#but if i have to choose between the two its Tumblr <3
atanx · 5 months
Since I've been replaying Subnautica recently, I've been thinking more about Below Zero.
From what I've seen, people tend to give Below Zero more shit than I think it deserves. Now, out of the two games I would very much say that Subnautica is my favourite, but I think comparing the two games is a bad idea in general because of how fundamentally different they are.
The premise of Subnautica is that you're a janitor whose spaceship crashed on an alien planet, leaving you as the only survivor when you wake up 8 hours after the crash. You aren't prepared for this. You're all alone. And you have been infected by a bakteria with a killcount in the billions. You know nothing at all about this world. This sets up real terror, helplessness and the knowledge that even if someone were coming to save you, they would experience the same fate as the rest of your ship's crew. You're not stranded on 4546B BY CHOICE.
Below Zero however, is drastically different. You have gone to great lengths to willingly smuggle yourself onto the planet to find out just what happened to your sister to cause her death. You come very much prepared and you're more than willing to face all the risks. You can also theoretically leave at any point. All you'd have to do is show yourself to Alterra and they would probably escort you to a prison themselves. You do not get infected. You are also not alone.
This willingness and initiative in Below Zero is a huge detractor from the terror of it all. And it is why I think a comparison is unfair.
(Also, you have a Truck. In Below Zero. And Truck-kun is there, ready to deal massive damage for you! Honestly I think it's way too OP. Fucking Shadow Leviathans become nothing more than a NUISANCE. But well, it fits with the theme of the game.)
All in all, Below Zero had nice environments, nice creatures, nice gameplay, a better base building system and some pretty intruiging storylines!
In my opinion, the endgame is pretty lacklustre. Any terror I felt regarding leviathans or the like abated very quickly, even though I have barely 30h in Below Zero. Meanwhile, going to the Aurora in Subnautica still scares the shit out of me 80h in.
Although I have to mention here that some of the familiarity you build up in Subnautica carries over. You can never get the same experience as playing Subnautica for the first time ever again. Because now you've already experienced it once.
Below Zero isn't really a worse game for not being able to do this, though. It's a good game, it's just... not as memorable. Because Subnautica is truly special. From its stellar soundtrack to its satisfying gameplay and moving story and setting, Subnautica is a fucking masterpiece. Sure, it has its flaws, but they're more charming than detracting. To me.
And it's unfair to expect anything else to deliver the same experience. Because nothing can.
And when comparing Below Zero to Subnautica, so many cool things lose their shine in its shadow. I still vividly remember jamming out in the seatruck to Diving In Too Deep from Nerdout. The story of that one old wreck that managed to survive by distracting the big gun was some really good writing. The frozen leviathan terrified me so hard even though I knew it wasn't going to come alive. Robin and Al-An's conversations are genuinely interesting an entertaining. The kelp area is really cool and the oxygen flowers are such a good gameplay change! Sam's storyline hit me right in the feels! MARGUERIT. The ice worm hit me straight off of my snowfox and down a cliff so I had to run the rest of the way. The research crew are also lovely characters!
There are a lot of things to love about Below Zero and we shouldn't let them pale by judging the game with standards Subnautica lifted to the fucking moon <3
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doberbutts · 7 months
I was typing a big long thing about the changes I've experienced in a year on testosterone and how it's affected me and all that and then tumblr ate it and I really don't feel like retyping that whole thing but I am kinda salty about it so tldr:
Starting testosterone has been the best thing for my health that I've done. Ever. Better than getting a service dog. Better than restructuring my life to cater to my disabilities. Better than any procedure or medication or otherwise that I've tried. Simply rubbing a pack of gel on my arm once a day has done more for me than anything else.
When I went to my endo to start T, I went with a suspicion that I am intersex. She confirmed it via blood test and told me that with my variation I could try two different things: estrogen to control my high levels of natural androgens, or testosterone to lower my estrogen further and make it stop arguing with my androgens about whether I'm supposed to be a boy or a girl, as it's that argument that was causing a significant portion of my health problems. Estrogen has been tried in the past and only made things worse. She told me it was my choice, and only I could choose my path forward, as I knew my body the best.
When TERFs have a fit about gender affirming care, they usually leave out people like me, or they brush my story aside by saying that I'm just an anomaly, or they claim for me and my demographic that we don't want to be part of this discussion. But I don't fit their definition of a woman- I have a testicle, and my natural testosterone was within normal range on the low end for a cisgender, perisex man, and enough male sexual partners have commented on what's in my pants to tell me that it's far from the picturesque womanly pussy, especially considering I can- and have- use it to penetrate with the help of devices designed for cis men who are a little lacking in length.
When TERFs have a fit about gender affirming care, they scaremonger about side effects and changes. But, I was already hairy. I was already growing facial hair. I already had atrophied- and by 30 to the point that it's not really possible to fix without significant medical intervention. I was already infertile. I already had an adam's apple and a deep voice. I already had belly fat and blood pressure problems. My menstrual cycle was already hellish and had interfered with my school and work schedules. A popped ovarian cyst sent me to the ER.
I'd tried no treatment. I'd tried estrogen-based solutions. These not only did not work but actively made things worse. I was fainting at school. I was calling out of work. I couldn't drive without my service dog. I couldn't go out and have fun with my friends. I spent days at a time laying in bed in too much pain to move.
TERFs say, gender affirming care turns you into a forever patient.
I already was one of those. I almost died when I was a baby strictly because of lack of access to care that accepts children who are born who are both and also neither from the womb, before anyone has a chance to develop a personality or understand the difference between a boy and a girl.
Testosterone has turned me into a "once every 3 months" patient instead of a "twice a month minimum" patient. I pay less than $15/month for my prescription and it's mailed to my house in three-month increments. Stopping my wildly irregular and incredibly painful menstrual cycle has increased my quality of life so much. My body doesn't ache for no reason anymore. I don't faint anymore. I can go out and do things and not be punished for it for days on end by fevers and chills and vertigo.
Don't let a handful of transphobic assholes scare you. If this is your way forward, then live your life to its fullest.
My only regret is that I didn't have the chance to do this sooner.
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hungerofhadarr · 5 months
After screenshotting my original 1:27 am rant just for safekeeping and returning to this line of thought, I think I would like to swing this bat at a hornets nest . And I shall call it ;
BG3 And Polyamory, AKA The Discourse From The Eyes Of The Polyamorous
Hi, I am now disclosing the polyamorous part of my queer identity to the internet. Yay! Remember, I am only one polyamorous person on this website and I am not the spokesperson. This is just my own opinion and my own feelings with how both the game and the fandom seem to be handling the inclusion of polyamorous relationships and characters.
And in my humble opinion: Yikes !
This should be no surprise, but the polyamorous rep in bg3 isn’t … really good . It’s there, sure, and maybe I’m the fool for expecting it to be good when it really is the first time I have ever really heard of a game having an actual polyamorous option. Like on purpose. But with how much bg3 was hyped up as being super inclusive and completely different from all other games in the genre, I had hoped that it would take a good approach to polyamorous people and relationships.
Suffice to say, it fell flat once I actually looked into it.
The companions listed as open for an open/poly relationship are Astarion, Shadowheart, Minthara, and Halsin . What’s wrong with that?
3/4 of these characters already feel like they lean into the conservative fear of polyamory . Three of them are the ‘ evil ‘ members of your party . While ( besides Halsin, but we’ll get to that ) the rest of the ‘ good ‘ character are all monogamous. Growing up in a conservative home, in a conservative province, discussions of the idea of polyamory always came back to the same argument. That only the strange and amoral would do it. Only people who can’t be trusted and don’t actually care about you want to be in a polygamous relationship. And sadly, that is what I see echoed in the choices of who is and isn’t polyamorous.
I romanced Wyll in my first playthru. I had always planned to romance Wyll, actually, since I first saw his design when I first learned of bg3 during its early access days. When I met Halsin next, and chose the options to flirt with him, I thought that a polyamorous relationship between my Tav, Wyll, and Halsin would be cute. I had hoped it would work. I had already seen plenty of Astarion and Halsin and Tav art and gifsets and every other piece of fan content floating around . I had hoped that maybe that bit I read about who is and isn’t open for polyamory was outdated, and I could have this relationship play out in my little playthru .
Of course, it came down to having to choose. And I shrugged it off, at first. Sure, Larian didn’t make Wyll polyamorous for whatever reason. It is the first game that has polyamorous options, and I can just continue the game but have that polyamorous relationship in my head as my canon for my character. That’s fine, that’s what I’ve done before. It can’t be different now, right?
But then, I looked online, opened Tumblr, wondering what other people would say. Not thinking that it would be a big debate about if it is or is not okay to pair certain characters in an ot3 or not.
Wyll can’t be polyamorous, because knightly tales of courting and the mere act of courting is strictly monogamous. Pairing him in an polyamorous relationship is fundamentally misunderstanding the character and you’ve missed the point of him if you do that. It’s wrong to want that, wrong to think about it. The game has polyamorous options, be happy with what you have.
And so, I felt guilty. Larian already set up this dichotomy between their good leaning characters having the normal and good monogamous relationship and the evil leaning characters having the strange and perverse polyamorous relationship. But then, to see that the mere act of pairing your own character with two characters because you think it’s cute, is now being looked down upon so heavily and being seen as a “ fundamental misunderstanding of the characters “. And to have those ideas an opinions suddenly become the most agreed and accepted stance on the topic? How was I supposed to feel anything other than shame. Like I had been enjoying the game wrong, in a backward way.
If Wyll was polyamorous, you do know his approach to love wouldn’t change, right? Same with Gale. Same with Karlach. Same with Lae’zel. None of them would suddenly have to have completely different approaches to love and how they want to show it and how they want to go about it. Wyll can still be replicating the courting, the dancing, the slow burn that he always heard about in bards tales and he could still be polyamorous. There’s this idea that polyamorous love is only able to be expressed in very specific, very narrow ways. That miss the point of what love is.
People don’t act like this with the polyamorous companions, I’ve noticed. You aren’t suddenly bad and misunderstanding the story of Astarion or Shadowheart or Minthara or Halsin for having a strict two person relationship with them, and not expanding into the idea of those characters taking on another partner at some point. If you have Astarion in a strict monogamous relationship, no one says anything. But saying that you have a Tav who’s dating both Karlach and Gale? People are going to talk about you. They’re going to make vague posts. They’re going to talk about how it is Impossible for those characters to Ever be comfortable in a polyamorous relationship and how it is Wrong to protray them as happy in one.
I didn’t think people forgot that the stereotype of monogamy = good and polyamory = bad is still alive and well, but it seems that when it comes to the funny dungeons and dragons video game, it’s okay to prop that stereotype up and get mad when that is possibly challenged.
Now, what about Halsin? He’s a strictly good companion. He cannot fall under the pervious argument, so is he an exception?
No. It’s worse.
Halsin being polyamorous stems in racism. Wood Elves are all described as being polyamorous, and that they do not understand jealousy. And that they do not ever settle with any of their partners. And that the relationships they have are seen as “ doomed to fail “ . This is a stereotype. Commonly associated with indigenous people. That we cannot hold a ‘ proper ‘ relationship and that we always sleep around . We didn’t fit the white model of what a (white) family and a (white) relationship should look like, so the stereotypes and misconceptions started. And, unsurprisingly, ended up as another bit of dnd racism and bioessentialism.
Halsin doesn’t uphold the pervious argument at all, but he shows another part of the discussion that I don’ t think anyone really thought of. The racism stereotypes didn’t vanish when Larian made BG3, they’re all still there. You still have good races and evil races. You still have all the dnd bioessentialism that everyone was so keen to say was gone or just pretended it wasn’t there anymore.
And Halsin is an example of those stereotypes that people are still feeding. So much content with him in it narrows him down to ‘ Big Elf that Fucks and is Horny ‘ or ‘ Big Elf that can be Sexualized no matter What he Does ‘ and it is because Larian didn’t remove the stereotypes in the first place , and fandom doesn’t care enough to take a step back for a second to realize they’re playing into them.
Am I saying you shouldn’t have an ingame polycule with the characters available? No. If it’s cute, and you like it , and it makes sense with the story you’re making for your character, and literally just because you can, go for it! But for the love of god, can we be a bit more careful with how we treat the concept of polyamorous relationships and how we talk about them? Polyamory isn’t just a fandom thing with your ot3s, it’s a real life thing. And we can see how you treat people just having fun with their characters. You understand that, once you get that torn up over the act of making three characters hold hands, it becomes a little bit hard to forget that that is the attitude you hold towards the concept of polyamory when it doesn’t fit the molds you’ve subscribed to.
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belit0 · 11 months
So this is my first request ever on tumblr, so I hope this makes sense and is coherent! But I really love your writing so much and am happy to have discovered you today!<33
But to my request, could I maybe ask for a Yandere Itachi and Shisui with a fem!Reader? Like, both of them having an extremely obsessive crush on her at the same time, type of deal. Whether they get along during this or not is up to you, including if you want it to be nsfw or not. I just really want to see more Yandere content of the two together and your writing style is just perfect for it.
I hope this is alright and makes sense to you!<3
-bunni Anon
Hi!!!!! I'm so honored to be your first request!! Welcome to this beautiful hell hole, where it's impossible to escape 🤠
I hope you get a positive experience out of this one, and feel motivated to leave more requests in the future!💕🤗💫
Sooo, with no further a do, here's your piece!
TW: kidnapping, Yandere!Shisui Yandere!Itachi, alcohol Pairing: Uchiha Shisui / Reader - Uchiha Itachi / Reader
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"There's no way she'll choose you, you know."
"Why would you say that?"
"Just look at you, Itachi. You're not competing against an ordinary ninja, you're up against the Uchiha prodigy personified. Do you really think she would choose you over me? Come on!"
"There comes great pride in your words, but little clarity in your movements. I have not seen you make a single gesture to get her to notice you, other than grinning like an idiot when she walks past you. Sit back and relax, she'll be mine soon enough."
"We'll see."
Thus began the personal challenge between the two men, deciding to fight over who would conquer (Y/N) first.
Knowing both men's personalities and determination, it would not be a fair battle, both greedy to be the winner and finally claim the woman they desired so much.
Their challenge began quietly, with small gestures that seemed casual and spontaneous. Itachi chose to study (Y/N)'s schedule thoroughly, knowing exactly where and when she would be, what streets she would take to get to and from her usual destinations, what hours she would use as free time to relax and meet up with friends.
He would show up feigning surprise, crossing paths with her by chance as if their paths met by fate, and not by his obsession. Still, he never had the courage to invite her to do anything on the spot or later. He would always see her, greet her, and continue on his way, blithely believing he would remain in her mind all day.
Meanwhile, Shisui would take a more aggressive approach. He became involved in all of her personal activities, both work and hobbies, infiltrating all of her environments without leaving her space. Whatever activity she had, he would be there, trying to do it alongside or be part of her team. At the end of each day, he would ask her out for a drink, or a snack, or go home for a chat, only to be turned down time and time again.
"How's progress, Tachi?"
"Slow. Yours?"
"Getting somewhere, we could say..."
"We know that's a lie. You still have time to give up, you know?"
"Over my dead body, dude. We both know I'll be the winner."
"As you say. Just sip."
The two would get together to drink and chat about their challenge, for regardless of the ferocity with which they lusted after (Y/N), an unbreakable bond continued to exist between them.
What Shisui never noticed, in his relaxation towards his best friend, was that the other wasn't ingesting his drink at all. Every time they emptied a new glass, Itachi would throw its contents over his shoulder, pretending to drink at the same pace as him.
Quickly, Shisui found himself inebriated, while Itachi continued to be in a perfect state.
That same night, after countless bottles and gulps of sake, Shisui made up his mind. He would go to (Y/N)'s door, confess his love, win the damn challenge, and keep the wonderful prize. Never mind his blurred vision and confused thoughts, he knew she was as much in love with him as he was with her, it was mutual. (Y/N) was just having trouble acknowledging her feelings.
He didn't even bother knocking on the door, entering the living room with unsteady steps and staggering in all directions. His breath reeked of alcohol, but he could only think of her.
"(Y/N)! I'm home love! Come and greet me properly!" He exclaimed almost losing his balance, using the table for support and kicking furniture in his advance.
"Shisui...? But what are you doing here? Are you drunk? Do you need help? Let me call..."
"Nonono! All I need is you... your gaze, your kisses, your words saying you love me... yes, the only thing I need right now..." He came dangerously close to her, trapping her between the wall and his arms, with no room for escape.
"I think you are unaccountably confused Shisui, I would never..."
"Shhh, there is nothing to explain. I know your feelings, I know you want this as much as I do..."
He attempted to kiss her, finding his lips against the cold wall when (Y/N) took advantage of his lack of coordination to slip out from under his arms. She ran quickly to the door, knowing she had to be clever. Shisui's reputation was world-renowned for his speed, accuracy, and persistence. If she failed to act quickly, she would be caught again.
She had the advantage of him being highly intoxicated, having more alcohol than blood in his body at this point. That would be her strategy, hoping his momentary lack of senses would give her enough room to get to safety.
In her frenzy, she was unable to slow down before colliding with an object and falling to the ground. As concentration returned, she noticed the object had arms and legs, a long ponytail, and onyx eyes staring at her sharply.
"I-Itachi! Thank heavens you're here! I need your help at this very moment! It's Shisui, he..."
"Hold on a moment (Y/N), relax, breathe, walk me through what happened."
With his strategy executed to perfection, Itachi took it upon himself to fill his partner with alchol, intoxicating him to the point of not recognizing his impulses and completely messing up his situation with (Y/N). He waited patiently, hiding in the shadows of the alleys where he knew she would run in an attempt to escape from him.
Shisui might be one of the most respected and feared shinobi, setting a new precedent among young ninjas, but he never knew how to tolerate alcohol. Something Itachi managed to take advantage of to perfection.
His plan was working out wonderfully, and now all that was left was to execute the last part, (Y/N) she anxiously explained the situation, between tears and sobs, believing Shisui to be her friend and feeling betrayed. He held her during the entirety of her monologue, listening attentively and pretending indignation at his best friend's terrible attitude.
"Come on (Y/N), I'll take you to my house. You'll be safe there, no one will be able to do anything to you."
"I appreciate it very much Itachi, I really do, but I think the right thing to do would be to go to the police, explain what happened.... A ninja of that caliber can't be running around loose and intoxicated, who knows what he could do to whoever crosses his path!"
"I insist, (Y/N). we'll go to my place, you'll relax, and then we'll figure out what to do."
Itachi's grip became tighter on her, feeling frustrated at having to deal with an unplanned inconvenience. She just had to agree, say yes, go home and close the pact. Why couldn't she act as she should?!
"Itachi, I need you to let me go..."
"I'm not asking you, I'm stating it. Come on."
"Itachi! Let go of me now!"
They both started to struggle, the ninja trying not to hurt her at any point. (Y/N) managed to get free, and that was the moment when everything got out of control. While running in the opposite direction, Itachi appeared in front of her, shining his terrifying red eyes and making her fall into a terrible illusion.
Prey to his Genjutsu, she could not move anymore. The shinobi advanced, lifting her over his shoulder and hiding again in the shadows of the night, trying not to be seen or detected by anyone.
He did not take her to his home, being a location too obvious and dangerous, with his family around and aware of him. He opted for a remote place in the forest, a small and abandoned cabin, where he kept her since their arrival.
"Itachi, I can't understand the rush of showing me a stupid spot in the forest when we have more important things to do. (Y/N) has been missing for two weeks, and you're still messing around here like nothing happened!"
"Take a look, and stop talking nonsense."
Both ninjas entered the abandoned place, where in the center, lying on a destroyed mattress, was (Y/N), still under Itachi's powerful genjutsu.
"Fuck, Itachi! It was you… I should have seen it coming, with you always scheming big things and whatever… I see... so you want me to admit you won the bet and have her all to yourself? Are you even feeding her? Taking care of her mind? Looking after her or anything?"
"Every day. On the contrary, it seemed selfish not to share such a beautiful trophy with my best friend."
"Always knew I could trust you forever Tachi. All right then, let's have fun."
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eddiediaaz · 10 months
hi! i love your gifs and your tutorials, you explain things very well and i was wondering if you could explain how you make a template of gifs that are different sizes but in the same canvas? and then how you make the gifs and put them in each spot to make them all work properly? thank you so much in advance if you're able to do this :)
hey, thank you so much, i appreciate it!!
there are multiple ways to do it, but here's how i make layouts like this from scratch:
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a basic knowledge on how to make gifs and layer masks is required, i'll link more resources and tutorials at the end too.
i'm sure there are simpler ways to do it, but it's how i do it lol, unless i'm using someone else's layout. i'm sorry if it's too in-depth! on and i use photoshop cs5 :)
first things first, i need to figure out what kind of layout i wanna do. to do so i usually map it out i on paper because i'm super visual and it helps be figure things out. yes, we have to do (simple) match here, but it's nothing bad!
let's take this layout for example:
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there are 3 different gif sizes to figure out here:
gifs 1, 2, 5, and 7
gifs 3 and 6
gif 4
to do that, you need to figure out which size you want your finished layout gif to have (540 x 540px, 540 x 450px, etc). in this case i chose a size i use all the time: 540px wide by 400px tall.
a very important thing to remember is that tumblr's transparent gutter between gifs is 4px wide, so we need to take that into consideration when we do our little math.
since we know that the gif will be 400px tall, we can right away easily figure out the height of all gifs except gif 4. since there are two 4px lines, let's remove 8 from 400 and we get 392. from there, we just need to divide it by 3: 130.67. we need numbers without decimals, so let's just say gif 1 and 2 will be 130 px tall, and gifs 3, 5, 6, 7 will be 131px tall.
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then we can figure out how wide gifs 1, 2, 5, and 7 are because they're square gifs, easy!
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to figure how wide gifs 3 is, we can simply do 130 + 130 + 4 = 264px
for gif 6, let's do: 540 - (131 + 131 + 8) = 270px
then we only have gif 4's size to figure out. just more basic math:
height: 400 - (131 + 4) = 265
width: 540 - (130 + 130 + 8) = 272
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the only issue here is that i want gifs 1, and 5 to line up, so i'm just gonna adjust the sizes so they're the same:
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once you have all of your gif's size figured out, you're ready to create the actual layout in photoshop, yay!
create a new canvas and give it its size (540px width and 400px height), then create one group for each gif you're gonna have (in this case it's 7).
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now time to make the shapes. with the marquee tool, change the style to: fixed size and enter gif 1's proportions (130 x 130px)
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then click the top corner of the canvas and position the box in the top corner
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once the box is in the right spot, create a layer mask by selecting the first group and clicking on the layer mask button
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then you can do the same for all the shapes: change the marquee tool's size, position the box, and create a layer mask for each group. you just need to make sure they are all 4px apart.
to do that you can select the group itself and just nudge it a bit with your keyboard's arrow key. to make things easier to see, i like to add a color fill layer in each group. once you've done it all, it should look like that:
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for the actual giffing part, what i like to do is to make my gifs as usual and sharpen them (i usually color later at this point).
resize this gif to the desired height to fit the layout (for example 130px for gif 1). make sure your gif is a smart object and then right click the layer > duplicate layer... > and choose your layout canvas.
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obviously the gif should be in the group, so just slide it in the right group and delete the color fill.
if you don't like the gif's position, you can select this gif layer and move it around inside of the box by either sliding it around, using your keyboard's keys, or using ctrl + T to open the transform tool. if the gif is too big after duplicating it to the layout canvas, you can also resize it here with ctrl + T. it's usually what I do.
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then you can do the exact same for all 6 other gifs
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the last part, when everything is set, is to color! i prefer doing it at the end because it helps to make everything look cohesive. just make sure coloring layers are contained in each according group and voila!
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this technique with drawing the layout on paper first and then doing basic maths always work for me. you just gotta remember that the gutter size between gifs is always 4px, and choose a final gif dimension first. i hope i was clear enough, i know it's a lot of numbers 😅
here are more great layout tutorials:
fawad-khan's layout tutorial
payidaresque's layout tutorial
yenvergerberg's clipping mask layout tutorial
usergif's clipping and layer mask tutorial
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
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Welcome back, my dear reader. It has now been 2 years since we first met, and soon, this journey will come to an end. Yes, we're very close to the finale of this book, all set, and everyone ready for the final push. However, that's still lost to future; today, I'm here to take you on a day around Galeya's streets, four little stories waiting to be discovered. Explore, decide, and shape your life and others - have the first taste of choices one must make when playing in a higher league.
As usual, I welcome any feedback, specially now that my beta-tester is quite occupied with her MSc (still a strong woman in STEM, still a prisoner to her project. We shall remember her dearly). If you have any issues, recommendations, or comments in general about my work, feel free to text me here or make a post in CoG forum, where I will be answering you to the best of my capabilities. This new update is MASSIVE - I've sure missed things among all the potential choices.
Explore Galeya, a bastion to Hero's safety, a haven to its crime.
Choose how to sort out your rooms for the night.
Accompany one of your companions in their own story on this day of peace before the storm: steal, catch or save, your pick.
Discover secrets about yourself... or about others.
Remember: not always one can have it all.
Chapter 6 is 161k words long. Yes, I just decided to give you 3 of my normal chapters in one go. Enjoy!
Sometimes, the image for Chapter 5's title doesn't appear at the beggining of the chapter. I'm unsure why, and thus the bug still persists.
Scales of Justice is a fantasy game situated in another world, far away from Earth. There are plenty of species living together in harmony, but the human race is currently split in two civilisations: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other and the fight between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ here is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, on character development and your own perception of the world: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe wants to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read the first 7 chapters, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Any mistakes, concerns or questions you have, feel free to contact me through Tumblr! I am very excited to share this story with all of you, and I want to make it as good as possible with your help!
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the throne of Hero kingdom, where your journey starts. Also, your old friend whom is very attached to you. Likes to read and practice magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “Hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and knight of Fate itself. Brave and honourable, they are determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder, who was caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic, with ideas that you cannot always grasp. Has long, dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “Villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious, reserved yet respectful. Doesn’t like to stay behind hiding in the castle, an so always personally appears in battlefields and negotiations. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and greenish eyes.
Be careful! These characters have their thoughts and opinions on the world and your actions: if you want them to support you, convince them or take their side… or neither. That is your choice after all!
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ineffabildaddy · 1 month
43, 41 or z on the tmi tuesday ask game?
hello!! sorry i'm so horrifically late to this😭
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
i'm gonna be totally predictable here and shout out my friends!! these are just a few of the dozens of wonderful fic writers i know:
@foolishlovers writes incredible quiet, gentle and romantic human aus, often trans-focused and so affirming and beautiful!!! read their work here. so so hard to choose a favourite, it changes all the time, but the first fic that sprung to mind was Tales of Turning Pages, a trans writer!crowley x librarian!aziraphale au
@crowleyslvt aka @leporidaecervinae is incredible for extremely visceral, psychological, raunchy stuff. read his work here - my favourite fic by them is Chains and Their Titles, which is a post-season 2 supreme archangel aziraphale/fem!crowley porn with plot journey
@voluptatiscausa's work is, as i have previously described it, thought-provoking and cunt-flooding to the highest degree<3 intensely gentle and clement and sexy and human. read his work here - it is all to be treasured but imo Communicato in Sacris is a mouth-watering priest au, and a brilliant representation of all their writing can do
@captainblou has an amazing handle on the back-and-forth and banter between crowley and aziraphale in every universe, no matter what they're doing around, with, or to each other... read their work here - a oneshot by them which lives in my head rent free is Roses don't wear freckles like you do, a pwp with some of my favourite things - wax play, praise kink, and sex toys<3
@bowtiepastabitch hasn't written a lot of fic in comparison to some other writers yet, but what they do write drives me absolutely insane. read their work here! they wrote a dom!aziraphale oneshot called The Art of Victorian Dressing which had me foaming at the mouth with how measured it was in its obscenity, and how sensually rich it was to read!
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
@naromoreau and blackeyedblonde on ao3 (idk if the latter has a tumblr) are two writers whose work i've recently read that inspired me a lot - all your gardens in bloom and a clutch of our own respectively. if i ever write anything an inch as sexy and luscious and emotionally fulfilling as these two do i'll retire happily!
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
there's a couple! i was quite pleased with this 18th-century oneshot i wrote recently for @portraitofalonelydyke, i'd be honoured if people gave that one a look!
thank you so much for these!! i hope you're having a wonderful day💙
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06605 · 1 year
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spider-man jude x fem!reader
summary: school au, superheros au, jude lays his eyes on a beautiful girl, afraid to show his actual identity he approaches her as spider-man.
genre: fluff, and that's it.
word count: 3.1k
a/n : not beta read, sorry & lots of time skips it might not make sense but it's alright wit' me. saw this pin on pintrest of jude inna spider-man suit, so my cranium just popped up with this idea. first piece on tumblr, hopefully you'll enjoy it. xevr, i show my love to you. <3
— ☆ s p i d e r - m a n ☆ —
You wake up because your alarm went off, and you groan, reaching out your arm to find the clock without looking at it. You miss it several times, so you simply locate the wire that is connected to it and unplug it.
You try to sleep again but fail. So you just gave up and decided to deal with this hellhole of a world. Pissy, you'd say, but you're just annoyed that you had to change schools due to your mother finding a new job that would help her financially. But you ignored it and decided to suck it up, because it made your mom happy. You loved seeing her happy, it made you happy.
You dragged yourself out of bed getting ready for your first day. Getting out the shower, you headed for the sink to brush your teeth.
Your school had a strict dress-code, no innapropiate skin showing, must wear school uniform, belts should be tan, black, or white, must wear white, or black shoes, shirt MUST be tucked in if you are not wearing the school's jacket, and no wearing sunglasses indoors...et cetera, et cetera.
The school already started to overwhelm you before you even entered it.
You prepared yourself; girls could choose between skirts and pants; you chose the skirt to make a good impression.
You examined yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the creases. You grabbed a nearby brush and brushed and styled your hair. You walked out of your room with the pungent smell of lemongrass hitting your nose.
It was nostalgia slapping you in the face, so you inhaled it once more for the sentimentality and made your way to the kitchen.
Your mother was on the phone with a colleague when she handed you your lunchbox and a zip lock bag containing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast.
You signaled her by with a wave, and headed for the door.
Walking towards the school, you stopped. Taking in your surroundings, it seemed as an average school, you shrugged and made your way to the double doors.
Inside, you instantly see lockers, and students surrounding the district. In the corner of your eye you see a lady, hair let loosed below to her shoulders, wearing a woman suit, jacket with the school's symbol encrusted on it.
She introduced herself as Mrs.Deborah. You shook hands with her, she gave you two sticky notes, one advising you of your locker details and the other of your first class.
"Ask for your first teacher, Mr.Scott for your schedule for the day. Tell him I told you to ask. The schedule is permanent for the rest of school year, I look forward into seeing you again, L/N."
She disappeared in the herd of students near the lockers.
"Locker 029?" You walked forward and looked for your number, frantically looking back and forth at the sticky note Mrs.Deborah gave you
You found your locker and entered its code, mind you you weren't aware of the schedule yet. So you kept it empty for the time being.
You closed the locker door just to be taken aghast by a girl, waving hello to you.
"Sorry if I scared you, I'm Valerie  but but you can just call me Val"
"You're good I'm Y/N L/N" you seemed fond of her, maybe this school isn't going to be hellish as you anticipated.
She peaked behind you, taking a glimpse of the sticky note, "You have the same class as me!" she smiled widely, "Nice to know! Maybe you can help me?" You inquired.
"Sure! Let's go!" She got ahold of your arm and dragged you down the hall.
She made a rhythmical knock on the door.
A male, about 182cm, neat trimmed hair, tan skin and vivid hazel eyes, He introduced himself as Mr.Scott.
"I almost marked you late, Valerie."
Valerie cringed, "Sorry" she said sheepishly.
"This my friend, Y/N! She's new."
"I can tell, hello Y/N honor to meet you, hopefully Valerie isn't giving you a hard time."
"She's been real helpful."
"Good to know, come in so I can introduce you to the classroom."
So they did, "Class, this is Y/N. She's new so I'd expect  you all to treat her with respect, as others have treated you with before, your seat is right by Valerie, Y/N."
You took your seat and Mr.Scott resumed with his assignment.
Valerie, your newest "companion," more of a friend, and you were in the lunch hall.
You both took your seats and sat at a table with no one else.
"So how are your first few hours here?"
"I need to venture out more. Learn more about our peers or something. I'm not sure." you shrugged, pi king up one of your strawberries with a fork leisurely.
"I'll help you, here. Do you see that girl over there, brunette, green eyes, fair-skinned?"
"Yea, what about her?"
"Well she's the most popular girl around here. Mainly popular for her looks."
You rolled your eyes and returned to your cup of scattered fruits.
"She sounds like the girl in the story who bullies people" you stated apathetically.
"What about that dude over there? With the short hair." saying with a mouth full of strawberries.
"That's a dunce."
"Yea, a dunce as I say."
"Oh okay."
"He's actually my brother, who's annoying as fuck. His name is Jor'den."
"Y'know I see the resemblance, you sure you two aren't twins?"
"Say another word again and I'll shove my cup down your throat— BUT anyway, I'll act like you didn't say that. Back go introducing."
"That's the one. Jude Bellingham is our football team's golden boy. He is quite popular, thanks in part to his good looks and in part to his incredible intelligence." (lies)
You cast a glance at the male, who looked to be your age, and who definitely took his appearance seriously, as he appeared fresh, hygienic, and tidy.
He met your gaze, you squinted your eyes he seemed enigmatic even though Valerie just told you several thing about him, he severed his gaze from yours and went onto talking with his friends.
You shrugged him off, and went back paying attention to Valerie who's rambling about how to school needs to add more clubs to make it more interesting.
The school bell rang, you and Valerie headed for class.
After school you and Valerie decided to go out for coffee, try and get to know each other more since you just met her today.
"Trust me, this coffee place is heavenly."
"Alright, I'll take your word for it" you gave her a smile as you both walked into the shop.
The smells of spices, coffee beans, ginger and cinnamon instantly hit your nose, it was heavenly.
You both sat down, facing each other, ordering from the menu.
"I'll take a regular macchiato, and she'll have the same."
You arched your brows confusion, but just dealt with it.
Minutes later you both received your coffees, you took a sip and it just warm, sweet inviting flavor bursting in your mouth, making you crave more.
You exhaled, feeling satisfied; reeling into the amenity of the coffee shop, insinuating that you should come here more often.
"Good, right?" Valerie inquired, making you once open your eyes again.
"Definitely coming back."
Valerie beamed, "My mom—"
there was a pause.
Glass shattering from the windows, You couldn't move, you aghast as someone rolled off your table onto the ground, wincing in pain and gripping a gun.
Valerie screamed in horror, as a unidentified person wearing a mask, a superhero you'd depict them as swinged into the shops now broken window to straddle the robber down.
The superhero, his attire was..weird.. it had designs of webs all around it, black and and red color and white lenses, in the middle a red arachnid.
He placed the man in cuffs, and apologised for the interruption and that the police will handle it.
The superhero looked at your table, specifically at you; lenses closing slightly, like he was scrutinizing you, he his head to the right slightly, went back to focusing on the robber
He lifted the man and dragged him outside, to the  bunch of cops surrounding the area.
red, white, and blue. red, white, and, blue.
You haven't moved an inch since, Valerie brought you back to your senses.
"W—what the hell just happened?"
"Are you hurt?" She said, your gaze was still focused on the broken window near you both.
You felt hands grip your shoulder, which made. You flinch.
"S–sorry," you said shaking your head.
"I haven't experienced anything like that before."
"It's fine, you're okay, we're okay." She said exclaimed.
"C'mon let's get you home, shall we?" She put on a slight smile trying to make you feel comfortable.
"I'm okay, ok?"
"Goodnight, Val"
"Goodnight, Y/N." you closed the door after her.
"Shit" you ran a hand through your face.
You went upstairs, informing your mom of what occurred not to long ago.
You plopped into bed, facing the ceiling, reminiscing of what happened. It wasn't something that you were used to.
did a string come out his hands or was I imagining? You wondered.
This is too much, I need to sleep. You went to the restroom and got changed for tonight.
. .
You woke up in the middle of of night, around 2-3 in the morning. You saw a silhouette by the window. Your eyes were blurry, you just woke up from sleeping, you opened your nearby lamp.
You blinked once again to see if you were just hallucinating but it was still there. As he rubbed your eyes you could see him better, the superhero.
It was him.
He was in a criss-cross postion, staring dead straight at you, it was creepy. You didn't like it at all. You turned off your lamp and flipped to your side burrowing into the sheets, trying to shake of the piercing eyes that were set on you, you hoped it was your last altercation with him.
A few months later, you were fully settled in the school. You had a test coming up, and it was major you needed to pass this.
You took your studies seriously, pulling out books, taking notes, and listening to music.
It was peaceful; you frequently multi-tasked, but this encouraged you the most; determined to finish this quiz and pass it, you devoted your after-school hours solely to studying.
You were zoned out of everything around you during lunch, and when you regained consciousness, you saw Jor'den and Valerie arguing about who is the favorite and who is the better sibling.
You smiled, you didn't mind this. It was nice.
. .
It was 4 in the afternoon, sky grey skies, rain drops dribbling against the window, increasing by the minute.
You were a sucker for this, for silence, time for yourself.
With your earphones in, you jotted down notes while frantically flipping through your text book; at first, you heard a faint knock. But when it turned into bangs, you sprang up and tried to figure out what was going on and where it was.
You heard another knock, faint. You set your headphones down and went to the window.
There he was.
In the rain, waiting for some sort of invitation to be let it. So you did, you let him in. How daft of you.
You took some steps backwards so you both were  a few feet away. He entered in and closed the window behind him.
There was an awkward silence between you two.
"Thank you.."
"Thank you for saving me."
"It's what I'm supposed to do isn't?"
He squirmed, "You don't have any spare blankets by any chance?"
"Oh, yea I do. In the closet."
"Thanks" He walked past you going to the closet.
He came out looking comfortable, not so tense up anymore.
"Mind if I stay here for awhile?" He said, sitting on the windowsill seat
"Uh, sure."
You sat back down, went back to studying and put back on your headphones.
As time passed, in the corner of your eye you could see the spider man with his lenses closed sleeping comfortably with the thick duvet around him.
I invited a random dude in here, crap I'm dead.
You felt sleep creep up behind, and just let it in.
* Next morning, you wake up the spider man is nowhere to be seen, you got up and went to the bathroom, seeing there was a sticky note pressed on your cheek.
'Thank you, for letting me stay. I guess we're both even." –spider-man
You huffed, and continued with the rest of your day.
. .
You met up with Valerie again, at the park.
"I need to tell you something."
"Yea, sure."
"Remember about the incident at the coffee shop?"
"Remember that spider superhero?"
"Yes, where's all this going?"
"Well, he knocked on my window last night asking if he could stay there for awhile, and I said sure. I don't know why the hell I would say that yet I did."
"Best award for making terrible decisions goes to you!"
You rolled your eyes, "Y'know it wasn't that bad, he wasn't bothering me and just left me alone. But I woke up to a thank you note on my cheek."
"Atleast you enjoyed your night, I was awake due to music blasting through doors"
"Lemme guess.."
"Jor'den" you both said simultaneously, you laughed.
You took your test and received a 98%; you were elated and told your mother she was proud of you. It was a blissful feeling to feel triumph wash over you.
Later that night you heard a knock once again at your window, you knew who was at your window.
You opened your window and headed towards your bed resuming your series, he entered in and closed the window behind him.
He cautiously walked over to the right side of your bed, not wanting to scare you off.
You felt the side of the bed dip down, in your peripheral vision, you saw a common visitor.
You remained calm, knowing that he had no intention of harming you. So you both watched the series in a lull.
You were completely immersed in the episode until you heard a murmur next to you.
You paused the video, and turn your head around trying to hear what he was saying better.
"I said why do you always do that?"
"Do what?" you inquired
"Let me in."
"Why not. I know not your not going to do anything to me." you stated nonchalantly.
"I–" he huffed in exasperation looked the other way.
You assumed he wasn't going to say anything again so you resumed the episode.
Several minutes passed by, and he paused your video and closed your laptop.
"Let's know each other a bit, okay?"
"Uh, sure" you shrugged
"You first"
"Alright, name is Y/N, 19 years, uh.. favorite color: [color]. Does that suffice for you?"
"Yea, it's an effort."
"Okay. I'm Ju—Spider-man, 19 aswell, favorite color obviously red and black."
"Nice, officially meet you spider-man."
"Nice to meet you too, Y/N." "So do you just go around and save people all day or..?"
"Well that is what a superhero does innit?"
You rolled your eyes,
"You can resume right now, your thingy." He made a circling motion with his index finger pointed at the laptop.
. .
You were both laughing because of a scene in the series, and the other beside you stiffened, tense.
"You okay?"
He got off the bed and hid in a corner, your mom walked in without knocking.
"Why are you up at 2 in the  morning, watching whatever you're watching over there?"
"Uh, sorry I'll close it." You looked to your side and he was nowhere to be seen.
"Thank you. Goodnight my love."
"Night, Mom"
"Hey, you still here?"
You exhaled, and resumed with your episode.
"Hey" someone said besides you
You would have screamed if he hadn't placed his hand on top of your mouth. He made himself known.  He took his hand away.
"You're invisible??"
"Invisibility is one of my quirks, yes."
"You are...something."
"Thank you"
His visits became more frequent and longer over time. You both developed to each other's liking.
One night he invited himself in, you weren't aware since you were focused on an assignment that was due the next day. He wandered up the ceiling and lowered himself with his web, so that he was now facing you upside-down.
"Hello to you too." He said, which startled you.
"Jesus, man. You can't pop up like that."
"Not sorry, still waiting for my hello though."
"Hello" you greeted and went back to your assignment.
He lifted himself so he'd be on the ceiling once again.
"Don't you have anything better to do?"
"No meaning, there's no issue out there."
"Okay, well go occupy yourself with something then."
He jumped down from the ceiling and removed the earphones from your ears, and grabbed your wrists. Dragging you away from your work.
"C'monnn" you whined trying to pry away from his grip.
"I said occupy yourself with something not someone."
He let go of your wrists, "C'mon dance with me!"
"What music is there?"
"We don't need music to dance, let's just be happy." He began swinging his hips back and forth, humming lyrics to a song, and his feet followed suit.
You smiled, he grabbed you into his embrace and started dancing with you.
You inhaled his scent; he smelled superb. The smell was inexplicable; it effectively invited you to linger in this position for as long as possible.
He twirled you around and brought you into his embrace again.
You both came to a halt for a brief moment, you straightened up, and removed his mask slightly, revealing only his mouth.
Just inches away.
You made the first move, and he graciously reciprocated by deepening the kiss, poking his tongue at your lips, and you permitting him into your mouth, pure escasty; you pulled down his mask, revealing his true identity, Jude Bellingham.
He severed the kiss, looking at you smiling in all his beauty, he is truly attractive. 
"You're a sly bastard." you teased.
He went down on you again, craving more of you.
His hands quickly found your thighs and lifted you up against the wall. You moved your hand onto his curls and one grippe his shoulder as his mouth attacked the nook of your neck.
He stopped and placed his forehead with yours,
"Will you be with me? "
Appalled by the question you reiceved you took some seconds contemplating it.
He smiled once again and kissed you, slowly, you both enjoying this moment.
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allastoredeer · 11 days
If I had to choose between the next chapter of "Just Kiss Already" and the next episode of Helluva Boss, I would choose "Just Kiss Already" every single time. When can we expect the next chapter?? Also do you have a discord server? If not, you should definitely consider making one. You legit have your own fan base now and everybody is talking about your fic. Even people who aren't into radioapple know about it. ITS REALLY THAT GOOD!
People -
Wait. People have been talking about my fic O///O Non-radioapple shippers are talking about my fic, I'm - this is news to me O.O The only social media I'm on is Tumblr and Twitter, and for Twitter I'm just there for the fan-art. That's wild that people are talking about it (°ロ°) I'm so flattered >.< I'm glad they're enjoying it!
Also a discord server 👀is that something you guys would be interested in? Technically, I do already have one. I'd just have to do some major spring cleaning before I opened it up again LOL Mayhaps I'll do another poll and see what the general consensus is.
Also also 🥰 that fact that you'd choose the next chapter to "JKA" over the new Helluva Boss episode is one most flattering things' anyone has ever said to me ♥‿♥ (I am so excited for the next episode to drop, I can't wait to be beaten down with angst)
As for when the next chapter will come out, my goal is between May 11-15. I was going to split the whole fic into 4 chapters, but I couldn't split up the last section in a natural way, so it's a pretty long one. Chapter 2 started out as 4,000+ words and after editing it ended up 8,000+ words. Chapter 3 is currently at 6,000+ words, and it hasn't been edited yet, so my estimate based on the last chapter is that it might top out at 10,000+ words 😅
If I can find a way to split it up naturally as I'm editing, I probably will. But if not, that's a lot to edit (for both me and my beta's), so it'll take longer than the last two chapters. (Toiling under the weight of capitalism definitely doesn't help either).
Thank you for this ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ What a way to make my day!!
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Obiyuki Bingo Boards are Out!
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As is traditional, the boards assignments were today! They will either have been sent in tumblr messenger, or should you be on the Obiyuki Discord (Join Here, if you like), through Discord, so check your DMs! If you have not received your board, please message the comm so that we can make sure you get it. Also please double check that you don’t have any duplicate spaces. If you have a board with duplicates, just let us know and we’ll assign you a new board.
Can I start now? When do I start posting?
You may start working on and planning your fills at any time. Posting will start June 16th and end July 27th. You may post on any schedule you like within that time period (all at once, once a week, etc). Each fill will be reblogged on the comm, and every Friday we will have a round-up post of the fills posted.
What do I have to include on my post?
The tag #obiyukibingo24 must be in the first five tags, and you must also include the AU fill you used somewhere in the post. When we reblog your post, we will include your updated board with your fill-prompts already filled in: if you have a specific preference for color, please send us the hexcode of one you like (we’ll try to make it work, but choose lighter colors over darker).
What counts as a fill? Can I use the same AU over multiple fills? Can I post multiple fics for the same prompt?
Any fic, art, playlist or edit that fits the prompt and has Obiyuki as its main pair. Other media may also qualify-- just ask the mods if you're unsure! Fics must be over 500 words to count for a fill.
A single piece of media can only count for one space. If you have spaces that connect – say, Space Opera | Star Trek | Any AU, you may do 3 pieces of media (three drawings, three parts of a fic, a two drawings and a fic, WHATEVER) in the same AU and count for each of those spaces.
You may write/draw/etc as much of any prompt as you like, but it can only count for a square a single time.
Can I co-author a fic?
As stated above, only one fill to one square. If you choose to co-author, it will only count for one square on one board, not both your boards.
What if I don’t like my board?
You may have ONE mulligan. We will delete your old board and roll you a new one, but you HAVE to use that one, whether it is better or worse than your old one. If you can fill a row easily save for one or two spaces, this option is probably not for you.
If I fill five prompts but they aren’t in a row, do I still get bingo? Can I trade prompts with someone else?
Can I get multiple bingos?
SURE. You can feel free to fill as many spaces as you want. At the end of the competition, we will count up how many bingos were had/how many spaces were filled/etc and put it in the last round-up post.
I missed the sign up! Can I get a board now?
You sure can! This is an open challenge, so anyone may join at any time between now and July 27th! Just contact us at the comm, and we’ll send you one as soon as we can.
Have fun everyone!
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chanstopher · 1 year
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so I’ve hit the big one. Thank you for 10k followers, that’s literally so insane I really don't deserve this. I made this blog a little over two years ago, and it’s been so much fun to make so many new friends on here! So I have a few things lined up as a thank you, so this is gonna get long. 
I’m opening my requests and making a game out of it, so send me an emoji and get a set/gfx:
🖤 + make me choose between two members, music videos, ships, eras, etc. for a gifset 🐺 + a color palette along with a member, music video, or era for a gfx 🫧 + a member for a comp set. you can give me a vibe, era, hair color etc. too 🌙 + a member and era or award show for stage gifs
I’m being a bit presumptuous and assume I’ll be getting a few so please be patient with me getting them all out, I don’t want to rush anything I want to make sure  I give you my best effort hehe. I’ll try to post 2-3 a day. This will be open for one week from tomorrow, January 27th (since its already late) so feel free to take your time and pick something you want. I’ll keep making them until they’re all done though! All posts here
Thanks and a gift under the cut 🖤🤍✨
Second I just want to thank all of the people who have interacted with me over the past two years, whether we're best friends or you just sent me an anon, I truly appreciate you. I don't wanna start listing out mutuals or followers because that would inevitably leave someone out, and there are so many people I've never even spoken to; but recognize urls from my notifications, that are dear to me. Thank you for giving me a reason to keep making content, especially art. This blog is the reason I truly got back into drawing and have tried really hard to improve over the past two years. Without you guys, I'd still be drawing flat faces and not blending anything 😭 You have no idea what your small encouragements have meant to me when I've been stressed or struggling with a drawing. And I'm just thankful to feel like I'm accepted tbh. Having ppl call me by my name in tags, even if we've never talked - especially if we've never talked - it makes me feel like really comfortable and loved? That's corny, but I can't think of a better word. I also just want to say thank you for letting me love Chris so loudly, he is really my greatest comfort; and being able to just express that in whatever way my unhinged brain thinks has been so fun and just so nice. There are a billion blogs on this site and you choosing to come here and stay here is truly a gift that idk how to pay back. I know this is just tumblr and it's not that serious, but it's the place I find comfort, so I'm thankful I've got you to share it with.
 okay okay, no more sap LASTLY i'm going to share a few psds of mine as a thank you. so feel free to download them and use them to your heart's content <3
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saltielena · 1 year
double posting but i HAVE to get this conversation i had with one of my friends last night out into jrwiblr
listen. we all like /r ships!! or at least tolerate them. but. god damnit i prioritize good friendship building
immediately riptide comes to mind because yeah i do love fnc romantically but god damnit theyre best friends. these two things can coexist, but if i had to choose, id absolutely hope they had a fucking banger friendship.
i think i treasure just albatrios friendship alltogether. im a jay ferin enjoyer (and if you arent youre WRONG) and i fucking adore her dynamic with these two equally loser guys. her dynamic with chip means so much to me (it reminds me of me and my found sibling. albatrio is us and our other one fr fr!!!) and im SO tired of people sleeping on it. im also a navyseal enjoyer 💪💪 /p or /r
and i wanna say that a lot of fandoms minimize characters in ships to just that: part of a ship. i fucking hate it
people act like lizzie has no character outside of pistolwhip. i love her cringefail strong lady autism. cocme on.
this is a problem i see with a lot of fandoms, not just jrwi, and tumblr does their best to avoid doing this but i still!!1!! god
every jrwi character in any campaign does have a distinct personality by themselves, and im always going to advocate for people to see it. these characters are all fucking masterfully written and played. im so glad jrwi characters dont just have two personality traits and call it a day (though ive seen a lot of people say this about them which??? where is that coming from).
i mean, i just really prefer a ship to Add to a character than Be their character. (tangent: i am a horror movie fan. ive watched tons of slashers. if you write horror. do not make this mistake. do not be final destination 3.) any relationship between characters, friendly, romantic, hostile, anything. should not be their only personality trait. and jrwi does this shit perfectly
i love every character individually first, but its hard to not love them as groups aswell. i mean for fucks sakes the campaigns DEPEND on them being teams because its fucking dnd, but its the characters in a vacuum that really makes me love them.
i dont just love timothy rand for being part of nbr. i love him because hes a paranoid, stupid autism boy who is so hung up on his past it literally fucking tries to kill him. i love dakota cole because he wants to believe the world is naturally good, because he wants people to have a chance, and because hes so fucking relatable to an autistic audience. i love peter sqloint because hes a nerdy guy collecting rocks and his “only character motivation” was finding a log for his pet lizard. i love jay ferin because shes carving her own path, learning to live for others instead of survive, and fighting for what she really fucking believes in.
this even applies to npcs. every fucking jrwi character ive seen so far is endearing as hell and thats so important to me. theyre all distinct in their own ways and its taking over my brain.
tldr: jay ferin 💪💪
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freakyunderclublights · 6 months
The Filler (Bottoms Fanfic)
What's good y'all. A few months ago, I jokingly wrote a Bottoms (2023) fanfic and it lowk got way more engagement then I thought, so i figured, why not bring it to tumblr.
The fanfic's premise was to be a provider of "filler" scenes for the Bottoms movie. It started as a way for me to develop Isabel and Josie's relationship, but then turned into me developing PJ, Brittany, and now in more recent (unreleased) chapters, Hazel & others. Some may say there's some PJ x Brittany, some may even say there's some Brittany x Isabel...
To put a long story short, its basically a bunch of headcanons for what I think happened in the story that we, the audience, did not see. I made it as canon compliant as possible, while also trying to give us gays, THE CONTENT WE NEEEDDDDDDDDDD.
So here we are. There's 7 chapters right now, covering from the moment of the car bombing scene until the canon end of the movie. It's essentially finished, but I am writing 3 extra chapters to amp up the drama, for no other reason, then the fact that I am messy and choose chaos.
This is also my first fanfic EVER, and it has become my child in a way. So, since i'm near the end of finishing it, i'm going to use this acct to basically just add more content to the internet for this fanfic, so current & future Bottoms fans can find it across platform. With that being said,
Here is the chapter index...if you are interested.
Chapter One - Somethings Abrewin
We’re going to be touching on those cringe-worthy, gay panic, feet-swinging and giggling moments that come with being a gay ass teenager. #HellaGayFeelingsAlert
Chapter Two - This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
While Isabel's feelings for Josie are blossoming, and there might be a mutual attraction, the question lingers: Are the other parts of Isabel's life ready to embrace the girl's new crush and growing self confidence?
Chapter Three - Moths To A Flame
There's no question in Josie's mind that she's going to be there for Isabel, no matter what. A magnetic force seems to draw them together, like moths irresistibly drawn to a flame. As their connection deepens, the question lingers: is it worth basking in the warmth if there's a risk of getting burned?
Chapter Four - Bestfriends In Law
The aftermath of PJ and Hazel’s blowup in Fight Club, as well as Brittany and Isabel’s confrontation in the hallway from Chapter 2, all from the perspective of PJ and Brittany. This chapter will be Brittany and PJ character and relationship development focused, with, of course, mentions of Isabel and Josie.
Chapter Five - Forevers Gonna Start…Tomorrow
The characters are grappling with a lot of different things during the night of the canon bedroom scene. Join them.
Chapter Six - Gal Pals
Read to see how the day of the prep rally unfolds. A compilation of drama, secrets, angst and unexpected feelings…. Isabel and Brittany pov centric. This chapter delves into the complexities of the story's relationships, loyalty, and the struggle to navigate the blurred lines between friendship and romance.
Chapter Seven - Alone - Heart
This chapter revolves around the day of the "game", and what goes on beyond it. It explores the aftermath of all the canon events, and the impact it had on the characters.
Enjoy babes
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sy-on-boy · 2 years
RESULTS on Opinions on TwiYor and DamiAnya
Hi! First of all, thank you so much for the 250 responses on my “Opinions on TwiYor and DamiAnya” survey conducted from 27 - 30 Aug 2022. The survey was shared on Twitter and Tumblr (to my knowledge). I was interested to see the demographics of TwiYor mains and DamiAnya mains considering they’re the two “main” ships of Spy x Family.
I asked every respondent to acknowledge they were ship positive or ship neutral to both ships so there won’t be ship bashing. This is definitely not meant to pit two ships against each other; I’m just curious about the fandom demographics.
Additionally, as a DamiAnya centric account, the results are likely skewed towards DamiAnya. This is not representative of the (English-speaking) fandom.
So, here we go! (Numbers corrected to 1 decimal point)
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59.2% (148) of respondents preferred DamiAnya, while 40.8% (102) of respondents preferred TwiYor. I was a little surprised by how DamiAnya mains consist of almost 60% of respondents, even taking in account the survey is skewed in their direction.
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More than 75% of respondents are adults (18 or above), with the most common age range being 20-25, followed by 25-30. Not surprising considering the two leads of SxF are also around that age.
8.8% (22) of respondents are 13-15, 14.4% (36) are 16-17, 15.6% (39) are 18-19, 36.4% (91) are 20-25, 19.6% (49) are 25-30, and 5.2% (13) are 30-40. No one chose 40+. Spy x Family is a big hit with adults.
And now the exciting part that I conducted this survey for! How age might correlate with your choice!
(Percentages are of how many people chose that ship in that age range over the total number of respondents in said age range)
13-15: 19 (86.4%)
16-17: 30 (83.3%)
18-19: 25 (64.1%)
20-25: 52 (57.1%)
25-30: 19 (38.8%)
30-40: 3 (23.1%)
For DamiAnya mains, respondents aged 20-25 take up 35.1%, 16-17 take up 20.3%, 18-19 take up 16.9%, 13-15 and 25-30 take up 12.8% each, 30-40 take up 2%. Interesting how there’s a dip for the 18-19 age range when it’s sandwiched between the 16-17 and 20-25 age range.
13-15: 3 (13.6%)
16-17: 6 (16.7%)
18-19: 14 (35.9%)
20-25: 39 (42.9%)
25-30: 30 (61.2%)
30-40: 10 (76.1%)
For TwiYor mains, respondents aged 20-25 take up 38.2%, 25-30 take up 29.4%, 18-19 take up 13.7%, 30-40 take up 9.8%, 16-17 take up 5.9%, 13-15 take up 2.9%. Unlike DamiAnya mains, the pattern shown here is consistent, with numbers rapidly rising and peaking at the 20-25 age range, then slowly falling.
It looks like what a lot of people have stated is correct- the younger fans prefer DamiAnya, the older fans prefer TwiYor. It’s neat to see the percentage go down / go up according to age.
Starting from the 25-30 age group, TwiYor is more favoured, which aligns with the ages of the two characters. Conversely, DamiAnya (which is often aged up to teen years) is more popular with the teen group.
For gender, 75.6% answered female, 6% answered nonbinary, 5.6% answered male, 1.2% answered bigender, 1.2% answered agender, 0.8% answered pangender / genderfluid, one respondent answered demigirl, 8.8% preferred not to answer. (The stats on the pie chart are slightly inaccurate because two people put down “female” on the other option)
The next question is “When did you start reading / watching SxF OR When did you get into the fandom?”. Respondents could choose from “When there was only the SxF manga” “After the SxF trailers were posted but before the anime aired” “During the period in which the SxFanime aired its first 12 episodes” and “After the SxF anime aired its first 12 episodes”.
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Overall, 46.4% (116) respondents answered “during the anime period”, 30.8% (77) answered “when there was only the manga”, 15.2% (38) answered “after trailers but before the anime”, 7.6% (19) answered “after the anime”. The anime more than doubled the existing fanbase from the manga.
To separate into ships again:
When there was only the manga: 43 (55.8%)
After the trailers but before the anime: 24 (63.2%)
During the anime period: 76 (65.5%)
After the anime: 5 (26.3%)
When there was only the manga: 34 (44.2%)
After the trailers but before the anime: 14 (36.8%)
During the anime period: 40 (34.5%)
After the anime: 14 (73.7%)
The stats are fairly consistent until it comes to “after the anime”. I wonder what prompted it?
[Manga spoilers!]
In the chapters between the end of the anime and this survey (end of June 2022 to end of August 2022), the manga covered: Anya + Henderson (Ch 64), Yor meets Damian’s mom (Ch 65-66), Anya + Damian, Yor + Shopkeeper, Loid + Fiona (Ch 67.1). If anything, we recently got more Anya + Damian canon content than TwiYor.
The next question asked “Is SxF your first fandom?”.
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91.2% (228) answered no, 7.2% (18) answered “I do not consider myself as part of the SxF fandom”, and 1.6% (4) answered yes. If you’re new to fandoms, welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here!
Considering the vast majority answered no, it’s assumed the respondents are aware of fandom etiquette such as proper tagging. And you can click away if you see art / fic you don’t like.
The next question is “Would you call yourself a fan who creates fancontent for either or both of those ships?”.
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55.2% (138) answered no, 44.8% (112) answered yes. It’s a pretty even division.
Out of the 112 creators, 58.9% (66) are DamiAnya mains, 41.1% 46 are TwiYor mains, which I suppose shows how small of a corner this survey touched? I don’t know how to count fanarts on various sites, but at the moment I’m writing this, there are 1303 TwiYor works and 698 DamiAnya works on Ao3. I’m a DamiAnya fic author and my circle consists of other DamiAnya fic authors, so again this survey is skewed in DamiAnya’s direction.
And finally, for the sites respondents use to browse for SxF content / fancontent.
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206 (82.4%) answered Ao3, 202 (80.8%) answered Twitter, 169 (67.6%) answered Tumblr, 87 (24.8%) answered Instagram, 67 (26.8%) answered Pixiv, 25 (18%) answered Discord, 44 (17.6%) answered Reddit, 23 (9.2%) answered Wattpad, 20 (8%) answered FFN. A couple answered YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, and Tiktok. Yup, Ao3 supremacy.
I also asked about nationality (optional question). Fom experience, DamiAnya seems to be popular in the Asian community (I’ve dug around in the Chinese fandom). Not everybody answered, but for those who did:
(I’m very sorry for excluding those who put multiple because I don’t know how to categorise them for this survey)
American: 32
Filipino: 18
Brazilian: 9
Indonesian: 8
Peruvian: 5
Mexican: 4
Argentinian: 4
British: 3
Canadian: 3
White: 3
French: 3
Vietnamese: 2
Asian: 2
German: 2
Indian: 2
Hispanic: 2
Hong Kong: 2
SEA: 2
Malaysian: 2
Chinese: 2
Panamanian: 1 (DamiAnya)
Australian: 1 (DamiAnya)
African European: 1 (TwiYor)
Half Mexican half European: 1 (DamiAnya)
Black / African American: 1 (DamiAnya)
Honduran: 1 (DamiAnya)
American / Chinese: 1 (TwiYor)
Costa Rican: 1 (DamiAnya)
Moroccan: 1 (DamiAnya)
Saudi Arabian: 1 (DamiAnya)
Venezuelan: 1 (DamiAnya)
Thai: 1 (TwiYor)
Bulgarian: 1 (DamiAnya)
Egyptian: 1 (DamiAnya)
Ukrainian: 1 (DamiAnya)
Lezgin: 1 (DamiAnya)
New Zealand: 1 (DamiAnya)
Taiwanese: 1 (TwiYor)
Chinese / Filipino: 1 (DamiAnya)
English Chinese: 1 (DamiAnya)
Swedish: 1 (TwiYor)
Chilean: 1 (DamiAnya)
Iraqi: 1 (DamiAnya)
This is an incredibly long list but I’ll try to note down more significant findings. In the above list, I already put down the preferences of those who only had one reply.
15 out of 18 Filipinos preferred DamiAnya. 6 out of 9 Brazilians preferred DamiAnya. 4 out of 5 Peruvians preferred DamiAnya. An American / Chinese put down TwiYor, but everybody else who had Chinese in their replies put down DamiAnya (the Taiwanese chose TwiYor but the two from Hong Kong chose DamiAnya). The 2 Indians, 2 Hispanics, 2 Malaysians, 2 Vietnamese all chose DamiAnya. 2 out of 3 of the French put down DamiAnya.
3 out of 4 Argentinians preferred TwiYor. 2 out of 3 of the British put down TwiYor. Everybody who had Canada in their replies put down TwiYor (3 Canadians, one raised in Canada).
Americans and Indonesians have a pretty equal split.
The sample size is small here so I would not generalise. The amount of DamiAnya mains who put down nationality is twice that of TwiYor mains. But the Filipino stat is interesting. Also from the very very small sample size, it appears that the Asians (Filipino, Indians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Chinese, Hong Kong, etc) may lean towards DamiAnya. Or maybe not. There’s not enough information.
And finally for the reasons for choosing that ship! I’ll try to sum it up below.
Cute (a lot of people put down this)
The innocence
The potential of their ship / lots of potential dynamics / we don’t know what their future is
More angst potential
Like to see TwiYor as platonic / semi-platonic / QPR / familiar so it’s not a romantic ship
They’re funny / chaotic
More canonical in the sense Damian has a canon crush, while for TwiYor it’s just hints and teases
Want to see them grow up and develop
They’re adults (a lot of people put down this)
They are uncomfortable with shipping children (also a lot of people put down this)
Uncomfortable with some DamiAnya works (that touch on adult / “unsafe” topics)
Rare to have a healthy, respectful, wholesome ship between two adults
More stable / calm / tender
The same age as the characters / more relatable
Favourite character is Twilight / Yor
The characters are attractive / hot / sexy
The characters are mature
The characters are complex
Untouched potential
LOTS of respondents who chose TwiYor said they’re uncomfortable with shipping kids and adult ships appeal to them more, which is perfectly valid. That might be the biggest thing holding people back from shipping DamiAnya. And some DamiAnya mains said they enjoy the TwiYor dynamic but don’t see it as a romantic ship. Same for TwiYor mains who said they like platonic DamiAnya but won’t mind if they get together like twenty years later.
People named the tropes they liked for each ship, called each ship “more interesting”, but from the answers, people have called TwiYor both “simple / vanilla” and “complex”, and DamiAnya both “basic” and “unique”. I suppose it’s down to personal preference.
My personal opinions below:
Why TwiYor might be “simple” is because they don’t have a lot of canonically romantic content, just teases / some blushes / ship fuel. (While Damian’s crush is unrequited, at least his crush is canonically confirmed.) So it’s a subtle slow burn. TwiYor is also complex because we don’t fully know both of their backstories and the facets of their characters. They each have their own motivations for starting a family, but they’re starting to enjoy the family for family’s sake. There are also many ways their dynamic could develop (domestic, fluff, angst, etc).
Why DamiAnya might be “basic” is that it’s a romance in a school setting. Young love is also extremely common in anime / manga, especially teenage love (for aged up DamiAnya). It also has a lot of tropes. But DamiAnya is “unique” because of the mindreader / Operation Strix setting, and it’s exactly the cocktail of tropes that brew so many different potential dynamics. There are many ways the two characters could grow up, and many ways their dynamic could change.
People have said TwiYor is more stable (may appeal to the older fans who prefer stability), and DamiAnya is more uncertain / turbulent (may appeal to the younger fans who want excitement).
That’s it! Thank you so much if you’ve read this 2k words long post. You’re welcome to make your own analysis / quote the stats, but be respectful to everyone and again, no ship bashing. This is also a small sample with only 250 responses, so take it with a grain of salt.
Sorry for the occasional awkward wording (not a professional with stats) or mistakes (if any). English is not my native language.
To conclude, as a DamiAnya main, I think this quote from my irl is funny: “Twiyor is for simping purposes only damianya has better dynamics” XD
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unmellowyellowfellow · 4 months
+*~*+ questions game +*~*+
a lil tag game created by @olivescales3!!!
tagging @fire-but-ashes-too @sender-paulson @gothamxwattpad @dogmomwrites gently! no pressure <3
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it? loosely, i think it boils down to all three of those in some way. not really the anti war part. its simply the tale as old as time: the Evolved were erased from history and want to live among the Humans without fear or hatred, but the Humans are doing what they can to push them down. So...diversity in a weird fantasy way maybe?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)? regional gothic is the biggest world building inspiration i have. everything i place into my little wip world is always followed up with the question, "okay now how do I make this thing make the reader feel uneasy?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person? MC is trying to achieve peace between her two worlds that collide, and I'm trying to achieve (for my readers), a thrilling and heart-warming story to escape their own worlds; as Catherynne Valente did for me and many MANY others.
How many chapters is your story going to have? ha...hahaha....moving on
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it? original content! i plan on posting here eventually for SURE, im not sure where else yet though...
When and why did you start writing? I answered this in an ask (thanks!) but ill elaborate more! I was around 8/9ish years old when life became a little too hectic for me to have to live in every day; so I created my own through fanfic, and I never, ever, stopped. maybe one day Ill write a short story based off of the man and his shark.
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow? I follow 300+ other art blogs out there (writeblrs, artblrs, whatever!) and all I want to say is that ALL OF YOU ARE SO F@&#ING TALENTED. I LOVEEEEE ALL OF YOU AND ARTISTS RUN THE WORLD.
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myimaginedcorner · 8 months
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At last, we're here, my dear reader. After more than two years of sweat and tears, you and I are witnesses to this book's full release, the end that lays foundations to the fresh beginning of a bigger journey. I cannot express just how grateful I am to everyone who's been supporting me throughout this time, to each who wrote their lovely messages and useful advise that helped me keep improving with my every chapter. The road ahead doesn't look long, now - there's only some re-writing left, and then, I'm submitting this project to the judgement of Hosted Games. If we're lucky, this is but a step in a story that has not yet seen its rightful end.
Now that the long weekend has ended, I'll begin with my thorough re-read of the book, a re-write of some sloppy scenes and a proper check of stats and their effect on your experience, to make sure this game is enjoyable and worthy to be officially released. I thank you all again for your patience, for your support and love - I'll do my best to bring you a good final product.
As usual, I welcome any feedback, for my beta-tester is becoming a woman of Science (I've also slightly broken her with a Baldur's Gate 3 obsession). If you have any issues, recommendations, or comments in general about my work, feel free to text me here or make a post in CoG forum, where I will be answering you to the best of my capabilities. I tried my best to bring this update quickly - I checked for bugs, but I'm always very grateful for any help!
Sometimes, the image for Chapter 5's title doesn't appear at the beggining of the chapter. I'm unsure why, and thus the bug still persists.
Scales of Justice is a fantasy game situated in another world, far away from Earth. There are plenty of species living together in harmony, but the human race is currently split in two civilisations: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other and the fight between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ here is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, on character development and your own perception of reality: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe wants to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
Set off on a new adventure towards Neutral Lands, to meet a mythic creature of all answers - The Visionary.
Gather up to 3 companions to help you in your quest - befriend, romance or rival them, the choice is yours.
Buy a horse - we know you want one.
Fight, conjure, support, speak or think - choose your way of handling a tricky situation.
Explore the kingdom of Hero up to Menai's shore, in search for someone - or something - to aid you in your journey.
The DEMO version of the book runs up to Chapter 5 and contains 276K words overall. I will be putting up updated versions of the first chapters as I work my way through them, so expect the DEMO version to become a polished reflection of what the final book will look like!
If you want to know a little more about this project and read chapters 1-5, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Any mistakes, concerns or questions you have, feel free to contact me through Tumblr! I am very excited to share this story with all of you, and I want to make it as good as possible with your help!
Shoren/Seile -> Heir to the Hero kingdom's throne, right where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who's very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
Robert/Reina -> Order's Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis -> An Outworlder, who was caught by cultists from the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria -> Leader of Vannais, a recognised “villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious, reserved but temperamental. Prefers action over words and so is always present on battlefields and amidst negotiations, even though never in official manner. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and emerald eyes.
Be careful! These characters have their thoughts and opinions on the world and your actions: if you want them to support you, convince them or take their side… or neither. That is your choice after all!
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