#caleb zion kuwonu
beanzybrandon · 3 years
Hey y’all, I’m so sorry I haven’t been around lately.
I’ve been working on a book of poetry lately!! I’m really proud of what I have thus far and I would really appreciate if you guys would check out the tumblr I have associated with it. @sometimesmybrainworks !!
Please like and share the posts, I would love to gain some more traction so we can hopefully self-publish or garner the attention of publishing houses.
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chillassimagines · 4 years
(Y’all, what a turn on)
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“You look hot.” Brandon stopped in the doorway of your bedroom as you took off your bonnet.
“Why thank you, baby.” You smiled over your shoulder at him and put your bonnet in your side table drawer.
“Like, I could eat you right up.” You gasped as you felt him press himself against your ass while you were bent over.
“B.” You felt like you couldn’t move. He usually wasn’t so rash when he was horny. He’d be a little cutie and do a little begging.
“If I didn’t think you would kill me, ma, I would take you from behind and pull on these like reigns.” Your eyes widened slightly. The thought turned you on, even though your braids weren’t fresh, pain on your head was never fun as a colored woman.
“You can still grab me here.” You took his hand and placed it on your ass. “And here.” You moves his hand up your curves and to your neck. He let a low moan.
“I’ll take you up on that.” Brandon pushed your front onto the bed, your legs were still placed on the ground. He shoved your velvet sleeping shorts down to your ankles. “They’re like a chocolate waterfall.” You felt his fingers run down your back, through your braids.
“I got something else that feels like a waterfall right now.”
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“You always take the longest getting out of the pool!” Zion shouted over the music as you got back to the inside portion of the party.
“These damn braids are like bricks on my head when they’re wet! You know that!” You shouted back with a giggle as he held out a blunt to you.
“You look like an African goddess, babe.” You took a hit and smiled lazily back at him before handing off the blunt to a friend.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, my king.” You wrapped your arms around his lower torso and planted a kiss on his jaw, because he was so damn tall. His hands traveled down to your ass where your bikini exposed most of you.
“I wanna fuck you.” You giggled once more and shook your head.
“You have no filter, Zion. None.” One hand lifted up and tugged on a braid. He winked at you as your jaw dropped.
“No control neither.”
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“Austin! Fuck!” You whimpered as he hit your favorite spot as he thrusted up into you. You leaned forward and steadied yourself on his warm chest. Riding him was your favorite activity.
“You close?” He grunted, noticing your tendencies of getting closer to him before you came. You nodded and whimpered once more as he smacked your ass. You leaned your head down to kiss him, but your braids got in the way.
“Stupid braids.” You grumbled and flicked them over your shoulder so you could kiss your man.
“I think they’re gorgeous, especially-fuck, on you.” He moaned and nipped your lower lip. “They’re like curtains. Makes me feel like, it’s only us in the world.” He softly pulled them from over your shoulder and pressed his forehead to yours.
“You’re so cute and sexy at the same time!” You whispered with a hiss as he smacked your ass again with a chuckle.
“Now cum, baby.”
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“You are wild, Honoret!” You threw your head back laughing at the video of your boyfriend from the previous night.
“Just wait till I pull up the ones I got of you from the last party we went to. Won’t be so funny then.” He went to grab his phone, but you snatched it.
“No thanks.” Edwin reached over you on your bed to try and grab the phone, but you held it just out of reach.
“If you don’t give me my phone I will cut these off.” Edwin held up one of your braids. You tossed his phone to his chest and flipped him on his back to straddle him.
“Then I would have no choice but to murder you.” He began laughing and you couldn’t help but join in his contagious laughter.
“I would never. Not only do I desire to live, but you look so sexy when you squeeze around them instead of the sheets,” he flipped you onto your back and lowered his head to your panties. “when I go low.” His teeth wrapped around them and began pulling them down your legs. You began breathing a little heavier.
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“Babe, you almost done?” Nick asked from inside your shared bedroom. You had the en suite’s door cracked a bit, so you could see him fixing his hair for the award show.
“Just finishing up the baby hairs.” You spoke as you pulled your wrap off of your freshly braided hair and snatched edges.
“Lemme see you.” You smiled at your finished product and opened the door. Your red bottoms clicked against the wooden floors as you made your way to his side by the mirror. You made sure the dress you wore was free of wrinkles and your lashes weren’t flying away. You really weren’t paying attention to Nick’s reaction.
“This is exciting, baby. All I need is my purse and I am good to go.”
“Mamas, you can’t be playing with me like this.” He spoke seriously. You furrowed your brows and turned to look at him.
“You don’t like the dress now?” You asked, confused. He ordered it after all, so it’s pretty weird not to like it now.
“Ma, that dress looks just as good as it did during the fitting, if not a million times better on your body, but...this hair, baby. I’m not gonna be able to let you leave this room.” Nick’s hand possessively wrapped around your waist and pulled you against his raging hard on. You dropped your jaw as you realized this little devil was horny.
“You serious, Nick?” His other hand came up to your chin and pulled you in for the sexiest, dirtiest kiss he had ever given you in his life.
“We’ve got 20 minutes to spare.”
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turtle-isoverit · 5 years
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Yo tell Zion he got my heart
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pizza-pot-pussy · 5 years
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this seemed absolutely necessary
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nattinatalie · 4 years
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We're blessed with content from this fucking cute ass man😍
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gothlka · 5 years
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kungfukuwonu-blog · 4 years
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i love this man so much.
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valentinosmistress · 5 years
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Look Ik y’all probably don’t care but.... I finally met my man! And boy😫 y’all he’s really 6’4 it’s not a lie. I repeat it’s NOT A LIE. He’s seriously a gentle giant. He speaks so soft not as hyper as he usually is. When you talk he looks you dead in your soul. His smile is fucking perfection. He’s so freaking squishy too like a lil pillow🤦🏾‍♀️ but yea I had to get that out. Oh and his hugs are the BEST!!!!
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pretty-way · 5 years
The beanz- this year we lost our dear idol nick mara
Nick From the basement- quit telling everyone im dead
The beanz- sometimes we can still hear his voice
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beanzybrandon · 5 years
A/N: this very quickly became nothing more than a glorified food fight. enjoy, i guess pfft
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• there's just something about being with your best friend(s) that can turn the quietest, most shy individuals into the most extroverted people to walk the earth • ‎video chatting with friends has a similar effect, especially when you haven't seen the other party for an extended amount of time • ‎what happens when you combine these two events is nothing short of absolute c h a o s • ‎in this case, the convening pals are you and the prettymuch boys. you had been out of town for a few weeks and wanted to meet up with them when you returned home. they were quick to agree and arranged for you to come over the day following your return (that way you'd have a little bit of time to yourself to relax and unpack your bags) • ‎the friends that the boys are video chatting with?? why it's none other than the beanz • ‎well, I suppose instagram lives don't really count as video chatting but you know what I meAn. it's still a viable form of communication and the absolutely adore interacting with the fandom. life's just been kind of hectic lately and they haven't had the chance to do much of anything with the beanz • ‎now that things have slowed down a bit and one of their closest friends is finally back home, why not do a live?? they all agreed it would be fun and you truly felt as if it would be a nice change of pace, too; interacting with people you love and who love you after weeks upon weeks of nothing but hecticness and disarray sounded like the perfect way to unwind • ‎ after a brief discussion, it was decided that you were to come over later in the morning (not everyone woke up at the same time and having you come over a bit later in the day ensured everyone was awake while also being well-rested) and would help them make brunch • ‎it would give you plenty of time to talk and catch up • ‎,,,, plus, they needed extra help cooking. edwin and brandon had unofficially been placed in charge of handling meals when everyone decided to sit down and eat together and sometimes it got just the teensiest bit tiring • ‎the moment you walked in the front door, though, you could see that things weren't going to be quite as laid back as you had assumed • ‎things were already lively and loud, all of the boys (except for caleb, who had answered the door when you rung the bell) having congregated in the kitchen. • ‎austin and edwin we're talking animatedly amongst each other, trying to set up the live. they were experiencing a series of technical difficulties (that really boiled down to some simple changes in the settings of the former male's phone. brandon and nick had begun to poke through the fridge, mulling over what they wanted to eat for breakfast • ‎it very quickly grew from a peaceful conversation to a loud (albeit friendly) argument over what kinds of breakfast foods were better • ‎you figured it would be best to help settle things between brandon and nick before things escalated further and became a full-blown food fight before you could even start cooking so you scurried over to them first, kicking off your sandals and dropping your bag by the door • ‎when they couldn't come to a decision after another solid minute and a half of conversation, you chose for them • ‎you had been dying for one french toast waffles. pair it with some bacon, fresh fruit, and hash rows and bAm, a whole meal • ‎pleased with your judgment, their bickering quelled • ‎at least for the time being • ‎it wasn't long before austin and edwin began the live and the six of you settled into everything • ‎you, Edwin, and brandon had moved behind the counter to start cooking, caleb was currently tending to music, and austin and nick were reading and responding to the growing stream of comments that trickled in • ‎it was pleasant enough at first. all of you were talking merrily amongst each other and answering whatever questions and comments happened to catch your eye • ‎and then caleb changed the song • ‎the action in and of itself isn't one that would bring about any unpleasant consequences • ‎it was the song itself that was the issue • ‎everyone has a hype song. this one just so happened to be a m u t u a l hype song • ‎meaning the moment everyone recognized what was playing, all hell broke loose • ‎caleb was the first to succumb to the excitement of the song. he had been pretty quiet this far, but the vibrations of the bass sank their talons into his being. he began to mouth the words, then sing along, then scream along as he gradually shifted out of his seat and began to dance • ‎nick followed suit shortly thereafter • ‎hip roll nation™ • catch half the boys jumping around and yelling 'Aye AYe aYe aYE ayE!" at the top of their lungs • it's like a frat party without the booze and loud freshmen • ‎brandon swayed along to the beat, eyes fluttering shut as he raised the whisk in his hand up to his mouth so that he could use it as a makeshift microphone • ‎which is fun, sure, but probably not the brightest thing to do when said whisk was just in a bowl of waffle batter • ‎needless to say, the front of his shirt was now caked in the liquid • ‎did he notice, though?? of course not • ‎because now he's got a whole performance going on and he's putting everything he's got into it • ‎which means he's really bustin down now. he's singing at the top of his lungs, he's hitting those runs, he's whipping around and throwing it back • ‎this also means that he has flung copious amounts of batter all over?? everyone?? • ‎this goes unnoticed by most but lordy lordy, he managed to get some in caleb's hair and that is a federal offense • ‎you k n o w the moment he feels a glob of sticky flour land in his hair he's gonna throw whatever he gets his hands-on • ‎given that there's an open container of eggs laying nearby and they fit so perfectly in the palm of his hand, it only makes sense that one is going to be airborne • he's huffin' and puffin', eyes firey as he lets out an exasperated "I know you didn't just-" and yeets the egg • ‎nothing ever works out the way they're intended, though, so it doesn't hit his initial target • ‎no, no, of course, it didn't • ‎you know who it d i d hit, though? • ‎y o u • ‎and you know what you're wearing?? • ‎a brand new shirt that is hands down the most comfortable article of clothing you own • ‎and now its sticky and wet and smells absolutely horrid • ‎and you know what you feel now?? • ‎nothing but pure, unadulterated rage. the fire of one thousand suns is blazing through your veins and you want nothing more than r e v e n g e • ‎aight, it isn't that intense but you reacted before you had the opportunity to process what had happened and develop a proper plan of action • ‎so, yeah, you started throwing food back • ‎you didn't settle for an egg or a spoonful of waffle batter • ‎you peeled open the lid of the whipped cream container that rested on the counter and sunk your hand in, scooping out as much of the sticky substance as you possibly could • ‎and, unlike some people, y o u d i d n t m i s s • ‎meaning that caleb is getting a face full of that sugary goodness • ‎by this point, no one is really paying attention to the comments on the live anymore (which were going insane, by the way. if everyone who viewed the live got a dollar every time someone said "hit edwin with the banana," they'd be rich) • ‎it wasn't long before all six of you were engaged in a battle of sustenance • ‎in layman's terms, a food fight • ‎it was?? horrible?? • ‎for a solid ten minutes, there was nothing in the air but choked cries and mushy food • ‎austin had managed to crawl onto the bar and was raining food down on everyone (quite the feat, actually, given how tall he is. if the ceiling were much lower, you were sure his head would have scraped the top of it). brandon and edwin had abandoned their positions beside you in favor of hiding behind the cabinets • ‎when their wooden shields didn't offer up enough protection, they sought out the lids of pots and pans for extra assistance • ‎caleb had armed himself in the hopes of deterring anyone from coming at him with more food • ‎his weapon of choice?? the kitchen towel, which he had wound tightly and was flicking at people whenever they got too close or looked like they were taking aim at him • ‎nick had taken up residence under the sink, hoping to wait out the fight • ‎which took an exceptional amount of time • ‎it wasn't until you had gone through about half of the food in the refrigerator that most of you came to your senses and called a truce • ‎it took a bit longer for the others to follow suit (cough cough, caleb and brandon cough cough) but they sooner calmed down as well • ‎the six of you could do nothing more than part for a while, faces flushed and hearts thumping erratically • when you cast your gaze across the room to the five men that were still strewn about like forgotten socks, you couldn't do much more than laugh • it reverberated off the walls, making everyone's bones rattle as warm grins split across their faces • it wasn't long before they, too, began to laugh • everyone but nick, that is • when the loud cries that tore themselves from everyone's throats had subsided into joyous laughter and lighthearted banter, he quietly crawled out from under the sink and stood, brushing as much food off of his clothing as possible • "hey, guys?" he'd chime, brows furrowing and lips drawing themselves into a thin line • "what are we gonna do about breakfast?" • all of you shared a look before moving toward the front door • you could shower and change later, you decided. none of you had been given the chance to eat and food was a lot more important than a few stains • no one noticed that austin's phone had been left on the counter, nor that the live stream hadn't ended.
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chillassimagines · 5 years
I Warned Myself (Zion Kuwonu Oneshot)
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(REQUESTED) Zion imagine where it’s your first time supporting him at the Fomo Tour and you have real bad anxiety so he makes sure your ok by walking hand in hand to the tour bus and looking out for you onstage
“Mmm, baby you look absolutely fire.” Zion twirled you around, assessing your fit for the night. He pressed a kiss to your lips with a hum of delight. “And you’ve got my favorite lip balm on? I already can’t wait to get off stage.” You laughed and wrapped your arms around his waist.
“You are such a dork.” You leaned into his body, loving the warmth he provided. “I am so happy to be here for you though.” You remembered when the FOMO tour first begun and you were counting down the days until you’d join your boyfriend.
“I’m fucking off the wall, Y/N. Seeing my girl in the crowd, screaming for me in public.” He winked at the end of his sentence. You rolled your eyes and smacked his chest.
“You always ruin the sweet moments, cause you too busy being freaky.” He laughed at your comment.
“You love it. You ready to go now?” He walked over to your hotel room door and opened it. You totally forgot about this part. You bit your lip and began to spiral into your thoughts. “Baby? Hey,” Zion walked over to you and began wiping your face with his sleeves. You didn’t even realize you were crying. “ima be out there with you, baby. We’ll get onto the bus together, leave the bus together, and I’ll be looking for you on that stage, remember?”
Zion knew your anxiety could get the best of you when it came to the fans in groups. You had a plan of course ahead of time, because he wouldn’t let you even come out without one.
“I just don’t wanna m-mess up, o-or have them h-hate me.” Zion brought your shaking manicured hands to his lips.
“Nobody hates you, baby. You’ll see, they love you. Sometimes more than they love me.” He laughed with you and pressed his lips to yours once more. He wrapped one arm around your waist and grabbed your hand with his other hand. “We got this.”
“Haven’t picked a side yet, hardly sleep, I’ve been goin’ out...” Zion’s shirtless figure made his way over to you on the stage and grabbed your hand as he finished his line. The boys all began their choreo, but Zion stayed put, kneeling to hold your hand through the chorus. The fans began squealing at the action between you two. You could hear them say things like ‘Zion got a baddie!’ ‘Yes, Y/N!’ and you couldn’t help but smile like a crackhead.
“I love you baby!” Zion yelled into the mic as the song ended. He ran back to you and pulled you onto the stage. Your eyes widened at your boyfriend’s actions. “Who loves my baby?!” He asked the crowd. They began cheering once more. You squeezed the life out of Zion’s hand as he took you off the stage with him. He led you into a separate room away from the boys.
“What’d I tell you, baby? I gotchu, and they love the shit outta you.” He lifted your chin up to kiss your sweet lips once more. “I’m definitely ready to taste that some more later, though.”
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turtle-isoverit · 4 years
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I kinda suck at posting recently yikes my bad
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pizza-pot-pussy · 5 years
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the blatant disregard for my health 🥵
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kuwonuholland · 6 years
this blew up on ig so imma post it here too:) enjoy✨
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gothlka · 5 years
i know you're a star 💫
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zionkuwonubae · 6 years
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Who do you think has the best fashion in PRETTYMUCH?
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