#caliban x plus size reader
plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Caliban x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1603 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Sabrina putting you in charge of babysitting Caliban and keeping him out of trouble. Instead, he just ends up giving you a tour of hell
You understood why Sabrina needed someone to keep track of Caliban, but you just weren’t sure why it had to be you. In some ways, you were able to connect the dots, realizing that you were the only one of your friends not currently facing your own demons.
In that way specifically, you were the perfect candidate for watching the man of clay.
...Lucky you.
You didn’t know Caliban all that well, but it wasn’t difficult to see that even if he wasn’t truly a man, he had more personality than any other you’d ever met.
There was nothing you could change about what he was or how he was acting. All you could do was plug your ears and ignore him at best. After all, this favor wasn’t about Caliban at all...This was all for Sabrina.
You owed her your life and if this was what she wanted your help with, you were just going to suck it up and watch him.
Not that it was going to be easy.
You were quickly learning that bossing around the self-proclaimed prince of hell wasn’t as much of a cakewalk as you thought it was.
“Don’t touch that” you repeated, for what seemed like the hundredth time, slapping his hand away from one of the many books in the library. You were trying to keep him somewhere that he couldn’t destroy anything.
Unfortunately,that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t find a way to be ridiculously annoying anyhow.
“How do you expect me to entertain myself if I cannot read anything? You certainly aren’t amusing me” he huffed in return, finding this whole thing terribly dull.
Not only was he being held here, but you wouldn’t even try to have a good time with him...not that there was much of a good time to be had at all.
You and Caliban had nothing in common, but the more the man of clay fiddled with the books on the shelves, the more his mind began to wander. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure how you would react.
After all, what he was about to propose would likely make a mortal like you recoil in fear.
Though, he had to know for sure what you would think, it was out of his hands at this point. “Have you ever thought about hell?” he asked, keeping his head forward on the books.
He had to be careful about how he did this, it had to be handled the right way. You had been suspicious of him all day, and this would only make it worse if you rejected his suggestion.
You were shocked, at first.
Of course you had thought about hell. You had been worshipping the dark lord since you were old enough to speak, but that wasn’t what he was asking...and you both knew it.
It was clear that there was a different weight to his question, so you nodded.
“Of course I have, but only in the way that everyone else has” you shrugged, glancing over at him quickly before dropping your eyes again. Caliban was sort of intimidating for a man made of clay, but you couldn’t have cared all that much.
All you had to do was keep him out of trouble, and as long as you two were talking, he wasn’t doing anything too bad.
“Well, you know I come from there. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?” he tried, this time a bit more brazen. As soon as he spoke, Caliban turned to face you, a wicked grin on his face. “-Or, I could always take you there to see for yourself”
It was nothing more than a mutter, which you likely would have missed if you hadn’t been looking at his lips. However, you could hardly control the tiny skip in your heart at his offer.
For a girl who’d been praying to hell all her life, the idea of actually getting to see it in life was too good to pass up. Though, you didn’t really have much of a choice. You were pretty sure that when Sabrina asked you to watch him, letting Caliban take you to hell wasn’t part of the plan.
Not that you didn’t want to take him up on it.
Every cell in your body was urging you to take his hand and go with him. It wouldn't have been that bad, right? You were a witch for hell’s sake, hell was just a part of that. Besides, you weren’t sure when you’d get a chance to see it again.
In fact, the more you thought about it, the more you were finding it difficult to pass it up and who was going to stop you? What Sabrina didn’t know wouldn’t kill her, after all.
If no one told her that you went, then she wouldn’t have a problem anyway. Not to mention the fact that you would still be keeping an eye on Caliban, just not where she thought you were.
It wouldn’t hurt her.
So, without giving it much more of a thought, you nodded. “Okay Caliban, take me there” you allowed, taking the hand he offered. The man looked shocked at your order, but he only smiled, giving you a curt nod.
This was what he wanted all along. He had been craving some sort of excitement since he stepped foot on earth, and this was just the ticket…
Even if it was going to take him back to hell.
Hell wasn’t what you thought it would be, at least not at first.
After your ascension to hell, that came in the form of swirling flames from the ground up, to the sands of the shore of sorrow, it was all unlike anything you had ever experienced.
The very air seemed to elicit feelings of unease, but that wasn’t the strangest part. The strangest part of the entire experience was that Caliban didn’t care, at all. He didn’t seem at all amused by the absoluteness of this.
Hell was it, it was all there was, for a lot of people.
You could hardly believe that you were standing here with air still in your lungs, and blood pumping through your veins but Caliban didn’t even bat an eye.
It was almost as if this didn’t matter to him, at least not in the way that it clearly mattered to you. Though maybe you shouldn’t have been surprised, considering the fact that he had literally been crafted from the soil here.
Hell had given him life, and he thought of it as what it was. He didn’t even spare it any more than that, because that was all it was. It was the place he had begun life in, and it was the place he would continue to rule for all eternity if all went well.
It wasn’t the marvel that you thought it was in this moment.
“This place is astounding” you gushed, glancing around the beach with wide eyes. You had no idea what he was going to do now that the two of you were here but it didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that you were standing in hell with Caliban, and this was going to be one hell of a tour.
Hell had been awesome, if that term was appropriate.
You thought that what you and Caliban had done by going there was amazing, but after Sabrina found out about it, you weren’t sure if you felt the same way.
She wasn’t thrilled and all things considered, you couldn’t blame her for being upset.
However, before she could really get upset with you for what you had done, Caliban moved in to defend you. “Don’t berate her, Spellman...The trip was my idea” he started, shocking both of you.
You hadn’t been expecting that.
In all the time that you’d known each other, you had never known Caliban to take the blame for anything. It surprised you and with one look, you could tell just how much it surprised Sabrina as well. 
After looking between you, and the man at your side, she sighed. “Fine, but no more trips to hell for you” she decided, knowing what could happen if anyone happened to notice you there. 
You didn’t like it, of course, but you understood. 
“No problem, princess” Caliban grinned, using that nickname to further spite her. If he had it his way, he would take you to hell every chance that he got, but if she wouldn’t have it, he wasn’t going to push the issue. 
Instead, he turned back to face you. 
“But perhaps you would join me for another activity, a safer one of course” he suggested, winking at Sabrina as he added that, knowing it would get her goat. 
He wouldn’t have said it if it didn’t. Though, you could hardly focus on that. 
Instead, you chose to remain on the sentence before. Had Caliban just asked you out? It seemed as if he had but it didn’t make any sense. 
As far as you knew, Caliban hated you but you had never known a man like him to spend more time with anyone more than necessary. He had spent all day by your side, and that wasn’t even the half of it. 
...Now he was coming back for more. 
Perhaps though, it couldn’t hurt to take the clay man up on his offer. After all, everything that he suggested before now told you that he cared for you and that may be worth exploring. 
Even if it wasn’t ideal for anyone involved. 
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Candlelight Dinner”: Caliban/ The Creature Imagine (Penny Dreadful)
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A Winter Candlelit Dinner with Caliban : Headcanons
Caliban x Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
Ok, so first, he’s terrified
I mean, absolutely petrified
He’s also just stunned
And in slight disbelief
However....he’s so stinkin happy
And you?  You find it impossibly adorable
He’s made a surprisingly nice meal and it’s so sweet how he’s decorated his quarters beneath the theatre
You bring some lovely pastries from the bakery along with some heavenly bread and fresh cream
He’ll eat it later but my god, he can barely notice anything but you
You’re a vision and the closest thing he thinks he’s ever seen to an angel
A vision far more worthy than he feels himself to be
But he feels like the gods have smile upon him..and he doesn’t plan to waste it
It’s lovely, superb really
The conversation is great
He’s witty and he’s interested in what you have to say
He’s far too shy to make a move but nearly passes out when you place a kiss on his cheek for a goodbye and ask if it’s alright if you come by again in a couple of days to see him
He readily agrees and later amazes at how he manages to get two words out around you! 
He’s somehow very happy that his body could just operate without his presence of mind because good lord, in your presence he can barely keep his wits about him! 
Heeey, smoochies! I hope you enjoyed this bonus content for Smoochmas! While not full on imagine/stories they are fun little snippets!  If ya like it, please be sure to let me know in the comments and check out my masterlist! Link on profile!
Love, Mama Kennysaurus
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @the-great-irene @fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore @buriednurbckyrd @disneymarina @@tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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Fanfic recs - Week 20 (october 09)
I apologize in advance if the links are not working well or if there are any mistakes on what’s written, I’m doing this on a f-ing train and using my phone as a hotspot (plus it’s 4p.m GMT [I schedule this posts for 8p.m GMT] and I haven’t eaten anything yet)
(if you want to check previous recommendations, here my (sort of) masterpost )
Angel - Caliban x Reader by @ptersparkers
Summary: as the only pure mortal in the fright club, there seems to be an influx of interesting things happening in greendale that you are unaware of. a certain prince of hell happens to find that interesting.
GOT7 as Ghost Hunters (hc) by @bearseokie
Summary: Litterally the title, it’s a headcannon btw
Latte’s and Love - Spencer Reid x Plus Size!Reader by @plus-size-reader
Summary: ’I’m on a mission to find the best tasting pumpkin spice latte, want to join me?’’
Candy? - Thor x Reader by @specialagentlokitty
Summary*: Thor learns about trick or treating
Halloween Costumes (hc) - Batfam x Reader by @batfam-imagines
Summary*: Batfam reacts to Reader wearing their respective costumes for halloween.
Should I do a week with just AO3 and DeviantArt links? i do have a lot of those too, let me know if you’d be interested :)
Hope you all enjoy and please, please, please, please, if you end up reading any of these recommendations and like it as much as I do, give the writer some love, even if is just a like or a reblog.
Sending lots of love to all of you ♥
*(this piece does not have an official summary)
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Jealous as Hell
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Caliban x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1236 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Jealousy can be a bitch...especially when the prince of hell and the Morningstar are involved.
Caliban was your prince.
He was your everything and then, and you’d always treated him as such. However, with everything that had been going on with him lately, due to the challenge and such, you didn’t feel like he returned the favor. 
...At least not like he used to. 
You didn’t feel as close as you had been once before.
Now, you had never been all that jealous as a rule, because you didn’t have to in hell, but it was getting so bad that you couldn’t help but wonder if he was beginning to prefer the young Morningstar to you.
She did have more to offer him than you did, in many respects. 
She had his dark blood and even though he had challenged her, you could tell that there was something about her that he enjoyed.
She brought something out in Caliban, a fire that you’d never seen before.
...And it was becoming abundantly clear that no matter what you did, you would never be her. 
More than anything, you were just upset that he would give her so much of his attention, even though you would be his queen. He had often talked about his dream of ruling hell by your side, but now that it had come to pass, it was like he’d forgotten about you. 
You knew that jealousy was ugly and unbecoming of anyone, but you didn’t care. Caliban was your prince, and you had always been loyal to him. You weren’t going to let some witch take him for you, even if she was a Morningstar.
You just wouldn’t have it.
In all honesty, if Caliban expected you to battle for his attention, maybe you didn’t want it in the first place. No man had ever treated you this way, and you wouldn’t take it from your prince either. 
No matter how much you truly love him. 
Now, traditionally, Caliban could read you so well that he wouldn’t even have to ask what was wrong with you, as he could tell. As of late though, it was getting more and more difficult to tell. 
Not that your silent treatment helped in that regard. 
However, Caliban didn’t fret because he knew that it was only a matter of time before you came back to him and told him exactly what it was...
Or so he thought.
That was how you’d dealt with every problem with him before now, but that just wasn’t the case right now. You were hellbent on making him rectify this on his own, which required him drawing his own conclusions about the reason for your behavior. 
You had already made up your mind and instead of addressing the issue head on with your prince, you swallowed your resentment and anger. Nothing you said or did would change the obvious attraction he had for her.
You didn’t want to waste your energy on it.
Rather, you turned your attention to the forest of torment and the pain you could inflict on the wandering souls. Everyone in hell was yours to punish as you saw fit, after all, no one would dare argue. 
Your soul was in anguish and it was only fair that everyone else’s felt that same pain. 
After a few hours though, you got bored of wandering the forest and found your way back to the shore of sorrow. The tide was coming in, which meant that you could watch the souls of the damned drown all over again.
Usually you and Caliban sat in the sand together, watching the sunrise fall over the water but he was busy with his challenge for the throne today…
Too busy for you, which meant that you were completely alone. 
Completely and utterly alone.
You wanted Caliban to get his throne, of course but you didn’t want to be alone for him to do it. You wanted the man you loved to treat you with the love and respect you had grown accustomed to.
He had always treated you like the only thing that mattered, the only thing in the world that he wanted or needed. However, as the minutes ticked by, you began to worry that he didn’t want you to rule by his side. 
Perhaps, he only wanted Sabrina now. After all, she was the fastest way to the throne that he’d always wanted and if you had been in his place, you would have taken her and her power…
Over anything you could offer him. 
There was nothing more than love and devotion. You couldn’t offer him anything more than that, and it likely wasn’t enough. 
Though, before you could dive too deep into the pools of your own despair, there was a familiar sound behind you. It was the disruption of sand, beneath two perfectly scalped feet. 
To anyone else, it would have meant nothing...But to you it was more. 
To you, it meant that everything you’d been thinking about all day long. All the things that you’d been worrying about, had become inconsequential. 
It was Caliban. 
You couldn’t help but smile when you heard him, your ears trained only on the sound of his rhythmic breaths instead of the crashing waves and screaming. 
However, you weren’t going to let him off that easily. He had been cruel to you lately, ignoring his love for you for the promise of power and it would not be easily forgotten. 
...No matter how much you wanted to just sit with him as the sun went down and enjoy his company. 
“I’m surprised to see you here, I gathered you’d be in the throne room for a few more hours” you scoffed, not even bothering to look at him as he sat down beside you in the sand. 
You couldn’t be bothered to look at him after everything. 
Anyone would have taken the hint, but you had never known your Caliban to do something so easy. He had always preferred to have the world bend to his will. He rarely accommodated it the other way around. 
Though, perhaps he could make an exception for you. 
“In all these years, have I ever missed this?” he questioned, knowing that you couldn’t argue with that. It had been hundreds of years, and each night, you two sat here until the corpses floated to the top of the cages. 
He had never missed it. 
“Still, I would have thought you’d have chosen the Morningstar, all recent events considered” you spit back, crossing your arms across your chest. You were grasping at straws to be angry with him, but this wasn’t the first argument you and Caliban’d had. 
This wasn’t new. 
As much as you would like to believe the opposite, you had always been jealous when it came to him...and he had reacted similarly where you were concerned. 
Caliban didn’t even bother to address that at first. Instead, he leaned in closer to you and let his arm fall over your shoulders. You hated him for it, but you were also tired of it. 
You were so tired of being bothered by it. 
“You will always be my queen, and once I win that throne, you will be by my throne for all time” he hummed, that declaration putting you at ease even if you didn’t really want it to. 
If nothing else though, you believed him and that would just be enough for now.  
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plus-size-reader · 5 years
Caliban as a Boyfriend
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~Is a very soft spoken lover
~And very unsure about everything at first
~He just wants to be loved so badly, it's the only thing he's  missing in his life
~You make him feel safe and give him a home, the first home he's ever had
~He loves gentle touches
~And walks at night...
~He's never told you this to your face but you know the reason he likes them so much is because fewer people walk the streets of London at night
~Caliban loves making you laugh, or giggle because its so very human, and it makes him feel more human too
~His favorite thing is if he can make you snort because you're laughing so hard, that really cracks him up
~One day you two are on a walk in town, and you come across a small boy sitting on the curb
~He was waiting on his mother in the shop, and was instantly enthralled by the shiny buckles of your boots...which sparks a long conversation between you and the child, which Caliban stood back for
~This inspires so interesting thoughts in the man about his future with you
~He'd never thought about having children before, and doubted it was possible but would you want to if he could? He'd never asked
~You took care of the boy so well and got to laughing with him in the most adorable way
~You just looked so content and Caliban wanted to make you that happy
~He's also insecure about his appearance and doesn't understand why you, the most magnificent woman he's ever seen, would ever want to be with him
~You'd tried to explain to him that the insecurities he feels are normal, and that you feel them about your own body but he just can't grasp that concept
~Nothing you cited about your body being wrong; your thighs, the rolls of your stomach, the curve at the top of your back due to years of misfitting corsets, and all the other things, they were all you
~And you could never be wrong, no matter how hard you tried to convince him
~You two love and support each other, through everything, and it truly is the most pure love that has ever been had.
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
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Caliban x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1390 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Reader is kind and unlike anyone else Caliban has every met so it’s easy for him to become enamored with her. 
When Caliban came back to find the doctor originally, he wanted a bride who was like him but that was long before he met you. 
You were unlike anyone he'd ever met and he liked that about you, he loved that about you. His feelings had developed the moment he ran into you in the street, he physically ran into you though you didn't react the way he'd been expecting.
He assumed you'd shrink away from him in fear or screech at him for being so foul but you did not one of those things.
Instead you apologized, hurrying to collect your books from the cobblestone, all the while mumbling on about how clumsy you were. 
There was something instantly captivating about you, unlike anything he'd ever experience with any other human-he thought for a moment it may have been humility. 
You didn't think yourself above everyone else and that was the most interesting quality any being could possess. "I'm such a claude sometimes, I apologize, it really was my fault" You clamored, collecting your novels on your knees in the street. 
You hadn't yet looked up but the moment you did, you were stuck in your spot, your eyes locked on the man above you.
He recoiled under your gaze, clearly uncomfortable there but again, no insults left your lips and no sneers found there way to him, you only looked. 
Your sweet face softened, your E/C eyes studying every inch of his frame as if memorizing each jagged detail. "How rude of me, staring and all" You muttered, standing to your feet slowly. 
Something deep within Caliban urged him to help you up though he couldn't make himself move, at a loss for words at your presence. "It's quite alright, I get it often, believe me" he chuckled, gesturing to all of himself as if to prove his point but you looked confused at that.
"I only meant because you're so beautiful is all" you smiled, a light blush dusting your cheeks as you let the words fall from your lips. 
They only hung there for a moment, neither of you quite sure what to say. Caliban was unsure how to react b because he didn't know if you were telling him the truth or if it was purely a jest for your own amusement. 
You showed no sign of ill intent or cruelty, something that shocked him to his very core.
Now, Caliban had been called many things in his short life time but never beautiful but before he could react any farther than shock, you were gone, rushing off in whatever direction you'd come, disappearing into the crowd of bustling strangers. 
"Wait" he muttered, his words disappearing into the air, sailing far away from the ears of anyone around.
It didn't take very long at all for the man to be driven mad by your very presence, to the point where he began seeing your face everywhere, and hearing your voice in the whisper of the wind. 
It had gotten out of hand, and he wasn't sure what to do about it. Caliban often found himself aimlessly wandering about the street in hopes of bumping into you but no such luck. 
Days and days had passed and still, he'd heard nothing that suggested you truly existed. He was beginning to wonder if you'd been there at all or if you were just a figment, created by the lonely mind of a man who wasn't meant to exist.
"I've decided who I want as my bride" he started, giving Victor a tinge of cardiac arrest with his sudden appearance. 
He'd been hoping that his creation would give up on the idea of an immortal bride but it would seem he wasn't going to be getting off the easily, because you'd given Caliban a new reason to live. 
"I will not hurt someone for your benefit" Frankenstein started, for what seemed like the millionth time but it didn't matter. "You will, or your blood will decorate every corner of every street" he barked, Victor tensed knowing his threats were anything but empty. 
With that, Caliban was gone, no doubt trying his hardest to track you down the way a starved bloodhound would.
It would be a lie to suggest you'd forgotten about the pale man from the street, though you hadn't been nearly as obsessive in your search. 
You couldn't forget his deep voice or quiet demeanor and you certainly couldn't forget his striking eyes. There was something about the man's gaze that bore into you with such an unforgettable intensity, it was far too much to be ignored.
You buried your fascination though, accepting the fact that your passing encounter had been only fleeting, sometimes good things were never to be repeated.
It wasn't until much later, while you were picking daisies in the center of town that you felt a presence evoking your own. 
Upon further investigation, you found that same man, with his brilliant eyes staring back at you from across the courtyard. You sat there for a moment, your grasp tightening on the stems of the delicate flowers just a bit before you snapped out of the shock of him. 
You waved him over, though he seemed much more comfortable in the confines of the shadows than out in the open alongside you. 
It became clear to you in that moment that this man was nothing like any other man you'd ever had the privilege of meeting.
There was something so innocent and confused about his curious existence that lent itself to his kindness. You could see it, but just beneath that, you could also see this fiery anger bubbling in pools there. 
It became clear to you that he wasn't going to join you there but you didn't mind. Instead you stood, taking slow yet eager steps toward him without much concern for the opinions of the passers by. 
They opinions of the weak minded and frivolous meant nothing to you, all that mattered now was getting acquainted with the pale, daunting stranger at your back.
"Hello" you hummed, unsure how else to begin such a conversation with someone you'd only spoken to on one occasion though you felt so close to already. 
Again, that familiar blush burnt into your cheeks, your mind blurring with feeling as his eyes once again fell on your face. Instantly, you dropped your hand to touch his own. 
You weren't sure what possessed you to do it, you had never been so forward with any other man but something deep within you yearned to feel his flesh beneath your own.
Caliban was shocked, your tone of voice was even more delicate and gorgeous than he remembered and as much as he wanted to pull away at the touch of your skin, he couldn't bring himself to do it. 
"Hello" he repeated, he wanted so badly to tell you everything he felt deep within himself but it wasn't proper to do so in such a public setting. "Can I know your name? my name is Y/N" you allowed, you wanted so badly to know him, though you couldn't exactly force such intimate conversation between strangers, because you were strangers in reality, if you allowed yourself to believe it.
"Caliban" he mumbled, as if unsure what he felt toward you as if he didn't know the truth already. 
He knew exactly how he felt deep down inside, he loved you already, even though he had no words to speak of it now that you were at his face. "Caliban" you repeated, enjoying the feeling of the word on your tongue, it felt right...as if it belonged there all along. 
"That's a lovely name for a lovely man" you grinned, giving his hand a gentle squeeze in your own.  
Love was a complicated relationship between two people who equally respected and admired each other, and if that was true, Caliban was completely and utterly in love with you.
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