#candle safety
notallfay · 1 year
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I kind of feel with how things are going in the UK, that I should talk a little bit about candle safety. Since I know not everyone will be used to them. I've used them a lot for a very long time.
Whether it's going to be be to have lights during potential black outs, or to make your room that little bit warmer. They are surprisly great at keeping your room that tiny bit warmer.
I actually use them because I really find the different scents relaxing.
As tempting as it might be, don't burn for more than four hours. If you are in a black out situation, then lighting a different candle might be appropriate. Wait for 2 hours before lighting the same candle.
Extinguish probably, don't blow it out. Never use water!! I really like candles with lids, because you can place the lid on, and snuff the candle out properly. If there's no oxygen a fire can't burn. You can also get actual candle snuffers, but a candle with a lid does the same job.
Don't fall asleep with the candle lit, or leave the candle unattended.
Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room. Never ever leave a candle unattended.
Extinguish a candle if the flame becomes too high or flickers repeatedly. Let the candle cool, trim the wick, and check for unwanted drafts before re-lighting. Trimmed wicks are in general a great safety tip. (I nearly set a shelf on fire this way).
Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. This is to make sure they don’t melt one another, or create their own drafts that will cause the candles to burn improperly.
Don’t burn a candle all the way down. Ideally stop burning a candle when 1/2 inch remains in the container, or if 2 inches if using a pillar candle.
Be aware that tea lights get very hot and without proper holders can melt through plastic surfaces like a TV or bath. Like if it doesn't come in its own glass jar, make sure it has a good glass or other fireproof holder.
Once the candle is lit, never touch or move it. It is dangerous to pickup the candle while it is still burning or while the liquid wax is hot. Don't move until the candle is completely cool.
If its just for light, the LED candles that are battery powered might be a good safety option. Especially if you have pets or children.
Stay safe!
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headlinehorizon · 5 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Scented Candles: Enjoying Aromatic Wonders Safely
Discover the hidden risks and dangers of scented candles, and learn how to enjoy them responsibly for a cozy and safe ambiance. Explore the latest news in candle safety.
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bun-fish · 1 year
WIP update !!!
Imaginary Book Cover huehuehue
Of @noir-renard 's If You Give A Bat A Burger
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(tap for better quality :)
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markers and color pencils, the basics works the best.
I thought about toning down the colors (or just straight up leave it the way it is) of our resident fully-dead ghosts, but I couldn't resist adding the pink hair & boxing gloves Angela deserves ;)
there are two Yoricks in this btw
Just the Gang (in progress):
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
My dears, please check your glitter before you add it to (spell) candles! Most craft glitter is plastic, which is very very bad to burn and can create toxic fumes.
If you want to add glitter, because glitter is awesome, there are also glass glitters, as well as bio glitter made from seaweed.
Be safe!
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 4 months
we need more historical whump and we also need more non-American settings like why are we all sleeping on such gorgeous aesthetics for both worldbuilding and characters
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mariana-oconnor · 7 months
The library... My plan is working!
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Gale: So, I can take you to a magical starscape where I can make your dreams come true.
Me: Or... we could stay in the library. Have all these illusory books got text in them? Or is it the Faerunian equivalent of Lorem Ipsum? Omg, you have a bookcase ladder! There are so many books you can't fit them all on the shelves! So, when can we be married? I'm free tomorrow. Or right now. Right now works.
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Working with Fire
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Welcome to the Second part of my elemental series! Today we will explore some aspects of working with fire like offerings, devotional activities, common lessons, aspects, and more! With all that said lets get started!
To preface: I am a devotee to water itself, I am a west witch practioner which means I work within the domain of water, the past, divination, and psyche! I also am a general elemental practioner and have experience working with all of the elements and their aspects!
What is working with fire like?
The verified gnosis will vary from culture to culture but some things remain consistent! Fire has aspects of destruction, control, warmth, light, and more! Whether its torches being used in studies to learn, the sun being honored as a ball of fire, or the destruction of a warring city being burnt down, fire is both volatile and chaotic but it also is controlled and helpful. Fire doesn't have a gender (Neither do any of the elements) so venerating the divine energy itself is a complicated and beautiful concept.
In general, Fire is considered primordial in its raging and free form, however it has modern connotations because of how it has interacted with mankind! Its more peaceful and loving traits stem directly from people. Some of the aspects include bonfire, forest fires, magma, lava, and torch! All of which have been venerated to some degree
Some of the lessons you learn will depend on how you interact with fire itself. Even in forest fires and after destruction there is this idea of rebirth and coming back together from the helpful ashes. The phoenix is a wonderful example of this, a bright bird rising from the ashes! Fire touches on anger issues, and in a torch form, control. Fire teaches us how to control and regulate our actions to create a really helpful and roaring spirit much like what we can learn from a bonfire!
Some things to note is fires personality is not set in stone, it can be loving and nurturing, manipulative and warring, and every emotion in between. The elements are not omnipotent nor omnipresent because they physically exist, so you may have better luck lighting a fire or keeping a dagger on the altar to represent the flame! Don't be surprised if you are called to fire if you have problems with anger, manipulation, or really deep rooted shadow traits. In a working relationship you may be called to cook with fire, enjoy bonfires, do spells using candles and knives, taking note of controlled bunings, and being pushed into new things. Note that to the elements we are animals like any bear, bird, or lion! Fire tends to be more direct than other elements.
UPG: In my experience, fire is really sporadic, I was doing a spell and all of a sudden my bedroom floor was on fire because the energy took control. Fire is very direct and my clairs have a really easy time hearing it talk to me in day to day life. Fire has a couple flaws when it comes to anger and manipulation often being considered a trickster spirit that messes with practioners to prove a point!
Another thing to note is fire does not have a direct birth connotation, instead a rebirth connotation! Fire itself cannot create life until after it has died via ash. Because of this rebirth connotation it can be really helpful when it comes to earthly transcendence or working with your witches eye!
What are common offerings?
Most people place an altar to fire in a bedroom, kitchen, or the hearth of the home! bedrooms can be warm and intimate spaces, kitchens often delve into heat and sometimes fire, but the hearth historically contained the fire in the home because it helped keep people warm! Fire can enjoy hand picked items however it especially likes a space to just be! Think candles, plenty of warmth, etc!
There is not a heavy emphasis on action, but rather feeding fire itself within spell works and offerings! Things like sacrificing herbs into flame, cooking and letting some of the food char if it falls out of the pan, and even setting up bonfires and gatherings outside!
Make sure that you are focusing on all aspects of fire safety!!! You need a fire safe altar (ceramic bottoms, fire repellant cloth, etc) and you dont do something like leaving a flame on, and unattendant, and more! For information of fire safety check out the resources below Fire safety 101 (smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, etc) Candle safety 101 Spiritual Fire safety 101
Some common practices include hosting bonfires, cleaning up and visiting controlled burn sites, lighting pinecones and using cool ash as a growth material, lighting candles and fire scrying in the dark, using tarot cards relating to fire, and even
These are just some of many!
Crystals - Red Jasper, Carnelian, Fire Agate, Sunstone, Citrine, Red Opal, Orange Calcite, Amber, Aragonite, Lava Stone, Mahogany Obsidian, Mookite, Pyrite.
Herbs - Rosemary, Palm, Sunflower, Cinnamon, Chili, Pepper, Cloves, Ginger, Wormwood, Asfoetida, Marigold, Amaranth, Snapdragon, Dragon's Blood, Calendula, Sagebrush, Stinging Nettle, Holly, Cedar, Mace.
Colors - Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Gold
Energy Centers - Sacral, Root
Zodiacs - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Tools - Daggers, Swords, candles, fire starters, tarot cards
Scents - Woody, Smokey, Spicy, Musky
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queercravt · 1 year
Witch Safety: Oil Burners
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So, I have a rather embarrassing thing to confess. We've been using oil burners for maybe close to 20 years (though admittedly hardly at all in recent years), but only learned to use them correctly very recently. In fact, our incorrect use of them once very nearly resulted in a serious fire! (This is what turned us off using them for quite some time.)
So, it may seem like common sense to many people, but I wanted to share these safety tips in case any other witches out there are also unaware of the correct & safe way to use oil burners.
First: essential oils are highly flammable, so mixing oils & fire should always be done with the utmost care.
❌️ DO NOT: simply put a few drops of oil into the dish above the flame, then light the candle! This is what we did for years, and it's what led to that terrifying close call. The flame jumped from the candle to the dish; then the oil splashed, & the window sill caught fire.
✅️ DO: fill the dish with water, then add a few drops of your oil to the water. Then you can light the candle. The mixture will heat up & you'll still get that lovely smell, the benefits of the oil, and much lower risk of fire where you don't want it.
❌️ DO NOT: overfill the dish with water, or add too much oil. Overfilling the dish with water can cause the liquid to bubble & spill over, where it can still catch fire as there is still oil in the mixture. Similarly, adding too much oil can make it easier for the mixture to catch fire.
✅️ DO: leave plenty of room when filling with water, and add only 2-3 drops of oil. This will be plenty to provide the smell and/or benefits you're looking for.
❌️ DO NOT: let the dish burn dry. This is a little less about safety, but if you let it burn dry you may get a burnt smell as well as smoke.
✅️ DO: supervise your burner while using it, and extinguish the candle when the liquid is gone (or nearly gone).
‼️ If your oil burner or anything nearby does catch fire:
❌️ DO NOT throw water on it. Remember, it's an oil fire so this will only make it spread more!
✅️ DO smother the flames using whatever you have available. Towels can work in a pinch, but be mindful that what you use is thick enough to really smother the flames & won't just catch fire itself, making the problem worse (and you may also burn yourself this way!!). Towels are of course flammable, so that route can be risky at best. Ideally, if you can put something like a metal bowl or pan over the fire, this would probably be the safest way. Baking soda or sand can also be used to smother oil fires. A fire extinguisher of course can be used with caution, but they do have quite a bit of pressure so hold it far away from the flames to avoid spreading them. If you're not sure what to do or things get out of hand, call your local emergency number right away.
I hope this is helpful! Stay safe, & happy casting.
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cleromanticon · 1 year
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It’s so many candles, you guys.
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mickidona · 1 year
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Praying for a miracle 
Their first channukah alone, together
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trickstertox · 2 years
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Rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats rats! 🐀
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headkiss · 1 year
anna anna anna anna. firefighter steeb. he’s so. broad? and i want him to crush me. gently.
stop stop u see him off duty wearing a tshirt with his stations logo on it and his arms look soooooo big like omg !!!!! and he gives the biggest hugest bear hugs like his arms squeezing you and pulling you to his chest yes <333333
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whateverwhatevs · 1 year
Gap the Series: the Series with SO MANY open flames like oh my god!
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softly-sage · 9 months
laying in bed with a candle going and a clean room is the best feeling ever
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marionsinspirations · 6 months
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krogerkryptid · 1 year
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Shout out to the spell jar I made for finals week and academic and career anxiety relief today that I did not leave lit as I drove from place to place (PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH FIRE) but did almost burn my apartment down because I had to leave for work and told my flatmates to watch it to which they did but when they looked away the cork caught fire. Practice safe magic don't burn your or anyone else's home down!!
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