#but my parents left earlier today and i have finished the next chapter of the dad!skinny au *and* two of the remaining january prompt fills
daughterofhecata · 1 year
I swear, sometimes the best way to get creative again, is to forcibly abstain from doing any writing for a while.
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cuttergauthier · 11 months
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Quinn Hughes x Female reader
Warning: against, fluff, cussing, alcohol
word count: 3.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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April 2022
I moved to Vancouver 2 weeks ago for work even though I can work from home. I wanted a change so I decided to move. I'm a clothing designer. I started the summer before I started going to university. It was hard trying to juggle a clothing brand and university at the same time especially since i was doing extra classes during summer since i wanted to be able to finish a semester earlier so i could go back home for summer & be settled in Vancouver for when i come back in September, but i was able to make it work.
When I first started I would only make 1 shirt in all sizes and sell them, it took a while to be able to make money off it, but now the clothing company is doing really well, It’s an online clothing store. I sell both Women & Men clothes from comfy to fancy.
I’ve always wanted to open my own store and I thought Vancouver would be perfect for that, most of my buyers are from canada.
I was born in Plymouth Michigan, i grew up in a lake house, my parent’s love it here, so do i, during winter my dad, my older brother and i would go skating on the lake, it’s one of my favorite things to do during the winter, during summertime we would go on boat rides almost every day. 
I went to the University of Michigan, I graduated in June, it was the best 3 and a half years, now I'm on a new chapter of my life. I 
I am still getting used to Vancouver. I don’t really know where everything is yet, it’s only been 5 days and i can work on my own time as long as i meet my deadlines, so i’ve been walking around Vancouver. It was a pretty chilly day but it wasn’t too bad. We are now at the end of April.
It took a while before moving here to look for an apartment, And to get everything settled since I’m American i needed to apply for a work visa, it took a while before i was accepted.
I finally found a cute coffee shop so I made my way inside and in line to order. I looked at the menu to see what I should order. Once I decided to go with (favorite coffee order) the line was shorter and it was only a cute guy in front of me and I.
When I finally ordered, I made my way to the pick up station. The cute guy got his drink before me and walked out. I got my drink a second later and left the coffee shot. I started walking back to my apartment since I still have some unpacking to do. 
I’m walking and looking around me, Vancouver is truly a beautiful city. I looked in front of me and saw the cute guy was going in the same direction. He looks familiar but I can't figure out why.
I saw him getting in the same apartment building I live in, maybe he lives there too. I made my way inside to see the elevator doors about to close. The guy looked up from his phone and saw I was walking that way, so he put his hand to stop the doors from closing.
I smiled as I walked in and stood next to him, to see he selected the same floor as I live on.
“Thanks for holding the door,” I said thankfully.
“No problem,” he said. He looked so serious like he didn’t have any emotion in the fact that i said thank you.
“I’m yn” i said
“Quinn” he replied before looking down at his phone.
He looked pretty tired, maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem to want to talk. But so am I, so I can't judge. 
The doors opened on our floor and we both started walking to our apartments. We are both going the same direction.
Once he stopped at his place, I stopped at mine which was the one next to him.
How have i not noticed him till today, since i’ve been here, it looked like no one lived there.
I saw him look at me before he opened the door. I looked at him as we made eye contact for a second. 
“See you around neighbor” i told him smiling before walking in my Apartment and closing the door behind me. 
I really hope I see him again. I smiled before continuing to unpack my stuff.
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1 week later, May 2022
I finished packing my suitcase to bring back home with me. I was finally able to finish unpacking the furniture and everything else in this apartment so I thought I would finally go back home, since it’s warmer there right now then it is in Vancouver.
I made sure everything was turned off and made my way out of the apartment with my suitcase. As soon as I locked my door, Quinn opened his and got out with his suitcase. Looks like I'm not the only one who seems to be leaving Vancouver.
I made my way to the elevator and I saw him do the same. I made sure to wait before pressing the lobby button. 
“Thanks” he mumbled
“ no problem… Are you going to Vancouver?” I ask him, trying to make conversation.
He looked at me confused for a minute, before he shook his head. 
“Going to see friends and family” he replied 
“That’s always nice,” I say. All he did was nod, I guess he’s not one for conversation. 
We both got out of the elevator and made our way outside, i had ordered an uber so that I wouldn't have to wait. It looks like Quinn did the same thing. Once my suitcase was in the trunk the driver started making his way to the airport. 
I texted my parents to let them know I was on my way to the airport.
I got my bags checked in and made my way to my area. I found a spot where no one was sitting and sat down. My flight is only boarding in an hour but I like coming here earlier in case it’s ever busy.
I saw that my brother had texted me, he’s only 1 year older than me, he's 23 but he’s my best friend.
Big bro
Yo, are you on your way yet?
I chuckled, of course he’s impatient 
Just got my bags checked in, we are only boarding the plane in an hour
Big bro
Please hurry, I miss you!
Big bro
Also before i forget, apparently the hughes brothers bought the lake house next to us that was for sale, i met one of them yesterday and some of his friends they all play pro hockey, one of the brothers plays for Vancouver, Jack said he should be getting in today & the ones i met are really cool, they’re around are age, so looks like we’ll have a fun summer🤪
Oh good, at least it’s not another older couple who would complain every time we try to throw a party when mom and dad go away for the 4th of July😂 & wtf obviously i heard about then you idiot, kinda hard not to when we both went to a school where a bunch of hockey players went to. Also I met the youngest Luke at university, Nick introduced me to the freshman at the beginning of the year.
Big bro
I know right😂 oh cool then i guess you’ll know one of them! Anyways see you soon kid!
See ya!
I smiled, hopefully I won't be stuck hanging out with a bunch of idiots the whole summer, but at least we aren’t the only ones our age.
I was scrolling through instagram. In the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting in one of the seats in front of me.
I looked up and saw Quinn, looking like he’s going to Michigan.
He looked up at me so I smiled.
When it was finally time to board the plane, I went and sat in my seat. I'm thankful that i got the window seat, a few seconds later Quinn sat down in the seat next to me.
“Looks like we’re both going to the same place” I said. 
He just nodded.
I looked back at him with a small smirk, I have a feeling that I’ll probably annoy him on the flight.
“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” I said teasing him, every time i try and talk to him, he looks like he ins’t interested in talking to me.
“Not really, do you need something from me? i’m not interested, okay, i get enough people trying to get with me just because of who i am i don’t need to have one who’s going to try the whole plane ride back to michigan” he said a little annoyed.
That was rude, why would he think I wanted anything from him… then it struck me that’s why he looked so familiar when i first met him. He’s the guy my brother told me about the brother who plays for Vancouver. He’s Quinn Hughes. He’s also Luke's older brother. How the hell did I not figure this out earlier? Luke told me that his oldest brother played for Vancouver, I just didn’t think he would be my neighbor and having him hate me.
Once I made the connection my eyes widened.
Quinn rolled his eyes.
“See you clearly know who i am, so just leave me alone” he said annoyed.
I scoffed.
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Luke’s my favorite anyways. I also didn’t recognize you until now, not everyone is going to recognize who you are. I’m also guessing you’re going to the lake house you and Jack just bought right?” I said. He’s pissing me off, and since he doesn’t know we are going to be neighbors or that I know Luke, I thought I would creep him out a little bit.
His eyes widened when I said that.
“Omg are you some kind of stalker?” He said in disgust.
I chuckled at his expression, he looks really creeped out right now.
“Not a stalker but according to my brother who met Jack yesterday we are about to be neighbor’s… again.” I said
“I’m sorry… what?”
“Oh My brother texted me earlier turns out you and jack bought the lake house right next to my parents house, looks like we’ll see each other a lot this summer” i said smirk 
I heard him curse under his breath.
“You better not go anywhere near our house,” he said.
“that’s funny because i can promise the second Luke sees me, he’s going to invite me over” 
“Like hell he is” he said laughing like there was no way that would ever happen.
“I don’t care if you guys play hockey, i’m going to go after you just because of fame or money. And Just so you know, I already know luke. I met him in September when he started at Michigan since I'm friends with Blanks. He's a good kid, i would help tutor him with calculus, i think of him as a little brother, same with the other younger guys. I even met your mom for fuck sakes and she was nicer than you are right now” i said, 
I could see a look of regret on his face. He sighed.
“Look i’m sorry okay, a lot of people try to get along just because of who I am , same with my brothers. Can we start over?” He asked.
He looked sincere, and I nodded, i know my brother will most likely hang out with them a lot this summer, so we should probably get along.
“I’d like that” i said  
He smiled 
“I’m quinn hughes, it’s nice to meet you” he said
“I’m Y/n Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you too” i said.
We ended up getting to know each other for the rest of the flight. I told him about what I studied at university and what I do, along with a few funny stories about Luke and some of the other freshmen. He told me about hockey and his family. It was nice actually talking to him, and I really hope we can be friends since we are neighbors in Vancouver and now in Michigan.
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When our flight landed we made our way out, and went to baggage claim.
I texted my brother to let him know, he said he was waiting with Jack and Luke since both Quinn and I were on the same flight.
“Looks like my brother is waiting with yours” I told Quinn as we started looking for them.
“I see Jack, come on,” he said. I followed him to our brothers
When my brother saw me, he pulled me in a hug, making me laugh.
“I miss you too Y/B/N” i said
“Y/N” Luke said when he saw me and pulled me in a hug.
“Hey Luke” I chuckle.
“You guys already know each other?” Jack asked, confused.
Luke let go of me and looked at jack.
“Yeah, she’s friends with blanks, he introduced us in the beginning of the year, she’s also the reason why i passed calculus, thanks for tutoring me by the way” he said 
“How did she tutor you if she lives in Vancouver?” Jack asked again, you could tell he was so lost, it was funny.
“I’ve only been living in Vancouver for 2 weeks now, i graduated from university of Michigan after Christmas” I said and he nodded.
“Oh make sense, and you’ve met quinn?” 
“Turns out we’re neighbors in Vancouver” quinn answered, i smiled at him.
Our brothers started laughing.
“What are the fucking chances” luke said
“Yeah seriously, now you’re also neighbors here” my brother said
“I know right,” I said.
“Let’s get going” quinn said impatient 
“Yeah, yeah let’s get grumpy,” Jack said.
Quinn rolled his eyes at him which made me laugh.
We made our way to the car and Jack drove us to the lake house.
Jack parked in his driveway and we all made our way to the trunk.
My brother took my suitcase before Jack turned to look at us.
“I don’t know what your plans are today, but we are having a bonfire tonight, you two are both welcome to join us” he said smiling.
“Thanks jack, that sounds fun” i said
My brother nodded.
“Yeah man we’ll be there” my brother said
“Great, then we’ll see you guys tonight”
“Blanks and a few other wolverines are here by the way, I won’t tell them, you’ll be able to surprise them” luke told me. I smiled and nodded before my brother and i made our way to our house.
As soon as we got in the house my parents hugged me.
I talked to them about Vancouver and how Quinn was my neighbor there and now here which made them laugh.
Then I went up to my room to unpack. By the time I was done it was 6:30 p.m. so I went to take a shower since I was all sweaty. Once I was done I got dressed in some Black Lululemon gym shorts and my blue Michigan hoodie.
My dad made food on the grill for dinner so I made my way down to eat since it’s already 7:30 and I am starting.
I sat down at the island counter on the chair and my mom gave me a plate. 
“Thanks mom,” I said smiling.
“No problem honey” she said, placing a kiss on my cheek.
“When you’re done eating we’ll go next door. Jack said they started the fire even though it’s still light out, and you can bring alcohol if you want or he said they have a lot so we should be good.” My brother told me.
“I think you still have some (favorite alcoholic drink) in the fridge from before you left for Vancouver, bring it with you if you go” my mom said before making her way to the living room with my dad.
I finished eating so I put my plate in the dishwasher and looked in the fridge for the drinks my mom was talking about and there were still 6 of them so I put them in a bag. My brother and I made our way next door. 
I saw Blanks was standing with his back to me talking with Luke. Luke saw me but I told him not to say anything. I gave my bag to my brother and ran up and jumped on his back.
“What the hell!” blanks screeched.
I laughed.
“Surprise!” I said before getting down.
“Yn?” He was surprised to see me. I nodded before he gave me a hug.
“I live next door '' I said happily, a big smile made its way on his face.
“This is about to be the best summer ever” he replied, making me laugh.
“Want to know what funny blanks she’s our neighbor here, and she’s quinn’s neighbor in Vancouver” Luke told him and i rolled my eyes, with a smile.
Nick let out a gasp.
“For real? Oh that’s awesome, like seriously what are the chances” he said
“I know right, also Luke, are you going to tell everyone?” I ask, chuckling.
Luke nodded, smiling.
“Everyone has to know” he said, like it’s the most obvious thing ever. He walked away leaving me alone with blanks.
“So, how is it like living next to Quinn?” He asked, smirking.
I rolled my eyes.
“Oh shut up” I replied, he laughed.
“No but seriously, how is it?”
“Fine i guess, he’s pretty quiet, but he kinda hated me until we got on the flight and sat next to each other, he thought i was some crazy fan” i said and nick burst out laughing i didn’t even know if he could breathe.
“What’s so funny?”
“Let me guess, you were nice and always tried to make conversation with him?” 
“Yeah…” I said and he shocked his head.
“That’s what a hockey player with think most of the time when a beautiful girl tries to talk to him and especially if you see him everywhere and end up on the same plane as him, he’s gonna think you’re following him, it’s just an instinct” nick said
“Yeah i know, but i really didn’t recognize him until after my brother told me about them buying the house next door to me and then accusing me of wanting something from him, then i saw the resemblance to Luke, so i kinda creeped him out a bit about telling him i knew exactly where he was going “ i said and nick chuckled.
“Of course you did… Quinn is a good guy though so i don’t doubt you guys won’t become friends… or maybe even more than friends” he said smirking.
I pushed him back.
“Oh shut up, let’s go see everyone else” I said, laughing.
We made our way to everyone else. Blanks introduced me to the guys. They all sound really nice.
We sat around the fire and drank, the guys were sharing funny stories. Nick told the story about how Quinn and I met. I put my hands on my face to hide the embarrassment. The guys laughed
“Seriously Quinn?” Luke asked 
“Look sorry but you never told me about her” Quinn replied.
We continued talking and sharing stories for the rest of the night. Some of the guys had already made their way inside to go to bed since it was late. My brother had gone back home, now it was only Quinn, blanks and i.
“I’m going to head up to bed before I pass out here” Blanks told us, making me chuckle.
“Good night blanks,” I said.
“Good night you two,” he said, smirking. I’ve known him for 4 years, he’s totally up to something.
“I should probably head to bed too, I don't want to be too tired tomorrow” I said, yawning.
Quinn turned to me and smiled.
“What?” I ask giggling.
“If I ask you on a date, would you say yes?” He asked, making me smile.
“I would,” I said blushing.
“Well, yn would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?” 
“ i would love to” i said smiling
“Perfect, I'll pick you up at 6:30 p.m.” he said and I smiled.
We said goodbyes and I made my way home.
Once I got into bed, I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.
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September 2022
Going on that date with Quinn was the best decision I could have made. It went really well that we went on 3 more dates until he finally asked me to be his girlfriend.
We spent as much time as we could together this summer. When the guys found out we were dating they laughed since Luke had told everyone what happened when Quinn and I first met.
We have been in Vancouver for a little bit now, Quinn came back in August for training camp, i got back last week. I know how hockey season can be, but I also know Quinn and I will make it work. We’ll be seeing each other a lot since we are neighbors.
Quinn had practice this morning but he told me last night that he would come by after lunch.
He’s been stressed lately, he hopes he can have a better season than last year, i don’t blame him.
It’s now 12 p.m. when I heard the door open. 
“Babe, I'm here and I brought food,” I heard quinn. 
“I’m in the kitchen,” I replied. 
He made his way around the corner and smiled when he saw me.
“Hey beautiful” he said, making me blush.
He chuckled, he put the food on the counter and came over to me and kissed me. When we pulled away our forehead touched each other. I looked at his eyes to see he was doing the same. 
“I love you” I said happily.
“I love you more” he replied before leaning in and kissing me again.
Being with him, nothing could make me happier.
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⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢
Stray Kids x Platonic!Reader
Skz Family!AU | SMAU | Written | Humour
As I.N’s best friend Y/N knows the whole family pretty well, she’s asked to babysit Chris and Lixie quite often - which she couldn’t refuse having a large soft spot for the kids, this story follows her “adventures”as a babysitter and the madness which is the Skz Family unit…
⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢ Masterlist | Main M.List
[542 Words]
{Authors note: this is a short one - a 2nd part to the previous chapter! Enjoy!}
Chapter Four: So I.N, huh? 😏
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Getting dinner prepped, Y/N made sure Chris was all set up playing on his own in the lounge. I.N had left a few hours prior stating that her sisters family are back from thier day out and needed to go help with dinner. Chris had pouted as I.N left, his playdate buddy leaving was a big cause of concern for the young boy.
As Y/N put all of the vegtables she prepped into a saucepan, Binnie walked through the door saying a small hello to Y/N and then to Chris before running up to have a shower. Soon enough Hyuna and Han arrived, getting changed into comfy clothes before the latter went to play with his son while Hyuna came to help Y/N.
"Did you have a good time?" Y/N asked, the adults had gone to a charity event that Han's work had set up, Hyuna was in a red beautiful sequin dress, one that reached down to her ankles and had a slit over her right leg. It fit her perfectly - Y/N couldn't believe how beautiful the woman next to her was sometimes...
"It was nice, though Hannie had to go do some networking luckily there were some people I knew, so I wasn't alone the whole time." Y/N nodded at the older womans words, happy she wasn't completly alone.
After another half an hour the food was ready, Hyuna called upstairs to Binnie as Han set Chris up at the table. Their older son wandered down, silently sitting and keeping his eyes away from the babysitter. Hyuna notices, looking over at Y/N with a questioning look, the girl shrugged but unable to keep a knowing look on her face. Conversation started, the family (bar Binnie) talking about their days when Chris piped up,
“Binnie was being weird today, he just stood upstairs looking down them! While Y/N and Innie talked about a boy.” The summary of the situation, obviously left out some important aspects, caused his parents to look at him in surprise before both pairs of eyes fell on Binnie, whose ears started to turn red.
“Is that right? Hmm?” Hyuna spoke in a teasing voice, coming to the conclusion that maybe her oldest son had a small crush on Y/N - seeing as he couldn’t look at her earlier. Binnie glared at Y/N when the girl started to laugh,
“Innie was happy to see you today, Binnie.” the mention of her best friend caused Han to raise an eyebrow.
“So I.N, huh?” The man questioned, his son - now that the family had finished their food - stood up, placing his plate into the sink, saying a quiet thank you before running up the stairs. Bedroom door slamming behind him. Hyuna and Han laughed,
“I can’t belive he’s already old enough to have crushes!” Hyuna exclaimed, always forgetting her oldest son is now a uni student, Han hummed in agreement.
“He’s getting older now! One day Chrissy here will also be shy about the crushes he holds.” All eyes landed on the small boy, who scrunched his nose in disgust.
“Why would I want to be near a girl?! Eww.” Causing the adults around him to laugh once again.
⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢ Masterlist | Chapter Five
If you want to be added to a tag list lmk!
| @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 | @chlodavids | @kpopsstuffs |
| @yukimy |
(Warning: I don’t actually ship idols/band-mates together, it’s just for subplots!)
If you like this, check out my other Stray Kids SMAU:
Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 (Lee Know x Fem!Reader)
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
From Hell to Home To Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
A/N: After this chapter is season 2 territory and the arrival of Argyle! Woohoo! Can't wait to see how things are going to change for season 2.
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chrissy stepped out of the car and thanked Steve for dropping her off, telling him she'd see him later at the graduation ceremony. She chose not to ride her bike to Eddie's because she didn't want to get her skirt all messed up. Summer was here, and school was now over. Hellfire had forgiven Eddie, and the new principal had welcomed him back for next year with promises that things were going to be different. Eddie had a fresh start with a new principal who actually seemed to want to help students. The bills had piled up with Wayne, which is not surprising considering that Wayne had more than likely been paying for Al's house too so Eddie could have a home. She didn't tell Eddie her theory because that would only make him feel more guilty than he already was. He had gotten a job selling the very weed he had stolen to help Wayne pay the bills.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eddie greeted as she walked through the door. "I thought I was picking you up."
He was laying upside down on the couch while Wayne sat in the recliner shaking his head.
"I thought you were too," Chrissy said.
"Shit, am I late?" Eddie yelped.
"No, I gave you an earlier time to pick me up in case you were late," Chrissy said.
"She's got you pegged, Ed," Wayne said.
"Hush, you," Eddie said.
Their relationship was still in the in-between state of moving from friendship to something more. It didn't help that Chrissy still had him on probation, but she figured she would throw him a bone considering what was happening today.
"You sounded weird on the phone earlier," Chrissy said. "What's up?"
"It's nothing," Eddie sighed.
"It's not nothing. You haven't even showered, yet!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"You look beautiful, baby," Eddie said.
"Don't change the subject, Eddie!" She yelled.
"It's just - it feels weird not graduating with Ronnie and Dougie. . .I mean, I know that it's partially my fault, but still. . .," Eddie said.
"How long have you been trying to cheer him up, Wayne?" Chrissy asked.
"About half an hour. Thank God, you showed up, darlin," Wayne sighed.
"So, what's it going to take for me to cheer you up?" Chrissy asked.
"Nothing," he sighed.
"Really? There's nothing?" She asked.
She kelt down next to his head and placed a kiss on his lips before moving back. Eddie sat up quickly with a start and tried to get up off the couch, but he was still in a weird position. He rolled off the couch, hitting his head on the coffee table. He collapsed on the floor.
"Fuck!" Eddie said.
"I think your kisses might just kill him," Wayne said in amusement.
"There would be worst ways to go, Uncle Wayne," Eddie sighed dreamily.
"Lord, I'll leave you to it. I'm going to head to the school early and bring Granny Ecker," Wayne said and gave them both a look. "Don't be late."
Wayne left just as Chrissy helped Eddie up, her fingers pressing on the blossoming bruise on his forehead.
"I think your uncle thinks that I'm going to take advantage of you," Chrissy grinned. "If we didn't have somewhere to be, I might."
"Don't start something you can't finish, Henderson," Eddie said.
Chrissy grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down in for a kiss. Eddie sighed happily against her mouth as he cupped her face and backed her up against the kitchen counter. She managed to hop herself up there, breaking the kiss slightly before pulling him back in. She gasped and nibbled on his lip, pulling on it slightly as she pulled him back again. Eddie cursed as he breathed heavily.
"Are you okay?" Chrissy asked.
"Nope, nope, definitely not," Eddie said as he rested his forehead against hers. "Witch."
"Freak," she giggled. "Are you going to have to take a cold shower now?"
"Chrissy!" Eddie exclaimed and paused. "But, yes."
He kissed her deeply before walking away and went to take his shower. Chrissy slid off the counter and smoothed her skirt down. She fixed her hair and makeup as she waited for him. When he came out, he was wearing his best black pants and his Black Sabbath shirt. His hair was still wet. He plopped down next to her with a grin, squeezing her knee.
"So. . .what is this?" Eddie asked.
"I always left that up to you. What do you want this to be?" Chrissy asked.
"Girlfriend?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, or are you asking to be my girlfriend?" She grinned. "Either way, I'm up for it."
"Do you want to be with me or not, Henderson?" He asked, glaring at her.
"Yes," she giggled and kissed him.
Eddie sighed against her lips as she ran her hands through his wet hair.
"You taste like candy," Eddie pulled back with a grin.
"You taste like cigarettes," Chrissy said. "Did you brush your teeth?"
"I did not," Eddie said.
"Go," she laughed.
Finally, they left, but they were still a few minutes early when they showed up to the school. What were they supposed to do? Just sit there? Chrissy had managed to successfully climb into Eddie's lab and didn't complain even with the steering wheel digging into her ass. She was focused on kissing him hungrily. This one was a lot more heated than the other one, and this time, their tongues were involved. Chrissy moved her hips as much as she could before Eddie placed his hand on them to stop her as he groaned into her mouth. She broke the kiss and moved her lips to his neck, nibbling and biting at it as she moved to do the same to his earlobe.
"Someone is going to see us, Chrissy," Eddie groaned, and she hummed in response. "Chrissy. . ."
Chrissy groaned before sitting back and pouting. She pecked his lips before climbing out of the car. She fixed her skirt and turned around to find Eddie still sitting there.
"Eddie, are you coming?" Chrissy smirked.
"Hahaha, give me a moment," Eddie said.
She giggled as she leaned against the side of the van. She fixed her hair and her lipstick. She wasn't sure what Eddie was muttering, but she could guess what he was trying to do. Chrissy laughed again. Finally, he climbed out of the car, glaring at her.
"All good?" She smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Eddie replied, and she giggled as she stared at him. "What? Do I have something on my face."
"No, not at all," Chrissy said, biting her lip.
They found their group of friends waiting for them outside of school. It consisted of Hellfire, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, and Robin. Jeff snorted with laughter at the sight of Eddie.
"Come on, man," Jeff said. "You should have come looking more presentable than that."
"You're wearing the same Black Sabbath shirt," Eddie said, narrowing his eyes at him.
Nancy giggled as she pressed her face into Steve’s chest. Jonathan grinned and snapped a picture of him.
"Jesus, do you ever clean your face, man?" Gareth asked.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked.
"So, I'm guessing you and Chrissy are official now?" Steve asked.
"Why would you assume that?" Eddie asked.
"Chrissy's lipstick. . . All over your face, man," Steve said, slapping him on the back.
"You said I had nothing on my face," Eddie said glaring at Chrissy.
"I thought it would be funny," Chrissy said. "And it was."
She pulled a tissue out of her purse and started cleaning Eddie's face.
"It's all over your neck, man," Jeff said, and Chrissy giggled.
"My girl's a biter," Eddie said proudly.
"It's not my fault you're so yummy," Chrissy said and kissed his nose before he brushed it against hers, cooing.
"Oh my God, you guys are going to be one of those disgustingly sweet couples," Robin asked. "Gag me."
"He is my teddy bear," Chrissy beamed.
"I guess that makes you my Chrissy cat?" Eddie said as he kissed her cheek.
"Oh, please, stop!" Gareth exclaimed, and the couple burst into laughter. "I knew you guys were fucking with us. No one's that cute."
"Except you, Gare-bear," Eddie teased and ruffled his hair.
Gareth glared and hit him in the stomach. Once Eddie was bent over, Gareth put him in a headlock. They watched them wrestle for a minute before it was Chrissy calling Eddie over, and he quickly pulled himself away before moving over to Chrissy.
"Whipped," Gareth scoffed.
Eddie rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her as they all moved inside of the gym. Chrissy and Eddie found a spot by Wayne while the others sat down in front of them.
"He give you any problems?" Wayne asked Chrissy and she giggled.
"No, but Chrissy gave me problems," Eddie narrowed his eyes at her.
"Well, turnabout's fair play," Wayne replied.
"Ugh! You're supposed to be on my side, Uncle Wayne."
Eddie wrapped his arms around Chrissy's waist as they eagerly awaited to watch Ronnie and Dougie walk across that stage. Ronnie was the first one of the two, and when they did, their group stood up to scream her name. Eddie put his fingers on his head like they were devil horns, and Ronnie responded with enthusiasm, and then she flipped off the crowd. Her friends cheered again and then once more when Dougie was called. He flipped off the crowd as he walked up to grab his diploma, much to the displeasure of the new principal. When the ceremony was finally done, they met Ronnie and Dougie out in the parking lot. The others stood back while Hellfire hugged each other tightly.
"I'm glad you didn't let the fact that you aren't graduating with us stop you from coming," Ronnie said. "It would have sucked not to see my best friend out in the crowd."
"Yeah, well, you kind of have Chrissy to thank for freeing me from feeling sorry for myself," Eddie said.
"I have a lot of things to thank her for," Ronnie said. "She finally kissed you, huh?"
"I'll send you a copy of the proof," Jonathan said. "Along with your graduation pictures. I also promised your Granny to get a picture of you two."
"Thanks, Jonathan," Ronnie said.
"You better burn the evidence, Byers," Eddie said.
"Hmm, let me think about it. . .no," Jonathan said.
"Congratulations, Ronnie," Robin said as she went to hug her, but then she stopped.
Ronnie laughed before pulling Robin into a tight hug. They embraced for a while before pulling away quickly.
"Eddie. . .what happened to your head?" Nancy asked.
"Forget about me. It's Ronnie and Dougie's day," Eddie laughed, and Chrissy snickered.
"Alright. Hey, Ronnie, aren't you curious at all about what happened to your best friend's head?" Steve asked.
"You're right, Steve, I am curious," Ronnie said. "You know, since it's my day and all I think I deserve to know. Isn't that right, Dougie?"
"That's right, Ronnie," Dougie grinned.
"Fine! When Chrissy kissed me, I fell off the couch and hit my head on the coffee table," Eddie muttered, and they all laughed. "Yeah, yeah, get it all out."
"Jesus, if that's what happens when she kisses you, what's going to happen when you guys eventually have sex?" Steve blurted out, and Nancy elbowed him in the stomach.
"Busted heads for both of them," Robin said and laughed with Steve.
"Well, I figured it would be safer for both of us if I handcuffed him to the bed," Chrissy said casually, causing Eddie to yelp and choke on his own saliva.
"Jesus H Christ, Chrissy," Eddie said, his face red.
"She's going to end up destroying you, man," Jeff said.
"There are worse ways to go," Eddie grinned and kissed the top of Chrissy's head.
"You guys still want to celebrate at my house?" Steve asked.
"Duh, why do you think we're friends with you? For all those secrets you store in that hair of yours?" Eddie teased.
"Well, Munson, I figured you were friends with me because you secretly want me," Steve winked at him.
"Oh, please, if I were going to leave Chrissy for a guy, it would be Jeff," Eddie replied.
"Yeah, I'd chose Jeff, too," Steve replied seriously.
"You can't fuck with a gay guy like this!" Jeff laughed.
It was old news that Jeff was gay, something he talked about with Robin on many occasions and then with Ronnie when she came out. Jeff rolled his eyes affectionately when they just ignored him.
"It's his eyes," Eddie said.
"They're very pretty," Steve agreed.
"Okay, I'm starting to feel a little insecure about our relationship, Steve," Nancy laughed.
"All the boyfriends want me," Jeff smirked. "I fucking told you, Gareth."
"I don't want you," Jonathan said and then paused. "Not that I am a boyfriend or that I think of myself as a boyfriend. What?"
"Yeah, we all know who wants you, Byers," Jeff smirked.
"Well, this conversation took a very non-straight turn," Robin laughed. "Perhaps we should move this to Steve’s place so no one can hear us."
Once Jonathan got pictures of everyone, it was off to Steve’s house for a low-key celebration with teens. Wayne took Granny Ecker and hugged Ronnie tightly before they left. He was just as proud of Ronnie as he was of Eddie.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Chrissy asked Wayne.
"You kids don't want an old man around," Wayne chuckled. "You have fun, darlin."
Chrissy, of course, had to ask. As much as she wanted Wayne there, this party felt more for the teens to say goodbye to Ronnie and Dougie than anyone else. Now, here she was, sitting on the counter of Steve’s kitchen with Eddie between her legs as she braided his hair. He claimed he didn't want his hair falling into his food, but she knew he loved the way her fingers felt in his hair.
"Hey, how comfortable are you in your masculinity?" Chrissy asked.
"Well, considering I'm letting you braid my hair, very comfortable," Eddie laughed. "And also comfortable in my femininity. Why?"
"Are you secure enough to know that your girlfriend got you a job at Thatcher's Tires?" Chrissy asked.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"I mean, you can still sell weed, but I know how much you wanted to get a job there because you like working with your hands and with cars," Chrissy said. "The guy owed Benny a favor, and I'm practically Benny's daughter so. . . What do you think?"
"I think. . . That I have the best goddamn girlfriend in the world," Eddie said as he leaned back against her. "Kiss me, you fool!"
Chrissy giggled and obliged. She quickly broke the kiss and tied off Eddie's hair.
"Damn, Munson, you're looking pretty," Steve said as he entered the kitchen, carrying the boxes of pizza. "Looks like the pizzas are not the only meal in this kitchen."
"Stop flirting with my boyfriend!" Chrissy laughed.
"I'm just stating a fact, Chrissy," Steve said.
"Fuck off," Eddie laughed.
"Get your own metalhead, Harrington," Chrissy said as she wrapped her arms around Eddie's shoulders.
"I tried, but Jeff isn't interested," Steve said mockingly. "And Nancy doesn't want to convert."
"We get it. You're comfortable in your sexuality," Nancy said as she entered and wrapped her arms around Steve from behind. "Stop flirting with our friends, or I'm going to get jealous."
Pretty soon, everyone gathered in the kitchen to eat and talk. Ronnie and Robin were the last ones to enter the room. Their disheveled appearances let everyone know what happened. Ronnie quickly pulled Eddie off to the side to talk about it. She stared at them for a moment. Chrissy knew how much Eddie was going to miss his best friend, but she could also tell how happy he was for her. Still, Chrissy could see a lot of cuddling in their future as she helped him adjust.
"Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve!" Robin's voice came from Chrissy's right.
"Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin!" Steve whispered back sarcastically.
"This isn't funny! We kissed!" Robin hissed.
"We did?" Steve asked.
"Okay, enough shtick, asshole," Robin said.
"Well, I'm waiting for you to tell us all about it," Steve said.
"It was. . .oh my God, there are no words. Do you think if I asked, she would just leave her lips here?" She asked.
"Well, she's going to be a lawyer, so I think she's going to need them," Steve said.
"Damn," Robin said.
Chrissy and Nancy sat off to the side as they watched their friends chat. She kind of knew what Nancy was thinking. . .that missing presence she felt on a daily basis. It was something she tried to ignore, but it was difficult to do it when she constantly dreamed about Barb. Everything that happened with Eddie over the last few months had served as an easy distraction and befriending Ronnie had also helped. Now that Ronnie was leaving, suddenly, they both felt the weight of Barb's absence.
"I miss her too," Chrissy whispered to Nancy.
Nancy smiled gratefully at her and squeezed her hand. When they finally cleared the kitchen, they moved it into the living room to dance out their feelings. It was a long year for all of them, and as they danced to Bob Seger, Chrissy recalled another absent member. Stan. He should be here with his friends, doing what he loves. No, instead, he's trapped by abusive parents who thought they knew what was best for him. She hoped to whatever benevolent God that was out there in the universe that Stan somehow escaped his parents' grip. Though a lot of bad things had happened, a lot of good things did, too. She felt them in the room as Eddie spun her around . . . as Robin danced with Ronnie . . . as Steve danced with Nancy. Even Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie danced together. Gareth practiced his drumming skills in the air, preparing for his new role in Corroded Coffin. Jonathan even set his camera down when Robin pulled him in. Held tightly in Eddie's arms, Chrissy realized that more good things were coming to Hawkins. Argyle would be coming this summer. Chrissy squealed and jumped into Eddie's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She kissed him deeply. All good things, she hoped.
Chapter Fifteen
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creativepawsworld · 2 years
Silence -Chapter 9
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Summary = Thomas finds out about the money. Anastasia has a chat with John Shelby.
Warnings = Language, Fear reaction, Drugs
Word Count = 3762
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I was tired, exhausted actually from a sleepless night. I couldn’t get comfortable, my foot was in pain no matter what way I lay in bed, so before the sun had a chance to rise in the sky, I was in the tailor shop.
My morning started with me limping about, getting everything together so I could start on the trousers I needed to finish the suit. My father came in at his normal time of 8am like clockwork. He actually had to do a double take towards me unsure of who it was he was actually seeing in his shop.
“What’s brought you in so early today?” He asked when he noticed my it was just me, surprise on his face as he went to light the fire to take out the cold chill that settles in the shop at night.
“I couldn’t sleep, my foot was in a lot of pain. I couldn't get comfortable.” I tell him with a moan, the only thing that took my mind off the constant throbbing was work. It gave me something to focus and concentrate on.
“Did the doctor give you anything for the pain?” He asked coming over to me once the fire was lit, my mother walking through the door at the same time. A worried look on her face until her eyes landed on mine.
“My dear, I thought you were kidnapped or ran off. Why are you in here so early? What about your breakfast?” She asked, walking towards me, stopping next to my father, arms folded across her chest.
“I’m not hungry mother and no father he didn’t. It is just something I will have to get used.” I answer them both hoping they would just leave me alone. I didn't want to be rude, but I was tired, irritable and definitely not in the mood to be lectured about whether or not I've eaten. when all I did was simply come to work a little earlier.
“Used to what?” My mother asked looking between my father and me.
“Her foot is giving her jip Edith” My father sighed, his hand reaching up to his forehead, rubbing it with his fingers. “You know where to find me if you want some pain relief” He added.
“Thank you, I appreciate it” I nodded. My father sensing, I no longer wanted to talk wrapped his hand around my mother's arm dragging her back into the middle of the shop, telling her quietly that I wanted to be left alone, pain did that to people and having experienced himself, he knew.
The morning was passing by quite nicely, the shop was quiet, no customers which let us get on with work and do what needed to be done. But just as that thought crossed my mind, the peace of the shop was interrupted with the swinging of the door.
The sheer force of the push had the door hitting off the wall with an almighty loud bang causing me to jump. Thomas Shelby stormed through the door, almost breaking it, his face like thunder. His eyes scanned the shop, first landing on the shocked faces of my parents before locking eyes with me.
“Mr and Mrs Adler, would you give me a few moments alone with your daughter?” Thomas asked tight lipped. His voice strained as he spoke. My eyes widened at his request, fear rushing through my body at the thought of being alone with him when he was in this form.
“Mr Shelby, whatever business you have with my daughter you can discuss in front of my wife and I” My father answered, standing slowly to his feet. I could tell he was nervous, but here he was standing his ground in front of the most feared man in Small Heath.
“William” My mother whispered, rushing to her feet and pulling her husband's arm in hope that he would remember who he was speaking to. But my father remained tall, his shoulders back a determined look on his face to prove his point. The bead of sweat forming on his forehead was the only sign that he was nervous.
“No Edith.” He whispered quickly to my mother before turning back to face Thomas Shelby, who was unbothered by my father's words. His eyebrows were raised slightly, however, almost as if he were impressed that my father was finally standing his ground with him.
“I’m sorry Mr Shelby but you cannot come in here and demand to speak with my daughter. Not when there is work to be done. John’s Shelby’s suit is due to be completed tomorrow, my daughter is in charge of it so unless you want to speak freely in front of us all, I’m afraid you will have to arrange a different time.”
“Very well Mr Adler” Thomas spoke calmy, reaching one hand into his coat pocket the other hanging down by his side. He turned his attention back to me, his eyes locking onto mine, my breathing picking up. “The Garrison, 12pm, don’t be late.” He directed with a point of his finger, bidding my parents a farewell and leaving the shop. Leaving behind a silence.
“Bloody hell, I didn’t think he would listen.” My father breathed out a relieved laugh, his hand reaching up to his chest. My mother, unhappy with what just happened smacked him hard on the chest, going back to her workstation with a grunt.
“Why did you do that father?” I asked, standing to my feet the best I could, taking the crutches into my hands using their aid to reach my father. My father had tears in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me.
“It’s time things change around here Anastasia, life it too precious” He nodded, kissing the crown of my head as he held me in an embrace. “James” My father yelled loudly just as my brother passed the shop no doubt going to work, only to stop at the call of his name.
“Everything alright father?” James asked walking into the shop, a confused look on his face as he looked at the embrace my father had me in.
“On your way home from work tonight, grab a cake and bring it home” My father told him. Taking his arms off me, making sure I was stable on my crutches before turning around and walking to the safe taking out a few pounds. “And bring that girl of yours, it’s a celebration”
“How did you…” James questioned, his eyes immediately finding mine, a disappointed look on his face with the belief that I had betrayed him. Shaking my head furiously at him, I hadn’t opened my mouth to anyone about his new girlfriend.
“It wasn’t your sister son. I’m friends with Frank Worthington, good friends. Have been for years. He told me a few nights ago you were seeing his daughter.”
“I just…”
“It's okay son. Bring the girl, we would love to meet her” My father grinned, patting my brother on the shoulder. I couldn’t understand it, over the last few days my father had taken a complete turn in his personality. Was my brother right, was he on something? Was he taking drugs from the Shelby’s is that why he could stand up to Thomas Shelby?
Once the excitement of everything calmed down, my brother came over towards me questioning what was happening. The pair of us giggling together when I told him how father had stood up to Thomas Shelby.
Confused James look at me for help but all I could was shrug my shoulders. Once the adrenaline began to falter in my father, he took a seat at his desk, laughing to himself as he read over some paperwork.
"What happened in here?" James asked walking me over to my desk, the two of us huddled together as we talked.
"Father stood up to Thomas Shelby." I explained to my brother, the words feelings strange leaving my mouth.
"He what?" James asked, eye wide as he looked down at me, a laugh escaping his throat at the thought of Thomas Shelby being told no by our father.
"Yeah, he wanted to talk to me in private, father told him no. I do have to meet him in the Garrison later, but he stood up to him."
"Why do you have to meet him later? I thought after the barmaid..."
"I don't know, he came here in a terrible mood wanting to speak to me. Nothing will happen James, I will go see what he wants then come home." I explain to him. I didn't want him to know I was nervous, so I hid it as best I could.
“Ana, just be careful yeah.” My brother whispered his face concerned as he looked at me. "When the Shelby's are in a mood, they don't hold back."
“What? You think he might hit me or something if I say the wrong thing.”
“No, Tommy Shelby never lays a hand on women or children. None of the Blinders do. They'd be killed if they did, Tommy wouldn’t think twice about doing it.”
"But that's a good thing is it not?"
"For you yeah, you're a woman" He laughed shaking his head. "I just mean...just be careful okay"
With that my brother had gone off to work, leaving me with the alone wondering what he was trying to say. Looking over my shoulder my parents had gone back to work, I glanced at the clock on the wall I had a half an hour to get to the Garrison.
“Ana, we best be going. It will take some time walking to the Garrison with you in crutches.” My father spoke up noticing me looking at the clock in the shop.
“Father, you can’t come with me. Mr Shelby will simply not allow it.”
“No but I can walk you, now let’s go” He insisted grabbing both his and my coat off the hook. Once ready, we walked into the streets, my father spoke first about my progress with John's suit before informing me that he had another friend who had a single son if I was interested.
"I'm okay for now father but thanks" I laughed at his straightforward nature but if the truth was to be told I still wanted Thomas Shelby and until I was over that, I wouldn't find it fair to entertain another.
"Are you sure? He is a lovely boy..." He tries to continue but I stop in my tracks, allowing him to see my face. "Alright then fine, it was just an option. Your mother and I would love to be grandparents one day you know"
"It's a good thing James is in a relationship then isn't it" I laughed letting him take my arm once more, the Garrison just in front of us.
"Yes, I guess it is. I just want you to be looked after Anastasia. In case something was to happen, you know?"
"Do you know something I don't?" I asked, was my father dying? Was that the reason he changed so quickly? Did the idea of dying give him the strength he needed to stand up to Thomas?
"Don't worry about me" he tells me once we reach the doors of the Garrison. "Be safe now, I love you" He smiled placing a kiss to my cheek as we stood outside the doors.
“I will, love you father” I smile softly, turning in my crutches, my father opened the door allowing me to enter. The atmosphere in the pub was silent, scarily quiet.  Men were hunched over their beers looking like they were afraid to breathe or move.
Thomas Shelby must be here.
“Can I help you, Miss?” The barmaid Grace asked as I limped through the door, looking around for the blue-eyed man that had summoned my presence.
“Mr Shelby has asked to see me, is he here yet?” I asked turning my attention to the blond in front of me. My brother’s friends were right, she was a very pretty woman. Much prettier than me. No wonder Thomas chose to take her to the races, I would never compare.
“Your, Mr Shelby’s guest?” She asked with a surprised tone and an almost look of disgust on her face which I couldn’t understand. “Right this way then.” She huffed once I nodded my head, knocking on the door of the snug, a cold ‘come’ shouted out allowing Grace to open the door revealing Thomas Shelby. He sat near the service window, smoke in his hand and a glass of whiskey in front of him.
“Thank you, Grace, that will be all” he told the barmaid his eyes never leaving my body as I hobbled towards the other side of where he was sitting taking the seat I had previously occupied when visited this part of the Garrison with Polly.
“You wanted to see me” I huffed tiredly, welcoming the soft chair beneath me.  Having the crutches had me using double my strength and energy which had me feeling tired pretty much all the time. Although I was used to physically using the crutches, I wasn’t used to the zap of energy I would feel because of them.
The room was silent, Thomas didn’t respond to me, instead his eyes checked over my appearance, probably still curious as to what had happened my foot before reaching into his suit jacket, tossing a bundle of notes towards me, the same bundle of notes I had returned to Polly, only two nights ago.
“What is that?” He asked pointing towards the notes.  His voice was calm and there was no anger on his face, it was indifferent. As I thought carefully about my next words, Thomas reached forward taking his glass, holding an amber liquid swirling it briefly before taking the whole thing in one gulp, pouring himself another as he waited for an answer.
“I believe it is the money you left behind on the night of the bonfire.” I smiled innocently, flickering my eyes up to his briefly before returning my gaze to his glass of whiskey.  I could really do with a glass myself right about now.
I felt confident in my approach to the man in front of me as he didn't appear to be upset anymore, he seemed calmer and the fact my brother said he would never hit a woman had me feeling better, knowing he wouldn't touch me.
“I’m not in the mood for games Anastasia” Thomas sighed, shaking his head at me. “Why did you return the money?” He asked, his voice sounding more forceful. His blue eyes suddenly glaring at me, his patience wearing thin as he continued to wait for an answer, I had no intentions of giving him.
But then something in him snapped.
 Slamming down a hand with an almighty bang on top of the table, the bottle of whiskey jumping almost off the table, his glass spilling some of its liquid. The unexpected reaction terrified me, a scream leaving my lips as he bent forward to look at me, his face became redder the madder he got. His once calm, stoic blue eyes were swimming in fury as he stared at me. “Why have you returned this?”
“B-because I d-don’t need it” I tell him, cowering back within myself. Whatever confidence I had found earlier, evaporating.
“You don’t need it?” He laughed but it wasn’t a pleasant laugh, quite the opposite, it was dark, twisted.  “All of a sudden you don’t need it? You don’t need the money but you kept the boots?” He asked.
I could tell he was trying to remain calm; his fingers gripped the glass of his whiskey tightly; his knuckles were almost white. I completely forgot about the boots that were left for me at the shop. The excitement of taking over John Shelby’s custom had blinded me; it was a slip of the mind.
“Mr Shelby…”
“Don’t, don’t you call me that.” He growled, slamming the glass on the table, the liquid sloshing over the sides again as he pointed a warning finger at me “You know my name. You know how to say it” He accused leaning even closer to me, I could feel his breathe on my face as his eyes burned into mine. “Say it, say my name”
“Thomas” I whispered, looking away his eyes, I adverted my gaze to my lap, pulling at my fingers hoping this would be over sooner rather than later.
“What was that?” He asked reaching over and placing a hand under my chin pulling it up so I was looking at him. I could feel my lip quiver as I looked into the blue eyes that was once my favourite colour.
“Thomas” I spoke a little more clearer, tears filling my eyes. I tried my hardest to hold them back, I tried to think about anything else, but I felt nothing but fear and pain.
“See wasn’t that hard now, was it?” He asked. Unsure if my voice would work again, I shook my head a tear falling from my eye. “Now why are you crying eh? I’m not going to hurt you; I’d never hurt you.” Emotion finally finding its way back into his eyes. It was like the tear had brought him back to humanity.
Letting go of my chin, allowing it to fall, he was back fully into his chair with a loud sigh, running his hands down his face. Reaching up I quietly brushed away the tears, not wanting him to see any more in case it annoyed him further.
An awkward silence fell over the two of us, Thomas was trying to control his temper and I was trying to be as quiet as possible, the tears refusing to stop running down my face. My eyes darted to Thomas when I sensed movement almost flinching away from him as he leaned over placing a cautious hand on my arm. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when the door of the snug opened, revealing his younger brother John.
“Tom, Arthur needs you down at Charlie's yard, something about guns?” He panted, his eyes glancing between his brother and myself.
“Fuck sake, make sure she gets home alright” Thomas spoke his voice returning back to normal. There was no angry, no annoyance, he had managed to calm himself. Without a word he left the snug area leaving me alone with John.
I reached to the side grabbing my purse, standing and placing the crutches under my arms as quickly as I could wanting nothing more than to go home.
“No wait, sit” John declared, his voice softer than the last time I heard it in this very same room. "Grace, give us two more glasses yeah?” He called to the blonde barmaid, who handed them over immediately. "Tommy can be a right asshole when he wants to be, try not an take it personal” He told me pouring two glasses of whiskey passing one over to me and taking the seat Thomas had once occupied.
“Is there anything else Mr Shelby?” Grace asked hanging around the service window.
“No close that will ya” John shook his head not sparing a look at the barmaid, using his hand to point at the window. “He has a lot of stuff going on at the minute with Kimber, our Ada and the police. You giving the money just sent him over the edge.”
“I was returning it, it wasn’t mine to begin with” I replied in a hush tone, afraid I would upset yet another Shelby. But my words had the man laughing. Confused I couldn’t understand what I had said that was so funny.
“If Arthur or myself left that money then yes you would have been returning it but not Tommy. When he gives you money, you keep it”
“I didn’t feel comfortable with it”
“Should donate it then. Give it to someone, fucking burn it but never return it” John gestured to the money still sitting on the table. Sighing to myself I knew I had no choice; this was the man’s brother giving me some friendly advice and I would be stupid to ignore it.  Reaching forward I grabbed the cash putting it back in my purse. “Smart choice. I know being involved with us isn’t for everyone but you’re not doing too bad"
“I’m not involved with you Mr Shelby” I tell him taken back by his comment, yes, I had a few dealings with Tommy and his aunt has practically taken me under her protection for reasons beyond me but that didn’t mean I was involved.
“Call me John and do you really believe that?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he looked at me, a smile on his face. I could tell he was trying to decide whether I was playing with him or not. “Ana, can I call you Ana?” He asked with a sigh deciding that I was truly clueless.
“Okay, Ana. You’re not a stupid girl, your well educated. So, tell me do you think you could walk away from my family and not have any of them come looking for you? Honestly” He asked leaning back in his chair, the glass of whiskey in his hand. He stared across from me, an almost sympathetic look on his face.
Reaching forward, taking the glass of whiskey he had poured for me I gulped most of its contents as I thought about my answer. He was right. Thomas may have chosen the barmaid instead of me but that didn’t stop him looking for me and his aunt Polly, I’d never be free of her she had said it herself.
“No” I whispered as John nodded his head, already knowing the answer. With another sigh he leaned forward in his chair, his hand patting my thigh, a comforting smile on his face.
“I like you Ana, but I wouldn’t want to be you.”
“Why?” I asked taken back by his words.
“We had a choice; it wasn’t much of a choice, but it was a choice. Your choice has been taken from you” He commented with a small shake of his head.
Furrowing my eyebrows at the younger Blinder, trying to connect the dots he was talking about but nothing fitting together. “Tommy likes you Anastasia and what Tommy wants, Tommy gets.” He clicked his tongue much like his older brother does, finishing another glass of whiskey in front of me “And what Tommy wants is you”  
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby
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hanabeeri · 1 month
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another week has passed uwaaah 早いね.. its a good practice though to sit down and to really think about what happened. at least to me because i have a memory worse than a fruit fly i believe 🥹 the week isnt over and i still have sunday ahead of me, but i dont think anything major or big will happen tomorrow. i may facetime my friends to talk about a book we're reading together though, so theres that 🧸💕
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what happened this week? >i turned in my japanese essay (i will rewrite it until next week though... because i couldn't come up with any culture shock i experienced and picked the one i found in an old chat with a friend. but its a topic, way too silly, to use as a basis for our oral presentation in a month) >i started reading a good girls guide to murder with my friends! i read up until chapter 5. i already have some critiques, my friends and i talked about it briefly, and i do see that i may have been to critical. i wasn't aware it was a novel for a younger audience, but i can see it now 🥹 ill keep it in mind for the overall review >on wednesday i left university earlier so i could surprise a friend together with my other friends! she moved to a new place and we prepared a small gift for her and her boyfriend for their new home. we coordinated the visit with her boyfriend so she wouldnt notice anything and it worked! she was so overwhelmed at first, but later on she was really happy 🩷💕🧸 >i met a friend two times that i haven't seen in a long time. we planned on painting together, but i ended up doodling album covers that came up on spotify instead (does that count as an activity? www can you tell that nothing much has happened?) >on thursday i finally caught up on my japanese syntax classes and today i want to do the new grammar for next weeks classes. which reminds me... i still need to ask a friend from uni to explain 'quasiphrasen' to me. i only have like two notes jotted down from last semester but i dont think i really grasped the difference between that and a proper phrase >oh and i finished fight club! good book :)) the first half was okay, you can easily breeze through it without noticing, it picks up in its second half. thats when it got really interesting! >i bought both of my parents flowers and a card!! unfortunately i forgot that fathers day was on thursday, so im giving both my papa and mama flowers today - since its mothers day tomorrow
not exactly a productive week i would say, but its okay <3 im not here to compete or do things fast, im doing things for the sake of doing them and because they make me happy 🧸💕💞🩷 a more detailed and jucier version of my week is written inside my physical diary, but that is something i doubt ill ever share with anyone. maybe a future lover 🥹💞🌸
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i think for next week i would like to set a goal. nothing too big, i just want to read up on ableism. to learn its forms and how its executed in daily life. so i can learn and grow and be better to people who deserve more than what they're currently given in life. read the bible some more and find peace. have i ever talked about a few weeks ago when i felt so miserable i had the wish to die again? i prayed to God in that moment and i felt so warm afterwards. like He put His gentle hand over my heart to give me the comfort i sought.
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pretty decorations by huramuna and sunfoxpixels
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Alright. I have a new Steddie x reader idea. So Steve and Eddie both have work early in the morning and the reader is still sleeping when they leave. (All three of them are married) and the reader wakes up in a panic and bolts for the bathroom. When she is done she decides to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test because she knows for a fact she isn’t sick. When she get home she takes the text and finds out she’s pregnant. So she gets the house ready to show her two husbands the news! Thank you in advance!
Warnings; mentions of throwing up, fluff.
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
Request by @wonderinghawkinsindiana 💞
She felt so cosy and warm in bed, she didn't want to get up. Eddie and Steve had already left early for work giving her sweet kisses and telling her how much they loved her.
They were the most wonderful husbands in the world but she was never a morning person and all she could do was mumble that she loved them too and smile when they teased her for being a sleepy head.
Come on get up, she tells herself sternly. She had a shift at the library and she wanted to get started on writing the next chapters of her new novel.
Just as she sits up she feels an intense wave of nausea and gets up rushing to the bathroom just in time to be sick.
Ugh, she's felt like this for weeks now and it's been very unpredictable. At first, she thought it was a bug but now she's unsure.
After she's finished throwing up her mind racing with a million thoughts a minute, she takes a deep breath and knows in her bones that this isn't just some stomach bug.
Could she be pregnant? Excitement fills her and she gets dressed quickly and heads to the store.
Eddie and Steve wanted kids just as much as she did. It was a little bit earlier than what they had planned but they would be over the moon.
Calm down, she tells herself. There's no use getting too excited. It might not even be pregnancy, it could be anything.
That being said she hasn't had a period for a second month now and for the first month she assumed it was a fluke, she was stressed with the library getting redone.
This month though she couldn't say she was stressed at all, she had calmed down a lot thanks to her husbands being so lovely and helping calm her down.
Once she's been to the store and picked up three tests she heads back home feeling very tired even though she hasn't done much and calls into work saying she will be a little late.
Then she does the tests her stomach churning with nerves. She does two at first then the third after a big glass of water.
It's like she knows what the result will be before it even shows and when two lines appear on all three of the tests she bursts into happy tears.
Work is looming though and she rushes downstairs wondering how she is going to tell Eddie and Steve.
A few hours later her shift is done and she's made headway on her novel. Eddie and Steve walk in with pizza and it smells so good.
Since she's found out she's pregnant she spent a good ten minutes picking out books in the library and running her hands over a tiny (but very much there) bump.
Eddie scoops her up and kisses her.
"Fuck, I've missed you and Stevie today princess". She cuddles into him as Steve presses a gentle kiss on Eddie's lips then hers.
"Thank fuck it's Friday, we have the whole weekend to relax," Steve says happily and she nods content.
"I have something to tell you both, I haven't been to the doctor yet but I plan to go soon"
Eddie's eyes widen and he shares an alarmed look with Steve.
"Baby? Are you still being sick?" Steve asks worriedly and she nods.
"Yes but it's nothing to worry about. Actually, it's pretty great" she goes to retrieve the three tests and places them on the table.
Steve reacts first and he has her in his arms hugging her happily and kissing her, his eyes full of excitement, Eddie stares at the tests and grins.
"We're going to be parents, you hear that Stevie!" He says to Steve excitedly and joins in on the hug.
She's thrilled with their response.
"We have to tell Dustin and Robin, we need to call Wayne too, once we've been to the doctor's of course," Steve says and Eddie grins, tears in his eyes.
"Wayne is going to be so stoked, he will want to build the crib and you know Dustin is going to want to teach our kid about D&D" she listens to them excitedly talking about the baby her own happiness growing as they did.
They get an appointment for the next day and the doctor confirms they have a baby on the way, the boys are too excited to wait to find out the sex so when the doctor announces that it's a girl they are ecstatic.
She smiles gently stroking her belly, a little girl who she couldn't wait to meet and she knew Eddie and Steve would spoil the baby's rotten and be super protective.
The following months would be very very busy and she couldn't wait to experience everything with her loves.
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soobpricity · 1 year
synopsis : after coming back into contact with beomgyu , the person who wavered your view of love and couples , the two of you are forced to work together for a project. in the end the two of you have to deal with unwanted feelings.
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you ran through the long hallways, looking for the door with a sign that had your group’s names on it. eventually running into sakura, chaewon, yunjin and yena who were all standing directly outside of the door, urging you to arrive quicker. as you entered the room, taking a seat in one of the makeup chairs, getting your hair and makeup done by the girls as quickly as possible. thankfully there wasn’t much to do with the hair and makeup as you previously had gotten it done, but they made slight touch ups.
“yn !! why would you scare us like this , we’re next in line !!” yena complained as she finally took a seat feeling a bit less nervous as you finished up. your body relaxed taking a minute to close your eyes.
“i told you i was busy, yena.. but then i felt bad-“
“can you at least tell us why you were so late, yn ?” chaewon asked. patting your head, smoothing your hair out, attempting to smoothen down a few loose hairs.
“you can probably check any social media.. oh ! just search up mine and jake’s names !!” you exclaimed. pulling out your phone from your purse that you had taken along with you, handing the phone to chaewon. as you heard her nails tapping against your phone. a shocked expression appearing on her face as she gave the phone to sakura.
“you were getting married to jake !? TODAY ??!!! and you just left !!!” chaewon yelled, sakura proceeding to ask questions as she also passed the phone to yena, who seemed quite confused.
“not really married- ‘ts not a real marriage if you don’t love one another.. right ? plus jake and i agreed to ditch our spots today and reveal that it’s all been fake, this entire time.” you stated. getting up from the makeup chair, “after all nobody would like to be in an arranged marriage,”
“wait, so yn, where are you going after this ?” yunjin asked , worried for your sleeping and living arrangements.
“hm? me.. i think i’ll see my brother.. i don’t know if he wants to see me, but i’ve moved a few of my necessities to beomgyu’s place.”
“you could always-“ yunjin begins to invite you to stay with her. although you cut her off.
“-it’s best if i don’t, yunjin, your parents and mine are friends, i don’t even want to really stay with beomgyu. just because i’m worried my mom might say something to him…”
“oooh, you can always stay with me and sakura, well we can’t really ensure something long-term, but at least until you can stabilize your situation a bit.”
“thank you so much, chae, i’ll check in with my brother first and uhmm.. well depending on what he says then i’ll let you know.” you responded, sending a bright smile towards her.
“also.. yn, i thought you were an only child ?” sakura questions, taking her seat on the arm side of the couch.
“mhmm. that’s what it looks like because that’s what my parents and my brother want you to think.. he separated himself from the family because he didn’t want to be forced into business.. he really loved to dance and sing- we didn’t talk much.. mainly because he was taught things that my mom believed i shouldn’t be taught.”
“there’s so much to you that we didn’t know about… but anyway.. you missed rehearsal earlier so just try your best !!” yena gathered all 5 of you in the middle of the room, making a circle and putting your hands in the middle. “ready ??”
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a/n: i did change yn’s pfp in the middle of doing these twts. also WERE ALMOST DONE WITH MIKROKOSMOS. just a few chapters left.. maybe 2-3 more ?? depends :)). also i don’t know if y’all noticed considering the fact that i didn’t write the performance scene…. but i suck at writing things like that but don’t worry i will 100% mention beomgyu’s reaction !! ><
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Grayson's True Prodigy (Sevika x POC!Reader) - Ch.9
Next Upload Date: February 20th
Act 1: Chapter Nine - A New Beginning
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Warnings: Funeral, Grief, Anger, Running Away, Keeping up appearances, Waking up in hospital, Loss of limb (Sevika), Loss of Eye (Mylo)
Summary: It’s time for Grayson’s funeral, and Sevika wakes up to two new revelations.
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You stayed up the night before the funeral double-checking the things you packed. You made sure that things were securely wrapped like your little wooden dragon and sundial compass. Cardin had slipped you a note saying that they would be leaving immediately after the funeral. Knowing the way that the Hiranas travel, they would be taking the private boat back to Ionia that Orum captains. You could slip away during the chaos of the midday rush and no one would know any better.
A few hours before dawn, you light a dozen candles and start to get ready for the funeral. You take a seat at your desk and delicately braid your hair before wrapping it up into a bun. You pick up your staff in its hairpin form and use it to keep your hair up. You take a moment to stare at yourself in the mirror. The earrings in your ears glitter happily as you put all of them in. ‘If it wasn’t for the hair, no one would be able to tell that I belong to the Kiramman Clan. I wonder how I would look with my natural hair.’ You think before taking down your robes.
Your robes for the occasion are white with red oak leaves as decoration around the hemlines. You can’t help the tears that well up in your eyes as you observe it. ‘Mama loved the red oaks that surrounded the monastery. That’s why red was her favorite color.’ You smile sadly and slip into the robe. The sash was a beautiful red and white ombré that brought the whole thing together. Your heart aches as you wish that she could see you in this. ‘I need to control my emotions today or I’ll ruin the funeral. Water won’t help with the fire.’
With how slow you went, by the time you finished getting ready, it was time to leave. You smooth out your robes one last time and nod in approval. ‘Not a single hair is out of place and my sash is tied perfectly. It only took me ten tries to learn how to do it.’
“Y/n!” Grayson laughs as she struggles to tie your sash around your waist, “Y/n, hold still!” You giggle and continue to move around so she can’t tie it.
“You’re the one who said I tied it wrong, so you have to struggle to fix it!” You joke and she lightly flicks your nose. You yelp and stop moving as a result, giving her the moment she needs to tie it. You pout as she grins in victory.
You weren’t looking forward to being in front of so many people, but you wouldn’t let that hold you back.
“Miss Kiramman?” A knock sounds at your door, “There is a young gentleman outside who says that he’s here to escort you to the funeral.” You shake your head fondly and open the door. The family butler, who you still haven’t learned the name of, motions to the hallway.
“Thank you, I’ll be down in a moment. Have my parents left for the funeral yet?” You question him.
“No, miss. They will not be departing for another thirty minutes. Would you like for me to inform them that you’ve left earlier?” Your butler tilts his head.
“Yes, thank you.” You nod before stepping back into your room. You wait for a few minutes to pass by before grabbing your bag, tossing it over your shoulder, and taking a deep breath. You give one last look around your room and nod to yourself. ‘Everything is neatly put away and my note is somewhere noticeable. Once they come looking for me, they’ll think that I’ve taken a ship to Demacia. No one here will know where I’ve gone.’ You head out of the room and carefully make your way to the front door. You knew the best direction to go to avoid being seen by any staff. It would be questionable if they saw you with your travel bag.
With one last glance around, you open the front doors and slip out. Cardin smirks when he sees you and holds out a hand for the bag. You toss it at him and start heading for the gate without hesitation. Once you’re through, you wink at Cardin and he vanishes in the direction of the docks. You spend some time thinking about the past few days as you walk by yourself. Your mother really showed her true colors when she came knocking on your door.
“Y/n, this is ridiculous! You will come down to the dining room for your meals. I understand that this is a tough time for the family but you must come down. It’s not polite or ladylike to refuse to come out of your room.” Your mother scolds you, “Your sister has shown up for her meals. Do you want her to eat alone?” The bitterness that curled in your chest made you laugh sardonically into your pillow. ‘For the family. Caitlyn. Nothing is ever about me. I can’t even grieve without being ridiculed.’
“May I offer you my sword as a companion?” Cardin inquires as he comes up beside you. ‘Ionians are raised differently.’ You chuckle to yourself. You appreciate the sentiment of his words. It was his way of asking if you’d like to be vulnerable with him.
“I would like that.” You playfully bump shoulders with him.
“The Great Gray Lion was a fierce warrior. Her presence will be missed by hundreds.” Cardin comforts you.
“A hundred cannot compare to the grief in my heart, Cardin.” You say softly, “Mama was more than the stories tell of her, and I will make sure that she is entombed in history.”
You turn onto the street the cemetery is connected to and pause at the large crowd of people waiting outside. A squad of Enforcers was keeping people held back as the workers walked in and out of the gates. ‘The public knows that my sister and I were always around her. They’ll swarm me if I’m not careful.’ Cardin nudges you and holds his arm out as his hand rests on the hilt of his sword. You suddenly realize why Cardin was sent to escort you here and you sigh in relief. You grip his arm and let him take the lead so you were slightly covered by his figure. ‘It’ll be like this all morning until I’m safely on the boat to Ionia. People will try to come up to me and talk or reporters will try to get some kind of inside story.’
As you get closer to the cemetery, the crowd of people notices you approaching and you nervously step closer to Cardin, “Be prepared.” You whisper to him.
“I’m insulted you think I’m not already, Miss Hirana.” Cardin playfully drawls quietly. You giggle at his words and take a deep breath. ‘Head up, shoulders back, stand tall, and don’t let them know how nervous you actually are.’ You remind yourself of your speech lessons.
“Miss Kiramman!”
“Miss Kiramman, can we have a word with you?!”
“Who’s that young man with you?!”
“Miss Kiramman, what are you wearing?!”
“Miss Kiramman!”
“Miss Kiramman!”
“Miss Kiramman, where’s your family?!” They call out to you over and over again as you’re hurriedly guided into the cemetery. Enforcers rush to the blockade to hold the crowd back and they close the gates behind you. You let out the breath that you were holding and relax your posture. You lift your head and gaze around the cemetery, feeling your heart clench when you see the area they designated for your mama. The imagery took your breath away and caused tears to well up in your eyes. A wooden pyre had been formed with dozens of flowers decorating the base of it. Your eyes linger on the wrapped body covered up by flowers and you frown. You let go of Cardin’s arm and move closer to the flowers to pour a bit of magic into them. You smile in satisfaction as they brighten up and straighten out. ‘We can’t send mama off with dying flowers.’
“What kind of flowers are they?” Cardin asks.
“Pink hydrangeas, white carnations, and red spider lilies.” You point them out.
“We call them death lilies.” Marcus approaches you, “It’s bad luck to find them at graves.” He says as he stops in front of you.
“Deputy Marcus.” You nod at him, a bit of annoyance rising.
“In Ionia, they’re seen as a blessing. We weave them around the pyres so that the deceased may be guided through the afterlife.” Master Jess informs Marcus, “Don’t you find cultures wonderful?” She places her hand on your shoulder and smiles at you.
“Yes, Master Jess.” You agree with her, “How have preparations been going?”
“Everything is in place, sweet girl.” Master Jess smooths your hair, “Let me get a look at you.” She steps back and you slowly turn around for her.
“You’ve tied your sash properly!” Master Haruli playfully gasps as she throws her arms around you, “Now who would have thought that’s possible?” She jokes. You giggle as she picks you up in a hug.
“Deputy Marcus.” Master Teylin’s voice sounds from behind you, “The rest of the attendees are on their way, if you’d please make sure they can get in safely.” She subtly orders him. Marcus nods with a glance at you before he heads for the gate. You turn and find yourself looking at your grandmothers along with June and Zenita, who are all dressed in white robes. You take a moment to observe them, the way they interact with each other and carry themselves. At first glance, you couldn’t tell that they were grieving until you looked closer. They were all wearing something that symbolized or came from Grayson. Your aunt and uncle come over to you with their arms outstretched. For some reason, this is what makes the tears fall. You hug them and they hold you tightly.
“This is the first time we're meeting as family.” June whispers, “I wish we met before this.”
“June is right, my niece, but I hope you’ll allow for us to bond anyway.” Zenita says, brushing her silver hair over her shoulder.
“I wouldn’t deny you that.” You wipe away your tears, “Especially after…” You trail off and glance at the pyre. You swallow thickly, your good mood quickly turning sour. As if sensing your mood change, June gives you a squeeze.
“You’re to sit with us.” June slowly guides you to a small group of seats to the left of the pyre, “Even if they don’t know you’re real family, you were the closest to her. Let them whisper all they want.” You sit down and take a moment to steady yourself. ‘Remember, control your emotions or it’s going to be a downpour.’ You remind yourself as people are allowed in through the gates. Most people go straight to their seats but some approach the pyre to leave flowers or small gifts. You catch sight of your family but Cardin steps in your line of sight before they can notice you. You give him a questioning glance and he points to the reporters who have come into the cemetery. You frown but nod in understanding. You turn your gaze back to the pyre and stare blankly at it. If you thought too much about what was to come, you’d burst into tears.
You blink and the next thing you know, you’re being yanked out of your chair and pressed against Cardin’s chest. You hear the soft snick of his katana being drawn and shocked exclamations coming from the crowd. You look up at him but his eyes are trained on someone behind you.
“Back away!” Cardin growls coldly, “You’re not to disturb Miss Kiramman.”
“I-I just want to ask her a question!” Comes a very nervous-sounding voice, but it’s not familiar to you. You wanted to see what was going on, but your position didn’t allow you to. ‘Imagine if I had come with my family. I wouldn’t have made it through the gates.’
“She is in mourning, and will not be answering any questions.” Cardin hisses, “Now step back or you’ll learn why I’m her guard for the event.” There’s a tense moment before Cardin releases you from his grasp and you straighten out your robe. You glance around to see the majority of the people looking in your direction, including your family. Cardin sheaths his sword and gives you a concerned look-over.
“He didn’t touch you, did he?” Cardin frowns.
“No. Thank you.” You pat him on the shoulder and he nods at you. The bell chimes signaling the start of the ceremony and everyone takes their seats except for Councilor Heimerdinger who takes his position at the front.
“Thank you to everyone who has come to commemorate our beloved Sheriff, Grayson. As a cadet in the Academy, her professors said that she shined brighter than her peers. Grayson completed her projects with a drive of someone who wanted to make a change, and she eventually became that very person.” Councilor Heimerdinger opens the speech, “When she graduated the Academy, all of her professors sent recommendation letters to the then Sheriff… Very quickly, Grayson became known around Piltover as an Enforcer that got things done. She never had a single complaint against her and everyone she interacted with seemed to love her. That reputation only grew the longer she remained in the force and when the Sheriff retired, she was the first candidate they chose for the job… Ever since she swore in, the crime in the isthmus had dropped dramatically. Sheriff Grayson will be missed.” You lean your head against Zenita’s shoulder and she puts her arm around you. You can feel the grief starting to set in and you need the comfort.
“Working under Sheriff Grayson was an honor. She was talked about highly in my years at the Acadamy and I quickly learned that all of it was true. From my first days on the force, she became a huge inspiration to me and other junior Enforcers. She pushed us… to do our best… and encouraged us to remember that the people’s safety relied on us.” Marcus addresses the crowd, “I was there when she- when she died… and the Sheriff never stopped protecting the people. She never stopped being the woman I looked up to.” You hide your face in Zenita’s shoulder as the tears sting your eyes. You feel your Grandmother Haruli’s hand rub your arm before she gives your hand a squeeze. After Marcus, more people went up to give their speeches or share their experiences. Some made you chuckle as they shared funny stories and others made you angry as they lied about their interactions with Grayson. You held your breath when your mother stood up and took the stand. Part of you didn’t want her to say anything, but the other part of you was intrigued by what she was going to say.
“As most of you know, Grayson was a friend of the family. She was there for both of our daughters’ births and would come over quite regularly for events… Grayson was a woman who had strong morals and did what she thought was right for the betterment of others. She took Caitlyn under her wing from a young age and taught her how to shoot while reminding her of the reason Enforcers do their jobs. She was always encouraging the new generation and took the time to answer their questions. Grayson… can never be replaced. Her death is a loss the entire community will mourn for a while.” Your mother speaks out and you have to choke back a laugh through your tears. ‘I wasn’t even mentioned once, even though Grayson trained me, too. That’s my mother for you. She’s the same even at your funeral, mama.’
“And with that…” Your mother clears her throat, “I’d like to welcome Grayson’s family to Piltover. Her mothers, the Masters of Hirana Monastery, and her siblings… June, an Ionian Sundancer, and her sister, Zenita… who is a guardian of one of the country’s sacred sites.” Your mother gestures over to your group and that’s when the whispers start. Grandmother Teylin stands and replaces your mother at the podium.
“Thank you for all of your wonderful stories about our daughter. Our Gray always had a kind heart that she gave to others who needed it. She grew up among monks at the monastery, but she felt more called to go out and protect others than to become one. At the age of fourteen, she left our home to travel the world and came to Piltover to live. Her first words to me about this city were that it has potential, and that’s what she liked about it… When she told my sisters and me about her career choice, we warned her that it would be dangerous.” Grandmother Teylin’s words make laughter bubble up in your throat. You laugh and wipe away your tears as the others laugh with you. You could see some puzzled looks from the attendees who wouldn’t understand why you found it funny.
“Gray had a zest for life that brought a light to our family. She had a special heart and it’s with great joy that she introduced us to a child with a heart just as special as hers.” Grandmother Teylin turns to you and beckons you forward. You blink in shock but she holds her hand out to you and Zenita and Grandmother Haruli nudge you. You stand up and nervously approach her, grabbing her hand and letting her pull you next to her. You look out at the crowd and remind yourself to stand tall. ‘I am here for mama. There is nothing these people can say that’ll affect me.’
“Y/n was brought into our lives six years ago, and it has been the brightest six years of our lives. Gray spoke about her in every letter she sent home, talking about how much she adored her and that Y/n reminded her of why she chose to become the sheriff.” Grandmother Teylin smiles down at you as you look at her in awe, “It’s only right that she gets the closing statement.” Your eyes widen and you feel panic flit through you.
“Grandmother, I haven’t prepared anything!” You whisper to her in a panic.
“Speak from your heart, my granddaughter.” Grandmother Teylin kisses your forehead and steps aside for you. You swallow nervously but approach the microphone anyway. The people in the crowd perk up as you do and you can see the confused faces looking back at you. You were the quiet Kiramman. The one people didn’t hear about because your mother didn’t talk about you. It wasn’t until Grayson took you in that you started to meet people. Some… didn’t even know that your family had two daughters. And while staring out at this crowd of people, you realize that Piltover isn’t your home. It never has been and that made the words come tumbling out.
“Grayson showed me the world.” You say strongly, “She took me with her on sabbatical and taught me more than I ever imagined I could learn. She showed me the place where she grew up and I had the privilege of meeting her family… and learning what she once did.” You present your robes proudly, “I am honored to be able to wear these robes in honor of Grayson. I am touched to hear that she held me in such high regards… because-...” You choke up as the tears start flowing. You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down enough to speak, “Because she was everything to me and I loved her. I admire her so much. Her strength. Her humility. Her drive to protect the people who couldn’t protect themselves and the kindness she had for everyone… She was a light that was taken too soon, and she will never be forgotten.” You glance at the Hirana family and they stand up to surround the pyre, “So this is where I say to you… Grayson Hirana, our Great Gray Lion, protector, and Shaman! May the spirits welcome you with open arms and you continue to protect us even though you are not with us anymore!” You go to step aside but Grandmother Jess grabs your hand and hands you a match.
“You’re one of us.” Grandmother Jess whispers, “You do this with us.” You smile at her as more tears fall and listen for the count of three before striking your match. You toss the match onto the pyre and step back as the fire comes alive. You stare into the fire before it all hits you and you break down. You fall to your knees and sob as the heat of the fire brushes across your face. ‘You’re gone, mama. Gone. Why do you have to be gone? Why did it have to be you?’
You sat by the pyre for a while before Orum picked you up. All he said to you is that people who were in Grayson’s Will were being called to the Charter Building. You had asked him to put you down, but when he raised an eyebrow at you, you let him carry you the whole way. At the entrance to the building, Orum put you down and you didn’t bother to fix your robes. You made your way inside and you were offered a tissue and some water when you sat down. The doors opened again and your family walked in, making you feel awkward. Caitlyn saw you and immediately came over to give you a hug. You froze before slowly hugging her back as the Hirana family came inside, followed by Marcus and a few other people.
“I’ve been told that everyone is here.” A man comes from the back, “My name is Garrett, and I am Grayson’s Will executioner. First and foremost, everything you will be given is final. You may not try to confiscate anything from another person or demand more. If you do, there is a clause in Grayson’s Will to revoke what you were originally given and it will go to charity… Now, the first people on the Will are her mothers. If you would please follow me to my office.” He says before disappearing down the hallway. Your grandmothers follow him as your aunt and uncle keep a watchful eye on you and Caitlyn. ‘I wonder what mama left for me… I didn’t expect her to leave me anything when I already have so much from her.’
“Your speech was beautiful.” Caitlyn says with a soft smile, “And, you look beautiful in your robes.”
“Thank you.” You respond, “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant.”
“That’s okay. You were closer to her than I was.” Caitlyn rests her hand on your shoulder, “I understand.”
“That… doesn’t mean you weren’t close to her, though. So, don’t discount your own grief.” You remind her, “Grayson loved you, too.”
“Thanks, sis.” Caitlyn whispers and you fall into silence. Your grandmothers come out and your aunt and uncle are called into the back. You sigh and slouch into the couch, not caring about appearances or anything. It wasn’t long before your aunt and uncle came out with Garrett.
“Miss Y/n?” Garrett calls as he looks around the room. You make eye contact with him as you stand and he beckons you down the hallway. You follow him in silence until you’re into the office and he closes the door behind you.
“First, I’d like to offer you my condolences. I’ve been the one in charge of your mother’s Will since she joined the Enforcers, and she has left us too soon.” Garrett sighs as he flips through his files.
“Wait, you know that Grayson is my mother?” You straighten up in surprise.
“Yes and I’m aware of your lineagefasting. While it has been deemed lost to time, there are still clauses for it in our laws… but that’s for another time.” Garrett gives you a smile, “Now, onto what your mother left you… ‘To my daughter, Y/n Hirana, I leave behind my apartment in the Middle Ring so that she may have a place to stay when she’s in need… along with every item that I haven’t marked for donation. I leave her with my travel bag and all of the items I have locked within it. Most importantly, I leave behind the bank account I created for her and everything within it.” He takes out two sets of keys, a card, and Grayson’s travel bag. You hold your breath as you reach out and brush your fingers over it. It was covered in patches from all of the places she visited and as you shakily lift one of the handles you see your name sewed into it.
“All you have to do is sign that you’ve received these items and you’re good to go.” Garrett hands you a pen and slides a document over to you. Your scan the page first to make sure you weren’t signing for anything else. When you were satisfied with what you didn’t find, you sign your name and hand it back to him.
“About the lineagefasting…” You trail off uncertainly.
“Once you choose which name to keep, you can send me a letter and I’ll switch things around for you.” Garrett says kindly.
“Can we do that right now?” You ask.
“Of course!” Garrett chuckles and slides another paper towards you, “Grayson said you might say that, so I had it on hand.” You can’t help the small laugh that escapes your lips. You hurriedly fill out the form and stare down at it before nodding in determination.
“Here you go.” You slide it back across the desk before grabbing your items and standing, “Where’s the bathroom if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Down the hall, third door on your right.” Garrett points, “And… despite the circumstances, it was nice to meet you, Miss Hirana.”
“It was nice to meet you too, Garrett.” You nod at him and head to the bathroom. You lock the door behind you and gingerly place the bag on the floor. You look at yourself in the mirror and shake your head. ‘This is now or never, Y/n.’ It only takes you a few seconds to take off your robe and fold it up. You reach into your hoodie pocket and pull out the drawstring bag it came in. You drop them into there along with your keys and card, before slinging it across your back. You let your hair down, tucking it into your hoodie and pulling the hood up. ‘Gotta pin that in place so my hood doesn’t fall.’ You grin at the cat ears you sewed onto the hood before grabbing the travel bag and heading for the window.
‘I don’t think this is why you taught me how to open a window, mama… but this is what I’m using it for.’ You mentally apologize as you pop the window open. You toss your bag out before jumping through and pulling yourself out. You let out a soft grunt as your feet hit the pavement. With a wave of your hand, the window reseals itself and you grin in success.
“Ready to go, Miss Hirana?” Cardin smirks as he kicks off of the wall next to you. He was dressed in casual clothes instead of the robes from earlier.
“Ready.” You grin, pick up your bag and run for the entrance of the alleyway. Cardin laughs and grabs your hand, guiding you down to the docks. You stop running once you’re a good distance from the Charter Building. Your heart is racing from the running but also from what you’re doing. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this! They’re going to be so pissed off!’
“What’s the first thing you’re going to do?” Cardin glances at you as you reach the dock entrance.
“I’m going cliff diving.” You say seriously, “I need a good swim.”
“Can I tag along?” Cardin asks excitedly, “Can I bring the crew?”
“You and your crew are welcome.” You giggle, “But, aren’t you going hunting once you get home?”
“Yes. Yes, he is.” Orum smirks down from on the boat, “Buut, I guess we can hold off for a day.” He winks and holds his hand out. You hand him the travel bag before jumping up and grabbing his hand. Orum pulls you onto the boat and you’re instantly dragged away by Zenita. She takes you into the cabin of the boat as the engine starts up. They wanted to be out on the water before they sent people to look for you.
“She’s here!” Zenita announces and you’re happily greeted by your family.
“I’ve officially left the Kiramman name behind.” You announce, “Once I’m eighteen, all of my records in Piltover will switch over and be adjusted.”
“I’d say welcome to the family, but you’ve been a part of it for a while now.” June grins.
“Now, come here and give your grandmother a hug!” Grandmother Jess playfully demands. With a giggle, you go over to her and give her a hug. You spend some time down in the cabin until you’re told that you’re clear of Piltover. You head out onto the deck and let your hoodie down as you approach the railing. You stare out at the water as an indescribable feeling washes over you. ‘I’ve left, mama. You may not be here, but I left. I’m going home. I’m going to Ionia.’
“How do you feel?” Grandmother Haruli leans against the railing next to you.
“Honestly…” You take a moment to find the word, “Free. I feel free, grandmother.” You say blissfully. ‘Even though mama is gone… I feel free.’
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The first thing Sevika noticed when she woke up was the lack of feeling in her left arm. Then it was the quiet voices and soft snorting that had her opening her eyes. The room was dim with the only light coming from the lanterns hanging beside her. Sevika furrows her brow when she feels a weight next to her side. She looks over and sees Powder snuggled up against her, hands protectively holding the hospital gown where her arm should be. ‘Powder?’ Sev reaches out and touches the blue-haired girl’s head to verify she’s not hallucinating.
“Hey, Sev.” Krow’s silky voice has her turning to her right, “It’s nice to see you awake.”
“Bonesaw says there was no way to save your arm. He and the nurses tried to find one but any attempt woulda ended up with the ‘grene.” Ran sighs, running a hand through their hair, “You’re gonna have’ta augment.”
“I’d rather lose my arm than my life.” Sevika rasps. Gangrene wasn’t something she wanted to mess with, “I’m fine with augmenting. That won’t be an issue for me, but how are the kids? I can see one of them.” She motions to Powder.
“Ah, the chipmunk refused to leave your side once she was cleared by the healers. You came outta surgery and she’s been here ever since.” Robin grins, tossing her red braid over her shoulder, “Said you need someone here for you if you woke up before they said you would.”
“And the other two?” Sevika asks, gently stroking Powder’s hair. ‘The kid really stayed with me? She doesn’t even know me that well, yet she cares enough about me to stay?’
“Claggor will make a full recovery. Doc’s impressed. Said he’s got a skull of steel to only get a cracked bone.” Ran shrugs, “Mylo lost his right eye. It got ruptured by some debris, but again, he’s lucky to be alive.”
“Did he choose to augment?”
“Nah.” Krow shakes her head, “Glass eye and fake cover. He didn’t want to deal with the upkeep an augment would require. Doc is gonna give him the option again when he’s eighteen.”
“Okay.” Sevika sighs, “Did they find Violet?”
“…No. We searched the last place her sister saw her, but there… was a lot of blood, Sev. The kid has been marked as missing for now, but people are suspecting she might be dead.”
“That’s a conversation we’re going to have to have with Powder.” Sevika frowns, glancing at the young girl.
“So we’re taking the kids in?” Robin smirks, “You sure about that, boss?”
“I owe it to Vander.” Sevika says sternly, “He took us in, didn’t he? I’d be an asshole if I let his kids live on the streets. They wouldn’t last without Vi.”
“Oh, one more thing before we let the Doc know you’re up.” Ran gives a sly smile, making Sevika raise an eyebrow, “You’ve been chosen as the next leader of Zaun. The vote was unanimous.”
“What was the deciding factor?” Sevika blinks.
“People respect you. And, taking an explosion to the face and living only makes you scarier.”
“I guess it’s up to me to change this shitty place.” Sevika snorts, “Who would’ve thought I’d go from gang leader to Zaun’s Leader.”
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
Is your house big enough for 10 people 🫠 I can feel myself melting away thinking about the problems you will face 😮‍💨 but having anime people in your house how cool is that 😎
We can make it work. Due to financial and legal reason, my sibling and I have been unable to move out of our parents' home. Here's a preview from what I have written so far that explains how all of them will fit:
When I was 4 1/2 years old, we had to move because my mom's job changed locations. At that same time she was pregnant with my younger sibling, so we also moved into a bigger home. My parents were sold a house they couldn't afford the upkeep on, but they wouldn't understand that for several years. And because of the crashing housing bubble, job markets, and person taste, my parents out right denied the idea of selling the house to get a smaller place we could actually properly take care of. Our roof has poorly patch, holes, and our siding is rotting -to name some of the growing problems. However, it did have a few more rooms than the average house. Both of my parents were hoarders and 7 years after my mom's death, we were still clearing out her things, and fighting my father from adding to the problem. Luckily, in the past few years we had managed to mostly clear out the 2 rooms that had once been a dining room(now "the back room"), and home office (now "the den"). It would be cramped, but we would be able to fit all 9 of them. Both the living room and the den each have a sofa with a pullout queen mattress, and since my dad was a literal hoarder that wouldn't let us throw things out, we have another old queen mattress in our basement, and a king mattress blocking the coat closet. The two old mattresses could be laid on the floor in the back room next to the den. All 4 of those would be enough to fit 9 people ....even with Hina being a giant. I decided to leave the end decisions for who would sleep where to our guests. If they could run a country, they could figure out who was going to sleep where on their own.
Since I was little, my parents pulled out of their pensions and 401Ks multiple times to keep us afloat, so we wouldn't have to move :( We've only been surviving since my mom died, because of me working, and my mom leaving a bunch in savings that my dad uses to pay utilities and most of the food bill. My dad can't work, so I have been the one paying the mortgage, insurance, and taxes for the house too. There are still a few more years left before it will be payed off. Since the house is falling apart it's an eyesore, so we are being charged higher taxes then our neighbors. (This is a common tactic to kick out "problem" families instead of helping them.) Once the house is paid off, I can start putting money aside to be able to try fixing the house, and hopefully get our taxes lowered.
In the fanfic, I plan to have Sin and the Generals work enough to help us, so it won't focus on our struggles. I am planning on having one chapter as set up, and then any other requests for things to happen in the reverse isekai AU will be chapters after that. :D
Me and my younger sibling, Lyly, have discussed reverse isekai for a ton of series before, so we already have some plans for how it could work, and what we would do. Since I started working on this in June of '22, I have talked to my family about what we would do, and how we might make it work. The excerpt I put above is something I talked to them about earlier today, actually XD We talked for over an hour about the different characters and how they might be able to help us too. My whole household knows Magi because I live here and they can't get me to shut up about it XD They've both seen the full anime for Magi and Adventures; Lyly has read a bit of both manga but didn't finish. Everyone in this house agrees that Ja'far is a lot like Lyly, so my dad said he'd be comfortable with Ja'far helping him with paperwork stuff. He also wants to know more about Hina after learning that he's also a widower and over 50 y/o. So it's going to be fun writing how all of them help us get out of the red :3
For all the people that have dm'd me asking if Lyly will ever isekai into Sindria's Prophet after reading my diary comic, "Mori the Webcomic," the answer is: probably not because I don't want to ever misrepresent them. I will write some one shots where it happens for fun, and they will be in this reverse iskekai AU. Lyly is taking a semi active roll with the writing for any chapter that they appear in.
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daniveigt · 2 years
This side of us - Chapter 1
Summary: Yn solo and Poe Dameron have been friends since they met. But if you look closely you'll see that maybe they love each other. or not?
Warnings: star wars references. a little sad, but nothing too heavy. yn does not speak as a way to deal with feelings.
Word Count: 2K
A\N: I started writing this fanfic today and I'm already finishing her 2nd episode. I'll try to do something small, with less than 10 chapters, but in a detailed way that explores the novel and all the last 3 films in the Star Wars saga. Tomorrow I'll try to bring the next chapter. English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistake. I'm new to the Star Wars world too, so if there's any mistake in history, tell me!!! I hope you like it, I love you poe dameron  
GIF It's not mine! credits to the creator, 
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No one never understood what was going on between Poe dameron and Y/N solo. Even the elders of the resistance, who saw the girl grow up, didn't understand what was going on. Since the day Poe set foot at the base of the resistance he and Y/n they became best friends. Those who saw from afar thought they were just friends, but for those closest to the two they saw that they had something else.
Even for Leia it was obvious. Poe arrived after what happened at the Jedi temple. She'd rather not think about it. Sometimes she'd rather think her son was on another planet doing something instead of being on some empire ship. And the brother was somewhere training younger Jedi. 
Leia embraced Poe as her son. Especially after her saw how he helped Y/N after... 
Y/N was a little older than Ben. Her uncle, Luke, trained her a little earlier than her brother. The day Ben left, she was gone of the temple. She had completed her Jedi training. She was coming home with BC-2, her droid. When she got home she was greeted by her parents crying. Not happiness. It was the first time she saw her father cry. And the last time she saw her mother cry was in the birth of, well, him. 
She didn't understand. She had seen her brother the day before. He was fine. He had joked about some other Jedi student, who for some reason couldn't carry the saber. They laughed, she cried when she said goodbye. She hugged her uncle and promised she'd be back in a month. 
Why didn't they send her any transmissions? She would have come back, talked to him. Your brother would understand you. Wouldn`t? He was afraid, he must have thought he let his uncle down and ran away to the evil side of the force.
She didn't say anything for six months. It was her way of dealing with the situation. In the third month they received the news that they most feared for an empire spy. He was being trained by Snoke. 
2 weeks after that news Han Solo and Chewie left. 
She understood. For some reason she always understood people. It was their way of dealing with it. Leia got into work. She said it was just work, but Y/N knew that while she was working, she was looking for him. 
What about Y/N? She helped with the resistance. Going on missions, helping some refugees from cities taken by the empire, and running all over the base when she was left with nothing to do. 
When Poe arrived he wondered if he had made the right decision to join the resistance. He was 23 years old and had lost so much. It was presented to everyone except Y/N. The younger people at the base did not understand her, especially why she did not speak. The older ones knew, but they didn't say why. 
The younger ones said that since she was a Jedi and could not say anything if she did could die, others said that her voice could kill everyone. Poe thought this idea was stupid, just another gossip. He had seen her from a distance, and had already realized that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 
Their first interaction was in a meeting. Actually, it wasn't exactly an interaction. He was talking to one of the mechanics after the meeting, and as he looked into his eyes he saw a flash of fear and gave an apology and left. When he went to protest he felt a hand on his shoulder. To his surprise he turned and saw her, C3-PO and her droid, BC-2.
"Hello Mr. Poe Dameron. Miss Y/N would like to congratulate you on your flight on the last mission." As C3-PO spoke, Poe couldn't take his eyes out of her eyes. He knew she was pretty, but when he saw her up close he ran out of air. Y/N also looked at him, but in a more uncomfortable way. It's been so long for her since anyone actually looked at her. Suddenly Poe became aware that he was not breathing and pulled the air in a very noisy way. "An, it's... An, o-thank you lady, hm Lady Y/N." Poe had a shock, because he realized it was the first time a woman had him stutter. And Y/N hadn't even exchanged a syllable with him. 
"She also wanted to ask about the maneuver you made when that ship came towards you, could you explain?" C3-PO said again and Poe explained quickly, leaving no opportunity for him to stutter again. Y/N heard everything looking directly at his face, paying more attention than she paid for in the Jedi lessons with Luke. When he finished explaining C3-PO looked at y/n, in which she waved and the droid returned to look at Poe. "Thank you Mr Poe Dameron, mrs y/n is grateful. If you'll excuse me, I have some obligations to deal with right now. I hope I helped you Ma'am." Then the droid left, leaving Poe and Y/n. 
They stared at each other for a while longer when she realized she should leave. She turned to leave and for the first time in 6 months, in a hoarse whisper she said, "Thank you." Poe listened, and when he heard he shuddered and realized he needed to meet this woman. Y/N didn't even realize she'd spoken, she thought she'd just waved. She was so tired of the mission, she just wanted to get out of that meeting as soon as possible. But when she saw the incredible new endurance rider in the corner, looking a little lost, she knew he needed to exchange some interaction with him.
As soon as the meeting was over she pulled the protocol droid into an empty corner and asked him to mediate the conversation. She realized that she had "talked" to someone besides her mother for the first time the next day. She was so ashamed that her hands trembled all day. She thanked her that she didn't have to go out with the x-wing that day, because she knew that before she left the hangar she would lose control. 
Leia meet Poe 3 days later. She had finally taken some time to talk to the new resistance star. Where she was going she hear about the amazing new pilot. She called the boy into her office and talked. They spent 30 minutes talking nonstop. It seemed little, but they met and Leia could already see the good-hearted man and the boy hiding behind his face. She had a brief perception with the force, that this man could one day take her place as a general. Who knows even maybe with YN´s help.
As Poe was about to leave he turned around and asked Leia, "General, do you know Mrs. Y/n?" "Yes, I do, why?" Leia realized that Poe did not know that Y/n was her daughter, but did not mention this fact. She wanted to know what he was going to say. "She, um, talked to me. I mean, she didn't talk to me. C3-PO spoke for her. But, um I... You know what? I have to go, have a good day, General!" And so Poe left leaving the woman surprised. 
Her daughter didn't talk to anyone but her, she knew. Even if it was by C3-PO it was already a major breakthrough. She saw an interest in Poe for the girl, but kept that information to her. 
3 weeks later she had one idea. She was going to send both in a mission. Leia sent them together because she realized that even if they didn't talk they felt comfortable with each other. At all the meetings they sat nearby, at lunchtime they sat together. If Poe was somewhere Y/N was next to him, and if Y/N was somewhere, Poe would be there. 
The mission was pretty simple actually. Go to this uninhabitable planet, where it had been the last base of the resistance and seek some plans and reports of ancient missions. But it would last at least two weeks to get back and going. Poe accepted and went to pack his things. He didn't question it. He wasn't excited about the mission itself, but he knew it was an oportunnity going in a mission with Y/n. He wanted to at least try to talk to her. She didn't have to answer if she didn't want to. 
But Y/N knew her mother was up to something. She wouldn't send a Jedi and one of her best pilots just to pick up some old plans that no longer make sense these days. "What are you up to?" Her hoarse voice because of disuse brought a shiver all over her body, but she ignored him. Her mother looked at her and smiled. "Nothing dear. Now go and pack your things. Before you go come here to say goodbye to me, all right?" Y/n stared at her mother a little more and headed out towards his room. Together some clothes, took a blaster and the saber. She stopped by the office, hugged her mother and she said goodbye with a look saying 'take care'. She didn't want to lose another son. 
Poe was waiting outside the ship assigned to them. For some reason the news that he was going on a mission with the girl had already spread all over the base. Had he just received the assignment for the mission, how everyone already knew? And how did they know he was going with Y/n? Some of the mechanics and pilots who passed him wishing good luck. But he knew it wasn't good luck for the mission. He knew it was 'good luck to deal with the girl'. He understood the message between the lines. 
Y/n knew about all the theories that they had about her, but she knew she had more important things to deal with. Like a brother in the empire, a missing uncle, a missing father who refused to say where he was and only responded to her broadcasts by telling the latest news and that he was fine. And the war she knew was imminent. 
The girl quickly passed through all the corridors and went to the hangar, finding Poe and her droid playing. It was kind of funny. Y/N put her hand on his back and Poe who was kneeling to reach the time of the droid. Poe looked up and found her eyes. She waved toward the ship. A small one, but one that had enough room for both of them and the droids. 
"Yes, of course, let's go. Come BB-8." Before he even got up right he had already taken the bag off her shoulders and walked to the entrance of the ship leaving no time for her to deny the attitude. Y/N, confused, went up the ramp and while Poe kept her purse she began to turn on the ship and close the ramp. While Y/N sat in place of co-pilot Poe came to take control of the ship. "Let's get this baby off the ground." 
Y/N took a deep breath, knowing it would be a long 2 weeks without speaking.
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daintydoie · 2 years
right where you left me
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pairing: im jaebeom × park jinyoung (got7/jjp)
wc: 10.3k || 4/4 chapters
tags: post-break up, exes, friends to lovers, past relationship(s), flashbacks, fluff and angst
language: english
excerpt from chapter 1
The sun reaches its highest point on this chilly Saturday afternoon. Although there aren’t an overwhelming number of cars today, Jinyoung makes an effort to leave his house earlier than usual. He hasn’t seen his family in around 4 months due to his incredibly busy job, and him and his sisters made a bet on who could get to their parents’ house first. With an overnight bag in the passenger seat and his hands on the steering wheel, Jinyoung drives through the high rise buildings and billboards.
He reaches the main bridge that connects the city to the small towns in the countryside. It’s been a while since he passed this bridge, fewer cars here than he expected. After a couple more minutes, he sees his old hometown.
Although Jinyoung came to visit many times before, his hometown still gives off a timeless feel. The grass green and well kept, the simple rustic style of the houses, the neighbourhood children biking with their friends outside. It seemed like most of it stayed the same, minus the residents perhaps. Jinyoung drives past the other houses, as if he was in his school bus coming back home. He finds a house with a dark brown exterior and parks in front of it. Even though his parents are planning to have it repainted, he’ll miss the old brown wood color of their house. He takes his bag from the passenger seat and exits the car. The path leading to the door has small weeds, and his mother’s outdoor plants still look very much alive. He lifts his hand to ring the doorbell, but he hears someone opening the front door.
“The dishwasher has finally arrived!” His oldest sister, Minyoung, answers the door. Jinyoung looks at her, confused. While leaving his shoes near the doorway, he sees his other sister, Hwayoung, in the middle of eating lunch. “Huh? Since when did both of you get here?” “Half an hour ago.” Hwayoung answers while moving to the side and patting the seat next to her. “You guys left earlier, didn’t you?” He puts his bag down. “We left at noon, you’re just salty that you lost the bet!” Minyoung sticks her tongue at him while walking back to the dining table.
“Jinyoung, my son!” His mother gives him a warm hug and kisses his cheek. “I hope the dishes aren’t too much for you.” “Don’t worry mom, I’ll wash them all.” He side eyes his sisters, snickering while shoving kimchi rice in their mouths. “Jinyoung!” His dad calls him over. “Sit down and eat before Minyoung and Hwayoung finish it all.” Jinyoung hangs his coat and sits next to Hwayoung at the table. His mother hands him a bowl of kimchi stew and puts bulgogi on his plate. He takes a spoonful of the stew, still tastes the same even after so long, like the times he requested his mother to make it while he does his homework.
While he catches up with the rest of his family, they hear the doorbell ring. His mom stands up and goes to answer the door. “Oh, Mrs. Im!” The siblings look to the door. “Oh! I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” “No, don’t worry!” The rest of the family politely greet Mrs. Im. “Nice to know the kids came to visit. Um, could I ask for some extra ingredients? I’ll pay you back after today.” “Yes, of course! What do you need?” “Just some tofu. My son decided to surprise me with a visit today!”
Jinyoung suddenly stops eating. Jaebeom’s back? Why would he be back?
Minyoung and Hwayoung notice, and they look at their little brother worryingly. Hwayoung gently places her hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Jaebeom? Isn’t he supposed to be in America?” “That’s what I thought too! When I saw him at the doorstep, I told him: What are you doing here?!” Mrs. Im laughs at her own story. “Turns out they gave him a week off, and he flew all the way here! He’s staying at some hotel but he dropped by earlier. He’ll come back here again since I’m preparing dinner for him.”
Jinyoung stands up from the table and goes to the fridge to look for tofu. He finds it and gives it to Mrs. Im. “Oh, thank you Jinyoung!” She takes it from him. “Wow! You look so mature! And so do Minyoung and Hwayoung!” She turns to his mother. “You raised such diligent adults.” His mother proudly smiles at her children. “Oh, Jinyoung! Jaebeom is just walking around in this area, do you want me to call him and tell him you’re here too?”
“Oh no, you don’t have to.” Jinyoung hesitates a bit with his answer. “I’ll just find him and surprise him myself.”
They wave Mrs. Im goodbye and return to the table. Minyoung and Hwayoung give each other a look, surprised with Jinyoung’s answer. They say nothing and continue eating, occasionally glancing at their brother.
continue reading!
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hotaru987-the-2nd · 3 years
Mine. His. Ours Pt. 2
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Rindo Haitani x f!reader x Ran Haitani
Pt. 1 // Pt. 3
warnings: gaslighting, a’lil spanking, manipulation, dom/sub, cum play, cum swallowing, subby reader, degradation, dacryphilia, daddy kink, sugar daddy!Rindo, I suck a dialogue, I promise…m’not a writing blog…it’s just a phase
The second chapter was already 5k words and I wasn’t even halfway finished so I decided to split it, and turn the 3 parter into a 4 parter. 
Word count: approx. 3.7k
DNI if a minor please! You will be insta blocked if you don’t have ages in bio! Or some indication you aren’t a minor. Please read this. First and only warning.
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The soft sounds of your high pitched mewls and cries filled the otherwise empty room. You sounds mixing with the obscene squelching growing increasingly louder with every bounce of your hips. Through hazy eyes you looked at the man straddled between your legs, sitting comfortable against the back of the sofa. 
One hand playfully toying with a lock of your hair, freshly curled and styled from some overpriced salon you never even heard of. And the other with two fingers buried deep inside of your slobbering cunt after having pushed aside the light, baby blue lingerie you bought earlier today. 
The fingers inside didn’t so much as twitch while he watched with a lecherous grin that curled over his perfectly straight teeth as you struggled to fuck yourself on his fingers.
“D-daddy...ah, please I can’t…” You grind your hips down, the stretch from his fingers enough to stimulate you but not nearly enough to make up cum. You sobbed, a hiccup forming from frustration. Your hips were burning from doing this for 30 minutes straight, and despite your struggles you couldn’t get that pressure in your gut to pop. 
“What’s wrong? My pretty babydoll can’t cum without me?” Rindo snickered, cock twitching heavily in his pants from your expression. He never got tired of seeing your eyes darken with hedonistic pleasure, and desire for nothing but him. Easily submitting to his every word. Trembling from the slightest touches. 
But the one thing he loved to see more than anything was the way your tight little cunt stretched around his fingers and cock when he fucked you dumb. “If you wanna cum you gotta put some more work into it. Come’on, move those hips.”
Never did you think your life would take this sort of turn, and you could clearly imagine what the people back home would think of you if they saw you now. The judgmental looks in their eyes as they side-eyed you, just barely able to hide their criticisms behind tense smiles and just dying to get out of earshot to let their true feelings out. 
What about your parents or your grandparents who cheered you on as you attended college, dreaming of a bigger, brighter future that would take you out of your little town? If they were still alive would they be disappointed? No, you knew they would be. If they were still alive you don’t know if you’d be able to face them. 
The guilt of turning your back on everything you worked for just because of a pair of pretty eyes and a silver tongue would eat you alive.
And the first few days of your new life of luxury was so new to you, you didn’t exactly know what to do with yourself. Rindo of course had his own things to do so he couldn’t stay with you, but without his presence to distract you from the reality of your decisions you were left confused, ashamed and embarrassed. Which was why you always looked forward to the evenings since that was when Rindo would return home and you could fall into his arms, letting him spoil you for the next few hours. 
You never saw yourself as someone to throw everything away for some guy and yet here you were sitting idly in his apartment that was nearly 5 times the size of your old place. Just you, the quiet and your thoughts.
It was the morning of your 4th day. Your eyes drifted over to the glass coffee table in front of the black sofa you had curled yourself on, silently observing the two items sitting on it. One was the latest phone model that Rindo had given you the first day you arrived. Already programmed with his number and the number of the guards he had assigned to the front of the building.
The second was a shiny little, plastic black card that felt way more daunting then the cheap material it was made of would’ve suggested. You hadn’t used it yet, could barely even look at it for too long without feeling weird. I mean, you couldn’t just go out and spend money that wasn’t yours. Perhaps it was your past lifestyle but you were about halfway to passing out whenever you spent a measly 1000 yen. You even looked up your situation online, and learned about the term ‘Sugar daddy’.
But today you didn’t have a choice. You promised Rindo that you’d go out and buy yourself something nice. Sure it was a promise made while he was three fingers deep inside of your pussy, and after 3 denied orgasms, punishing you for how many days you confined yourself to the apartment without going outside. But a promise was a promise, and it wasn’t like you weren’t appreciative of everything Rindo has done for you.
Despite your morning after nerves, meeting Rindo was an upgrade. You didn’t have to do or want for anything any more, and all you had to do was be his good girl and make him happy. And that was all you wanted to do. Seeing that proud look in his gorgeous eyes whenever he’d whisper “That’s my babydoll”, was the only thing you wanted. You craved it to your very core, and if going out and having fun would make him proud, then nerves be damned.
Which was how you got here, whining, begging, for Rindo ruin your body however he saw fit.
“I-I’m, i’m--ahh...trying!” With trembling thighs you raised yourself up, using his shoulders as leverage, then letting gravity take over to slam his fingers fast, hard and deep. Your soft, gummy was squeezing and pulling at his fingers with every wet pap of his palm slapping your throbbing clit. “Daddyyy~” 
“Yes?” He answered with a teasing grin as though he didn’t know what you wanted. And you knew he was doing this on purpose. Not giving you the stimulation that your body had been taught to crave after only a week of being his pretty new toy. He knew how to wind up your body until you were but a snap away from losing your sanity, and keeping you there until he was ready to see you plunge into that abyss of mind numbing pleasure. “What’s wrong? You said you wanted my fingers. Are you saying you want more?”
You nodded frantically, rolling your hips forward and back to feel the rub of his hand on your clit. Jolting and shuddering from the sensations. “Hmm, my babydoll is so greedy.” With an amused chuckle he brought the lock of hair he was playing with to his lips. “Then tell daddy what you want. Maybe I’ll give it to you.”
His words alone were enough to leave you lightheaded. His soft whisper holding so much power, and authority that it seeped into your very bones to make them melt. The frenzied lust he was able to stir up inside of you making you needy for him. Large tears spilled over your lashes, chest heaving from your desperate breaths. Enticing Rindo’s eyes to sweep over your bared breast, nipped pebbled into sharp points in an ignored invitation that made your pout deepen on your lips. 
“M-move your fing-ahh!” You let out a sharp gasp of breath that quickly turned to a moan of pain. Entire body rocking from the violent, unforgiving smack on your right ass cheek. You literally curled in on yourself, stopping all movements and pressed up against Rindo’s chest. Making yourself as pliant and obedient as possible by making your gaze lower than his. A dog-like whimper tumbling from your lips as you looked up with wide, terrified eyes.
“...Y/n…” Any trace of his earlier felicity warped into something ruthless and deadly. Bleeding into the dark purples of his eyes. Even in your blind lust and insatiable need to cum, you instantly reacted to the flat, warning tone in his voice. But even without that just the way he used your actual name would put you on your best behavior. 
“Is the only thing in that dumb little brain of yours is thinking about cumming that you can’t even remember your manners?” He tapped at your temple as you hiccupped with another cry of fresh tears, when clapped your ass again, the rings on his fingers leaving impressions on your reddening flesh.
“Am I going to have to teach you again?” SMACK “You know daddy doesn’t like repeating himself.”
You moaned, pushing your body further against his in an attempt to draw away from your punishment. But even though it hurt, the sting of every hit left behind a shameful thrill that only made you want more. And Rindo scoffed seeing the conflict of pain and pleasure tumbling across your drunken expression. “This is supposed to be a punishment, but my little Y/N seems to be a pain slut.” Your watery eyes searched for his with a pout, shaking your head slightly. “D-don’t say that…”
“But that’s what you are, hm? You like it when I slap your ass like this don’t you.” This time he reached over to hit your left side. A moan falling from your lips from the vibrations. “See I knew it. I can feel your sloppy cunt clenching around my fingers, Y/N.” 
Again your heart twisted painfully in your chest, eyes wide with desperation and distress. And a ruthless, knowing smirk filled your vision. His eyes once again sparkling with playfulness. Rindo knew that no matter what he did with your body you’d take it. He could smack your plump ass black and blue, and you’d still find some way to cum like a whore. Something like that didn’t count as a punishment. “What’s that look for, Y/n? It’s true, you’re nearly about to break my fingers off.”
“Daddy s-stop that...m’not Y/n...” You sniffed trying to kiss him but he grabbed your hair to stop you. You thought you’d outright sob at that. “But aren’t you? That’s your name right? Y/n.” 
When he said your name again you heard the cracks of something just about to break inside of you. And Rindo’s intense gaze didn’t miss it. By now the tears in your eyes weren’t from pleasure, but the knife he slowly wedged into the cracks of your emotions as he manipulated them to their breaking point. Still he knew just how far to go before pulling back. He didn’t want to break you, but help build up your tolerance. No, he planned to keep you for a long time. 
“No...I’m daddy’s babydoll...not Y/n.” Your voice quivered, fingers digging into the wrinkled dress shirt he still wore. It’s not like he never called you by your name. Sure he did and you always loved to hear the way it sounded coming from his mouth. But during times like this he never used your name except for when you were being bad. That was engraved into your mind very early on, and now when you heard it under this situation you felt like just another stranger to him. 
Rindo hummed at your whining, dragging his fingers across your face. And you shuddered at the contact, “I don’t think so. My babydoll knows how to mind her manners and ask daddy properly for what she wants. You haven’t even apologize for being so rude, have you Y/n?” Before you could think about shying your eyes away in shame he stole your chin, a stern look on his face. “Have you?” He took note of the way you trembled and the harsh smack of your breath against his face. He knew by now you were just about to fall from that cliff but before you could he grabbed your hand pulling you back into his arms -- softening his gaze and even slotting his lips over yours in a chaste kiss. “But since daddy’s so nice I’ll forgive you if you just say ‘sorry daddy’.”
Like a man drowning you clung to Rindo, sobbing and whining your ‘m’sorry daddy’ into his lips with every kiss he offered you. He chuckled softly, soothing back your hair as you greedily accepted any form of praise he deigned to give. “There’s my babydoll, daddy missed her. Don’t go running off on me again, ya hear.”
“Y-yes…*hic*...yes d-daddy….” You sniffled, completely emotionally drained from the rollercoaster of high-tension you went through in the span of 10 minutes. Rindo gave you a few moments to relax into his chest, his hand working calming patterns into your hip while you nuzzled into his neck. But soon he was nudging you with his chin and you looked up at him. Clearly exhausted but still so eager to please him. Fuck, you were just too perfect. Too cute. 
“We’re still not done babydoll,” He moved his fingers that had been still inside of you the entire time. Nailing that spongy party of you the second he curled his fingers. And as tired as you were the build up from before came back in an instant. “Daddy wants to see his babydoll gush on his fingers. Think I deserve it after today, no?”
You nodded, slowly rocking your hips to the rhythm of his fingers. “Mmmm-daddy...p-please…please make me cum!” It didn’t take very long at all. Just a few well placed strokes of his skillful fingers, you came hard. Entire body convulsing in his grip, and your moans muffled by the press of his tongue down your throat. You were spent after that, your mind drifting in and out of unconsciousness. 
Faintly you felt his fingers retract from inside of you only to be replaced by something thicker and warmer, but you didn’t have the strength to do anything. Not that Rindo cared, more than satisfied with using you as no more than a flesh light.
One thing Rindo loved about you was how always adapted to whatever instructions he gave you. Even if in the beginning you were apprehensive, it only took a few soft touches or pretty words to have you tripping over your feet to do as he said. And though you weren’t the first, you were certainly the easiest to manipulate. He thought it was cute how the first few days you seemed so skittish about spending his money, yet before the end of the 1st week you were already happily spending upwards of 100,000yen in a single day. Then showing him all the little outfits you bought, perfectly tailored to his taste. His favorite part always being when you shyly strip down in front of him to flaunt the new lingerie underneath. 
With just a single look he could have you on your knees, mouth full of his cock. And you’d just sit there, pretty mouth wide open for him to pump full of his cum until his balls were sucked dry. And though you finished pulling every single drop out of his spent cock, the way you’d smile after showing him just how much of a good girl you were swallowing everything he gave you, always had him ready to stuff you again even if he was already over sensitive.
How could he stop when you gave him that cock-hungry look? And was pawing at his crotch the very second he stepped through the door? His previous dolls all broke so easily, but you were different. You took everything he gave like a champ. Which was why he thought it was about time to move to the next step. A little earlier than usual, but he had faith his babydoll could take it. With that in mind he made a quick call.
You vaguely remember Rindo mentioned his brother on your first night together, but never put much thought into it and he didn’t bring it up again. So when Rindo called you out to the front room you were surprised to see a taller man, with slick back hair and similar purple eyes. He was sharply dressed in an expensive looking suit, both hands tucked into his pocket. To you he looked very relaxed and had a mature vibe, but the sharp look in his eyes intimidated you. So you shuffled behind Rindo to hide yourself tightly gripping the edges of his suit.
“This is her?” The guy asked, voice curling over your ears so buttery smooth, you felt ashamed at the way your heart jumped. It was different from Rindo’s, who always seemed to have an amused lilt to his tone. This guy’s voice, however, was steady and could almost be mistaken for being disinterested in everything around him. Well if it wasn’t for the way his lips faintly twitched in the same way that Rindo’s did when he was plotting something.
“Mh-hm.” Rindo glanced at you over his shoulder, “But seems she’s still a bit shy. Come’on Y/n, let my brother see that pretty face of yours.” 
You blushed from the compliment, your surprise clear on your face that this man was Rindo’s brother. But as you continued to pussyfoot behind Rindo, your blush darkened. Staring imploringly at Rindo hoping he remembered your current predicament. But he tactfully ignored you instead pulling you in front of him and to the mercy of the other man’s eyes.
“You were right. She looks...promising.” The meaningful way those words dripped from his lips as his eyes unabashedly appraised your body  made you involuntarily shiver. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by both men in the room. “I’m that one’s older brother, Ran Haitani. Wanna tell me your name, kitten?” 
Rindo’s hands tightened on your waist after a few beats of silence, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Now, that’s not nice. You’re not going to answer?” 
You cut your eyes at Rindo. He knew why you weren’t saying anything. There’s no way he forgot. But the way he continued to feign ignorance only made you want to pout, but was too afraid to relax your lips lest something spills out. Besides, you looked nervously at Ran then quickly looked back at Rindo. Why was he doing this in front of his brother?
Finally a look of recognition flashed through his eyes, his mouth opening in an exaggerated ‘oh’. “That’s right, your mouth is a little preoccupied right now isn’t.” 
You shuffled nervously in his hold, grabbing his hand with wide panicked eyes. You wanted to say something but the heavy, and thick swish of what was in your mouth kept you silent. Rindo turned you around, before throwing a look behind you at Ran, who quickly caught on his brow raising in interest.
“Guess it’s my fault you can’t speak right now, so I’ll let this slide. Open up, babydoll. Let me check that it’s all still there.”
You could feel Ran’s eyes boring into you from behind. You couldn’t believe that your first time meeting your boyfriend’s family you were sitting here with said boyfriend’s cum in your mouth! The thought alone was enough to make you want to run into a ditch and call that your new home for the foreseeable future. There was no way he was seriously going to do this here though...right? 
His head tilted a bit in question, his smirk never faltering. Ok, he was serious. Well...if you were honest there was a part of you that felt aroused at being watched while being your daddy’s good babydoll. And seeing as Ran’s arrival had interrupted the two of you before you got the chance to cum you were still very much horny. Rindo didn’t miss the way your posture shifted. Grazing his finger across the tremble of your jaw, and slowly you tilted your head back and opening your mouth slowly.
Showing your very pleased boyfriend the mixture of your spit, and the thick globs of white cum that covered your entire mouth -- told to hold until he said you could swallow. Your heart pounded from the lewd display in front of your audience, your only saving grace that your back was to him. Well, that was until you heard Ran coming closer from behind you, and before you realized it a second pair of eyes was curiously staring into your mouth.
The rush of sudden embarrassment making your sight blur with tears and woozy, almost falling if it wasn’t for Rindo’s grip. But you didn’t close your mouth. Ran snickered, “You’re a fucking sadist. Bringing her out here like this.”
“Like you’re one to talk. This is tame to the shit you do.” Ran shrugged his eyes not once looking away.
“Besides, my babydoll doesn’t mind, does she?” Your lashes fluttered as you looked through them at Rindo. Your tongue hanging heavy out your mouth, copious amounts of white tinged drool dripping down your chin. “You want to make daddy proud don’t you?” Without thinking you nodded, “Yeah, I know you do. Go ahead pretty. Swallow.” 
Your eyes rolled shut in sheer delight. It was like you could feel every second of his cum seeping down your throat, coating it in his flavor, then landing with a satisfying stomach flipping ‘plop’ in your gut. Momentarily forgetting your audience you moan, the small taste of him making you crave for more. A thumb grazed up your chin collecting the cum-spit mixture that escaped and pushed it back into your mouth. Your tongue welcoming the digit, curling around it and sucking gently on it.
“Hm, I don’t think this pretty kitty was given enough milk, Rindo. She still looks thirsty.” Ran’s voice pulled you back from your slight high, opening your eyes and when you did you quickly pulled away from Ran’s thumb and pushed your face into Rindo’s chest. The reality of what you just did making it impossible for you to look Ran in the face. But also Rindo, thinking he would be upset that you let another guy touch you like that.
Not even considering that you were in Rindo’s arms the entire time and if he wanted to stop his brother he easily could. When instead of being punished you were confused, peaking up at him when his chest shook with laughter. 
“That’s just because she’s a hungry little slut.”
“Guess I’ll find out soon enough.”
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 5 - zuko x fem!reader
I can go anywhere I want, I can go anywhere just not home
part 4 | masterlist | part 6
a/n: this was hard to get going but once i got to the end the words just flowed. ive come to the conclusion that writing dialogue with katara is my favorite thing to do
warning(s): nightmare at the beginning, survivor's guilt from y/n, some internalized homophobia :-( but aside from that its mostly fluff
wc: 3.6k
chapter title comes from my tears ricochet by taylor swift!
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She was trapped.
It was a prison of never ending hallways in some kind of infinite void, complete with the rank stench of death and an innate feeling of hopelessness.
Y/N knew this place. It had been the subject of her nightmares on countless occasions, because it was where she was supposed to be. She had no choice but to start down the pathway of cracked stone — she knew what awaited her, but it was the only way out. She had developed some sick sense of awareness in this nightmare and it didn’t do her any favors.
She began to walk hastily down the path, the itch of paranoia already plaguing the back of her mind. Countless times she had been here, and yet it never got better.
Before Y/N knew it, she had reached her unwanted destination. The first tangible thing in what felt like miles was a prison cell, and she pushed forward despite knowing what awaited her. It was the only way.
“It wasn’t the only way.”
She froze, inhaling sharply as the dreamscape seemed to pull her thoughts out of her mind, and she forced herself to take another step closer, the inhabitant of the cell now visible.
“You did this to me.”
It was her mother, but… not quite her. Her voice strained and stiff, a gaunt appearance with cruel eyes, hunched over in a prison cell. Any sign of the woman Y/N knew her as was gone, and it was her fault. She was the reason Kura was gone — a mother’s ultimate sacrifice because her daughter was too stuck in her head.
“How could you do this to me?” she asked. “How could you be so selfish?”
Y/N tried to respond, but she couldn’t. It was no use anyway — her words would’ve come out in broken, pleading rambles to someone who couldn’t hear a thing. She knew it was fake, she knew this was a nightmare, but it still hurt all the same.
She had imagined her mother saying those words to her so many times they had found their way into her nightmares despite knowing that Kura would never utter a single syllable true to her fears. She had all but killed her mother, and instead of remembering her for what she had done for Y/N, she appeared in her nightmares.
She was a horrible daughter.
She heard footsteps and whirled around, instinctively taking a step back and wincing as her back slammed into the bars. A tall, dark figure creeped towards her and her breath caught in her throat — as it came into the light, she recognized him as the Fire Lord.
He chuckled coldly as he neared ever closer, the path he walked turning to flames behind him. Her eyes darted around for an escape only to find that everything was on fire. It was suffocating, she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, and when she turned to look for her mother she was gone. Everything was gone, her dark void now a prison of flames.
She turned around once more and Ozai was right in front of her, the fire in his hands glowing red hot and a cruel smile on his lips.
“Did you really think you could get away that easily?”
She shot up in her bed, a scream on the edge of her lips but just barely managing to hold it back. Ragged breaths were ripped from her chest, her eyes shooting around wildly as she attempted to find anything at all to ground her. It took a few minutes, but with repeated mantras of it was just a dream and you are safe, she was able to calm down.
She pulled her knees to her chest and exhaled long and deep before pulling herself out of bed. It seemed that her day was going to be starting much earlier than planned.
Four years had passed since her arrival at the Northern Water Tribe, but the nightmares never ceased. It didn’t matter how many times she told herself she had done the right thing, that it was what her mother wanted, that if she stayed she would’ve died — she was constantly haunted by her past actions and memories of the Fire Nation.
She hasn’t taken off the necklace since her mother gave it to her, no matter what she does. It’s almost become a part of her now — a memory of Kura and her selflessness that knew no bounds, as well as a grim reminder of what it cost to get her here.
The Northern Water Tribe itself held countless memories of her mother — after all, it was where she had spent the first eighteen years of her life. Her name was well known throughout the tribe with nobles and elders alike, and it amazed Y/N to no end the impact that her mother left everywhere she went. She loved hearing stories about her mother and what she was like as a child, but it was always bittersweet.
She always carried an inherent sense of guilt with her because of who she lived with — her mother hadn’t been lying when she said that the necklace would get them to help her. Kura’s parents still lived in the tribe, and they had taken Y/N in after she revealed who she was. They loved her unconditionally and never made her feel like a burden, but Y/N would be lying to herself if she didn’t think they blamed her for the fate that befell her mother.
After all, she did.
She had never told anyone the full story of why she ran though. It was one thing to leave her mother behind for certain death because of the Fire Lord’s rage, it was another thing to admit that it was wholly her fault because she had fallen for a prince.
Not a day went by where she didn’t think of him. She still held the hope that she would see him again someday, but in lieu of travel she turned to letters.
Y/N had a shelf full of unmailed letters addressed to both Zuko and her mother — it was a way to get out her emotions whenever she was feeling particularly homesick or hopeless, and it did help at first, but after four years it had become something born out of habit rather than necessity.
She still wrote them though — Y/N had learned to hold onto any form of hope she could muster up, no matter how small, and in this moment she needed some.
She opened her shelf and rifled through piles upon piles of letters, some finished, some hardly started, and some crumpled from fits of rage, and her breath caught in her throat when her fingers brushed something different. Y/N pulled the material out and nearly started crying right then and there.
It was an unbelievably simple patch of fabric, but it meant the world to her — something that she had bought during her last night with Zuko, and one of the only pieces of material to have survived her journey to the Northern Water Tribe. She was forced to sell the rest of the fabric she had brought with her in order to make some easy money while on the run, but she had kept this as a memento. She could almost be brought back to the final sunset they shared if she looked at it for long enough.
Y/N bit down hard on her lip to stop the tears and shoved it back into the drawer before closing it and leaving her room in a haste. Sometimes she wasn’t strong enough to handle the memories.
She made her way to the living room and let out a sigh of relief when she noticed the silence. Y/N had never told her grandparents about the nightmares, and right now she just needed some time to herself. Never before was she so thankful for her grandmother’s gossiping nature and her grandfather’s work than she was in the mornings where she just wanted to be alone.
She sat down on the floor, not even bothering to get a cushion, and stared at her hands. Once smooth and untouched by the world, they were now rough and calloused with wrapped bandages resting just below her wrist. Permanent memories of what it took to get here. The ever present reminder that nothing came without a cost.
This morning seemed to be one full of yearning for the past. Y/N tried to shake her feelings off and got up once more, contemplating some steamed sea prunes before deeming it fruitless. Her appetite was lacking after her trip down memory lane.
She walked back to her room and got dressed hastily then ran out the door, but not before plucking a gift from her shelf. Today marked the birthday of a certain princess, and Y/N had to go fast if she was going to get it to her before class.
She was immediately hit by the frigid air of the North, pulling her anorak tighter around her frame as she began to run to the canals — one could always find Princess Yue there in the mornings — doing her best to avoid anyone else walking.
Y/N saw Yue just about to board one of the boats and sped up, waving one of her arms as a signal. “Yue, wait!”
She turned and her face immediately brightened up at the sight of Y/N, raising her open palm so the boatman would hold up. “Y/N! Would you like to join me?”
She raised her eyebrows. “Really?”
Yue’s nod prompted a shrug as she dropped down carefully into the gondola, taking extra care not to drop her gift, and took a seat next to her friend.
“This is a nice surprise,” Yue smiled as the boatman began to waterbend, effectively moving their gondola through the canal. “But if I might ask, what brought you here so early?”
Y/N laughed, thinking her reason for coming here obvious. “It’s your birthday, princess! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t come to wish you well in person?”
Her smile grew even brighter, the corners of her eyes creasing up in the way that made some kind of warmth blossom in Y/N’s chest. “Thank you! That’s so sweet — I’m especially honored that you woke up early just for me.”
“Of course.” Y/N brandished the gift she had been doing her best to hide, unable to do the same for her own smile. “And here’s your gift! I sewed it all myself.”
Yue gasped as she took the creation, giving it a slight squeeze and a thorough investigation before absolutely beaming. “You made me an otter penguin— oh, you know how much I love these!”
She wrapped Y/N in a tight hug before pulling away, but it was just long enough for the heat to rush to her cheeks. “Thank you so much, really. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Y/N beamed at the praise and nodded, shifting a little in her seat. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m glad you like it so much.”
The two girls grinned at each other then turned their gaze to the horizon, content to spend the rest of the ride together in comfortable silence.
Her friendship with the princess of the Northern Water Tribe was something that Y/N cherished with all her heart. She could confidently say that Princess Yue was her best friend, and she hoped it was a notion that Yue shared. As beautiful as she was kind, the princess always had a way of making her feel better on the hardest days — Yue was the only one who knew the whole truth of what happened in the Fire Nation, and she offered nothing but sympathy.
Y/N honestly didn’t know what she would do without Yue. She had been her rock during the whole process of getting situated in the tribe, always lending a helping hand when she stumbled in class or was completely oblivious to something in their culture, and she never made her feel stupid, or unwanted, or less-than for what she had come from.
The only thing that confused her about Yue was the feeling she got whenever Y/N was around her. The rushes of heat to her cheeks, the warmth blossoming in her chest, and the unusual happiness she felt anytime Yue smiled at her. The most peculiar of it all was the strange tug of jealousy any time a noble boy tried to flirt with the princess, and nothing but disinterest whenever they tried an angle on her instead.
She didn’t know what any of it meant, but she had the sneaking suspicion that it was wrong. So Y/N did the only thing she could and suppressed it.
Soon enough, though much to their chagrin, Y/N had to leave. After some exchanged hugs and one last wish of happy birthday, Y/N took off for her morning healing class. But as she hurried down the icy paths, she caught sight of the most peculiar thing.
A giant flying bison was being led through the canals with a team of waterbenders, three kids that couldn’t be any older than her on its back. One had an arrow on his head and sported orange and yellow robes, while the other two looked to be of Water Tribe descent.
Her interest was irrefutably piqued, but she didn’t have any more time to waste with gawking. So she began to run once again, apologies spilling from her lips as she maneuvered through the groups of people all just as awestruck by the strange arrival as she was. Y/N made a mental note to ask Yue about it later, but for now she was running very late to her healing class.
Sure enough, a few hours later, Y/N was able to get the answers she had been craving. She met up with Yue outside of the palace, and during a short walk, she learned that the boy was the Avatar. He had come to the Northern Water Tribe to master waterbending, and the two kids with him were his companions from the Southern Tribe — much to her excitement, the girl was a waterbender.
Needless to say, Y/N was even more enthusiastic than before, and Yue made her day by confirming that they would be coming to her birthday celebration that night as honored guests. She had already talked to her father about allowing Y/N to sit with her and he had said yes, which meant that she would get to meet him and his friends in person — it just served as a reminder that Y/N had no idea what she would do without Yue.
After what felt like hours of passing the time with lost games of Pai Sho against her grandfather and failed attempts at finishing her homework, it was finally time for the banquet. Once she arrived at the front of the palace she bid goodbye to her grandparents and went to find the seat that Yue had secured for her.
She settled down in the empty spot next to what she assumed was Yue’s — it was her birthday after all, so a dramatic entrance wasn’t out of the question — and nervously glanced at the three visitors, trying to figure out how to introduce herself.
Thankfully, she was saved when the girl met her eyes and waved, offering a friendly smile. “Hi! I’m Katara; this is my brother Sokka, and that’s Aang.” She gestured in their direction with her head when she said their names and they both smiled and gave her polite nods.
She returned the sentiment gratefully. “I’m Y/N— I’m one of Princess Yue’s friends. Welcome to the Northern Water Tribe!”
“Thanks!” Aang said. “We’re here to find a master so Katara and I can master waterbending.”
“Well, you’re in luck. Master Pakku is one of the best there is, and even though he’s a total jerk, he’ll be able to teach you everything you need to know. And Katara, we have some amazing healing teachers— I can bring you along to my class tomorrow if you’re interested!”
Katara’s eyes lit up. “You’re a waterbender too?” When Y/N nodded, her smile grew even bigger, though slightly wistful.
“I’d really appreciate that,” she admitted, though her brows knit together. “But I’d like to learn from Master Pakku as well.”
Y/N frowned, about to correct her, when the distinct sound of drums began to echo throughout the hall. Her displeasure immediately disappeared as she grinned at them all excitedly, gesturing with her head towards the action.
Chief Arnook stood up from his spot and their table, his low voice booming. “Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe. And they have brought with them someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world until now… the Avatar!”
Y/N’s own applause joined a symphony of others clapping and cheering as Aang waved bashfully, and once it died down, Arnook continued. “We also celebrate my daughter’s sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age!”
She grinned as Yue walked out alongside her attendants — she would never get used to her beauty. Y/N noticed the way that Sokka’s eyes widened as he stared at her, and her stomach twisted at the act for some unknown reason.
“Thank you, Father,” she said. “May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times!”
Arnook smiled at his daughter and directed his attention back to his people. “Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform!”
She could tell that Katara and Aang were enraptured by the bending, while Sokka’s attention was already on Yue as she walked over to sit between Sokka and Y/N.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” Yue exclaimed, greeting her friend with a short embrace.
Y/N gave her a sideways smile. “If you think that I would miss your birthday and a banquet, then I’m afraid you’re out of practice on Y/N trivia.”
The princess laughed and nodded amiably then turned her attention to Sokka, ever the diplomat.
“Hi there,” he grinned. “Sokka, Southern Water Tribe.”
Yue returned the sentiment and gave him a slight bow. “Very nice to meet you.”
As their conversation went on, Y/N found herself tuning out a bit. For whatever reason, she had to actively stop herself from rolling her eyes at Sokka’s flirting, that same feeling in her stomach coming back. She made a mental note to see a healer about her issues.
“Hey, Y/N!” She snapped out of her self-imposed trance at the sound of Katara calling her name as she gestured for her to come over. It looked like Aang had gotten up to converse with Master Pakku and Chief Arnook, so she took the invitation and switched seats.
“I can’t tell you how nice it is to finally be here,” Katara said once Y/N had settled next to her. “Back home, I’m the only waterbender. Here… it’s like paradise. It almost feels too good to be true. I mean, even seeing you is crazy — I’ve never met a waterbender my age.”
Y/N smiled, though not without a hint of sadness. “I’m sorry that it’s taken so long for you to be able to experience this. How are you the only bender left down there?”
Katara was silent for a moment, a flurry of emotions warring on her face, before she answered. “The Southern Tribe hasn’t fared half as well as the Northern Tribe during the war. We don’t have one big, huge capital like this, we’re all split up into small villages. The Fire Nation has just been relentless with their raids, and without support from the North and a lack of communication between our sister tribes in the South, they were able to wipe us all out. Except for me.”
“Spirits, Katara…” Y/N set an amiable hand on her shoulder and squeezed, hoping that her softened expression could say what her words couldn’t. “My village was invaded when I was young, too. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.”
She nodded pensively but managed to meet her eyes with an appreciative smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry about your village as well.” Her gaze drifted off, once again taking in the view around them, and when Katara met her eyes again she seemed better. “But we’re here now, and I’m planning to take advantage of everything I can, starting with all this food. Which one of these is your favorite?”
Y/N grinned as Katara pointed at the platter of various dishes in front of them. “Oh, you’ve got to try this. See that giant crab up there? That’s what this is, and you have not lived until you have tried Northern crab.”
Conversation flowed just as easily through the rest of the night between the two girls, occasionally switching to include Sokka and Yue and eventually Aang once he returned. Between the swells of pride whenever they laughed at her jokes, getting to learn about all three of them, and the almost palpable euphoria in the air, Y/N was sure of one thing:
This was the happiest she had felt in a long time. She could only hope it would last.
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27 @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895
atla: @marianne1806
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Little Wolf, Pretty Wolf, Your Wolf
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; Omega!Jungkook x Alpha!Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
; Word Count: 22.3k
; Warnings: Stereotyping, blowjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, knotting, sub!Jungkook, dom!reader, impregnation kink
; Synopsis: An Alpha wolf is supposed to be strong, powerful and bold. A commandeering presence that can rule a pack efficiently. An Omega is supposed to be submissive, quiet and meek. A calming influence and a lucky charm for a pack. But you’re not like a normal Alpha wolf. Just like Jungkook is not a normal Omega wolf.
; A/N: I’m very unsure over this story. We’ve been having troubles but I finally got it finished and out! It’s half proof read...I hope you enjoy. If you do, please reblog and leave me comments, feedback or reviews! Or send in an ask, I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions :)
“Now, what you need to remember is that the Ancient Greek’s weren’t one nation like how we think of them today. They were a collection of city states which were called polis back then. In their times, this was considered a nation on it’s own like the Vatican City or Singapore is today. You might realise that polis is actually still used today in words such as metropolis, which basically means ‘mother city’ as it comes from the Greek word for mother, necropolis which translates to city of the dead basically and so forth.
“The notion of ‘nation’ as we understand it is actually a relatively new concept that has only emerged in the last few centuries so trying to discuss things like a ‘nation’ or a ‘nationality’ is hard. Particularly when we’re talking about ancient civilisations.” You carry on talking, hands gesturing to the interactive whiteboard behind you that currently shows a map of Ancient Greece.
Your students are watching intently, some nodding slightly while a few of them jot down notes in their exercise books or read from their textbook. History was one of those topics that many people found boring but it had always inspired a fire inside you. The desire to learn from the past and incorporate it into the future was strong. Over the course of your own education, you’d also felt it was important to teach and mould the minds of the young with the lessons of the past.
It was why you’d gone into the teaching career, despite the concerns of your parents and everyone around you. Alpha’s like you simply didn’t go into teaching, the aura of power and dominance around them normally too strong for youngsters to cope with.
But you’ve always been a little different to the other Alpha’s you’d known throughout your life. Your wolf was always present and willing to protect when necessary but mostly she was content to lay back and watch the world. While most Alpha wolves were tall and extremely well muscled, a genetic quirk that gave them a visual representation of strength along with the metaphysical one that all wolves could understand, you were of average height and just looked in shape.
Your scent was sweet and pleasant to be around, according to your friends growing up you smelled like the tastiest candy with the slightest hint of rose. That on it’s own was unusual because Alpha’s were supposed to smell like...well an Alpha, power with that hint of earth that reminded everyone of the forest. Instead, you just smelled like a candy shop.
While great for the Delta’s, the general population that made up most packs, or Omega’s, the rarest and most treasured of all wolves, it wasn’t really great for an Alpha. You were the equivalent of a teddy bear instead of a grizzly, which didn’t really mix well with people's expectations.
On the plus side though, it meant that you were excellent at getting through to people because they listened to you first and only if you needed to would you show the aggressive and dominant side of yourself. You may not look or smell like an Alpha, but you were still an Alpha and you liked to make sure some people remembered that.
A sudden movement out of the window in the door to the corridor catches your attention and you continue to speak, only looking in that direction for a moment. The mop of silver hair on the lithe wolf standing outside tells you immediately who it is and you stifle a smile, glancing over at the clock and noting the bell is about to go.
“Okay class, it’s time to end. I want you all to read this chapter and then write a one page essay on any Ancient Greek city state. I want you to try and be creative though, don’t all do Athens and Sparta. There’s plenty out there.” Smiling at them, you watch as they begin to put their stuff away into their bags when the shrill ring of the bell causes you to wince slightly.
You always hated how loud they put it, but you guessed that was the whole point. 
Once everyone has left the classroom, a few of them running to catch the bus that was waiting for them outside, you lean back against the table and let out a deep sigh. That silver mop of hair darts through the door just before it closes and grins at you broadly, his eyes almost disappearing as the roundness of his cheeks takes over.
“Ahh Ancient Greece...your favourite topic.” Jimin says cheerfully, moving over to give you a quick side hug before standing back and looking around. Your big brother was taller than you, though not as tall as any Alpha got. He was a Beta though, so just below you in the pack social hierarchy. He used his height to his advantage in any arguments you had though.
Smiling at him, you nod as you begin to clean up the classroom that teenagers have made messy throughout the day. There’s a whole stack of papers on your desk that need to be taken home and marked, plus a whole new lesson plan to come up with for next week. For now though, you’d just focus on this and be thankful it was the weekend.
Jimin begins to help you, moving through the desks and placing the chairs on top of the tables carefully. He’d come straight from one of his jobs and so is still wearing the oh so stylish black work trousers that have a billion different pockets sewn into them, some of them still filled with items from wherever he’d been. A plain black polo, covered in a few stains from whatever he’d been doing has the logo of his company on the left side.
Your big brother had always been good with his hands and he’d developed a love of manual work when you were younger. Everyone in your family had thought that he’d become a mechanic or something, but he’d surprised you all by becoming a plumber of all things. But he seemed to enjoy it and he’d founded his own company last year, enabling him to take on jobs at his own pace while also taking on another plumber along with an apprentice.
“Have they called about your car?” He asks absentmindedly, throwing the trash that he’d found on the floor into the bin before moving over to wipe your whiteboard clean. You’re putting away some of the books that you’d used earlier in the day before storing the printouts you’d made but you give him a quick nod.
“Yeah, it’s all done. Are you okay to drop me at the garage so I can grab it?” Jimin smiles and nods, giving you a thumbs up as well before hopping up onto your desk. His hands drop between his legs while his feet dangle happily as he watches you.
“That’s fine. I can take you there and then go get some pizza if you want? The job today will pay well and they’ve already signed up to be a repeat customer. Which is exactly what I want as it’s a chain of businesses!” He says excitedly, wiggling in place and you grin at him.
“Awww, that’s so good. Congrats. Told you that you’d do well.” Turning back to the little bookcase you keep in your classroom, you place the final book into its place before standing back and moving over to him. Jimin has that look on his face now and you sigh, knowing where he’s going to go with this already.
“Yeah, I’m doing well. And I think you’re going to do well in the elections too. You just need to actually...get out there and talk to people in the pack. They know of you, but most of them don’t really know you, know you? I mean...you work out here in the city so there’s not really any reason for anyone to get to know you well.” Jimin points out, leaning back on one arm and raising a brow at you.
Sighing again, you look over at him before chewing your lip. “I grew up there and I live there again. How is it that people don’t know me? They’ve known me my whole life. I’m only really doing this because you’re adamant on it and think I’ll have a chance, which I think is stupid by the way.”
The pack leadership elections were going to be in less than a year and the candidates had already put their name forward for consideration a month ago. You’d been one of those to enter your name and had been confirmed as a potential candidate only a week ago.
Unsurprisingly, only Alpha’s could enter the pack leadership contests because Alpha’s had the required inherent characteristics that allowed them to lead. They needed to be strong enough to cope with everyone’s demands, empathetic enough to listen to people, diplomatic enough to make decisions about people’s problems and tough enough to defend the pack if necessary.
You didn’t think you really had the required skills given your unusual nature, but Jimin thought you’d make a good leader. Family and friends had thrown their weight behind you too and so you’d found yourself submitting your name, wondering what on earth you were doing.
The idea of you being the Pack Alpha was ridiculous, but you knew that you were going to receive a lot of stigma and hate because of your differences to a regular Alpha. On top of that, there had also been the creeping misogyny that had been spreading throughout the wolf world in recent decades, in direct contrast to the humans, which meant that many of the old schoolers in the pack were beginning to look down on a female Alpha.
It was all bullshit and everyone knew it. That was actually one of the reasons you’d gone along with it, because if you somehow did win then you’d love to be able to rub it into all of their sexist noses that you’d beaten their little boys. Petty? Yes. But you had to do what you had to do.
“Yeah, you grew up there. And we both live there. But you also went to the other side of the country for five years to go to college. They remember the baby Y/N, the teenage Y/N. Most of the folk in town don’t even recognise you. It’s only when they scent you that they realise it’s you. You went away and became all cultured with the university elites, became friends with other wolf packs and even other shifters. Most of the people in our pack have never seen another shifter breed or even left the state. They don’t know you anymore and you need to show them.” The look on your brother’s face is incredibly serious and you let out a groan that ends in a whine.
It’s very unbecoming for an Alpha but you don’t care. The idea of having to ingratiate yourself with a lot of people who would likely laugh at you for the very idea of thinking you could be Pack Alpha makes you want to throw something. But you know he’s right.
Jimin’s always right, unfortunately.
“Fine. Fine. What do I do? Go and knock on everyone’s doors? Hold a party? A meet and greet? Come, meet the pack’s weird Alpha and vote for her to your leader!” You make an overly exaggerated gesture as you talk, walking towards him and he rolls his eyes in response.
“Just...become a bigger part of society. Join some of the groups, come with us on pack hunts or runs. It’s easy. I don’t get hugely involved but everyone still knows who I am. I swear, you’ll be able to do it. And if you get to be our Pack Alpha, then you can start to make all those changes that you rant to me about regularly.” He shifts off the table at that, stretching his arms back until you can see the toned muscles of his abdomen.
Reaching out, you poke at them hard and he lets out a soft whine as he recoils forwards, arm covering himself before pouting at you. You grin and ruffle his hair, leading to even more complaints before he escapes your grasp.
“Those aren’t rants! They’re issues that need to get sorted out! I mean...you know that I thought this place was a little backwards when we were growing up here but moving away and coming back? God, you wouldn’t believe it.” Jimin grabs your bag from beneath your desk, placing it onto your desk before carefully putting your stuff into it.
You don’t go to stop him or anything, you trust Jimin with your personal belongings. The two of you live together in an apartment in the town you’d both grown up in, the ancestral homeland of your pack. It was partly to save on money for rent and utilities and partly just because you both liked being around each other.
Unlike other families in your pack where having four or more kids was normal, your parents had only been able to have you and Jimin. And it had taken six years for you to come into the world after Jimin. So despite the age difference, you were both close and adored each other.
“I do believe it. Because you tell me it’s true and I know you wouldn’t lie to me. Plus, you know I think there’s a lot of people in our pack that need to come into the 21st century. Some of them make me think they don’t even know what electricity is. And this is all why I think you’d make the best leader for us. Someone to modernise us finally and stop making us just look like the little backwater pack still stuck in the 18th century. I know we can do it, we have good wolves in our pack and there’s probably a lot who think like us but just don’t want to rock the boat.” Handing you your bag, he waits out in the corridor as you do a final sweep before turning off the lights and leaving.
“Yeah...you’re right. God yeah, you’re right about it. I’m trying to teach my kids here about the mistakes that were made in the past so that they know not to repeat them but I should try more with our pack too. And then...then I can make sure that our kids learn better and how to be better right?” Jimin grins broadly and hugs you to him, kissing your forehead sweetly tickling your sides until you growl gently.
“Yep. So...Operation Leader is a go.”
Humming lightly, you looked over the basket of potatoes that was on display in your local supermarket. It was your turn to do the grocery shopping, which was why you were stocking up on all the vegetables that Jimin turned his nose up at half the time. Sometimes you felt like you were living with a child but he always ate them eventually.
Tonight you were going to make lasagne and garlic bread, one of Jimin’s favourite meals. It was incredibly easy to make and you’d found yourself craving it as well, realising it had been a month or so since you’d last had it. And given Jimin was going to be home tonight, you’d decided it was time to make the cheesiest lasagne possible.
You might even indulge and make the garlic bread cheesy too. It was more than an indulgence really, because you would happily cover it all in cheese until it made you sick. Jimin wasn’t a huge fan of it though, so you knew that you’d have to limit it.
Picking up a tomato, you squeeze it experimentally to see how fresh it is before nodding and placing it inside the little net bag you’d brought for the vegetables. Fresh herbs go in as well and you get enough vegetables to make a hearty stew tomorrow, figuring that if you make a big enough pot then you can freeze some for the future and let both Jimin and you take some for lunch at work.
It’s only when you walk towards the dairy aisle, intent on grabbing a bottle of milk and deciding upon which cheese to liberally accentuate your lasagne and garlic bread with, that you accidentally knock into someone. A small ‘oof’ leaves your mouth as you wobble slightly, dropping the bag of prunes that you’d grabbed as you’d passed the end of the fruit aisle.
“I’m so sor-” You paused, brow creasing as a delicious scent fills your nose. Inhaling deeply, you take it in with wide eyes as your inner wolf growls lowly, her instincts immediately roused to life by the smell. Omega, she rumbles to you and you immediately get the biggest urge to press yourself to this newcomer.
The reaction from you isn’t surprising, given what you know of Omega’s. You’d never encountered one before, not until now, but everyone grows up learning of Omega’s. They were the rarest kind of wolf and a pack with an Omega present was considered to be exceptionally lucky.
Due to their rareness, an Omega was often treasured and deeply adored by the rest of the pack. They were to be protected at all costs, with the entire pack often banding together to ensure that they were okay. The reason for this was that Omega’s were considered to be the most submissive in a pack, naturally weak and timid along with being passive. It was a pack’s duty therefore to protect their Omega.
So you were beyond surprised that you’d encountered one in the supermarket of all places.
Shifting backwards slightly, you turn and pick up the packet of prunes before grabbing the tin of tomato soup that’s rolling your way. Standing back up, you hold out the tin to the Omega before pausing, your eyes going even wider as you look up.
He’s taller than you, a lot taller when combining what must be his natural height with the thick sole of what look like combat style boots. And he’s broad, his shoulders wide and accentuated by the black leather jacket he’s wearing, the silver embellishments of the buttons shining in the light.
Skinny jeans in black adorn his thighs and you can’t help the way your eyes drag over them, in awe of how...tight his jeans are. Especially when combined with the fact that this Omega evidently does some serious workouts given how thick and muscular his thighs are. In fact, how muscular everything looks.
His white shirt doesn’t give much away to you, but you have no doubt that if his legs look like that then the rest of him must look quite similar. Long, wavy hair is messed around his face, the strands wild and dark as they cover part of his eyes.
And it’s here that you discover the only part of him that looks like what you’d imagined an Omega would look like. Because right now, they’re wide open with shock and you freeze at the sight of them, the inner instincts that have been bred into you over centuries roaring to the fore and telling you to protect.
His eyes are filled with innocence and a tiny hint of fear, almost as if he’s afraid of what you might do. To any onlooker, that might look comical given how tiny you look in comparison to him. But his scent gives away the difference, because despite how...non-Omega he looks...he is still an Omega.
Which means if you wanted to, you could make him bow at your feet in submission as you forced a wave of dominance towards him. It wasn’t something you liked doing as it often felt like an assault on the receiver and you felt gross doing it. Some Alpha’s abused their ability, finding it amusing to lord their status over others.
But you only used it how it was meant to be used. When you were faced with someone who was refusing to follow the rules and putting others at risk. It was the only time you felt was acceptable to use that power, in order to save others.
So the fact he was looking at you like that made you pause, confusion making you hesitate as you wondered if maybe he thought you were going to force him to do something. And you realised that he’d probably be right if he’d met anyone else. There were plenty of asshole Alpha’s that you knew that would be pleased to play with an Omega, despite the reverence that a pack held for them.
Gesturing towards him with the tin, you give him a sweet smile as he takes it from you carefully, the way his fingers carefully avoid yours almost comical. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you or I would’ve moved out of the way.”
He doesn’t answer, his brow creasing in confusion as his eyes scan over you. You can’t help but watch those eyes in complete fascination, they’re so naturally big and you feel a strong urge to protect him. Not because he’s an Omega, but purely because he looks like someone with an innate curiosity that you don’t want to see die.
His nose twitches ever so slightly as he inhales deeply before speaking. “Why do you smell like that?”
You know what he means. An Alpha is supposed to smell earthy and musky, to remind a wolf of their forest homelands from centuries ago. It inspires confidence and trust, yet you smell sweet and gentle. Jimin said that you often smelled like he’d walked into a candy store.
This Omega though, he smells like an Alpha should. His strong scent is so reminiscent of the pine trees that grow in the forests around the town you’d grown up in, the only reason you know he’s an Omega is that genetic knowledge that distinguishes that part of his scent that’s different. It amuses you that you’ve found someone as contradictory in their nature as you.
“Why do you smell like that?” You counter, lips quirked up on one side in amusement as you tilt your head to look him over once more. A true contradiction of everything. Now you can understand why people find it hard to understand you.
He doesn’t respond, just stares at you with that same confusion that everyone always gives you. Only it seems a little stronger now, causing you to laugh slightly as you shake your head. “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I really have to finish my shopping and go. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”
Turning away from him, you continue onto the dairy aisle as you ponder what you’ve just said. You’re naturally nice as an Alpha, always polite and helpful to anyone who asks it. As someone running for the pack leadership, you’d resolved to be even more helpful from now on in order to try and help. Jimin had said it was a good idea, and you’d long ago discovered that it was easier to just go along with whatever he says instead of questioning it.
Questioning it would just lead to him whining.
But you’d felt the need to be extra nice to the Omega, almost as if to prove that you were not like other Alpha’s. Which was ridiculous, because why on earth would you care to prove that? You’d never even seen the Omega before, and you doubted that you’d see him again. They were so rare that you doubted it would be long before some Alpha snapped him up as a mate.
Pursing your lips, you hum to yourself in thought before shrugging and carrying on. You’d discuss this more with Jimin later. No doubt your brother would be fascinated to find out what you’d discovered today.
Jimin turns up in the kitchen within two minutes of you getting home, his curious expression ever so familiar as he tries to peer into all the bags. You don’t know why he’s so interested as he knows that you always buy the healthier food compared to him. Whether or not his card has ever seen a vegetable remains a mystery known only to him and the universe.
“Oooh, lasagne?” He says excitedly as you pull out the familiar items that make up his favourite meal. Grinning at him as you place the perishable items into the fridge and begin organising everything else, you nod.
“Yeah, I thought it’d be nice to have since you’re home tonight. I’m gonna try and make it so that I make one side be overloaded with cheese while the other side is more normal for you.” Your stomach gurgles at the thought and Jimin snorts in amusement, taking one of the apples that you’d bought and biting into it eagerly.
He may not be fond of vegetables, but you knew that he loved fruit.
“I fully expect you to make a mac n cheese lasagne one day. No meat or anything.” Jimin says, sitting down at the table as he watches you finish putting everything away before you turn on the oven to preheat.
Your nose wrinkles at his words and you shake your head in response, taking the minced beef out of its packet and into a saucepan before turning on the hob. Waiting for it to heat up so you can brown the minced meat, you turn to making the sauce for the lasagne.
“No way. I may love cheese but that’s because it can make the lasagne go all lovely and crispy. Mmm. I do enjoy the meat too.” Lips pursing, you take the juicy tomatoes that you’d bought to make the sauce and look at it for a moment, memory suddenly sparking.
“Hey Jimin...when I was at the supermarket...I bumped into an Omega there? It was really weird, I didn’t even think the pack had an Omega or anything. But like...he didn’t smell like one properly, nor did he look like what I imagined an Omega would.” The tone of your voice is wondering and Jimin can tell that you’re going through scenarios in your head.
He lets out a long noise as he considers for a moment before making a small ‘ahh’ sound. “That was probably Jeon Jungkook. You remember him? Or...remember of him?”
Nodding slowly, you frown as you try to think back to when you’d been younger and you’d heard of the stories of him.
“Yeah but I thought he, like, never left his house. Weren’t his parents super overprotective of him? He got homeschooled and everything right?” Jimin shrugs in response, biting into his apple once more and chewing carefully.
“He did. I think they did it so he wouldn’t get bugged by any Alpha’s or anything. I mean...your reaction right now is telling me that was probably a good reason and you’re one of the best Alpha’s I know. But he’s spent the last year living on his own, away from his parents. I think he’s trying to gain more independence and experience the world in a safer way or something. I see him occasionally around town. Not really what you expect of an Omega, huh?” That makes you laugh as you nod.
“The man is built like a truck. Honestly, I think he could probably take on most Alpha’s and win. He didn’t say much to me. He bumped into me and I gave him back his soup. In fact, all he said to me was ‘why do you smell like that?’ to which I asked him the same thing. He smells like an Alpha should smell, only with the overlay of Omega. He was very brusque, almost confrontational.” You ponder that as you turn the meat over, evenly browning it all before setting a second saucepan on the hob.
“Well, that’s understandable. I mean...he gets accosted by a lot of the Alpha’s and Beta’s who see him around town. The whole stereotype of Omega’s means that they think they can basically bully him into hanging out with them or...doing stuff with him. I think he’s probably been given a ridiculous number of mating requests and he’s turned them all down. Despite what many wolves think, apparently Omega’s are not as submissive as they’re stereotyped to be.” His voice gets light at that and you can practically hear the irony in it, knowing that Jimin probably severely disapproves of how Jungkook is treated.
It makes sense though, he’s grown up seeing how people have mistreated you because of how you don't adhere to the stereotypes of a traditional Alpha. Hearing that about Jungkook makes you feel angry though, almost resentful of everyone else in the pack who make Jungkook’s very existence a likely chore to him.
“Well that’s just rude. He’s still a person, a wolf with his own mind and abilities. Why are they so mean to him? I mean...I’m the least Alpha you’ve ever seen but it doesn’t mean I’m not an Alpha, you know? This is what I mean I say the pack is so ridiculous and outdated! It’s just gross. Why are they so bigoted and small minded? There’s no one way to be an Alpha and there’s no one way to be an Omega. Jungkook and I both show that. There’s nothing wrong either of us.” You say vehemently, grip tightening on the large plastic spoon in your hand.
Your argument makes Jimin laugh lightly, causing you to glare at him until he holds his hands up in defence, one hand holding an apple core. “Hey, hey. I agree. I fully support Jungkook being an ass to everyone if they’re being an ass to him in turn. See, this is why you need to win the leadership! So that then everyone can see how stupid they’re all being and backwards!”
That makes you groan loudly, eyes rolling to the ceiling as your head tilts back. You don’t even look over at Jimin as he deposits the core into the bin and makes his way over to the door frame. Your defeated expression makes him chuckle though.
“Jimin, I swear, every conversation with you better not end with you bugging me about this stupid fucking leadership competition. If it does, I promise that I stick this spoon up your damn ass.” You threaten, lifting the spoon threateningly as he laughs even louder.
Licking the ice cream that remains on top of the cone you’d bought, you let out a little happy noise before grinning over at Sana. She’s eating her own ice cream, only she’s already onto the cone now and you snort in amusement. Salted caramel was her downfall and you’d known immediately which flavour she was going to pick when you’d both headed into the small, family owned ice cream parlour in town.
It had been years since you’d been in there, long before you’d headed off to college and part of you had been surprised that it was still going. Mainly because it seemed that in this day and age, a lot of smaller stores like this seemed to die off as bigger conglomerates took over.
There was a Baskin Robbins just on the outskirts of town so it was impressive to see just how busy and popular the old ‘50s themed parlour still was. And also kind of nice, to see people still doing well in the pack while the pack supported them in turn.
They’d upped their game since you’d left though and now offered a ridiculously large range of flavours to match the national chain that had opened up while also expanding their range of milkshakes and smoothies in turn. And that was to say nothing of the cakes, cookies and other baked delights they’d invented.
Sana swore that it was the best place in town when you’d agreed to meet up with her today, praising it to the heavens. You were both just going to chill out and do a little shopping in the smaller, more boutique stores that your town had to offer while catching up on everything.
She was your best friend from childhood and when you’d gone off to college, she’d chosen to stay behind to attend the college in the closest city. It had allowed her to attain her degree in law and she was now working towards the bar, while interning at the only law firm in town. Quite obviously, it specialised in wolf law and inter-species relations and Sana had been determined to be a part of the law network around here.
Understandable, given her mother was a human and her father a Beta wolf. Their relationship hadn’t been entirely well received by the pack, yet another reason you felt spurred on to enter the leadership contest as it was another example of the pack being outdated. Human-wolf relations were completely normal when you’d been in college, the city you’d been living in cosmopolitan and liberal.
Perhaps it was too much of you to expect your small town to be more open, but you were determined to try. For wolves like you, Sana and Jungkook.
Bumping into her gently, you smile softly before taking the final lick of what remained of the ice cream in your cone. You’d picked your old favourite, chocolate chip mint, and had enjoyed every bit of it.
“Mmm, this was a good choice. It tastes even better than when I last went there.” Sana grins brightly, her face lighting up with happiness at the combination of the ice cream and just being with you again. It felt good to hang out with her and you were determined to spend more time with her now that you were living here once more.
“I know right? I mean, it was good five years ago but that Baskin Robbins has really made them up their game. Along with the general like for more flavours now. And thank goodness they decided to invest in learning how to make a salted caramel flavour because I swear, I go here once a week for this stuff.” She sighs dreamily before eating the last bit of her cone, licking her fingers in an attempt to make sure she got all the flavour before pouting dramatically.
Chuckling, you carefully bite your own cone before licking at the remnants of mint ice cream that cling to the inside. “Do they sell tubs? They should, it’d be a good business venture. They could even stock them in the stores here. People would buy it.”
Immediately, Sana’s eyes go wide with excitement as her jaw drops.
“Oh my god, yes they should! Why have they never thought of that? That's the best idea ever. We need to suggest it to them, they have a suggestion box and I would like to have my entire freezer filled with delicious salted caramel ice cream. Oooh, and the cookies and cream. And the pecan ice cream! Oh, and the pistachio!” Snorting, you shake your head as you finish your own cone and push her arm lightly in amusement.
“It’s a good thing you’re a wolf with a wolf’s metabolism because I don’t know how you’d keep that figure otherwise. Honestly. Does your fridge or pantry even have any food that doesn’t contain sugar?” You tease her gently, smiling as she scoffs and rolls her eyes.
“Of course. There’s water. That’s the perfect remedy for when I’ve indulged in too much wine.” Amused, you look away from her to the window of the store you’re both passing. Sana hadn’t changed much since you were both eighteen and you were thankful for it. She was still the happy, bubbly girl you’d been friends with for years, only now she has a veneer of adulthood about her.
Hopefully you were the same.
“You know, I can see why Jimin started dating you. You both have the eating habits of a five-year-old. If it wasn’t for me, I’m not sure Jimin would even know what a vegetable looks like. And I mean any vegetable.” That gets Sana smiling as you mention your big brother, and her boyfriend of two years.
The two of them had started dating in your final year of college. It hadn’t been too surprising as you’d known that Sana always had a little crush on Jimin but you’d been surprised that Jimin had reciprocated it. He’d always been steadfastly avoidant of anything that could potentially encourage a crush with your friends when growing up, which you’d definitely appreciated.
But apparently they’d come across each other a few times in your small town and one thing had led to another. They weren’t mated yet or anything, but you had a sneaking suspicion that it was only a matter of time. Jimin never did anything quickly, always taking his time to be as sure as possible before doing anything. It’s what made him a good plumber with a 100% success rate.
You had no doubt that Sana probably appreciated it as well, as being mated would mean they would have a higher chance of creating pups. And you knew damn well that Sana had big dreams for her career before starting a family. Not that she wouldn’t welcome them into her life, but you were pleased that they were both taking things slowly still.
“I don’t know, I’ve seen him with a cucumber before.” Frowning, you look away from the display of the latest book releases and over at her. You were about to ask her a question when you recognised the sly look of mischief on her face and you gagged loudly, turning away and back to the display.
In the window, you could see your expression of pure disgust. “Sana. That is my brother! I do not want to...oh god, ew. Ewwww.”
Sana’s high pitched giggle takes over as she enters the bookstore, her pure amusement at your horror causing you to smile despite the gross image you’d just had ingrained in your mind. That was the last time you were ever buying cucumber for the apartment.
The scent of fresh books welcomes as you enter the store and you instantly relax, closing your eyes to take a deep inhale. You’d always loved books and reading, it had been a strong passion of yours which was why you’d taken a dual subject degree; English literature and history. Your master’s degree had been in teaching, meaning that you were qualified to teach both English and history in the school you worked at.
Books were one of the most important things in the world to you as they not only informed and passed on the knowledge that people had gained over the centuries, even millennia, but they also opened up entirely new worlds to positively millions of people around the world. There was no world too big when it came to books and you felt passionately about encouraging everyone to read and indulge, whether they loved a bodice ripping romance or the autobiography of a popular sports star.
Sana tugged at your arm as she directed you towards the shelves of the popular novels, both of you scanning over them quietly. Reading had been a passion of you both and your parents had always been amused to sometimes come into your room when you were younger to find you both reading separately, the only thing making any noise was the stereo that played your favourite songs.
“You heard of anything good coming out?” You ask idly, crouching down to examine the history section and pursing your lips when you see an interesting book on the history of Ancient Mesopotamia. Flipping it over, you read the blurb intently before standing with it firmly in your hand.
“Not really, I think I’m just in the mood for something really light though. Easy to pick up and read for ten minutes or so at night.” She says, pulling out a copy of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. You take in the cover before laughing and taking it from her, putting it back in its place. 
“That is not the book you want then. Trust me, you have to read that book like, twice, to even understand what happened. Hmm...I’d recommend this, I have read it and it’s got a few sequels so you’ll be able to sink your teeth into it.” You hand her a copy of The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski. “It’s a series called The Witcher, they made some games from it and there’s a Netflix show out too. You’ll enjoy it.”
Sana makes an interested noise and reads over the back before nodding in approval, giving you a smile of thanks before wandering off to her favourite genre section of the store. She’d always been a sucker for the fiction books with a particular love of crime and thriller. No surprise really, given her career choice.
Smiling, you make your own way over to the non-fiction section. You would read anything but you really enjoyed your history, autobiographies or memoirs. Tilting your head, you scan over the titles carefully before pulling out a book called Educated by Tara Westover. It only takes a quick scan over the blurb to see that it’s something that interests you and you add it to your small pile before continuing to look.
“Are you stalking me or something?” Comes a deep voice to your right, the sound so low and unexpected that you jolt in surprise, a hand coming to rest on your chest as a noise leaves you. It’s probably not a very Alpha-like response but honestly, what did he expect when jumping up on you like that? He was lucky you hadn’t responded the other way and tried to rip his throat out.
Turning quickly, you go to snap at the intruder and pause, eyes having to scan upwards to meet him. You’re so surprised at who it is that you take a step backwards, any irritance you might have had vanishing as you take in the sight of Jeon Jungkook standing before you.
Today, he’s got an oversized black hoodie covering his entire torso while black cargo pants adorn his legs, the numerous pockets looking empty and meeting the same boots he’d been wearing the other week. You take all of that in within seconds, brows narrowing inwards as you try to understand how you’ve come across him again.
“I’m not stalking you. I’m buying books. What does it look like I’m doing?” The words fall from your lips before you even run through them mentally, causing them to come out simultaneously belligerent and confused. 
Jungkook’s beautiful eyes narrow slightly at you and his free hand pushes his hair out of his face, his surprisingly soft looking lips going particularly pouty. You take the moment to admire how clear his skin looks, the crappy lighting of the store making him probably look worse than he actually does. Which is impressive, because he already looks monumentally handsome.
“Well I don’t know. Wouldn’t be the first time an Alpha stalked me.” He grumbles, glaring at you before turning to face the bookcase. It’s almost with amusement that you note he doesn’t even look at the spine of the book he grabs, instead just pulling it out immediately.
Brow rising, you bit your lip to try and stop your smile. “So...got an interest in the history of sex hmm? Not really something I’d try and teach my students but it’s always good to have more information.”
You can’t help it, not when you see the obscenely large pink text that clearly states ‘A Curious History of Sex’ on the front cover. Of all the books he could’ve picked out, he managed to grab that one. And you think he’s probably mentally thinking that too by the way his cheeks flush the prettiest pink, even his ears going red with heat as he lets out a sigh and quickly shoves it back into place.
“Shut up,” The growl he gives is actually kind of impressive. “Of all the fucking books. Of course you picked out a sex book with an Alpha next to you.” He mutters quietly to himself, rolling his eyes and actually taking the time to read the spines this time. You’re kind of impressed that he gave you an order, particularly given the unfortunate stereotype of Omega’s. Evidently, there were a lot of things that were exaggerated.
Silence falls between you both and you sigh this time, eyeing him out of the corner of your eye. His raised shoulders indicate that he clearly wants nothing to do with you, but you feel a deep and innate need to say something to him.
“Hey...Jungkook. I know you probably don’t want to talk to me and I swear I’ll leave after this. Or at least...go to another part of the store. First of all, I know your name because my brother told me about you. I’ve not been in town for a few years. And second of all...I know it’s probably not much but...I’m really sorry about how you’ve probably been treated over the years. As you can probably tell, I’m not really like other Alpha’s so I’ve been on the receiving end of some negative treatment too and I know how cruel wolves can be. I just...I’m sorry for anyone who has stereotyped you and felt they had some right to you as a result. It’s probably not a lot but I hate that you felt the need to say that to me.” 
Taking a deep breath, you give him a hesitant smile before carefully stepping away from him. It was probably pointless that you’d done that, and he would probably laugh at your idiotic behaviour lately. You knew Jimin sure would. Why the hell would Jungkook care if one Alpha apologised for the bad treatment he’s received for years? Particularly given you’re the least Alpha-like wolf out there.
But Jungkook is staring at you intently, his eyes narrow not in anger or suspicion but careful thought. His lips purse slightly before he licks them, his body posture loosening up slightly as he relaxes a little.
“You’re not like other Alpha’s are you? I mean, besides from the whole being tiny and smelling sweet thing,” He gestures to all of you at that, causing you to give a smile of amusement to let him know you’ve taken no offence. “You’re the first Alpha that’s ever apologised to me. For anything really, and you haven’t even done anything to warrant the apology.”
Chewing on your lip, you play the books in your hands before shrugging at him.
“Yeah well, no one ever apologised to me for all the comments they’ve made over the years. Not sure if I’d like to accept one either but I at least like the thought of someone trying to apologise. Won’t help everything that’s happened but it’s a start, you know?” You offer the words to him gently, hoping that he’ll understand why you felt the need to apologise to him.
He was right, in that you hadn’t done anything to offend him so far. You hadn’t said anything rude or negative to him, you hadn’t stalked or pursued him. In fact, the very idea of it was absolutely abhorrent. Sure, he smelled delicious and you had the biggest urge to press yourself to him and preen but you wouldn’t do it. You were an Alpha, and Alpha’s were supposed to have the best control.
Jungkook pauses slightly before nodding, running his hand through his hair once more. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Does feel a little nice to get some form of apology I guess. But you didn’t need to. You’re the first Alpha to not try to bully me into submitting to them or obeying them. I’ve even had a few try to force me into sex. In fact, I think the only time I’ve ever smelled your dominance was when I just scared you. And that was my fault, so I’m sorry.”
Grinning, you nod your head at him in acceptance and casually reach to the bookcase, grabbing a book about the history of the British SAS and adding it to your pile. You don’t even need to read the blurb, already knowing that you’d enjoy it and Jungkook eyes your books curiously.
“I don’t like making people submit to me if they don’t want to. It’s cruel and demeaning. We only have that power so that it’s used in dire circumstances. Anyone doing it to you is an asshole and you should tell them that. Or...well...think it at them, don’t do anything that might get you hurt,” Pausing, you frown over at him as you feel your heart expand in sympathy while a fire of anger burns in your stomach. “And I certainly don’t force people into sex with me. There’s a legal definition for that, and the act is most definitely illegal. Anyone does that, or tries it, I hope you report them because that’s disgusting.”
The vehemence in your voice is strong and firm, causing Jungkook to back away ever so slightly, his eyes widening as you accidentally let slip of your control. But you see no fear in his eyes, because it was quite clear that your anger was not directed towards him. In fact, it was more of a protective anger, an anger that he’d possibly been hurt or scared.
Still though, you don’t like the fact that you’d slipped and you bow your head, apologising quickly to him. He doesn’t say anything and you take a deep breath, calming yourself down before giving him a very neutral smile.
“I think it’s probably time for me to go now, I’ve got enough for my bookcase and my friend is waiting for me. It was nice to meet you Jungkook and I hope that whenever we meet next, you can feel a little more comfortable with me. And that you don’t terrify me at the start.” That gets a laugh from him, the sound high and lou. You end up laughing in turn, your own laugh quieter and more gentle.
Turning from him, you go to head over to the cashier before you feel a slight pressure on your arm. Pausing, you realise that it’s Jungkook before you even turn around, his delightful scent surrounding you so much that you can’t help but close your eyes and take a deep breath. Combined with the heavenly scent of books, you’re not sure you’ve ever smelled anything better.
Shifting until you’re facing him, you see Jungkook’s face looking a little nervous. His eyes glance about, almost as if he was checking to see if there was anyone around and you wonder what he wanted from you.
Finally though, he gestures down to the phone in his hand that he points towards you, the screen open to a new contact page. Glancing back up with a raised eyebrow, you have to seriously fight to stop the smile that wants to spread when you realise that his cheeks are pink once more.
“I’m sorry if this is...a little forward or anything but, is there any chance you might be okay with giving me your number?” He smiles at that, his white teeth perfect and straight in his mouth as his eyes positively light up with the same mischief you see in Jimin sometimes. “I think I’d like to get to know you a bit more...if you’re okay with that?”
You’re positive that your jaw has dropped and you desperately want to shove it back into place, feeling that you were probably being a little rude. Okay, a lot rude. But seriously, Jungkook had just asked for your number. An Omega, who had a clear dislike of Alpha’s for a good reason, had asked for your number.
Carefully, you eye him and realise he’s being completely serious. There’s a small delay between you realising this and your hand moving forward to take the smartphone from him, your fingers carefully typing in your name and number.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Handing back the phone, he glances down at the screen and smiles softly.
“I think so. It was nice meeting you Y/N. I’ll talk to you soon.”
It had been over two months since that day at the bookstore, when you’d experienced how...non-Omega like Jeon Jungkook was. And he’d continued to surprise you ever since. He was bold when you expected submissive, arrogant where you’d been told to expect meekness and so much more. 
You were thoroughly delighted by how contradictory he was and enjoyed testing the limits with him. He seemed to enjoy it too, given how he let you push at his boundaries while he in turn pushed at your own experimentally. It was an odd give-and-take with him, something you’d never experienced before and you were finding yourself increasingly enamoured with him.
Not that you were going to tell him that of course. The last you wanted was for him to feel like there was yet another Alpha pressuring him for anything. But it was just hard to not develop any feelings for him when he was so sweet and kind.
The two of you had texted frequently for the first two weeks before you’d met up at a local café, learning how to translate that easy going conversation via text into face-to-face conversation. You’d learnt how to though, carefully navigating the intricacies of a friendship with an Omega.
Jungkook could often be abrasive and sometimes took things to heart. A simple sentence from you that had no negative implications would be misunderstood by him to the extent that you were sometimes left wondering if you’d said something bad. And then he’d apologise, his cheeks red as he’d admit that it had been him who has misinterpreted you.
It was the strangest friendship you’d ever had, yet also one that you’d grown to love. Jungkook had a big heart beneath all his overly large, black clothing and his blunt personality. You had certainly enjoyed discovering that, finding out all the ways that made him smile in that soft and shy way, how to make him laugh in the overly sweet giggle that made your heart race a little.
Tonight he had come over to your apartment with the promise of freshly made Greek food and a night of watching Locke and Key on Netflix. You’d both watched the first episode independently before deciding that you’d watch it together when Jimin and Sana had shown no interest. Which meant that tonight, you would hopefully both blitz through the rest of the series in one go.
Of course, Jungkook wasn’t going to turn down food. Especially free food. So he’d happily said yes and had been a surprisingly good help in the kitchen as you’d shown him how to help prepare the food. Right now, your stomach was pretty content and happy; full of pork souvlaki, dolmades made of hollowed out and stuffed tomatoes with a whole array of delicious sides including homemade tzatziki and fresh olives. 
The dessert had been a store made baklava, because you weren’t quite willing to put your talents as far as making that. But it had been just as delightful and you knew that Jungkook had enjoyed every mouthful. In fact, he’d probably wanted more when he’d realised there was no more souvlaki left. He’d even eaten all the salad.
And now you were both sitting on the couch, your feet curled under you as your belly protested ever so slightly from being filled with so much food and a glass of red wine in your hand. Jungkook had a bottle of beer and you were surprised by how...domestic it all felt really.
Jimin wasn’t home tonight, he was spending the night with Sana and had given you a very peculiar look when you’d told him that you wouldn’t go with him because Jungkook was coming over. Normally, you’d spend a few hours at Sana’s before heading back home and leaving them both alone to enjoy each other.
Your brother had met Jungkook over the last few weeks. Even become quite friendly with him. Jungkook’s own friends, Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon had slowly become friends with both you and your brother as well. They were both Delta’s, the general population of a pack, and so were completely harmless to Jungkook thankfully.
It had been particularly amusing when you’d met them to see how protective they were over the Omega. Especially given the fact that as an Alpha, you were the top rank out of them all. But their hackles had slowly gone down as they’d gotten to know you better and realised that you had no intention of pushing your will on any of them, particularly Jungkook.
All of you had gone out to the city one day, checking out the giant shopping mall there and even playing around in the old school arcade that they had. Jungkook and you had engaged in more than one round of the classic Time Crisis, both of you yelling whenever you died and had to feed more money into the machine. The others had stood around watching for a while before moving off to play the basketball game. 
After that, you’d both devoured fully stacked cheeseburgers and a portion of large fries before drowning them in a large cookie dough milkshake. It had been fun and had almost felt like a date, if there hadn’t also been Jungkook’s two friends with you along with Jimin and Sana.
Thankfully, the presence of an Alpha and two Beta’s had prevented anyone from trying anything funny with Jungkook, leaving him to simply enjoy the day out. And you were beyond happy that had been his experience so far with you every time you’d both gone out together. Your mere presence as an Alpha kept others at bay.
Despite how easy everything was being tonight, you felt a little funny and strange. Jimin had made a casual comment the other day about how your scent seemed to change when Jungkook was around, taking on an almost earthy scent while Jungkook’s in turn became sweeter. You thought it was just because you were near someone who was awakening the primal instincts in you, and vice versa with Jungkook.
That had got you a droll stare.
But you would have to admit that being like this, sitting with him and his warmth being so close to your own while his scent overwhelmed you so delightfully, made you feel happy and content. A small voice in the back of your mind was telling you what it was, what it all meant. But you didn’t want to acknowledge that voice, didn’t want to let it gain ground in your mind.
What you had with Jungkook was good right now. It was solid, surprisingly stable given the short amount of time you’d known him and how drastically different both of your backgrounds were. Though you couldn’t help but think.
Okay, if you were being entirely honest with yourself then you wanted Jungkook. You wanted to date him, to hold his hand and make him smile. Kiss his cheek and his nose, feel all of that strong body beneath his clothes, feel his hands on you while you run your hands along him, learn the taste of his mouth and…
Shaking your head, you try to push those thoughts out of your mind before your scent changes in a way that even Jungkook is going to notice. Taking a deep swallow of wine, you point at the screen while scoffing loudly.
“Is it just me, or are these kids taking all this weirdness in their stride way too easily? Like, oh look! A key opens a mirror world where you can get lost and die! Nothing weird there. Casual day in their lives.” Jungkook snorts, grinning as he takes a drink. 
“They do seem to be quite calm about this whole thing. I mean, I’d be freaking the fuck out if that was me. Taking the first train to Nopeville and stopping at Hell the Fuck No City on the way.” Laughing, you press your face into his shoulder. He had the strangest humour sometimes.
Jungkook particularly liked those old school ‘90s comedy films or early 2000s. He’d already made you watch Dumb and Dumber along with Clerks, Happy Gilmore and Dodgeball. You’d admit to enjoy Dodgeball, okay so maybe you’d laughed particularly hard at the ‘if you can avoid a wrench!’ scene, but the others had questionable humour to you.
To him though, it had been the funniest thing he’d ever seen. His laugh was particularly loud when he was enjoying something so freely, the sound infectious until you were giggling along with him. So even though you weren’t exactly enamoured with the films he liked to watch, you went along with them because he liked them. And you liked it when he got the happy look in his eyes.
“I guess it wouldn’t really make it exciting though if they just noped the fuck outta there, huh?” You muse, casually eating a fruit gummy from the pack of Haribo you’d bought at the grocery store too. Jimin would kill you if he found out that you’d bought them when he wasn’t here, but whatever.
Offering the packet to Jungkook, he gives you a sweet smile before carefully reaching inside and picking out a tangy cherry gummy. He pops into his mouth quickly, a hum of happiness leaving him as he wiggles slightly, rosy pink lips pouting slightly as he chews. Snorting, you smile brightly and poke his cheek affectionately.
Looking at you, his eyes widen in that innocent way of his that makes your heart strings tug. Despite his bold and aggressive exterior, the tattoos that line his arms in what you’re convinced is a way to express his creativity while also protecting himself from anyone looking, he was still an Omega. He growled at you and grumbled frequently, ignoring your requests and straight up argued with Jimin frequently.
Jungkook defied every stereotype of an Omega and almost took great delight at doing so. Yet at his heart, just like you were still an Alpha when you stripped everything away, he was still an Omega. The way he would watch with boundless curiosity when you cooked or helped to build the new bookcase you’d bought last week. His sweet nature was always so giving, how he would happily share his food with you and how much he loved affection despite his initial belligerence. 
You knew that the only reason you were seeing this Jungkook was because he felt comfortable with you. That you gave him the stability and protection that made him feel like he could be open with you and honest about himself.
“Jungkook...how...okay, don’t answer this question if you don’t want to or anything. But...when we first met, and the second time, you were surprisingly aggressive. For an Omega. And I know, I know, stereotypes and all that. But...having got to know you, I’m a little surprised by how unlike you that was. You’re so sweet and kind and funny, genuine and honest. I was half convinced that you were gonna bite my head off the second time we met.” Jungkook’s cheeks flush bright red at that, one hand coming up to rub at them before he lets out a quiet laugh.
“Yeah...I know. It's an, erm, survival mechanism. My parents taught me to be...bolder than I actually am. Inside, I’m quaking with fear when I act like that because all it takes is one genuine command and I’d be on my knees. Usually an Alpha is so surprised by my aggression that they don’t do anything further. No one wants to fight an Omega, right? And then I make my getaway.” He takes another gummy from the pack, chewing on it carefully.
“That makes sense. Your parents were smart. I know I confused my parents when I was younger because of how...non-Alpha I was. By all of the stereotypes, I should’ve been hammering and pushing around Jimin when I was old enough to walk and shift. But instead, I would let him push me around. It was almost amusing how confused it made them.” You laugh, grinning at him brightly with an aura of smug amusement. “I have the instincts in me, but I don’t feel like-”
“Like you’re being run by them. I get it. Same here. I get the urge to be submissive and quiet and meek, all those lovely instincts that Omega’s have for some godforsaken reason. I just don’t feel the need to let them come to the fore. Instead, I can almost push-”
“Push them away. They’re there, in your head and your body, your wolf knows them, but you don’t need to use them.” Jungkook looks at you for a moment with a serious expression, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly and you wonder what he’s thinking. He looks like he’s considering something.
“I’ve never met anyone who understands what it’s like. And it’s even weirder given how different we are in the pack hierarchy.” Reaching for his drink, he takes a long swallow and you watch the way the muscles in his throat work as he does so, your own mouth suddenly bone dry. His words permeate your mind and you purse your lips, shrugging slightly.
“Same. But...it’s nice not to feel so alone, you know? Part of the reason why I’m running for leadership. I mean, a big part is to shut Jimin up but...I genuinely want to change the way this pack thinks and how it runs. Wolves like us are just as normal as any other and I don’t see why a stereotype should be the way we have to run our lives. You’re an Omega, yes, but you’re so much more than that. I know we have our wolves in us, and there’s part of us and instincts we can never change, but the human side of us needs to learn and grow. Move with the times.” That gets a laugh from Jungkook as he places his bottle back down, grinning at you.
“You sound like you’re giving some great speech. But you’re right. I’ll vote for you.” Looking at him sharply, you scan over his face closely to see if he’s joking or anything. You’d had plenty of people who were being honest when they said they would vote for you, but you’d also had plenty of people who had been joking.
It would be nice if you could say the high school nastiness had stayed in high school. Instead, it had just become an unfortunate personality trait of some wolves.
But his face was serious, his expression earnest and his eyes wide with his sincerity. Your hackles slowly relaxed as you chewed your inner lip before giving him a small nod and an even smaller smile.
“Thanks. I mean...I’m not gonna win but you know.” 
“Well, not with that attitude. Come on, you’re an Alpha. Embrace your stereotype for once and be braggadocios. It’s the one time I won’t hold it against you.” Dancing his finger around your nose, he practically sings the words and you laugh while also noting he has a nice voice.
“Okay, okay. I guess. Even though I’m all about dismantling the stereotypes of the pack, I will embrace my own this once. For Jimin and you, because I think between you both, you’re going to drive me crazy until it’s all over.” The Omega laughs loudly, the sound so pure that you can’t help but laugh along as your heart soars and you feel almost light headed. You’re not sure if that’s basically of his basic nature, or if it’s just because it’s Jungkook.
“Good. And while you’re embracing your stereotype, I’m going to take your advice and go against mine and be bold right now,” He pauses for dramatic effect. Or at least, you think it's a dramatic effect, until you see the nervous way his eyes look away from you constantly. “I like being your friend. It’s really good, and I really like it. I do. But...I was wondering if maybe...you wanted to be...more?” 
Jungkook’s boldness dies away by the end of his sentence until his words are so soft and gentle, you can barely hear them. His cheeks are a flaming red now and you get the impression he’s trying to hide behind his luscious locks of hair. But you heard the words all the same, and you let go of the breath you’d been holding.
Part of you wants to interrogate him, to ask if he was being serious. If this is what he really wanted. If he was really okay with being with an Alpha. You wanted to make sure this was all comfortable for him.
But the bigger part of you, the part that was jumping for joy and your wolf who was howling in excitement along with you, wanted to just say yes. Jungkook was a grown man. An adult who just happened to be an Omega. If you were serious about ignoring the stereotypes that had been placed on you both, then this would be a prime start.
By letting him have true agency over his decisions and acknowledging that he had evidently thought them through until he had come to this request. Jungkook was naturally shy beneath his veneer of boldness, and you knew he thought things through a lot. So to know he’d been thinking of this...in the same way you had.
You only have one word to say to him, a word you both evidently want to hear and you can’t stop the giant smile that paints across your face as you give it to him.
Standing in front of the mirror in your bedroom, you contemplate whether to wear the olive green shirt or the buttercup yellow one. It was traditional for the candidates for pack leadership to wear the colours of nature on the election day and you were keen to uphold this one tradition at least. If there was one thing you did agree with the pack on, it was the need to appreciate and love nature.
But still, you were unsure of what to wear. You had to make a good impression after all and you were the only woman going forward for the Pack Leadership. That thought immediately makes you scowl though and you want to pinch yourself. There was no need for you to put more effort in than the other two candidates just because of who you are. That was the kind of thinking you were rallying against.
“You should wear the yellow. It looks pretty on you.” Jungkook’s voice pipes up from where he’s laid on the bed. He sounds a little tired and you know that he’d been up late last night trying to finish the project he’d been assigned by the digital marketing company he worked for. Their deadline had been moved up drastically which meant he’d had to work harder to get everything finished, being one of their few website and graphic designers.
“Really?” You hum, shifting to assess yourself as you hold the yellow shirt in front of you instead. It does look pretty good on you but you were going to be wearing sand coloured jeans. That would be too pale overall and you didn’t want to stand out too much, plus there wasn’t any green in your wardrobe. But then again, the olive would make you look like some kind of army dropout.
“Don’t you have some dark green pants in there? I’m sure I saw them.” With that, he heaves himself out of bed and stretches, looking mighty fine as you’re gifted with the view of his muscled body and tan skin, the abundance of tattoos he loves so much scrawled across his arms. His hair is just as long and ruffled as the day you first met, only it’s looking even more like a mess right now and you snort.
You don’t remember the pants he’s talking about so you wait for him to finish scratching his belly, nails scraping against the fine hair that leads above the band of his boxers. Finally though, he walks over and rummages through your closest while humming lightly to himself. Smiling, you run your fingers along his back and enjoy the way he shivers against you.
It’s been a good few months since the two of you had started dating. The rest of the Pack had been surprised to find out that the impossibly grumpy Omega had finally agreed to date an Alpha and you’d gotten plenty of suspicious words from people over time. There were a lot who didn’t understand why Jungkook was with you of all Alpha’s, given how...unlike the one you were.
But it had also bizarrely had a strange effect on your popularity in the rankings. Given the almost mythical status afforded Omega’s, it was almost like the Pack viewed you as someone more worthy of the very idea of leadership because he’d chosen to be with you. Jimin had told you it was because of yet more antiquated ideas surrounding Omega’s and the fact that a lot of wolves believed that they would only mate with superior Alpha’s.
While you weren’t going to push away the idea of mating with Jungkook, if anything you were pretty positive that your wolf had long ago picked him, you didn’t like the pressure it placed on him. Nor did you like how you felt like you were manipulating the people who were coming to know and appreciate.
You’d tried not to let it bother you too much and had instead focused on getting to know the people of your town and Pack once more while exploring the budding relationship between Jungkook and you. He was perhaps the sweetest wolf you’d ever met with a pure heart of gold and you adored the gruff exterior he presented to keep away others. 
“Here it is.” He says proudly, bringing out a pair of olive green pants that you’d forgotten you even had. How he’d found those, you had no idea but you were pleased to see that you’d had the forethought to at least hang them up, meaning there were currently no wrinkles.
Ideally, you’d obviously have washed them but whatever. As long as it looked good and not like a last minute decision. Smiling brightly at him, you take them and pair them up with the shirt, liking the neutral tones that look like sunshine and earth combining.
“Good decision ‘kook. I like it.” You’d already showered, hence why you were currently wrapped in a towel, and carefully chose some underwear as well. This wasn’t as important obviously and you preferred to be comfortable instead of sexy. Though there were certainly occasions when the latter worked...particularly with a certain wolf.
“I’m gonna go shower quickly and then get dressed. We’re meeting up at the parking lot right?” Jungkook asks, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek to avoid morning breath before heading over to the bathroom. You gave him a nod before he slipped inside and began to get ready, taking a deep breath to steel yourself.
Jimin had moved out two months ago and Jungkook had moved straight in, your relationship deepening even further. You’d say it was fast, but you were probably just used to Jimin and Sana’s snail pace relationship. They’d finally mated though and you’d been informed only last week that you would be able to play with a nephew or niece sooner rather than later.
But logically, you knew that a true mate pairing just knew with each other. And you suspected that had happened with Jungkook. You were taking things slow not only for him, but for yourself to make sure that you weren’t just rushing into something. Which was silly, because your wolf wasn’t going to change her mind anytime soon.
Pulling on your clothes, you accessorise with a few pretty rose gold bracelets and a beautiful necklace with a small, bejewelled hummingbird pendant. Jungkook had bought you it for your six month anniversary, which made you laugh because you didn’t realise he’d been counting, but it was a sweet gesture and worked perfectly with your colour scheme today.
A few touches of make up to your face are finished by the time Jungkook comes out and he snorts at the sight of you nearly finished already. Apparently he was constantly surprised by how quickly you got ready, more used to his mom’s time consuming efforts. 
He pulls on a white, button up shirt along with some dark grey skinny jeans. Witnesses aren’t required to dress to a code like the candidates were, but you couldn’t deny that he looked almost outrageously attractive. You didn’t even realise you were growling at a subvocal level until Jungkook looked at you with a grin, drying his hair and styling it to make sure he looked good.
He always looked good though.
Before you even realise what you’re doing, you’ve placed the lipstick down you were about to put on and are standing in front of him, arms wrapping around his slim waist to hug him. Jungkook hadn’t buttoned his shirt fully yet so none of your makeup got on his pristine shirt but you didn’t particularly care right then.
Humming lightly, you inhaled deeply and took in his scent, body relaxing as your nerves washed away with his presence. This was why you weren’t protesting your wolf’s choice of mate too much, or the fact that she’d become more insistent over the last few weeks. Because he made you feel happy and stress free.
Honestly, you weren’t entirely sure what you’d been doing before him.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, instead wrapping his arms around you in turn and simply hugging you back. The two of you sway slightly as he moves you both and his chest vibrates as he hums a song in his usual habit, the sensation gentle against your ear.
“I love you.” The words fall from your mouth before you even realise what you’re doing and you go to freeze, uncertain if he’d accept the words. Declarations like that were not taken lightly in your world given how mate bonds were permanent. You simply didn’t ‘fall in love’ with someone who your wolf didn’t want and trust implicitly.
Which meant you’d just given the game away to Jungkook. And on this very important day that you had been anxiously waiting for, you now had to comprehend with the fact that you needed to hear whether he would reciprocate or deny. Because it was entirely up to him now.
He could respond, meaning all you would need to do was consummate the bond together later, or he could deny you which would mean your relationship probably wouldn’t last much longer. Swallowing thickly, you wait to see what he’d say.
“I love you too.” They’re so soft and gentle that you almost don’t hear them, even with your superior senses. And you get the impression that he’s a little choked up himself, a little shy and beyond all that, happy with the way his arms tighten around you. It makes you want to cry too but you’ve just put your damn makeup on and you are not going to ruin it when you don’t have time.
Pulling away, you look up at him and bite your lip in excitement, taking in the way his eyes practically glitter with reciprocal emotion. You’ve never seen a more beautiful sight in your life. The two of you move like magnets attracted to one another, lips connecting as if there’s not a force on Earth that could stop you both and you sigh into his mouth happily.
It doesn’t take him long though to gently push you away, his hands firm on your shoulders as you whine at the loss of him. He doesn’t give in though, very carefully directing you back over to the make up he’d distracted you from before kissing your forehead quickly.
“There’s no time for that right now. We can discuss this further after the election, okay?” Jungkook’s voice is soft as he crouches next to you, resting a hand on your thigh and giving you the sweetest smile that makes his eyes positively glow. Resting your hand on his cheek, you stroke the skin there softly before sighing and nodding.
“Well...at least one good thing has happened today.” He laughs at that, standing up to finish dressing while you finish up as well. The two of you chat about the show you’ve both been watching, carefully avoiding any discussion of what had just happened or what was about to happen.
It stays like that until you’re meeting up with your friends and family in the parking lot outside the entrance to the forest. Well, there’s lots of entrances but this was the entrance. The one that led to the ancestral clearing that had been used to determine the leader of the Pack for centuries now. Long ago, the election had actually been a competition in which Alpha’s would fight to claim the leadership.
Those who didn’t submit, or die, won the right to lead. Thankfully, that had been outlawed long ago or you wouldn’t have even considered the possibility of entering the election. The very idea was simply barbaric and despite the fact you turned into a wolf, and had a wolf with her own mind inside you, you were still also human.
“You ready?” Jimin asks, smiling at you reassuringly as he moves over and hugs you tightly. Smiling, you press yourself into your brother and inhale the smell of him, the familial connection helping you to relax. Sana soon joins in the hug and you laugh softly, enveloping her too and taking in the difference of her own scent now that she is pregnant. There were subtle hints of Jimin in there, indicating he was the father and you wanted to squeal with excitement.
You’d been beyond happy that they’d finally bonded together after what seemed an absurd amount of time but you were even happier than they were pregnant. The two of them were going to make fantastic parents and you were beyond excited to be an aunt as well. 
Looking back at Jungkook, you reach out for his hand and tug him into the hug too, making him whine before laughing. He was still pretty shy with affection in public, almost like he was afraid that people might make comments about him or something but you weren’t going to let him get away with that right now.
That baby was going to be his nephew or niece too now. Though obviously Jimin and Sana didn’t know that just yet. Still though, they welcomed into the hug with open warmth and you sighed happily as some of the most important people surrounded you with their love and support.
“Thank you all for coming.” You mumble before separating yourself from them and giving your parents a hug as well. They give you their own well wishes and support as well and you chat with them for a few minutes about everything that’s been going on, promising to visit them more often.
“Come on, we’ve got to go.” Sana says suddenly, interrupting you with an apologetic smile before looping her arm through your own. The two of you start doing the dirt trail, quiet for a moment as you take the time to inhale the clean scent of the trees that surround you. Reaching out, you run your hand along the rough bark of the trunk of the nearest one and feel yourself centre with the help of the nature surrounding you.
Generations of wolves had been born, lived and died under the watchful gaze of these trees and you wondered what stories they could tell. The love stories they’d seen or the battles they’d been witness to. What would be the story they were going to see today? Would it be you, taking leadership or someone else?
“You’ll be fine,” Sana whispers to you, giving you a big smile before squeezing your arm reassuringly and you give you a tight smile in response. “Seriously, I think you’re going to do great. You underestimate how popular you are with people.”
“That’s just because I’m with Jungkook.” You mutter, pouting slightly as you contemplate just how much of people's warmth towards you was because of what you had done yourself or because you were dating the pretty and mysterious Omega. Glancing back at him, you watch as he chats with Jimin contentedly, laughing softly at the sight of him so big and broad next to your slight brother.
“You’d never think he was the Omega.” Your best friend muses, her tone light as she looks back too and you nod with a snort. Out of the two of them, Jimin looks like he would be the Omega instead of Jungkook. People would get a shock if they tried to treat Jimin like a submissive though. He’d probably bite their head off first.
Your brother could occasionally have a bit of a temper.
“He puts effort into looking that badass. Works though.” Chuckling, you turn back and take in a deep breath as you spot the opening just ahead. There’s sunlight streaming through, giving everything an almost ethereal look and you bite your lip as trepidation burns in your stomach.
“It doesn’t matter if I don’t win anyway. It’s all fine. I took part and hopefully changed some people’s minds too.” Nodding in confidence, you eye Sana for a moment before pushing at her lightly with affection. She raises her eyebrows at you before grinning and you both burst into nervous giggles.
“Okay, okay. Let’s be serious now. Game faces on. This is important.” You say, holding out your hand in front of your face before bringing it down in a gesture to simulate you getting serious. It makes Sana snort but she doesn’t say anything to contradict you. She knows you’re not entirely confident about this but you don’t want her to say anything about it.
Letting go of her arm, you turn and take a deep breath as you take in the faces of support from everyone you love. Sana’s parents along with Jungkook’s have joined now, having already reached the clearing and moving over to be with your supporters on the outskirts. You give them a nod of acknowledgement and thanks before heading into the centre of the circle of trees.
It’s bigger than you’d expect when you heard the word ‘clearing’. The tall sentinels that stand guard in an almost perfect circle have wide, foreboding trunks that indicate they’re old while the centre is wide enough to have wild grass growing freely. The strands sway slightly in the gentle breeze that filters through the trees and you note that there are a few wildflowers beginning to pop up as well, their colours bright and vibrant against the lush green.
Quiet murmuring and soft discussions mean that you can’t hear any of the natural sounds of the forest, the Pack members who were eligible and able to vote clustered around the outer edges. It always surprised you just how many wolves there were in your Pack, particularly considering it was considered to be small compared to Packs elsewhere.
There were a good few hundred people in the clearing though, making it seem even smaller. Even then, a lot of them were actually in the trees, waiting for their moment to come forward and vote. One day, the Pack wouldn’t be able to fit in this clearing. They were already spilling over the edges and you frowned, wondering when it had all gotten so big.
That was a thought for another day though and instead you simply go round, greeting as many people as you can and giving them your most gracious and humble smile. You would be leading these people if you won, but you would also be serving them too. It’s something a lot of people didn’t seem to realise about leadership positions, that they were designed to serve the very people who put them there.
Most were happy to greet you, giving you equally polite smiles and making small talk while there were a few others a little more frosty. You weren’t surprised that the families of the other candidates, Kim Seokjin and Oh Taewon, weren’t exactly the happiest to see you but there wasn’t exactly a lot you could do about that except be civil.
Soon enough thankfully, the current Pack Alpha is calling for quiet. His strong voice has a deep timbre and is still strong, despite his age. Though that might be because he was using the dominance he’d been born with to reinforce his words and ensure that everyone was listening to him.
A few of the Alphas in the crowd bristled to be ordered about, not exactly an unusual occurrence given the clashes of dominance that could happen. It wasn’t usually a problem but with this many wolves around, the election would have to take place quickly to ensure it didn’t cause any issues such as fights.
The quietest whine from behind you causes you to turn, catching Jungkook’s eyes and taking in the slightly distressed look in them. Almost immediately you feel protective, a need to rush over to him and comfort him. You’d been worried about him coming here, with so many dominant personalities present and how he’d handle it all but he’d been determined to come for you.
When he realises you’re watching him, he gives you a tremulous smile that’s a little weaker than he probably anticipated. It makes your heart clench and you catch Jimin and Sana’s attention subtly, indicating towards your boyfriend who was now fidgeting with his hands. They take approximately a second to realise what’s wrong before nodding at you with a smile, Sana’s arm wrapping around his waist in a hug.
It’s not you, but the comfort of someone he knows and trusts makes him relax and you sigh in relief. The last you needed during this moment was to be constantly fretting over him. As much as you love him, you need to get through this.
Turning back, you stand in between the other two candidates and listen to the current Alpha talks. He explains the history of your Pack along with how important the role of leader is. You zone out for a little bit, the nerves causing you to ignore what he’s saying until you realise people are moving forward slowly.
The way your ancestors had devised the more democratic, and less brutal, method of choosing the new Pack leader was for each member to place a stone in a wooden bowl that was set in front of you. Once everyone had voted, the stones were counted by the current Alpha and the leader declared. In case of a tie, the vote was decided by the Pack Alpha, who didn’t vote normally.
As people came forward and voted, you decided that while you appreciated the concept of voting, you didn’t particularly appreciate having to actively watch as people you had come to know voted for others. It was beyond awkward as you tried to avoid eye contact while also making sure you didn’t appear too upset or offended.
But what surprised you more than anything was the fact that...you seemed to be winning? The stones in your bowl were growing more and more plentiful while your opponents had only handfuls each. Frowning ever so slightly, you realised with a start that at this rate, they wouldn’t even need to count the stones. It was that obvious.
Instead of fretting over that, you focused instead on who was giving you their trust and loyalty. The people who were telling you that they thought you were the best Alpha to lead them forward, despite how you’d always been considered a lesser Alpha in the past. Part of you, the part that didn’t think you were ready, wondered how much of their choice had been impacted by Jungkook.
Shaking your head slightly, you pushed the thought away. It didn’t matter at the end of the day. If the final votes kept up like they did, then Kim Seokjin and Oh Taewon were going to be congratulating you on your win and acknowledging your leadership. You, the Alpha who defied all stereotypes.
Smiling slightly to yourself, you looked down at the ground as the final votes slowly trickled in. The win was to such an extent that your bowl looked like it was in serious danger of overflowing and you felt almost embarrassed at it. Glancing over to the other two candidates, you saw them give you a warm smile before they both walked over to give you a congratulatory handshake.
Given how temperamental Alpha’s could be, you were thankful that both Seokjin and Taewon were magnanimous and kind in defeat. Though you supposed that only level-headed Alpha’s would even be allowed to contest the election. No point allowing a candidate who was a hothead and would start a fight just because they lost.
Still, you made sure to be warm and welcoming to them both to avoid any future awkwardness. He current Pack leader, or rather the previous now, didn’t even bother counting the stones and instead moved over to you with a wide grin. Once you’d finished talking with Seokjin and Taewon, he grasped your hand and lifted it high above your head.
“I think this is probably the easiest victory in a while. Which is a testament to the popularity of Y/N and the strong belief that she will lead this pack in a positive way for the future. With this, I officially relinquish my role as leader and bestow it to you. May you experience good health, a fortuitous life and no troubles.” He smiles at you as you have the bizarre knowledge that you’re now higher ranking than he is. This is the wolf who has led the Pack since before you were even born, the wolf you had acquiesced to every time when he made a decree. And yet now, he bowed to you.
Well, he didn’t actually bow. But the metaphor was the same. Eyes widening at the thought, you accept his words before turning to look at the Pack. Your Pack. Catching the sight of your family, you see the tears of joy and pride your mom and dad cry while Jimin beams so brightly at the knowledge his little sister had actually done it.
And then you see Jungkook, who’s smiling so brightly at you that his nose is all wrinkled and his eyes have disappeared into the sweetest crescent moons. His cheeks are flushed with a combination of happiness and what you presume to be stress from the presence of so many dominant personalities but he pushes through it for you, focusing firmly on you as he cheers and howls alongside the rest of the Pack as they celebrate.
Getting them to calm down with a gesture, you laugh as the howls continue for a moment before stopping and simply look over the wolves who are now yours. Yours to rule and nourish, protect and discipline if necessary. It’s a big ask for someone who’s simply a teacher, but if you can handle a day full of moody teenagers then really, the Pack would almost be a vacation.
“Thank you, for putting your trust into me to lead you. I will try my best to be fair and kind, an Alpha who you can come to with your worries and stresses. I know that many of you may question me given...how I don’t appear like other Alpha’s but I promise you that I am just as ready to protect and fight for you if necessary. I am here for you and I will respect each of you. In turn, I expect equal amounts of respect back. I may be your leader, but I am not your ruler. Please, if you have any concerns then bring them to me sooner rather than later. And with that, I think that’s enough of discussing politics for the day. I’m sure you’re all waiting to go back to your homes and have your parties so...please enjoy.” Grinning, you stifle the laugh that wants to erupt at the enthusiastic howls and yells from many in the crowd as they begin to disperse.
Election day in your Pack had long been a day that everyone would take off from their normal work, turning it into a day of voting in the morning and partying in the evening to celebrate the election of their new leader. You would spend a few hours visiting random parties tonight throughout the town, making an appearance to them and showing that you were there before settling in at the party your parents would be hosting.
Glancing over at Jungkook, you bit your lip as anticipation roiled in your stomach. Under normal circumstances, the next few hours would be a breeze as you socialised and got to know people. You may not particularly enjoy it, but you were well versed in how to do it thanks to your job. But today?
Today you just wanted to rush home and into the arms of Jungkook. Because tonight you had more important things to do than having a party. Tonight, you were going to join together as mates for the very first time.
You wish that you could say that you enjoyed the parties that you went to that night, but it would be a complete lie to be honest. What you really want to do is get home, spend some time with your family and friends while you were still in a content and happy mood before spending the night with one Jeon Jungkook.
But you were, after all, the leader now. So you didn’t get to be selfish when it came to things like this. Though you kind of wished that you could because as much as you’d ended up wanting this role despite only doing it because Jimin had bugged you enough to sign up, some of the people in the Pack weren’t very accommodating to you. Or even nice really.
You were generalising really, because the vast majority of wolves who you had met and spoken to tonight had been very sweet and congratulatory towards you. Many of them had openly told you that they’d voted for you, leading to you awkwardly thanking them for their support. A lot of them had laughed at your uncertainty regarding their words but they seemed to appreciate how genuine you were being.
Perhaps they thought you might have ended up being like another Alpha who was brusque and almost rude, as if their support was never in question. There were plenty like that in the Pack and you were glad to give them someone who defied their expectations.
But after three hours of driving around town and greeting people, you were just ready to leave. So you give a polite smile to the young couple whose barbecue you’d crashed along with all of their friends and family, including their grandparents who had haughtily told you that they’d voted for Kim Seokjin, a real Alpha. 
That had just amused you and you’d shrugged apologetically when they’d told you, telling them that you’d do the best you could for them to meet their expectations. Of course, they’d just sniffed at that but you didn’t see any point in trying to change their mind. 
After finally saying goodbye to everyone there, you hop into your car and drive to your parents house with a relieved sensation in your stomach. Pulling up into their drive, you smile brightly at the sight of the cars of all your beloved friends and family, realising that they’d all congregated here for what must have been hours now.
“Ah, here she is. Our noble Alpha.” Greeted you when you walk through the door, Jimin’s bright smile accompanies his sugary sweet words and you snort in amusement, punching his stomach lightly as he goes to hug you. The whine he lets out is overly exaggerated but he embraces you tightly, his emotions genuine.
“Seriously, congrats. Told you that you could do it.” Rolling your eyes at him, you acknowledge his words with a nod before hugging Sana just as tight. She’s already babbling on about the election and how she’d thought it was going to be tense but that you’d made history with the landslide. Of course, she then starts to suggest laws that she’d like to have in place and you take her hands gently, squeezing them.
“Hey, hey. Sana...I love you, but can I please at least have tonight? We can talk about laws tomorrow, I promise you. Okay?” She pouts slightly, her pretty pink lips giving away her eagerness and you just chuckle.
“Sweetheart, what did we say about talking law tonight?” Jimin asks his mate, brows rising slightly with an expectant look and you watch in fascination as your best friend pouted even further, her shoulders dropping.
“To leave it alone for the night. But it’s important we get started on the right foot!” She protests, looking from him to you and you just smile at her. Jimin sighs deeply before wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek affectionately.
“Peanut, I love you, I really do. But I’m sure that Y/N has had a really tiring day and probably just wants to go round and say hi to everyone before dragging Jungkook off.” He’s looking firmly at Sana when he says that but you feel yourself go warm with embarrassment at his words. Not that he’d said anything crude out loud, but because he was perfectly right.
You did want to drag Jungkook off, because you had something very important to do with him. So you take Jimin’s words as permission and give them both a warm smile of happiness before hugging them both tightly together.
“Thank you both for all your support these last few months. I really mean it. I couldn’t have done any of this without you both. Especially you, you weasel. It’s because of you that I probably am going to have a massive headache and a short temper 24/7 with the Pack. I’ve already met some grouchy folk so I’m sure it’s going to be fun.” Jimin laughs loudly at that, his eyes almost disappearing with the intensity of his emotion and he squeezes you even tighter round the neck, causing you to yell as he drags you down.
“That’ll be nothing for my little sister. She’ll put them straight, won’t she?” He teases and you growl, the sound rumbling from your chest without even meaning it. But the wolf inside you is displeased at being caught like this, being restrained, and so before Jimin realises what’s happening, you’ve grabbed his arm and twisted with an enormous amount of force and strength. 
A cry leaves him as he gets flung over your body, his ass thumping the ground hard as he lays there with a stunned expression. Not that he should be too surprised really. You’ve done this with him plenty of times over the years so he really should be used to being thrown around by his smaller, younger sister.
Still, it makes Sana laugh with wild abandon at the sight of seeing her mate so thoroughly put in his place. Grinning at her, you give her a high five before heading further into the house and saying hello to the people closest to you.
Your parents give you the tightest hug possible and you can practically feel the pride dripping of them, that their little girl is now the leader of their Pack. It was something they’d told you that you could do as a child but you doubted they’d have ever considered you were actually going to go for it.
“Are you going to quit teaching now? Being the leader is basically a full time job.” Your dad asks, a frown on his face as concern fills his expression. Humming, you shake your head with a smile before squeezing the hand of Jungkook. He’d been talking to them when you’d arrived and had slipped his hand into yours as soon as he’d been able to, the pride in his face possibly equal to the one in theirs.
“No. But I will transfer to the high school here instead. And maybe teach some classes at the local community college for anyone who wants them. I still love teaching and I don’t want to give it up. If anything, I think I want to encourage more people in the Pack to learn. I’m considering offering some cultural lessons to try and broaden the minds of some of our more...reticent members. Maybe offer cultural exchanges by inviting other Pack’s to send a representative and tell us how they operate and live. You know...every little helps right?” Your mom is nodding thoughtfully, her arm looped through your dad's arm and you feel pride at knowing she approved of your thoughts.
“Sounds like a good idea. There’s plenty of people that need to be dragged into the 20th century in our Pack, never mind the 21st century. So if you can succeed in that, then I’ll be a very proud dad.” He grins before hugging you, and you contemplate the fact that you’ve probably never had this much physical contact in years.
“Anyway, as much as I love you all and this is a great party, I’ve already been fed about six times by now so I’m ridiculously full and I’m tired. Are you okay if Jungkook and I head off? I know I’ve barely been-” You barely even get the words out before your mom is pushing Jungkook and you with a tut, rolling her eyes.
“Honestly, you don’t need to apologise. It’s been a big day. For both of you. I’m proud of you too Jungkook, for doing so well with everyone there. So I want you both to go home and just relax! You’ve done enough for today.” Snorting, you let her practically push you out of the door while you manage to wave your goodbyes to everyone, noting the amused expressions on their faces as well.
Getting into the car once more, you turn and look at Jungkook with raised brows. “Ironic that I’ve spent more time with other people at their parties today than with my own parents at my own party.”
“Hey, they understand. Don’t be too worried about it. They’d already told me that they planned on sending you home as soon as you got here to be honest. We all knew you’d be a bit tired and stressed after it all and I don’t think anyone wanted to cause you anymore anxiety than needed after what’s happened.” He says thoughtfully, running his fingers over his lower lip and you hum quietly.
“Are you okay? I’ve been worried about you since I left. It was a lot to take in and you did so well Kook. I’m really proud of you. I can only imagine how hard it was to be there with almost the whole Pack, all those different personalities and dominance battles going on.” Your voice goes soft with worry and you see him smile out of the corner of your eye, reaching out for your hand and intertwining your fingers once more.
“It was hard, yeah. I wanted to run away for most of it but I’ve got a reputation to uphold you know? I’m an Omega, yeah, but I'm also a badass,” He puffs his chest out at that and you snort, gently pushing at him without taking your eyes away from the road too much. “Seriously though, I’m really proud of you too. You were so convinced that no one was going to vote for you because of who you are and how you don’t meet the stereotypes others have for you but...you were wrong. And now you’re our lovely leader.”
“Yeah...you’re right.” Silence falls between you both but it’s not uncomfortable, instead it’s familiar and comforting. Sighing softly, you run your thumb along the back of his hand before smiling once more. You’d managed to do it, despite a year ago being convinced that you wouldn’t even be considered. And along the way, you’d found your mate.
“This morning...what you said...do you still think that?” Jungkook’s voice is soft now and you pause at his words, thinking back and remembering the intimate moment you’d both had in your bedroom. It felt so long ago now, but those emotions came swarming back with a vengeance as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building.
“Every word.” Turning the engine off, you look at him with a serious expression and he swallows thickly. His eyes are wide, reflecting the light from the nearby buildings and you feel your heart positively clench at how beautiful he looks. It’s not that he’s innocent, because he’s not, but it’s like he has an innate curiosity and wonder about the world that his eyes can’t seem to hide. As if he wants to learn and see everything before his time ends and you want so desperately to give that to him.
“Me too.” He whispers and you don’t stop yourself from leaning forward in your seat, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that is gentle and yet needy at the same time. The underlying ‘I love you’ is so prominent between you both and you feel the need to mark him. To make him yours and show the whole world that he chose you.
Pulling back, you look at him at him intently and see the way he swallows at whatever he sees in your own eyes. Nipping at his lip playfully, you nose along his cheek before biting softly at his jawline and enjoying the way he gasps.
Sex with Jungkook is more than satisfying and you’ve been pleased to discover that he’s not as submissive as he looks in that department either. There’s days when he takes control and you love it almost as much as the days that he lets you wreak havoc with him. But today is a day when your base instincts will take over, the wolf inside you demanding you dominate your mate to show him that you were capable of protecting him, of loving him and keeping him safe.
Unsurprisingly, Jungkook’s own wolf was obviously telling him to go along with his own instincts as well as he leans his head to one side, revealing the wonderful expanse of golden tan skin stretched over the strong tendons and muscles of his neck. The beautiful skin that is currently unmarked.
“We need to go inside. Now.” You growl and he nods immediately, hands grasping at the door handle before you even finish and you almost want to laugh at his eagerness. But you don’t, because you’re following him every step of the way, almost stalking his steps like the predator you truly were.
The idea of doing this to him normally would be horrifying because it would immediately set off his Omega instincts. And no matter how much he’s managed to suppress them over the years, no matter how much he can pass for something other than what he is, he is still an Omega at the end of the day.
But tonight, the tension in his shoulders wasn’t from fear. It was from anticipation. And from the way he looked back at you with eagerness in those pretty eyes, you got the sense that he was turning this into a little game. The rumble of appreciation rolls from your chest before you even realise and you bite your lip at the sight of him shuddering when you reach the apartment door.
Getting your keys into the door is a bit of a challenge when your mind is solely focused on him. You finally do it though and as soon as the door latches shut behind you, you turn and pull him down for another kiss.
This one is deeper than before and more frantic, the need to join stronger than ever. The two of you leave a trail of clothes through the apartment as you move to the bedroom, his shirt torn from the force of your pull. Humming happily at the feel of smooth, warm skin beneath your palms, you nip at his collarbones playfully and delight in the way he squirms and whines for you.
Running your hands down his toned and muscular stomach, you reach the waistband of his boxers and eagerly pull them down. They slip past his slim hips with complete ease and you resist the urge to salivate at the sight of his cock, bouncing gently as it strains against gravity.
Jungkook is not a stereotypical Omega. He is tall, broad, muscular, tattooed, has a black belt in taekwondo and will snap at anyone if pushed. And his cock is just as beautifully magnificent as the rest of him, not too long to be painful but beautifully girthy and with the most delightful veins that make him whine when you trace over them. In a simple word, Jungkook is physically perfect.
"You're so damn beautiful," The words slip from your mouth reverently and you press your lips to the dip in his hips to a kiss that turns into a nip. "You're perfect and all for me, aren't you?"
As you whisper words of affection, praise and dominance into his skin, you wrap your fingers around his shaft and stroke slowly. The whine he gives it like music to your ears and you growl in appreciation, licking along his stomach before rewarding him with one, slow glide of your tongue along the underside of his cock.
He sighs in contentment at that, his hands clenching and opening repeatedly as he struggles to find something to do with them and you laugh. Pulling back, you stand once more and point to the bed.
"Lay down for me, pretty boy." You almost don't manage to get the words out before he's practically throwing himself on the bed and you have to stop yourself from snorting and ruining the mood. His eagerness to please suddenly is endearing and this is the one Omega stereotype you're glad he embodies.
The sight of him laid out on the bed, his skin almost glowing with health from the soft lighting of the bedside lamp he’d turned on, has you almost turning into a cat as you practically purr in contentment at the sight of him. His big, sweet eyes are focused firmly on you while his cock strains against his stomach, desperate for your touch.
“Good boy.” You praise him sweetly, running your hand along the muscle of his calf and biting your lip at the way he shivers in response. Slowly, you remove the final pieces of your own clothing and delight at the way Jungkook lets out the softest keen at the sight of the damp spot in your panties, a visible sign of just how unbelievably wet you were for him.
It didn’t take much for him to get you going, you’d discovered this in the past, but there’s something particularly delightful about him today. You may not be a typical Alpha but you’d be damned if Jungkook’s willingness to submit right now wasn’t hitting every dominant bone in your body.
Kneeling on the bed next to him, you continue to let your fingers dance along his body in a slow, steady exploration that only heightens his arousal. Everywhere you touch tenses beneath your fingertips and you don’t miss the way his hips subtly move, trying to catch your attention and give him the blessed relief he wants.
But you don’t want to yet. You want to make him desperate for you, to make him whine and pout and cry out for your touch before you finally mark him. The wolf in you demands it, demands his full submission as your mate and you want it as well. From the look of pure need in Jungkook’s eyes, he wants it just as much.
Pressing a kiss to his lips, you dart away from him quickly when he goes to follow and smile at the whine he gives you. Tutting quietly, you begin to kiss down his body in hot, open mouthed kisses that leave a slick mess to follow, a few spots darkening from where your kiss had been particularly forceful.
“What do you want, baby boy? Tell me.” You whisper, biting gently at his hip and enjoying the way he writhes beneath you. There’s almost zero resistance before he’s speaking to you, the subtle whine in his voice telling you he’s trying to hold back.
“I want you. Please. Please. I love you, please.” Pursing your lips, you move down till you’re kissing along his inner thigh, enjoying the way his muscles twitch with need. There’s no missing the way his cock jerks occasionally, his balls tight and firm in your eyesight and you resist the urge to play with them. Not yet.
“Tell me what you want.” The words are repeated back to him and now Jungkook does let out a whine, the sound strained in his throat with frustration and need. But he responds to you perfectly, causing you to grin.
“Please touch my dick. Jerk me off. Lick it. Put your mouth on it. Anything. Please.” He mutters a few more times, almost praying to you with how much he wants your touch on his cock and you pause for a moment to watch him. His face is ever so slightly flushed while his hair isn’t as put together anymore, his hands having ruined what he’d carefully arranged this morning.
“Since you asked so nicely.” You purr to him, voice going low. It’s not really because he asked, but more because you can’t handle not touching him anymore. Not when you want him this badly.
Grasping his cock at the base once more, you give him a slow stroke while squeezing tightly, enjoying how he gasps. A second stroke has his hips jerking, but not nearly as much as when you lick him from bottom to tip, flattening your tongue to try and reach as much of him as you can. The noises he makes are nothing though compared to when you wrap your lips around his head, engulfing him in your mouth and sucking tightly.
It’s pure enjoyment from your part as you take in how he reacts, moving your hand to meet your lips in a rhythm that’s perfect for you both. Head lowering, you press your tongue to him as hard as you can on the way down before hollowing out your cheeks as you rise back up, trying to increase the amount of pressure he’s feeling. The gasps tell you he likes it and you hum, adding vibration to the mix while your free hand moves to cup his balls, running your fingers along him until you find what really makes his hips jerk.
For a few minutes, you continue on like this. Changing up the speed with which you tug on him, the pressure you apply to his cock and how you play with his balls to make sure he doesn’t get too complacent or too near completion. It would ruin the fun if he came too early.
Pulling off him, you begin to lick at his tip almost like you’re enjoying an ice cream, eyes closing as you let your tongue slide around the head of him and find all the places that make him quiver with need. Your hand slows on him as well, squeezing the base of him tightly to stop him from reaching his end if he is near and the reduction in pleasure has him whining your name.
“Please, please. Oh god, please fuck me. Please. I want to be inside you.” He begs desperately, his hands moving to grasp at the covers of the bed as you press kisses to his cock, letting go of it and enjoying the way it stands for a moment for falling back to his stomach with a wet slap from the weight of it. Smirking, you sit up and wipe at your mouth before looking down at him.
His pupils have blown out from lust while his cheeks are a beautiful, rosy pink and his chest is breathing a little heavier than before. Moving over him, you carefully avoid his cock as you lean down to kiss along his neck, biting gently and sucking in other places before moving up to his mouth. It’s already swollen from your previous kiss and the way he keeps biting at them, but it doesn’t stop you from nibbling on his lower lip.
“You want to be inside of me? Do you think you deserve to be in me, baby boy?” You ask the question lightly, whispering the words into his ear and he shivers in response. Jungkook is nodding before you’ve even finished speaking and you hide your smile.
“Yes, yes please. I’ve been good. I was good today, right? Please. Please let me.” Sitting back up, you lift yourself and grasp his cock, straightening it till the tip is brushing against your wet folds. The slight sensation has him making the strangest noises, his throat tight while his hips try to push up and you tut at him.
“Stop pushing. We go at my pace, okay?” He settles down, forcing himself to be still at the thread of dominance you weave through your words before nodding. Feeling a little bad that you’d done that, you lean forward and kiss him gently.
“I’ve got you baby boy, don’t worry. I love you.” You try not to grin at how he almost preens at that, his chest pushing out while happiness and pride fills his eyes. Despite the lust rushing through your body and the incessant desire that makes your pussy ache to have him inside you, your chest feels full of love for him.
Slowly, you lower yourself onto his cock. There’s no foreplay for you, but then you don’t need it given how wet you already are for him. Slowly, he penetrates you inch by inch and you let you the deepest sigh of relief once you’re finally seated on him, clit rubbing against his pelvis as you lean forward ever so slightly. 
You feel full and an experimental squeeze of your muscles has slight pleasure rolling through you while Jungkook moans at being so deep inside your warm depths. Biting your lip, you rock your hips slowly and feel the perfect friction as his cock slides out of you before pushing back in just as deep. The slickness of your excitement allows him to glide with each and you hum at how good he feels.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good in me,” Panting slightly, you slowly speed up your movements until the room is filled with the lewd sound of him slipping in and out of your soaked pussy. “Mmmm, Jungkook. Fuck, you’re perfect.”
Half of you isn’t even actually sure what you’re saying anymore to be honest, the sensation of him inside you as you fuck him is all you can really focus on and you’re just saying whatever comes to you. But it’s all praise for the man beneath you, the man who is grasping the sheets so hard to avoid touching you yet because you haven’t given him permission to.
Who is holding himself so steady to avoid pushing up into you, letting you use his body however you want. You love it and opening your eyes, you tell him so while shifting, leaning forwards ever so slightly to lightly scrape your nails along his chest. It makes him writhe and whimper, the sound deep from his throat and you automatically squeeze around his cock when you hear it.
“Good boy.” You whisper absentmindedly, your fingers reaching down to rub at the swollen flesh of your clit. It’s almost hard beneath your touch from how turned on you are and you slick your fingers in the sticky mess before rubbing in a rhythmic circle that has you gasping and tightening.
Rocking your hips on top of him, you take all the pleasure that you can get and slowly, your movements begin to match so every circle of your fingers is complemented by a rock of your hips. You mix it up occasionally, circling your hips and sighing in relief at how Jungkook’s cock presses against every part inside of you that sparks fires of pleasure.
“Touch me Jungkook. I want your hands here,” You take one of them and press it to one of your breasts, making his fingers twist and pull at your nipple in exactly the way you love. “And here.”
His other hand goes to your clit and you press his fingers in exactly the manner that you enjoy the most. It feels even better with the extra stimulation and you whine loudly, the sound mixing with your gasps as you feel almost overwhelmed.
“Are you close?” You whisper to him, opening your eyes after a few minutes of enjoying some of the best sex you’ve ever had with him and he nods quickly. His eyes are scrunched close, jaw tight as he clenches his teeth together in a desperate effort to control himself. Your wolf growls at the sight of it and you feel your chest rumble too, the sound causing Jungkook’s hip to push up automatically.
“I want you to knot me,” Moving to almost lay on him, you kiss and nip at his jaw insistently as his eyes widen suddenly at your words. “I want you to fill me up with your cum until you’re spilling out of me.”
“Seriously?” He pants and his hands still on yours. Looking into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that you love so much, you nod and kiss him deeply. Tangling your tongue with his, your hands move to cup his cheeks almost tenderly as the kiss takes over your thought process. Your hips slow down until you’re simply rolling them, your clit getting the pleasure of rubbing against him and it suddenly changes from sexy to intimate.
Parting from his lips, you pant softly, chest heaving from the effort of riding him for so long before nodding. “I want you to cum in me, and I want your knot. I want you to breed me while I bond with you, fill me up with your pups. Do you understand me?”
His eyes are bigger than ever and you wonder if he’s about to say no or something. Knotting is only done when you’re trying to impregnate and you want that desperately, want to feel him swell inside you until you can’t even move while he fills you up with rope after rope of thick cum. The thought of almost intoxicating and you tighten around him.
“Give me your knot baby, give it to me. I know you can. Don’t you want to give me pups? Watch me grow with them, all with the knowledge that they’re yours? See your Alpha, your leader, all swollen with your pups while I deal with everyone, knowing that they can see I’m yours?” The dirty, dark words whispered into his ear work and he lets out a deep growl of his own, the first time you’ve ever heard him growl.
His hands grasp at your hips, holding you steady as he begins to thrust up into you and you moan in delight at the increased sensations. You encourage him along, nipping at his jaw and continuing to coax him to knot you as you squeeze on his cock tightly, trying to encourage him and you finally begin to feel it.
It starts almost slowly and you’re not sure it’s happening at first, but then you’re certain his cock is beginning to swell in you. Reaching between you both, you rub at your clit exactly how you like as he continues to expand slowly, his jaw clenched so tightly. Any sign of the sweet, innocent Omega you’d fallen for is gone at the moment and you could easily mistake him for an Alpha with how strong he looks.
His hair is matted to his forehead, the strands ink black while his skin shines with the sweat he’s worked up and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen a hotter sight. Though looking between you both and taking in the sight of his cock thrusting into your pussy, there may be one thing hotter. 
“Cum for Jungkook. Knot your mate.” Panting into his ear, they must be the magic words because he pushes into you harder than ever, pressing down on your hips to keep you in place while he swells inside you. A deep moan that sounds like it’s been pulled from his chest comes from him and you shudder as your own release takes over, pussy tightening around him as your orgasm washes through you.
Before it finishes, you snarl softly and bare your teeth, the fangs that have grown suddenly biting into the soft skin of Jungkook’s neck as you mark him. He stiffens momentarily before letting out a ridiculously loud groan, his knot growing even bigger and you hum contentedly as you practically feel him orgasming inside you. 
The remnants of your own orgasm continue to rush through you and are intensified when Jungkook bites back at your own neck. Almost immediately, you feel the mate bond snap into place between the two of you as you mark each other at the point of orgasm. There’s no ceremony, no special words, just pure instinct that drives you both to fulfil this need.
Pulling your fangs from him, you slowly lick at his neck to help the wounds to heal while he does the same to you. Warmth fills you with the knowledge he’s your mate now while you can feel the oddest sensation of the knowledge that someone else occupies space within you now. You can’t talk to him telepathically or anything like the books, but it’s more just an awareness that he’s there.
A bottomless pit of love and protection for him along with an oath to love only him for as long as you live. 
Resting against him, you take a moment to simply enjoy the feeling of being on him while his knot continues to keep you held in place. The knowledge that he could even now be impregnating you is hot and you sluggishly lift your head up to gaze into his own tired eyes. Jungkook gives you a slow smile and you kiss him lazily, realising the sensation feels a little different now that you’re bonded.
“I love you.” You whisper, your dominant flair vanishing in the comfort of his embrace as he wraps his arms to simultaneously hug you and keep you in place to avoid you hurting yourself. A gentle kiss is pressed to your nose before he kisses you once more, a quiet hum of contentment leaving him.
“I love you too.” Neither of you say anything after that, simply enjoying each other as you wait for his knot to go down. When it finally does, there’s an almost uncomfortable feeling as a rush of his cum begins to seep out of you and onto him. You’re used to him orgasming inside you, knotting was the only way to get pregnant and wolves didn’t get STI’s like humans after all, but this was entirely different.
“God, how much did you cum?” Laughing, you shift until you can see between you both. His cock has slipped out of you now, resting against his thigh and shiny with your own excitement. But your thighs and his groin are beginning to become covered in white cum as it drips out of you.
“Well...you did tell me to get you pregnant.” Is all he says, his face innocent and you laugh loudly at that. Nodding slowly, you kiss him once more and enjoy how comfortable he is with you. There’s not much you wouldn’t do for him, you decide to yourself.
“I guess I did. You did a good job...baby boy.” Teasing him for how much he likes his submissive nickname, you watch as his face screws up into a scowl and he goes to reach for you. But you dance out of the way, moving off the bed and heading to the bathroom while he whines quietly.
“Please don’t call me that in public. I’d never live it down.” He begs and you pause at the door frame, looking back at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Well...I guess the only solution to that is that you give me a reason to make sure I only use it in private...right?”
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c-e-d-dreamer · 3 years
For AU Day for @nessianweek I thought I’d test out this College AU that’s been bouncing around my brain because I’m College AU trash that I’m considering writing a proper/chaptered fic for. Hope you enjoy! :) 
Most days, University of Prythian feels like every other public college. All brooding brick buildings and precisely placed green spaces and students loudly milling about in droves. A group of frat boys throwing around a frisbee on the common. A group of girls in bikinis tops taking advantage of the late August sun. Shouts of “oh my god, hey” and “how was your summer” just barely drowning out crying parents dropping their kids off. It’s migraine inducing. 
Nesta throws the car into park, the old Chevy only groaning slightly as it settles after the trek up to campus. She hears the doors open and close, but she just grips the wheel and closes her eyes, taking in three steadying breaths and hoping the oxygen can find a way to calm her spiking blood. In through the nose, out through the mouth. It’s a new year. After everything that happened last year, technically up should be the only direction. She hopes. Once Nesta feels like she has a hold of her frayed nerves, she slides out of the driver’s seat to find Feyre already excitedly pulling her bags from the trunk, settling them on the pavement next to the car. Elain comes up beside their youngest sister, pulling her own suitcases out. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off closer to your dorm, Elain?” 
“I’m in Oakwood this year. It’s not that far a walk.” 
Nesta nods, grabbing the last of Feyre’s bags and closing the trunk. Before Elain can wheel off with her bags, Feyre’s wrapping an arm around each of her sisters’ shoulders, a wide smile plastered across her face under her U of P baseball cap. 
“The Archeron sisters are back together again!” 
“Well, until Nesta graduates,” Elain reminds Feyre. 
“Maybe she’ll do a fifth year, just for us.” 
Nesta just raises an eyebrow at her sisters’ antics. A fifth year? Impossible. Not only because she takes her studies very seriously, keeping her GPA well above the average, but because the idea of spending an extra, unnecessary year in this place sounds like her own personal circle of hell. The sooner she can finish her degree and get on with the rest of her life, the better. 
“Alright,” Feyre concedes. “Bad suggestion.” 
With a wave and a promise to meet up for dinner later, Elain is off towards Oakwood Hall. Nesta hoists one of Feyre’s duffle bags onto her shoulder, following her youngest sister toward her own dorm hall. As she steps up onto the sidewalk, though, her shoulder collides with a firm body, Feyre’s bag almost falling out of her grip. 
“Hey! Watch where you’re going,” Nesta seethes. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” a voice calls in return, already swallowed up by the groups of students moving in and out of the dorm hall. 
Nesta rolls her eyes at the saccharine nickname, resettling the duffle on her shoulder and catching up to Feyre. Her sister’s dorm reminds Nesta of her own freshmen dorm from back in the day, simple and small, all white walls and plain wood furniture. Despite the things already in the room, Feyre’s roommate is nowhere to be seen. 
“Do you need help with anything else?” Nesta asks, dropping the bag she had been holding onto Feyre’s bed. 
“I should be good. Orientation starts in a few hours.” 
A moment passes as the two sisters stare at one another. They aren’t exactly the most affectionate of families, hugging and that sort of thing. So with a small nod and smile, Nesta is on her way, back out of the dorm hall and to her car. 
Luckily, the off campus apartment she’s staying in this year isn’t that long a drive, and when she walks through the door, Emerie is already inside, leaning against their kitchen counter, a fork poised between her fingers and what looks like a slice of chocolate cake perched on a plate. 
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Emerie drawls, but the smile tugging at the corner of her lips gives away the teasing nature. 
“Hope you brought enough to share,” Nesta replies, eying up Emerie’s plate. 
“Do I look like I’m made of money? Go to the dining hall and get your own.” 
“When’s Gwyn meant to get in?” 
“Not until later this week. I’m surprised you’re on campus this early.” 
“Feyre has orientation this week. Plus I need to hit up the bookstore. I have Williams this semester.” 
“That man seriously needs to get that stick out of his ass when it comes to having the “right edition” for his class.” 
“Tell me about it,” Nesta sighs, sneaking her hand into the utensils drawer and then snagging a bite of Emerie’s cake before the female has a chance to react. 
“Hey!” Emerie calls after Nesta as she retreats to her room. “You’re lucky I like you, Nesta Archeron!” 
~ * * * ~
The campus bookstore is mostly filled with parents and baby-faced freshmen trying to decide which University of Prythian gear to spend all their money on, but once Nesta pushes back to where the shelves of textbooks live, the throngs of bodies thin out. She can’t help but run her finger along the spines of the books, all lined perfectly along the shelves. Each spine is a different color, a different texture, bold or curvy font declaring its title to the world, and while many are textbooks, that feel under her fingers is still a comfort. Like a heartbeat lives between the soft linen pages and beats in time with her own. 
A turn around the corner and Nesta finds the section of books she needs. She scans the different titles, and when her eyes finally land on the one she needs, she can’t help the long sigh that looses from her lungs. Of course, it’s on the very top shelf. Nesta reaches her arm up, stretching up onto her tip-toes until the pads of her fingers just brush the spine of the book, trying to inch the book closer to the edge where she could get it down. 
“Need some help, sweetheart?”
Nesta falls back on her heels in surprise, the voice and nickname snagging on her memory. She whips her head around to find a guy leaning against the shelf, arms crossed casually across his chest and a smug smile plastered across his face. He’s tall with broad shoulders, dark curls pulled into a bun at the back of his head. Nesta’s eyes can’t help but snag on the lines of ink dancing across the skin of his arms and peeking out of the open cuts of his bro-tank. When her eyes dance back to his face, his hazel eyes are alight like he had clocked and was delighted in what she had been doing. It makes her brain crash back into action, a scowl settling easily across her features. 
“You were the one who bumped into me earlier. Outside of Somerset Hall.” 
“That was you?” the guy asks, not even being subtle as he checks Nesta out. “My apologies. Let me make it up to you by taking you out to dinner.” 
Nesta doesn’t even deen that with a response. With a scoff, she turns back toward the front of the bookstore. She can come back later for the book she needs, ideally when this insufferable man with his cocky grins and overconfidence is nowhere to be seen. As she weaves her way through the shelves and toward the exit, she pointedly ignores the heavy set of footsteps she can hear trailing behind her. 
“At least tell me your name.” 
“No? Well that’s definitely an interesting name. My name’s Cassian by the way.” 
“I don’t recall asking.” 
“You didn’t have to. Your eyes were asking for you.” 
That has Nesta halting in her steps. She whirls around and clearly her sudden stop has this Cassian thrown off, his own steps stumbling. Good. She likes having the upperhand. 
“Does that line actually work for you?” 
“Actually, I usually have to use less words. My ruggedly handsome looks do all the talking.” 
“Rugged? Sure. But handsome?” Nesta pointedly rakes her eyes down his figure, and when they meet back with hazel, Cassian’s cock-sure grin slips the barest hint at the corner. “I don’t think so. You looked like you crawled out of a dumpster.” 
Nesta expects his smile to fall fully at the jab, and she hopes it’s enough for him to leave her alone, but instead that smile is still stubbornly there. Even worse, it twists and shifts into a smirk, like this is all some kind of fun game. It makes Nesta’s heart give an extra kick in her chest, and before she can even think about dwelling on what that means, she turns on her heel. 
“Goodbye, Cassian.” 
“Goodbye, sweetheart.” 
~ * * * ~
On Thursday, Nesta finds herself at the dining hall. It’s a little late for breakfast and too early for lunch, so luckily the place is blessedly not too crowded, just a few pockets of students talking and laughing at various tables. She’s standing in front of the pastry display when her phone starts buzzing incessantly, and she slides it out of her pocket to find Feyre going off in their sister group chat. 
I just met the most attractive man I have ever seen
I’m not fucking around. HIS FACE 
And he called me darling
He asked me to drinks tomorrow night!
“I personally prefer the blueberry muffins.” 
Nesta snaps her attention to her left to find Cassian standing there, that same wide and cocky grin from the bookstore settled across his face. His hair is down today, soft curls framing his face and brushing against his cotton tee covered shoulders. 
“You again,” Nesta sighs. 
“Isn’t it funny how we keep meeting?” 
“Funny isn’t the word I would use.”
“It’s almost like the Universe keeps pushing us together.”
“Or you’re stalking me.” 
“Maybe you’re stalking me,” Cassian says, tossing a wink Nesta’s way. 
“And why would I do that?” 
“I thought we already established the fact I’m ruggedly handsome?” 
“Pretty sure the only thing we’ve established is that you’re full of yourself.” 
Nesta turns and snags one of the wrapped chocolate chip muffins out of the display case, fully prepared to end this conversation and enjoy her snack in peace. 
“You forgot something the other day, you know.” 
Nesta looks back toward Cassian where he has an outstretched hand between them. There, clutched between his fingers, is the book she went to the campus bookstore to pick up. She blinks a few times at the wide script proclaiming Art Through the Ages, the cogs in her brain tripping over one another and trying to comprehend the sight before her. Her hand begins to reach out to take the book before she snaps it back to her side, her eyes locking back on Cassian’s face. 
“You got the book I needed?” 
“The perfect excuse to find and talk to you again.” 
“Well, I can’t accept it.” 
“Then you can Venmo me,” Cassian says, leaning into Nesta’s space and pressing the book into her hands. “And your Venmo will have your name, won’t it? So it’s a win-win.” 
This close up, Nesta can see all the green vines and gold flecks that make up his hazel eyes. The way his nose sits just off kilter like it’s been broken and set not quite right and the stubble pushing through along his jawline. She can feel the warmth that seems to radiate off his person in rolling waves. It’s a bit overwhelming. 
“It’s Nesta,” she offers, taking a step back. 
“Nesta,” Cassian says, like he’s testing the weight of her name on his tongue. “Well, Nesta, how about that dinner? The offer still stands. Or we could skip straight to dessert.” 
Nesta lets out a snort at the comment. She’s sure the sound isn’t particularly attractive, but she can’t help it. The audacity of this man. 
“Only in your dreams,” Nesta quips, turning on her heel and heading toward the register to pay for her muffin. 
“Is that a promise?”
She pretends she doesn’t hear him as she swipes her meal card and makes for the dining hall exit. She can feel Cassian’s eyes tracking her the whole way. 
Later, when Nesta gets back to her room and is thumbing through Art Through the Ages, she finds a note folded up between the pages. She opens up the paper to find an unfamiliar scrawl, simple black lines spelling out ‘Cassian’ and ten digits. She hesitates for only a moment before crumbling it up and tossing it in the trash. 
~ * * * ~
Classes start up on Monday, and Nesta is ready to throw herself back into her books, notes, and work. She has a jammed packed schedule this semester, knocking out the rest of her general education credit requirements needed to graduate on time. The perfect distraction to keep her mind busy. At least, she was able to squeeze in enough classes that actually interest her, including a course on Early Women Writers. 
On Tuesday, she walks into the science building and her chemistry class. She finds a lab table a few spots back from the front, settling onto one of the stools. She pulls her textbook and laptop from her bag and is just typing in her laptop password when she feels a presence behind her. 
“I guess I should thank you for coming through on your promise. The best dreams I’ve ever had.” 
Nesta can’t stop the pained sigh that pulls its way out her lungs. She rubs a hand down her face before turning to the right, just in time to find Cassian sliding into the stool beside her. He has another cotton tee on, his hair once again pulled up into a bun style. 
“Please don’t tell me you’re taking this class.” 
Cassian reaches into his backpack and pulls out his own chemistry textbook, holding it up as some sort of proof. 
“The Universe strikes again.” 
“So you keep saying, but clearly the Universe has bad taste.” 
Cassian throws his head back and laughs at the comment, surprising Nesta with his reaction and earning them a few curious looks from the rest of the class. The sound is deep and warm, seeming to radiate from deep within his chest. His shoulders shake like his large frame isn’t enough to contain the sound, and Nesta finds herself staring at the crinkles that appear beside his eyes. 
“Alright, class. Welcome to chemistry.” 
A hush falls over the whole room as the professor strides in the door and to the front of the room. She hands a small stack of syllabus sheets to each person sitting at the front to be passed back and a blank seating chart to fill in is passed between the tables. The professor goes through the syllabus for much of the allotted class time, and Nesta makes notes in the margins of hers about the grading system and circles the important deadlines she’ll need to remember. 
“I hope you’re comfortable with where you’re sitting and who you’re sitting with,” the professor addresses the class an hour later. “They’ll be your lab partner for the rest of the semester.” 
Nesta wants to groan as she buries her face in her hands. How did this become her life? As if simply seeing Cassian’s insufferable face three times a week for this class isn’t enough, now they actually have to interact and work with one another. If Cassian’s theory about this being the Universe's doing is correct, Nesta is pretty sure the Universe is just laughing in her face now. 
“Well, would you look at that, Nes,” Cassian drawls from beside her. “Another point for the Universe.” 
“I’m going to murder you in your sleep,” Nesta mutters from between her fingers. 
“As long as we get to cuddle a little beforehand.” 
“Cute,” Nesta says, putting as much dry sarcasm as she can behind the single word. 
“You know, lab partner,” Cassian offers while he stands up and slings his backpack across his shoulders. “I think it’s going to be a great semester.”
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