#but like. i'm not defending them nor even talking about them. i find it hard to care much myself Considering
mishkakagehishka · 6 months
You had valid argument about Westerners speaking over people from other countries, until it turned out that it was about Russians. If there’s one group of people that lost ability to be respected it’s them after they decided once again to try and kill all of us. Like they always fucking do. And yet that hey still always whine about themselves. And don’t do shit to change anything. Truly Russian soul is so mysterious. Yet to see another nation only capable of destroying and brining death and not able to show a once of sympathy to people that murder.
And you look at fucking comments and it’s only support, because fucking of course
I absolutely understand where you're coming from, but that's not what I was talking about. Seeing the comments on that post (bc that was what I was tagged in) was what inspired me to talk about this again, but it's a topic I've talked about whenever anything happened in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries that had Americans be annoying in the replies. That's why I said "countries" in my posts instead of pointing to one in particular (i think in the past few years, I've seen that sort of American response under news from everywhere from Brazil to France to the Philippines)
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creepy-friday · 10 months
Just came across your blog and I ended up binge-reading everything! I'm in love with the way you write the characters, specially the Proxies. And the female Proxy is definetly my favourite👌.
How it would be if, instead of being Slender's trusted minion and already a experienced Proxy, she was a newbie and fresh meat? Kinda like Cody, younger and dragged there with little to no choice because the Operator saw potential in them. Would the dynamics change, since she doesn't have a high rank to rely on?
Maybe Brian is appointed as her mentor and he gets advantage of her inexperience by corrupting her?
Creepypasta Proxies x Newbie!Female Proxy
The overbearing silence after the buzzing static faded away was bringing in a new damned life.It's been a month since you were bought here,locked in your room until The Operator decided it was enough for you to settle in
It was time for you to meet again with the masked men that dragged you here-the same killers that were supposed to be your team, "allies" even
Every resident was looking down on you,even EJ that pitied you and looked at you with mercy behind his blue mask.The first time you had to pay a visit to his clinic he even asked if you are scared because deep down,his instinct made him to enjoy it
The harassing is real,but this time it's more dangerous.Remember,you're a helpless outsider in a place full of rapists,killers and awful fantasies.Walking down dark hallways is always in a hurry,same as eating and showering.
Since Brian was assigned to your ass,you're almost totally saved and worry free next to him,but he's also a piece of shit
He sees your potential,after all, if The Operator views you as valuable-then you're most certainly priceless.
He's a gentle guy,takes his sweet sweet time to teach you everything you need to know.
Sure,he respects you,but during training sessions he will do everything in his power to get you under him,sort of helpless.
"See,it's not that hard" he breathed out as he guided your hands on the right places "if you ever happen to find yourself in this position you know what to do now,right?" he smiled in a gentle manner,slowly standing up from above you,taking you by your hand with him."Do you want to reverse the roles?"
He will defend your name even if you are in the wrong during proxy meetings.He will keep on bringing up how fucked up all of them felt when they arrived there,and this point always works.(more or less for Masky)He knows how to pull the strings when he wants to
You already know the drill,Masky is a menace to work with,especially with newbies.Don't get me wrong,he doesn't expect you to be fully prepared to know shit,he enjoys having you dumb,but he will always make you feel like shit,he will try his best to bring a pained expression to your face because it makes him feel better and he's bored of Toby
Definitely uses you as a vent chat,no restrictions for him,from inventing some fucked up story to telling you about his miserable life from before the mansion and during the present since he doesn't expect you to stay
The only time he stops is when his friend gives him the sign.It's crazy,but he respects Brian more than he cares about breaking some of your lovely bones
Toby was more than glad to know another woman "joined in",especially since you're new and vulnerable,he now has the chance to look out for someone and to be needed
Altough Toby was the most unusual individual,Cody was the one to give you the creeps most of the times.And he does it on purpose
Since he's no longer the fresh meat everyone looks down to,he feels superior that now he has you around
He wouldn't bully you or make you feel bad on purpose, but he will definitely baby you around A LOT
Kate is complicated.She doesn't talk,she doesn't look at you,she doesn't make any effort to teach nor to train you.She looks down on you,and the only time she will open her mouth is to either tell you to stop what you're doing or to answer any of your questions with a phrase so vague it will make you have even more questions
Time is precious,so don't waste it.Every hour can be spent becoming stronger,but also every hour goes by terribly slow when around every fucking corner someone is gawking their eyes at you
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Some ideas if I wrote the 2015 Klarion comic:
-Klarion leaves Limbo Town (LT) at 14 and is homeless for a few years until he meets Rasp at 17 (gotta keep the homeless trend going)
-Klarion still leaves because he kills his teacher (angst)
-Teekl is alive and well
-LT is a faery town in another dimension. I'm still deciding how to make them puritans / puritan inspired (maybe half faery half human, maybe just the ideology instead of them being actual puritans). Their society is structured very similarly to puritan society, with rigid social + gender roles and hierarchy.
- Between LT and Earth there's another sort of mixed dimension that you have to cross through to get to one from the other (you can't jump directly from one to another, you need to cross through there first)
-Familiars in LT are formed from magic in this mixed realm. These familiars are captured and brought to LT to be chosen by young witches for a ceremony at 5 years old. Teekl was a familiar that survived in this mixed realm for several years, which is very rare because almost all familiars either get captured by LT or find there way to Earth and lose most of their magic, becoming normal animals with a little bit of extra supernatural in them. She was considered temperamental and disobedient because she was NOT happy about eventually being captured 💀. She was kept despite this because her being able to survive so long could mean she's a more powerful familiar.
-She was captured in the year that Klarion's ceremony took place in. Klarion instantly wanted her because she was rebellious and cool in his eyes; she was also much bigger than the other familiars because she'd grown up in the mixed realm so BIG FLUFFY KITTY. She hissed and bit at literally everyone.
-Uriah is a clergy member's son in this universe, so he's very bratty and very conceited
-Uriah also wanted Teekl because she was potentially more powerful than the other familiars. He spent the entire time allocated to choosing a familiar chasing after her and trying to force her to like him. Which, if you know cats, had the opposite effect
-Klarion spent what little time Uriah didn't take up talking to her, which is considered very weird behavior because 1) she's not his familiar yet and 2) its considered proper to either talk via the bond formed between witch and familiar or just give them verbal orders.
-At the end of the ceremony Uriah gave up and chose another one. Klarion decided to not pick any familiar because Teekl didnt want to pick anyone. Which was unheard of and also considered very weird behaviour.
-During the next 3 years Klarion sneaked into the Farm where the familiars are kept to talk to Teekl. When he was 8 he helped her escape and get back to the mixed realm
-She decided to stay there instead of losing her magic because Klarion was her friend and she wouldn't be able to visit him anymore if she left for Earth. She sneaks in a lot to see him.
-Him repeatedly turning down a familiar at the choosing ceremony makes his rebellious reputation much worse (he never chooses a familiar, so he has no actual familiar when he leaves at 14)
-Charity Bleak is his mother, Beulah is his sister and Ezekiel is his step-dad like on SSOV.
- I think Charity should have been outcasted for a bit because Klarion's dad left LT for Earth. This was because 1) her husband left her (wasn't killed) and 2) he was a rebel (she couldn't keep him in line). She worked very hard to get back into the good graces of LT and is desperate to keep herself there. Klarion's rebellious nature reminds her of his dad AND could potentially take away all the hard work she put into fitting into LT again. She paints all his Problems tm as him being his father's son and never defends him, even agreeing with other people's negative opinions of Klarion so she fits in.
-Beulah follows along with Charity because she fits in easily and because she remembers how bad it was to be outcasted by LT.
-Neither Beulah nor Charity can understand why Klarion chooses to outcast himself
-Ezekiel is just kind of There tm i don't have any thoughts ab him so far.
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wrr000 · 1 year
Ok I've been craving some protective Heimdall so hear me out.
Reader is getting harassed by someone and they eventually lay a hand on the reader bruising them pretty badly, Heimdall witnesses this and loses his shit. this could be a headcanon or a one-shot I don't mind
(f you somehow find this and want to write it can the reader please be male I'd really appreciate it) <3
Thank you for requesting! You requested it ages ago, but 'write block' kicked in :|| I'm trying to get back to you guys! Keep in mind that I'm also a slow writer so let me take my time C: As for this - not the best, kinda rushed, but I need to start with something in order to write as much as weeks ago.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Summary: gender neutral reader is working for Odin and his family, but after getting into relationship with Heimdall they got better job and treatment, but not everyone likes it
Warning: swearing, abuse, killing, very short with not many details, maybe I'll write a one shot for this promp! Heimdall being overprotective
Since you got officially in relationship with Heimdall something has changed and certain people started to treat you differently
Before you confessed to God of Foresight you were working for Odin as well as for the rest of Aesir and you knew how he was towards others. Despide this you develop feelings towards him and most imporant - eventually get his attention
After you two got together your job slightly changes. It was still work for Odin, but your tasks were different and they treated you better. Maybe that was the flash point for your three 'ex-coworkers'
At first there were only unpleasant comments and strange looks. You heard them gossip about you. It was annoying, but you didn't pay attention to it. You didn't even care when they started insulting you, that was just stupid trash-talk. But you got fed up when they sabotaged your work or even destroyed your stuff. ALWAYS when none was watching. Always when Heimdall wasn't around. You had enough
You decide to confront them and ask what did you do. You were always nice and polite, never refused to help. Nothing changed after Heimdall became your boyfriend. So why? But things turned not the way you would like to. It all happend so fast
"You didn't earn this job! You didn't earn to be treated better! You just fucked that asshole meanwhile we are working hard to be not treated like trash... To fucking survive in this world"
And one of them striked you right in the face. Of cource you could defend yourself, but you didn't understand. You didn't wish to fight them. You fell on the ground. Pain was overcoming your senses, but you could feel your cheek throbs. Everything was blurry, every sound and every person in front of you. A lonely tear ran down your cheek mixing with the blood you didn't even notice
"You motherfuckers"
It was Heimdall. He saw and heard everything. One thing he couldn't understand is how low creatures like them even thought about hurting you. Mentally and physically. His lover, the dearest person in the Nine Realms, you. They made you bleed. It made him furious.
He was striking really fast and most likely very painful. They couldn't touch him nor dodge his attacks so it was safe to say that their lifes were doomed. He was going straight for the kills, it wasn't the first time and just as then none can stop him.
It was the first time you saw Heimdall like that. Full of anger, savage. Was that the true face of the Gods? His true face? You watched the person you love kill those people, one by one. You saw some blood. He swinged his sword and other was down. Someone tasted his godly shoes. They were hopeless like little children lost in the fog.
Were you afraid? Rather not, it was more of a big shock. You didn't want this to happen. A thought cross your mind that that's the price to pay for being close to All-Father and his family.
It ended fast.
You finally got up from the ground covered in mud. Your clothes were fit only to be thrown away, but it wasn't cause for concern. You looked up at Heimdall. He stood with his back turned to you. A single strand of hair fell over his sweaty bloody face. He was panting heavily, his hands clenched into fists and jaw tightened.
"I'm sorry..."
"You are not the one who should be sorry" he said more calmly than you expected.
Your eyes meets his. You wanted to tell him everything, but not a single word could escape your mouth so you just say eveything in mind. More tears appeared on your red cheek. You sobbed quietly.
And then Heimdall took a few steps forward. In a blink of an eye you were in his arms. He rested his chin on your head and you snuggled into his chest. His grip tightened. It was very comforting. You felt safe.
"You should tell me right away when it started. None will rise their hand at you, hear me? None" he said harshly, but he wasn't upset with you. He just wanted to protect you.
"Now let's go. We need a bath and you need a solid rest. Don't worry, you're safe now, sunshine"
Little smiled crawled on your face. You two indeed looked awful. But you weren't sure if bath and sleep would erase everything that happend. It was too much for one day.
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cordelia-cardale · 13 days
Alright! Let’s talk about those rumours for part 2. First I'll preface by saying these are rumours, nothing has been confirmed, so let's all breathe before we jump to conclusions.
So rumours come from an article are circulating and people have been speculating that he will go back to the brothels or that he will (in whatever way) look at someone else. So here is my TED talk as to why this would be worst writing decision they could ever make and thus will probably not happen unless they want to intentionally shoot themselves in the foot.
So from what I know from spoilers and such, part 2 mirror part 1, just things are more ramped up and the stakes are higher. So far they seem to have the same beats at the same place. Episode 5 sets things out, episode 6 is fun and games until it all comes to a grinding halt when Colin learns of Pen’s identity so episode 7 is dealing with the fallout of that and episode 8 is the resolution. Seems to me like the Lady Whistledown reveal beat is paralleling their first kiss beat. Episode 3 now for me was the most chaotic, because what do you mean they kiss each other like that and it takes them two whole episodes to get their shit together? Ah yes, it’s all the awkwardness and lack of clear communication. Now if in ep7, he thinks of being unfaithful at any point it would mirror him going back to the brothel in ep 3 and honestly I would personally feel like it is lazy writing (not that the writing is stellar by any stretch of the imagination to start with).
So let's get into ALL the reasons why Colin cheating on Pen in ANY way is like the worst writing decision (tbh I can't even believe I wrote out that sentence).
This is a romance show, catered I'm guessing to a large female audience and in which they sell us the male lead as the epitome of "down bad crying at the gym" as soon as they realise they have feelings for their counterpart. Colin, from what I understand, represents this more than any of them. So not only would that decision be so incredibly out of character, it would also essentially ruin the Bridgerton experience and what we're paying for. There is literally no realities out there where cheating would ever be perceived as sexy or attractive. It would be drama for the sake of drama and it would be badly handled drama because they'd only have 1 episode to save the thing and make us believe in their love story again.
It would kill their male lead. And that is just laughable. A romance show building up their romantic leads, having to deal with backlash, having to deal with an audience which they know is already, even before the season started, angry at Colin, only to kill him in the second to last episode. I'm sorry but this is just plain stupid and it's not selling me a romance show, maybe a drama show at best. I was the first one jumping at defending Colin when the first rumours of brothels came out before part 1, defending intimacy and the difference between those and his scenes with Pen. I was in fact correct. But this? In part 2? When a lot of people are still dissing on Colin? It's character and season suicide. No one, not the fans nor the general audience would ever forgive him.
It would be against everything they have sold us so far. They’ve been selling us something incredibly romantic and swoon worthy. This choice would be the complete opposite of those things. It would make no sense whatsoever. So unless they find it incredibly amusing to sell us something and giving us the opposite of what they have tried so hard and spent so much money on building up, it's not happening.
Now I think it’ll be incredibly angsty and with good reasons. He has every right to feel betrayed and cheated. The women he trusted and got vulnerable with and was honest with 1) hurt him badly, 2) didn’t dare show the same level of honesty. And that’s why it just doesn’t sit well with me that we get a reveal at the end of ep 6. We’re running out of time to deal with a lot of things and it will not help the choppy or rushed feeling of this season. And do I trust them to give us a scene where they have clear, honest, open communication? Not really no, because for some reason show runners think that a scene without drama is a boring scene. Although that conversation is really what is needed. So I know we’ll get an angry and incredibly hurt Colin. I’m hoping we’ll get arguments. Hell even a moment of doubt where the engagement is put on the line, because yes it would make sense for them to go « Do we keep going? Is it worth it? Are we going to work? ». The distance will add to the angst. And for something much bigger than them (the queen, the crown) to push them back together. And for Colin to decide that he will see this from her perspective and even if he doesn’t agree with it, she’s still Pen, and his Pen and she tried the best she could given the circumstances and that her actions, no matter what they might have been, still came from a place of love.
I’m ready to accept a lot from this season but cheating or god forbid someone spoke of rough sex is out of the question. It’s not them and it’s not what they’re selling us and it would be character and season suicide.
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leasstories · 2 months
Letter six:
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TW: Depiction of grief; after Eddie’s death
Letter 5 - Letter 7
April 30th, 1986
I don't even know why I am writing those lines. But I miss you, and I'm angry at everyone who treated you badly. I saw Mrs Cunningham at the store and she started badmouthing on you. You can't imagine how much that hurts. To hear words about your boyfriend, your lover than you know aren't true.
I have to find a way to make see how you really where, who you were deep down. I just can't the idea that people still hate you and you did everything in your power to save them...
They should be so fucking grateful. But the problem is that they don't know that. They don't know how you really left us nor why.
I've been feeling sick lately. I don't know what happening to me.
Anyways, I called Hopper this morning. I got a part-time job as a secretary for now. He didn't want to give me a full-time job because of my current mental state.
He already told me that if one day I didn't feel like going to work, I could skip and he'd still pay me. He is a sweetheart but I can't accept this.
Wayne's invited me to play poker this afternoon. He told me all about how you've stopped playing with him when you were 15. You know, he wished he had one last game with you. He told me you were good at it. I wasn't that good. I wish you could have taught me...
I didn't really answer, I still cannot talk about you, except to defend you. As for Wayne he can only do it when he's remembering something about you. It's hard to hear him talk about you, but I can't be selfish, he needs it and that's why I'll let him talk about you as much as he wants. Even though it hurts.
Wayne said he would stop by this afternoon.I really have to clean up the trailer... I never have the strength to do mundane tasks and the trailer is a real mess. You would tell me: "Sweetheart, you're worse than me." And you would have chuckled.
I really don't want Wayne to see how bad I'm doing. He is already there for me more than he should. Besides it would break his heart and the poor man already has to cope with your departure so I don't want him to have to cope with my shitty mental state.
I know he already sees I am not doing good, I just don't want him to see the extent of how bad I feel. I don't want to add this pressure on him. I don't want to become a burden.
Anyways, little genius finally finished writing the campaign. Even if it's hard I promised to him that I would read it so that's what I'm going to do right after writing this letter. I will tell you about everything about it tomorrow. But I'm sure it's gonna be good, as you always said, the kid's a genius, even though his ego is the size of the World Trade Center. I know you would have laughed at this joke. And called me a "smarty pants" but that's true ! Don't even try to argue with me on that !
Anyways, he gave me the campaign and I'll try reading today. They are going to play it on Friday. I can't watch it, I don't feel capable of doing so. I'm sorry Eddie, I know you want me to watch the campaign, I know you don't like the fact that I asked Dustin to kill off my character. But DnD without you makes no sense.
On a more positive note, I'm going out with Gareth and Jeff tonight. They said and I quote "we don't want to be sulking all alone in your house tonight so let's go The Hideout."
Gareth even added "please sneak some beers for me." Im not so fond of the idea but who am
I ? Definitely not his mom, so he'll get his beer. Don't worry, I'll supervise him.
The boys are missing you too you know. We're all missing you.
Eternally yours,
- Your sweetie
Taglist: @abellmunsonmovie
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
The Suresh Problem.
If you’re here from that reddit petition, please be aware that this post was used without my consent.
Okay, I've received yet another four or five asks in my inbox about Suresh, so I'm just going to discuss this properly, once. I'm going to put the majority of this under the cut, because it specifically addresses very triggering topics for a lot of people.
TL:DR; you're all getting played by Fusebox, and they wrote Suresh to be an asshole on purpose.
I really appreciate that y'all are sending me these asks. Particularly as so many of them have mentioned that they feel that my blog is a safe space for POC. I cannot express how much that means to me. Thank you. I'm doing my best.
After this post, I will not answer, acknowledge, or in any way interact with any asks that compare Suresh to Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Tate, or any of the other real-life sexual predators & abusers he's been compared to, even if it's to defend him. While I appreciate y'all bringing it to my attention, it's just exacerbating it, and I'm not giving it a platform after this post.
I am not an expert in talking about race, nor am I an expert in writing POC. I'm not a POC, nor have I ever claimed to be. I just don't believe in putting discussions like this in the too-hard basket, and pretending they doesn't exist because it's a hard conversation to have. My willingness to have these discussions is not 'bandwagoning', or at least, it's not intended to be. I don't have the world's largest platform, but I have a small soapbox and I'm going to use it properly.
I'm also going to put a disclaimer here and say that this is only an opinion, and an uninformed one at that. I don't work for Fusebox, I don't have a degree in marketing or digital engagement, but I have done some work in User Experience and my degree's partly in Cultural Anthropology, so I know a little bit about human behaviour and the way we engage with online media.
Again, not an expert. Just cynical and sick of the debate.
So here's the sitch.
They wrote Suresh to be a toxic, pushy asshole on purpose.
His behaviour, in some areas, is not great. The gaslighting, the manipulation, implying he used to trick her into sleeping with him. Many people, including myself, have been in emotionally abusive relationships with people who are like this. It's not nice. It's certainly not entertainment.
But you cannot sit there and tell me that this script did not go through multiple rounds of revisions. You think this wasn't brought up at Fusebox HQ? I can absolutely guarantee you that it was.
So why on earth would writers write him this way?
Because it gets you talking about the game.
Ever heard of the phrase 'Any publicity is good publicity'?
There are 1000+ LITG Fanfictions on Ao3. Guess which season has the fewest fanfics? Season 3. Often casually referred to as 'The Disney Season'. The only drama during that season was Ciaran/Tai/Yasmin picking MC, and/or Rafi/Lily flirting heavily with MC. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, but overwhelmingly, it was a very sweet season with generally likeable and unique characters.
Season 2 had so, so many characters with different backstories, interests, motivations, etc. that it was hard to find someone who didn't like one of them at least a little. And people engaged so much with that content. Just based off the fanfiction numbers (because I don't have any official stats) at least 75% of the LITG FF content is for Season 2.
But here's the thing: It's far easier to make people angry than it is to make them fall in love.
What is the one thing almost everyone spent gems on during Bombshell? Telling off Juliet. It's basic engagement principle that people are going to be more engaged when they're emotionally invested in a piece of media. It's why clickbait exists. It's why internet trolls exist, for fuck's sake.
So why on earth would they bother spending the extra time in developing complex, multifaceted characters, when as a fandom, we've made it perfectly clear that we'll spend more money, more time, and more brain space into tearing apart characters we hate, rather than doing the same for characters we love?
Fusebox are a business. They do not care if the game offends you. What they do care about are those sweet, sweet advertising dollars. And if they can show a reddit sub with thousands upon thousands of eyes on it, all ranting and raving about Suresh, they can absolutely turn to an advertiser and say "Yo, look at our engagement levels!"
This is just capitalism. It's business. If they take it too far on a TV show, advertisers will start pulling out. But advertisers only pull out when there's an actual, honest-to-god backlash. And most of the advertising (in my LITG2 app at least) isn't for products or companies with a reputation. It's for other games. Meaning that, realistically, if you did want to complain to an advertiser about the game being racist, sexist, misogynistic who are you going to complain to? Apple? The fuck do they care? They haven't broken any laws?
It's specifically designed to be controversial and problematic. That is the entire point. If this kind of thing triggers you, DNI.
Fusebox do not care about individuals' experiences.
A few people will be so triggered or turned off by the content that they'll leave. But enough of us stayed, engaged, and participated in the game to make it worth their while. So Fusebox just continues to exist in this sweet space, where they just insert more and more problematic characters, leading to higher and higher engagement. As long as they don't cross any hard lines, they can do it forever.
The inherent problem with this, is that a lot of people don't know when to stop.
And this is when it starts getting really fucking sad.
Y'all are taking a guy that's specifically designed to piss you off, and deciding he's an abuser, gaslighter, manipulator, etc. There are already so many stereotypes about South Asian men being pushy, or demanding, or that they don't respect women.
I've seen so, so many instances in the reddit sub, on facebook, and even in the official Discord server of language that tars all South Asian men as being this way. People saying, and I fucking quote, "I wouldn't mind it so much if it was Eddie". (Thanks, Reddit).
Firstly, there's a good reason that it's not Eddie. And that's because, as demonstrated by the quote above, a lot of people would be far more willing to excuse this behaviour if it was coming from a pretty white boy.
So why is this?
Why do you think they made the manipulative, 'won't take no for an answer' man be from Southern Asia?
Why do you think they made Hope a sassy, determined black woman?
Why do you think they made Miki a quirky, shy, but nosy East Asian girl?
Even Lottie, who's a whiny little shit isn't from the UK.
This game is most popular in the UK. It's also popular elsewhere, but its main target audience is the UK. It's why most of the characters are from there, the script contains UK slang, etc.
It's so much easier to hate someone when they're not 'from here'.
Check out any American superhero movie. The villain is foreign. In Hollywood movies, they're British, French, Russian, Chinese, South American, Arabic, whatever. They're just foreign. Or different.
They're others.
Because it sells.
It's easier for you to team up with your mates on reddit and condemn Suresh for his behaviour than it is to do it to someone who looks like you.
But guess what?
There are people who play this game who are People of Colour.
(Shocking, I know. They enjoy playing games too!)
And whenever you buy into this bullshit that Fusebox is feeding you, whenever you pile on a character like Suresh, you are making them feel like they're not welcome here.
People of Colour are being used as a means to an end.
Instead of writing complex, multi-dimensional villains with real motivations, Fusebox are using basic clickbait to get you to engage.
And that's super fucking unfair.
I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm not telling you not to play. I'm not going to stop spending money on it. I'm certainly not going to stop.
I just want people to be aware of what they're doing.
Be aware of the fact that they're playing into your preconceived ideas of race, culture, and ethnicity.
Be aware of the fact that they are trying to you to engage at at all costs.
Be aware that your rabid fan-ness can actually spur others into a mob mentality.
Be aware of the fact that you're allowed to criticise characters. But criticise the writing. Criticise the business tactic.
Don't fall into the quicksand!
Don't let yourself make it about race. Stop letting others make it about race.
Stop engaging with it when it becomes about race.
Stop engaging when your friends compare him to Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Tate, Prince Andrew, etc. He's a character from a mobile game. They are real people who have hurt real women.
Show Fusebox you'll engage with the stuff you do like, as opposed to only engaging when it's piling on to a character.
Get rabid about the drama, not about the character.
And look, I'm writing this out in a long, one-shot rant, so I might've completely rambled, contradicted myself, or said something completely wrong, so please forgive me if I have.
I just hope this helped someone see it for what it is.
So in conclusion:
Do: Make memes about Suresh not apologising.
Do: Hate him for cheating.
Do: Push him in the pool.
Do not: Compare him to a real life sex offender
Do not: Make it about race
Do not: Think for a second that Fusebox don't know exactly what they're doing.
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ben-the-hyena · 5 months
You know, say all you what about being unpopular towards some ships, I'm surprised you didn't say anything nor put your own thoughts towards Chaggie (the Main Ship of HH) other than Stolitz.
But as I am asking you this, can you please explain your own thoughts on the Other Franchise's Main Ship since you've pretty much explain enough about Stolitz?
I nearly never spoke of them because I give 0 shit. They have little to 0 character to them for how much Viv favors her men characters and yaoi ships ("female centered" my ass), and are one of the blandest ships ever and I hate how it's part of these gay ships people ship only for being gay all while making fun of straight ships that are just as forced not even noticing the double standard
You FEEL how they were an afterthought only because Viv's crew shipped it and because she saw the opportunity to be praised for it. Plus I'm sorry but it is sad that 1) Charlie has more chemistry with Sir Pen than her own girlfriend (and I hate myself for finding it cute) and 2) said girlfriend who is a tad more interesting than Charlie (one of the modt cardboard leads ever) is sidelined and meant to be a punching bag for jokes who has to save her idiot all the time a way it is not even cute or funny but pathetic how dumb and naive Charlie is (YOU FUCKING GREW UP IN HELL) and as loyal and protective as Vaggie is Charlie is NOT in return she is literally THE PRINCESS of Hell and very powerful she NEVER defends or protects her but in fact brushes it off or keeps smiling or staring when she is mocked or pushed around and almost always blatantly chooses not to listen to her anf let Charlie freely run after Verbalase however she'll want she won't even notice she's gone
Talk about a healthy relationship, if I focus on it... Vaggie better find another woman who'd treat her like she'd treat her, and Charlie get a hard slap in the face to finally stop living in a Disney movie. And when you look at all the other canon couples of Viv shows... it's always one being super loyal and protective and defensive and complimenting and the other doing nothing in return taking it for granted like a pillow princess. Sounds like a pattern she seems to love hm ?
And for the angeries who'll see that post and cry "I RUIN THE TAG WAH WAH WAH" that's how my personnal blog tagging system works so I invite you to just block my "fans don't look" tag that's where I put all my unpopular fandom opinions
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buggysimp · 1 year
Literally no one asked for it nor wanted this but I can't keep repeating it to my friends so now I must dump this onto Tumblr too
My headcanon for trans!Cartman and scenarios ig (super indepth and lengthy post 🤞 be warned)
So essentially, Liane still lives in Nebraska with her family, the broncos came to Nebraska to play against their team and that's when Liane became pregnant. She gave birth to and raised Cartman up until his toddler years in Nebraska, until he was able to talk and was like 'mehm I'm literally a boy 🤨' for months he was very adamant about it and would get confused when the family and strangers would call him a girl. After another month Liane moved to South Park, where no one knew them and she could raise Cartman as her son in a town where no one knew him as anything else. Since he was socially transitioned so young he doesn't even realize he's transgender cus he's 'always been a boy', in the cissy plot he'd recite all that stuff about trans people without ever connecting it to himself cause he was never a girl so he can't be trans obviously 🤨 ?? He's just a different type of boy his mehm told him so 🤞 I think Kyle would be the first one to find out and would be like WTF YOURE TRANS ?? and Cartman would just go I'm not trans I'm a dude until learning what it actually means then confronting his mom and she's just like 'sweetie I thought you knew I mean really you never questioned why you're the only boy without balls??' and his whole world is shattered cus he thought they grew in after puberty (him telling Heidi he thought balls were at the bottom of the vagina). After the initial shock he'd definitely use it to his advantage and would constantly accuse Kyle of being transphobic during argument and would threaten the school to get his way.
I think separately it'd rock Stan's world an he'd ask his dad like 'dad am I.....trans?' and Randy's js like stfu 😭
Also like the jersey episode Kyle would be complaining to Stan about Cartman accusing him of being transphobic and Stan would ask him 'yeah that's crazy, were you being transphobic though..?' and it would drive Kyle actually insane
Wendy would also be so pissed cause Cartman would say some sexist shit then defend it by saying he's also a chick so she can't get mad at him, alternatively Wendy would genuinely come out and go by both Wendy and Wendyl (genderfluid king) and Cartman would be pissed he's not the only transgender in school anymore
Like the cissy ep, butters would defend Cartman so fckin hard against 'transphobia' (the school saying Cartman can't have a second sloppy joe) and would be his ride or die
Uhmmm I think that's all I got rn if you read this 😽 thank youu I'm so actually mentally ill about this little guy please ask about this plesplesples
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dimentionalseraphim · 9 months
Good morning. This is a formal message to let you know that you have been banned from our community. Several members have approached us with evidence from your blogs that you ship or tolerate Plantcest and we take a hard zero-tolerance stance against incest and those willing to engage with its themes for the safety and comfort of members within our group, including those that specifically mention no Plantcest in their rules. As the evidence includes screencaps and video proof of a Plantcest tagged post in your likes, this ban is not up for debate.
Frankly, i don't ship plantcest, and I have never written, reblogged or shared it. If it's in my liked history, then I don't know where you are looking. I would like to see the evidence, if one of the mods could contact me. If i'm wrong? Fair enough, I must have liked something without truly looking at the contents, but I would like to see the evidence that was submitted so I can at least have closure.
This is not me disputing this ban, simply wanting to understand.
This is immensely disappointing, but the comfort of others comes first. In the future, at least let people know upon the ban without leaving them in the dark for so long. Nobody contacted me, at all, nor spoke to me on any platform. If this is what you would consider fair moderation, I urge you to rethink these practices. You also sent the same copy pasta response to me and the legato / midvalley that joined recently.
the fact that you list evidence as 'posts I liked', not made, says a lot. I couldn't find any plantcest posts i've liked when going through, but I didn't get through over 3500 posts i've liked on one blog alone. Someone had to actively stalk through all my posts on my private blogs, meticulously searching for tags, to have this issue which makes me question why moderators are accepting this behaviour.
It seems like you are encouraging the possibility of targetted harassment on anyone for anything they've done in the past and with no real chance to defend yourself there is a lot of cause for concern. Cancelling people based on liked posts alone for a fictional ship that they don't even ship, who is an artist, and looks at artstyle and often not the contents of the post itself is a toxic way to moderate. Especially since not once was I rude to anybody in isola, asked to ship plantcest, shared, or encouraged incest. I have been nothing but kind, and have had nothing but good things to say to people.
Once again, I do not condone incest / incestuous ships.
I expected better communication from Isola Radiale to at least tell my side and defend myself fairly. But after several people coming forwards in my DMs and telling horror stories of being banned with no warning & reason, sometimes because of mod power trips and sometimes because someone was friends with the moderators, this behaviour no longer surprises me. Guilty until proven innocent seems to be the reoccuring theme, and I still haven't recieved any evidence to back up your claims.
I consider this ban a bullet dodged, as I have only invested a few days of interest.
Fandom communities never truly change, and for one ran by 7 people, there seems to be an awful lot of carefully hidden drama, elitism & gatekeeping- mainly because you shit talk about your own community members on twitter :)
To anybody considering joining Isola... I would advise against it. They can and will ban you without warning for minor infractions on your own personal accounts without trail nor jury. No matter what I could have said in this instance, I would have always been seen as guilty, and that in itself says everything you need to know about Isola Radiale.
Those are my parting words.
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sleepydross · 1 year
Hey ho I wanna have a quick convo uh... *spins the wheel* queer eighteen to twenty-one year olds, sit down a sec, yeah? Let's talk.
Being in queer spaces, younger folk, new adults even, can find themselves thrust into positions of power - moderation, administration, etc. This post is for the folks in those positions and a quick lesson in 'You are not the arbiter of justice.'
You're a new adult. Perhaps you've lived a whole childhood, as most do, perhaps you've lived hard and rough, and damn near died, the way I did. It doesn't matter, because you're now in charge of a queer community, or you created one.
You do not know the moral arc of the universe. I didn't, when I was eighteen. I certainly didn't know or understand how tainted and 'liberal' my views were, rather than 'leftist.' For a number of years I even conflated leftism and liberalism out of ignorance.
But here's the rub - the places I wound up in power, I tried to keep my ideas out. I set rules, or had rules set, and enforced those rules, not the 'spirit' of them unless it was required, and I don't recall using my power as a mod to shut up someone I disagreed with unless they were... breaking rules, harassing others.
You don't ban people, or punish people, for not agreeing with you within the rules in place.
If you're the kind of eighteen to twenty-one year old queer moderator I'm talking to, I want you to process that last paragraph. It's about you, and you need to shut your fucking mouth a moment, and have some humility.
If you want to create real, lasting community, you need to be prepared to be *Wrong.* Being a moderator doesn't make you right, nor should you feel powerful, because moderation is SERVICE. You're there to enforce rules the larger community thinks are valid.
If you want to create a community that will fill up exclusively with people who agree with you on everything, my god, that will both collapse quickly and be the angstiest place on earth.
I'm not saying 'people you disagree with' here too loosely either. If you throw out nazis, that's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about other queer people who simply, to use a salient example, don't care that some rich people died in a shitty submarine.
You're young - and maybe you're privileged. Queer people can have privilege too, you know. But you need to understand that simping for the rich, and acting like a holier-than-thou ultra-pious person cause you got mad at another queer for going 'lol poorly made subs sink, richies knew that, served em right,' I need you to know that you're not.
You're just being a twat. You're not moral, or in some way good / better, because you made the super fun decision to *checks notes* uhhhhhhhhhhh get mad at other queer people and defend the rich and the cost, expense and danger of trying to save those rich people after they fucked up their stupid sub.
All of this is to say, eighteen to twenty-one year olds... please understand that the world isn't nice. Rich people aren't your friends. You're not doing something good by championing the humanity they don't have. You're just acting like a jackass, and making SURE your community will fail.
If that's how you wanna do, sucking boot and killing potential friendships so you can feel morally superior for loving rich people so much, hell, it's for the best youll never hold anything together.
But you could. You just gotta learn that being a mod, being an admin, doesn't make you RIGHT BY DEFAULT. Quit being arrogant cusses sometimes, it ain't a good look. Seek harmony, don't sow discord.
If you read all this, idk, I hope it made sense and got something across for you cause it's sure been something bothering me in multiple places for a while.
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octoberautumnbox · 5 months
theres yuri fics ur not like/reblog? i thought u love her
there's actually a bunch of these asks in my inbox presumably from the same person/people. this is one of the earliest and definitely the least hostile out of all of them lemme just-
I don't find EVERY Yuri fic on this website to like and reblog. one of my first ever posts was about how tagging them makes them so much easier to find but even then im not on here 24/7 sniffing out every 1k+ work that has her name in it
I don't like EVERY Yuri fic I see, let alone every fic of whichever idol/s I come across???? it's a matter of personal preference really, idek which exact fic ur talking abt but I didn't think I'd have to explain nor defend why I didn't like any particular one. like ever
i DO love her how dare u lmao. but just bc I love her doesn't mean I have to love every fic she appears in, or that I only fake-love her bc I don't like every fic that mentions her name. thats weird anon youre kinda weird
answering another point from a similar, less friendly ask is I'm not obligated to do anything here????? I track notes on my fics because I want to, I write because I want to, I'm on this blog in the first place because I want to. I'm not getting paid for any of this nor am I getting ANY sort of material gain so where does your audacity to demand me to promote ANYTHING come from like wow
I'd love to say atp that it didn't bother me to get these sorts of asks but it does. when people like frisky send me fun asks or people send me feedback on my writing and they're all drowned out by "why didn't u promote this fic" "ur so selfish" "u want to be the most famous/the only yuri writer" "u only care abt notes" it gets very hard to ignore
as a parting thought I'd like to say I really care about this community and I really care about my ult apart from being horny for her. as a person I try to see what I'm doing wrong in everything and I spent a while thinking if I'm the one at fault here but I really don't think I am. even so I'd still receive praise and constructive criticism all the same because there's a lot to learn from everyone here especially the other writers and I'd hate to let just one/a few people like this drive me away from here.
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dollarbin · 9 months
Dollar Bin #6:
Steeleye Span's Rocket Cottage
You are absolutely encouraged to judge this record by its cover.
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Is Rocket Cottage a colossal joke thrown together by some tanked up Brits while on their hollibobs? Yes.
Is it the horrifying end of a great band? For sure.
Even so, does listening to the record today replicate being blasted into deep space while within a thatched cottage? Hell yes!
For any of you who confuse Steeleye Span with Steely Dan: don't worry, we are not spending this blog Reelin in the Years with these guys and their nonsense.
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Instead, we are focusing on these nutjobs.
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Here's the backstory: around 1968 Ashley Hutchings of Fairport Convention went a bit insane and suggested they invent an entirely new genre of music that married west coast folk rock, a la The Byrds, with medieval British song. If that sounds like a popsicle slathered in mayo, please know that the result was the previously mentioned Liege and Lief, and if you ever find that in the Dollar Bin repair immediately to the nearest cloister for grateful meditation and thanksgiving.
Next Hutchings went even more insane and insisted that the band no longer Rock. Fairport's seventeen Daves replied, "Sorry Mate, but you've clearly gone and left your trousers in the bog. No more bangers and mash for thee."
And so Hutchings assembled Steeleye Span instead and ordered them Not To Rock. Thus the mayo fell off the popsicle and latched itself onto your pancakes, but once again the results were awesome. Here's some proof from the first Steeleye record, which is entitled, incomprehensibly, Hark! The Village Wait.
Fast forward 8 years. The band's membership had changed more often than you can say I've done forgot me pants in the loo and they kept up the typical blinding 70's pace of a record a year at all costs. Some of the resulting records are worth your dollar and then some (Below the Salt) and some feature David Bowie and still are not worth a buck unless you are me (Now We Are Six).
The band's heart through it all was Maddy Prior. She's often credited with "Step Dancing" on the gatefold but don't be fooled. She's another Dollar Bin goddess, this one always sporting a very goofy grin.
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Prior doesn't have Ronstadt's looks or power, nor does she ache and glide like Emmylou. But she brings pathos and sincerity to every proceeding.
And then came Rocket Cottage.
Athen's failed Sicilian Expedition in 415 BCE took an ax to classical Greek culture. It was bad. But according to Rob Young in his mostly lovely book Electric Eden, Rocket Cottage was worse. Forget Dylan going electric; according to Young, Steeleye Span going disco effectively took an ax to all of Civilization.
Yes, Rocket Cottage features wacka chicka disco guitar work. You know what I'm talking about. I get Young's point: medieval balladers likely did not plug in their wah wah pedals and choke down the strings of their stratocasters while singing Tam Lin. But today in the Dollar Bin we are defending Steeleye against Young's wrath. Life as you know it will not come to an end if you listen to Rocket Cottage. You might even like it!
Let's start with the song that should supply the soundtrack to Owen Wilson bowling 300 in slow-motion midway through an upcoming Wes Anderson picture.
Rocket Cottage bombed, making it a hard find in a dollar bin these days. 1976's biggest hits had titles like Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang and (Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty (no, I did not make those titles up) so it's no wonder that Steeleye's ancient British ballads couldn't compete no matter how many wacka chickas they mixed in.
But screw the marketplace. I love tracks like Orfeo in large part because I understand very little of what is going on. Who are these faerie and what exactly is happening in their hall? No clue. Why does the whole thing fade into an unrelated violin reel? Beats me. Orfeo is mixtape ready and too weird to pass by.
The album is consistently strong though Side 1. Lords and Ladies of London Town ride about in a coach and six with nothing but claret wine. Later, 12 witches assemble. The whole thing swings. Sure, when the boys sing The Bosnian Hornpipes without Prior you wonder whether they intended to sound silly. Rest easy and take another look at the cover: no one was taking this very seriously.
Let's talk about those boys for a moment. Check out the back cover.
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Where in name of Ringo are Tim Hart's clothes? Is Rick Kemp's shirt unzipped all the way? How many times a day does Peter Knight comb that stash? What boy band did Nigel take a pass on?
And then there's Robert Johnson. No, not that Robert Johnson. The one in Steeleye did not meet the devil and lay down the foundation for much of what we continue to consider as popular music, all without ever being photographed. That's the other Robert Johnson. At some point Steeleye's Robert Johnson called himself Bob instead, and who can blame him? If my name was Joni Mitchell I'd change it too.
But being named Bob Johnson didn't help all that much seeing as there was already another Bob Johnson who is arguably the best record producer of all time. Poor Robert/Bob Johnson couldn't catch a break.
But Robert/Bob brought the wah wah peddle to Steeleye, then bailed on them to make a concept record called The King of Elfland's Daughter which features - I kid you not - Saruman on lead vocals, then he went back to school and became a psychotherapist and sired a son named Barnaby. I'd say he did all right!
We can't wrap this up without addressing the problem that is Side 2. Fighting For Strangers sounds like the band is mucking about in a medieval root cellar and Sligo Maid could ably serve as the B-Side to the disco version of Beethoven's 5th.
But nothing compares with the last track, The Drunkard. The title describes the song's recording session, or at least I hope so. If they weren't drunk while they recorded it, and even drunker when they decided to put it on the record, then everything we hold to be self-evident needs reassessment. Prior does what she can to salvage things at the end but it still sounds like Stephen Stills crashed their cottage.
The band fell apart Athenian style after this record and never made anything exciting together again. That's not surprising when the final track sounds like their Rocket Cottage has lost control, reentered Earth's atmosphere and splashdown is expected in your horror struck face in T minus 10, 9, 8 seconds.
But so what! I'll feel forever smug that I found my copy at Amoeba for $3 while everyone else was buying T.Swift records for $45 a pop. Drop the needle on Side 1 again. The Dollar Bin is hurtling toward space and Steeleye Span is at the helm.
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abysscronica · 2 years
so we’re all talking about Victoria, but let’s say that she never died and Kid and established a pirate crew and still named his ship after her. And Killer and Kidd were still kinda fighting over her. Then the whole birdie being left by the marines happened.
Would Kid have killed her because he already had another woman?
Or would Killer have had taken Birdie as his?
And in another scenario when Birdie is defending herself on the sinking Marine warship and shoots and kills Victoria, and birdie is later captured. Would Kid still have fallen for her? Or would he have had killed her as revenge for Victoria?
Hey! Thank you for the questions, let's dive into them! But first, TRIGGER WARNING because I'm mentioning and/or implying very disturbing implications on birdie's alternate fate down below.
Just one note before we start: I don't think Kid would have named the ship after her if Victoria were still alive. I feel like he's way too tsundere to make such a blatant act of love right in front of the woman he likes.
I will start with the last scenario, so we get that done right away: if birdie had killed Victoria, Kid would have brutally butchered her, in a horrible way. I really don't see any other way out of this, so I'll move on with the different scenarios where Victoria is still alive at the time of Captive.
Unfortunately many of these have very dark implications for birdie, including torture, r*pe, and murder, so I don't want to go into too much detail. If Victoria was Kid's girlfriend when birdie is taken prisoner, birdie would be either a) left to the crew for their fun; b) given to Kid AND Victoria for their fun; c) given to Killer. Now, Killer would be the least of evils here, except we know that in the early phase of birdie's captivity, he insisted with Kid that she was a problem and she should be thrown in the sea. I see no reason why it would be different if she was given directly to him. Even if he didn't abuse her and just tried to get intel out of her, if he ever realized that he was getting drawn in by her courage and attitude (maybe in the same way that Victoria attracted him), he would throw her out immediately. He has enough intelligence and self control to do it.
Now, onto the last scenario: Victoria is alive but she's not Kid's girlfriend, and both boys are still smitten with her. This is more interesting, because it opens up a lot of other possibilities, it's basically a love triangle where you throw a fourth element in, one with the potential to draw in all the other parties up to some level. And I mean yes, all the parties, because let's be honest: if Victoria didn't go for neither Kid nor Killer for decades, it'd be safe to imply that she's not interested in them, so she's open to pursue whom she wants. Then why not birdie, for example? If she's queer (and EVERYONE in the Kid Pirates is probably queer), there's a chance that birdie may be her type. After all she does possess qualities that Victoria probably finds attractive: she's strong, rebellious, and it's possible that her caustic tongue might just be what Kid & Killer lacked. Of course it's also possible that Victoria would be repulsed by birdie's weakness, or the fact that she's a marine, or anything else about her.
Now, what about Kid? Let's say he takes birdie to get his mind off Victoria, at least at first. It's really hard to say whether and how things may evolve. To what extent would his attraction to birdie grow? Since Victoria doesn't give him the time of the day, would he be able to finally let go, and let his feelings for birdie take over? It's really a tough call, considering that he was probably crushing hard over Doruyanaika since he was a child. And yet, with birdie, he would have a physical connection that he probably never had with Victoria, including regular, great sex. Would that be enough to sway him? I'm not sure.
Finally, Killer. As before, if birdie was given directly to him, she would eventually be thrown overboard. But let's say she's given to Kid, and he keeps her around long enough for Killer to get some sort of feelings for her, but ends up setting her aside because unable to stop thinking about Victoria. I think, in this instance, Killer would be smarter than Kid. He would catch the chance to get over his childhood crush in favor of birdie (if she returns the sentiment, of course). The problem here is that birdie's mental state would be much more worn out that what you originally see in Captive, I'm not sure how much of her sanity would be even left at this point. Killer would have to take her away from Kid in the early stages and nurture her back to an acceptable status to have a chance for success.
And how would Victoria react to all of this? Would she be jealous and get rid of birdie (she definitely has the power to do that in an instant), or would she encourage Kid/Killer to finally get over her and go for the marine girl? We don't know much about her character to speculate, but personally I like to believe that she would tease the shit out of Kid/Killer (depending on who goes for birdie), and find it amusing to watch her childhood friend fall for the marine girl. If she doesn't fall herself, which is a scenario that I actually enjoy even more.
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blackberryrambles · 1 year
What I hate
"Ugh, I hate--" You know what I hate? An "I hate" ass bitch. "I hate pumpkin spice, that's bad music, I hate ___ piercings, hate tattoos, Tiktok fashion is bad, adults who watch cartoons are bad, I hate I hate I hate--"
Let me ask you something. Why does other people's joy fill you with so much hate, you bitter old relic? Just because something isn't your cup of tea doesn't make it bad.
Yeah, you can dislike something. That's not inherently a bad thing. For instance, I hate TERFs and Nazis, and that's always right.
But SOME people seem to make their entire personalities about how they hate EVERYTHING that brings happiness into other people's lives. ESPECIALLY the more popular something is, the more they have to be a unique special snowflake and loudly announce that THEY hate that as if it makes them cool.
It just makes you look like an asshole, honestly.
You can say "It's not for me" or "I don't understand it." But if it brings others happiness, and it's NOT at the expense of another's livelihood, then loudly whining and insisting that you hate it just makes you honestly unbearable.
And because some people lack reading comprehension, I am NOT talking about saying "I hate" as in "I hate bell peppers" or some shit. There's nuance to everything. If it's affecting you, in that moment, and it's a space in which you hold some claim to, you're allowed to not want to have anything to do with it.
For instance, I don't generally tend to like rap/R&B/hip hop. That's not a hard and fast rule, there's exceptions (I really like Lizzo, Lil Nas X, Todrick Hall, NWA, etc) but as a whole, it tends not to be stimulating to me. (I also appreciate it's effect and influence on american culture, especially black culture. I think it's very important and I respect it as a form of music, but it was not made for me, and it's okay for me to dislike it. But if you're gonna message me to be like "omg me to, I fuckin' hate rap, I hate that it's everywhere, I hate how it's ____ and--" No, I am not the one. I get that it can be a bit uncomfortable to feel extremely out of place when everyone seems to be enjoying it but it grates on your ears. I feel the same way. But I'm not on THAT kind of "I hate rap" train.)
If someone was to be playing it in my room and I was not enjoying it, I could ask them to turn it off, tell them I don't really like that genre, and we could maybe find a compromise that we both enjoy. I don't need to put it on my playlists or force myself to listen to it when I can control it.
But I would NOT be right in going to a party, hearing them play music I don't like, and then LOUDLY proclaiming how AWFUL it was and how it was making my ears bleed and lowering the IQ of everyone in the room. Nor would it be okay for me to see an ad for it and then loudly proclaim in the comments about how "Rap is crap" and be insulting it in a sea of fans-- it JUST makes me an asshole. I'm allowed to have an opinion-- I even have a right to be an asshole! But others are allowed to rightfully call me an asshole and dislike me for acting like one.
I feel like people are so busy defending their right to be an asshole to the point where they just GENUINELY become unlikeable people, who's WHOLE personality is how UnIqUe and SpEcIaL they are because they don't like what everyone else likes. I'd go so far as to say they wouldn't actually HATE everything if they didn't feel like it's the only way they can be special. If they honed a skill or leaned into something else that makes them special and allowed themselves not to be so bitter, they might even find they like a LOT more things than they let themselves like before.
But what do I fuckin' know.
Sorry about the ramble.
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Nagi, I get what you mean, but did you really need to twist Hajime's words like that? Hajime said that Natsumi didn't deserve to die, he NEVER said anything like ''Her victims of bullying deserved it'', or ''Your saying Mahiru deserved to die''. It's okay to have a balanaced perspective, or think someone didn't deserve to die even if they were a bad person. But, you were kind of using strawman fallacies against him. And before you twist mine, no, I am NOT saying that Natsumi's victims deserved it, nor Mahiru deserved what happened. I'm just saying, don't twist peoples words, because honestly your being too harsh on Hajime when he's just taking a more calm perspective.
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And why? Given how Hajime was acting towards Natsumi and seeing the CCTV footage; I think what I say wasn't wrong.
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But still, I wasn't saying that any of the kids that got bullied by Fuyuhiko's sister didn't deserve to get bullied, I'm just saying that she shouldn't have died, that's all.
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Huh? What are you 2 arguing about...?
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Did something happen?
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Yeah well Nagi twisted my words and figure I was saying that you and the other kids that Natsumi bullied deserve what happen to them.
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And I apologize for that, yes I may have twisted yours words but I saw the footage; Natsumi was nothing but a bully and hurt others which she cross certain lines that annoyed me as a mental health worker - while I felt she shouldn't have died, I can at least understand where Hatomi is coming from.
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And trust me, the bullying was not harmless like you think it is, it really wasn't.
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Yeah I saw it as well, that Natsumi was a jerk if you ask me; while I think things could of been different I do have to agree with Miss Nanami here. She hurt a lot of people, even threaten them too and while I don't think she should of died, I can see why Miss Sato did what she did.
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Well yeah but still, this is Fuyuhiko's sister and-.
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Hajime can you drop trying to defend me here, look even I admit that my sister fuck up, that's all.
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Wait, but Fuyuhiko... are you sure about this? I mean, this is your sister we are talking about here.
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Yeah I am aware of that but you don't need to constantly defend me, I realize that Natsumi hurt a bunch of people; I still care for her but I even I can admit that she fuck up and mom should of brought her to boarding school.
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Exactly while mistress Natsumi was someone I had to protect; even I knew where she made a mistake, I just... I think for me and Fuyuhiko, it was normal but we know now that Natsumi did hurt people.
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Exactly and even I can admit Hatomi did mess up as well, despite her being my best friend she was very impulsive and made a very rash decision.
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I never told her what Natsumi did or my past with her, I kept quiet about it and that wasn't fair at all for her or anyone else; all I wanted to do was move on from Natsumi and just focus on my talent in photography.
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So Hajime, I know you think you know the situation but you really don't; Nagi saw the CCTV footage and saw what Natsumi was like along with Masuyo too, they understood the situation.
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It's... hard to talk about it and I still find it hard, but if me or Fuyuhiko don't talk about this, we can't change and move forward; I know that for a fact and we have to address this so stop trying to protect us from speaking about it; we all made mistakes like it or not.
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Well... if you say so, but still... I don't think Natsumi shouldn't have died or anyone in fact...
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