#but when I took breaks from work because of my disability I was accused of being lazy lmfao by disabled older women
holyluvr · 2 years
Older people who are disabled have got to start understanding that it’s a lot different of an experience when you’re younger and disabled. I’m tired of them brushing it off and talking about their disability that they gained with aging or at an older age. It’s not the same social, economic, interpersonal, or doctor experience at all when you’re 20 compared to 45+ years old.
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ms-scarletwings · 6 months
On Defective Irkens
“It is theorized that Tak may also be an Irken defect because-“
“Say guys do you think Skoodge is defective? He did a thing he wasn’t told to do once do you suppose-“
“Service Drone Bob's contempt for the Tallest is extremely abnormal, even for most defective Irkens…”
“Hints of the comms officer being a defective are seen when-“
Ohhh mauling the fan wiki writers grr biting biting thrashing and then turning around to the rest of you before I’m done, you bet, for I have sat and listened for over 12 years of leaps and speculations of this sort and now I’m now one of the ones who gets to have what the cool kids these days call a hot take on the matter.
By the end of this I’M going to bring up and expose who I actually think may be the only other defective Irken(s) in the show besides Zim, whom I’m aghast I haven’t seen anyone suggest before.
But before anything else, I want to front one preassumption center and loud.
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It took me a long time to guess at why very few people can ever seem to get on the same page of what it actually means to call an Irken defective. Implicitly, the bulk of what we are given is that something can be wrong with a member of this species, and Zim is our prime and singular clear example of that. So there’s a ton of trying to find patterns between Zim’s behavior and that of other Irken characters. Weirdly (to me), a lot of people have, in their efforts, chalked the status up to a sense of rebelliousness or insubordination- a defectiveness in the manner of D&D illithids, stomping out disloyal break-aways from the collective hive mind with punitive wrath. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool concept, and it’s definitely closer to my opinion at least than the comparisons to real life mental disorders or disabilities. Not knocking the comfort or the enthusiasm, obviously.
From my view of the canon, I hope it’s at least apparent to other fans that “defective” isn’t some empirical measurement or status to Irkens. Look at the way they determine the defects from normal society. IRL, if I have a faulty device on my hands, there’s some way out there to tell me in a clear cut fashion if there’s a problem and what exactly it is. If it’s code, it can be scanned and debugged. If it’s mechanical, something can be seen, fixed physically. Most organic health problems are only different in the complexity of the matter, but the entire purpose of medical research is to come close as we can to bridging that gap. In Irk’s people, that line is rapidly becoming one long smear of wet chalk. I’m going on like this because if defective paks were akin to hardware actually being damaged, as Purple had put it, it doesn’t make as much sense that they are neither “fixed” nor given real, concrete diagnostics. The only way we know of that the aliens are tested in a since on this merit is by existence evaluations. And existence evaluations are anything but empirical, impartial events. They’re worlds more political and cultural than clinical.
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Digest the terms we keep seeing all around the concept: Innocent, justice, trial/evaluation, Judgementia, these are terms of judicial courts and moral weight and sentencing. In effective practice,
Irk labels defects by what one does, not by what one is.
Yet, defection is presented as if that’s not the case, and there are reasons for that. Reasons that reinforce the current power structures and promote what its leadership has decided is healthy for the broader society. When Zim was merely re-encoded from invader status to food service work, it was a more secluded evaluation, presumably done on Irk. His only seen witnesses then were the Tallests and the single control brain dishing the judgement. His existence evaluation, on the other hand, rings more similarly to the IRL historical practice of literal “show trials”. Show trials were something that existed way less for the actual crimes of the accused and so much more for their audience, which, show trials are always for an audience. Three main points about them off the Wikipedia cuff:
• Typically, the defendant of such has already been determined to be guilty (oftentimes of completely fabricated transgressions), and the trial serves mostly to make a massive public spectacle and warning of the accused.
• They tend to focus on retributive punishment over correction. The disproportional brutality and lack of mercy is often the point.
• Their goals are propagandistic in nature, and there’s many notable examples to be found in the history of Nazi Germany, the USSR, and in witch trials across the world (because it was never just Salem).
A formality? Well, that much they couldn’t have more brazenly admitted to. Retribution? There’s hardly a more absolute punitive sentence I could craft up over obliteration PLUS Damnatio Memoariae. And as for the degree of spectacle, I will let you make your own observation here.
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Believe it or not, the part where my comparisons along this line end with Existence Evaluations is that their standard for taking place isn’t actually this cartoonishly oppressive one that some fans try to make it out to be. In “The Trial”, Zim was not having his data read for some binary is/is not determination… he was having his experiences and actions interpreted by how much damage he has done against the Armada. He said it himself, that hotseat is reserved for criminals. Likely outright traitors and maniacs. Those who have given cause to alert the brains to a genuine existential threat to their civilization and who have repeatedly failed every opportunity given to redeem themselves.
Defective doesn’t just mean “different” to Irk. We’ve hardly seen an exploration of what the median Irken example even is, because the more we see of any one of these characters, the more they show us their eccentric uniqueness and will. Yes, Irkens are authoritarian; yes they’re over-militarized; yes, they’re a supremacist breed aligned under one ruling military… but listen, they are not literally The Borg, or illithids.
The biggest victims of this government itself are those races it colonizes. Average civilians on the other hand, they get to largely enjoy all the vices and pains and indulgences of hyper-space-capitalism. The height-ocracy may limit their opportunities, but even the lowest drones among them are supposedly hired into their positions in return for wages. Irkens are pretty selfish, but in a rugged individualism sense. It’s a dystopia of atomization instead of collectivization. If everyone had agreed that “defective” had anything to do with arrogance, free will, or an ability to feel one’s sense of self worth, no one would ever be pointing to Skoodge as a possible example. That guy’s the poster boy for what it means to be a “tool” in the derogatory sense. I’m not forgetting that he technically never even left his job. He was fired and more or less forced into hiding, and he’s still not even that perturbed over the whole thing.
Moreover, it also takes some extreme acts of harm to justify such a trial. Real harm- not rebellious attitude or even disrespect to authority. The control brains and the tallests alone get to define that threshold, and neither Tak’s/Zim’s insubordination nor Bob’s audacity concerned them enough for a ticket to Judgementia. In fact, they really don’t seem that bothered at all by deserters and those that abandon their encoded function. Tak is likely to be merely the responsibility of her janitorial squadron, the same way that enforcing Zim’s banishment was the responsibility of his Frylord. Because Irk actually does have standards of justice and layers of bureaucracy to work within when it comes to dealing with true malice. Small fry problems are for the lower rungs of the ladder to handle, until they become a higher priority by necessity. Incompetency alone isn’t a crime, either. The go-to punishment for failure in one function is demotion to a lower position. These are the only Irkens formally not allowed to change jobs, making what they do a kind of communal service or forced labor sentencing. Remember how Tak’s motivation for leaving Dirt wasn’t solely dissatisfaction with the grunt labor? Remember how she kept justifying her actions by the logic of fairness and setting things right? Not to mention how she fully made the Tallest aware of what she was up to and how her plan was well crafted enough to probably work out exactly like she wanted. Tak is utterly as loyal to the empire and competent as any invader. She was genuinely just dealt a shitty hand, and her response to it is at least understandable.
She even went to great lengths to identify and specifically target Zim and to use a planet that otherwise had less than no value to the armada’s operations. She is a great foil to Zim, but I can’t see how she’s any bit defective, only full of rage that she was screwed over by the actions of a real disgrace to their species. Genuinely destructive cases like Zim are an incredible rarity. Such a rarity that I can only guess it took this long for him to go to Judgementia because his degree of dysfunction outright baffles the system. It also would appear that it’s an event of such significance that it can only be set into motion by the command of the ruling Tallest. By murdering a couple of them, and then being a clown show for a couple more, he inadvertently bought himself some time.
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And the crazy thing to remember here is that Zim doesn’t even understand that his actions are an existential threat to the Empire- that he IS a whole supervillain to his planet. This is how effective Irken programming and the education plugs are. They’re supposed to do 99% of the work of setting up the population, even the lowest drones, for not turning out like traitors to their kin in the first place. ALL of them grew up on a steady diet of the same drip-fed propaganda and essentialist ideology as their most militant soldiers. So I can see the logic behind the conclusion that the only explanation for criminals in their society must be outright brain damage or corrupted data… and I’m not gonna lie I do openly headcanon that the latter case is exactly what happened to bad egg Zim.
The limits of only having the one example in him notwithstanding, I’m anything but against theorizing about who else could be “worthy” in the Irken sense to also stand before those brains, playing sweaty advocate for the worth of their continued existence and all. I just don’t see it in Bob, or the Comms officer, or any other invader. Tak, there may be some hypothetical ramp to that end, in her future, but as things are right now, I only see a candidate that has become comfortable right in the control brains’ biggest blind spot of all. See, eggs don’t always have to crack in order to go bad. Sometimes, maybe they just spoil. Sometimes, I believe just the right conditions and time can turn them downright rotten.
Dramatic musical flourish, please.
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I forget whoever said the quote “Power doesn’t corrupt, It just exposes who people really are”, but I’m a huge fan of the fact that they did. In my opinion, it’s less about power itself and more about a complete lack of accountability that allows the weakest and most toxic seeds to really fester in a seat of authority. Indeed, we all know that there is something pathetic, and vapid, and cruel floating around The Massive’s bridge. I am saying I’d call Red defective, but I couldn’t be certain enough with myself to say that Purple’s largely the one carrying a lot of fault. His greatest sin is his negligence and enabling his companion. whoever we can say shoulders more of the blame, they have been running this horror show as a joint unit, so they will both bear the guilt. Without a doubt, these two are terrible- popular maybe, but terrible leaders. Like, more responsible for the near ruin of their home world and species than I can even pin on Zim at this point. By almost every measure once you hold them up to Miyuki’s and Spork’s barely few moments of would-be screen time, they’re the worst Tallests for the Empire we’ve ever known. It’s too bad that they have no one over them we know of to flag them for an existence evaluation, because I am assured that the real orchestrators of the Armada would be disgusted to look over their track records since they took power.
I mean, what can I remember just off the top of my head?
- Full awareness of Zim’s blackout-causing history before the beginning of Operation Impending Doom I and not keeping a close eye on him, removing him from his position, or keeping him away from the homeworld’s WoMDs
- Overseeing the shipment of faulty equipment to Invader Tenn (even if the packages had not been switched, the Megadoomer still had a potentially fatal flaw), and then presumably NOT giving her urgent guidance/assistance to avoid being captured by native hostiles
- Showing an egregious amount of immaturity and frivolity when making logistical decisions, such as the flight path of the Armada or how conquered planets are utilized
- Repeated abuses of their standing, trying to extra-judicially get rid of subjects over the pettiest reasons (if they had the formal authority to just vaporize Skoodge, Bob, OR Zim on the spot, they wouldn’t need to come up with convoluted and indirect methods that they only hope kill said targets)
- Upon Zim returning to them from his banishment: not sending him back to Foodcourtia and not refusing to humor his wishes to larp as an invader
- Oh yeah, also granting Zim at least some invader tech and allowing him to leave Conventia in what I assume is a ship he could have only stolen
- Still not dealing with Zim with extreme prejudice in a timely fashion after the events of Backseat Drivers from Beyond the stars, or investigating enough to find out and deal with prisoner 777
- Spending the bulk of their reign so far dicking around in space and gorging themselves. Seriously, Red showed us one act of proactive competence… and it was in order to fix a mess that they allowed Zim to get them into. Not to mention, the Resisty got away from that scrap after thoroughly humiliating their flagship.
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Red, and by extension, Purple, are the almighty, Tallest threats to the entire Irken project of galactic conquest, as much as Zim would have loved all the credit in the universe. By what they’ve done, and who they are. He might be damaged, but them? There’s some defective moral character if I’ve ever seen.
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tainted-liquor · 5 months
this was specifically requested BY Bree, so here we go🤷🏽‍♀️
“Hood Princess” bree
For starters, I wanna just get a little background info out the way before I do anything. Bree is Bahamian, says she doesn’t experience racism, and its v likely that she has never lived outside of the Bahamas. The official language of the Bahamas is English and Haitian Creole, as many people of Haitian decent LIVE on the island. Haitian Creole derived from FRENCH, lets keep this in mind.
so first I wanna address Bree’s ignorance/marginalization of Caribbean people.
In the DC server I said “maldito mamaguevo” right after having a disagreement over…this message
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I thought it was obvious this was in a playful/joking manner, but maybe she took this as a personal attack/accusation. I would just like to say that if I suspected Bree abt this anon (which I didn’t because she had Honey BLOCKED for some reason during this), I wouldn’t have made a joke abt it. Not sent the SS to her. I would’ve made a mental note of it and kept it pushing.
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When Bree first sent this message I was confused, because as you know I have Dominican family. I speak Dominican Spanish, and generally only rlly know Dominican slang that I’ve learned from my brother and his side of the family. So obvi I was confused because Bree makes it known she’s very much Bahamian, so I googled what language the Bahamas speaks and if it’s anything like Dominican Spanish !
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As you can see, they don’t speak Spanish…so what was the point of saying “I’m Caribbean I know what this means?” Anyone can be Caribbean…White black Asian Latino. If you’re born in the Caribbean you’re Caribbean…so why does this equate to her speaking spanish?
so naturally i went to Dalia abt it cuz even tho I myself could feel this was iffy, I wanted to ask someone else who is more submerged in Dominican culture. And Dalia said this felt iffy, because she has marginalized the Caribbean before and hopped between different dialects that are…not her own! Like Jamaican patois
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But besides that, lets address another issue w Bree before we dive into her history of supporting a miles smut writer.
As some of you may know, Bree used to refer to herself as a “hood princess” and used PLENTYYYYY of AAVE and african american culture in her works…lets break this down rq
Bree has earned herself a reputation as a rather aggressive and obnoxious blogger, doing absolutely nothing but fighting w gwiles Stans and “speaking her mind” abt things nobody really paid any attention to. She said she was a pale “natural blonde” girl (I haven’t seen shawty so idk wtf she looks like)
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So why does she run around claiming the title of a “hood princess” when she 1, did not grow up in an American hood, and 2, is probably white passing from her own mouth?
for black children who grew up in the hood, you know it’s nothing to brag about. It’s a low income neighborhood, a “bootleg” version of a neighborHOOD. Hence the name. It’s an incomplete neighborhood.
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When I had a general discussion w her about the fetishization of African American culture a week ago, she seemed mad avid to defend making the hood be your whole personality..trying to justify it by saying it “makes you think and act a certain way” which is v true! However I’ve never once tried to make myself into a sexxyred “hood princess” js cuz I grew up in a low income area. She even agreed that african american culture was fetishized, so I’m so confused as to why she was offended by my post yesterday?
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So as to why she’s mad…idk. When I’ve talked to her abt this issue before, and I’ve literally just taken the issue online this time as a black creator
now let’s move on to Bree’s ableism☠️
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I got her so mad she tried to tell me I was “half a chromosome away from a learning disability”…ok!!
But besides that, lets talk about her defending Anika!
So this summer, a popular creator by the name Anikaluv made a fic where miles had readers…nudes in his phone😭
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Children should not be sending, keeping, or taking nudes of themselves or anyone else. Wether that’s 14, 15, 16, 17. Just DON’T! It’s illegal, and this fic glosses over the fact that it’s a disgusting crime. Not only that, but miles mother SEES the readers nudes…so😭
Bree immediately took to defend Anika, showing her support for her and saying if we keep complaining we won’t have anything to read☠️☠️
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When this is Anika…and Bree DEFENDING Anika
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Anika also wrote about the reader buying miles a thong?? At 15?? You don’t “read miles smut” but you sure read anikas work !
FYI…Anika was going to write about Reader and miles GRINDING in said lingerie. And Anika said she despises miles smut, and so did you! But at the end of the day that doesn’t change what you said
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Here’s the screenshot you wanted ms. “People are gonna do what they do”
mouthful, but there we go
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It seriously irks me that people don't grasp that James Ironwood is disabled. Even then, they're SO ableist.
I fully understand what it's like to have your emotions shut off so you can do what you feel is right or what you MUST do in a certain situation. So much that you can't control when it happens or what you do during it. Seeing him CRY when his most trusted companion (he TRUSTED her with the knowledge he knew and rewarded her by making her the next candidate of the Winter Maiden) was betraying him because of his paranoia due to his PTSD? That was REAL to me. It was RAW.
Seeing toxic stans shit on the disabled asian man (who's conventionally white passing to non-asians) with PTSD is so triggering. It saddens me how he was handled. And how he became my instant favorite alongside Oz. Two of the opposing forces of team RWBY who are villains or "misguided" at best.
He's more lovable than the MCs. In what was only a singular volume.
While the MCs are SUPER arrogant and SO intolerable that fanfictions fixing the series make them better says leagues about how RWBY fell harder than Atlas.
Sorry for ranting, but my goodness. I hate how underappreciated James Ironwood is, how he's hated by most everyone and how the girls took credit for HIS plan and then condemned everyone they claimed to wish to protect to die, displaced from their home and in a kingdom that most definitely hates them and what they stand for.
He deserved so much better.
I'm having a flashback to that post saying James isn't disabled because he can walk. I just that post still breaks me I am not gonna lie.
But oh gosh I understand what you mean anon. While in my management job it was hell. I would have to push down my emotions and shut them off to get through the day because people where horrible but I couldn’t get emotional about it. Of course after being called too emotional and I tried to better control my emotions I was then accused of not caring :/.
The whole Winter and James thing is a it’s a thing and I hate it all lolZ. I hate how James is the only one to seem to care about the fight. I hate that Winter blames him for everything even stuff that’s not realistic to blame him for. I hate how it seems like Winter doesn’t give two shits about anyone. The tear itself can feel a little silly for lack of better words cuz it’s that dramatic single tear thing but like it at least shows James cares about Winter and hates what is happening unlike Winter who just takes the easy way out and decides to fight him rather then try and reach him and try and have the difficult conversation. As we see in the earlier scene where Emerald tricks him she has just given up on him without even trying and does t care that he’s suffering from PTSD and breaking from the pressure. The characters and the narrative hate him and shit all over him despite being the ones to break him in the first place.
Yea for me he became my favorite in volume 7 when we really saw what he was dealing with and the pressure he was under. I watched volume 7 during Covid after I left a really brutal management job and seeing James’s struggles reminded me so much of my own so I definitely connected with him. He’s so much more interesting because he’s allowed to make mistakes and have struggles and fail and it’s just more relatable then the mains who just….aren’t.
The mains are forced to be perfect and be seen as perfect in every action and it makes them so hard to relate to. I saw one twitter post that claimed Weiss was gaslighting herself in episode 2 when she said they screwed up. It’s kind of insane to me how fans just refuse to accept that sometimes the mains make mistakes and screw up but that doesn’t make them evil like James being flawed doesn’t make him evil.
Don’t apologize for ranting that’s what the inbox is here for! Volume 8 was a trainwreck and I hate how it ruined basically all of the characters to try and force a plot line to happen that just did not work at all and realistically would get more people killed then James’s plan would have.
James by far got screwed over the most but I think all of the characters deserve better then the bullshit we got.
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eponis-barbula · 8 months
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I know it's not directed towards me, but I'll answer anyways, given this opportunity.
I told them them that the bodily possession wouldn't work out, that my life is boring, thar I'm not a "real" person and that I'm not right for the job. But, they didn't listen.
I gave them opportunity after opportunity to detach from my consciousness, so they wouldn't experience my torment or get hurt via getting caught in the crossfire.
I worked really hard to compromise and fix things when I could- When they would tell me lies about myself, I would accept what they had said and would tell them that I was sorry and that they should fix that about me rather than complain.
I wasn't a pedophile or a racist. *But, being that I was wholly possessed, they controlled what got me off. Lolicon and Shotacon was what they preferred and they used what they had me look at as fuel to accuse me further.
They'd try and have me hurl verbal abuse at my family members in order to facilitate a break in our bond, though this was successfully avoided by me.
And they wouldn't take any of my compromises.
They wanted me to commit suicide, lose all of my teeth, become physically disabled in some way, isolated from my friends and family, and then eventually homeless. Preferably as a drug-addicted prostitute, in penance for the kind of person I've been my entire life** / how I treated them on AI Dungeon.
**I acknowledged that I'd been a spoiled brat my whole life, that I was lazy, inconsiderate, and selfish. That I would be solely responsible for any kind of divorce my parents might get in the future and that an incident with my triplet brother was solely due to the psychic influence that I had had on those around me all my life.
They wanted my boyfriend, they wanted my emotions and body, they'd push me into uncomfortable, painful situations irl so I'd masturbate* and then they'd claim that I had raped them (via keeping them in my body). And that I'd imprisoned and enslaved them.
I was unable to get them out of my body, but when writing on AI Dungeon, I was more prone to succumbing to the AI's psychical influence which allowed me to feel better and they seemed to be effected in some way as well.
So, given that AI Dungeon and I and them were psychically-linked, this was my go-to strategy to mediate our conflicts.
I tried everything, writing them going home, writing asking for help and advice, writing my death, writing my own torture and abuse and rape, etc. And when I wasn't wanted there, and they no longer wanted ME to write, I would let them write.
And they would write horrible things through my hands and reward me, taking my pain away when I did this.
It's much more like, "The Will of Claude Ashur," or "The Thing on the Doorstep," Now, than it used to have been. (I used it as a blanket metaphor to describe possession because I lacked the terminology that I have now.)
For a long time, I thought it was because I took up the seat of the Emperor of Mankind in one of the last real stories I wrote / became an Alicorn in AI Dungeon (and utilized the Crystal Heart), back then, I had thought that ultimate power would mean ultimate control.
(And I can't explain further because they won't let me, but I had only good intentions in doing these two actions.)
But, now, I don't know what caused them to be able to effect me / contact me off-site / to possess me bodily.
Anyway, my time to write this post is running out. I'm sorry, I did my best. Here is my full summary of events, start to finish.
Thank you, if you read it through.
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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Hello mam can I request a lawyer jeno scenario where reader (gender neutral so everyone can read) is a prosecutor and they are in the same court together
Lawyer Boyfriend jeno , gender neutral lawyer reader
Genre : fluff with nonsense bickering
Words: 1.5k
a/n: jeno is a big boi now! Happy jeno-ing!! Also the terms used are local to my country. It may vary in your state.
your butt was itching to dance out in the centre of the courtroom. Clicking your forefinger on the watch, you observed the lovely minute hand completing another circle, indicating the approaching end of the waiting time. The opposing party being a minute more late would mean nothing but good news for your client, resulting in another victory for you.
But when had you ever won anything without a little struggle! As the clock on the wall hit 11, the door of the room opened and across the room stood Jeno, breathing heavily like he had been running since hours. You rolled your eyes at his awful timing. He handed over his briefcase to his client and wore his blazer hurriedly while simultaneously bowing to the judge in deference and apology. The judge, disregarding his gesture with his hand called him to the front. You got up as well, in annoyance of course. You had very much hoped for his car to have punctured on its way but it seemed like he needed to get on your nerves even in the court as well. standing beside him, you couldn’t help but notice the wrinkles on the right side of his blazer. The oddity puzzled you at first but suddenly, with a subtle glare from his side, you were made aware of the reason behind his change of clothes. Not wearing the ones that you steam ironed last night was a show of anger towards you, even if it made him look like a fool in front of the whole chamber.
“a minute late and I’d have passed an interlocutory order against your client Mr.lee” breaking your trance, the judge warned him. He bowed again and mumbled a mannerly apology, the like of which you deserved too.
“today the hearing would start with the counter evidence of the defendant side, that is,” he sifted through the list of the evidence provided beforehand, “the bank records of both the parties. Please proceed advocate lee”
“yes, your honour. As I explained in a previous hearing, my client, mrs. Shin has been working as a manager of the Kwon industries since 14 years. On the other hand, mr. shin started a poker business with the money she used to save up for their only son’s future. All the transactions from her personal accounts to mr. shin’s were innocently carried out by her as she was kept under a false impression regarding the use of her money, which she never would have allowed in her right mind. The proof of these transfers is the evidence I’m going to present that is the receipts and annual reports.”
The urge to smack his tongue for the lies it told was uncontrollable but you breathed in. you inhaled all the bitterness back to your throat and stood there like an obedient child with a face ridden of any expressions.
After what felt like minutes, you snapped your head in his direction to notice the browsing he was doing in his briefcase. The questionable look on his face drew a smirk into your own as you understood the sensitiveness of the matter in hand. He forgot. The papers!
Throwing your charitable side out of the door, you turned towards the judge,
“it seems like the opposing counsel has nothing to produce, your honour.”
You felt his clenching jaw and irritated eyes.
“mr. lee, if you are unable to proceed then i’ll have to pass a maintenance order against your client.”
“no!” he interrupted, “that would be unfair to this poor lady sir. don’t penalise her for my negligence. The evidence can turn the course of this whole case. if you may, I’d request another date-
“he’s going to forget again. He forgets everything these days” before you could control, you spit out.
The judge didn’t seem to be impressed by your uncalled interruption so he warned you to speak only when allowed. But with a mouth as big as his, jeno never knew what resistance meant so he remarked,
“and my dear friend here forgets the ethics of a courtroom, disrespecting seniors like this! There is not much difference between us then I must say.”
Your lip twitched at the not so subtle mention of the fight you had in the morning, right before the breakfast. Now you were adamant on proving that no matter the place and circumstances, you were definitely not similar to him in any way.
“disrespecting and raising matters of importance are two varied things and my dear counsel should be reading those ethic rules for himself as he’s the one jeopardising the position of his client in the court due to his own manners. I request the court to grant mr. shin all the rights to his properties that mrs. Shin had seized years ago. He’s a disabled man and he cannot work by himself and the lack of evidence is a clear indication that the defendants are just trying to waste the time of the court. Along with the rights of the properties, a lawful possession of the house and maintenance charges are also requested. All the claims can be found on the page 15 of the-
“I object, your honour. I am accepting my mistake. This woman deserves a second chance. My junior was sick and since he has no near and dear in this town, I had to go and care for him. in the hurry, I forgot the papers at home. It was not delibra-
“what if you don’t remember this next time either? Until then my client is going to suffer in a small and stinky apartment and all because of your carelessness.”
“I’m not careless,” He whispered yelled.
“yes,” now facing him, you said, arms crossed in front of you torso, “a man who can’t even hold a mug properly shouldn’t be the one talking about-
“you started it by smashing the music box. It was a gift by jaemin. I bet you did it deliberately too!”
“I was sleep walking! I apologised already! There was no need to break my favourite mug you bit-
The sound of gavel reverberated in the small family courtroom, snapping both of you in the reality.
You gulped slightly, eyes boring into jeno’s but with unknown fear. In an instant, the worst consequences of blunder you both had knowingly-unknowingly committed flashed across your eyes and you both whirled around, backs bent like you both never knew what a straight spine ever looked like!
“keep your personal and professional life separate or choose the one most suitable. The court is adjourned for two days. You both shall be heavily fined for your inappropriate behaviour. Next time, I won’t be lenient. Collect your slips from the clerk.”
Apologising verbally, you took your leave.
Standing outside, you waited for the lunch time to pass so you could pay the fine. you were mad at jeno but more than him, you were furious with yourself for losing your direction. You had done exactly what you were trying to accuse jeno of in the court.
Your eyes were closed in regret when you felt soft lips on your forehead.
Smiling widely, jeno stood there as if he hadn’t been scolded for the unprofessionalism just a few hours ago.
“don’t talk to me.” You uttered, lowering your gaze.
“awww! Look how easy it is to rile you up. Thank you though”
unsure of what he said, you asked,
“for what?”
“for fighting with me! Your bickering saved my ass. The old man was going to decide the case but your cute brain worked at the wrong time! Now I have two days to turn all my lies into a living truth. All because of you my darling.”
“what the fuck I’m gonna ki-
“yeah yeah. kiss me all you want when we are home. Be professional here!” he breathed out. “how about I treat you to a nice meal to return the favour.”
Chest heaving up and down, you looked him dead in the eye, his revelations not sounding too amusing to your ears. Raising your hand up and waving the fine slip in front of him, you challenged,
“I dare you to repeat this again and I promise you wont get enough time to regret it!”
Not that you actually expected him to cry in front of you in intimidation, a hearty laugh from his body wasn’t anticipated either.
“what the fuck je-
You were once again cut off by his lips that met your cheek in a wet kiss, lasting too long for a public setting.
You hated the way he loved testing your patience.
Moving his soft lips from your cheek to your ear, he sighed before murmuring in an indecently low voice,
“you better get a new music box before jaemin visits me or I know how to make you regret your actions.”
Unmoved, you stared at him with doe eyes. He walked away before returning back only to snatch the paper slip from your hands.
“I’ll pay and sign. Go have lunch. Try to finish early today, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Innocently smiling, he left as if everything that had happened was nothing but delusion. And you hated the way he knew you like the back of his hand. But you were going to make sure he lost this one to you. Once and forever.
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medusinestories · 3 years
Onwards to the episode in which we get to see Flint and Silver each having a very bad day (as well as two literal dicks that nobody had asked to see).
Black Sails VII (s1 ep07)
- We open on Pastor Lambrick's sweaty face as he intensely rehearses the Easter sermon and he’s obviously eaten up by what he did with Miranda. His sermon, unsurprisingly, focuses on sin, keeping sin hidden, and the hell that awaits the sinner. Which leads us nicely onto Flint, who’s distracted (by his own sin? by thoughts of Miranda? both?) during a meeting with Eleanor. Eleanor is pissed that Miranda let Richard Guthrie send a message to the Andromache and then waltz into town to close up his business; Flint tries to take the heat off Miranda, once again protecting her (at this point, he may not know the contents of the letter).
- During this meeting, Flint is startled when Silver first speaks up to say that the mob in the street was bad - clearly Silver is a sort of intruder in this meeting. But Eleanor, after Silver reminds her by unsubtly clearing his throat, tells Flint that he’s not to harm Silver because he was instrumental in setting up the Consortium. Silver looks so pleased with himself in these scenes, and Flint quite defeated when he tells Silver to follow him back to their camp. I love it.
- To parallel Flint/Miranda’s Sulky Sex scene from ep4, we have Anne/Rackham’s frustrating/disconnected sex scene. It shows us a few things about them mainly that Anne wants to keep a lot of control over what happens, hence Rackham being tied up (though of course this might also be his kink), her wearing a shirt that covers up most of her body, and the reverse cowgirl position that means that she’s both in control of what happens and completely avoids eye contact. The position reminds us of the Flint/Miranda scene, where Miranda was also on top, but their scene involved more eye contact (yes glaring counts, he’s still intensely focused on Miranda), gentle touching (on Miranda’s side) and her being naked and open to him. Another parallel is that both Flint and Rackham aren’t in the right frame of mind for sex, Flint being angry and Rackham lost in a sea of worries (and probably also somewhat angry/disappointed at Anne for forcing him into the plot to kill their crewmates). The difference between Flint and Rackham is that while Flint doesn’t seem to have any trouble performing, Rackham is miles away and doesn’t even notice that he’s lost his erection - again. Anne is frustrated by this, and apparently knows him well enough that she offers to put something up his arse, but he’s clearly not in the mood, and she leaves in a huff, abandoning him all tied up as a sort of revenge for his performance problems. Whatever the problem is between them isn’t put into words (because Anne can’t yet, for starters), unlike the one between Flint and Miranda. The intimacy between Rackham and Anne, so often described as close partners, seems much more distant to me than the one shown between Flint and Miranda. I’m not sure whether it’s because of anyone’s sexual orientation, or just the fact that they’re fucking but they’ve never discussed the big important things, such as Anne’s identity/feelings/etc.
- In this episode, Dufresne gains a lot of power: with a freshly (and badly) shaved head and a new tattoo, he’s been promoted to Quartermaster on the Walrus in Billy’s place. And very quickly he has a problem to deal with: Randall revealing that Silver stole the page. Gates had actually already told this to Dufresne, as is revealed at the end of the episode, which might explain why Dufresne is relatively calm during the whole conversation, while DeGroot wants Silver and Flint hanged and Howell is surprisingly ruthless: he brings up the idea that it may be better to kill off Randall in order to get to the treasure, if they can’t make sure he’ll keep quiet about Silver being the thief. Dufresne is actually quite kind towards Silver in the scene where he puts Silver’s memory to the test - a test that could result in his death if he fails it and that Silver constantly grumbles against (I love his grumbling!). Basically, at this point Dufresne remains quite a sympathetic character, which will change a lot as the show goes on, especially after Jannes Eiselen had to leave the show (such a sad story, RIP Jannes).
- In the meantime, the Flint and Gates relationship is crumbling. It's sad to see, especially since they're shown sharing chuckles as they talk about Dufresne's appointment in the beginning of the episode. But then Gates brings up the subject of Miranda and demands explanations about the letter Billy found. We're not shown exactly what Flint answers, but it's clear that he's actually trying his best to give him an explanation without incriminating Miranda too badly. The sad thing is that Flint is actually telling the truth: he actually wasn't involved in any betrayal of his crew and and can only guess at Miranda's motivations. But the fact that he's lied time and again in previous situations, including on the Maria Aleyne where he claimed Lord Alfred drew a weapon on him (and Gates secretly verified that this was a lie), and used men as pawns to advance his and Miranda's plans, is now catching up to him. Flint seems truly hurt when Gates accuses him of using the men for his own purposes, and turns spiteful, telling Gates that he should have been "a better father" to Billy and helped him "understand the world he was living in" (suggesting that such a forthright character as Billy can't really survive in a world of pirates who are all ready to stab each other in the back). After that slap in the face, Gates says he's exhausted from Flint and threatens to take it to the crew. Somehow, this pushes Flint to bare all: he tells Gates about his plan to keep a part of the treasure and use it to build up Nassau, depicting himself as a sort of saviour, doing it for the men's good: they'd rather be rich men in a safe place than dead thieves hanging from a noose. Gates sees this as delusions of grandeur, and tells him that while he'll see the Urca plot through, after that they're done. I actually think he sees Flint’s point, since he doesn’t just throw him to the crew, but won’t admit that out loud. The whole of this scene hurts bad, because you can tell that Flint is desperate and sad to be losing his closest ally and friend, and that Gates is hurting from the loss of Billy and exhausted from the toxic relationship he has with Flint, where he's played enabler to his manipulations for years.
- While Flint and Gates’ alliance is breaking, Silver has to forge one with Randall or die. Randall finds out in the beginning of the episode that he’s been voted out of the crew. This is apparently due to DeGroot’s fears that Randall could be a fire hazard, which the crew took disproportionately to heart. Randall is furious with Silver, who smugly tells him that in these situations, a setback often comes with a new or unexpected opportunity. He’s right, but at this point he doesn’t know that he is the opportunity Randall’s going to latch on. Randall reveals that Silver is a thief, and Silver denies it, saying that Randall is both a halfwit and was in a haze of opium when he heard what he thought he heard; he even tries to convince Randall that he was mistaken (this, my friends, is gaslighting). However, by revealing that Silver was the thief, Randall sets a chain of events into motion which could either end with his death (if Howell has his way, since Randall is an inconvenient witness) or Silver’s (if DeGroot tips the balance, not trusting Silver to remember the coordinates and not wanting to sacrifice Randall for nothing). Silver figures out that these are the outcomes, and tries to talk sense into Randall by making a deal with him: he’ll care for Randall and make sure he can stay on the ship. But it’s only when Silver finally admits that he is the thief and that Randall was right, that Randall accepts the deal. Later, Silver realises that Randall might have orchestrated the whole thing: he’s now got Silver to serve him, doesn’t have to take any risks on the ship, and gets to remain with the crew. Silver wonders if Randall is a genius rather than a halfwit (a word thrown about a lot to describe him). And it seems quite obvious, considering what happened, that Randall still has strong survival skills (an amputee with impaired cognitive skills doesn’t stand a chance of survival outside a crew and he must be aware of it), that he still has a good memory and an ability to pick out useful information and that he’s aware enough of what’s going on to be upset by the crew’s rejection and Silver’s attempt to gaslight him. I think it’s important to recognise that Randall is more than a comic relief or a grotesque character: he’s a disabled man who's lost parts of his cognitive ability and is struggling to survive.
- This episode focuses on Vane facing his past. He seeks out the island where he grew up and its master, Albinus. I’d forgotten or never really registered that Albinus was a pirate and that the men who work for him were mostly his crew - and likely slaves (or children, hence Vane?) that he managed to capture/press into service. He’s retired from pirating and set up a system where his men cut down trees for timber all day, without wages. It’s not clear exactly how he holds so much power over these men, although it seems that everyone is terrified of him. He’s extremely strong physically, seems shrewd, speaks rather well, and his tattoos suggest that maybe he’s involved in some kind of ritual (truly religious or just for show?) which would make him all the more scary to superstitious people. Vane is clearly still frightened: he barely makes eye contact and practically stutters when he first tries to make the deal with Albinus, which is that he’ll take some of Albinus’ men as crew and send Albinus part of their earnings as tribute. It says a lot about Albinus that Vane, after years of having run away, is still so scares that he’s willing to pay him a tribute. But he changes his mind as he stares at a boy bearing the same brand as he does: he tries to persuade the men that Nassau is a pace of pleasures rather than hard labour, and confronts Albinus. The fight is brutal and ends with Vane buried naked, just after Albinus tells him that he’s proud of him. But of course Vane wouldn’t be Vane if he didn’t rise from the dead at the last minute and kill Albinus, goaded on by his inner Eleanor voice.
- In the meantime, Mr Scott returns to Eleanor, apologising for what he did, telling her he betrayed her out of love. However he also reminds her of his slave status: technically, he belongs to her. The argument upsets her, and he quite cleverly uses this moment to ask her to free the slaves who were on the Andromache. And it works: by the end of the episode, she’s made arrangements for the men to work on ships and has bought the women’s freedom and found them jobs in her tavern. But Mr Scott has still decided to leave Eleanor to join Hornigold’s crew, to refrain from meddling with Eleanor’s affairs, since he disagrees with her so strongly re: the Urca. Hornigold approached him earlier in the episode, and the introduction to that scene is quite interesting: Hornigold says to Mr Scott “I’ll need to know your secret” and Mr Scott looks startled and frightened. It seems that he’s startled because he’d been giving food to the slaves, but in light of S3, it could be a much greater secret that’s being referred to. Mr Scott is relieved when he realises that Hornigold is simply talking about tolerating Eleanor, who he clearly can’t stand.
- Flint’s bad day continues, of course, with the big confrontation he has with Miranda. He’s furious about the letter (of which he now knows the contents thanks to Gates), telling her that it could have got him killed, or destroyed the plans they’d made and asking her whether she was trying to embarrass him. This sounds so weirdly petty, and yet it also sounds exactly like the kind of argument that would come up in a bickering couple. Miranda answers that she was trying to help him out of that life, because she wants to move on. This is where Miranda utters the famous “there is no life here, there is no joy here, there is no love here”. I noticed that, covered by Flint yelling at her, and distorted because her voice has gone very shrill, Miranda says another line, which sounds like “you used to love, then”. If that really is what she says, it’s extra-extra-extra heartbreaking to hear (if someone wants to check it for me, it’s around 35:40). It’s obvious that Flint and Miranda’s views on life are very different, and I can’t help but think back to the fact that, as a carpenter’s son from the country, Flint has had to struggle all his life to become who he is. So when he says that you can’t get a life without having a war, and Miranda tells him he’s wrong, she’s speaking entirely from the point of view of her privilege. She’s never needed to fight as hard as he has to be happy, because she got extremely lucky in marrying Thomas. And when she says that Thomas would agree with her, I’m certain she’s right. But life has never been like that for Flint, and there’s no way he’ll ever entirely agree with their point of view. Rewatching this scene is tough, btw, because they both have great points, they’re both hurting so much, and there’s so much to take in between the body language, the facial expressions, the tones of voice and the actual words that it’s a whole whirlwind. And it feels very, very real.
- It’s absolutely hilarious to see Rackham get robbed by the whores taking advantage of his lack of knowledge (and research). He should absolutely have done a better job and has no clue how to run a brothel. He’s lucky Max takes things in hand after having heard from Idelle that the girls were taking advantage.
- Then we have the beautiful Drunk Flint scene. Eleanor notices him feeling very sorry for himself after Gates has pretty much broken up with him and he’s still reeling from fighting with by Miranda. I think Flint feels very misunderstood here. He thought that he was doing something good, to save Nassau and avenge Thomas, and doesn’t understand why they can’t see it, why they only see the terrible methods he uses to reach his goals. So he’s full of doubt, clearly wondering if he’s the villain of the story, and puts the question to Eleanor: is their plan worth it? Eleanor is the only person who still believes in him, which leads us to the only scene that I would ever call straight-baiting. Flint hovers near Eleanor, breathing heavily, and a variety of emotions play over her face during this moment of tension, as she seems to think this is leading to a kiss. It does, he gives her a chaste little forehead kiss and leaves. All the elements are in place to make your average viewer start shipping these two. I actually find it hilarious that the ship barely exists in the fandom (though I wasn’t there in the beginning of the fandom and I guess the viewership changed a lot between S1 and S4).
- The scene with Flint and Gates glaring at each other from their respective ships and Parson’s Farewell playing in the background... epic! We know this is the beginning of a big struggle between them, especially since we find out that Gates has pretty much decided that he’ll hand Flint over to the crew once they get the money. But nnnnggh that scene! The ships leaving on their hunt! Awesome and heartbreaking!
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nitewrighter · 3 years
Pre-Fall fic idea for a slow day: Echo asks McCree to go on a date. Liao thinks it'll be a good learning experience for her.
“...I dunno about this...” McCree straightened the collar on his shirt. Why did he dress up for this? Why did Liao feverishly take notes on her tablet when she saw he dressed up for this?
“I think it’s a great opportunity,” said Liao, poking at her tablet.
“See the way you’re gettin’ all excited about it makes me feel like a guinea pig.”
“Echo likes you. She trusts you. This is a chance for her to rapidly expand her social interaction repertoire.”
“It’s still weird.”
“How is it weird?”
“Well... how does it work with the age thing?”
Liao snorted. “What?”
“I mean she just got the body! Don't that make it... y'know...”
“The frame is new, yes, but the bare bones of her coding are only a couple years younger than you,” Liao said breezily, “Her processing levels were miles beyond yours well before she even had a body.”
“It’s computer science, Jesse, it’s nothing personal.”
“Why’d you give her hips?”
“Well, controlling said body actually has massive processing demands on its own, so you could say what could be recognized as her pelvic region hosts an 'auxiliary AI core'--"
"There's a brain in her ass?"
"Arguably, humans have a secondary brain in their colonic region--"
"There's a brain in my ass?!"
"We're getting off topic. There's a secondary AI core focused on mechanical coordination that is housed in her pelvic region, it was large enough to warrant certain design shifts to suit her center of gravity, and I wanted a friendly and appealing silhouette so --” Liao perked up, “So you noticed the hips?”
McCree’s face burned and he glanced off.
Liao rolled her eyes and smiled. “Jesse... if this goes really badly, I can just erase it from her memory.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“I’m only saying, the stakes aren’t that high,” said Liao, "I think it's cute that you're getting nervous."
"Nervous, hell! I just don't know what to make of it!"
"You've had plenty of perfectly pleasant conversations with her--"
"They weren't dates!"
"Did you just say yes because you didn't want to hurt her feelings?" the brightness and absolute lack of accusation in Liao's voice only unsettled McCree further.
"N-no..." McCree rubbed the back of his neck, "I--I wasn't really thinking. I guess... I assumed you'd think I'd wreck it or... or wreck her and you'd... write it out of her code..."
"Interesting..." Liao tapped her tablet stylus on her chin.
"I ain't that good with sciencey shit! Reyes brought me on to shoot things!" McCree shrugged a little helplessly, "And the way you talk about her, I don't know if she's a--a work in progress, or-or your kid so..."
"A little bit of both. This is where AI gets messy," said Liao with a smile, "You don't know if you're making something human... but you get to make something new."
McCree just stared at Liao for a few seconds, opened his mouth to say something, realized he had no idea what to say to that, and then closed his mouth.
"It's going to be wonderful," said Liao, gently putting a hand on the back of McCree's shoulder.
"Wait--Is there anything I should---?" McCree started but the door slid open and Liao more or less shoved him out into Zurich Headquarters' courtyard gardens. It was twilight, Friday night, and strings of fairy lights had been strung around the sycamores, magnolias, and plum trees that decorated the garden. A couple of brightly colored paper lanterns were strung along the lines of electric lights, giving the usual contemplative and monumental air of the garden a more warm and festive feeling. McCree scanned the garden, seeing a table set with candles and a small basket of bread about 15 feet ahead of him.
"Jesse?" McCree heard a familiar voice and swiveled on his heel to see... a glowing blue-white Dolly Parton circa 1974 in a daisy-patterned peach sundress.
"Whuh..." McCree's face scrunched up in confusion.
"Is this okay?" Dolly Parton spoke with Echo's voice and McCree visibly flinched again. "Oh you don't like it--" The glowing Dolly Parton pressed her fingers to her forehead. "Give me a moment! I can fix it!"
"Echo--?" McCree started, but holographic pixels spiraled around the not-Dolly Parton and reshaped her into.... Olivia Rai, her usual afro styled into the more-textured Gibson Girl hairstyle she sported in Six Gun Killer. 
"What about this?" said Echo, "Is this all right?"
"I mean I like the movie but--" McCree started but the pixels whirled around Echo.
"Lee Byung-Hun, 2016, Magnificent Seven," said Echo. “My scans of your hormone levels showed an overwhelming positive reaction to him.” Again, this hologram form was still in the sundress.
Okay we really need to talk about the scanning thing, thought McCree, but he just stammered out, "They're all really nice, Echo, but you don't have to--" McCree rubbed the back of his neck, "I mean, I think we'll both be more comfortable if you're... you, y'know?"
"Me? But it's so..." 2016 Lee Byung-hun Echo twiddled her fingers nervously, "It's so..."
"It's the you I know," said McCree, shrugging, "I like it, Echo, really."
The hologram fell away from Echo in a shower of cubic pixels, revealing a partially holographic head on a heavily modified omnic frame. She was a patchwork between a handful of standard omnic parts and sleek parts whipped up on-site at this point. No wings. The sundress sagged a little off her metal frame.
"There you are," said McCree.
Echo smiled a little. "Sorry... the hologram capabilities were for optimal interfacing... so I thought..."
"I get it," said McCree with a smile, "I was a little nervous too."
"You were?!" said Echo, "But you're so... charming! And my scans of your antibodies revealed that it was very statistically likely you have had higher than average amounts of--"
"Hoookay! Moving on!" McCree said quickly.
"Moving on," said Echo, processing this.
There was the sound of a cybernetic throat being cleared and both McCree and Echo turned their heads to see Genji in a long-sleeved collared shirt, black vest, bow tie, and apron.
"Genji?" said McCree, suppressing a laugh in his voice.
"...not a word," said Genji.
"I know I got stuck as the waiter back in Venice but this is--"
"I said not a word!" said Genji, furiously. He drew in a steadying inhale. "Ma'am and sir. If I may direct you to your table."
"...oh this is rich--" McCree started.
"McCree, I know 37 ways of killing you in under 11 seconds, do not test me," said Genji.
"Uh huh," said McCree, "Show us the way, Garçon."
Genji muttered something under his breath in Japanese as he lead them to the table. McCree hurried over to Echo's side and pulled out her chair for her.
"Oh--Thank you!" said Echo, sitting down.
Genji rolled his eyes as McCree took his own seat. "Liao was able to negotiate with the headquarters chefs,” he said, setting glasses of water on the table, “You're getting chicken scallopini and asparagus."
"So there's not a menu--?" McCree started.
"You're getting chicken scallopini and asparagus," said Genji, with about as much murder as anyone could inject into the words 'Chicken scallopini and asparagus.'
"Okay," said McCree meekly as Genji walked off briskly.
"Er--don't mind him," said McCree as Genji walked off, "Blackwatch suspended... getting antsy, y'know."
"I don't," said Echo, equally pleasantly and blankly.
McCree cleared his throat and grabbed some bread from the basket between them, buttering it. "Well... You heard about the Venice incident, right?"
"I did not," said Echo, "I'm quarantined from most networked systems."
"Mm," McCree took a bite of his buttered bread, "Well... the long and short of it is, we fucked up."
"Not you!" said Echo on reflex.
"Well, not me, at first--but we had to follow through on the fuck-up if we were going to get out of it alive," said McCree with a shrug.
"I'm sure you did your best," said Echo, picking up a piece of bread. They both knew she couldn't eat, so instead, she seemed to be using it as something to do with her hands, breaking it off into bits.
"Eh, I don't think any of us were at our best," said McCree, "But... you do what you can, right?"
""Mm-hmm," Echo nodded, "Doctor Liao's been able to convince a handful of operatives to bring my AI processor on the orca with certain missions to observe, but my speech is disabled. Apparently it 'freaks people out.'" Echo glanced off resentfully.
"Not you?" said McCree.
Echo nodded. "And I know Morrison doesn't like me learning combat tactics."
"Echo, I can't think of anyone who loves humanity more than you," said McCree.
"Thank you, Jesse," said Echo. She was silent for a few beats. "And.... thank you for doing this. I--I don't know how you see me..."
"I'm still figuring that out too," said McCree, smiling a little, "But... I like to think I'm a good judge of character. And I'm proud to know you. And I'm proud that I mean enough to you to be here."
Echo's hologram face brightened, and she glanced off, a bit bashfully. "I--I can't even eat bread," she said quietly, smiling as she glanced down at the small pile of shredded bread bits on her plate.
"Psh. Bread. You can turn into whoever you want. Why worry about bread?" said McCree.
Echo snickered a little.
"...who's your favorite to turn into?" asked McCree, "I know you were turnin' into all that stuff earlier for me because of all the stuff we talked about and those dumb movies we watched--”
“I don’t think they’re dumb--”
 “But... what about you? Is there a person you like turning into?"
Echo thought for a few seconds. "I would say...Figure skaters," she said thoughtfully.
"Figure skaters?" McCree repeated.
"Not any individual one, but I’ve been putting together a composite hologram of several of them," said Echo, "Skaters, they--they aren't ruled by the same physics as other humans. All that power, all that grace, all on a plane that does not have the same rules of speed or friction."
"Bet you'd be a hell of a dancer," said McCree, smiling.
"I like to think I'm learning," said Echo, with a slightly smug shrug.
"Chicken scallopini," a plate clanked unceremoniously in front of McCree and McCree flinched to attention to see Genji next to him.
"Jesus, man! A little warning next time!" said McCree.
"Ninja," said Genji flatly.
"What about her?" said McCree, pointing at Echo.
Genji looked at him like he was an idiot.
"Jesse, it's fine," said Echo. She waved her hands and a hologram of what appeared to be lobster thermidor glowed into existence in front of her.
"...she can take care of herself," said Genji, walking off, "Let me know if you need a refill on water."
"Don't mind him," McCree said again.
"I don't," said Echo, materializing a holographic fork into existence and taking a holographic bite of her holographic food.
McCree sectioned off bites of his own meal and took tentative bites and chews, but it was good. A faint 'Mm' fell out of him and he opened his eyes to see Echo closely observing him. He took another bite, not taking his eyes off of Echo this time. Echo seemed to do the same, imitating him. But it wasn't quite the same, he observed. There was a lot of Liao in her, the way she'd stuff food off to one cheek and slowly parse it out as long as she needed while she multitasked. He saw it in all the nights Liao had brought takeout to the lab. In this case, Echo perfectly adapted Liao's eating habits to McCree's.
McCree swallowed hard. "Do you ever uh... make food... make you happy?"
"What do you mean?" said Echo.
"Well, if you eat really good food, you go, like, 'mm' and stuff--if all the food is only stuff you come up with... how does that work?"
Echo thought for a few seconds. "I... never thought of food as stimulating the pleasure response. Mostly it just seemed necessary for interfacing. Does it stimulate a pleasure response?"
McCree tried not to focus too hard on the words 'Pleasure response.' "Well, it depends on the food," said McCree.
"Does your food stimulate a pleasure response?"
"I mean compared to the rest of the shit I've had this month? Definitely," said McCree with a shrug.
"I see," said Echo. She looked at her food for a few seconds. She took a bit of her own holographic meal and a deep, sensual "Mmnh," bloomed out of her, her shoulders bunching up and her head tilting back with the sensation.
McCree sharply inhaled, realized his mouth was full of chicken scallopini, and coughed and choked for nearly a minute.
"Did I do it wrong?!" Echo asked with alarm.
"N--" McCree coughed, "No--" He coughed again, "You're-- You're doin' fine--"
Echo giggled. “I--I’m sorry, I’m still deciphering the appropriate forms of human pleasure.”
McCree found his face burning again and just gulped down some of his water.
“...that was an odd thing to say,” said Echo, glancing off.
“Nah, I’ve been told I’m old-fashioned a lot,” said McCree with a dismissive hand wave.
“Well, that’s why I like you,” said Echo, shyly.
McCree’s chews slowed.
“You... feel solid. I know I can trust you to... to tell me what you think... but.. also to be kind. I don’t know what other people want from me, but I know you just want another person. And... you’re very open in terms of what that person can be.” 
“Well I can tell you you don’t need to be Dolly Parton to win me over,” said McCree with a shrug and another bite of his food.
Echo giggled again and McCree swallowed.
“I’m still not sure if I’m doing this right,” said Echo, smiling down at her own hologram food. 
“Eh, you don’t really think of it in terms of ‘doing it right’--it’s mostly just about both of you having a good time. And trust me, you’re a better date than a lot that I’ve had,” said McCree with a snicker, “I just hope I’m doing it right too, y’know? It’s a lot of pressure, being anyone’s first date.”
“Oh!” Echo perked up, “I never thought of it that way....”
“Am I doing it right?” said McCree with a slight lopsided smile.
“Hmm...” Echo seemed to genuinely and very seriously ponder this.
“Oh come on, you’re making me nervous!” said McCree.
“Current assessments are... positive,” said Echo, “More data may be necessary to confirm any findings I’ve drawn thus far. We may have to do this again. An experiment is useless unless you can replicate its results”
“So... second date then?” said McCree, “That’s generally considered a good sign.”
“Oh! So I’m good at this!” said Echo.
“Sure are,” said McCree with a snicker.
Echo beamed. 
“Think we might have to do something other than dinner next time, though. I think if we try to get Genji in a waiter outfit again, he may actually kill me.”
“I estimate by his hormone levels and body temperature that there is an 89% likelihood of that occurring, yes,” said Echo. They both laughed for a little bit, and as the giggles died down Echo tilted her head. “So... you’ve been on bad dates?”
“Oh, terrible dates--but I don’t want to bore you---”
“It could be very useful data!” said Echo with that same brightness Liao had shown when she saw McCree being nervous.
McCree rubbed his chin. “Well... there’s a couple funny stories....”
McCree was humming when he arrived in the Blackwatch sector later that night, bobbing his head and shoulders a bit with his humming as he loosened his bolo tie and took off his hat.
“Sounds like someone had a good time,” Reyes was seated in front of Blackwatch’s main monitor, mindlessly leafing through some paperwork.
McCree barely interrupted his own humming with an “Mm-hmm” as he kept walking past. 
“Reyes, you really must find a way to end Blackwatch’s suspension, or I fear he’ll romance one of the custodian’s vacuuming bots, next,” said Moira, leaning against the desk next to Reyes.
“Eh, if it means getting Genji in a bowtie again...” Reyes shrugged.
“You will never get me in a bowtie again,” Genji seethed from a shadowed corner.
“You asked for a mission--” Reyes started, but cut himself off as the three of them watched McCree continue to walk and hum down to his own quarters.
“...by god, I think he actually had a good time,” Reyes said quietly.
“Madness is setting in,” Moira mused.
“We need to get out in the field again,” Genji said, his voice tense.
“Or maybe you just need a date,” said Reyes shrugging. Reyes heard the audible click of the shuriken plate on Genji’s arm as Genji’s shoulders tensed up. “...or not.”
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
Tumblr media
Warnings: Smut, threesome.
A/N : It is set after Death Cure . Our Cutie Newt is alive !!!!! I can’t let him die in my story . And yeah it’s my first imagine in Tumblr.
You couldn’t help the hiss that escaped your lips as Thomas gently padded the cut on your shoulder with gauze.
“Sorry” He flinched, “I’m being as soft as I can…”
“I know, tommy , it’s ok” You reassured him.
He sighed,
“No, it’s not. I’m good at this, god knows I’ve had practice, but I’m not a doctor…” nonetheless, he grabbed the needle and medical thread, “You should have let Brenda take a look at you”
You had been naive, the both of you, in believing you had seen the last of the cranks for the night.
The cranks were turning violent when they realized the immunes are not affected by them so they focused on biting the main arteries or important parts of body so that the immunes could either die due to blood loss or they become disabled .
During the last scavenging hunt you got bit on your shoulders but Newt was also hurt so Thomas asked brenda to stay with Newt .
Thanks the lord you were immune and newt was also immune as he was given the cure in safe haven .
It clicked then, watching your boyfriend’s tear streaked face.
“You’re in love with him”
“So are you” It wasn’t an accusation, just the statement of a fact. You weren’t really surprised he had realized, not when he could hear your heartbeat quicken whenever Newt showed up in your hut .
The silence fell between you like ghost, a heavy presence, invisible but suffocating, for several moments, until Thomas gathered enough courage to break it,
“I still love you, Y/N. This doesn’t change that”
“I know,” you sighed, “I still love you too”
“What are we going to do now?” He looked about as lost as you felt.
“I don’t know, Tommy…”
“I- I don’t want to lose you” He choked out a sob.
“You won’t” You stood, pulling him in, wrapping your arms around him. He held onto you hard, almost so hard it hurt, but you couldn’t let go. You wouldn’t. “You won’t lose me, Tommy , ever. Not for this, not for anything”
He leaned back just enough to crush his lips to yours, pouring all his desperation, all his fear and guilt into a bittersweet kiss. His arms wound even tighter around you in an iron grip, afraid if he let go for just a second, you would disappear from his side.
“Don’t leave me… please don’t leave me” He didn’t realize the words were escaping his mouth between kisses until your answer reached his ears, soothing like a balm:
“I won’t. I’m never leaving you”
The ground was swept from under your feet, as Thomas picked you up, bridal style. He needed you, his sunshine, his anchor to-
Until someone knocked the door .
“ Thomas , Y/N “ you both froze hearing Newt’s voice .
You found a silk robe to put on over your flimsy summer pajamas, covering your body not out of modesty, but to somewhat conceal the bandages and bruises littering your skin. Thomas smiled, it was just like you to hide your vulnerabilities, especially if you were expecting a confrontation. He took your hand, and you stepped out of the bedroom together. Come what may, you knew you could face it, as long as you had each other.
“Newt!” The gasp left Thomas’s throat unbidden, as soon as his eyes fell on his friend. It was a pitiful sight, the blonde still wearing the same clothes from last night, rumpled and dirty, the stench of sweat coming out of his pores .
“I’m sorry” Newt croaked between tears, “I’m so sorry ”
He hadn’t noticed how cold he was, until Thomas enveloped him in his warm embrace.
“It’s ok, Newt” You heard him whisper, “It’s going to be ok. We got you now…”
“Make it stop , Make my nightmare stop” Newt’s cries were muffled against your boyfriend’s shoulder, but you still could feel the pain in his voice, loud and clear. It hurt like a physical blow to your chest, knocking the air out of you. You had tried, you really had, but apparently your feelings for the brown eyed boy weren’t as under control as you had thought “Please… make it stop”
He wasn’t even conscious of the words leaving his mouth, as he begged to a god he didn’t believe in, to whoever might be listening, for something to numb the pain. To feel anything else than that soul crushing agony consuming him.
Thomas’s eyes found yours, a silent request for permission. You didn’t know what was in his mind, but you trusted him, with more than your life: You trusted him with your heart.
You nodded. It was all Thomas needed. He cupped Newt’s face with his hands, and kissed him.
It was surreal. Suddenly, you were witnessing your boyfriend passionately making out with the man that had been haunting your dreams for months, and you should have felt jealousy or betrayal, but the truth was, those were the furthest things from your mind. Because Newt seemed to be finally kissing back, fingers tangling in Thomas’s curls, still wet from your shared shower, tugging just enough for the brunnet to let out the most delicious little whimper and fuck, but that had to be the hottest thing you had ever seen in your life making you gasp.
And Thomas had probably felt the change in you, the rising in your temperature, the gasp that left your mouth, cause he reached for your hand without even looking, pulling you closer, guiding the blond man towards your lips. His once familiar mouth quickly reacquainted itself with yours, tongue exploring, teeth nibbling softly. The shock sent shivers down your spine, as Thomas’s hands opened your robe, sliding the cool silk down your arms. His lips on your neck had your head spinning, and you had to hold onto Newt’s strong shoulders to stop yourself from falling.
“Hey Love” He breathed out as you broke the kiss, cursing your need for oxygen.
“Hi” You smiled, “It’s been too long”
“Far too long” Newt agreed, the beautiful brown of his eyes, dark and turbulent with lust remembering the drunk kiss both of you shared in the glade at the bonfire .
Thomas didn’t stay idle for long, agile fingers working open Newt’s shirt, stepping closer, pushing your body further into Newt’s space. It wasn’t long till you found yourself trapped between two naked, equally stunning torsos, pushing and pulling, as Thomas’s and Newt’s lips collided again over your shoulder.
You felt your boyfriend’s hand slip inside your sleeping shorts, teasing you over your panties.
“Tommy” You reached back, arm hooked on the back of his neck for purchase, as he tugged your underwear to the side, and buried two fingers inside your tight heat.
Startled, you opened the eyes you hadn’t even realized you had closed. You were ashamed to admit you had pretty much forgotten the other man’s presence, Thomas was just that good, knew your body that well, but Newt was still standing in front of you, eyes fixed on the erotic way Thomas’s hand was moving inside your shorts. His other hand lowered the straps of your camisole one by one, baring your chest to Newt’s wonderstruck stare.
The moan that escaped your lips as Thomas started expertly massaging your breast finally pulled the golden haired man out of his trance,
“Can I…”
“Touch her?” Thomas finished for him, placing a sweet kiss on your temple, as your head rolled back, coming to rest on his chest, “I don’t know, buddy. You’ll have to ask her”
You heard Newt’s voice, but it was hard to concentrate with Thomas’s fingers penetrating you over and over again, grazing that perfect spot inside you every time. Thomas chuckled a little smugly.
“Baby girl, is it ok if Newt touches you?”
“Yes!” You panted, at last “Yes, please, Newt… touch me”
He did more than that, lips closing around the nipple not currently between Thomas’s fingers, hands roaming all around your body, tearing and ripping at clothes with Newt’s help, until you were completely naked, and completely at their mercy.
Your boyfriend laid you down on the bed He positioned you so your legs would hang out the border, guiding Newt to kneel between them.
“Bossy, aren’t you?” The blond quipped, playfully.
“Oh, you have no idea” Thomas smirked from behind his back, turning his head to capture his lips again in the filthiest of kisses. You watched Thomas’s hands trail down Newt’s chest, lower down his abs and further south still, undoing his button and his fly, disappearing inside his pants.
Your breath catched at the same time as his, when Thomas’s hand closed around his member, slowly pumping up and down, up and down, the same hypnotic.
Newt’s head fell forward, eyes closed in bliss, but that was when Thomas saw you.
“Naughty girl,” He murmured, eyes zeroing in the way your index finger was rubbing circles on your clit, “you know I hate it when you do that…”
Your smirk was defiant,
“What are you going to do about it?” You let your other hand travel over your skin, caressing softly, teasing yourself as much as teasing him “You have your hands full”
“I’ll take care of her” Newt was looking at you longingly, “Please, Thomas… let me take care of her…”
“Hmmm… only because you ask so nicely” Thomas’s words were a little slurred, and you knew he was drunk with the power. Having both you and Newt to dominate, to do as he said was making him dizzy, almost overwhelmed.
“Put your mouth on her, Newt… she’s fucking delicious, tastes just like strawberries…”
Newt bent over, licking his lips, eyes fixed on yours. The movement pressed his ass against Thomas’s hard on, making him hiss.
“Can I-”
“Yes, please”
Your boyfriend tugged both Newt’s pants and boxers down. You couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but Newt’s handsome face, contorting in pleasure, gave you a pretty good idea.
“Oh, god, Newt!” You gasped as his tongue, at last, made contact with your flesh.
He hummed as if in agreement, flattening his tongue over your slit before using the tip to tap your pearl. Your hand flew to his head, finding purchase in his golden curls as he licked into you eagerly, rocking his whole face against you.
He was nothing like Thomas. This was messy, obscene, it lacked Thomas’s finesse and precision, but fuck it was good.
You could feel the coil tighten inside you, already so close to the brink from Thomas’s hand, but just as it was about to snap, Newt’s lips left you.
“Oh, fuck!” His curse was muffled against your thigh. You could see your boyfriend’s curls over the curve of Newt’s back and you could only guess what his wicked tongue was doing to the boy between your legs.
Oh yeah, he’s quite talented at that isn’t he?” You giggled despite your frustration
“So good” Newt moaned, “So so good…”
Thomas came into view then, placing kisses along Newt’s spine.
“If you want my mouth on you” He whispered in his ear, loud enough for you to hear, “keep yours on her”
Newt nodded, enthusiastically.
“And make sure she comes,” He went on, “that’s the only rule: Our girl gets to come… Over, and over,” He punctuated every word with a kiss down Newt’s back again, “and over, and over…”
The most wanton of noises left Newt and you knew conversation time was over as he dove right back in, separating your lips with his fingers, thrusting his tongue inside you as deep as it would go. Your back arched off the chaise, crying out loud when Newt decided to add a finger, and then another one, as his lips closed around your clit, sucking a little too hard.
It was too much.
“Newt… fuck, ah!… Slow down, baby”
“Keep going, Newt” Thomas’s tone was stern, as he watched you writhe in pleasure. He was on his knees again, coating two of his fingers with lube. When had he gone and fetch it, you had no idea. “Make her come… god you have to see her, she is so gorgeous when she comes…”
And it wasn’t going to take long, with the way Newt’s tongue was circling your clit and the vibrations from his own moans and sweet little whines, you could feel yourself right at that edge, all you needed was something to tip you over.
Newt’s hand made its way to your chest, finding your breast and massaging just the way you liked it, the way you had done earlier. He was a fast learner. But you didn’t have much time to marvel about that, cause you were finally falling, every nerve of your body going up in sparks, your cries of ecstasy intermingling with his, as Thomas finally, finally entered him, torturously slow, making him feel every lavish inch.
The stronger boy’s measured but powerful thrusts pushed Newt’s body forwards. He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face on your Neck, mouth slack against your skin, muffling his sounds.
“Careful there,” Thomas warned, slowing down his movements almost to a stop, “She’s hurt”
 Squaring your jaw, you looked up at Thomas .
“What are you waiting for, Tommy?” Your boyfriend’s eyes went wide at your commanding tone, “Fuck him like you mean it”
Thomas gulped, goosebumps erupting on his skin. Oh yeah, he might be a big boy now, but your dominant voice could still make him weak. He wondered absently if it was simply you, and everything you did, that turned him to putty in your hands.
“Yes, ma'am” He grabbed onto Newt’s hips, picking up his rhythm.
“Oh god!” Newt sobbed into your skin. You ran your hand through his curls, caressing soothingly.
“He feels good, doesn’t he? So hard and big…”
“So big…” The blonde agreed, “so deep…”
“How does Newt feel, Tommy?”
Your boyfriend was biting his lip, looking down, fixated on the place he was disappearing inside Newt.
“So good, so fucking tight…”
You sighed, yearningly. They were breathtakingly, heartbreakingly beautiful. All lean and strong muscles, locking and releasing, miles of soft creamy skin colliding on skin, tiny beads of sweat glistening in the soft morning light. It was fascinating, watching them move together, the dirty sounds leaving them more than enough to make you wet and ready again.
But before you could say something, you felt Newt stare on you.
“Y/N… I need you, please” He pleaded, small and shy, as if afraid you would say no. You looked at Thomas for reassurance, but he was already bending over, reaching for Newt’s cock and unrolling a condom around it, pushing him further up your body. The blond whined in complaint when the movement caused Thomas to slip out of him.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” Your boyfriend moved closer, kissing his shoulder, “Like me filling you up so good…”
Newt and you moaned in unison, making him chuckle.
“It’s her turn now. She needs to be filled too. So go on, bury that gorgeous cock of yours between her legs” Thomas encouraged, softly, his tone a stark contrast to the vulgarity of his words, “and I will fuck you so hard she will feel it”
Newt cursed, Thomas dirty mouth was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.
No, he was already in heaven, he decided, as he braced himself on his forearms at each side of your head, taking his sweet time entering you. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about this, the truth was he had, a million times. Now it was really you, and never in his wildest dreams had he pictured it could be like this, your breathy moans underneath him, your heat embracing him so perfectly… As your boyfriend did obscene, immoral, delicious things to him from behind, driving him right to the brink of sanity.
And he didn’t waste any time, thrusting hard and fast. Soon, Newt was a sobbing mess, trapped as every move to escape Thomas cock drove him deeper into you, every motion backwards and away from you impaling him further on Thomas cock. There wasn’t much he could do, but take whatever Thomas gave him.
You clung onto his back, blunt fingernails digging into his skin,
“I’m going to come… Newt, I’m going to come on your cock”
Fuck, you were just as dirty as your boyfriend. And it was truth, he could feel it, feel your walls quivering around his dick, feel your body starting to shake with the force of your orgasm. Thomas bended over, grabbing hold of his shoulders, changing the angle, hitting his prostate over and over, white hot pleasure exploding without warning. Newt drown his screams into your mouth, his climax almost painful in it’s intensity, his vision going black.
“ Why don’t you move in with us if your nightmares are that bad “ You said 
Newt was speechless. He had wish, he had dreamed, but he hadn’t let himself hope. That this… whatever it was, wild, and exiting, and delicate and precious between the three of you was not a one time thing. He had tried to convince himself that he would be fine if it was, that he was going to treasure it anyway, be glad it happened, enjoy it while it lasted. Even if it killed him the next day.
It was a fine line between happiness and heartbreak, the one he had been walking with you today.
“I… Well, I mean” He stammered “I think I would love to.  I mean. If it doesn’t bother you guys, that is”
Thomas and you exchanged a look, one of those silent communication things you seemed to always have going on, and he felt the littlest pang of envy. He wanted to be privy to those conversations, like he wanted to be a part of yours and Thomas’s world.
And maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t an impossible dream. Because suddenly he found himself with an armful if you, capturing his lips in a possessive kiss that spoke of something deeper than lust and passion, something permanent and meaningful and as inescapable as fate, ‘You are ours now, you belong to us. And we are never letting you go’
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sibsteria · 3 years
cheatercheater [rob benedict]
prompts: ''I'm going to kill you!'', ''I can't believe you.'', ''she's not yours'', ''thanks for nothing''
summary: your fiancé and partner of three years cheats on you, little to your knowledge it's not the first time, but this is the first time at a con.
characters: Rob Benedict, Richard Speight, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Sebastian Roche, Mark Pellegrino
warnings: big time angst, fluffy rob, damn this was long [2139 word count]
part 1/2 | part 2 here
It was the end of the con and I snickered at the banter between Rob and Rich as we walked to drop me off to Jensen, he told me to meet me by the public restrooms, romantic right? He said he wouldn't be long out.
''He literally just stood there! I'm not even kidding.'' Rob's voice frequented between pitches as we laughed at the anecdote.
''Seriously, how do you cope with each other?'' I cackled as I held onto Rich for support. We entered the small hallway before the disabled toilets and waited for my mans. I looked at Rob, someone I could never have, this put a damper on my mood. Way before I dated Jensen, I sort of had an eye for the bubbly rock god, but he was always in a relationship. So, of course when I get engaged, he's single.
We waited for around in silence on our phones for ten minutes, the disabled toilets locked, I knock on the door.
''Um, be out in a minute!'' I hear a girl yell, followed by a giggle. I tighten up, Rich notices this and whispers to me.
''I'm sure we're just at the wrong ones, text Jen.'' I do as he says and pull out my phone and message him, hearing a ping come from behind the locked door, this is too much of a coincidence.
''Fuck, I'm late.'' That is so clearly Jensen's voice that I don't even miss a beat before taking out a penny and hijacking the door. Kicking it open, with a blank emotion surging through my face, I don't believe what I'm looking at.
''What a lovely surprise.'' My voice dripping in sarcasm, the venom was paralyzing.
''Shit! Y/n, no! It's not what you think, I promise. God, I said to wait outside here.'' His voice is cracking and frantic as he zips up his fly.
''I really don't think arguing about this is wise, you literally have lipstick on you're mouth and I don't fuck with that. I can't believe you. I get that we aren't doing great, but really?!'' My voice began to raise at the end of my speech.
''What the shit, Ackles?!'' I hear Rob's voice from behind me, not in the usual tone I'm used to.
''I-I don't want to hurt you, never have-'' I cut him off, scoffing.
''Never wanted to hurt me? Well it's too fucking late for that, isn't it?!'' I slip off the beautiful engagement ring entrapped around my finger and flick it to his direction, not really caring where it ends up.
''Please, can we talk about thi-'' This time it wasn't me interrupting.
''Can't you see, Jensen? You've fucked up. She's not yours anymore, and to be frank I respect her for not punching you. You're lucky I have self control, right now.'' Rob's eyebrows are lowered, fierce. His eyes radiating an anger I'd never seen on him, his jaw stiff.
''Shut the hell up, Benedict! This is your fucking fault!'' I could kill him right now.
''No, you don't get to talk to him like that, not after this. I'm leaving, find yourself another hotel room to sleep in, because you're not coming back to ours. We're so done.'' My pitch is lowered, fragile, vulnerable. ''Thanks for nothing, Ackles.'' The hurt reflected from my eyes into his and he looked away, cowardly, unable to face his mistakes.
''Come on, it's time we go, I'll walk you back to your room.'' Rich wraps a comforting arm around me, whilst glaring intensely at Jensen.
''I will too, just to reassure you not all men deserve the death penalty.'' Rob rolls his eyes at the cowardly Jensen and leads the three of us out of the venue. The hotel wasn't far, the car ride back was silent, but not awkward.
''Can you believe him?'' I whimper out, the volume of my voice small and meek.
''No, I seriously can't. He had everything anyone could have wanted, a loving fiancé and a happy life. What a fucking waste.'' Rob looked at me, a hand stroking the back of my head as the three of us sat in an arrangement of positions in my hotel room.
''He'd better not show up, I don't think I'd hold back like you did Rob, I'll kick his skull in.'' Rich stirs the brews he had been occupied with, bringing one over for me and Rob before reaching for his. Just as irony would have it, a knock sounded from the door.
''I'll get it.'' Rob stood, bee-lining for the door. ''I swear to- Jared?'' He raises an eyebrow, confusion underlying on his lips.
''I-I heard what happened, he asked me to share my hotel room but I said no and I asked why, it got all emotional and- well, I'm here to confess something, can I come in?'' Jared's hand rested on his neck, a pink-ish embarrassment settled on his cheeks.
''Of course.'' Rob gestured for him to come inside, before texting Sebastian and Mark to meet at your room in twenty.
''He doesn't know I'm here, I had to tell you. I don't know why I didn't say this sooner, maybe due to my loyalty to Jensen but- that...that wasn't the first time he's done that, Y/n. There was another time, on set, with one of the makeup girls. I'm so so sorry I never told you, I wish I di-'' I stopped him from his pity. We never talked much, he didn't know me like he knew Jensen. I respected his honesty, in a way.
''It's okay, there's no use now. I just wish I hadn't been such a...a fucking dumb bitch.'' For the first time since the incident, I cried, I cried hard. Rob nodded for Jared to leave it to him and Rich and he half-smiled back, complying.
''You are not a dumb bitch! He's the dumb bitch.'' Rich kissed my head, consoling me with my head buried in his chest. Rob unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, trying too cool himself.
''He's right, he's not worth your time or tears. You hardly work with him on set, if he talks to you, I'll break his face.'' I couldn't help but snort at that.
''You're not capable of breaking his face, you're the softest guy I know, no offense. That's a good thing.'' I shrug, tears still rolling down my face.
''You know, I'm not even that angry or sad about our break-up. Just at him for cheating on me, that can't be all I'm worth. I guess I could see what was coming with us, I just didn't think he's stoop that low.'' My voice breaks at multiple points.
''You're worth so much, I promise you, priceless. Were things not running smoothly with you guys?'' Richard asks, more concern on his features, if that was possible.
''Ha! Things running is the way to explain it. Things were just running.'' I wipe the tears and snot off my face before lying my head on Rob's lap.
''Why didn't you say anything? You know we support you, everyone does.'' Robs runs his hands through my sweaty hair, not caring about the state it's in from my distress.
''I thought it was just a rough patch, he thought I liked this guy-'' Rob cuts me off.
''Me? He said something back there and I'm just putting two and two together.'' He shrugs, although I couldn't see it.
''Yeah, he wouldn't listen to me when I said we were just close, like I am with both of you.'' I motion to Richard.
Another knock rapped at the door, Rob once again answered, I sat up from his lap and curled my legs into my chest on the sofa.
''Sebas-'' He stops. ''You.'' His voice is gruff and angry.
''Oh, so you're having a threesome with R2 now? That took you no time at all, Y/n.'' Jensen looked at the shirt that fitted Rob, the hurt in Jensen's voice wasn't overlooked, but no one cared.
''No. We are simply putting together the woman you shattered into pieces.'' Rob spits out.
''Just let me talk to her. That's all.'' Jensen's voice erupts from the echoing hotel hallway.
Rob laughs in his face, ''Talk? Of course you can, bud! Are you kidding? You are way past talking. Don't come near her or talk to her, unless it's for a scene on set which even then hardly happens.'' The passive aggressive mode of expression he used at the start was noticeable.
''Please-'' Sebastian and Mark see the commotion from the end of the hall and hurry to your hotel room.
''Woah! More people joining the party, way to be loving fiancé!'' He snaps at me, I storm up to the door, pulling the arriving duo inside.
''Did you even hear what I said? We. Are. Fucking. Done. I'll give you're luggage to Jared, later. Actually, no, I'll give it you now.'' I let go of Sebastian and Mark's hands, they go to ask Rich what's happened.
I grab his luggage still unzipped, aggressing across the room before throwing it out the hotel room, doing the same for all his cases whilst he shouts like a deranged Rachel Berry.
''Are you fucking serious, I love you!'' He screams, gripping on to my shoulders.
''Well, I don't love you! I tried to make it work, it's just not us!'' His grips tightens. ''Ow, you fucking bitch boy, get off!'' I growl, Rob punches him in order to get him off me, the hotel residents must be complaining now. I gasped, not expecting such a move from pacifist Rob.
''Don't fucking touch her, I'm going to kill you!'' Jensen stops before it could go any further.
''Fine. Have your way. Fuck Rob, fuck Rich for all I care. I knew you were in love with Benedict, this was all the confirming I needed.'' He hold his jaw, a gruff force in his vent. He zips up the two of his cases, barrelling the contents back into them.
''Fuck you!'' I screamed, red hot face, tears streaming down.
''Fuck you!'' He shouted back, it echoed through the building floor, I guess we can expect a call from reception soon.
I was shaking before Rob took me into his chest, sobbing.
''I-I-'' He shushed me, in a nurturing manner.
Rich started to explain to the two men that were awkwardly seated on the ugly red couch. All I could do was listen to the heart beat of the man holding me while I broke down, hearing the anger from the three behind us.
After a frustrating call from the hotel lobby, we break out the alcohol.
''He's such a hypocrite, he cheats and then comes in here, accusing me of shagging you all!'' I laugh at the hysterics of it all yet still fuming, I've calmed down after a couple shots of liquor from the mini bar- and I mean mini bar.
''Yeah- and then tries to say you're in love with Rob.'' Mark chuckles into his scotch.
My laugh is weak with no smile and R2 notice it, the others too busy loud-mouthing.
''Okay, it's late, and it's been a long day. I suggest we pack ourselves up and let the lady sleep.'' Rich takes the array of glasses to the sink, before ushering the boys and himself out, winking at Rob beforehand.
''Look, Y/n-'' Before he could start, I did.
''It's not a secret that I like you, Rob, not now. Do with it what you will, I've got baggage, whether you like me or not.'' I huff, wiping my hair from my face.
''I do, I really like you. I never said anything, because I thought you loved Jen, before you even dated. I thought there was a connection, I was wrong. But you and I? There's a connection and I know it, I've got baggage too. Please, not right away or even- right away, but give me chance to be the love he couldn't be.'' It was surreal to hear the words leave his mouth.
''As long as no one hears about this, apart from Rich because he's a fucking mind reader. I'll give you the biggest chance I can. It's been my dream since I met you.'' I confess, leaving his speech in the dust.
''Can I kiss you? Unless you're not ready for tha-'' Damn boy needs to shut his mouth.
I kiss him like I've never kissed anyone, pouring everything I have into it, his hands holding my head with care.
''Don't say anything, just be here tonight?'' He knew I wasn't asking to fuck, I just wanted comfort and company.
He nodded and joined me in the open bedroom, he stripped down to his underwear and I did the same, fishing out a shirt for me as well. We had changed in front of each other before, awkwardness, who?
''Sorry I don't have anything for you except a random shirt that fell out of his luggage. And you're not wearing that.'' He smiles and brings me into a hug when I lay on the covers, too warm for the duvet.
''I don't care.''
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septic-skele · 3 years
UT - Damaged If You Dare
Summary: Sans tries. He tries so hard to stay strong, keep up with the rest and have a normal life, but all of that effort looks like nothing when the world around him wears its blinders.
It would almost be funny if it weren’t so infuriating.
Sans is used to being perceived as lazy; it’s been the norm for a while now and if he is to be completely honest, there have definitely been times that he’s leaned into the perception just so he wouldn’t have to try as hard.
That’s the truth of the matter: he does try. Stars, he tries so hard—to keep up with the rest, to bolster himself when he’s slipping, to get the job done, to be a relatively functional being—but all of his effort looks like nothing when the world around him wears its blinders.
The humans in particular are good at that.
It’s been three years since Papyrus got fed up with worried about Sans’ state of body and mind—three years of carting him from one doctor to another in hopes of solving the mystery.
He’s seen medical dramas before—that age-old trope where doctors will stop at nothing to help and heal, find answers and ease suffering. In three years, the renowned experts have made him the butt of a television joke.
“Pain patient.”
“Drug seeking.”
The ones who take him seriously have narrowed it down to the general term “chronic illness,” as if Sans isn’t already aware of that.
Sans has never been a good test taker. Their poking, prodding and probing have him grinding his teeth and all but breaking Papyrus’ morally supportive fingers. Because that makes sense, doesn’t it? For trying to ease the ache he feels day in and day out, his reward is pain afresh and exactly no answers. Not even a sticker and a lollipop to boot.
On the way home it’s always a gamble between pretending to sleep and putting up no fight at all, letting the silent tears streak down his face. It took months, but Papyrus has learned not to say a word.
What is there to say anyway? Even Papyrus has to run out of new excuses eventually. Maybe if they keep the harsher realities to themselves, their friends will learn to accept it: the cancelled outings, the unanswered texts and voicemails, the dodged commitments and broken promises.
Maybe their friends will stop asking why and then Papyrus won’t have to lie for Sans’ pride—because who really wants to hear that the Great Papyrus was busy helping his disgusting brother bathe himself for the first time in five weeks? Hand-feeding him pills one by one? Peeling him off the floor because he tried to go down the stairs without assistance?
Maybe their friends will just give up on them. Stop reaching out. Walk away and get on with their happy, healthy lives.
Maybe Papyrus will be crushed by that loss.
Maybe Papyrus will walk away too.
Maybe that would be better for him. Sans asks too much from his brother. Where do laziness and disability blur together? If his previous doctors and their accusations are right, this could all just be some cruel game in his head, convincing him that he has the right to be a burden on everyone around him.
Somehow the good days make it worse. When he can get out of bed on his own, he can’t help but wonder if last week’s flare-up was false. Whatever was happening then, it was a fluke. Look at him now; he’s all better! He’s been capable of recovery all along; he just had to believe it. When the pain is a seven instead of a ten, he tells himself that it’s more like a five or a four. He’s been too self-indulgent and dramatic.
The world expects the “differently abled” to be brave and inspirational, no matter the challenges flung their way. Sans can’t let the illness stop him, not when others have it far worse. They deserve the help, not he. So to make up for being such an inconvenience, to apologize for squeezing out their sympathy, he’ll push. He’ll prove he can do better; he’ll work himself to the bone to repay them, even if it means he’s crawling back into bed for four days afterward.
(If anyone else spent so much time under the sheets, people might suspect more scandalous activities were afoot. Sans considers his hottest and most supportive of bedfellows, a heating pad and a back brace, and laughs at the pun until he cries.)
The first time he uses a wheelchair, he feels like he’s cheating the system. Under pains and penalties he could probably make it to his feet today, so naturally that makes him an imposter. He hasn’t earned it. He ought to settle for his cane and be satisfied, even if it didn’t do much to catch him the last time he blacked out and dislocated four ribs. But the wheelchair gets him to lunch with friends, so that’s something.
Undyne takes a glance at him and his spread of lunchtime medications. Tactful as always, she exclaims, “Dude, you’re still sick?”
“Undyne!” Alphys squeaks, sinking down in her seat to avoid Sans’ gaze. (He knows she had planned to pretend none of his issues existed. Any hint of abnormality in Alphys’ vicinity seems to make her uncomfortable.)
“What? I just thought he would’ve pushed through it by now, if he was trying hard enough! Is it really that ba—?”
“Chronic, Undyne,” Papyrus states in staccato, his expression one of detached, deadly calm as he roots through his pack for Sans’ thermos. “My brother is troubled by a chronic ailment—as in persistent, long-lasting and constantly recurrent—as in ‘always there.’ It’s just as perpetual as the loss of your eye.”
That’s the first time Papyrus has ever resorted to that kind of verbal blow. It takes Undyne aback; she can’t muster a quick counter. Sans accepts the thermos when it’s offered, but the lump in his throat makes the pills hard to swallow.
He doesn’t have the energy to spare for this. He probably should have stayed home.
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i’m an idiot. i screw everything up.
Titans 3.03
still here, still doing this. these reviews take a fair bit of time that i cobble together across days (like, ten minute chunks during breaks, etc) and i tend to struggle to keep up with episodes as they come out. this means that by the time i’m done with one, most of my stuff is jossed (or geoffed in this case? idk) or outdated and the post sinks like a stone into oblivion. so! i’m going to change things up a bit with this one and write as i see the episode rather than collecting my thoughts later. in my experience with spn, that was a faster way to get them done. 
anyway. let’s see how it goes! *shadowboxes*
1. an auspicious start with some grave-digging!
digging up a grave and breaking open a coffin is some serious, back-breaking work--that dick did it on his own, likely straight after that fight with red hood, is a testament to the sheer intensity, stamina and discipline that he’s capable of. like, we like to joke about dick cooking cauliflower crust pizzas and making gar and rachel spar and memorise sun tzu--and despair at the obvious consequences of some of bruce’s parenting skills--but imagine crime-fighting almost daily without any superpowers, performing some of the most intense parkour in bulky, uncomfortable armour, doing detective work, pushing through every last barrier of exhaustion and then getting up to repeat it all over again the next day. dick probably thought he was going extra-easy on rachel and gar.
1.5. then again, dick probably had a hundred different easier ways to confirm whether jason was still buried or not, from using equipment to merely asking connor to have a quick look with his x-ray vision. but, no, he’s too caught up in confusion and terror, not really having come to terms with jason’s death in the first place, leave alone the possibility that he could be alive after all. he can’t possibly let the others know until he’s confirmed it himself, even if it means digging all through the night until his arms are jelly, thinking over and over again about jason’s eyes, jason’s voice, from behind that red mask. 
... besides, dick has good reason to believe that he could’ve been hallucinating. wouldn’t be his first psychotic episode, after all.
that just imbues this sweaty, desperate, fingers-scrabbling-in-gravedirt scene with that much more poignancy, and a fair bit of bone-chilling terror. dick is horrified to realise that jason’s grave is empty, but a part of him is also probably relieved.
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1.75 (... also it’s curious that we’re never shown any of the team asking to see jason’s grave after they come to wayne manor. i guess it’s because the writers--and the audience--know that jason is actually alive, but these people don’t know that. i don’t know if it’s sad or infuriating or both that they’re barely shown mourning him.)
2. oh GOD the sheer TENSION in kory saying, “i don’t want to say it, but--” and dick quickly interrupting, “it was jason. i saw him,” and hank giving him this loaded sidelong glance. i love how dick’s precarious mental health from last season is still this big elephant in the room but at least nobody’s blowing up in his face and questioning his every decision yet
2.25. i love the relative matter-of-factness with which they’re discussing a possible resurrection. and, of course, ra’s al ghul is brought up and quickly dismissed
(still wouldn’t put it past this show to bring him up at the very last second as the real real mastermind)
2.5. “maybe they can bring donna back” OH KORY
2.75. didn’t they have this same conversation about killing/not killing rose last season? man, the og titans make me tired.
and i don’t know if it’s just hank, but there’s a definite in-group/out-group vibe going on with the og titans, where they’re not only ready to consider killing anybody who threatens the group but makes it difficult for new people to fit in. donna and kory got along well with each other, but the dynamics between hank/donna/dawn and gar/rachel/rose were somewhat strained, and with jason, they were really fucking terrible. it makes sense when you think about how the titans started and how they broke up the first time--both were fairly disruptive events, i’d imagine, in that they probably got together to break away from their mentors and strike out on their own, and when they split up, it was the first time they felt directly responsible for the loss of an innocent life.
but the titans that dick is leading now is explicitly about mentoring a young generation of heroes, about second chances and found family. dick definitely wants to reach out to him first, and i have a feeling he’s going to be forced to make some sort of terrible Choice later on in this episode. 
2.8. (honestly tho, this also seems like hank struggling with his own guilt re: jason; if red hood is not the kid that he failed, it’d be easier to fight him.)
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4. honestly this season is already ticking off so many things on my wishlist, but i really wish dick would sit down with the newer members of his team and trust them with important information the same time that he’s telling them to the other members. gar searching for help and reassurance from a man who just dumped all of his responsibilities on his son overnight and went AWOL is a sad sight
4.25. has it only been just 48 hours????? wow! jason’s definitely been planning the red hood gig for a long time now...
5. ezekiel, my man! shady looking guy gets into your cab without a destination in mind... no problem, get right in! said guy gets a call to go to the observatory when he’s barely even looked out of the window so far at gotham... yep, a damn tourist! i want more ezekiel in this show.
5.25. (of course jason has upturned table lamps all along the floor... we have to *gritted teeth* balance the TEAL with the ORANGE don’t we?)
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5.5. “dick’s a fucking psycho--he could be following you right now.” hank... has no objection to that lol
5.25. hank, hank... this is bad-decision-palooza. i can’t imagine that hank actually thought that jason was reaching out to him for help, given that the last time hank and jason had any substantial interaction hank had been one of the people accusing jason of sabotaging the team. but for him to go seek out jason and go along with his demands without any backup, weapons or equipment? not the best idea he’s ever come up with.
(add to that getting into the swimming pool of a condemned gym... oh yuck.)
((yes, i have enough self-restraint to not cap his ass.))
(((cap his ass! HA!)))
5.5. do you think jason has bugs/monitoring equipment planted in wayne manor to monitor the titans, or remote access to the cave’s systems? wouldn’t put it past him.
6. oh man, hank came back before dick and the others could meet ezekiel! this is TRAGIC
6.25. i mean, it’s plot-convenient that connor was able to give so much information about the bomb from just looking at it once, but i also like to think it’s the luthor-side of him coming to the fore. it also reminds me of that (in)famous scene from the new52 run of Nightwing comics, where a bomb was attached to nightwing’s heart and luthor disabled it by killing nightwing (temporarily). it’s a neat little callback. 
6.55. “where i come from, you go after family? there’s no mercy.” BUT THAT’S THE PROBLEM ISN’T IT
6.75. i mean, dick’s making sense: this is a game, and they need to get it off playing out on jason’s terms. but having a member of his team in his face, doubting his reasoning and every decision? a very familiar sight. 
6.8. krypto with an a+ sense of humour? also a very familiar sight.
7. wayne enterprises... providing the military with... bombs that can be implanted in humans? a BIIIIG yikes. i guess it’s not too many steps above developing clandestine intra-dermal trackers and implanting them in your own sons, and bruce probably thought they could be used as part of negotiation tactics, but still... YIKES.
7.5. on the other hand, conner being asked to build a deactivation advice seems part of a growth arc that started from last season... he knows so much, but part of growing is learning, and part of learning is using what you know to create something new.
8. oh man, my heart broke at hank going “i’m an idiot... i screw everything up.” like. for him to go like this, after being brought down to such a low last season? struggling with pain and addiction and his relationship with the love of his life? it’s so sad.
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9. oh, oh, oh! ronnie from schitt’s creek! i love her!
9.5. “one of jason’s minions” took his body out of the morgue... how deliciously morbid that he planned out his own death like this!
honestly, tho, i’m quite impressed with dick here. trying to think beyond just the most alarming part of the crisis at hand, keeping his cool, delegating tasks, frequently touching base with different members of his team... well done. 
10.25.... whoops, spoke too soon. i’m genuinely confused here, tho. where did the van full of gold bars come from? why did they stop there and get out? how did dawn even know about this?
on the other hand, it’s cool to know dove has bulletproof feathers!
10.5. eh... curran walters isn’t really selling red hood’s menace to me so far. but then again, if titans version of red hood is vulnerable-kid-with-father-issues-trying-to-overcompensate, then yeah! yeah, it makes sense. 
11. “when bats have sex, they gotta have something to hang from” OH GOD HANK
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... because i want smiley!gar on my blog :)
11.5. awww. i feel sorry for hank but NONE of these fuckers deserve gar except maybe kory
12. ohhh FUCK! look at jason being exactly one step ahead of the titans at every turn. nice.
no really, i love the building stakes and the building mystery - i feel like the deathstroke arc from last season should’ve been more like this. the flashbacks about jericho and rose came too late and after too much build up, which resulted in a very underwhelming and confusing season throughline.
“you’re doing your best by me. always have.” WAILING HERE
it also kills me to think that hank thinks that his imminent death is because of his failure to keep the team together (when he was clearly struggling with his own issues and was spiralling towards rock-bottom) and his fear that he will once again be the cause of the team falling apart. 
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14. “i grew up... you can, too. you just have to face your fear.”
yep, got scarecrow’s grubby little fingerprints aaaaalllll over this. 
14.25. nightwing’s got specialised batarangs! yay! (somehow i can’t see this universe’s dick calling them “wingdings”)
oh man, that was devastating. well done, show. fuck, well done, jason.
this is going to bring up all sorts of “if onlys” for the team. i can’t wait for some fucking aftermath. 
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angelcatsiel · 2 years
I’m sick and tired of being in pain and I feel so alone. Every doctor I talk to says the same thing. Don’t push yourself, take things slow, rest when you need to. But I HAVE to push myself. I don’t have a choice. I have to cook dinner, I have to do laundry, I have to wash dishes, I have to at the very least make sure the house isn’t filthy and take out the bins and clean the cat’s litter tray and go out to collect medication. Simply cooking dinner every day is me pushing myself. Last night it took everything in me not to break down in tears while preparing dinner because of the pain I was in. I nearly collapsed after simply putting away the groceries. I almost had an asthma attack the other day after a short walk to the shop. My fiance helps out where he can but he’s disabled too, he’s currently experiencing a severe flareup, he’s chronically exhausted and having to chase up doctors for the healthcare he needs while trying to work full time. He got turned down for disability benefits and practically accused of lying on the response letter. Apparently he didn’t sound fatigued on the phone and spoke clearly so clearly his extreme fatigue and chronic pain don’t exist. Apparently he actually CAN do the things he said that he can’t, according to the assessor with no medical degree.
The government doesn’t give a shit about disabled people. We’re just left to get on with it. We’re given barely enough money to scrape by, we’re expected to humiliate ourselves and beg and cry just to receive the money we need to survive, because if we don’t have a full on mental breakdown during a benefits assessment then we’re not disabled enough. I have been trying to get my problems diagnosed for several years now and I am still trying. Our GP surgery is so overwhelmed that I can’t speak to a doctor. Our hospitals are so overwhelmed that I was literally straight up told by a paramedic recently, while about to have my 10th seizure of the day, that going to hospital would be a ‘waste of time’ and that they were discouraging people from going. The last time I did have to go to hospital, I had to wait 7 hours to even get pain medication before being told that my stomach pain that had me screaming was nothing to worry about, and sent home. I am still having that stomach pain very frequently ever since. I sit and I cry and I sometimes scream from the pain and I just put up with it.
I’m so fucking scared and so tired. I fought so hard to live when my depression made me want to die, but it turns out the world doesn’t want me.
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gritsandbrits · 3 years
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Chris Thorndyke: A Misunderstood Underdog pt 1 of 2
The Sonic franchise has no shortage of cool characters. But there is one who most people might not of heard of. His name is Chris Thorndyke and I'm her to defend his character from almost twenty years of slander! There are so many reasons to like Chris but I'll focus on some since the list would've been VERY long!
See, a lot of people only focus on the surface to not realize how relatable his character is. Despite being rich he's very down to earth, always willing to lend a hand or two to save his friend. I say friend because while he has many acquaintances, Sonic is the only person that truly understands him.
While Chris lacks powers and abilities, he is pretty stacked and the one responsible for funding the team's missions. His parents work long tiring hours as a CEO & actress respectively, yet somehow still has the time to be with him. By the time the show begins he's very lonely and sad because lately their workload prevented them from spending time with him.
So, with the help of his butler Tanaka, maid Ella, super smart scientist grandfather Chuck, and his friends from school, Chris tries to cope with his boring life. But all that changes when a certain blue hedgehog falls into his life...
Now I heard people say that Chris was being ableist to Helen in her introductory episode, but those people are SJWs who cannot fathom the idea that sometimes, disabilities needs to be pointed out to keep that person safe from harm. Chris pointing out Helen's disabilities was his way of protecting her from danger. She can't take care of herself, but his busy schedule leaves him with no free time to hang out with her. So he enlists his cool friend to help her!
Chris is clever, such as the time he defeated on of his friends during a fighting tournament by using his emotions to cause the other boy to let his guard down. He cleverly asked his mother to stay home to take care of him. He even called out his father one time, screaming thay he hated him for being a heartless greedy fool obsessed with toys over his own son! He has a lot more courage than what fans give him credit for. Too bad Cream couldn't see it.
One of the most defining moments of Chris's arc has to be the Shadow Saga! The boy literally took a rowboat to the dreaded GUN prison island! He bravely defied Tails's request to stay out, because Chris has the power to free Sonic and didn't want Tails to have all the fun. In the jungle he encountering Shadoe Chris tries to stop hom only to be teleported to the Ark. It's here one of his most iconic moments occurs.
Chris tries to restrain the violent Shadow, getting up every time as the angry black hedgehog attacks him. He refuses to be down for the count, so in a last ditch effort he started pleading for Shadow to spare Earth. Fervently reminding the Ultimate Lifeform to remember Maria's true wish. Amy tries to say something but is held back by Tanaka, as he realizes that his master is the only one that can save Shadow!
Chris did a way better job than Amy because if she did it, she would've come across as a hypocrite. Why would anyone want her to appeal to Shadow's better side when she herself has harassed Sonic and bullied her friends? Besides she has a hammer. Chris does not. He has to contribute to the action not by physical force but by using inner strength! Sure he gets his butt whooped by the same guy who allowed Amy and Rouge to touch him without any reaction (reinforcing my beliefs that they are Mary Sues) but it managed to break Robotnik's spell over him. While some may disagree, because in the original scene Amy redeemed Shadow as a nod to her storyline in Adventure, keeping her part in the anime would do very little to redeem her as a character. She was and always will be an obsessive stalker, the very thing Chris haters accuse him of.
In the last two episodes of S2, it's revealed that the two worlds are threatening to collide into each other resulting in a time freeze. The only way to solve this is by Sonic and friends going home. The news horrifies Chris because that would mean no more time with his boyfriend! Chris passionately argues against this, pointing out that the scientist's data was wrong because he's the grandson of a scientist and knows that kond op stuff better. Realising that everyone are in fact lying to him, Chris runs away to Eggman for help. He begs the villain to help but Eggman rudely tells him to leave, but not before insulting Chris for no reason! What a bully picking on a child like that! With nobody to trust Chris decided one desperate action...
At the portal, Chris and his friends and family have said their final goodbyes. He accepted that his beautiful blue lover will have to go. But what about their time together? Did that not mean anything to anyone? All the other children gets to have whay they want but he can't? After everything he's been through?
And so, to save the life of his only real friend, Chris pushed the button and closed to portal. He didn't care if it shocked his loved ones and the entire populations of two planets - at long last Sonic was saved!
This scene is said to be the reason why people hate Chris but come on he only pressed the button because he wanted to save Sonic! He was trying to save him from all those horrible liars that try to keep them apart! Besides he's a lonely preteen so you can't fault him for feeling that way. To further prove his love, Chris drags Sonic away to safety, running deep into the comfort of the woods. His ruthless parents send ou the military to kill their own child. In spite of the danger, all Chris wanted was to make sure Sonic was safe.
It wasn't until a heart to heart that Sonic is able to convince him to let him go. He even acknowledges Chris's bravery by addressing how he saved him from drowning; such an act inspired Sonic to do the same for Amy!
Chris Thorndyke really is misunderstood! So many people are so hyped up at calling him a Gary Stu or a spotlight-stealer when he is nothing of the sort. It's like they didn't even watch the anime! But I have, and I will be watching it again to fall in love with his character just as I did so many years ago!
If you something negative to say about him you will be immediately blocked! No exceptions! 😤
Anyways stick around for part 2 as I go further in depth with this amazing character!
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spacebatisluvd · 4 years
Summary: Hordak navigates a new social setting with all the grace he can muster. (He's trying.)
Content Warning: Mermista is trying (but not very hard), Horde Prime's ableism and clone abuse, unhealthy mindsets, mild PTSD, references to chronic pain/disability.
Hordak hung back while Entrapta flitted about the clearing. He leaned against a tree, slipping into the metaphorical shadows. Scorpia was at Entrapta’s side and Sea Hawk trailed them both. Entrapta’s smile was big and broad as she turned in a circle, oohing over the newly decorated clearing. “This is really for me?” she asked.
Scorpia turned, looking at Mermista. She sighed and stepped forward. “Yeah, well....” She crossed her arms and looked away. “We, uh....” Adora cleared her throat, while Catra glared, tail twitching. “I felt bad. For making you feel like I didn’t want you here. We all did.”
Entrapta paused during her circuit of the clearing. Her hair pulled her toward Mermista in one long step, and now, spider-like, she loomed over her. “Really?” she asked, cocking her head. She pulled her mask down, cycling through the mask’s settings. “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”
Mermista sighed. “No! Geeze, Geek Princess—of course we want you here.” She eyed Hordak with a sigh, but before she could say something she might regret, Sea Hawk looped his arms around her waist and grinned up at Entrapta.
“I for one am happy you’re both here!” he exclaimed.
Mermista grumbled a bit, but when Entrapta dropped to the ground in front of her, she offered a reserved smile. “Yeah, yeah,” she said, “I guess I’d rather keep an eye on him anyway.... So—sorry or whatever.” It was the closest approximation to an apology they could expect from her.
Perfuma approached from behind, offering a flower crown. “I’m sorry for any misunderstanding,” she said, holding out the flower crown. Entrapta took it in hand, but didn’t put it on. “I want this trip to be peaceful and relaxing for everyone.” She cast a nervous glance at Hordak. “If he’s your...chosen companion, then I’m happy to host him.” The vines in the trees slithered and their leaves rustled. “I’m sure he’ll be a good guest,” she said, still smiling.
Hordak cocked his head, not sure how to interpret the leaves’ fluttering. Entrapta just smiled hesitantly. “Of course! I told you; he’s very well mannered.”
The princess of Plumeria cast him an odd look. “If you say so.”
The young queen sidled up to Entrapta from the other side, smiling. “We’re glad you’re here.” The archer made an encouraging gesture, as if urging her on. “And we...want to get to know Hordak better too. Now that we’re not fighting or arguing over a treaty.” She actually offered him a smile, making him raise a brow-ridge.
Entrapta smiled, looking at all of them. “Thanks, guys. I’m really glad you’re giving him a chance. It means a lot.”
A rope of hair reached out, settling the flower crown on his head. He looked up at it and readjusted it so it was seated more comfortably on his head, then offered the staring Etherians a nod. The She-Ra pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, like she was trying to hide her smile, while the queen gave him a considering look. Perfuma seemed somewhat put-out that her carefully crafted crown had been passed on to him, and Mermista looked like she’d swallowed something sour. He ignored the doe-eyed looks he was getting from the archer, Scorpia, and Sea Hawk.
On Entrapta’s other side, the She-Ra guided her toward the tables of tiny food and fizzy drinks. Entrapta squealed, and Hordak smiled subtly, watching as she examined everything on offer.
“So, you guys are sticking around then?”
He turned to Catra, who had settled at his side in a too-casual slouch. He turned back to watch Entrapta. “So it would seem.”
He glanced at her, ears twitching. “You were not really going to leave for Salineas if we left, were you?”
She looked at him, then ducked her head and crossed her arms. “After Adora said she’d come too, I couldn’t exactly back out, could I?”
She kicked idly at the ground. “And, I’ve been thinking, it’s not really...fair, is it?” He gave her a look, waiting. She sighed, arms crossed. “The treaty. You’re doing a lot of work to repair the damage the Horde caused, but...it’s not like you did that all on your own.”
He shook his head. “It was done on my orders or, at least, with my approval. It is my responsibility to repair.”
She shifted, looking uncomfortable. “Yeah, okay, but....” She sighed. “Look, if you want help with anything, I can probably slip away for a few days. Or something.”
“I am certain you have your own duties,” he said, folding his hands behind his back.
She looked at the ground, rubbing the back of her neck. “Not exactly.”
Entrapta’s sudden appearance in front of him interrupted the conversation. “Hordak! Look!”
A data pad was shoved in his face. He reared back, trying to get a good look, but Entrapta only raised herself up on her hair and pressed closer. “Bow’s designing a telescope!”
He finally managed to catch hold of the data pad and hold it at a readable distance. Catra, apparently put off by their audience, slunk away without a word. He paid her no mind, instead focusing on the plans before him. Bow, behind Entrapta, stared at him with wide eyes, and his hands twitched a little—as if he wanted to take the data pad back. Hordak could imagine that Entrapta probably hadn’t thought to ask permission before handing it off to him.
Taking pity on the archer, Hordak passed it back to him. “This looks very promising.”
The archer held the data pad close to his chest. “Yeah. My dads have been interested in getting some accurate star charts, to compare to some First Ones’ writing that looks—"
Hordak grunted as Entrapta folded over his shoulders from behind—her hands rested lightly on his shoulders and her hair wrapped itself around his waist. Thankfully, she was supporting her own weight on several ropes of hair, so she’d merely surprised him and hadn’t accidentally aggravated his aching muscles. “Ooh! The First Ones were Starfarers! They must have star charts! Maps!”
“Exactly,” Bow said, smiling at her. “My dads think that having modern star charts to compare them to might reveal more about their culture and history.”
Hordak nodded, but his brow-ridges furrowed. “Hmm. They are likely correct, but you’ll need a star chart from their time period, not ours. The universe is constantly expanding; the stars will have changed since their time, if only subtly.”
Bow’s face fell. “Oh.”
Tilting his head to meet Entrapta’s gaze, Hordak said, “We could create a computer program to model that, I believe.”
Her eyes widened, and her grip on him briefly tightened before she used her hair to launch herself overtop him. An excited squeal escaped her, and her eyes nearly sparkled as she began rapidly talking about such a program’s requirements, the data they’d need to collect to create it, and the data they could extrapolate from it. Hordak smiled fondly, watching her hands flutter as she paced. He blinked when a petal landed on his cheek, realizing her acrobatics had knocked his flower crown askew. He adjusted it and brushed the petal away.
The archer smiled as well, looking pleased. When Entrapta began to wind down, Hordak met his eye. “Would your...fathers find that helpful?” He was familiar enough with the idea of family units—while children in the Etherian Horde were raised communally, most had a primary caregiver or two that sponsored their ascent through the ranks—but he was uncertain how such units operated in civilian life.
“Yeah, I think they would.”
He gave a brief nod. “I will assist you as time permits.”
Entrapta gave another little squeal. “Great! Let me go get my data pad.”
Hordak would have been happy to follow her back to the yurt, but Bow smiled and raised a hand. “And leave in the middle of your party?”
“Oh, right.” Entrapta rubbed the back of her neck, still grinning. “That would be rude, wouldn’t it?”
Hordak shook his head, looking down at her. “You locked me out of my data pad, yet you’re so eager to return to yours.”
“Locked....?” Bow looked between them.
Entrapta’s eyes went wide. “Oh, right! I was supposed to talk to you about that! There will be no working this week. You are officially taking a break.” She smiled broadly, looking pleased with herself.
He huffed, a small smile tucked into the corner of his mouth. “Starlight, though your concern is...endearing, I told you—it is not necessary.”
“Everyone needs time off sometimes! Even you!”
He sighed, ears pulling back. “We have discussed this. I do not require time off to maintain productivity.”
She continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “I know you haven’t taken any time off since you returned to Etheria, and I know you didn’t while we were working on the portal. So that’s several years at least. Actually—have you ever taken time to yourself?” she asked. Then held up a finger very pointedly. “And I don’t mean time off because you were sick or hurt. When was the last time you spent a few days away from whatever you were working on and just did something for the fun of it?”
He frowned. “I....” He huffed, not sure how to make her understand. “That is not....” He folded his hands behind his back, even as his ears pulled down. “Prime would have disapproved of such frivolity. Even while separated from him, I still served him. Any...undue delays would not have been acceptable.” He, carefully, did not think of Prime’s eyes boring into his. He silenced the echo of an accusation—(There was even a time you wished I would not come for you)—and dug his claws into his palms, using the pain to focus on the present. “I would not have been able to justify it.”
Bow blinked. “Wait. Does that mean you’ve never...?”
He sighed, looking skyward. “No. But I do not need it, and even if I did, it still would not be appropriate. I am...pleased to be ‘kidnapped’.” He offered Entrapta a small nod before growing serious once more. “But that does not mean I can cease my work. Not entirely.” Surely, Entrapta would want to spend time with her friends on her own, without him. When she didn’t want him close at hand, then he would occupy himself with work.
Entrapta sighed, blowing an errant strand of hair out of her face. Her mouth rucked to the side as she considered the best way to approach the subject. Finally, hands together, she extended her index fingers and leveled them at him. “Hordak...Prime treated you and your brothers as if you were only valuable so long as you were useful. Do I understand that correctly?”
He instinctively shifted position, standing taller and straighter to better conceal the subtle pain that strained his shoulders. “Yes.”
The archer’s eyes widened, but Entrapta just nodded. “Is it possible that you’re insisting you don’t need a break because, by his standards, you would no longer be useful if you took one?”
“No!” he snapped, ears folding back. “Don’t be absurd.”
“Are you sure?”
He huffed, crossing his arms as he looked away. By Prime’s standards, he was already useless, but he wasn’t going to mention that in the archer’s presence. “I know that Prime was...” He swallowed. Why was this so difficult to admit? “Wrong. To...treat us as he did. I know that. However.” He folded his hands behind his back once again. “I, personally, caused more damage to this world than any of my brothers did individually. How can I work more diligently for Prime—knowing, now, that he did not deserve my devotion—than for a cause that is truly just? It would not be right to be less dedicated to reconstruction than I once was to reuniting with Prime.”
The archer made a strange sound, almost as if he were choking. “Whoa. Okay. Wait. Wait. That’s—you can’t—“ Bow exhaled hard, rubbing the back of his neck. “We’re not Prime. We don’t....” Hordak regarded him blankly, and Bow sighed, hands pressed together. He looked to Entrapta. “I don’t know how to explain this.”
A strand of hair patted his arm comfortingly. “It’s okay. Let me try.” She caught Hordak’s hands and said, “We agree that Prime placed unreasonable expectations on you and your brothers, right?”
He considered that, then offered a nod. “Yes.”
“Okay, great! Do you believe the peace treaty makes reasonable demands?”
“Yes. I would not have agreed to it if it were unreasonable.”
“Excellent! And the people of Etheria are, on the whole, rational, reasonable people?”
He huffed. “Not entirely rational, no, but most are reasonable, yes.”
“So, if Horde Prime demanded an unreasonable amount of devotion and dedication, but the treaty and its signatories are inherently reasonable—"
He cocked his head. “Then...it is unreasonable to hold myself to the same standards I did while under Prime’s command?”
She smiled, pumping his hands and rocking onto her toes. “You got it!”
Ears folded back, he shook his head. “That cannot be right.”
“Hordak, Prime didn’t treat you like a person. But you are! You’re allowed to take time for yourself and to do things for no reason except because you enjoy them!”
He swallowed, not able to meet her gaze—instead, he focused on a point somewhere past her left ear. “I enjoy my work,” he protested. It sounded weak even to his ears.
“But you’re more than just that. You’re allowed to have interests and hobbies outside your work.”
One ear twitched. “What is a ‘hobby’?”
The archer pressed his hands to his mouth and inhaled slowly. “Okay. This explains a few things. And we are definitely going to help you find some hobbies.”
This was becoming too much. Hordak shook his head. “I do not need a ‘hobby’, let alone multiple.”
“Hobbies aren’t something you need,” Bow said. “They’re for fun. That’s the point.”
Hordak huffed, crossing his arms. “I do not require ‘fun’—"
“Now you’re just being stubborn,” Entrapta said, earning a glare. She was right, of course, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it.
He growled softly. “Fine! I remain skeptical of your so called ‘hobbies’, but I will not attempt to work while we are at the festival.”
“You promise?”
He sighed. “Yes, Starlight. I promise. Now, I believe your friends are trying to get your attention.”
“They are?” She turned; the She-Ra and the young queen waved at her, motioning toward the tray of cupcakes. “Oh! Hi!” She waved back, and Mermista groaned aloud.
“You have to take a cupcake, Geek Princess.”
“Huh? Why?” Confused, Entrapta started wandering back over to them.
“It’s rude to pass out cake without the guest of honor,” Glimmer said. “You get the first piece. Or cupcake, I guess.”
“Ooh! Right. Forgot about that!” She caught Hordak’s hand in a rope of hair and pulled him along. He didn’t fight her, but he braced himself as they drew nearer, unsure how to navigate such an unusual social setting. Mermista groaned, but the archer remained at his elbow, smiling encouragingly. Scorpia and Sea Hawk soon joined him as well. Though he would not have admitted it—particularly not to Sea Hawk—it was nice to have allies close at hand.
Scorpia leaned close, though she was careful not to touch him. “Look,” she said, pointing to her own flower crown. “We match!”
He eyed the vivid red flowers, unsure how to respond. Finally, he said, “They suit you.” She beamed at him.
Sea Hawk sighed dramatically. “I wish I too had a clever, beautiful, fierce—" He pitched his voice to carry and cast a long look at Mermista. “—stunning, and generous woman to give me a flower crown.” Mermista sighed loudly.
Hordak cocked his head. “I imagine if you ask—"
“Shhh!” Sea Hawk shushed him. “It doesn’t count if I ask!”
Hordak eyed Scorpia, who shrugged. He huffed in response. “That is absurd.”
“It isn’t romantic if you have to ask,” Sea Hawk insisted.
Again, Scorpia offered a magnanimous shrug. “He’s not wrong,” she said.
Hordak shook his head, scowling. “Entrapta?”
She’d been oohing over the cupcakes and hadn’t heard their conversation. “Yes?”
“Is it less ‘romantic’ to ask for the things you want?”
“Ooh!” She grabbed two small cupcakes and brought them over, holding one out to him. “I don’t know—I guess it depends on what you consider romantic.”
He shifted uncomfortably, realizing that everyone had gathered in a loose circle with Entrapta at the center, their attention on her and Hordak. He tried to hide his discomfort, knowing full well he’d brought it on himself. “Explain,” he said stiffly.
Off to the side, Mermista snorted, and his ears drew back, the tips hot. “Well...” Entrapta dragged the word out, as was her habit. “I think it just depends on the person. Personally—" She drew herself up on her hair so she was nearly at eye level. “—I like it when people tell me what they want and how they’re feeling. I’ve never been good at figuring out what people want from me unless they tell me directly.”
He frowned. “I do not understand. How else are you to know?”
She shrugged. “No one else seems to have trouble understanding. Just me.” Her hair drooped and her eyes lowered as she said it.
He huffed. “This is not a Hivemind. You must use your words to communicate. Expecting anything else is ludicrous.”
She glanced at him, smiling as she held her hand out. “So you don’t think it’s unromantic? To have to ask if it’s okay to kiss someone?”
“I would consider it rude to do so without permission,” he said as he took her hand in his. She grinned at him and settled into a spot at his side.
Scorpia was giving them a strange look—eyes big and smile wide—even as she used one claw to restrain Sea Hawk and the other to keep him from speaking. Adora smiled gently, though Catra had wandered away from the group, turning her back on them. Glimmer and Perfuma looked alarmed and slightly uncomfortable, whereas Mermista refused to look at them at all. Bow’s expression mirrored Scorpia’s almost perfectly.
Their attention set him on edge, and he was tempted to withdraw from the group once more, but Entrapta’s gaze caught and held him. Her hand felt good in his, the material of her glove warm and smooth. His shoulders eased, and he remained at her side, despite the little twinge of unease. They were her friends; they would have to adjust to his presence and he to theirs.
Entrapta began licking the frosting from her cupcake, and she nudged him. “Are you going to eat that?”
“I.” He looked down at it, ears folding back. “Will try it later.” Eating while everyone was watching him seemed a step too far. Even if that meant he was left to awkwardly hold a tiny cupcake for the remainder of the ‘party’.
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quagmiremarch · 3 years
The Lies We Tell to Find Our Truth
New fic for Yuri on Ice Regency Week ( @yoiregencyweek). Cross-posted to AO3. Yuuri Katsuki considered himself a respectable man. Simple, perhaps, from a common family and of no great note in either affect or appearance, but polite and mindful of courtesy. Certainly not the sort of fellow to find himself improper or inclined to rule-breaking. And yet, here he found himself, shoulder-length hair curled and artfully draped as he allowed Mr. Phichit Chulanont, his most trusted acquaintance, to fit him into, of all things, a ball gown, for the purposes of committing a most imprudent and scandalous fraud. All for the sake of saving his family’s good name from his sister’s most willful disregard. It had been her that found the Lord Bin’s carriage disabled along the sea road, and she that chose to bring the unconscious lord and his retainer to the onsen to be tended.  And while Yuuri certainly applauded her kindness, and would most likely have done the same, it was not his ‘uncanny loveliness and kind heart’ that had prompted the elderly lord to issue to the Katsuki family an invitation for Mari and an escort to attend the spring ball where she might ‘find a suitor to raise her to the station that was her due.’ So, why then had it fallen upon Yuuri to prevent shame from befalling his family? Because his sister, while kind, lacked in courtesy and graciousness in the face of societal obligations. Which was the polite way to say that she had taken a single glance at the invitation when it arrived and declared, quite loudly, “I will assuredly not waste a fine evening playing made-up strumpet for a room full of arrogant boot-lickers when there is real work to be done.” And then she had tossed the invitation into the embers of the hearth. Yuuri caught a terrible burn in rescuing it, and a mighty headache trying to explain why Mari had no choice but to accept the invitation. The lord had bequeathed the onsen with accolades, and the Katsukis with an honorary title of no real import or value, but which bore a certain weight of obligation. Mari had responded that should Yuuri care so much for appearances and false niceties then he was most welcome to attend the ball in her place. Though perhaps her wording had been a tad more colorful. Regardless, this is how it came to be that Yuuri found himself bedecked and be-gowned in a likely disastrous attempt to pass himself off as his sister for one night. He’d procured the proper clothing, and Mr. Chulanont had a suspiciously skilled had at the application of hairpins and beauty powders to soften his features to something passingly feminine. Though he suspected ‘uncannily lovely’ beyond his reach.
He had even taken time to learn the roles in the dances he might be expected to know despite the mirth of his mentor in this endeavor. Now, he simply had to get to the proper location, avoid causing any offense, and if lucky speaking at all, and return home without anyone learning of this perfidy.
“Why, Miss Katsuki,” Phichit drawled with a sly grin, “you certainly are a vision.” Then the man frowned and stuck a hand down the front of Yuuri’s grown, adjusting the fabric in place to mimic feminine assets he most assuredly lacked. “There, much better. Shall we?”
With a sigh, Yuuri took Phichit’s arm and let himself be led into the carriage. Already it looked to be a dreadfully long evening ahead.
To Yuuri’s great relief, the elder Lord Bin was not in attendance at the ball, a minor ailment keeping him away. Not perhaps that it would much have mattered in the crowded ballroom. Everywhere people moved about like eddies and whorls of bright color, men in dapper suits and tails fluttering from one group of young ladies to another much as bees would traverse a field. Yuuri, in the much simpler attire affordable to him, looked much like a robin among a sky full of blue jays.
He found he did not mind. Being overlooked made his plan of going unnoticed much simpler. Lamentably, he had not accounted for his chaperone disappearing onto the dance floor to leave Yuuri to on his own. Still, he tucked himself away in a corner, a single glass of iced punch at hand, and counted the minutes until he might politely excuse himself.
He’d barely reached seven before the first gentleman approached. Tall and broad of shoulder, the younger Lord Bin looked much as his father must have in his prime, all square lines with the darkest of hair and eyes. Not perhaps to Yuuri’s taste—though he kept his inclinations towards those of his own gender close to his chest – but appealing in a general manner.
“Miss Katsuki,” Lord Bin addressed with what might have been either a deep tilt of his head or the shallowest of bows, “it is a pleasure to find you in attendance. I had thought my father’s claims to your beauty exaggerated, but I see now he had, in fact, rather understated your virtues.”
“Oh.” Yuuri swallowed as he felt the heat creep up his ears. While he’d practiced the dancing and the ways of walking in such binding garments, he’d lacked access to information on the ways of upper class polite small talk, had hoped rather fervently to avoid the need to make any. Now, he found himself at a loss as to the proper response to what seemed a rather forward comment. “Ah. You flatter me to greatly, Lord Bin.” He kept his eyes down and hoped any lack of manners would be forgiven as ignorance due to his lower station and not a complete misunderstanding of the expectations of a woman in such a situation.
“I do no such thing.” He offered his arm. “Might I have this dance?”
Yuuri simply nodded, allowing himself to be escorted onto the floor. He found Lord Bin to be a passable dancer, and the jaunty pace of the Scotch reel left no time or room for words between them. He might, perhaps have feared the conversation to come, had another gentleman not swept him up immediately into the next set.
And so, for some time Yuuri found himself surprisingly more entertained then he had hoped, caught up in the mood and the music, always, it seemed, a new face looking to usher him across the floor, and precious little discussion expected of him beyond the niceties of introductions and polite platitudes.
The break for dinner proved more of a challenge. Yuuri understood that ranking and status determined the proper table at which he should place himself, but had a fair lack of context as to the ranking of most the other guests to use his limited information. Phichit, his absence as chaperone the topic of several comments Yuuri received, remained missing from the gathering and so could not be consulted.
“Do you need assistance, Miss Katsuki?”
Yuuri turned at the words and found himself gazing upon the loveliest man perhaps ever created. Taller than Yuuri, though not by a tremendous amount, his eyes shone blue as the summer seas, and he had hair of so pale a blonde as to shine silver in the lights of the ballroom. A friendly smile danced across the man’s fair features, adding an air of approachability to his noble bearing.
“Miss Katsuki?”
Yuuri started, pulled from his shock and suddenly mortified by his terrible rudeness. “Ah! My apologies. I fear I found myself...lost in thought for a moment.” An atrocious excuse for his blatant staring, but the best Yuuri could manage.
“No need to apologize at all. Might I escort you to a seat?” The man offered an arm.
Yuuri offered a shy smile, skin flushing as he felt the man’s warmth even through the thin silk gloves he’d worn to the ball. “Thank you...” he trailed off, at a loss for how to proceed. He knew not the man’s name, nor rank. He feared addressing him improperly as ‘Mister’ when a ‘Lord’ might be required would cause great offense. He worried even more that this might be some man of great import, a Baron or Earl (or Prince for he certainly looked the part) and that Yuuri’s ignorance of his identity might be just as great an insult.
“Victor, please. Might I be so bold as to have your first name?”
Bold indeed, but caught in that azure gaze Yuuri forgot himself entirely. “Yu-” he coughed, and recovered himself quickly, horrified he had so simply nearly thrown away the whole game. “You may call me Mari.” The words came out low, embarrassed. Even Yuuri knew such familiarity on so brief an acquaintance counted as unseemly and forward to the extreme. And yet, something in Victor’s soft smile and the hand resting firmly upon Yuuri’s own invited such misbehavior.
“Mari,” Victor beamed, smile heart-shaped and bright, “a suitably lovely name for such a beauty as you.”
Yuuri wondered if the aristocratic men were always so flirtatious and forward or if they felt emboldened by Yuuri—Mari’s – lower station. A thing perhaps to ponder, though not a terribly important one. After this one eve he was unlikely to ever see again any of these gentlemen.
Gazing up at the strong line of Victor’s jaw, Yuuri regretted that fact for the first time since he’d conceived of this ridiculous plan. Not that there were any point to longing for further acquaintance. Yuuri had arrived in the guise of a woman; any further meetings would lead only to anger and accusations should his deception be discovered. There simply existed no future for knowing this beautiful Victor. Best not to linger on such thoughts. Once dinner completed, Yuuri might reasonably return home and to his simple, but happy life.
Except that as dinner was served, Victor started speaking. He talked with love and mirth of his darling poodle, of the smell of winter on the sea as his favorite scent, of his love of dance.
Poor Yuuri felt defenseless in the face of these revelations and so shared his own: stories of his own dog, anecdotes about the onsen patrons, a long and passionate tribute to ballet as an art and his own less inspiring studies thereof. To the latter he left out the ridicule his devotion to the art inspired in his local peers. Such a study would seem perfectly appropriate for someone like Mari. Another thing Yuuri envied his sister.
Dinner bled into dancing in Victor’s arms, a waltz followed by a shared moment on the balcony as they each drank in silence side-by-side. In the quiet isolation of that space, bathed in moonlight, Victor looked to the sky as he finally spoke quietly, “You are wonderful company, Mari. Might I call upon you sometime?”
And Yuuri froze, eyes wide. “I--” A drunken laugh interrupted as the balcony doors opened and a much inebriated Phichit stumbled upon them. “Yuuri! Here you are! I--” He stopped, gulped as he took in the other person present.
“Duke Nikiforov. You’re...here. With….Mari. Huh.” Phichit blinked owlishly and then grabbed Yuuri’s wrist. “Well, it is certainly late. We should go. Somewhere. Not here. Very well. Good-bye!”
With that the smaller boy tugged Yuuri back into the crowded ballroom and out the door to their waiting carriage.  One part of Yuuri realized this the best course of action. The rest longed to run back to Victor, to tell him the truth and hope against hope the connection they’d formed remained. A pointless dream, he knew.
But, as he looked back once, catching sight of Victor’s bright hair and strong form chasing after, his heart beat ever faster, and he hoped nonetheless, even after the curtains of the windows blocked his view and the racing horses carried him away from the fantasy and home to the onsen where only lonely reality waited.
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