#but whatever i already wrote it and there’s no harm
lekopoofball · 4 months
Just in case anyone craves all the Tina demon stuff from Thursday but doesn’t want to sift through the entire 15~hour stream, I wrote down some timestamps.
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7:30:24 First flight
8:34:50-8:36:20 deciding on a demonic voice
8:39:00-8:47~ Flying home
8:48:17 Nobody snitch please :)
9:16:38 They snitched :(
10:18:30-10:52:08 Weird things start happening to her and she discusses the situation with Empanada
10:56:55 Big jumpscare and 10 minutes of recovering from it
10:07:33 Fire starts again, but goes unnoticed until 11:09:35, then lore occurs intermittently for about 18 minutes.
After this point the admins are done messing with her, it’s just Tina being a bit, er, off.
11:49:50 Chat doesn’t trust her with Aelia (Why would I turn on her in less than an hour? That’s demonic. …I didn’t mean to say the word demonic…)
12:17:07 (Not lore, just saying she doesn’t know whether the lore is over because it was all unexpected. Good improvisation haha, way to yes and.)
12:32:40/12:35:30 Flying feels too good
12:38:17 Empanada tells her about going to the Nether
13:06:10 (Funny coincidence that there’s a Nether portal nearby now huh)
14:04:14 (Cryptic chess advice)
14:13:57 (Foolish starts watching at the wrong time)
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Also, what is this thing?
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i-cant-sing · 14 days
Mmmhhh thinking about Yandere Batfam reacting to a reader who runs a very popular blog where she absolutely bashes Batman and Robins- and the batfam takes your criticism very seriously. Maybe not at first, but then Damian (the easiest to tick) got pissed off when you wrote how "he's just a kid in a cheap Halloween costume" and when Damian gets pissed off, he whines. He whines and whines and whines until Dick and Bruce finally listen to him and do something about it. That's when they find out about the extensive threads about them, criticising meticulously each and every action of theirs, how they're causing more financial harm to Gotham and allowing themselves to be idolised and causing more people to comit crimes just so that they could have their 5 seconds of fame with Batman. And ofc theirs a whole page about the Batsignal.
I mean, Damian and Tim have already found out who runs the page (though they had a little bit of a hard time sniffing u out. You were good at covering your tracks). While Damian and Tim are busy going to "have a talk with you", Bruce is at home reading your entire blog about Batfam and realising how some of your points.... kinda makes sense. So, he buys the app where you write your blogs, then has Damian bring you over to the Wayne offices, where he explains he just wanted to meet the person running the blog that generates the most readers on the app. You, just a 23 year old student who's blogging as a side hustle.
You're obviously stunned because why are you meeting Bruce Wayne and also confused because again, why are you here exactly??? Bruce just says that he likes your insights and would like to know more, and he's happy to pay you by the hour you spend talking to him and also on the blog.
He's very much determined to make Batman and Robins be good in your mind, and not that he cares much about what people think about him, it doesn't hurt to have good PR for heroes, lest people should try revolting against Justice league and only end up hurting themselves. There's only so much he could do to calm his metahuman friends.
You're again- CONFUSED, but you like money. The only thing you tell him is that you get to write whatever you want, complete creative control and that you can write about anyone you wish. Ofc, it doesn't register to Bruce that you could possibly write against his family- against his name.
So in the beginning, things are going great. Reader continues making calculated judgements and comments about Batfam and how they could possibly improve themselves, the batfam takes note and tries to do most of the things. Then you'd write something that could almost be seen as praise for "changing their old ways" and they all feel a little bit proud. They don't realise it but some members of the batfam (like damian and Dick) start craving your approval of their actions.
Perhaps something happens, maybe you don't find it fun to write about the bats anymore, so you shift your mind towards a new topic-
The Wayne's.
You research a bit, finding it a little odd at Bruve Wayne's generosity to be adopting random ass kids, a super duper clean record, no scandals or anything- it just- it doesn't feel right. No one's that clean. They have to be hiding something.
So when u can't find anything against them, you let your imagination go wild and start making conspiracy theories, kinda feel like reader goes in her gossip girl era to stir things up so that someone would come forward with something- anything.
Bruce's eyes almost bulge out as he reads the blog's headline-
"The secrets of Gotham's favourite billionaire playboy!"
Shit- did you figure out he's batman?
Nope. In fact, you covered everything but that. From theories about him adopting troubled kids for PR, to the Wayne family actually being a chauvinist cult, to conspiracies about his ties with the Rothschild, his philanthropic donations being a front for illegal activity, the Wayne Manor holding lavish nsfw parties, and even a classic "they drink virgin maiden blood!"
Bruce stood in your apartment, eyes narrowing at your sleeping form on the couch.
"Bruce? What- how did you get in?" You don't remember unlocking your door.
"What is the meaning of this?" He pulled up your article on his phone.
"Huh?" You took a closer look, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "Oh. Yeah, I wrote that."
You shrugged. "I was bored."
"What?" Bruce could feel himself getting angry. How could you be so nonchalant about the lies you wrote?
"You know this isn't true." "I do." "Then why did you write it?" "I told you, I was bored. Besides, you told me I could write about anyone." You get up with a sigh. "I don't get why you're so worried about this. Barely anyone reads this stuff."
Bruce's brows went up. "There's a 1000 plus views on this already!"
"What?" your eyes twinkled. "A thousand already? Its not even been 24 hours since I posted. Wow, people really do enjoy conspiracy-" you shut up when you saw his glare. "Right, sorry."
"Take it down, now." Bruce orders, brow twitching when you just walk past him and into the kitchen, pouring yourself some coffee. "Why?" you asks after taking a sip.
He glares at you. "Because it isnt true-"
"Then give me something that is."
Bruce stared at you. Is this... is this your way of wanting an interview?
You sighed. "Look, just let me interview you family, I promise to only write the truth and only the truth. No conspiracies, I swear."
"Or I could just fire you. Better yet, have you sued for defamation."
You nodded. "You could, but honestly that would only bring more attention to the articles and more conspiracies would arise. Besides, you and I both know you cant stop me from writing even if I'm in jail."
Bruce watched you walk upto him, holding your phone in your hand. "Come on, just one week- one week at your place, I'll even let you read the article before I post it. If you dont like it, I'll delete it."
I mean... it did sound like a pretty good bargain. Besides, at his home, youd be in a more supervised space.
So here you are, standing in the lobby of the Wayne manor as a posh butler leads you to Bruce's office. Of course Alfred will be a part of your articles. He's too fancy to not be.
And so over the course of a week, you dont really find anything particularly intriguing about the family, even after you interviewed each member. You're mentally groaning at the thought of writing yet another boring article... that is until you accidentally discover the batcave (ok not accidentally, u hid a recorder in Bruce's office and u heard the man discussing about it with Dick)
Anyways, it didnt take long for you to discover the cave, and it took you even less for you to write a scandalous article.
Unfortunately, before you hit "post", your phone is snatched and you're knocked out.
When you come to, Bruce is sitting in front of you looking beyond pissed while you're tied up in your seat.
"We had a deal, Y/n." Bruce gritted out.
"So? Deal was off the moment I found out you were Batman." You shrugged.
"We had a deal-"
"You really expect me to just pretend like I'm blind after I found out who you really are? Do you think anyone would just give up on a scoop this big?" You tilt your head at him.
Bruce narrowed his eyes at you. "Scoop? Thats what this is to you?"
You nodded. "Sure, you're a hero who fights crime and brings "peace" to Gotham, but who knows for sure? After all, thats how you want the world to see you." You lean as far as your restraints allow you. "I dont trust you, Bruce. Not one bit. There's just- this gut feeling about you. Nothing personal, but I dont get good vibes from you."
"Is that so?" Bruce raised his brow before sighing. "I guess there's no reason to let you go then."
He nodded to himself. "Yes, if I let you go now, you'll only cause more trouble for me, but also for yourself. If you post content like that, people will target you- yes, I definitely cant let you go. You're an impulsive idiot who'd endanger herself just to not be bored."
Your eyes widen. "You cant kill me."
Bruce scoffed. "Dont be ridiculous, I can, but I wont. I just want to take care of you, protect you from yourself." He stood up. "I did a little bit of research on you too, yknow? You keep your personal life super private, I have to give credit to you, it wasnt easy to find out about your family. But... money makes the mare go."
Your throat dried as you saw a glint in his eyes. He knew... he couldnt-
Bruce's footsteps echoed as he neared you and ruffled your hair. "Poor you... having to deal with a schizoprenic mom." He leaned down to smile gently at you, but you could sense the sinister intent.
"Dont worry, she'll be taken care of at Gotham Asylum while you stay with us."
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girl idk where i was going with this, i just needed to get it out of my drafts (i have another long incomplete draft about platonic yandere dick x gymnast reader where he basically is intrigued by this mini tonya harding who lives for her dead beat father's approval who doesnt give a shit about her unless she comes first. so its upto dick to adopt u and make u a part of batfam)
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: quinn and luke realize how clumsy y/n is after noticing how often jack unconsciously keeps her from harm
notes: y/n is written sensitive and clumsy! also, i wrote this on saturday to have something to post this week while i’m unable to write <3
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i’ve met my boyfriends family on numerous occasions since we started dating in october. mostly through quick trips such as Quinn coming into town for a game against the Devils and whatnot, but this is my first time spending an elongated amount of time with them and i have this irrational fear that they’ll dislike me.
Jack has assured me multiple times since we’ve arrived at the lake house for the summer that i have no reason to worry, but it’s been four days and i still feel like they’re forming their opinions on me. so, i’ve taken it upon myself to do whatever i can in order to get them to like me; including my current task of baking cookies.
“you know they already love you, right?” Jack asks, standing at the counter beside me, observing as i mix the dry ingredients into a bowl. “you don’t need to bake them cookies.”
“are you saying you don’t want my sea salt chocolate chip cookies?” i keep focused on the task at hand, my sight never leaving the measuring cup as i scoop the flour into the bowl.
“now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” a hearty chuckle escapes his lips as he maneuvers himself behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist as he clings himself to me, his cheek resting pressed against my shoulder blade. “i definitely want your cookies. i’m just saying that my brothers don’t need them.”
i giggle as his fingers tickle at the bits of my sides where my shirt has risen, arching my back to try and escape his hands. Jack groans as i break free from his grip, but i assume it’s mostly due to his brothers entering the kitchen.
“ooh, what are you making?” Luke wonders, coming to a stop on the opposite side of the counter.
“cookies!” i grin, finally looking up as i finish the dry ingredients.
“yum.” Quinn chimes in, sidling into the spot beside Luke. he peers into the bowl and his brows furrow slightly. “y/n, that’s just powder?”
i bark out a laugh at the clueless boy.
“Quinny, you have to mix the dry ingredients first. then the wet ingredients such as eggs, butter and vanilla. and then you mix them both together to form the dough.” i explain. i scan the countertop, making sure i have each item needed for the next step. “i need another bowl.”
i bend down, opening the lower cupboard and reaching for the metal mixing bowl inside.
“Trevor texted me this morning.” i hear Jack inform the boys.
“yeah? when’s he coming up?” Quinn asks.
“in two weeks. but Alex is getting here tomorrow.” Jack says. i shut the cupboard door, stretching my legs to rise back up from my position. my head bumps Jack’s hand, wrapped around the lip of the counter above where i was bent.
my left hand rubs the top of the back of my head super quick as i set the mixing bowl on the counter. i glance back up as Luke and Quinn share an amused look and my face scrunches in confusion.
what did i miss?
Jack’s left arm rests on my shoulders, my face half buried into his chest as he scrolls on his phone. Quinn and Luke sit in armchairs on opposite sides of the couch as Alex sits on the opposite side of Jack. a movie plays on the tv, but i’m momentarily distracted by Ellen walking past the back of the couch, calling out a goodnight.
“goodnight El!” i call back as she makes her way to the stairs, the boys all muttering their own goodnight’s.
“brunch tomorrow, while the boys golf?” she asks, confirming our plans. i nod and she grins, blowing a kiss towards the group of us as she finally walks up the stairs.
“you guys are going to brunch tomorrow? without us?!” Luke asks, his hand coming up to his chest in mock offense.
“you guys are going golfing tomorrow, without us! it’s only fair.” i laugh and Alex chuckles.
“y/n/n, you don’t even like golf. you said it’s boring and called it ‘watered down hockey’.” Alex points out as i burrow back into Jack’s side.
“shh, i’m watching the movie.” i shush him, making the boys laugh. Jack turns back to his phone and i watch through one peeked open eye as he double taps on his teammate’s most recent instagram post before typing out some nonsense comment that i’ll never understand.
pulling back, i lock my eyes on the remote on the coffee table. sliding forward some, i lean, stretching my fingertips out to try and grab it. finally getting ahold of it, i go to lean back, wobbling forward and accepting my fate. i brace myself to fall before feeling a hand grab onto the back of my shirt. yanking me back, Jack pulls me back into his side, his eyes still glued to his phone. i heave out a small relieved sigh as i press a kiss to his chest before turning the volume up on the tv.
i glance around the living room to the other boys, gauging how interested they are in the movie, but Luke and Quinn are exchanging a look. Luke biting back a smile as Quinn smirks.
what did i miss this time?
with the boys friends all finally arriving, the lake house has become much too crowded to hang out inside. so instead we’re all outside, gathered around a fire that was once blazing but now dwindling. my boyfriend jokes around with Cole and Trevor, Luke speaking with his University of Michigan teammates, Ethan and Dylan, and lastly Quinn sits sipping a beer as he chats with Alex and the Tkachuk’s.
making myself scarce in order to not cling to my boyfriends side as he tries to enjoy himself, i text with my own friends from back in New Jersey as i balance on the edge of the brick fire pit, circling it as i type.
“be careful, babe.” Jack warns me, and i grin and throw him a thumbs up. he barely gives me a second glance before Trevor takes up his attention, reciting a story of something that happened to he and his friend Jamie back in California.
i continue pacing around on the elevated bricks, typing a long winded message to Leah, explaining why she shouldn’t call her ex. as i pass by my boyfriend once more, i’m not paying as close attention as i probably should be, my foot getting a little too close to the inner edge as i start to slip.
a hand grips my elbow, pulling me back to a standing position before i can fall into the fire and i look over to see Jack, his attention still on Trevor and his hand wrapped around my arm as he nods his head at his friend while he continues ranting. i give a light pat to Jack’s shoulder to let him know i’m fine and he releases his grip.
slipping my phone into my pocket, i continue my journey around the fire pit again, this time with more of my focus going into keeping upright. passing Luke, i see him looking away from his friends, and i follow his line of sight to his brother, Quinn looking right back at him. both wear an entertained appearance and i look around to see if i can find what they’re smiling about but come up empty-handed.
why do i keep missing these things?
with today being one of the hottest days of the summer, we’re all crowded on the boat. most of the group lounges around conversing with one another, Luke currently taking his turn wakesurfing as music blares from Quinn’s bluetooth speaker.
i’m sat in Jack’s lap, rubbing my third layer of sunscreen on my legs and the tops of my feet.
“babe, i think you’ve got enough.” Jack laughs, his hands grip my waist to keep me from falling as i’m leaned forward.
“i just wanna make sure. the UV index is super high today and you know how easily i burn.” i tell him, sitting back upright as i flip the cap of the sunscreen closed once more.
“i know, sugar. but we’ve only been out here for two hours and that’s your third time applying it. i think you’re okay for a while.” he takes the lotion from my hands, handing the bottle over to Cole. “put that in the bag next to you, eh?”
Cole nods, placing the sunscreen into the waterproof zip up bag i brought on the boat.
“y/n/n! c’mere!” Luke shouts, making me untangle myself from Jack. i rise to my feet, shuffling over to the back of the boat and leaning over to get closer in order to hear him better.
“you gonna let her get that close to the edge, Rowdy?” Quinn questions, making the boys laugh.
“what?” Jack asks. “what do you mean?”
“she’s a bit clumsy, is she not? we’ve noticed you all summer, keeping her from hurting herself.” Quinn replies through chuckles. even Alex, who drives the boat barks out a laugh.
“wait, when did i do that?” Jack wonders.
“all the time! you weren’t even paying attention when you did it!” Luke shouts and i stick my tongue out at him before turning to observe the boys.
“there was the first time Luke and i noticed it, when you wrapped your hand over the counter to make sure she didn’t hit her head. and you were right to do so because she bumped it right on your hand.” Quinn explains.
“or when she was reaching off the couch to grab the remote and you caught her by her shirt to keep her from falling. and you didn’t even look up from your phone as you did it!” Luke says as he climbs back on the boat.
“or how about when she was balancing on the fire pit and you caught her by the arm to keep her from falling straight into the fire. while you kept all your attention on Trevor. didn’t even look, you just reached a hand out and grabbed her.” Quinn provides another example. “i can go on.”
“i didn’t even realize i was doing all that.” Jack shrugs, glancing towards me. “i guess it’s just unconscious reaction. i’ve gotten used to it by now.”
“i’m not clumsy.” i pout, crossing my arms over my chest.
“it’s okay, it’s not necessarily a bad thing!” Trevor attempts to comfort me. i give him a side-eye, making my way over to Jack. but before i can sit in his lap, i slip. Jack’s arms wrap around my waist to keep me from dropping to the floor, pulling me down onto his thighs instead.
“you are pretty clumsy, babe.” one of Jack’s arms stays planted across my waist, holding me to him as his index finger pushes my chin up so i’m looking up at him. “but, it’s adorable.”
i bury my face in his chest out of embarrassment. i didn’t think i was clumsy. i mean, i know i’ve always been a bit accident prone; broken glasses, falling a bit more than my friends. but i didn’t think i was clumsy.
“it’s nothing to be ashamed of, y/n.” Quinn tells me. Jack’s hand trails up and down my back as he whispers reassurances in my ear.
“yeah, we didn’t mean to embarrass you or anything.” Luke pipes up once more, his voice seeping with regret.
“that’s why you kept looking at each other all the time.” my words are muffled by Jack’s chest, but by the way that Jack coos as he places a kiss on the top of my head, i know they heard them. “you were laughing at me.”
“we weren’t. i swear we weren’t.” Quinn’s voice is closer now, and i feel another hand touch my back. “we were laughing with you. we just thought it was funny that Jack didn’t even notice when he was doing it.”
“honest?” i question.
“honest. i promise.” my head rises at Luke’s voice, closer now as well. his hand comes up to rest on my knee and i look over to see him squatted down beside Jack and i, Quinn sitting next to us.
“i didn’t realize i was clumsy.” i confess. “i just thought it was normal.”
“i gotta say, you’re definitely the first girlfriend i’ve ever had to pull away from falling into an actual fire.” Jack chuckles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “but i wouldn’t want you any other way.”
“really. i love you. clumsiness and all.” he tells me. his grip gets tighter around me and i crane my neck to crash my lips into his.
“ugh, gross!” Trevor exclaims. Jack pulls back, leaning his forehead against mine.
“shut up, Z.” he grins, pulling me into one more kiss. “now, you ready to learn how to wakesurf?”
“yeah, no. even before i knew i was considered clumsy, i knew i wasn’t going out there. i’ll fall straight on my face, Jacky. i mean seriously, i’m a clutz!”
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dean-a-mean-tae · 5 months
Stray Kids as Yanderes
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Request: "You have yandere on your event and masterlist so would you do skz as yanderes? I know you only do soft yandere and thats fine"
WARNINGS: Obsessive behavior, Murder, Mention of suicide, Toxic relationship, Drugging, Manipulation, Humiliation, Claustrophobic issues, basements, blood, tied to a ceiling (not the reader), mention of kidnapping, delusional mindset, mental abuse, self-harm, cussing, suggestive? talking about kissing, Stalking, I think that's it
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO READ! You DO NOT have my permission to repost my work anywhere.
A/N: I wanted to expand on their jealousy, but this is already long enough. I struggled with Jisung so much! >:[ I WROTE THIS AT 2 AM WITH NOTHING BUT DORITOS AND COUGH MEDICINE IN MY SYSTEM!
Master list
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Type: Manipulative Violence: 50-100% Possessive: 86% Jealousy: 65%
Punishments: Manipulation
The relationship looks normal at first glance. Chan takes care of you, but not so much that it feels like you're dependent on him. He lets you talk to people and leave the house. He waited until you were ready before moving you into his home, and he still waited.
You were cozy in the Venus flytrap, and its jaws were slowly closing.
He'd pick your friends off one by one. Chan starts with the acquaintances. They're not close to you, so it shouldn't hurt that much for them to leave you. He puts wedges between you and anyone trying to separate you. Your friend who had a crush on you is gone.
Chan is a dangerous yandere because of his awareness. He knows what he's doing is unhealthy and probably immoral, but he wants you. Chan needs you.
I don't think Chan would really have a punishment for you.
He'd just be doing the same thing he's been doing. He'll guilt trip you into feeling bad for lashing out. You think Chan is too possessive? You're right, but can you blame him? Anyone who looks at you would want to eat you like a snack and take you home with them for leftovers. He's just being cautious.
The jaws are shut, but something is stopping you from panicking.
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Type: Possessive Controlling Violence: 56-97% Possessive: 100% Jealousy: 100%
Punishments: Isolation and Drugging Humiliation
Minho is yours out of courtesy. You are Minho's because he wants you. There is a difference. As soon as you learn it, everything will be easier for Minho for you.
As seen in this post, Minho likes to play with you. It doesn't matter if you don't want to play, he wants to play, and you will. If he can see the exhaustion in your eyes, then Minho will let you rest. Hope that he can see it. Hope, pray, do whatever.
The more "tired" you act, the less likely Minho is to give you a break. In a way, he wants you to break. How else will Minho know what not to do?
You're moving sluggish? Then we're moving around. You're about to fall asleep? Have this melatonin gummy that's actually an energy booster. Minho wants you to break so he can fix you.
If you start lashing out, Minho will make you more compliant. He'll slip it into your drink or your food. Depending on how exhausted you are, will depict how much he gives you. Minho doesn't want to kill you. He'd not let anyone else have you, not even death.
If you go, Minho goes. You are his, and you can't leave.
When you're delirious, he locks you in a room. Not your bedroom, of course. Minho wants that room to be a safe space for you. He'll lock you in the hallway closet if you're claustrophobic. Or he'll stick you in the basement with the lights off. Of course, you're in a concealed room, so nothing can get you, but you can't see that.
I'm a firm believer that Minho would humiliate you as punishment. He'll finally take you out of the house. He'll pick your outfit himself, and when you come downstairs and question his outfit, he waves you off. "I want the attention to be on you."
And it will be. What were you thinking about wearing colors to an all-black event? Why are you off the theme?
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Type: Protective Violence: 75-95% (Never to you) Possessive: 100% Jealousy: 12%
Punishments: Isolation
Sure, your happiness is important, but your safety is Changbin's top priority. You need to be healthy and protected. If this means killing someone disturbing your peace, then that's okay. If Changbin is causing you distress, he'll isolate the both of you for a break. Then it's back to being stuck together.
If you let him, Changbin will take care of you. He'll feed you, he'll bathe you, and he'll dress you. He will do everything for you until you tell him to stop, and even then, Changbin will push those limits.
Changbin's possessiveness is laced in his need to keep you safe. He would love for you to live your life. But why can't you live your life in the safety of his arms?
You think he's harming you? Well, imagine everyone else. What if he wasn't there? They're worse than him. They have no regard for your being, and Changbin knows this.
He's certain of it.
Your punishment is Changbin's dream. He'll lock you up in a room where you can't be hurt. Where you're safe. Where else is better for you?
Changbin who hides the number of lives he's taking to "keep you safe." He's certain your mind won't be able to handle it. You can barely look at the news about their deaths. So imagine finding out they're tied to you?
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Type: Delusional Violence: 5% (Unintentional) Possessive: 98% Jealousy: 79-100%
Punishments: Isolation
You need him, and Hyunjin needs you. It's a fact, and you can't go against a fact. Well, you can, but you would be wrong. You and Hyunjin were meant to be. You were together in past lives. You will be together in future lives. In all timelines, you are together.
But Hyunjin is in this timeline, in the present, and he wants you now.
Hyunjin doesn't just love you. Hyunjin knows he is in love with you. He needs you like his lungs need air, how his heart needs blood. How the trees need our breath. But you don't want him? No, you're just confused.
And if not? Hyunjin will wait for the next life.
But in this life? Hyunjin doesn't mind ending it early. His body will be in the ground, his soul in the stars, and his breath in the sky. You have no choice but to be with him.
When you walk, your feet touch the ground Hyunjin's body is in. When you breathe, you inhale his air. When you cherish the stars in the sky, they sparkle and shine for you. They are his soul and past lives shining on you.
Hyunjin would never hurt you on purpose. He has no issues with locking you up if it means keeping you in check and him from lashing out at you.
"I will never hurt you. People don't harm who they love," Hyunjin tells you. He tells you this as he locks you in a room with a see-through door. Ironic coming from him, but at least you don't have to worry about him hurting you.
Hyunjin has no issues with giving you time. Time with him, but still time to realize that you are meant to be.
Hyunjin who is overjoyed when you finally return his feelings. Who is overjoyed when the Stockholm syndrome hits.
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(I had to let him marinate cause this was pissing me off ;-;)
Type: Quiet One Violence: 76-100% Possessive: Jealousy:
Punishments: Murder (not you)
Jisung is the type with earbuds on and scrolling on his phone to make the act believable. He's not listening to anything, but no one knows that. Jisung is eavesdropping on your conversation.
Jisung watches from the shadows. He leans against walls, tucks himself into corners, and hides in plain sight. Jisung needs to know everything about you.
Jisung takes your lost pencils, favorite candy wrapper, and anything you thought you "lost." Jisung who puts your things on the shrine in his basement.
Jisung finds everything about your family and friends. He finds out their habits and their tales. What makes them tick? How can he get them to put in a good word for him? Jisung, who fakes a smile for your love.
Jisung trains himself to be around you. He sneaks into your room and stands as close to you as he can without becoming a mess. He walks a little ways away from you and shortens the distance as he progresses. Jisung who hides his obsession out of fear of losing you.
Jisung who wouldn't hurt a fly, repeatedly stabs the person stealing you. His heart is steady, his face his blank, and his body doesn't tremble. Jisung who kills those who harm you, even those you don't know.
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Type: Clingy Violence: 0% Possessive: 79-100% Jealousy: I don't know
Punishments: Manipulation
This relationship starts normal, but the longer you stay with Felix, the more his obsession progresses. It's a little hard for him to breathe without you, like running for miles with asthma and no inhaler.
Felix would never hurt anyone. You don't know that, though. Felix doesn't like death, and Felix doesn't want to hurt you in any way. Not truly, so Felix gives threats. Behave, or he'll kill *blank*. Stop acting out, or he'll take *blank* out.
If you ever call his bluff, he'll get fake blood and a dead body. Felix will stage the act. You come home, and it's peaceful until you hear noise from the basement. What's that red stuff on the counter?
When you get downstairs, there's blood everywhere, and your best friend hangs by their wrists from their ceiling. When you try to run, Felix, covered in blood, is in the doorway. He knocks you out, and you wake up in your bed.
Felix is scared out of his sleep by your panicked breaths. When you tell him of your "nightmare," his eyes will dull, and he'll look near lifeless. Your phone rings before you can question him, and it's your best friend. As you're talking to them, you glance at Felix, but he's back to normal.
Felix who kisses your cheek and wishes you a good morning before taking a shower. While he's in the bathroom, you check the kitchen and the basement, but everything is normal. When you get back upstairs, Felix is plaiting the table with your favorite breakfast food.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Felix's face is concerned, but his tone is knowing.
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Type: Laidback Violence: 26% Possessive: Discreetly at 75% Jealousy: I'm conflicted
Punishment: Taking things from you
Seungmin doesn't want you stressing at all. If you have a problem, he'll fix it. Kidnapping you is too much work, so you won't have to worry about that. Seungmin will let you see your friends and family, and let you go out without him.
He knows you would never leave him.
As an idol, Seungmin can get people to watch you when he's not with you. As a person with "normal" status, he finds a way to convince your friends that you have a stalker and he just wants updates on your safety.
They'll send discreet pictures of you so you aren't panicking. They're trying to keep you safe. What if your stalker is watching you now? Seungmin wouldn't lie about your safety. He loves you, and they know it.
You're starting to sneak around? He'll find out why you're sneaking. If it isn't a surprise for him then you have no business creeping around. He should know everything. You should willingly tell Seungmin everything, or at least make it easy for him to find out himself.
Seungmin's punishments start small. It starts with your passions. You like art? Your pencils are snapped, and your paints have been left with the caps off. You make music? Your instruments are locked away or smashed to pieces. Seungmin won't break something of sentimental value. Your studio is locked with everything inside it.
Maybe you like books? If he has to, Seungmin will go through your favorite book and fold the corners. He'll crease the spines of your books and lock them away so that when you get them back, they're messed up.
You read online? You have a Kindle or an app on your phone? That's fine. Your library is cleared out, and he'll start a new book just to make sure there isn't a "Start where you left off" option.
Seungmin isn't evil. He'll make a list of all the books in your library, online or on a shelf, and keep perfect copies. He'll buy you new paints or get you new instruments.
Seungmin who will send a picture of you with your family if you run away. "I hope nothing bad happens to them while you're gone."
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Type: Obsessive Violence: Depends Possessive: 50-95% Jealousy: 76%
Punishment: Isolation, self-harm,
You're all he can think about. Jeongin depends on you. He can't eat, his sleep schedule is nonexistent, and he hasn't been outside unless you bring him.
Tell him to give you space, and Jeongin will hand it to you. He'll be fucking miserable, but he'll give you all the space and time you need. When you finally come back to him, kiss him long and slow or fast and intense.
Jeongin doesn't care. He wants you to be stuck to him like glue until you get sick of him and need a break.
Jeongin is fragile. His world revolves around you. You are the sun that brightens his day and the moon that guides him in the night. Lashing out at him about anything is a direct blow to his heart and soul.
You yelling at Jeongin. = You hate Jeongin.
He can't live while you hate him. He lives to please you. If you hate him, then Jeongin has failed you. Failing you means he failed himself, and life is too good for failure as bad as this.
Jeongin who tells you with a blank face but love-filled eyes that he would die for your love. Jeongin who will proudly show you each scar as punishment for making you "hate" him.
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snowfll · 6 months
Partners in Crime; Coriolanus Snow
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pairing - dark!Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader summary - Coryo decides to get you a special gift to make sure you know that you are his and he is yours words - 1.75k warning - talk of blood, needles, knife to the throat. Snow is a teensy bit overprotective. Snow with a blood kink?? note - i wrote this after seeing a tiktok on my fyp similar to this and loved the idea and immediately my mind went too young!coriolanus
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You never expected dating Snow to be so troubling; yes, you understood how popular and extremely attractive he was, but you assumed announcing your relationship would put an end to all the ‘fangirls’. Clearly, that wasn’t the case; you couldn’t walk the halls of the academy by his side without girls giving you the death stare. Even while walking unaccompanied, they wouldn’t leave you alone. They would do anything in their power to try and tear apart your relationship with ‘their Coryo’.
Of course, Coriolanus was oblivious to the whole situation; his attention was solely fixated on you and no one else. He didn't pay any mind to what others may have thought or attempted to do regarding the relationship. To him, he had you, and you had him; that was all that mattered. Snow’s undivided attention to you created a bond capable of withstanding any external judgment; he was hopelessly devoted to you.
The night you brought it up to Coriolanus was the night he snapped out of whatever absentminded trance he was in. He finally saw how his so-called ‘friends’ were treating you, and he was not here for it. How could anyone treat you like that, like you were something in the way of getting what they wanted, or in this case, who they wanted? These people would not get away with acting like that toward you.
“Don’t you worry, my love; they will never look at you with an ounce of hatred ever again,” he whispered to you while he softly played with your hair. Your head lay in his lap, on the verge of falling asleep after hours of crying to him about your peers at the academy. “Do you promise?” You were certain he was already planning ways to confront every single person who dared to make you feel this way; his response just proved your thoughts. “I will make sure of it,” you heard him mutter before you fell into a deep slumber.
He did; the next day he woke up extra early and slipped out from under you before sneaking his way out of your room. Normally, he would wake you up before he left to ensure that you got to school when he did. But for the sake of what he was about to do, he made sure to let you wait until your alarm woke you up for the day.
Snow was on a mission. His once carefree demeanor while walking down the hall was replaced with a stern expression. People were staring at him, mainly a couple of the girls who believed he had a chance with him. He knew they realized something was up with him and only confirmed their observations as he marched right up to his ‘friends’ and pushed one of them against the wall.
“What the hell, Coriolanus? What's your deal?” The boy asked, hearing gasps from everyone in the nearby vicinity. “Don’t try and play innocent with me.” Snow pushed him even harder into the wall before continuing.
His confrontation was harsh but necessary; most of the group admitted their actions and apologized to him after realizing how serious he was about you. They were now terrified of what he would do to them. Coriolanus had a history of harming anyone who wronged those he loved. He did not play around when it came to other men hitting on you; he once got suspended for bringing a knife to the throat of a student who simply complimented your outfit.
By the time you met him in front of the academy, word had gotten around of Snow’s stunt. As you walked side by side, you didn’t see anyone's eyes on you; it felt freeing. The girls who had previously harassed you felt the weight of Snow’s disapproval. Some were afraid to even look in your direction in fear of their precious Coriolanus coming after them. Others took notice of his commitment to you and admired him. Either way, the power of Snow’s presence silenced the whispers and glares. That day, his actions proved to everyone that he was indeed hopelessly devoted to you, and nothing could come between you and your love.
Although you were no longer bothered, Coriolanus was not satisfied. He needs you to know that he belongs to you, not to any of those girls who chased after him. Over the course of the next week, he tried to find you the perfect gift. It wasn’t until he was browsing through one of many stores in the capital’s markets that he found the most unique jewelry store. He just knew he had to get you a necklace and maybe a little something for himself.
That night, he snuck into your room, ready to take what he needed. You were a deep sleeper, so he was certain you wouldn’t wake up. Coriolanus carefully sat on your bed next to your sleeping body. He didn’t want to hurt you, but in order for his gift to show its full effect, he needed to do this not only to you but to himself as well. Taking the needle, he grabbed your arm and pricked your skin, making sure to avoid a vein. The needle only went a little past the surface; he didn’t want you to bleed out; he just needed enough to fill up a tiny vial.
Snow watched as the blood dripped from your arm into the clear container, finding pleasure in seeing the red substance leak from your body. Beauty was something that came naturally to you; it was no question. But right now, as you were sleeping with your hair covering your face and blood dripping from your arm, he could only describe you as stunning. The soft glow of the moon spilled into your room and cast a gentle light onto your features as you lay there, lost in a dream; Aphrodite truly had nothing on you.
Finally, it came time for Snow to give you his special gift; he had mentioned something of it previously after you woke up one day with a bandage covering a puncture wound on your arm. He didn’t want to spoil his present, seeing as it wasn’t the right time to surprise you with it, but he knew better than to alarm you by not explaining that the wound was from him. You were a little skeptical at first; however, you trusted him and knew he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally harm you.
The two of you sat on a blanket in a secluded park, away from everyone. You loved picnics and always had to beg Coriolanus to plan them for you. He hated the idea of someone seeing him on a picnic, but he did it for you no matter what. The air was filled with a sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle rustle of the leaves from the tree above you provided soothing background noise.
You were 200 pages deep into reading him a book when he sat up and grabbed it out of your hand and gently placed it on the blanket. Looking at him confused as he held your hand, you beckoned, “Is everything okay, Coryo?” His reply was short as he reached into the basket he packed with plenty of sandwiches, fruit, and dessert for your day out. “Everything is perfect, love,” he smiled, his face filled with joy. “Actually, I have a present for you.” Now, it was your turn to smile as you expressed how excited and thankful you were that he got you something.
"This is a necklace; I had it made for you." He handed you the box and allowed you to open it up to find the most precious heart-shaped necklace you ever laid eyes on. It was small and dainty, but you immediately fell in love with the redness of it. You looked up to see him watching your expressions, hoping you liked it; you did. You tackled him into a big hug that sent you both flying onto your backs. He laughed as he used one hand to push you both up, with the other hand wrapped around your waist to ensure your safety.
Coriolanus went on to disclose information about the red liquid inside the heart; you found it endearing knowing he wasn’t the best when it came to needles. He loved you enough to face his fear to get you something special. Unbeknownst to you, his blood wasn’t the only blood drawn for a piece of jewelry. As you were admiring the necklace he clasped around your neck, he spoke up again, “There's actually one more thing to show you, love.” Facing him, you watched as he slowly showed you a lovely ring on his finger. It was the same red as your necklace, but something about it seemed different. “It is your blood, in the jewel,” he confessed. He didn’t know how you would take it, but seeing that beautiful smile on your face, he found the courage to continue. "I, uh… I got them, so we are always with each other, even when the other is not near.”
In the eyes of others, this gesture might have caused them to run away screaming, but in your eyes, it was better than anything you could’ve asked for. You knew Coriolanus was different from the others in the capital; he was overprotective over his loved ones and cold to those who had oppressed them. He had his own special way of caring and showing his love, and you adored it. You didn’t care how dark or ‘evil’ he could be; you loved him for who he was and every part of him.
As you thanked Snow for the special gift over and over again, you couldn’t help but stare into his bright blue eyes. It was as if you were mesmerized by them. Snow, equally captivated by the sincerity of your gratitude, found himself lost in the warmth of your eyes. Unable to resist the magnetic pull, you leaned in, closing the distance between you. Your lips brushed against his before they finally met in a sweet and gentle kiss. It was a simple exchange of affection and a silent celebration of your connection.
Neither of you wanted to pull away, but considering you were running out of air, it was the smart thing to do. Still lost in each other’s gaze, Coriolanus swore,
“Till death do us part, my love.” “Till death do us part, Coryo,”
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
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-> started more like a crackfic headcanon, but then it got rlly serious at the end??? mb igggg
gojo's definitely the type to slap your ass in public. not even in a nasty way, genuinely (or more like 50% of the time it's not in a sexual way). he just likes slapping your ass??? you've tried asking him why he does it so often, but he just grins and shrugs his shoulders in response. it's always a flirty response, like, "i can't appreciate my beautiful boy's ass?" or, "y'know i can't keep my hands off of you, handsome,"
he's such a fucking annoying boyfriend. like genuinely. could you imagine having a 6'4, lanky man latched to you - literally trying to melt into your skin? no, because you don't have to imagine it, it's your everyday life. you wake up? his arms and legs are tangled with yours that you have no choice but to wake him up. you're cooking? he's hovering behind you with his back hunched and head resting on your neck as he is still working on completely waking up. you need to go to catch your train for your job? oh...but can't you just spend the day in with him? he'll do whatever you want >:) just skip work and stay with him!
he's so needy and clingy. it's actually insane how much a grown man can WHINE. oh my god, you think about doing anything without him - ANYTHING - and he's already complaining overdramatically that you don't love him. he goes from 0-to-100 really quick, meaning you guys could be cuddling and he's nearly knocked out, you gently move him off of you to get up to PEE, and he's suddenly reciting all of the heartbreaking lines shakespeare wrote, claiming, "you!! you heartless man, have driven a stake right through my heart and i shall never recover from such a pain you've brought onto me!!!" as if you're not going to be back in like thirty seconds ??? max.
he's the strongest sorcerer, but if you're around, he's nothing but a man in love with his boyfriend (and hopefully more. he fantasizes a lot of what a married life with you would look like...).
he actually could care less about other people when you're there - you have to verbally remind him of his duties as a jujutsu sorcerer or else he will very easily ignore them in exchange of spending time with you.
another thing that comes with dating this man is that he will do everything, above and beyond, in his power to keep you out of harm's way. let's say you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, he'll let you in his lifestyle in full confidence nothing will harm you. he's already talked to the higher ups, if they try pulling some bullshit out of their ass in putting you in danger, he's gonna actually slaughter all of them. it was a meeting he had with them when you two just made it official and, comically enough, he was snapped out of his gruesome, detailed rant on what he would do to them by a call from you ringing through his phone.
you have him completely wrapped around your finger and he's not one to shy away from showing that. he thinks public acts of devotion are the best ways to show his loyalty and love for you to other people. it's so hilarious how he will literally fall to his knees begging on a random street, just for you to look at him. just because you're looking at what a vendor's stall is selling doesn't mean you have to look away from him???? hello ??? please be more considerate of his feelings, his heart cannot take this much.
and despite how carefree he always seems with you in public, if you are still in a public area, his senses are actually hightened to their peak. there's absolutely no way he's taking a chance with you getting harmed if he's there, he'll ensure you're safety above anything else. he protects you with his life and will happily exchange his life for your own - if it ever came down to that.
and he's proclaimed that to you several times which has earned him worried scoldings everytime he said anything along the lines of, "i'll risk my life to protect you," but he always pushes your scoldings aside. because then he comforts you saying that: he's the strongest for a reason and he will use all of his strength in protecting the future the two of you will have together. he can't live without you, so obviously you're staying safe. and he'd actually rather step on a thousand legos than imagine you living your life without him. selfishly, he wants to be the center of your universe, like you are for him (alright, eren jaeger headass...)
neither of you have to worry about that though! he is still the strongest ever, there's nothing that could pull him away from you (there was one time his students genuinely tried doing this and it was impossible. physically trying to pull gojo off of your body was impossible). and he wants to spend every waking moment with you. so not only are you being protected 25/8, but you're being affectionately doted on, loved, and cared for for each of those passing seconds.
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moonsaver · 3 months
Cann I request Yan!Sunday with a clueless reader who visits Penacony for the first time for Robin's concert~?
I love all your writing soo much thank you for your hard work 😭💜
Hello! Thank you for the appreciation haha, it's well received. Im not sure if I wrote this correctly, so feel free to resend the request if needed. I think I made this more general instead of specifically reader going to Robin's concert.
Yan!Sunday isn't someone who actively seeks out innocence or cluelessness, but it's endearing to him when he does encounter it, especially when he doesn't usually expect it.
When you first visit, he's happy to give you a thorough rundown, going along with whatever conversation you decide to have, throwing in general questions about your background, asking you about your experience so far, etc..
When you tell him you're here for Robin's show, he's pleasantly delighted. He asks you how long of a fan you've been, what songs you like, and eventually it leads to him deciding to escort you there if he has enough time. It's.. surprisingly refreshing. He doesn't often meet people that are truly "clueless", so there is definitely initial suspicion.
His fondness only grows more and more for you, as long as you continue to talk. One conversation is pleasant to remarkably lift his mood. Another is enough to get him thinking about you. The next is enough to have him worried about you.
And that exactly is what starts his growing obsessive tendencies.
Perhaps.. he should just take some time off here and there to help you out. Trust him, no one else knows Penacony better than the man who's practically it's leader. He's so patient and understanding with you, a small, soft smile on his lips as you ask any and every question you have, softly answering everything in detail.
Sometimes, he's busy, but not unaware. Don't worry, you don't need to reach out to him yourself, he's already beside you the moment his name even graces your mind, holding your hand gently and guiding you wherever you want to be led. Where to, next? He smiles, and you already understand without him having to say it. He isn't someone who wants to put you in harms way by making you known to appear with him, but a part of him craves being recognized as "the one who you rely on the most".
Oh? Yes, the dreamscape is troubling to enter. Perhaps you'd find it harder to enter? Don't worry, he's right here, guiding you gently. He holds your hand and eases you into the dream fluid, telling you he'll be right there, and explain everything to you in a moment. Hm? Are you scared? He chuckles, and pats your head gently. Don't worry, he'll tell you everything you need to know. Or just rely on him blindly. He likes that, too.
Just trust him. He knows everything better than you. You don't need to worry about any scams, or inside-jokes that you don't understand. He'll help you with everything.
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oh my god there are so many good choice on the touching prompt list for Ace!Tav and Astarion. But since it’s first numerically may I please request 3?
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Summary: You finally arrive in Baldur's Gate and you can't sleep. Normally this would mean taking the nearest instrument and playing until your hands are raw. Luckily for your fingers, Astarion is there to listen.
Prompt: hiding face in neck
Astarion x AsexaulBard!Tav Masterlist
A/N: Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get to this. I swear to god I wrote like five different versions of this thing. Let's give it up for over writing! Enjoy.
Word Count: 1.8K
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The night felt oddly still for Baldur’s Gate. You’d traveled so far, done and seen so much and you were finally here.  It should have brought you relief; instead, all you could think about was all you had left to do. There were still the tadpoles to deal with and devils and gods and frankly all the things you’d never given a second thought to the last time you stepped through the gates. Perhaps the city felt it as well, collectively holding its breath for whatever was coming next. 
You let out a deep sigh, staring up at the darkened ceiling. There would be no hope of sleep tonight. The best you could do was find a way to pass the hours without going mad.  
As carefully as you could, you slipped out of bed, mindful of Astarion resting soundly next to you. For all your troubles, they were nothing compared to the horrors coming for him.  You wouldn’t disturb his rare moment of peace for the world. 
In easy strides you grabbed your lute and made your way to the balcony where a comfortable enough chaise awaited you. 
No lamps were needed. Between the moon and the street lamps below, you could see well enough to play for an audience of one. 
You started with something easy, plucking out a handful of scales to warm up your hands. It didn’t take long after that for a melody to form, pushing your worries further and further away. Lyrics slipped their way past your lips in whispers and half remembered hums. You were here. Air moved in and out of your lungs. Your heart still beat. You had control over your body and the sounds pulled from the instrument in your hands. There was still time. The morning hadn’t found you yet.
Soft footsteps approached from behind you; the obvious padding of bare feet on wooden floor boards given just enough extra weight so as not to startle you.  Astarion could be very considerate at times. 
You paused your hands, turning to face him. 
“Sorry, was I playing too loud?” 
“Not at all,” he assured. “How else was I supposed to find you after waking to a cold, empty bed?”
You had to at least smile at his dramatics, which seemed to please him as he stepped further onto the balcony. 
The light of the moon gave his already pale skin and iridescent glow. His silver curls were just a little ruffled from their perfect coif as his eyes held you with a tired softness that made you ache. It was in moments like this you remembered why poetry existed; paints, canvas, marble, clay, they were too clumsy of tools to capture all of him.  
“What are you doing out here?” he asked, pulling you from your musings. 
“Just needed to clear my head,” you said. “Didn’t want to bother anyone with my plucking.”
“Perish the thought. I rather enjoy your plucking.” He nodded to the empty spot next to you. “May I?” 
You couldn’t think of a reason to argue, so you didn’t try. Astarion had proved himself one of the few people you could enjoy a peaceful silence with. So long as he didn’t expect you to entertain him, there was no harm done. 
You scooted over to allow him room. 
He took it, only to pull you against him, caging you between his legs. 
You gave a small yelp of surprise, only just managing to keep hold of your lute. “What are you doing?” 
“Making myself comfortable.” His hands found your waist, pulling you closer so your back rested against his chest while his chin made a home on your shoulder. “Go on dearest, start plucking.”
You snorted out a laugh. Gods above, he really was a cat sometimes. He didn’t ask for attention so much as demand it and in a way only the most heartless could be upset by. 
“It’s rather difficult for me to perform with my back to the audience,” you said as some attempt at protest. 
He gave a noncommittal hum. “I’m inclined to disagree. But if it does bother you, consider me a humble patron observing a rehearsal.” 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”  
Settling back as best you could, you began again, humming a tune to yourself as you worked out the cords. 
A different kind of peace settled over you as he held you. You had come here to be alone, something you had gotten used to over the years. Astarion didn’t have to be here with you, but he was. He chose to sit here in the dark and listen as you played your troubles into the air. It was an alien comfort, one that still left you a little unsure, but it was a comfort nonetheless. 
“I don’t think I’ve heard this one before,” Astarion observed, gently breaking the silence. 
“I would think not, seeing how it’s only been in my head for the last few months,” you teased. 
He nodded as you felt him shift awkwardly beneath you. “Far be it for me to speak on your artistic vision, but is it meant to be so repetitive?”
You stopped your playing as a flush of warmth came to your cheeks. There was a reason why rehearsals were usually kept private. “Sorry, can’t seem to find the ending.”
“Might be easier if you wrote it down,” he suggested. 
“That would require me knowing how.” 
“You don’t know how to write music?” He sounded so genuinely surprised, you had to laugh. 
“Love, I don’t even know how to read it.”
You shrugged. “Just not how I learned. They weren’t exactly letting riff raff like me into the conservatory.”
You could all but feel the furrow of his brow as his chin pressed against your shoulder. “So every song you’ve ever played, original or otherwise, you taught yourself, by ear, and stored away in that head of yours?”
“You make it sound more impressive than it actually is. Plenty of bards do the exact same thing,” you dismissed.  
He hummed in thought. “Perhaps. It does explain why so many of them don’t seem to have anything going on behind the eyes.”
“I’ll try not to be insulted.” 
“Present company excluded,” he amended, pressing a kiss to the back of your ear for good measure. “Why do you think I’m so impressed? Beauty, talent and brains are such a rare combination.” 
You gave a small huff, earning you another kiss on the temple.
“I’m sure we could find somebody in the city to teach you,” he offered. 
You shook your head. “Not interested. Besides, I’ve found it an effective filtration method. If I can’t remember the tune the next day, it probably wasn’t worth learning in the first place.” 
“Oh darling, who knew you could be so cruel to your fellow artists,” he said, full of approval. “But, what about when a song of yours is done? Surely then it would be worth preserving.” 
“If I’ve done my job well, then the memories of those who have heard it will be preservation enough,” you said. “It’s how all the best songs are passed on anyway. The specifics of who wrote it and when get lost, but the melody remains. It stays in the world because people want it to stay in the world. I think there’s a kind of poetry in that.” 
He let out a long exasperated sigh. “How nauseatingly romantic of you. One little problem though, people’s memories are shit. Give it a few centuries and it will barely resemble the original. At least if you write it down they can’t muck it up.”
“It’s obvious you haven’t met many musicians,” you said, dryly. “People are always going to have their own interpretations. Putting it down on paper doesn’t make it any less a memory. Personally, I’d rather keep it living in the mind than in a stagnant drawer somewhere.” 
“Or I can just make sure nothing happens to the original.” 
He tried to keep his voice light, but there was promise beneath that tingled at the back of your neck. His arms held you a little more tightly. His body tensed. It was as if he was trying to guard you from something, but who or what you could only guess at. 
“Don’t,” he said, sharply. “I know you want to say something comforting and I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear you go on about memory or legacy or things to remember after you’re gone, because you’re not gone. You’re here. You’re here with me, and I don’t care who I have to kill or what bargains I need to make, but I’m not letting you go.”  
He turned his face into your neck, pressing his lips against your pulse. To your surprise, no teeth accompanied the gesture. He just breathed, inhaling your scent deep into his lungs. His touch lingered on your skin as some of the tension left his body; the steady beating of your heart calming him. 
“I don’t want memories,” he whispered. “I just want you.”
Your lips parted to speak, but quickly closed. You knew there was a correct thing to say. Letting go was a part of life, whether you liked it or not. Sooner or later, everyone became a memory; but, that wasn’t what he wanted to hear and that wasn’t what you felt. 
The promise he made wasn’t some collection of meaningless words, but a desperate, blood soaked plea. For the first time in so long, you knew somebody would be upset if you died, not for the loss of income or poetry, but because you would be gone. 
You wanted to tell him you loved him. You wanted to tell him you didn’t just want memories either. You wanted to make the same promise and then hide away somewhere safe where the world wouldn’t dare touch either of you; but, you didn’t say that either. 
Instead you placed your hand over his, squeezing his fingers. 
“You have me,” you said, softly. “I’m right here.”
A shuddering breath left his body, as if all the emotion he had been containing was suddenly pushed from his lungs. His arms stayed around you, but his whole body relaxed as his head found a new place to live buried in your neck. 
“Keep playing, my heart,” he said. “Don’t stop.” 
How could anyone say no to such a request? 
Your hands found a melody, different from the one before; something complete and familiar. As soon as the song finished you transitioned to another and then another, never stopping until Astarion’s hold became slack and his breathing turned deep and steady, signaling his trace. Only then did you set down your lute and curled into his arms to finally sleep. 
You would finish your composition another night. The morning would find you, but you had time. Air moved in and out of your lungs. Your heart still beat. You were here and you were going to stay. 
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lovelybrooke · 10 months
Hiiii 🥰
I'm obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen lately and I love your blog, so I thought a possible Jujutsu Kaisen request: could you pls write a hc where yan!platonic Sukuna (in Itadori's body) being overprotective and obsessed with reader.
Thanks 😘💕
An Exception (Platonic Yandere Sukuna)
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I wrote a short fic instead, hope you're good with that.
Check out my other works here: masterlist
Hanging out with Yuji was a near daily occurrence at this point. He's a very loveable boy, whose always happy to help, even during the most mundane tasks.
What was also a near daily occurrence was Sukuna infecting Yuji at the worst times possible. Like when you were grocery shopping.
"Hey, stop staring."
"It's a baby, that's what they do." You say, shushing him. You were already fed up with his behavior, you didn't even have to look at him to know Sukuna was present you could tell by just the sound of his voice.
"Baby needs to learn some fucking manners."
Sukuna mumbles, watching you grab a box of very sugary cereal and place it into the cart. He quickly grabs it, placing it back on the shelf before replacing it with something, while healthier, far less enjoyable.
You furrow your brows at him, "Hey, what gives?" You yell quietly. He shrugs, uncaring.
"You shouldn't be eating that sugary shit, it's not good for you." He responds, eyeing your basket and snarling at anything he deems harmful to you. You in response, roll your eyes.
"You're one to talk." You reach for something on a higher shelf, Sukuna grabbing it before you could yourself. "You fill Yuji on so much crap he's sick for days." Sukuna snickers, following you as you walk down the stalls, eyeing anyone who looks at you too long.
"Yeah, well, it's not my fault this body has a small stomach." You roll your eyes, yet again. You swear, Sukuna's going to make your eyes fall out of your head.
You finish up quickly, skipping over some things you really didn't need in order to get out of the store before Sukuna kills someone. You pay for your items, not lingering too long at the cashier in fear Sukuna starts a needless argument, before leaving.
You take a breath of fresh air, before you're rudely interrupted by the brute Sukuna, "man I'm hungry, let's go eat." He says, walking in the other direction from you. You eye him, annoyed.
"I have to put away these groceries, be patient, jeez." You hear him groan, but he follows you none the less, pushing you away from part of the sidewalk nearest to the road, taking the place instead.
Sukuna was scarfing down a burger, uncaring about your discomfort at his messy eating. He's always like this when he appears, taking Yuji's body and using you for food or entertainment. He was never kind with it either, more so demanding. He'd yell at you to get him food, watch a movie with him, play video games, whatever until he got bored and then give Yuji back his body.
Though, the days where he's not like that, days where he is kind and protective, those are the ones that throw you for a loop. When he helps you put away your groceries without complaint, when he pays for your food when you go out to eat, and like now, when he's eying the service worker who yelled at you for bumping into him.
Sukuna wiped his face roughly with a napkin, furrowing his brows at the young boy joking around with his friends. "Dude, calm down, I'm over it." You say, laughing at his very angry expression.
Sukuna, in fact, does not calm down.
He instead, choses to huff and puff at the boy when he walks by, audibly growling when he gets to close, much to your dismay. You groan, lying your head down in the table, trying to avoid looking at the confused patrons sending glances your way.
You decide enough is enough when Sukuna yells at mother for laughing at your clear embarrassment, calling her a nosy bitch and continuing his tirade as you push and pull him out the door.
It's fair to say you won't be eating their again.
Sukuna's never cared for anyone other than himself.
He revels in people's suffering, their anger and fear. He baths in the blood of his enemies, laughing at their pain.
But when he's with you, something in him changes.
Sukuna's chest heaves as he remembers seeing you for the first time. Through Yuji's eyes, he saw you great him during school, walking past him quickly in order to be on time to your class. Even from that quick moment, he could tell you were diligent by the way you carried yourself, hardworking by the plethora of books in your arms, and most of all, kind, by the nearly blinding smile you gave Yuji.
Blood runs down Sukuna's knuckles as he remembers meeting you for the first time, officially. How scared and confused you were, how you demanded him to give Yuji's body back, and how the fear in your eyes didn't please him. It made his, or Yuji's, stomach churn, his breath quicken, and his mind to scramble to find a way to comfort you. He opted for the usual strategy at yelling for you to calm down, which seemed to work. But the fear was ever so present, and he despised it.
A body, unrecognizable, groans, bloody and bruised, as he remembers when you finally became "friends." It wasn't an official thing, no declaration or statement of friendship. Instead, your relationship was solidified when you were knocked out in battle. A mission your idiot teacher sent you on. The curse was too dangerous, but you put up a damn good fight. Right up until your body couldn't take it anymore. Yuji was there with you, and before he could do anything, Sukuna was obliterating the curse and rushing to your aid in an instant. He could barely hear you grumble in pain over the sound of his own rage. In this moment, Sukuna felt a slurry of knew emotions, most of which he did not enjoy. He felt sadness, guilt, pain, fear. He demanded you stay awake, shaking you when your eyes started to close, and silently cursing the world for doing this to you.
From that moment on, Sukuna needed to protect you. Not because he cares, but because he cannot feel weakness again. He is not allowed to feel pain or fear, definitely not for a sorcerer who would kill him if he wasn't inhabiting their friend's body. He needs to keep you safe in order to keep himself strong.
None of that explained his behavior though. It didn't explain eating out with you and using Yuji's money to pay. It doesn't explain playing video games with you until you fall asleep, tucking you into bed with all the gentleness left in his body. It doesn't explain absolutely ruining curses that dare to lay a finger on you. And it definitely doesn't explain beating up the service worker who was rude to you in a dingy ally way.
The body goes silent, cold, and limp as Sukuna thinks of you. Thinks of the fear you felt earlier today and thinks of the split second where you looked at him, panic flashing through your eyes. At that moment, he feels fear, anger, rage, all at once, all because of you, and he attempts to act before you calm him down, his emotions quickly shifting to something foreign. Something strangely peaceful he feels only with you. He doesn't mind the feeling, it's nice, warm, and he craved it.
Sukuna's never cared for anyone other than himself.
But you, you are an exception.
A/n: Sorry if this was too short.
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sebsbarnes · 5 months
hey love, hope u r doing ok ❤️ i wanted to request a tan x reader where she’s interacting with another guy in a mission (in any way you’d like tbh) and tangerine gets SUPER jealous
it’s kinda like “jealousy” that u already wrote but where the reader makes him jealous this time (i’ve been obsessed with the song u belong to me by the weeknd lately and it’s doing things to me 😭)
hiii i hope you are well also and enjoy this! i am a sucker for jealous tropes i cant even lie so this is perfect
seduction || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
warnings: none i believe, making the other person jealous
word count: 1.8k+
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"in and out, okay. i don't want to be here longer than we have to be," tangerine grumbled, fixing the cuffs to his dress shirt.
"why? it's my time to play. i'll take as long as i want," you taunted, throwing tangerine a look over your shoulder and you couldn't help but look him up and down.
tangerine narrowed his eyes at you and though you were no longer facing him, you could see him standing behind you in the large mirror, "we don't want our cover to be blown."
you laughed at the statement, "when do we ever get caught."
tangerine left the room huffing under his breath and you observed yourself in the mirror once more before grabbing your purse. realistically you knew you shouldn't spend so much time trying to pry information out of the man who held the information you, tangerine, and lemon needed, but you knew you could flirt it out of him and that would anger tangerine. so, what's the harm, right? call it cruel, or whatever you want, but tangerine would constantly get possessive or angry when you got a bit too close to other men, but tangerine has never once made a move so what right does he have to get angry.
the air in the car ride over to the gala was tense. all lemon could do was give you and tangerine quizzical looks but refused to ask any questions assuming it was one of your stupid banters. the suv came to a stop outside of the beautiful mansion and the three of you slid out of the car. butlers opened the large glass doors and you were met with beautiful piano music, hundreds of people wandering about, and gold everything.
you adjusted the faux fur scarf that was draped over your shoulders, "i'll see you boys later," you winked at lemon and tangerine before sauntering off, heels clicking as you left.
tangerine pinched the bridge of his nose. 'in and out' he kept internally repeating to himself. lemon nodded his head to tangerine and they followed behind you.
you slinked through the crowd heading for the elevated platform where the man garrett was standing chatting to a group of men who were appeasing his ego and laughing at the pitiful jokes he cracked. you sauntered over to the small table that was next to the group of men and slowly leaned down to grab a drink. you made sure your back was slightly arched, hips dangerously high in the air as you refused to break eye contact with the man who noticed you. garrett swished the brown liquor around in his glass clearly intrigued by you. your eyes raked down his body and your painted lips offered him a smirk. before you turned on your heel you flicked your eyes up to the staircase where a fuming tangerine was staring daggers into you. though you couldn't see it from here tangerine was gripping the railing so hard that it shook. satisfied with the attention from both men, you walked away.
"relax mate," lemon laughed noticing the way tangerine's hands turned white. tangerine glanced at his brother before dropping the railing.
"c'mon she's out of sight."
it was merely a minute later when you felt the gentle tap on your shoulder. spinning around you feigned ignorance at the man.
"i don't mean to bother you, but i wanted to let you know i think you are beautiful," garrett spoke, his eyes briefly looking at your chest as you dropped the scarf to your elbows, exposing the skin to him.
you leaned into him a bit and placed a gentle hand on his forearm, "what's your name, handsome?"
you brought the martini glass to your mouth, your tongue swiping across your bottom lip to remove the drop of vodka.
"garrett," you drawled, "how about we dance?"
tangerine watched from a distance as the man guided you toward the edge of the dance floor. his arms hooked themselves tightly onto your waist and you situated yourself on his shoulders. tangerine's eye twitched as he watched your fingers play with the man's curly hair at the base of his neck. that should be me. he watched the two of you sway back and forth and the deeper you got into conversation, garrett's hand inched its way lower and lower on your back. tangerine felt bile rise up into his throat.
you were working info out of garrett about his uncle and though he seemed like a bit of a fool he wasn't falling into your seduction too easily. he was giving only tidbits of information out at a time and you were internally yelling at the man, begging him to just give it all up so you can stop caressing his body. you threw your head backwards in laughter at some lame joke he made and toyed with the buttons on his open shirt.
"if i laugh anymore i may pop out of this dress," you joked, playfully tapping fake tears off your face.
the emotion in his eyes changed, "that wouldn't be a bad thing now would it, love?"
the way he said love made you cringe. it was forceful and unnatural, much different from the way it would roll off tangerine's tongue. you tried to suppress the grimace on your face and opted to run a finger down his chest and stomach until you hooked it around his belt loop.
you leaned forward to his ear, lips grazing his skin, "there's nothing under this dress."
garrett gripped you tight so your bodies were flushed together. you did everything in your power to not squirm when you felt his fingernails in your skin and the low growl deep in his throat.
"my uncle's room is right down the hall behind me," he breathed into your neck. your eyes flickered to the hallway and you noticed tangerine standing against the wall with a careful eye.
"it would be rude of us to dirty up his room while he's here," you whispered back with hooded eyes.
"he isn't here. he'd never know." the desperate man before you pressed.
"i don't think they'd be able to clean the mess we'd make before he came back," your lips were centimeters away from his.
he brought his hand from your waist to your hair and roughly tugged at it causing your head to jerk upwards, "he's away in the states. at some banquet in new york city at the ritz. he's not coming back for two weeks."
ah, he made it too easy for you. you pondered if you should entertain him and follow him to the bedroom and see if you could pry more info out of him, but this is what you needed and truth be told you wanted to be out of his grip. though you hummed in content and turned your face to press a kiss to his jaw. in your peripheral you saw movement, it was tangerine glaring you down. the look on his face was one you didn't recognize. it was a concoction of emotions but the more evident one was disappointment.
"i need air," tangerine gasped to lemon who had just stood beside the man. you watched as tangerine hurried his way through the crowd and out the door to the balcony. the features on your face pulled together in confusion till you realized you were still wrapped in garrett's arms.
"i'll meet you there in fifteen minutes," you whispered seductively trailing your finger across his bottom lip. garrett didn't move after you retreated away from the dance floor and to the balcony.
tangerine was leaning over the cement railing looking into the garden. his back was rising and falling rapidly, the fabric of his suit slightly constricting the movement. tangerine could hear the clicks of your heels approaching but didn't turn to face you.
you hesitated before speaking, sensing he wasn't in a good mood, "i... i got the information we needed. we can uh- leave now."
he didn't respond so you carefully placed your palm on his back and ran it down his spine. he jerked upright and ignored the sensation your hand on his body produced. he stared you down and you felt so small under his gaze. it was intense and unwavering and his eyes seemed so blue right now.
"what's wrong," you asked in a small voice, crossing your arms tighter under your chest.
he let out a laugh in disbelief, "oh! i don't know darlin' how about your lil performance out there."
"like you haven't done the same or worse, tangerine. besides, i got what we needed," you hissed. your words so venomous you could feel it burning at your tongue. all he did was roll his eyes and start to walk back inside the mansion. you gripped his wrist, yanking him to face you.
"you don't walk away from me."
your brain couldn't work fast enough to catch up with the fact tangerine's mouth was now on yours. the way his lips pressed against yours felt so foreign yet it worked, like his lips should've been kissing you every day and every night and they should never leave until the last shred of air burned at your lungs. and that's what was happening as the sun in the horizon glowed orange onto your skin. tangerine kissed you like it was his final act on this earth. his one hand was flat against your spine bringing your body as close as humanly possible to him with his other hand cupping your cheek. you were gripping his black suit jacket with such vigor your fingers almost poked holes into the fabric.
not a care in the world as your lips interlocked with each other, tongues occasionally escaping their way into the other's mouth. exasperated breaths could be heard from the brief seconds you allowed yourself to part before reconnecting with clashing teeth. the lipstick on your lips had now painted a picture on tangerine's face but you loved it and if you had it your way you'd force him to walk back into the house covered in your mark.
you and tangerine finally re-entered reality to a now dark sky. the kiss happened in slow motion but the sky around you spoke otherwise. with one final kiss tangerine gently bit at your bottom lip and ran his fingers through your hair.
"i'm tired of pretending that i don't like you," he murmured, placing his forehead against your own.
"why does it take me talking to another guy for you to finally confess," you asked genuinely curious.
"'cause i'm a fuckin' idiot, love. it shouldn't take that. i should've told you a long time ago but tonight. seeing- seeing that man touch you," tangerine fumed, his nostrils flaring, "i couldn't take it."
you sighed softly and said, "i'm not innocent in this either, i try and make you jealous on purpose."
tangerine gave you a soft smile and pressed a kiss to your cheek. he didn't care that you did it on purpose. deep down he kind of loved it but he was wrong for being angry at you.
"oh. we should probably leave. garrett has been waiting, i'm sure naked, in his uncle's bed," you laughed, hooking your arm to tangerine's.
"should we kick him out?" tangerine winked.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
hashira receive chocolate from you
Author’s Note: only a lil late for Valentine’s Day… 😅
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hashira receive chocolate from you
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,100
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: this sad b*tch could use an emergency request 😭 men have more audacity I swear
If possible could you do hashira men x female reacting to you bringing them chocolate on Valentine’s Day😭
Don’t mind the varying lengths of these headcanons 😆
I just wrote out scenarios as they popped into my brain
Aka not in order
Some are short and sweet; others are more fleshed out
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Cries (happy tears)
—Duh 🤠
Good thing the chocolates are in a box, otherwise they’d be soaked 🙃
Also refuses to eat them w/o you present
Insists you take the first bite of every bonbon 🥺😋
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VERY red 😡
—Apparently this is my go to hc for Obanai… he’s always red 😂
“Is this for me?” <— dangerously soft
Uhh- 😶 *cue awkward fiddling w/ the box of chocolates*
“Are you sure?” <— somehow even softer
“... yes?!”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t want them,” you accuse, more embarrassed than anything
Obanai’s eyes widen
He’s still ~mostly glaring
😓 “It’s fine! They’re my favorite anyway! I’ll just-”
A firm (sweaty) palm on your shoulder stops you mid-stalking-away
“I’d like to have them,” he declares
“W-wha-whaaat?” 😳
“Thank you,” murmured again, gentle fingers prying the box from your grip, “How about we sit beneath that tree… andyousharethemwithme?”
Best believe not a single second of eye contact occurs
#shy boi
Also What did he just say? 😃
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“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
You’re glad she’s so excited, but-? 😅
“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
—What I’d give to swap chocolates w/ Mitsuri 🥺💞
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“Sugar can lead to cavities.” 🧐
“You want me to get cavities?”
“No, I-”
“What if I get-”
“I’m kidding, darling!” 😃
😒😒😒 <— you rn
Shinobu leans in, pecking your cheek as she accepts your gift, “With you around, the harm’s already done.” 😉
… “Was that you flirting with me?”
“Yes, savor it.”
“Babe, that was so ba-”
“GOOD, [y/n], my flirting was so good.”
“Thank gosh that wasn’t your original approach.”
“You’re saying my flirting wouldn’t woo you, darling?” 😎
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 💀
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“Chocolate?!” 😁
You only wince a tad at Kyojuro’s booming excitement 😬
“For you.” ☺️
“For me !!!” 😁😁
If you take a step back to protect your poor ears, he doesn’t comment
“A token of my appreciation.”
“How thoughtful!” 😁😁😁 “You are most generous!” 😁😁😁😁
And then he notices your slow but sure retreat ☹️
“Are you okay?” voice immediately softening
your relieved sigh = barely stifled 🤫
“Oh,” he blinks, head tilting a fraction, “I was loud!”
“Ouch,” you nod in sheepish agreement
“I apologize! Please! Share your wonderful gift with me to make up for my carelessness!” 
“I was loud again.” 😅
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Sanemi sits cross legged on his engawa, unimpressed by your offering
“I hate chocolate.” 😐
“You’re full of shit.” 🙄
“Just like your chocolate.”
“My chocolate? It’s yours, Shinazugawa Sanemi,” hand on your hip as you huff, chocolates shaking in their box as you hold them out roughly toward him, “I got it for you.”
Raising an eyebrow, he pushes your hand, “I don’t want it.”
“Fuck. You.” ☹️
Scoffing, his eyes roll, “You know I hate chocolate.”
You pout, plopping down beside him, “Hate is a strong word.”
“Eat it yourself.”
“I don’t want to.”
“See! You hate chocolate too, so don’t try pawning it off to me.” 😒
Sanemi finally shifts to face you, mouth smug, knee bumping gentle against the crook of your hip, “Hm, my love?” 😌
Seething, you ignore his advance, “We are eating this chocolate together, and if it kills you, then so be it.”
“Ooh, so this is a we situation now?” he teases fondly, plucking the box from your lap
Crossing your arms, you look away, “You’re insufferable.”
“So insufferable that you bought me chocolate,” he smirks 😇
“Whatever, I’ll keep it,” you grumble, halfheartedly grabbing for the box
“No.” 😐
“We’re eating it together, and it certainly won’t kill me.” 🥰
—Bc lover!Sanemi = emotional whiplash central 💀🤍
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“What is this for?”
“For you,” you grin
“I figured that part out.” 🤓
Snorting, you tap Muichiro’s shoulder, flicking his chin when he glances down at your movement
“Hey,” he pouts slightly, cheeks tinged pink, “Seriously though: why?”
“Because I adore you.”
“Mhm.” ☺️
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” 😁
You poke his cheek, eyes rolling fondly, “We should eat them now.”
“We? But, they’re for me.”
“Muichiro,” you deadpan
“Just trust me.” 😇
His cheeks warming further, he allows you to tug him under the shade of the nearest tree, sweetness soft in his stomach before he’s had a single taste
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“You can put that over there,” Giyuu gestures to the nearest corner of the room, not bothering to greet you 
Disappointment curdles in your stomach, stare carefully neutral as you nod, “Okay.”
Your soft sigh as you move away from him does not go unnoticed
“Are you alright?” 😕
Swiveling sharply at the slight edge in his tone, you shake your head, frustration narrowing your eyes
“What’s on your mind?” he asks, gentle now as he approaches your agitated figure
“You’re so dense,” you manage to choke out, tears welling involuntarily
“I’m so…” Giyuu trails off, realization hitting him, “Oh shit.”
—Realization being the train that was just derailed #so punny #the punniest 🤡
“Yeah,” you exhale raggedly, tiny smile tugging at your mouth despite yourself, “Not even a Hello or a Thank you.”
“I’m sorry,” he mutters, lithe body curved protective and apologetic around you before you can even blink, “That was messed up of me.”
“I can leave and come in again, so you can practice,” you chuckle wetly, face buried in his haori, “You clueless man.”
Embrace tightening, he murmurs, “You’re too kind.”
Giggling faintly, you squeeze his hip, other hand still awkwardly clutching the box of chocolate, “I know.”
“Thank you for being patient with me.”
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“We better eat them before everyone returns.” 😈
Clucking your tongue at Tengen, you pull another, another, another, and another box of chocolates from your knapsack
“Oh.” 😔
“Tengen-sama, do you look crestfallen?”
“Well, I, hm, I thought we would-”
“Unlike someone, I’m not so selfish to suggest indulging in a pleasure without our wives,” smile unwavering even as you scold him, “Which is why I bought enough for everyone to enjoy their own.” 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫
“Okay, but! Size wise, I’m large.” 😃
“Which is why I bought you two.”
“You did?!” 😍
“No.” 😐
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m0uchie · 4 months
Fuck it bae, I don't care anymore.
May I request a Navia & Furina x Fem!reader? Kk, thanks. Love yah 😘
-🍀🍄 anon
𐙚 caught in the princess’ bed
⟡ how dare you… Furina leaves you alone for a second, just for you to try and fuck her friend? :0
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— pairing : navia & furina x fem!reader
— warnings : NSFW; not the original storyline?; Furina is a princess; unestablished relationship; cunnilingus; sex toy; threesome
— a/n : I'm sorry for the delay, I deleted what I wrote and did it all over again a few times, but it's here! I also got horny asf writing this?💀 I’m ovulating, sry
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“W-wait… mmfgh- ahh Navia- what if she comes back?” You ask, low moans escaping between each sentence.
She smiles and undoes the tie on your dress, pushing you lightly with one hand on your chest so that you fall back onto the bed and she can be on top.
Perhaps it was a bit too presumptuous of you to assume that just because lady Furina had left you alone with her visit and said that she might take longer than expected, she’d actually take a long time. I mean, she intended to fetch the leaves and brew the tea herself… so why was she standing now, in front of your her bed with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow looking at you?
You and Navia quickly separate. You imagine that if it were up to her, you would just continue on with the indecency in front of the princess, as she pouts in irritation when you close your legs together.
Now your dress was on the floor, covered only by your panties, and bra tossed to the side of the bed. The long gone beautiful hairstyle stood messy on your head, as well as the visible mess inside your panties. Damn, how could you be so careless?!
Your heart was racing with fear of the punishment, you could barely look at lady Furina as you mumbled your apologies.
“Firstly…” she scoffs, raising her voice. “Look at me when you address me.” You hear footsteps as she gets closer. “And secondly… how dare you give your body just like that to someone other than me?” She lifts your chin up between two fingers. “If you were feeling so needy, you just had to ask.”
Your eyes close so tightly that you feel tears forming. What would become of you?…
“haa—?!!” You jolt in surprise and blink your eyes open when you feel one of the princess' fingers pressing down on your clothed clit. “Does the feeling of fucking someone else in my bed while I’m not here turns you on? Did you want me to see you like this?” She begins circling your sensitive bud under her touch, making your eyes melt with pleasure and your head tilt slightly in hesitation. You’re not sure what’s going on.
Without stopping the ministrations, she turns back. A blank stare at the girl behind her, who couldn't say anything of the situation. She was fully dressed, just without the big hat so as not to get in the way. “You are so greedy… you did this despite knowing you are my servant.” She teases, even though her eyes are no longer on you.
“Will it be enough if you have both of us?” One of her fingers signals for Navia to come closer, holding her by the shoulders and guiding her hand to take off your panties, which Navia did without hesitation, her mouth already salivating at the sight of your wet pussy.
“Can I?" She makes sure, her arms already hugging your hips possessively as she looked at the lady with her puppy dog eyes until she replied “you may.”
And then, you feel your pussy being completely engulfed by her mouth, sucking out the essence that escaped and dripped onto the bed. "You are so sweet! Mmmh~” she would comment, her nose pressing against your clit deliciously, making you moan in ecstasy.
Lady Furina on the other hand, sat back in her chair, trying to enjoy the tea she brought, but failing miserably. Her thighs crossed over each other, squeezing together in a failed attempt to contain the excitement that was growing in her core. She knew she could do whatever she wanted, but what if word got out? Wouldn't that cause her any harm?
Your eyes searched for hers as Navia reveled in the taste of you, chest heaving up and down waiting for her to get up from her post and join you two.
“H-how about you take your clothes off and let me take care of you?” You suggest shyly, voice a little cracked and reluctant.
“Hmm…” she pounders, biting her lower lip.
Navia takes the opportunity to encourage her, separating from your slit with a loud pop and throwing her own clothes to the floor, “my lady, don’t be shy. It'll be our little secret, just the three of us. We’re not gonna tell anyone, promise.”
Furina uncrosses her legs and gets up, going to the end of the bed, “well… I guess… if you insist. I am quite curious, you see.” She climbs onto the mattress and crawls towards you, climbing over your body.
Your arms wrap around her back, pulling her down and gluing your bodies and mouths together with a kiss. From time to time, you rubbed yourself against any part of her body (you couldn’t even see which part was) like a bitch in heat. When you can't take it anymore, your agile and trembling hands remove all the fabric that covered her parts, exposing her nakedness.
“C’mon, let me have some fun too~” Navia gently pushes Furina forward, giving her space to position herself between your legs.
Furina's pussy is right ahead of your face, and you’re so thirsty! :( your hands grab her ass, and you feel the shiver that runs through Furina's body, but she doesn't have time to complain before you swallow the meal in front of you.
“Hnnnngh…!” Her body tenses up as you begin to suck on her pussy, her face turning red with pleasure. The sensation is new and exciting, something she never thought she’d experience. A sensation that only gets better the moment you feel something being inserted into your tight hole, moaning into her cunt when the small device starts vibrating in your canal.
Navia holds your legs open, amazed at how swollen your clit is right now, and intertwines her legs with yours, rubbing her own pussy against yours back and forth, spreading the sticky fluid all over your skin. You felt stimulated both above and below.
Furina would move your hair out of your forehead and pull on it clumsily, pushing your face back so she could see it. The way your makeup was all smudged, your eyes watering… she couldn't deny that this sight turned her on as she used your tongue to satisfy herself.
“Ahhh… yes, right there…” the princess moaned, choking you with her juices as you pushed your tongue deeper into her cunny. And you loved it. You loved how you felt used and handled by them just for relief. If you stopped for a moment to breathe, Furina would let out a long whine in displeasure and Navia would harshly open your mouth back with her fingers while she lifted your head, mouth ready to receive a warm pussy again. “Keep going, sweetheart,” she’d whisper.
And even if you finally came, squirting all over Navia’s pussy, they’d still use you a little more. Because it's not fair that only you get to finish!
You feel so overstimulated, body completely spent and sweaty, sensitive to the touch. Your jaw hurt from licking Furina so much, but you didn't stop until you heard her whimper, bucking her hips into your mouth and finally staying still for a few seconds while pressing your face against her hips to cum down your throat (and of course you swallowed it all!).
You already felt the need to breathe when she held you by the cheeks and separated you, her breathing was heavy and a line of a sticky white fluid connected your mouth to her pussy, running down your chin to your breasts.
Navia on the other hand, lasted a while longer before reaching climax, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as orgasm washed over her. She moved her hand down to circle her clit with two fingers for a little, until she stopped moving on top of you. And in the end, she still sucked your mixed essences from your pussy with the premise that “she was cleaning you up”, making you cum one last time before you two snuggled up with Furina next to you, too tired to do anything now and think about any possible consequences in the future (including the tea that got cold).
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respectthepetty · 4 months
What does this mean for Phee and Jin? Did Phee set out on a revenge plot but developed real feelings for Jin?
Anon, I've been obsessed with this show since the very first episode, and I have never been on the "Phi and Jin are end game" ship because I think that
Jin had to be the worst of them.
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I wrote that Phi was sus af in the very first episode, and one reason was because he didn't hear the noise that Jin heard.
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This happens again when Jin and Phi are running from the masked killer, and Jin is the only one to see a bloody Mr. Keng.
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Some people are defending Fluke's actions because he didn't actively do anything to harm Non, but he also knew about the broken camera and said nothing, so I think whatever Jin did was even worse. He couldn't just have known about the bad stuff happening to Non. He must have also intentionally turned a blind eye and LEFT Non, which is exactly what Phi subtly calls him out on in the first episode, and probably why Jin is leaving Thailand for good.
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Because I also mentioned that these boys have known each other longer than we were told in the first episode. The boys said Tan and Phi came AFTER Non disappeared, but I think Jin knew Phi way back in the tutoring days, but hadn't realized Phi knew Non since Jin said Mr. Keng's name like Phi knew who that was (because Phi probably went to tutoring too and that's how he "met" Jin).
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I think White is gonna be the final gay, and Tan is the second killer because one of them has to be Non's brother, no? But I think it's Tan because homie always got twenty million questions and White wasn't even supposed to be on this trip.
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Either way, Jin has never been on my "gonna live to the end" even though Jin is the main character,
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And he already wrote his end. All the boys are dying the way they forced Non to change the script, which is why Phi is following Non's script this time around. He is making sure these boys get what they asked for. Hell, even the driver was the first to die in the original film, and was the first to die in the present, and Fluke watched Non's fall into hell at the hands of Tee and Top, and now he is being tasked with watching his friends as they die.
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Once again, I think Jin was the worst because he acted as Non's protector and he started having feelings for Non,
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Yet Jin might have betrayed Non somehow since Phi dropped this line in the coffin.
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And Phi seems to have strung Jin along for a bit, which makes me believe that Phi is giving Jin a taste of his own medicine.
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Tan asked Phi if Phi and Jin were "better" and Phi said that Jin won't even look at his face, and I feel that is pivotal to this plot. Phi wants Jin to trust him . . . the same way Non trusted Jin?
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In the original film, Jin and Non were running away from the masked killer, and Jin left Non behind. It was just a film, but maybe, perhaps, possibly, Jin really left Non behind somewhere.
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Phi has been playing the long con with these boys, so this shit is hella personal. If Phi was with Non and wanted more with Non, yet was doing the devil's tango at one point with Jin, I truly feel that Phi is committed to having Jin care about him.
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Just so he can be the one to betray him.
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*applying clown makeup* Jin fucked up big time somehow, and Phi has been playing him the longest because he wants Jin to feel every bit of pain he caused Non.
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What did you do, Jin? What. Did. You. Do?
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matan4il · 2 months
Daily update post:
There's not a lot of details yet, because this happened less than an hour ago, but it's being reported that a terrorist shooting attack took place today, at least two people are said to have been wounded and taken to the hospital, and the terrorist has been neutralized.
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A little over a week ago, I wrote that Marwan Issa, Hamas' 3rd top leader in Gaza, might have been killed in an IDF strike, but there's no final confirmation yet. Since then, no one has been able to contact Issa, and the Israeli assessment is that his body is buried under the rubble. Now, there's been private conversations where Hamas has said the same thing, though officially they're still saying they don't know. Hamas has motivation to present Issa as alive, and thus Israel as having failed, but at the same time, if he actually hasn't been killed, just wounded in the strike, then Hamas has reason to want Israel to falsely believe he's dead. In other words, I wouldn't take Hamas' double position as confirming anything, and from what I know, that's the general thinking in Israel. If Marwan Issa is dead, one of the sides will get to his body sooner or later, and then we might know (if it's Israel, or if it's Hamas, but for whatever reason, they decide it serves them better to confirm his death). That said, it's kind of funny, how the US doesn't seem to get the complexity of Hamas' contradicting motives here, and takes their word as final confirmation that Issa is indeed dead. The concept of "terrorists lie if it benefits them, in this case they just seem currently unsure if it does" shouldn't be that hard to grasp. Like yes, we all are inclined to think Issa's dead, but there's a reason why no Israeli official has yet come out and publicly said it as a fact. This vid reports how Hamas both confirms and rejects the claim that Issa's dead, and the way it's subtitled with both positions says it all IMO:
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Also amusing is how the international press doesn't not the ranking within Hamas Gaza. Marwan Issa is NOT Hamas' #2 in Gaza, he's #3. I saw headlines saying Israel might have killed Hamas' second top senior in Gaza, which is Mohammed Deif, and was disappointed to learn that nope, the media is just confused. Quick reminder: Yahya sinwar is Hamas Gaza's leader and #1, Mohammed Deif is the military leader and #2, Marwan Issa is Deif's right hand man and #3, while international media is way too clueless on some very basic stuff regarding this conflict.
Here's the international press giving Issa a postmortem promotion:
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For comparison, here are those who correctly referred to him as Hamas' #3:
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The operation at the Shifa hospital, which I wrote about yesterday, continues. The number of terrorists killed there has risen to 50, and 180 suspects were arrested. Another soldier has been killed during this recent operation, 51 years old Sebastian Haion, after we already lost one during it. Just a small reminder, that if there had been only unarmed civilians at this hospital, there would have been no dead Israeli soldiers in this raid.
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This tweet was too long to fit in one screenshot, but here's the essence of it. The IDF's spokesman in Arabic has published on Twitter evidence that just like Hamas, Hezbollah along with fellow Lebanese terrorist organization Amal are also misusing medical ambulances and organizations for terrorist activities.
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I've written about a British Jewish director who, at the Oscars, hijacked the Holocaust to denounce hijacking the Holocaust for political positions he does not agree with, based on a false and ignorant narrative, which is harmful to Jews. I also mentioned that the biggest organization fighting against antisemitism, the ADL, as well as an organization of Holocaust survivors has come out to denounce this director. I've been seeing even more denouncements. Here's a short recap. I just wanna clarify, this isn't about him personally. This is a reminder that people like him don't get to erase the voices of the majority of Jews, while using his own Jewish identity to do so, without us speaking up, too. The sad thing is none of these voices will be heard as loudly or be as applauded as he was, for throwing most Jews (and Holocaust victims) under the bus, in favor of what's trendy to say these days.
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I'll start with another Jewish director, László Nemes, who had also won an Oscar for a Holocaust movie, Son of Saul (I have to admit, Holocaust movies will never be truly able to capture the full horror and brutality of the Nazi camps, but of all the ones I've seen, and I've watched way too many, Son of Saul comes closest, probably aided by the fact that it's based on testimonies of the survivors who had seen the worst of the worst with their own eyes). Nemes said: "[The] director should have stayed silent instead of revealing he has no understanding of history and the forces undoing civilisation, before or after the Holocaust. Had he embraced the responsibility that comes with a film like that, he would not have resorted to talking points disseminated by propaganda meant to eradicate, at the end, all Jewish presence from the Earth. It is especially troubling in an age where we are reaching pre-Holocaust levels of anti-Jewish hatred – this time, in a trendy, ‘progressive’ way."
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Another Jewish creator, Richard Trank, wrote a whole op-ed about how offensive he found the speech. Trank is a producer who won an Oscar for Holocaust documentary The Long Way Home (a movie that follows the struggle of the majority of survivors to get to Israel at the end of WWII, despite British opposition and Arab violence). Trank wrote, among other things: "Upon hearing [the speech], I thought about the assistant camera operator who has worked on three of my films, and whose 79-year-old father was kidnapped. This man had been spending his retirement years volunteering to drive Gazans needing medical care into Israel, care which Hamas could not provide for them despite billions in aid that has been sent to the area since the terrorist organization took control of it in 2006. I thought about the young people I have met in the last few weeks who survived the massacre at the Nova music festival. And then I reflected on this incredibly arrogant man who equated Israeli Jews to Nazis, and then left the Dolby Theatre with his statue when the awards show ended to party the night away."
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And then, it turned out that the man who denounced hijacking the Holocaust for political causes, had not only hijacked the Holocaust itself with his little stunt, he also hijacked the Holocaust movie he had directed, from fellow Jewish co-creators who disagree deeply with his speech. Among them is Danny Cohen, an executive producer of this Oscar winning Holocaust film, and the article about his objection mentions that another Jewish producer of the movie, Len Blavatnik, who was standing on stage during the speech and was specifically referred to as if he agreed with it, did not sign off on it. Cohen made his position clear: "My support for Israel is unwavering. The war and the continuation of the war is the responsibility of Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization, which continues to hold and abuse the hostages, and which doesn’t use its tunnels to protect the innocent civilians of Gaza, but uses it to hide themselves and allow Palestinians to die. I think the war is tragic and awful and the loss of civilian life is awful, but I blame Hamas for that. And any discussion of the war without saying that lacks the proper context that any discussion should have."
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Now, there's an open letter condemning the director's speech, with the signatures of over 450 Jewish Hollywood creators, from different fields in the film industry. The letter says: "We refute our Jewishness being hijacked for the purpose of drawing a moral equivalence between a Nazi regime that sought to exterminate a race of people, and an Israeli nation that seeks to avert its own extermination. Every civilian death in Gaza is tragic. Israel is not targeting civilians. It is targeting Hamas. The moment Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders, is the moment this heartbreaking war ends. This has been true since the Hamas attacks of October 7th. The use of words like “occupation” to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years, and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history. It gives credence to the modern blood libel that fuels a growing anti-Jewish hatred around the world, in the United States, and in Hollywood.  The current climate of growing antisemitism only underscores the need for the Jewish State of Israel, a place which will always take us in, as no state did during the Holocaust." Here's a link to the full letter, and list of signatories, which includes 4 rabbis. Please don't let all of these voices go unheard and lost.
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This is 19 years old Oz Daniel.
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I was listening to a TV interview with the family of Oz Daniel yesterday. For many months, he was thought to be kidnapped when wounded (they found traces of blood), but not dead. The main reason for the latter assumption, was that Hamas had uploaded on Oct 7 a video of him where Oz is seen being taken away while alive. I wrote about him in one of my daily update post when it was published that the army had enough to determine he had actually been murdered during the massacre, and it's his body that's being held hostage in Gaza. His parents mentioned yesterday, that as the IDF is fighting Hamas in Gaza, it also gets to a lot of their computers. And on one of them, they found the original, unedited footage of Oz being kidnapped. It shows the part they'd seen before, where he's being taken away still alive, but then it continues to show him fighting back, and the Hamas terrorists murder him. That means that they took the time to go over the footage before they uploaded it, and edit it in the cruelest way, to give Oz's family false hope. For months, the Daniel family waited for any sign of life from their child, without knowing there will never be one. It is heartless and abusive, it is torture to put people through the ordeal of thinking that they have a chance of seeing their son alive, knowing it's a deliberate lie. I don't know if I can think of any worse form of torment.
This is (on the left) 40 years old Shlomi Ziv, with his wife Miren.
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Shlomi finished his interior design studies a month before Hamas' massacre, and on occasion, he worked in security. On Oct 7, he worked at the Nova music festival as a guard, together with Aviv, who's Miren's cousin, and a friend of Slomi and Miren, Jack. Shlomi saw both of his friends murdered, while he himself was kidnapped. Miren shared that they had wanted kids, and tried fertility treatments, but after years of repeated attempts, she had to give up, and how rare and incredible it was, that Shlomi understood and accepted her decision, and stood by her. "We only have each other," she said, "we're each other's world. Please bring him back to me." In the last phone call that Shlomi had with her, he was running away from the terrorists, and could barely speak. Since then, Miren hasn't had any sign of life from her husband.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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alpaca-clouds · 4 months
How redeeming Gortash would improve Karlach's story
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I will admit, that the title is a bit overstated, because by the time you actually get to interact with Gortash, the plot just does not have enough time left to redeem him. Because other than what some folks in Hollywood think: No, giving a character one last minute "heel-face-turn" with one big symbolic act does not in fact redeem a character. Redemption is a process that takes time.
BG3 actually understands this, because Astarion's arc basically ends with: "You took the first steps towards redemption." Which is really good.
However: You could end the game at least in a way to set Gortash up for a possible redemption arc - and more importantly just... not have him die. Because actually that would improve Karlach's character arc.
I will get one thing out of the way first: The entire "Gortash redemption" idea is always contentious on the fact that he is a really bad guy. Like, he is bad. He brutally killed and tortured, he enslaved people, all of that.
I am an anarchist though. Hence, I do not really believe that punishment is in any way just. And to put it differently: Killing Gortash does not undo any of the harm he has caused. Not a single dead person will live through it, not a single tortured person will become untortured through it, and no slave is freed through it either (you kinda gotta say that as the player in a different mission).
And yes, I will say at this point that in general I was iffed by the fact that in many fights of the game I was not given a choice really. It was "either join the bad guys or kill them", and my "all charisma bard", who does not believe in killing for revenge, was like: "But... But..."
Like, my Tav was on board with killing Cazador (because literally in the situation it is "kill Cazador or have 7000 people die") and killing Ketheric (because he needed to die to end the curse), but he is already iffy on Orin (as she never had a choice but to be a killer) and definitely is not on board with killing Gortash (because there is no good reason to do it).
But let me talk about Karlach. Because the thing is... I have seen a lot of commentary on how Wyll is underwritten. And he is. But not as underwritten as Karlach. Like, her entire companion quest basically goes: "Kill some fake paladins, find Dammon, find two pieces of Infernal Iron, kill Gortash (which you have to do for plot reasons either way)". She doesn't really have a dungeon connected to her quest. Nor really an exclusive boss fight, because again: Gortash you kinda gotta fight for the story either way. Nothing really.
Every other character, too, also has to make one hard decision. Where they want one thing - but what is actually the good thing is something else. I wrote about this before, the "become what you hate" decision, basically.
Karlach doesn't. Sure, you could argue that the "die or go back to Avernus" decision is her big decision. But it feels very different than the decisions of the others.
Which brings me to Gortash and saving him.
Here is the thing: Logically speaking Gortash should probably be able to fix Karlach's engine. He understands infernal engines, as he built the Steel Watch around them. You can easily argue that yeah, he should be able to fix Karlach. And that... would actually make for a great decision for Karlach's story.
If I would get to fix Karlach's companion quest, I would probably do it like this: Put in some sort of dungeon where Dammon sends you in the hope that you can find some plans there, that might give him an understanding on how to fix the engine. Heck, if you do not wanna do a whole new dungeon, you could also just put some plans or whatever into the Steel Foundry.
The point is that it will then turn out that, yeah, even with those plans for some reason Gortash is the only one who could fix it. Putting Karlach into the spot to make this decision: Does she value her life more than her revenge on Gortash?
Because here is the thing: Gortash is supposed to be 1) the intelligent one of the dead three chosen, and 2) also clearly is the one who acts first and foremost in some sense for his own self-preservation. Which made me go like: "Nah, this does not make sense," when he decides to fight against me after his Steel Watch was disabled and I already killed the other two chosen.
So, yeah... You should get at least a chance to persuade him to just give up - or, going back to what I was talking about before - to save Karlach.
And again, I actually think that even for the Gortash part of the story it would make for more interesting storytelling. Killing him is not really that interesting.
Especially as, once again, killing him does not undo any of the harm he has caused. But given that he is this big egghead he could actually do something good if he got to live. And yeah, also there is the fact that... You know... Given what we know about his backstory, his actions are about as understandable as those of some of the companions.
Some of you might already know, I have written some fics dealing with the way how I would imagine something like this to go. Mainly Hurt begets Hurt (which is basically my Tav convincing Gortash to give up), An Impossible Future (Karlach inner turmoil after her engine is fixed) and Cheesy Noodles (Gortash being a big meany towards Tav, who is unphased by this).
I am right now writing a story featuring Astarion dealing with a very, very depressed Gortash.
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inkskinned · 2 years
hey it's nanowrimo. i have tips bc i've done it about 34 times.
Don't edit. Ever. Stop it. If you just decide to start a new project half thru this one with all new characters, no problem. pick up and keep writing as if you'd already written the first half of that.
"but i spelled it wrong" whatever. "but the grammar" whatever. make it exist first. no time for sense. think like you're working on a typewriter. no backspace. only forward go.
Don't re-read further than a paragraph or two backwards. "did i mention the gun before?" listen - it doesn't matter. if you need there to be a gun there, the gun is there. put it back in once you finish the book.
"i forgot the specifics of X thing i already wrote" whatever. change it, make a note/comment to figure it out later, and just write what makes sense for the moment. "no raquel it's legit the characters name and origin" idc that character is now reborn as Claudius from Elsewhere. it's fine.
only you see your mistakes. nobody else knows. one of the ways writing and dance overlap - only you know the choreography. nobody else will know if you miss a step, so just keep dancing and pretend you meant to do it like that.
it's an illusion that you need to write linearly - from point A to point B to point C. Nah; that's just timeline propaganda. I've written a LOT of books out of order and just reordered them once i've finished. if you have a scene you'd LOVE to write but can't get there yet because of plot, just fuckin write the scene. I've always found its easier to establish "point F" "point J" and "Point A" and then wiggle my way between those scenes.
write what you WANT to write. 230 pages of smut? of well-researched discussion on bread? whatever. the point is to strengthen muscles however you can.
if you miss a day, a week, whatever. not the end of the world. we all have dry days. also time is a myth so u can do this challenge whenever u want.
as soon as you try to write for a specific audience, you kill your voice. you are writing for yourself. stop thinking about how people will take ur book. it don't matter. what matter is u, enjoying writing. i luv u.
play to your strengths. i have characters talk so much because i don't know how to write a plot if it kills me but i'm really good at dialogue so.
i love a flight of fancy. write a poem in there. shift tactics and write in code. keep it fun for yourself.
see what happens if you shift something major about ur main characters - gender, wealth, superpowers. or if you change point-of-view. or if you kill everyone in a big explosion. do NOT edit anything before this or after it. often these little weird one-off exercises teach me what interests me about what i'm working on. it is never what i thought. plus it is a fun way to add like 1k words.
it's for fun and for practice. stop doing that project if it's giving you anxiety. once my nano was literally 50k words of half-started stories. just things i tried and tried and tried and wasn't able to flesh out. oops. but i am now 50k words of a better writer.
add dragons?
read books/listen to books on tape/etc. people often make the mistake of "buckling down" to just write. you need inspiration. you need to like. fill up on words. you need to remember how it feels to lose yourself in a story.
i don't have the time or space to really talk about this in this post but a lot of creative people turn to drugs/alcohol because it can help you be more creative. this is harmful, and walking a blade that only cuts deep. if you notice you and your loved ones are turning more to substances, please know i love you and i hope you are able to get help soon. i feel like this almost never gets mentioned because it's kind of a hazy underbelly to art. you are always more important than the work.
on that note. drink your fukin. water.
don't talk about a story until you've finished it. once you tell the story, it exists already, and isn't about discovery. i usually have a very canned "haha we'll see" response.
grapes :) tasty snack.
i love you be free.
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