#certain risks
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
काम की बात : बैंकों की Fixed Deposit में भी है रिस्क, निवेश करने से पहले इन बातों का रखें ध्यान
काम की बात : बैंकों की Fixed Deposit में भी है रिस्क, निवेश करने से पहले इन बातों का रखें ध्यान
नई दिल्ली . निश्चित तौर पर अधिकतर लोगों के लिए फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट (Fixed Deposit) हमेशा निवेश का लोकप्रिय ऑप्शन रहा है. इसका कारण यह है कि इसमें न केवल सुनिश्चित रिटर्न मिलता, बल्कि जोखिम भी कम होता है. फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट मोटे तौर पर दो प्रकार के होते हैं. इनमें से बैंकों की एफडी सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय है, वहीं दूसरी कॉर्पोरेट फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट है. कॉर्पोरेट फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट में उच्च ब्याज की पेशकश की जाती…
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scltbvrns · 2 months
homogenising something that has always been inherently diverse will kill us all one day.
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another-goblin · 11 days
The path of the Hunt seems a bit self-contradictive.
Yes, most of the Hunt characters are proactive, energetic, enthusiastic, and singleminded, but 'hunt' in the traditional sense implies murder. Whereas most of it's characters seem to be motivated by the sanctity of human life, to a certain extent, or the idea of protection at all costs. It's usually not obvious at first glance but becomes clear when you get to know them a bit better.
Seele, who seems unfriendly and gruff at first, whose singular concern is the safety of the Underworld
Yanqing, an arrogant and overconfident child who, without hesitation, challenges two ancient legendary warriors to protect the people of the Luofu.
Sushang, who is called 'naive' in her Character details, is already a Cloud Knight at 15, who spends her days helping others and protecting the people of the Luofu.
Dr. Ratio, whose underlying philosophy of "all lives are worth living" is hidden under his stern exterior.
Topaz, whose methods are absolutely messed up and horrible, but her sincere goal is to give the people of Jarilo-VI the best chances to survive, whether they want it or not.
Boothill, who pulls a gun at everybody he meets, seems genuinely offended when Aventurine accuses him of killing his bodyguards.
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bumblingbabooshka · 21 days
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Overhated Female Character x Underused Female Character [Patreon | Ko-fi]
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lloydfrontera · 21 days
sometimes i do feel for the adaptation team of tged when it comes to the relationship between alicia and lloyd because like. they were fighting a losing battle since the very beginning.
either they respected the source material and got crazy people (me) pointing out that the protagonist has more chemistry and relationship build up with his best friend than he does with his supposed romantic interest.
or they change it in the adaptation to make alloyd have more interactions and build up and get crazy people (me) upset and questioning why they're omitting or changing scenes that make lloyd and javier's relationship deeper in the novel to make them seem less close than they truly are.
there's just no winning for them because this is something that is inextricable from the source material
in the novel lloyd and javier's relationship is the core of the plot. whatever they have going on is the heart of the entire thing. and either you accept that and the fact that there's bound to be people who will see it as something romantic and be disgruntled when lloyd is unceremoniously married off to someone he barely knew and did not want to marry for 90% of the novel. or you change it and completely destroy the core of the plot, ruining what's probably the best part of the story.
it's an impossible choice,,,, if you're someone who can't stand the idea of having a protagonist who's a little fruity with his best friend that is lmao
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yogoblog · 2 years
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sanjarka · 3 months
i'm gonna start being mean. if you have enough understanding for katniss's depression then how are you calling katniss's mom selfish for her response to her husband's death. you do understand what catatonic depression is right? you understand that she didn't purposely abandon her children?
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
One of my design goals with Susan Taxpayer is that there should always be a smooth way to transition from one moment in the level to the next, in the room-to-room gameplay. Like, secret breakable walls that allow you to keep your momentum or adjusted platforms so that they're just low enough so that you can chargebounce onto them if you know exactly what you're doing. I want speedrunning the levels to be fun and rewarding while still making the basegame beatable by being slow and methodical. trying to cater to both types in a way. You are rewarded with extra health and coins for scouting out every single area in a level and taking your time, but if you're speedrunning, you probably don't need that, so there's always little alternative routes you can take that blast through sections at the expense of a safety net.
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night-creeps · 7 months
I still think I was onto something when I said that Kim's fixation on the revolutionary air brigades felt kind of like a kid with glasses really wanting to be a firefighter and then learning that you can't be a firefighter if you don't have natural 20/20 visiom because the heat would melt plastic or cause burns from metal frames and contacts weren't a safe choice either. It feels a lot like that. He wanted to work on those aerostatics but couldn't because of his eyesight
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cryptocism · 1 month
I 100% get it, I had started writing a script for a comic (developed off of old fanfiction that I revamped then revamped again in the DC universe) and immediately got Really Defensive because if I were to pitch it to DC and it got picked up that's just There now for Editorial and other writers to fuck with because they're a product of their own story and I feel would get turned into this certain flanderized (or worse since these characters are not White) over time. It hasn't gotten far/probably wouldn't have but I do think if I go forward it's gonna be indie route because I think once the character's story is through it needs to be left where it ended.
The defensiveness really blindsides you its wild!
tbh I think everybody who reads comics knows of at least one run that completely ruins a character, or a famously bad editorial decision or retcon that has negative consequences on canon for decades. The idea of that happening to your story or your characters is a genuine shot of anxiety that can really take the wind out of a writers sails.
I think about the Mark Waid interview where he talks about Flash: Fastest Man Alive and what they did to Bart's character, and how he openly said he'd rather Bart be dead than misunderstood/mishandled. Which is probably a lot of writers' sentiments about the characters' they created decades ago turning into something unrecognizable before their eyes.
But it's also an unavoidable reality of writing comics in an interconnected universe manned by corporate interests. It feels like if you want to commit to writing the characters you grew up loving or create new characters for that existing universe, there's some level of letting go that needs to be done. which is why i think despite not necessarily being as financially successful/stable or mainstream, the indie comics scene is still thriving with cool stories and amazing writers.
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daz4i · 1 year
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helianskies · 6 months
winter prompts ☃️
'tis the season to write some slightly fluffier offerings for once! you know the drill! feel free to check with me if you are unsure if i'd write certain characters/pairings! <3
[ 1 ] - “what do you mean you 'don't need a coat'?”
[ 2 ] - “that was more ice than snow!”
[ 3 ] - “please don't fall!”
[ 4 ] - “maybe you could warm me up...?”
[ 5 ] - “look's like you've caught a cold.”
[ 6 ] - “you're so toasty!”
[ 7 ] - “thank you for making it special.”
[ 8 ] - “i'm actually allergic to holiday cheer.”
[ 9 ] - “let's build a snowman!”
[ 10 ] - “it's just a little something.”
[ 11 ] - “winter and i are sworn enemies.”
[ 12 ] - “but if i get out of bed i'll be cold!”
[ 13 ] - “look, a shooting star!”
[ 14 ] - “you did all of this yourself?”
[ 15 ] - “i can't believe you got me this!”
[ 16 ] - “that's the ugliest jumper i've ever seen.”
[ 17 ] - “you've never been ice-skating?”
[ 18 ] - “can i borrow your scarf?”
[ 19 ] - “come on, dance with me!”
[ 20 ] - “looks like we're snowed in.”
[ 21 ] - “office parties suck…”
[ 22 ] - “dinner is served!”
[ 23 ] - “at least pretend to like it!”
[ 24 ] - “here, warm yourself by the fire.”
[ 25 ] - “no one should be alone for the holidays.”
[ 26 ] - “i have something to ask you…”
[ 27 ] - “don't lick that pole!”
[ 28 ] - “i see we've ended up under the mistletoe.”
[ 29 ] - “hey, no peeking!”
[ 30 ] - “you're the best present i could have ever wished for.”
last year's list of wintery prompts is also over here for those who want to nose! happy december! and of course feel free to have a go at these yourself!
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bedazzlecunt · 1 month
I agree that nobody should be basing ideas around safe(r) kink from fantasy posts on tumblr, but I've come across plenty of educational posts on here that were genuinely helpful and enlightening. I don't think it's fair to suggest that they're all lying.
one of the most popular posts i ever used to see on here before i blocked OP was a guide for how to safely choke someone. not how to choke someone more safely, safer. how to do it SAFELY. this post, which continues to be extremely popular and has no doubt inspired a great deal of play, advises CUTTING OFF BLOOD TO THE BRAIN as a safe way to do choking!!!
obviously there are plenty of posts that are not out here insisting that actually there are 0 risks to choking your partner until they pass out, but there are a great number of posts that poke at that sort of thing. a huge number of posts that say "doms, we subs don't know how to communicate." a huge number of posts that posit and insist that there are actual 0 risks with biting your partner anywhere.
and — maybe this is worse! — i don't think the people making these posts are lying! i think they are uninformed and sometimes reacting with anger and defensiveness because someone somewhere told them that "hey this thing you like might not be safe" or even just "you have to be capable of communication and honesty to do kink safely." nobody's writing a post and twirling their mustache about how they're gonna ruin somebody's life by getting them to choke their partner, but a lot of people are spreading irresponsible shit anyway and i think it's healthy to approach every tumblr kink post with the mindset of "there is at least a 50% chance that this information is wrong"
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pinkrabit · 1 month
Any ship w jiang cheng that ends happily I will immediately enjoy bc I identify so.closely with him
My special guy
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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There's taking your crush out and then there's taking your crush out!
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"No one's gonna find you though..." - Creepy kidnapper/serial killer guy to Carlos.
He does not know how mistaken he is. There is a TK Strand out there who stole a fire truck just to search for his dad. Also the same TK who was close to death but decided eh better wake up because my man needs me and I need to tell him to breathe. He does not know that TK Strand has went through hell and back and is still standing... and he'll do it again for Carlos. This man will be on a mission to be reunited with his heart.
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