’d have at least a little more time to break the news the proper way, but the Whisperer forced S.H.I.E.L.D.’s hand. Clearly Romanoff and Barnes knew that something was going on, and it was only a matter of time before even more information potentially got leaked. It was better to get ahead of it while they could. Natasha deserved answers, even if Sharon knew that the redhead was not going to react well to all of this. And helping S.H.I.E.L.D. with Project KOBIK was one of the main reasons Sharon was even allowed back in the United States, so she had no reason to go against Hill’s orders. It was simple: take the Avengers and Co. there, show them the town, and answer any questions they might have. Easier said than done, but still. “I’ll answer any questions any of you have on the way there, but I think showing everything to you will speak for itself.”
JESSICA JONES: Of course she had gotten caught up in something this big. A big pile of bullshit that smelled like Avengers and government agencies -- aka, her least favorite scents. Although she would have preferred to present as someone who didn’t come when called, Jess had already stuck her nose in deep enough that she had to follow through. That and she felt like she owed it to Matt. A blind man people didn’t know was blind who fought ninjas. Instead of getting annoyed about that fact Jessica just stared as the Black Widow spoke (definitely had never expected to be in the same space as her) and crossed her arms over her chest. “--So, I wasted a month of my life tracking down these people when Goldilocks (sharon) and Deep Throat (a reference to the nixon whistleblower and NOT linda lovelace) knew all along? Jesus, you people suck.”
MATT MURDOCK: Matt was hanging out along the perimeter of the group as Natasha began talking, but Jessica’s words quickly became much more intriguing. His masked gaze was seemingly fixed on the floor a few feet in front of him, one ear trained in the direction of those explaining the situation, the other poised to catch any additional snide remarks from his coworker - for lack of a better term, “Can’t say I say this very often, but I agree. Seems like information we should’ve been privy to much sooner.”
BUCKY BARNES: He stayed towards the back, seated uncomfortable with the buckles loose around his lap. James wasn't proud to be aboard the helicarrier. He wasn't excited or eager. He felt just about the same as he did when a hit went wrong and he ended up with the poor sap's insides on his outsides. James glanced over at Jess's sentiment, feeling the edge of his lips twitch but not giving anything more. "It's not exactly unexpected, is it?" he said aloud to no one in particular. "If SHIELD can keep something hidden, they will. Even from their friends."
JESSICA DREW: After reading and re-reading the file, Jessica found that her brain still couldn’t make sense of the dossier. Sure, she understood it. But she didn’t understand it. “Excuse me? Quick q.” The Avenger held up her folder and tapped at one of the black and white images. “There’s a porcupine on here. And my baby is with a man who is not qualified to babysit because my porcupine went to pick him up from daycare and went MIA. No correlation, right?” Her voice had pitched upwards towards slightly hysterical at the end. “I just need someone to tell me that you assholes didn’t turn a grown man into a porcupine. Especially not one who was reformed.”
CAROL DANVERS: "Don't be ridiculous." Carol said as she came over to look at the photo, even if she had her own file to refer to. She frowned down at it. "There's no way they'd turn a person into an animal. Especially not a porcupine. They could've done better. Like a wolf. Lion maybe. Porcupine? Way below Gocking's paygrade."
JESSICA DREW: “He never would have left Gerry at daycare. Or go without calling Kalie. They may as well have just put down Roger instead of Porcupine.” Jess craned her neck to look up at Carol. Her eyes definitely weren’t watering. “So, yeah. I have a few questions. How did you pull this off? Maybe my boyfriend was easy to catch, but some of these people wouldn’t be.”
CAROL DANVERS: Carol grimaced. "Also answering the how would be great. It's not exactly natural to turn a human being into a rodent."
DAISY JOHNSON: After receiving the call from Bobbi that everything had gone to shit for a lack of a better word, Daisy seriously reconsidered her entire involvement with SHIELD. It took weeks of searching for her dad before Sharon finally approached her and asked her to join the program. Daisy had been livid, to say the least. Cal didn’t even remember being Hyde. What gave SHIELD the right to change their minds and imprison him inside of a fake town? And then she realized that Mack was no longer acting Director, and everything made sense. There was absolutely no way he’d do something like that and not tell her. It took a lot of convincing from Bobbi for Daisy to not just try to storm in there and quake the whole damn town down herself. Staying close to the project was the best thing Daisy could do for her dad, and for everyone else who didn’t deserve to be mind wiped and placed in there. But it wasn’t like Natasha knew any of that. Or Bucky. Or any of the Avengers. To them, she was just another SHIELD goon following Hill’s orders. She could practically feel Nat’s eyes glaring a hole through her as she cleared her throat uncomfortably. Honestly she wouldn’t even be on that damn plane if not for Bobbi dragging her ass on there. She didn’t get much warning to the fact that Bobbi had told everyone what was going on. “It’s more complicated than that.” She mumbled, referring to James’ comment with a sigh.
SHARON CARTER: Sharon could tell that Jessica was on the verge of tears, and she’d almost feel bad if she’d actually known the woman. But she was just doing what she was told, which included placing Roger inside of Pleasant Hill. She didn’t personally nab him, but still. “He was coming too close to compromising the project.. I’m sorry. I know this is probably not what you want to hear.”
MATT MURDOCK: Elektra had been missing for longer than Matt was comfortable admitting, and hearing about what had supposedly happened to the man in question had him frankly very worried. Unable to request the files in brail for his own benefit, Matt would just have to wait until Jessica would get the chance to relay him the information, to reassure him his girlfriend wasn’t loose in this town running around as a lizard or something. Jesus.
JESSICA DREW: “He got too close?” Jessica barely managed to stop herself from raising her voice. “So you turned a decent human being into a rodent because he got too close?? Jesus Christ, we went from H.Y.D.R.A. to this?”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “Not everyone got turned into animals.” Natasha remained collected. “We have an entire registry full of strange faces. You want to cue us in on who’s who?” When Daisy spoke, the redhead turned to look at it. “Then explain how complicated it is, Agent.”
DAISY JOHNSON: Daisy turned in response to Natasha speaking to her, eyebrows furrowing at being referred to like she was some sort of subordinate. "Look, I didn't know about Yelena when we talked. I wasn't lying to you. You think I'm not furious that my dad's inside of there? Don't take your anger out on me."
BUCKY BARNES: "But you knew." James chimed in. "You knew what the operative was. Former and current criminals. And apparently Roger Gocking."
CAROL DANVERS: "I'd love to know why we were kept in the dark, to start."
DAISY JOHNSON: "I didn't know the list until The Whisperer leaked it. They withheld it from me." It didn't take a rocket scientist to connect the disappearances, though. Yelena, Cal... Daisy just didn't have a scope of exactly who was who inside, or even what specific criminals were in there.
BUCKY BARNES: "You're a shitty spy." James remarked petulantly.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: She wasn’t here to get snapped at by someone who was part of the problem. As Bucky spoke, the Widow’s gaze remained even. “The word is complicit.” Her tone was cool. “Furious, maybe, but not mad enough to come out yourself. As soon as I heard what was going on, James and I were out there researching and blowing up outposts. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have the list. You knew enough.”
CAROL DANVERS: "She did. She had enough to come to us and let us help, but she didn't. We can be angry and lash out all we want, but what we need right now are details. What exactly are we walking in to, Johnson?"
BOBBI MORSE: "Hey.” Bobbi had been silent so far, watching the situation unfold. She had talked to Clint and Nat. Bobbi had given Daisy the heads up about what she was going to do because it was the right choice, even if it was a late one. “I went to Pleasant Hill in the beginning. I’ve watched them from the beginning. I thought I was doing the right thing by staying informed, but after being there for a while and the Roger thing... we messed up. Bad. Daredevil, Nat, Jess. I’m sorry. To you too, Barnes. And Daisy has some of the blame, but I have more of the answers.”
MATT MURDOCK: Matt folded his arms across his chest, only minutely satisfied that someone had the gall to finally apologize. “Alright - then why are we here if not for more answers.”
STEVE ROGERS: Steve learned a long time ago to stop expecting anything and anticipate that whatever answer he was looking for was usually way more complicated than he liked. As it would turn out this entire operation was not at all an exception to the rule. Nat was pissed—rightfully so, and while he could understand both sides —to a degree, he seemed to remember a different outlook being taken when Wanda Maximoff was running something similar—except even that wasn’t premeditated. “Answers will get us a whole lot farther.” Steve said after Bobbi spoke. They could sit here and bicker all day, pointing fingers, but that didn’t really get them anywhere. “How did it even get this far?”
JESSICA DREW: “Sorry won’t make Roger human again, but thank you, Barbara.” Jess couldn’t believe she had slept with the husband of the woman who had turned her boyfriend into a rodent. Clint really knew how to pick women.
DAISY JOHNSON: Daisy narrowed her eyes at Natasha, shaking her head in frustration. She knew that they'd be upset when they realized she was involved, but it seemed like it was impossible to get them to understand. Of course she knew that what SHIELD was doing was wrong. But arguing about it wasn't going to help anyone. "Bobbi's right. We thought we were doing good by staying close to the project but obviously we weren't. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." She settled on, not wanting to argue about it anymore. Daisy turned her focus to Carol and took a deep breath. "We're talking into a town. A creepily normal town. No one in there remembers who they really are. All they know is their new mundane lives."
CAROL DANVERS: "So you castrated an entire group of people and turned them into docile brainless next door neighbors?" Carol clicked her tongue in disbelief. "Just keeps getting better, doesn't it. Westview gave you ideas. Not exactly what I expected to happen."
CLINT BARTON: Clint let out a mirthless laugh from his place aboard. "Right. You had the best of intentions didn't you, Bobbi? Would never do anything wrong or disorderly."
ROGUE: Rogue crossed her arms, listening to everyone go back and forth. At first she thought the porcupine thing was a joke, but as it turned out, it horrifically wasn’t. “Ah’m sayin’. Ya’ll practically burned Wanda at the stake, but at least she didn’t turn nobody into a rodent.” She muttered after Carol spoke.
NATHAN SUMMERS "I don't think that helps." Nathan added from his place near Rogue.
SHARON CARTER: "Lying is in the job description of being a SHIELD agent," Sharon chimed in, raising an eyebrow at the whole squabble going on between Daisy, Nat, Carol, and James. Clearly everyone wanted to point fingers and find someone to blame for this, but that didn't change what had been done. "Right next to some overtime required. And I think castrated is a little dramatic. They're living the American Dream. Tidy homes, friendly neighbors, and no crime. If you ask me that beats rotting away in the Raft."
BUCKY BARNES: "I lived the American dream too and my girlfriend ended up joining the Thunderbolts as a result. Wouldn't exactly recommend."
ROGUE: “Wasn’t tryin’ to.” She shrugged. “All Ah here is a bunch of people makin’ excuses and pointin’ fingers. If Ah have t’be here an’ we ain’t gonna come up with a solution, Ah may as well join the bitchin’.”
MATT MURDOCK: “But the way you’re laying this out, they didn’t exactly get a choice, as to what their ‘American Dream’ was, did they? You just slapped an identity on them and sent them off,” Matt pitched in, addressing Sharon directly.
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "Isn't that natural for you?" America asked, eyes skating over towards Rogue briefly. "Look, I don't care why or how, just what we're going to do next. I don't exactly see the issue of leaving them there."
SHARON CARTER: "What does it matter if they're in prison anyways?" Sharon quipped as she turned towards Matt.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “And now your girlfriend has been lobotomized because apparently once wasn’t enough.” Natasha was a little surprised to hear James refer to Yelena as such considering how rocky their relationship continued to be. “Pleasant Hill is completely erasing any chance of redemption. They’re all going to be stuck there until what? They die?” Yelena. James. Steve. Natasha remained on the outside as reality warped those she cared about and it was tiring.
SAM WILSON: “Somewhere along the way, I’m gettin the feeling that we forgot about free will. Even if these people won’t be ‘free’ again because they’re in prison, they deserve to know their own names. How is stripping that away okay?” Sam piped up. “Especially if you’ve got falsely accused.” He wasn’t Captain America anymore but it didn’t matter. Sam held onto  his ideals.
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "Better than them breaking out and wreaking havoc. I don't see what the big deal is."
MATT MURDOCK: “It’s absolutely a question of free will,” Matt shook his head, thankful for Sam’s comment. The legal repercussions of this entire scenario were frankly frightening to consider, but as Daredevil, he had no jurisdiction here, so thinly veiled warnings would have to do, “I’d tread lightly, if I were you.”
SHARON CARTER: "There's room for reevaluation for some. Obviously that's not exactly on the table yet but it will be. We're not monsters." Maybe it seemed a bit harsh, but years in Madripoor unfortunately did that to Sharon. She would have been on the same exact side as Steve and Nat several years ago. But her morality was warped, and unfortunately the offer from SHIELD was too good to turn down. Probably why they picked her to be the mayor of the town.
KATE BISHOP: “Really, man?” Kate pivoted in her seat to look at America. “Sam and the Devil Dude are right. Everyone should at least have a name.”
STEVE ROGERS: “The prison system takes away people’s free will every day. This is beyond that, this is a matter of identity. Humanity.” A man was a porcupine for God’s sake. “They’re still people.”
CASSIE LANG: "Um, technically think they do have names?" Cassie chimed in, frowning as she looked down at her folder and shrugged. "Just... not their own. Nevermind, I'm gonna shut up now. This is still super messed up."
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "People who might've murdered other people. Definitely some people who have murdered other people. Speaking of, how did you two manage to slip through the cracks?" she asked, question directed at Natasha and Bucky."People who might've murdered other people. Definitely some people who have murdered other people. Speaking of, how did you two manage to slip through the cracks?" she asked, question directed at Natasha and Bucky.
BOBBI MORSE: “Hey now.” Bobbi frowned at Clint. “I make bad decisions. You know it, I know it, our marriage counselor knows it. I’m trying to do right here. We can fix this. The town database is the answer. Sharon, am I authorized to proceed?”
STEVE ROGERS: Steve looked at America and crossed his arms as he stood between both James and Nat. “If you have a point to make, make it.”
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "I think I made my point, loud and clear. I just need one person to explain to me exactly what it is we're doing here."
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “I started by jumping off a cliff and sacrificing myself to stop Thanos.” A muscle in Natasha’s jaw twitched. “But good question. A decade and a half ago, I was Yelena. If I was stuck in Pleasant Hill I would never have been able to redeem myself on Vormir. And some of the people in this room wouldn’t be here.”
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "So we let them loose on the off chance they'll throw themselves off a mountain? I don't like relying on those odds."
SHARON CARTER: Sharon turned her head towards Bobbi and frowned before shaking her head. "Look, I get it. You all have raised some fair points. There are some risks, but that's not why I'm bringing you all there. I'm not going to help you unilaterally disarm. The point of this is to show you KOBIK."
MONICA RAMBEAU: “If we’re not going to Pleasant Hill,” Monica looked up. “Where are we going?” She hadn’t made eye contact with Daisy yet deliberately.  
MATT MURDOCK: “And we’re all supposed to just nod and accept that this is how things are going now? Are you that confident everyone here will be okay with it?”
STEVE ROGERS: “If the point was to make snap assumptions based on things you don’t know anything about, then, sure, consider it made. However if it was to try and convince me that people deserved to have their bodily autonomy ripped away based on criminal actions, you kind of missed the mark when you tried took shots at a woman that literally saved the universe you exist in and a man who had 70 years stolen from him.”
AMERIA CHAVEZ: America crossed her arms over her chest and straightened her shoulders. The last person to make her nervous was Old Man Steve who should've retired centuries ago. "And all those people they killed? Who advocates for them? You stand up for them because you're emotionally involved. Bet you wouldn't if they were just another nameless HYDRA agent. Now again, why are we here?"
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Well, they had invited a telepath for a reason. As America dissented from what seemed to be the group opinion, Natasha made eye contact with the woman in the rear of the Helicarrier. If Sharon was going to hinder and not help they’d have to go with plan b.
KWANNON: Purposefully situated in the back, the mutant known as Psylocke had been sitting silently. After picking up an errant thought, she caught the gaze of Romanoff and nodded once. She wasn’t Emma. She wasn’t Jean. Thankfully, she wasn’t Betsy. She was the most subtle choice to lead the mutant task force but her stint with the Hellions had prepared her. While Rogue and Cable participated in the discussion, the telepath closed violet eyes and concentrated for a moment. Passcode: 1-1-3-4-7-8-7-8-6-6. Username: Burnes. Storing it in her mind, Kwannon calmly unhooked her seatbelt and moved across the Helicarrier as smoothly as if it wasn’t moving. She was lithe in her actions as pink flared up in the shape of a dagger in one fist and she shoved it through the temple of Sharon Carter, a quick telepathic knockout. As Laura lunged to the side to catch the agent as instructed, Psylocke turned to Natasha. “Passcode: 1-1-3-4-7-8-7-8-6-6. Username: Burnes. I think Agent Morse has something to say.”
STEVE ROGERS: A light, airy scoff puffed from his lips and he shook his head a little. “I used to think the world was black and white too, then I woke up.” Literally. “You can make as many judgements as you’d like, but as far as I’m concerned, anyone who’s willing to let people have their basic human rights taken from them, is no better than those they condemn. Especially if it’s because they think of themselves as superior. But what do I know, I’m just an old man. i’m sure you’ve got it all figured out already.”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “What you lack in subtly, you made up for in presentation.” Natasha snorted at Kwannon. The mutant was unresponsive as she once again took her seat. “I’m loving the debate, but we’re on a limited timeframe now.”
AMERICA CHAVEZ: "We're just trying to save the world." America said just as she heard the commotion and watched an unconscious Carter slump against Laura Kinney. "I'm getting off this plane if someone doesn't inform me what the hell is going on, right now."
LAURA KINNEY: Readjusting as she balanced the weight of Sharon in her arms, Laura eased her to the ground before nudging her with the toe of her boot. So much for being just the back-up.
BOBBI MORSE: “Was that a thinly veiled threat?” Bobbi’s eyes darted between Nat and Psylocke. It didn’t matter. She had been going to talk before Sharon shot her down anyway. “It’s Ripley.” Bobbi rose so she could be seen better. “Star. That’s what the town database is. It’s a complicated system literally hooked into the Reality Stone in her chest. Anything inputted is then instantly translated to reality. I haven’t talked to Ripley, because they’re keeping her unconscious and intubated. The Wyngarde sisters are patrolling the perimeter. What you’re seeing isn’t an illusion. It’s all real.”
DAISY JOHNSON: Daisy's eyes widened as she watched Sharon suddenly into one of the mutant's arms. She wondered for a moment if she might be next, not that she'd blame them. She glanced at Monica for a moment, frowning when she realized that the other agent was definitely avoiding eye contact. Not that she could blame her for that either. But she knew what she could do to make this right, and she wouldn't hesitate this time. "There's also SHIELD agents embedded into the town, but the Wyngarde sisters are the hard part."
KATE BISHOP: Letting out a low whistle, Kate shook her head. “If it’s a Reality Stone, couldn’t Wanda, like, counteract it or something? She’s got some experience here.”
WANDA MAXIMOFF: Although present, Wanda intended to fly home as soon as they reached Pleasant Hill. It wasn’t wise for her to be in the proximity. She shook her head at Kate’s suggestion. “Ripley wields a Reality Stone from Earth-616. I could look into it, but I won’t act until I study more. If what Bobbi says is true then moving prematurely could cement whatever KOBIK has done.”
GABBY KINNEY: Gabby followed suit and poked Sharon's cheek with her finger before chuckling softly and glancing up at Laura. "She was being kind of a bitch anyways." She whispered.
JESSICA DREW: “So what I’m hearing is that if we misstep we run the risk of making everyone stuck as their new happy go luck personas. Or fursona in one case.” God, she was livid. “Now that Natasha and her friend have knocked out Sharon, do we have any idea how to go about this?”
LAURA KINNEY: Wyngarde Sisters. Laura glanced to Cable and Rogue briefly. “I thought they were playing dead.” She muttered under her breath. At Gabby’s comment, she couldn’t help but snort slightly and shake her head.
BOBBI MORSE: As the Helicarrier redirected slightly to chart a course towards Pleasant Hill, Bobbi racked her brain. “Dr. Randall Jessup is the Head of Onsite Scientific Research. You’re not going to get Dr. Selvig, the head of the Science Division, so Jessup is your best choice. He goes by Dr. Daniel Torres and he can work the Directory.” With that, the aircraft slowly began its descent towards a field outside suburbia.
NATHAN SUMMERS: "As they should've." Nathan muttered in response.
CLINT BARTON: "Thanks Bobbi, I've always been a fan of your belated news."
BOBBI MORSE: “I’m sorry, Clint, do you want to take it outside? I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t realize men would become rodents.”
DAISY JOHNSON: Daisy glanced towards Bobbi and Clint, grimacing at the argument before walking over to the pilot and taking a look outside of the window. "Looks like we're here."
SAM WILSON: “Wings up, guys.” Sam stood and cracked his neck. The Helicarrier finally touched down in a heavy gust of wind that flattened the grass. As the ramp slowly began to unfurl, Sam shot Carol a look. “Anyone else see the vanilla and chocolate dominatrixes down there?”
CLINT BARTON: "Maybe we could've realized it earlier if you'd just told someone."
CAROL DANVERS: "Pick up that vernacular from Perry?" Carol remarked teasingly next to Sam as the Wyngard’s came into view.
MARTINIQUE WYNGARDE: Martinique could hear the wind snapping around her and her sister as a helicarrier made its way to a landing, and could make out several guests inside. "I suppose we're supposed to do something about that?" She quipped towards Regan, her eyes rolling.
REGAN WYNGARDE: One hand rested on her black clad hip, the blonde Wyngarde used her free hand to shield her eyes. “--I was really hoping today was going to be a boring one. My shift is almost over.” Her tone was petulant. “Whatever. I’d say no showing off, but I’m the only one who could.”
BOBBI MORSE: “You do realize it’s only been a month, right? I still had to assess and gather evidence. I’m sorry I didn’t blow the whistle fast enough.” That was less apologetic and more annoyed. It felt like marriage counseling again.
SAM WILSON: “I think good ol’ Perry would have started with ‘Hey, girl, let me get in on that’ and then offer them a tour of his basement. Me? I’m happy with what I’ve got. You want to lead the way, Cap?”
CLINT BARTON: "There are people in there that we care about, Bobbi. It just...you could've handled this differently. You know I get it, I just wish I didn't have to."
BOBBI MORSE: Face softening, Bobbi nodded. “I know. I wish it was different. The second Sharon filled me in I either went along with it or had my mind erased, and that wouldn’t have helped anything” Rising to her feet, she unsheathed her battle staves before offering Clint a hand. “Punching things is the only better way to blow off steam than sex.”
CAROL DANVERS: "His basement? Was Perry also the hash slinging slasher?" The ramp hit solid ground and the helicarrier filled with the fading light of day, turning over into purples and blues. She was stepping to the front of the pack to face the Wyngarde's and all of Pleasant Hill when a rush of inertia turned her world a little topsey turvey. With a shove of power through her fists and the bottom of her feet, Carol found stability at the edge of the helicarrier, braced against the wall, just in time to see one of the sisters approach Bucky. "Dammit, I should've read the file." she muttered.
MARTINIQUE WYNGARDE: "Please," Martinique scoffed as she focused her attention on the man with the stupid goggles and metal wings attached to his back. She projected to replace Carol with Regan instead, and made it appear as if she was about to attack James with a knife.
CLINT BARTON: "At least on that we agree." Clint said as he followed suit. He understood better than he wanted to, but that didn't mean he didn't hate that people he cared about were hurting. On autopilot, he nocked an arrow and steadied his bow, rising it just in time for Martinique Wyngarde to shuffle the playing field. Reflexively, he positioned himself just enough to fire the bow at her fist to knock the knife from her grasp.
REGAN WYNGARDE: Finger tapping against her chin, the younger sister observed the heroes unloading. Martinique jumped in instantly, an impetuousness that had never let her be the favorite of their father. “Eenie meenie miney mo,” she hummed under her breath. Noticing the bow being notched, her eyes flashed white before it and the batons of the woman next to the archer vanished. A quick telepathic dive fished out the connection and Regan crossed the field towards them. “You had a lovely honeymoon. Seems like a great day to take a swim, huh?” For Regan, nothing changed. For Barbara Morse and Clint Barton they were suddenly trapped in a room filling with water. Wiping her hands, Regan smiled at her sister. “One point for me and none for you.”
CLINT BARTON: Clint stomped his feet hard, his boots splashing up water that was seeping under his pants and rising above his ankles fast. There was no source for it, which only told him that it wasn't real, but it sure as hell felt real. "I ever tell you I hate swimming? It's an awful activity." He set another arrow and fired at the wall, but the steel just dissolved against the fake walls and splattered into the fake water, only sealing their very real, not fake fates. "Maybe this is why I never signed the divorce papers. You were gonna follow me into death anyway."
BOBBI MORSE: Her staves were gone but Bobbi slammed her shoulder against the wall a few times. “I really hate telepaths.” She grumbled. Bobbi worked with Pleasant Hill. She knew what the Wyngarde’s could do. “Hey, baby?” Bobbi found herself back to back with Clint, using him as leverage to kick at the siding. “Regan Wyngarde’s illusions are strong enough to trick the body. Once we think we’re suffocating, our bodies actually will.” Maybe it was karma. She turned to face him, water now lapping at her chin. “You watched me drown once. That worked out better than this probably will. You know I still love you, right?”
BUCKY BARNES: Commotion broke out on the helicarrier as the Wyngarde’s infiltrated. He'd read the file, he knew that they specialized in illusion based abilities, but he hadn't expected one of them to take the form of Yelena, down to the way she clenched her fists at her sides when things got particularity hairy, always ready to grab a weapon holstered at her hip. To anyone else, this would've been such an easy snare, but James was cynical by nature and not easily disillusioned. He unhitched the rifle from his back holster and cocked it, aiming the barrel level with Yelena's head. "Dumb move, you don't actually think it's that easy to trick me, do you?"
MARTINIQUE WYNGARDE: Martinique glared at her sister, feeling anger flare through her chest as she shook her head and shrugged. As much as she tried not to give into the childish competitiveness that they often got into, she couldn't help it. She always had to prove herself to be better, always had to remind Regan of which of the two of them were older. She diverted her attention to Jessica Drew and pouted. "Your kid's adorable, you know." And with that, suddenly it appeared to Jessica as if her son turned into a porcupine, and then for good measure Martinique had him scurry away quickly towards the bushes.
DAISY JOHNSON: Daisy glared at the two women as everyone in the helicarrier seemed to suddenly lose their minds. She knew they specialized in telepathy and illusions, but other than that it didn't seem like they had a way to defend themselves against a quake. She stepped forward and held her arm around, sending a large shockwave towards the two mutants.
CLINT BARTON: The water was cold as it rushed around them, filling the tank at an alarming speed. They were almost submerged; his hair brushed against the ceiling. There was nowhere left to go. "Really? You're gonna do this now?" Clint said, head tilting down until their foreheads met. "You were always the love of my stupid, stupid life. Maybe I'll get luckier in the next one." He was joking, he always joked when he got nervous. He didn't mean it, but he couldn't break past the need to say it this way. "A stupid illusion." the water was getting higher. "A stupid fucking illusion."
REGAN WYNGARDE: As the dark haired agent Regan had seen inside began to shake the ground, the telepath narrowed her eyes and projected it so it looked as if the ground had dropped away as a result. Now having fun with it, Regan let an illusion roll over her as her body changed. Shorter and far more curved, she wore black jeans with a holster, boots and a dark t-shirt. As Barnes noticed her, she raised an eyebrow almost challengingly. “Nyet.” She spoke into the barrel of the gun with a slight Russian accent. “You’re too smart. Too damaged. But I don’t care.” Taking a step forward, dark painted nails nudged the barrel downwards. “It’d be easier with me. We both know it. I look like her, sound like her. We can all pretend and she can stay where she belongs.”
JESSICA DREW: As Clint and Bobbi suddenly began gasping, Jessica’s head snapped to the side as she saw one of the Mastermind’s appear to have Gerry. “Get the hell away from my son!” But it was too late and he was a porcupine. “You have to be fucking kidding me.” She turned to crawl through the bushes.
MARTINIQUE WYNGARDE: Martinique smirked as Jessica crawled and turned back towards her, continuing the illusion as she made the blood in her veins feel like lead. "Seems like your body's finally catching up with you, Drew." She continued the illusion, making the effects of the poisoning that was constantly plaguing Jessica's body seem to be accelerating.
BOBBI MORSE: Almost half a foot shorter than Clint, Bobbi was paddling to try and stay afloat. “I mean, I’m not sure there’s going to be another time to do it.” Bobbi tried to laugh before almost choking on water. As his forehead hit hers, her eyes briefly closed and she strained to hear him over the sloshing. Aware that she was shaking from the cold, Bobbi tried to button the top of her uniform to try and peel off a layer to make it easier to float. The shaking just increased. “Luckier than me? Never, Barton. I think we tapped out. Let’s be boring next life. Live somewhere warm. No bullshit.” She tried to kiss him, barely managing to reach his lips. “And no stupid fucking illusions.” And with that, Bobbi went under.
CLINT BARTON: There wasn't anymore space. The claustrophobia was intense, careening through any romantic or lovesick thought he could've given in response. He just watched Bobbi go under, the water enveloping around her, helpless to do anything but watch her drown. Again. As the water rose higher up his nose, he tilted his head to get one final breath in before the water went over his head, too.
BUCKY BARNES: He let her, the barrel pointing slightly downward yet his grip tightened around the trigger. The illusion was almost palpable, filling into his senses and spreading into every crack and crevice. He remembered reading how vivid it could feel, how the body would succumb before the mind. "You make a terrible blonde." he said with only a slight tremble in his throat. Forcing himself to move, he released the trigger and instead shifted his grip on the rifle, bringing the side of the gun across Wyngarde's head with a speed only granted by proximity. Even as he made contact, even as he heard the crack of the metal hitting bone, Yelena's form didn't give way into Regan's. It didn't change a bit.
DAISY JOHNSON: Usually it took a second for her shock blasts to hit, but suddenly the floor dropped out from below Daisy and she was falling what seemed to be a pretty lengthy distance. Even if she knew these two could make illusions, that didn't change the fact that this felt very real. Her eyes widened as she desperately tried to grasp onto the sides of the walls, but she just kept falling. And finally, after what felt like forever, she hit the ground with a hard thud that knocked every last breath of wind out of her. She wheezed as she laid on the ground before rolling over and spitting blood out of her mouth. "That... all you got?.."
CAROL DANVERS: It was utter chaos. Carol couldn't get to James or Clint or Bobbi because she was too busy chasing after Jess, who was now on her hands and knees, crawling through nothing. "Jessica fucking Drew-" she grabbed for Jess's shoulder, trying to yank her back. "If you don't get your ass up right now I swear to god I will lob you into space."
LAURA KINNEY: Following Kwannon’s telepathic instructions, Laura had laid low and circled  the perimeter. She could smell a Wyngarde standing next to James despite the difference in appearance, but Laura left him to it as he took her out with a blow from his gun. “Gabby.” She spoke her sisters name quietly, knowing she’d pick up on the sound. Counting to three silently, Laura lunged forwards towards Martinique. Using her momentum, she managed to tackle her with her thighs wrapped around the other mutants torso so she could throw both of them to the ground. Instantly in a crouch, two claws where extended towards Martinique as she left a spot for Gabby.
JESSICA DREW: “You don’t understand.” Jessica ignored Carol. When she touched her the brunette instantly sent a flare of stinging green energy towards her friend. “That a-hole did to Gerry what they did to Roger. I have to find him.” Her body was suffering though, and her crawl stalled as she sat on her knees. “IthinkI’mgoingtopassout.”
WANDA MAXIMOFF: “Enough.” Wanda could see through the illusions. She had been trapped in one of her own, a Westview that momentarily caught her off guard. But the people weren’t real. It only took the sight of her fake husband and children to snap out of it and scarlet exploded off of the Witch as she broke free. Regan Wyngarde was lying prone on the ground even though she looked like Yelena Belova. When Wanda lifted a hand red ate its way over the unconscious form and revealed its true shape. The illusions around the field slowly began to disintegrate and fade in clouds of red as Wanda hung suspended above it all. “I think we should be done with that.”
GABBY KINNEY: Gabby followed nearby, trying to lay low and not draw attention from either of the Wyngarde sisters as she listened to Laura and nodded, sneaking up on the other side of Martinique before she clawed across Martinique's stomach. She intentionally didn't go deep enough to kill, but definitely enough to maim as Martinique let out a scream and threw her head back. "Should we knock her out? We should knock her out, right?" She tried to raise her voice a bit over the screaming.
CAROL DANVERS: "Then pass out, you crazy baby obsessed freak." Carol said, words lined with concern as she shook out her hand. Crouching next to Jess, she braced her arms out, ready to catch, just as the illusion started to die away. They were left in the field, just adjacent to the helicarrier, no porcupines or bushes in sight. "Jess?" Carol asked, hesitantly.
DAISY JOHNSON: As the illusion lifted, Daisy could finally take a deep breath of air again as she came back to reality. She was laying on the helicarrier floor, a little disoriented as she brushed herself off and slowly used one of the side benches to stand herself up. "Bobbi? Clint? You guys good?"
JESSICA DREW: “You should try having a kid. They consume your every thought.” Jess slurred. Now having Carol’s approval, her eyes rolled back in her head and she swooned to the side. A moment later the illusion ceased, and Jessica blinked and sat up once more. Running her had over her face, she glanced around the field in confusion. “Gerry’s not a porcupine, is he? But Roger still is.”
CLINT BARTON: Clint swallowed air with a heave, inhaling so intensely that he began coughing, body lurching forward. He grabbed at his chest, hands slapping against dry clothing; against his holster and accessory weapons. Everything was in place, he was dry, he could breathe. Bobbi--- he shifted so quickly he almost smacked into her. They were both on the ground, against the wall of the helicarrier. Dry, unharmed, alive. "What a fucking dream." he said to himself once he'd regained his breath. "All one big fucking nightmare." he looked up at the sound of Johnson's voice. "Yeah. One of them must've knocked me out." He slowly got to his feet, dusting himself off like he could still feel water beneath his suit. "Always gotta bring the bow and arrow guy along to take the bulk of the beating, huh."
CAROL DANVERS: "Which is why I already have one. You." Carol took the bulk of her weight until Jess popped back up, taking her and her weight with her. "Gerry's not here, Jess. Gocking is, well. Would you rather I say he's safe at home?"
JESSICA DREW: Rising on wobbly feet, Jessica leaned against Carol for a moment of support. Although she had yet to tell her friend, Martinique was right. Her body was killing her. “No. I don’t think I want to say anything on it. Who saved the day?”
LAURA KINNEY: As Martinique began to trash, Laura moved to straddle her with her knee pressured against her solar plexus. “If you have someone who can create illusions and kill people, you’re always going to knock them out. Basic rule, Gabby.” In one quick motion Laura rose and drove her foot into Martinique’s temple. “Easy.”
GABBY KINNEY: "I mean I got the no killing her part down, didn't I? Does that not count for something?" Gabby snorted, laughing a little as Laura kicked Martinique in the head. "I totally could have done that."
BOBBI MORSE: For what wasn’t the first time in her life, Bobbi was pretty sure she died. Which, like every other time, was a bummer. Her lungs had stopped straining for air when out of nowhere it came flooding in to fill her lungs with such and intensity that she gagged. Body slumped against her ex-husbands, it took a second for Bobbi’s brain to catch up. “I’m taking time off after this.” She mumbled. “And I’m going away. Far away.” The top layer of her suit had been discarded to the side of her, and Bobbi buttoned it back on before grabbing her staves and hooking them back into her holster. “I knew I didn’t like those two.”
KWANNON: Picking her way through the field of recovering people, the raven haired telepath made her way first towards the Black Widow. She had psychically blocked herself off from the Wyngarde’s, and as a superior telepath that had allowed her time to pick through the mind of the still unconscious Sharon Carter. Relaying the information to Natasha, she followed the spies suggestion and moved to where James Barnes stood by Regan. “Her father is just as bad.” She commented quietly before dropping her voice and telling him, “Astrid Massey. Twenty-One. She’s a nursing student. Natasha said you would want to know.”
DAISY JOHNSON: "So what's our next move?" Daisy asked, pausing before turning to address Natasha. She knew she wasn't going to be able to make all of this up to them right away, but she was going to do what was right. The time to gather intel was over, it was time to figure out a game plan. "I'll do whatever you guys need me to do. I'm.. really sorry, that I didn't come out and say something sooner. It didn't feel like I had the option to. If Sharon found out.. well, like Bobbi said, we'd probably be locked away in here somewhere too. But as far as I'm concerned, Maria Hill can kiss my ass."
BUCKY BARNES: The illusion had dissolved, letting James confirm Regan's identity before turning his attention towards Psylocke. He still kept a guard against Regan while he listened, his gun pointed down at aimed at her unconscious form. "Thank you." He said thinly. He was so fucking tired of people messing with his and Yelena's mind.
JANE DOE/RIPLEY RYAN: There was a ripple. It was a slight stirring of reality tampering that slowly moved across Westview from its border. The Reality Stone that lived inside of Pleasant Hill’s Jane Doe responded to its multiversal sister when the Scarlet Witch used her magic outside the town. In an unprecedented move, the Town Database crashed for a singular moment. It only took that second for a blonde to materialize in the field by the border, clothed only in a hospital gown with unkempt blonde hair. A plastic hospital bracelet hung off one boney wrist as she stared at the group. “This isn’t right.”
CAROL DANVERS: "Ripley?" Carol said as she stood, hauling Jess to her feet with her. "For a brief, minute moment I wondered where you'd scampered off to. I guess I'm not entirely surprised it's here."
JANE DOE/RIPLEY RYAN: “Ripley.” The woman repeated blankly. “No. No, I don’t think so. Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be.”
CAROL DANVERS: Carol took a tentative step forward, closer to Ripley. "Then who are you? Why aren't we supposed to be here?"
JANE DOE/RIPLEY RYAN: At the question, genuine confusion and dismay washed over her face. She should know that, shouldn’t she? The sedatives that they had been pumping through her system dulled any red flags. Although she was still at first as the other woman approached, Jane took a step towards her and reached out to touch her arm. As soon as she made contact with the fabric of the uniform, the red in her chest lit up the thin gown. Red washing over her features, she looked back up at Carol as the Database once again manipulated the Stone inside of her. “I’m supposed to bring you home.” In a burst of red Carol Danvers vanished.
SAM WILSON: Watching the interaction warily, Sam took a step forward when what appeared to be Ripley touched Carol’s arm. Then, his girlfriend was gone completely and he was in front of the blonde within a second. Grasping both of her shoulders, Sam stared her down only to meet an unfocused gaze. “No, no. We’ve played this game before. Bring her back. Pleasant Hill isn’t our home, or yours. Bring her back or I swear to God, I’ll --- not again. Not this.”
JANE DOE/RIPLEY RYAN: The Database technician was already at work. Through his monitors he observed the group at the border and quickly typed in commands to have the Stone absorb people into the town. America Chavez. Cindy Moon. Clint Barton. Gwen Stacy. Jessica Drew. Kate Bishop. Kwannon. Laura Kinney. Matthew Murdock. Miles Morales. Natasha Romanoff. Scott Lang. He would have continued on but the connection cut out. Under the instructions of Dr. Jessup they had no choice but to recall Ryan back inside the hospital before she came to. Just like that, the Pleasant Hill border was silent once more.
SAM WILSON: Standing there in the aftermath, Sam couldn’t help but let out an angry, “Fuck.” Red disappearing, he looked to Wanda but she just shook her head. If her own abilities had been a catalyst for Ripley appearing they couldn’t risk an encore. “We’ve gotta...” he glanced around. “Sound off.” The heroes remaining made themselves known. Bobbi Morse. Cassie Lang. Daisy Johnson. Gabby Kinney. James Barnes. Jessica Jones. Nathan Summers. Peter Parker. Monica Rambeau. Riri Williams. Rogue. Sam Alexander. Sam Wilson. Sharon Carter. Stephen Strange. Steve Rogers. Vivian Vision. Wanda Maximoff. Sam listened to them all speak and nodded. “So we got a few let then.”
BOBBI MORSE: “We need to divide.” Bobbi announced. “I've got about twelve reality blocker chips on me that could help us get in that I was supposed to distribute. Anyone up a trip into hell?”
JESSICA JONES: “Jesus Christ, no.” Jessica shook her head. She was still reeling from a vision of Kilgrave. “I didn’t want to do this and now I *really* don’t want to do this. Plus, I’m out of whiskey.”
WANDA MAXIMOFF: Locking eyes with Strange, Wanda spoke after a moment. “I’ll go home and study. See what I can learn. I shouldn’t be here. My abilities drew Ripley out. They don’t want me here. I need to go to Krakoa though, I can bring someone with me.”
SAM WILSON: It was decided. Jessica Jones would be brought back to New York by Strange, and Wanda would accompany Rogue to Krakoa while Cable returned the Wyngarde sisters to the Island. Sharon would be brought into Pleasant Hill along with the rescue task force, but without Kwannon they were lacking a back up plan. The task force would consist of Bobbi Morse, Cassie Lang, Daisy Johnson, Gabby Kinney, James Barnes, Peter Parker, Monica Rambeau, Riri Williams, Sam Alexander, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers and Vivian Vision. As each team broke off and vanished into the dying light, Sam took a deep breath before following Bobbi to the gate. In and out. That was the plan, but it wasn’t likely to be reality.
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vvolfstare · 11 months
🕹: to play a claw machine game with my muse!
Bucky would always have a soft spot for Coney Island, and that was precisely the reason he hadn't been back until now. His happy memories were few and precious, and he'd prefer not to disturb them. It felt right to be back here for the first time with Kobik. He knew "childhood" was a relative term for his little cosmic cube, but he still wanted her to have as many happy memories as possible at any age. Sharing something from his life before the Winter Soldier was just a start. Depending on how it went, they could work their way up to Disney or something, which even Bucky had never been to.
"You know what to do?" He fed quarters into the claw machine game she'd chosen and leaned to watch, one hand resting against the glass while she manned the controls. He wasn't sure anyone was actually good at these games, but that had never stopped Bucky from blowing money he didn't have on them even back when he was a kid. That wasn't the point anyway. It was about playing, and having fun, and letting her choose all their activities for the day. (And if she really wanted a giant stuffed unicorn or something, Bucky Barnes, former sharp-shooter and world-renowned assassin, could clean house at all the games that required actual aim.)
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torchedx · 2 months
Campus life means even the weirdest things appear to be completely normal.
The weather was finally decent enough to spend some time outside. Johnny was a fan of dragging a blanket and whatever teammates he could scrounge down to the quad to study. Perhaps it was because very little work ever got done that way. He was far more likely to abandon his books to get a game of Frisbee going, or to chat up a group of cheerleaders who'd come out for some extra practice.
There tended to be more actual work done when Kate was there though. He'd readily admit she was a lot smarter than he was, and also sort of good for him that way. He was stretched out on his back on the blanket to watch the various activities, an arm tucked under his head, the book he'd stopped reading a while ago resting on his chest. "Surely you're not talking about that cat on a leash in the tree. Not weird at all." Despite the leash and the person holding it trying to coax it down, it did not seem in any particular hurry to move.
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vvolfstare · 3 months
Happy birthday to Bucky from Kobik! 🥳🎁
"Well thank you, little soldier. How's about we celebrate at Coney Island?"
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vvolfstare · 8 months
❝ i got a rock. ❞
His lips parted slightly in surprise that people actually did that outside of cartoons. He couldn’t help wondering with a flash of guilt if that had anything to do with him. It wasn’t obvious at a glance that he was the Winter Soldier, with the furry hood and the flannel covering his metal arm. Kobik had chosen Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf for their costumes, and there wasn't a goddamn thing in the world he wouldn’t do for her, including letting her paint a little black wolf nose on his face. Most of the neighborhood knew them though (all the grandmothers in the building had gushed over her costume).
It wasn’t a good time for a self-pity spiral when he just wanted her to have a good night, and he reminded himself that people didn't usually need reasons to be assholes as he pushed it down. It didn’t have to be personal. "That's pretty rude. Didn't know people actually did that." He kept his voice casual, lightly tweaking the ends of her hair. "Tell ya what. If you don't have your weight in candy by the end of the night, we'll hit the stores tomorrow. All the Halloween candy will be on sale, and you can have your pick."
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vvolfstare · 11 months
🪦: to visit a haunted house with my muse!
Taking his kid to Coney Island was practically a rite of passage, but Bucky could admit he had doubts about the haunted house. He knew nothing in there was real. He was pretty sure Kobik knew nothing in there was real, although for all her power he wasn't always clear on her real-world experience. But taking a couple of trauma survivors into a place where the entire purpose was to have things that didn't look human jump out at them seemed questionable at best. Somebody was bound to get hurt, and it probably wouldn't be one of them. At least it was a ride and not a walk-through, so the odds of anyone getting close enough to touch them were small.
He was also a hopeless pushover when it came to her. Maybe Bucky always would have been the kind of dad who spoiled his kids silly, but he couldn't help wanting to make up for all the things she'd never gotten to have as a weapon in Hydra's arsenal. "You sure you wanna?" His grin was teasing as they looked up at the black dragon draped over the roof, a grinning animatronic skeleton greeting them from the ticket booth. Bucky had stepped back to let her run this show today, choosing the rides and games and food. He was just there to make sure she had the time of her life.
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