the-golden-onion · 1 year
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that’s it, that’s carlisle’s entire character summarized in six words
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Bombs [dropped] in Bilbo - 5,369
On Feb 21st 1874, Carlists started the siege of Bilbo. The 3rd Carlist was looking bright for them, so they headed to take the capital: they blocked the river, set their canyons on the surrounding mountains, and started bombing the city down in the valley. The canyons were working day and night, destroying hospitals, churches, and schools, which recieved international criticism.
By april the siege was still on and hunger was a real threat for the defenders of Bilbo, but luckily the Spanish Republican army broke the siege and the Carlist army was forced to leave their positions and move to the front in Aragón and Catalunya.
From February to April, 5,369 bombs were dropped in Bilbo. The one in the pic entered a house but didn't explode, so the owner had it decorated as a souvenir of the resistance of the city.
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roehenstart · 8 months
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Alfonso Carlos I de Borbón.
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kiri-instinct · 10 months
spain is the funniest european nation because no other country could have invented “carlism,” an ideology that was little more than “we want an absolute monarchy with the VERY SPECIFIC bourbon we like in charge” but still somehow resulted in three wars not only that, but it managed to stay relevant until the spanish civil war, where its believers were a big part of the nationalist side, and continued to be a big deal in spanish politics until franco fuckin’ died fast forward to today and wikipedia lists THREE DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS that still follow the tenets of carlism. so im sorry, but the british monarchy being absolute fucking cretins, while funny, will NEVER be as funny as a far-right ideology that is basically the political equivalent to “which ice cream flavor do you prefer?” causing so much chaos and still having supporters
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puutterings · 1 year
put tering eye, blue cap and pale; the ball as it fell
                                                                                it was seen the blue cap and pale                                                                   And catching the ball as it fell,                                                       the countenance of Paco, who, with glit                                           Navarrese, whom victory had put                               tering eye and face livid from fury,                   into extravagant spirits, began toss was taking a ...
                                                                              OCR cross-column confusions, at “The Student of Salamanca” (Part 1), in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 58 (November 1845) : 521-540 (525) : link same (Princeton) copy at hathitrust : link
Frederick Hardman, The Student of Salamanca (William Blackwood and Sons, 1847) : 10-11 : link
Story is set in Spain during the first Carlist wars 1833-40... wikipedia : link (controvery quite alive : see “talk” : link see Francisco Javier Caspistegui, “Between repulsion and attraction: Carlism seen through foreign eyes,” Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 2, 2008, 119-143 : link (pdf) (in section 2. “Impertinent inquirers and interested observers”
Frederick Hardman (1814-1874), journalist and novelist, tends to be where the action is. wikipedia : link  
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cparti-mkiki · 1 year
on a tangent but i genuinely think carlism might be the funniest still-kicking (if barely) political ideology rn. you already have to be a bit of a cuckoo job to be a royalist in this day and age but to be a carlist spanish royalist is. impressive. you think the current king of spain is illegitimate and should go (yay) but NOT because monarchy is a shit institution but because of having unironically chosen a side in spain’s 19th century succession hijinks and also he should be replaced by a guy from the same damn royal family but only if that guy descends from someone named carlos.
also you’re probably a rabid tradcath— MORE than the average monarchist, which is. i mean some people on TUMBLR DOT COM seem to be getting wifi from the first carlist war please say hi to charlie maria isidro for me
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reveal-the-news · 1 year
North County Business News, Dec. 18: SDCCU pet campaign, SANDAG e-bike program, 'Future of Work' in RB
North County Business News, Dec. 18: SDCCU pet campaign, SANDAG e-bike program, ‘Future of Work’ in RB
Carlism Aviation company miles donation Jet charter operator Schubach Aviation, based at McClellan-Palomar Airport, is celebrating a 30-year milestone anniversary this year by launching Miles That Matter, a charitable giving program. Inspired by retired founder Henry Schubach’s legacy of giving back to San Diego, the program encompasses the company’s philanthropic contributions, donations and…
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cinnabargirl · 1 year
I think we should bring back carlism full force like in the 19th century only bc I think it would be really funny
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cozy-possum · 4 years
“Esme; love listen to me; you don’t want this. You can be stronger than your thirst; I swear love; you can-” Esme hisses at Carlisle and he shudders at how possessive she sounds over the girl in front of them; despite Carlisle being vegetarian; Esme’s thirst is viewing him as a threat. He waits hands almost reaching out to the girl who’s staring in horror at both of them.
“Don’t fret dear; I’m sorry for-” Carlisle takes a faint step forward and Esme growls. He tenses when he realizes she’s saying something.
“She’s mine.” Carlisle readies himself for a fight; readies himself for the inevitable of the girl dying.
“I’m Bree.” The girl mumbles and Carlisle is confused at how Esme’s face seems to relax; before she looks to Carlisle; he grimaces; not because of her thirst; but because of how her eyes soften; the same look when they’d met Rosalie and Emmett. He makes a note to contact the forger they have as he steps back to let Esme offer the choice to the girl
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Recensie : Om de liefde, voor de troon
Recensie : Om de liefde, voor de troon
Om de liefde, voor de troonHet dynastieke avontuur van prinses Irene en prins Carlos Hugo. 1964-1980Auteur: Daniela HooghiemstraUitgever : Balans9789463821407 Het meeslepende verhaal van prinses Irene die brak met haar geloof en haar familie om de droom van haar katholieke echtgenoot, Carlos Hugo Van Bourbon-Parma waar te maken: koning van Spanje worden.Prinses Irene van Oranje brak met haar…
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monarchocommunism · 4 years
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the-golden-onion · 3 years
carlisle biting esme:
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Sorry if this a weird question, but what exactly is carlismo? I alays learned they were quasi-fascists, but they were persecuted by fascists and by Franco? Doesn't it have to do with them not accepting Isabella II and her descendants as a regents of Spain?
Kaixo anon!
Carlists' history is hard to follow, so you might be interested in this post.
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castilestateofmind · 3 years
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“Traditionalism in itself is a positive force, the only system suited to a strong personality”
Ramon Menendez Pidal
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rvexillology · 3 years
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Flag of Carlism
from /r/vexillology Top comment: Carlism is a Traditionalist and Legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty this is a flag that was historically used by those in the movement
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pilyarquitect · 2 years
You told, what you know to be the truth. And cannot accept the fact that others have done more research into the topics you claim to know so much about. Looking through the other posts you've made on Spain, you present no sources for the texts you claim hold on an alternate history.
At least back up the things you say if you are going to continue to scream how right you are
Sorry, this will be in Spanish
Julián Juderías - "La Leyenda Negra" (it is important to know what is the Black Legend)
¿Cómo es posible que la historia de una nación como España ―creadora del primer imperio global, protagonista absoluta de la Edad Moderna y responsable de la primera gran hibridación cultural y humana entre pueblos de distintos continentes― sea hoy tan desconocida y escasamente valorada por parte de propios y extraños? Algunas respuestas se hallan en esta obra del erudito Julián Juderías, que vio la luz por primera vez en 1914.
Su autor definió así en qué consiste la Leyenda Negra ?en mayúsculas? antiespañola: «Por leyenda negra entendemos el ambiente creado por los fantásticos relatos que acerca de nuestra patria han visto la luz pública en casi todos los países; las descripciones grotescas que se han hecho siempre del carácter de los españoles como individuos y como colectividad […]; la leyenda de la España inquisitorial, ignorante, fanática, incapaz de figurar entre los pueblos cultos lo mismo ahora que antes, dispuesta siempre a las represiones violentas; enemiga del progreso o de las innovaciones; o, en otros términos, la leyenda que habiendo empezado a difundirse en el siglo xvi, a raíz de la Reforma, no ha dejado de utilizarse en contra nuestra desde entonces y más especialmente en momentos críticos de nuestra vida nacional».
La extraordinaria originalidad de su planteamiento otorga a este libro, en el centenario de su publicación, un interés perenne. Imitado cuando no plagiado, este clásico merecía una cuidada edición que ―por primera vez― enmienda erratas y contextualiza la obra de Juderías, cuya pionera valoración de la imagen se adelantó al tercer milenio y al desarrollo de los medios audiovisuales. En sus propias palabras:
«Las naciones son como los individuos, de su reputación viven […], si la honra de los individuos se respeta, ¿por qué no ha de respetarse la de los pueblos?».
Javier Barraycoa Martínez (more focused on Carlism, Catalonia history, but also has books of some other issues of Spanish History):
- Historias ocultadas del Nacionalismo Catalán
- Los (des)controlados de Companys
- Esto no estaba en mi libro de la Revolución Rusa
- And a lot more
Margarita Cantera Montenegro:
- Actas medievales del cabildo de la iglesia catedral de Ávila, Estudio previo y edición
- Blas Piñar y la Hispanidad (Blas Piñar was another historian)
- Entre el altar y la corte
- La Alta Edad Media: los orígenes de León y Castilla vol. II de la "Historia de Castilla y León"
- El Occidente Medieval, del vol. III de la "Historia Universal"
- Investigation projects:
-Identidades, contactos, afinidades: la espiritualidad en la Península Ibérica (siglos XII-XV)
-Investigaciones sobre Castilla en el siglo XV: Sociedad, economía y poder político.
- Hacienda Real, poder político y sociedad en Castillo (1406-1474-1516)
- Documento e inscripción. Estudio conjunto de fuentes escritas altomedievales leonesas (ss. VIII-1065)
- Poder, sociedad y cultura en la Corona de Castilla (s. XIV Y XV).
(As you can see by those investigation projects, this woman in particular has studied deeply the part of medieval age)
Luis Mª Sandoval Pinillos:
- Nueve siglos de cruzadas: crítica y apología
- Cuando se rasga el telón
All those authors (except for Julián Juderías that I'm not sure) are or were historian who had the luck to be able to look original documents).
As a plus I'm adding Alberto Bárcena Pérez who is more focused in recent history like Barraycoa, but he truly has very interesting books like:
- Iglesia y Masonería
- Los presos del Valle de los Caídos
- La guerra de La Vendée (this one is about French Revolution and a zone that raised against this Revolution and were massacred because of it. French citizens actually know nothing about this)
If you want more, I can continue.
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