#celinamarniss wrote this
celinamarniss · 1 year
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We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by celinamarniss
Din, searching for a Jedi to train Grogu, finds two.
The Din/Luke/Mara fic I said I wasn't going to write.
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myevilmouse · 10 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
Thank you for the tag @guestiguess!
I actually AM writing, catching up on all the @lukeskywalkerfanart Year of Luke prompts via drabbles. I will start posting them soon, writing a cohesive (sort of) multi-drabble fic.
So here's the last sentence I wrote:
“Time to rescue some Wookiees,” Luke muttered, breaking into a run.
That's 11 words ack! I will no pressure tag @cybervesna, @handsofthrawn, @jedimordsith, @jedidryad, @celinamarniss, @klcthebookworm, @farmboy1, @jadelotusflower, @bananasareforparties, @ele-millennial-weirdo and @mysticalgalaxysalad!
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atamascolily · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Planet Coruscant (Star Wars), Force Trees, Botany, Ecology, Ewoks (Star Wars) Summary:
A uneti seed germinates in the Corsucant underworld under the most unlikely circumstances.
(Hey, @celinamarniss, I finally wrote a Coruscant fic!!!)
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jadelotusflower · 4 years
Writer Tag Game
tagged by @findswoman - thanks!
Author name: jadelotusflower here and AO3, lotusflower85 on ff.net
Fandoms you write for: Star Wars, Robin Hood BBC, Merlin BBC, Stargate SG-1
Where you post: All current works are on AO3 (still need to archive some old fic there) - I post one shots or links with chapter updates here, and there is some stuff on ff.net (mostly multichapters). I prefer people read my work on AO3 since that has imo the best reading format, and I’ve also gone back and edited some works there while ff.net has the old versions.
Most popular one-shot: Based on kudos on AO3 - 3 a.m. 
Favourite story you wrote: It’s very hard to choose just one and so I’m not going to, but break it down by fandom. Red Five (Star Wars), A Life Less Ordinary (Robin Hood) and Against the Dying of the Light (Merlin) are my favourite fics - they’re the fics I’m proudest of and I think represent some of my best writing. It’s also no coincidence that they’re all fix it fics and represent my personal headcanon for the various fandoms (although in the case of SW, for thaty particular timeline).
Story you were nervous to post: Red Five, because it was a Luke/OC pairing, because said OC was by design an expy Mara, because it was taking a lot of sequel trilogy elements and running with them when the theories/details were being contradicted very quickly. There was a lot of smut but also a lot of plot (the final word count clocks in at over 200k), there are quite a few dark/serious elements and I really put the characters through the ringer.
How do you choose your titles: Sometimes I get a flash of inspiration for a title when the fic idea hits, but more often than not I look to the more poetic words of others, and search for a poem, literary reference, or quote that matches thematically.
How many of your stories are complete?: On AO3, 36 out of 41.
In progress: On AO3, five. Unposted but at least started or existing in fragments, eight.
Coming Soon: Chapter 10 of Against the Dying of the Light, Chapter 4 of The Lady of the Lake, Chapter 41 of Turn Your Face to the Sun - maybe in that order, maybe not, depending on how inspiration strikes.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: Assuming this relates to unposted works, I actually do have a sequel to Red Five that I’ve been working through in my mind that I’m very excited about, but have promised myself that I won’t focus on it until the abovementioned wips are finished.
Do you accept prompts: I would like to, but my wips are overwhelming enough already.
Top five favorite authors: I hate having to rank like this, so I am going to recommend my dear friends who are also amazing writers and everyone should read their stuff:
@thatginchygal @ta-dala @threadsketchier @findswoman
Tagging: The above, and some other amazing authors @jedimordsith  @myevilmouse @atamascolily @celinamarniss @jadedjo @klcthebookworm, and anyone else who would like to do this (please tag me so I can see).
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jadedjo · 4 years
For the meme! 10 for The Void, 19, and 49
For the FanFic Writers Ask:
10) In your The Void fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
When I first started writing I had a vague ending in mind and since I wrote and posted on the fly the fic just evolved organically with what felt right and that vague goal in mind. This also meant that when I got stuck after chapter 2 I wasn’t sure where to take it to get to the ending I had in mind. But luckily a friendly neighborhood @jedimordsith helped walk me through my block and I was able to finish. I did think about ending it differently, only because I love happy endings, but this was a horror story so I stuck with the first idea I had. Spoiler Alert! Everybody is dead, Mara is crazed and Shirlee is alone.
This makes me think that I usually have an ending in mind and most often will have it as a goal before anything else gets figured out and that I don’t change my mind.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’m going to assume that this is not for stories in a series as I have sequels for Crossing A Line and Because the Night already started. But as Crossing is the first story in the series and The Night is the last part of the same series, I guess the sequel for The Night counts? Anyway, that’s the only story I can think of that needs a sequel. I left poor Luke and Mara very sexually frustrated in that fic and they need some uninterrupted alone time. All the others are just drabbles or one-shots that feel complete as they are. I also tend to think of most of my stories as belonging to the JadeDjo-verse unless very AU.
I do believe that @celinamarniss hinted that she would like to know more about what 2 certain Jedi were doing in a dark corridor of the Yavin IV Temple that was hinted at in I Get Off......so, someday?
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
uhhhhhhhh....no? This was 20+ years ago mind you. I just know that it was probably something to do with The X-Files. I found fanfic for that first before anything else.
Thanks for asking! FanFic Writers Ask
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teagrl · 7 years
Where do we go from here? Looking at the NJO through the Old Jedi Order
I am a Legends fan and so one of the frustrating things is how terribly things went at the end of the day for the New Jedi Order. So when I read about the Old Jedi Order. It’s on the one hand terribly depressing (OMG IT ALL SUCKS AGAIN) and incredibly motivating because there’s a lot of material to draw from where we can diagnose and think about how things could go differently.
This is a long post where I point out some of the most frustrating bits for me of Legends canon and keep asking questions. 
@ peopleareicebergs wrote:
Totally agreed on the fascination of imagining how Luke could do it differently. Bringing in something you said in a different post: "some children had deep wounds that upbringing at the Temple couldn't address" - from what I know, this line about Anakin also describes Kyp Durron at Luke's academy pretty well.
And this is why I’m so interested and so hesitant in condemning the Old Order Jedi, because Luke overcorrects in the post Endor Legends EU in favor of mercy and genocide happens. Not just Kyp, Kueller too. That’s two apprentices who needed the Death Star calculus done on them.
I’m interested in thinking how Kyp Durron could have felt supported enough not to listen to a dead Sith Lord ghost whispering sweet nothings in his ear. 
Or Luke actually getting some ysalamiri to deal with Kueller and try to get him some help before he left the Praxeum and went to mass murder people. Or if such a thing could not be averted, then Luke dealing with it in a timely manner, not having it end up where it did.
The narratives treat these incidents lightly, but these are not light things, especially when the Praxeum hasn’t been open that long. These two disasters are a huge political and social argument AGAINST Jedi or at the very least an argument that Luke needs to close up the Praxeum and go meditate a little more because the failure of an apprentice is a bigger failure of a master.
And re attachment--
Then there’s the fact that after the Vong War, Luke realized his Masters on the Council can’t reach consensus enough to fucking FUNCTION and takes up the title of Grand Master again to try and get them to work (hoping this move as “king of the Jedi” -- I am quoting here -- will unite them AGAINST him) and...it backfires when the Council basically starts functioning. The nightmare fuel of it being that it is Luke holding it together. 
Then there’s the fact that when Luke is exiled in Fate of the Jedi, the Council again falls apart. But it’s okay, everyone, because Luke is back!...And so are the Sith.
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In short, the Legends EU Jedi Order seems despairingly unstable. Sure, Luke is a much more chill Grand Master than Yoda, but the problem is seemingly his attachment to the Order he has built from the ground up. His total inability to deal with the possibility that it might fail and the creation of an unhealthy codependency with it so that it does not.
We can correct this -- @celinamarniss has by making Luke listen to reason and go fucking retire, but I’m interested in the politics too. I’d like to see how the initial issues could be averted as well and also how stability in the Order could be achieved.
How can we conceive of an Order with built in checks and accountability?
What would these look like? 
Where might we fit in healers? Minders? The issue of mental health and Jedi?
How would these Jedi relate to non-Force users?
How might Jedi establish productive links and communication with other non-Jedi Force users? 
What would its relationship to the largest elected government (whose authority it is subject to) look like? 
What would the oversight they’d compromise on look like?
And these questions are just the beginning.
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door · 7 years
Rules: List 5 fandom facts about yourself and then tag 5 people. I was tagged by @celinamarniss. I don't know what fandom facts are so I did my best?? 1. Most of my earliest fandoms can be blamed on @afgurri, who was and always has been excellent at knowing just what he needs to say or show me to get me hooked on something. He got me into Firefly by showing me "Shindig," for example. He started me on that, Legend of Zelda, Doctor Who, literally all anime, and Sandman (and thus: comics). I've gotten him into plenty of nonsense in return. 2. The earliest fanfic I wrote was for Gundam Wing. I wrote two little fics, both of which are still out there. I reread them every few years, and stand by them. 3. The fic I'm proudest of is Extra Whip, but my fave thing I've written is currently the ace attorney fic. Whenever it gets kudos I want to find the person responsible and hug them. 4. The most prolific period of my fanfic writing career was when I was the loneliest I had ever been. Wrote a shit ton of Parks & Rec and Inception fic tho. It was also when I really started interacting with fandom on LJ and tumblr! Thanks for keeping me alive, Parks & Rec and Inception pals. 5. When I got into Stargate, i did it in the most ass-backwards way imaginable. I decided to pick SGA up when Jewel Staite joined the cast, so I went to borders to get a box set (HOW WE DID BACK THEN), but they only had season 2. Bought it anyway, which started with a Part 3. We watched it anyway, then continued on to the new season on tv, then later doubled back and watched season 1. Still later, I saw the SERIES FINALE of sg-1 on tv, decided I'd like to watch it after all, and through a combo of box sets Adam already owned and me shelling out for the giant complete series box, watched all 10 seasons of the show in about a month. While also working retail full time. It was extremely foolish, probably. Ok that's enough of that I'm tagginggggg @scullyseviltwin, @spicycheeser, @notcaycepollard, @bookgeekgrrl, and @ratherembarrassing
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celinamarniss · 1 year
Han and Mara share a bottle of moonshine and try to avoid talking about anything important.
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celinamarniss · 1 year
Han decides that Mara needs a friend.
A low-key, no-stakes story to round out the series and close out the end of the year.
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myevilmouse · 2 years
Love Yourselves:  2021
I was tagged by @arizonapoppy​​!  Thank you for the tag. 
Rules: filter your Ao3 stats page to 2021 and answer some questions/link some fics for everyone to enjoy! Tag 3 friends to do the same.
How many fics did you finish this year?
Well, I did the multifandom drabble exchange this year, so that doesn’t really count...My AO3 page says I wrote 35 fics this year but if we eliminate the drabbles then it’s only 6...by far my least prolific since I started posting on AO3...
Most popular (by kudos):
Copy That, the Mara Jade x Luke Skywalker clone gangbang you’ve been waiting for...
I’m not surprised, you pervs 😁😘
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Least popular (by kudos):
The least popular is my fuckin magnificent multifandom drabble lol told in haiku The Perfect Blend.  Doesn’t anyone like those Japanese Tommy Lee Jones commercials?  I’m so proud of this thing. 😭
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Most enjoyable to write:
I’m going to go with Failure to Communicate here.  This was my Merry Chissmas blackout bingo fic, and Tarkin IS SO FUN TO WRITE.  I really love that bastard.  It was just a low pressure, wham bam done in a couple hours fic that reminded me why I love writing fic and how sad I am I didn’t do more of it this year.
Copy That gets an honorable mention but the coherent choreography of a sixsome is WORK people.  WORK I tell you. 
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Me trying to figure out which appendage can go in which available orifice^^
Most out of your comfort zone to write:
Easily No Small Thing (Jaime/Brienne).  I decided to pinch hit for a fic exchange I wasn’t even participating in, for a fandom I don’t actively participate in, and that was a bit stressful, since it was a pretty monster fandom.  And the books are different than the show and it was hard to decide things like what freaking color Jaime’s eyes should be when they are different in the different media... A LOT of research for a ship I’d never written (is Jaime a tenor?  What’s his singing voice like?  Go google Nikolaj Coster Waldau singing and find out!).  It didn’t take too long and huge props to my husband who supported and served as advisor.
Also I take gift fics very seriously, and really work hard to try to hit the likes of the giftee, an added level of complexity to writing this.  But it has been well received ❤ Thanks GoT fandom!
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Fic you’re most proud of:  
Since it’s “fic” I shall remove the drabbles from consideration.  *throws them out*
Copy That, since I have wanted to write Mara with a clone gangbang FOREVER and I finally did it!
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Best fic you wrote (or finished) this year, in your opinion:
I actually finished a sort of sequel to Conflicting Aesthetics that I have not posted, which is really my fave thing I did, but since it’s not posted I am going to go with Copy That again.
Anything you wrote that you feel is underrated?  
Besides that Tommy Lee Jones-inspired haiku?!!?  :) 
I wrote a bilingual Thryce story told in drabbles (each chapter is 100 words for 10 separate chapters) which was 1) a lot of work 2) a pretty sweet little ficlet.  I think some people didn’t understand it was in English as well as Polish so it hasn’t gotten as much love as most of my Thryce stuff usually does, so either it’s not as sweet as I think, or the long scary consonant clusters that hover near the English are intimidating...
It’s called Party Games and it was a gift for the incomparable @handsofthrawn​​
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I’ll tag @celinamarniss​​ @jedimordsith​​ and @jedidryad​​!
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myevilmouse · 3 years
What's the deal with Camera Obscura? Your fic is part of a series by a fic that was deleted? Can you explain I love that fic.
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Thank you for this ask Anon!  I’m so happy you love Camera Obscura...(look at the amazing header @celinamarniss made for it!) and this question makes me think it’s time for...
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So basically I think what you are referring to is how if you click on this now you see the following:
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This is because frangipani (@teagrl on tumblr) wrote an amazing story called Phantasmagoria which is an AU where post-Mindor Luke gets some paid dominatrix therapy in the form of one of Mara’s personas giving him some sexy fun times.  It is a brilliant fic and the world frangi created was soooo appealing to me.  I’m not normally a huge femdom fan and I’m also not a huge sub!Luke fan but it worked and it worked SO well I just consumed that fic and reread it and reread it and loved it.  I never knew sub!Luke could work but wow it did and it does.
So anyway, I had an idea for a “what if” scenario that she hadn’t explored in her fic:  What if, during the “scene” or whatever you want to call it, Luke all of a sudden didn’t play by the rules?  What if he sort of forgot the parameters of the professional fancy hooker relationship and decided he wanted to play for real?  So...that is what gave birth to Camera Obscura.  I am very proud of the fic and I’m so happy you love it!
And YES it was inspired by the currently-unavailable Phantasmagoria, and is in fact a “missing scene” sort of set between chapters in that fic, which is an epic that frangi is tweaking and plans to finish.  She took down the whole fic while she rewrites and finishes it, so that is why you cannot read the gloriousness that inspired my fic.  But while you wait for her to finish, you can read her other stuff!  She has a lot of fun twisty sexy Luke/Mara for you to explore until that other fic gets back online.
I hope that clears it up!  So the TL;DR short version is Camera Obscura isn’t really part of a series, it is a missing scene fic that fits into frangi’s Phantasmagoria fic which is on temporary hiatus while she finishes it! 
Also just as a reminder/PSA:  never a bad idea to download/save fics you love!  You never know if something will be deleted or disappear for any number of reasons!
Thank you again for the ask anon!
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atamascolily · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: In-Universe Meta, Worldbuilding, Books, Planet Alderaan (Star Wars), Destruction of Alderaan (Star Wars), Alderaanian Culture (Star Wars), Literary References & Allusions
A fic I wrote for the 2021 Worldbuilding Exchange - many thanks to @celinamarniss and @noxelementalist for the beta!
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celinamarniss · 4 years
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okay @celinamarniss​ I liked being traumatized. THAT SCENE for any of the Legacy fics?? 
If you’re asking if Luke’s death was the scene that made me want to write Legacy, the answer is no. Luke’s death was part of the concept from the absolute beginning, but the scene I wanted to write was the big throne room showdown--Mara, after years of trauma and with a kid in tow, finally faces off against Vader and the Emperor. THAT scene was the scene I wrote a fic for. (Finally getting to that scene and having to write it was a different story! writing is hard!) 
However, the first scene I actually wrote, and in writing realized I couldn’t turn my back on this fic--was the scene between Mara and Karrde in the hospital after she gives birth to Ben. I remember very clearly hiking through the woods in Seattle, running the lines through my head and hoping I wouldn’t forget them by the time I got to a pen and paper or computer. 
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myevilmouse · 4 years
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Since I’m working on wrapping up Infectious lately, my monster fuck of die fic, I thought I would give a little trivia about Kinetic Countermeasures, the first fuck or die fic I ever wrote for Thryce.
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I love me a little dubcon and when I started delving into fanfic--just about late 2018--I learned about this wonderful trope.  I first toyed with dubcon in the guise of sex pollen for Luke & Mara, but then the Thryce Discord had an “Ascension Week” fic challenge, where we were supposed to write a fic set during those festivities before Empire Day (when Thrawn and Pryce met for the first time in the nu!canon 2017 book), and I saw my chance for the coveted “fuck or die”.
The first thing that came to mind was the fact that Moff Ghadi, during the event, drugs Pryce with polstine spice.  But what if it WASN’T raw spice, what if it was some marvellous evil drug that would make her super horny for one (1) Imperial alien? 
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So that was my starting point, and I decided to write it from Thrawn’s POV, which made the whole thing a different sort of writing exercise.  In order to approach it with his militaristic / soldierly kind of practical perspective, I decided to name all the chapter titles after actual military terms used when discussing threats and remediating actions.  I really had fun with those chapter titles (’cause I’m a geek):  1.  Threat Remediation 2.  Risk Assessment 3.  Vulnerability Analysis 4.  Security Recovery.
Eli was involved, of course, because he was at the Ascension Week party with Thrawn, so we had a little awkward threesome early on, but it is ultimately a Thryce fic (although there is a teeny tiny taste of Eli for Thrawn in there for the Thranto folks in the crowd). A final trivia tidbit--I wrote all except the first chapter on an extended business trip in a galaxy far far away with crappy internet.  @celinamarniss​ was my patient beta as I navigated power outages and work stresses!
I didn’t expect it to be anything except porn with a smattering of plot/setup, but it actually wound up being almost sweet in parts (I think, at least), and I really had fun with the Thryce-fucking-as-total-strangers scenario.  So if you are a fuck or die fan, or a Thryce fan, you may enjoy.  
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myevilmouse · 4 years
What do you think about the soulbond trope?
Happy August anon, and thank you for the question!  I like asks!
So I wanted to make sure I understood the difference between soulbond and soulmates, so I checked the fanlore site before responding.  And I also discovered this concept of soulbond as a fictive presence (instead of a trope) which is fascinating to see written up. So I fell down that rabbit hole a little bit 😊
But to your question, I guess my thoughts about it are sort of conflicted. I -do- believe in soulmates in real life (I married mine), and sharing a bond that goes beyond our regular or cultural concept of ‘love’ that could be well-described as a soulbond.  But I also think it’s important to consider that just because something is destined or fated, characters shouldn’t necessarily be enslaved by it (unless that’s your kink muwahahah then it could be a fun concept).
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So I think the soulbond concept works really well in situations like people and pets (daemons are a popular manifestation of this!  check out @celinamarniss‘ stuff) and between sentients who are already in love and then somehow find a deeper connection through the whole ‘whoops we made a soulbond’ type of story.  Luke/Mara do this a lot in my fandom because Star Wars invented the whole ‘training bond’ concept (which personally I don’t really like and would prefer to think of Luke, Yoda, or any Jedi training students the old-fashioned way). But anyway, there is this prevalent idea that you can bond telepathically or empathically in a platonic way, and then—with the right partner—you can make this soulbond.  
I personally like the trope the best if it explores the bond in a way that it is allowed to develop, or can manifest in a variety of ways, and isn’t sudden or rigid.  So using Luke and Mara as an example, I prefer more of a “wow our love actually created this soulbond” instead of a “wow our soulbond convinced us we’re in love” if that makes sense?
I actually wrote a fic that I’ve never posted about a soulbond involving Luke, and it was really fun to explore the telepathic aspect of that.  I’ve also written a fic about destined soulmates for Thryce called The Problem With Prophecy, if you are interested in how I tackled that subject.  In that story, the idea that choice takes precedence over fate is central.
Thank you again for the ask!  This was a fun thing to think about today.  I hope I answered your question!
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celinamarniss · 4 years
Writer Tag Game
tagged by @jadelotusflower Thanks for thinking of me!
Author name: celinamarniss here and on ao3. Celina Marniss is one of Mara Jade's aliases. 
Fandoms you write for: Star Wars, the Campaign Podcast (Star Wars series) 
Where you post: AO3 
Most popular one-shot: by hits: The Punch of Supreme Friendship, by kudos: Unexpected (even though it has half the hits, it beats Punch by three kudos which is... unexpected!) 
Favourite story you wrote: I've said this before but I can never pick a favorite. 
Story you were nervous to post: I get nervous a lot! (It's the anxiety!) I was much more nervous in the beginning, when I was starting out. Posting Legacy was nerve-wracking! I'm more confident now, but it can still hit me. Posting anything smutty is always nerve-wracking.
How do you choose your titles: It depends. I've already talked about this in excruciating detail here. 
How many of your stories are complete?: On AO3, all stories are complete. (Possible exception is Traces of Light, which is a open-ended series of stories. It's not complete as a whole, though every short story posted so far is complete). 
In progress: I have nine stories sitting in my drafts folder, in various stages of progress (and several more ideas on the back burner). Sometimes that “progress” is "two pages of words and I haven't looked at it in six months." 
Coming Soon: The last command remix story. I have two or three chapters left to write, and as soon as I can figure out a title, I can start posting. 
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: This changes on a weekly basis. 
Do you accept prompts: Not really. I already have so much on my plate. 
Top five favorite authors: I mostly read my usual fandom buddies. 
Tagging: go for it, if you have the time and inclination. yes, you! 
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