#but we got tiiiiiime
tonguetyd · 5 months
Including the 3 of Swords *AND* the rune patch!!! WHICH with those two in particular means the designer had to specifically leave room for them??? So they were worked into the design special?
And idk that’s just got me feeling some kinda way
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dbphantom · 11 months
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sorry for being a sinner but i subscribe to the 'egghead is sabaody 2' theory (<- just wants angst)
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bludgeoningbutch · 1 year
Full intention to hurt some feelings but i feel more comfortable hanging out with a homophobe of colour than a white queer
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angrelysimpping · 7 months
vrel answered in the blog that whitney wouldn't abandon PC if they got PC pregnant/got pregnant by them and would take parenting really well, even suprisingly good at it 🥹 i'm--- 🥹🥹🥹
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Eheheheheehehe Whitney good parent tiiiiiime
Does this mean house spouse Whitney could real? 👉👈 or can we b a house spouse for them when they become a neurosurgeon? I believe in them and their neurosurgeon dreams and I'll pack them cutsie lunches please
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Grim 3
Summary: What did you think when you saw the stars for the first time, Grim?
(Lore tiiiiiime for Eldritch Prefect.)
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You’ve been wandering outside the dorm more lately. When night falls and the moon is one big round ball in the sky, Grim would wake up to the front door closing downstairs. The first few times, he didn’t bother getting up. It wasn’t his problem where you go and what you’re up to, and the bed was too comfy for him to ignore.
But the wind was cold and carried with it many sounds he didn’t want to hear. It wasn’t the ghosts, they’d laugh at him no matter how many times he’d yell at them to stop. They say there’s nothing here but he knows they’re liars.
When you got up again and heard you opening your closet, Grim grunted and kicked the blanket off of him.
You didn’t say anything and neither did he when he floated over and rubbed his eyes. You simply got a smaller sweater and put it over his head. The both of you went out without a sound.
He’s not a coward. It’s only natural to keep an eye on you when you’re doing mysterious things again. Besides, you could be eating a feast without him. And if that’s true, he will set the whole dorm on fire!
But you didn’t go anywhere close to campus. Instead, you did a sharp turn and walked towards the forest. All the trees were close together, covered in leaved unlike the tree back at the dorm. Grim can’t see any light. The closer he got, the more suffocating it seemed. Like a monster was hiding in there.
“Can you close your eyes for a moment, Grim?” He jumped and dropped his sweater. He scrambled to pick it up.
When you laughed, he got angry, fur bristling. “Huh?! Why should I? So you can ditch me and sneak all the food for yourself?!”
“Food?” You turned to him, hands dusting off his sweater before adjusting it back properly over his ears. “I’m not getting anything food related. Well, unless you count a beautiful sight to be food for the eyes. Then yes, I am getting a feast.”
That’s it? You’re just going sight-seeing? Then why did he bother getting up in the first place then?! Ah, but it’s too late to go to bed. Grim’s too awake and he knows he’s not going to get any sleep like this.
Grim crossed his arms and shut his eyes tightly. “Well if you’re not eating something delicious, then fine! Like this?”
You patted his head. “Perfect. Hold still.”
There was a prickle in the air. A release, as though pressure in a pipe was finally allowed to flow out. An easy sigh, a relaxed hand. Hand. Many, many hands cradled Grim, never clinging, gently holding. He tensed. How could he not?
But he didn’t run, not even with the winds screamed about the ravine he below him.
Then all went silent.
There was pop in his ears. And the ocean’s waves greeted him.
Grim opened his eyes, but you were not watching him. You looking above. Far, far above, as though searching for something that simply wasn’t there. The sky was perfectly clear, dotted with millions of stars.
“H-how did we get to—”
“Dreams are paintings upon a black canvas. The shadows that cradle them are my walkway.” You didn’t even let him finish! What is it with you and riddles? “What did you think when you saw the stars for the first time, Grim?” And you have the gaul to ask him anything when you didn’t answer his question.
“You’re so rude,” But Grim knows when you don’t want to answer. He’s not dumb. And so Grim joins you in looking up. “Hmm…When I first saw the stars, I thought ‘What do they taste like?’”
You coughed into your hand, clearly trying to stuff a laugh down. Grim growled but that’s all he did.
“Of course you did.” You went and sat on a nearby rock, leaning against it. “As for me, I thought ‘When will they stop looking at me? When will they go away?’”
But an empty sky would be boring, wouldn’t it? But he won’t say anything. Your head is stuck somewhere else, remembering something.
“Hey Grim?” You called just as Grim laid on his back. “Did you know the sailors here use the stars to find their way in the ocean?”
“Really? There’s a lot of stars though.” Grim snuggled his coat.
“I didn’t understand it either. But looking at it right now, I figured out why.”
“The stars here aren’t alive. They only move one way, with no goal, no hunger. Predictable. It’s a quiet sky. I love it.”
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unsleepingtales · 18 days
Finale part one!!! This feels like it has flown by, I can’t believe we’re coming to the end of fhjy <3
I am home, I am cozy, let’s do this!
We’ve got a deaths of minors warning throughout idk if they’re sparing the ratgrinders guys 😅
Your humble dungeon master Everybody!
Oh god all the election stuff ages so poorly the minute it’s said
Is he actually letting them potentially keep her
Oh my god is k2 coming back
Fig misses Gilear 😭
Gorgug x Unit
Oh my GOD
We have started here. I’m gonna start crying.
Yeesh that’s a lot
Yayyy short rest in the tiny hut
I do a little dance :D
Ice feast real and confirmed <3 please tell me what it does
They’re all back up to full! Yay!
Sorry you Wear The Vultures Like Epaulets???
They can’t not smile at that
Fight me in the sky!!
Behold the ice feast guvna!!
I’ve never looked weirder
Rat worldddd
When’s the campaign in rat world
Zac is in rare form tonight
Officer Kristen is in fact canon. The fact that Kristen is still carrying those handcuffs on her is. Interesting.
Congratulations to everyone who called Squeem coming back for the finale
‘Why are you so yoked?’ ‘I’m a wizard’
Oh did you guys forget that you did that. Because you did.
God that set is cool
Magical ambush baby!!
Love Murph immediately doing the math for Emily
Holy shit Fabian Jesus Christ
(Unhinged cackling)
Oooh I love that they can go under the floorboards
Horrifying. Horrifying!
I love the d20 art department so much but I gotta be honest some of the choices have not been it for me personally lately. The rain animation last episode and all the blinking red lights in this set are really distracting and I keep losing my train of thought.
The fact that they keep specifying that the ice was unseasoned
Oh my god
Murph’s rage about them grinding is fantastic
So glad that real teenagers get some rep in Mary Ann. Everybody in high school is going through it all the time and very few people wear a full face of makeup to school every day
I’m loving the camera angles on the minis as they rp these confrontations
Holy Shit Siobhan that spell is incredible
He has four concentrations going at once???
Goddamn that set is so fucking sick
Oh god
Remember when we thought they might spare them.
He didn’t even get a TURN
This is unrelated to anything but I love being home for this. I’ve traveled more in the past five months while this has been airing than I ever really have before and I’ve enjoyed watching fhjy from everywhere I’ve been but it really is very lovely and comfortable to be able to be home and exist in my own space while watching the show. I’m glad I’m home for the finales <3
Goddamn that’s great
Fight me in the lava
Oh that’s such a bad energy
Fuck bodies count as objects
Fuck Gorgug keeps going down end it’s stressing me out so much
The set is SO cool
Oh godddddd
This is so brutal oh my god
It would be so nice if my afterlife was just being a sound tech. I miss doing sound tech I’d be fine with that being my afterlife.
OOOOOH oh god okay
Hey what’s going on with those outfits guys
How is Brennan keeping a straight face when they all look like that
Ally with the ONE elf ear
And the bubble wand????
Well. Next week looks fun.
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tehkatie · 9 months
Only Friends Ep4 Live Blog:
2 years ago we’re starting off strong!!
A bestie being your emergency contact is not a bad thing.
Ray is breaking my heart. I’m already teary eyed wow.
You know what now I can understand Mew more when it comes to their friendship. I will elaborate later.
I feel so bad for Ray, I feel so bad for Mew
I can not take this omfg. I’m literally sobbing.
That’s why he’s so attached, why he hates being alone. Oooooh I cant.
Omg and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ray misconstrued that.
Awww Cheum.
Me and Cheum are the same person I will say.
He’s not a heavyweight like he’s just not.
Mew is a good friend. We just caught him at a fed up stage.
Why they got me over here shipping Ray and Mew a lil????????
Oh so Mew REALLY knows.
I can see why Boston would film it but why would he keep it for so long?
He said what about your boyfriend??
The poor boy shirt being the designated drunk shirt.
Gosh now I really see why Mew is so into the idea of Ray and Sand.
I think he’s lovely too Mew
Lying liar that lies.
Why would you say that Ray?!
Mew has a entered my top 5 officially.
He said think about what you’ve done.
I will say that first 13 minutes has poked holes in so many of my theories.
Nah you watched Top and Boston fuck.
Nick would know.
I love this friendship.
Now you know.
Top is at the top of my shit list. Like get off my screen HARLOT!! Like not you calling him your boyfriend knowing what you’ve done!! Come outside we not gone jump you!!!
Not Ray walking up like heeeeeey.
I am glad that Ray listened to Mew I will say.
Ray got his tea.
I get it Sand I truly do.
You can play the guitar but please don’t start sing.
Ooooh I love that he asked and didn’t just buy it.
Sand I am not on your side with this one. Like not at all.
It’s the communication for me. Wow.
Sand is gone.
Periodt Sand me too.
I need Boston to stop like wtf are you doing????
I really hate him.
Top is gathering him.
I would not piss off Boston to that degree though because I don’t think he has any reservations about being the one that tells Mew himself. They are barely actual friends in my opinion. Like at least at this point.
Poor Nick.
I just said poor Nick and this man gone start going through Boston’s phone. Like baby stop.
Oh he didn’t catch him. Trailers can be deceiving.
OH INTERESTING!!! Boston’s dad must be one of those ‘I don’t care if you’re gay just don’t broadcast it’ types. Interesting very interesting.
Stop playing with his emotions omfg.
Why is he torturing himself?
Wtf Nick?!
Legit asked him to do the one thing he’s been trying to do.
Shocked pikachu
This is what the fight is about? It’s not funny but I’m cackling. We really played ourselves. P’jojo and them laughing at us hard.
I can not believe how much I played myself. Wow omfg.
C’mon roommate besties!!! I love them.
God Ray is such a good apologist. That’s my favorite thing about him.
You would give him more.
Mew being honest makes my anger with Top so much worse. LIKE YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO HIM AND HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
This episode is a lot.
I’m just here mad as hell.
Move on Ray. Honey it’s time.
Listening to music with someone can be so personal.
Sand is gone I say again.
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wentzsmatchacup · 1 year
guys it’s time for my semi-periodic lovebombing for Fake Out. ITS SO GOOD. THAT SONG IS COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS. THAT SONG IS ME. Ykw, I think I might have to rethink my SMFS faves- cos I originally ranked What a Time To Be Alive and Heaven, Iowa as my favorites, but now it’s between Hold Me Like a Grudge, Fake Out, What a Time To Be Alive, and Flu Game tbh- anyways-
also the line “Do you laugh about me whenever I leave? Or do I just need more therapy?” HITS ME RIGHT IN THE DICK EVERY TIME OUCHIE PETER WTF
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dizzyrobinsims · 1 year
Theories and predictions TIIIIIIME-
Note that I have not checked theories so the below may be common ones the fandom would go “Awwww cute, yeah we’ve theorized that for a decade”, but I’m putting it here for laughs and to see how many hold up on further scrutiny or by the finale.
1: Sanji and his brothers have Lunarian DNA edited in by their father, since the timeline lines up for when Judge was part of MADS and King was a test subject. Also see the Seraph, so we know Dr. Vegapunk and his crew had access.
2: There is gonna be some big ass reveal with Zoro and his ability to cheat death. The fact that the reaper was looming over him is important, and he got a sword his is named after the god/ruler of hell. Oda is building some THEMES here. Plus, he got the sword Wado because of Kuina’s death, which is interesting.
3: Weevil isn’t Whitebeard’s son by the usual means, dude’s a clone.
4: Pudding has been kidnapped by Blackbeard to try and awaken her third eye to read the Poneglyphs. Also sidenote but how the heck will Shanks, Kid and Law translate the glyphs? WHAT MEANS DO THEY HAVE. THEY SEEM PRETTY CONFIDENT. ...Tho tbh Kid and Law are probably just trying to gather the glyphs before they tackle that, so Shanks is the main one I’m side-eying here. (Maybe Oden taught him how to read the poneglyphs???)
5: Blackbeard is gonna lose because the sea. Like his whole ass crew are devil fruit users. That fucking idiot. Also have we have only seen him use Haki sparingly, and seems overly dependent on the fruit. So that will be interesting. Also adjacent theory- Blackbeard as a individual is at least partly gonna lose because of Zoro or Sanji or a combo of the two. 
6: Blackbeard isn’t gonna be the final battle for Luffy. I’m not sure who the final battle will be- I’m leaning towards Shanks or Im-sama, but neither of those feel truly *right* right now so IDK. I could absolutely be wrong since Blackbeard’s goal may be the same as Rocks, which was to rule the world (and symbolically Luffy opposes that because yanno. Freedom.), but Im-sama is the current ruler and system, whereas Shanks would be a symbolic final passing of the torch for the younger generation to have truly surpassed their elders.
7: Hawkeye, Im-sama and the freakin’ Elephant are all connected somehow because of their eyes DON’T ASK ME HOW. (...oooh wait does that mean Hawkeye is ancient? Huh. That... would be interesting if Zoro takes on the mantle of death/king of hell and wins against Hawkeye, finally bringing death to an immortal.)
8: Law is not going to win against Blackbeard, but he’s gonna escape with Pudding. Also her eye will get awakened which will help solve his Poneglyph reading problem. This may also bring in Katakuri again, YES.
9: Kuma may have also been a Lunarian.
10: Speaking of Lunarians, since they were the previous gods, my grand theory: There used to be a bad oppressive system during the void century, Joyboy and others attempted and successfully overthrew it, but in the fallout the government/celestial dragon factions that took over and came out on top simply put in another bad system with themselves in power instead. However there are some holes, such as why the government wanted to completely erase that history instead of spinning it as they are the true heroes and yadda yadda.
It could also be Wano is a shorter period of what ended up happening during the void century, just with the end result being worse aka what if a Kaido figure won with the Orochi types overthrown and the Kozuki types suppressed and scattered.
Alright that’s it for tonight yeet.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
★ Joker for Savvy. Bestie Time.
★ Send a star for character opinions!
Bestie tiiiiiime! They're a matching set wherever they are.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family (only in those timelines they end up marrying siblings but they still count) // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you (for insurance purposes - i heard laperle has great dental) // I’m worried about you (i read your diary and BABE. we gotta talk) // You confuse me (how do YOU ever feel INFERIOR binch pls) // You’re annoying (but so am i let's be annoying together) // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money (girl you don't need it you live in an estate) // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you (on behalf of someone else shhhhh) // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean (Lemme slack off. WEH.) // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me (but i will never admit this) // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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alltheprettyplaces · 10 months
yeah it’s fiiiiiine where ya goin sunshiiiine we got tiiiiiime sit back and I’ll drive you tooooo
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paininkorporatedph · 2 years
10 Years Ago. Our band's EP and Music Video Launch
5 o'clock. 
Just got home from a meet-up with a friend who made the stickers for our E.P. and music video launch.. happening in about an hour or two. This is a first, a big leap for the band. Since I joined FINALVOW in 2007, almost everything changed. The line-up, the inspirations, the music.
There really is nothing new with how we compose music. Carl still (and will always be) writes the structure and the foundations of the song (he has a unique gift of creating a melody in a snap!), the rest of us is the salt and pepper, or the Andrew Zimmern or Anthony Bourdain who adds the flavor, the uniqueness, the oddities if you may call it. Mix it all up and whoala! The re-birth, regeneration of FINALVOW. And it all sums up to this, the E.P. and the music video.
7 o'clock
People were now standing outside Freedom Bar, in Anonas, Quezon City. Waiting for the gates to open. CD's, band shirts and stickers were set up at the selling area for people to buy and brag around. We had the honor to come in early, we had to, it's our night! :P
Looked at the stage, damn! All cocked up and loaded, ready to do massive aural and visual circus the line-up of bands would certainly deliver. I checked the amps. As promised, our brother Bone Pagligaran from Modular Display Inc. delivered a monster. Not one, but two Kustom HM100 Hybrid amps! Backed up by the Kustom Deep End DE300HD head and cab for Snowwman's bassworks, i'm pretty sure this will be one helluva night!
Got my guitar, plugged the cord and turned the volume a quarter to the right. Turned the knobs to my specs, dist pedal off,  i struck a chord.. Instant eargasm! The response was so sweet it made me wanna play funk all night. Then came to try out how this monster would growl with my dirt pedal...
The combination of the Kustom HV100 and my sig ZABFX Omega pedal turned out to be a match made in heaven. Chugged out a couple of riffs and i know, i'm on the right track. My sound turned out to be what i always wanted. A savage amp plus a pedal which can carry on with the biggest oomph I want yet still be mellow and sparkly but gives the mid range output the guitar has without the muddy lows the low B-string usually gives off when being played (I play a 7-string Ibanez RG7321).
After our soundcheck, I went backstage to see the man, Josh Dimaano behind the gears that would record the audio for the event. Plugged onto his laptop were Presonus ACP88 then mixed on to a PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2 that made sure everyone and every little note played that night would be heard and captured.
It's tiiiiiime!!
The first band to play was called The Hanging Experience. Students who hail from the Asia Pacific College gave the audience a glimpse of the night to come with their own songs of funk-rock insipired chops and grooves.
Black Manika came next with their trademark experimental sound. The ethereal sound B-gee creates with his guitar complements the industo-electronica vibe delivered by the bands' rhythm section. While the man Danes' shrieks and vocal works give chills down the spine of everyone in the room. This band really made the smokin' night burn more!
After two bands, we had to give out some prizes from our friends at Von Dutch Originals, Conquer Outdoor Equipment, and Mortal Outdoor Clothing.
Performing after the break was heavy rockers Inner Volume. Now this is a band I haven't played with and seen for a while. Their passion and attitude towards their music never changed since then. Yeah, they were my high school friends (older, hehe) and really one of the first local bands that made me go out and shed more wood. They gave out a performance that always gives the audience something to linger on feeling. They effin' rock!
Ska-punk rockers Jeepney Joyride came up and gave the already fired-up audience more boost. Their set of all-originals gave justice to their name. Never will your gig adventures be dull with these boys around. So electrifying that even Lady Gaga would go and run for her money. And I promise you'll be singing "Midnight Special"'s chorus every single time (I should know, it's singing in my head right now). :)
Then came the pinoy progfathers, Eternal Now. Their all instrumental set still super phenomenal even with the absence of their vocalist Jelo Bangcal. Meisters Chad, Pepe, Loubert and Marco's set sent shockwaves through the entire venue with the message: "This is prog. We're here to stay!" They kicked off with the Overture and then vignettes from their songs Path of Mirrors Pt. 2 and Betrayer's Tongue. Watching them live would really bring magic and make you proud to be Pinoy! It really was very nice sharing the stage again with one of my heroes, and mentor, sir Chad Robles and his band Eternal Now.
Prog on sirs! \m/
The program was going quite well and after Eternal Now's set came another raffle. Shirts and stuffs were given away courtesy of our friends and sponsors. :)
Bone Pagligaran came next to give the audience his brand of music and offer them his voice that continue to make me think why people with real talent go unnoticed and less-supported. Hearing Bone live for the first time honestly made my GAS attacks go away. His setup was simple, uber simple. Guitar plugged in to a  Kustom HV100 and that's it. But his tone.. I must say, too good man. Too damn good. Then come with the tone are his songs that will sink deep in your heart and soul. A must check guys! Truly, proudly filipino!
It is on!!!!
We came up after Bone's set. And while setting up, I feel belittled as well as very honored to be playing with such great bands. This is it! We started our set as planned with our soundcheck-yet-to-be-arranged-for-a-full-instrumental song "Beautiful Mind" followed by the tracks from our first E.P. that were re-arranged to give way for our individual influences and styles to come out. After 3 songs, we played a track from the current EP called Revelation. The EP will be developed into a concept album that, time permits be finished by November and launched by Demcember. After Revelation, the lights went out. The projector was turned on and it was time for the premiere of the music video for our song, Gravity. Everyone was silent, eagerly waiting for the start.
People cheered as the video played. Seeing familiar faces being projected on the wall, portraying a character in the film. As the audience were busy watching, i took the time to wipe the sweat dripping from my forehead down my eyes. Which gave me a hard time seeing what notes to play. Riki and his team, the Bongga Boys, did really well with the video and as soon as the  showing was done, Julius gave us the cue to perform Gravity live and the show went on. Last on our setlist was a new song called Rotting Flesh, also included in the cd. It was a tune new to everyone and we were very pleased that the response was great. We were about to cap the night when they asked for another song. We obliged and played another one of our "regenerated" song called Hate. This song was the heaviest we had before we came up with our new songs included in the EP so I think it was just perfect to end the night with it.
Battle Scars and a Million Paintings Launched.
We planned the event to start early as to make time for people and bands to mingle and be familiar with.  A photobooth was set up for all to go cam whoring and take home a piece of FINALVOW's history. Drinks were given even after the show ended courtesy of Antonov Vodka Ice and GSM Blue. Globe sim cards were also given away as a thank you to all our friends, families and supporters who was and still are here no matter what.
Everything went well for the night. And were hoping to see you guys come December 24, yeah, after the date the Mayans told us it will all be over, to be with us and celebrate yet another milestone in FINALVOW's career. To our friends who lent their resources and support for this event, you guys are truly amazing!! See you soon!!
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high-and-away · 3 years
Tumblr has been refusing to let me post today for some godforsaken fucking reason. It’s probably for the best. I probably would have just been shouting angrily about Eurovision.
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gold-pavilion · 2 years
hi!!! i’m a huge fan of your analysis posts and it really really offers me more insight into such a complex piece of media like bsd. i was wondering if i could hear your thoughts on dazai and chuuya’s relationship? there’s so much to it that i can never really wrap my head around it- especially with the new info that stormbringer has given us. i was also wondering how you might compare dazai’s relationship with chuuya vs his relationship with oda. obviously they’re very different but they’re both people that he was drawn to bc of their “humanity,” and people who knew him very well. thank you!:)
HELLO thank you so much for reading my stuff!!! And so sorry to have taken so long to get to this question. I haven’t yet had the chance to read Stormbringer (obsessed with the mainline manga here, but I take my sweet-ass tiiiiiime with the light novels, it’s just not a type of literature I consume on the regular) and I just know I’ll still be a while.
But dangit, we can sure talk about Dazai’s relationship with Chuuya (+contrast to Odasaku)! So let’s do that, while I get to the new novel lmao.
There’s certainly a lot to that iteration of soukoku, and the concept of “humanity” is closely involved. It seems to be Chuuya’s humanity that fascinated (and annoyed) Dazai from the start, after all, and it’s a factor that continuously determines things in their relationship.
In general, they’ve got their shared themes through which they can view each other, the search for a home and a sense of meaning that ailed them both at first (not for long in Chuuya’s case, but persistently, seemingly forever on, in Dazai’s). They’ve got their complimentary natures and skills that made them work well as a pair. They’ve got Dazai’s dumb possessiveness over Chuuya and Chuuya’s silent attachment to Dazai. Normally this would/should warrant them getting along some more - it’s a fact that they do care for each other a whole lot too - yet then they’ve got not only their contrasting personalities, but also the deeply-rooted oppositions in their moral alignment and level of humanity, and that’s where things get tense and screwy, I think. Humanity is a large part of the mess.
It’s just that thing, where Dazai is the one going to the side of good and Chuuya the one staying on the side of bad, but still, Dazai is the one without limits while Chuuya is all about his own principles. I mentioned it before on this reply to an ask about them, but the way both act (Chuuya having an inclination to care and empathy even though he’s a destructive force, Dazai not having natural empathy or principles when he should) is a motive for frustration towards one another. It already was in the past and it’s all the more post-Dazai’s leave.
So, in that sense, even though Dazai might feel some type of longing, curiosity, admiration or whoknowswhat for that side of Chuuya (his emotions aren’t something we know much about, so it’s anyone’s guess; all I can tell you is that he sees it, because he pokes at it), it’s not something he’s willing to touch upon more closely. You’re very right to say it seems to draw him in. Still, Chuuya doesn’t seem to be someone he wants to take that from, be it for the factors of frustration I said above, or cause it’d be more vulnerability than he wants to have around his partner/”dog”. If any growth or learning is done there, it’s only in the way two stubborn rocks can erode each other if they’re rubbing together long enough.
But he is willing to take it from Oda lmao. He’s not cagey, taunting and an overall dick about the humanity he sees/admires in Oda, that’s the main difference. There’s no frustration or denial there.
Oda, like Chuuya, has emotions Dazai lacks: natural empathy, care, an inclination to kindness. But these are accompanied with a wish to go to the side of good and to cut back on evil actions. It’s an example Dazai can look at and see less contradiction in, something more digestible and understandable that can be taken after as guidance. Indeed, it seems humanity draws Dazai to people, but where Chuuya’s case gets confusing, complex and frustrating, Oda’s is one he can look at with just curiosity and a positive opinion, ultimately as a push for his own change of career.
That’s the thing, as far as I think! Dazai’s a moral mess with an admiring eye for what he lacks. And I may be harsh on pointing out his shortcomings in that sense, but he’s learning, from repetition and reasoning out and imitation, and he’s influenced in one way or another by mere exposition too. Can a moral sense be grown? Let’s see you get it, Dazai.
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"We made it through, Love"
It has been 4 months since she last woke up next to Ray or gone to sleep in his arms. 4 long months. In a way she got used to sleeping alone, even though she knew he joined her in bed every night. His side of the bed was always neatly made when she opened her eyes, but his warmth was long gone.
So it came as a shock to her one morning, when she was met with Ray's face inches away from hers. It has been 4 months since she could take her time and study his face. He was gorgeous. But this last job also matured him - his frown deepened, his worry lines got more prominent and she could see little sprouts of gray in his beard. His smile lines stayed the same though...she needed to rectify that.
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She lightly touched his face, poking at the wrinkles and smiling to herself. He seemed so much more relaxed and even though he was under so much stress, he looked peaceful. She could stare at him the whole day like this - completely at peace, his chest slowly rising and falling.
As soon as he felt something graze his face his muscle memory activated and he grabbed at the thing and his eyes snapped open. Even without the glasses, his vision blurry, he could recognize her shape anywhere. He relaxed and rubbed a few slow circles on her wrist.
"Good morning." he groaned as he stretched.
"Morning." she smiled. She expected him to get up, but he stayed in the bed, staring at her.
"We finished yesterday." Ray's face stretched into a smile. She searched his eyes, as if to get a confirmation that it is what she thought it was.
"We made it through, Love. I'm all yours now." he cupped her face.
She let out a yell of happiness and launched herself in his arms.
"Why didn't you call? I would've come home immediately and we could've celebrated." she wondered. She was out with friends and came home later than expected, finding Ray already in bed, sleeping.
"I had to clean something up before and besides...I wanted you to have a good time with your friends because you won't be seeing them for some time now. I'm not letting you go anytime soon, Love." Ray smirked and rolled them over, so he was on top of her.
"Well Mr. Smith, let's see what you've got."
Ray tiiiiiime 😍💙 A sequel to this story 😊 (my first two part story! 🙌😊)
Thank you for reading 😊💙 The GIF belongs to the talented creator 🙏😊💙
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Mmmmmhmhmhmhmhm its SOLAS BEING EXPOSED FOR BEING AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR TIIIIIIME >:D The chapter this week is a bit short; I've got a HUGE art project I'm doing for DA Day, so a lot of my free time is being put into that, and Christmas paintings that I'll be doing for the upcoming holiday. But it does feature some art, sooo... forgive me? :3
Thank you for the tags, my beloveds, @emerald-amidst-gold​ & @the-dreadful-canine​! Kisses on both of thine foreheads~
We should consider ourselves lucky that one of Leliana’s ravens intercepted this letter before it got out. Please be sure to discipline whichever of your men was responsible, however you see fit.
Seeker Pentaghast
Aaaand I’ll leave it at that! For the rest of the gossip, check out the chapter HERE on Ao3! <3
Tagging, with no pressure of course!, @oxygenforthewicked @varric-tethras-editor @pikapeppa @blueheaded @dungeons-and-dragon-age @layalu @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @gh0stlywriting @dreadfutures @fiadhaisteach @ashalle-art @kantrips @rosella-writes @whataboutbugs @shift-shaping @noire-pandora @palepinkycat @debgall @malewifezevran @1000generations @drag-on-age @dumbassentity @siennamain @dalish-spectre @raflesia65 @katalyna-rose @thevikingwoman​ @kumaronoa​ @midorimaddie @sassyseeker​ @best-of-the-vein​ @musetta3​ @rivainisomniari​ @in-arlathan 
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