#but like. if you see dialga or palkia in this world and catch it. no you didnt
ahdkshax · 10 months
for some reason ive been thinking really hard abt this platinum au thats been in development for a few months but rn im specifically thinking abt mythology in this whole thing... so like. im gonna talk abt that here lol
the overview of the entire basic mythology base for this au is a couple different things:
dialga and palkia are not two separate entities--its just the illusion of two.
where origin ore came from and what it actually is. bc like. in pla it felt really forced in yk. but i didnt like that so im changing it, but im also keeping it bc im swiping at least some of the idea from pla lol
what the fuck is the red chain. no like seriously its so ambiguous
and because i do enjoy reworking things very much i gave setups for these changes within the mythos itself. is all of it relevant? at this point, no. but i like to think about it so im gonna share it with whoever wants to hear it
it starts with the beginning, which, well, the first gesture matches pkmn canon (arceus hatches out of an egg. awesome). but then i thought hey. let's start by changing this right Now.
(long post!)
arceus hatches out of its egg, the first thing alive in all of reality. it looks around and down to see its shadow, something scholars of the modern day and long past debate if that was around before arceus or if the shadow was formed the moment arceus came into being--either way, theres a shadow here and arceus isnt alone.
arceus is curious when its young and not fully grown, so it chases the shadow around. the two twins change forms together--arceus is just happy to play with the shadow that dances along its feet. and with this love for the shadow at its feet, a deep spiritual connection is formed between the two. this connection allows the shadow to do more than just mimic--it creates its own form, yet its still tied to arceus and still mirrors is, just no longer fully perfect as an unfeeling shadow should be.
arceus plays with the shadow for days and days until it finally gets tired of puppeting it around with its every whim--its become more of an extension of the only being in the world instead of someone new--and so arceus cut the connection with the shadow.
but, instead of melting into the ground opposite of arceus like it was supposed to, to return to nothing more than a reflection, the shadow stayed, and, for once, didnt mirror arceus. within its smoky and blurry form, it adopted the red of this connection in its skin as stripes and rings. this was the second being to ever exist, the divine twin giratina--not an evil being as is often thought, but a simple shadow to the first one, given life through adoration and a blood-red bond.
this was not the only being created from this bond, as once it was broken, the chain connecting the puppet and puppeteer broke into three parts, known as will, knowledge, and emotion--all of which together created what is known now as spirit.
delighted by the new friends, arceus, its twin, and the spirit triplets danced and played for days upon days until one day the triplets became tired, yet they had no place to rest. saddened by this realization, arceus looked inward and created the earth within its chest out of care for the triplets--a beautiful place to live, infused with the connection it had to the triplets, manifested as glowing red ore.
while arceus could not look at the earth by itself with its eyes, it made sure to give it three spots for the spirit triplets to rest: a lake, all surrounding a mountain that would lead back to arceus and out of the world.
time passed and arceus began getting tired from holding this universe in its chest--despite the spirits being able to, arceus was now no longer able to. it was thinking about destroying the world just for some respite from its creation, until giratina approached with an idea: arceus was made of thousands of arms and legs and eyes and bodies--if arceus were to cut off parts of its grand form, it might just be possible to create something that could hold the world instead of arceus itself.
and so the twins got to work, cutting limb from limb from arceus until enough was taken off that a great beast could be created. arceus, already exhausted from holding a universe and now being cut up thousands of times, refused to put the being together, as it would only cause more pain. so giratina was given the honors of sewing the being together, taking great care in every golden stitch that was placed along its legs and back and belly.
after days of creation, the creature was almost finished aside from a gap in its chest. into this hole was where giratina, with the permission from arceus, reached into the creator's chest and pulled the world out. carefully, giratina placed it into the chest of the great beast, then covered the hole with armor to make sure no one else could steal it from its resting spot.
when the beast finally awoke from its cruel creation, it was furious with its creators, so much so that arceus had to lock it away so it would not harm anyone. giratina objected, saying it would be best to let the beast be angry at its existance, yet arceus refused to listen. it was only until giratina betrayed arceus by letting the beast out of its cage did it have the chance to be righteously angry, to be furious at its creators, and yet arceus locked it away again, this time commanding giratina to pluck out the beasts thousand eyes, so that it could not even see its creators any longer or use its divine glare. if it could not see what it hated, it would surely lose interest, arceus thought.
giratina, disgusted with what it and arceus had done, stood up again to arceus, refusing to punish the creature any more--to which arceus banished giratina, creating a prison for it to wander in its chest. it would be a perfect prison, except that giratina would be crafty and persuasive, finding ways to travel from this distorted world to the universe arceus had created--as the two were made of the same flesh, their universes would be intertwined.
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onestepbackwards · 1 month
saw the anon ask about what were to happen if the self-aware pla ancestors left their own documentations of the player and passing it down to their predecessors and it was so cool that i wanted to conjure some what-if scenarios if rowan and cyrus DID end up meeting the player.
rowan is pretty ecstatic to meet you, as you could've imagined. a person with such abilities and trainer capability is a sight that is rare to behold outside of high ranking trainers and whatnot, so it's fair to say he's excited. while he could somewhat understand why kamado believed you to be some devil in disguise back then, you didn't even seem to harbor a singular ill intent within you.
cyrus on the other hand.. yeah, he's something else. when he finally pieces together just what and where you are, his perfect plan is in motion. a person with such abilities and knowledge like no other, and with access to pokemon with earth shattering properties.. his interest is piqued. as the plotline progresses all the way to mt. coronet's top, cyrus gathers dialga and palkia to do his usual bargain. but this time, he has a different goal in mind.
He is going to use you to create his perfect universe for him. And those of compassionate spirit who will try to stop you will cease to exist. While cyrus's ramblings and prophecies are complete lunacy filled with sadness and desperation, you can't help but feel a bit tempted to help him. Who could blame you? If such power could be at your access, would you not utilize it for your own desires? Maybe kamado was right about you.
Oooh Imagine Rowan becomes increadibly protective.
He sees you for the first time, and its when you first become a trainer, and it clicks.
You are younger than the hardened, fierce, 'devil' trainer his ancestor spoke about. In this moment, as you and your friend apologize for using the starter pokemon without permission, he recognizes you.
The two of you are nothing but bright-eyed, bushy tailed trainers, but he sees it. That spark that all strong trainers have. That spark that no doubt would become that fierce, determined, fiery expression that his ancestor was very wary of.
Of course, after meeting you, he immediately realizes the odd talk in his ancestor's journals must have been paranoid nonsense. You are a talented trainer who is very good with pokemon, but to Kamado, it must have been something unheard of. Especially after the horrible things his ancestor endured before creating Jubilife village.
He decides to root for you both, and to support you as much as he can. You'll definitely need it if you are the exact same trainer from the future that was sent to Kamado's era. Rowan couldn't even imagine being in your shoes, especially after reading how cold most the village will treat you.
Cyrus though definitely changes his plans around the idea of meeting you.
Someone who could strong-arm gods after losing everything. A trainer who was strong, yet compassionate. Someone who didn't give up, and saved the world despite facing the end.
If you really were from his time, he wanted you on his side.
Sure, he didn't care much for pesky feelings, but he would be a fool to ignore the power of them after what he had read about you. How you used your bonds with pokemon to defeat gods and catch them, all in an era where that was primarily unheard of if you weren't from the local clans.
All it would take is a bit of fibbing, and he is sure he can sway you to his side. Surely, you'll believe that creating a new universe is the perfect plan, no?
No more suffering, no more hardships. No one would ever have to suffer ever again. And you'd have anything you wanted at your finger tips.
Won't you hear him out?
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applesjuice · 3 months
WAIT, does that mean that Kieran/Akari still captured legendaries?!!! When they're hearing Cinhtya talking about myths and legends of Hisui to see if there is a semblance of truth, and Akari just goes "Oh, ye." And just, sent Palkia/Dialga, darkrai (Lord of nightmare?!!!), GIRATINA (the fu-) and plenty others?!
Pfffhehehe, it's just funny to think of the reaction the Poke-world could have to these XD. (Legend AU)
Yeah! They completed the pokedex and helped Laventon get the ball rolling in his research since everything got derailed thanks to a certain someone. I don't think they'd bring the legendaries back with them since like, they're literal gods who are worshipped. They captured them but they still do what they want, like showing up to work on the farm randomly or appearing to Kieran in dreams like they're the Virgin Mary descending to bestow a prophecy and its just Palkia or whoever wanting some attention. Kieran feels very bad for Giritina, and projects a bit on it like they did with Ogerpon, but I genuinely think Kieran is just a very empathetic kid.
The clans worship their specific pokemon like gods with carved figures in their homes that they make daily offering too. At some point Kieran makes one for Giritina and puts little hats on it when it gets cold and leaves berries and treats as an offering. Maybe the big baddie of the Distortion World is that way because nobody ever gave it a hug or tucked it into bed we dont know!
Kieran and Dawn in the future: maybe the real gods of creation are the friends we made along the way
I think there'd be pockets of people descended from the clans in modern Sinnoh who still worship Palkia or Dialga in their homes. Cynthia's family grew up with the church of arceus (and we all know why) but she loves theology and has so many questions because surely that one photo of the Big Three frolicing on a farm is some Ancient Alien level hoax and Kieran is just like: on no they just really like soybeans. I think they were competing to see whose plot got the highest yield.
Diamond and Pearl still happened so Dawn has current "ownership" of the Sinnoh legendaries but they have zero sense of time on a human scale so they'd be stoked to see their buddy Akari again but. But like, morally and ethically can you bring god to a pokemon battle? They'd probably enjoy battling for fun on the occasion but they're not normal pokemon and can't be treated as such. Im my mind there's a parctice of every generation or so since pokeballs became a thing, someone has to catch whichever legendary to keep it safe from your average nutjob drying to take over the world. Pokeballs are technology they're not forever and after a while they degrade and stop functioning. Or at least in my mind that's how it works. It would likely make sense to like. Just bury a legendary's pokeball somewhere and let it live its best life while there's ensurance for like 30 years some rando can't catch it.
Sorry this went on a tangent about my thoughts on religion in the pokemon world, but I see the Legendaries as being too Other and beyond our understanding to stick around on someone's team. I consider the various protagonists who catch them have gained their favor so they will pop in during their lifetime to visit because humans and pokemon need eachother to get stronger. Legendaries imo are just different in that they need exposure to that humanity to keep them grounded and present mentally. They have PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS, but itty bitty understanding of humanity, or like, the pokemon equivalent of it.
So yea Kieran doesnt bring any legendaries back with them but they'll still ask to see them occasionally to see if they're doing ok.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
Hey so this is gonna seem wildly out of place considering I've been on my superhero shit lately but, the trailer for the new pokemon sv dlc just dropped and while I probably won't get it idk, seeing Adaman's descendant reminded me of an idea I had for him back when Legends Arceus was released and I was binging that game nonstop (and actually might play through it again honestly, I'm so psyched about the black/white legends remake rumors)
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But like. In Legends Arceus you are quite literally isekai'd through time and space and meet two separate cultures who literally worship those things and if you take it on a more like, meta level, and consider your reader/trainer as someone who has had, you know, all of or most of your own "pokemon experiences", then, this all happens after your adventures in Diamond/Pearl too, so
You literally just fucking travel back in time, meet the guy who is literally dedicating his life to the reverence of, in casual conversation you're just like "wait are you guys confusing dialga and palkia with arceus, theres like 3, youre talking about 3 different pokemon, its like, time, space, and creation", you're from the actual future, and you both wind up meeting THE Dialga trying to fight you and all and you're just like "wait so if you're like a time God then, you should have all of your own memories across time and, even though this is in the past, you should still technically remember me from the future so, please don't kill me maybe??? Weren't we besties??? 🥺🥺🥺" And it totally works and you get the actual time god Pokemon to calm down cause That's Like Your Weird Pet that you're also friends with and like, would Adaman not just actually worship you at that point, you're practically a holy figure
You're over here showing Dialga what a malasada tastes like and catching up on old times meanwhile Adaman is instructing all his followers to revere you with respect as some sort of, symbolic figurehead, like, the saint/saintess/pope or whatever, but also like, He's Totally Down Bad In A Creepy Way. By all means, let him take care of your every care and anxiety. Step on his own body as to not soil yourself in puddles if you so wish. Please continue to go on your long-winded rants on things from the future where you constantly have to explain new concepts and ideas to him, teaching him all sorts of knowledge that he records with the utmost dedication
He wants to give you everything, do everything, except for... letting you go back home, anyways ^^; like, OBVIOUSLY you were sent back in time with some sort of, divine purpose and reason, so, like... shut up maybe! Just be cool with it when he lures you into the Diamond Clan territory one day and suddenly doesn't let you leave! It's chill, he's taking your pokemon and all your items for safe keeping, duh! You don't need things that might help you escape anyways, silly 😊 he has to show his gratitude and respect for you for saving the world and also. Just, you know. Let him like, rub oil on you and pray to you and stuff from time to time maybe! Let him oil up his hands and touch your body in a totally not sexually charged way as he's murmuring all kinds of delusional incoherent ramblings under his breath ranging from some sort of actual like, PRAYER to, deranged horny drooling, and, also, Google says he's estimated to be over 6" so, that's always nice 👀 helps with the... forced worship based man-handling...
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often-obsessed · 1 year
Chapter 10
The grunt didn't come back until the next morning. Probably to fulfill whatever grunt duties he was on. Still he kept his promise which you were grateful for. Here you were holding two books on alolan pokemon ready to be read. You were specifically looking for fairy pokemon. You wouldn't have an all fairy team but you wanted at least two. Any help against dialga and palkia who were clearly the biggest threats on Cyrus' team. You were assuming the two legendaries were some kind of dragon type. They looked dragon enough. This was the future, maybe they had updated books on dialga and palkia. You'd have to ask about that later.
Maybe you should get an ice type as well.
You didn't realized how much you missed being normal. Your thoughts went back to when you were a kid, fantasizing over all the pokemon you'd catch. You chuckled, no real mirth in it. If only your younger self could see you now. Probably would have booked it for Hoenn like you wanted.
Shaking your head you got back to the book. There wasn't much detail for each pokemon in this one. Surely the region had a pokemon professor. You could ask them.
"The island kapus?"
The next page showed a strange set of pokemon. Apparently the island's mythical or legendary pokemon of the region. Each one was in charge of its own island. Guardians protecting the people from harm.
You cringed, of course there would be super strong pokemon here. Were they watching you now? Surely they could feel the presence of dialga and palkia here. They wouldn't attack the building would they? You hoped not, at least while you were in it. Maybe they could free the two. Everything could go back to the way it was. Watch Cyrus get thrown in jail. See your family and friends.
Or maybe they would do nothing.
Who knew the minds of legendaries.
You switched to the next book, this one was more about the people who lived on the islands. Explaining the harmony between the people and pokemon. Good tourist spots. Best foods to try yada yada yada. What's this, Alola had no champion? It seems each island had trials for trainers.
Island Kahunas were basically gym leaders with some kind of authority on each island. Keep a mental page for that.
*knock knock*
Huh? Was it time to eat already?
"Open the door."
You slid your books under your bed before scrambling to answer the door.
What the heck did he want now?
You opened the door just a sliver. Ice blue eyes stared back. Damn your warden was already back from...whatever he was doing? Cyrus pushed the door open making you step back.
"So what's the reason for stopping by?"
Walking inside Cyrus surveyed the room once more. Oh arceus don't look toward the books.
"I came by earlier but you did not answer. May I know why?"
He...didn't know right? Nah he was probably to busy studying pokemon, just like you were with the books under your bed.
He turned to you. Eyes drilling in your own. Hedoesn'tknowhedoesn'tknowhe
"I went to the cafeteria to eat, I don't like eating alone you know. Is there a problem with that?"
Cyrus seemed to relax. As relaxed as he could be.
"No, but I warn you not to get attached to anyone here. The useless sentiment won't help you when we return to my world. Furthermore I want you to be aware of my colleagues."
You rose your eyebrow.
"I have discovered some are in possession of legendaries. Like Giovanni and I, they have succeeded in their plans of shaping their world."
You furrowed you brows this time. A burning feeling pushed at the back of your head.
"How come I've never seen them around the dimension then? I mean I would have at at least run into one of them on a floating island."
Cyrus sighed, gracing you with one of the few emotions he still liked to show.
"Still living in your delusion? Open your eyes, this is not the same dimension we left. They all came from their own."
"Why should I have any reason to believe you? You lied to your own team, to the world. What would make me any different?"
Cyrus cocked his head.
"What benefit would it make to lie to you? I don't need you compromised any further. From now on if you want to leave the room you can accompany me to my office."
"Are you serious? What is with you wanting to control every aspect of my life!"
"As long as you're associated with me you are my responsibility. Be grateful I am allowing you to leave this room."
Grateful?! Your blood boiled, of all the things this bastard could have said. To have this cretin act like he was doing you a favor... Your fists shook, heck you were pretty sure your whole body was shaking.
"Me? Be grateful? The audacity for you to say that! Maybe if you had been grateful our world would still be here you selfish prick! Get the hell out!"
Your sudden outburst caused the pale man to shuffle back, if you had bothered to notice you would have cackled with glee.
The man steeled himself, oh ho you could tell this fight had just begun. With the energy burning through your veins you welcomed it.
"There was nothing to be grateful for then, your useless wish for that incomplete world is futile! For a world where suffering is guaranteed, you call me selfish?"
"Nothing is perfect! I'm fully aware of the suffering of others, but that doesn't mean you try to kill everyone! You do what you can to help instead of trying to end everyone's existence!"
"It was a mercy to end them, they didn't feel a thing! If I will it, I will bring them back, better than before!"
"They're not dead idiot! Stop talking like they are! You're a failure in that aspect thank arceus! Maybe you should try to grow some empathy, oh so powerful Cyrus!"
The air grew cold, feeling like a million tiny knives stabbing at your skin. Cyrus seemed to loom over you once again, his fists balled. Doubt began to pool in your stomach, fighting the rage for dominance.
Cyrus, with the little emotions that he showed. His emotionless facade was still there. But his eyes wore silent, barely held back rage. You caved in on yourself, what button did you press?
"I am only going to say this one more time, listen. You are only allowed to leave this room with me by your side. If you disobey this simple order, you will lose the right to walk. Do I make myself clear?"
His voice despite being so quiet was the loudest sound in the room. His words now began to register in your head.
He, he wouldn't.
Would he?
You became hyper aware of your legs, as if he would rip them off that vert moment.
"I asked you a question. I expect a verbal answer."
Cyrus pulled back, closing his eyes and gaining control of himself again.
You didn't dare move a muscle for fear of whatever that was would come back. You really had done it this time. Why couldn't you just hold your temper in for once?
Cyrus opened his eyes again, ire completely gone. Hands behind his back a his usual manner.
"Do you wish to accompany me to my office?"
His voice just a whisper.
"N-no thank you."
Yours barely just.
He turned making his way to the exit. He paused at the door staring ahead.
"I can't allow this delusion to fester any longer, I will be back at dinner time to have you call your 'parents' then you will see."
You perked up, he was going to let you call your parents? You longed to hear their voices again. Even if Cyrus was most likely going to listen in.
But did you want to? What if Cyrus would trace the call and threaten their lives or something. You knew the number, was this a trick? You could not give him more leverage over you.
No you needed to leave.
Even if he was going to possibly paralyze you. The thought still made you nauseous. But the thought of him harming your parents...
It was still before noon you had time to leave.
Oh arceus this would be a longshot.
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teamconductors · 2 years
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Lost Tracks of Time, Chapter 29
Summary: Ingo and Emmet return to Unova.
Author’s note: I intended this chapter to kinda-sorta follow Ingo’s perspective (to contrast with last chapter sorta-following Emmet), but that did not pan out.
I once again feel the need to apologize to the Nimbasa Trio. And apologize in general. I’m sorry.
Mild/implied body horror ahead! I thought I was done with needing the content warnings. I was not.
Thank you @furiouskettle!
(Shippers DNI)
Emmet woke up at Lady Sneasler’s Seat. He slept on a pile of hay and leaves across the cave from the nest of Lady Sneasler’s kits. Though Emmet got accustomed to a Sneasel’s toxins thanks to Ingo, he still got poisoned from handling them. He wanted to avoid waking up sick again because a baby Sneasel cuddled up to the weird new human.
Next to Emmet were the first two pokemon he caught in Hisui: Shinx and Porygon. He caught Shinx immediately after Ingo taught him the back-strike technique for catching pokemon. He found Porygon when he saw a space-time distortion and charged in full speed ahead. The only reason Emmet exited with a Porygon without fainting was because Ingo literally pulled him out.
Emmet sat up and stretched his arms. Based on the faint lighting past the Seat entrance, the sun just began rising over Mt. Coronet. He put on his coat, which he used as a blanket. Ingo was gone, but Emmet used the time to see if his determination stayed with his through the night. Was it time to depart from Hisui?
“Good morning, Emmet,” Ingo said. He kept his voice as low as he could, but a couple Sneasels stirred from his greeting. He carried handfuls of twice-spiced radishes and sitrus berries. “I apologize for the lackluster sleeping arrangements, but I hope you got enough rest to begin our morning checks?”
Emmet nodded.
“Is something the matter? Did you hurt your back?” Ingo asked. “I suppose sleeping on hay is not comfortable for us as humans – human-shaped, rather.”
“…I am Emmet. I am… ready to take the new route,” Emmet said.
“A new route?”
Emmet looked serious. “…I want to go to our origin. I want to go to Unova.”
Ingo almost smiled. “Very well! According to Dialga and Palkia, we should be able to leave this station and return with no time difference. After we refuel, let us go test if that is the case!”
“Thanks, Ingo.”
Once they finished breakfast, the two left the cave and pondered over what the nearest reflective surface could be. Lady Sneasler’s Seat was in Primeval Grotto, so they determined that the bay of Fabled Spring River would be closest. Since it was early morning, the Gyradoses were not awake to stir up trouble, and the wild Nosepasses and Probopasses would not witness them defying the rules of time and space.
Ingo crouched to look at the water’s surface. “The river is running… Will this be reflective enough for our purposes?”
“We can find out.” Emmet took out the Rail Spike of Time. He crouched next to Ingo and placed the pointed end of the spike in the water.
“This does not feel like a good idea, but alright. Full speed ahead!” Ingo stood up and stepped back. He took out the Spike Maul of Space, waited for the handle to change to the right size, and swung down on the spike.
Against all common sense, when the hammer struck the spike, the spike remained in place as though it stood on a solid surface. A single ripple spread out from the spike, calming the surface of the bay into one large reflective body. The gems on the tools glowed bright. The reflection faded from the pink and orange sky to the dark swirling Distortion World, specifically showing the same island Ingo and Emmet entered Hisui from.
“Excellent! Bravo! That exceeded my expectations!” Ingo said. “Shall we depart?”
“Follow the rules and drive safely! We are headed for victory!” Emmet said.
“ALL ABOARD!” Ingo and Emmet, with their tools in hand, jumped into the bay.
Ingo and Emmet jumped out of the same waterfall. Because they jumped into the portal, they flew a fair distance and skidded on the island ground, getting pinkish-red dirt on their clothes.
“Welcome back,” Giratina said, having watched from above them. “How long were you there?”
“Four days and 15 hours,” Emmet said.
“Wow. For me, you two were only gone for a few seconds!” Giratina said. “Alright, where do you wanna go now?”
“If I may ask, we would like to travel along the route to Unova,” Ingo said.
“I can do just that.” Giratina started to fly down to grab the twins, but they stopped. “Oh, hold on. I can just do this.”
From out of the corners of the twins’ visions came two shadow hands. One arm wrapped around one twin and placed them onto Giratina’s back.
“Bravo! Thank you, Giratina!” Ingo said.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get you to where you need to be.” Knowing that Ingo and Emmet held on, Giratina flew off through the Distortion World once more.
“Giratina, may we ask you to return our appearances to our younger selves?” Ingo asked.
The Almighty pokemon nodded. “Yeah, close your eyes and hold on.” They knew that the twins listened to their command, so they began the process. “This reminds me, you two saw each other transform into Sneasels back when I was forced to attack you, right? I cannot believe Arceus let you remember that – no, wait, I’m not surprised at all. Arceus is an idiot.”
Ingo tried to respond, but to his surprise and horror, he literally could not speak. His heartbeat sped to the pace of a locomotive as he tried to rationalize the change. By the time Ingo realized it was likely intentional on Giratina’s part, the nausea associated with the transformation faded. Ingo and Emmet opened their eyes, satisfied with being shaped like Subway Masters once more.
“Done,” Giratina said. “Once you’re done doing your first visits, we need to start teaching you how to do this.”
Ingo hummed, partially to help him think and partially to check that his voice returned. “Giratina, I apologize in advance for derailing the conversation, but if the difference in time between us departing and returning is mere seconds, and we ask you to journey between each stop like a train, wouldn’t you be constantly flying around your world?”
“Yeah, you’re right. But I do owe my life to you two,” Giratina said.
While Emmet was listening to the conversation his brother had with Giratina, he continued to mull over his words for Elesa. Saying sorry wouldn’t be enough. Even if his train of thought wasn’t on the right track back at Spear Pillar, he still didn’t act like a proper conductor. He had to tell Elesa. He needed to say that he really did care. She might never forgive him, but at least the weight would be off his soul.
“Okay, have it your way,” Giratina said in response to something Ingo said. “I’ll figure out something later. We’re here!”
The group arrived at their destination. The island itself was smaller compared to the island with the window into Hisui. The island’s waterfall was likewise thinner, appearing more like a curtain than a roaring tower of water, but the top of the falls faded into the black void.
Once Ingo and Emmet stepped off Giratina’s back, they got a better view of the glimpse into time the waterfall had.
“I am Emmet. I am verrrry surprised!” Emmet’s voice almost matched the excitement he felt. His hands shook strongly enough to turn into flapping from joy.  
“Giratina, you found a direct line to Gear Station! Bravo!” Ingo clapped for Giratina’s achievement.
“Oh, is that where it is? I just found the most obvious portal,” Giratina said.  
“It’s been…” Ingo’s eyes widened. “Emmet, I haven’t stepped foot in Gear Station in years!”
“We can fix that.” Emmet pointed to the waterfall. “Next stop: Gear Station. All aboard!”
“All aboard!” Ingo took off to the water. Emmet caught up to him, and the twins jumped through the portal in unison.
The reason that they knew the portal was at Gear Station was because of the aerial eye view of the main entrance. Neither twin thought about why the portal showed that image. Ingo and Emmet jumped out of one of the glass planes that made up the large window above the entrance of Gear Station.
The smell hit Ingo all at once. Gear Station was a well-used hub for travelers and smelled like it, but to him, it was a sign of how much work they do to transport passengers to their destinations. Tears welled in his eyes, not only from the smell of home but also him realizing he and Emmet were falling.
Several onlookers and passersby, many of whom just wanted to go home after a long day, witnessed the disappeared Ingo and Emmet emerge from a window. No glass shards followed them. It was as though they came from the light itself bouncing off the window. There were gasps and screams as they fell, as their height should have resulted in a couple broken limbs at best. Instead, the two Subway Masters flipped and landed on their feet, no worse for wear.
“I am Emmet. That was… interesting…” Emmet’s sentence trailed off as he and Ingo realized several people and pokemon began surrounding them.
Ingo had to think. Their plan for this era was to feign ignorance and act as though they didn’t remember anything from where they went. Any other claim could be cross-referenced and likely expose their cover. He and Emmet would need to lie more blatantly than either desired, but it was all they could think of.
Ingo saluted the people. “Good day, everyone! Are we at Gear Station? I’m not sure how we arrived here, but I am glad we are here!”
Chaos ensured. Amongst the cacophony of noise were concerns of safety, camera snaps from Rotom phones, and prying questions. Gear Station’s architecture emphasized the noise into near-unbearable levels. The two of them coming from the quieter, less populated Hisui region made the sounds feel louder. Ingo suppressed his instinct to cover his ears out of politeness.
Before Ingo could even begin to answer questions as some of the Gear Station employees arrived, a pokemon with a familiar aura approached the station entrance.
“My Ch-!” Ingo could not finish his exclamation before his own pokemon ran into him.
Chandelure wrapped their arms around Ingo’s torso, trapping him in a ring of metal. They buried their head in Ingo’s chest. The flames billowed directly in Ingo’s face, but he was unharmed. Chandelure cried tears of fire onto his coat, but they did not burn the material, thanks to Anthe’s modifications.  
“I am glad to be back at this station as well,” Ingo said. He petted Chandelure’s head as he tried to find any visual different between this Chandelure and the Chandelure that lived for hundreds of years in the future. The clearest different was this Chandelure’s flames possessing a sharper hue.
With Ingo and Chandelure drawing the crowd’s attention, Emmet looked up at the window they came from. The image of the Distortion World, still visible past the Nimbasa City night sky, faded until it was gone. He heard no comments from others about the image, so hopefully no one else noticed that.
Ingo and Emmet eventually got to the terminal for the Super Multi line for some peace. The area was blocked off with barriers to prevent entry while the Battle Subways were shut down.
“And now we have a moment to rest,” Ingo said. He sat down on a bench, and Emmet joined him. “I cannot remember the last time talking with guests and Gear Stations team members have been that exhausting! Usually, I take pride in hosting guests…”
“That was not as bad as I thought,” Emmet said. “But there is a major delay in our operations.”
“You are referring to the window to the Di-“ Ingo interrupted his own sentence when he remembered that Chandelure still hugged his torso. “My Chandelure, will you please release me and allow Emmet and I to talk in private?”
Chandelure shook their head, still clinging tightly to their trainer’s chest. He had been gone for two months. They didn’t want to let go yet.
“I know what you are talking about, Ingo. Yes. It should still be there. We can use Quick Attack to climb up the wall and strike the rail spike, but it is not that easy.”
“Hm… How can we do that without arising suspicions? Even if we carry out the mission at a time where Gear Station is mostly empty, the odd guest or security personnel could see us! And that is to say nothing of the security cameras…”
“This is not going to be easy.”
“Not this first time, but after we complete the journey, we will be able to depart from any location of our choosing! But yes, this is a troubling conundrum…”
“We should return to our origin,” Emmet said. His hands shook as soon as he finished saying that. He wanted to see his pokemon so badly, and his brother already got a head start.
“Yes! We can find a solution after we reunite with our teams. Let us depart with haste! All aboard!” Ingo said, pointing to the direction of the Gear Station entrance and the ground.
Ingo and Emmet walked to the outskirts of Nimbasa City to get to their house. They tried to minimize the amount of attention they could gather by going through lesser populated paths. The walk also allowed them to refamiliarize themselves with Nimbasa City and the world where pokemon and humans lived together.
“I don’t see outward any signs of disrepair,” Ingo said once they got to their house. Chandelure still hugged Ingo’s torso. “Are you ready, Emmet?”
Emmet nodded. “I am Emmet. I am ready.”
Ingo approached the front door and knocked. “Hello? Is there anyone present at this station?”  
After a moment with no response, the front door opened. Eelektross’ eyes were wide as he stared at Ingo and Emmet. Unlike his future self, he was of normal size and barely had to hunch over to meet Emmet’s eye level.
“Is it… really you? Are you… real?” Eelektross asked. The twins barely heard his voice.
“I am Emmet. You are my Eelektross.” Emmet held his hand out, expecting his pokemon to hold it like his future version did.
Instead, Eelektross dove forward to wrap around Emmet. Because Eelektross was of normal length and Emmet was not a small Sneasel, Eelektross only had to wrap around his trainer a couple times to engulf him. Eelektross further wrapped his arms around him, mirroring how Chandelure hugged Ingo.
“You’re back…!” Eelektross spoke next to his trainer’s ear.
“You are clingier than I remember,” Emmet said. He did return the hug with some back rubbing.
A dozen Joltiks crawled out from crevices in the living room shadows. “It’s them?” “It’s Emmet!” “Ingo is back!” “Tickets please!” The Joltiks scattered in the direction of the backyard training grounds.
“Perhaps we should go inside before we have a pileup outside our house,” Ingo said.
Ingo recalled how Emmet described their living room. When he and Elesa lived together to keep up with Emmet’s health, there were letters and flowers and gifts scattered about with no regard to organization. Now, the letters sat on a side table in neat stacks. Vases were either empty or housing old but living flowers. The table was cleared of most items, save for a few special letters and a mug once filled with coffee. The clean areas were only undermined by some cardboard boxes filled with used tissues and remnants of pokemon food.
“Elesa did this,” Emmet said. There were significantly more letters and flowers than when he was last there. Why did she take the time to clean up the living room?
Ingo and Emmet both heard the voices of their pokemon outside.
“We are about to enter a rush hour! My Chandelure, while I am quite pleased to see you once more, may I ask you to clear the station for the others?” Ingo asked.
Chandelure shook their head.
“Chandelure, please make some room…” Eelektross said as he let go of Emmet.
Ingo petted his pokemon’s head one last time before they slowly let go of him and floated to the side.
Several pokemon stampeded into the living room from the backyard. Ingo found himself tackled by Haxorus, Garbodor, Durant, and Crustle. A small sea of Joltiks piled onto Emmet, followed by Galvantula, Archeops, and Durant. The only reason the Klinklang twins didn’t join in was because they could literally crush their trainers.
“You’re back! You’re back!” Haxorus said. The rage nestled in her body had melted away.
“I was wondering why Chandelure ran so fast,” Crustle said.
“What a pleasant welcome!” Ingo said.
“Where have you been?! And what happened at Spear Pillar?” Archeops asked.
Excadrill wanted to join in on the pile, but he sniffed the air and halted. “…Are we sure that’s them, guys? They don’t smell right.”
Ingo’s heart twinged. This was what Emmet was afraid of, right?
“Excadrill, I get being scared, but it’s them! They’re back!” Garbodor said.
“No! I don’t think it is!” Excadrill showed off his claws.
“Haxorus, what happened to your horns?” Ingo asked. He brought his hand up to feel Haxorus’ broken horn.
“Well, you know…” Haxorus laughed with nervousness as she felt the edge of her horn. “That’s what happens when you’re not strong enough to carry your trainers…”
“Do you feel bad for what happened the day I left?” Ingo asked. Emmet said that Haxorus kept training herself nonstop when Arceus took him. “I always say to move to greater heights and to improve yourself! But please do not be harsh on yourself for your previous state. You did what you could, am I correct?”
Haxorus smiled. “You’re right, Ingo. Thank you.”
Excadrill fiddled with his claws. “Haxorus, I know you can smell them. Durant, you too! This has to be a trick! It has to be!”
Ingo kneeled to see Excadrill at eyelevel. “You did your best as well, my Excadrill. Please do not punish yourself too harshly.” He scratched under Excadrill’s chin and around his neck.
Excadrill’s adamance about the twins’ identities wavered. Ingo knew exactly where he liked to be scratched.
“Hey, what happened at Mt. Coronet? I don’t remember a thing since Emmet went up the stairs…” Galvantula asked.
“I wanna know, too, but do you think they know what we’re asking?” Archeops asked.
“Sorry for our delay in return,” Emmet said, addressing all their pokemon. “We have no clue as to what station we visited. But it feels like we have been gone for a while. Now we are back!”
“After a few days of rest, we can reopen the Battle Subway and resume our schedule!” Ingo said.
“I am… so happy…!” Eelektross said.
“I’m here…” a voice said from the other side of the closed front door. The door opened.
The pokemon got off Ingo and Emmet and cleared the living room. Emmet’s hands shook. Their most anticipated terminal was here.
The guest was Elesa. Normally, she wore some amount of color in her outfits – she liked to be an electrifying presence, she said in the past. She now wore a black longcoat and black boots. Apart from her signature headphones, no color was present in her outfit.
She stopped walking in when she saw Ingo and Emmet.
“Good day, Elesa! I am so happy to see you!” Ingo said.
“Hi… I am Emmet.” He only took nervous glances at Elesa.
Elesa’s hands tightened into fists. “It’s as I thought. I heard people say that Ingo and Emmet were back. I wanted to believe them, so I came back to their place. But you… You’re not them.”
“Elesa, what are you talking about?” Ingo’s frown expressed his concern along with his words for once.
She put her foot down. “Stop pretending! I know what my friends look like. What are you, a couple of Zoroarks?!”
“Why does everyone think we are Zoroarks?” Emmet asked Ingo.
“...Fine. If you won’t drop the disguises…” Elesa pulled out a pokeball from her pocket. “Then my shining pokemon and I will make you!” She threw the pokeball and sent out Zebstrika.
Zebstrika took one look at Ingo and Emmet and gasped. “You’re back?!”
“My Zebstrika, use Volt Tackle!” Elesa held her arm out and swept it for emphasis.
Ingo held out his arm in front of Emmet. “Elesa, Zebstrika, please halt! We are not Zoroarks!”
Zebstrika sniffed the two. “They… kinda smell like them. Are you really Ingo and Emmet?”
“My Zebstrika, why are you hesitating? Isn’t it obvious?” Elesa asked. “There is no way this is Ingo and Emmet! Ingo vanished off the face of the earth, and Emmet is dead!”
Ingo turned to look at Emmet. Emmet froze. He could barely see his brother breathe.
“I don’t know, Elesa…” Zebstrika backed away from the twins but kept her eyes on them.
“Zebstrika, we saw Emmet die! He walked into the sky and never came back down! Not even his pokemon knew what happened! He’s… gone.” Elesa’s hands shook. “And now there’s some pokemon here wearing their faces and giving people false hope!”
“Elesa, please…” Ingo stepped forward. “You are an important passenger for us. I apologize for disappearing, and I know Emmet is, too… No, wait. I shouldn’t speak for him here. Emmet, what would you like to say to Elesa?”
Emmet’s smile stretched from one ear to another. He held his hands together much like when he talked to guests. He was completely frozen. His plan to talk to Elesa had completely broken apart. He knew that leaving her at Spear Pillar was not a wise decision as a conductor, but she believed he died. She believed he died.
Ingo placed a hand on Emmet’s shoulder. “Emmet, I’m here for you.”
Elesa stared down Ingo and Emmet. Despite her intense gut feeling that something was wrong with these apparitions of her friends, another part of her said it was them. Ingo and Emmet said that they always return to their station at the end, so why not now? Elesa was a person who made people’s dreams into reality. What if, this time, her dream became the reality?
But she didn’t want hope. She and Emmet had hope that they would find Ingo, and Emmet marched straight into heaven instead. She reported that Emmet went missing and that she was the last person to see him. The detectives and international police reassured her to finding her friends, but days upon days passed. She understood why Emmet turned to his own devices about finding his brother. She heard some people suspect her of Emmet’s disappearance. That hurt.
But her spark was gone. She tried to throw herself into her roles as a gym leader and model, but her battles and words and poses felt hollow. The gym leaders, especially Skyla, tried to comfort her and get her electrifying self back, but the attempts bore no fruit. Her pokemon tried the same, and they were the closest to succeeding. But her best friends were gone.
“Stop this nonsense! My darling Zebstrika, if you can't do it...” Elesa had to prove if her instinct was right. She recalled Zebstrika into her pokeball. She then grabbed the nearest thing she could find – an empty mug from the table – and brandished it as a weapon. “I’ll destroy the Prankster illusion myself!”
“Elesa, please stop!” Ingo completely stood in front of Emmet. Either of them wouldn’t suffer lasting damage from the attack, but he still didn’t want his brother to get hurt by their friend.
“I.. I am…!” Emmet’s entire body shook. He covered his mouth with both hands. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to vomit out the words he had been practicing for days. His legs gave out, and he hunched forward while still holding his mouth. Despite the obvious sorrow consuming him, his face still smiled beneath his hands.
“Emmet!” Ingo dropped to the floor. He placed an arm around Emmet’s shoulders. “It’s going to be okay. This is not an express train ride. Take your time.”
Elesa stared at the twins and realized what she was doing. She placed the mug back on the table and crouched down. She watched tears squeeze through his closed eyes. “…Emmet?” she asked softly.
Emmet nodded.
“And Ingo?” Elesa’s voice got quieter.
“I truly apologize for our delay of our return,” Ingo said.
“No, please don’t give me hope.” She rubbed her eye with a single finger and flicked off the tears. “Just end this cruel prank!”
“This is not a prank!” Emmet finally said. Before he knew it, he sprung forward to hug Elesa. His hands dug into her back.
That was it. Elesa finally allowed herself to shed tears. She hugged Emmet back so hard that he might snap like a twig. Then again, he hugged back with almost the same force.
Ingo placed a hand on Elesa’s shoulder. He wanted to join them, but he knew how this was important for Emmet. “I am truly glad to see you again, Elesa. Both of us are.”
“You guys can be real jerks sometimes. People thought I went crazy. I thought I was crazy!” Elesa said. “…I’m sorry for almost hitting you.”
“I am… sorry, too…” Emmet couldn’t speak above a whisper.
“I believe you. Emmet… listen. I can’t forgive you for what happened at Spear Pillar. I can’t forgive all the stuff that happened… But I don’t think I can stay mad at you forever,” Elesa said.
Emmet nodded. He understood not being forgiven. He wasn’t sure it was deserved anyway. He just needed to tell Elesa he was sorry and that she was a great friend, even if he couldn’t outright say it.
Ingo, satisfied with what happened, stood back up. “Elesa, Emmet, why don’t we-?”
Ingo’s train of thought derailed when he looked down at Emmet and Elesa again. He covered his mouth to supress his gasp.
“Ingo? Is something wrong?” Elesa asked as she turned to face him.
Emmet tried to ask the same question, but no words came out of his mouth. His voice was gone.
Ingo’s mind raced to find a way to isolate himself and Emmet. “Elesa, unfortunately it appears that Emmet and I must make an immediate departure!” He grabbed Emmet by his forearm and dragged him to standing position.
Elesa stood and turned toward the twins, who were running up the stairway to the second floor. “Where do you think you’re going?!”
“I apologize, Elesa, but this is an urgent situation, and we will return once it is resolved!” Ingo ran to Emmet’s bedroom with his brother in tow. He slammed the door behind them.
Ingo looked around his brother’s room. Between the unkempt bedsheets, full trashcan of wrappers, and scattered books and papers of several nights of research, he finally saw the results of Emmet’s time in emotional solitude.
“Emmet, please remain calm. Look at your hands,” Ingo said.
Emmet nodded and held up his hands – or rather, he held up his arms to look at where his hands should be. His hands were gone. Emmet raised his arm to shake his coat sleeve up and see if anything was there. When he got his answer, he let his sleeves hang like when he wore the coat as a Sneasel.
Ingo took a deep breath. “Are you able to talk?”
Emmet gave his brother an awkward smile and shook his head.
Ingo frowned harder. “It’s as I feared. I noticed during our transformations that we become unable to speak. Emmet, I have no idea as to the cause, but I think you’re transforming!”
Emmet couldn’t hide his fear even if he wanted to. Familiar nausea crept up on him. He silently pleaded to Ingo for help, but when he looked at his brother, he saw something bad. Emmet’s eyes widened. Emmet pointed to Ingo’s head with his arm.
“Is something wrong with me?” Ingo asked.  He then noticed that his vision darkened in one eye.
Emmet nodded. The dizziness associated with the transformation was worse than in the past. With his legs straight, he fell forward, and the process overtook him.
Ingo darted to Emmet’s closet. He knew his brother had a full-length mirror to properly inspect his uniform everyday before they travelled to work. Ingo’s cap had slid down his head and covered his eye and part of his face. He took off the cap. He didn’t like what he saw.
“Am I…” Ingo lost his voice in the middle of his sentence. The dizziness made him fall, and the transformation overcame Ingo as well.  
Several pokemon stormed up the stairs and gathered outside Emmet’s bedroom. Chandelure and Eelektross led Haxorus, Excadrill, Archeops, Garbodor, Durant, Galvantula, and Crustle up the started. Several Joltiks hanged out on the walls and ceilings. Ingo was never a quiet person, but the walls muffled his exact words. He sounded in distress.
Elesa followed the pokemon and knocked on Emmet’s door. “Emmet! Ingo!” After waiting a moment for a response, she knocked hard enough to jiggle the door. “Guys!”
“They’re not answering?” Garbodor asked.
“Something has to be really wrong. At the very least, Ingo would respond instead of ignoring us,” Crustle said.
“Ingo! Emmet!” Elesa knocked on the door. “If you don’t open up, I’m coming in! Your pokemon are here, too. If something is wrong, you can’t keep us all in the dark!”
“Does anyone else have a bad feeling?” Galvantula asked.
“You mean the one I had the entire time?” Excadrill asked.  
“They have to be okay…” Eelektross said.  “…Right?”
“THAT’S IT!” Elesa turned the doorknob and swung the door open.
Elesa and the twins’ pokemon saw what was inside Emmet’s room. Eelektross gasped and embraced Archeops and Durant. Excadrill jumped into drill formation to shield his eyes. Haxorus, Garbodor, Crustle, and Galvantula backed up to the wall opposite of the hall, trying to get away from the sight.
Elesa closed the door at a Slowpoke’s pace out fear of getting the… beings’ attention. She laid her back against the door and slowly slid down as her knees buckled. Chandelure floated above her and stared at the door like they could still observe what happened inside.
“I was right… It really wasn’t them…” Elesa curled her legs up to her chest. Those weren’t Ingo and Emmet, but they weren’t Zoroarks either. She had no idea what she saw. Was she sleeping? Was she having another nightmare?
“What did we just see?!” Durant asked.
“I can’t believe Excadrill was right,” Crustle said.
“I really wish I wasn’t,” Excadrill said, his voice slightly muffled from his drill formation covering his head.
“I… should’ve known…” Eelektross began to crush Archeops and Durant from his hug. “Emmet is my best friend… I should have known this was a fake!”
Garbodor rubbed Eelektross’ back as a sort-of gesture of comfort. “It’s okay, please don’t be hard on yourself.”
“So… what do we do with the pretenders?” Galvantula asked.
“Let’s battle them! I can finally test my sharpened horns!” Haxorus said.
“Okay, but what type are they? Dark? Maybe poison?” Galvantula asked.
“Assuming they’re pokemon…” Archeops said.
Tears dripped onto Elesa’s knees. “Why is this happening? I just want my friends back.”
Galvantula crawled over to Elesa and grazed her leg with her conical feet. Elesa interpreted the gesture as a beg for pets, which she obliged with. Galvantula’s fur sparked and tingled her fingers, but she was accustomed to the sensation from raising electric-type pokemon and loved it. Galvantula knew this, thus why she approached Elesa.
“Why do I feel like we’re missing something?” Archeops asked.
“…Chandelure, why are you so… calm?” Eelektross asked. After he asked the question, the rest of the pokemon present turned to Chandelure, who still stared and floated less than an inch away from the door.
“Why are we Sneasels again?!” “Ingo” said from the room.
All the pokemon turned their attention toward the voice. Excadrill loosened up back to standing position, and Eelektross dropped Archeops and Durant. The voice sounded like Ingo, but he spoke their language. He spoke like a pokemon.
“This is a trainwreck,” “Emmet” said.
Elesa lifted her head and slowly turned behind her. Those were the noises of pokemon – Sneasels, based on what the word they kept repeating – but their voices were uncanny. If she asked Ingo and Emmet to imitate a Sneasel, they would sound like that.
“No, perhaps this is salvageable. If the portal is still present at Gear Station, we can contact Giratina to get our human shapes back!” Despite the optimistic claim, “Ingo” did not sound confident. “This is… quite a delay for us, but once we get our bodies back to human-shape, we can resume our duties as Subway Masters. Though I must admit, it might be difficult to explain our impromptu departure to our friends…”
“They saw us, Ingo,” Emmet said.
There was a pause.
“Please tell me you are making a bad joke,” Ingo said in a lower tone than normal for him.
“I am Emmet. I am serious. You didn’t hear the knocking and the door open and close?”
“…They actually saw the transformation process… Your assessment of this being a trainwreck is correct. We drastically broke the rules. Our friends are never going to trust us again!” Ingo’s voice began to break. “This is all because of my insistence of making this journey! I apologize deeply, Emmet! This is all my fault.”
“Please brake. I wanted us to come here, just like you.”
Something strange sparked in Elesa’s heart. If the pretenders wanted to keep tricking her into thinking they’re Ingo and Emmet, why would they sound like Sneasels? Why did they sound so heartbroken?
“While that is true, Emmet, it was my desire to return that led us here. I take full responsibility… for hurting our loved ones. I apologize, Emmet. I don’t know how we can fix… any of this.”
Chandelure couldn’t take it anymore. They did not know Psychic, but they turned the door handle with their available powers and blasted the door open with Shadow Ball. Since Elesa still sat and leaned on the door, she fell backwards to the floor.  
Elesa recovered from the fall and looked up. There were no remnants of the horror show that Elesa and the pokemon saw. Two Sneasels stood inside Emmet’s bedroom. One was an ordinary Sneasel while the other possessed an unfamiliar color scheme (possibly a shiny Sneasel?). The first Sneasel wore Emmet’s coat and cap – in fact, the same one “Emmet” wore, based on the dirt and scuffs at the tailcoat. The purple and white Sneasel wore “Ingo’s” excessively damaged coat and cap.
Chandelure scooped Ingo into a hug. It was like the one they gave to him back when they first reunited.
“Chandelure?! What are you doing…?” Eelektross asked as he ran into the room after his partner. Galvantula, Archeops, Haxorus and Garbodor followed. Durant, Crustle, and Excadrill kept their distance.
Ingo was swung around like a rag doll as the realization washed over him. “Did you all hear that?!”
“Pretty much,” Garbodor said.
“So… are you Ingo?” Archeops asked, looking at the white Sneasel.
Ingo’s heartrate skyrocketed as he fully processed that their pokemon and Elesa were seeing them in their Sneasel shapes. His hands began to tremble as he brought them up to cover his face. “Everyone, please… There is… There is…” He couldn’t immediately piece together any semblance of an explanation for their condition without mentioning time travel or Arceus or them almost dying twice (thrice, in Ingo’s case). It was bad enough they heard him mention Giratina.
Elesa still sat on her knees. She stared at the normal-colored Sneasel. As a model, Elesa developed a good eye for clothes and appearances. It was likely why she felt so strongly that Ingo and Emmet looked wrong, even if she could not place exactly why she felt that. But now, something about the way these Sneasels moved – how the normal-colored one’s hands shook and kept on a wide smile, how the shiny one barely made expressions but spoke with intense emotion in his voice – was eerily familiar.
“I am Emmet. I am Emmet.” Emmet’s smile was so wide that his face cramped from trying to keep it up. The fur around his eyes dampened as he cried once more. In the entire weeks that Emmet spent to prepare for meeting their pokemon and Elesa, he tried to imagine the worst-case scenario. This was not close to what he imagined. Emmet wrung his shaking hands. He had no plan. He had no script or spiel. He just fell back on a comfortable phrase, secretly begging that Elesa could understand him through the pokemon speech. “I am Emmet. I am Emmet, Elesa… I am…”
Elesa fully stood up to get a closer look at the Sneasel Chandelure held.
Ingo looked into Elesa’s eyes. He was still being cuddled by Chandelure. “Elesa, we know how strange this all appears, especially if you did witness part of the transformation. I apologize for keeping this information from you.” He turned his head. “I say the same to you, our pokemon. I am truly sorry.”
Eelektross approached Emmet and held him up with both hands like a stuffed toy. The Sneasel continued muttering Emmet’s favorite phrase. “…Why do I want to believe you?”
“…Oh, now I know why." He looked over to Chandelure and Ingo. That Sneasel was having a crisis, and Eelektross could tell from the way his gaze is drawn to his friend’s flames that they wanted to use their hypnotic power to calm down the Sneasel. "Chandelure, you knew the truth the whole time… right?”
Chandelure nodded.
“Knew the truth?!” Crustle asked as he entered the room to get a closer look at the Sneasels.
“So… this is Ingo and Emmet?!” Archeops asked.
“How are they so sure?” Durant asked.
“…Oh! Chandelure ran away earlier to meet with “Ingo” and came back here with him,” Garbodor said. “But if these two were imposters…”
“…Then Chandelure wouldn’t be acting this friendly!” Haxorus said. “I get it now! It really is you!”
“You believe us?” Emmet asked.
“…Yeah. I really wish Chandelure would talk to us sometimes. Could have saved us a lot of trouble!” Excadrill said. “…Sorry for doubting you.”
“No, it is completely understandable, Excadrill,” Ingo said. His heart couldn’t slow down, despite the complete turnaround in attitude of this pokemon. After all, there was still their dear friend Elesa.
Though Elesa could not hear the exact words the pokemon said, Elesa closed her eyes to better think. After a few moments of silence, Elesa started to giggle. She tried to stop, but she only laughed harder and harder until her stomach cramped.
“What’s so funny?” Emmet asked, pointing to Elesa and the ground. The familiar pose was not lost on the rest of the group.
“I think I’m in shock! The entire time we were talking, Ingo and Emmet, it felt like you two were hiding something,” Elesa said. She put held her chin in her hand as she talked. “Now I see why. You two…”
Ingo and Emmet waited for Elesa to complete her thought.
“…are super cute as Sneasels!” Elesa said with a big grin.
“What,” Emmet said at the same time Ingo asked, “Excuse me?”
Elesa started laughing again. “This is so weird in the best way possible! Well, seeing the horror show wasn’t fun. I don’t know what was up with all the… goo, but that was involved in you two looking like this now, right?”
“That is correct,” Ingo said. Emmet nodded to better communicate their answer.
“That’s electrifying! I’ve heard of some models who get their clothes sewn onto them, but this is a whole new level!” Elesa put up Emmet similar to how Eelektross did. “Look at you, Emmet! You’re so small! I wanna put you in a little outfit and show you on stage!”
“Please stop trying to recruit us as models,” Ingo said.
Elesa placed Emmet down to pick up Ingo. “And you, too!”
“What Elesa said! They are really cute!” Haxorus pinched Ingo’s cheeks. “You’re so fluffy!”
“Please exercise some caution, Haxorus,” Ingo said. The way she pinched his cheek hurt.
“...Sorry, I just realized this is probably weird for you guys…” Elesa set down Ingo next to Emmet. “I just… wanted my dream of us reuniting to come true, but I could never have imagined this.”
Emmet found a couple of tears running down his face. “I am happy, Elesa.”
Ingo smiled. “As am I.”
“Are we really going to not talk about the things we saw…?” Durant asked.
“…Looks like it. It might be better to just… pretend we didn’t see… any of that…” Eelektross said.
“I am fine with that plan,” Crustle said.
“Okay, but why are you Sneasels?” Archeops asked.
“And why Sneasels? Of all pokemon?” Galvantula asked.
“Was… there a particular species of pokemon you would expect us to turn into?” Ingo asked.
Several Joltiks, who watched from the ceiling both in the hallway and in the bedroom, provided some answers. “Zoroarks!” “Reshiram and Zekrom!” “Kecleons!” “Plusle and Minun!”
“…Those are weird suggestions,” Emmet said.
“No weirder than you being Sneasels!”Garbodor laughed.  
“Hey, so you looked like your human selves a moment ago, but now you’re Sneasels for some reason. Can you turn back to being humans?” Elesa asked. Her question caught the attention of the other pokemon as well.
Emmet shrugged. “Yes, but there is an extended delay.”
“There is a route we can take to contact to the pokemon that helped us-“ Ingo’s explanation was cut off.
“Giratina, right?” Excadrill asked.
“…Perhaps,” Ingo said. “But we cannot contact them at this precise moment. Our tracks are disconnected right now, but we will try to resolve the delay as soon as we can. Emmet and I did get sidetracked by talking to everyone here, but that was time well-spent.”
“…Wait! Ingo, I have an idea,” Emmet said, flapping his coat sleeves about. He gestured Ingo over and whispered in his ear, holding one hand up to shield his mouth.
“Emmet, that’s brilliant!” Ingo said after his brother finished saying his idea. He and Emmet both threw of identical bronze bracelets, and only Ingo threw off a white watch.
“All aboard!” Emmet picked up the Rail Spike of Time and threw off his coat and cap. He marched out of his bedroom with his arms and legs swinging straight.
“Everyone, please remain at this station! Emmet and I will return momentarily!” Ingo grabbed the Spike Maul of Space, threw off his own uniform, and followed Emmet.
“Hey! Do you really think I’ll let you go on your own again?!” Elesa grabbed the coats and caps, carrying them with one arm. She then ran after the two Sneasels.
After the end of the night, a lone man sat outside Gear Station. He heard that the Subway Masters came back and caused a large commotion at their station, but by the time he arrived, the station was closed, and no one was around, save for some straggling employees.
He took off his backpack and sat on a bench, observing the view of the main street traffic. Spotlights from the nearby amusement park stretched and dissipated into the dark sky. Humans screamed in terror mingled with delight.
Two Sneasels – one teal and red, the other white and purple – ran to the station. The former carried a large nail while the latter carried a hammer. The man turned to see what they were going to do with such destructive tools.
The Sneaslers climbed up on the outside of the station to the center of the giant window piece. They prepared the tools to seemingly break the window, but when they swung, nothing happened. He may be far away observing the scene, but the man figured he should have seen and heard glass shatter.
With their apparent prank failing, the two Sneasels jumped off the building and ran away into the shadows of the city.
A minute later, a pretty woman ran toward Gear Station. The coats she held looked familiar. She yelled for an unknown friend and ran in the direction the Sneasels went, possibly chasing them.
The man smiled and let out a chuckle. If he was younger, he would’ve chased after them, too. Instead, the man just said, “Huh. Interesting.”
Ingo and Emmet ran in the direction of their house, but they kept running and entered Route 16. The route lacked the trainers that hanged about during the day, and the only pokemon roaming at that time of night would be Liepards, who kept to themselves. The brisk early-winter air kept them full of energy.
They ran into the trees while avoiding Lostlorn Forest. Once comfortable that no humans or pokemon were nearby, the twins’ run slowed to a walk.
“Do you see anything reflective?” Ingo asked.
“Not yet,” Emmet said.
Elesa caught up to her Sneasel friends. Moonlight reflected off the sweat on her skin. “Listen, I love a late-night jog, but I would’ve appreciated it if you kept pace with me!”
“Please forgive us, Elesa,” Ingo said with a bow. “But Emmet and I wanted to go a place where others are extremely unlikely to cross paths with us during our rendezvous.”
“There is a puddle,” Emmet said. He pointed to a nearly puddle, which froze over from the inescapable chill.
“Excellent! That should work for our purposes.” Ingo turned to Elesa and held out a hand. Emmet copied him. “Pardon us, Elesa. May we have our uniforms?”
“…Oh, you want the clothes?” Elesa handed the twins their respective coats and hats. “You’re lucky I remembered to grab them after you left!”
“Yes! Thank you, Elesa!” Ingo said.
Elesa smiled. She still couldn’t understand exactly what her friends were saying, but she knew that they appreciated the gesture.
Ingo and Emmet, with their uniforms once again on, stood in front of the puddle. Indeed, it had a thin layer of ice that could barely reflect the moonlight and depict the leaves.
“That’s a rail spike and spike hammer, right? Wanna show me what they do?” Elesa asked. She surprised herself with remembering the proper terms for those tools. She retained more information from Ingo’s infodumps than she expected!
“…Can we show her what they do?” Ingo asked Emmet.
“We already broke several rules. Let’s not break anymore,” Emmet said.
Ingo and Emmet nodded to each other. They tried to push Elesa away – but because they were Sneasel-shaped, they only succeeded with nudging her legs a little.
“What, you want me to go away?” Elesa asked.
“Just for a moment! We cannot have guests in the station for this operation!” Ingo said.
“Please trust us,” Emmet said. He had to admit, though, they didn’t really give her a reason to trust them.
“Okay, okay… I’ll go.” Elesa begrudgingly took a short walk away from her friends, hiding behind one of the trees.
“Very well!” Ingo turned around the Spike Maul of Space in his hands. He changed his stance to prepare for the strike. Likewise, Emmet placed the tip of the Rail Spike of Time on the ice. Without a word, Ingo struck the spike. The gems on the spike and hammer shined, beaming pink, yellow, and blue lights onto the tree trunks. The faint reflection on the puddle was replaced with the clear image of the Distortion World.
“Whoa! That was dazzling!” Elesa said.
“She saw it,” Emmet said.
“Elesa, your curiosity is often appreciated, but not today.” Ingo turned to the portal “Giratina, please report to the station!”
“Please report to the portal,” Emmet said.
After a second, Giratina flew toward the connecting waterfall. They noted that the twins’ voices only had slight differences between their human-shaped and Sneasel-shaped selves, and they noted they sounded more like the latter. This was immediately explained upon reaching the waterfall. The first thing they noticed was Ingo and Emmet not being shaped like humans.
“Whoa! That’s Giratina, right?” Elesa asked. “How did you two meet Giratina?”
Giratina’s gaze darted between the two Not Sneasels and the human, unsure of which to mention first. Instead, they settled for a third option: a simple “…What the fuck?”
“Huh, didn’t expect a legendary pokemon to cuss,” Elesa said.
“Greetings, Giratina…” Ingo tipped his cap to the Almighty pokemon. “You probably have a number of questions!”
“She can hear you?” Emmet asked.
“Telepathy. Ingo and Emmet, I have a couple of questions. One: why are you two Sneasel-shaped? Two: who is this human?” Giratina asked. Ingo expected Giratina to be angry, but they did not sound angry at all. On second thought, though, that might be worse.
“I’m Elesa. I’m a gym leader and a model, and most importantly these two’s friends. Are you the reason my friends are Sneasels, Giratina?” Elesa asked.
Ingo wanted to bow to Giratina, but because they were talking through a puddle, he was already hunched over. “Please forgive us, Giratina! When we met with our pokemon and Elesa, whom we deeply wanted to meet again, we transformed back into Sneasels in front of them! It was completely unexpected, and even when we tried to hide ourselves, they still saw it.”
Giratina looked to Elesa. “You SAW it? That’s unfortunate. Also, can you understand what Ingo and Emmet are saying?”
“No. I mean, I get the feeling that I know what they’re saying because we’ve been friends for long enough,” Elesa said.
“...Alright. Let me fix the language barrier,” Giratina said.
Ingo and Emmet both felt tickles in their throats. Emmet held his hands to his throat, while Ingo tried to cough. It faded as soon as it started.
“Done. You two, say something,” Giratina said.
“That was unpleasant,” Emmet said.
“Oh! Emmet, I heard that!” Elesa said.
“Elesa can understand what we say now?” Ingo asked.
“Sort of. I changed your vocal cords into the ones from your human-shape,” Giratina said. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you back to your full human shape after I get an explanation as to… Okay, how the hell did you two transform back into Sneasels involuntarily?!”
“I have no idea!” Emmet said.
“Let me retrace our route. We arrived at Gear Station, Chandelure found us, we travelled to our house, we reunited with our pokemon, we met with Elesa…” Ingo hummed. “And I noticed Emmet beginning to transform while he and Elesa hugged.”
“Ingo did start to transform after I did…” Emmet said. Ingo covered Emmet’s mouth.
“I need to think about this.” Giratina chuckled. “What is with you two and doing impossible things?”
“Is it that impossible?” Ingo asked.
“I didn’t think it was possible to transform without intending to! Well, I know my transformation is tied to which realm I’m in, but that’s not the case for you two!” Giratina laughed.
“Um.” Elesa figured that Ingo and Emmet went on some wild adventures since they were able to become… unspeakable horrors and also Sneasels, but hearing a legendary pokemon talk about it was surreal to witness. “When you’re back to being human, can you explain to me where the heck you guys have been?”
“…Are we allowed to talk about it?” Ingo said.
“You brought Elesa to our little meeting and you’re asking me for permission?” Giratina asked.
“Yes,” Emmet said.
“…Listen. The stuff about your bodies should be kept a secret only because I don’t want you two to end up on a dissection table – or worse, shunned for being different,” Giratina said, their gaze turned to the side away from the Nimbasa Trio.
“Been there, done that,” Emmet said.
“So, hiding the Not Human or Sneasel thing isn’t as critical as hiding… the other things. Unless they know about it, too?” Giratina glared at Ingo and Emmet.
“There’s other secret things?” Elesa asked, raising her eyebrow at Giratina. “What can be worse than whatever is going on with all this?” She gestured to Ingo and Emmet vaguely, referring to their bodies.
“…We will arrive at that station if we are permitted to,” Ingo said. “For now, do we need to fully reenter your station for you to transform us back?”
“Yep. Also, once we finish this business, I need to start teaching you how to control the transformations. This can’t happen again!” Giratina’s wings twitched with their audible frustration.
“Agreed!” Ingo and Emmet said.
“We will be a short round-trip, Elesa! We will return,” Ingo said.
“You better,” Elesa said.
“All aboard!” Ingo and Emmet said together.
Emmet jumped into the puddle, and to Elesa’s surprise, he was fully submerged. Ingo followed suit and disappeared into a body of water that should have only come up to their feet. She had no idea why she was surprised. She looked back into the puddle.
“Don’t look,” Giratina said with a strange smile. A set of shadowy hands blocked the image of the pokemon as though they didn’t trust Elesa to follow the command.
Elesa closed to eyes to help her think. When Emmet showed her the book with the picture of Ingo, he stood next to a pokemon that somewhat resembled what he looked like now. Was that related? And those cracks… She had never seen a Sneasel with a damaged gemstone like they had. What happened?
“Done,” Giratina said. The shadows that hid the human’s view of their realm were gone.
“That was lightning fast!” Elesa said.
“Yeah. The transformation is faster when it’s controlled,” Giratina said.
“All aboard again!” Ingo and Emmet said together from the other side of the portal.
First Ingo was launched out of the puddle portal. Emmet quickly followed suit. They flew high enough to graze some tree branches, but they landed safely on two feet. Elesa gasped from the sight; they both looked human again.
“Hey! You’re back!” Elesa hugged both her friends.
“I am Emmet. We have returned,” Emmet said.
“Thank you for your patience, Elesa,” Ingo said. “I must admit, I didn’t expect you to identify us when you saw us as Sneasels.”
“I surprised myself, too. Maybe I just know you two too well… Or it’s something from my years of modeling and paying attention to appearances. One of those two,” Elesa said.
“I think I figured out why this all happened,” Giratina said. “You two managed to crack your gems from sheer stress, right? Which I don’t know how you did that when you’re not psychic pokemon.”
“Where are you conducting us?” Ingo asked.
“My point is: you two were both really stressed for this meeting, right? Emmet, I think the stress you had was so extreme that, when you relaxed after they accepted you, you body relaxed with you and caused the transformation,” Giratina said.
“…Oh” was all Emmet could say to that.
“As for you, Ingo… Well, besides the stress and relief, you saw Emmet start to transform. I guess that was enough stress for you to meltdown.” Giratina shrugged – or did a movement with their wings that resembled a shrug.
“Oh, so it’s my fault…” Though Elesa intended the statement to be a joke, her sentence came out gloomier than she expected.
“Elesa! You are not at fault for what happened to us,” Ingo said. “You are our valued friend and passenger. I would take this trainline again if it meant being with you again.”
“Ideally without revealing our inner workings, but yes. Without a doubt, I agree,” Emmet said.
Elesa smiled brightly. “Thanks, guys. You know how to bring my spark back.”
Though Ingo and Emmet quickly got their human-shaped bodies back, they could not return to their routine as Subway Masters straight away. The detectives in charge of finding the twins wanted to know where they went, if they were kidnapped, if they were harmed, and if a pokemon was responsible. As per their plan, Ingo and Emmet claimed complete memory loss of the events. The detectives also suggested to get them checked by a doctor, but they declined.
At Gear Station, the mechanics needed to check that all the trains specially designed for battles were still in good condition. The pokemon trainers needed time to prepare their teams once more. Ingo wanted to return to work as soon as possible, but Emmet had to get him to take their time. After months of being on high alert, they had a chance to relax – not even being in Hisui was relaxing due to the constant barrage of hostile pokemon.
And, of course, Ingo and Emmet wanted to spend more time with their pokemon and Elesa. They still needed to decide how to explain the Sneasel transformation and connection to Giratina without mentioning time travel. At least the others were willing to be patient with the explanation.
As for Giratina, they followed through on their promise. They began teaching Ingo and Emmet how to voluntarily transform their bodies. The twins had to start small – changing their hands, for example. It would take a while to learn, but Giratina had more than enough confidence in the impossible twins.
The day before the Battle Subway would open again, a doorbell rang through the twins’ house.
“Approaching the front door!” Emmet said as he marched with straight arms and legs.
Emmet opened the front door. Standing in front of him was an unfamiliar man. His long blond hair was tied back yet still covered his left eye. The man looked no different than anyone who would visit Gear Station to travel to their destination, yet something about the man felt… wrong. In fact, something had to be very wrong if Emmet got this feeling from someone.
Emmet saluted to the guest. “I am Emmet. How can I help you?”
“Hi, Emmet! I lent you a book a while ago, and I would like it back please.” The stranger spoke with a tone that reminded Emmet of his own, in terms of formality and courtesy.
“A book? I don’t recall borrowing a book from you.”
“Like I said, I lent it to you. It was called Land of the Sinnoh: The Hisui Region.”
Emmet’s smile nearly slipped off his face, but he forced it to grow wider instead. “You gave me the book?” His mind took off and began building steam. The strange book came from nowhere, providing proof of where Ingo was. It drove Emmet to climb Mt. Coronet and challenge Arceus. The book led to reuniting with Ingo, going to the future to meet Sneasler and Eelektross and Chandelure, and saving a legendary pokemon, allowing him and Ingo to return to their primary origin. Elesa said it neither came from Lenora nor Cheren, so she did not want to trust it. They never found out who sent it – until now, that was.
“I am Emmet. Who are you?” He tried to remain calm, but he could not hide how his hands shook, even when he held them together.
“Emmet, is everything well?” Ingo said from upstairs, overhearing his brother’s tone. He walked into the hallway above the living room but stopped at the top of the stairs when he saw the guest’s face. Ingo audibly gasped. "Emmet, that's Volo!"
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cheemken · 10 months
Hey Knight I just had a great idea before I fell asleep
Another champion villain AU, but the Champions are all working for their regions Villain teams
Diantha working for Team Flare because she agrees that only the “worthy” people should live, people who do good for the world
Iris working for Team Plasma, either from the beginning or when they reestablished themselves in BW2. Idk why she’d join but she knows how to bring the power out of dragon Pokémon and how to control them, and one of Plamas goal is to capture the three dragons
Cynthia working for Team Galatic just for her own curiosity. She wants to see how far Cyrus is able to go, and maybe even gain control of the legendaries herself. Maybe the story of Volo has been passed down in her family and she wants to see if she’s able to complete what Volo wasn’t able to
And the other Champions joining their own villain teams, idk what Geeta would do considering there isn’t really a villain team, it’s just a group of kids who were bullied. Maybe she helped Turo and Sada with their research but she took it to far and brought dangerous Pokémon to the present time. Letting the Koridon/Miradon kill the professors so that she could take their research for herself
Okay but fr Cynthia and Leon would probs double cross Cyrus and Rose hahaha
Ofc, Cynthia is a given considering her track record in our villain au hahah but that is interesting tho, if the story of Volo got passed down in their family, and they treat it like some cautionary tale, a warning yknow, Volo was a name in their family that none should ever speak out loud. But Cynthia, ever the curious child, wanted to know more. And learn she did. Found out what he really did, what he wanted to achieve, and he was close in accomplishing his goals. Yet he failed. Cynthia doesn't do failure, she's great w a lot of things, she prides herself w that, a lot of people look up to her. But she has to admit, it's rather boring lately, and then the story of Volo came across her mind again, and she wondered if she could do what he wanted to do. And she won't fail ofc.
She let Cyrus do all the work, tho she gave him what he needed to know abt the legendary Pokémon. They both knew that Cynthia shouldn't really ruin her image just yet, their plan would fail. So yeah the events of DPPt, up to the point of Giratina showing up. And everyone was at the edge yknow, they're waiting what would happen, then Cynthia steps in, catching Giratina's attention. Gira knew Cynthia was familiar, a spitting image of him, and there's a tug within him, in his already tainted heart, to bow his head, to submit to her commands.
Cynthia looked at Cyrus. The man was waiting for her to finalize their plan, everything was already in order, they have hold of the Lake Trio and even the Creation Trio. Cynthia smiled at him, but there was smth abt it that Cyrus did not like.
"a world devoid of spirit.. that sounds boring, don't you think?"
"what are you planning, Cynthia."
"well, a world without spirit, no one would have the energy to make ice cream, Cy. That's not the ideal world for me."
"what would be the ideal world for you then?"
Chuckling to herself, she was quite curious just how much Giratina would actually listen to her, without uttering a single command. She smiled at him, smiled at her childhood friend, oh, she will miss him, maybe, who knows. Then she smiled, "this." She snapped her fingers, and quicker than the light itself, one of Giratina's tendrils impaled Cyrus straight through his chest, killing him instantly. A few of the grunts screamed, the admins stood there, watching Cynthia in horror. Dialga and Palkia were struggling even more beneath the chains, how pitiful, but she can help them. As long as they'd follow her every word. She then turns to the admins, terrified, hands on the red capsules on their belts, but Cynthia laughs, "do you think that'd be wise?" They raised their hand in quiet surrender. This was easy. She never got how Volo failed.
Then w Leon, idk since I did have this au abt Sonia back then, it does have the same energy, anyways hahaha yeah yknow peeps looked down on Sonia, Leon did not like that. No one believes her abt Eternatus, abt how it was the (cause) of the Darkest Day, and he heard rumours how she was just trying so hard to impress people since she's filling in Prof Magnolia's shoes. Then he hears abt Rose and like all that energy for DMax or smth yeah, and ofc Leon believed Sonia, and he's gonna help her prove her theories are actually true. So he played along Rose's game. Let him summon Eternatus, and both of them are standing before it, w Rose letting Leon capture the legendary pkmn. Rose praised him for his good work as usual, but just as he was abt take the Master Ball from Leon, the champion merely looked at him, smiling, "thanks for your help, Chairman. But.. Sonia needs this more than you."
And before Rose could react, Leon's Charizard and Haxorus attacked him, feasting over his body. Leon just watched, uninterested abt the death of the man who helped him rise to fame. Instead he looked at the master ball in his hand, smiling to himself, "Sonia is so gonna love this!" Pls ur honour do you see my vision in them becoming villains together ik I said Leon is in a polycule but I'm also still fucking trash for lionheartshipping let me have this one small thing ncmxnx hahaha
Geeta tho like imagine tho after Sada and Turo's death, she took in Arven, telling the others that it's the least she could do as she was the one who was w Sada and Turo last, it's their final wish. Ofc it wasn't, but they all got convinced by it. And just cndmdn yo Geeta feeding Arven lies abt his parents. How they were the ones to bring dangerous Pokémon in their world, how they took it too far, how they took her studies abt it. And ofc, Arven believed all of it, he was so young, and his parents were always so focused on their studies more than him, but miss Geeta was w him now, and she's so much better, she gives him attention, she's always there for him. His parents didn't even listen to Geeta to stop, and it shows how they really didn't care abt him at all. Imagine how his encounter w his AI parents would be tho, if they actually tell the truth of what happened. Arven couldn't catch a break man bcmdnd hahaha
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whichuniverseisthis · 8 months
390! Beware of spoilers!
First - Vs Starly
Previous - Vs Clefairy
Next - Vs Lickilicky
Last - Vs Dialga & Palkia VI
Chapter 53 / Chapter 390
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Anime moment. The narrator making fun of Dia is so funny. Also, it's nice to have a callback of their very first day together.
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Oh my god, Munchlax's face. This is a full comedy chapter, and considering he's in Jubilife, I'd say it's a cool way to go back to the origins when the trio had fun.
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Munchlax just. Ignoring Dia's stress. I love them.
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I feel called out by this. The only app I used in game was the one that showed how attached the Pokémon were. You know, the basic with things like Budew and Buneary around.
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He's trans. Jocking, but I wonder why the game producers decided to make Barry so... Orange. It became my favorite color because of it.
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This small decision alone makes the Sinnoh trio the most special of all to me. They're the only ones who were thought out to be a trio (and together) since the very beginning.
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I sense a little criticism to the world of medias in here. May just be me.
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You know, thinking about it I think I would have loved to see Platinum catch her Lopunny too. But I appreciate seeing Dia believing more in himself and doing things that are not orders from someone else.
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Goddamn, Shieldon.
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Didn't know whether to put the cool Lickilicky shot or the funny Dia conversation, so I put both.
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shoppncarticles · 1 year
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Everything should culminate here, as Arceus stands as the Pokemon world’s origin point, its creator god. Of course, Arceus doesn’t even mark the halfway point in the numerical ‘dex order at this point, but y’know. It’s the thought that counts.
Arceus is quite the interesting design, and probably isn’t quite the first thing you think of if you were to picture what a more fantasy monster-like design for God could look like. Though, Arceus still follows a couple angelic design conventions, with its predominantly white and yellow color scheme, its ever-so-slightly off and absurd body shape and details, and the halo-like ring circling its body. I’ve heard some people say that Arceus is a bit silly in concept, that God would be this quadrupedal ungulate-like creature, but I don’t see why that makes Arceus any less of a fit at the end of the day. It certainly doesn’t look like anything that ought to be prancing around a forest, especially when it stands at 10 feet tall.
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Arceus, usually, is a pure Normal type, which as I’ve said before, is likely an analogue for being typeless in cases like it. Being the master of the universe and reality itself, though, Arceus is able to change types at will by holding one of the special plates, scribed in its honor, that represent each type. The same can also be done with Z-Crystals, but those aren’t really relevant to Arceus’s whole shtick. The type Arceus becomes also changes the type of its unique move, Judgement, a name which further enhances its whole God-like status. Apparently, Arceus ought to be able to freely change types whenever pleases,  it is apparently unable to now as the plates are spread throughout the world. However, a unique Legend Plate can be given to Arceus which allows it to regain this ability, letting it change its type to whatever it most effect for its current opponent.
In fact, for as powerful as Arceus is already, it appears to be somewhat incomplete, unable to demonstrate its full power as the universe’s creative deity. After all, it’s still a monster that you can catch and command at will. One of the Pokedex entries mentions that Arceus formed the world with 1000 arms, which it clearly doesn’t have, at least in this state. Sure enough, Arceus is said to be able to create a puppet of sorts, a piece of itself which it can use and inhabit outside of wherever its home dimension may be. This seems to imply that the Arceus we see is only a fragment of the original’s power.
Arceus is also said to have directly created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, in order to help give its world shape and order, likely giving them each a piece of its power. This would explain why the Origin Forms of Dialga and Palkia (and to a lesser extent, Giratina) resemble Arceus so much, that they’re adapting more to the form that Arceus takes in the dimension of the Pokemon world with the power they’re reawakening.
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Arceus is also shown to have a certain affinity with the Unown, with their version of Hidden Power even mimicking how Arceus’s Judgement works when it holds the Legend Plate. It’s possible that Unown, in their ancient glyph-like forms, also represent some fragments or Arceus’s power, or are so rich in latent godlike power that they increase Arceus’s by being near it. It’s never been confirmed one way or the other, but I find it quite interesting, at least.
Overall, Arceus is quite the cool godbeast and has a good amount of backstory and ambiguous mystery to help bolster the title it’s built up to have. A successful job at incorporating a God into Pokemon’s catalog, methinks.
Score: 5/5
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[Gen 4 Archive]
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shadowonwater · 2 years
Diamond Clan Settlement NPCs (Names and Dialogue)
Ended up making this because I couldn't figure out where to find this information (if it's anywhere). Was looking for this info because of something I was working on. Keep in mine this is post game as well.
Note: some NPCs have dialogue that floats above their head when you get near them, this is different from what they say when you talk to them, this dialogue will be written like this [example]. {this is for anything else of note}
Prima: "I can't tell you how much fun the Harmony Festival was. It really got my blood pumping!" [Unusual to see a visitor here at our settlement]
Trio of kids:
Calens: "Surveying is so cool! I wanna survey stuff, too." [What should we play today?]
Cember: "Calaba let me ride Ursaluna the other day! It was sooo much fun!" [Let's play Pass the Time!]
Lux: "Dialga is way stronger than Palkia!" [That's just sitting around waiting for time to pass!]
Alman: "Hrrrm... I see. If we work together with Pokemon as our partners, we won't need to be so reliant on the protection of the nobles."
Peren: "The Pokemon in our settlement might not seem like the reliable sort, but their attacks sure pack a punch!"
Sept: "There's a Poke Ball capable of catching almighty Sinnoh? The mind reels..." [Close: W-welcome?] [Far away: You're part of that Galaxy Team? Under that Komado fellow?]
Messis: "Now I finally understand Adaman's desire to see what the future holds. Or, at least, I think I do." [Far away: here to see Adaman?] [Close: You've got all kinds of kit with you, hm?]
House 1:
Era: "You didn't just save the Galaxy Team-you saved our clan as well! Thank you so much!"
Solis: "Whaaat? There's a Pokemon even more amazing than Dialga and Palkia?"
{There's a Teddiursa in this house!}
House 2:
Martia: "I'm going to stay in Jubilife Village for a while to learn more about making medicine."
Quin: "The incident at Mount Coronet seems to have given young Adaman more of a commanding presence Or is that just my imagination?" {Old Man}
{Trio of Psyduck in this house!}
House 3:
Vesper: "Arezu's working at the hairdresser's in Jubilife Village, right? Maybe I'll drop by or a haircut..."
Minit: "Everyone has high hopes for the future. But we mustn't forget that our future is built on the past."
{There's a Rhydon in this house!}
House 4:
Serotina: "I'm alive, and I feel like a new woman! There's so much I want to learn from the Pearl Clan and the Galaxy Team!" {appears to be using a loom}
Aetas: "The moon has set, and the sun rises in turn. Time flows on, and all is right in the world."
Kron: "Dialga, once created,/brought time into being./Be it in laughter or in tears,/the same time flows on./Such is the blessing of Dialga."
House 5:
Nones: "The Galaxy Team has given us so many ideas. Like befriending Pokemon using those Poke Balls, for example!"
Ides: "How can you catch Pokemon with something as small as a Poke Ball? How does that work?"
{there's a Lickitung in this house!}
Speculation on Diamond Clan NPCs:
Calens (likes exploring), Cember (loves Teddyursa line), Lux (Big Dialga fan), Alman (doesn't like having to be reliant on the Nobles for protection), Sept (has anxiety and best friends with Messis), Martia (working on becoming a doctor), Vesper (close friends with Arezu), Serotina (a clothing maker, friends with Anthe), Kron (a poet), Nones (wants to use pokeballs),
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emmetrain · 11 months
For the Munday meme! 7, 12, 16, 17
Also asked by @axktheterrifyingghost , thank you both SO SO MUCH!
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7. NOTP for your muse?
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I don't think I have one when it comes to Emmet. I like seeing all the different fanarts people have for Emmet ships, and even the same ship has so many flavors.
And unless it is breaking my blog rules, every ship is welcome--we can try to see if it will work out and how much we would like to write it.
For platonic ships, my recently-discovered no-no boundary has been "neglect", as in... I might not be fast enough or active enough write Emmet interacting with a muse, but it shouldn't be assumed Emmet is ignoring them or neglecting them unless we agree on it. I am more comfortable with our threads in frozen time where we can skip and discuss the events whenever they come up.
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
I have tried to revive my old muse blogs a few months ago but ;; Emmet has my complete attention, since I am still not over PLA and how we do not know how Ingo went missing--how Emmet is doing--if they found each other. So, probably for a long while, Emmet will be the only one I write actively. (Though I want to be more active on my Sada soon. I love writing evil woman....)
16. Favourite trope?
>:3ccc The weirdness of the mundane; the small details in ordinary life that is just... wrong. The twins, for example. They are just some guys, overall--but if the more you spend time with them, more you will catch glimpses of things that shouldn't be possible. How Emmet can disappear into shadows (darkness manipulation), or how Ingo will approach others unnoticed (space/Palkia). How Emmet fits a thousand hobbies into his already busy schedule (time/Dialga), or how Ingo does not notice his coffee is inhumanly, scorching hot (immune to fire). Emmet unfazed by the electric-based attacks (electricity absorption)...
Small powers that are integrated to their lives, possibly due to how they were born out of wish to the gods (Dialga/Palkia and the twin dragons). Things that could make them a threat or make them unordinary--but never made into a hassle. ((Also >:3ccc Raised as a Host and Bargain with Heaven makes for a lovely combination. :3 ))
17. Least favorite trope?
Nothing much comes up, since the tropes I thought I would hate was sometimes the best thing I likes about a series.
Though, tropes that sees love as weakness that should be overcome makes me a bit petty. It can be a weakness, yes, but doesn't it add meaning to the characters and stories? How they love their job to the extend they can go off the rails over it? How they can doom the whole world for someone they love?
I just don't like characters being separated from "love" and "passion" and it being portrayed as a good thing. (You can't just take Sada's life's work to "redeem" her and expect her to be "alive" and herself still. Things like that...)
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Been thinking about the Sinnoh’s past. It is confirmed there are multiple timelines, Dialga/Celebi can send someone to the past to change an event without space-time colapsing, and that Rei/Akari are always exist in Hisui. So I thought about what the timeline looked like before Arceus sent someone to the past.
Most likely the power boosting lightening would have still struck our powerful Noble Pokemon. People were still injured by the frenzies, but I have a feeling Rei/Akari (or even both) stepped up to help Professor Laventon’s balm strategy. It probably took more time to develop than the Divine Intervention route since they are less aware of the Nobles’ protective characters. Might have been aiming more to knock them out than originally… The Nobles are still quelled though it takes teams of people to bring them down enough to snap back to their senses.
Dunno if Rei/Akari would gain the Rideable Mons’ favor. I imagine nobody got kicked out of Jubilife cause it was normal people who tried to help the situation. Now, what I believe differs from our confrontation is that I don’t think there was any origin ore to make pokeballs with. The fact it exists honestly seems like an item Arceus added into the universe to help us catch the berserk Legendaries in their origin forms. What I think happened is that the Alpha Pokémon itself had to step in to stop Dialga and Palkia from ripping apart space-time.
Now. The fact the anime specials don’t seem to mention either clan makes me think their respective leaders missed their chance to see. Arceus arrival might have made the Diamond and Pearl clan disband from there being only one true “Almighty Sinnoh” as far as they know. How I explain Volo is that Arceus might have smited the arrogant human—once again banishing Giratina and possibly making Volo immortal. (Yes I like the immortal and mysterious backpacker Volo headcanons.)
I am unsure about what happens in the long run from this possible appearance. We probably still get Distortions for the next several years until it dies down. Pokédex continues to progress, but due to there still being a divide Laventon’s original version never sees true completion. It still helps to inspire the digital dexes we see nowadays… Maybe Arceus realizes many years later after seeing young kids save the world that humans can take care of themselves. But wonders about the “what if’s”.
“What if my creations had this level of bonding during that crisis?” Or something along those lines. It has changed the timeline before so this was plausible enough to put into action.
(Just some thoughts about what happened for us to have the stories about Hisui.)
This is so amazing, and I’m very impressed, because all of this sounds plausible and it makes sense. Well done, lovely!
I agree with the future not changing too terribly, but the Pokédex not being entirely complete and the clans never coming together and realizing that their sinnohs are two separate Pokémon
This would be a wonderful fic idea, writing about whichever protagonist, not the player character, working with everyone to fix everything without divine intervention, and then at the end maybe Arceus being like “you know what? we can do better” and Volo being immortal and then knowledgeable of the reset? Or maybe not, it’s all a fun idea!!
Bravo, lovely!
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mxstball · 1 month
Daiyu had stayed at Jörmungandr's home for the night, even after Meredith, Heidi, and Jeanne left. He offered her a place to sleep for now, in part so the two could catch up by themselves, and also in part so she could finally have some of his cooking in the morning.
For now, though, that promise is going to have to wait until later.
Daiyu dozed off within a few moments of laying in bed. What an eventful few days it's been.
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In a dream, Daiyu found herself in a Distortion World. It wasn't hers and, strangely, she hasn't changed into her Origin Forme. Still, the floating rocks and sideways waterfalls was enough to help her understand her surroundings. Daiyu started to walk. Rocks floated to the surface to build her a path. She followed it, eventually finding herself at a large, floating platform. Daiyu walked onto the platform and walked towards the middle. To the left, she could see a puddle of water in the shape of a Dialga.... To her right? Another puddle in the shape of Palkia. She couldn't help but think about her siblings -- Chrona was safe, but she still didn't know about her other sibling.
She's sure they're safe for now. They always find a way to stay ahead of the game.
Daiyu sat in the middle and closed her eyes. She started to float a little as she began to meditate. Initially, she reflected on the time that she was in this new world -- the people she's encountered, the dynamics that she's witnessed, the friends she's already made.... Did... she really belong in such a welcoming place?
"...that's a silly question. Of course, you do... to some extent, at least."
Daiyu quickly felt that she wasn't alone here. She sensed the presence of an Arceus nearby and opened her eyes. She continued to float, but was now facing the other creature.
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"But... this place was never mine to begin with." Daiyu shook her head. "Everyone here is so nice and welcoming. It's like the whole world's become New Jubilife City--"
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"That's because of the people and Pokémon that foster that environment, Daiyu." The True Arceus sat in front of Daiyu and started floating as the Renegade did. "Izanami, Heidi, Lauren, Zinnia, Rayquaza... they and more others worked so hard to ensure that this world was a safe and welcoming place for any entity that stayed in this world. To them, you're no exception."
"...and you?"
"Me?" She shook her head. "I have nothing to do with it. I'm just a guest in that place. The world belongs to Heidi, and I respect that."
"Mmm...." Daiyu stopped floating and closed her eyes again. She thought about everything that she encountered once again... she wondered how her world would be like if everyone in her world fostered the same goals....
...She thought about Lati and how proud he'll be should he learn of it.
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Daiyu opened her eyes and lightly grabbed the True Arceus's hands. "Miss...."
"Yeah?" The True Arceus didn't mind one bit.
"I've... been thinking." Daiyu paused as she considered what to say. "Maybe... it would be best to give New Jubilife City to this world. My friends... they deserve a natural place to call home. They... don't deserve to be held in captivity under my domain. Yet, they... can't return home... not while my Arceus is still alive."
"...I see." Although the True Arceus looked to give it some thought, but she knew what she was planning to say already.
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"This... is about to go against my usual protocol for my check-ins, but I can make an exception for you, Daiyu."
"Hm? What is it?"
"...Keep them where they are." The True Arceus shook her head. "It's something I thought about while you were away, and, honestly, I don't think that it's wise to bring them here."
"Hm? Why not, Miss?"
"...because, if I know my love as much as I do, then you will get your world back."
"What do you mean?"
"Mona said that you were a 'gift' for Heidi... that she introduced the two of you in a way to thank Heidi for her hard work. I don't think that you were just a gift to Heidi, but also a gift to herself..."
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"...that's because I believe that Mona sees herself as taking over your world as Arceus instead -- by you or Melony killing Morrigan with Heidi's help."
"Wh--what? How would you think that?"
"Well, think about it. Morrigan still aligns herself with Friede. After Friede was killed, Morrigan swore revenge against whoever dealt the last blow to her inspiration. At the same time, Heidi and Lauren want to return to the world, both to finally put their old memories to rest, but also to seek justice for Lati's death. Lauren in particular wishes to retrieve Lati's Soul Dew and bring it back here so that the family may be reunited in some form."
"How do you know about her desire to get Lati's Soul Dew back?"
"Heidi told me." The Arceus nodded. "That said, Lauren's not someone that can kill, even if she had the power to. Heidi can, but after she expressed her desire to free Mona, and since she knows about Mona's desire to become an Arceus, I think she'll have a better idea and will decide to have one of you deal the final blow instead."
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"So, you're saying that in doing that, Mona will--"
She nodded. "I guess start getting used to calling your True Form All-Mother soon." She chuckled.
"Ah. I... don't think that I can do it. I--I don't think that I can get myself to kill Arceus. Can... Melony do it for me?"
"You can ask her when the time comes." The Arceus nodded. "But, for now, just enjoy your time in this world, okay? You deserve a break." The Arceus petted Daiyu and smiled.
Daiyu nodded. "O--okay. Thank you, Miss."
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often-obsessed · 1 year
Chapter 9
After a few more turns and an elevator trip later you said your goodbye to the tall man.
Awkward silence filled the space around you, at least on your end.
"So who are you again? I don't remember hearing about you from the briefings."
"Oh, I uh came here with Cyrus."
The grunt scrunched his face.
"The creepy antisocial guy?"
You blinked, it didn't occur to you that other people might not like Cyrus. You assumed his control over time and space would give him all kinds of leverage.
"Is that how everyone around here feels about him?"
"Mostly yeah I don't understand half the things he says. Not like I want to anger a guy who has dialga and palkia."
Oh this was great! Maybe you could get a few grunts on your side!
"I wanted to see if I could go outside. It's really stuffy in here. But I need an escort."
"You've got to me kidding me."
"Just for a little bit, I need some fresh air. It's so stuffy in here!"
"No! I don't have time for this!"
You slumped maybe you could try later. No! You wanted to get out of here right? Grow a better backbone. If you could yell at Cyrus and live you could get this grunt to listen to you!
"Need I remind you I came with Cyrus?"
The sound of waves sounded heavenly to you. When was the last time you had been to a beach? It felt so unreal, you reached down and grabbed the sand, letting it fall through your fingers.
You chuckled to yourself guess there were some perks being connected to the galactic boss. You side eyed the grunt behind you looking every bit like a child pouting.
"Hey, you need to be careful out here, sandyghast and palosand tend to hang around beaches.
The rainbow rocket grunt rolled his eyes
"There's ghost types that live in the sand, they suck your soul out or something. Just be careful okay?"
"Right of course."
You looked out at the sea, it felt so good to see wide open spaces that were not filled with floating islands. You sighed letting the stress wash away.
You glanced at your 'bodyguard' who stared right back.
"Nothing, you seem to know a lot about the beach here. Do you live around here?"
The grunt eyed you suspiciously.
Yeesh tone the probing down.
"I'm just trying to make conversation. Didn't mean to offend you or anything."
The man sighed.
"No, I just like to read in my spare time. It's also helpful to learn about the place you're staying in."
"Where are we anyway?"
"The Alola region, a bunch of small tropical islands near each other."
"I never been to a tropical island before. I'm from Sinnoh it's a lot colder over there. Even our warmest town isn't this hot."
You bent down playing with the water as the waves lapped at your hand.
"It's nice."
Footsteps faded behind you, was he leaving you unattended?
You stared out into the ocean, you looked to your right. Noticing an island in the distance. You smiled, imagine if you tried to swim there right now. You wouldn't make it even halfway, even if sharpedos didn't exist. You needed a water type that you could ride. It wouldn't do to get injured and dragged back to Cyrus. Like you'd give him another advantage.
The Footsteps soon came back, you glanced back at the grunt. A black blob was shoved in your face, your heart leap as you scrambled back. Your eyes adjusted to the thing in front of you.
Pink pins and a cotton-like tail were the next things you noticed, with dots for eyes blinking up at you.
What in the world?!
"This is a pyukumuku, fed him once and he hasn't left me alone since."
The pyukumuku squeaked in agreement. Bobbing as much as it could. The grunt set it on the ground. The both of you watched it eagerly hop over to the grunt, hopping in circles around his boots.
"Why don't you catch him? He really likes you."
"Hes too weak and they don't evolve as far as I know. He'd just be taking up space. I was kinda hoping it'd latch onto you. Since you're alone and all, clearly that's not happening."
You ignored the last comment, content on watching the small pokemon.
The pukumuku just continued to nuzzle the grunts boots. The poor thing seemed oblivious to the fact that the grunt had no interest in it.
"Ah swablu stop that you've had enough treats."
Swablu chirped away, hopping around you.
Stopping a few times to pull at your clothes. Big watery eyes pleaded at you.
"*Sigh* alright just one more."
Jealousy burned in your chest, here was this pokemon, clearly just wanted him to love it back. And, and he just took it for granted!
You stayed out for a good half hour before trudging back to your prison. You stared at the intimidating building, they didn't even try to make it subtle. Well when you have so many powerful people in one spot, who could stop you?
You entered the building, the grunt shutting the door on the small strangler following you. The cool air hit you, the sound of the sea cut off in favor of the sound of lights buzzing above you.
"Here I'll escort you back."
You stared at your door, you couldn't let your only connection on getting out of here leave. You'd be back at square one.
"Isn't there anything I can do, it's boring staying up in my room."
The grunt growled.
"Listen I'm not your babysitter! I got things I have to do."
You were just outside maybe it was better not to push, at least not yet. Clearly you'd have to lower his guard down first. In the off chance you saw him again.
The grunt grumbled, pulling you out of your internal thoughts.
"You can borrow some of my books...I'll bring them up. Anything you're interested in?"
Oh maybe you could make this work.
"Thank you, uh any books on local pokemon would be great. Maybe I can convince Cyrus to let me have another one."
You still both stood in front of your room.
The awkward air lifted a bit, you gave the grunt a thankful smile.
"Right I'll do that...bye."
You closed the door behind you, a grin slowly started to spread on your face. The first step of your plan was a success! So you were in the Alola region, which were made up of islands. You kinda wished you had paid more attention to geography in class. But that didn't matter right now, well it would, ah nevermind. You could just island hop, even with Cyrus using palkia you were sure you could escape!
From what you could see the islands in the distance made of a lot of thick jungle. Good for hiding, but most likely chalk full of pokemon. Pokemon you had no info on. It was dangerous enough going into a forest knowing the local wildlife. You weren't about to die when freedom was so close. Hopefully that grunt would come back soon with those books so you could see what you were working with.
You'd need a pokemon to go with you. No way could you leave without one. You would have to find where team rocket kept all their pokemon. Surely they had extra when they had to recruit.
Well nothing a little more snooping couldn't fix.
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I'm no good at art or writing but existing in my head is an Au where the player character in PLA is actually like made by Arceus and is like a baby/new Arceus for a new world being put through like an emotional journey to see if they're stable enough to create a just world. Long ramble under cut of what is plaguing my thoughts.
Cause Arceus decided it'd be a great idea to have another kid. This time however he's tryna make a kinda new him in a way basically he's gonna make a baby Arceus (but it'll come out obviously a new pokemon) that he's gonna yeet into an empty space time blankness like how his life started so they can make a whole new world starting the cycle anew in an entirely new dimension essentially to see what kind of wonderous things they end up making. Now as he's making the baby he's like hm the other children are a bit overpowered and aggressive with each other eg Dialga and Palkia being hyper territorial in the Darkrai movie and Giratinas rebellious stage and he doesn't wanna send an overpowered baby god with no emotional reference at all into a void. So he powers them down significantly and worries what if like Giratina they come out angry and make a horrible violent world, so in Arceus' wisdom he decides that he will put them on earth in the past to experience the beginning of human pokemon relationship partnership friendship to experience the joy and love and warmth of people and pokemon coming together so that when in their own space they too want to make a world filled with these positive emotions. Obviously though he can't send down the creation he's made so he puts them into a human form that he made from the stars or something essentially making a pokemon Jesus but skipping right to they exist as an adolescent, sending them to Hisui with the task of catching the pokemon which is a ploy to experience human life with 0 memory or knowledge of what they really are. This explaining their lack of fear of pokemon, catching skills, endurance, ability to quell nobles/Lords and have all the rideable Lords respect them get the element plates all that as they lowkey resonate Arceus godly energy just without their knowledge (stealing that idea from monsoons feral Au with Dawn having Arceus blessing).
When I played the game I did all the side quests I physically could only missing a few as like how do, and I imagine this amnesia God in human form would do the same. They don't remember much other than Arceus' light but they feel welcome? At home in Jubilife village they feel warmth in their chest whatever it means, it feels, good. They feel happy and content with their team doing what they can to help.
Which makes the excile all the more painful for them. They don't understand what they did wrong. They did everything they were told to? They, they helped everyone they could with the jobs they wanted doing didn't they? Why...why are you doing this to me? Why do you all hate me?! Why am I an enemy now?!
The feeling in their body, its bad, it, it hurts. Their eyes are, burning? And their cheeks are wet, there's fluid rolling down their face. They're told crying won't undo this. Crying, that's what that is? It makes them sick. But maybe the other clans will help?
When they realise they're alone facing this everything just feels wrong their body is heavy and slow and they feel awful everything is just wrong they want to rip open their body rip off their flesh like something inside them wants to burst out like some blind light ready to leave them. And they're not wrong, the energy stirs inside them as they pull at their hair, their eyes hurt from crying and they're now past hurt and upset and are now getting into rage. How dare they all be so selfish!? How dare they do this! What gives them the right!? Those pathetic cowards! Can't even do their own jobs! Need me to do it for them! Fetch this, quell this noble, find my sister, catch this Pokémon, lazy selfish uncaring THINGS!
And basically intense anger and upset breaks the lock Arceus had put on their powers and congratulations your exiled only salvation has now become a raging vengeful half God. Look what you did. You fucked up a perfectly good peaceful kind helpful compassionate vulnerable deity in a human body, look at it, they've got a hateful god complex now! As I had Typhlosion so does this one cause I say so (but it'd differ from like each game is its own dimension differences) and they'd go to Jubilife Godly energy glowing from their body hovering above the ground inhuman pokemon like features growing from their body breaking out from their human form prison, and they'd watch wait for the Commander to apologise to beg for mercy and if he didn't and well even if he did, they'd burn the village to the ground. They don't get to exist for what they did, that's what they would believe, maybe passing a mercy to the professor and Akira/Rei respectively maybe not maybe in this hurt gods eyes they're all corrupt. It without a doubt is cruel and cold, but this diety is little more than a child even if they inhabit a adolescent human form, barely a day old when initially sent down (likely created in a blink of an eye) and depending on how long they've been working in Hisui they may only have a few months of conscious life under their belt, they've never experienced anything else everything is new to them and unfortunately more intense leading to what they do in response to such a situation. Arceus would probably have to step in before they destroyed the other clans too for abandoning them and wipe memories get present dialga and Palkia to rewind time space to fix hisuis history ect and lock their failed rebirth deity away forever like what they did to Giratina. I doubt Arceus would give them anymore chance after that, deciding to wait for trying anything like that again.
I don't know its just oof revenge for the bullshit raging like the fires they'd make but the bleak sadness knowing they'd be erased completely locked away but still so very much alive in some prison no one can reach alone, and scared of the darkness around and inside them.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Do y’all ever think that like when MC gets sent back to their time and the legendaries that the caught remember them?
Like the world is falling a part and you go to see what the FUCK is wrong be Palkia and Dialga instantly recognize you, their loud sounds turn almost cooing cause they remember you, you spoiled them and treated them as one.
Garitina shows up furious and ready to bring an end to days, only to stop, lower their head down to you, glaring almost before settling down, the distortion Pokémon had deemed you their human long ago, and that still stands.
Like you thoroughly fucked up Cyrus’s plans cause he can’t do anything, these god Pokémon are only listening to you and doing anything to keep you safe.
Or you find Darkrai after hearing about people being placed into permanent slumber and you just go ‘there’s my buddy.’ And the lonely Pokémon is just happy to have you back.
Cresselia let’s out a beautiful sounding cry of joy, her friend from all those years ago has returned!
You don’t even catch them, they just kinda vibe with you.
Idk just thinking
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