#but twilights cutie mark map
detective-ws · 4 months
just had the thought that what if jokers plans for like who goes whwre was like the mlp equestria girls map
he sees tbe map thing, and then he sees their arcana, or whatever its, called circling the spot that they should go
ye sim tired, its late, and i slept for 2 hrs last night lol, gnight
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sandbees · 11 months
Yuu But They're Twilight Sparkle
I don't know why I haven't written about this yet...Well, no time like the present!
So, in the prolouge, Yuu is in front of the mirror, stating their name and the Magic Mirror states that while they have magic, their magic/soul doesn’t fit any dorms at all.
STILL, their magic is very different from Twisted Wonderland, and that alone proves that they aren’t from this world.
I imagine Twilight! Yuu being something like fanon works, they look like a human, just with pony ears, a tail, wings, and a unicorn horn.
People mistake Yuu for a beast man sometimes, though they don’t mind. (It’s the perfect cover up)
Yuu is just starting at Crowley months after all the overblots and is like: …how bad is this school that seven overblots happen in the span of a year
Lilia and Yuu share tips on dying their hair. Look at Lilia and Twilight and TELL me that they don’t look similar.
Yuu endorses working together and friendship, while the culture of NRC doesn’t.
“Looks like we’ll have to teach friendship lessons! I guess the magic map transported me here to help them.”
I assume cutie marks on humans are like a tattoo somewhere on their body. Idk where there just is.
:000 beating Overblots with the power of friendship rainbows of death-
Honestly, even with the new magic system and other knowledge, Yuu would be able to ace anything and everything easily. I think they’d be excited to go to the library and just read all the books in there.
The library is like their second home when Ramshackle gets too much-
They’re super excited to just help around and make peace between people, and then adds a little bit of friendship to the mix.
Ace: So like, why are you so all about “the Magic of Friendship” or whatever?
Twilight! Yuu: It’s the source of the most powerful magic in my world. Besides, my friends are the most important people to me.
Deuce: That’s sweet. What do you guys do back in Equestria?
Twilight! Yuu: Eh, solve friendship problems among people, with the occasional supervillain like the embodiment of chaos.
Deuce: HUH?
TWILIGHT! YUU WOULD MANAGE TO GET GRIM TO SEND LETTERS VIA FLAMES. THEY CAN’T REPLICATE IT BECAUSE ONLY MONSTERS CAN USE IT (not saying their spike is a monster but,,,differences in world? Also canonically Spike is the only dragon that can do this)
Twilight! Yuu gets really obsessive with friendship that they end up forcing it down people’s throats.
It started off as concern because Yuu just watches fights happen over small things, and they get the full brunt of it too, especially when Grim causes trouble :/
We get a whole day of this and eventually Yuu learns to tone the teachings down after overblotting tbh
Personally, I think Twilight! Yuu would hate that most - if not everyone - around them acts selfishly.
I think Yuu would spend more time with the studious students like Riddle or Trey, just because they’re more of a serious kinds of gang.
:000 Yuu just casually lifting multiple things at once, much to the shock of everyone, especially with the accuracy they have. (I assume levitation magic is a bit difficult, much less with multiple things at once, as seen within the Prologue. Deuce might’ve been able to lift Ace up, but the accuracy was terrible)
I have more to say but I’ll save that for another post-
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mythartist21 · 2 years
✨Opaline Theory✨
Here's my theory/prediction of who is Opaline
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( 1/5 ) I believe she used to be a student of Twilight because Opaline has no cutiemark and doesn't know what to do in life. She dreams of becoming the next Princess of Equestria like Twilight. Twilight accepts her after hearing her goals and helps her to get a cutiemark. Another reason why she chose as her personal student because Twilight noticed Opaline's magic is very unique compared to the other students she had.
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( 2/5 )Things were going very well for Opaline, she learned a lot and made some friends along the way. She became one of the top 50 students of the School of Friendships but she never got a cutiemark which was weird because after a big achievement like that. This upset her but she’ll never get up that easily. Her dream became more of an obsession and has an idea of ruling, is by social-like class, meaning a creature with weak magic goes to the low class while the powerful creature goes to the top. Twilight was concerned for Opaline, not her dream of ruling Equestira, her not having a cutiemark yet. Twilight talks with Opaline that she doesn’t need to reach for the stars to achieve everything and how it is best for her to be a teacher, counselor or an advisor. Opaline did not take this well and misunderstand that Twilight is saying that Opaline is not ready be a princess and never will, which shattered her 
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( 3/5 ) Opaline self esteem went low and so pissed what Twilight said “Advisor? me!? Why doesn't Twilight see that I have great potential as a princess, she even says so herself!?” Opaline’s friends try to help her out but said they agree what Twilight and  Opaline lashes out on a her who is an earth pony and Opaline said that she a unicorn is better any creature which kinda lend to the discrimination of species. This eventually led to Opaline being expelled. Ending up living in the Everfree forest and plotting revenge. After the incident, things started to go downhill for Twilight and her school. Hate between species and less students come to classes. Luster Dawn became Twilight student after Opaline left, Twilight knew that Opaline will return, so she made the Unity Crystals just in case if anything happens to the magic between creatures or from Opaline. Luster Dawn became the Princess of Guidance and kinda gives a boost to her kingdom, but not for long...
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( 4/5 ) Opaline that using other creatures magic mostly dragon fire makes her power and encourage the discrimination of Equestria for her plan to overthrow Twilight and her achievements
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( 5/5 )During Luster’s carnation of becoming the next princess of Equestria, Opaline returns and steals Luster wings by using Tirek spell and dragon fire which gives Opaline a cutie mark and being the most powerful alicorn. A great battle happens, Twilight using all of her strength and magic to stop Opaline. Twilight multiple spells she made an invisible-bubble spell, taking all magic into the Unity Crystals  and a continental drift which is why the gen 5 map looks completely different from generation 4. Which results in Twilight losing half her powers which she looks different from the message from Make your Mark and losing Equestria hoping if she did the right choice protecting Equestria from Opaline  
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Thanks for reading!
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waffticmisc · 1 month
My OC's but it's MLP
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So we have :
Attex : His cutie mark is a compass because my man loves geography , but it's also a pencil because my man loves to draw maps. He is everything I'm not. Billy : This green man had to become a green pony. I may have forced a little too much on the green. The cutie mark is a microphone because he loves cooking. Joking , he sings and also play music. But the microphone looked cooler than the guitar. (I was too lazy to draw a guitar actually) Elana : So basically a blue Twilight sparkle- I mean , she does look like Twilight but she is a pro-gamer , and not really into books. Her cutie mark is just a basic controller. Micky : They were very fun to draw , the cutie mark is a adjustable wrench , with a paw pad on it. That's because they love creating robot , especially animal-like ones. Trevance : His little cutesie-cutie mark is a sword. That's because he is into protecting people , and saving the world (even if he should probably take a step back ). And he is pretty good at that. (defending people , not saving the world all by himself. )
I may do other ponies later ! (And not only earth ponies. I just hm kind off forgot about pegasis and unicorns while drawing-)
You can find the real version of the characters here : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/wafftic
It's at the beginning of the blog !
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ask-the-kitty-crew · 17 days
(I have some random questions for our poni RP-
Will we do "Magical Mystery Cure" and/or "Princess Twilight Sparkle"?
Who will take Starlight's place in "The Cutie Map" and "The Cutie Re-Mark"? (Dharkon??)
If we ever get to "Sounds Of Silence", how will we make it work if the RP sort of takes place after the whole events in the show? Are we gonna redo the whole thing?
Speaking of redo, I know at some point we'll do another version of "The Royal Problem" but are we doing remakes of "The Return Of Harmony", "A Hearth's Warming Tail", "The Mean Six", etc. since we already did RPs relating to those episodes already? 🤔
Is "The Last Problem" still going to be a thing?)
(Sorry if this is a lot- Just let me know cuz I don't wanna forget stuff ;w;)
- Wolf (@minusgangtime's mod)
Oh boy-
1. While I haven’t thought of exactly how “princess twilight sparkle” will work yet,we are still doing magical mystery cure. It revolves the gang’s biological kids getting thier marks swapped cause of scarlet and she goes to fix it. The only true difference being that scarlet dosent ascend to alicorn status in this senario I imagine “celestias ballad” would be GF telling scarlet how proud she is of her.
2. Yep darkon,just a darkon copy of starlight glimmer.
3.i thought about that and the answer,I’d imagine MB and pico would run into a different tribe of kiren,ones who came to the same solution as the ones we all know.
4. While I do plan on doing the pony version of return of harmony,with a few differences,and possibly a hearts warming tail with shade cause I love that episode too damn much- I don’t plan on doing another mean six,cause honestly,I think we got it down perfectly the first time,and I really don’t wanna see the gang split apart cause if a misunderstanding.
5. Kinda,the only thing I’d say I’d take from the episode is the song,and when it ends,the gang will finally be sent home.
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realmofthefirebird · 7 months
The non mlp fan from before, I managed to already watch the movie, and I would def appreciate a must watch list, but I realised how deep the prohibitedwish brain rot goes when my brain compared tempest and capper as you can probably guess who lol. It's wasn't really my style, but it was entertaining enough that I'll give the show a shot (:
You are SO right Tempest and Scarab are like long lost twins. Or maybe alter egos?
Okay, uh, warning! Insanity below the cut.
I split the list into two parts: absolute essentials and nonessential episodes that I strongly recommend. They are fairly long! But that's mostly because MLP is kind of a long show. Feel free to skip around all you want, this is mostly just to get you started. The word "essential" is being used very liberally here lol.
Most of these episodes are two-parters, and that's because most of the important events and lore take place in these special episodes.
Friendship is Magic Parts 1 and 2 (S1E1-2)
You absolutely cannot skip the first two episodes of the series. Not only do you learn how the Mane 6 meet, but you are also introduced to one of the best characters in the series (Luna). If you watch no other episodes, at least watch these two.
The Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2 (S2E1-2)
DISCORD I'M HOWLING AT THE MOON! This is Discord's first appearance and is an extremely important set of episodes lore-wise.
A Canterlot Wedding Parts 1 and 2 (S2E25-26)
These episodes are absolutely iconic in the best way possible. Not only do they have one of the best MLP songs ever concocted, but we are also introduced to one of the best and most important major villains, Queen Chrysalis.
The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2 (S3E1-2)
Crystal Empire lore. Here we are first introduced to King Sombra (a canonical bicon!) who is a major villain.
Magical Mystery Cure (S3E13)
Arguably the turning point of the entire series. Things start to get a little crazier from here on. I won't spoil it.
Princess Twilight Parts 1 and 2 (S4E1-2)
Don't really have much to say about these episodes (its been years since I've seen them) but I remember them being important.
Twilight's Kingdom Parts 1 and 2 (S4E25-26)
There's some cool lore stuff here, but honestly Tirek is probably MLP's least interesting villain. That's just my opinion, though, some people may disagree. Definitely still recommend giving these eps a watch tho.
The Cutie Map Parts 1 and 2 (S5E1-2)
These episodes are really just amazing. Hands down. The premise is great and, love her or hate her, Starlight Glimmer's debut is fantastic. She's in my top 5 for a reason.
The Cutie Re-Mark Parts 1 and 2 (S5E25-26)
Who doesn't love a good time-travel shenanigans episode? Not only that, but we get to see some swanky butterfly-effect style alternate universes. All around a great set of episodes, even if they did give Starlight a goofy ass backstory.
The Crystalling Parts 1 and 2 (S6E1-2)
I'm only including this in the list because its a special two-part episode, but you could probably honestly skip it, unless you've become invested in Starlight as a character (bc there's important Starlight character development ig). Lore-wise, this special is a little weak and kinda boring.
To Where and Back Again Parts 1 and 2 (S6E25-26)
A special about Starlight Glimmer and ALSO about changelings! Two of my favorite things! Sign me up! Genuinely, tho, this special is one of the best and you HAVE to watch it if you're at all interested in changeling lore.
Shadow Play Parts 1 and 2 (S7E25-26)
These episodes are really interesting. Very heavy with lore, too. You wouldn't expect this kind of premise in a show like My Little Pony, that's all I'll say.
School Daze Parts 1 and 2 (S8E1-2)
Beginning of the MLP school era. I actually really enjoy the school episodes, but some people are mixed on it.
The Mean 6 (S8E13)
I had to include this episode because its just so damn iconic.
The Sounds of Silence (S8E23)
I also had to include this one. It is absolutely inconsequential lore-wise, but this is the only kirin episode and genuinely probably one of the best episodes in the series.
School Raze Parts 1 and 2 (S8E25-26)
I actually love Cozy Glow, she's ridiculous.
The Beginning of the End Parts 1 and 2 (S9E1-2)
We're on the final season now, things are starting to get serious. Something is brewing in the background. also Sombra is back (yay!)
The Ending of the End Parts 1 and 2 (S9E24-25)
The finale.
The Last Problem (S9E26)
The last episode and technically the epilogue. We get to see a peek into the future of the Mane 6.
Whew, that was a lot. Now on to the important, but nonessential episodes. I chose these ones because they are either culturally significant to the MLP fandom or because I just like them a lot. This list is entirely subjective, though, so keep that in mind. I'll be more brief with this one (I think if I tried to summarize each one of these i'd go insane). I did highlight some of my favorites, tho :)
Boast Busters (S1E6)
Dragonshy (S1E7)
Bridle Gossip (S1E9)
Call of the Cutie (S1E12)
Suited for Success (S1E14)
Feeling Pinkie Keen (S1E15)
Luna Eclipsed (S2E4)
Secret of My Excess (S2E10)
The Last Roundup (S2E14)
It's About Time (S2E20)
Dragon Quest (S2E21)
Magic Duel (S3E5)
Keep Calm and Flutter On (S3E10)
Castle-Mania (S4E3)
Power Ponies (S4E6)
Bats! (S4E7)
Pinkie Apple Pie (S4E9)
Pinkie's Pride (S4E12)
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies (S4E16)
Maud Pie (S4E18)
Make New Friends but Keep Discord (S5E7)
Slice of Life (S5E9)
Amending Fences (S5E12)
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? (S5E13)
Rarity Investigates! (S5E16)
Hearthbreakers (S5E21)
What About Discord? (S5E22)
Gauntlet of fire (S6E5)
No Second Prances (S6E6)
Flutter Brutter (S6E12)
The Times They are a Changeling (S6E17)
All Bottled Up (S7E2)
Parental Glideance (S7E7)
A Royal Problem (S7E10)
Not Asking for Trouble (S7E11)
Discordant Harmony (S7E12)
The Perfect Pear (S7E13)
Triple Threat (S7E15)
To Change a Changeling (S7E17)
It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (S7E19)
A Health of Information (S7E20)
Once Upon a Zeppelin (S7E22)
Fake It Til You Make It (S8E4)
Grannies Gone Wild (S8E5)
Surf and/or Turf (S8E6)
Horse Play (S8E7)
The Parent Map (S8E8)
Molt Down (S8E11)
Yakity-Sax (S8E18)
On the Road to Friendship (S8E19)
What Lies Beneath (S8E22)
She's All Yak (S9E7)
Frenemies (S9E8)
The Last Crusade (S9E12)
Between Dark and Dawn (S9E13)
A Trivial Problem (S9E16)
A Horse Shoe In (S9E20)
Growing Up is Hard to Do (S9E22)
Anyways, I hope this helps you at least kind of get an idea of where you'd wanna start. I really, sincerely do hope you enjoy the show! Its a bit different from the movie, so maybe you'll like it more. Thank you for asking for this, btw! I've been looking for an excuse to make a list like this for a while. Lmk if you ever have any questions or anything, thank you sm!!
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greeneyeslander · 3 months
The intro to season five is one of my favorites, and not because it introduces Starlight.
I feel like it is a great way to introduce the shift in the show, because honestly seasons 1-4 are kind of their own arch, with Twilight learning how to friendship, becoming a princess, and then learning what that will mean for her. Tirek and losing the library is a great way to conclude that chapter, because she goes from magic (studies) being more important than friendship, to friendship being more important than magic.
At the start of season five we have a whole new setting, the characters practically reintroduce themselves in the first scene, and we have the whole setup for the next arch of the show. Sure, you could simply say it's just the map and Starlight being introduced, but I think it's so important to this arch that they don't win. Sure, they get their cutie marks back and Starlight flees, but they don't defeat her, and the ponies in starlight's village get their cutie marks back for them.
None of them actually want to go on that mission and are just doing it to make Twilight feel better to begin with. A lot of the characters are slowly starting to come off as more resentful towards their roles, and I do think that's an important little detail to put in that first episode.
I could go way more into everything, but I will spare you from an even longer post. I am sick and tired rn.
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Without looking back, Keira continued along, a distraught look on her face as she tried to figure out where she went wrong.
Discord: Keira, wait! We can't just leave now! We've come so far already!
Keira: What's the point though? We can't go any further...
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Moon Dancer: We wouldn't be here for no reason though! I know Discord's magic can be unpredictable, but if even he didn't know where we are now, that has to mean something!
Timber: Moon Dancer's got a point. From what I know, he knows exactly where he's warping all the time! And for him to not know this, that's got to be a good sign!
Keira: He's probably just trying to make me feel better...
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Heartistry: Then what about the cutie marks? That normally ever happens around the Cutie Map at Twilight's. I know Discord can do a lot of things, but I don't think he could've done what we saw just there!
At this point, Keira fell silent and looked back at the temple for a moment. It was true they all had a point to what was happening, but were they truly trying to help her or just making her feel better about what she felt was a complete failure?
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jubileebloom · 1 year
Twilight Sparkle cutie mark headcanons
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1st iteration: received upon hatching Spike's egg
2nd iteration: extra spokes added upon the completion of Starswirl's unfinished spell
3rd iteration: 5 spoke colors changed upon unlocking the chest from the Tree of Harmony
4th iteration: 6th small star added upon the defeat of the Sirens in the human realm (not noticeable until in her pony form again)
5th iteration: final spoke changes color upon the restoration of the original timeline and the cutie map eliminating Starlight Glimmer's time spell
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
now im curious. what are your favorite and least favorite g4 episodes, and in a similar vein, your favorite and least favorite g4 characters
i won’t elaborate on all of them because it’s just like. way too much lol there’s so many episodes in characters but LET’S GO
favorite characters: TWILIEEE, I like all of the mane 6 but she’s my girlie, the royal sisters, trixie, maud, sunset, starlight as a villain (she should’ve stayed a bad guy she’s so FUN! a villain who’s power is her words)
least favorite: neighsay, star swirl (the pillars are all just boring as hell honestly), the wonderbolts (seriously? why do they all suck?), “reformed” starlight, maud’s Sheldon cooper boring boyfriend, daring do (i don’t care for the implications of her character), discord (sort of? in canon, because i adore him conceptually and also occasionally. he’s so fun when he’s not awful
not a strong attachment but yona is also really cute, i just think her design is ridiculously adorable and also love her va’s delivery. very funny
For episodes, there’s quite a few but I’ll try and limit myself per season! There’s are ones that I just find the most comfort and enjoyment out of, I like other episodes but these are what really stand out.
Favorite episodes:
season one: ticket master, look before you sleep, winter wrap up, suited for success (a fantastic episode that really made mlp stand out!), and best night ever
season two: return of harmony & canterlot wedding, lesson zero, hearth’s warming eve, hurricane fluttershy,
season three: sleepless in ponyville, wonderbolt academy, magical mystery cure
season four: pinkie pride, it ain’t easy being breezies (ty for a fluttershy episode that breaks away from the usual plot), maud pie, twilight’s kingdom
season five: the cutie map (yay villain starlight!), castle sweet castle, make new friends but keep discord, canterlot boutique, crusaders of the lost mark
season six: a hearth’s warming tale (minus the shaky introduction, the songs are soooo so good), the times they are a changeling, to where and back again (I know I complain about the treatment of Chryssie and those ugly Changeling designs but it’s a solid shakeup from the status quo and sells me more on Starlight as a character)
season seven: parental glideance, discordant harmony, perfect pear, it isn’t the mane thing about you
season eight: horse play, sounds of silence (i just like the kirin’s designs lol)
season nine: she’s all yak, between dark and dawn, the last problem
Least favorite episodes vary between i don’t like this for personal reasons and I don’t like this for obvious reasons:
season one: bridle gossip, over a barrel,
season two: a friend in deed, putting your hood down, dragon quest,
season three: none i really hate? more neutral or positive feeling tbh
season four: three’s a crowd, trade ya
season five: slice of life (it’s just a bit too much, even for a guilty pleasure episode), party pooped, amending fences, brotherhood social, what about discord,
season six: newbie dash (this one is just plain mean), spice up your life (so bad it’s good. rarity is wildly out of character, the main antagonist is a straw man, and so on. kind of in a disbelief at how much this episode doesn’t work lol), stranger than fanfic and honestly every daring do episode, every little thing she does (not selling me on that redemption pony show!)
season seven: flurry of emotions, hard to say anything and really any fucking sugar belle/Big Mac episode, a royal problem (IT SHOULDVE BEEN TWIIILLGFIITHTHR FOAMING AT THE MOUTH THEY TOOK HER FUCKJNG EOISODE), fame and misfortune (“we’re REAL ponies” says the purple horse written by grown adults), once upon a zeppelin (far too mean of an episode for me), shadow play (for the crime of being boring)
season eight: school daze and school raze, fake it til you make it, the break up break down (hate these types of plots), a matter of principals, a rockhoof and a hard place,
season nine: a trivial pursuit, dragon dropped, a horse shoe-in, the ending of the end
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gen1-hc · 1 year
Love Melody
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Job: Advice forum author
Element: Kindness
Location: Manehattan & Ponyville
Love Melody grew up in the city. Her father is a reporter and her mother is a photographer. Together they're paparazzi for celebrities and princesses. Love always felt like the city was full of greed, selfish, and mean attitudes. From a young age she did her best to combat this by being as kind as she could.
As an adult she formed an advice forum in the paper under the name "Secret Song". She gave advice and attended community events.
She suddenly started having problems where she was too kind, and her advice was causing problems where the solution was to set boundaries and to be assertive.
One day, as she sat at her desk all frustrated, she sees a yellow light in the sky. She opened her window to get a better look and gets hit by a flying beam. Her cutie mark explodes its design all over her body. She panics and shuts herself in her room, not releasing any forums. Her regular readers and parents worry.
Fluttershy arrives in Manehatten, anxious and lost, wearing her dulled element necklace. She tries to find her quest from the map, but ends up hiding in a small cafe. There, she overhears a couple talking about the missing advice writer. She rushes over and asks for details before getting shy for her outburst. The couple point her in the direction of a reporter that might have more information - Love Melody's father.
He gladly tells her about Love shutting herself away, and they go together to Love's small apartment. Love finally lets them in and shows Fluttershy her strange cutie mark. Fluttershy tries to use her element again, and the cutie mark glows but the crystal necklace remains dull.
After many failed attempts, including trying to wash the cutie mark off, Love talks about the problems she's been having. Fluttershy gets excited - because even though her element wasn't working she knew a bit about kindness and being assertive when it counts. She helps Love write some forums and teaches her what she knows. After successfully publishing the forums, the element necklace glows and Fluttershy's cutie mark blinks.
Fluttershy happily explains to Love that Twilight told her to bring her back to Ponyville. Love agrees, packs up, and leaves with her. Along the way, Fluttershy explains that the elements weren't working but the map sent all the Mane 6 to different places at the same time. Twilight had told them to bring the ponies or creatures that they helped back to ponyville to try to figure out why this happened.
Upon arriving to the Crystal Tree Castle, they find that everyone else had already arrived. All the Mane 6 and the Twice As Fancy Ponies were gathered by the table.
They meet each other, have their meeting, and conclude that the elements wanted these ponies in Ponyville to help the Mane 6 - who have been very busy with the school, their personal duties, and element quests. The Fancy Ponies decide to settle in ponyville, start new jobs and work part time as substitutes for the 6 at the school.
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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It’s about time.
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It’s a Map Episode and not only is it Starlight’s first time being called upon by the Map but also the first time it’s a solo mission (but not the last). Twilight is obviously nervous because not only is this the first time a single pony is called upon the Map, it’s also because the Problem is at Canterlot. And the worst case scenario is that it is the two sisters that are having an issue. If not solved, we may see the return of Nightmare Moon or worse.
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And Starlight finds out it is the Princesses that are the Friendship Problem. The two are accidentally hurting the other’s feelings because they don’t notice the kindness the other does. So after figuring out the problem, Starlight confronts the two to settle it. Sadly, because sisters are sisters they begin to argue. After all, they think the other has an easier job than they do. So they don’t understand how important their acts of kindness really are. So Starlight decides that they should try the other’s role…
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By switching their Cutie Mark. Between Starlight stealing the marks and this, it seems Cutie Marks are the source of the Magics for ponies. Because not only are their mark’s switched but their magics are as well. So Opaline calling herself a Fire Alicorn in Generation 5 stems from this fact. So with their marks and roles switched, Luna takes the Dayshift and performs all of Celestia’s duties. And man, there are a lot of them.
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Hours upon hours Celestia has to make appearances, judges, photo-opts and if one little slip up happens an entire Class will lose the chance to go on a Field Trip. And when you make a mistake, you can’t go back to fix it. So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the backstreets? And by the time it is over, Luna is exhausted. Celestia thinks she wins since all she has to do is enter dreams and stop nightmares. How hard is that?
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Extremely hard. For starters, Celestia is alone in this endeavor. She has no one to bounce off of. So she enters Starlight Glimmer, who is having a nightmare. Because Starlight thinks she screwed up, she is dreaming of the worst case scenario. And what’s worse than the return of Nightmare Moon? The Return of Nightmare Moon alongside the Celestia Version of that idea. IDW gave us a taste of Evil Celestia. The Card Game gave us Nightmare Star. And now it’s the TV Show’s turn…
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Say hello to Daybreaker: the Nightmare Version of Celestia Starlight thought of. And since this is Starlight’s dreams, this may be her own old thoughts being transferred to Daybreaker. Listen to some specific quotes:
”Deep inside, you know how powerful you are.” 
“You don't need anypony! You can do whatever you want. And all you have to do is get rid of anypony who stands in your way!” 
“Who needs balance when you can have it all?!” 
These are definitely things Evil Starlight probably thought at one point.
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Celestia can’t handle things, so she goes to Luna’s dream to get her. And man, this is definitely nightmare fuel. Luckily Celestia saved her but Luna can’t help. She’s powerless in the Dream Realm because this is Starlight’s dream and only Celestia has Dream Powers. No Luna using her dream self since this isn’t a shared dream. Only Starlight and Celestia can make changes and Starlight is on the verge of breaking down.
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With Luna’s pep talk, Celestia overcomes the Nightmare and Free’s Starlight Glimmer. It also took all night to do it, so by the time it’s done the Night Shift is over. Luna and Celestia forgave the other and they got their Cutie Marks back. And Starlight Glimmer’s mission is done. This excites Twilight since she has been spying on Starlight via magical possession of a music box. It ends with Luna telling Celestia about fixing some problems she made and Celestia is now going to experience working 24 hours in a row.
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Overall, this was a long overdue episode so we could get to know the Princesses beyond their solo outings. And it’ll lead to the Season 9 episode “Between Dark and Dawn” where they’re the starring roles with more interactions with each other. Still, a great episode to see. Click here to see the original review and how it (doesn’t) fit in GLAB canon.
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mlpxoctonauts · 2 years
When two worlds collide
Chapter one
Princess Twilight Sparkle was reading a book about different kinds of worlds she was fascinated by this book it was for one she hadn’t read before as she read the book, she noticed a spell “oh!” Twilight got up with the book in hoof walked to the table of the cutie mark maps.
She place it down and read the spell again. She step back she closed her eyes her mind was blank as she recite the
Spell, she was almost done with it her horn glowing bright a poral to another world growing than a sound of screaming and
Running came the door to the throne room opened Spike came running in he seems to have a big spider on his face he was
Running around screaming Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash followed after him trying to help he get rid of it Fluttershy and
Applejack followed after them. Fluttershy trying to stop Rainbow dash from killing the spider and Applejack just watched the
Chaos her hoof in her face Twilight was trying to concentrate on the spell, but Spike ran into her. Twilight eyes opened and
The spell falter just a bit she hit the ground than the everyone watch as the spell grew in sizes Rarity came in the room she
Had fainted earlier when she saw the spider and now woken up, she came into see what was going on. Than a bright light
Came and the spell had explosion…
When Twilight and her friend woke up, they were meet with six animals a polar bear, penguin, a cat, dog, a sea otter, and it
Looks like a green bunny? If she looked closer, she saw there were sixteen creatures that looked like… vegetables?
The animals started to wake up and Twilight realized she a bit of oopsie.
Twilight was panicking she didn’t know what to do she just accidentally brought in creatures from another world! What was
She going to do “umm excuse me…” twilight jumped at the voice she turned to face the polar bear he looked confused
“Could you explained where we are?” he asked with a calm voice Twilight was surprise by this “how are you not freaking out!?”
Twilight exclaimed the polar bear was taken aback but was still calm “well what’s the point in freaking out? In these situations, we need to remain calm.”
Twilight was about to say something when she felt some pony pick her up
“HI!” Pinkie pie said showing her excitement “my name is pinkie pie! The pony I am holding is princess twilight sparkle!” she place twilight down and disappeared the polar bear looked around the room confused to where pinkie pie went off to
“This pony over here is rarity!” she said popping out behind a white pony with a horn “over here is rainbow dash and applejack!”
She appeared behind the two ponies she mention wrapping her arms around them rainbow dash and applejack didn’t show much reaction to this she disappeared again “and this pony!” as pinkie pie said picking the yellow pony with wings up she Squeak in fear “this is Fluttershy!”
“Um hi…” Fluttershy said waving her hoof at the new comers the polar bear waved back amused by pinkie pie excitement kind of reminded him of someone he know
“Well the name is captain barnacles!” Said the polar bear who twilight knows now as a captain.
He held out his hand pinkie pie popped right in front of him taking his hand into her hoof shaking it fast “ohhh I never meet a captain before!”
She let go of his hand he cleared his throat “and this is my crew other there is peso, dashi, tweak, shellington and kwazii. And these little creatures over there are the vegimals.”
The vegimals waved at them “it’s nice to meet you all!” Pinkie pie clapped her hoofs together “we should have a party!”
“NO!” Twilight exclaimed
Everybody turned to look at twilight pinkie pie furrowed her brow in confusion “but why twilight!?”
“I took these animals from their home!” twilight said in a panic “I need to return them back! They’re family will get worried about them!”
Twilight exclaimed looking around “what are you looking for twilight?”
Pinkie pie asked, “the book I use to bring them into our world!”
“Ohhh…” there was a silent before pinkie spoke again “that went ka-boom.”
“What…” twilight said looking at pinkie pie in disbelief
“It want ka-boom like ‘boom’! All of the pages turned into bright lights!” than she held up the book that twilight quickly took she opened all of the pages were gone twilight went into full panic mode…
“So let me get this straight you did a spell in this book.” Princess Celestia said holding the empty book that was in her hoof’s twilight nodded her head
“Which cause animals from a different world to come into our world…?” Luna said twilight nodded again.
“And the pages in his book just disappeared.” Princess Celestia finished “yes how many time to I have to nod my head!?”
Twilight covered her mouth “sorry princess Celestia princess Luna I am just so stress-”
“Twilight…” princess Celestia said getting up from her seat to walk over to twilight and place her hoof on her shoulder twilight looked up at her former mentor “ we will help you find these pages to this book and send the animals back home.” Princess celestia said with a soft smile.
Twilight eyes sparkled “really!?”
Celestia nodded “of course twilight. Now…” Celestia moved her hoof from twilight shoulder “show us these animals.”
Captain barnacles was a skeptical bear he didn’t believe in much like kwazii stories, but this was something he couldn’t
Believe he was in another world that is so different from his own for one there are talking multicolored horses!
He had a hard time wrapping his head around it. The more he tried to make sense of this the more his head hurts.
“I wonder where twilight went off to?” Rarity said captain barnacles looked up “maybe to see princess Celestia and Luna?” said rainbow dash “you know how she is overthinking things…” rainbow dash added
“I still want them to have a party!” pinkie pie said she turned her head to face the captain and his crew she hopped to them “so what do you like to eat?” pinkie pie asked,
“Um fish biscuits…”captain barnacles said unsure
Pinkie pie tilt “I wonder what’s that is?” pinkie pie hummed than asked “what about fruit what fruit you all like?”
“I like bearberries and bilberries.” captain barnacles said
“Ohhh I never head of these fruit before! I have to looks these up or ask twilight!” pinkie pie walked around the captain to ask the same question.
Than a bright light came everyone covered there eyes when the light was gone everyone looked to see two other ponies a white and a dark blue one with wings and a horn the white pony smiled at the new comers
“Hello there my name is princess Celestia, and this is my sister Luna. Twilight had told us how all you came here.” Princess celestia said walking up to them “don’t worry we well tried everything in our power to bring you all back to your homes.” Princess celestia said.
Captain barnacles smiled “really?” Celestia nodded “yes while we find the missing pages you and your friends are here make yourselves at home.”
Luna spoke up “you have free roam of our beloved world.”
Twilight mouth dropped “um excuse me?”
Luna looked at twilight who looked nervous “rest assured twilight there is nothing wrong with them exploring our world as all they don’t get themselves into trouble.”
Princess celestia nodded in agreement and said “ i am sure that you and your friends will have plenty of time to show them around.”
Twilight opened her mouth to speak but closed it she sighed and nodded “of course we’ll have time to show them around…” with that princess celestia and Luna turned back to captain barnacles and smiled they held out there hoof which the captain took shaking each of them.
“Please you and your friends enjoy your stay captain me and my sister must take our leave.” Princess celestia and Luna turned from the captain princess went over to twilight she whispered into twilight’s ear “take good care of them.”
Pulling away Princess celestia and Luna fired up there spell to return back to Canterlot when they were gone twilight and captain barnacles eyes met taking a deep breath twilight walked up to him
“Welcome to Equestria more importantly welcome to ponyville.” Twilight said with a unsure smile on her face.
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Depressed Starlight and Sunburst because they have to go back home, Sire’s Hollow. 
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janethepegasus · 2 years
Random Riddle Headcanon
I think he would be a fan of My Little Pony, he would just like the show though, he’s not gonna dedicate his life and allowance to buying the toys. 
MC/Yuu would introduce him to the show all because he’s in the Equestrian Club, surely he would like a show that stars little horses, right? He sits through the Season 1 two-parter and is like “...Okay maybe one more episode” and soon he watched through the entirety of Season 1 and has been hooked ever since.
His favorite seasons are 1-4.
He likes the fact the show teaches lessons about friendship, it’s sort of educational in a way, which he appreciates.
Favorite Mane 6? Twilight Sparkle. He relates to her in some ways, though he doesn’t like the fact Twilight slowly turned into a friendship preaching saint as the seasons go on.
There are moments in the show he’s...VERY vocal about, and not in a good way. 
First being the whole Alicorn Twilight situation; he was confused at first but assumed she would get her own kingdom just like Cadence did in Season 3. He was VERY disappointed and confused when all she got in Season 4 was a castle, not even ruling Ponyville as her kingdom. Then in Season 9 when Celestia and Luna were retiring and decide to lend their leadership to Twilight, Riddle outright screamed, “THEN WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OF GIVING HER A CASTLE?!”
Then there’s Starlight...oooooh how he HATES how Starlight is treated in the show. Firstly, he HIGHLY disagrees with how The Cutie Map ended, saying that Twilight and her friends should’ve talked to her and make her change her ways instead of chasing her out of town, speaking of that town, he has SOOOO many questions on how Starlight did it; was it an abandoned town before Starlight took over? Where did she get these ponies? Did she kidnap them and their friends and family have no idea where they are? etc. Then comes The Cutie Remark...oh his face was as red as blood in the final act. After he heard Starlight’s backstory (basically her friend got a cutie mark and went away, that’s why she hates cutie marks), he paused the episode and went on a whole rant about it. He went on an even LONGER rant when Starlight got no punishment for anything she done and just becomes part of the main cast
(try to imagine Riddle screaming on the top of his lungs about how Starlight should’ve been punished for her crimes against Equestria and possibly ban her from using magic ever again while Friends Are Always There For You plays in the background)
Even the whole thing with Stygian/Pony of Shadows made Riddle upset, saying he should’ve been locked away in limbo regardless if it means the Elements of Harmony are destroyed in the process.
The whole School of Friendship thing confuses the hell out of him. Like...do they JUST learn about friendship? Do they have lessons in magic or other curriculums? Would any graduates go anywhere in their lives due to their school going against the rules of forming a school? Does Twilight have any plans to allow other transfer students aside from those five kids? His mind is just...boggled.
But aside from those things, he genuinely loves the show. ...Don’t introduce him to G5 or Pony Life, he’ll either be confused as hell or frustrated by everything.
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starlight glimmer redesign for mod applejack and i’s au! this is her reformed version (no cutie mark bc thats still in the works + ease of viewing the design!) lore under the cut! - mod twilight
for those who have not been following the au, foals are created from a spark in a pony’s eye(s, depending on how many are involved) from pure love, and are born by the pony/ponies floating into the air, glowing, and coming back down with the foal(s)! there are also crystals, kept by the crystal keepers cadence and sombra, they rule over the light and dark crystals of (pony) life respectively. sombra ruled both of the crystals himself for a long while as he was the new iteration of crystalkeeper. (they are created as manifestations of the crystals existence every 100-300 years or so.) he lost his way, being consumed by the darkness of the crystal and falling to it’s pit, being trapped not only hurt him but trapped the crystal empire in eternal snow, and it was only saved when cadence and sparkling (our au’s shining armor) freed him by balancing the crystal’s powers with healing rituals and freed everypony from their decline in mental health/morale. however, the crystal ponies spread out and stayed far away for many years as they tried to rebuild and heal the kingdom. every pony is born with crystal pieces infused with their essence, and only in extremely rare cases do their crystals become extremely unbalanced. usually, a pony chooses to do good and influences their light crystal. onto starlight glimmer however! she was created from a spark of very happy, pure love from her parents, but it quickly turned sour, as they had a miscommunication and couldn’t talk it out before the duration of the spark forming. this having happened at such a crucial time, it greatly influenced starlight glimmer’s being, and the dark crystal slipped in. when she was born, up until foalhood she was relatively normal as her dark crystal lie dormant, but when sunburst got his cutie mark before her, jealousy and feelings of inferiority sparked and she soon after ran away to study the dark crystal. after the reformation of the life crystals, she trekked to the crystal empire and her dark crystal was awoken by the proximity of the dark crystal itself. she denied being good, and looked up to sombra in a way she chose to misconstrue the start of his reign - she saw this as choosing to do evil, and having hatred in your heart, and seeing nopony as special or unique, everypony for yourself - all the same. she would find straggling ponies trying to return to the crystal empire and teach them the ways of pure dark crystal influenced beliefs, unbalanced. she didn’t captivate terribly many ponies, but she left her mark. during this time, she was very unkept, disheveled in appearance, and rejected the way of self-love the crystal ponies typically practiced - extreme self manicuring/grooming as a form of individuality and self-love/self-care and being proud of yourself and who you are. anyways, the mane six were soon called for their first friendship map meeting and with cadence, sparkling and sombra, healed the crystals in a ritual of love and the wave was strong enough to give those few lost crystal ponies under starlight’s beliefs what they needed to leave her town. furious, she hid away in the mountains for some time, until she had become resentful enough to make it back to the crystal empire and try to take over all of equestria, starting with the empire. a blizzard consumed the crystal empire, and sparkling, fearing for what would happen to cadence, called the mane six to help. it was to little avail, and the mane six became trapped in the ice.  eventually, cadence and sparkling, without the help of the mane six or sombra (besides their encouragements!) defeated starlight herself. they eliminated the snow and healed starlight’s crystals - just a touch - and eventually starlight slowly but surely learned to choose to be good and actively try to make good decisions.
important things to note:
-she is a crystal pony 
-she is part malachite, its her crystal! crystals in this au all have properties of sorts, malachite’s affecting her by opening her heart to love of all forms, embracing change and taking risks to better herself! 
-she is also a geode of sorts, reforming from stone, as for a very long time post-reformation she was just that, stone
she also later helps reform chrysalis and together they help each other learn and heal, and fall in love in the process :3
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