#catholic prayer journal
schofieldtimmermann24 · 4 months
From Disease to Health: The Role of Prayer in Healing
Prayer is a universal practice that has actually been a part of human culture for centuries. It is a way for people to connect with a higher power, look for assistance, and find solace in times of requirement. Prayer holds great significance in different cultures and religions worldwide, functioning as a means of interaction with the divine. Beyond its spiritual significance, prayer has actually likewise been recognized for its possible to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Prayer has the power to heal not just because it is a form of communication with a greater power, however likewise because it can bring about a sense of peace, convenience, and hope. In times of disease or distress, prayer can supply people with a sense of purpose and significance, assisting them find strength and durability. It can also act as a source of emotional assistance and connection, as people come together in prayer neighborhoods to provide their objectives and support one another. The Connection between Spirituality and Health There is a growing body of research study that recommends a strong link between spirituality and health. Research studies have actually revealed that people who participate in spiritual practices, such as prayer, tend to have much better physical health results. They have lower rates of chronic diseases, faster recovery times from illnesses, and improved general wellness. Spirituality also plays a significant function in psychological and psychological wellness. Prayer can offer people with a sense of peace and peace, lowering stress levels and promoting relaxation. It can also help people cope with challenging feelings and discover meaning in difficult circumstances. Furthermore, prayer has been found to promote favorable thinking and emotional wellness by promoting gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. Historical and Cultural Point Of Views on Prayer and Healing The practice of prayer as a healing tool has deep historical roots. Throughout history, prayer has actually been an important part of conventional medication and recovery practices in various cultures around the globe. In amazon prayer journal , such as Egypt, Greece, and China, prayer was utilized along with organic treatments and other healing strategies to promote physical and spiritual healing. In numerous cultures, prayer holds terrific cultural significance. It is seen as a method to connect with ancestors, seek assistance from divine beings, and preserve harmony with the natural world. Prayer rituals are typically performed in spiritual spaces or throughout particular times of the year to honor and conjure up magnificent intervention. These cultural practices highlight the belief in the power of prayer to bring about healing and remediation. Scientific Proof on the Benefits of Prayer for Health Scientific research studies have been carried out to check out the possible benefits of prayer for health. While the outcomes are combined, there is evidence to recommend that prayer can have favorable effects on physical health results. Research studies have shown that prayer can reduce blood pressure, enhance immune function, and enhance total well-being. Prayer has likewise been discovered to have a considerable effect on minimizing stress levels and promoting relaxation. When people take part in prayer, they enter a state of deep focus and concentration, which can help calm the mind and body. This relaxation reaction can cause a reduction in tension hormonal agents and a boost in sensations of peace and harmony. Various Kinds of Prayer and Their Healing Results Prayer takes numerous forms and can be practiced in numerous ways depending on a person's beliefs and choices. Some common kinds of prayer consist of spoken prayers, silent prayers, meditation, shouting, and visualization. Each kind of prayer has its own distinct recovery effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Spoken prayers involve speaking or reciting specific words or phrases to communicate with a greater power. This form of prayer can offer people with a sense of comfort and connection as they reveal their intentions and desires. Silent prayers, on the other hand, involve quiet consideration or reflection without explaining in words thoughts or objectives. This kind of prayer enables individuals to listen for assistance and get in touch with their inner selves. Meditation is another powerful form of prayer that includes focusing the mind and going into a state of deep relaxation. Through meditation, people can cultivate a sense of mindfulness and existence, enabling them to get in touch with their spiritual selves and find inner peace. Shouting and visualization are likewise forms of prayer that can promote healing by creating a sense of consistency and balance within the mind, body, and spirit. The Role of Faith and Belief in Prayer for Healing Faith and belief play a vital role in prayer for recovery. When prayer journal trust the power of prayer and think in the possibility of healing, they are most likely to experience favorable results. This is due to the fact that faith and belief can affect a person's mindset, promoting positive thinking and visualization. Favorable thinking is a vital element of prayer for healing. When people maintain a favorable frame of mind, they are most likely to experience feelings of hope, optimism, and durability. This positive mindset can have a profound effect on physical health results by minimizing tension levels, increasing immune function, and promoting overall wellness. Belief in the power of prayer also extends beyond the individual. When individuals come together in prayer neighborhoods or look for support from others, their collective faith can create an effective recovery energy. This sense of community and support can provide individuals with a sense of belonging and connection, enhancing the recovery process. Prayer as a Complementary Treatment for Illnesses Prayer can function as a complementary treatment together with standard medical treatments for various diseases. While it is not a substitute for medical care, prayer can improve the healing procedure by promoting relaxation, lowering stress levels, and providing emotional assistance. For individuals with persistent diseases, prayer can be particularly useful. It can assist people handle the difficulties of coping with a long-term condition by providing them with a sense of purpose and significance. Prayer can likewise help manage discomfort and other signs connected with chronic illnesses, improving overall lifestyle. Overcoming Barriers to Prayer for Recovery Despite the potential advantages of prayer for healing, there are common barriers that individuals might deal with. These barriers can consist of doubts about the effectiveness of prayer, lack of time or inspiration, and sensations of unworthiness or guilt. There are strategies that people can utilize to get rid of these barriers and include prayer into their lives. One technique is to start small and slowly develop a prayer practice. Reserving a few minutes each day for prayer can help people develop a regular and make prayer a routine part of their lives. It is likewise essential to discover a peaceful and tranquil space where individuals can focus their attention and connect with their spiritual selves. Another technique is to look for assistance and guidance from others. Signing up with a prayer neighborhood or seeking assistance from a spiritual leader can provide individuals with the encouragement and responsibility they require to keep a consistent prayer practice. It is likewise important to practice self-care and self-compassion, acknowledging that prayer is a personal journey that might evolve with time.
The Significance of Mindfulness and Meditation in Prayer for Healing Mindfulness and meditation are essential parts of prayer for recovery. These practices can assist people cultivate a sense of presence, focus, and awareness, permitting them to connect with their spiritual selves more deeply. Mindfulness includes paying attention to today minute without judgment. By practicing mindfulness during prayer, people can end up being more knowledgeable about their ideas, feelings, and physical feelings. This awareness can assist individuals let go of diversions and go into a state of deep relaxation and connection with the divine. Meditation is another powerful practice that can enhance prayer for healing. Through meditation, individuals can peaceful the mind, cultivate inner peace, and open themselves approximately divine guidance. Meditation can likewise help individuals establish a sense of gratitude, empathy, and forgiveness, promoting psychological well-being and healing. Prayer and its Influence On Psychological and Mental Well-being Prayer has an extensive influence on emotional and psychological wellness. It can supply people with a sense of convenience, hope, and peace, lowering feelings of stress and anxiety, depression, and tension. Prayer can likewise promote durability and coping skills, assisting people navigate difficult emotions and scenarios. When individuals take part in prayer, they have the ability to express their deepest desires, worries, and hopes. This act of self-expression can be cathartic and healing, enabling people to launch unfavorable feelings and discover solace in the existence of a greater power. Prayer can likewise provide people with a sense of purpose and significance, helping them find strength and resilience in tough times. Incorporating Prayer into Your Journey to Health Integrating prayer into one's every day life can have extensive impacts on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By recognizing the power of prayer in promoting recovery and health, people can cultivate a deeper connection with their spiritual selves and find solace in times of requirement. Methods for integrating prayer into every day life include setting aside dedicated time for prayer, discovering a peaceful and serene area for reflection, seeking assistance from others, and practicing self-care and self-compassion. It is also crucial to remember that prayer is a personal journey that may evolve over time. Seeking guidance from spiritual leaders or joining prayer communities can offer individuals with the assistance and encouragement they require to maintain a constant prayer practice. Ultimately, prayer has the possible to promote holistic wellness and recovery by cultivating a sense of peace, connection, and hope. By incorporating prayer into one's journey to wellness, individuals can use their inner strength and discover solace in the presence of a greater power.
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melgaardduffy58 · 4 months
The Art of Reflection: Why Keeping a Prayer Journal is Vital for Individual Development
Reflection is the act of reflecting on our experiences, ideas, and emotions in order to gain insight and understanding. It is a powerful tool for individual growth and satisfaction, as it allows us to gain from our past, understand our present, and shape our future. By making the effort to review our lives, we can get clarity, find significance, and make favorable modifications. The Advantages of Keeping a Prayer Journal Prayer journaling is a practice that combines the act of reflection with the act of prayer. It includes jotting down your ideas, feelings, and prayers in a journal. This practice can improve reflection by providing a structured and deliberate way to process your ideas and emotions. There are numerous benefits to keeping a prayer journal. It can serve as a form of tension relief. Documenting your worries, worries, and stress and anxieties can assist to release them from your mind and provide a sense of relief. Furthermore, prayer journaling can increase appreciation and appreciation. By writing down the things you are grateful for, you are able to concentrate on the positive elements of your life and cultivate a state of mind of thankfulness. How to Start a Prayer Journal: Tips and Tricks If you are interested in beginning a prayer journal , there are a few suggestions and techniques that can assist you get started. Firstly, it is important to choose the best journal for you. Discover one that you feel comfortable composing in which shows your individual style. Additionally, discovering the right time and location to write is vital. Select a time when you can be alone and undisturbed, and discover a peaceful space where you feel comfortable. Remaining constant with your practice is crucial to reaping the benefits of prayer journaling. One idea for staying constant is to set aside a specific time each day for reflection and composing in your journal. This will assist to develop a regular and make it much easier to stick to the practice. Furthermore, setting objectives for your journaling practice can help to keep you motivated and focused. Whether it is composing for a certain amount of time each day or setting specific intents for your journaling practice, having objectives can offer instructions and function. Setting Objectives and Objectives for Individual Growth Setting objectives and intentions is an essential element of individual development. By setting goals, we are able to identify what we want to accomplish and produce a plan to arrive. Intents, on the other hand, are more about the state of mind and attitude we wish to cultivate in our lives.
When setting goals and objectives for personal growth, it is essential to be specific and practical. Setting unclear or unrealistic goals can cause disappointment and dissatisfaction. Instead, break your goals down into smaller sized, attainable actions. This will make them more workable and increase your possibilities of success. In addition to setting goals, it is necessary to set objectives for personal development. Intents are about the qualities or values you want to embody in your life. For instance, you may set an objective to be more patient or caring. By setting intentions, you have the ability to focus on the sort of person you wish to become and make choices that align with those values. Reviewing Your Every Day Life: Finding Significance in the Mundane One of the most powerful elements of reflection is its ability to help us find significance in our daily experiences. Typically, we go through our days on autopilot, not totally present or familiar with what is taking place around us. By making the effort to reflect on our daily lives, we can uncover the appeal and significance in even the most mundane minutes. To assess your life, reserved a few minutes every day to think about your experiences. Consider what went well, what obstacles you dealt with, and what lessons you learned. Reflecting on your daily life can help you to value the little minutes, discover pleasure in the ordinary, and make positive modifications. Conquering Challenges and Challenges Through Prayer and Reflection Obstacles and challenges are a natural part of life. They can be aggravating, frustrating, and dissuading. However, through prayer and reflection, we can find the strength, wisdom, and guidance to conquer them. Prayer is an effective tool for looking for assistance and support. By praying, we are able to get in touch with a higher power and ask for aid in navigating our difficulties. Furthermore, reflection can assist us to acquire insight and perspective on our challenges. By assessing our experiences, we can identify patterns, uncover options, and learn from our errors. Thankfulness and Appreciation: Cultivating a Positive Frame Of Mind Appreciation and gratitude are necessary for cultivating a positive frame of mind. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we move our attention away from negativity and towards the favorable aspects of our lives. This can lead to increased joy, contentment, and satisfaction. Reflection is a powerful tool for cultivating appreciation and gratitude. By making the effort to reflect on our lives, we have the ability to acknowledge the true blessings and presents that surround us. Making a note of what we are grateful for in our prayer journal can assist to strengthen these feelings of appreciation and make them more tangible. Analyzing Your Relationships: Enhancing Connections Through Reflection Our relationships play an essential function in our lives. They offer assistance, love, and friendship. Nevertheless, they likewise require effort and attention in order to flourish. Reflection can be an important tool for examining our relationships and making enhancements. By assessing our relationships, we can identify locations that need improvement or attention. We can think about how we appear in our relationships and whether there are any patterns or habits that might be causing damage or pressure. Furthermore, reflection can assist us to value the people in our lives and reveal thankfulness for their existence. Self-Discovery and Self-Awareness: Uncovering Your True Self Self-discovery and self-awareness are important aspects of individual development. By assessing our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, we can gain insight into who we genuinely are and what we want out of life. val marie prayer journal can assist us to reveal our real selves by offering a space for self-exploration and introspection. By asking ourselves deep concerns and reviewing our worths, beliefs, and desires, we can get a much better understanding of who we are at our core. This self-awareness can then assist our choices and actions, resulting in a more authentic and satisfying life. Keeping Consistency and Responsibility in Your Reflection Practice Consistency and responsibility are crucial to keeping a reflection practice. It is necessary to make reflection a routine part of your regimen in order to reap the benefits. Furthermore, having some form of accountability can assist to keep you inspired and on track. One method to maintain consistency in your reflection practice is to set aside a particular time each day for reflection. Whether it is in the early morning, before bed, or throughout your lunch break, find a time that works for you and stick with it. Additionally, discovering a responsibility partner or joining a reflection group can supply the assistance and support you need to stay constant. Accepting the Art of Reflection for Personal Growth and Satisfaction In conclusion, reflection is a powerful tool for personal development and fulfillment. By taking the time to assess our lives, we can get insight, find significance, and make favorable modifications. Prayer journaling is a practice that can boost reflection by supplying structure and intentionality. By beginning a prayer journal, setting goals and objectives, reflecting on our every day lives, overcoming difficulties through prayer and reflection, cultivating gratitude and appreciation, analyzing our relationships, revealing our true selves, and maintaining consistency and responsibility, we can accept the art of reflection and experience individual development and fulfillment. So, take the time to reflect, compose in your prayer journal, and watch as your life transforms before your eyes.
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mcdermottlott51 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Beginning and Preserving a Prayer Journal: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Practice
Prayer is an essential part of many people's spiritual lives. It is a method to get in touch with a greater power, look for guidance, and find comfort and peace. In some cases our prayers can feel scattered or unfocused, and we may have a hard time to articulate our ideas and feelings. This is where a prayer journal can be incredibly valuable. A prayer journal is a dedicated area where you can make a note of your prayers, thoughts, and reflections. It supplies a structure and focus to your prayer practice, allowing you to deepen your connection with the divine. By putting prayer journal sample to paper, you can clarify your objectives, express your thankfulness, and look for guidance in a more deliberate and significant way. Choosing the Right Journal: Factors to Consider When beginning a prayer journal, it is necessary to pick the ideal journal that matches your needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider: Size and format: Consider whether you choose a little pocket-sized journal that you can carry with you wherever you go or a larger journal with more space for writing. Consider whether you prefer lined pages or blank pages for more innovative expression. Paper quality: Look for a journal with premium paper that won't bleed through or spot when you compose. This will make sure that your entries are readable and that your journal will last for several years to come. Cover style: Choose a cover style that resonates with you and reflects your individual style. Whether it's an easy leather-bound journal or one with an intricate design, discover something that brings you happiness every time you open it. Personal choices: Consider any extra features that are important to you, such as a ribbon bookmark, an elastic closure, or an index page for easy organization. These small information can make a big distinction in your general journaling experience. Setting Up Your Prayer Journal: Layout and Structure Concepts When you have chosen the ideal journal, it's time to set it up in such a way that works for you. Here are some layout and structure ideas to think about: Various sections to consist of: Divide your journal into various sections to assist you stay organized. prayer journaling for beginners might want to have areas for appreciation, prayer requests, answered prayers, and reflections. This will make it much easier for you to find specific entries and track your progress in time. Innovative methods to arrange your entries: Think about utilizing different colors or symbols to classify your entries. You could use a green pen for thankfulness entries, a blue pen for prayer demands, and a red pen for addressed prayers. This will make it aesthetically appealing and assist you rapidly determine the purpose of each entry. Tips for making your journal aesthetically appealing: Add sticker labels, drawings, or inspiring quotes to make your journal aesthetically appealing. You can also use washi tape or colored markers to develop borders or emphasize important passages. The more visually appealing your journal is, the more likely you are to enjoy using it and continue with your prayer practice. Finding Motivation: Tips for Generating Prayer Topics Often it can be challenging to come up with prayer subjects on our own. Here are some ideas for discovering inspiration: Reviewing your day: Take a couple of minutes at the end of each day to reflect on what occurred and how you felt. This can assist you determine locations where you require assistance or where you wish to reveal gratitude. Utilizing bible as a guide: Read a passage from a spiritual text and use it as a starting point for your prayers. Review the message and how it applies to your life, and after that jot down your ideas and prayers. Writing triggers and works out: Search for writing triggers or exercises specifically designed for prayer journaling. These can assist you check out different aspects of your spiritual life and supply new perspectives and insights. Making Time for Prayer: Scheduling Your Journaling Practice Discovering a constant time and place to compose in your prayer journal is important for developing a regular prayer practice. Here are some ideas for scheduling your journaling practice: Discovering a consistent time and location to write: Select a time of day when you are most alert and focused, whether it remains in the early morning, throughout your lunch break, or before bed. Discover a quiet and comfy area where you can be alone with your ideas and connect with the divine. Integrating prayer journaling into your day-to-day regimen: Make prayer journaling a part of your everyday routine by reserving a particular time every day for this practice. Treat it as a non-negotiable consultation with yourself and with God. Overcoming barriers to consistency: Determine any obstacles that may prevent you from following your prayer journaling practice, such as distractions or absence of motivation. Discover strategies to get rid of these challenges, such as turning off your phone or setting reminders to journal. Composing Efficient Prayers: Techniques for Revealing Yourself Writing efficient prayers has to do with revealing yourself in a manner that is authentic and genuine. Here are some methods to help you do that: Utilizing descriptive language: Instead of using generic or vague language, try to be specific and descriptive in your prayers. Use vivid images and sensory details to paint a photo of what you are feeling or experiencing. Specifying in your demands: When making demands in your prayers, specify about what you want or require. Instead of requesting for "assistance," ask for assistance in a particular area of your life, such as your profession or relationships. Writing from the heart: Don't be afraid to be susceptible and truthful in your prayers. Write from the heart and express your real ideas and emotions. Bear in mind that God currently knows what is in your heart, so there is no need to hold back. Overcoming Writer's Block: Methods for When You're Stuck Author's block can occur to anybody, even when it comes to prayer journaling. Here are some methods for overcoming writer's block: Taking a break and returning later on: If you're feeling stuck, take a break and return to your journal later. In some cases a fresh viewpoint can help you see things in a new light and trigger inspiration. Trying a different composing prompt: If you're having a hard time to come up with a prayer subject, try a different composing prompt or exercise. Often a change in approach can assist you break through the block. Asking for assistance from a spiritual mentor or pal: Connect to a spiritual coach or trusted good friend for assistance and support. They may be able to use insights or tips that can help you overcome writer's block. Assessing Your Prayers: The Importance of Examining Your Entries Reviewing your prayer journal entries is a fundamental part of the procedure. Here's why: Identifying patterns and styles in your prayers: By examining your entries, you can recognize patterns and themes in your prayers. This can help you gain insight into recurring concerns or areas where you need to focus your prayers. Celebrating answered prayers: Take time to celebrate addressed prayers and express gratitude for the methods which your prayers have actually been responded to. This can be incredibly uplifting and encouraging. Knowing from past experiences: Reflecting on previous entries enables you to gain from your experiences and see how far you've come. It can also supply guidance for future prayers and assist you track your spiritual growth. Sharing Your Prayers: Ideas for Sharing Your Journal with Others Sharing your prayer journal with others can be an effective way to deepen your connection with others and build a sense of neighborhood. Here are some ideas for sharing your journal: Starting a prayer group: Think about starting a prayer group where members can share their prayer journals and pray together. This can provide support, support, and accountability. Sharing specific entries with trusted friends or family members: Pick specific entries that you feel comfy showing trusted friends or relative. This can deepen your relationships and provide a chance for others to offer assistance and guidance. Utilizing social media to get in touch with others: Think about sharing excerpts from your prayer journal on social media platforms. This can inspire others and develop a sense of community around prayer journaling.
Keeping Your Prayer Practice: Tips for Staying Consistent Preserving a prayer journaling practice requires consistency and commitment. Here are some tips for remaining constant: Setting objectives and tracking progress: Set particular goals for your prayer journaling practice, such as writing in your journal every day for a month. Track your progress and commemorate milestones along the way. Holding yourself responsible: Discover ways to hold yourself liable, such as sharing your objectives with a pal or setting suggestions on your phone. Having external responsibility can help you stay inspired and dedicated. Celebrating milestones and accomplishments: Require time to celebrate your accomplishments and milestones in your prayer journaling practice. This will help you remain determined and influenced to continue. The Benefits of a Prayer Journal and Final Thoughts Starting a prayer journal can have many benefits for your spiritual life. It provides a dedicated area for you to get in touch with the divine, reveal your ideas and emotions, and look for assistance and support. By integrating a prayer journaling practice into your everyday regimen, you can deepen your relationship with God and experience greater peace, clarity, and happiness in your life. So why wait? Start a prayer journal today and see the transformative power it can have in your life.
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kittenzeke · 8 months
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Prayed for me, Tio, and anyone else I could think of! The blessings I asked differed from person to person. I have a feeling that Tio and I will come into enough money for whatever we truly need. Especially if I remain frugal and stick with my priorities/principles. It is a pleasure serving Santa Muerte. My faith is growing.
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wanderinginhisgrace · 6 months
Happy First Sunday of Advent everyone. 🎄
I pray that in this season God continues to strengthen your faith. My your hearts yearn more for Him. And may we continue to pray for the world. Please let me know how I can pray for you.
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you-are-my-angel-love · 2 months
Pray, Rejoice, Give Thanks, Repeat. Prayer Journal of Blessings and Spiritual Growth. 6x9 in Paperpack. 120 pages Black & White Interior. Paperback
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$6.99 - New Copy Prayer journals are really beautiful and essential to have. A prayer journal is a great way to help you keep track of your everyday blessings. The simplicity of this journal focuses on your blessings, prayer lists, and growth. It also keeps you mindful of how God answers your prayers. Beautiful book-style paperback prayer journal with Jesus featured on the front cover. Reminding us to stay mindful of prayer for spiritual growth. The back cover features a scripture reading that reflects the focus of this journal. ◉ Dimensions: 6″ x 9″ Inches ◉ Pages: 120 Pages Black and White Interior ◉ Unique Design ◉ Intro Page includes belongs to page ◉ High-Quality Paper ◉ Prayer List ◉ Scripture ◉ Prayer For Others ◉ Prayer For Family ◉ Prayer For Self ◉ Prayer For Others ◉ Prayer For Thanksgiving ◉ Answered Prayers I hope you enjoy this journal for your spiritual walk. Thank you for stopping by. I am a very tiny tiny kdp business. Your support is greatly appreciated. ♥
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lapsed-lys · 2 months
March 28th 2024
Entry #014
Prayers in two times
(TW: transphobia, suicide, in the first prayer.
"My God, my most gracious God, hear my prayer, for I am a poor sinner.
My suffering is immesurable. I cannot appreciate the body you gave me, even though I try my hardest. I try and try and try... I failed you so many times. My repentance cannot be done, for I cannot appreciate your gifts of life with my body. My thoughts are nothing but harmful ones, to Your gift of life to my sinner's heart.
Take away my suffering, please. Clear my thoughts and let joy into my heart so I can fully adore you, my Father.
Lapsed-Lys, 16 years old.
"Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how your warmth and benevolence comfort me. I admired your Creation in all its glory on this chilly spring day.
Each hues of the sky embraced nature, I have never noticed how gorgeous its gradients are! I also had the luckiest of ears to hear Swallows and Turtledoves as well. Their singing are so different, yet so harmonious together. And that's not doing justice to the beautiful flocks of Canadian Geese! Their formation, so well calculated! I watched them fly until they were as small as ants.
My two little brothers, my parents' dogs, took me by surprise with a friendly wrestle as I sat on the balcony. They remind me of the children I see at the local elementary school: standing up and walking to You, my Lord, no matter the hardships. My prayers to you, my cryings and beggings, seem so foreign to me now... Because I was guided to your divine light. Joy settled into my heart.
Glory to you, Our Father! for I see now how precious my life is. Glory to you, Our Father! for I see your Creation in all its hues. Glory to you, Our Father! for I am finally happy, for I am finally one with your Creation.
The world is full of intricacies and fluidity and various colors. I just needed some help to see how beautiful it all is... and that includes within me.
Thank you, My Lord. Amen."
Lapsed-Lys, current time.
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notonlycoloringbooks · 3 months
Catholic Planner: Divine Guidance - Daily, Weekly, Monthly Organizer for your Holy Faith
Introducing the 2024 Divine Guidance: Catholic Planner, your perfect companion for the year 2024. This planner is designed to help you organize your life while strengthening your Catholic faith.
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Daily Inspiration: Each day features a Bible verse or a quote from a saint to inspire and guide you through your day. Start your day with a moment of reflection and prayer.
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Weekly and Monthly Views: Our planner includes both weekly and monthly views, allowing you to plan your time according to your needs. The weekly view provides ample space for detailed daily planning, while the monthly view helps you visualize your schedule at a glance.
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Catholic Holidays and Feast Days: All major Catholic holidays and feast days are marked, so you can observe and celebrate your faith throughout the year.
Prayer Journal: Included in our planner is a dedicated section for your prayer journal. Here, you can record your prayers, reflections, and spiritual growth.
High-Quality Construction: Our planner is made with high-quality materials for durability and ease of use. The binding allows it to lay flat for easy writing, and the premium paper is gentle on the eyes while preventing ink bleed-through.
Perfect Gift: The 2024 Divine Guidance: Catholic Planner makes a thoughtful and useful gift for any Catholic individual or family. It’s perfect for Christmas, birthdays, or just because.
Join us in celebrating the Catholic faith and staying organized in 2024. Order your Divine Guidance: Catholic Planner today!"
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anundiscoveredelement · 11 months
I have a hard time praying. I think its because my heart is too big for my chest, my emotions more than my body, I start to pray and everything rushes out, and im left there, a raw nerve, feeling more than what can fit in my skin. My prayer is feeling, splaying myself open, prying open my chest rib by rib until I am finally free. A cavernous expanse to be filled and understood. No words express the feeling of taking my still beating heart in my hands, blood dripping off my finger, and laying it at His Feet. That is all I can envision, surrender. How am I to pray in words when my feelings surpass that? What else am I to do other than lay my heart upon the ground and let Him fill me for how can I articulate my emotions better than He can understand them?
-Meditations at the foot of the Eucharist, July 2023
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agrebel18 · 1 year
I’m still in shock that the school that Anne, Marcy and Sasha went to was a catholic school
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honorepetersen34 · 4 months
Finding Your Function: How a Prayer Journal Can Help You Align Your Life with God's Will
Discovering one's function in life is a journey that many people embark on. It is a mission to find significance and fulfillment, to understand why we are here and what we are suggested to do. This search for function is not constantly simple, but it is an important part of living a meaningful life. One tool that can be exceptionally practical in this journey is prayer. Prayer enables us to connect with a higher power, look for guidance, and discover clarity in our function. Comprehending the Importance of Finding Your Function Understanding one's function in life has many benefits. It provides us an orientation and focus, permitting us to make choices that line up with our worths and objectives. When we have a clear understanding of our purpose, we can prioritize our energy and time on the things that really matter to us. This results in a more fulfilling life, as we have the ability to pursue our enthusiasms and make a positive impact worldwide. The Function of Prayer in Finding Your Purpose Prayer plays an important function in finding one's function. It enables us to connect with a greater power and look for guidance from God Through prayer, we can request for clarity and instructions in our lives. By surrendering our desires and objectives to God, we open ourselves approximately getting divine assistance and wisdom. Prayer can supply us with the answers we look for and help us discern our function. How a Prayer Journal Can Help You Connect with God. One powerful tool that can aid in prayer is keeping a prayer journal. A prayer journal is a location where you can make a note of your thoughts, prayers, and reflections. It works as a concrete record of your discussions with God and assists you build a much deeper relationship with Him. Writing down your prayers allows you to reveal your ideas and emotions more clearly, making your interaction with God more deliberate and focused. The Advantages of Keeping a Prayer Journal Keeping a prayer journal has many benefits. It helps in personal growth and development. By making a note of your prayers and reflections, you can acquire insights into your own thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection permits you to identify patterns, areas of growth, and areas where you might need to look for assistance. Furthermore, a prayer journal can work as a source of motivation and motivation. When you review your prayers and see how God has actually answered them, it reinforces your faith and reminds you of His existence in your life. Steps to Start Your Prayer Journal Starting a prayer journal is simple and can be carried out in a couple of simple actions. Find a journal or notebook that you feel comfy utilizing. It can be as easy or as fancy as you like. Next, reserved a specific time every day to compose in your journal. This can be in the early morning, before bed, or any other time that works for you. Begin by jotting down your prayers, expressing your ideas and feelings to God. You can also consist of any reflections or insights that come to mind during your prayer time. Tips for Effective Prayer Journaling To make the most out of prayer journaling, it is very important to remain consistent and focused. One pointer is to produce a quiet and serene area for your prayer time. This can be a corner of your room or any location where you feel calm and unwinded. Another idea is to be truthful and genuine in your prayers. Don't be afraid to reveal your real thoughts and emotions to God. Remember to evaluate your journal regularly and show on how God has answered your prayers. This will help you remain gotten in touch with Him and deepen your relationship. How to Use Your Prayer Journal to Discover Your Purpose Your prayer journal can be an effective tool in discerning your purpose. One method to use it is by asking specific questions in your prayers. For instance, you can ask God to reveal His prepare for your life or to assist you in making important decisions. Another method is to reflect on your prayers and look for patterns or styles. Exist certain desires or enthusiasms that consistently show up in your prayers? Pay attention to these patterns as they might be indications of your function. Aligning Your Life with God's Will through Prayer Prayer is not only a way to find your purpose, however also a way to align your life with God's will. By seeking His assistance and surrendering your desires to Him, you can live a more purposeful life. Prayer permits you to invite God into every aspect of your life, from your career choices to your relationships. When you align your life with God's will, you can experience a deep sense of peace and satisfaction.
Overcoming Challenges in Your Journey to Finding Your Purpose Finding one's purpose is not always simple and there might be barriers along the method. One typical obstacle is worry. coffee and bible time prayer journal of failure, worry of judgment, or worry of making the incorrect choice can hold us back from pursuing our function. Prayer can help us conquer these fears by offering us with nerve and strength. By surrendering our fears to God and trusting in His assistance, we can get rid of any challenges that come our way. The Power of Consistency in Prayer Journaling Consistency is crucial when it concerns prayer journaling. It is necessary to make it an everyday habit and reserve devoted time for prayer and reflection. Consistency enables us to construct a much deeper relationship with God and establish a clearer sense of function. By consistently seeking His guidance and assessing our prayers, we can remain gotten in touch with Him and receive the knowledge and clarity we need. Living a Purposeful Life with God's Guidance In conclusion, discovering one's purpose is an essential journey that can lead to a more satisfying life. Prayer is an effective tool that can help us in this mission. By keeping a prayer journal, we can deepen our relationship with God and seek His assistance in finding our function. Through consistent prayer and reflection, we can align our lives with God's will and live a more purposeful life. So, I motivate you to start your own prayer journal and look for God's assistance in discovering your function.
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Looking back I have suffered, not my share, but enough to call it that but there's a terrific balance due. Dear God please send me Your Grace.
--- A Prayer Journal, by Flannery O'Connor
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daintyinsider · 7 months
Bless this Sunday. It is at its end. I feel refreshed and inspired. Every Sunday is my date with the Lord. Let him guide my days every week.
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kittenzeke · 8 months
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Joan of Arc study
Last year, I led a small digitial “retreat/study” on Joan of Arc via my Kofi- while my Kofi is no longer running (difficult to keep on top of because of other work obligations), I thought that in honour of her feast day I would make it publicly available. All of the text and resources used are under the cut- you can do this at your own pace, with one topic per week, or any other way you like. It’s to generate personal reflection on gender and one’s relationship to God, and is designed to be completely non-denomination, meaning that while it does use Bible readings, even if you are not a Catholic or a Christian, it should be able to stimulate some thought and reflection without having a definite religious slant. 
The topics covered are:
Joan the Warrior 
Joan the Androgyne 
Joan the Prophet and Mystic 
Joan the Disciple 
Below the cut you’ll find all of the readings and bonus content for each topic, and at the end are “notes,” a short informal essay consolidating what I’m hoping to share through this study. But I highly encourage you to do your own reflection, be it through journalling, prayer, mediation, or whatever form of self-reflection suits you best, and try to decide what the readings- and Joan herself- says to you.
Ultimately, I hope what you’ll discover through this "retreat" is that our gender identity makes us warriors, prophets, mystics, and disciples- that existing between the binaries imposed on us by patriarchy allows us to draw closer to the strange and wonderful place where God exists. 
WEEK 1: Exploring God and Gender with Joan of Arc- Joan the Warrior (readings)
This study pre-supposes that you already have some background on Jehanne and her life- nothing too in-depth, and we'll get into some of the finer points of her life that aren't as popularly known throughout this study. If you'd like more information, I highly recommend Helen Castor's biography and Regine Pernoud's Joan of Arc By Herself and Her Witnesses. 
I've mentioned that this is a non-denominational study. What does this mean? Mainly it means that while scripture provides the backbone of a lot of our reading, I don't want us to treat scripture in a Christian context. Rather, I want to treat it primarily as a literary text, and rather than engaging with it as a "Bible study" or theological undertaking, I want to challenge us to read this without any preconceived notions of what it means in a religious context. Rather, read it the way you'd read a novel or short story. How does it make you feel? What themes, motifs, metaphors, allegories, or other literary techniques are employed? What is the text trying to say? 
Judges 4-8: Deborah, Jael, and Gideon
Christine di Pizan's Joan of Arc
excerpts from Jehanne's trial: Joan's Tools
(If you want to read all of Jehanne's trial transcripts, you can do so here- I'll be providing more excerpts over the upcoming weeks, but we won't be reading it in full, so I highly encourage you to read the full transcript on your own if you'd like.)
What tools does God give to Deborah and Gideon? Are those tools always weapons? Do they always require public acknowledgement, like Deborah’s tent peg? What tools has God given you? What similarities do you see between the Bible study and Joan? How does Christine di Pizan portray Jehanne in her poem? Is there a similarity between di Pizan's portrayal and the portrayal of the Biblical judges? 
have a listen of Veni Creator Spiritus- this Latin chant was said to have been sung before every battle by the French army when Jehanne arrived at Orléans on 29 April 1429, legend has it that a choir of priests went before her signing this hymn. 
shameless self-plug of my own but much beloved Joan of Arc Spotify playlist 
WEEK 2: Exploring God and Gender with Joan of Arc- Joan the Androgyne (readings)
Judith 8-9
Marina Warner's Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism, Chapter 7: Ideal Androgyne
excerpt's from Jehanne's trial: Jehanne and her gender presentation
Last week we considered the tools God gave figures like Jehanne, Gideon, and Deborah. How does Jehanne's gender function as a tool? How does Jehanne view her relationship to gender based on her testimony? How does the idea of her as an androgyne, as opposed to a warrior woman or girl, change your idea of her as a historic figure? How does Jehanne's gender presentation compare to that of Judith?
If you haven't seen it already, Carl Dreyer's 1928 masterpiece The Passion of Joan of Arc is available to watch for free on Internet Archive. It is a fascinating, moving, and exceptional portrayal of Jehanne's trial, arguably the best, and it's lead actress Renee Falconetti beautifully captures the idea of Jehanne as the androgyne.
WEEK 2: Exploring God and Gender with Joan of Arc- Joan the Prophet and Mystic
the Book of Jonah
“Joan of Arc and Female Mysticism” by Anne Llewellyn Barstow
Joan of Arc and her voices
Does Jehanne know she is a mystic, a saint, a prophet? What relationship is there between Jehanne's gender and her prophecy? Is Jehanne a true mystic? Why or why not?
WEEK 4: Joan the Disciple
Luke 8
2 Clement- all if you wish, or just Chapter 12
skim the complete transcript of Jehanne's trial, paying attention to the final day (starting at page 358)
Pay special attention to Luke 8: 16-19. How does this apply to Jehanne? More specifically, how does this apply to how she presents her gender. Much criticism in her trial is centered on how she does or does not properly conform to gender. How do these verses, and those in 2 Clement, apply to Jehanne and her treatment by the church?
Jehanne's letters, which are a fascinating look at her voice
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc is free to read
On April 30, 1429, Joan of Arc- who styled herself Jehanne la Pucelle, or Jehanne the maid- arrived at the French city of Orléans to free it from English control. Orléans had been under siege since October of the previous year: it's commander and French army were exhausted and contemplating surrender.
Enter Jehanne. The story is famous: aged sixteen, she heard the voices of saints and angels commanding her to free France from the English, lift the siege of Orléans, and crown the Dauphin. Remarkably, she succeeded, before being condemned to the stake for heresy by the Church. Her feast day in 30 May.
In our study about Jehanne, we've read portions of Judges. Judges cover a period in Israelite history prior to the establishment of the monarchy of which the famous Davidic monarchy was part. This is a period which roughly corresponds to the historic period 1400–1000 B.C., just after the settlement of Canaan after the Egyptian diaspora, when the Hebrew settlers were living among foreign, polytheistic tribes like the Philistines, who are a major antagonist throughout the narrative. Judges is considered one of the oldest books in the Hebrew bible, with the Song of Deborah- Judges 5- being one of the oldest portions. It documents a tumultuous and frequently violently history marked by agronomic destruction of a society attempting to rebuild after four centuries of indentured servitude to a foreign power, and a struggle to maintain the monotheistic practices which developed in the wake of their diaspora- the Levitical priesthood which we now know as Judaism.
There's a similarity between this era of Israelite history and that which would have been experienced by Jehanne at the time of her call. Jehanne was born in 1412 a working-class peasant girl from Domrémy in the Lorraine region of France. This location was almost directly on the border between French-held lands and those which had been invaded by the English during the course of the Hundred Years' War, which had already been going on since 1337. She was around thirteen years old when she first heard what she described as "voices," in 1425; it was the year that war is first documented to have begun directly affecting her home region, with raids by English or English-back French mercenaries taking place near Domrémy in 1425 and 1428. In once incident the village's cattle were stolen, and in another the town was set on fire and crops destroyed. It isn't difficult to see a similarity between what Jehanne may have felt about her circumstances and that of Gideon:
Gideon answered him, “But sir, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? (Judges 6:13)
In the midst of this, Jehanne experienced her first vision- in her father's garden, a voice she identified as Saint Michael the Archangel (a high-ranking angel figure known as the protector of the Jewish nation and later of Christians).
By 1428, Jehanne had apparently begun to formulate what she was being asked to do by her voices, whom she had by then identified as Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret- two early Christian martyrs- in addition to Saint Michael. After being accused of breaking an engagement (a case dismissed by the ecclesiastical court at Tours, but which rather darkly foreshadows the way in which her later trial and execution would inherently punish a wayward "woman"), she became convinced that her voices were telling her to leave Domrémy to aid the Dauphin. It was a remarkable undertaking for a sixteen-year-old peasant girl, illiterate, who had never left her home village. By February of 1428, she had convinced a local nobleman to support her and conduct her to the Dauphin's seat at Chinon. It was at this time that she began to wear men's clothing- an outfit which was provided to her by the local townspeople, and rather famously consisted of a pair of breeches which tied to her jerkin, a costume which made her almost- but not entirely- invulnerable to rape. Like Deborah and Jael, she was endangering herself by entering a world that was dominated by men, and her choice of clothing is evidence of this.
And like the judges we have read about, Jehanne was called from her home village in a period of turmoil to perform what she saw as a sacred duty, something which God had commanded her to do. Like Deborah, she was something of a prophet: she knew that she would see the Dauphin crowned king of France:
And she said, “I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” (Judges 4:9)
And, like Gideon, she was a working-class farmer called on to lead an army.
He responded, “But sir, how can I deliver Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord said to him, “But I will be with you, and you shall strike down the Midianites, every one of them.” (Judges 6:15-16)
I think these similarities are all the more important this week, as we face the destruction of reproductive rights under Roe vs. Wade and the ongoing victimization of victims of domestic violence. Too frequently Biblical womanhood is cited as an excuse to strip people who are not cishet men of their destiny- to relinquish them to a common denominator, a life of submission and servitude. But what Judges shows us is that God’s call does not discriminate between bodies or genders. A person’s place in the world is wherever God calls them to go. We are allowed to ask for God’s reassurance of his call, but we must remember that if God calls us, he trusts us. We must trust him, and trust ourselves as he justifies us. God’s purpose supersedes the binaries and restraints imposed on us by the world.
Too often we equate "warriorhood" with masculinity, dominance, and activeness. Among Christians the epitome of being a warrior is archetypically defined as avenging angels and violent crusaders, many of whom committed gross atrocities and whose actions characterize a far-right movement of alleged "God-fearing" men who believe in their divine right to power on account of their maleness. Gross and extreme conservatism characterizes much of the front-facing presence of Christianity, it is this fundamentalism which we now see strongly affects political process. But God does not pick warriors from the strongest of his believers. David was the youngest son of Jesse. Gideon too. Deborah and Jael were women. God's warriors are those who listen to him: their strength lies in their difference. Consider how you are a warrior- not how you can be one, but how you already are one. Your God-given difference is your destiny: what makes you strong and extraordinary. How does your difference make you a warrior?
Last summer, I took a course on understanding scripture through how it is depicted in art. One week was completely devoted to paintings of Judith and Deborah, and we were assigned to read portions of both Judges and Judith. Funnily enough, we all struggled to tell the difference between depictions of the two women. Unlike Judges, the book of Judith is considered deuterocanonical, and it is not included in the Protestant canon: this could be part of why paintings of Judith and Deborah are frequently confused. But you can always tell the difference between the two in a very simple way. If it’s a woman beheading a man, it’s Judith. If it’s a woman with a hammer, it’s Deborah.
Both depictions of these warrior-prophet-women are marked by the violence of the acts they carry out at God’s call. They are associated heavily with the weapons with which they carry those acts out. It’s a very different image of women than we often associate with Biblical womanhood. Biblical womanhood is frequently associated with attributes like mildness, compliance, domesticity, motherhood, and submission. Biblical and traditional womanhood have become synonymous and conservative. It is heavily binarized, and placed firmly below dominant patriarchal structures.
Yet this view of “Biblical womanhood” doesn’t really hold up to the women we have encountered in the Bible- and it doesn’t hold up with our understanding of Jehanne. A question I want us to ponder this week is what actually constitutes Biblical womanhood? It’s a question that’s going to follow us as we continue this month-long study. Jehanne was condemned to death on account of not being a “real” woman. She was fully equipped to carry out what God asked of her, but she was still condemned for not being the "right" kind of person for her gender presentation.
I would argue that part of her equipment was the fact that she was someone who existed between genders, neither male nor female. But Jehanne was also both male and female. We have words for this now- nonbinary, gender non-conforming, transgender, and many others- but I don't think they help us much when we try and understand the complexity of gender in a time when gender was binary. Yet Jehanne shows evidence that she understood her gender as being other. Her trial transcripts reveal that she attributed no real gender alignment to herself or her presentation: her clothes were chosen for practicality, and that was necessary to fulfill the destiny which she felt had been given her.
How does our gender and our gender presentation function as a tool for our god-given purpose? For many people gender presentation is a tool that helps them to feel more comfortable in their own bodies, to convey to the world who they are. It is a tool that can heal one's relationship to their gender. Our purpose, our fate for which we are given "tools" does not have to be as grand as saving France or the world: it can simply be something intended to save ourselves. Sometimes saving oneself is the greatest mission God gave us- something we are given through his deep love for us.
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Advent Devotionals, 2023
I wanted to share some devotionals for this coming Advent (it starts December 3!) that are queer affirming & center marginalized perspectives. If you know of others, please add on!
What Are You Waiting For? An LGBTQIA+ Affirming Advent Devotional
Format: A short written devotional or poem for every day of Advent, shared as one PDF document linked above
Creators: The Collective of Queer Christian Leaders, including Rev. Nicole Garcia of the National LGBTQ Task Force and members of the Transmission Ministry Network
Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional
Format: Short written devotionals, one for each Sunday & Wednesday of Advent, as well as Christmas day
Creators: Black women, most of whom are ordained Presbyterian ministers, some of whom are queer
Posted on Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice
Abolition Advent Calendar: "Freedom for All Bodies"
Format: daily written devotionals that you can sign up to receive as emails. Each week expands the theme of abolition & racial justice to include 1) reproductive justice; 2) trans/nonbinary justice; 3) disability justice; and 4) body positivity
Shared by Join the Movement, a UCC organization
"Todos! Todos! Todos! Advent Reflections and Meditations on the Scriptures
Format: Zoom calls with a reflection followed by discussion groups every Wednesday of Advent, 8pm-9pm EST
Creators: DignityUSA, a Catholic LGBT-advocacy organization
An Advent Guide with Reflections on Palestine/Israel
Format: a devotional for each Sunday of Advent, shared as one PDF linked above
Creators: "Each week during Advent read firsthand accounts from recently returned Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAs) of their experiences during their deployment with the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI). Along with their stories and photos are bible readings, further resources and prayers to offer."
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