#but if you want to read it ot3 i'm not going to be able to stop you
tls123 · 10 months
WHAT is ORV. I'm trying to figure out what you're obsessed with rn
ORV is a story about a reader and about the story that specific reader is obsessed with (of which he is the ONLY reader btw) but it's also a love letter to you the reader (if you do read it) and it's about the life-saving nature of stories in and of themselves and it's also about how innate it is to want to save each other, and how yes, maybe you can do it alone but you don't have to because there are people around you who want to help.
i would say it's about sacrifice and love and saving the world by saving one another and also dooming the world to save a single person and it's about your loved ones' happiness as the ultimate goal and it's about letting people in, reaching back when they reach for you.
it's about knowing that a lot gets lost in translation when talking to other people (especially those you care about) and also about knowing that it's worth it to try anyway.
ORV is about going through life so damn sure that you want to die, that you could just disappear tomorrow and be glad, and then finding out that maybe, actually, what you've wanted the entire time was to live. and it's about the people who love you trying their damn best to keep you alive until you realize that on your own.
and some people say it's a copout to say "[blank] is about love" because it's a vague, all-encompassing comment that doesn't really say anything but believe me when i say that ORV is about love, in any and all forms you can imagine, and not even just between people but for things too—the love you have for anything that might keep you here on this earth for at least one day longer.
unfortunately i am actually not qualified or eloquent enough to really say what ORV is without tripping over myself, but there's this wonderful post by @ot3 that explains everything so beautifully it makes me cry because yeah, yeah ORV really is that perfect. the characters, the meta, the dynamics, the pace, the worldbuilding, the themes!!
ORV is a webnovel (which has already been translated in its entirety). there is also a webtoon out but i have no personal interest in it, though i know a lot of people enjoy it!
here are some links:
info carrd (<- links to everything else are here, including the webtoon and the korean raws)
epub carrd (<- this is the copy i read and am familiar with)
as always, PLEASE READ ORV <3
EDIT: also if you were just curious then i'm sorry for the word vomit, but if you DO start orv, even if you personally don't mind spoilers, i would recommend going in as blind as possible. i was able to read all of it knowing only what's in the summary and every little bit of it blew me away. it doesn't really lose its charm and power if you know things in advance, but still!
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augment-techs · 2 months
A sort of-kind of review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #118. Kinda. Spoilers below the cut, because this issue was...kind of impressive. Ish.
Due to @ikindamaybewanthertositonmyface bringing to my attention that I should really read the latest Darkest Hour issue, I have pulled a speed run and...have some feelings...
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I'm ALMOST 80% sure that this is Boom!'s way of saying that Coinless Trini is queer, for which we might all give infinite thanks. If she's not an old lesbian, she's at LEAST an old bisexual. Either is good and I will TAKE IT. Even if the implications moving forward aren't great.
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On the one hand, the Tommy & Rita team-up is something that does mean that maybe we the audience will get to see Rita grow into Mystic Mother of her own volition; but on the other hand, if Tommy goes down into the road to forgiveness and ACTIVELY tries to bring her into the light, I am going to be sick.
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Okay...I am more alright with Slayer Kim still having obvious Drakkon issues if it means Tommy gets to get tossed around like a ragdoll--but like, with good intention. This was kind of funny.
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I'm gonna say it: Trini actually looks really good in red. It FITS.
Also, one million points for giving both Trini/Zack and Omega OT3 shots for those in the fandom that multiship and just LOVE these babies being in shot together. I miss them as a unit. They fill each other out.
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....I imagine this is very much what others wanted to alert me to. And when I read it the first time I was over the moon. I made the most stupid fucking noise ever when I got down to Jason saying what these two DESERVE to hear. He's met their Coinless counterparts, he knows what they're capable of being, he is a leader and a shine can recognize a shine. But. Then I read it again. And again.
They are training to back up the Rangers if the fight comes to Earth and the fucking lava zombies come knocking. Zelya has just cast a very dark shadow of doubt and fear in their awareness of the Rangers knowing her and not being able to contact her. Bulk speaks the truth. Coinless Bulk is locked up for who the hell knows why with Scorpina and the others, and Coinless Skull is still missing in action AS a lava zombie.
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I am...so scared for them.
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esssteee · 8 months
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What's your total A03 words count? 351,919
3. What fandoms do you write for? grishaverse and castlevania. i'm still a baby writer, having started actively contributing to fandom works not quite 2 years ago.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we are the wild youth chasing visions of the future (gv, aleksander/alina), young liars (gv, aleksander/nikolai), with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai), winding and unwinding (gv, aleksander/nikolai), i will eat you alive (gv, aleksander/nikolai)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yep, almost all! if i receive several in a row, chapter after chapter and by the same person, than i will more likely just respond to the last one, but i do like giving an answer to any feedback and show of love i get!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
um, good question. i don't think I've written a true angsty ending. i have several open/ambiguous endings, but the ending for me and the devil (gv, aleksander/alina) is the most ambiguous of the bunch just because it can be interpreted as alina just going stir-crazy from being alone and forgotten for so long and imagining aleksander by her side and staying with her, so it can be angsty if you take it that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) cause they end up pseudo married and ruling together (yay!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! too small a fandom writer for that and i'm ever thankful for it!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
me? smut??? XD just look at the rating for each fic and the associated tags, i guess i do love developping characters through the very intimate act of them falling in bed together. no real kinky sex or anything, but there's often lots of hidden (and not so hidden) feelings behind the act. most smut i've written can be considered rough and/or passionate, since there's a kind of desperation born out of the characters thinking they only have that one single time to be with the other so they're giving their all. i do love exploring the vulnerabilities that come from that for sure!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i haven't. it's never really been my fav thing, but if done well, it'd read one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone asking to translate one, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
that i've written? aleksander/nikolai in gv for sure, aleksander/alina a close second. but as a reader, i just love love love the perfect OT3 that is alucard/trevor/sypha from castlevania (if you haven't read baba by crownofpins, GO READ IT NOW)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
none, i'm just terribly slow right now. life is throwing a ton of shit at me (dog being very sick, work is horrible, energy at the lowest point), but i keep daydreaming about each fic and slowly coming up with future parts in my head if not on paper.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ah man i don't know, getting into the character's head for which i'm writing the pov from, making their thoughts and feelings just as important as anything going on. i guess because of that i strongly favour inner conflict storylines.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too wordy. also pantsing my way thru a fic instead of really sitting down and coming up with a plan ― we are the wild youth chasing visions of our future really forced me to come up with a strong plan, which i never would have been able to do without @theonewiththeory's immense help, girl i never would have been able to achieve what i did without you!! it is my first fic in english, the first one i wrote as an adult, and it shows, but i'm still proud of it! but i definitively continue to struggle with planning and too often i fall into the bad habit of vibing along with it. also, big external-conflict plotting is a hard thing for me, tho i wish i could become better at it since it's always so fun as a reader and i'm always impressed by writers who pull an intricate plot so flawlessly!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not a fan of it. so often the other language is plain up butchered, and there are ways to do it without having to juggle the hassle of writing a dialogue in another language and needing to translate it so the reader knows what's going on. but as all things, they are exceptions to the rule and anything can be done well!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh man the lord of the rings (with a very mary sue oc even! but i remember having such self-indulging fun with that oc and all the research needed to flesh the story out) and the legend of zelda/ocarina of time (at least i went with link for my mc in this one!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
when i was 12, i started a complete rewrite of ocarina of time which i of course never posted online. it was in french and i was only doing it for fun. but i still have one version of it and oh boy is it cringe-worthy XD big fail, i read that question as the first fic written ― my brain is really elsewhere these days. my fav fic is definitively with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) which became a comfort reread when i need to feel better by reading about familiar and intimate characters. the whole series (of monsters and men) is something i'm really proud of, even with its faults and misgivings, but that third and final part has left me with the biggest impact personally.
Tagging: i'll tag a few people (no pressure, it's only if you want of course!), but anyone else who see this and wanna do it too, have fun with it (and tag me! i wanna read about people <3)
@theonewiththeory, @ladyverdance/@greensaplinggrace, @inahandful-of-dust, @aloveforjaneausten, @fantomette22, @goatsandgangsters, @zizygy, @itsnotunfinisheditsmystyle
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3rddimension · 10 months
Wow just like Ian's episode, today's Anthony episode of the Smoshcast is the best. I love hearing about Smosh history and bts stuff.
-Shayne's story about how Anthony said goodbye to him the last shoot day he had before leaving already make me emo, but Anthony revealing that he had specifically chased him to the parking lot to say goodbye BROKE ME, even S was emotional finding that out. He's been remembering and telling this story one way this whole time, and now there's a whole new layer
-Hearing Shayne talk about how he feels like Anthony's exit in 2018 took the pressure off of the Pit Squad, because the higher-ups were focusing on Smosh main. And how that allowed the cast to make the most fresh pit content lead by Sarah!!! How they became bonded and their friendship truly shined and that's what the dna of Smosh always had been since Ian and Anthony. I've always felt that way about that era of Smosh Pit but it's so special to hear it coming from him, and to realize that the cast (and C and S alone) probably have reflective convos about the past in this detailed manner
-Fascinating to hear S say that the recent half scripted half non-scripted Smosh Main content felt at some point like Smosh Pit second channel to them. I never thought of it that way but he's so right. Shows like funeral roasts, exes interviews and reading Dms/dating profiles do have Pit dna. Like the improve in a contained setup feels very Smosh Pit theatre. That used to be the channel youd go to see the cast's personalities and different brands of comedy interact through improve and fun. Smosh Main was always scripted/sketch. He's basically re-enforcing the idea that they were unsure what direction to go with after EBE, and they sort of leaned towards Pit type content because that was their star child and best performing channel which is insane and makes me happy. Now all is as it should be with Smosh Main being scripted sketch and any improv shows or vids should be on Pit. With Games being all types of games
-i love Shayne reminding people that it was truly Ian who saved Smosh, Rhett and Link stepped in and provided a second chance to the channel. But Ian was the one carrying Smosh through it so he should get the credit. Absolutely king dad 👑 also all the observations about Ian and his leading style and his persistence and his comedy were so sweet, Ian isn't the most sentimental guy esp when talking about himself but his coworkers and friends clearly see the value and good in him, he deserves the world
-i love this trio, Anthony sounds super profound and introspective which is refreshing, Shayne is a very empathetic person and a great listener and Amanda is so charismatic and joyful. I love seeing her learn about Smosh and the folklore behind it all, she's on the podcast representing the viewer basically,fangirling and learning bts things in real time with us
-I'm so excited about Anthony revealing that 1) Ian and Anthony are gonna launch a podcast, I love them and their friendship and I'm sure at some point they're gonna be able to pull the craziest guests. And 2) he revealed that part of their business plan is to figure out how each cast member shines and give them a show/format in which they can portray that. Clearly that's what we've been seeing with ot3 (Damien swordaf, Shayne reddit and smoshcast, Courtney's new pit endeavors coming up), it's good to have confirmation that that's a priority
Damn, thanks for the writeup anon! I watched it last night too and it's such a good episode. Gonna add smosh tag on this one. Here's the video if you wanted to watch the whole thing!
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chrononautintraining · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @lindirs-gaze!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
My current hyperfixation is The Untamed/Modao Zushi, but I write for whatever. I've got a lot of one shots for properties I think are neat like Welcome to Nightvale or Parks and Rec.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Passion for Mushrooms, Mountain Flowers, The Seedling, Family's Just Another Word for Something Left To Lose, and In Town for the Wedding. Four in Hobbit/LotR fandom and one Naruto.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I really try to. I appreciate feedback so much. When I'm in a funk it really brightens my mood, so I want to respond and build community with readers not just drop a story. And sometimes I go months without checking my inbox which makes me feel awkward about replying. It's a mix.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Interestingly, Family's Just Another Word For Something Left To Lose, according to some readers. It's ambiguous at the end and *a lot* of people think Kakashi dies, which is not at all my intent. I was paralleling the same scene with Iruka in the anime, and Iruka survives. It did not occur to me that the ambiguity would be what so many people took away.
The one I wrote that's intentionally angsty at the end is all i hear is your gear, which has no happy intentions and is all just about Crowley being a demon in hell.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So much of my stuff is romance with a traditional HEA ending, but weirdly the ending I like most is A Spy in the Shire. It's a happy ending for this one oc dwarf, but in the broader context of the series I think it both emphasizes the Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies AU happiness as well as justifying the many sacrifices made in canon.
8. do you get hate on any fics?
yeah for sure. And I am sensitive about it. If it hits me when I'm already feeling low, I usually have to stay away from fandom spaces for a while and I often lose the motivation to write at all. It sucks. Some of it I can brush off more easily, like the Iruka/Kakashi shippers who come onto my fic to make fun of the way Mighty Guy looks and try to pick a fight. They are likely children and I just don't engage. But the people who criticize my writing or a specific story for reasons they are happy to detail can be harder to ignore.
This is of course a very different thing than the helpful folks who point out that I've once again mixed up desert and dessert. Y'all are lovely and I appreciate the help.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes, as the mood strikes. ...the kind I'm in the mood for? Almost always romantic stuff between a major pairing.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Listen. Ron Swanson and Wolverine would be very good friends, actually. My Parks and Rec / X-men crossover is not crazy.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! One of my Naruto fics is available in Chinese and two of my Modao Zushi stories can be read in Russian. As I speak neither language, I can only assume the translators did an awesome job of making my writing smarter, funnier, and sexier than it is in English.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I find the idea of collaborating interesting.
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
This is not how my brain works. I pretty much constantly have a Current Obsession and then pairings I still enjoy. Right now, Wangxian invented love, but I'll always enjoy revisiting a certain romance involving Mister Spock or the Leverage Pretzels and Beer OT3.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I desperately want to finish my Zombie Criminal Minds series, particularly because being able to revisit it will mark the end of my pandemic / outbreak related brain gremlins.
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I'd like to do more with humor. I feel like I frequently manage to provoke a sensible chuckle, but I've read fics that make me crack up. Someday, I'd like to write a really Terry Pratchett style laugh-a-minute story.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Sometimes you gotta do it, because it's in keeping with the canon, but it's always best to do sparingly. If it's longer than a greeting or an honorific, I like to translate directly within the narrative or use a footnote.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Slayers. Yes, I was that anime kid in high school.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite child? Well, I've never really cared for Pit Stop...
I suppose, back against a wall, I enjoy the world building in None So Blind. We just don't spend enough time in dwarven spaces that aren't complete ruins in the canon. Coupled with thoughts on fantasy accessibility and the classic trope of tripping a romantic lead into a pile of literal pig shit, I just like it. Good work, 2018!me.
If you'd like to play, please pretend I tagged you! For the meme, I'll invite @youhideastar, @primtheamazing, and @sunshine304
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tempkiriri · 2 months
For the fandom ask game, for Tiger & Bunny: could I please have 1, 3, 12, 22 for *rolls mental dice* Antonio and Ryan, and 23, please? 😊🩷
Alrighty! 1: OTP This is honestly a tricky one for both men, and people may be surprised by the answer. Who I pair Antonio with may change later since I still need to read the Manga, but I do picture him as having a 'buried so deep he doesn't acknowledge it' crush on Kotetsu and used to have one on Tomoe as well but of course kept his lips shut (which also answers the OT3 question for him as well haha). With *just* the anime taken into account, his crush on Agnes isn't belivable, you 100% need supplementary material to even have his 'I'm trying to get *Agnes* a gift' thing at the end of S2 come across as believable and not just a cheap expectation divergence for the sake of it. So right now it's kind of, no OTP for him, but Antonio/Kotetsu is crammed into a little box in the corner in my head. As for Ryan, I don't ship him with anyone too strongly bc the only 'older' (aka mid 30s at youngest in my head) women in the show are Agnes and Nathan, and whilst either could be interesting in theory I don't think it would work out for either of them lol. I'm a Ryan Milf Hunter truther, meaning I don't ship him with Karina at all. Like, I dunno man, him flirting with her mother right in front of her is kinda sending clear signals to me. Someone please write Golden Ryan x MILF!Reader fics I think that would be funny.
3: NoTP This one is also tricky. I classify a NOTP as something that is able to render me physically uncomfortable if discussed, which aside from some generally obvious child / adult ships and similar ships in here, I don't think I have that reaction to anything. Closest is for Antonio is that I think Ivan is allowed to have a crush on him but Antonio would like, nephew-zone him, much like how Kotetsu has niece-zoned Karina at least twice now. And similarly while not exactly an NOTP for Ryan, I again just don't see him with Karina, she's not in the age bracket he's interested in; too young.
12: Funniest/Craziest AU? Honestly there's not a lot of AUs I can think of that revolve specifically around a character. Antonio has a bit of a sad one I have saved for him so it's not applicable here, but for Ryan I *did* write a fic where he and Ivan go to the beach bc he wants to help Ivan 'hunt for babes', that was pretty fun to write. Molly comes with, btw. But I don't consider that an AU bc I tried to keep it canon compliant, so...yeah, don't have much for ryan, at the moment.
22: Give us a HC Antonio - He's secretly semi-fluent in Japanese because he wanted to learn due to being friends with Kotetsu and Tomoe and wanting to communicate with them in private when in public (at least when in Sternbild). Ryan - Everyone seems to make fun of just how *fake* of a shade of yellow his hair is, but it's also very hard to get it to that colour if your hair is naturally dark (everyone remember Morita's The Live Incident? Bleached his hair so hard by best he could achieve was some cherry red-brown). Naturally, Ryan is a Platinum Blond like Ivan is, but with the colour being so un-vibrant combined with Ryan's desire to stand out, he dyes it a horrific yellow.
23: Has Fav ship changed overtime? Across all fandoms and my time being alive, certainly. As a young kid I got into Avatar, as one does, and something both outright turned me off from Katara with Aang and hooked me on Katara with Zuko. I don't know, I think it's just a difference of how chemistry can be forced in terms of writing. Tunnel of Love is the bane of like 8yo me's existence is all i'm gonna say.
Next I moved onto sonic and oh man there were so many goddamn ships. Sticking strictly to Canon on Canon, I think my first fav sonic ship was Tails and Cream, and currently it's Sonic with either Blaze or Knuckles (though for Sonaze specifically I view it as starcrossed and I do have a fic idea on exploring that *evil laughs*). If anyone wants a thicker rundown of the sonic ship timeline feel free to ask for 23 again and state sonic only lolll
Then I caved into despair like lord Enoshima would have wanted and got a double whammy of Hetalia and Danganronpa around the same timeframe. For Hetalia, you can rip the old bickering married couple of France and England from my cold dead hands, and then I had several for Danganronpa but the one I think I championed for the hardest out of sheer 'it's getting drowned out by the less interesting shit' was Shuichi x Kaito. Like, my guys, Shuichi catches HIS GAY THOUGHTS ON KAITO IN THE MIDDLE OF AN FTE. I genuinely don't know how other ships have stronger bases bc of that one moment. But also, that would require the DR fandom to know how to read, so (/j).
And then came Persona 5. So many good ships in here, I still adore stuff like Joker with both Yusuke and Ryuji, and I also got a soft spot for Ryuji with Yusuke or Haru. (In fact I have an AU fic I promise I havent abandoned abt Ryukita. The two men are early 20s in the fic with jobs and Ryuji is even a single father.)
And now we arrive at present time, where these petty argument idiots have taken over my brain, send help. Honourable mention will have to go to Keith with Cis bc that episode completley destroyed me it's like a brain worm and I cannot pluck it out.
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Hello there! I am alive!
Health issues kicked my butt last year, hence my not updating (or continuing) this challenge in a really disappointingly long time. But, the fog seems to be clearing, and I am once again able to focus on things I enjoy, so I am very happy to get back into this.
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Entries 7 - 10 of my Star Wars Legends challenge are Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm issues #2 - 5, written by John Ostrander and art by Jan Duursema, Dan Parsons, and Wes Dzioba. All four issues take place in 25,793 BBY, and were released in 2012.
Thoughts and images beneath the cut so as not to flood your feed.
Issue #2 introduces (who I assume will be) our main cast of characters from here on out - Shae Koda, Tasha Ryo, and Sek'nos Rath, all three Je'daii Journeyers from Tython.
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Is it just me or do all three of them have maaaaaajor OT3 energy. I desperately need to see the three of them… er, kriff. And as I am assuming this is not going to happen on page, I WILL be turning to AO3 when I am done reading this series and y'all had better not let me down.
Willing to extend that to OT4 and let Xesh in on the kriffing as well.
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(This part of the post is not getting posted on instagram xD for the most part what I post there and post here will be the same but people I know follow me on instagram xD containing the horny posting to tumblr for now bc I am not brave enough to… the mixed metaphor that popped into my head was "put my pussy where my mouth is" but that sounds like a physical impossibility and now I've gotten confused and distracted.)
Sexual tension between Shae, Tasha, and Sek'nos is palpable. All three having a tense force vision about a mysterious, dangerous bad boy dark force user? I am restraining myself from looking on Ao3 until I've finished reading this arc to avoid spoilers, but y'all I am going to be so kriffing mad if you disappoint me on the fic front. PLEASE tell me there is fic here. I DON'T want to be the one who has to write it.
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For the most part, I am engaged with the three (four if you count Xesh) main characters. Their dynamic is engaging (yes, beyond just sexy lmao) and each of them are interesting on their own as well. I am looking forward to seeing them continue to develop over the course of the series.
Then, let's see. Things that annoyed me...
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Boob armor is always annoying. Jedi Emma Frost has some incredible shoulder armor but the boob top is sigh. She must be using the Force to keep her titties from shooting out the gaping hole in her shirt. Like. I love good cleavage as much as the next bisexual, but c'mon, man.
On the other end for costumes that make me happy, I'm in love with Tasha's look. It is one of the few not over-the-top sexualized twi'lek costumes I can think of, and that is a breath of fresh air on top of just being a really cool skirt that I would absolutely wear.
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I think that's it for now. Hope to read more of the series this week and will continue to update as I go! I might start posting reactions as I read here? Not sure yet. Sometimes it can be fun but sometimes it can distract from the actual reading xD
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krowbby · 2 months
For the character ask game: Sybil pls because I love her and want to hear your thoughts!
omg yes i love her
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love her! I love that she's powerful and strong in her own way, not in the way that many Badass Women (tm) are just a normal male hero that they gender swapped with no thought. She's also a really interesting character as a member of the nobility in a book series that is largely anti-nobility. She's clearly neurodivergent with her dragon special interest ("And there were requests for donations, and talks, and things that added up to a heart big enough for the whole world, or at least that part of it that had wings and breathed fire."), and has some social difficulties that she manages with scripts (think: writing all those letters to Serafine while getting none back because it's What You Do with Old School Friends) but she's not incompetent in those matters. She seems to be pretty respected in society and she is able to negotiate favorable trade deals with the Low King. She is a soft power in the political sense, but also in the way that she is powerful in the story because of her softness. And of course, it's so nice to read about a woman who is the main character's love interest and is unapologetically fat, does not have a character arc revolving around losing weight, and in fact stays fat and is not made fun of it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Sam! I don't think she would have married anyone else if not for the events of Guards! Guards! I went looking for this quote because it's one of the reasons I relate to/love her: "It was clearly the room of a woman, but one who had cheerfully and without any silly moping been getting on with her life while all that soppy romance stuff had been happening to other people somewhere else, and been jolly grateful that she had her health." Absolutely iconic.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: We don't have many of them but all the interactions we get between Nobby and Sybil are so funny and so good! They're both very earnest people (in their own ways) and I imagine them having afternoon tea especially when Nobby finds out he's well, nobby.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hard to say! I think I generally am pretty aligned with the fandom on here. I guess I'll go with that I've seen some criticism of Pterry's treatment of fatness in his books (especially with Agnes' self-criticism, villains like Cosmo) and while I do think there is some merit to that, the way he writes Sybil and Nanny in particular is such a breath of fresh air to me. There are some "jokes" related to her weight (the classic "her bosom rose and fell like an empire") but I think for the most part they are not mean spirited and there are just as many similar jokes for other body types that it doesn't bother me. However being fat and engaging with media truly sucks sometimes so I would never tell another fat person they don't deserve to feel some type of way about the treatment of a fat character.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would have liked to see more of her as a mom. Even once young Sam is born, I still think most of how we see her is as a wife, not as a mom. It's not totally absent, but I think it would have been cute to see more!
My OTP: Sam/Sybil!
My OT3: I'm not a huge shipper in this fandom, but I will say that the only V/V content I've enjoyed has been with Sybil as a throuple so I'll go with that!
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
So I wasn't going to do this because I don't even have five fics posted yet, but then I decided you know what? Fucking goals, man. So here's the two I've got and the (top) three that I'm working on that should see the light of day this year:
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. fic - Did you like the 2015 Man From UNCLE movie? Did you walk out of that theater going 'what a wild romp? I sure hope it gets a sequel.'
Well we're never getting a sequel, but here's a lovely OT3 fic that I was lucky enough to co-write with the very talented @thischapstickaddict (the bestie with the best outlines). She brings the romance, I bring the punchy action scenes, and together we crafted enough dramatic backstory to hopefully satisfy the 100 other people online who were obsessed with this movie in 2015.
The Garrison Reserve (aka the BBC's Musketeers Cooking AU fic) - Speaking of older fandoms. Are you hungry? Would you like to be hungry? Come be hungry what started as a crack idea but slowly became a thinly veiled excuse for me to talk about food for 64k words and make my case for why D'Artagnan is a manic pixie Florida man (until depression and life circumstances dragged me to a crushing halt at chapter 4/5 with half of chapter 5 written and never posted) (ngl I miss this fic and now that i've got brain waves again it's back on the menu) (as soon as i relearn every side character's name again it's back on the menu) (we also did, in fact, write a real menu for this. those are real recipes)
[Redacted Title] Post Season Three Fic - MY TRIUMPHANT RETURN. It's gonna have all the hits for me: food! crying! backstories for people who didn't get backstories! food as a love language! shameless nerd culture quotes that no one but me will notice! shenanigans! fun group scenes with multiple people talking and being friends! friends who are your family now! If you, a blessed Ted Lasso fan reading this post have somehow stuck it out this far here's your reward - I'm feeling really good about the progress, and I maybe might don't want to jinx it but I might be able to start posting. Soon. Soonish. Like within the month. Previously aforementioned bestie has been getting snippets and I am tentatively excited that it will be up to snuff. This is good news that only you, the patient one who's read this far, now know. Yay for you!
Pavlov's Dog (the Jamie falling asleep 5+1 I've mentioned) - it is going to be a race to see if this one beats [Redacted Title] to the light of day. This one takes an episode coda / deleted scene approach and its fueled by punk and sadness and rage (so mainly The Wonder Years songs with the occasional Mountain Goats lyric thrown in). I was actually making really really good progress on it and then Mom City happened and [Redacted Title] was born.
Now I've got a handful more Ted Lasso fics half-started in the rafters, but the other fic that's likely to get posted this year, the one that I've been just dying to get out there, that one that i'm like a redbull and an ADHD fit away from posting even though no one but me has ever wanted it:
This is my mid-year resolution! These things I have written - people will see them!
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thetavolution · 2 months
OC Meme
Tumblr media
Tagged by: No one.
- Full name: Elyse Drusilla Starling - Gender: Female - Sexuality: Pansexual - Pronouns: She/Her
- Family: -> Father: Dorn Starling: He is Elyse’s human father. He owns the Starling Gem Mines. He’s a selfish man who is hyper focused on his image. He wants his daughter to act in a way that is becoming of him. Looking good in front of his rich friends is more important than his family’s happiness. He’s also trying to climb the political ladder with minimal success. He has been able to throw money at plenty of politicians. He's the one who tried to set up an arranged marriage for Elyse. -> Mother: Althaea Starling: She is Elyse’s high elf mother. She married Dorn for his money and he’s not all that heartbroken about it. She never wanted to be a mother, but it was expected of her. She’s never been maternal to Elyse. She’s controlling and needs everything to fall into place, including Elyse. You could compare her to Lucille Bluth. -Birthplace: Baldur’s Gate - Job: Noble - Phobias: Arachnophobia - Guilty pleasures: She likes to give herself flowers. Why wait for someone else to do it? She is a little embarrassed about it though, so she counts it as a guilty pleasure. Her other guilty pleasures are long luxurious baths, keeping up with gossip among nobility, and indulging in sweets. If she lived in the modern world, she'd be watching so much reality TV, like The Real Housewives of Baldur's Gate. - Hobbies: Archery, hunting, reading, dancing, helping people, picnics, writing letters, adventuring, and doodling
- Alignment: Good Neutral - Sins: Pride, envy, and gossip - Virtues: Courageous, honest, compassionate
T H I S  O R  T H A T
- Introvert / Extrovert - Organized / Disorganized - Close-minded / Open-minded - Calm / Anxious / Restless - Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between - Cautious / Reckless / In between - Patient / Impatient / In between - Outspoken / Reserved / In between - Leader / Follower / Flexible - Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between - Optimist / Pessimist / Realist - Traditional / Modern / In between - Hard-working / Lazy
- OTP: Rolan x Elyse. I just genuinely thought Rolan getting with a noble was funny. It made more sense if she was a runaway noble though and not someone deep in the trenches. Her parents wouldn't approve of him and they can go to hell for it. - Acceptable Ships: I'm open to ship ideas or even Elyse/OC pairings! I think she'd also be good with Wyll or Karlach. - OT3: I don't have any for her. She's a pretty monogamous gal. - Brotp: -> Jaheira — I just feel like they would mesh. Jaheira would constantly make fun of her and Elyse would welcome it. It'd make her feel like a normal person and not a noble. -> Wyll — They just get each other. They grew up in similar circles. Children of privilege, they want to make something of themselves outside of their wealth. They also understand how they were treated by their fellow nobles. - Notp: I can't think of anything, honestly.
tagging: Anyone interested!
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skepsiss · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @strangersteddierthings, I've never even thought about half of these questions, so.... we're gunna go on a journey together. I MISSED SEVERAL QUESTIONS LMAO. LEMME UPDATE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 (I only post like 1/3 of my fics on AO3)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
66,922. I pay such little attention to this kinda stuff xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot... and a lot more than what is listed on my AO3. If we're friends I'll literally just message you a 2k+ fic in a DM for funsies.
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (8)
Overwatch (Video Game) (5)
Teen Wolf (TV) (1)
Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) (1)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Promare (2019) (1)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
DC Comics / Batman (Tim Drake / Kon-El)
Orphan Black
Marvel (Steve/Tony)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Basket Ball Shorts
Roadrat: The Fire that Covered the World
The Comfort of Warmth (Lio/Galo)
Fifty-fifty (Roadhog / Junkrat)
Perspective (Caleb / Essek)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. As soon as I see them I will reply with a thank you or to engage with someone's question/musings/etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Roadrat one. It's been a while since I've read my work, but The Things They Lost is a Roadrat fic where I explored a bunch of like... when Junkrat lost his arm and stuff like that. Brutal, tbh. Next closest is my Alucard (OT3) Castlevania fic where he is BIG SAD about Trevor and Sypha not being there. Nights Spent Alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
UUuhhhuhuhuh..... I mostly write sad shit LOL. Milkshakes has a happy ending. It's a 2 part modern-day Steddie fic about the boys asking each other out on a date over Instagram.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never seen any hate on my fics before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhh, yeah. I do. PWP or With Plot. I like full stories that have smut that BELONGS there, but then we've got just straight-up PWP. That is what Basketball short is tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, never written a crossover. I've written lots of AUs though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Dunno how I'd figure that out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Dunno what that would look like tbh.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie; for right now. My other top 3 are Harley/Ivy, Tim/Kon-El, and Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
NO IDEA. Lol, all my unfinished WIPs are either ones I have no interest in finishing (Roadrat), or ones I can complete faith in being able to finish (Steddie)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speed. I can compose a story very quickly and put it together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never promote myself/share. I'm really bad at sharing my works. Additionally, I'm bad at finishing things before I lose interest.... eep.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uuhh maybe. I def have some Ancient Greek and Latin in my up-coming Robin (Stobin platonic) fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm not sure... maybe Batman (Tim/Jason or Tim/Kon). I RP'd A LOT from ages 13-18 and had like 5-8 rps going at once for a whole bunch of fandoms. (Naruto, OCs in the Star Wars universe, Tim/Kon, and more I can't remember atm).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooohhh, I dunno. I'm bad at picking favourites. Right now I'm pretty proud of my Because I Want You Steddie fic. It's Steve and Eddie as 30-year-olds with kids. They broke up in their 20s and are trying to get back together in their 30s. Eddie has a complete breakdown in it, but Steve is there to tell him that he loves him.
I don't think about this stuff at all xDDD Fic writing is just a pass time for me. This will be the first time EVER in over 18 years of writing fic that I've EVER participated in an exchange/Big Bang. I'll tag @medusapelagia @oh-stars @br0ck-eddie @kallisto-k
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alinaandalion · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @wistfulwatcher :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
82, but a few of those are graphics made for big bang challenges
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Main fandoms would be Leverage and Once Upon a Time. But in terms of recently, just Leverage.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. come up for air - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen 2. (don't let go) just hold me - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen 3. heaven help the ones who fly away - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen 4. every song makes me think of you - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen 5. this is too much for me to hold - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but have been failing to follow through recently just because of...life and fandom still being kind of an uneasy place for me.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
most definitely "death is just so full (and man so small)" for Once Upon a Time. henry dies. it's not a good time for anyone but it was useful for processing some personal grief so there's that. but i do trend angsty overall tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i have a few fics that i would consider to be fluffier but idk, i think "heaven help the ones who fly away" is maybe what i would personally consider my fic with the happiest ending? others may disagree, however. a few different Swan Queen fics would probably qualify
8. Do you get hate on fics?
on occasion, but it mostly rolls off my back because the issues are really with reading comprehension and a refusal to accept more complicated characterization than the fluffiest fandom interpretations.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
most definitely, yes. 2022 was the year of smut for me, actually. but it's always centered in exploring relationships and characters. like, yes, the idea might be centered around a threesome, but also, i'm going to throw in a character coming to terms with their sexuality and two people growing in their relationship.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one true crossover, which is "here to kingdom come" (Leverage crossed over into Hunger Games). i'm actually in the middle of rewriting this one from scratch and really want to build up steam on it because it's going to be a bit of a behemoth but it's also living in my brain 24/7. would love to get part 1 fully written and edited so i can post in 2024.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of. benefits of not being fandom popular :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, the two fics i wrote for the Suits fandom were translated
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i was part of a round robin swan queen collaboration and wrote the epilogue for it. (was supposed to do a chapter earlier in the fic but dropped out due to life things and was able to tap back in for the last bit. it was pretty fun) the fic was "Bring Her Home" - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
this is hard because the ones that stand the test of time are all my favorites. i think top three are swan queen (once upon a time), nate/sophie (leverage), and tara/sophie (leverage). also, special mentions for the leverage ot3 and dragon queen. also my beloveds
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the sequel to "but i leave in my heart." not because i don't have anything written (10k last i checked) and not for a lack of desire tbh. but after everything, i still recoil when i actually try to engage with any swan queen fic ideas (or once upon a time at all) due to fandom bullshit and idk if that will ever go away. which is deeply frustrating.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think dialogue and general characterization? i don't like to write fic until i feel like i've grasped the rhythms of a character in my head first
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
actually sitting down to write is always going to be one. and the other is setting descriptions. i think it's because i'm so hopeless at mentally placing myself in a physical space. i'm trying to work on it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
so, one thing i try to keep in consideration is that i don't speak anything other than English nor can i read any languages other than English beyond being able to pick up on some things due to context clues or my vaguely remembered high school Spanish courses. so i would need to feel comfortable that i was sure that i had translated everything properly. which means, other than small phrases i've gleaned from books or terms of affection, i probably won't bother for fic unless i feel very strongly that it's relevant to the character and that story. and then i would run it by someone who could give me real feedback on it if possible. like most things, the question always comes down to: does this fit the character and the situation and is it the only approach that will work?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
animated justice league series. shipped batman and wonder woman so hard in that show.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
i have a hard time picking favorites since most of my fics are written to fulfill what i want to see. i have three because they all fulfilled very specific niches for me. 1. but i leave in my heart - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen (this fic will always be very special to me because i was so let down by the show's split queen storyline and i found most fics around it to be too driven by regina's relationship with emma rather than regina's character journey) 2. come up for air - Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen (i wanted a fic to address hook's involvement in regina's torture in s2 and since there wasn't one, i wrote it) 3. let's get physical - Leverage; Nate/Sophie and Nate/Sophie/Vlad (there was literally only one other fic about this specific pairing and i had been wanting to write one for it since i first saw that episode when it aired and i finally got around to indulging myself)
tagging: @deemnfic, @cminerva, @reflectingiridescent, @strangesmallbard, and anyone else who wants to answer :)
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shinwhoohoo · 1 year
I'm sorry. Because English is not my native language, maybe my words look rude in English? But I really didn't mean to criticize you. I just think your reasoning is a little over-reliable on A3. I've read a lot of your articles and found it's a very meaningful discussion.I've seen a lot of negative comments of Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they're very short, just tag attacks. Leave one selfish and the betrayal will be over. I have seen many comments attacking Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they are all very short, just say "selfish", "betrayal", "they framed A3" and it's over.
But you explained your reasoning in detail. Because of A3's reaction, you think Jinyoung and Baro must have done something wrong to them, especially Jinyoung. In fact, reading your article made me gain a lot, and I think it is good to be able to look at the matter from a different perspective. So it's really interesting to see, I've seen the data for about 2020, and I started my reading from the data of 2023. I'm going to watch it all! Because the content is abundant!! It's rare to see such a serious discussion.
I think there are often things in life where both parties feel that they are the wronged party, and both parties feel that they are the right party. In fact, JY also shed tears on his FM in 2019, and he also mentioned that there are many misunderstandings and criticisms of him. So I think Jinyoung also feels hurt. People on both sides feel hurt, and we cannot judge which side is at fault just based on who cries harder and who reacts more violently.
When it comes to work, A3 seems to be viewed their efforts entirely from the perspective of fan service, but in fact, B1A4's success and failure are objectively related to their earnings. In fact, there are many efforts that are no different from those of us who work for ourselves. But when it comes to JY's hard work, it seems that what he does is ALL about personal gain. That's why I would say in your eyes, A3 seems really is very kind, and JY is a completely selfish person.
I think all five of them have a side that cares about fans, but they also have a selfish side. If you really want to try to guess what happened, you have to put aside your love for them and deliberate like someone who doesn't know them at all, in order to get a more objective answer. This is my opinion.
If my words offend you again, I'd like to apologize first.But because my English is not good enough, I'm afraid I'll make the same mistake. I hope I don't do that this time.
#B1A4 # Jinyoung #CNU #Sandeul #Baro #Gongchan #OT5 #OT3 #WM #BB #RBW #5 of them are ordinary people
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Like I said before, I no longer have any desire to comment on this particular subject as it’s been something I have already addressed over and over and over again these last 5 years. I have moved on, all the boys have moved on, and I think the best thing is for the rest of the fandom to move on.
We will all have our own thoughts about it, based on what we saw happen and what the boys have said on it. And I can respect that you have your opinions, just as I have mine.
Take care, and I hope you can get to a point where you feel at peace with the situation and can support all five of them as they continue in their careers.
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willowcatkinblossom · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @bbcphile and @extraordinarilyextreme (thank you both so much for tagging me!!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Can't believe it's 44?? O . O (but I think I wrote most of them between 2018 and 2019)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mysterious Lotus Casebook recently :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Haha I'm going to skip this question actually
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I always reply at least once. I'm not the best at coming up with interesting things to say, but I'm always so grateful for comments. Just hearing that someone read through a story that I wrote and felt something from my words means a lot.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Maybe wishes are hopes we want other people to listen to. I've written a couple fics with intentionally sad endings, and I've always found them so much easier than happy endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The White Umbrella has a really nice ending! It's my ghost story for Guardian if anyone still remembers it :D Also this is somehow the only fic of mine that has been read by a lot of people and still doesn't have any subscriptions haha. Not that subscriptions are a sign of anything really, because I randomly subscribe/forget to unsubscribe after reading fics too. But I think this one really had a good ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I've been in really nice fandoms so far though :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ahh no, I'm just not very interested somehow. I'm not sure I'd be able to anyway
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written one before! I've done some where the premise is based off a different source material though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh, I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! Literally so honored that people have translated some of my fics T^T
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, @bluewindfall and I wrote a collab a while back...and we haven't finished it. I think I might be a bad writing partner though. The stars have to align for me to be able to write, and it's like not conducive to communicating with my partner. I, for some reason, cannot write knowing most of the plot beforehand, and that makes it really hard for us to plan anything.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmm this is a hard question. Maybe Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan? But it might also be Wang Lu and Hai Yunfan. And lately the MLC OT3 is all I think about. It's hard to choose one.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
*falls on the ground and coughs blood* ughh there's a few Guardian ones that I still think about, but I think it would be hard since it was a while ago, and what I care about as a writer is a little different now. Also all of my Lingjianshan WIPs ahhhhh it's hard to tell since I've only posted a really short fic, but I've written over 10 different versions of this one WIP.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ooh so I get told now and then that my writing has nice vibes ✨ haha, but yeah a lot of people have said that my writing has a nice atmosphere or like a melancholy feel to it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with writing things that are concrete, and I have trouble with scenes that are very present and involved, like fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't really have any strong feelings on this. I usually try not to go overboard with honorifics or terms that are not obvious, like I never use footnotes or anything to tell people definitions because I think it's a little less accessible. I do use honorifics sometimes, but I try to keep those to ones that are well known (idk like shifu) or ones that you can infer from the rest of the sentence. It's kind of hard sometimes though, especially when your fandom is really tiny and you can't translate something ('you' as in me because I can't translate anything)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Guardian :) I think Guardian will always be special to me.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Ahh right now it's probably my post-canon MLC fic: far from the shore since it hasn't been that long since I finished it. It's embarrassing to admit, but I'm still at that stage where I refresh it daily. But I'm mostly just happy with it because it feels like something that only I could have written.
I'll tag @bluewindfall, @bocje-ce-ustu, @kickassfu, @purplemagpie, @wuxia-vanlifer, @omgpurplefattie, and anyone else who wants to do it :D (sorry for tagging you even if you haven't heard from me in ages)
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vvvrrroooomm · 1 year
Home Sweet Home
After multiple fights and struggles (especially with taking care of the Bard King and his stupid college) Roman, Youngblood and Noise head back to Reston.
~ If you have any hurt or fluff prompts for Roman of Reston/Roman Sanders - because I project onto them - feel free to submit them to me! I'm a multishipper for a handful of things so you can send that stuff to me. Just no NSFW I'm a minor.
~ Sorry this took so long to get this out, I've had the idea and its been sitting half finished for a week and a half but stuff got really stressful and I felt like my writing and art skills were absolutley terrible and I didn't want to touch any of my fanfic our half finished art pieces in fear of ruining them. Anyways, be ready for some smack-you-in-the-face, hardcore angst because I need a way to get my pent up emotions out so the Romeo and Juliet style fic is going to hurt a LOT more than any of you could ever guess.
But thanks for your response on my posts, and I really am so grateful you all enjoy my fics even if I can't finish them sometimes. Whether its due to brain dropping fandoms and picking up new ones and shaking them aggressively to get as much serotonin as possible or I just don't feel like writing, you all seem to keep reading. So thank you so much, and enjoy some fluff from my favorite OT3.
Roman brushes his hand through the wheat, occasionally rubbing at the gauze pads on his cheek and sholder, as gold light settles over his shoulders and creates elongated shadows of he, Noise and Youngblood. He takes long strides through the straight-shot path, excitedly explaining to Noise how delightful Reston is and how sure he is about how the people will love him.
"The food is great, the people are great and you're great!" He explains, "It all balances out."
"Roman, you really need to cut it out with the compliments." Noise insists, waving his hand at him, but that doesn't stop him.
"How could I stop, you really are great, you're both great!"  Roman walks backwards, and gestures to Noise and Youngblood who are both blushing and have been for the last twenty minutes. Roman has been going on and on about how excited he is to return home, excitedly but also nervously rambling about telling the stories they have all gained from the adventure. He isn't exactly sure how to explain some of the gorey or darker details that are extremely important to include, but not the most comfortable to explain in the story. He also isn't sure how to explain that hes dating two people at once. Roman mindlessly rambles, slowly becoming incoherent.
"How-" Youngblood wavers, "how about we save the story for tomorrow? When we get to Reston, it's gonna be late. We'll try to mellow out the darker stuff, and when we're all ready we'll take about our relationship?"
"That sounds good," Roman affirms, "sorry, I'm just trying to map everything out in my head."
"You're okay, we both understand why you're nervous." Noise assures, "Just keep telling me about Reston. Do you have anymore stories?"
"No, not really," Roman says, "my childhood wasn't that exciting."
"Really? You barely told us five stories." Noise asks.
"Sure I have more, but those were the good ones." Roman explains, "The rest are boring."
"They can't be that boring." Noise gives a chuckle under his breath, not being able to imagine someone as rambunctious and unaware as Roman having an uneventful childhood.
"They are." Roman assures, "I didn't really have any friends, and my dad and aunt patty were usually busy so I spent most days in my room or out helping villagers."
"Does everyone in your village know you?" Noise asks, sarcastically.
"Yeah, actually." Roman says, completely missing Noises' sarcasm, "There aren't a lot of us, and my dad and Aunt Patty are the town protectors, so of course they know me." He explains, "I would go around helping everyone and keeping them company to avoid being bored out of my mind. Playing in the yard gets boring after a while."
"Thats why you started doing art, right?" Youngblood asks.
"Yeah, but with no real inspiration, I would wander around town and draw inspiration from that." Roman says, "Go look at the other kids playing, Burgundy making bread, Dorian would tell me stories, Samuel was really good at pointing out locations he thought I would enjoy drawing."
"You never joined the other kids?" Noise asks.
"Tried, we just didn't click." Roman gestures his hand around and they bounce together we he finishes his sentence.
Noise decides that maybe there's more to that story that Roman doesn't really dig into. Which is not good for him in the slightest, but right now hes blissful and happy. He supposes that's a conversion for another day.
Roman continues to ramble about Reston and such as he guides them down the path, even though there isn't much guiding to be done. Soon enough, the tall wooden sign labelling the town comes into view and Roman excitedly rushes forward, leaving Youngblood and Noise in the dust. The two of them pick up the pace to keep close, but don't bother running. All of their feet hurt and they ran out of water an hour ago.
Roman easily makes it to the front of town before the two of them and rocks back and forth on his heels as he waits for them. The southern edge of Reston is relatively empty, especially during the evening, besides Fast Timmy, Mel and Hendersons' wrecked barn that seems to be fixed back up. Roman keeps taking in breaths to smell the familiar scent of Burgundy Reds Breads and is just vibrating with excitement. He is painstakingly talking to Noise about last minute stuff about Reston before hes nearly knocked off his feet by a blue lightning whirl that seemingly comes out of nowhere.
"Oh- my goodness!" Noise reaches out to catch him, but Roman quickly steadies himself with his arms stretched out. He looks down, and sees exactly what he expects. Fast Timmy has wrapped himself around Romans' legs and doesn't seem like he intends on letting go.
Youngbloods face drops slightly, but is aware that they left on okay-ish terms with Fast Timmy and his gang.
"Hey buddy." Roman says, patting his newsboy cap.
"You were gone for far too long." Fast Timmy hastens to remark, looking up at Roman.
"Yes, yes." Roman scoffs, "Say, where are the other two?"
"They're probably catching up." Fast Timmy says before catching sight of Noise, who is awkwardly lingering behind Youngblood.
"Who's that?" He asks, letting go of Roman to edge closer.
"That is my new friend Noise," Roman explains, "I met them while me and Youngblood were out adventuring."
"Cool." Fast Timmy edges closer to Noise as Mel and Henderson come barreling around the barn, both smacking into Roman and Youngblood.
"Hello, Henderson!" Roman says, apparently not ready for the second of many rounds of excited hugging. Mel seems unusually chipper and immediately asks Youngblood, the only one she knows is magical, about any potions or magic they learned about on their trip.
"I got a potion set," She says, "I'm just curious." Her face is twisted into a mischievous grin which definitely means they, most likely, already have something planned with Mels' newfound power.
Henderson is also asking a load of questions regarding their journey, and so is Fast Timmy who is surprisingly interested in Noise with his horns and batton and clothes.
"I promise I'll answer all your questions when I can," Roman assures, crouched so he can be on the same level as Henderson, "but for now I'm looking for my dad. You got any idea where he is?"
"He's probably near the center of town if hes not at your house." Henderson says, "Can we walk with you guys? Can I walk with you guys?"
"I don't see why not?" Roman ruffles Henderson's hair before he stands up and motions to Youngblood and Noise that they should keep walking. They do so, and Mel and Fast Timmy tag along and continue to ask boat-loads of questions.
As they approach the front of town, there are more buildings and maybe two people. Reston is very accustomed to going to bed early. Though, the two people they do walk past give them a glance at Roman and scurry away. Roman pays no attention to it, but both Youngblood and Noise can't help but feel a very slight sting of anger in the back of their heads at how they seemed almost weary of Roman. They both push away the thought as they focus back on the manogarie of questions the kids are asking them.
"What was it like? Outside of Reston?" Henderson asks.
"Very different." Roman says, "Some places are a lot like Reston, but some are the complete opposite. Stuff I couldn't even imagine."
"Like what?"
"Well, what's the most unbelievable thing you can imagine?" Roman asks.
"Uhm..." Henderson pauses to think, "Someone with... wings." He drawls.
"Seen it." Roman says, feelings like the most knowledgable person in the world for a moment.
"Really?!" Hendersons' face lights up.
"Yep," I promise I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."
"You promise?" Henderson asks.
Behind them Noise is slowly answering Fast Timmys' questions, who seems deeply intrigued in Noise and their look.
Roman has begun talking to Youngblood as Henderson and Mel hang around them, and none of them even notice the distant clanking of heavy armour. It's only Noise that notices it, but doesn't get to say anything before Roman is, again, nearly knocked over (yet again out of the blue). Roman freezes for a moment and blinks before chuckling, and clearing his throat to push out the sound of fatigue in his voice. 
"Hey, dad." He says, smiling and hugging the man dressed in scuffed, silver armour back. Somehow, this is the first time he has ever made it to him before Aunt Patty, even though shes merely two seconds behind. She also joins them and Roman breathes out an exasperated laugh, "Aunt Patty you're going to crush me."
"Just one more second, Deary." She says, holding Roman and Ryker as close as humanly possible. Eventually, though, she lets go and Roman regains his breath as Noise and Youngblood attempt to stifle their chuckles. "Sorry, I have to make up for lost time."
"You can make up for lost time soon, Patty." Ryker says, "Let him sit down before you crush him."
"Sorry, sorry, it just feels so good to know you're back." Aunt Patty ruffles Romans' hair before looking back at Youngblood and Noise, "Good to see you too, Youngblood. And Roman, who is this new friend you've brought with you?"
"Oh, that's Noise. He's an old friend of Youngbloods'." Roman explains.
"Oh, how delightful!" Aunt Patty says, promptly walking over to shake Noises' hand, "Very nice to meet you, dear."
"Nice to meet you, too, I have heard much about you and Romans' father." Noise shakes Aunt Pattys' hand, trying to come off as well-going as possible.
While Noise and Youngblood are being bombarded by Aunt Patty, Ryker is cautiously looking Roman over. He stretches his arm out and rubs his thumb over the gauze pad on Romans’ cheek,
”What happened? Are you okay?” Ryker asks, “That’s quite a large bandage, and you’ve got an even bigger one on your shoulder.”
”Just a little fight, between the three of us we handled it quite well.” Roman assures, “It’s just a cut, and the one on my shoulder is just a small burn.”
”Burn? Someone burned you?” Ryker narrows his eyes as his posture striaghtens.
”Yes, but I’m okay.” Roman hastens to say as he pulls his fathers hand away, “Youngblood healed it up for the most part. And, hey, we’ll match.” Roman waves his hand up at the gauze on his cheek.
Ryker chuckles, but the worry lingers on his voice. Roman doesn't even know how he's going to explain the multiple times he almost died and/or bawled his eyes out.
"How'd you find out we were here?" Roman glances around to see if someone is looking on.
"Two villagers caught sight of you and came to us." Ryker explains, "Thankfully, I was a few steps ahead of your Aunt, so I was able to get a good hug in before she blocked you off."
Roman laughs and looks around, rolling back on his heels, taking in the candle-lit street lights and smell of fresh baked bread and a feeling of security and comfort washes over him. Sure, some of the other towns he visited were similar to Reston. Some places were fancier or more advanced. Some places were more exciting and bustling with people. But, nothing,
absolutley nothing
could compare to Reston.
"Feels great to be home." He says.
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unloneliest · 2 years
🗂️ please??
hello! thank you for the ask & the chance to ramble about leverage!!! i hope you're cool with a long answer because good lord, this got very long.
the random headcanon: if the ot3 ends up parent figures to kids who would want to call them dad/mom/etc, i think eliot would be mom, not dad.
my reasoning: i've thought a lot about eliot (<-understatement) and one of the things that makes me SO emo about him & someting that's like, essential to my understanding of him is that i think the team is the first time he's able to safely be his full self in community with others. (this is a simplified version of my take on the team which i would LOVE to elaborate on some time but could write an entire separate essay about and isn't the point right now). i'm talking about this specifically in relation to his queerness, but i've viewed eliot as autistic since reading this meta & that's another angle i could go at all this from, too.
ANYWAYS if we go backwards chronologically from the start of the team, eliot was previously known to be a lone wolf (as they all were) and before that he was working for moreau - and whatever you think happened there, there's no way you could describe that situation as safe. before that, he was in the military, & that would not have been a safe situation for him to be out about his queerness.
take a step further back in time, and we arrive at his life Before. we know eliot was disowned the night before he left home for bootcamp in an argument with his father. i am 100% convinced that he was disowned because he came out, either on purpose (causing the argument) or on accident (in the heat of the argument, which is what escalated it to a disownment). and that was when he was 18, and he never even tried going back - there's no way that the home & town eliot grew up in was safe to queerness, and i think he saw joining the military as his only way to get out. (i could also write an entire essay about my thoughts on this. i love him your honor).
all this is just backstory to reach my point of - i don't think eliot was able to safely be his full self before the team so i have no idea how he'd label his sexuality, and i also don't think that gender would've been on his radar at all. i don't think that the possibility of exploring his gender would've been anywhere near eliot's radar. but i do think eliot has Gender going on. i think that he's very conscious of the ways he performs heterosexual man as a gender, and that it's something he does on purpose to stay safe/unnoticed.
how on earth is this all one topic? well. i think if the ot3 ends up parent figures to kids, it would be nebulously some time after the series finale. (i haven't watched redemption yet, that doesn't factor into my thoughts at all, this is a disclaimer). i also think vaguely after s5 is the point in time where eliot might start beginning to stop performing the heterosexual man gender on purpose, in a way that he never has before. it's something he performed with intention, and i think he'd be stopping the performance with intention. i think it would be healing for him, and it's something i want for him very badly.
and it's why i think he'd never in a million years be dad to a kid. both for gender reasons and because of how his own dad was. i think eliot would be mom, or ma, and i love him, and believe it or not this post is me trying my absolute damndest to be brief.
send me a “📂“ for a random headcanon
postscript: there's two ideas i have that i couldn't fit into this smoothly but that feel very relevant.
eliot and sophie's friendship is something that already means SO much to me - it feels like they both found somebody that they had lost and were missing in one another. it makes me so SO so emo they're family. they're family. and i think sophie's a trans woman and thinking about her and eliot's connection thru the lens of them BOTH being gendery makes me like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
we don't know a lot about eliot's family but he's implied the existence of siblings and he opened up a bit about his dad in the low low price job. but we never, not EVER, hear a single thing about his mom. and i think it's because the hurt is worse. i think she died before he was a teenager. i think she died when he was around molly thecarnivaljob's age. and i think she died of cancer because of how his voice sounds when he's rummaging through cars in the future job & says there's a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on the mirror. thank you for coming to my bonus ted talk.
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