#also funny bit as i was starting to write the pla section out i realized the ending of pla would have to change bc the beast cant like.
ahdkshax · 10 months
for some reason ive been thinking really hard abt this platinum au thats been in development for a few months but rn im specifically thinking abt mythology in this whole thing... so like. im gonna talk abt that here lol
the overview of the entire basic mythology base for this au is a couple different things:
dialga and palkia are not two separate entities--its just the illusion of two.
where origin ore came from and what it actually is. bc like. in pla it felt really forced in yk. but i didnt like that so im changing it, but im also keeping it bc im swiping at least some of the idea from pla lol
what the fuck is the red chain. no like seriously its so ambiguous
and because i do enjoy reworking things very much i gave setups for these changes within the mythos itself. is all of it relevant? at this point, no. but i like to think about it so im gonna share it with whoever wants to hear it
it starts with the beginning, which, well, the first gesture matches pkmn canon (arceus hatches out of an egg. awesome). but then i thought hey. let's start by changing this right Now.
(long post!)
arceus hatches out of its egg, the first thing alive in all of reality. it looks around and down to see its shadow, something scholars of the modern day and long past debate if that was around before arceus or if the shadow was formed the moment arceus came into being--either way, theres a shadow here and arceus isnt alone.
arceus is curious when its young and not fully grown, so it chases the shadow around. the two twins change forms together--arceus is just happy to play with the shadow that dances along its feet. and with this love for the shadow at its feet, a deep spiritual connection is formed between the two. this connection allows the shadow to do more than just mimic--it creates its own form, yet its still tied to arceus and still mirrors is, just no longer fully perfect as an unfeeling shadow should be.
arceus plays with the shadow for days and days until it finally gets tired of puppeting it around with its every whim--its become more of an extension of the only being in the world instead of someone new--and so arceus cut the connection with the shadow.
but, instead of melting into the ground opposite of arceus like it was supposed to, to return to nothing more than a reflection, the shadow stayed, and, for once, didnt mirror arceus. within its smoky and blurry form, it adopted the red of this connection in its skin as stripes and rings. this was the second being to ever exist, the divine twin giratina--not an evil being as is often thought, but a simple shadow to the first one, given life through adoration and a blood-red bond.
this was not the only being created from this bond, as once it was broken, the chain connecting the puppet and puppeteer broke into three parts, known as will, knowledge, and emotion--all of which together created what is known now as spirit.
delighted by the new friends, arceus, its twin, and the spirit triplets danced and played for days upon days until one day the triplets became tired, yet they had no place to rest. saddened by this realization, arceus looked inward and created the earth within its chest out of care for the triplets--a beautiful place to live, infused with the connection it had to the triplets, manifested as glowing red ore.
while arceus could not look at the earth by itself with its eyes, it made sure to give it three spots for the spirit triplets to rest: a lake, all surrounding a mountain that would lead back to arceus and out of the world.
time passed and arceus began getting tired from holding this universe in its chest--despite the spirits being able to, arceus was now no longer able to. it was thinking about destroying the world just for some respite from its creation, until giratina approached with an idea: arceus was made of thousands of arms and legs and eyes and bodies--if arceus were to cut off parts of its grand form, it might just be possible to create something that could hold the world instead of arceus itself.
and so the twins got to work, cutting limb from limb from arceus until enough was taken off that a great beast could be created. arceus, already exhausted from holding a universe and now being cut up thousands of times, refused to put the being together, as it would only cause more pain. so giratina was given the honors of sewing the being together, taking great care in every golden stitch that was placed along its legs and back and belly.
after days of creation, the creature was almost finished aside from a gap in its chest. into this hole was where giratina, with the permission from arceus, reached into the creator's chest and pulled the world out. carefully, giratina placed it into the chest of the great beast, then covered the hole with armor to make sure no one else could steal it from its resting spot.
when the beast finally awoke from its cruel creation, it was furious with its creators, so much so that arceus had to lock it away so it would not harm anyone. giratina objected, saying it would be best to let the beast be angry at its existance, yet arceus refused to listen. it was only until giratina betrayed arceus by letting the beast out of its cage did it have the chance to be righteously angry, to be furious at its creators, and yet arceus locked it away again, this time commanding giratina to pluck out the beasts thousand eyes, so that it could not even see its creators any longer or use its divine glare. if it could not see what it hated, it would surely lose interest, arceus thought.
giratina, disgusted with what it and arceus had done, stood up again to arceus, refusing to punish the creature any more--to which arceus banished giratina, creating a prison for it to wander in its chest. it would be a perfect prison, except that giratina would be crafty and persuasive, finding ways to travel from this distorted world to the universe arceus had created--as the two were made of the same flesh, their universes would be intertwined.
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