warsofasoiaf · 5 months
approximately, how many people did tywin kill in his rains of castamere attack? he killed 2 castles worth of people, would that be ~200 kills?
Tarbeck Hall was specifically not destroyed completely in the actual attack - Tywin destroyed it after the keep was destroyed and the gates were opened. Since they were opened, that meant that there were people in the outside towers that survived, likely castle guard and household staff. So the casualties in Tarbeck Hall were probably limited primarily to House Tarbeck members that died in the keep collapse (and Tywin's later murders, such as the rumor that Amory Lorch threw a young son of House Tarbeck down a well).
Castamere was much larger. Specifically, we have a figure of three hundred for everyone in Castamere, which would include all members of House Reyne, the garrison, the household staff, and any retainers.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
Hello, good Queen. My question is the following (I hope it hasn't been asked before): Is Tywin swindling the Spicers by making them Lords of Castamere? Regardless of its rich mines, Castamere is, basically, a flooded ruin.
I hesitate to use the word “swindle”, because that word might imply that Tywin specifically held out Castamere to the Spicers as more valuable than it was worth or otherwise misled the Spicers about its current state. (As opposed to, say, Tywin almost certainly misleading Sybell Spicer about “a bride from Casterly Rock”.) Indeed, by Tywin’s own admission, the Westerlings “are well aware of Castamere”, and I would presume that extends to the Spicers as well. After all, what happened at Castamere was the very opposite of a secret: not only was it publicly know about and recorded enough to be included in an official maesterly history book, but “The Rains of Castamere” has been liberally used and cited as a piece of Tywin’s terror propaganda, reminding its listeners of the fate of the Reynes (and, by extension, their castle). So I don’t think the Spicers would have been unaware of the current state of Castamere at least as a (former) seat.
All of that is not to say, of course, that Castamere is particularly valuable as a castle (or as a mine itself), given the obvious and substantial (and relatively recent) flooding. At the same time, it’s difficult to say the total value of the Castamere lordship in the current novels. There are at least some gold mines in the area, because the Greatjon was said to have seized mines near Castamere during Robb’s campaign in the west. Whether or not there are any Reyne bannermen left, or other industries in the general vicinity of Castamere which would historically have given their revenues to Castamere, are both likewise unclear; these might also be sources of income for the newly ennobled Spicers of Castamere. At the very least, in any event, the Spicers would have to invest in building a whole new keep, since “[t]he halls and keeps above them [were] put to the torch by Tywin Lannister” - a likely hefty expense for the new Lord Rolph.
Yet even if I don’t want to use the word “swindle” here, I can certainly acknowledge that Tywin was not exactly acting selflessly either. Indeed, this grant to the Spicers fits perfectly in Tywin’s model. As with his wedding present to Joffrey, Tywin had with Castamere given a gift that had cost him nothing to obtain; just as Tywin had given Joffrey the most elaborate present by reforging the Stark sword which had been effectively sitting in his lap, so he had did not have to dispossess any of his bannermen in order to further ennoble the Spicers. Likewise, as with his grant of Harrenhal to Littlefinger, Tywin had given a petty lord a great ruin in recognition of that petty lord’s service to House Lannister.
Of course, there’s another important factor to consider here, and that’s what this gift means to the Spicers on a symbolic level. Putting aside the practical considerations of the castle’s status, Rolph Spicer has been made “Lord of Castamere”. That’s a huge deal in terms of status for Rolph, and by extension the Spicers. To go from second generation petty nobility, the grandchildren of a merchant and his Essosi bride, to the lordly masters of a very ancient Westerlands castle (with a royal history of its own) sworn (presumably) directly to Casterly Rock is an enormous socio-political leap for the Spicers. So there’s a way in which the Spicers might not care (or might care less, at least) that they were given a ruined castle for a seat. Compare, say, Davos’ mild acceptance, in considering Stannis’ other bannermen, that “[m]y grandsons will joust with theirs, though, and one day their blood may wed with mine”, so that “[i]n time my little black ship will fly as high as Velaryon's seahorse or Celtigar's red crab”; Rolph might similarly bet that it would be difficult for the blue-blood aristocrats of the Westlands to ignore the Lord of Castamere, their nominal feudal equal, even if it takes a few generations (as opposed to how they could scorn the upjumped Spicers and their petty lordship).
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Only a cat of a different coat
Is all the truth I know
a coat of gold or a coat of red
A lion still has claws <3
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bottlesandbarricades · 5 months
I like when people mention “The Rains of Castamere” in their hotd fanfics cause I like to think the very alive Reynes of Castamere are sat in the corner of the feast going
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jawlipops · 2 years
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grey-joys · 7 months
Ya know, I have to say, the bard who wrote The Rains of Castamere wrote a bop. Just a whole jam. I refuse to give Tywin Lannister even an ounce of credit of how clever the words and metaphors and shit were
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rohanneofcoldmoat · 10 months
"—I know who the dwarf is, and what he is." Her black eyes turned to Tyrion, hard as stone. "Kinslayer, kingslayer, murderer, turncloak. Lannister." She made the last a curse. "What do you plan to offer the dragon queen, little man?"
extremely funny that the Lannisters' reputation is currently so bad that someone in Volantis with ostensibly little stake in what's been going on in Westeros hates them enough to make their name a curse.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Why do you think the Westerlands Houses answered Tywin’s summons to crush the Reynes and Tarbecks? He wasn’t the Lord of Casterly Rock or acting lord like Robb they had no obligation to answer his call to arms. Hell if anything Tywin was launching a silent coup against his father when he decided to wage war against the Reynes and Tarbecks.
There's two main reasons:
Tywin is still the heir to Casterly Rock - and is effectively the acting lord, since Tytos hadn't countermanded his actions (as he had done in the past) and had mostly ceased to actively govern without appointing anyone else to rule in his stead - and thus the lords are going to want to be on his good side for when he does inherit the title.
More importantly, the Reynes and Tarbecks had fucked with the other Lesser Houses as well as House Lannister. The landed knights and lords whose lands Walderan Tarbeck had seized by force? House Marbrand, who had lost their lord and hundreds of their men to Roger Reyne's ambush? House Prester, who had had two of their sons kidnapped by Ellyn Tabreck? All the landed knights and Lesser Houses who had fought private wars against the Reynes, the Tarbecks, and their vassals? These people all had reason to hate the Reynes and Tarbecks and want them brought down.
So yeah, the Reynes and Tarbecks mishandled the political side of their revolt by focusing on Tytos Lannister to the exclusion of everyone else - if you're going to try to overthrow your liege lord, you want your peers onside first.
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Modern AU Incorrect Tywin Lannister Quote
Lord Farmont of Faircastle: You won't get my help. Tywin Lannister: That's sad. Alexa, play The Rains of Castamere.
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 4 months
nothing changes brain chemistry like the songs of asoiaf
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spiderwarden · 8 days
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someone trying to steal a sip of Minthara's drink and her going 'i wouldn't.' when they think she didn't notice them.
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Lord Reyne, The Red Lion
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"And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours."
I've mentioned before that painting these miniatures often means spending hours thinking about a character you've never given a second thought, and I don't know if that's ever been as true as in this case. I couldn't have told you one thing about Lord Roger Reyne, beyond him being the "proud lord" from the song.
I was looking to fill out my Ninepenny Kings battle scene, and I had a lot of these lion headed guys, so I thought a young Tywin would be fun. However, I had a reread of the Ninepenny Kings section, and the ridiculous amount of writing George did for the WOIAF Westerlands section that ended up being cut, and a bit of a narrative formed. The Westerlands armies were led by Jason Lannister in place of Tywin's father, but he was killed quickly and Roger became the leader of the Westerland forces. We also know Tywin never leads from the front and avoids fighting where possible, which he certainly frames as pragmatism, but we know how Westerosi culture values a martial lead-by-example warrior, and Tywin is very tapped into Westerosi masculinity. Finally, we know that before the brutal rains of Castamere, an injured, feverish Lord Reyne challenged Tywin to single combat, which Tywin refused in favour of a massacre.
From all of this, I wonder if Tywin had his first taste of real combat on the Stepstones - and realised he wasn't cut out for it. Seeing his uncle cut down before him, he didn't take up the noble Lannister mantle and lead his fathers vassals, he stood back and let the natural warrior Lord Reyne take the... reins. (Sorry). And maybe that resentment fed into his brutality to the Reynes and Tarbecks. And when an older, possibly elderly Lord Roger challenged him to single combat - debilitated by a crossbow wound which had gone septic - Tywin still couldnt quite escape being that scared lad, seeing this powerful red lion take his rightful glory, and chose to massacre hundreds of innocents rather than face that fear.
Or maybe I'm making all of this up. He was a fun mini to paint, nice doing a Lannister style with a change of palette. I was torn finding a balance between the white and red, and I'm happy with how it turned out.
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visenyaism · 1 year
If you're still doing the theory cubric what about Tywin is actually rhagars bio dad
Does it get points for secretly not a full incest baby?
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now THIS is unprecedented. i think it definitely isn’t true, because while aerys was obsessed with joanna and also tywin and tywin was obsessed with aerys i don’t think tywin would’ve made a move on rhaella especially given that she was like 13(man. what’s the obsession with making female characters mothers at 13) when she had rhaegar.
HOWEVER given the incredibly funny and subversive nature of making rhaegar a secret lannister instead of the twins or tyrion secret targaryens PLUS secret lannister jonsnow sweep it gets maximum slay factor i love this one
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dipperscavern · 2 months
“No, don’t, don’t cut my hair. Ned loves my hair.”
alright so just fucking shoot me. “boutta read the red wedding!” WHY DID NO ONE STOP ME
idk if this is tmi but i’m on my period and i started cramping again reading the red wedding. i mean just holy shit
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to-the-stars8 · 10 months
That one scene in UTRH where Red Hood meets with the Gotham drug dealers, but, instead of a gun to get their attention, he pulls a dramatic Game Of Thrones move and starts playing the Rains of Castamere.
He’s the type to pull some Red Wedding shit in his early Red Hood days.
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bibannana · 2 years
Crosshair *pondering*: At my wedding, or more likely my funeral, I want all the doors to lock and then The Rains of Castamere to play.
Hunter *hesitating to know the reasoning*:...why?
Crosshair *shrugs*: It would be funny to watch people panic.
Tech *confused*: But if you are dead-
Wrecker *laughs loudly*: That sounds brilliant!
Echo *thinking out loud*: Maybe we can do that if we are ever sent to negotiations that fail?
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