#but no yeah even if spock is injured or kirk is concerned about him he still shows that in the tense guarded high strung demeanor
not-equippedforthis · 3 months
really love characters who have varied panic responses. kirk stating himself that he does not panic outright, externally, not in high-stress dangerous situations, but instead becomes tense and level like a wound string, on-guard: mostly because his role as captain necessitates that he maintain level rationality even when facing potential death as his training as 'the guy who tells you what to do when shit hits the fan' requires, but also because his childhood experiences taught him early that drowning in the desperate haziness of panic won't help you survive. especially as kirk already follows his intuition so deeply. he learned to grasp and contort the feeling. spock is the main person who represses his emotions, of course, but kirk does it to those deep-set, personal ones (this includes how he doesn't reveal anything truly personal about himself willingly 90% of the time, only what others already know/shallow anecdotes) in a much more subtle way that's really interesting to me. certified expert at avoiding the subject as long as he isnt caught out on the lie. professional bluffer.
in terms of past or parents we dont know much!!! hes known as the heart-on-his-sleeve guy!!! like yes he yells, he gets irritated, excited, hes a whirlwind of quick-thinking and plans and intuition, he goes out of his way to connect with his crew and shows it, when he puts on a little act or bluff he puts his heart into it and clearly enjoys the dramatics so much, at times he wears his heart on his sleeve, he laughs openly and is honest to spock about what he means to him, he's very sun-coded to me in a burning, passionate way, always intertwined with the stars and seeking them out, but when it comes to genuine deep-set turmoil? we dont actually know all that much about him??? hes so full of emotion and character (i love fics where spock characterises jim's mind/bond as a whirl of colour and sensations, hes a quick thinker!!! intuitive!! lively!!!) and yet its still so outwardly surface level. tarsus iv gets mentioned like twice? so especially here where kirk gets briefly jumpscared by the creature, because like:
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its subtle but his eyes. his eyesss!!!!! kirk commands with his emotions but there's always some sort of level of control to it, or he transforms them into something that spurs on others or uses them to ascertain a goal: seeing unguarded fear/distress in his eyes even if its faint and brief (in this instance) makes me go insane every single time. like!!! its such a small moment!!! he isnt even panicking!!! really, he just got jumpscared!!! its insignificant!!!!!!! but seeing a two-second flash of actual, naked apprehension is just...oughhh,,,,,,,,,
oh god, and dont even get me started on the galileo seven episode where he assumes a tense level-headedness throughout the whole thing, irritated and apprehensive but not panicking, making sure he maintains intelligent rationality, even when he has to leave them behind, but when spock and the crew are confirmed safe and the bridge is occupied the camera pans to him and his eyes look like they're fucking watering and he's so achingly relieved. don't even talk to me. im. fuck.
he shows so so much but at the same time reveals so little.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: The Next Generation S3 Watchthrough Episodes 22-25
The Most Toys: Dear TNG writers, I know that the show has been over for about 30 years now and this is therefore redundant to say, but… can you please quit doing bad things to Data?! He doesn’t deserve bad things! So Data gets kidnapped by a manchild/lunatic to add to his ‘collection’. Kinda reminds me of that two-parter in Superman: TAS that introduced Lobo… except Fajo somehow pisses me off even more than the bad guy there. Kinda makes me think of the bad guy from The Squire of Gothos in TOS except somehow more detestable. At least that guy was more or less a spoiled child, Fajo has no excuse. Anyways, Fajo’s obsession with Data comes of as… insanely creepy. It gives me very bad vibes and I was thoroughly uncomfortable. Though at least Data, in his Data way, wasn’t at all complacent and remained as inquisitive as ever, so at least he maintained some sense of agency unlike in say The Schizoid Man. That all said, the episode was good. The crew’s reactions to thinking that Data was dead all made sense and scenes like Geordi and Wesley going through his things and Picard giving an order to Data before remembering that he’s not there anymore… those were heavy. And again as painful as it was to watch, Data at least trying to retain any agency was appreciated especially at the end. I’m glad that he didn’t have to kill, but seeing him finally put Fajo in his place was especially after he killed Varria as callously as he did was extremely gratifying. Another solid episode overall… but again, please let Data have happier things up ahead. 3.5/5.
Sarek: You can only imagine how wide my eyes got when I was going down the episode list and saw this one. I know that Sarek has mixed reception due to the issues between him and Spock and IDK if Discovery is going to change my opinion or not, but I find him to be a very interesting character. Journey to Babel kind of had this sense that he’s a hardass not that different from his son tbh, and those similarities and being displeased with Spock’s life choices made things difficult. but Sarek did still care about him, IDT he’d have gone through the effort of going to Kirk in hopes of recovering Spock’s katra when he had no reason to believe that Spock did the transfer and even outright saying at the end that his logic is more or less impaired when Spock is concerned if he didn’t, and The Voyage Home had him outright finally tell him that he made the right choice and that he was wrong in the way only Vulcans can say things. There was just kind of this feeling that he realized that he had been wrong and regretted it and wanted to make amends… but didn’t know how and it took Spock dying to finally do so. He’s not necessarily a good parent, a lot of Spock’s issues are due to him not understanding his struggles, and yeah more or less disowning him for several years was shitty, but he’s not even close to the worst and he at least tried to make it right and I can respect that. If anything though, Sarek was at least shown to be a capable ambassador and genuinely loved and was good to Amanda. So seeing him in TNG and thankfully still played by Mark Lenard, I was interested to see what they’d do with him and how he’d interact with the new cast. The result?
Sarek, did hiding your heart condition in Journey to Babel teaches you nothing about revealing vital medical information?! Is this just a Vulcan thing?! Anyways, the revelations here were… sad. Sarek has essentially the Vulcan version of Alzheimer’s which is causing him to be unable to control his emotions. Which for a Vulcan… that has to be outright horrific. Not to mention it’s causing rising, unprovoked violent responses from the crew like Crusher outright slapping her own son. To no one’s surprise, Sarek’s the reason why, albeit he’s causing it unintentionally. While Mark Lenard has been excellent as Sarek alll across the board especially in the films, he gets to do a lot more here due to Sarek’s unstable emotional control and he is just fantastic. The whole confrontation with Picard was truly excellent acting from both him and Patrick Stewart. Sarek truly feels unhinged and it is both horrifying and just sad to watch especially to how dignified and composed he was in TOS. The mind-meld with Picard may help in the short-term, but... it’s likely inevitable that he won’t last much longer. My only real complaint is that Spock and Amanda are saved as a brief mention and technically not even by Sarek but by Picard enduring the aftereffects of the mind-meld, though it does reflect Sarek’s mindset/emotions. Seriously Picard-as-Sarek reflecting how much he loved them and regretting not being able to ever truly express it or outright say it… it’s just heart-breaking, thoug it does confirm everything I had already thought so that’s good~ Still, this was a great episode! I’m glad to finally have some Vulcans again, Sarek was very well done, and the entire episode is very well acted especially the previously mentioned confrontation and everything involving the mind-meld especially after when Picard loses it. I know that Spock will show up at some point in TNG so I hope that this episode comes back up because Dear Lord please allow Spock that closure before he has to be sent to AOS. Regardless this was excellent~! Thanks for reaching my expectaitons TNG~! 4.5/5.
Menage a Troi: Oh great, another Lwaxana episode… albeit she actually has my sympathy in this one cause a Ferengi is pursuing her. I might find the woman annoying, but considering what we know of how Ferengi treat women, no one deserves that. So… if anything I am fair or at least try to be, so I will say that Lwaxana is better in this episode. She’s still obnoxious, but with the aforementioned horrid way that Ferengi treats women (seriously the nudity part was an utterly unnecessary show), refusing to be treated as property, and her genuine love and concern for Deanna make her much more likable. She certainly didn’t deserve to be treated the way she did. Troi being sick of being talked down to as a child and her mother butting into her romantic life no matter how well-intentioned instead of just letting her take it at her own pace and when she’s content as she is now is very relatable as well. Look I’ve grown to like Riker/Troi and I’m all for them getting back together… but they should do so if and when they’re ready, not be pushed into that direction. Still overall, didn’t care for this one. It’s better than Lwaxana’s first two episodes, but still makes me uncomfortable in other ways that aren’t funny, and the fact that she’s still pursuing Picard and he gets forced to go along with it at the end (albeit Patrick Stewart getting to go full Shakespearian was the funniest part of the whole episode) still doesn’t sit right with me. The Wesley subplot was also utterly wasted, feeling like it was just shoved in there and he did nothing to deserve promotion to Ensign. Yes, he gave up his chance to go to the Academy when he has his aha moment, but he did barely anything all season or the last two seasons to have earned it, or at least shoving it into this episode made it feel undeserved. Wesley himself is fine as a character, he’s nowhere near as bad as some make him out to be, but the concept of his character is just… not suited for ST. But the was funnier than the past two and Lwaxana has her better traits higlighted such as her intelligence and acting skills. If anything she does genuienly love her daughter and is not a helpless victim. Majel Barrett also owns it, I can respect that. 2.5/5.
Transfiguration: Okay, so we have an injured alien known only as John Doe wo is both amnesic and has some impressive regenererative abilities. He also turns out to have mass power such as powerful healing abilities as his body is udnergoign some kind of rapid change,. Meanwhile, Geordi gets some kid of sudden confidence boost and is finally making progress with his love life. If I’m gonna be honest… I don’t have anything to really say on this one. It was fine, but I don’t really have any thoughts regarding it otherwise. There’s this sense of spirituality in there and the ending makes it feel like religious opression. The Zalkonians killing their own kind who undergo the transformation just to maintian their power… yeah that was… yeah. Anyway, it was fine. I felt bad for John Doe and Crusher was good. All I’ve really got to say for this one. 3/5.
Alright, one more to go! Next time I’ll only be covering two episodes, the S3 finale and the S4 premiere. But they’re the same story so…. I’ve heard good things about this one, so we’ll see if it delivers.
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Scene Comparison: Kirk and Spock in Chapter 51
“Let me,” he says, and rises to his feet.
“It’s been some time since he’s used the oven, he would be embarrassed to admit, and it takes him a minute or two find the oven mitts hidden in the back of one of the drawers. He turns the oven off, opens the door, and carefully reaches in to draw out Kirk and Sevin’s cake. A simple operation. And yet, as even simple operations occasionally do, it goes awry—the oven mitt slips, his hand comes in contact with the hot metal side of the pan, and he all but drops the whole thing. He lets it clatter from his hands onto the stovetop, unthinking, just acting on the instinct to get it away, and lets out a fast string of Vulcan curses, mostly under his breath.
It’s not his proudest moment.
The pain has mostly subsided, the slight throb of it easily brought under his control, and only an acute and less simply suppressed embarrassment left, when he turns and sees Kirk and Sevin standing in the doorway.
"Father, are you okay?” Sevin asks, skirting around the kitchen table to get to him. Kirk follows the same path, but slower, and echoes the same sentiment: “Are you all right?”
All Spock can think is that he hopes Sevin didn’t hear too much of what he was saying. Kirk wouldn’t have understood a word of it, but those weren’t phrases he wants added to his son’s vocabulary.
“I am fine,” he insists, and puts his arms behind his back, partly out of habit, partly to hide his injured hand. “It was a small accident—I was only surprised for a moment.”
“It didn’t sound small,” Sevin answers, wary and uncertain. f
“A half-second’s surprise,” Spock argues.
“Will you just let me look at it?” Kirk interrupts, and reaches for Spock’s hand. He sounds a little exasperated, which is not surprising, and a little worried, which is. But he doesn’t touch, not even Spock’s wrist or arm, until Spock nods and reluctantly consents, and for that, at least, he’s grateful.
Kirk takes his hand gently, and turns it until he can take a look at the small burn mark on the outside of his index finger. This contact between Vulcans would be an undoubtedly intimate one, and Spock feels it in his heart and in his lungs. But Kirk is not a Vulcan, and Spock reminds himself that this touch evinces no more than the concern of one friend for another. That is all.
Kirk slides the tip of his finger slowly down the burn, as if testing it. In truth, it’s no more than a hardened bit of raised, angry green skin between his second and third knuckles. Hardly worth the attention. Hardly worth the way Kirk’s touch lingers.
“You should kiss it better,” Sevin’s voice, cheery now and all hint of worry gone, interrupts the moment sharply. If it could even be called a moment.
Spock looks up abruptly and his brow furrows. “Where did you learn a concept like that?”
“School,” Sevin replies, as if it were obvious.
“Yeah, Spock,” Kirk echoes, looking up for the first time since he stepped up to Spock’s side. “School.” There’s the slightest hint of amusement on his face, but there’s something else, too—a softness, a fondness, something that again brings the word ‘intimacy’ floating to the top of Spock’s mind. He wishes they were not standing so close. He wishes they were not touching skin to skin. Yet it does not occur to him to pull away.
“I do not see how one could kiss away even a minor injury such as this,” he insists.
“It’s an old Earth remedy,” Kirk answers. “Simple, but effective.” And before Spock can argue any further, he’s leaned down, and brought Spock’s hand up to his lips, and pressed a very gentle, soft kiss to the burn mark.
Spock’s pretty sure his ears have turned green.
“Did it help?” Sevin asks. “Do you feel better?’
He can hardly tell the truth: that the kiss did not help, that it has only brought to the surface what he must keep buried and suppressed. Sevin is staring at him, waiting. Kirk is watching him, too, an air almost of nervousness about him, or perhaps regret.
"Yes,” Spock answers. “I feel much better. Thank you, Captain Kirk."
"Let me,” he says, and rises to his feet.
“It’s been some time since he’s used the oven, he would be embarrassed to admit, and it takes him a minute or two find the oven mitts hidden in the back of one of the drawers. He turns the oven off, opens the door, and carefully reaches in to draw out Kirk and Sevin’s cake. A simple operation. And yet, as even simple operations occasionally do, it goes awry—the oven mitt slips, his hand comes in contact with the hot metal side of the pan, and he all but drops the whole thing. He lets it clatter from his hands onto the stovetop, unthinking, just acting on the instinct to get it away, and lets out a fast string of Vulcan curses, mostly under his breath.
It’s not his proudest moment.
The pain has mostly subsided, the slight throb of it easily brought under his control, and only an acute and less simply suppressed embarrassment left, when he turns and sees Kirk and Sevin standing in the doorway.
"Father, are you okay?” Sevin asks, skirting around the kitchen table to get to him. Kirk follows the same path, but slower, and echoes the same sentiment: “Are you all right?”
All Spock can think is that he hopes Sevin didn’t hear too much of what he was saying. Kirk wouldn’t have understood a word of it, but those weren’t phrases he wants added to his son’s vocabulary.
“Yes,” he answers, trying to convey by his tone just how misplaced their concern truly is. He keeps his hands behind his back, in part because the posture is a familiar and comfortable one, and in part to hide the injury, slight though it is, from view. “I am uninjured.”
Kirk and Sevin continue to stare at him as if he had told them quite the opposite, and in a way, by saying too much, he supposes that he has. Sevin’s face shows a wide-eyed concern, while Kirk’s expression is one of persistent skepticism.
“Then what was that crashing sound?” he asks.
“And why did you say all those bad words?” Sevin adds.
Spock flinches with embarrassment, and carefully does not allow himself to even glance in Kirk’s direction; it is unfortunate (syn) enough that Sevin understood what he said, without also seeing Kirk’s reaction to his slip. Instead, he just adjusts his shoulders back and admits, “I accidentally touched the side of the pan when I took it from the oven. It was nothing, only a bit of clumsiness. I did not mean to alarm you.” He means ‘either of you’ but only flicks his eyes to Kirk at the very last moment.
But there is nothing mocking in his expression, only, still, that same concern. He takes a few steps closer and asks, again, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. My exclamation was one of surprise. That is all.” He turns to Sevin, intending to offer him additional assurance, when his son suggests, brightly and with an earnest expression that is hard to deny:
“Dad should kiss it better!”
The idea is such a strange one, and so suddenly presented, that for a moment, Spock can only stare. “And how,” he manages finally, “did you come up with a cure such as that?”
“I heard about it in school,” Sevin answers brightly. “It makes it hurt less.” Then, a bit more quietly, he adds, “It can’t hurt, Father.”
“I do not know—”
“Come on, Spock. It’s an old Earth remedy.”
He had expected Kirk to want to avoid this particular awkward moment just as much as he does himself, but when he glances back to the captain, he finds his expression is that peculiar combination of open and unreadable that, among all of the aliens with whom Spock has had contact, only humans have seemed able to master. He’s half-holding out his hand, wanting, but unwilling yet, to touch. Something about him, something unusually and unexpectedly soft, makes any possible answer stick in Spock’s throat.
The uncertain half-smile on his face just makes the nervous twist in Spock’s stomach worse. Sevin is glancing between them now, expectant, and the subtle throbbing of the burn against the side of his index finger, light though it is, is frustratingly difficult to ignore.
“An Earth remedy the logic of which escapes me,” he answers, as he takes his hands from behind his back. He gives Kirk a little nod, the permission he’s been waiting for, and then Kirk is holding his hand carefully in his own. Spock’s breath catches, despite himself, and he forgets that their son is watching them.
Kirk searches out the burn easily, a slight thing, a small bump of angry green between Spock’s first and second knuckles. He traces it gently with his fingertip. On Vulcan, this would be an intimate touch, a decidedly private and personal touch. A touch that, in its softness, would be inappropriate from even a close friend.
On Earth, it carries no such significance. That is what he must remind himself, even as Kirk slowly lifts his hand and presses a soft kiss against the green burn. The kiss seems to last longer than it should. But then, Spock is not familiar with the details of this strange tradition.
“Do you feel better?” Sevin asks, and his voice is a sharp interruption to a moment Spock wishes he could say had never been building at all. Kirk takes a long stride back, his own manner awkward, uncertain of himself. “Did it help?”
It did not. The touch, the kiss, brought up only a rush of old, best-buried memories, of touches more illicit and more intimate still, of feigned closeness that felt so achingly genuine, it echoed in him, taunted him, for years. It was not the contact of skin against skin, hands, lips, that caused this uncomfortable beating of a heartbeat in his temples, but the sense of deep caring and concern that passed between them: no telepathic wave of it, but clear in the minutiae of the gesture, telegraphed in the most human of ways.
But he cannot, does not dare to, put this realization into words, so he answers only, “Yes. It did. Thank you, Captain Kirk."
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tgai-spock · 4 years
A sharp intake 12
Triggers: like some bruising but nothing big or bloody, just letting you know
Listen, the sentence introducing the gym is my favourite, and I just think... you should know.
Remember theres a tag on my tumblr blog where you can easily find all the chapters if you get lost 
Chapter 12
That morning Spock stood on a step Jim had brought him so that he could brush his teeth while looking into the mirror. He was due to visit to McCoy that morning. That had been the deal that allowed him to sleep in his own quarters and he much preferred it, away from the prying eyes of nurses. McCoy seemed to feel better with Spock in his own quarters with the knowledge that Kirk’s bathroom was shared with him. So there he was, brushing his teeth with a green paste tasting like sour green tea and lemon. No mint for him. He spat the froth from his mouth, and he looked back up to examine his face. His teeth pearly white and his face almost as white. Deep green marks began to flesh out from his nose, and grey bruises began to seep around his eyes. The rest of the marks on his body were gone, but recently they’d been targeting his face, and there was nothing he could use to cover it. Today he didn’t have a choice. The doctor would notice anyway.
There was a coo of awe’s and cute’s from the med bay room which led McCoy into awakening, which subsequently led to his bad mood. Why the man didn’t have a real sleep schedule was currently beyond Spock. McCoy pulled on his jumper from off the desk, rubbing his hand through his soft hair as he walked out his office to greet Spock.
“Good Morning Spock” McCoy said gently moving the nurses out his way.
“Morning” Spock replied showing off his bruised face.
McCoy sighed grabbing his medical scanner “alright, off with you all, I don’t pay you to stand around. Especially not to coo at injured patients.”
“You don’t pay us at all. Sir.” One of the nurses said slyly.
“Get out.” McCoy grumped leading Spock to a private area of the med bay. Spock sat on the end of the bed as McCoy scanned him.
“What happened to your face?” McCoy asked.
“I quickly became acquainted with the floor” Spock replied placing his hands on his knees. A tiny smile tried to claw its way on to McCoy’s face as he spoke again.
“Which means?”
“Ah, I fell over.”
McCoy shook his head the smile having made it’s way out “okay let me go get the kit for that bruise. Does that hurt?” McCoy asked with concerned eyes.
With the bruise soother retrieved (a mechanic device that pointed and glowed like a pen.) McCoy turned it on and carefully scanned the light over Spock’s face. Over his cheeks and beneath his eyes. The bruises slowly began to fade from his pale skin before they were completely gone.
McCoy picked the grey scanner back up again and began to scan him again. A few lights flashing. He was just about to put it down when he saw bruises blossoming on Spock’s face again. Like a fungal disease that refused to settle down, they scarred across his nose.
“Hey, are you okay?” McCoy asked worried his heart panicking in his chest. He was aware this sort of thing could have happened, yet he found himself helpless to heal a wound being made.  It stopped and the guise settled on Spock's face, almost exactly like the one before it, but different enough. McCoy sighed picking his bruise soother back up.
“You know, I’m a professional Doctor Spock-”
“It would not make sense for you to be a novice Doctor-”
“I know you didn’t get this falling over.”
“Perhaps, now you’ve voiced that some of my respect can be restored to your work.”
McCoy began to heal the bruises “Spock I don’t mean to pry, and I don’t want to make things weird for when you’re an adult again, but, if this is what you are currently experiencing I need to know if you are okay.”
“I am adequate Doctor” Spock said “judging from the fact I become an adult, I think we can both confirm, I am in fact fine.
“Who did this to you?” McCoy asked.
“What are you going to do?” Spock grinned as he tried to move off the bed “hunt down a now 30 year old man and beat him up?”
“Oh come on. I need you to know so I can treat you” McCoy said holding his hand up and stopping Spock from running off “you tell me what I want to know, and logically you will be able to go sooner.”
Spock chewed at his own teeth staring up at McCoy “Stonn.”
“Stonn? Is he-“
“Can I ask why he’s attacking you?”
“I presume it’s because of the evidence I showed him.”
“What evidence?”
“Stonn implied that due to my ‘half breed’ status I was physically weaker than all vulcans and a crippling to vulcan-ity. This happened on a rare occasion when he did not have any supporters with him, so I presented him with thirty-seven situations that proved I was stronger than my size and age would represent, and certainly stronger than him. He was hospitalised for a month and appears to be seeking revenge despite that being most illogical of him.”
McCoy frowned with a hand to his face “thirty seven situations?”
Spock nodded.
“You punched him thirty seven times?” McCoy asked shocked, his eyes widening.
“Thats a crude way of putting my evidence, but yes.”
“Was he alright?”
“It was only a minor skull fracture, though I do think he lost some of his already limited brain capacity.”
“Jesus christ Spock. Uh. Well. Isn’t there someone you can tell to stop this ‘Stonn’ guy punching you? He shouldn’t be doing this. Even if you did attack him”
“The situation has it’s complexity’s.”
“So, If I heal your bruises-”
“It appears that in the short term these will keep reappearing” Spock replied.
“Are you sure you’re not feeling any pain? I don’t really want to let you out of here.”
“The bruises do not hurt. I have control of the pain and I choose not to feel it.”
“Right. That sounds like your in pain-”
“I am not. Besides you already said I could leave if I talk.”
“And I would give you something for the pain.. but I might just make you feel worse so, if you say you’re okay-”
“I am okay.”
“Then fine. Now I know I haven’t told you yet but I had arranged for you to do some fun exercise today in the gym. Considering what you just told me I want you to go easy on Jim.”
“Okay..” Spock said clearly not understanding. McCoy pressed his comm unit.
“Jim, Spock’s ready for you.”
“Oh, sure send him down then” Jim’s voice said.
“Do you know where the gym is Spock?” McCoy asked. Spock eyes widened as though he was talking to a mad cat.
“Obviously not unless you tell me” Spock said, despite knowing where the gym was, and only mishearing as to the position of the Jim.
“I’m sure you can ask the computers to lead you there.”
“I can?” Spock asked surprised.
“Yeah, off you go now” McCoy said. Spock frowned but followed McCoy’s advice. As soon as Spock left the room McCoy commed Jim.
“Jim, you’re going to want to clear the room out.”
“Why whats wrong?”
“Spock’s a little beat up. There are bruises on his face but it might be best if the whole crew isn’t there to stare."
“Understood I'll make most people leave, there’s a few folk I want to stay around. Think that will be a problem?”
“Thats down to you Jim.”
The gym. Half a bucket of sweat mixed with the motivation you lost in your boots last week, followed closely by panting, regret, confidence and tiredness. Horrifyingly sponsored by a pair of shockingly bright red trousers. Kirk wore the pants with a tight white top, showing muscles, and the becomings of a belly. Spock had put on a pair of baggy jogging bottoms (black, and elasticated around the feet) and he wore a thin black jumper, that kept him fully covered.
“A jumper Spock?” Kirk asked spotting him as he entered.
“It is… somewhat colder here than on vulcan.”
“Oh right, I forgot- are you warm enough here?” Kirk asked concerned, the room which could give a human failing to exercise goosebumps would suddenly hurt him.
“It is sufficient.”
“Ain’t going to get hyperthermia are you?”
“It would take nineteen hours before hyperthermia would begin to be a problem for me.” Spock said.
“Nineteen?” Kirk frowned with a raise of his eyebrows “well s- sugar, lets hope you never get stuck in here. How long would it take before it urm-”
“Killed me?” Spock asked.
“Well while you’re sharing thing information-”
“Between thirty eight and fifty six hours.”
“I feel this is something I should have been made aware of a long time ago. Maybe I should put a heater in here incase the ship brakes and you get stuck here. Anyway. I was thinking, how would you like to try your hand at fencing. I’ve message Sulu, so he’ll come down and fence with us later. But thats only if you feel like it.”
Spock looked up to Kirk, he now only had a lightly bruised face “I don’t feel anything.”
‘If you have, a logical reason you don’t need to share with me for not wanting to do fencing.”
“What is fencing?”
“It’s like sword fighting but it’s fun, and no one gets hurt. You and Sulu would occasionally fence when you were adults. But right now, we’re going to be warming up.”
Kirk grinned “this is going to be fun, trust me.”
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]        [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]        [Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]     [Chapter 7]       [Chapter 8]   [chapter 9]   [Chapter 10]
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the-astro-ace · 4 years
I was tagged by @mistbornhero.  Thank you, friend! 🥰
I’ll tag... @merwaines, and the one other person I thought of had been tagged by the same person as me lol.  No obligation to, of course.  And if you would like to do this then by all means feel free to say I tagged you lol
AO3 name: Nebula5030
Fandoms: Merlin, Yuri On Ice, and then I have a couple WIPs for Forever, Wayward Children, and Galavant
Number of fics: I have 70 works on AO3, but only 54 of them are fics I’ve written - the rest are art
Fic you spent the most time on: Well, um, I have a two chapter fic that I posted the first chapter during November of 2018 and haven’t posted the second chapter yet 😶  Otherwise I do have a couple completely unposted WIPs I started in late 2017 but haven’t finished yet either
Fic you spent the least time on: I Draw Back the Veil and I Say A Prayer took me an hour and a half.  As far as I know it’s the only fic that I managed to complete in one sitting
Longest fic: For the Love of All Who Gather.  Coming in at a cool 92,504 words 😎
Shortest fic: Want and A Secret of Night are both 100 words
Most hits: For the Love of All Who Gather, with 8566
Most kudos: The Meeting of Dragoon and Arthur, with 554
Most comment threads: lmaooooo that one’s The Wonders I Know with 547 - SOLELY because I have one subscriber who likes to chat with me in my comments.  That work is 30 short fics in one work and with a convo happening in each one...yeah it builds up lmao
Fave fic you wrote: Ironically even though it isn’t about the OTP, the one I find myself rereading the most is A Time of Joy - maybe it’s just because it’s SOFT and FLUFFY and GOOD FOR MY HEART OKAY??
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 🤔 There are a couple ideas in The Wonders I Know that I want to rework (I have a revision for the last fic in that collection in my gdocs actually) but I think I would like to redo For the Love of All Who Gather.  Since it had a deadline, I was forced to skim over a lot of things I would have liked to touch on - mostly going more in depth with the Druid culture and what Merlin learns while he’s with them.  Not to mention actually going and seeing what happens in Camelot while Merlin and Gwaine are gone lol
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: Oh man how do you expect me to just pick one lmao 
Context for this one: I had gone on a Spock/Kirk kick one day, and read a lot of “Mind Meld” fics.  Since I can’t turn off the Merwaine hyperfixation, I decided I needed a Merwaine Mind Meld Fic in my life
So I started writing one
Basically: Merlin and Lancelot find a grievously injured Gwaine out in the woods.  It’s not looking good, and Merlin, in a last ditch attempt to save Gwaine’s life, performs a spell he had only briefly read: a spell designed to connect two people’s magic together, and he hopes that this spell will give Gwaine a boost and allow them to get him to Camelot in time.  It works, Merlin and Gaius fix him up, and Gwaine is left to recover on his own.  However, Merlin begins to notice that...the spell isn’t disappearing.  He can still feel Gwaine in a way he never could before.  So he goes to read his spell book to find out how long the spell is supposed to last, hoping it’ll disappear soon.  Especially since Gwaine doesn’t know about his magic, and he would rather it fade before Gwaine realizes something is up.
And he doesn’t like what he finds lmao
Lancelot rapped his knuckles gently against the door to the physician’s tower, before opening it quietly and looking inside.
Gaius was standing by his workbench, examining something in a vial in his hand.  He smiled a bit when he saw Lancelot.  “Ah, Lancelot,” Gaius said, voice low.  “Gwaine is still resting so we’ll have to be quiet.  But what can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to check in,” Lancelot said just as quietly, stepping in and shutting the door behind himself.  A glance to the patient cot confirmed what Gaius said: Gwaine was still asleep.  He didn’t stir when Lancelot walked in, but Lancelot could see his chest rise and fall as he breathed.  “How is he?”
“Improving.  He woke for a short while, so we managed to get some food and water in him before leaving him to his rest once more.”
Lancelot nodded, a small smile of relief coming to him.  “Is Merlin in?”
“He’s in his room,” Gaius said, turning back to whatever it was he was making.  “He’s been back there for a while now - I’m not entirely sure what he is doing.”
Lancelot nodded and thanked Gaius, before he headed further into the back.  He climbed up the two stairs, before knocking once more.  “Merlin?”
And from inside, Lancelot heard a very muffled and dejected sounding, “In here.”
He opened Merlin’s door to find the man in question lying face down on his bed, his face mashed into the pillow, and his arms to his sides - as if he had simply fallen face first onto the bed and had made no effort to reposition himself.
Lancelot was, in a word, concerned.  “…Merlin?” he asked as he stepped in and shut the door behind himself.  “Is everything alright, my friend?”
“Arthur’s right,” Merlin said, voice still muffled due to a face full of pillow.
“…in what regard?”
Merlin sighed heavily.  “In that I’m an idiot.”
He lifted an arm and pointed to his desk, but otherwise didn’t move.
Lancelot glanced between the desk and Merlin for a moment, confused and concerned still, but then he stepped over to the desk.  Merlin’s spell book was on top, opened to a page somewhere in the middle.  He skimmed it over: the spell displayed was designed to connect two people’s magic, allowing for limitless telepathic communication, empathy between the two of them, and the ability to sense where the other was.  A footnote noted that it was often used by Druids after they got married. 
Lancelot wasn’t quite understanding.  “And this is relevant because…?”
“Remember that spell I used to heal Gwaine yesterday?  The mind one?”
“I do, yes.”
“Well…that’s it.”  It was then Merlin turned his head, meeting Lancelot’s gaze.  “And it’s permanent.”
“Oh,” Lancelot said simply.  Then he realized.  “Oh!  Oh…well, oh dear, Merlin.  What do you plan to do?”
Merlin shook his head frantically as he sat up.  He gripped his hair with a hand.  “I don’t know!  I thought the spell was only to - give him a boost!  Not…tie us permanently to each other!”
Even though Merlin had just sat up, he flopped back onto the bed with a groan, and covered his face with his hands.  “He’s going to wake up and I’m going to have to explain what happened.  I didn’t even ask, Lancelot, I just did it because I wanted to help him!  I didn’t know it would do this!”
Lancelot was quiet for a moment, thinking over what to say.
He came over and sat on the edge of the bed.  “What you did saved his life.  Gwaine doesn’t strike me as the kind of man to take that lightly; I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“But what if he doesn’t want…this?” Merlin exclaimed, sitting up and gesturing wildly to himself.  “I can feel him in my mind, Lancelot.  I can feel his pain, his emotions.  Once he’s awake he’ll feel the same for me.  We’re going to be stuck like this - forever!”
“…is that really so terrible?”
Merlin blinked at Lancelot, as if he hadn’t considered that other possibility.  He let out a breath.  “…maybe not, but…it still feels wrong.  Like I’m violating his privacy.”
Lancelot considered this.  “…we’ll wait to see what Gwaine thinks,” he said calmly.  “I’m sure there’s a way to reverse it.  While the spell may be designed to be permanent, I am certain there have been people who have wanted to break it.”
Merlin met his eyes.  “And what if there isn’t?”
“Then you and Gwaine are just going to have to learn how to live with it.”
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v-thinks-on · 6 years
A Hidden, Personal Thing
“I've never used it on a human, Doctor… It's a hidden, personal thing to the Vulcan people, part of our private lives.”
A mind meld was a private, very personal thing to a Vulcan. It was the sharing of all thoughts and sensations, and even the melding of identity. Between Vulcans it was an intimate rite. With humans who had such disorderly, emotional minds, it was dangerous. There was only one human who Spock had ever considered mind melding with, with whom he knew it would not be dangerous; his captain, James Kirk. He did not intend to meld with any others. But it was in order to save his captain that Spock mind melded with another human first. It was not a complete meld, but their minds touched all the same.
Spock felt the outpouring of emotion through a haze of pain. Dr. Gelder’s mind latched onto his with remarkable horse. Even when Spock siphoned off the pain and compartmentalized it, there was still an empty aching he could not overcome with his enhanced tolerance for pain. It yearned for Spock’s mind to fill it with thoughts and make it whole again. That was how it had so easily accepted Dr. Adam’s suggestions. It took all of his willpower to keep their minds joined, but distinct as he tapped into Dr. Gelder’s own mind below all of the interference.
Kirk had suffered the same fate. Not for such an extended period of time, but there was still damage. Spock could help him recover as he had done for Dr. Gelder, but it was not something to be done lightly.
Jim was in sickbay to confirm that he was actually as fine as he claimed to be after the mental assault. Once Bones had shooed out the hovering Mr. Spock, he warned Jim, “It sounded about as intimate as Vulcans get, strange as it was. Spock said he’d never done it to a human before, but, well, it’s not my job to speculate on your love life.”
Jim made to protest, but Bones gave him a look and he reconsidered.
Jim wasn’t terribly surprised when he heard a knock on the door to his room at the end of Spock’s shift that evening. He would probably have expected it anyway - Spock usually checked in on him after he was injured, not that Jim minded. Thanks to Bones’s warning, he was also less surprised by how nervous Spock looked. It was a subtle change, but to Jim it was obvious that his First Officer was stiffer than usual.
“You have recovered?” Spock asked, his voice stilted and awkward.
Jim answered with what he hoped was a reassuring smile, “I’m doing fine. Come on in.”
Spock stepped into the room and let the door close behind him, but remained standing not far away, as though he was ready to flee at any moment. Jim invited Spock to sit next to him on the foot of the bed and make himself comfortable, but to no avail. He didn’t really expect it to work, but it was worth a shot.
“So, what is it?” Jim asked when Spock remained silent.
Spock hesitated. Jim could not help but admire Spock’s courage in confronting him so directly with what was clearly such a personal matter. Jim had been content to just let his little gestures, each of which was innocuous in its own right, do the talking and enjoy things as they were. He hadn’t wanted to risk scaring Spock away, but here Spock had come to him of his own volition.
“I am here to report on the treatment of Dr. Gelder,” Spock began on neutral ground.
Jim let the unusual context slide for the time being and said with a smile, “Report away.”
Spock hesitated again, but more quickly found his words, “Despite Dr. McCoy’s efforts, he had no success communicating with Dr. Gelder through conventional means. At his insistence, I used an haunted Vulcan technique which enabled me to combine my mind with Dr. Gelder’s and aid in his recovery.”
Then, he paused and his speech became more reluctant, “I could also do the same for you.” Beat. He chose his next words carefully, “But it is not something to be done lightly, and I do not intend to overstep the bounds of our professional relationship.”
The number of things Spock wasn’t saying was incredible, even more so than usual. Jim couldn’t help but laugh. He wondered to what extent Spock realized what he was saying, or at least how it came across to an illogical human such as himself. Well, Jim wasn’t going to be the one to tell him, he would let Spock figure that out in his own time.
Instead, Jim answered, with a half-joking word of caution just in case, “I would be honored, though I don’t want you to feel like you have to just because I was foolish enough to poke around Dr. Adam’s neural neutralizer.”
“Your concern is unwarranted. You are aware that I am not capable of such ‘feelings,’” Spock replied as he usually did whenever Jim mentioned Spock feeling anything, even when he didn’t mean it literally.
Jim’s grin faded and they both hesitated, watching each other as though from opposite sides of a chasm, waiting for the other to take to take the leap. It looked like Spock hadn’t entirely expected to get this far, and didn’t know quite how to begin now that he had.
“Is there anything I should do?” Jim prompted.
Spock quickly got over it and stepped towards Jim. “I advise that you make yourself comfortable. There is some danger, as the procedure requires that I change the pressure in your nerves and blood vessels.”
“What’s life without a little danger,” Jim teased.
Spock gave him a look as though he suspected Jim actually did hold such a philosophy and would rather he didn’t.
After a moment’s consideration, Spock sat down a tad reluctantly on the bed next to Jim and turned to face him. He raised his hands to Jim’s face with his fingers splayed. Jim sat as still as he could as not to disturb Spock, though his heart raced in anticipation of whatever was to come.
The impact was immediate. Jim felt nothing beyond the gentle pressure of Spock’s warm fingertips scattered across his face, but he could see Spock’s eyes widen and a range of emotions threatened to cross his face, even as he schooled them all under control. For Spock, it was as though for all his life he had only seen in black and white, with perhaps a few faint touches of muted color here and there, and then, as his hands touched the captain’s face, his world exploded into full emotional color.
But it was okay, because these were not his own emotions, but the captain’s - Jim’s. This was why it was dangerous to mind meld with a human. It was as though he was submerged in Jim’s smile, but more powerful and nuanced with emotions he could only later name as concern and affection. He flitted from one thing to another, tossed to and fro by waves of untamed and disorganized emotion.
He had felt it some before with Dr. Gelder, but then it had all been clouded out by anguish and pain. Jim’s mind, however, was bright and clear. It molded itself to him and beckoned him deeper. He could feel some of the emptiness that had been present in Dr. Gelder’s mind, but it was more subtle, and in that it was more insidious. If he was not careful, he would not be able to leave the meld.
Still, Spock recited, “You begin to feel a strange euphoria. Your body floats.”
Jim felt it. The euphoria was probably already there, but it grew, like a bubble of laughter threatening to burst out of his chest, and Jim could feel himself floating, as though he was lingering on the edge of sleep. His eyes were closed, though he did not quite remember closing them.
“Open your mind. We move together. Our minds sharing the same thoughts.”
If that didn’t sound intimate, Jim didn’t know what did. That was the last independent thought he was aware of as their minds crashed together.
Emotions burst like fireworks and seeped in around the edges. Memories and thoughts danced across their mind, at once ordered and disordered. They were too deep for words, but an internal conversation passed in a stream of consciousness of sights and sounds and smells and feelings, connected by shared emotions and concepts alike. Old memories were discovered for the first time, and new thoughts formed as though they had always been there. And after it was over, Spock found his memories tinted with alien emotion, and Jim found his sorted into logical Vulcan categories.
They burrowed deeper and deeper, from the moment they had left behind in their room, to simple thoughts and easy memories, to the long forgotten past and feelings kept locked away under many layers of practiced thought. Logic and illogic swirled together until there was nothing to distinguish them. Truth and imaginings were one in the same. The gaping emptiness was filled. They were finally whole. They could remain this way forever, lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions.
But then I would never see you again.
That thought, though it was felt without words, was the only buoy keeping them afloat. If their minds remained together, the independent entities that made them up would be lost. Never again would there be Jim’s smile, the quirk of Spock’s eyebrow, a wry joke, a shared glance, a daring rescue, even a game of chess. They could not remain as one. They had to be two.
Even then, it took all the strength they had to pull out from the depths of their minds and become Spock and Jim again. Spock’s hands slowly drifted away from Jim’s face. They were both breathing heavily, their eyes a little wild, and their cheeks flushed with red and green blood respectively. They stared into each others’ eyes as they remembered that they were separate and what it had been like to be one in the same.
Spock was the first to return to himself completely, though it was nothing like any mind meld he had experienced before. “Jim, are you unharmed?” he asked, his voice soft.
Jim nodded a little stiffly and belatedly. For once, he found himself at a loss for words.
“You are certain?” Spock confirmed.
“Yeah,” Jim managed to say, still a little breathless. “Wow. I don’t know what I was expecting, but that was… Wow.” He grinned. For a moment it was as though he had almost forgotten how, but the familiar expression soon returned. Spock’s mind was more incredible than he could have possibly imagined. That, at least, he had expected.
Spock hesitated. When he spoke, he chose his words carefully, “I had some difficulty assessing the damage and was unable to repair it as I had done with Dr. Gelder. Your mind was more powerful than I expected. Your emotions are much stronger than I am accustomed to and the neural neutralizer made your mind particularly open to the mind meld. I was not able keep our minds sufficiently separate for analysis.”
“Well, we’ll just have to try again then, won’t we, Mr. Spock?” Jim said with a wry grin that clearly indicated he was up to no good.
His conclusion however, was perfectly logical and Spock assented, “Certainly.”
“You’re more than welcome to try as many times as you like,” Jim said, sounding particularly satisfied with himself.
The edges of Spock’s mouth twitched upwards in what, as far as Jim was concerned, counted as a wide grin.
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I mean, it isn't like beyond-spock has all this new, unique character development he didn't have before (beside the scene where he says he respects and cares about Uhura's - and Jim's - concerns for him. He now gets he's accountable to those who love him, cue what happened in stid), as much as they didn't really know what to make him do... He's injured for most of it, for the first time he doesn't even interact with the villain, they don't even really let him have his hero moment with his girl. He isn't allowed to truly interact with that many characters, and his personal story however very important is, well, sidelined by a narrative that doesn't seem to care about him as a character like the other movies did (and truly, unlike JJ I don't remember Lin saying anything interesting about Spock and his arc. He was no better than the original trio stans who only see him as the devil to -main guy's other friend - bones' angel at kirk's side, in spite of that NEVER being the purpose of this Spock, let alone his characterization in aos)
Don't get me wrong, he still gets some great scenes, but from my perspective, Lin downgraded him from the co-protagonist level by JJ in the first movie to hero's sidekick.
And that post..the dichotomy in the first movies was everything, honestly, that made this Spock so great. For all some people's claims he's ooc with Nyota, you always saw that human-vulcan dichotomy..that feelings Vs logic thing. His two sides, equally valid and real, co-existing in a man that obvioustly was more than how he looked from the perspective of those who didn't know him well. A friend mentioned this to me...how much Beyond was missing that edge Spock had in the first movies, his commanding presence. He was a snarky bitch, and it was endearing because it was only one layer of his character. He was more layered than in beyond because he was allowed to by a narrative that saw him as co-protagonist. .which he isn't in Beyond, anymore. But yeah, beyond didn't change him. He always showed those sides, especially with Nyota, since the start.
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startrekandwars · 6 years
A mission gone wrong
Word Count:  2151
Tags: blood, severe injury
Summary: Jim and Spock go on an away mission and all goes according to plan until Spock pushes Jim out of the way. Bones attempts to save Spock’s life while Jim tries to wrap his head around the consequences of his actions
Spock dove at Jim and pushed him aside. Taking a shot to his side. Spock didn’t make a sound as he fell to the ground in pain. Closing his eyes and trying to block the pain out. Slowly bleeding out. Green blood staining his science blue.
Jim screamed. It wasn’t a very captainly sound. It certain wasn’t a sound that had been heard from Jim before. Spock. Spock was just shot. Possibly in his heart. He ran over to the half-vulcan and then slid in the dirt, supporting Spock some, trying to stop the bleeding with his hands. “Spock…. Spock, don’t close your eyes. Spock look at me…. Spock please….” His voice cracked as he held him close. Ignoring the green blood staining his command gold shirt.
“Jim…. are you,” he winced a little bit before continuing, trying to find the strength to finish his thought. “Are you unharmed?”
“Yeah Spock… I’m fine. I’m fine… Spock you have to stay awake!” Jim gently shook Spock. “Kirk to Enterprise… McCoy you need to get down here now…. it’s a medical emergency.” Jim placed a kiss on top of Spock’s head. “Just hang on Spock… hang on.”
Leonard’s heart broke when he heard Jim’s voice. Something was very wrong, he could tell just by how Jim sounded. He grabbed his medical kit and then ran to the transporter room to beam down. “I’ll be right there, Jim…. Jim who is it?”
“It’s Spock… It’s Spock.” Jim answered. If he was allowed to be hysterical he would be. But he was the Captain, he’s not allowed to break like that, not while he has a job to do and certainly not while he was trying to keep his first officer alive. His heart still skipped a beat as Spock closed his eyes again. “Spock- no. No. Wake up Spock. Spock, no sleeping, no sleeping sweetheart. Not till you get to medical.”
Spock just opened his eyes weakly and saw Leonard McCoy running towards him from where he beamed down. He couldn’t process everything with all of the pain he felt. “It appears to be more serious... than I thought...”
“Spock…” Len skidded the last few feet and ended up next to the injured science officer. “Just stay with me Spock… I’ll get you all patched up and then we’ll get you to Enterprise an’ I’ll pump you full of that green stuff you call blood.” The doctor had already torn away Spock’s shirt and was already checking for an exit wound. There wasn’t one, which was both a blessing and concerning. He started to stop the bleeding. Which is when the normally stoic science officer groaned in pain. “I know it hurts darlin’ but I can’t give ya anythin’ till we stop the bleedin’... I need you to stay awake. Look at me Spock…” Len stopped what he was doing and actually grabbed the Science Officer’s face to turn it towards him as it had rolled slightly into Jim. “Look at me. Let me see those brown eyes of yours.”
“‘M sorry Len… I cannot keep my eyes open,” he answered slowly, trying to grab the Doctor’s hand. “It hurts… a lot.”
Jim just absently ran his fingers through Spock’s hair, trying to hold himself together. Keeping relationships from his crew was hard and he needed to hold himself together… for Spock. “Spock you need to stay awake, okay? Len’s gonna patch you up but you have to stay awake.”
Len had just continued to patch Spock up once Spock opened his eyes again, going back to stopping the bleeding. “I know it hurts… I know, but you have to stay awake just a little bit longer.”
Jim just grabbed Spock’s hand and held very gently, trying to satisfy Spock’s pained need to hold something while comforting himself at the same time. He stopped caring what the crew thought as soon as Spock said that it actually hurt. He gave Len a panicked look and his heart was beating too fast, he couldn’t breathe.
Len just glanced at Jim briefly and then he went back to trying to save Spock’s life. “I want sickbay prepared for emergency surgery. And I want a gurney in the transporter room to get Mr. Spock to sickbay.” he answered as he produced gauze from somewhere and put it over the open wound in Spock’s side. The deep wound was still green and the gauze was almost already saturated with blood. If it wasn’t the half vulcan’s heart it was pretty damn close to it. “Three to beam up. Now.”
Without a complaint, the transporter room beamed all three of them up. Spock still ending up in Jim’s lap and Bones holding the gauze down. “Jim help me lift Spock. Keep his feet stable. It will minimize his pain as we move him.” He was now cradling the science officer by his shoulders. Jim shifted and wrapped his arms gently around Spock’s knees. “Lift on three. One… two…. three.”
Together, they both lifted Spock and placed him onto the gurney letting Len take Spock directly to sickbay. Not even slowing his pace once he got moving. It was almost a run.
Jim just stood in the transporter room with the green blood covering the lower part of his yellow shirt. Trying to think. Or at the least collect himself some.
Uhura gently placed her hand in his shoulder. “Captain… go get a new shirt and change before you go to sickbay. Spock needs you.”
“Len will only kick me out… I need to do something.” Jim countered. Walking towards his quarters. “Nyota… they shot Spock because Spock pushed me out of the way. If I hadn’t brought him-”
“You might be dead Captain… he’s with Dr. McCoy… he’ll pull through. He’s never let you down, sir. Have a little hope.” She answered, her voice trying to sooth him some as she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze.
Jim sighed and walked out of the transporter room. She was right. He needed to change at the very least. Spock got hit because of him.
He was functioning without thinking about anything other than why Spock got hurt. Taking off his stained shirt and pants. Turning on the hot water in the shower and then just standing in it for a few minutes with his eyes closed and his head resting against the wall.
They were surrounded. People coming at them from all angles and Spock was at least two yards away. “You know maybe I shouldn’t have worn yellow, Spock. I don’t think they liked it.”
“It is not the color of your shirt, captain. They did not believed you did the uniform honor. I’m surprised that we have made it this far. If we can make it to that clearing I believe that we can safely beam aboard the Enterprise.” Spock responded. Looking past Jim. Just for a moment he didn’t look stoic before breaking into a dead sprint and knocking Jim to the ground a good ten feet away. The blonde didn’t even have time to scream. He hit the ground too hard and too fast to really respond for a moment. He had been hit by three hundred plus pounds of vulcan muscle who wasn’t holding back. Jim could’ve sworn he just clocked himself when he hit the ground until he realized Spock was on the ground. Bleeding. He forced himself to move so he could instead cradle his half-vulcan. He didn’t even process that he had run over to Spock to do so. It hadn’t mattered. The shooting had stopped. After Jim and Spock had hit the ground it stopped. It wasn’t going to continue. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” He felt his heart sink some and he didn’t care about his science officer’s hearing. This was his boyfriend. He told Bones that they would be fine.  And they weren’t and his heart was breaking.
Jim gasped and opened his eyes, letting the warm shower water run over his head. He just turned it off and grabbed one of Spock’s shirts and his own pants. Putting both items on and then collapsing on his bed. Hiding his face in the pillow and just letting himself cry. The Captain of the Enterprise couldn’t be hysterical. James Tiberius Kirk, a man who may have just lost someone he loves, was allowed to be hysterical.
So he sobbed for a good ten minutes. Letting everything he had suppressed out. Until all he felt was exhaustion. He had no desire to move from the bed. Just laid there. Still. Waiting for Leonard to call him. For any news on Spock.
When he didn’t hear anything for twenty minutes he got up and started to walk to the gym. He had to hit something. So the throbbing pain that was coursing through his chest got worked out in a physical manner. He didn’t consider changing his shirt. That people might be suspicious. Either the crew knew by this point or they were going to brush it off as he’s too worried to care.  And that translated into how he hit the punching bag. Each hit was harder than the last and didn’t seem to care about the physical pain. There wasn’t any music in the background. Just the uneven sounds of a broken man hitting a punching, trying to make his hurting a little more bearable.  
And it continued for a good hour until he could finally make himself be the captain of the Enterprise, bloodied knuckles, tear stained face, and clinging onto hope with every fiber of his being. Jim walked to Sickbay and paused at the door. Christine Chapel opened the door before he could. “Captain… Commander Spock is in recovery now… Dr. McCoy has him on fluids and a transfusion, he’s been given something for the pain and he’s exhausted; but he’s going to make it.”
“Thank you, Christine…” He forced a smile on his face and then walked over to Spock. Sitting next to him and just gently grabbing his hand. “I am so sorry Spock….”
Brown eyes greeted him with a tired warmth that was almost lost. He didn’t say anything but the look was enough. Jim had nothing to be sorry for.
Bones walked over, looking exhausted. “Jim… let me see your hands and make sure you’re going to be alright… give Spock a little time to wake up some more before coming up with a reason to feel guilty.” He didn’t pull the blonde away immediately but he did rest a hand firmly on the Captain’s shoulder. “You look like shit.”
“That’s about how I feel,” Jim responded, giving Spock’s hand a small squeeze before standing up and holding his hands out for Bones to see. “I did this to myself.”
“Well, you’re lucky you didn’t break your hands. And you don’t have a concussion from the hit to the ground you took. So you’ll make it. Get some sleep and maybe eat something. But you’ll make it.” Bones answered, giving Jim a kiss before walking over to Spock and scanning him. Making sure he was going to be okay. “Your hands don’t need to be bandaged.”
Jim just took up his seat on Spock’s uninjured side and just gently held the half-vulcan’s hand again. Earning a small squeeze from Spock. “Jim… you have nothing to be sorry for… and no reason to be so hard on yourself. It is my job to insure you can continue command as your First Officer… and as your boyfriend it is my obligation to insure that you make it home safe.”
“That was my job, Spock. Crew and ship before self… and I promised Bones that I’d bring you back safe and sound… that we’d be careful…” tears started to slip down Jim’s face again. He didn’t care. He was human and he’s allowed to be human.
Bones stopped what he was doing and looked at Jim. “Jim… you did the best you could. It's not your fault that the hobgoblin was stubborn enough to make sure you lived… he’ll be fine and because of him you’ll live… that’s enough for me.” He ended up sitting on the bed and just closing his eyes briefly, swallowing any fear he had felt. They were both alive. With him. “Spock, Jim, get some sleep. That’s the doctor’s orders.”
Jim just nodded and looked at Spock who had already dosed back off. He was still exhausted. Then Jim rested his head on Spock’s chest and let himself fall asleep. Well aware that his back was going to hurt when he woke up. But he wasn’t going to let Spock out of his sight.
Once the trio was sound asleep, Leonard leaning against Spock with an arm wrapped around him, Christine just put blankets over them and then turned off the lights. Letting them sleep. Quietly leaving Sickbay. Everyone was going to be just fine.
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hurt-spock · 7 years
For the ask: Where is Spock trapped? 9 Is Spock injured? 5 Who is with Spock? 3-8 Additional Info: Happy ending please
Sorry, this took so long. I think I need a part two as it’s not quite finished yet. 
If Uhura had to describe the indigenous species to someone that had never seen it before, she’d probably liken them to an earth sea lion, but with more humanoid features, which she admitted, conjured up a disturbing image.
However, it was the most accurate description for the creature they carried between them as they rushed her to sickbay.
Each of them struggled, soaked to the skin as they were. They hadn’t expected any kind of rescue mission. Sulu had taken a landing party down and requested help not long afterward. Spock had taken another landing crew down to assist.
Uhura had come alone to the transporter room in hope of establishing some form of communication. Chekov and Scotty had been passing when the crew were heading to sick bay and had helped carry her down. Kirk was already waiting there with Mccoy when they brought her in and struggled to lift her onto the biobed.
McCoy made some adjustments to widen and lower the bed, which helped as they managed to get her on to it.
The wound in her side was deep and bleeding.
“Did you see another creature attacking her?” McCoy asked.
“No, I guess it already left by then,” Sulu said.
Spock leaned a little closer to the wound, keeping from McCoy’s vision and the two of them seemed to come to the same realization at the same moment.
Unfortunately, that was also when the ship’s power failed on an enormous scale. Power on everything went down leaving the ship in darkness, locked wherever they were.
“Scotty what’s happening?”
“Ah, no idea, Captain. I need to get to engineering.”
“Why is there no emergency powering coming on?”
“What ever is affecting the power has wiped out the whole lot. There’s just basic life functions. We have power only where we need it. Something bad has happened for it to be like this.”
“There should be an emergency kit here, somewhere,” Uhura added.
“Yeah, I’ll go and get it,” McCoy said, slowly making his way across the dark room.
Spock moved to one of the air vents, “Stop Doctor. You are about to hit one of the counters. Take a step to your right.” Spock provided, his eyesight much better in the darkness than the others. “Mister Scott I have located the air vent which you should be able to use to access engineering. If you follow my voice, I can assist you in-” he cut himself off suddenly as a strange low growl broke out in the room.
“What the hell is that?” Sulu asked.
“It is coming from the direction of the creature. I believe it is wise to step away from her.” Spock said.
“You got any theory on what’s happening, Spock?”
“The same as Doctor McCoy,” Spock provided.
“What attacked her is inside of her,” McCoy informed them
“We just beamed it up to our ship?”
“It would be wise to terminate her. I do not believe we will be able to save her,”
“To hell with that,” McCoy hissed in response.
“Spock, get the cover off that air vent so you and Scotty can fix the ship,” Kirk encouraged.
Spock pulled the vent cover off the wall and set it aside. “You should go first Mister Spock, I don’t think I can find my way in the dark,”
“Something just brushed against my leg and no one was near me,” Sulu said.
“Can you see it, Spock?”
Spock looked around the room and saw nothing. “It’s highly skilled to evade capture. I cannot see it,” Despite that fact, he continued to look for it.
“Here,” Uhura said, turning on the light she had pulled from the emergency kit that she and McCoy were going through. As she did she saw a creature long and thin like a snake, easily towering over them all. She had no time to even call out a warning as it used its tail to whip the light from her hand.
She heard a grunt from Spock and could tell he was exerting some sort of effort and she struggled to find the light. McCoy found a new one first, flicking it on and illuminating the room.
The creature was apparently trying to make an escape bid, part of it down the vent, the other half tangled up with Spock as he struggled to keep it pinned against the wall.
“Get a phaser now,” Kirk barked out.
Sulu, who had been armed from his mission to the planet wasted no time in hitting the creature with a stun, which had no effect.
“I can not hold it much longer,” Spock struggled.
McCoy made his way over and used a device that emitted a shock. He set it to its full power and touched it against the creature, which thankfully shrieked and released its hold on Spock as it dropped to the floor unmoving. McCoy half caught Spock, but he still ended up on the floor, due to his greater weight. “Sorry about the shock,” McCoy apologized as he hefted Spock back to his feet.
Spock didn’t seem to be able to find words, his mind reeling from a combination of prolonged physical contact with the strange creature and the shock itself. And the burning in his wrist and forearm.
His silence drew in McCoy’s scrutiny.
“Chekov, take some lights and go help, Mister Scott.”
A gasp escaped Spock and Kirk went over to his First Officer. He hadn’t been able to see the deep puncture wounds in Spock’s arm from where he was, but he could see them clearly enough now. “There’s no blood,” Kirk said. They were clearly deep enough to bleed.
“I think that thing seals it somehow,” McCoy said. Spock was shivering, and McCoy was aware suddenly that Spock was soaked through, as the others that had beamed down to the planet were, but Spock didn’t do as well in cold or wet conditions. But he was also concerned that Spock had a puncture wound on his arm and he had no idea if there was something that had been injected into Spock’s system. “You should lay down,” McCoy said, as he moved Spock to the nearest free biobed.
“I think your other patient didn’t make it, Bones,” Jim said over by the unnaturally still body of the creature they’d brought onboard. “Now we need to make sure it’s little friend doesn’t get up and go on a ship wide tour.”
“I’m on it,” Sulu said, taking guard at a safe distance.
“Bones, what do you need me to do?” Kirk asked. There was nothing else he could do as Captain right now.
Uhura had retrieved a couple of blankets and was discreetly undressing Spock, peeling away his wet clothes and keeping him warm with the blankets. McCoy was monitoring Spock but not doing anything else. “Check out what else is in that emergency kit, will ya?” Bones asked. Jim went and started to go through it and was surprised when Bones came and knelt down beside him.  
“The temperature keeps dropping in here. Spock’s in some kind of shock, he’s too cold and I don’t know what might be in his system. His brainwaves are all over.”
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iwannabeabadrobot · 7 years
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As much as he wanted to follow Spock back to his quarters after Alpha shift, he had an even more pressing need to check on Bones and Uhura. He sneaked as quietly as he could into sickbay and over to their two private bio-beds.
First he stuck his head in check on Bones- but his bed was empty. Ugh, if he was up and around already, trying to be CMO after only a few hours of rest, he was going to physically put him back into bed himself. Kirk shook himself mentally. Ha. He sounded exactly like Bones. He savored the empathy he felt, being in Bones's shoes. Next time he got himself messed up, he'd stay in bed. Or at least he'd try to.
Then he stuck his head in on Uhura's section. Speak of the devil. Bones was curled up on his side next to Uhura. The two of them, as tiny as Uhura was, barely fit on the one bed together. It would have been comical, if it hadn't been such a relief to just see them alive and breathing and on the ship.
Uhura blinked her eyes open. Kirk gave her a smile. She pulled an arm away from Bones' grasp and gestured to her lips to be quiet, and waved him over to her side. As soon as he reached her she grabbed his hand.
"You ok?" he whispered.
She nodded. "Thank you," she said.
That was weird. Usually Uhura wanted to slap him. Maybe this energy field still had some hold on her. "For what?"
"For being your stubborn ass self. For coming back to get us even though it was idiotic and against orders."
Kirk winked at her. "Oh, stop flattering me."
Uhura chuckled. Bones shifted with a snarl. Uhura ran a hand up and down his arm. He settled back down. Kirk raised his eyebrows at her.
"Shut up."
"Sweet dreams," he grinned, slipping out of the door.
The door rang and Spock opened it to find Jim, smiling at him, his complexion a shade more pink than usual.
"Just checked on Bones and Uhura."
Spock didn't say anything, but stepped back so the Captain could enter. He had prioritized Nyota and the Doctor above him. Spock reminded himself that they were injured and it was the Captain's responsibility to ensure their continued recovery and return to duty.
"They're okay. Thanks for asking."
"I did not inquire as to their health."
"Occasionally Vulcan and Human protocols differ. If they had not been of adequate health, your behavior would have indicated such. Or, you would not be here at all."
Jim smiled. "You're too smart for your own good."
"I believe that would be a better statement to apply to the Lieutenant's prior condition."
"Alright, alright. I surrender."
"We are not at war."
Kirk flopped onto Spock's meditation mat. "No, I guess not. Speaking of which- that thing we did in the turbolift…"
Spock awaited his comment, but it did not come. He tilted his head, to indicate Jim should supply further information. Jim made a noise of hesitation in his throat. After another 2.4 seconds, he said, "It was nice."
"Agreed," Spock responded. "Your interrupted actions earlier indicated that you underestimated my inclinations toward you."
Jim's face reddened. "Inc- inclinations, huh? So you're in like with me?"
"The phrase 'in like,' what does it refer to?"
"It's like, it's too soon to say, so- well, it's just a more human way to say what you said."
Spock nodded. Nyota had never used that phrase. "In like." Fascinating. He went to the meditation mat and sank to his knees next to Jim. This was the proper way to sit on the mat. Naturally, Jim would sit on the mat in any other way.
"I suggest we repeat our earlier-" He did not have to clarify his suggestion, though. Jim's lips were already on his.
They were hot and strong, massaging Spock's lips with a pressure that indicated his enjoyment of the experience. Spock kissed back, trying to match the pressure, trying to keep up with Jim's small, constant movements and adjustments.
Jim put a hand on Spock's jaw. He ran a finger along the line of Spock's chin and up to his ear. When he rubbed the tip of Spock's ear, Spock could barely contain himself. He bit Jim's lip.
Jim jumped backwards, holding his lip. "Ow!" But he wasn't upset. He was grinning. Spock stared at him for a second, not knowing how to respond. But Jim didn't need a response. He leaned back in, hand now resting lightly on Spock's neck, and swiped his tongue along Spock's tightly closed lips.
He opened his mouth, and Jim slipped his tongue into Spock's mouth. Spock met it with own tongue. They circled each other for a moment, and when Jim's tongue retreated, Spock followed it with his own into Jim's mouth. And then Jim closed his lips around Spock's tongue and sucked on it. Hard.
It was Spock's turn to pull back. It wasn't unpleasant. But it was unbearably arousing. And it was too soon for Spock to allow himself to engage in that behavior with him.
"What is it? You don't like that? I won't do it anymore-"
"No! I have a query."
Jim looked amused. Probably because of Spock's protest. He would have to keep himself in check when complimenting the Captain's techniques. He already suffered from an overdeveloped ego.
"Excuse me?"
"What's the query?" Jim was still very close to him. And he kept running his fingers across Spock's face, a distraction that made it challenging for Spock to concentrate. His fingers brushed the line of his bangs, then across his brow, and again along his ear.
Spock blinked. "What are your intentions concerning our- physical affection?"
Jim raised his eyebrows. "As in, are my intentions honorable or something?"
"Is this to be a temporary fraternization, or an indefinite one?"
Jim frowned and bit his lip. "Where'd that come from?"
"I am well aware of your reputation at the academy and of your promiscuous behavior since we have worked together. Probability suggests that this tryst will be one of few before you choose a new partner."
"Excuse me? Spock, you're not- those people, uh, beings, whatever, were well-aware of what we were doing. And none of them were crew on the Enterprise. Those were flings. This is- different. You're my friend. Frankly, if you think I'd put you in the same category as any of them, that's a little insulting."
"Then you are saying I deserve more respect than any of your previous conquests?"
"Well, yeah. I wouldn't put it that way, but-"
"And the late Lieutenant Gaila, who aided you in cheating on the Kobayashi Maru: she was well-aware of the nature of your relationship?"
"Okay, she might be an exception, but, look, this isn't about her, or any of them, it's about you and me!"
Spock thought for a moment. How could he put his thoughts into words? Was it a mistake to think about this logically? It was the only refuge he had, in the confusion of how he felt in his Captain's presence. If logic won, he would allow his undercurrent of feelings to take control of him. But not before logic won.
"My relation to you will be compared to your previous partners, whether or not you would prefer to approach it in that manner. You are admitting Gaila considered your union to be of greater significance than you did?"
Jim got up from the meditation mat and moved to Spock's bed, his mouth slightly open and eyes searching. For an answer to Spock's queries? "Yes, I admit that."
"And you admit that your previous sexual partners are not due a high level of respect."
"I didn't say that."
"Additionally, you and Lieutenant Uhura engaged in physical intimacy after there was some communication of affection between us. Do you agree?"
Jim huffed and waved a hand in frustration. "Yeah, but- I'm sorry about that. It wasn't anything. It didn't mean anything. It was a remnant of a crush, you know that." He paced the room, thinking.
"How about this: let's both be part of this interrogation, huh? What do you want out of this? Do you want some kind of long-term serious, committed romance? Is that the logical thing to do when you're in the middle of unexplored nowhere, constantly in danger? Does it make more sense to develop a deep connection with somebody or to satisfy primal physical needs? Honestly, I don't know what this is. I'm just enjoying that you're my friend and I enjoy spending time with you, and honestly- you're really fucking hot! Anybody on this ship would want to get in your pants."
Spock considered Jim's questions. They were fair. They pointed towards Jim's modus operandi as the more logical path. Perhaps his judgment was clouded by Jim's presence. He was as attractive as he accused Spock of being. Objectively, of course. He was not aware that he was considered similarly.
He needed more time. They should not continue on this trajectory right now. It would only lead to miscommunication and at the worst, could compromise their work on the ship.
"Your point is taken, Jim. I must ask for solitude now."
Jim looked angry. He shook his head. "Ugh, so stupid," he muttered.
"You are saying that I lack intelligence?"
"No, not you," Jim said, heading for the door. "Me."
He left, the door swooshing closed behind him. Spock looked after him for a second. He kneeled on the meditation mat, and then readjusted to imitate Jim's position. It felt strange. Unnatural. Vulnerable.
Spock got back onto his knees and began to meditate.
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Mission gone wrong
Spock dove at Jim and pushed him aside. Taking a shot to his side. Spock didn’t make a sound as he fell to the ground in pain. Closing his eyes and trying to block the pain out. Slowly bleeding out. Green blood staining his science blue. Jim screamed. It wasn’t a very captainly sound. It certain wasn’t a sound that had been heard from Jim before. Spock. Spock was just shot. Possibly in his heart. He ran over to the half-vulcan and then slid in the dirt, supporting Spock some, trying to stop the bleeding with his hands. “Spock…. Spock, don’t close your eyes. Spock look at me…. Spock please….” His voice cracked as he held him close. Ignoring the green blood staining his command gold shirt. “Jim…. are you,” he winced a little bit before continuing, trying to find the strength to finish his thought. “Are you unharmed?” “Yeah Spock… I’m fine. I’m fine… Spock you have to stay awake!” Jim gently shook Spock. “Kirk to Enterprise… McCoy you need to get down here now…. it’s a medical emergency.” Jim placed a kiss on top of Spock’s head. “Just hang on Spock… hang on.” Leonard’s heart broke when he heard Jim’s voice. Something was very wrong, he could tell just by how Jim sounded. He grabbed his medical kit and then ran to the transporter room to beam down. “I’ll be right there, Jim…. Jim who is it?” “Its Spock… Its Spock.” Jim answered. If he was allowed to be hysterical he would be. But he was the Captain, he’s not allowed to break like that, not while he has a job to do and certainly not while he was trying to keep his first officer alive. His heart still skipped a beat as Spock closed his eyes again. “Spock- no. No. Wake up Spock. Spock, no sleeping, no sleeping sweetheart. Not till you get to medical.” Spock just opened his eyes weakly and saw Leonard McCoy running towards him from where he beamed down. He couldn’t process everything with all of the pain he felt. “It appears to be more serious... than I thought...” “Spock…” Len skidded the last few feet and ended up next to the injured science officer. “Just stay with me Spock… I’ll get you all patched up and then we’ll get you to Enterprise an’ I’ll pump you full of that green stuff you call blood.” The doctor had already torn away Spock’s shirt and was already checking for an exit wound. There wasn’t one, which was both a blessing and concerning. He started to stop the bleeding. Which is when the normally stoic science officer groaned in pain. “I know it hurts darlin’ but I can’t give ya anythin’ till we stop the bleedin’... I need you to stay awake. Look at me Spock…” Len stopped what he was doing and actually grabbed the Science Officer’s face to turn it towards him as it had rolled slightly into Jim. “Look at me. Let me see those brown eyes of yours.” “‘M sorry Len… I cannot keep my eyes open,” he answered slowly, trying to grab the Doctor’s hand. “It hurts… a lot.” Jim just absently ran his fingers through Spock’s hair, trying to hold himself together. Keeping relationships from his crew was hard and he needed to hold himself together… for Spock. “Spock you need to stay awake, okay? Len’s gonna patch you up but you have to stay awake.” Len had just continued to patch Spock up once Spock opened his eyes again, going back to stopping the bleeding. “I know it hurts… I know, but you have to stay awake just a little bit longer.” Jim just grabbed Spock’s hand and held very gently, trying to satisfy Spock’s pained need to hold something while comforting himself at the same time. He stopped caring what the crew thought as soon as Spock said that it actually hurt. He gave Len a panicked look and his heart was beating too fast, he couldn’t breathe. Len just glanced at Jim briefly and then he went back to trying to save Spock’s life. “I want sickbay prepared for emergency surgery. And I want a gurney in the transporter room to get Mr. Spock to sickbay.” he answered as he produced gauze from somewhere and put it over the open wound in Spock’s side. The deep wound was still green and the gauze was almost already saturated with blood. If it wasn’t the half vulcan’s heart it was pretty damn close to it. “Three to beam up. Now.” Without a complaint, the transporter room beamed all three of them up. Spock still ending up in Jim’s lap and Bones holding the gauze down. “Jim help me lift Spock. Keep his feet stable. It will minimize his pain as we move him.” He was now cradling the science officer by his shoulders. Jim shifted and wrapped his arms gently around Spock’s knees. “Lift on three. One… two…. three.” Together, they both lifted Spock and placed him onto the gurney letting Len take Spock directly to sickbay. Not even slowing his pace once he got moving. It was almost a run. Jim just stood in the transporter room with the green blood covering the lower part of his yellow shirt. Trying to think. Or at the least collect himself some. Uhura gently placed her hand in his shoulder. “Captain… go get a new shirt and change before you go to sickbay. Spock needs you.” “Len will only kick me out… I need to do something.” Jim countered. Walking towards his quarters. “Nyota… they shot Spock because Spock pushed me out of the way. If I hadn’t brought him-” “You might be dead Captain… he’s with Dr. McCoy… he’ll pull through. He’s never let you down, sir. Have a little hope.” She answered, her voice trying to sooth him some as she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. Jim sighed and walked out of the transporter room. She was right. He needed to change at the very least. Spock got hit because of him. He was functioning without thinking about anything other than why Spock got hurt. Taking off his stained shirt and pants. Turning on the hot water in the shower and then just standing in it for a few minutes with his eyes closed and his head resting against the wall. They were surrounded. People coming at them from all angles and Spock was at least two yards away. “You know maybe I shouldn’t have worn yellow, Spock. I don’t think they liked it.” “It is not the color of your shirt, captain. They did not believed you did the uniform honor. I’m surprised that we have made it this far. If we can make it to that clearing I believe that we can safely beam aboard the Enterprise.” Spock responded. Looking past Jim. Just for a moment he didn’t look stoic before breaking into a dead sprint and knocking Jim to the ground a good ten feet away. The blonde didn’t even have time to scream. He hit the ground too hard and too fast to really respond for a moment. He had been hit by three hundred plus pounds of vulcan muscle who wasn’t holding back. Jim could’ve sworn he just clocked himself when he hit the ground until he realized Spock was on the ground. Bleeding. He forced himself to move so he could instead cradle his half-vulcan. He didn’t even process that he had run over to Spock to do so. It hadn’t mattered. The shooting had stopped. After Jim and Spock had hit the ground it stopped. It wasn’t going to continue. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” He felt his heart sink some and he didn’t care about his science officer’s hearing. This was his boyfriend. He told Bones that they would be fine. And they weren’t and his heart was breaking. Jim gasped and opened his eyes, letting the warm shower water run over his head. He just turned it off and grabbed one of Spock’s shirts and his own pants. Putting both items on and then collapsing on his bed. Hiding his face in the pillow and just letting himself cry. The Captain of the Enterprise couldn’t be hysterical. James Tiberius Kirk, a man who may have just lost someone he loves, was allowed to be hysterical. So he sobbed for a good ten minutes. Letting everything he had suppressed out. Until all he felt was exhaustion. He had no desire to move from the bed. Just laid there. Still. Waiting for Leonard to call him. For any news on Spock. When he didn’t hear anything for twenty minutes he got up and started to walk to the gym. He had to hit something. So the throbbing pain that was coursing through his chest got worked out in a physical manner. He didn’t consider changing his shirt. That people might be suspicious. Either the crew knew by this point or they were going to brush it off as he’s too worried to care. And that translated into how he hit the punching bag. Each hit was harder than the last and didn’t seem to care about the physical pain. There wasn’t any music in the background. Just the uneven sounds of a broken man hitting a punching, trying to make his hurting a little more bearable. And it continued for a good hour until he could finally make himself be the captain of the Enterprise, bloodied knuckles, tear stained face, and clinging onto hope with every fiber of his being. Jim walked to Sickbay and paused at the door. Christine Chapel opened the door before he could. “Captain… Commander Spock is in recovery now… Dr. McCoy has him on fluids and a transfusion, he’s been given something for the pain and he’s exhausted; but he’s going to make it.” “Thank you, Christine…” He forced a smile on his face and then walked over to Spock. Sitting next to him and just gently grabbing his hand. “I am so sorry Spock….” Brown eyes greeted him with a tired warmth that was almost lost. He didn’t say anything but the look was enough. Jim had nothing to be sorry for. Bones walked over, looking exhausted. “Jim… let me see your hands and make sure you’re going to be alright… give Spock a little time to wake up some more before coming up with a reason to feel guilty.” He didn’t pull the blonde away immediately but he did rest a hand firmly on the Captain’s shoulder. “You look like shit.” “That’s about how I feel,” Jim responded, giving Spock’s hand a small squeeze before standing up and holding his hands out for Bones to see. “I did this to myself.” “Well, you’re lucky you didn’t break your hands. And you don’t have a concussion from the hit to the ground you took. So you’ll make it. Get some sleep and maybe eat something. But you’ll make it.” Bones answered, giving Jim a kiss before walking over to Spock and scanning him. Making sure he was going to be okay. “Your hands don’t need to be bandaged.” Jim just took up his seat on Spock’s uninjured side and just gently held the half-vulcan’s hand again. Earning a small squeeze from Spock. “Jim… you have nothing to be sorry for… and no reason to be so hard on yourself. It is my job to insure you can continue command as your First Officer… and as your boyfriend it is my obligation to insure that you make it home safe.” “That was my job, Spock. Crew and ship before self… and I promised Bones that I’d bring you back safe and sound… that we’d be careful…” tears started to slip down Jim’s face again. He didn’t care. He was human and he’s allowed to be human. Bones stopped what he was doing and looked at Jim. “Jim… you did the best you could. It's not your fault that the hobgoblin was stubborn enough to make sure you lived… he’ll be fine and because of him you’ll live… that’s enough for me.” He ended up sitting on the bed and just closing his eyes briefly, swallowing any fear he had felt. They were both alive. With him. “Spock, Jim, get some sleep. That’s the doctor’s orders.” Jim just nodded and looked at Spock who had already dosed back off. He was still exhausted. Then Jim rested his head on Spock’s chest and let himself fall asleep. Well aware that his back was going to hurt when he woke up. But he wasn’t going to let Spock out of his sight. Once the trio was sound asleep, Leonard leaning against Spock with an arm wrapped around him, Christine just put blankets over them and then turned off the lights. Letting them sleep. Quietly leaving Sickbay. Everyone was going to be just fine.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
Top 15 Star Trek TOS Episodes (Part Two)
(Part One)
Continuing from the last post, here are the remaining seven episodes~! Also picking Number One was SUPER hard. I was stuck between it and two for a long while. But I finally picked, so here we go!
#7. The Trouble With Tribbles
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Up to this point, I hadn’t been crazy over some of the goofier episodes of Star Trek. Shore Leave was a mindscrew that left me uncertain about what was even happening by the end, though my opinion has lightened up upon looking back. The Squire of Gothos had a villain that I found far more annoying than entertaining and it remains one of my least favorite episodes. The only more silly one I did like was I, Mudd which remains an utter laugh riot once everyone acts as illogical as possible, including Spock. But then this episode came along, and Dear Lord it is hilarious. Our heroes stop at a space station, but it’s also occupied by Klingons. But wait, it gets better! A sleezy guy convinces Uhura to buy a Tribble, these little puff ball things that are kind of cute... until they begin to reproduce so rapidly that they infest the ship and base. To put it simply, it’s not a good time for Kirk. Honestly Kirk is the best part just because of how much he LOATHES every single thing about this episode. The scene where a whole bunch of Tribbles just topple over him and he just resigns himself to his fate and later his epic death glare at Bones when he orders him to figure out what killed the things. And then there’s what makes him come aorund to them, their shared hatred of Klingons. Seriosuly, Kirk is just So Done in this episode and it is amazing~
But seriously, it’s a very entertianing episode. Far more than I thought it was going to be when I read the description. It’s not an episode taken seriosuly, but not in the ‘they just gave up’ kind of way like in certain S3 episodes. The cast seem to be legit having a fun time with this one. The brawl between Scotty, Chekov, and a few other guys against the Klingons was super fun as was Kirk sulking when Scotty revelas that he got provoked over the Enteprise being insulted and not the captain. Poor Jim XD Cyrano Jones was also just a fun delight with how scummy yet amusing he is. The scene with him and the drinks during the brawl had me laughing so much XD Seriosuly there’s just so many good moments. Spock not being immune to the Tribble’s comforting effect and being embarassed at this revelaiton, Spock and McCoy’s snark, the Klingons utter horror at the tiny little furballs, it’s just an entertaining ride from beginning to end.
Not anything to really note flaws wise to justify the ranking. It doesn’t have that emotional or philosophical umph that I normally seek out in shows like this, so it’s here at seven. But that ain’t a bad thing at all. Not every episode has to have deep meanings or complex stories. Sometimes it can just be something fun and amusing, and the effort was still there to make it entertaining. It’s one of those episodes that I would watch above the others on a bad day just so I can laugh. Probably the most fun episode I have on this list, and that’s nothing to snuff at~!
#6. The Doomsday Machine
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Our heroes find a Starship where the only survivor is Commadore Decker, his crew having all been killed when he beamed them to a planet that a planet destroyer... well, destroyed shortly after. The destroyer is still active and now the Enterprise is in danger. As Kirk remains on that ship, Decker is determined to destroyt he doomsday machine once and for all, including taking command of the Enteprrise and risking their lives to do so. Yeah, this is a pretty intense one. Decker, while his sucicdal actions were wrong, is VERY sympathetic. His crew was killed through no fault of his own, the machine that did it is still loose, and the losses have left him utterly broken. He’s very much traumatized but as he is the highest ranking officer and they can’t officially prove that he’s too mentlaly unfit to be relieved (which imo is idiotic cause even someone who isn’t a psycologist can tell he’s mentally unfit, but whatever), they can’t do much to stop him. Spock DOES finally manage to do so, and it leads to Decker’s ultimate choice that leads to his tragic end.
This one really gripped me. There’s this tension throughout. We have an unstable, suicidal man taking control of the Enterprise and willing to get them all killed to stop the doomsday machine. It’s scary to see how broken the man is. Again, he’s wrong to be willing to sacrifice everyone on The Enterprise to destroy the thing even though none of them want to die, but you understand why. I mean imagine if that happened to Kirk, he’d probably snap too if his actions in Obsession is any indication of how he handles major losses like that. Then we have Decker’s final act. Once relieved of command, he steals a shuttle and goes at the machine himself. He knows that he’s going to die and accepts that fact if it means some chance, any chance of destroying the machine once and for all. While he fails to destory it, he DOES give Kirk the opprotunity needed to do so with the ruined ship. A move that almost gets Kirk killed, but still Decker’s act was not in vain. It’s a very interesting character study with themes of guilt, trauma, and desperation. Kind of like in Obsession in a way, only Kirk manages to survive and pull himself together before it was too late. Decker’s only goal was to take down the machine that took his crew’s lives, even if that meant losing his own.
As I said, these are the kinds of episodes I live for. I guess self-sacrifice is also genetic consideirng what happened with his son in The Motion Picture, haha. Flaws... ugh... I guess McCoy disappeairng after the first half sucked? But that’s a me thing that doesn’t affect anything. I just remember watching it wide-eyed despite fully well knowing that everyone I cared about were going to be perfectly fine. It really gripped me! A great episode with great character exploration and themes which for a one off character, is pretty dang impressive!
#5. Journey to Babel
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Meet the parents epidsode! Yay! The Enteprise is transporting various ambassadors of various planets to the Babel Conference. This includes the Vulcan Ambassador Sarek and his human wife Amanda, aka Spock’s parents. Yep, it’s time for some good ol’ fashioned family issues! Sarek wasn’t exactly happy with Spock choosing Starfleet and their relationship has been strained ever since. But when Sarek has severe heart problems, the only way to save him is via blood transfusion with Spock the only one compatible. But to make it worse, Kirk gets stabbed and put out of comission, forcing Spock to take command... at the same time that his father needs the surgery. Yeah... it sucks to be Spock in this episode. I know that Sarek is a bit divisive, but I like Spock’s parents. Sarek comes off as good at his job, but not great as a parent. He’s far fromt he worst and we do see that he does seem to still care about his son, he’s just God awful at admitting it and his previous mistakes. Like father, like son I guess. Amanda was a delight, especially when she tells McCoy about the sehlat aka giant teddy bear. Anyone who can make Bones smile that big deserves our thanks. Spock trying to make it less embarassing only made it funnier XD But back on topic, they come off as interesitng characters. They ain’t ideal, but they seem to genuinely be in love, which is nice.
Spock was just great here as we see him in one of the roughest spots he’s been in. He’s naturally not happy about being around the father that cast him aside again, though after his heart issues it’s clear that he IS concerned. Leonard Nimoy once again does such a fantastic job at having Spock express so much but without breaking character. It’s all in the eyes and the strained tone of voice. Then when Spock is more than willing to go through with the tranfusion, Kirk is injured. He has no choice but to take command, knowing that in doing so his father will die. While he COULD give command to Scotty, with the VERY intense circumstances of an assaliant on board and a ship ready to attack wit a number of ambassadors on board, he’s the best bet in handling it. Amanda is of course upset and even smacks him which IS overly harsh, but she’s about to lose her husband and her son, despite clealry hating the fact, has to place his duty above all else. Sarek dying is the least worst outcome to everyone else being killed. It’s the most logical route. Fortunately Kirk is able to pull himself together long enough to take over and the transfusion goes through perfectly despite the fight making it more difficult. Which again, McCoy is the true MVP here for managing to pull that off successfully under those conditions and Thank God that the episode rewarded him by letting him finally get the last word. He earned that one!
It’s such a great episode for me. Family drama, Spock conflict, political tensions, and just some relaly fun bits. Seriosuly, the teddy bear bit will NEVER stop being funny. Hoenstly these last five were all pretty tight and this ende dup here cause the other four had just a little bit mroe to keep me invested for reasons. Spock and Sarek don’t really reach a resolution but we do see that it has the chance to improve, and the movies do show that Sarek DOES truly care about his son and even admits that he had been wrong. It takes a lot for a man, even a Vulcan man, to do that. Although I DID double take when I realized that Sarek is played by the same guy who did the Romulan Captain in Balance of Terror. Guess he was that good XD. But yeah, a really great episode and very much my favorite Spock-centric episode.
#4. The Empath
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TRIUMVIRATE FEELS BABY~! Our heroes end up trapped by a duo of aliens and encounter a mute empath woman that McCoy names Gem. They try to figure out how to escape as the aliens known as Vians plan to use them for an experiment as they have others. Shenanigains happen while elad to Kirk getting totured p, and then given the ultimate sadistic choice in having to decide if either Spock or McCoy get tortured to the point of either death (McCoy) or permenant brain damage (Spock). Now the episode has it’s issues, like why the Vians needed to do this to decide that Gem’s people were worth saivng is..l really baffling. But I’m also not a Vian so what do I know anout their mindset? But due to those kinds of plot holes, it landed here at four. It also kind of reads like a hurt/comfort fanfic, which isn’t a surprise when you find out that this was written and submitted by a fan. Which is freakin’ awesome and I can’t complain tbh cause it’s a good hurt/comfort fic. What it fails in some plot tightning it succeeds at in emphasizing the relationship between the main trio and it’s themes of emotion and self-sacrifice. Because OF COURSE that would be relevant for these three numbskulls at some point!
The second half is really what sells it. Kirk of course can’t make a choice like that, so Bones hypos him so that he’ll be spared of it. But that means that Spock is in command and he fully intends to hand himself over to the Vians to spare the two. Just the scene where he looks at Kirk, knowing that it’ll likely be the last time he sees him and Gem touching him to feel his emotions. Her smile sums it sll up. Which sidenote, the actress for Gem was freakin’ fantastic in how she displayed so much emotion and character without saying one word. Excellent acting. Anyways, Spock’s plan seems full-proof... except that he forgot that he’s dealing with McCoy, who promptly hypos him as well and sacrifices himself to the Vians. That was when McCoy became my favorite character, the moment he chose to be tortured to near death to save his two best friends and an innocent woman and even took the time to try and comfort her before being taken away. When we see the ifnal result and are greeted to DeForest Kelley looking at the camera with the most dead expression that he can muster... yeah the image STILL haunts me. Then Bones is dying with the two unable to do anything but try to give him some comfort and Gem is just so distraught and... heah this episode mad eit this high simply because it hit the emotional beats perfectly. That’s not even going into Gem trying to heal him to drive home the themes of the episode, also done VERY well.
This episode really shows how much the three care for one another. They’re all willing to be tortured and die to spare the other two. Ultimately McCoy gets the ‘honor’, but Kirk and Spock were absolutely ready to throw themselves to the fire. The characterization, interactions, and dynamic are just done so well that it’s why I can forgive the plot issues. I’m a sucker for feelings okay?! So yeah it’s not perfect but what it got right it got right. As such, it managed to land here at Number Four with only those plot holes keeping it from Number One. And trust me, I was tempted.
#3. The Tholian Web
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Season 3 hadn’t been doing it for me with only one or two episodes really getitng my attention up to that point. This one though? This was the best episode in the seaosn bar none. Our heroes end up in a subspace where they find a starship and it’s crew all dead. Whien they teleport back to The Enterprise, it disappears... and takes Kirk with it. Okay, doesn’t sound liek anythignt hat new right? Kirk goes missing, the crew have to deal without him and find him as quickly as posisble. But this one has a bit of a twist... they cut Kirk out completely. Yeah, from the moment he vanishes in the first act to the very end he is out of the episode. Not only does the crew not know what happened to him, but neither does the audience, this ramps up the fear and emotional weight big time as the longer the crew is int hat space, the influence of it drives them to insanity. Bones wants to get out because of this, while Spock is unwilling to leave Kirk if he is alive. Needles to say, things go off the rails quickly.
With Kirk out of the equation, we keep our focus on Spock and McCoy. Their arguing is probably at the most personal it’s ever been with Kirk seming dead, the crew losing their minds, and it looking more and more uncertain that they can both treat the crew and ge tout alive. While one can say that McCoy may be too harsh here, I think along with the space affecting him in a less intense way, he’s also stressed from all the patients as well as his grief about Jim. Spock is the only one that he can take it out on, especially since his chocie to not leave is why they’re now int he mess that they’re in. Spock is trying to perform his duties despite the hostilities and his own grief that he’s trying to keep a grip on with all the responsibility of the crew and whatever happens due to his choice firmly sititng on his shoulders. What finally starts to get them to resolve this? A tape that Kirk made for them in the event of his death. He gives them his confidence that they can perform their duties withiut him, but that they need to lsiten to and support each other. They CAN go on without him. It’ll hurt but they’re now all that they each have and they need to work together now more than ever. It’s a sobering moment for both with McCoy realizng how ovelry harsh he had been and Spock expressing genuine grief. They do still bicke rone more time, but McCoy catches himself before it goes too far, apologizes, and Spock simply says what Jim would: “Forget it, Bones”. Cue Bones fainting like the Southern Bell that he is, haha!
Now of course Kirk is alive and they manage to save him and get out of the situation fine. But I just loved this because of the focus on Spock and McCoy without Kirk. Why? Because Kirk is the one thing that can unite them. It’s not the only thing, but if anything can make them get over their disagreements quickly, it’s Kirk. So what happens when it looks like he’s gone and never coming back? How will the two deal with it now that that balance is gone? They don’t deal with it well, being at each other’s throats until they see that tape. But it DOES show that if they did lose Kirk, they CAN work together and go on. Like I said, I adore these two’s relationship and while not as slashy as All Our Yesterdays, this is such an excellent one for that relationship as we see that yes, they will bicker but they will also be there for each other when it all comes down to it. It’s such a great episode for that reason and the plot was just well done. Like I said, casitng out Jim and leaving us unsure of what happened to him was an excellent move for this one and I enjoyed the exploration that it allowed.
#2. The Immunity Syndrome
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Out heroes are scent to investigate what caused a whole solar system to disappear just as they also receive a message from a Vulcan science vessel. Unfortunately, Spock senses he vessel’s destruction and the Enterprise finds itself against a giant space amoeba that will devour everything unless stopped. That may not sound like much, but it leads into what I think was the most intense situation that the Enterprise has been in. Everything, and I mean everything, is pushed to their limits here. This amoeba can outright destroy galaxies and utterly mindless, so there’s no reasoning with it. But it gets especially tense when, in order to understand exactly what’s going on, Kirk has to send someone in the space shuttle to observe, but in doing so, he’s sending someone to most likely die. And his choices? Either Spock or Bones... yeah.
This is what makes this episode great. Spock and Bones are already on rockier than usual terms due to McCoy treating the Vulcan deaths more like a statistic while Spock sensed all of it outright. That itself is an interesting observation on how we treat these kinds of things, not really understanding how horrific it is unless we’re involved in it outright, otherwise it’s sad and unfortunate but just another number. But then we have the suicide mission. Bones originally volunteers himself, after all he’s a doctor and would have the knowledge to make the necessary observaitons and likely the most fit for it. But Spock is not only also perfectly capable even if not specialized in medical science, but he’s also more fit physically and emotionally to undergo the risk and come out alive. In the end, Kirk picks Spock and McCoy ain’t happy about it. The scene with Spock about ready to go with McCoy still unhappy even when Spock asks him to wish him luck. He does... once the doors have shut and Spock can’t hear him anymore. It’s a very strong scene and it only gets more painful when it looks like Spock is truly going to die and his final words are that McCoy should have wished him luck. Bones’ face says everything.
The episode is just excellent. Great character moments. Great emotional weight. Great stakes that keep going up and up and it truly feels like the darkest hour for the crew. Kirk and Spock outright begin to record their respective final words. Even they’re convinced that this is most likely the end, which is just... dang man. I couldn’t look away during this one. They hit everything perfectly with pretty much everything. If I have any issues, none of them come to mind. It’s just an excellent episode and the best of Season 2. I had a REALLY hard time picking between this and my Number One for the top slot. The top one just had a little bit more emotional impact to get it, but it just barely topped this one. Regardless, it is still an excellent episode and one of the best by far. But what is Number One? Well...
#1. The City on the Edge of Forever
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Yeah, yeah, obvious pick I know. I normally don’t go wth popular opinion... but sometimes it’s that way for a reason, and this one I can’t argue about. When McCoy gets badly drugged on accident, he goes into a derranged state and beams onto a planet. The crew is unable to stop him from entering a portal known as the Guardian of Forever that sends him into the distant past where he does something to change histry. In order to figure out what changed and to stop McCoy, Kirk and Spock travel into the 1930’s a few days earlier to cut him off and must now navigate their way though the time period where they end up at a soup kitchen run by a woman named Edith Keller. Which Edith is an excellent character. She’s kind, optimistic, charming, hard-working, ad caring towards those who need it. Kirk ends up falling for her, and... it’s legit really cute. Kirk isn’t being forced to make out with a woman or doing so for information. We see how Kirk is when he genunely likes someone, having been drawn to Edith’s optimism and hopes for a better future. A future that he is from and knows will be reality. He’s really sweet and it’s just cute... which makes what happens at the end all the more tragic.
The 1930’s were fun with Kirk trying to come up with an excuse for Spock’s ears having me dying from laughter. The acting was excellent with DeForest Kelley as drugged!Bones especially being both crazy and scary. I quit doubting that he played villains in Westerns after this episode, haha. But of course Spock soon discovers that the change that McCoy is to make is saving Edith form death, and in doing so she leads a pacifist campaign that delays America’s entry into World War II and... well, things go badly. They are in a time where sadly optimism and peace are simply not options, which is even crueler. In order for time to be restored, they have to let Edith die. Kirk is horrified by this and when the time comes (sidenote, the Triumvirate reunion is utterly adorable), he just grabs Bones, keeps his back turned, and can only listen as Edith screams and is killed via car colission. Whatever grievances I have about William Shatner, he absoluteley nailed Kirk’s utter heartbreak and pain as Kirk just looks utterly boken. His final wordds after they return to the 23rd Century simply being a bitter “Let’s get the Hell out of here” sums it all up perfectly. Bones’ horror at it, especially since he DID have to watch it and him being upset at Kirk is also heartbreaking as he asks him if he knows what he just did. Spock can only somberly inform him that yes, he does.
It’s one of those cases where I wish serialization was more of a thign cause DAMN this is some major emotional baggage for everyone but as per usual. It happens and they go on from there with no lingering development. I guess if I had to complain, that would be it but that’s jut the nature of these shows at the time. Kind of feel like Bones getting as bady overdosed as he did pretty much got forgotten after they enter the 1930’s, but I also know nothing about 23rd Century drugs so... ah well. But the rest of the episode is so good that I can forgive those issues and they clealry did nothing to impact the placing. It had a storgn story, great emotion, great acting, great pacing, and a heartbreaking but fitting ending. The episode has a LOT of history behind it’s making that could be a post all it’s own, but no mater how this episode came to be, it is very much the best of Star Trek TOS. It was fun yet sad and had me gripped form beginning to ed and just htinkign about it now still makes me sad. Thus, it earns it’s place as my favorite episode of Star Trek TOS.
And we are done! There were a lot of really good episodes and some i REALLY did consider. A Piece of the Action, The Enemy Within (that was skipped for... certian reasons), Is There in Truth No Beauty?, This Side of Paradise, and plenty of others that I enjoyed. There were others I.. well, didn’t, but I can’t recall outright hating anything. Regardless I came in apathetic at best, and I left a fan for it’s characters, interesting ideas, and I just had a lot of fun. It’s outdated in many ways, but still relevant in others. Overall, I’m glad to have finally watched it, and I hope that I enjoy TNG just as much. But if not, I’ll always have this~!
(Image Source: TrekCore TOS Gallery)
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writeyouin · 7 years
Hey if you have time: ReaderXChekov where reader gets injured on an away mission and has to go see McCoy but plot twist reader is afraid of doctors and tries to hide. Chekov finds reader and drags/coaxes them to med-bay and stays while they get treated and is in general a good partner and friend. Bonus points if McCoy is grumpy that they are being so affectionate while he is trying to work, but secretly is glad Chekov is there because he knows reader is scared of doctors.
Chekov X Reader – An Apple a Day
A/N – Writing for Chekov but thinking of Jaal in Mass Effect Andromeda.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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There was no doubt about it. Being a red shirt officially sucked. Sure, you’d often heard jokes about it but you’d never actually believed it. Now, you were stuck behind a rock on a desert outcrop, shielding yourself from Klingon fire while Kirk and Spock did the same a few metres away. Ideally, you could have laid covering fire down all day until Scotty beamed you back aboard the Enterprise. The planet however, ruined that plan with its highly magnetic field, meaning that because of interference with the sensors, Scotty could only beam the three of you back if you were all grouped together; that meant you had to leave the safety of cover so as not to risk Kirk or Spock’s life. It’s not that you didn’t trust Kirk and Spock to have your back but being the only security member there left you wishing you were the one protecting your team, the way it was meant to be; after all, you were the best shot of the landing party.
“I couldn’t have been more scientifically minded. Nooo, I had to decide punching things was more fun.” You grumbled silently, mentally preparing yourself for what was to come next.
At Kirk’s nod, you sprinted the daunting gap which had seemed pitifully small only a few minutes ago. Seconds before you made it to safety, you felt a stinging sensation under your ribs. You knew all too well the pain of a phaser shot and this most certainly wasn’t it. A risky glance at your attackers revealed that the Klingons were accompanied by some form of unknown animal. It was a creature the likes of which you’d never seen before, an iguana-like animal, about the size of a large German Shepard, that apparently spat some form of acid. You felt tugging on your arm and in the next instance, the three of you were back in the transporter room.
Kirk gave you a concerned once-over, his gaze lingering on your torn shirt, the bile had lightly burnt the skin underneath. You glanced down at the injury; fortunately, it wasn’t causing much pain past a light stinging.
“Spock, comments?” Kirk demanded, never looking away from you.
“The Klingons have been suspected of creating genetic hybrids for some time now, Captain. Lieutenant (L/N)’s injury appears to be the work of the first one we’ve seen; effects are unknown. It is advisable that the lieutenant is escorted to med-bay for immediate treatment and long-term observation.”
Kirk nodded at the practical analysis, meanwhile, deep-routed fear clawed at the back of your mind, making you nervous about what could come if you didn’t act fast. Hiding your reservations, you tittered a small laugh, Spock raised a curious eyebrow.
“Come on guys, a doctor for this paper cut? I’ve had worse injuries from falling over, I feel fine, really.” You grinned breezily.
“No, Lieutenant.” Kirk argued. “I want you checked over by Bones.”
You held up your hands in mock surrender. “Alright, you got it. I’ll go to med-bay right now if it puts your mind at ease. Still, I really do feel fine so it’d be a waste of your time for you to escort me when I already know the way.”
“You sure?”
“Stop fussing, will you? I’ll see you later.”
Before any more arguments could be made you ran out of the room, taking a left for the turbolift but changing direction as soon as you knew it was safe to. If you were going anywhere, it was straight to your hab-suite for a change of clothing. Once in the safety of your room, you glanced at the wound which had dried out rather quickly, you hid it with the new shirt and left quickly, heading to the one place you would fade into the background; Engineering.
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“Vhat do you mean ‘not here’? Vhere else could (s)he be?” Chekov asked McCoy dubiously. He’d come to pick you up from med-bay as a surprise only to find a disgruntled McCoy arguing with Spock over the comm-link.
“I mean that (Y/N) is not in this room, nor has (s)he been here since the mandatory physical at the beginning of the year.” McCoy growled gruffly.
“But (s)he’s hurt, zhe Captain said so.”
“I’m sure (s)he is but I don’t have time to play a damned game of hide and seek on a ship this big. You want my advice? Get a tracking device. Better yet, check with Scotty, (s)he’s probably with him in engineering anyway.”
“Really?” Chekov looked hopeful.
“HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?” McCoy burst out irritably. “You’re not gonna find anything here, go ask somebody else and stop wasting my time, I do actually have other patients, damn it.”
Chekov knew better than to provoke McCoy further, he left the doctor alone and begun his search for you, trying to reach you through your communicator every so often but receiving no reply.
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You didn’t remember entering the empty storage room, in fact, you didn’t remember much at all. All you could focus on now was the debilitating effect the iguana-dog had had on you; evidently, the bile it produced was a fast acting venom with a delayed start, not an acid. Knowing what had damaged you however didn’t help, what you needed now was a cure. You were currently experiencing a wide-array of symptoms, each worse than the last. It had started with mild nausea and sweating. Then came the dimming vision. After that, your breathing had become shallow and laboured. Even if you wanted to see a doctor now, which you didn’t, it wouldn’t be possible; small movements alone caused serious pain to flare through your body, as if your skin was on fire.
The next stab of pain caused you to wonder exactly how much time had passed, it had lost its effect at some point around the dimming vision. Had it been seconds or hours? Was it even the same day or had you slipped into a different one? How long did it take for the various new symptoms to occur?
At some point during your suffering, mild delirium set in. You were stuck reliving the previous battle, except, with each rendition, there was something else out of place. In one battle, you were walking on the ocean’s waves, in another you were fighting the people you’d lost through the years. Finally, you could hear echoes of things you’d heard before while you fired your phaser at imaginary foes. One echo however, was new, something you’d never heard said before. The familiar voice resonated within your thoughts, bringing you briefly back into reality.
“Pavel.” You mumbled upon feeling his arms wrap around you, raising you into the air; it felt vaguely like flying.
“Argh, you stupid, stupid… Hang on, McCoy vill fix zhis.” Chekov stressed frantically. He couldn’t believe his eyes, your skin was almost translucent, revealing the veins and arteries underneath.
“No.” You batted his chest lightly, barely a tap. “I’m fine… don’ need him.”
Chekov wasn’t listening, he was too busy trying to keep you steady as he ran the way to med-bay.
“Don wanna hurt ‘gain.” You argued bleakly through laboured breaths.
“He’ll make you better lyublyu (love).”
“…Docs ’re dangerous.”
“Not zhis one. I promise.”
Fresh waves of pain coursed through you, you writhed against Chekov who tightened his grip on you.
The only indication that you’d reached med-bay was McCoy’s exclamation of, “Good God man.”
“Doctor.” Chekov pleaded helplessly, so sure that he was going to lose the one person he truly loved aboard the Enterprise.
“On the bed.” McCoy ordered.
“Don’t leave.” You whimpered, using your little energy to grasp Chekov’s shirt.
“I’m here lyublyu (love), don’t vorry.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll make my work much easier.” McCoy grumbled sarcastically, hiding his concern for you behind a disdainful tone.
Shouted words turned to fuzzy mumblings and then to nothing as your body finally gave in, though whether to exhaustion or medication, you weren’t sure. McCoy did his best to stabilise you, all the while issuing orders to Kirk and Spock through his communicator; if he was going to save your life, you’d need a different kind of help.
After hours of work, pumping you with endless hypos and chemicals, your survival became a waiting game, relying purely on the success of Kirk and Spock. Chekov stopped murmuring comforting words to you for the first time since he’d brought you in. Fresh tears fell freely from his eyes as he gripped your hand and steeled himself for the question he’d been dreading since the start.
“Vill-” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Vill (s)he make it?”
McCoy sighed, lifting an uncomfortable hand to his face. “I don’t know.”
Although he’d been prepared for the answer, Chekov shuddered queasily. What he really wanted to hear was something along the lines of, “Yeah it looks bad now but it’ll be okay.” or, “(S)he’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.”
It was foolish to wish for a lie but that was all he wanted to believe. Hearing the truth was acknowledging the likelihood of your death and that was something he simply couldn’t bear. After hearing that, Chekov couldn’t bring himself to ask anything else so he settled for whispering all his plans for the two of you in the future, slipping naturally into Russian as a small comfort to himself.
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You struggled to open your eyes, squinting against bright light that forced you to keep them shut for a minute. You didn’t think you had ever felt worse, every muscle ached like it did after intense training, your mouth held the after-taste of vomit, and you could feel extra pain where you knew several hypos had been used; on top of all that, there was a heavy weight on your thighs and you wondered briefly if you’d been paralysed. You fought against the light again, forcing your eyes open until they adjusted. If you’d had the energy to smile, you would have, Chekov was sat on a chair next to your bed, his head was resting on your legs and his usually neat hair was ruffled all over the place.
“Glad to see you’ve joined the land of the living.” Nurse Chapel beamed at you, bringing a large glass of water with a straw in it.
Nurse Chapel help up a hand. “No talking. I expect you to drink that first and then you’re going to let me run some tests; when I’m done, you can talk, understand?”
You bobbed you head lightly, instantly regretting the headache it brought with it.
“Good. Glad we’ve come to an agreement.” She passed you the water, making sure you were taking steady sips before scanning your body and talking again. “You know, you’re lucky you got me instead of Doctor McCoy. He’s worked on you for almost 60 hours straight and let me tell you, he’s furious; still, underneath all that crabbiness lies a heart of gold, if he yells, it’s because he cares. Now tell me, do you remember what happened?”
Disjointed memories of your delirium came to you, the only true one being of the iguana-dog. You put down the now empty glass and cleared your throat, ready to test your voice. “Venom?” You croaked.
“Yes, venom that you foolishly tried to hide. Venom that we didn’t have a cure to.”
“Spock and Kirk had to ‘liberate’ one of the creatures that did it from the Klingon camp so we could synthesize a cure; I imagine they’ll want words with you too.”
You cringed, the thought of a telling off wasn’t appealing, surely the venom had been enough of a punishment already.
“Don’t worry.” Chapel smiled. “They won’t get to my patient until you’re fully recovered.”
You silently prayed that wouldn’t be for a long time so you could put off the punishment. “What about the iguana-dog?”
“Iguana-dog? Oh, the Triffid that poisoned you?”
You raised an eyebrow at the name.
“Yes, that’s’ in the animal lab being examined, though it made quite the effort to get to you. Spock believes that the scent the other Triffid made the creature friendly towards you; it’s tried to attack everyone else on the ship you know.”
“I always did want a pet that could kill me.” You joked, lying back uncomfortably.
“Well you’ll have to talk to Kirk about that, for now rest, it’s been a long-”
Chekov stirred, mumbling a tired, “Lyublyu (love).”
Chapel sighed sympathetically, “I’ll give you two five minutes together, any more than that and I’m fetching McCoy.”
Chekov stared blearily after her before coming to his senses and turning his attention to you. “(Y/N)!” he grabbed hold of you enthusiastically, quickly letting go when you cried out in pain.
“Shit, do you need a doctor, vater, sleep, tell me and I’ll get help.” He hovered uneasily, clearly ready to run wherever you needed.
“It’s okay, jus’ need a little rest and I’ll be right as rain.”
Chekov stared wide-eyed, unsure of what to say next. He was past anger and elation; right now, he just wanted to care for you and make your recovery his number one priority.
“Thanks for staying with me.”
“Lyublyu (love), I’m never leaving.”
“Good luck with that, five minutes and Chapel gets McCoy to throw you out.”
“I’d like to see him try.”
You managed a weak laugh at Chekov’s bravado, he was swelling his chest out to look bigger. “Easy there Rambo, McCoy would wipe the floor with a toothpick like you. What’s say we leave the fighting to a pro like me?”
“Leave zhe fighting to you?” Chekov tutted. “Zhat’s vhat got us into zhis mess.”
“Alright, alright, then you think you can stay on guard duty while I sleep? Who knows what kind of experiments McCoy’s ready to try when I nod off.”
“He vould never.”
“Wanna bet? I hear he’s pretty pissed at me.”
“(Y/N) please, zhe whole ship is pretty pissed at you.”
“Oh yeah? What about you?”
“I’m zhe vorst of all, unfortunately I’m stupid enough to love you.”
You grinned and continued the conversation, quickly losing track of time. Nurse Chapel watched through the window in the adjacent room while McCoy complained at her about anything and everything he could think of concerning you. “-and on top of that Chekov’s still in there and I know he won’t (Y/N) leave to do his damned job; that’s distraction in the workplace.”
“Oh hush.” Chapel chided. “We both know you’re glad (s)he’s not alone.”
McCoy blustered. “No. I’d be glad if the idiot didn’t fear doctors, I’ve never heard of anything so ridiculous in all my years.” He kept complaining while rifling through drawers, making himself look busy as Chapel listened; she shook her head and continued to observe you, letting McCoy get all his ranting out before he could get to you, though she feared you would still get an earful anyway.
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Word Count: 2356 Author’s Note: Anon request - “Bones imagine where Bones and the reader get into a fight but then the reader gets hurt and bones gets super worried and started to blame himself.” IT’S SO FLUFFY I COULD DIE. I just love fluffy Bones. I have tried to keep the reader in this one more gender-neutral so I hope it works for both guys and gals. Feedback on that is appreciated.
“I think I have a right to be upset, Y/N!” Leonard’s words were punctuated by him smacking his hand on the biobed.
“You don’t though, Leo!” You countered, feeling your cheeks flame and your voice rising. “I’m in operations! My position is security! It’s what the goddamn red shirt means! I can’t just say no when Jim tells me I need to be on an away team!”
“I know I have no control over Jim assigning you to away teams! But you’re deliberately putting yourself at risk every time you volunteer for these crazy missions!” He snapped.
“Leonard!” You threw up your hands in exasperation. “I joined Starfleet to see the universe. To visit new places, meet new life forms, and experience new civilizations! I’m not just going to stop wanting those things because I’m sleeping with the crankiest old man that ever enlisted!”
“Sleeping with?” His voice cracked. “Is that really all it is to you?”
“What the fuck does that mean?” You drew in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. “Isn’t that what we’re doing? I mean, right now what we’re doing is yelling at each other, but otherwise, what is it that we do? We’re just fucking, Leonard! It’s how you wanted this arrangement. You don’t get to pull the dutiful boyfriend card six months into a friends with benefits arrangement and ask me to change my career focus!”
Leonard fell silent and turned away. So silent, you weren’t even sure he was breathing. Your heart ached and you longed to touch him, but you’d been keeping your own feelings for him in check for as long as you’d been on the Enterprise, you weren’t about to show your hand now. Particularly such a complicated hand. It had started out innocently enough. You’d slid down an embankment on an away mission and needed the gravel debrided from the wound on your thigh. McCoy had been on duty, and his dry sense of humour had put you at ease. His practiced hands had meant the otherwise painful procedure was slightly less so. And he was easy on the eyes, which made everything a little better. Long after the wound had healed, you wound up a little tipsy at one of Jim’s legendary shore leave parties, and admitted to Leonard that you wouldn’t mind a little more time with the legendary hands he was bragging about. From there, one thing had led to another. Leonard initially said you were both just scratching an itch, and since you seemed compatible you should continue scratching said itch together. It hadn’t ever really been about scratching an itch for you. Since that first interaction, you’d held a tender spot for Leonard McCoy. For someone who was claiming to be just scratching an itch, he seemed mighty concerned about the source of the balm.
You stood there, uncertain of what to next say or do, and you could feel tears welling in your eyes. You didn’t want him to see them, but at the same time, maybe it was time. Before you could actually make the decision, your comm went off.
“Kirk to Y/L/N, report to the teleporter. We’re waiting on you.” Jim’s voice came through the speaker, tinny and loud. You reached for your comm and flipped it over.
“On my way. Y/L/N/ out.” You reached for Leonard’s shoulder and sighed. “I’ve got to -”
He shrugged away and walked out without looking back. “Yeah, I’m done here, obviously.”
You felt your heart break, and bit your lip to stop the tears.
The planet was thick with the kind of foliage you only saw in old movies of jungles, and you lead the team forward through it, carefully pushing aside drooping vines and huge fronds so that you didn’t damage the vegetation. After a landing team discovered a planet full of sentient plants, you’d stopped carrying a machete to hack your way through alien flora. Jim had been just a few steps behind you the entire time.
“You’re quieter than usual, Y/N.” He caught up to you, and matched his pace to yours. “And moving more quickly. If I were a betting man, I’d wager there’s something bothering you.”
“Not at all, sir -”
“Cut the sir shit and be honest with me. Are you and Bones fighting?” He asked. You stopped and turned to look at him. How did he know about you and Bones. Leonard had claimed discretion, including with Jim, when you’d asked.
“I’m not sure what -”
“Oh, I’m just spitballing mostly, but I’ve seen the way the two of you look at one another when you think the other isn’t looking, and there is something going on there. I don’t know when it started, or how long you’ve been carrying on. Don’t really care to. But I don’t want either of you distracted by a lover’s quarrel,” Jim interrupted.
“You have to be lovers to quarrel, Jim,” you commented and continued moving, feeling your cheeks flush. He caught up quickly.
“But you are fighting,” he concluded. You sighed.
“He thinks I’m putting myself at risk too often,” you admitted, pushing a large broad leaf out of your way.
“He worries a lot about the people he cares for,” Jim explained. You drew in a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh.
“He’s never given me any indication that he cares, Jim,” you replied. You could see him shaking his head in your periphery. The jungle suddenly got quieter, putting you on alert
“By my rough estimation, you’ve been carrying on since our last leave at Risa,” Jim started. You tensed, startled by how perceptive he was. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Jim.” Your voice gave warning. You weren’t sure if you were warning him because he was hitting to close to home, or because even the birds had fallen silent.
“He’s soft on you, Y/N,” Jim shrugged. “That’s all I’m saying.”
“Jim!” You saw movement behind him, and shoved him behind you, taking the spear intended for him. You grunted in pain and dropped to the damp undergrowth. Jim jumped in front of your injured body and held up his phaser, locking eyes with the alien that had lanced you. Your head was spinning, and your vision became blurry as you struggled to stay conscious. “Jim, I think I’ve been -”
“Damnit Jim, I’m a doctor, not some lovesick fool!” The first thing you heard as you started to rouse was Leonard, growling at the captain. “I’m perfectly capable to seeing to those wounds!”
“Leonard, your emotional attachment to Y/N has compromised you, and you should not be the one to treat -” You could hear Spock trying to rationalize with Leonard.
“When I want your opinion, you green-blooded hobgoblin, I’ll ask you. Now get out of my way!” Leonard’s voice rose above the general din of the Medbay. You forced yourself to open your eyes and saw M’Benga leaning over you. You reached for your side, where you’d been injured, and he smiled, and guided your hand back to your side.
“Your wound is mostly superficial, Y/N, but the toxin on the speartip has caused some damage at the entry point. Let me finish up, and then you can rest.” His voice was soft and soothing. You looked past his shoulder, and saw Spock and Jim fighting to restrain Leonard. He saw you were awake, and the fight left him, his shoulders slumping and relief relaxing his features. You allowed yourself to relax under M’Benga’s care, and drifted back to sleep.
The next time you woke, you were in a darkened isolation room. The steady beep of the monitor above the biobed assured you that everything was fine, and as your eyes adjusted to the low light, you saw a silhouette slumped in a chair beside you. You recognized the quiet snoring and felt tears gathering at the edges of your eyes. Leonard was keeping vigil at your bedside.
“Leo?” Your voice was dry, and cracked with the use. He jerked and sat forward.
“Y/N?” He asked. “Let me get you a glass of water.” He hurried to push himself to his feet. Your arm snaked out and stopped him, and he sat at the edge of the bed, lacing his fingers in yours. You swallowed, trying to moisten your voice.
“You should be in bed, Leo,” you creaked.
“And leave you here alone?” He scoffed. “Not likely. Let me get you a drink. It’s just on the table.” He rose again, and stepped away to get the glass. He raised the head of the bed and offered the glass. You drank, quickly at first, not realizing exactly how thirsty you were. “Slow down, sweetheart.” He reached for the glass and pulled it away from your lips.
“You should be in bed,” you repeated. “You’ll be tired on Alpha.” You weren’t sure what time it was, but it was late if the lights were low in the rest of the Medbay too.
“I’m not on Alpha this morning,” he shrugged.
“But -”
“I was relieved of duty,” he continued, not waiting for you to finish your sentence.
“Why?” Speaking was exhausting, and you wanted to say more, but couldn’t.
“Spock cited orders and regulations regarding emotional compromise and Jim relieved me of duty based on them,” he explained. You felt a tear roll down your cheek, and he thumbed it away. “I may have overreacted when Jim carried you into my Medbay.”
“May have -”
“I might have threatened M’Benga when he was treating you,” he continued, lacing his fingers in yours again.
“Might have -”
“I definitely threatened to have you medically declared unfit for further service,” he admitted.
“I don’t understand, Leo,” you managed. Tracking the conversation was making you dizzy.
“It’s my fault you went out there upset and distracted. It’s my fault you got hurt. I would have never forgiven myself if you hadn’t -”
“It’s not your fault, Leo,” you managed to interrupt, squeezing his hand. “The vegetation was really thick, and the hostiles managed to sneak up on us. It was dumb luck that I was looking at Jim when I saw the one that had the spear. If I hadn’t pushed Jim aside, it could have killed him. But I wasn’t distracted, Leo.”
“I picked a fight with you, darlin’, and it was unfair,” he started. You held a hand up to his mouth to silence him.
“You did. And it was. But it didn’t distract me. It made me all the more determined to get back here to finish the argument,” you laughed. “If anything, my focus was better than usual.”
“You nearly died -”
“But I didn’t, Leo,” you shook your head.
“You were right, Y/N,” he admitted. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for the rest of the admission. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m admitting you were right. You were right when you said I had no right to be upset about you going on away missions.”
“The venerable Leonard McCoy, admitting he is wrong?” You chuckled, and then winced, bracing your side.
“Let me finish and I’ll get a hypo for your pain.” He pulled back the blanket and assessed the wound as he continued. “I don’t have a right to feel protective if I’m not willing to admit that how I feel. Does it hurt when I press here?” You nodded. “And even if I admit how I feel, it doesn’t change that the position you fill here on the Enterprise is important, valuable and necessary. How about here?” He pressed down again, and you flinched. “I guess what I’m trying to say Y/N is that I’m never going to be okay with you being put at risk. But I know that’s part of your job. I wish it wasn’t. Here?” You shook your head. “I get that you are more than the person I am sleeping with. How about here?” You nodded. “You are an excellent operations officer, probably deserving of a promotions. But you are also the person I am in love with. Which means I’m going to keep worrying. Here?”
“What?” You gasped.
“Does it hurt here?” He repeated, pressing in the same spot he’d just checked. You shook your head.
“No. I mean, yes, it hurts there, but no, that’s not what I meant. I mean what did you say before that?” You asked.
“You’re an excellent operations officer and probably deserve a promotion?” He smirked, just a little.
“The other part,” you prompted, quirking an eyebrow.
“I’m in love with you?” He sighed. “I am, you know. I don’t know when it happened, so don’t ask. Sometime between debriding the gravel out of that supple thigh and now. I just woke up one morning a while ago and was angry that you weren’t still asleep beside me. And I realized I wanted more. And if you don’t, let’s just forget about it. I don’t want to wreck what we have by adding my feelings to the equation.”
“You’re a goddamn idiot, Leonard McCoy,” you laughed. He’d looked so hopeful and with your words his shoulders slumped and he looked away, trying to pull his hand back from yours. You held fast to him. “How you couldn’t tell that I felt the same, I’ll never know.” He looked back at you, and his face was changed. The furrowed brow relaxed, and the pinch at the corner of his eyes was gone. He looked relaxed, like he did when you watched him asleep.
“You -” There was a question there but it died at his lips.
“Since you first pulled all that gravel out of my ass,” you admitted.
“I won’t ask you to change again, I promise.” He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed your knuckles.
“I might not volunteer for the crazier missions,” you shrugged. A lone tear streaked down his cheek.
“I thought I’d lost you. I thought you were gone, and I thought I’d driven you away.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Nah,” you smirked. “I’m made of tougher shit than that.”
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