#canonical dursley family abuse
It is funny to me how Harry Potter is literally the main character, yet people tend to go like he didn't suffer that much or he wasn't "abused"; Like, how can one misunderstand the literal main character of the damn franchise?
He wasn't abused; yes okay. He absolutely did not grow up inside a cupboard; the tiny place that is mostly reserved for brooms or cleaning supply. He absolutely was not treated inferior to the other child who lived in the same house. He was totally was not treated like a "freak" or a "stain" that his family was ashamed off. He grew up inside a cupboard while there was a literal unused bed in the same house. And you want to know what that screamed to a child, a baby — who slept inside a cupboard while there being a perfectly usable room right there? You are worth nothing and we don't love you and we are ashamed of what you are.
He wasn't starved, or at least he was fed; Yeah, no. We see it from the first book. How Vernon was no food for you and in the cupboard you go — and by the looks of it, that was like his most common punishment. And then, in the second book — you practically see it happen. He was locked, inside a room with only a can of soup that he shared with Hedwig. Now, tell me what it would do to a child — to be given food through a cat flap, and fun fact? Harry got to eat less than people on war rations; in short? He was starved, yes.
He wasn't abused physically so it's not abuse; As for people's thinks abuse isn't abuse until it's physical (which is inherently wrong because abuse isn't only physically, fyi); Harry has learned to dodge Vernon and he states that, very proudly when his uncle tries to grab him. He dodges a flying pan and states that fact, again very proudly as if it is the norm; do you know how heavy pans are? And do you know what would happen when one hits you? If you want an even clearer proof; Vernon Dursley strangles Harry in Ootp. There you go. Also, in the first book, we clearly see Vernon encouraging Dudley to hit Harry. Read between the lines and actually try to understand what that signifies.
And favourite part; When he wasn't treated like a prisoner, or a freak— he was their servant. And that is very much canonical. Tending Petunia's garden during summers and drinking from the water hose in the garden because of how hot it was? Having to wake up early so he can tend the kitchen and when he wasn't doing all that he is locked away. And it is all canon.
In conclusion, Harry— not only grew up to think that he was inhumane, undeserving of love, a freak that didn't even get to have his own bed because someone like him didn't deserve it, physically harmed enough times that he dodges them out of reflex and also the Dursleys' glorified servant; that is not even taking into account what Harry went through in Hogwarts. And after all that if someone tells me; this child, right here — didn't go through much then well, maybe read the books again?
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pftones3482 · 5 months
"Ummm they toned down the abuse from Gabe in Percy Jackson because it's a kids show, stop being mad about it"
Ignoring the fact that it's also a children's book, let's take a look at some children's media in the last couple decades that depict parental abuse towards children that isn't physical, but still makes the abuse feel real:
1. Harry Potter. I'm loathe to even put it on here bc of how much I hate JKR, but HP DOES depict child abuse in probably one of the best ways of any modern media. As far as I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong), the Dursley's never lay a hand on Harry. But it is never even questioned if they're awful people towards Harry - they literally make him sleep in a closet.
2. Matilda. Like do I even need to explain this one? Abuse from not only her whole family (again, NONE of it physical from what I recall), but also from other authority figures. And she's not the only character who deals with parental abuse - Miss Honey is a grown adult shown to be dealing with the negative effects of an abusive parental figure.
3. Phineas and Ferb. Laugh all you want, but Doofenshmirtz's parents were genuinely awful to him. His stories are just tamed down in a way that's palpable to a much younger audience while still also being clear abuse - a young child can chuckle at his stories but STILL understand why maybe some of his stories would turn him evil.
4. Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko's father physically disables his own son. Not to mention the constant emotional neglect and manipulation on top of it, the writers never held back on how bad his father was. Even if he hadn't scarred Zuko, he would still be a clear depiction of an abusive parent.
5. The Willoughbys. The parents are so awful that the kids literally plot to murder them. The parents abandoned them to freeze to death on top of a mountain. Enough said.
6. Percy fucking Jackson.
Percy Jackson IS a book made for kids that depicts child abuse from a parent - and not only does it depict child abuse, it depicts spousal abuse.
I know Percy doesn't know that Gabe is physically hurting Sally in the beginning of the book. But we as the audience know that Gabe DOES hurt Percy. There is not a single sign in the new show that Percy has anything more than a snarky, annoyed view of Gabe.
Gabe is supposed to be smelly and disgusting, a drunk (which, even if they can't depict that in a Disney show, you can still play around with his grossness), a slob, and a gambler. He's barely even greasy in the show. Literally they could have just had him belch a few times or eat messily and it would have given off a better impression of his character. Instead, he just quips back and forth with Percy and then later is just...whining. He's whiney. He does not ring as a man who abuses his family, emotionally OR physically, he rings as a pathetic step-dad figure who can't support himself (which is ALSO not canon, because in the book he runs an auto store! His abuse towards Sally is not for lack of money, it's just because he's a dick!!!) The fact that I think that Doof's parents in Phineas and Ferb are more overtly abusive than him on screen is actually absurd.
And Sally fell flat. Her character in the book doesn't yell literally ever - not once in the whole series can I recall her legitimately yelling at someone. Her persona is kind and gentle in the books and as for wits, she's clever, and sneaky, and cunning. She fights back with Gabe in ways that we as the audience can see, but Gabe misses because he's so dense.
Take the bean dip scene.
In the show, she basically is like "Yeah yeah I'll make the bean dip, shut up" and Gabe just whines about the sour cream while they yell at each other.
In the book? That's her bargaining chip to take the car for the weekend. That's her ticket out of the house. Bribery. Not just placating a whining husband - she bribes him in the books.
And her yelling back? Just feels so unnatural to Sally Jackson as a whole. I saw someone say she feels like Disney girl-bossed her, and they're right. She doesn't feel like Sally Jackson. She feels like just another cut and paste Disney woman who's snappy and doesn't take shit.
And to be clear - the OG Sally Jackson also didn't take shit. She was just so much more clever about it, in a way that made sure Percy never saw her actively yell. She doesn't have to be snarky and rude to get her way. Percy knows she's fighting back without physically fighting, and that's what makes her so strong. Sometimes you have to fight more with your wits and cleverness than you do with screaming and fists
(Gee...wonder what other character Percy ends up really admiring that also holds that philosophy in life?)
Anyway...all that said, stop blaming the fact that it's a children's show on Gabe's watered down personality. Children's shows/movies and family shows/movies have been depicting serious parental abuse and neglect for decades, in both realistic and more humorous ways that don't take away from the neglect. Kids can handle it, because there are kids going through it.
To say that "It's a kids show, kids shouldn't have to see that," is a disservice to the kids who need to see that, so they know that they can get away too, and they don't have to get physical to do it.
Also, this version of Gabe? Doesn't deserve to die. He's just annoying, not an asshole that scares Percy more than literal monsters do.
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weird-obsessed-girl · 3 months
Wolfstar Raises Harry Fic Rec/TBR
Below is a list with links to fanfics that focus on or include Sirius and Remus raising Harry, all of these are completed (cause I’m too impatient) and will be a mix of fics i have read or that i want to read. Organised by word count smallest to longest.
TW fics will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursleys.
Here’s the link to my other recs and TBR’s Harry Potter Fic List (mostly Drarry)
Raising Harry - mm5729
Domestic fluff, slice of life, fist full moon with Harry | G | 652
Up To No Good - dramaticwitchbitch
Harry learns his first swear word, alt universe, domestic fluff | Not rated | 1k
That’s My Moony - toofadedtofight
Possessive Sirius, discussions of grief, black family tapestry, Wolfstar explaining nicknames to 4 year old Harry | G | 1.7k
Family doesn’t give up, harry - paintblob
Protective Sirius, Vernon gets decked, Wolfstar rescue harry from Dursleys, this is also apart of 2 part series | G | 2.7k
& home & home & home (or, a time loop) - decemberista
Time loop, alt timelines, time travel fix-it, bring back Black, bittersweet, Marauders Era | T | 3.1k
Raising the boy who lived - hufflepuffchaos
A small series, hurt/comfort, good reacher, domestic fluff, Dursley bashing, slice of life | G | 3.7k
A world for us - a_threereasonswhy
Daily prophet headlines, angst, everyone needs a hug, Sirius is bad at feelings, drinking | T | 3.3k
Make it up, fall in love, try - astrolupins
Established Wolfstar, panic, vomiting, Remus fights for fair trial, Sirius is freed, raising harry implied but not in fic | M | 4.1k
This is my family - Patriceavril
Canon divergence, Sirius is free, Christmas, fluff and angst, families of choice, nightmares | T | 7.3k
Another Cheese Sandwich - Notawriter_17
Christmas, domestic fluff, Harry leaves Dursley family, fluff and angst | Not rated | 8.8k
My Anonymous Wolfstar Fics
Anonymous collection of small fics, def recommend ‘Moony and the Wolf’, child Harry, pre and during Hogwarts, fluff, past child abuse, explaining werewolves to harry | T | 10.3k
Baby On Board - aqua_myosis for MsAlexWP
Fluff, mpreg, non-explicit sex, overbearing Sirius, preggers Remus | E | 12k
(The Anatomy of an) Accidental necromancy - roseemma, rosemaldrge (roseemma)
Halloween 1981, POV Remus, hurt no comfort, Sirius free from Azkaban, fanart | Not rated | 13.5k
Rhythm & Blues - lez_writes13
Sirius is freed, heals with Remus, time to get Harry, sign language, domestic fluff, angst, memory loss, hurt/comfort | T | 18.8k
Beautiful boy (darling boy) - roaming_the_greenwood1
Friends to lovers, book 4, trans Remus, Sirius accidentally knocks up Remus, happy ending, kid fic, coparents to lovers, pining | M | 67.9k
Folklore Chronicles - throughthemist
A series of small fics about Wolfstar first meeting and adopting Harry when he’s hogwarts age, canon divergence, Sirius gets a trial | T | 189.7k
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theresthesnitch · 9 months
Remus should have fought harder for Sirius and Harry!
No, but... how do you know he didn't? Canon is absoluely silent on it. What we know is that Remus didn't see Harry again until he taught at Hogwarts. Canon tells us nothing about what he was doing during this time.
We also know that Dumbledore had Hagrid pick Harry up from Godric's Hollow on October 31 and fly him straight to the Dursley's house. Hagrid tells us that he went straight there on the bike he borrowed from Sirius Black. Harry was placed with his aunt and uncle, by Dumbledore's order, and kept so completely unaware of magic that he didn't have a clue that magic--magic that he could do, by the way--was real until a giant burly man knocked on a shack in the middle of the lake on his birthday.
Harry was hidden by the most powerful, well respected wizard of the time. Sirius was blamed and put in Azkaban without a trial. This is already a terrible starting pace to *finding* and *rescuing* them, even if Remus had the capability to do so.
Remus is not Harry's godfather, he's got no means to care for Harry, and he's got once a month that he knows without a doubt that Harry is in more danger with him than without. Perhaps he knew that Harry was with his aunt and uncle, but no one suspected that the Durselys would abuse Harry as they did. Even if they hated magic, no one expected them to turn him into the boy in the cupboard under the stairs. That's perposterous. It's unthinkable.
Remus has no power. He's a kid with a wand and very little else. He doesn't have a name, he doesn't have money, he doesn't even have a clean bill of health. If he's going to try to get Sirius out and Harry back, he's going to go to the most powerful wizard he knows. Which, after the War, is Dumbledore.
Dumbledore received numerous awards for whatever it was he did during and at the end of the war. He received honors. He was the only one that Voldemort ever feared. he was given designations and authority, and no one really questioned him.
So Remus goes to him and pleads for his help. Let Sirius out, he demands. You know Sirius would never do this to James. He would never do this to Peter. They were his friends. Dumbledore says I didn't think he would either, and yet their dead. Remus says give him a trial, because there must be an explanation. Dumbledore tells him that Sirius laughed hysterically on the way to Azkaban. Sirius confessed, he says. "It's my fault their dead," Sirius says, because he believed it to be true, and they accepted his confession.
Remus begs, but Dumbledore tells him it's settled. Who is Remus to fight Dumbledore? Perhaps he tires, perhaps it's hopless. Or, perhaps, he asks to have contact with Harry. Even if he can't care for him, because no one would trust the boy who lived with a werewolf, let him at least have contact with Harry. Harry deserves to know his parents. Dumbledore tells him no. It will be too confusing for the boy. It will be dangerous if you bring death eaters with you. It's better for him if he grows up believing he is a member of that family. it is better for him if he doesn't have contact with you.
Remus has los everything, and the only person that he thought might help him has turned him away.
Remus has nothing left. He has no one left. No one will listen to him if Dumbledore is against him, and everyone is celebrating while Remus can only think of what he's lost.
What did he do for the next fourteen years? Personally, I think he left the country. Traveld the world as a magical creature exterminator for hire. He had nothing left in England. Why would he stay? Perhaps he didn't even keep track of the years--what do they matter anyway--until he gets a letter from Dumbledore asking him to come back.
He has nothing else. Why not return? Perhaps it's safe for Harry to know who he is, now. He just has to get on the train the morning after the full moon, but it's fine. he can sleep all the way there.
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You've done what ifs where Aro or Carlisle swapped places with Dumbledore, but what if the protagonists swapped roles instead? Harry Swan and Bella Potter? How would that go?
Anon's referring to this post as well as this post.
Caveat That Bears Repeating
I've said this a number of times in these kinds of posts already, but the thing is that backstories matter. Harry and Bella don't just pop into existence, informed by nothing, they all have histories that lead them to where they end up in canon.
Bella has her parent's messy divorce, her alienation from her father, her irresponsible mother, as well as the socialization of being an American girl in the early 2000's.
Harry is an orphan physically and mentally abused by his surviving relatives, at the age of eleven he suddenly discovers that in a secret society he's bigger than the Beatles, he's a young British boy in the early 1990's who then is thrust into the wizarding world culture.
My point is that as much as I can theorize what Bella or Harry would be like in the AU where Bella's now a British girl living in a cupboard beneath the stairs and Harry's now living with Renee, it's just me handwaving and guessing.
I really don't know with these things.
With that said, we can try.
Bella Potter
We'll say the Dursleys pull the exact same shit with Bella as they would Harry. I imagine Bella's almost New Moon levels of depressed at eleven.
She thinks she's ugly and is purposefully made so by her relatives (given bad haircuts, clothes that don't fit, probably Dudley's castoffs making her look more tom-boyish and less 'cute' than what might be acceptable), she's told her parents were drunks and losers, and her family despises her and thinks she's stupid and a waste of space.
I imagine Bella often contemplates whether it'd be better if she'd never been born in the first place. Where Harry reacted with anger, I imagine from what we see of canon, Bella crumples in on herself.
Then she discovers she's a witch, that weird scar on her forehead that she always tries to cover a sign of her defeating You-Know-Who, and that her parents were wonderful people.
Bella waits for the other shoe to drop, for people to realize she's a phony, that she's not cool, special, pretty, or anything any of these people seem to believe she is based on nothing. Worse, Bella would want to come clean, but she doesn't want to lose any of this.
Hagrid is treating her nicely, on the train that boy Ron genuinely seems to like her and think she's cool and interesting, she has friends and people think she can do things.
Bella's terrified of being found out as a fraud which makes her more nervous than Neville in trying to use magic (especially in Potions where Snape mercilessly bullies her and thus makes her even worse than she otherwise would have been).
However, this gets in the way of typical Harry adventures, as Bella to the best of her ability keeps her nose down and out of trouble (as then everyone would hate her again). As a result, she doesn't save Hermione from the troll, Ron eventually gets bored of her and thinks of her as another girl, she doesn't go after the Philosopher's Stone or later involve herself with the Chamber of Secrets debacle.
Voldemort gets the stone offscreen (likely eventually able to get through the enchantment on the mirror) and is able to resurrect himself at which point Bella is terrified as everyone's now expecting her to do something about it.
"I am twelve?" Bella asks, then cries because she's not a magical princess like everyone wants her to be.
Harry Swan
Where Bella is depressed, Harry is angry.
Harry's not happy about moving to Forks but it was made clear he didn't have much choice. He's very bitter with Renee about this and bitter at Charlie in general for being an absentee father. He's ready to take on the whole school, gossiping all about him he's sure, and spit in their faces.
Unlike Hogwarts, as he doesn't want to be here and doesn't have good preconceptions, it's the equivalent of him being told he's going to Malfoy Boarding School in Malfoy County, to a place where he's sure to hate the people and they're sure to be looking for any weakness. (Remember, Bella did not at all have a good perception of Forks or its people).
He, in fact, immediately does so just to make sure they know where he stands. Yeah, he knows his mom ran off, what about it? I imagine he gets in a fist fight with Mike Newton on his first day, Harry is labeled a delinquent.
He catches a look at the Cullens and thinks they're rich freaks and weirdos who moved to this nowhere town. Charlie is at his wits end with Harry and utterly unsure how to deal with him as most the kids in town don't make this kind of trouble.
Unfortunately for Harry, he catches Edward's interest, unfortunately for Harry, with his outspoken anger and bitterness he's not Edward's type.
There's only two doors for someone with the smell, Edward takes the door labeled "eat me, I'm delicious".
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harryjpotter-shitpost · 11 months
I can give Dudley the redemption arch because he was a child following after his parents (very abusive behaviors) but people are really defending Petunia and Vernon???? What the fuck?? Like it pretty much says in the first sentence of the whole series that they’re assholes! And it is canon that both Vernon AND Petunia were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to Harry until the last moment he left private drive.
The only reason I can give Dudley any kind of redemption or forgiveness is because we see him change in the books after the Dementor attack. I don’t think he and Harry will ever be close or very friendly, but I can see them having a civil relationship at least for their children. Or even just to make up for their shitty childhood that they shared together, as Dudley was also abused too. But this would definitely be after years of therapy and trying to make amends, it wouldn’t happen until many years after the war was over.
You would be surprised on how many posts I’ve crossed where people almost worship Petunia and say that Vernon is the one who forced her to hate her sister!!!
I believe that Dudley deserves redemption cause as you said he was a young person living in a very toxic environment. However, I’m always rather conflicted on how his relationship with Harry is post-war. I’ve read a few fics that had different perspectives on what their relationship have come to, and they’re all very interesting! But I’m not set out on one opinion. Sometimes I think Harry would try to leave it all behind him, but sometimes I think that maybe they’d reconnect as Dudley was obviously a very huge part of Harry’s life (even though it was horrendous) and the same goes the other direction. But I’m sure of one thing; I don’t think they’ll ever have a “close brotherhood” kind of relationship. Maybe sending presents over the holidays or reconnecting every few years, but never close, yk?
But anyways let me get back to my rant about Petunia. It’ll be under the cut :)
CW: mentions of abuse
Let’s get one thing straight: Vernon did not make her hate Harry nor was he pulling the strings in that house and the abuse regarding his nephew. It was Petunia. She collected ALL the hatred in that house and made sure it was taken out on Harry. Why? Because she’s a petty, small-minded and disgusting woman who abused the power she had over a child. All that to let out some of the childish jealousy she had against her DEAD little sister.
Here are some quotes from the books to use as a starting point:
“Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister,”
“They didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child [Harry] like that.”
“she [Petunia] always got so upset at any mention of her sister.”
"He [Vernon] cleared his throat nervously. ‘Er — Petunia, dear — you haven’t heard from your sister lately, have you?’ As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry. After all, they normally pretended she didn’t have a sister. ‘No,’ she said sharply.”
“Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he’d heard the name ‘Potter.’ He decided he didn’t dare.”
“‘Harry’ [Said Petunia]. ‘Nasty, common name, if you ask me.’”
So these quotes are from the first chapter of the first book (Philosopher’s Stone).
As you can see, pretending the Potters don’t exist is a mutual decision from both sides and it seems that Petunia is more bothered by the mention of her sister than Vernon is because when he tries to bring up the Potters his main concern is upsetting Petunia. Never once does he mention his own disgust with them when trying to bring them up. No, it’s Petunia’s reaction he’s worried about. This doesn’t seem like a behavior of someone who is forcing his wife to hate her sister.
If anything it seems to me that Petunia have explained to her husband how much she dislikes the mention of her sister (and her sister’s entire family too) and so Vernon got the memo that the Potters should never be brought up. Which shows that Petunia is the one who fuels the hatred for the Potters in their household.
Now I’m not saying that Vernon is completely innocent, no he’s hates the Potters too. But his is more personal. After the whole double date incident when he felt that James was taking the mickey out of him and undermining his power. A bully like Vernon who likes to show off his money and power being insulted by a teenager made Vernon hate James’ guts.
“…James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove.”
“Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant.” -Pottermore
And I think that Vernon usually likes to pretend that the people he hates don’t exist, he’s way to high to be bothered by a cocky teenager who ‘doesn’t have a future’. He feels way too superior. During his wedding he made sure not to give James any attention, but made sure to return the humiliation he felt during the double date.
“Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’.” -Pottermore
After Vernon obviously felt satisfied with his comeback, he never gives James a glance.
That’s why when mentioning the Potters he doesn’t even mention the double date incident because technically who’s that James next to him?? No, his wife’s reaction is the main concern.
And that’s the difference between the hate Vernon has towards the Potters and Petunia’s hatred. Whereas Vernon hates James specifically for undermining him and his money and power, Petunia hates them all because she ‘knows’ she’s less superior and special. This fuels her jealousy and anger towards them.
Therefore; Vernon’s ultimate superiority and Petunia’s ultimate loathing.
And you can see that Petunia already has it out for Harry even though she hasn’t met him yet; calling his name “Nasty”. Now I know some of you might interpret her sentence as Petunia criticizing her sister’s choice of names, but if that was the case she would’ve claimed the boy’s misfortune of having such a name or the kid’s misfortune on having parents like the Potters. But no, she mainly focused on the child. Which gives the impression that she’s disliked Harry the moment she knew about him.
“she [Petunia] received from Lily and James the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.” -Pottermore
These things sets the foundations for her dislike towards Harry. So when the moment comes where she actually meets him, he will be connected to the ‘detestable’ announcement and the ‘nasty’ name.
Then the times comes where she has to handle that child’s responsibilities and raise him.
And she did take him in, no one’s denying that, but this happened:
“She did it grudgingly, and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.” -Pottermore
She spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.
She took him in. She hated every single moment of having to raise him. So she made sure he was punished for it.
If that is not abuse as some people like to say, then what is exactly???? Punishing an innocent child for taking him in? Are you guys serious?
That’s why her character disgusts me so much. I cannot stand her at all. Because if anything this is a psycho level of behavior. A sane person wouldn’t dream of hurting a small animal let alone a child. Her nephew.
And as for Vernon’s hatred towards Harry it stems out of the humiliation he felt when he met James. The fact that Vernon made sure to return that humiliation during the wedding satisfied Vernon and he didn’t have to think about James anymore. But Harry ( the carbon copy of James) serves as a constant reminder of that feeling, so his hatred towards Harry stems out from his injured masculinity. As Pottermore says:
“Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.”
So ya this is my rant about them. Sorry if this is all over the place, English isn’t my first language and this topic pisses me off so much🙂.
And I’d like to conclude that I hate them both, but hate Petunia at tad bit more :)
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severitus-big-bang · 7 months
Prompts and ideas for your SeveritusBB work
as taken from the Potions and Snitches site:
Big Brother Snape [23] Stories where Snape and Harry have the same parents, or one parent in common with each other. May be biological or adopted, officially or not.
Snape Equal Status to Harry [279] Snape and Harry have the same status and are equals in social power. Subcategories are Colleagues Snape and Harry, Foes Snape and Harry, and Comrades Snape and Harry.
Healer Snape [251] Stories where Snape heals Harry in some way. Healer - one that heals or attempts to heal. Healing: the process of recovery, repair, and restoration.
Master Snape [38] Stories where Snape has absolute authority over Harry; consists of Apprentice Harry, Headmaster Snape, and Slave Harry.
Parental Snape [1159] Snape exercises paternal care over Harry; to perform the tasks or duties of a parent or father. Subcategories include Biological Father Snape (Sevitis and Severitus stories), Stepfather Snape, and Guardian Snape.
Reverse Roles [51] Harry Potter takes care of Severus Snape. Roles are opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character. Subcategories include Big Brother Harry, Healer Harry, Master Harry, Parental Harry, Teacher Harry.
Teacher Snape [1002] Snape teaches or instructs Harry, esp. as a profession; instructor. Contains Trusted Advisor Snape, Professor Snape, and Unofficially teaching Snape.
Starting points
Which relationship are you aiming for? - see categories and Severitus relationship
Canon/Canon divergent/AU
In which time is the story set? (era)
Is there a background Severus/xy ship (for example Lily, James, Sirius, Petunia, OC, …) or a background Harry/xy ship (Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Cho, OC, whoever you can think about)
Hurt/Comfort - injury at school/after encounter with Voldemort/ because of the Dursleys
Family fluff
Time travel (reversed Severitus?)
Spinner's End/Cokeworth
Potter Residence/Gordic’s Hollow
How old are the characters
Classic prompt ideas
Hogwarts setting
Severus is the only adult at Hogwarts to notice how Harry is doing after Quirrel's death/ Cedric’s death/Sirius’ death
Severus is the one to find out about the Dursley’s neglect/abuse
Someone discloses that Severus is in fact Harry’s biological father, but Lily had to hide it
Harry is put in Slytherin and therefore Snape can’t [be seen to] hate him
Friendship between two professors
Reverse Severitus
Harry travels back in time (to prevent Severus’ death?) by looking after him from a young age Either as a professor/mentor or he adopts him
Severus is de-aged and Harry decides to look after him
AU where their roles are reversed and Harry notices how much Severus struggles
Early in Harry’s life
Severus decides to adopt/care for Harry directly after Lily’s death (he is godfather?)
Severus is sent to look if everything in Privet Drive is all right and finds out about cupboard 
Dumbledore places Harry with him against his will
Sev decides to take Harry away
Dursleys refuse to take Harry in - needs to be places somewhere else
Harry runs away - is taken in by Severus
Severus finds him by accident
Severus is tasked to find him
Lily put in her will that Harry should go to Severus (turns out he is his father but didn’t know)
Severus knows he is Harry’s father but promised Lily not to tell, after the Potters' deaths he takes on his responsibilities
AU - Potters survive
Severus and Lily are together
Severus and James are together 
Triad Severus/Lily/James
Godfather Severus, Uncle Severus…
(Adoptive) brother Severus
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drarrydisabilityfest · 10 months
Drarry Disability Fest 2023 Masterlist & Wrap-up
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Title:Any Emotions
Author/Artist: @steampunkserpent27 (AO3/Tumblr) Grievers27 (Discord)
Rating: Teen
Word count (if applicable): 11,261
Warnings/Tags: No Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Post-War, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Mental Health Issues, Disability, Disabled Character, Autistic Harry Potter, Autism, Sensory Issues, Emotional Dysregulation, Crying, Gryphons, Social Anxiety, Social Issues, Misunderstandings, Bullying, Ableism, Hogsmeade, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationships, Good Harry Potter, Good Draco Malfoy, Supportive Draco Malfoy, Painter Draco Malfoy, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Honeydukes, Kissing, Getting Together, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Self-Discovery, Happy Ending, Minor Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger,
Summary:During Harry's Eighth Year at Hogwarts, he finds himself not only trying to figure out his feelings towards his old rival and nemesis, Draco Malfoy, but also trying to figure out why he's always felt so different, even amongst his closest friends.
Author/Artist:@queenie-jinny, QueenieJinny (AO3)
Rating: Teen
Word count (if applicable): 4,393
Warnings/Tags:POV First Person, POV Alternating, Disability, Physical Disability, Healer Draco Malfoy, Hard of hearing Harry Potter, Diabetes, Happy Ending, Blood and Injury (briefly), Anxiety/Panic attack (briefly), Light Angst, Romantic Fluff
Summary:When Harry sustains an injury in the line of duty, he has to come to terms with the fact that sometimes there are no magical solutions.
Title: What Works For Us
Author/Artist: flightinflame
Rating: Teen
Word count (if applicable): 1,821
Warnings/Tags: Autism, Autistic Scorpius Malfoy, Haircuts, Parenthood, Good Parent Draco Malfoy, Family Fluff, Good Parent Harry Potter, meltdowns
Summary: Scorpius wants to have short hair. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to have his hair cut.
Title: Like Father, Like Son
Author/Artist: @ladderofyears, Ladderofyears (AO3)
Rating: General
Word count (if applicable): 5,648
Warnings/Tags: Autism, Autistic Character, St Mungo's Hospital (Harry Potter), Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Original Character(s), Autistic Scorpius Malfoy, Implied Mpreg, Past Mpreg, Harry Is Reluctant To Accept Scorpius's Diagnosis, But Soon Opens His Mind, Established Relationship, Established Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Married Couple, Fatherhood, Autistic Harry Potter, Supportive Draco Malfoy, Kind Draco Malfoy, Vernon Dursley Being an Asshole, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Past Child Abuse
Summary: During Scorpius's autism diagnosis, Harry begins to understand that he might be autistic too.
Title:He's Perfect
Rating: Teen
Word count (if applicable): 7,988
Warnings/Tags: Autism; Autistic Scorpius Malfoy; Post Mpreg; Minor Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy; Parenthood; Ableist Language; Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole; Lucius Malfoy Redemption; Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy; Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE; Domestic Fluff; Neurodiversity; POV Draco Malfoy; Good Parent Draco Malfoy; Good Parent Harry Potter; Scorpius is an adorable bean; Digital Art; Kid Fic
Summary: Draco's son with Harry is a shining light in his life, and is perfect just the way he is.
Title: Boundaries
Author/Artist: SleepyElephant
Rating: General
Word count (if applicable): 4,790
Warnings/Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE;Post-War;Some Humor;Established Relationship;Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley;Disability;Chronic Illness;Undiagnosed Illness;Unsolicited medical advice;Setting Boundaries
Summary: Harry has been dealing with undiagnosed chronic symptoms since the war. Hermione won’t stop giving unsolicited advice. With support, Harry finally sets a boundary with her.
Title: Pain, Potions, & a Prick Known as Potter
Author: ChesterPoe (AO3), DeathsDaisy (Tumblr)
Rating: Teen
Word count: 11,378
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Drarry, Redeemed Draco, Child Abuse, mentions of torture, (only in the first chapter), bad parent lucious malfoy, Post War, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Massage, Chronic Pain, Fainting, Passing Out, A lot of comfort, especially at the end
Disability Focus: Chronic pain & nerve damage
Summary: The repeated and sustained Crucios used on Draco during the war have caused him permanent nerve damage. He suffers from chronic pain, temporary occasional loss of sensation in parts of his body, poor circulation, trembling and shaky hands, etc.
Harry gets assigned as Draco's probation auror, they start off where they had left in school, but Draco has changed and so has he. They need to grow together these next few months to see what had been missing in their school years.
P.S. The way I talk about chronic pain in this is from personal experience. Not all of us experience the same thing. I assume those who suffer along with me know that, but for those who don’t/those without a chronic “issue”: please remember your experiences/ideas of what it’s “really” like are not universal. Be nice, thanks.
That's a wrap! We want to give a HUGE shout out to our creators who worked so so hard to make this happen, we are so proud of you, and we hope you will join us again next year! All 7 of these stories are beta-read and sensitivity checked, so we ask that you refrain from berating our creators if you see things that differ from your own experience and knowledge of these conditions; every disabled person's experience is different and unique and deserves space!
And from Mod Kel to my fellow mods, thank you so so so much for your patience, hard work, and dedication to this fest. It is because of you both that this fest idea was able to take form because there would have been no way it could be done solo. Specifically I want to thank Ceylon for her amazing work with header art and the airtable system, as well as her hard work in managing communications through the email; thank you so much lovely! I want to thank Rowan specifically for their/his work on our tumblr and AO3, as well as all the time they/he spent on the Discord helping us figure things out and working around the time difference, and effort they/he put into posting; you're absolutely incredible!
Please leave comments and kudos for the hard working creators of this fest, even if you just comment an emoji or a "good job" your feedback means a lot to our writers. Also share! Spread the disability pride month joy, and we'll see you all next year for Drarry Disability Fest 2024!
- Your Drarry Disability Fest 2023 mods: Ceylon (@quackquackcey), Kel (@slytherinthelibrary), Rowan (@basicallyahedgehog)
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50044w44s · 6 months
Ron Weasley is not my favorite character but oh how I love him. I think that theres a lot of things to say about him that the canon didn't bother on saying.
Most of all I love Ron and Harry friendship, I like to think that Harry looked up to Ron like Ron was his hero. Just think about it, he's the first person Harry talks to after eleven years of living with the dursleys, he's Harry's first friend ever. And then in the second year, Ron literally saves him from the Dursleys' house. Countless times Ron is the one to save Harry.
I think a kid as abused as Harry was, would easy develop some kind of dependence on another person. Like someone to hide behind if everything becomes too much. I think that person was Ron. I think Ron knew it. I think everyone knew it.
I think that's what makes Ron leaving them while hunting horrocruxes hurt so much more. And I think Ron will never forgive himself for that.
I think many many years later, when they're both adults, they both have a family, Harry would still look at Ron when he doesn't know what to say. And I think Ron's still aware of that.
And it maybe breaks Ron's heart cause as much as he loves being of help, it's a constant reminder that Harry's past was not free. And he paid with a lot of things that he will never get back.
But Ron will always help him. When Harry looks at him, Ron could move mountains, hold the sky, and take down the sun and the stars.
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saintsenara · 5 months
I'm curious about arachne!
thank you so much for the ask, @midnightstargazer - and i'm sorry for taking so long to getting around to answering this work in progress tag game question...
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arachne is a piece i'm putting together for @ladiesofhpfest, specifically for the week on character studies - you can find the full schedule of themes here.
as with many of my pieces for last year's iteration, i'd like to use the fest to take a deep-dive not only into female characters who don't get a lot of attention in comparison to male ones, but into female characters who don't get a lot of fandom attention full stop. I've got stories in the works about mrs zabini, merope gaunt, kendra dumbledore, petunia dursley etc.
but this one is about eileen prince, severus snape's mother.
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when eileen appears in fan-fiction, which is rarely, she is often given a standard backstory: she's from a pureblood family, often an elite or influential one, which disowns her when she runs off with the muggle, tobias snape; her marriage is marked by poverty and abuse; and she dies before 1991 at the latest [often, she's dead before her son becomes a death eater], frequently at her husband's hands.
and this backstory does, of course, have a strong canon basis: snape's memories of his childhood, seen by harry in order of the phoenix and deathly hallows, reveal undeniably that eileen was a victim of domestic violence and that she spent the 1960s and 1970s - at the very least - as notably poor even within a poor town.
that she's a pureblood, however, has as its canon basis only harry deciding at the end of half-blood prince that she must have been, in order to force a comparison between snape - who has just murdered dumbledore - and voldemort. that she's from an elite pureblood family has no basis more reliable than this fandom's belief that all purebloods are glamorous aristocrats, and that aristocracy is a good and admirable thing...
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but, of course, the thing about harry's assessment of snape's character at the end of half-blood prince is that he's... wrong. snape is neither a coward nor a murderer, he didn't hate lily, and he's not a loyal death eater at all.
so, that made me think... what if he's wrong about eileen? after all, if her marriage to a working-class muggle man is announced in the daily prophet, she can hardly be supposed to be from a blood supremacist family? we know that not all pureblood families live glamorous lives on ancestral estates, why couldn't some of them live in terraced houses in declining industrial towns? why couldn't eileen and tobias have grown up together, have believed themselves a love story, and then discovered as they tried to make a life together as adults that the magic which seemed so irrelevant between them as children only brings resentment once there are bills to pay and no money to pay them with? what effect would that have on a son already primed to be radicalised against muggles...?
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so, arachne is eileen's life story, featuring me on my soapbox about how social class is the most important theme of the series and also featuring me on my soapbox about how every character is irish in some way.
i am keeping coy for now [which, while i'm on my 'everyone is irish' soapbox is a phrase i do not sound good saying out loud...] about why the title is what it is...
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weird-obsessed-girl · 7 months
Severitus Fic Rec/TBR
Here is a list of my Severitus TBR and fic recommendations, this will mostly have Severus adopting/taking care of Harry. Many of these will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursley’s so please keep that in mind as you look at this list.
This list will also require an open mind as I’ve included a few ships including Severus and other adult characters (and absolutely excluding any of the students I’m looking at you Snape/Hermione freaks)
Master list for fic TBR/rec
Organised by word count.
Resolution - DancingInTheSilverGlow
G | 1.4K # hopeful ending, angst, sev adopts baby harry
To be Loved - ladyofsilverdawn
T | 1.4K # A/B/O dynamics, angst with happy ending, fluff, adoption
Is it just you and me (in the wreckage of the world) - becarefulcontentspriceless
G | 2k | 2/2 chapters # found family, Minerva raises harry, sev turned against DE before lily’s death, still spy
Coming Out - JessalynMichele
G | 2k | Drarry # gay panic, fluff, coming out, humour, good Draco, sirius lives, good parent sev
Soulmate to the Mutt - Jelaine92
G | 9k | Severus/Sirius # soulmate au, fluff and angst
A House on Stilts - Boyvoids
11k | 1/1 chapters # suicidal thoughts, adoption, guardian sev, sev takes harry to the ocean
Severus Snape and the Burden of Responsibility - ThatGirlWithASquid
T | 16k | 5/5 chapters # found family, bedtime stories, harry gets love he deserves, light angst, adoption, kid fic
The adventures of Snape slowly adopting Harry Potter series by Flumet
G | 23k | 10 works/? # kid harry, fluff, domestic fluff, happy ending, accidental shenanigans
To Make A Home, From Shadows And Flowers And Love (Severitus For The Soul) series by Otaku6337
T | 27k | 6 works/? # hurt/comfort, smart harry, sev has a heart, family bonding, domestic fluff, good sev
Unsaid - Dianaartemis16
G | 35k | 10/10 chapters # father-son relationship, hurt/comfort, child neglect, pre-hogwarts
Calamity - MellarkandArt
T | 40k | 15/15 chapters # child abuse, third year, healer sev, courtroom drama, food issues, good friends romione, hurt/comfort
Bruised Words series by starknjarvis
G | 50k | 2/2 works # traumatised harry, harry has to live with Snape, sickfic, pre-third year, misunderstandings, found family, adoption
The Potion Master’s Second Chance - Thinksy
T | 620k | 85/100 chapters # time travel fix-it, mentor sev, canon divergence, sev adopts harry, slow build, wolf star bashing
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blitheringmcgonagall · 2 months
Du you think Sirius was aware of just what horrible abuse Harry had suffered from the Dursley? He didn't seem to be in POA which is understandable, but when when he was around the Order In OotP he must have been after speaking with people like Hagrid, Moody and Tonks and Remus. But if so, why do you think he didn't talk to Harry about it?
Sirius had no idea.
There is no evidence in the books that anyone told him! Certainly not Harry, who doesn’t like worrying adults especially people he cares about and he is already worried about THEM. Sirius seems surprised and pleased that Harry wanted to live with him so readily and I’m sure would have prodded for more info if he had been able to stick around. He’s unhappy his relatives won’t sign his leave for Hogsmeade form and happily does it, paw print and all! But doesn’t hear more.
Remus and Tonks are not up to speed, Harry treats him as Professor Lupin, not as a father-figure like Sirius? There is no evidence that Harry confided him him, in either of them, they did not have a full idea what had happened in his early years? Neither did Moody. Hagrid knew his family didn’t look after him properly but bear in mind most adults treat Hagrid like he is not a proper adult and seem to dismiss him, in the same way people with intellectual disabilities are treated by many others?
There are other adults who absolutely DID know about Harry’s early life - Dumbledore and McGonagall.
There is no way Dumbledore would have risked telling Sirius. Sirius clashed with him as it was and likely would have (rightly and appropriately!!) lost the plot with him if he found out.
McGonagall could have and probably should have told him but we see no interaction between them in canon. Was it because she felt really guilty for not believing he was innocent and not fiercely demanding a trial??? That’s my headcanon!
The Weasleys also knew but Molly is seen clashing with Sirius numerous times and most likely thought he wouldn’t be able to handle that info and might do “something rash”. Arthur wasn’t going to go against Molly’s wishes, he comes across as eager to keep the peace.
Do you know who I think would tell Sirius? Harry’s friends!
PS I don’t believe in all this Azkaban lark, that’s a stupid overly-dark AU written by that eejit-who-must-not-be-named.
For the ACTUAL, factually correct version of the marauders story please read here…!
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shivstar · 2 months
My take on Jegulus as someone who has been there and done that ( As a Sirius Black supporter)
Warning for the lovers of the ship to stay away because I don't have particularly positive opinion.....
So most stories make it seem as such a big forbidden love story. As these two as the idol lion and snake falling in love during times of war. And to make it seem more Romio juliet type, Sirius is shown as the guy who opposes him the most.
Now truthfully we don't know the exact state in which the black boys were brought up so everything is conjecture but we are sure that there was atleast emotional abuse to make a 16 year old to take such drastic actions.
And okay i can sympathise towards the teen Regulus that he didn't know any better or thought himself to be right. But in some way he was part of the family who made Sirius feel that leaving is a better option.
We know from canon that this man didn't let 12 years with Dementors completely break him. He had a strength to him even after being so so wronged by the side he was fighting for that the likes of Remus spineless lupin can never match.
So how can anyone believe even for a second that had Sirius had even a tiniest belief that Regulus could be helped he wouldn't have stayed. To drive the point home i would clear it that I neither believe that either black boy was pressured into joining Voldemort by their parents nor were they physically tortured at the hands of their own parents. This is my head canon. So he would have stayed had regulus been anything but the snobby pampered and secure kid. Similar to Draco Malfoy.
And i know there is no comparison but imagine that Harry was not physically abused at the hands of Dursleys. Just the typical emotional and psychological abuse. Now imagine a senorio in which either Ron Or Hermione went and fell in love with Dudley. .... Yeah that is the crude version of jegulus to it's core.
Because the only difference these two will be that Dudley was 1) Harrys cousin and not his brother 2) Dudley doesnt fall into beauty standard of the fandom 3) Dudley was not a wizard.
Because just like Regulus, Dudley too has a redemption ark in the books. He understood things to a certain extent, not fully mind you, which is very similar to Regulus.
Jegulus can be palatable if the ark is somewhat of black brother reconciliation first and then James and regulus becoming acquaintance then friends and then something more because anything else is really a betrayal to the highest trust and devotion Sirius has given to James.
Now most stories i have read in my stupid phase where i could stomach that thing was James going behind Sirius' back. Seeking Regulus out when he feels defeated for yet again being rejected by Lily Evans and finding solace in the arms of this guy while Sirius and Remus are having background drama because of the shack incident and thier own *blech* sexual tension.
I cannot express how much wolfstar i had to suffer just for reading Jegulus. I mean i hate Wolfstar with a passion. I cannot stand it but i did because I was going through this phase of jegulus. Obviously Sirius Black deserves better than Lupin.
All in all writers there are so great that they make you really hate Sirius for being against this relationship. Either he is the villian Or he is the road bump in their great love saga.
I mean i don't know where this thought came from making Sirius the problem behind everything in marauders era fictions. Yes he was a troubled kid, but aren't we all. Don't tell me that you had all your shits together by 21 years of age.
Jegulus for me is like a movie I have seen as a kid about fairies and princesses thta at the time I enjoyed the most as a child but now I find them ridiculous and laugh at my own younger self for ever finding fun in it.
But I guess that is what it means to grow up.
Alos as an end note Peter pettigrew is nothing but a tiny non existent character there. Even in alternative universe. So we know that that section of the fandom will remove anyone who hasn't got looks to support. I mean yes we all hate him, he did the worst thing but his importance is so so much more to Harry Potter than Remus Lupin's.
I mean James birthed him, Sirius is his support and family and motivation. Peter is the reason behind harrys eternal suffering but even if you remove Remus Lupin fron the story nothing significant will change.
If we remove James there will be no Harry. If we remove Sirius there will be 2 less books atleast. If we remove Peter then Harry would never reach his prophesied destiny. The only role Lupin plays is making sure Peter becomes an animagus along with the other two. But with how much Sirius and James were valedictorian level kids, they might have done it without the need to help their wolfy friend.
If anyone deserve this treatment it is obviously Remus Lupin because he has so less impact on people's life that it won't matter if he is just deleted.
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I sometimes think in a stronger author’s hands, it would have been more thematic for Ron to be muggleborn and Hermione to be pureblood wizard-raised
In terms of their character arcs and what they teach Harry about wizarding society in many ways this might have been a more impactful story.
Harry is raised by abusive Muggle relatives and at least supposedly, one of the series’ core themes is anti-prejudice and pro-equality. However despite this, we never get a portrait or focus on kind, genuine, well-meaning Muggle characters. We get canon Hermione’s parents, once, for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene, and they don’t even canonically have first names. Petunia, Marge and Vernon Dursley and Dudley are cruel, and the other Muggles Harry meets at home range from actively cruel to passively oblivious to his struggles and mistreatment at his relatives’ hands.
Enter the muggle!Weasley family. Muggle!Molly is a stay at home mother doing her best. She doesn’t have magical means of helping herself, so she just has to work hard to put her kids through school and keep the house in order by hand. Older sons Bill and Charlie are non magical and already moved out - and they might as well be for all the impact they have on the story in canon. The muggleborn!Weasleys comprise five magical children: Percy, dedicated to learning as much magic as possible to help his mum and dad, from fixing up their house to improving their healthcare and Arthur’s chronic conditions from work as a labourer for years. Wizards may want to hoard their magic - but Percy has practical reasons to go against that to protect his family.
Fred and George are experimenting to push the boundaries of magic. They have ambitions to make a name for themselves in this world despite the prejudices against muggleborns, and to support their mum and dad as they approach retirement.
Ron and Ginny don’t know much about Harry Potter, except the stories Percy and the twins have told them. They’ll act as the supplementary audience surrogate characters; both new to the Harry Potter world and the Harry Potter mythos, while also striking up a friendship with the boy himself when they bonded over being new to the wizarding world and finding out that Harry too was from a difficult home background and a mixed family like them.
Meanwhile, wizard-raised!Hermione Granger is a know-it-all. She thinks she’s above everyone because she’s read all the school textbooks, not that she even needed to, growing up in this world with the connections to know many of the authors anyway through her family. She has a healthy respect for the rules, after all, they safeguard people like her from undesirables. As the books continue she’ll learn to question her assumptions and prejudices, and become a revolutionary figure in the wizarding world and great ally to non-human beings and non-wizard-raised humans alike. Finding out that the real Harry Potter is nothing like all the books she read said is only the start of her journey.
I think the dynamics between Draco and Ron, Draco and Hermione, Hermione and the teachers and Ron and the teachers would also be more impactful this way around without conflicting with the world originally set up in which Rowling expects us to believe simultaneously that a plurality of wizards are opposed to muggleborn equality: yet Hermione is most of her teachers’ favourite student by far, children with a vested interest in improving their family’s circumstances have no interest in studying and learning skills and practical methods to put that into action, and various other thematic inconsistencies as the books continue.
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sitaz · 4 months
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Fic Claim: HD Kids Fest
Summary: When a de-aged Draco Malfoy is discovered in Knockturn Alley, the Ministry appoints Family Liaison Officer Potter as his emergency guardian. Whisked away to a Muggle safehouse, Draco does not cope well, and Harry learns just how hard life can be when a five-year-old declares war on you.
Tags: Age Regression/Deaging, Fluff and Humor, De-aged Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Draco is Clueless About Muggle Things, References to Canon-Typical Abusive Dursley Family, References to Learned Prejudice, Potion Theory, HP EWE, Developing Relationship
Notes: Dear oflights, what a delightful prompt! I love the de-aging trope and your little twist to it is genius. I hope you’ll enjoy what I came up with as much as I enjoyed writing it.
A huge shout-out to my lovely friend Jasper (flightinflame on AO3), who is the best beta and cheerleader anyone could wish for (and came up with the brilliant idea of sending the boys to Coventry!). I couldn’t have finished this without your input and encouragement – thank you, you are fantastic!
Last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank the mods for being so patient and lovely about giving me an extension, and of course for their hard work organizing the fest.
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timeaussnape · 2 years
Hii, I saw your post asking for Severitus recs and I have quite a few!
- O Mine Enemy by Kirby Lane
This one is my absolute favorite, and I never miss an opportunity to sing its praises. The characterization is one of the most canon compliant and on point I’ve ever seen in the fandom; the author has a way of working WITH the characters’ canon versions instead of going against them or finding ways around them, so the whole thing reads like a natural progression of where they stand in the source material. And it’s not just Snape and Harry, either. Kirby’s Dumbledore is the most believable I’ve ever seen in any Severitus work. And the development of their relationship is SO satisfying (it’s one of those slow burn stories that make you feel like you fought tooth and nail for and earned every tender moment and every step forward, but it also doesn’t feel dragged out), and the plot is GREAT as well. Everything feels so high-stakes and so intimate at the same time. It’s got everything: Seer!Harry, alternative Horcrux lore, Dursley family bashing, kidnapping and rescue missions, arcs that progress beautifully and come full circle in more ways than one, and of course the parental/protective Snape of our dreams. The first few chapters are good but won’t blow your mind at first or anything, but the story finds its footing pretty quickly and then you won’t be able to put it down. I swear.
- The Chivalry series (The Guiltless and The Poor of God) by branwyn
I haven’t seen this one mentioned in rec lists nearly enough. The Guiltless is mostly setup, as it is all about Snape’s initial discovery of Harry’s home life. The second installment is where the story really begins to shine for me. The writing is almost lyrical at times and the plot is pretty original, as far as Severitus works go; Harry and Sev establish a tentative (and adorable) correspondence until a Potions mishap offers the most glorious excuse for angst and hurt/comfort I’ve ever seen (to give you an idea, iirc the exploding potion in question was named the draught of waking nightmares). The story also focuses quite a lot on Harry’s recovery from the Dursleys’ abuse, and Luna features prominently as well. Fair warning tho, the epilogue is a tearjerker (the happy kind of tearjerker, I promise).
- Time Left Today by gzdacz
Road trip AU (does being on the run from the cops count as a road trip?) , set immediately after Year One, in which Harry and Snape have to go on the run from the Ministry after Quirrell’s death (a journey which takes them all across Europe, and the author builds each setting beautifully). Snape’s POV here would probably be considered a bit OOC by most of the fandom, but his outer persona and dialogue was sufficiently Snape-ish to make the story feel like an organic continuation of the first book (and his inner life is constructed so well and so subtly that for once I found myself not minding the deviation from his canon harshness). Also, this little Harry is absolutely adorable and one of the most believable portrayals of a child I’ve seen in fanfic. The Lily/Sev flashbacks are yet another highlight; gzdacz’s Lily is my favorite EVER, and I desperately DESPERATELY wish there was even one Snily/Lily-centric story out there that portrayed this version of the character.
- Crime and Punishment by melolcatsi
You’ve probably already read this one since it’s a Severitus classic, but it’s a classic for a reason and I can’t make a rec list without including it.
- I Know Not, and I Cannot Know; Yet I Live and I Love by billowsandsmoke
Ok so this one isn’t really Severitus, but it scratches the same itch and it COMPLETELY blew me away. Plus, it’s only 32k words. It’s a canon compliant look at Snape mentoring Luna through the years. That’s it. I won’t say anything else because I could not begin to do it justice.
And here are a few others that, although they didn’t stand out to me like the previous ones, I really enjoyed:
- A Thousand Words by Ailee17
- It's Delicate (isn't it?) by MellarkandArt (this is only my fav part of a longer series, which I also recommend in its entirety, but I suppose it could be read as a standalone)
- I, Your Glass by koppelkat
- Under Your Skin by waitingondaisies (considerably shorter than most fics I’ve listed; Snape discovers Umbridge’s detention practices)
- Digging for the Bones by Paganaidd
- Life as Dictated by a Talking Hat by RhiannanT
- The One I Run To by Sa-kun
You might want to check for content warnings and completion status on a few of these. All the best!
I 1000% meant to answer this as soon as I got it, but I've been looking for O Mine Enemy for months. I read roughly half of it while delirious with the flu a while ago and could not, for the life of me, remember what on earth it was. Tysm!
I will definitely be checking all of these out. Your explanations made me want to read all of them! Especially the Chivalry series - I'm such a sucker for tearjerkers.
Gosh, and thank you for reminding me of Crime and Punishment. Patiently waiting for the next chapter is so hard!
Thank you again for all of these recs, all the best!
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