#but the mood of the fic really fits the britney song
Forced to Let Go CH 1
I wrote this a while a go and posted it on my AO3 account. I was meaning to post it here but I kept putting it off until I completely forgot about it lol. This is a Jemily(JJ/Emily) three chapter Fic. It was meaning to be a one-shot but It grew too long so I split it into three parts. I was listening to Easier to Run and My December by Linkin Park, as well as Britney’s song called Everytime which where the songs that inspired this fic so I was listening to those songs while writing them.
Gif’s I use aren’t mine credit goes to the creator I don’t know who made it I borrowed it off the gif sets tumblr gives you. 
Warning: angst, angst, angst and more angst. Heartbreak, self-doubt, loneliness
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Chapter One
Emily’s Apartment
Emily walked numbly into her apartment early in the evening. She had just got back from working the local case which happens to be a bank robbery case. She didn’t exactly enjoy the case but it made her realize just how badly she needed to get away. Besides the bank exploding near her, trying to solve the difficult case and saving the victims, she had to save none other than Will which to her felt like an insult to injury. Things with JJ haven’t exactly been all that great and perhaps that was her fault but she could hardly be blamed. Her and JJ were the best of friends technically they were past being best of friends at this point they were lovers.
JJ had been the first person who welcomed her into the team, the first person who treated her like an equal and made her feel welcoming. Emily fell for her the moment she laid eyes on her, Emily knew she was screwed the moment JJ smiled brightly at her and shook her hand. Maybe all along Emily read too much into it but the small smiles and the light blushes the lingering touches that accompanied them when they started getting closer and becoming best friends. Emily and JJ hung out often but what caused Emily to confirm her feelings was after they shared a room for the first time and began having intimate conversations Emily was casual when JJ mentioned dating other women and told the younger woman that she dated and been with women since is her preference. Emily had studied the thoughtful look JJ carried but it wasn’t brought up again at least not until months later where it was followed by a kiss.
Emily should have tried harder to resist but she couldn’t help it by that time Emily knew she was in love but knew she would never come forward first and express her feelings first. For one she hadn’t wanted to get hurt and two she didn’t know how JJ felt for her whether it was her experimenting or her actually having feelings for her and wanting more. Safe to say she now knows exactly what JJ feels for her as well what this whole seven plus years were to the woman she considers a best friend. Nothing more than an experimentation, something to get her curiosity out of her system. Emily felt her heart shatter at the idea that to JJ all this time it wasn’t anything more than an experiment.
Emily walked into her kitchen shaking the thought out of her head and grabbed her bottle of wine, a wine glass and sat in her living room filling her cup not even bothering to turn the lights on. What was the point? The darkness around her for once it felt welcoming and it fit her depressing mood. Her heartbreak, betrayal and loneliness. The feelings once alienating to her she now welcomed it like a second skin, this no longer felt like home to her.
“Maybe I really am meant to be alone.” Emily grumbled to herself as she filled her glass
But her thought wandered again as she took her first large gulp of wine back to the blonde and Emily hated herself for even thinking about her but she couldn’t help it. Emily was in love with the blonde despite the heartbreak she was currently nursing. After that one kiss JJ and Emily ended up having sex casually at first but it became frequent especially when they shared a room or JJ stayed over. Emily’s hopes started to grow the more they hung out together believing things might lead to more but it never did so Emily waited patiently which slowly became hopeless when they went to New Orleans and saw JJ spend a little too much time with that detective Will which lo and behold the two ended up secretly dating so Emily ended her whatever it was with JJ which became hopeless when the blonde showed up in Emily’s old apartment questioning why she was distant.
Emily got confused until JJ pointed out why they weren’t hanging out like they use to until Emily felt offended letting JJ know that they can’t have sex because she is with Will. JJ obviously got offended and stated nothing was serious to say Emily ended up having angry sex was understatement if JJ’s loud reactions was anything to go by but much to her own frustration neither bothered to stop their casual sex. Even after Doyle came back when they were in Paris the two were going at it but now that Doyle was dead and things were going back to normal Emily just couldn’t do it. She felt broken, confined in her own skin and felt alone. She just didn’t feel the same anymore so two weeks ago she ended up confronting JJ about it. Emily couldn’t handle being someone else's dirty little secret. Being someone else's secret fling. A second choice. Even if that person was JJ who she loved.
Emily loved JJ. She fell in love with her, her bright personality, compassion, kindness, her beautiful smile to match all her beauty. JJ was Emily’s light. Emily’s anger. Even then Emily couldn’t be second best to Will so she had confronted JJ about it. That led to a heavy discussion and JJ’s last words before Emily promptly left JJ’s hotel room during the Oregon satanic ritual case broke and shattered Emily into millions of pieces. Not only that but it only proved that the blonde didn’t feel the same way despite JJ’s countless reminders but Emily just didn’t feel it.
Oregon-JJ’s Hotel room
Emily tried to hold back her tears as she looked away from JJ and out the window as a form of distraction. She knew if she looked at JJ she'd break down. She wondered why she even bothered coming to the hotel room to bring up what they were or even ask if they could be more. She assumed JJ felt the same way. They have been secretly having sex for years now so she just assumed the feelings were mutual. Emily herself tried several times to stop it due to JJ and Will but the blonde didn’t seem to think so saying that it was okay as long as no one found out which made Emily slightly uncomfortable but ignored it. She had been content with at least having JJ in some form so they continued. Emily got the courage to talk to JJ about it, to ask her what they were and if they can be something more. Although Emily wasn’t outright with the last request knowing it was a bad idea so instead she hinted it in a way that can be brushed off quickly.
To say it was a mistake was an understatement because they began to talk about their feelings and JJ reassuring Emily how much she loved her but and wanted to be with her but couldn’t according to JJ she couldn’t hurt Will or do that to him which baffled Emily due to the fact that she technically was going behind his back but Emily didn’t voice it instead she looked away. Granted when Emily began to see how close JJ and Will were becoming due to Emily’s request she had insisted on them not sleeping as often the only times they did was when they were overwhelmed from a case or spontaneous but spread out in actuality Paris was the last time they were in bed together. JJ tried a few times but Emily refused now glad she put her foot down because here she was standing in the blondes hotel room getting her heart broken on top of everything else she is going through right now.
��Emily please say something.” JJ asked her voice cracking trying to contain her own emotions heartbroken over having hurt her best friend
“I’m not asking you to leave him, he is your safety net, comfort. What you’re expected to marry and spend all your life with. I would never ask you to leave him.  I just needed to know if I had a shot. A chance. If you would have given us a chance but I know what sacrifices that made JJ I’ve been out for most of my life now remember,” Emily told her shaking her head feeling hurt and betrayed, “Those times JJ, the intimacy I will always cherish them. You know I love you dearly Jayje, but at the end of the day after we have sex I look beside me to find the side of the bed meant to be yours cold and empty. I wished to have you wake up beside me every morning, wrap my arms around you and hold you while you fix yourself coffee in the morning and I whisper I love you. Take you out on dates, show you the world because you deserve that and more. All this sneaking around I realize now I can’t anymore. I can’t do it anymore. Especially not after everything that has happen.” Emily turned away from JJ barely able to contain her own tears.
JJ's eyes become glassy from the unshed tears, “I’m sorry Emily. I love you. I truly love you and wished to be with you but I can't. I don’t want to hurt Will and I can’t make that kind of commitment. I’m so sorry Emily.” JJ whispered between sobs
Emily shook her head with a sigh and walked away with an indifferent shrug but paused to squeeze JJ’s shoulder as a form of letting her know that they aren’t any hard feelings despite her shattered heart.
“It’s fine JJ I wasn’t expecting you to and I knew what your answer would be but I can’t continue sleeping with you either. It isn’t fair for me or Will. I care about you Jayje and don’t worry this wont fuck up us working together or our friendship just pretend we didn’t have this conversation is for the best.” Emily told her as she opened the door and walked away.
Emily’s Apartment
Emily shook the memory away and got up from her chair and walked to the bedroom putting down the now half empty bottle of wine and dropped on her bed curling into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably no longer able to contain her heartbreak anymore. What was the point after years of giving someone all your love and them not even bothering to give it back. Emily remembered all the touches, kisses, caresses and whispers of affections they’ve shared. Waking up beside each other in their shared hotel rooms the rare times they get to share a hotel feeling content and happy to wake up beside the woman she loved than realizing those are the only times they wake up together and her heart would ache at all over again. Emily wondered if Doyle was right all along. His whispering words hunting her whispering how she’ll never have the woman she loves and will end up alone with no one. Emily's body shook remembering the painful stab wound and equally painful branding mark that she still had on her. She was going to get the blackbird tattoo but now just the thought brought out more heartache. She’s going to get it but will have to wait until she wasn’t hurting which was worse she hated the brand mark.
What made it worse was fate slapping her in the face by forcing her to save Will. At the end of the day she ended up saving him for JJ’s and Henry’s sake not even for Will’s sake since Emily never found him interesting and found him slightly boring but she didn’t know what JJ saw in him. Saving him was Emily’s tipping point. Emily’s breaking point was what led her into drinking half a bottle of wine was the text she received from Garcia letting her know what Will proposed to JJ and she said yes. Emily knew that was an impulsive request for marriage and knew it was JJ who requested it and that hurt the most especially when Emily knew JJ never wanted to marry him. Emily secretly knows she pushed JJ to him and hates herself with passion for it. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t be here and see them together anymore. What's worse in two days they are going to say ‘ I do' . Two days if that didn’t scream rushed wedding before she changed her mind then Emily wasn’t sure what did.
Emily laid in her bed for what seemed like hours, her bedroom as dark as the rest of her apartment sobbing every time she thought she was getting it under control another fresh wave of tears fell and another heavy sob broke out of her causing her to sob even harder. Until her body tired itself out and she ended up crying herself to sleep. A few lone tears flowing out of her eyes even when she slept, her shoulders tense and body curled up as if attempting to protect herself from her own heartache.
Next Morning
Emily stirred awake not sure how long she was asleep let along. She sat up feeling a headache but didn’t care. Emily woke up worse than when she was the night before. Memories of the night before coming back to her quickly, the case, Emily’s call from Clyde, the discussion she had with JJ weeks before, Emily distancing herself somewhat from the blonde. She still went to team gatherings and the girls nights but she no longer let JJ sleep over nor did she linger back when they were parting ways. Now any time Garcia calls to go home Emily leaves with her or quickly after but now Emily realized she couldn’t do it anymore. Emily felt broken she couldn’t have this life back. Doyle took her life from her, taking it back like nothing and going back like nothing happened made her realize that he destroyed that for her. Emily realized now that the only thing that kept her here was also taken from her and she no longer had a chance with.
JJ was the only thing that kept her here. The hope that they can be together but now that is gone too. Emily stuck around hoping that she still had a chance to be with JJ especially after the conversation they had in Paris where JJ promised they’ll meet again and even hinted at them being official and her giving Emily a chance. Emily grabbed her phone and texted Clyde letting him know she accepted the offer and will fly to London the following evening. Now all Emily had to do is take today is back her suitcases book a flight. She didn’t have to worry about the furniture since she could pay the landlord to get rid of it.
Emily didn’t think she just pulled out all her suitcases and began the slow process of packing her bags.
“Come on Emily…. Don’t think about it just pack and leave don’t look back.” Emily told herself
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dusksmote · 3 years
Is there anything you want to talk about regarding your fic that no one has explicitly asked you? IF SO PLEASE DO SHARE ^_^
maybe not what you were looking for, but i've been wanting to talk more about ~music~
i'm actually not a huge fan of songfics so i consider myself kind of a hypocrite in that regard, but i do have a process for picking music or a kind of "code"
my issue with songfics is mostly that the music doesn't fit the characters, or the mood, or the setting. when it doesn't serve a purpose. i remember years ago reading a fanfic for a different fandom where a character was written as obsessed with MCR or All Time Low or some other alternative emo boy band. they went to their concert, wore band merch, and brought up the band multiple times--but it had nothing to do with the story and made no sense for the character. it was like if light yagami had a shrine to britney spears. it just didn't work, and it was really obvious that this was the author's favorite band. for whatever reason they felt it necessary to include it in their fanfic.
for that reason, i never use music i'm already familiar with. i do have favorite bands/genres/songs/etc, but shoehorning them in just because i like them feels like pandering to myself. not every character should have the same music tastes as me, and i enjoy speculating on what they would like to listen to and exploring new music. regardless, i usually try to use music i think is "good", but sometimes i add stuff i don't like. for example, kyle canonically likes the cure, and i think the cure fucking sucks!!!!! but i still forced myself to listen to them and used like 3 of their songs >X^(
so how do i find music to use? in most cases i'm seeking out new music to listen to and it ends up inspiring me. i rarely go out of my way to look for a song that fits a scene, because i try to use music sparingly. a song should compliment the scene and add something to it, otherwise just don't add it. ETL was inspired in part by the song juicy by doja cat, and the reason stan likes weezer is because i was listening to pinkerton while writing. i had actually never listened to weezer before this fic (except for their big hits of course), and sometimes i wonder if people assume i picked weezer because they think they're my favorite band LOL.
sometimes i do have to go out of my way to find the right song, and that's because i need something that fits the tone of the scene or the character or has some lyrical quality. if someone mentions a song in their fanfic you better believe i'm gonna look it up and listen to it, so it better fit the tone of the fic. ever seen a movie where the soundtrack completely didn't work with the scene? it totally takes me out of it. and on the topic of using music sparingly, if i put song lyrics i try to be as concise as possible with my choice. i don't want them to distract from the rest of the story, so i'm not going to copy and paste a whole ballad into the middle of a paragraph. and by rule i always try to choose lyrics that add an element to the piece, either by conveying some emotion or information or foreshadowing something.
sometimes its to make the audience think about things a different way, like when randy walks in the barn i specifically used the line "All my enemies from the past pucker up they lips, and kiss my ass!" from the song "i smoke weed" to remind the reader that this is where stan did the same to kyle's ass and now randy might be about to find that out. another example is karen listening to "my girlfriend's girlfriend" by type O negative while butters, cartman, and kenny are in the other room. it's by a goth band so it fits her goth persona, and it's about a polyamorous relationship, so it does some double work foreshadowing that. actually, i think i've listened to every fucking song about threesomes. there are, unfortunately, not that many.
anyway, i think the best way to incorporate music into fanfics is to just be open minded and willing to listen to a lot of different shit. the coolest thing is listening to a full album and finding some hidden gem no one knows about or a piece that really inspires you to write.
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punkremus · 3 years
okay, i have listened to the playlist in full and here are my thoughts (please forgive my rambling; i had so much fun with this and it allowed me to procrastinate the next chapter so truly thank you ❤️):
“go fuck yourself”: as i listened, i tried to categorize them into either din/reader/or reader&din songs and this one felt very din&reader. just this tandem slog through life beside one another without really being together (yet).
“fresh blood”: oh a din song, absolutely. the line “i know you’re probably gettin’ ready for bed” made me think of gorgu too 😩
“help i’m alive”: shit that’s the reader in a nutshell omg. “hard to be tough/tough to be tender” OOF
“i come with knives”: BITCH THE VIBES OF THIS SONG. right off the bat. damn! idk wtf they’re saying in the german section, but i’m fucking here fOR IT!!!!
“angel of small death…”: i am obsessed with the idea of the reader somehow being seen as this tiny, magnificent force. like so much bigger than herself even though she doesn’t realize it quite yet.
“sour times”: ooh, this song. gosh, where to start? it has such a dangerous thread to it. it makes me think of them tiptoeing around one another in this eggshell sort of dance, not knowing who will break first. cHilLS
“broken boy solider”: someone give DIN DJARIN A HUG. this is his inner theme song on a constant loop.
“if you run”: wow—such a change of pace, but i love it. i think NH has such a grungy, metal feel to it (idk what i’m talking about) but also some folksy whimsy and this song fits that perfectly in my head. also: “fading into each other’s arms/he took her down to his hiding place” i don’t think that’s supposed to be romantic, but i’m pretending it is. sue me.
“give up the ghost”: this song makes me kinda emo. a din&reader to be sure. them both just wanting to be loved by each other, too afraid to ask. FUCK.
“black flies”: yES another folksy! the refrain at the end really gets me good. right in the heart.
“gasoline”: aw hell yeah. another reader BOP. she’s got such a bitchy vibe; i love it.
“dark”: shit… “I am the dark one in my bloodline/I fear my shadow like a beast/It's a lingering mellow that won't leave me/I fear one day it'll swallow me whole” is this…. her backstory in a nutshell? idk, you tell me.
“fuel to the fire”: this gives me reader addressing din vibes. like a pained loved letter to him.
“biting down”: to be frank, i don’t know what the fuck this song is talking about. but somehow, in relation to nighthawks, i get it.
“virgin”: the chorus of this song… damn. i don’t know how to describe what it makes me imagine. them, together, still unsure of their future, just… trying?
“bully”: the line “bet you never though that I could be the one to let you down” makes me think of this as another song addressing din. woof.
“toxic”: britney, is that you? almost, but this version is better.
“master’s hands”: i feel like i’m ascribing every song to the reader and not enough to din….. but….. i just love her.
“hearing damage”: ooh! this is an interesting one! “You wish you felt better/In my eyes” feels quite din to me?
“howling”: oh fuuuuuuuuck they’re gonna be so in love one day and this is gonna be IT for them. “You were plush and I laid bare” DAMMIT
“troubled waters”/“patron saint hunter”: i just love the folksy vibe nighthawks can have at the same time as the metal/headbangers. i’m so glad that comes through the fic and i’m not the only one who felt that way.
“easy”: again, lorde with these confusing bangers that somehow just…. are chef’s kiss and fit perfectly to the mood of the fic. at least in my head!
“third eye”: this again feels like a song for the future of the fic, as things begin to unfold for them and they become more comfortable with one another.
“howl”: this definitely feels like a din&reader song! makes me wanna shimmy my shoulders hehe
“clockwork”: how do you find these songs that just fit them both so perfectly? there’s lines that could go for one or the other or for both and just… YOUR BRAIN
i cannot thank you enough for the gift of this playlist. it means more than you know. ❤️
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Whew. Okay.
I am so glad you like this!! Music is how I process things, and it's like the only thing I contribute to fandom. My spotify looks like a crazy person's. Seriously.
I just gahhhhh!! Thank you for taking them time to write all this out. And I have some other Thoughts ✨
1. go fuck yourself: sexy vibes, but like, you hate this person. big vibes for current nighthawks.
2. fresh blood: again, sexy vibes but the line "beautiful woman get out of my head" just reminds me of Din thinking about Reader in the last chapter.
3. help i'm alive: I mean, that's just Reader. But also Din. I feel like they are such good parallels of each other.
4. I come with knives: again, just Reader. I love her, your honor.
5. Angel of small death: reader is a pint sized power house and it breaks Din's brain. That is all.
6. Sour times: I feel like even though they don't get each other yet, Din and Reader are so similar. "Nobody loves me it's true, not like you do"
7. Broken boy soldier: so I was actially thinking of Reader for this, but it totally fits for Din too now that I'm thinking about it. But just the line "I'm throwing the childhood things away" reminds me of Reader and Jeelia.
8. If you run: "if you run, you better have a place to go" that is all.
9. Give up the ghost: they both have so much baggage to work through, it thought it was a good song.
10. Black flies: "I don't want to beg your pardon, I don't want to ask you why, if I was to go my own way, would I have to pass you by"
11. Gasoline: just. Sex with no feelings vibes. (For now 👀)
12. dark: hit the nail on the head. Just tons of past Reader thoughts.
13. Fuel to fire: I mean, that's just their relationship in a title so far.
14. Biting down: this whole song is a drug reference, but the vibe reminds me of just bracing yourself through the pain because it's all you know and it's better than the alternative
15. No one knows: "oh what you do to me, no one knows" fun fact - I like this version better than the original (QOTSA fans, don't come at me)
16. Virgin: this entire song is about how you can devote your life to something (creed/son, or family/sister) and it can still be taken away in an instant
17. Bully: "I like it when you play too rough, so tell me when you've had enough"
18. Toxic: I mean...the ultimate dark sexy vibes
19. Master's Hands: "Pull my strings and cut my rope, rattle my frame and shatter my ghost" works with Din teaching her hunting and also works for sexy times 😏
20. hearing damage: "a tear in my brain allows the voices in" and "they say you're getting better, but you don't feel any better"
21. howling: "Cold I fell into your skin on the night you let me under your sin. You had me howling"
22. troubled waters: big reader and her past vibes. "I must be one of the devil's daughters"
23. patron saint hunter: "keep the family in, keep the family sin" and "evil isn't in your core"...i just love Reader okay
24. Easy: "easy, pull out your heart to make the being alone easy" they're just two lonely people with so much baggage, don't look at me
25. Third eye: "don't make a shadow of yourself, always shutting out the light" and "Cause there's a hole where your heart lies, I see it with my third eye."
26. Howl: "you are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"
27. Clockwork: one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands. "Just like clockwork I react. You wind me up until I crack."
Aaaaaanywayyyy I'm just so happy you like it and I absolutely cannot wait for whatever you write next ✨
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illneverrecover · 4 years
is that so? (M) | jwy
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➛pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader ➛genre: non idol!AU, established relationship, fluff, smut ➛word count: 5,094 ➛rating: M ➛warnings: oral sex (female receiving), food play if you squint?, marking, biting, slight roughness, praise, anal play (female receiving), butt plugs, unprotected sex, wooyoung being a loud sweet man. ➛summary: You’ve had a rough few days - hell, weeks - at work, and your new boyfriend Wooyoung knows just how to show you how much you’re appreciated.  ➛notes: EEEE, My first Ateez fic! I’ve been following Ateez since debut and fell completely in love with them, so I was excited when one of my fave clowns ladies, @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife​ commissioned me to write a Wooyoung piece. She requested something with Wooyoung cooking for an anniversary present with smut and fluff, which fits him perfectly tbh. Love you Bri, I hope you enjoy! 🖤 ➛song: Try/Effortless - DVSN  & Say My Name - Ateez 
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Fuck, you’re tired. 
You’re always tired.
You can’t remember the last time you didn’t feel exhausted, where you felt well rested by the time your alarm went off at the crack of 5 am. Work was draining you to the dregs, long hours with even longer meetings (that could have been EASILY summed up in an email) and copious hours spent hand holding grown men on how to do their jobs (but getting paid infinitely less than them.) They take their toll, and now you dread going - hell, even looking at the building could kill your mood.
The only saving grace was your amazing boyfriend.
You hadn’t been dating too long, about two months, but it was one of those things where you had an instant connection, the click of two puzzle pieces fitting just right. It had been at one of your friends house parties (the ones you normally skip due to wanting to catch up on sleep) but this time she had insisted you come, adamant that you met her boyfriend’s friend who had recently moved back into town. You had brushed her off; knowing her for as long as you had, there was a solid chance that whomever her and her long time beau, Seonghwa, were trying to set you up with was either not your type, a fuckboy, or a combination of both. 
However, she had badgered you enough that you agreed to go, if only to get her off your back for the next few soirees (and to get her to lay off the dramatic gifs she had been spamming you with). Running late from work, you showed up in your business casual a few hours after it had started, the place eerily quiet as you could see silhouettes of guests mingling on the back porch. Taking advantage of not being noticed quite yet, you had decided to make yourself a strong glass of liquid courage before facing her and whatever fuckery was afoot for the evening.
You had just reached into the back of the fridge for the bottle of strawberry soju you knew was waiting for you when a voice had you jumping. 
“Anything good in there?”
Whirring around, you had found a blonde man eyeing you, hair swept off his forehead to show off his glistening skin. Your eyes dropped to his mouth, his plush coral lips curved up into a sly smirk as he leaned his forearms down against the counter. 
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” you swallowed, raising a brow at the stranger. “I know Red always keeps a bottle of strawberry soju in her fridge for little old me, hidden in the back so Seonghwa doesn’t steal it.” You had popped open the lid, choosing to chug straight from the bottle instead of fussing with a glass. “I promise I’m not just rummaging through there.”
He had laughed then, his voice pitching higher than you had expected, and it had made you smile. 
. He held his hands up in a surrender, palms out, a toothy grin on his face. “Hey, no judgment. I was about to do the same - but for food. Seongie is out there trying to grill but he’s such a perfectionist it’s taking forever, even Red is threatening to call for take out.” 
Chuckling, you shook  your head. “Sounds about right. I’m Y/N, by the way,” 
Holding out a hand, you had waited until he placed his palm in your own, giving it a firm nod.
“I’m Wooyoung, Seongie’s friend. I just moved back into town.” 
Ah, so he was the mysterious unofficial blind date.
You had eyed him then, fully taking him in from head to toe, assessing him as if you’d be able to tell his character from undressing him in your mind. He had been wearing some kind of dark button down, the top buttons open to bare some of his tanned chest, a jean jacket thrown over top to keep it casual. A few black chokers circled his neck, emphasizing the muscles there, matching the wash of his inky skinny jeans that were so tight you weren’t totally convinced that they hadn’t been painted on. 
His eyes had widened at your appraisal, but he hadn’t spoken a word, instead giving you another smirk while waiting for you to comment.
“It’s nice to meet you, Wooyoung.”
And it really was. From that point on, you two had been inseparable, even once rejoining the official party. Staying hip to hip, you talked about anything and everything, from the most mundane to the downright unexpected (you don’t think you have ever seen a grown man discuss Harry Potter with such wonder in his eyes), and you found yourself not wanting to go home, even as everyone else cleared out.  It was only natural to accept his invitation to continue your evening, to  be squeezed into a 24 hour diner booth discussing movies until the bleary hours of early morning over a plate of french fries. You just didn’t want the moment to be over, for the night to end, for the spell to dissipate. 
Luckily, you had both been on the same page.
Fate had taken its course from there, and there wasn’t a day that passed that you and Wooyoung didn’t see each other, even if it was just over FaceTime as you warmed up leftovers after work. He was so attentive, so sweet, so funny, bringing back a spark into your life that you hadn’t even been aware of that was missing. 
Maybe you had moved a little fast in the perception of others, but to you, it had just felt instinctive to exchange love declarations after the third week, to swap apartment keys sometime during the fifth. 
Unfortunately, your work schedule has been relentless, your days still painfully long and showing no signs of stopping. Wooyoung is understanding, always offering to run your errands for you and asking how he can help make your life easier. Even when he can’t help, when the load gets too heavy to bear - he holds you, lets you rage cry out your frustration, rubs soothing circles into your back until you feel a weight lifted once more. “I’d do anything to see your smile, Jagiya,” he’d tell you with a wide grin, light in his eyes.
And he went out of his way to make that promise come true as often as possible, from little notes left on your door when you come home at night, to silly dance moves in your kitchen as a Britney Spears song blares from your Bluetooth speaker. He even made sure to make your one month anniversary special by having  your favorite flowers waiting for you when you got home, your bedroom turned into the vision of comfort with blankets and pillows and a large bowl of popcorn, perfect for a movie marathon.
He was truly the perfect man, the reason you got out of bed in the morning, the inspiration to fight through the longest of shifts - and  you were so thankful to have him, always hoping he could feel how much his love meant to you.
So it wasn’t a surprise when you came home to him cooking inside your apartment one Friday night after work. 
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You had actually gotten off work at a decent time for once, feet crossing the threshold just as the clock showed it was a quarter after 5, and you had sighed heavily with relief when the smell of sauteed garlic hit your nose. Kicking off your heels, you wandered towards the kitchen, your heart skipping a beat when you saw your boyfriend standing at the stove. 
He has a bright red apron tied around his neck, a flash of words on the front though you couldn’t quite read them. Instead, you were too focused on the ingredients piled onto the counter, the slight flush in his cheeks from working over a hot stove. Candles were placed everywhere, setting the room into a soft glow, and there was a bottle of wine aerating next to twin glasses on the table, plates waiting to be filled. 
He spins when he hears you, grinning at the soft look on your face. “Hey, Jagi. How was work?”
You click your tongue. “Don’t ‘how was work’ me, what’s all this for? Are you trying to spoil me?”
He moves towards you then, giving you an eyeful of his “May I suggest the sausage?” apron, complete with an arrow pointing down to his crotch, making you snort. 
“First of all, how dare you. I’m always trying to spoil you.” Sliding his arms around your waist, you rest your face on his shoulder, melting into his touch. “Second of all,” he murmurs, lips pressed to your crown, “it’s our two month anniversary, so I thought I’d surprise you.”
“You are too good to me, Woo.”
Humming, Wooyoung sways, keeping you trapped in his arms for a beat longer before moving to plant a peck on your cheek. “No such thing as too good for you. Now, go sit down, rest, let me finish up. I’m just about finished.”
You do as ordered - moving to sit at the table, deciding to wait until after dinner to change, not wanting to take your eyes off of him. Instead you poured yourself a glass of wine, sipping it slowly as you watched him cook. It was endearing; seeing him work around the kitchen, brow furrowed in concentration when he would double check the recipe on his phone screen, tongue poking out the side of his mouth when he measured out a spice. He seemed to be taking it so seriously, making sure each step was perfect before moving to the next, which in comparison to the mess he was leaving in his wake, is amusing.
For what he lacked in skill, he makes up in confidence, wielding the knife with ease as he made the final slices to the meat, tossing them in a pan to saute. With a final stir, he adds them to the pot, gathering the sides with oven mit clad hands before sitting it down on the table.
A quick glance told you it was some kind of ramen, noodles and vegetables simmering in an aromatic liquid, steak lined on the top with some hard boiled eggs nestled next to it. Moving to the fridge, he grabs a few more bowls and side plates wrapped in plastic, bringing them to join the other dishes.
“I thought we could have my world famous ramen for dinner tonight,” he explains, tearing the plastic off to reveal the side entrees. “It’s a bit of a mashup of Korean kimchi ramen, but I also wanted you to have options on what to add to yours.” 
He seems nervous, vibrating with untapped energy. Smiling, you reach out and squeeze his hand. “It’s perfect, seriously. Thank you, Wooyoung.” 
Like a true gentleman, he fixes your initial bowl, walking you through all the side entree options and flavors, giving suggestions based on your preferences. Only once you are settled does he prepare his, grinning like a madman when he finally takes a seat. 
Instead of tearing into the food like you expected, he stares at you, eyes dancing with mischief. Your hand hovers over the bowl, spoon suspended half way between your food and your mouth, and you raise a brow at him. “What?”
“Nothing! It’s nothing.” he leans back, placing both hands behind his head. “I just want to see the look on your face when you taste it, is all.”
“And why is that? Is there secretly an entire ball of wasabi in here or something?”
He giggles, head shaking. “No!” he protests, voice echoing off the walls. “No, I would never! How dare you!” you join his laughter, despite your spoon still being frozen, waiting for him to continue. “I just want to see your face when you taste the excellence and decadence that is Jung Wooyoung’s cooking.”
“Is that so?” you purr, cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling you were doing. You couldn’t help it, he was just so cute. 
Nodding, he slides his hands under his chin, propping his face up to look at you. “Yes, it is. Some would even liken it to a religious experience. Please,” he gestures a hand out, waving it. “Humor me.”
Without dropping his eyeline, you bring the spoon to your mouth, pursing your lips to blow a puff of air onto it before it reaches your tongue. It was the perfect blend of flavor and kick, the kimchi adding a satisfying crunch. 
“So?” he prompts, practically bouncing in his seat. “What do you think?”
“I think this might be the best thing I’ve ever put into my mouth,” you sigh, already scooping your next bite. 
He shouts victoriously, throwing his arms in the air. “Yes! I knew you would love it! You aren’t just saying that, are you?”
Swallowing the warm liquid, you lean forward then, grabbing his arm to leverage yourself as you plant a wet kiss to his cheek. “I’m not just saying it, Woo. It’s delicious, thank you so  much for making it for me.”
His eyes crease as a wide grin takes over his face, adoration shining and mirrored within your own gaze. “Of course, Y/N. I’m glad you like it.”
The rest of the meal is shared over tales of your days, you filling him in on all the craziness of the office, while he tells you about the appointments he had and how his dance class went. It was always relieving, to come home at the end of the day and have someone to lament to, to share your life with, especially when they were so willing to do the same, and there isn’t a moment of silence as you and your boyfriend finish your dinner together.
You move to stand and clear the table, reaching for his bowl when he smacks your hand. “Absolutely not, Jagi. I am here to spoil you, and that includes cooking AND the cleaning. Sit back down.”
Giving him your best glare, you try to protest, but he isn’t having it, swift hands pushing you back into your seat as he grabs your bowl and heads to the sink. “Plus, who said the meal was over yet?” he calls over his shoulder, placing the bowls down.
“Oh yeah?” you chuckle, crossing your arms. “What else do you got for me?”
His expression changes then; previous playfulness melting away and leaving an edge to his smirk, a darkness to eyes. “Well, dessert, of course.” 
You continue to eye him as he moves to the fridge, pulling out a domed container before walking it back to the table. Placing it in front of you, he removes the top with a flourish, kneeling down to your seated height. “I made your favorite,” he husks, voice low. “Peanut Butter Chocolate cheesecake.”
The cheesecake itself was beautiful; he had attempted to decorate it with some chocolate syrup and crushed Reeses, and the evident effort softens you once more. “It looks amazing!” you gush, looking to meet his gaze. “You really have gone all out, haven’t you?”
Instead of answering, he serves you a piece on a small plate, handing you a fresh fork. Grinning, you immediately cut into it, shoving a bite into your mouth inelegantly. Closing your eyes, you let out a groan at the richness of the flavor, chewing slowly to savor it. It really was delectable - the cheesecake a perfect dense yet fluffy texture, peanut butter swirling with the chocolate in harmony.
You were so lost in thought you didn’t pay attention to where Wooyoung had gone; why the room had fallen so silent as you revered your treat. You move to cut another slice off your serving, placing the fork between your teeth when you feel a palm slide up your thigh.
“W-Woo?” snapping your eyes open, you look to the side, expecting your boyfriend to still be kneeling there, but coming up empty.
Peering down, you instead see him crouched between your legs, wicked devilry glittering in his gaze. He slides both hands up your bare thighs, fingers tracing patterns right above the seam of your skirt. 
Before you can say a word, he grips your legs and bows them out, making more room for his body, his mouth dipping to press a wet kiss to the flesh above your knee. 
“You had such a long day. You work so hard, you’re always working so hard, Y/N. I thought it would be a nice little treat if while you enjoyed your dessert, I could also enjoy mine?” his voice was honeyed with molten lust, but it was still a question - still seeking your comfort. 
Groaning, you lick your lips, breath hitching at his touch. “Of course you can,” you rasp, eyes closing once more when you feel his fingers caressing closer and closer to your core.
Dropping your fork, the cheesecake is all but forgotten when Wooyoung continues to trail his lips up your inner thighs, digits reaching for the now dewy panties at the apex, sliding them off your legs. Hand fumbling, you move to work at the side zipper of your skirt, wanting to give him more access, when thick fingers circle your wrist.
“No, Jagi. I want you to leave it on,” he murmurs, hands now moving to bunch your skirt up around your waist. “Like this, you’re so perfect like this.”
Whining, you rake your fingers through his blonde hair, tugging gently at the roots in a silent plea to have him move closer. Chuckling, he acquiesces, pupils wide as he takes in the sight of your dripping cunt. 
He hovers for a moment, hot breath fanning over your sensitive flesh, and just before you could beg he drops his mouth to your center. Tongue flicking out, he swirls it around your already engorged clit, tracing the lines of your labia down and back at an unhurried pace, tasting you. Repeating the movements, he groans against you, lips sliding to suckle at your bundle of nerves until your thighs were shaking against him.
He coos praise at you in between long licks against your core, his finger dipping into your wetness briefly before being pressed inside of you. “You taste so sweet, feel so good, Jagi,”
 Crying out at the sensation, your hand pulls at his hair once more, wanting the friction, wanting him deeper.  He gives in for a moment, tongue rolling against your clit, pulling it between his lips and suckling harshly. You feel your high building rapidly, tension rolling from your bones to deep in your gut, threatening to snap at any moment.
Instead of hurtling you over the edge, he pulls back with a moan, resting his head against the cushion of your thigh. He watches his finger disappear inside you one last time before pulling it out, immediately popping it into his mouth.
Wooyoung looks up at you then, lips shiny with your arousal and eyes blackened with need. “I thought I’d have the patience to finish you off like this, but I don’t. I want to be inside you, now.”
Before you can even finish nodding your head in agreement, you're pulling him to you, cupping his face and pressing your mouth onto his. The kiss is hungry, desperate, dripping in passion, his tongue sliding against yours so deliciously that you feel like you’re drowning in him.
He pulls away enough to trail small kisses down your jaw line, your pulse, until he laves the tender skin at the base of your throat, making you whine. As he sucks and bites his claim onto your neck, you feel his arms grab your legs, guiding you to lock them around his waist before he’s shifting you up into his hold.
The low growls he makes while working over your throat have you distracted, arms coming to brace yourself around his neck as he carries you towards the bedroom. You’re gasping into his mouth when he spins to push you against the wall, pinning you in place under the lithe lines of his body. Throwing your head back, your fingers come to tangle in the hair at the base of his skull, hips grinding against him.
“Fuck, Wooyoung,” you pant as he alters his attack to the other side of your clavicle, insistent on leaving twin marks to claim you. His anguished desire excites you, has you clenching around nothing when he returns to peck at your lips. 
He ruts up against you, and for a moment you think he’ll take you right here against your bedroom wall - not that you would mind - but then he slows his hips, releasing his tight grip on your legs as he pulls you towards the bed. 
It's there that he undresses you completely, kissing each inch of bare skin as it’s revealed to him, murmuring words of love  until you are naked and flushing before him. Sitting up on his knees, he quickly joins you - pulling his shirt off and throwing it haphazardly, kicking off his jeans and boxer briefs. 
He stares at you reverently, eyes and hands always roaming the lines of your form. “I have another surprise for you tonight, if you’re up to it,” he husks, lips quirking into a grin.
“Is that so?” you repeat your words from earlier, unable to stop yourself. He chuckles lowly, leaning over you to open the drawer on the bedside table where typically you house your small collection of sex toys. You follow the movement, curious to see what would grab, but your eyes widen when you see him holding something you weren’t familiar with.
It was stainless steel, bulbed at one end before tapering out and flaring into a large circle at the base. The base had a beautiful violet jewel in it that twinkled when the light hit; a small bottle of lubricant nestled beside it in his large palm.
He had bought you a butt plug.
Seeing your expression, Wooyoung chuckles nervously, dropping the items onto the bed in order to hover over you. “I know we’ve discussed trying this in the past, and just thought that after the time we used my fingers, that this might be a good next step…” he trails off, eyes imploring yours. “However, if you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable, that’s perfectly fine, Jagi. I don’t want to pressure you at all.”
Excitement tore through your nerves, your body lighting up at the idea of doing this with him. He was so thoughtful, so sweet, and you knew in that moment that you trusted him explicitly. 
“I want to,” you purr, leaning up to bite at his collarbone. “I want to try this, with you…”
His face illuminates with a smile as he moves to sit up on his knees once more, grabbing the plug. “I want to try this with you too.”
Ignoring the lube for now, he closes the plug in his fist as he moves to lay down between your legs. For a while, he just kisses you everywhere, lets his fingers drag through the slick of your slit, gently rubbing at your nub until you are panting and relaxing against his touch. When your eyes start to close, he grabs for the bottle of lubricant, squeezing a generous amount onto the plug before doing the same against your tight ring of muscles.
Jumping at the sensation of cool gel against heated skin, you take a deep breath, letting yourself get lost in the sensations he was providing you. A thumb was still rolling your clit, while another finger was gently massaging the puckered skin of your ass. Your body felt like wildfire, molten and burning too hot, and yet all you wanted was more. 
“I-I think I’m ready, Woo, please,” you whine, hands fisting in the sheets. “Please put it in.”
He groans, fingers stuttering at the wanton sound of your cries. He wanted to drag this out, to tease you until you were blubbering and begging, but between his throbbing cock and your sinful noises, he didn’t think he could wait any more. 
Slowly, he starts to push the bulbous end of the plug against you, thumb of his free hand still working against your bundle of nerves. You tense when you feel some pressure, but Wooyoung is there to talk you through it, guiding you to breathe and relax as he takes care of you, edging the plug in. 
You sense when it’s pushed in to the hilt, the jeweled edge nestled against your rim, and you sigh in relief at the pleasant buzz of the stretch.
Wooyoung slides to sit up on his knees, a hand coming to smooth circles on the flesh of your inner thigh, while the other palms at his hardened length. 
“How does it feel, Jagi? You feel okay?” he breathes, slotting himself between your legs and closer to your center. 
You nod, reaching out to grasp at his hips. “I feel so good, baby,” you praise, guiding him until his cock was dragging against your dripping cunt. “Now I just need you inside of me too, please,”
He hisses at your words, pressing the thick head of his length until it was slipping inside the welcoming heat of your walls, slowly moving to bury himself deep inside of you.
The fullness was overwhelming, delicious, his pelvis resting flush against your own. His brow was furrowed, mouth agape in a silent moan as he started to swivel his hips.
“F-Fuck,” you groan, nails dragging down the skin at his sides as he began to pump in and out of you, slowly at first, as if he wanted to make sure you were feeling every inch of him against your engorged walls. The plug was the perfect size to enhance each movement, the dual sensations making you mewl. 
“Does it feel good?” he husks, voice impossibly deep as his thrusts increase. “Does Jagi like being so full of me? Likes having that little plug in her ass?”
Whining at his words, you chew at your lip, hands reaching out to tug him closer to your mouth. “Yes, I do, Wooyoung. Just for you, all for you.”
He growls then, hips moving at a punishing pace, basking in your sweet cries of his name, wanting to make sure you were fully wrecked and falling apart for him. He could feel you squeezing against him, so impossibly tight, and knew you were close to unraveling. 
Dropping his lips to yours, he licked into your mouth, swallowing your moans as he slid a hand between your bodies to rub at your apex once more.
You broke the kiss to sob, head thrown back against the mattress. “Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby,” your orgasm so close you felt your cunt pulsating, your vision going white. After a few more pumps of his cock and probing circles of your clit, you finally come undone, walls constricting as electricity shoots through your veins, gasps tearing from your throat.
Wooyoung doesn’t last much longer, burying his face in your neck as he finally releases deep inside you with staccato thrusts, only stopping when he was sure every drop was nestled into your tender core.
Catching your breath, you lay for a few soundless moments, fingers tracing patterns on his back while he steadily came down from his high. When he finally moves to get cleaned up, he insists you stay put - instead bringing a wet washcloth and removing the plug for you, wiping you clean.
“Happy Anniversary,” he quips, slapping playfully at your ass, and you can’t help but laugh along, rolling your eyes at him.
After a quick trip to the bathroom you’re back in bed - and his arms - snuggled against his chest, eyes closed in contentment. Wooyoung is so tender, asking every few moments how you felt, if you needed anything. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were luckier than you ever thought was possible, and you told him so.
“What do you mean, Y/N? I’m the lucky one here. You are so beautiful and smart and successful, and you let me be in your life, let me support you. It’s all I could ever want.” he murmurs, eyes intense as he presses a kiss to your nose. “Plus, you laugh at all my jokes, eat my cooking, and are willing to try new things in the bedroom. You’re basically my dream girl.”
You laugh then, slapping at his arm. “Well, that’s good to know, and right back atcha.”
“What? I’m your dream girl?”
Giggling, you snuggle closer to his chest once more. “Yes. You’re my dream girl and I’m so glad I get to be in your life.” Leaning up, you meet his eyes. “I love you, Wooyoung.” 
The responding smile is so bright you think it may blind you, but his joy was infectious as he whoops loudly. “I love you too, Y/N. So much.”
For a moment, there was nothing but peaceful calm, twin hearts beating rapidly as you let him lead you in a chaste kiss, pulling away to rest your forehead against his own.
“Even if your dirty talk could use some work, I love you and I’m still glad to be here-”
“HEY!” he yells, pushing back to look at you, face incredulous. “What do you mean my dirty talk could use some work?! My dirty talk is perfect!”
You shrug, a sly smirk on your face. “Is that so?”
Scoffing, he tries to slide out of your grasp, pout heavy on his lips. “Yes, that is so! What, was I supposed to call you ‘my greedy little ass slut’ right out of the gate? I mean, I knew you were a freak, Jagi, but I was trying to be a gentleman.”
Choking back your laughter, you lock your arms around him, bringing him back against you until you are spooning him tightly, cooing apologies in his ear. It took several minutes of cuddles and reassurance before he would turn to look at you again, his gaze still hard.
Grinning, you cup his face, your finger resting against the plush fullness of his lower lip. “Oh yeah? And what if I don’t want you to be a gentleman?” 
“Then I guess we’ll have to go for round two.” he growls, before claiming your lips once more.
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fitzrove · 4 years
soft like summer rain - 13 and 15
Thank you so so much for asking!!! I’m too overworked and overwhelmed by uni to write fic right now so talking about past, finished fics instead makes me super happy ((and strokes my ego XD)).
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
This is actually one of the few fics I’ve written that’s extensive enough to grow a proper playlist around it, and I’m going to share it with you!!
I mean, I do sometimes collect Mood Songs for other fics too, but I’m not at all prolific with them. I also must confess that @jasmiinitee helped me out with collecting many of these songs, and I also owe some of the chapter titles to her, because I based them on the songs from this list :D
The list is here. The title translates to “Peter, I want to love”, which is a random old Finnish movie that I saw on sale in the local megamarket around the time I started writing the fic. Thankfully, that didn’t become the title of the entire fanfic XD Also, because of that list, Dolly Parton’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ was my most-listened song of 2019... and so were many others. I had that playing on the background a whole lot, whether I was writing or plotting at the time!
My fave songs from the list in addition to ‘I Will Always Love You’ are ‘Someone Like You’ by Adele (fitting and PAINFUL), ‘3′ by Britney Spears (lol) and ‘Rocky Mountain High’ by John Denver, which I hadn’t heard before and only did because jasmiinitee put it on the list. It’s one of the most atmospheric songs on the list and also like, ever. Also honorary mentions cos I can’t resist: The Marvelettes’ ‘Please Mr Postman’ and Sonny & Cher’s ‘500 Miles’.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
It gave me so much confidence, because I’ve literally written a book-length work now!! Definitely taught me planning and outlining, because it’s the first work I’ve ever written that really required a chapter structure and proper outline. Also editing and rewriting, and I think my patience may have marginally improved when I decided to post it all in one go over three days instead of periodically as I wrote it during the course of four months.
i want the sequel so bad why am i in university im probably gonna have like 8 million assignments due next weeeeeeeek
fanfic writer asks
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Beneath the Amber Moon, Part 7 (Galactica AU Group Fic) – TheDane & Veronica
Heyyy!! Welcome to Part 7 of “Beneath the Amber Moon,” a group fic set in the Galactica Universe. Click here for previous chapters.
We hope you’re enjoying it! Let us know what you think!
Summary: Violet gets a check-up, Fame gets birthday shots, and Courtney gets a visit.
Violet recognised the voice, the baritone the only reason she wasn’t fully freaking out as a hand oh so gently touching her cheek.
“Violet, wake up darling.”
Violet opened her eyes, only catching a glimpse of blue before she had to close them again, wincing in pain. The sun was too bright, the light almost white with it’s blinding.
“Don’t move too much.” Violet felt Sutan move her head slightly, a shirt getting shoved under her to give her support, Violet briefly trying to remember what brand Sutan had worn. “You just fainted.” She really hoped it wasn’t his vintage Ralph Lauren.
“Are we still on the yacht?”
Violet swallowed, her throat painfully dry.
“How long was I out?”
“Only for a minute or two.” Sutan was still holding Violet’s face, the man quickly calling for someone to bring some water.
Violet really hoped everyone wasn’t looking. That would be beyond embarrassing, her stomach still curling with shame whenever she remembered that Adore had seen her throw up the day before. Courtney was somewhat okay, and for a minute Violet almost hoped the blonde was near. They had seen each other in so many degrading and frankly horrible positions that Courtney was one of the few people Violet rarely felt ashamed around.
“How are you feeling? Did you hit your head?”
Violet shook her head slightly, holding her breath for a moment as she waited, but thankfully nothing hurt. Violet heard voices, someone, maybe Fame, giving Sutan a glass of water.
“Try to sit up, sweetheart.”
Violet nodded, opening her eyes, her cheeks instantly going red as she saw that she was surrounded not only by Sutan and Fame, but also Raja, Juju, Alaska, Courtney, and worst of all. Bianca. Sutan helped her up, his hand on her back keeping her secure as she took the water, slowly sipping at it.
“Anything hurt?”
Violet took a deep breath, slowly focusing on each part of her body, one limb at a time like she had learned at the Academy whenever she had taken a nasty fall. Start from the top, and work your way done.
“I’m fine.”
“What happened?” Alaska looked worried, the blonde often being so much kinder than Violet felt like she deserved.
“I think...” If Violet was honest, she had no idea. “It must be heat stroke...” It was the only thing she could think of. It had happened once before, in Indonesia, Sutan, Raja, Raven and her caught in a jeep for almost an hour because a Komodo Dragon had blocked the road.
“Let’s get you to our room, okay?”
Violet nodded, beyond thankful that Sutan was going to take her away from it all.
What she didn’t notice however, was Fame, who was walking away decisively, making a beeline for the crew for the number to the nearest hospital.
Sutan sat up, surprised when he heard a knock on the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone, though Raja had sent him a look when he had walked off with Violet, Sutan quickly but resolutely declining his twin’s offer for help. He knew Violet, and he knew that what she needed most of all right now was rest and to be alone, though he desperately wished he could smoke, Violet laying on the lounge chair of their balcony, slowly drinking the water had forced on her.
He squeezed Violet’s thigh, getting up and walking over to the door, opening it with a puzzled expression.
Fame pushed inside, followed by Bianca and a man that Sutan didn’t recognize.
“Where is she?”
“What the hell is going on?” Sutan asked, relieved that he’d closed to door to the balcony to protect Violet from this onslaught.
“This is Doctor Dias.” Fame gestured vaguely. “I had him helicoptered in. He’s going to check on your girlfriend.”
“Because something is obviously wrong, Sutan.”
“Violet already told us it was a heat stroke-”
“It’s 75 degrees! It wasn’t heat stroke!”
“She probably knows her body better than you do, Fame.”
“You are such an idiot sometimes,” Fame said. “Just let the doctor check her over.”
“Fine.” Sutan threw up his hands. “He can talk to her, but you both need to leave. Especially you-” he pointed at Bianca. “What are you even doing here?”
Bianca shrugged, sitting down on the bed. “Blondie asked me.”
“She speaks Spanish,” Fame explained, and Sutan realised Fame probably expected Bianca to translate for the doctor.
“Bianca?” Sutan rolled his eyes. “I’d say barely.” Sutan was growing more and more tired, a headache threatening to break through. Fame had a tendency to oversell Bianca, attributing more skills to their shared friend than she deserved, and normally he didn’t mind, but right now it was just.. bad. “You do realise that this is Brazil, right? They don’t even speak Spanish here.”
“Potato, potahto,” Fame waved her hand. “Where is Violet?”
“Sir, if I could just see the patient,” Dr. Dias ventured kindly. In perfect English, Sutan was sure to note.
“Yes, sorry about that, I just need to-”
“This is a nice room, Tan.” Bianca lay down on the bed, stretching languidly. Sutan wanted to punch her, her smug satisfaction for once not as endlessly amusing as he usually found it, but instead infuriatingly annoying. “Not as nice as my room upstairs, but pretty good. Have you tried the-”  
“Get out! Both of you, now!”
Fame opened her mouth, aghast, a hand pressed dramatically to her heart.
“You both know how uncomfortable Violet will be with this entire situation.” Sutan didn’t normally raise his voice, especially not at these women, but they were dancing on his very last nerve. “This isn’t the time for either of you to be petty bitches.” Sutan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Thank you for calling the doctor, I’m sure he’ll do his job just fine without your supervision. So please leave. Now.”
“Come on, blondie,” Bianca said, pulling Fame to the door. “Party’s over. Tan found his balls.”
“Did you hear him shout at me?” Fame asked her, indigent, and Bianca laughed.
“Yeah, we kinda deserved it…”  
Sutan let out a relieved sigh as the door shut behind them.
“Sorry about that, doctor. Do you mind waiting a moment while I talk to my girlfriend? I want to make sure she’s okay with all this.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Okay...” Violet sighed. The doctor had taken her vitals, drawing blood, asking routine questions and noting down her answers, and for the first time, Violet was genuinely scared. She had heard the entire argument through the door, Sutan standing up for her so fiercely she was sure she would have jumped him if they had been alone. She had wanted to believe it was a heatstroke, but no matter how little she liked it, Fame was right. It wasn’t normal for her body to act like this.
“Come lie with me?” Sutan obliged straight away, Violet curling into his arms in the fresh linen on their bed, his hand running up and down her back, broad strokes and the sound of his heartbeat calming her down.
“I’m sure you’ll be just fine lovely eyes.” Sutan kissed her hair.
Adore found the room first. A fully-stocked bar tucked away on one of the lower decks, with a dance floor, epic sound system, strobe lights and a fabulous disco ball. So she and Courtney began to blast pop songs from their college days, those long ago times of the early 2010s.
Karl arrived next, attracted by the delicate melody of Britney’s “Work Bitch,” immediately taking over as DJ, followed by Jinkx and Alaska, who seemed like they were in the mood to just let go and have some fun after the stress of chasing Adore down all day. Raven, never one to be left out, came soon after, dragging Juju along with her. Detox and Raja joined as soon as their kids were asleep, quickly getting into the festive spirit, shouting out song recommendations to Karl.
By the time Bianca and Fame walked in, the party was in full swing. Drinks flowing, dancing, shrieking laughter. Fame was just about to scold her friends for the raucousness - there were people trying to sleep, she was sure - but then Karl spotted her and screamed, “BIRTHDAY GIRL!”
The entire room erupted into cheers, pulling Fame onto the dance floor, giving her drinks and lavishing her with all the attention she could ever dream of. She laughed and let Raja spin her, supposing that the lecture could wait awhile.
What was the harm of a little noise, anyway?
Bianca watched her friend twirl and dance, smiling. She was glad that Fame was having a good time. Firstly, because it was her birthday and she deserved to have fun and second, because then the rest of them could relax. As Patrick always said, happy wife, happy life, and things were simply easier and better when Fame was happy.
“Hey! Need a refill?” Adore held up a bottle of tequila, giggling.
“I’m still working on this one, thanks.” Bianca grinned at her sister. “Come here.”
Adore basked in the affection, letting Bianca put her arms around her waist, lean a head on her shoulder.
“I love you, kiddo.”
“Are you drunk?” Adore asked, grinning down at her big sister. “Or dying? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, I just love you. Do I need a fucking reason to say that?”
Adore laughed, hugging her back.
“Absolutely not. I’m very lovable.”
“That you are. Little shit.”
Adore giggled again, taking a swig directly from the tequila bottle.
“Always!” she agreed, then realized that Bianca’s attention had been diverted. She followed her eyes, landing quickly on Courtney on the dance floor.
The blonde was currently engaged in a very provocative dance with Raven to Rihanna’s “S&M.” Adore turned back to her sister, saw the way her eyes were glazing over, glued Courtney’s every move. She kissed the top of Bianca’s head, making a secret wish for those two to get their shit together once and for all.
Courtney tossed and turned in her bed, drifting in and out of a fitful sleep. The humidity was making it impossible for her to relax. Well, the humidity and the tension that had been building for days, now coiled in her abdomen like a spring.
A sharp knock on her door sounded, making her sit up straight. She stumbled out of bed, grabbing a blanket from the chair on her way, both confused by the middle of the night interruption and not at all confused.
As she opened the door, her stomach filled with butterflies. Bianca stood in the hall, hair loose and blowing in the ocean breeze, in bare feet and a flimsy nightgown.
They stared at each other for a long, heated moment, eyes locked, barely breathing.
Then, it all seemed to happen at once. Courtney took a step backwards, dropping her blanket to the floor. Bianca lunged forward to grab her face, crashing their lips together in a desperate, heated kiss - unleashing the passion she’d been holding back all week, a moan leaving the back of her throat.
Courtney’s hands were everywhere. Sliding over Bianca’s full tits, down the sides of her torso, cupping her ass. She pulled at the nightie, ripping it up over Bianca’s head, hands moving back to her smooth, heated skin.
She gripped the back of Bianca’s thighs and lifted her up, smiling at the little yelp that left Bianca’s throat as she tightened her legs around Courtney’s waist.
“I got you,” Courtney said, gazing up at her.
Fuck, she was even stronger than she looked. Bianca relaxed a little, realizing that she wasn’t going to fall. Courtney then turned around, walking towards the bed and tossing Bianca down, eyes still locked on hers. Bianca’s heart raced, lips and thighs both parting instinctually, chest heaving with desire.
Courtney crawled forward, hovering over her on all fours, sliding a hand up her thigh, looking into her eyes, pupils so dilated that they looked nearly black in the moonlight. She brushed a teasing kiss over Bianca’s mouth and started to lift her head away, when Bianca grasped a handful of her hair and pulled her down for another, deep and messy, relaxing into it as Courtney’s body pressed her into the mattress.
Their legs now tangled together, Bianca arched up against Courtney’s thigh, gripping her hips so tightly that she was sure to leave marks. When Courtney flexed against her, Bianca let out a hoarse whimper. Courtney began to trail a row of teasing kisses down her neck, grinding harder against her, feeling how wet she was getting. She inched her fingers down, when Bianca’s eyes flew open.
“Get away from my pussy with those claws, ma’am.”
The nails. Courtney stifled a laugh.
“Shit, sorry.”
Courtney pushed her legs open wider and crawled down to kneel between them. She could see how glistening wet she was, arching up, demanding attention. Courtney raked the tips of her nails lightly down her stomach, making her shiver.
“Those things are terrifying,” Bianca said, watching her through half-lidded eyes.
Courtney flashed a smirk up at her, placing a tender kiss just below her bellybutton, then lower, and lower.
“This better?”
“Much.” Bianca’s voice was low and husky, heart racing as Courtney continued her slow journey down. When she couldn’t stand it one second longer, she threaded her hands into her hair and pushed her head down.
The second Courtney’s tongue came in contact with Bianca’s clit, her head fell back against the pillows, a relieved groan falling from her lips. God, it had been so long. Those bicurious trophy wives were perfectly fun for casual encounters, but they had nothing on a real lesbian. Bianca gasped as Courtney’s tongue swirled around, slowly and carefully bringing her to the brink.
Courtney wrapped her arms around Bianca’s thighs, looking up at her face, head thrown back, lips parted, eyes shut.
“Is this why you came tonight, B?” She placed a soft kiss on Bianca’s tender inner thigh. “Is this what you wanted?”
A breathy “yeah” was all Bianca could manage. Courtney smiled and licked her lips, relishing the taste of her, before returning to the task at hand, paying close attention to the changes in her breathing, the way her body arched, sense memory reminding her of exactly what Bianca liked as she flicked a tongue over her clit.
Her first orgasm was quiet, blissful sighs and breathy whimpers, fingers tangled in Courtney’s hair, as Courtney lapped her up like dessert, tongue soft against her. She waited patiently for Bianca’s body to slow down before going in for more, sucking on her clit, one hand reaching up to toy with her nipple. She knew what Bianca really wanted, and had half a mind to chew off a couple of those awful nails, but unfortunately, they weren’t budging.
She slid to the side of the bed, smiling at Bianca’s whine, reaching over into her open suitcase and coming up with exactly what she was looking for: a Magic Wand.
Bianca lifted herself up on her elbows, dark eyes hooded with lust.
“Wow, you’re not messing around.”
“Nope.” Courtney twirled the Wand in her hand, giggling. “You ready?”
“Uh huh...”
Courtney laid down beside Bianca, turning her face and licking her mouth open, plunging a tongue inside. She flipped the Magic Wand on, letting it rest lightly against Bianca’s clit.
Bianca arched against the vibrator, vision going blurry as Courtney began to swirl a tongue around her nipple. Her fingers dug deep into Courtney arm, a string of whimpers and then curses falling from her lips. Every time she got close, Courtney changed the speed, keeping her on the edge, driving her crazy until she couldn’t take it anymore.
She moaned, pulling hard on Courtney’s hair, suddenly not satisfied with this passive role. She flipped them over, pushing Courtney’s legs open with her thigh, grinding down against her, rolling her hips faster and faster. She pulled the vibrator out from between them, turning it off and then tossing it aside, bearing down.
Sparks raced through her body as their wet pussies rubbed against each other. Courtney was fingering her nipples, arching up into her, and Bianca bit down hard on her shoulder, sucked bruises into her skin. Branding her. Mine.
“Fuck,” Bianca groaned as she came once again, slowing her movements to the pace of her throbbing cunt, sticky wetness mixing as she rutted against her.
She rode out the last aftershocks, then collapsed on top of Courtney, a sweaty mess, face buried in a cloud of blonde hair. Courtney trailed her nails up her back, round and round, making circles on her damp skin.
As if by instinct, Bianca’s mouth moved to Courtney’s neck, sucking on her pulse point, bruising the tender flesh, a hand snaking down to find her core, warm and wet.
“Oh, god, B…” Courtney whined as Bianca began to stroke her slowly, toy with her in that devilish way she had.
Whimpering with increased urgency now, Courtney arched up, pulse beating frantically as she begged for more friction, more pressure, more heat.
But Bianca’s movements were languid. Intentionally taking her sweet time, a soft tongue chasing her biting kisses, keeping Courtney wracked with pleasure, toes curled. She didn’t even mind those fucking nails digging into her shoulders, every scratch showing her the effect she was having on Courtney’s body as made her way down. Her tongue trailed lazy circles over her golden skin, still salty from the ocean.
She brushed her lips gently over Courtney’s clit, blowing hot air against her, holding her hips down as she strained and arched.
Suddenly, Courtney summoned all of her strength and flipped them over using just her thighs. She knelt above Bianca’s face, the look of surprise on her face almost as good as the feeling of her hot, plush mouth, the triumph of being in control.
Bianca’s arms circled her thighs, holding them open, mouth open and ready, a thrill rushing through her as Courtney’s hips rolled against her, grinding against her tongue, hot and messy and dripping wet. Her frantic movements set the pace, and Bianca kept up, tongue seeking her out, enthusiastically devouring her.
One of Bianca’s hands slid up, thumb brushing against Courtney’s nipple, and she groaned in pleasure, hips moving faster, her own hand moving to her other breast, pinching her nipple as she rode Bianca’s face.
Before long, Courtney’s thighs were shaking. As strong as she was, she was having trouble supporting her own weight in this state, whimpers bubbling up from the back of her throat, close to the edge, biting down on her lip so hard that she tasted blood.
All it took was a gentle push to get her onto her back, so that Bianca could take back the reins, finishing her off slowly, leisurely. Swirling her tongue, unbearably soft, as Courtney bucked and moaned, begging for more. Bianca lifted her head, just one finger toying with her as she looked at her face, eyes rolled back, mouth open in a silent scream. Bianca smiled, still watching as her tongue caressed Courtney’s swollen clit, eliciting a guttural moan, another gush of wetness that Bianca licked up greedily.
“Please B...oh god...I…” Courtney let out another broken moan, knuckles white from her tight grip on the sheets.
“I lied,” Bianca murmured against her, breathing her in deeply. “This is the reason I came here.”
She sucked harder, tongue circling faster, coaxing Courtney through wave after wave, passion engulfing her like a tsunami, leaving her gasping for breath, wrung out, her whole body unravelling as she melted into the bed.
It didn’t matter how much time had gone by. In that moment, Bianca knew that Courtney was hers entirely. She inhaled the scent of sweet victory, lips brushing against her, before rolling off, curled on her side, watching Courtney slowly regain her composure.
Bianca chuckled, sliding a hand across her abdomen, the newly formed 6-pack that had been taunting her all week.
“Your body is just…”
Courtney turned a head toward her, a smile tugging at her lips, eyes still half-closed with exhaustion.
“You like it?”
“Hell yeah,” Bianca replied.
“I thought you’d like me better dainty.”
“I thought so too, but...shit.”
Courtney giggled, lacing their fingers together.
“These, on the other hand?” Bianca lifted her hand, scowling at those dreaded nails. “These are a hate crime.”
“They were supposed to keep me from misbehaving,” Courtney explained.
Courtney laughed again, turning to the side to face her, eyes soft and shining. They didn’t speak for awhile, simply enjoyed the quiet intimacy of the moment, naked and spent, curled together.
“Yeah?” Bianca brushed another kiss against Courtney’s lips, pulling her closer by the waist.
Courtney allowed herself a few more moments of gentle affection before clearing her throat and sitting up slightly, propped against the pillows. She carded her scandalous nails through Bianca’s hair, watching her long lashes flutter.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Bianca asked again.
“Should we...talk about what this means?”
“Why, you moving back to New York?” Bianca retorted. Courtney’s hand stopped moving in her hair and she immediately regretted the sarcastic tone. Shit.
There was a long pause, and then Courtney muttered, “Forget it,” withdrawing her hand.
Bianca couldn’t bear to look up, to see the hurt that she knew would be in her eyes. What the fuck was wrong with her? Why did she have to destroy this moment?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I just...didn’t think anything had changed for you, so-”
“You’re right. It hasn’t.”
Bianca felt like she was swallowing a mouthful of sawdust as the reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Courtney wasn’t hers anymore. She had her own life, her own career. This was just a fling. And as much as Bianca wanted to get on her knees and beg her to come back, she knew that wasn’t the answer.
Courtney finally managed to catch her eye, saw how sorry she really was. She swallowed down her own pain, her own spoiled fantasies of what this was going to be, and offered her hand, palm up.
“Just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”
“Right.” Bianca took her hand, tried to be grateful for what they had, instead of angry about what she was losing, once again. Tried to pretend, for a little while, that things were different. That this was a new beginning instead of the same old tune.
She held onto Courtney’s hand, thumb rubbing her palm, until she heard Courtney’s breathing even out, and then gave her one final squeeze. One last kiss, soft, against her cheek.
It would be better if they woke up alone.
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Chapter 26: Seeing your face every day (Josh POV)
Some of you requested it and I deliver. I must say it was super hard for me to write the Josh’s point of view of this whole story because Anastasia is my baby and I only care for her. Haha
I hope you all like it and don’t forget to leave the feedback!
Thanks to everyone who reads the fic, much love to you all! ♥
Remember to visit Anastasia’s IG profile:
Anastasia_Truman  ❤️️
Read chapter 25
“Hey, I hope you are fine. I know I owe you some explanations about New York and these past months in general and I hope we can get the chance to talk now that we are going back on tour and I get to see your face again everyday”.
Josh texted Anastasia that Monday, the last day of February, like it was an impulse he couldn’t control. Her image had not left his mind since that time he shattered her heart on the first day of the year, what a way to destroy somebody’s year. He wasn’t proud of it, his heart was broken too, he had loved that blue-haired girl for so long only to realize he wasn’t worthy of her. After seeing her again in New York, his world was upside down.
He met Lauren when he was helping his friend who was producing her first studio album. She had all this confidence and sensuality that it was impossible not to look at her. Her looks compensated for her lack of talent; she is young and vibrant and it makes him feel young too. In a way he was still young, he kept doing the same dumb shit he did back in the day, like letting people he cared about down. Lauren was so different from Anastasia. He put his phone down on the nightstand and rolled over to face Lauren, who was peacefully sleeping next to him in that hotel room in New York.
Even after looking at Lauren, he couldn’t keep Anastasia away from his thoughts. He wondered what she was doing in Los Angeles. She was probably with Mandy or making music. That was the most remarkable difference between her and Lauren: Anastasia could make great songs as fast as a finger snap, she was loaded with talent and that was something that always drove Josh crazy. In a way, he always felt jealous of what she had in Dead Curse, her own band, her own very successful band.
He felt like a coward, but he wasn’t what Anastasia was expecting him to be so it was better to end it now than later and cause less damage. He and Lauren had sex the first day they met, that was something he wasn’t proud of but he was feeling so low not being up to An’s level. Lauren was under that line, besides, it was Lauren who threw herself at him. Yes, sex was great. Her youth made her capable to do amazing things, but he had that with Anastasia too, that and much more.
He spent an hour laying there, in bed, looking at the ceiling and didn’t get a reply from Anastasia.
 -          Good morning, bae – He hated being called that.
-          Hi – Josh said smiling, pretending he just woke up.
-          Last night was amazing – Lauren said hugging him – I say let’s do it again – She started to kiss his neck – Like right now.
-          I’m not feeling too well – Josh answered.
-          Is there something wrong? – Lauren asked while still kissing him, now on his chest.
-          No, but I’m not in the mood now, Lauren – He said, trying to make her stop.
-          But bae! – She went back to kissing his neck.
-          Lauren, I said no! – He said getting up from bed and walking to the bathroom.
He turned on the shower and just stood there, letting the water run down his body, hoping it washed away Anastasia from his memory but it wasn’t working. “God, she is so beautiful!” He wished she was there right now; even if to hit him like she did in the elevator almost a week ago. He definitely deserved those blows for being a total asshole, he thought. Now he had to live with his decision and Lauren was waiting outside to have another fun day around New York when all he wanted to do was to stay in bed not doing anything. He loved not doing anything with Anastasia. Another big difference between those two: Lauren needed constant activity, while Anastasia had a special love for days when she could do nothing and just sleep next to him or lay down and watch some Netflix with him. The girl worked so hard that off days were so precious to her.
He got dressed in his many layers (it was still very cold in New York), while Lauren chose to wear a tank top under a light sweater and the tightest skinny jeans in history. She looked rather hot, but she always did. That was the image she wanted to sell.
-          It is really cold outside – Josh said to her.
-          I’m from Texas, baby, we have hot blood – She answered lowing the cleavage of her tank top. At that moment, he missed Anastasia’s class to get dressed – You know there is this bar at the top of the Renaissance with an amazing view of Times Square that I really want to try tonight.
-          I was thinking about staying in and maybe watching a movie or something – Josh said walking to the elevator.
-          Really? How old are we? Forty? – Lauren said – Well, you kind of are – She laughed, Josh didn’t – Come on, Josh! In a few days you’ll be back to touring and I will have to stay here working on the record and I don’t know when I’m going to see you again. If you are nice – She put her arms around his neck – maybe you’ll get a treat tonight – She whispered.
-          We’ll see how tired we are tonight – Josh said. He could control Lauren so he was sure they weren’t going anywhere that night.
-          You know I’m never tired! – She said with her high pitch voice tone that sometimes bothered him so damn much.
 It was a museum kind of day and they visited the MoMa and the Met (classic tourist sightings) just like he did with Anastasia when they were in Europe last year. The big difference was that Anastasia did enjoy museums and art and Lauren had a blank stare and looked so bored, she didn’t quite seem to understand some of the pieces, she just talked about fancy restaurants and bars she wanted to go the whole time. Then they went to have lunch to a salad place because Lauren didn’t eat much (another reason to miss the midnight blue-haired girl), and they spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. Well Lauren did, he just felt miserable waiting for her to try all those clothes he was going to pay for. But he liked it, he was taking care of her, giving her what she wanted and that made him feel good.
 -          You know, I think I saw a jacket like this at your place once – Lauren was trying on a Gucci green bomber jacket.
-          Yes, it’s Anastasia’s – Josh remembered that An never went to pick up her stuff from his place, he didn’t want her to, though.
-          Truman? – Lauren asked with a confused expression.
-          Yes – Now he had to lie again because he never told Lauren that he and Anastasia had been in a relationship – She is always wandering around and she leaves things everywhere. I’m pretty sure she left it there and forgot about it.
-          Oh, I see – Lauren said – You two are good friends, right? Because to leave her jacket at your place and not worrying about getting it back it means you two must be very good friends.
-          Mm… yeah, I think – He lied again – What were you doing snooping through my things in my house anyway?
-          I wasn’t snooping, I just saw it – Lauren said going back into the fitting room – And I don’t see any problem with it since I’m your girlfriend – Josh opened his eyes big,
-          Woah, woah! Hold on there, little lady! – He said shocked – We never talked about that.
-          But I thought I was, since we’ve been kind of living together and all.
-          Yes, because I’m spending this time off in New York and because the label paid for an apartment you don’t want to use.
-          It’s in a horrible location!
-          I’m leaving in a couple of days and you are going to live there – He said – Truth is, Lauren, I don’t like to put on labels – He lied once more.
 Lauren took his answer really well; he felt she actually didn’t even care as long as he paid for all the clothes. He won that night and they didn’t go to that fancy bar, instead they stayed in the hotel room, he ate a pizza, she had a salad. “If Anastasia could watch her she would be laughing right now,” he thought. After watching a boring movie with Channing Tatum on Netflix (Lauren’s pick), they had sex until he fell asleep.
 He really wanted to go to Los Angeles, he was so bored, so he made up a stupid excuse to Lauren and brought forward his flight back home. How could somebody make New York boring to him? A city he loved so much. He missed Anastasia again and remembered the last time they were there together last year, and the long, crazy road trip to Chicago. He wasn’t sure on how to ask her, since he thought she liked to travel comfy in first class flights although she hated flying, but she was so excited to do it and he got a glimpse of her musical taste which was so wide, from Britney to Metallica. She was crazy and he missed her. There was one consistent taste in her: her love for Fleetwood Mac, so in her honor he decided to listen to them on the flight to LA and had a crazy idea.
Josh checked his phone for the tenth time that day and yet no message from Anastasia. He knew he did the same days ago, when she congratulated him for the album but he knew she was going to listen to it and was so scared to say anything to her, cowardice ruled his life again. He understood why she didn’t reply to his text but it made him so angry. Instead, Lauren didn’t stop messaging him saying things like “I miss you”, “I hope I get the chance to see you soon” and more inappropriate things, but he liked that about her. He didn’t love Lauren, he was sure about that, but he felt undeniably attracted to her and the way she made him feel. Lauren made him feel so good about himself, out of the fact that he was giving her everything she ever wanted. He couldn’t do that with Anastasia, she already had seen the world and she was very capable to get everything she could ever want by herself. Even his dad said it once: Anastasia didn’t need him. However, Lauren did. He took her to fancy restaurants and bought her amazing things, and that made him feel so almighty.
He landed at LAX, took an Uber to his house in El Sereno and suddenly felt so alone. He hadn’t been on his own since he broke up with Anastasia, he missed her again and that made him look at his phone screen only to see that she hadn’t replied to his text, so he decided to go for the usual ex-boyfriend move: to check her Instagram profile. Josh sometimes used the Dot Hacker Instagram page. He followed most of his friends from that profile and the rest of the band’s friends. He also followed Anastasia’s profile from it. He saw that she had posted some pictures from New York with her brother, friends, bandmates and his sister. They had so much fun in the city while he had to deal with Lauren and his parents. Anastasia hadn’t posted much since that New Years’ Eve party at Eric’s house, an evening Josh decided to spend with Lauren when he should have been with An. She called him so many times that night, he felt ashamed. Checking further, he noticed she hadn’t deleted the pictures she took of him: she had some of him playing onstage and others backstage, another one of him hugging her that Mandy took when they were in Berlin, another one on the road trip to Chicago; him playing the piano and some more on private planes. He had always been OK with it. Anastasia’s Instagram account was private and all the people that she allowed to follow her were people she knew well. She was very private after all, and Josh didn’t realize that before. The fact that she hadn’t deleted him from her social media must mean something beyond and Josh held on tight to that thought.
 He kept checking her pictures, seeing how beautiful and joyous she looked in every single one of them. Suddenly he thought about calling her but deep inside he knew she wouldn’t answer, so he decided to call his sister instead. She was younger than him but much wiser.  
 -          Hi - She picked up her phone with a low voice.
-          I’m already in LA, can we catch up? - He asked her.
-          Wow, what happened? I didn't expect you here until next week! - Kelly said with evident surprise in her voice.
-          Nothing happened, why would it? I just wanted to come back early to have some rest before the tour starts again - Josh said.
-          Sure? I know you.
-          Damn, Kelly, can you come or not? - Josh said frustrated; there was something about siblings that couldn’t hide anything from each other.
-          Well, not right now, I'm at Anastasia's place and we are about to have some girl time and drink mimosas.
-          Wow I didn't know you were that close to her.
-          I know what happened between you two but she is so nice, Josh, and I don't have a lot of girlfriends and sometimes I need them. I really like her. Does it bother you?
-          No, it’s OK - He said, not really convinced of his words but he couldn’t keep Kelly from having any friends she wanted even if it was Anastasia - Talk to you later, then.
-          Sure, bye!
She hung up before he could say goodbye. He wasn't sure how to feel about this, about Kelly being friends with his ex-girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend he couldn’t get out of his head yet. He started to wander around his house. He walked to the living room, his kitchen, his backyard… Every place had a memory attached to Anastasia. He swore he could still smell her essence. He saw her lying in his couch, sitting at the backyard, cooking something in his kitchen, even though cooking wasn’t her forte.
He needed to get out of there so he called Eric, the only one who knew everything and had a glimpse at Anastasia's version too.
-          Dude! - Josh said when Eric picked up his phone.
-          What’s up? Are you back in LA? - Eric asked.
-          How do you know? - Josh asked back.
-          I sensed it! - Josh laughed.
-          Are you busy right now?
-          Not at all, Hannah is at Anastasia's house having a girl's afternoon, whatever that is.
-          Guess she's gonna be part of my friend's group, huh?
-          Anastasia was part of your friend's group way before you two were together - Eric laughed.
-          Do you want to go to the bar down the street? - Josh asked - The usual place? - The two lived near each other and that sport bar had became an usual place for them to have good nights and they could come back drunk after walking home.
-          See you there in 30! - Eric said and hung up.
-          Josh! You fucked it up big time! - Eric said while drinking a pint of Irish beer.
-          I know, believe me, I know - Josh said drinking his beer.
-          The bad thing is that once Anastasia is over you, it’s over! - Eric said, making emphasis in the last "over" - There's no turning back at that point.
-          I made my decision and I have to live with it - Josh said, showing the sadness in his eyes.
 Eric just confirmed what Josh was already thinking, if Anastasia forgot about him it was over. He knew her, he knew so well, after New York she probably wasn’t thinking about him anymore. She was so angry in that elevator and at the Madison Square Garden, and even in that state she gave such amazing performances, he watched them all partly because he wanted to see her and the way she moved on stage, and partly because Lauren was a big fan… How ironic!
He got really drunk that night, it was a good way to forget everything. Reality hit him next morning and it was hard for him to even open his eyes so he decided to sleep in the whole day and the next one too. Then he woke up feeling disoriented. He walked to his kitchen to have a bite of something, anything; he realized that his fridge was empty and then thought of calling Anastasia to go and grab some food, and he stopped sharp, his mind had to get rid of all the things he used to do with her. He felt so stupid. He wanted to be with her but couldn’t, he was with Lauren now and his brain needed to stick to that.
 Days passed by and now it was time to go back to touring. Josh was excited; he’d be getting to see Anastasia every day again, but he was scared because she never answered his text and the two hadn’t spoken since New York, she probably hated him and he knew it was his fault.
As a magical move from the Universe, the first person he ran into when he arrived to the Staples Center that morning was Anastasia. She was wearing a t-shirt with the phrase “There is a light that never goes out”, she even liked The Smiths, how more perfect could she be? He admitted to himself that it was a much better t-shirt that the one she wore in New York with the words “Players only love you when they’re playing”. He knew how much she liked Fleetwood but he was also aware that it was a message for him. He got really angry when he saw her wearing it; he wasn’t a player, he didn’t play with her! He broke up with her because he didn’t want to hurt her.
Anastasia walked by without even looking at him once. He was devastated, so he ran to his dressing room to set everything to get ready for that night. He was happy to play at the Staples, though. Playing in Los Angeles had always felt special to him no matter if it was for twenty people or twenty thousand, LA was home and he embraced it, besides, some friends and family were going to join him there. After a couple of hours at the dressing room he decided to take a walk around the venue, he liked to do that, it helped him to start catching the energy of the place; he gave a few steps and ran into another person he actually didn’t want to face: Mark, Anastasia’s brother.
He met Mark years ago at a New York bar when he was touring with Gnarls Barkley, Mark was a DJ at the place and Josh was there with Eric and Clint having some drinks. Josh was amazed by the mix of rhythms and sounds Mark was throwing that night so they started to talk and a great friendship developed when they went back to Los Angeles. Funny how life joined them again.
 -          Man! – Mark was the first to talk.
-          Hey! – Was all Josh could say.
-          How’s everything? – Mark asked.
-          Well… you know. Trying to carry on – It was an awkward way to reply to that, and Josh knew it.
-          I can imagine – Mark said realizing it was an uncomfortable situation.
-          I’m a little bit nervous about tonight, to be honest – Josh tried to carry the conversation.
-          You? Nervous? Yeah, right. You have played so many shows, Klinghoffer!
-          Yeah, but, you know. It’s home.
-          Are you sure you aren’t nervous by a certain Truman?
 “Does everybody have to mention her?” Josh asked himself.
 -          Yeah, about that…
-          Don’t worry, Josh. It’s not me you have to give explanations to – Mark said and Josh was shocked by his laid back reaction – You’re still my friend – It was nice to hear that.
-          Is she alright with that? – He had to ask.
-          Anastasia is a very mature woman – Mark laughed – She knows you are on her circle and yes, she is OK with it.
-          Everything feels weird right now – Josh said looking at the floor.
-          I can imagine – Mark said – You look confused and I understand that. I was confused once about Stephanie and look at me now, I’m going to ask her to marry me.
-          What?! – Josh said shocked and couldn’t hide the smile.
-          You are the first to know, actually. Don’t tell my sister, that would be something she won’t forgive me for.
-          Man, I’m so happy! – Josh hugged Mark – And don’t worry, I won’t tell her. We aren’t communicating much right now.
 Josh was happy for Mark, indeed, but it was a low blow. A good percentage of his friends were married by then or had babies and he felt left behind. He wanted that, a family he could go back to after the touring madness but now, more than ever, he was far from that. Anastasia was very clear she didn’t want children anytime soon and that was another thing that made him walk away from her. On the other hand, Lauren wasn’t going to give him a child soon neither, she was so, so, so young and starting her career. But, to be honest, he didn’t want Lauren to be the mother of his kids; she could barely take care of herself. That place belonged and still belongs to Anastasia in his heart, until his mind decided it was time to move on or until he met someone else, which was going to be really hard since he kept comparing every woman to her.
Josh saw Anastasia again, and this time she saw him too, so he walked up to her without even thinking about it. It was like if his legs knew exactly where to go. She was alone, wandering around the venue too because she also like to catch the vibe of the place before a show, they were so alike. She got nervous, he could tell, he knew her so well; he was nervous too, more than he would like to admit; it was like every time he ran into her in the past, at a party or event, she always made him feel nervous but in the good sense.
 -          Hi! – She said without hesitating.
-          How are you? – Josh asked smiling.
-          I’m a wreck right now, I never thought I would sing in a sold out Staples Center – She said scratching her left arm with her right hand and he noticed something different.
-          Look at that! – He said – New tattoos! – They made her look even better.
-          Oh, yeah – She showed them to him. He first saw the two circles that belonged to the Dead Curse logo, and then she showed him the little heart on her ring finger – This is for Mandy – She clarified before he could even ask.
-          They are amazing! – Josh couldn’t stop smiling, looking like a maniac – And the heart is extremely cute.
-          Mandy got one too, but her heart is blue – She was hardly looking at him.
-          You two are crazy! I like your t-shirt too! – He was running out of conversation topics but he didn’t want to let her go.
-          Oh, thanks – She said looking at the t-shirt and then at him. He could see her eyes and the world stopped spinning for those seconds: How much he loved those giant turquoise eyes. He loved to get lost in them just like he was now… But she took him out of his reverie with only a few words.
-          I’ve got to go – She said and she turned and left him there standing, alone again.
 Josh couldn’t speak to An again neither that day nor the next. But he could watch her splashing sensuality and elegance on stage, breaking the silence with her melodious and powerful voice. She was wearing a long purple Lakers t-shirt with embroidered fishnet stockings and some black vans. Her stage outfit choices were always diverse and you never knew what she was going to wear but she always managed to look amazing on them. The second night she chose a black light short dress with dark blue thigh-high boots, seeing her in those boots always drove him crazy and that night wasn’t the exception. She even played guitar in some songs and then he remembered, Anastasia’s birthday gift, it was something he sent to be custom made for her last December and now he didn’t know what to do with it.
Read chapter 27
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Dragometry Circa 1979 ~ Hobnob
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AN: Ive been doing very successful things in 6th form and I’m a very successful student. As such i dropped english lit and took art instead. my passion for writing left me, but came back when i was looking at my dog sleep. He looked soft and i thought if he can do it, so can i. My friend mentioned in art how she ate a shroom once, and she forgot who she was for a bit and had a panic attack. I thought that sounded wicked and I wanted to embody that in this fic. Thanks Sarah
Chi Chi dipped her hands in her pockets and turned them inside out. Alas, there was no cash to be found. Only some dead flies and a used condom.
Just her luck. She had no way of paying the rent and it was due in tomorrow! She continued to walk down the streets of Camden disappointedly.
Just then her train of thought was broken by the local newsboy.
“Extra extra! Read all about it! Daily mail halfa shilling!” Little Bendela yelled in his school uniform.
Chi Chi approached him but in a non predatory way because she didn’t mess around with little kids like that.
“What’s in the news today little boy?” She asked, spitting on the floor.
“Im 26 ma'am” He answered in a cockney tone, his little red cheeks growing hot with rage.
“You’ll use no such tone with me boy!” Chi Chi said slapping the twat. “I’ll have a paper please.”
Little boy Bendelacreme sobbed and handed over the paper. Chi Chi opened it up and could barely believe what she was seeing.
“Blimey! A battle of the bands today with a cash prize of 100,000 quid!!” She exclaimed dropping into a perfect split in joy.
“Oo aye right you are mista! Down at the old theatre where all those donkeys were found!” Bendela added.
An idea formed in Chi Chi’s mind. The amount of rent she had to pay happened to be exactly 100,000 pounds conveniently enough.
“You know what? I’m going to enter!”
Ben began bursting into laughter as his little round face lit up with glee. “Oho thats a gaff if i ever did hear one! Everyone knows ur tone deaf miss Devayne, ever since you exploded that donkey.” He chuckled, wiping away a salty tear.
“Shut the fuck up.” Chi Chi said, slapping the cunt again to put him in his place. “You’ll speak when told to boy.”
“Even if you wanted to enta miss Devayne, yous need three or more band members. You know, like the Beatles and such.” Ben said whilst on the floor in agony clasping his face.
“Three or more members hm?” She said, scratching her stubble. “Fancy joining my band?”
“No can do, i gots to sell all these papers or my mum won’t let me in the house. Good luck miss.” He responded, already halfway down the street in fear of getting another beating. Silly silly little boy.
“UR MUMS A FILTHY SKETT GET BACK HERE.” Chi Chi shouted at him as he ran. It was no use. He was gone faster than Lance Armstrong on steroids.
Even Bendelacreme being a little batty crease couldn’t dampen her mood at this point. She was ready to win that battle of the bands with a total bop of a song.
She would create the next Oasis, the next Blur, the next Smashmouth.
But first she needed bandmates…
Just then she spotted Britney Spears vouging down the street looking like a complete plebb. It was better than nothing.
“Oi Britney! Yeah get over here!”
“My names Derrick” the blonde said, making her way over.
“Want to be in my band?”
“Lol Sure”
Disgusting. She was perfect. She wasn’t visibly on any heroin, and had shopping bags from tesco, so she wasn’t on benefits either.
“Sick, you’re going to play synth.”
“Like fuck i am.” Derrick said, embroiled with rage. “I was classically trained on the guitar.”
Chi Chi raised her mighty hand in slapping formation to Derrick. She needed to be taught some manners.
Derrick nodded before snatching the paper for herself. There it was. Right next to the article about the Piers Morgan donkey scandal. In big bold comic sans spelt ‘Battle of the bands.’
“Fat chance of us entering with two members.” Derrick roared.
“I’m working on it ffs get off my back.” Chi Chi screamed.
Just then she felt her tummy rumble. It was a deep and low rumble, akin to that of a barking dog, or even perhaps even a bin lorry driving by in the early hours of the morning.
Yes, Chi cHi was hungry. But she didn’t have any money. She spent her last paycheck on a lotto ticket.
“Let’s discuss this over a hearty Nando’s shall we?” she said, slapping Derrick on her manly toned back. “You’re paying.”
Derrick threw the paper to the floor. “I can’t pay. I spent all my money on Xanax and Tesco’s. All i got is a quid.”
She was right. A quid isn’t Nando’s money. Its Pick and Mix money at best. She’d just have to think of something fast.
“Lets beg like in oliver twist.” Chi Chi suggested. Derrick seemed to agree, but maybe that was because she threatened to beat her up earlier.
Just then Chi Chi set her eyes on someone walking down the street. Quick as a monkeynut with a jackhammer she made her way over to the individual and held out her hands.
“Please sir, can i ave’ some more?” Chi Chi said sadly, some eye infection goo coming out of her eyes instead of tears.
The individual looked confused for a moment, then got a ladle of porridge from her handbag and dropped it wetly into her hands.
“What the fuck it this. I didn’t want porridge did i, I wanted some money or something.”
“Oh sorry lol” the stranger offered taking back the porridge for later. “I don’t own any money at the moment. Teresa May and all.”
Chi Chi nodded agreeingly. “In that case do you want to join our band?”
The stranger nodded and sealed the deal with a wicked fistbump.
“My names Naysha Lopez. Synth extrordanair.”
“Your going to be on synth.”
“Well yes i just said-”
Chi Chi slapped her hard in the face in a fit of fury. Her word was law. She was the big dog.
“Aight we’re ready to rock. Let’s go back to my place.”
Derrick and Naysha nodded, getting into her 2003 Volkswagen that Chi Chi won in a game of chess.
The van was full of hippy shit. Fuckugly tie dye shirts, 42 vinyl albums of the Stone Roses, and a massive bong full of old weedwater.
“First we need to get our looks right.” Derrick suggested, taking out a large pair of scissors and hacking at her hair.
“And what we’re going to play.” Naysha added, beating out a mad eurobeat synth solo.
“Lads.” Chi Chi stopped them both, raising her hands. “Its not about how you look or sound.” She said sincerely, patting Derrick on the shoulder. “It’s about how much acid you take.”
She took out a small plastic bag with three tabs of acid, passing them out. They each popped the paper on their tongues and felt it dissolve.
“Alright now we’ve done that we should really figure out what we’re going to play.” Naysha said, picking the synth back up.
“How about we theme the song around the hardships of love.” Derrick said, sitting on a beanbag surrounded by her own hair.
“We-lets…lets wait like…half an hour. you’ll have better ideas.” Chi Chi added, taking a massive rip out of the dirty bong.
Half an hour later after hotboxing the camper van Chi Chi looked at her Casio sports watch.
“Oh dude the battle of the bands is in half an hour.”
“Shiit” Derrick said, her jaw hanging slack. “So what about if we came out on the stage in-in like picture this. We come out in geometrical shape costumes.”
“Yeah like Dragometry.” Naysha added, unable to move her head.
“Oh yeah meta..” Derrick nodded, writing it down, except the pen she was using was a cheese string and there was no paper.
“I have some old Capri Sun multi pack boxes in the back, let’s go out completely naked covered in those.” Chi Chi said, snapping her fingers.
Everyone clapped for the sheer excellence of that very notion. Around ten minutes later they were all naked and covered in Capri Sun boxes.
“Oh man.” Derrick said poking Nayshas body that was now unconscious on the floor. “Nayshas passed out and the battle of the bands is in like 20 minutes.”
“Yeah just like…” Chi Chi rubbed her finger over Derricks mouth in a shushing motion. “Just like i saw in um…nature shows, you pour water in their mouths and they’re fine…so…”
Derrick nodded taking a half empty Capri Sun and pouring it into Nayshas mouth. It began to bubble as Naysha hacked and coughed it out.
“Aaah there she is. Party animal.” Chi Chi laughed. “Alright let’s write a song.”
“I was thinking, we sing about the shapes we are, and sing about societal struggles and riots in london and an unfair corrupt justice system.” Naysha said swallowing the gargled Capri Sun and getting off the floor.
“I’m liking the first bit, like shapes and shit.” Chi Chi said, igniting the engine of the car and speeding away. “Were probably ready i think lets go perform.”
“You just hit a little boy selling papers back there.”
“Nah dude ur tripping.” Chin Chin said turning on the windshield whispers to get the blood off.
When they finally arrived after driving down the A38 the battle of the bands was underway. The entrance was bustling with people eager to see the peformances.
As the trio made their way through the crowd they got some funny looks, but maybe because they were wearing cardboard boxes and were sticky from Capri Sun juice.
Once they got to the bouncer he stopped them from getting through with a grunt.
“Oi leds, restricted area, bands only.” He said in a thick nothern tone.
“Oh? Haven’t you heard?” Chi Chi spoke confidently, her eyes facing different directions due to all the acid. “We’re the new band on the block!”
The bouncer simply shook his head.
“Oive never seen yous before. Whatre you’re names?”
They all pondered for a second before Naysha snapped her fingers.
“We’re Dragometry, the geometric power trio unsatisfied with social injustice.” She said proudly burping halfway through her sentence.
The bouncer looked stunned for a moment before nodding. “Meta…” he said letting them all through.
When they got inside they could scope out the competition. It seems the entirety of Camdens music scene had gathered to win that 100,000 quid.
As they made their way inwards they were stopped by a group of angry looking new yorkers.
“Oh looky here lads, what do we gots.” One of them said, cracking their knuckles.
“Looks likea buncha whimps to me!” Another one said snickering.
Naysha burst out in tears. Chi Chi had to do something for the credibility of her band!
“We’re only the greatest musicians since Cher Loyd.” She retorted with her quick drug induced whit. “Who are you?”
The three new Yorkers struck a dynamic pose and exclaimed in unison.
“We are Street Meats! Betty, Bob and Thorgy!!!”
“Gay.” Derrick said, picking some broccoli out of her teeth.
“Alright well, later lads.” Chi Chi said, pushing past the entitled fuckers. Bloody Americans.
“Not so fast!!” Bob said, grabbing her by the shoulders. “This is our turf, see? And we don’t take too kindly to people trying to get our 100,00 dollars!”
“Fuck i left the engine on.” Chi Chi said, turning to Naysha.
“We have a little bet to propose.” Thorgy said, taking out a hostage from her guitar case. “Win and we’ll leave forever. Loose…and we’ll kill this hostage.”
Derrick poked the hostage in the belly and scratched her stubble in consideration.
“Mmmmmm” She said, thinking hard. “…N-…..n…..hmmmmm. No.”
“Oh?” Acid betty said chuckling manically. “Did we forget to mention the hostage happens to be…THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND?”
“SHIIIT” Chi Chi bawled, sobbing into her hands.
“C-challenge accepted.” Naysha said, her eyes beginning to well up. “Don’t worry your majesty…we’ll get you out of this…” she said holding the queens wrinkled hands.
“Oi thanks lads.” The queen responded. Adjusting the crown on her head.
Just like that Thorgy stuffed her back in his guitar case and threw it into the coat room.
“Good luck ladies.” Bob chuckled, fist bumping Acid Betty as they walked away.
Things had just gotten serious. Now the common wealth was in their hands. Chi Chi felt sick.
“What are we going to do?” Derrick cried. His hands were shaking.
She took a deep breath and stood up straight, adjusting her cardboard box.
“I’ll tell you exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to win this fucking battle of the bands, and then we’re going to be knighted by the queen of England, thats what we’re going to do.” Chi Chi said in a confident voice.
With newfound confidence the trio patted each-other on their naked sweaty backs. The first band had just begun to play. Les Chicken Wings they called themselves.
They were pretty sick ngl. A bit like The Clash but with cross dressers.
“BUY OUR VYNIL IN THE BACK.” The lead vocalist screamed once the band finished up. Chi Chi turned around and there stood Little boy Bendelacreme selling vinyls!
“Oh shit what happened to you.” She asked, grimacing at his horribly mangled body.
“I was left disfigured when you ran me over earlier. Would you like to buy a vinyl?” He said, holding out a disk in his bloodied hands.
Chi Chi flicked a shilling in his direction and took one.
“Lighten up miss Chi Chi! You look awful nervous.”
“I suppose you could say that.” She admitted, looking at the floor and shuffling her feet.
“Wotts wrong?”
“Well i managed to get a band together but instead of practicing we went back to my van and took acid so now we’re wearing cardboard boxes and we don’t have a song to perform, and if we fuck up the queen of England dies.”
“Hmmm, i think i saw this on an episode of friends once!” Ben said cheerily, his broken bones making a crunching noise as he smiled. “Joey told Chandler to believe in himself, and everything turned out aight.”
Chi Chi nodded. “Yeah.” She said under her breath.
She just needed to believe in herself. She had the music in her. If she didn’t give up she’d win the battle of the bands for sure.
“Thats right Chi Chi, believe in yourself.” A mystery voice said. She looked up.
Bloody hell! It was the Beatles! Here to perform for the whole of Camden!
“John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, What are you doing here?” She said excitedly.
“We’re here to tell you to never give up.” John said in a liverpoolian accent.
“Yeah, you can do it.” Ringo said, smiling.
“Thanks the Beatles! I won’t let you down!”
“Yeah, its like we say in Yellow Submarine, “Rah, rah, ah, ah, ah, roma, roma, ma. Gaga, ooh, la, la… want your bad romance.” Paul added, patting Chi Chi on the shoulder.
“Now go out there and sing! Sing like the commonwealth depends on it!” George said inspiringly.
Chi Chi was ready. She heard somebody call them to the stage. Grabbing her synth she felt her fingers trembling.
She looked at her bandmates.
Derrick was holding the synth upside down.
Nayshas costume had fallen off do she was completely naked.
They were ready.
They each played the opening chords and leaned into the microphones.
“We are the girls of Dragometry. All shapes and sizes are what we bring” Each of them sang in harmony, feeling the rhythm and LSD run through their veins.
“Rectangle girls of the world” they yelled, feeling their metaphorical oats.
“Around every girl, in a circle I run You can be square, hon, but don’t be a nun” Naysha said into the mic, shining like the star she was.
“We just wanna celebrate. No matter the size, no matter the shape!”
The rest of the performance went pretty stellar in Chi Chis opinion. She came up with a particularly good line about being a bumblebee, and Derrick was bopping out like it was nobodies business.
The performance concluded.
Silence filled the room.
There was a moments pause as the audience was stunned. It was as if the spirit of Freddy Mercury had possessed them all on stage and caused them to create the single most amazing tune in the world.
“You guys suck wang!!” A member of the audience shouted, as the crowd began to boo.
The booing continued. How could that be? They created a total bop!
“Hey look! Their music killed John Lennon!” Another audience member yelled.
Chi Chi looked over to a very dead John foaming at the mouth twitching on the floor.
“They killed a member of the Beatles. Kill them! Blood for blood!!!” The crowd yelled, throwing empty bottles at Kopparberg at the trio.
They dodged the bottles and swiftly ran backstage and sighed together.
“I don’t get it. I thought that went well.” Chi Chi said sadly, throwing her cardboard box to the ground in defeat.
“I thought my stepford wife line was sick.” Derrick said sadly.
“I did too! And that circle thing Naysha said was totally tubular.” Chi Chi agreed.
They all sat down on the floor waiting for their inevitable demise. The audience would find a way backstage and shank them all to death for sure. Plus the Queen of England was probably going to die, and they lost the bet against Street Meats.
Soon enough they all heard banging on the door and angry yells. This was the end.
“It was good doing acid with the two of you.” Chi Chi said, holding both their hands.
“Yeah, thanks for seeing past the fact i look like Britney spears.” Derrick replied, squeezing her hand.
“And thanks for saving me earlier when i was passed out.” Naysha smiled sadly, still fully naked.
They all sat together and accepted their fate.
Just before they were mobbed by angry fans, a woman appeared in front of them.
Jesus! It was Debby Harry!
“Hey buckos” she said lighting a ciggy.
“Blondie? What are you doing here?” Chi Chi gasped, standing up in shock.
“I’m here to tell you to never give up fuckheads. That performance out there was absolutely shocking, but you still have a chance at saving the Queen.”
They all looked at their feet sadly.
“It’s no use world famous singer Debby Harry, if we go out there, we’ll be killed.” Naysha cried, wiping away some eye infection goo.
Debby slapped her hard in the face.
“You know. I used to go out on stage off my tits on LSD, stumbling around, saying nonsense about bumblebees. But i never gave up. Soon i moved on to singing about hearts of glass and it was lit. Everybody loved it.” Debby said with wisdom and a knowing look.
“Get out there and give them an encore they’ll never bloody forget!!”
Filled with newfound confidence the trio cheered and high fived. Blondie had given them the courage to go back out there.
They got back on stage and Chi Chi grabbed a mic.
“There they are!!” An angry hipster yelled.
“Kill them!” Another roared.
“Wait wait.” Chi Chi hushed them, raising her hands. “You see those people over there?” She continued, pointing over to Street Meats who were leaning against the wall eating mini sausage rolls.
“They have the Queen of England in their guitar case!!” Naysha said as Street Meats started to look panicked. “They said they would kill her if we didn’t win!”
The crowds attention turned from Dragometry to Bob Acid and Thorgy. They circled the guitar case slowly.
“Look- we can explain.” Bob began, backing away.
But it was too late. They unzipped the case and the Queen fell out. She got up and looked around.
“Wait a minute…” an audience member said, leaning in to examine her face. “This isn’t the Queen!!!”
Muttering and mumbles erupted in the room as somebody moved forward and pulled off the queens wig and crown.
“Jesus christ!! It’s Bono!!”
Bono escaped through the door like a startled deer into the woods. Fuck.
“Nobody cares about Bono. GET DRAGOMETRY!!”
Another bottle was thrown at Chi Chi, then another. The last thing she remembered was Paul McCartney hitting her directly in the forehead with a bottle of Carling.
Then complete blackness.
A few hours pass.
She feels comfort under her heavy body.
And a sharp pain in her forehead.
As Chi Chi opens her eyes she’s greeted to Little boy Bendelacreme in a well lit room with white walls.
“Ben??” She says weakly. “Where am i?”
“Ayup miss Devayne! Your in hospital. Bottle got you in the head i say. Right in the noggin.”
Chi Chi was confused. She turned her head and saw the three remaining Beatles standing over her bed looking apologetic.
“Yeah, sorry Chi Chi, we shouldn’t of lashed out like that.” Ringo said, his massive nose drooping with sadness.
“But i killed John.” Chi Chi said sadly.
“Nah, it was a drug overdose. Nothing to do with you at all!”
They all laughed together in unison. What a funny coincidence!
But Chi Chi couldn’t hear the laugh of her two best friends, Derrick and Naysha. She frowned again, rubbing her forehead. She feared the worst
“Where are my bandmates?” She asked, almost scared to get a response.
Bendelacreme took of his hat and held it to his chest, looking down to the floor.
“No idea I’m afraid.” George admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe they…managed to escape.”
Chi Chi liked that idea…but no. Her friends were gone. Probably trampled to death. She felt a great gap in her heart where her two best friends in the world used to be.
But for now, she was just grateful to be alive in a warm hospital bed, knowing that the Queen of England was completely safe.
She remembered what Naysha said at the end of their number.
Thank you, thank you.
Be different.
love yourself.
Love yourself.
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