#but i've already moved them out and i'm not as crushed as i thought i'd be
nihilismtrcit · 1 year
sooo...remember that time i spent over a week designing a house from scratch?
well, it’s a buggy mess i fear. 
for whatever reason, no one has autonomy when on the lot?? it’s not that autonomy is turned off in-game. the settings are on. and if i travel off-lot, clem and charlie’s full autonomy returns. but on the lot, they’ll just stand around and starve and pass out from exhaustion and pee themselves. i have to command them to do everything. even when visitors come, they’ll just stand there at the front gate and never leave until i actually send them home. 
which i was willing to live with, but there are other bugs. like clem and charlie also won’t perform certain actions when commanded on the lot. like throwing away trash. they just...won’t. they’ll hold it for a second, then put it back down. even if a trashcan is directly in front of them. same with woohooing for some reason ? they just...won’t do it. also all their crops keep rotting ?? LOL it’s like i built on cursed land or something
idk man. guess i’m good at designing for aesthetics not functionality. i’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on. i tried playing the lot in a different save file and the same thing happened so it’s def something about the house. maybe broken cc ? last exception error ?? no idea. that’s actually partially why i sent clem and charlie on vacation. i wanted to see if their save was fucked up or just that lot. & lo and behold as soon as they got to the rental in selvadorada, their full autonomy was working normally again. 🙄🙄🙄 
anyways if you see clem and charlie living in a different home, no u don’t. that’s always been their home and we shall not speak of it further lmao
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teaboot · 11 days
Forgive me if you’ve already answered something similar but how do you deal with crushing guilt when you did fuck up but there’s not really anything you can do to like make amends or you’ve already done anything you could and still feel guilty?
Like I know the guilt isn’t productive at all, if anything it’s just paralyzing me, and mentally beating myself up over it isn’t actually helping anyone. But I don’t know where to go from there. Idk how to actually forgive myself, or at least be able to move on
Okay, so this is something I've had to work through for a very long time myself, and there's a few different strategies that I've used to cope and process with varying levels of success.
What I used to do was handle the "I've ruined everything and hurt people and am never going to be forgiven" feeling by hurting myself in a number of creative and stupid ways, from physical hurt (Everything you'd expect) to mental hurt (wallowing, speaking badly of myself, going over the bad thing over and over again in my head) to passive hurt (neglecting my health, not eating properly, failing to pursue good living conditions, letting others hurt me, deliberately wandering into risky situations) and despite any short-term relief or peace I got, none of it ultimately fixed anything.
At the end of the day, making myself suffer as retribution or apology didn't fix the thing I'd done and didn't make the guilt go away, and all it gave me was an additional sense of shame and isolation because now not only was I a garbage person, I was a garbage person with something to hide from my loved ones. Zero out of ten, do not recommend.
The stuff that DID help was harder and is going to sound stupid because *I thought it was stupid* until it worked for me.
First: Learn the difference between GUILT and SHAME.
GUILT is how you feel about your choices.
SHAME is how you feel about yourself.
"I was late to a date again, that was inconsiderate": GUILT. The issue can be resolved by analyzing the reason behind the action and planning steps to avoid repeating it in the future. Guilt is productive because it motivates us to improve our choices. Once you've corrected the behaviour, it's over.
A"I was late to a date again, I'm inconsiderate": SHAME. The issue can be resolved by asking ourselves:
What negative thing to I believe about myself?
What other experiences support this belief? What evidence do I have that the bad thing is true?
Do those previous experiences have anything in common? Where they actually proof of a personal lack, or did someone just tell me they were? Were my choices and actions understandable? Did I have a reason? Was I trying to hurt others, or was it a mistake, accident, or learning experience? Have I grown from that experience?
Can I forgive myself for the past? What do I need to do to forgive myself for those past events? Was I really at fault at all, or was it out of my control?
Accept that.
Your present traumas and shames often have roots in beliefs you had about yourself before the new shameful thing occurred. When you dig into resolving the issues that led to today, you can use those conclusions to work through tomorrow. This is something I learned in cognitive behavioral therapy.
There are a number of ways of unpacking these questions, but as I felt I was deliberately avoiding my thoughts and feelings, I chose to jump into them directly, and found it to be effective.
You can write things down, talk to someone, paint something, draw something, whatever. Whatever at all works for you.
My solutions was to find a comfortable place on the floor, sit down, close my eyes, and do box-breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4) while deliberately thinking about every upsetting memory attached to a specific bad belief that I could recall until I had nothing left to go over.
Judge and jury. Was I a bad person, or did I make a mistake? Did I have malicious intentions, or did someone accuse me of malicious intentions? Am I bad, or have I been conditioned to believe I'm bad? And at the end of it all, am I capable of better? Do I want to be better? And would a truly bad person care?
It was more emotional than I expected the first few times. Cried a lot, actually. But if I can liken it to a common feeling, it was like getting out of a very thorough shower and realizing you didn't know how dirty you were before.
The process sucks ass, no lie, but it's worth it. Like draining pus from a gnarly wound to get it healed up properly.
I'm not an expert, of course, but life has gotten better since I started. I'm better at forgiving myself, at least.
Also: Some people will never forgive others even for tiny things. Sometimes once you've done your best, you've just gotta say "fuck 'em". C'est la vie, mon amie.
Good luck, yeah?
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asuyaka · 8 months
It is currently 3AM for me rn so apologies in advance if this looks like it was typed by a drunk person,
I've had this idea at random, but I'd like to request Teen!Gojo with Male!Reader(who Gojo has a fat crush on) who is very physically affectionate and by the power of plot armor has the a ability to break through Gojo's infinity. And so he uses this power, not to beat the living shit out of Gojo but rather to sneak behind him and either give him bear hugs from behind or tickle his sides whenever he isn't looking.
★ - Thank you for requestin' anon !! 'm in love with this concept s'muchhh!
☆ - Teen! Gojo Satoru x Plot armored! Male Reader (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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You,—contrary to popular belief— weren't a strong sorcerer.
At least not compared to the almighty Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. The strongest sorcerers of the modern era.
Though, there is one thing about your technique that could easily make you one of the strongest. If you trained and worked with it, but that's too much work.
Your technique was sort of like Shoko's. RCT, but you had better control of it due to constant training when you were young.
So, what does a young teenager, whose bored out of his mind, do at times like these?
Stifling a giggle, you channel your cursed energy on your hands, sneaking up behind Gojo who was too busy arguing with Geto about something.
You pass through Infinity easily, grabbing Gojo by the waist, picking him up, and twirling him around. "Hi, Gojo!!"
Gojo yelps in surprise. It isn't every day—scratch that— no-one was able to get through Infinity unless he lets them. No-one except for the person holding him, who as much as he denies, has a fat, big, huge, ginormous, and massive crush on.
"[Name], it's great to see you," Geto says sharing a knowing and mocking look at Gojo, who is desperately trying to calm himself.
You keep your hands on Gojo's waist, peeking your head through the crook of the albino's neck. "Do you know when that crepe store down the street opens?
"Uhm... it opens tomorrow at 3," Gojo mutters as he pushes his glasses further up his face to hopefully hide the increasing blush on his face.
[Name] giggles happily, spinning Gojo around a few more times. "We should go when it does! It'll be like a nice little get-together!"
Geto snorts. "Ah, I won't be able to go and Shoko is... being Shoko. You and Satoru should go together don't you think?"
Gojo snaps his head up glaring daggers into his friend's eyes. He knew exactly what Geto was trying to plan, and [Name] being the absolute angel he is—
"Yeah, that sounds fun!! Just me 'n you, right Gojo?"
—agrees without a second thought.
[Name]'s hands move from his waist to his torso, a scheming smile on his face.
"[Name] don't. I swear to—"
Gojo interrupts himself with a loud laugh his hands on [Name]'s wrist, his glasses falling onto his nose as he shakes his head frantically. "S-stop it! Suguru! Do s-soemthing!"
Geto raises his hands up defensively. "Hear no evil, see no evil."
"[N-Name!] St- ah! Stop ittttt!!" Gojo's eyes are brimming with tears now, his chest heaving and his body convulsing. He hates being tickled, mostly because his body is so damn sensitive due to Infinity.
But [Name] just... God he doesn't know where to start.
You let go of his torso with a bright smile your hands immediately settling back on his waist. You were a big physical touch person if that wasn't already obvious.
"We're gonna have so much fun on this date, Gojo!"
Geto laughs at his friend's expense who was blushing. Like, whole body blushing.
Gojo swallows thickly, forcing himself to remember it was a friend date. They were just friends.
Only friends.
Fuck, he was in love with this idiot.
"Y-yeah. We'll have fun without Suguru!" Gojo is quick to regain his normal attitude. Well, as normal as it can be with the man he swears he's going to spend his life with nuzzling his neck, talking with Suguru about something he couldn't care any less about.
"I'm glad I'm not coming. I know you'll have a fun time, [Name]. Satoru has quite the surprise for you." Geto teases, drawing an air heart between the two.
"Suprise? What suprise?"
Gojo blushes it feels like his skin is going to melt off. "Nothing! Suguru is making stuff up!"
"Mhm. Sureeee."
[Name] presses into Gojo's cheek. "C'mon tell me!"
Gojo glares at his friend who just shrugs.
So much for being his best friend.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
about the blurbs, how about jjk guys knowing you have a crush on them? would they confess first or would they try to get you to admit it? (:
i love this sm bc yes they would know right away that i'm in love with them hehe
ofc this mf knows you're into him. and of course he's going to try to get you to admit to it.
but that's a little easier said than done, because he's been flirting with you relentlessly for months, and it hasn't actually gotten him anywhere. sure, you always quip something flirty or sassy back at him, you're quick on your feet and effortlessly charming, but it always seems to end there, at the banter.
so he'd try asking you out, asking if you were free, for dinner, or a movie, or anything he could think of. but you always seemed to laugh him off, already have plans, or give him a flirty non-answer. he was starting to think you were blowing him off, and maybe he'd had you all wrong.
but nope! you're just clueless!
he realizes this one day when you call him out on yet another offer to take you to dinner.
"when have you lost all your creativity? did you finally run out of pickup lines?"
he furrows his brow at you, laughing a little out of confusion, before he realizes you're just as confused.
"(y/n), i'm asking you out,"
you blink.
"on a date"
you tilt your head at him.
"i want to go out with you, just the two of us"
"for real?" you ask, your eyes blowing wide with surprise.
"yeah for real!" satoru laughs. "i've been trying to for a while, don't tell me you haven't noticed?"
you shrug your shoulders. "i thought you were just joking around," you admit. "i'd love to go out with you"
after that it's smooth sailing for you two, but satoru will always tell other people that you rejected him repeatedly until finally giving into his charm. ___
to be honest... he does not know you have a crush on him, and will not figure it out unless you flat out tell him.
you learn this the hard way, after spending way too much time dropping hints- hints which you believed to be pretty strong signals of romantic interest, that megumi seemed to believe was just your personality.
you don't know how many eyelashes you plucked off his cheeks, or how many times your hand grabbed his, or rested on his arm or shoulders for just a few beats too long to be a casual touch. it was getting ridiculous. and if you didn't know better, you'd think he was just so uninterested in you that he juts ignored it all.
fortunately for him, you knew better.
and one day you couldn't keep up with all the flirting you were doing, because it wa only driving you mad!
so when the two of you are alone, you decide to just make a bigger goddamn move.
you're training together, and when you find yourself pinning megumi to the ground with a triumphant smile, you decide here goes nothing, and you lean down and kiss him. (he just looked so pretty underneath you!)
when you lean back, staring at him with wide eye to gauge his reaction, you find yourself holding your breath.
he looks surprised at first, but then he furrows his brows.
"was that supposed to throw me off?" he asks. "because that's good, I definitely wasn't expecting that. but I don't think you should be kissing curses, (y/n), that's kinda weird"
it's so cute how confused he is, but you can't help but sigh, and hang your head. how did he still not get it?
"no, dummy, i just wanted to kiss you"
there's a flicker of realization in his eyes, and a quick blush blooming across his face. he definitely realizes then all the little things he'd found cute about you, were just you trying to tell him you liked him. like-liked him.
later when he relays this story to yuuji and nobara, they laugh at him, because they'd thought you two had been together all this time. ___
when yuuta starts to notice a change in your behavior, he picks up on your crush instantly.
your small chats during study sessions turned into lengthy conversations while wandering around campus late at night. eye contact was more often fleeting, and now accompanied with a blush. it also helped that maki and panda had eagerly told him how you always found a way to bring him up in conversation.
that was the icing on the cake, and yuuta was just over the moon at the thought of you crushing on him, because of course he shared your feelings! how could he not? you'd quickly become his favorite person to talk to, and your smile never failed to brighten his day.
so after his friends had given him a little slice of certainty that you had more than platonic feelings for him, yuuta decided to do something about it.
you're walking around campus as usual one night, enjoying the sunset and each other's company, when you notice a piece of dandelion fluff that had gotten stuck in his hair. you're quick to stop him and carefully retrieve the tuft of white, before presenting it before him on your fingertips, insisting he had to make a wish.
"i think that only counts when they're still on the stem" he chuckles at your antics.
"i won't tell," you whisper like it's a secret worthy of you taking to the grave. "just do it before i steal it"
you're smiling and blushing because you're standing so close to him and he hasn't stopped staring at you and it's starting to turn your brain and heart to mush. so yuuta tips his head and blows on the fluff, sending it off with the breeze once more.
you grin, more joyous than he was about a childish superstition, but he had to admit seeing you so happy made him want to go find a hundred more dandelions with you.
"i like you so much," he says, and your whole body is filled with a comforting warmth. "i wished you'd just ask me out already"
with wide eyes and parted lips, a small gasp of nervous laughter bubbled out of you.
"you wished that i asked you out?" you repeat.
"sure did," yuuta says with a proud smile, knowing his wish went to good use. "been waitin', you know"
your brows draw together, but you're smiling, no, beaming. you're absolutely glowing before him.
"i've been waiting for you to ask me out" you admit softly, your nose and cheeks dusting with color.
with only a little shyness, yuuta reaches out to take your hand in his, your fingers carefully slotting together in a rehearsed dance you'd never taken part of before.
"well now we'll have to find another dandelion" he hums, making you giggle.
he's only joking of course, but when he does find one later in your walk, he insists it's your turn to make your wish. once the fluffy seeds are blown into the air, he leans in to steal your lips in a kiss. ___
toge has known about your feelings for him for months now, and he's certain he's done everything he can to just get you to confess already. he's texting you through all hours of the day, complete with good morning and goodnight texts. he's written you flirty little notes (which he's seen you keep in the inside cover of your notebook to keep it protected!) and he's given you a few fleeting cheek kisses here and there!
the guy could only speak in onigiri ingredients, couldn't you throw him a bone and confess your undying love for him already? it was starting to make him grumpy.
you're oblivious to his own flirtations and attempts to get your confession, and he knows this. so he knew he had to take a dramatic leap of faith to get you to admit your feelings, once and for all.
he kidnaps you.
not really... but he does hide out in a utility closet until he hears you passing and yanks you in there with him. your yelp of surprise is quickly silenced by a hand to your mouth, and as soon as you see it's toge, you relax.
"fuck you scared me," you sigh when he pulls his hand away. "don't do that! if you wanted to talk to me, you could've just texted me" you scold.
he shrugs and gives you a sheepish grin, which makes you realize he's unzipped his collar and seeing his whole face is enough to make your knees weak.
he gestures to you, before waving his hands around the small space. you glance around the closet, wincing, not understanding why you had to meet in here.
"my room would have been just as private..." you say, your eyes landing on an open gallon of bleach on a shelf.
you supposed there weren't regular health inspections at a place like this.
"what did you need to talk about in private anyways?" you ask, choosing to ignore that you were probably inhaling a lot of chemicals right now.
or were you just feeling dizzy because you were so close to him and his face was just so pretty and he's staring at you with those pretty purple eyes-?
toge points to you, and then to himself. "salmon"
you giggle, not quite grasping the specifics of what he wanted to say, but feeling flattered nonetheless. toge frowns.
"what?" you poke at his chin to question him on the long face.
toge points his finger at you again, this time for longer, as if that was the part you weren't understanding. then he brings both hands together to draw the shape of a heart in front of you. you giggle at this again, but don't cut him off. he ends his silent statement by shoving his finger into his chest.
"i love you?" you say, too focused on the guessing game to realize what you were actually saying, but as soon as the words leave your mouth, your eyes are widening and your cheeks are darkening.
toge seems victorious, grinning widely now and nodding his head. you're still stunned frozen as he repeats his gesture again, this time pointing to himself before pointing to you, and then holding up two fingers.
it was his crude way of saying I love you too.
your shock relaxes into ease when you realize he'd wanted your confession so that he could make his own, and he wasn't about to tease you relentlessly for your feelings.
his hands grab your own, pulling you towards him, but just before he can slant his lips on yours, you shake your head.
"there's way too many open chemicals to hang out in here any longer," you say, reaching for the door behind him and shoving him out of the closet. "let's go somewhere else"
you didn't have to tell him twice, he's happy to drag you throughout the halls towards his room. ___
a/n: wanna make the yuuta one a full fic now :(
xoxo ~ jordie
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byunpum · 8 months
I can be a better father | Part 5 (Ikran)
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Pair: Tsu'tey x child-Grow up y/n
Warning: none, cute moments.
Note: Sorry for taking so long to answer the requests. I've had a lot of work these past few weeks, and I really haven't had much of a muse. And if I don't feel like writing, I'd better take a break so I can bring you more material. But still….thanks so much for the support!!!
Requests: (anon) Please could you make more chapters of tsu'tey and the children .. where y/n finds a dragon cub just like drogon. Also do one where spider gets an ikran even though he's human. PLEASE !!!
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Tsu'tey placed the last piece of wood to his hut, tightening it tightly against the other pieces. Stepping back to observe his work, this would be enough to keep spider from falling out of the tree hut again. The man had spent all morning preparing a type of ladder so that his human-children would not fall. They were still too small to climb on the hard bark of the tree, well…they could, but he didn't want them to hurt their hands. His children's skin was delicate, he thought asking Jake for help and advice on what he should do would help and here he was…looking at his work. For a first time doing stairs they didn't look bad, or so he thought.
He sat for a while on the floor, resting. He had sent the kids to play with his half-siblings, neytiri would take care of them. And he would have some time off for himself, but all peace of mind was interrupted when he heard the voice of his little Y/N. Turning his head to see his cute baby with an ikran…newborn. Ikran were territorial creatures, so they didn't usually leave their young alone. But here was her little girl, holding the baby ikran in her tiny arms. Well what she could hold, the creature was much bigger than she was. But Y/N was holding it lovingly, walking swiftly towards her father.
"Sempuuuu, look what I found!!!!" shouts the child. Tsu'tey didn't know how to answer, his mouth was open. He had so many questions at this moment, how on earth had she taken that. Tsu'tey gets up from the ground, running towards her daughter. The creature screams, and moves into her daughter's arms.
"Baby…how? Where did you get? By my eywa" speaks tsu'tey trying to calm down, reaching out to touch the baby ikran. But the baby tries to bite him. While his little girl laughs out loud. "I found him….his mom went and left him. I'm going to be his new mommy" Y/N speaks, hugging the child more. The little girl's tiny body sways backwards trying to control her balance. "baby…we must return this baby to his family, we can't take care of him. He belongs with his family" tsu'tey tries to explain to her little daughter that the little ikran belongs with his own kind.
The little one's face turns to one of distress, pouting. By this time the creature had already cowered in Y/N's arms. "sempu…he is alone, we could take care of him…as you have taken care of me and spider" Y/N speaks, oh no those words have crushed tsu'tey's heart. He was weak when his little girl spoke to him this way. Tsu'tey sighs, he didn't want to hurt his daughter's feelings. He fixes Y/N's hair a bit, apparently she had been doing a lot of mischief the last few hours. Her hair was quite a mess, some loose braids and tangled bits of hair.
"Honey…he must be with his own species" tsu'tey starts to speak, but his daughter interrupts him. One of her small hands, touches his forearm. Her little eyes were teary. "But we are not of the same species and you are our father, right?" The little girl speaks, leaving her father speechless again. She was right, he had decided to adopt them and take care of them no matter where they were from. To tsu'tey they were his children, and always would be. Reaching over to give his little daughter a kiss on the hair. "He can stay" tsu'tey watches as her daughter begins to jump for joy, while the creature jumps with her. "but only until he can take care of himself" tsu'tey orders, the little girl accepts all excited. Hugging the baby ikran tightly. Tsu'tey had to admit that ikran babies were not something he was happy about, they were noisy and difficult to take care of.
It was very strange that he was alone, so he decided to investigate the whereabouts of the mother of this creature. And after a week of failing in his search, he proved his daughter absolutely right. Apparently the mother had left him, and she had no one to take care of him. The little ikran had one wing bigger than the other. It was not much of a difference, but this was surely the reason why he was left. Tsu'tey was happy to see how his daughter was taking care of the baby, sleeping with him. Hunting for the little ikran to eat. She looked so cute, with her little bow hunting any creature smaller than herself to give to her baby ikran. The bigger the creature grew, the stronger the bond Y/N had with her.
As the years went by…while other youngsters had to train an ikran, bond with them. And create a connection. Y/N was already flying the skies of Pandora, with taw. So she decided to name her ikran. A beautiful ikran, blue and pink in color. This surprised a lot of people, humans are not able to create bonds like the na'vi do. It created a lot of doubt and curiosity among the na'vi community, humans could have more feelings than they thought.
While the other boys were trying to bond with the ikran, even the sully boys. Y/n was calmly petting her ikran. Tsu'tey watched them curiously, himself wondering how this was possible. Watching as his daughter, hugged the creature, and the ikran closed her eyes with love and a calmness that seemed like something magical. As if the two of them were one and the same person. "You know…having that kind of bond…it's something unique and special" tsu'tey says, with some mockery in his tone. He was rubbing it in jakesully's face, that his daughter had gotten an ikran first and more effectively than his sons. Jake pouts, but laughs. "I remind you that she is my daughter too" jakesully speaks, laughing as he sees tsu'tey stand up straight. Pushing him a little, and walking away from jake.
Tsu'tey walks towards his daughter, touching her hair. The girl looks up, giving her father a big smile. "Sempu…taw is more beautiful every day, don't you think so?" the girl speaks, seeing how her daddy looks at her with such admiration and adoration. "You're amazing sweetie" tsu'tey says, seeing how his little girl giggles. And she answers him with a ' I know'. Sitting down together to watch the training of the others.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Bullied yan x delinquent reader who beats up their bullies once (probably because they were in the readers spot or getting in their way) know bullied yan clings to the reader and treats them like a god and basically willingly becomes their slave and the reader just looks at them with disgust and slight concern.
Bullied yan: I’ll kill them all if you told me to
Delinquent reader: that’s fucking stupid- you’d be throwing your life your away by murdering someone or anyone for no reason other than “somebody told me too”, don’t waste your life like that
Bullied: Y-You care about my life
Delinquent reader: NO! Fuck off
[light violence, excessive language]
"Alright, idiots. Since you chucklefucks clearly forgot how things run around here while I was away - I'd say it's time for another lesson. Line up and spread 'em."
Trembling in fear, your fellow delinquents part their fingers wide as they place their hands palms down on the gravel - breathing quickened as your looming shadow towers over their battered forms. Whistling along, you step over their hands in a leisurely stride - twisting your heels into the backs of their hands and crushing their fingers raw. You stare down every one of your victims - drawing your foot back to plant it square in the chest of the bully who immediately retracts their hands at you step off their hand. Yanking them forward by the collar as they reel, you crack them hard upside their head as you his.
"Did I fucking say you could move, bitch? I should break every god damn bone in your body for the shit you've been pulling lately, but I'm not trying to get expelled. "
The bully covers their face, shrinking as you ball your fist. "W-we're sorry, Y/n. We thought you were going to be out for the rest of the week. Please don't hurt me.."
What's happening...? The bullies who made their few short weeks in town a living hell - cowering as if they were cut from the same cloth. How-
Thomas had never been the most liked by their peers. Nish interests and their weak frame made them a prime target for bullying. Their parents already had the car packed at the first sign of trouble and off to the next district to try again instead of taking the easy route and letting them in their high school years at home. They tried harder to fit in this time. Blended with the crowd, stuck to themself and their books. In such a short time their family had found stable jobs and made friends with their neighbors. They didn't want to take that away from them, even at the expense of their own happiness away well being.
The bullies here were a different breed. All it took was mistaking one of their bags as their own for everything to crumble around Thomas. The next day they found glass in their locker, accusing words etched into their desk. They were hounded for the money from their part-time job and beaten when they refused to comply. What made matters worse was there were rumors of someone worse than them on suspension after assaulting another student in the parking lot. This was hell, and if they had to deal with another bully they likely wouldn't survive. All they wanted was for someone - anyone to rescue them from this nightmare.
"I've told you time and time again that the bleachers are my territory. You dumbasses think you're sneaky, but you always leave cigarettes and other filth behind. I want you to clean your shit up - and get the fuck off my property."
You look back at Thomas like a beast to prey. "And I want you to return everything you stole from that guy. I let you off the hook easy one to many times. On second thought, gimme me that."
You tear the watch off leader's wrist and throw it at them as you walk pass. "Pawn it. Should be worth almost as much as they took."
Thomas misses the catch, scrambling to their feet to pick up the watch. "T....thank you?"
You scoff. "Don't thank me. Those morons never learn and needed an explanation of what happens when you mess with my shit. Stay away from me or you'll end up just like them."
You push past them as you walk off. Thomas would later come to find you were the student spoken of in rumors and the guy you nearly put in the hospital had tried to fight you the authority you never sought to claim. Many saw you as another target for your reserved nature until you put them in their place with your fist. You were almost alike in that regard. Challenged by peers for your differences. Unlike Thomas, you had the courage to hold your ground and knock someone down if needed. It was aw inspiring. It was enchanting. Maybe you were more alike than they'd originally thought. Thomas had always longed for companionship and maybe deep down you wanted the same. Partners in this cruel, fucked up world.
The next day, Thomas waits outside for you to show. You arrive almost thirty minutes late making it the first day they've ever been late for class, but they were fully prepared to shed their old self to make room for whatever you wanted them to be. They run up to you, digging through their bag as they call out.
"Ah - Y/n! Wait!"
You turn, annoyance clear as day. "Yea?..."
Thomas laughs, oddly giddy at the aggression in your tone. "So that is your name... I, uh - have a present for you. My mom goes hunting in the fall and really wants me to come with her. She gave me this as an early gift and I thought you'd be better with it."
Raising a brow, your curiosity plummets as the sheath of the item Thomas drew comes into view. A hunting knife, roughly sixteen inches in length and engraved with their initials. It felt almost romantic to give something with their name to you. Your eyes shoot around the open hall; shoving their hands and the knife back into their bag as your voice drops to a venom posed whisper.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Thomas giggles hysterically. They never wanted to wash their hands again. "Y-you're touching me...."
"Why did you bring that here? Are you trying to get us both kicked out or arrested?"
"I-I just wanted to give you something to help you out if you get into trouble again. You said it yourself that they never learn. There's no better lesson than slitting someone's throat, right? If you're worried about getting caught you don't have to be. I'll take care of everything - and even if we do get caught I'll take the blame."
You let them go, wiping your hands on your shirt as your face scrunched in disgust. "You're stupider than you look. Stay the fuck away from me freak - and don't throw your life away over dumb shit like someone knocking you around.
Thomas sighs as you storm off. They feel as though they should be upset, but even in threat it almost sounds like you're just looking out for them in your own, special way. This move really had been a change - for the better.
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thekidsralright · 1 year
a love worth fighting for.
pairing: abby anderson x f!reader
synopsis: anderson is the name on everybody's lips when it comes to discussing the newest up-and-coming boxers of the season. with the help of her coach and you by her side, she's going for the world title. but what will she have to sacrifice to get there?
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an: so, it's finally here. this is a big one for me folks - i'd go as far as to say the biggest fic i've ever worked on. ever. i'd love for this to be multi chapter, but that depends on the reception part 1 receives. if you like it, please reblog and let me know your thoughts. i'm proud of this, so be kind with your comments x
warnings: 18+ mdni. violence, swearing, references to smut (despite this chap not having any super explicit content, if i decide to continue this fic there will defo be heavy smut in the next upload - so don't even bother reading the first part if you're not of age).
The MC’s voice reverberates throughout the stadium, drowning out the cacophony of cheers, boos, and overarching buzz from the crowd. You could never predict who they would back until the night, usually finding that boxing fans are easily swayed depending on who gets the first punch in. You were hoping all support would be directed at her tonight, god she needed it. Trying to maintain a positive attitude is hard when your girlfriend's opponent is making his way into the ring, his impressive height and wide, muscular shoulders towering leagues above his teams; arms raised, working the crowd and hyping them up in anticipation for the fight to come. They’re already eating out of his hands, the bastards.
“Ladieeees and Gentlemaaan! Welcome to the main event. In the blue corner, weighing in at 188 pounds, undefeated in 48 fights; he needs no introduction folks - it’s the man, the beast, Zach ‘Thunderstorm’ Norriiiiiis!”
The crowd roars in excitement, slapping their hands together and pumping their fists in the air. Zach is one of the nation's favourites, as any undefeated boxer would be. The nickname ‘Thunderstorm’ came from the sound his opponent’s bodies would make when they hit the canvas, like the crack of lightning. You look ahead with a neutral expression, keeping your eyes focused on the empty archway ahead of you - trying not to zero in on just how big his arms were. How they could crush someone's airways, smash apart their ribs, do irreplaceable damage.
You inherently hated what your girl did as a profession, hated the way she put herself in harm's way time after time after time. But there was also a part of you that admired her for it, for the unbreakable determination that radiated from her - if she got beaten down, she would get right back up and come at you even harder. It’s what kept forcing you to show up. That, and also the tiny factor of being absolutely in love with the woman. But when she got hurt, which seemed to be every other day lately, you really wanted to grab a hold of her fucking head and shake the-
“Aaaaand coming into the red corner, Thunderstorm’s opponent, weighing in at 175 pounds. She hails from Salt Lake City, and is rising through the ranks quickly. With 30 wins, 24 of them coming by way of knockout, give it up for the new kid on the block -  it’s Abbyyyyyy Andersooooon!”
And here she comes, bowling out of that archway with Coach right on her tails; the hood of her red robe covering her plaited hair, matching red gloves already fastened and ready. Even from where you were waiting by the stalls, you could see the all-too-familiar expression that befalls her face before every fight. Eyes so dark they look black, focused, unwavering; brimming with unshed aggression that are preparing for the violence that is about to ensue. 
Frightening. Arousing. Another reason you’re still with her.
Abby ducks under the ropes of the ring, bouncing on her feet as she grounds herself on the canvas before moving over to her corner where Coach is now waiting. As you rush up to them, Coach gives you the look he always does before a fight - the type that screams, ‘you shouldn’t be here, girl.’ He thinks you’re a distraction, an irritating fly he’d rather swat away so he can make sure his prized money maker has the best chance at winning. You weren’t giving in that easily. Coach could go to hell for all you cared; you knew his real motivations when it came to all of this. Abby may regard him like a father, but you saw him for what he really was. A leech.
Coach shouts up into Abby’s ear, her head bent in concentration - “He’s a fucking showman. That, and a bit of muscle. You know you got the upper hand tactically; he has no fucking clue what’s about to hit him. Just stay focused Anderson, and this bout is yours.”
Abby nods resolutely, eyes trained on the canvas as she rolls her shoulders back and cracks her neck. Coach’s hands come up to grip the ropes between them.
“You gotta win this champ, you can win this. Just don’t. get. distracted.”
Both Coach’s and Abby’s eyes turn to you at the same time as you offer up a reassuring smile to your girlfriend, also now clutching at the ropes that separate you.
“You got this babe.”
She nods quickly and gives a tight smile, but you can tell from the tense line of her shoulders that she’s stressing out. Yes she’s fought before, but it was never on this big of a scale. Never against opponents like him. It was what Coach insisted was the next step –
“You wanna face off a load of wimps Anderson? Or do you wanna make it to champion status?... Yeah? Of course you fucking do. Then you gotta get in front of the crowds and beat the shit out of the favourites.” 
Easy for him to say, he’s not the one going up against an undefeated fighter. But you had faith in your girl. That was never going to change. You move closer to the ring as she crouches down into the corner, Coach double checking he has all the supplies that she would need between rounds. You take her face in your hands through the division of the ropes and pull her in for a quick kiss - before she can move away, you hold her there and take her chin in your grip, eyes lingering on hers.
“Win this…like I know you can, and then come home and fuck me like a champion.”
You don’t give her time to respond as you let her face go and back away, moving into the crowd as you cheer her name. That posture of stress has eased slightly, and a smug smile is planted on her face instead. Coach, of course, comes and wipes that smirk away as he puts her mouthguard in, holding her head still as he most likely shouts some type of bull at her once again. But of course, she’s listening to him like it’s gospel. Amped up and ready to fight, Abby raises herself to full height, bouncing on her feet and swinging her arms to the side. The crowd aren’t sure what to make of her, most of them never even hearing her name before. But there is the occasional cheer for “Anderson!” amongst the rally of support for Norris. After all, people do love an underdog.
The announcer calls Abby and Norris into the middle of the ring, a hand on both of their chests as he explains, “Now I want a nice, clean game. Nothing below the belt. Are we clear?”
Both nod, pressing against the MC’s outstretched hands in an act of intimidation towards the other. Abby’s face is like stone, never breaking eye contact and standing strong. Norris on the other hand, his smirk was the show of pure arrogance. She better fuck this dickhead up. Both back away from each other, getting into a southpaw stance as the MC’s voice rings out for the last time. 
“Are we readyyyyy…FIGHT!”
You forget about everything else when that bell rings; the crowd getting louder, Coach’s bellows erupting from her corner, the look on Norris’ face as he circles his prey. The toll of that bell ringing in your ears sounds like a death sentence, also signalling the start of round 1. 
By round 4, the feeling of uneasiness settles in your stomach and your eyes continue to follow her quick-shifting form, matching her movements so that when she ducked or flinched back, so did you. Both fighters have been pretty level with one another so far, both sending out jabs and uppercuts - only for them to be warded off before any real damage could be inflicted. It’s not enough to win though, she needs a clear hit.
Abby goes in for a right hook, ever so slightly clipping Norris’ chin and the crowd ripples in response, hoping for the real fight to begin soon. Norris responds with a clinch to stop her from advancing too quickly, wrapping his arms around and over her. You hated seeing him touch her like that, your own fists clenching at your sides in response.
The bell tolls again signalling the end of the round, both fighters making their way to their respective posts - but not before you see Norris saying something in Abby’s ear. She doesn’t move for a second, eyes unwavering on Norris as he turns his back. For a second you think she might go for him, but she’s worked too hard to let her temper win now. With a shake of her head, she goes over to Coach and plunks down on the ground - tearing off her gloves with her teeth and ripping out her mouthpiece. Her focus is still sharply on Norris across the ring, most likely getting strategy tips and a pep talk in her ear from Coach, reminding her to channel all that anger back into the task at hand. 
You don’t move from your seat in the crowd, wanting to give her the space to fully zone in. She knows you’re here for her and only her, and you provided enough motivation at the beginning of the night to last the duration. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the view at the moment either, and that those feelings of uneasiness were also coupled with an overwhelming tide of arousal.
The way sweat is dripping down her face and neck, trickling down her chest and onto her arms. How she runs her hands over the top of her head, dousing it in water and brushing through the roots with her fingers to cool off. Yeah… you really hoped she did win tonight, not just because she deserves it from how hard she’s been training, but selfishly a part of you really wants to get fucked good tonight. Especially after the show she’s putting on for you right now. And you know for a fact it’s only for you.
Abby’s let you know multiple times how much she loves you watching her fight, seeing her crush opponents to a pulp and looking absolutely glorious doing so. It’s upsetting that tonight, she isn’t doing so well. But this is what she and Coach wanted, to start moving up the leagues and facing off against better fighters - solidifying her name among the real competition. You try to stop the negative thoughts from creeping in, try to stay positive for your girl.
The rounds keep stacking up, neither Abby or Norris winning the upper hand for long. It’s evident that both fighters are getting aggravated by round 9, their punches falling on the side of reckless, their expressions displeased and downright pissed. You shout as loud as you can, “Come on baby, you can do this!” in the hopes that Abby can hear you over everyone else. And she must have done, as her head slightly turns in your direction on instinct, and Norris’ gloved fist takes the opportunity to make contact with the side of her face in response.
The crowd screams with excitement, satisfied with the fact that something is finally happening. But all you see is red as the blood sprays from Abby’s mouth on impact, her body crashing into the ropes that barely keep her form upright. You take a step forward as does Coach, you both now waiting for the bell to ring so you can meet her at the post. 12 seconds.
Come on, just stay out of his way for a bit longer…avoid the fucker for 12 seconds!
Abby’s so stunned from that first punch that as she tries to right herself on the canvas and pick up her stance, Norris is already waiting with another blow to the face - this time an uppercut that sends her head flying back and her legs out from under her.
No no no no, NO!
5 seconds.
You’re screaming for her to get up as the crowd counts how long she’s been down. 
“Stand up! Abby stand the FUCK UP!”
A wave of an arm and a twitch of a leg has you screaming in relief, as Abby slowly gets back on her feet before a KO can be declared, just as the bell signals the end of the round.
Abby all but bolts for her corner, leaning her body and head back against the post - her eyes shut from exhaustion and pain. Coach partially moves out of the way for the cutman, who is trying to clean the blood from her face as best they can - the enswell pressing against the areas where Norris’ punches made impact.
You can see she’s starting to give up, that undeniable fire in her eyes has dulled to a mere glow. You can’t stand it. You try to move your head further into her corner to say “Baby, you can do this, you just gotta-”
Before you can finish, Coach has climbed through the ropes so he’s kneeling directly in front of Abby’s hunched figure, grabbing the back of her head so their foreheads are nearly touching.
“You listen to me Anderson. You’re jumping about this ring like a fuckin’ monkey on steroids. Calm the fuck down, focus in on the technique we’ve been working on for months and stop…getting…distracted.”
At this, both heads turn in your direction. Abby’s expression shows you she isn’t angry about being distracted from your support; she knew you were coming from a good place. Coach on the other hand is looking at you like you went up there and hit her yourself. He never liked when you were around, always insisting that partners were just unwanted emotional baggage that could wait until after the last punch was thrown. But Abby refuses to get in the ring if you aren’t watching from the sidelines.
“Not going out there without my girl, Coach - she’s my lucky charm.”
“Well your lucky charm has been making you late to training. Gotta get your head back to the task at hand. You can play housewives later.”
But tonight isn’t the night to bicker with Coach about things that won’t change. You will both always be here for Abby, and right now she needs you. You hold her gaze, giving a smile and a wink - “Are you seriously giving up this easy? You and me both know you’ve got it in you to bring this piece of shit down. Come on Abs…fucking finish it.”
Coach is clapping her shoulders in agreement, lifting Abby up so she can shake out the stiffness and get ready for the next round. What you hope to be the last round. You take your position back up in the crowd, and get ready to cheer for your, and her, life. The bell rings out. 
Round 10.
She makes every punch count, unleashing herself at Norris like a fucking beast. He doesn't know how to respond to it at first, taken aback at how quickly Abby has switched up her fighting style. The renewed vigour in her movements only enrages Norris even further, the confidence that this fight was his now starting to crack under the weight of Abby’s rage.
He still manages to land some blows, but it’s almost as if she’s stopped feeling them - blinded by the sheer animalistic instinct to push through and keep punching. A flurry of blows to Norris’ face causes him to hunch down and over for relief, but what he doesn't realise is that he’s just given her the perfect head shot from above.
The blow comes fast, and hard. You wince as her gloved fist makes impact with the back of his bent head, forcing his body further beneath her.
Norris goes down, face first into the canvas at Abby’s feet. 
The volume of the crowd increases, if that’s even possible, counting along with the MC to ten to see if Norris has it in him to keep going. You’ve never been more relieved when he doesn't move a muscle.
8…9…10! KNOCKOUT!
You’re screaming, jumping with your arms in the air like a crazy person. She won. Abby won. The MC brings her to the centre of the ring, raising her arm with his to signal her victory. She’s shouting too, showing her black mouthguard mixed with the sight of fresh blood, unable to stand still as she takes a victor’s lap, celebrating her win.
Coach rushes up, gripping her in a bear tackle whilst you look on from the sidelines - still trying to come to terms with what you’ve just witnessed. She won. Against ‘Thunderstorm.’ This is what she’s been working towards for months, hoping for the chance to make her name known among the big leagues. Your girlfriend just put herself on the map, and it wasn’t about to go unnoticed…
It takes a while for you all to make your way out of the stadium, fans constantly asking for autographs and pictures with the underdog-turned-champion of the night. It was nice to see. Finally, Abby was getting the recognition she deserves. Coach was eating that shit up, as expected, spreading the word to anyone that listened that we had a new heavyweight world champion in the making. Abby would get that glint in her eye at every mention of the ultimate title: world champion.
Her head might as well be made of glass, because you can see exactly what’s happening up in that brain of hers as she processes the weight of what’s happened tonight. She can see the prize that has never been in reach now that little bit closer. And she wants it. Bad. You go to remind her to take it one step at a time, but you know it would be received the wrong way.
A number of journalists and presenters were waiting by the entrance of the stadium as you emerged into the cold night. They rush you as soon as they spot Abby. You weren’t expecting so many people to come at you with cameras and microphones, reaching around, past, through you to get to her. A flurry of voices swarm the now enclosed space.
“Anderson, how do you feel after tonight’s knockout performance?”
“Who’s next on your kill list?”
“Are you staking your claim on the heavyweight belt?”
“How will you be celebrating tonight, Abby?”
Overwhelmed, you take a step back so Abby is ahead of you - Coach now placing his arm around her shoulders to also lean into the microphones held up against Abby’s mouth. 
“The next fight is coming sooner than you think. Anderson is ready to take on any of these amateurs and claim the title that is rightfully hers.”
The interviewers all look to Abby expectantly, hoping she seconds the statements made. Of course she does. It’s Abby.
“I’m ready for the next fight. This is what I’ve been training for and I'm not going to slow down now. Put any fighter in front of me and I’ll deal a knockout to whoever wants one.”
You hear this and let out a long breath. This was the flaw that irked you most about Abby. She never knows when to take a break - to step back and appreciate how much she’s already achieved. Once she gets something, it’s on to the next. You just worry that she’s going to burn herself out.
As expected, her comment only invited them to ask more, now wanting to hear the name of the next person she wants to challenge and when that would be. Coach begins to move you all forward again, giving that cheshire smile he’s perfected and a sly “you’ll have to wait and see” - most likely aiming to leave some suspense in the air so more articles are printed tomorrow. 
All three of you go to move through the reporters, making your way to a black SUV waiting just ahead. From where you took a step back, the crowd sees an opening and begins to slot themselves in between you and Abby, hot on her heels with more burning questions. When she turns her head to answer them, that signature smirk on her face is quickly replaced with alarm, then stone cold anger.
One reporter is physically elbowing you out of the way to get a better angle for his picture, the flash blinding you for a second, causing your head to snap the opposite direction. 
You hear her voice ring out over everyone.
“Get your hands off my girlfriend and back away. Now.”
She pushes through until she’s in front of elbow-camera guy, who is currently regretting his choices now Abby is towering over him, his mouth slightly open with a mixture of awe and fear.
“Do you think it’s ok to treat a woman like that? Do you think you can push my woman out of the way and expect me to pose for a photo?”
He’s frozen to the spot, and Abby only raises her eyebrows in response. Taking your hand and pulling you to her side, she turns you both around after muttering “watch yourself” to the wimp you leave behind. 
“Sorry baby” she whispers in your ear, thumb brushing down the side of your arm. Placing a hand on the small of your back, she leads you both through to the SUV and watches you get into the car before joining you. The voices now muffled; you finally release a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding in since the start of the night. She was fine. She’s safe. Everything’s ok again.
Now you finally have a chance to talk just the two of you - well, you and Abby and Coach - you want to make sure she isn’t serious about jumping straight into another fight. But when she turns to you, her eyes alight with pure happiness that you haven't seen in a long time, you decide to have that talk in the morning.
You have a champion to take home…
The minute you get through the front door of your apartment, you’re leading her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She’s got that dazed look in her eyes of someone in a dream. Only this dream is real, and you couldn't be happier for her. But God, does she look rough. Hot, always, but rough.
“Did you see how fast he went down when I threw that last punch, bubs? I felt like my chest was going to explode during those 10 seconds, it felt like a lifetime to wait. I need to start thinking about my next move with Coach and strategizing ‘cos I could never use exactly the same technique, these fighters are way smarter than any of those fuckin’ rookies I’ve fought before and-”
“Woah, Abs slow down.” You give a slight chuckle as she realises her rambling, holding her hands up in defeat - allowing you to lightly push at her shoulders so she can sit on the toilet. You grab the first aid bag in the cabinet, packed with the essentials that have come in handy many times through the years. The cutman at every fight has of course offered to clean Abby up, but you always took it upon yourself to take care of her wounds at the end of the night. You both liked it that way. You were gentler, caring.
Getting down on your knees in front of her, you get to work wiping the dried blood from her face, placing cold packs and plasters over her swollen cheek and jaw. She sits there in silence, patiently watching you do it all - her hands trailing over your face, neck, arms.
“ ‘m sorry for not noticing you got left behind…don’t want you to think I forgot about you or anything. I just get carried away with it all, ya know?” she mutters, cutting through the silence - cupping the side of your face with her hand as her fingers begin to brush through your hair. You close your eyes as you revel in the feel of it, nuzzling into her palm to give it a kiss.
“It wasn’t your fault, bubs. Besides, you came to my rescue in the end…like always” - you give another kiss to her open palm, reaching up to take her hand in both of yours so you can kiss her sore knuckles.
“Besides, it was kinda worth getting pushed just so I could see you make that guy absolutely shit himself.” You both burst out laughing, leaning in close to one another as if you were best friends sharing a secret. This was the Abby that only you saw. The one who didn’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders, who could just be and not think about the next move.
You whisper, “I’m so proud of you,” and she almost begins glowing with pleasure from your praise.
Abby pulls you in by your face, hands back to cupping either side, eyes turning mischievous. 
“I nearly forgot…I have one more thing I need to do tonight.”
You grin up at her, “oh yeah? And what’s that?”
She leans in further, her mouth stopping to hover just next to your ear, whispering “I need to fuck you like a champion.”
Her hand comes down to cup you through your jeans, squeezing ever so slightly. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t been waiting for this ever since they declared KO, getting wetter by the minute just thinking about the moment when she fucks you good and proper. 
“Come on baby…time for round 1.”
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lucy90712 · 5 months
pls could write a Jude Bellingham x reader YN is Jobes best friend since they were like 5 and YN moved next door, she always had a crush on Jude and everyone could tell but he always turned her down and then he sees her tryna move on and he’s like what’d u think ur doing
WC: 2.8k Ever since I was born pretty much I've known the Bellinghams. When I was born Jude was a little over a year old and then Jobe was born about a year after that. Our parents were friends before any of us were born and they lived just down the road from each other so all of us have been around each other pretty much from the day we were born. As we grew up I only became closer with both Jude and Jobe but as we've gotten older I have gotten closer to Jobe as he's around more and I just feel like I have more in common with him than I do with Jude as he's older so he can always do things before we can. 
One of the other reasons I think I'm not as close with Jude is because I've had a crush on him for a while, when he moved away to go and play in Germany my feelings for him started to change. It seemed like he became a man all of a sudden, he wasn't the Jude I used to know from when we were in our early teens he was different, all of a sudden he was the most attractive man I'd ever seen. Whenever he came home all I could do was admire him and the muscles he'd clearly been working hard to get as well as his face which just seemed so perfect. It was obvious to everyone that I has a crush on Jude even Jobe made fun of me a few times for fawning over his brother. There came a time when Jude sat me down and tried letting me down gently saying that he thought we were better off as friends which hurt a hell of a lot at the time but I've since got over that disappointment. 
Sadly I never got over my feelings for Jude instead I just distracted myself with other guys who were nowhere near as good as Jude and honestly half of them I didn't even really like but it was only a bit of harmless flirting I never went any further as I just didn't want to. I know one day I'll meet a guy I love as much if not more than Jude and then I'll be happier than I am now pining over a guy that doesn't even like me back. It's been a while since I've seen Jude as he's been so busy with the end of the season which has actually helped me quite a lot as not seeing him and trying not to pay much attention to things he posts has kept him out my mind. All of this has been on purpose too as my birthday is today and I didn't want to only be thinking about Jude on my birthday. 
With it being my 18th birthday all my friends have convinced me to go out clubbing with them. They've all turned 18 already and have been out quite a few times and they want me to join them. There has been times they've tried to convince me to get a fake id but I refused as I'm not bothered about going out plus it wouldn't work anyway as quite a few people here know who I am because of my friendship with Jude and Jobe so I never bothered. Sadly Jobe can't come and enjoy my birthday with me as he's not 18 yet but I promised I'd spend the rest of the day with him as he said he didn't want to not see me on my birthday. We've spent all of our past birthdays together and I couldn't be the one to ruin that tradition plus I think I'll enjoy spending the day with Jobe more than I will then going out. 
As it's my birthday I wanted to sleep in for a bit longer than I usually would but that didn't happen as the sound of my phone notifications woke me up. When I looked at it my home screen was flooded with notifications of texts and Instagram posts from my friends. I answered a few texts before there was a knock on my bedroom door and my mum came in with breakfast for me which she'd spent her morning making. She had to go to work but she promised that she'd give me my presents later before I go out which didn't bother me as I don't need any presents I just want to enjoy my birthday. 
Once my mum had left I went back to looking at my phone and replying to people, at some point I went on Instagram and saw that Jude had tagged me on his story and I don't think I've ever clicked on a notification so quickly. He had posted a picture of the two of us from when we were younger covered in mud from where we'd been playing outside in the rain with a caption wishing me a happy birthday. It made me feel all warm inside that he bothered to post something instead of just texting me as he doesn't post much that isn't to do with football. 
After I'd caught up on my notifications I got myself out of bed and got ready so I could go and see Jobe. He wanted me to go to his so I text him just before I left the house so he'd be expecting me. Seeing as its only a few minutes down the road I was happy to walk plus it's such a nice day that I wanted to get outside and soak up the sun even if it's only for a few minutes. When I arrived I didn't even get the chance to knock on the door before it swung open and Jobe tackled me straight into a hug. Jobe has always been like this with me we are just so close that we are always excited when we get to spend time together especially on special days like birthdays. Eventually he let go of me and allowed me inside but he quickly covered my eyes as he said he had a surprise waiting for me in the living room. I was a bit nervous as you never know what a Jobe surprise will be but I had a bit of faith that he wouldn't do anything I'd hate on my birthday. 
It felt like we walked forever but eventually we stopped and Jobe instructed me to open my eyes. It took a second for my eyes to adjust but when they did the first thing I saw was a smiling Jude sat on the sofa. If it were possible my jaw would've hit the floor as Jude wasn't supposed to be home he was supposed to still be in Germany for another week but there he was and I definitely wasn't seeing things. 
"Happy birthday y/n/n" Jude said 
"What are you doing here I thought you still had to be in Germany" I questioned 
"You didn't think I'd miss your 18th did you plus I may have lied to be able to surprise you" he said 
"I'm so happy you're here it's been ages since I've seen you" I said 
He got up and gave me a hug before ushering me to sit down while him and Jobe ran off somewhere. They came back a minute later holding far too many presents which they piled on my lap so that I couldn't move anymore. I tried telling them off for getting me so many unnecessary presents but they insisted that it was necessary as in their words you only turn 18 once. Seeing as they were both so excited about it I opened the presents in whatever order they agreed on which did involve a bit of arguing but we got there in the end. They got me so many nice things that made me feel so loved but also a bit bad as I could never afford to do the same for them. 
"Thank you guys so much I really appreciate everything but you shouldn't have gotten me so much I'll never be able to top or even match that" I said 
"It's ok we don't need you to do anything for us we just love having you around" Jobe said 
"Aww you're going to make my cry" I said 
"Don't cry instead tell me what you've got planned for today" Jude said 
"Well first I'm hanging out with you guys but then my friends convinced me to go out tonight" I said 
"Is it just you and your friends going?" Jude asked 
"Yeah me and I think 3 of the girls the rest can't make it" I said 
"Well I'm coming with you whether you like it or not I'm not letting you go out for the first time without someone to keep you safe" he said super seriously 
"I'll be fine Jude I won't even drink that much" I said 
"I don't care it's not safe for you to be going out with just a few of your friends I promise I'll leave you be I just can't let you go alone" he said 
"Fine you can come but be prepared the girls will go crazy" I laughed 
I spent the rest of the day with Jude and Jobe just hanging out like we used to do all the time when we were a bit younger. They even got me a cake which they definitely aren't supposed to eat with their diet but they did and made me promise not to tell anyone. A bit later I had to leave to get ready but not before Jude cornered me to make me promise to text him when I was ready to go and he'd come over so we could go together. I was still anxious about him coming as for one I don't want to get drunk and say something stupid to him but also I didn't want him to be on my mind all night. Tonight was supposed to be the night I get to let go and enjoy myself and maybe find a guy I like to flirt with but I feel like I can't do that with Jude around as my mind will be on him the entire time. I appreciate his concern about me going out but I can handle myself and I'd be fine without him. That being said it's been a long time since I've really spent any time with him so it will be nice to have Jude there. 
Once I was home and getting ready I was texting my friends to get their opinion on my outfit as I don't really know what to wear out. They helped me get it down to two options but once I told them Jude was coming they picked the shorter tighter dress straight away as they know I like Jude so I guess they are being good friends. Seeing as they picked a nice dress I decided to go all out on my hair and makeup too and if I do say so myself I looked pretty good. After I'd done a few touch ups I text Jude to let him know I was ready and headed downstairs to put my shoes on as I knew he'd be a few minutes. 
Jude arrived and honked the horn of his car to get me to go outside (let's just pretend he can drive) so I made my way to the car slowly trying to not fall over with my heels on the gravel of the driveway. Jude must've noticed my struggle as he got out the car and helped me into the passenger side of the car. 
"You look beautiful" he said 
"Thank you" I said feeling my cheeks turn pink 
"You know you don't have to drive if you want to drink we can get an Uber" I said 
"No it's ok I won't drink I'm only going to make sure you and you're friends are ok" he said 
"They're all really excited that your coming I think they might spend more time with you than they will with me" I laughed 
"I won't let them you'll barely notice I'm there" he smiled 
We arrived at the club and true to his word Jude disappeared as soon as I was with my friends although he did instruct me to put any drinks I had on a tab he'd make for me as he didn't want to me pay for anything on my birthday. He'd gone before I could argue with him so I didn't bother I just did exactly what he told me to and got myself a drink before heading to dance with my friends. As I was dancing my friends told me that there was a guy who wouldn't stop staring at me so I managed to sneak a glance in his direction and he was actually really cute. He noticed me looking at him and shot me a smile before making his way over. 
Straight away he complimented me but not just on my outfit which made me let down my guard a little bit as I could tell he was genuinely interested in me. Once he found out it was my birthday he wished me a happy birthday and offered to buy me a drink which I was happy to accept. As we both sipped on our drinks we started properly talking and we just got on like a house on fire. We actually had a few things in common and he was such a nice guy that it was hard not to get along with him. Once we finished our drinks he took me back to the dance floor and we danced together. To begin with he didn't have his hands on me but I grabbed his arms and put his hands on my waist as I was feeling little more confident than usual. 
I was really enjoying myself dancing and laughing with this guy my mind was only thinking about him and not about Jude at all. It's been so long since I've thought about any guy in front of me and not compared him to Jude, it was honestly so nice to have finally found a guy that made me forget about Jude and that clearly had the same feelings that I did. My enjoyment was short lived though as not long after I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away, I was about to punch the person until I got a look at them and realised it was Jude and honestly I still kind of wanted to punch him as he was supposed to leave me be and I was actually enjoying myself. 
He dragged me all the way out of the club and back to the car which is when he finally let go of his grip on my arm and I just stared at him. Neither of us moved nor said anything for a good few moments until I decided I wanted to go back in if he wasn't going to talk but as soon as I turned around he grabbed my arm again and brought me back to face him. Again the staring ensued and I was really starting to get annoyed. 
"What's going on Jude if you aren't going to say anything let me go I was enjoying my time with that guy" I said 
"I can't let you go back in" he said hastily 
"Tell me why then as I'm not going to stand here forever" I said 
"Because I'm jealous ok I don't know why but seeing you with that guy made me realise that I've been lying to myself for a long time I do have feelings for you I've just been trying to tell myself I don't as I don't want to ruin our friendship" he admitted 
"What you have feelings for me?" I questioned in complete disbelief 
"Yeah I do I know that I made it seem like I didn't see you that way but I have had feelings for a while I just didn't want to change things between us or make things awkward with you and Jobe as I know how close you both are but I can't keep lying I want to be with you y/n" he said 
"I think it's pretty clear that I still have feelings for you and I really want to give us a go I know it will be different but let's be honest Jobe’s been wishing we'd get together for ages so I'm sure everything will be ok" I said 
"Then will you be my girlfriend officially?" He asked 
"I would love to" I smiled 
"Now let's go and have some proper fun" he said taking my hand to lead me back inside 
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jaylienpotter · 10 months
Part 3 of Let them be | 1.9K words
> Part 2 | Part 4 <
Let people want both
Remus, James and Peter were outside already, waiting for Sirius to join them to go to Hogsmead. Remus was getting impatient (it was getting close to that time of the month), it was unbelievable the amount of time someone could take to get ready. They always expected him to take longer, hence why not waiting at the dorm. But that day Padfoot was taking especially long.
Lupin's frown became something else entirely. Thin lips parted, brown eyes wide and cheeks most certainly darker than usual. Siri looked absolutely gorgeous, hot, perfect.
"Looking good Pads!" Prongs greeted the last marauder with his usual cheerful grin. But he didn't have the tall boy's slightest attention.
"You think?"
"Yeah! Girl day?" Sirius hummed affirmatively and got closer. Fuck did he she look even better.
"Where did you get the clothes?" The short blond boy was still getting used to the whole gender thing, but it had gotten better since the protest they did for Regulus.
"Well, Marlene gave me the skirt, said it's a tad too big on her. The top is mine but I cut it to be cropped. Not bad, I'd say. Definitely not the straightest but it's me after all. And I don't know, it gives it a grungy style. The fishnets are Mary's. I was expecting it to be uncomfortable but it's not, really. The accessories are all mine except for the bracelet, which is also Marlene's. The boots are mine, obviously. It would be fun to maybe get heels at one point but I don't think they exist in my size."
"You can always try spells. You look wicked, anyway!" Potter turned to Remus, who was very much panicking on the inside. "Y'alright, Moony?"
"Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah." Was that suspicious? He was quite collected in general but something about that man - or woman, person, didn't really matter - made him feral. He wanted Sirius to be his. He needed it. But he was far too awkward and shy to ever make a move. I mean, what if it ruined their friendship?
"Look!" Pads lifted her rectangle black sunglasses to show an amazing eye look (not that Remus knew much about makeup) that made her grey eyes pop. "I did it myself! Lily has been teaching me how to make different looks with makeup."
"You're on a first name basis, now? You're not stealing Evans from me, Pads, are you?" He squinted as if threatening, not that he would ever hurt his best friend.
"No, don't worry. I'm still very much into blokes."
"Good. Anyone you got your eyes on?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Suddenly focused on the conversation, a million thoughts raced through Rem's head. Did Padfoot have a crush? Who could it be?
"Secretive. I'm onto you, Pads. And how about you Moony? We all know Pete is devoted to the Ravenclaw boy-"
"Merlin! I've told you already, Benjy and I are just friends."
"Sure." Round glasses turned to Moony, who, for once, was feeling somewhat brave.
"I guess you could say I fancy someone." He hoped to get a reaction from said person.
"Ooooo! Who is she?" This was his moment.
"Why are you assuming it's a girl?" There it was. Pads looked up, interest peaked. It could only be from curiosity, she always enjoyed some drama. Or maybe, hopefully, it could be deeper than that.
"Am I the only straight person here?"
"Well I'm not gay, because I don't fancy Benjy. I don't fancy anyone." Poor Pete. James wouldn't leave him alone about it, constantly teasing.
"Whatever you say, Wormy. Who's this person, Moony?"
"Ain't telling." He was feeling brave and maybe even impulsive. But not even the full moon made him an idiot.
"Aww, come on! Why don't you lot tell me anything?!"
"Perhaps because you're extremely obvious and embarrassing." He did have a point. Although that wasn't the reason in this case.
"Awn, do I embarrass you in front of eagle boy?"
"You're insufferable!" Potter chuckled, deciding it was enough teasing.
"Well, where we off to first? Zonko's?"
"We should go there last. We will need quite a lot of things, we're running out of stock for pranks."
"What would we do without you, Moony?" Get in a lot more detentions, that's for sure. "Three broomsticks?"
They all agreed and went to the pub, ordering butterbeer. After a while of talking about nothings, Peter got up.
"I have to go for a bit."
"Meeting a certain someone whose name starts with a B?"
"Sod off, Potter. I'll see you later." He was barely out the door when James got up too.
"Oh shit! I also need to go. I want to buy Lily some flowers. See if this time she'll accept going on a date. Sorry mates." He took some coins from his pockets (most of them galleons, rich prick) and messily left them on the table. "Uh this should cover some of the drinks. I'll meet you at Zonko's in like 30, yeah?"
"Just go, lover boy."
"Thank you, you're the best!" And then it was just them. It's not like they were never alone, but it was especially hard to focus when Sirius looked like a hot rockstar. No matter where Lupin looked, he could easily get flustered. Face? Amazing makeup that he wanted to kiss. Top? You could see her abs under the crop. Bottom? Obviously the mini skirt. There was no way out.
"You seem distracted."
"Hm? Do I?" Fuck.
"Yes. Is it because of the person you fancy?"
"Maybe." Absolutely.
"I didn't know you were bi." The lanky boy just shrugged, afraid to say something stupid. "Do I know him?"
"You know everyone."
"You know what I mean." Another non answer, a sip of the butterbeer that was near the end. "Do you know if he's gay? Or bi or whatever."
"He is."
"What does he look like?" They were getting into dangerous territory. There weren't many males at hogwarts with fucking grey eyes. Join the long black hair and it was a given.
"Why the interrogation? You also didn't give us much closure."
"Ask me things, then." He pondered. He desperately wanted to find out if Padfoot had any interest in the boy across from her.
"Do you fancy someone?"
"I do." Could be anyone.
"What's his house?"
"Gryffindor, of course. I have high standards, Moons." Siri was the only person that called him that. Got this man on his knees every time.
"I mean you dated a Ravenclaw."
"Shhhh we don't talk about him."
"Right." Brown eyebrows came together "Is it- is it James?" It made sense. They were always together, after all. And Potter was always complimenting his best mate.
"Prongs?! Fuck no! He's my brother. Why? You don't fancy him, do you…?"
"No, no!" Different Marauder.
"What's his house?"
"Also Gryffindor. What does your crush look like?" It could go downhill from there very fast.
"Brown hair. Brown eyes." Matched… "Bad sense of style." Listen. Remus didn't have a bad sense of style. He just liked to be comfortable. Although he could be the one in the description since Black said he looked like a grandfather.
Before Rem could answer, probably ask something that was more specific, a crash and shouts were heard a few tables over.
"Let's go somewhere else?"
"Sounds good."
After paying, Moony awkwardly followed his crush to a secluded area in the street.
"How about you? What does your crush look like?"
"Dark hair…" Pads hummed, encouraging to continue. "Light eyes…" Bastard was smirking. Smirking at the pink cheeks across the scarred face.
"I see…" She got close. Very close. "You know, Lupin. I couldn't help but notice you get particularly shy whenever I'm wearing a skirt. Any reason?" He didn't say anything. I mean, what was he supposed to say? Sirius obviously knew the answer already. "I'd say you simply like short skirts but I don't see you staring at other girls like that." His cheeks matched the colour of their house and he could be playing quidditch with how fast his heart was beating. "What is it, Remy?"
"Siri…" His voice was pleading, his eyes were pleading, his heart was pleading, he was on his knees and she was well aware of that.
"No no." She took his chin and made him look into those grey eyes. "Say it."
"I…" Shit, he was nervous. "I… like you…"
"Was that so hard? If all I needed to do to get you to like me back was to wear a skirt, I would've protested a lot sooner."
"It's not since the skirt… It's been longer." The Black smirk. Annoying and hot. He just wanted to kiss it, aware the bold red lipstick would get smudged on both of them.
"Remus John Lupin, you fool." And just like that, their lips met. Pale arms around the taller one's neck. Moony put his arms around her and pulled her closer, feeling her bare skin and melting into the kiss.
Merlin knows how long the kissing lasted. Time didn't exist between those two. After what seemed like an eternity and yet not enough, they parted.
"You have some lipstick on you." She chuckled and cleaned some of it with her finger. "I'm making it worse…"
"That's okay. I'll wash my face."
"Woooooo!" Turning around, there was a short Filipino blondie cheering them, holding hands with her dark skinned girlfriend. "Fucking finally! You better tell me the details, Black!"
"Fine! Now sod off Mckinnon!" She laughed and pulled Dorcas, walking away. "Well…"
"I uh… I'll wash my face at the pub."
"I'll walk with you." The silence was a tad awkward. At least to Remus. His crush took his hand and broke the ice. "So, since when do you fancy me?"
"I'm not sure… A year, maybe? You?"
"Awww really? You should have come out sooner. I've liked you since fourth year. Never made a move because I thought you were straight. And even after the protest, I wasn't sure if you just found me attractive because I look like a girl."
"No, I like you when you're masculine too. The skirt just… I don't know, has a different effect. Wait here?"
"Is my lipstick smudged?"
"A bit."
"I'll go too." They went back to the pub they had left some minutes ago. Pads went to the girl's bathroom while Remus cleaned his face and grinned at the mirror in the men's. When they met again, the red lips were as lively as before. They stained Moony, the shape of a kiss on his left cheek. "Sorry. Had to."
It had been over 30 minutes since James left to fetch Lily a gift. So naturally, he and Pettigrew were already waiting at Zonko's.
"There they are! Where were you two- Is that lipstick?!" The werewolf blushed and looked down while his partner held up their hands grinning.
"We're dating!"
"What?! You were each other's crushes?!" Wormtail shook his head.
"You are so oblivious, Prongs."
"Wha- You knew?!"
"Everyone with eyes and some common sense knows those two have been pining over each other. Congrats on figuring it out, it was getting painful to watch."
"Wormtail!" Pads gasped dramatically, her hand over her chest. "How could you stay quiet?"
"Wasn't my place to say anything. And it was quite entertaining to watch how stupid you both were." Sirius seemed offended, but Remus couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious.
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oneatlatime · 3 months
Hiii!!! I’ve been binging through your blog for the past few weeks and I noticed how you talk about how Kataang(Katara x Aang) is portrayed in the show. Honestly yeah, I will admit I didn’t like it at first but now I just don’t really care for it. But I’d be interested hearing an in-depth opinion on the ship(unless you already did and I just never noticed or forgot 😭).
Another question, do you think you’re going to read the comics that came out the series? If you’re asking my opinion I’d say they’re a uuuh 7-8 out of 10 IG?
I do have thoughts on Kataang which I haven't shared yet. Part of me thinks I should wait to answer your ask until I've finished the series; it's obvious to me that these two are being set up to be the big finale couple, which means if I talk about them now I'm probably missing the pieces I need to have a full, well-rounded opinion. But you know what? I feel like talking about them now. So here goes.
Short answer: It peeves me that Aang comes from a culture that seemingly doesn't even have parents, yet he still manages to date his mother.
Long answer: they're both way too young. I'm a huge fan of letting the kids be kids for as long as possible. Especially with these kids, who have been prevented from being kids by the war. As Katara points out in the opening scene of the very first episode, she's been the mother since her own died (or at least she feels like she has had to be the mother). Call me crazy, but I'd rather Katara spend a few years after the war doing dumb childish stuff to recapture that lost childhood than jump straight into a relationship. Isn't the safety and space to do dumb childish stuff one of the things those who are trying to end the war are fighting for? Shouldn't she get to enjoy that? And Aang is just way too young no matter what way you look at it. He's 12 right? I think that would make him a grade 6 student. Back in my day (yells at cloud) Grade 6 students collected yugioh cards and feuded over who had the snazzier lunch box. I could picture a 12 year old having a crush on a slightly older girl that goes to the same school, but it would be short lived and unactionable. I guess Katara would be around 14? So, a grade 8 student. A grade 8 girl would not date a grade 6 boy. It would just never happen.
They've both got bigger fish to fry. Aang is the last Air Nomad AND the current Avatar. When he fully takes on both of those positions, what time will he have for a girlfriend? Katara is the only Southern Waterbender. Whether or not she wants the responsibility, it will be her duty to single-handedly reconstruct a huge portion of her nation's culture from the ground up once she returns south. Does she have the time to ping pong around the globe mothering her boyfriend as he rides giant animals or does Avatar stuff? Say she wants to: what will her family and the rest of her tribe think of the only person who can access such a huge part of their culture riding off into the sunset?
Their current relationship dynamic is still too mother/son. This is more obvious in season 1 than in season 2 (maybe that's growth?) but you can't depict a male/female pair as pieta and then expect me to ship. I think this could change somewhat, but I've already been disappointed in that. I thought that once Katara had mastered waterbending and therefore felt she had something other than mothering to contribute to the group, she would back off with the mothering. And she did, a little, but not enough for my tastes. Maybe as Aang fully steps into the Avatar role and the last Air Nomad role (sidenote: no idea what the latter would look like) he'll move on to a more equal relationship with Katara.
I think Katara is meant for better things than rebirthing a nation. Bending seems to be at least somewhat genetic. So if Aang wants Airbending in any form to survive after his death, he's going to need a billion kids. While I could definitely see Katara wanting children, I don't see her as the barefoot pregnant type.
I'm not convinced that Aang has a clear picture of Katara. She has flaws, which is good! Does Aang see them?
I get the feeling that, while they are helping each others' skills grow as they travel the globe, they are also preventing each others' personalities from growing. As long as Aang is around, Katara has someone to mother. As long as Katara is around, Aang has someone who prevents him from feeling the full weight of his responsibilities. Again, this is worse in season 1, but how often did Katara deny that Aang was to blame for something that was at least somewhat his fault? Aang will never become a fully rounded person until he can look at his flaws and mistakes dead on and say "my bad" without a Katara in the background going "no you're perfect!" Katara deserves to find out what kind of person she is outside of a nurturing role. Quick thought experiment: what if you pair Katara with someone who needs no nurturing, or better yet, nurtures her? And what if you pair Aang with someone as bluntly truthful as Toph? Katara and Aang might find both of those situations uncomfortable at first, but I think it would contribute to their growth.
Aang having a crush on an oblivious Katara would be a great single season arc. I think it would fit both of their characters well, and I think Aang growing past latching on to the first person he saw after the iceberg would be a good way to show that he's rooting himself in his time-displaced present, and fully committing to ending the war. And don't get me wrong, I love Aang and Katara both as a fighting team and as friends.
These kids are all fighting a war, and all kids. I don't mind the supporting characters having romances, because it's not like Sokka or Suki can end the war, no matter how hard they try/might want to. But I'm a big believer in doing one thing at a time, and I think if you're the only person in the whole world who can end a war, then ending the war should take precedence over dating. I'm aware that that's an unrealistic expectation and out of step with the show's theme of balance. In the real world, birth rates skyrocket during war time because people live for the moment and grab happiness (read boinking) wherever they see it. But both these kids are pre-boinking age so I'm going to be a cranky old fart about it.
Being the wife of the Avatar is a position that will often come with being relegated to second place, especially with the amount of work that undoing a century of war will take. Although she works well in a team, Katara is a naturally dominant personality. Katara did enough of putting herself in second place before the series started. I think Katara could very easily fall into the pattern of subjugating her own needs and desires and putting her husband's first, but I don't want that to happen. And one way to prevent that from happening is to prevent her from dating the single most politically important person in the universe. (To be clear, Aang would never deliberately squish a wife like that, I just think the workload of being Avatar and last air nomad would cause that to happen)
A lot of my objections to this pairing are very adult objections. I don't know what I would have thought about this pairing when I was the age of the show's target audience. It undoubtedly would have bothered me less, although I probably would have been put off by how twee it is. As an adult, all I can see are babies playing house.
As for the comics, I hadn't made any concrete plans to read them. I don't know where I'd get access to them. I'm not sure how canonical they are. I guess I should probably decide whether or not I want to read them after I've finished the whole series. I've been told that my girl Jin appears in one of them, so I definitely have some interest. I have also had the Avatar Kyoshi novels strenuously recommended to me. But so much of Avatar's charm, to me, is in the medium. And while comics are closer to animation than books are, they're still static. Avatar does movement so well.
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worstghost · 8 months
No rush but I can wait see reader suffer from ghost teasing. I feel he type to literally walk to quietly and like say boo them and scream murder.
Or better training session this happen and reader holy shit your strong put me down you bully.
I have returned and I love ghost I love ghost I'm going insane rn. I went kinda crazy with this one and it's not really what the ask wanted but uhh yeah. I'm not gonna deny inspiration when it comes
You're new-to them at least, not new to this dynamic. Your entire career in the military has been spent around men. Men who avoid your gaze, men who pretend like you don't exist, or even worse, are obsessed with you. Men who follow you around and dote on you and act like you're made of glass. You've dealt with your fair share of big, intimidating men who pretend to be small, to be kind and like they're looking out for you.
Hell, even Soap shrinks down when he talks to you. Gets to your eye level as if it's not fucking insulting to be treated like that. You deserved to be here just as much as them, maybe even more so with how hard you've had to work.
That's why Ghost is such a breath of fresh air. He doesn't dote, he doesn't take it easy on you. He expects you to keep up with them, and you do.
It's created this awful need in you to please him, to prove to him that you are what he thinks you are. As much as you try to hide it, you search for his eyes, his approval, when you're training.
And he is always there, always watching you. He looks like an apex predator, head leaned back against the wall, arms crossed so that his biceps squeeze against the sleeves of his shirt. His face doesn't move ever, but his eyes look down through thick blonde lashes, following your every movement as you spar, as you stretch out after a particularly hard session with Soap.
Soap makes snide little comments, asking if he was too rough, if he pushed you too far. It's all in good fun but your blood absolutely boils. You bite your tongue and turn away, stretching your arms above your head and counting to ten, feeling the tension in your muscles release.
Soap finally fucks off, slapping Ghost on the shoulder as he leaves.
"Warmed her up for you, Lt."
Ghost exhales, barely noticeable. Irritated.
You're still on the mat, rolling your ankles and pretending like you're not really fucking sore. You can feel him watching and turn away, squatting down to stretch your hamstrings.
Silently, a shadow falls over you and you startle slightly. How is someone so big, so quiet.
"You could have done better." It's short and gruff, a fact.
You lean your head back, squinting up at him. God he's big. Sitting on the floor barely brings you to his knees.
"Just wanted it to be over I guess." You shrug it off and roll your neck side to side, wincing at the tightness in your shoulders.
His chest rises with a deep inhale, shadow growing as he moves even closer. "If he gets under your skin so much, why not show him?"
"I'm afraid I'd do permanent damage."
Ghost huffs out a laugh and your heart swells, your head cheers, 'You made him laugh, good job!'
It's so stupid, you're embarrassed at your own thoughts.
"Take it out on me then."
That stops your little self aware moment and your eyes jump to his. He's still standing over you, already watching your face, waiting for a falter in your expression.
"I can handle a lot more than him. Show me how mad he makes you." It's a challenge, a little teasing.
You swallow hard. You haven't had the chance to spar with Ghost yet. He's much too big, you know you wouldn't recover easily. And your little crush makes it impossible to be that close to him. But what were you going to do, say no? Worst case is he beats your ass and you can use the ensuing embarrassment to get over him.
You nod and stand up, shaking out the anxiety in your limbs.
"Just don't kill me please, I've still got a lot of life to live." You try to lighten the mood, taking your place at the other side of the mat.
He looks like he's thinking about it, the wrinkles around his eyes a little tighter. A smile maybe?
When you start, you circle with him, trying in vain to determine where he's going with his. With the mask you can't see anything and his eyes never move from yours, no intention of giving anything away. You decide that he won't make the first move, so you do, using your size difference to get under his arm and behind him. You've no doubt that he let you do that.
You exchange shoves, he let's you get in a few punches, but it's mostly a dance. He never makes the first move, he waits for you to come to him every time.
You're wearing yourself out now, and he's not showing an ounce of exhaustion. You're ready to give up, tired and even more frustrated than before you started.
One last fuck it move and you wrap yourself around his side, kicking his knee out from under him. He falls, and for a brief moment you're reveling in your success, but it's cut short when he snatches your arm as he goes, rolling on to his back and pulling you with him.
Ghost has you flat against him, back to his chest, one arm wrapped around your middle and the other threatening your throat.
There's no getting out of this is there?
You dig your fingers in to his forearm and feel him tighten, like a boa. Fuck. You inhale and frantically decide to at least try to struggle, pretend like you didn't give up 20 minutes ago.
You wriggle back and forth, kicking your legs, trying to loosen his grip even slightly. He's way too heavy for you to try to turn him over and his arm pushes your chin up even higher, you can feel his breath on your cheek through the mask, it's heavy and quick.
Is he really winded or is he simply pretending to help your ego.
Swallowing as best you can, you pause and lower your legs between his, feeling his heart pound against your back. Maybe now would be the time to tap out but it doesn't cross your mind. You're overwhelmed with the sensation of his arm squeezing your chest, right under the band of your sports bra, the way he slides the other across your throat until just his fingers touch you, hand covering your entire neck.
You're light-headed, your ears are only filled with the sound of two heartbeats, pounding together in a quick rhythm.
Ghosts knees frame your legs, trying so desperately not to fall completely against him, scared that if you do you'll feel something you're not supposed to. Something you really want to.
His arms relax abruptly and you suck in a breath you didn't know you were holding. He releases you, not subtle in the way his fingers run across your skin.
You roll away and gather yourself on your knees next to him, you're on fire, all you can think about is his hands, his breath, his arms squeezing you to him.
This didn't decompress you like he had wanted. It actually did the opposite. You're so worked up now, head swimming, you don't even stand when he does.
Ghost offers you a hand and you take it, hot and calloused. When he stands you up on shaky legs you stumble, just a little, and he catches you against his side.
"You'll continue to train with me for now. Go clean up. " His voice has something unrecognizable in it, a gruffness to his command.
You don't argue and let him go, making your way out and to the shower in your room.
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nayeonie99 · 4 months
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Nayeon’s POV
I knew it was a mistake as soon as the question left my best friends lips. But it was Sana, and I'd do everything for Sana, even if it hurts me in the end.
Sana and I have been best friends ever since she moved from Japan to Korea.
We met in Highschool and we just instantly clicked. She is my soulmate and I'm hers. We also have matching couple rings we always wear. We even sleep and shower with them.
I'm in love with her.
I've always been, ever since I saw her for the first time. It just took some time for me to realise it's more than a crush or more than a friendly bond I have with her.
The problem is, that Sana is in love with someone else.
Hirai Momo.
I hated her. I wanted Sana to look at me the way she looks at Momo. Every time Momo enters the room she turns into a nervous, blushing mess and I envied Momo for making Sana feels this way.
I wanted it to be me who makes her feel this way. I always had to hear her rambling about how perfect Momo is. It hurt me, but I had to pretend that it didn't affect me.
My heart was aching every time she talked about her. But she was my best friend and I was hers. I knew we will never be more than that. I just didn't wanted to accept this fact. I was still hoping that somehow, someday it could be more than a friendship.
"Can you kiss me?". Sana asked me while she was laying on my bed with her head on my tummy. My fingers stopped combing through her hair and my breath hitched a little bit.
"What?". I asked shocked and she sat up to look at me.
"I heard that Momo is planing to ask me out". She said with the biggest smile on her lips, while my smile was fake.
"And since I don't have a lot of experience I want to train a little. I mean, I kissed some people already, but I'm not that confident yet. And since we are best friends and are comfortable with each other, why shouldn't we try ?". She asked with her innocent looking cinnamon eyes.
"Sana, I really don't think that this is a good idea". I said and felt my heart beat picking up in an instant.
"Why not? Just pretend I'm the person you like. Plus, our eyes are closed anyways, so it'll make it easier for you to pretend it's not me". She said and I let out a sigh.
That's the point. I'd imagine you.
"Come on, please Nayeonie". She said and pouted.
I rubbed my temple and sat up on my bed as well. I mean, I always wanted to kiss her, and not only kiss but more. I always imagined how it would be, and it was definitely not like this.
I looked at my hands and saw the ring around my finger. My finger rubbed over the cold metall and I mean, what do I have to loose?
This will probably be the only chance for me to be this close to her, to feel her, taste her.
"Alright". I said and you could see the surprise on her face.
"Really?". She asked me excitedly and grabbed my forearm. I looked at her hand and my eyes landed on her ring as well.
"Yeah, let's do it". I said and she smiled at me.
"Wow. I really didn't thought you'd agree this fast". She said and giggled.
"Yeah". I said and fake laughed.
"Okay so can we- like". She stammered and I sat next to her.
"I'm nervous". She said and I nodded my head. "Yeah me too". I breathed out and grabbed the back of her neck to pull her closer.
"Are you ready?". I whispered, when she nodded her head, I closed my eyes and leaned forward.
Sana's lips felt exactly like I imagined them to feel like.
Soft, plump and gentle.
Her lips tasted like the vanilla balm she always put on her lips. When she started kissing me back, every thought that was running through my mind was gone.
Her sweet scent filled my nose and I felt like I'm on cloud nine. At first the kiss was just lips, but when her tongue licked my bottom lip, I lost all the control I still had over me and pushed her down on my bed to hover over her.
I could her a tiny gasp, but I instantly shut her up with my lips again. Her arms slid around the back of my neck and I grabbed her hips in my hands.
When I bit her bottom lip and she let out a quiet moan I felt my cock turning hard. Her nails scratched down the back of my neck and I let out a quiet moan as well.
When I felt like this will escalate soon I pulled away from her. She grabbed the back of my neck though, to keep me close.
"Please don't stop". She breathed out and when I looked into her hooded eyes, I didn't give a single fuck anymore. I wanted her for such a long time and I will use this chance.
My fingers started to open the buttons of her shirt. When her shirt was gone, she slid her hands behind her back to take off her bra.
When her naked chest was revealed to me I gulped. She was the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on.
"You're so beautiful". I breathed out, and when I saw her blush I felt my confidence increasing.
Momo was always the only one who made her blush like this. But this time...this time it was me.
I unbuttoned her pants and slid them off her legs, just like her underwear.
I almost started drooling at the sight I had in front of me.
"You have to undress as well". She said and tugged on my shirt. I smirked and took off my clothes as well.
When I pressed my naked chest against hers for the first time, she let out a sigh. I slid some strands of hair behind her ear and pecked her lips before I started kissing down her neck.
When I sucked on her sweet spot, her hips bucked up slightly. My lips moved further down her neck, to her collarbones and breasts.
I took her nipple in my mouth and played with the other one. She was watching me the whole time, and it turned me on so much.
When I bit into her nipple, she let out a moan, which made me smirk against it.
I moved lower and lower, until I was face to face with her pussy. She was soaking wet already.
"Fuck". I mumbled and parted her lips with my thumbs.
"You're soaking wet already". I said and rubbed my thumb over her clit.
Her mouth shot open and her brows knitted together. I could get used to this sight.
"Please". She begged and I felt my cock twitch.
"Please what?". I asked and she let out a groan.
"Touch me". She huffed and I smirked. "I am". I said and she rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean". She said and I blew against her clit, which made her hips buck up.
"I want to hear it". I said and gave her a teasing lick over her clit.
"Fuck please eat me out". She moaned out. "Hmm good girl". I said and instantly sucked her clit in my mouth.
"Mmm fuck". She gasped and grabbed my hair with her hands.
I hummed against her clit, which made her legs shake. My jaw was moving up and down quickly, the grip on my hair was getting tighter and tighter.
"Fuck Nayeon". She cried out.
I let out a moan when she said my name. This means she's not picturing Momo. She is thinking about me.
"Is that good baby?". I asked and she nodded her head.
I pushed two fingers inside of her and started flicking my tongue over her clit, while I was fucking her with my fingers.
"Holy shit". She moaned out and threw her head back.
"Mmm look at how tight you're getting. Are you close?". I asked and she nodded her head again.
"Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me?". I asked and she let out a groan.
"Yes fuck, please". She breathed out.
"Yeah, cum for me Sana". I said and picked up the pace of my thrusts. After a few more thrusts I took her over the edge and she came all over my fingers.
I was watching in pure bliss. When I slowly pulled my fingers out of her, I slid them in my mouth to lick them clean. Her eyes never left mine.
"Nayeon". She breathed out and I looked at her. Her chest was moving up and down quickly, because of her heavy breathing.
"Yeah?". I asked and she completely opened her legs for me.
"Break me". She said and I nearly let out a growl.
I moved back up and grabbed my cock to position it against her pussy. I collected her slickness with my tip and slowly pushed inside of her, to fill her completely up.
"Oh my fucking god". She breathed out and scratched down my back.
"Fuck, you're so tight baby". I moaned out and started thrusting in and out of her. She grabbed the back of my neck to pull me down into a kiss, which left her moaning into my mouth.
I picked up the pace, you could hear our moans and the wetness of her pussy echoing from the walls of my room.
"You feel so good". She whispered against my lips and I let out a moan.
The way she was looking at me was sinfully good.
Her opened mouth, her knitted eyebrows, the sweat forming on her body and the way her titts were moving with my thrusts got me addicted.
Sana is a drug and she got me addicted.
The taste of her, her scent, her face, her body, Sana in general is a drug I will never get away from after this is over.
But I was fine with the consequences. I'm fine with dealing with the pain afterwards, if it means that I can have her like this right now.
I started to pound her as hard as I could. Our skin was slapping together and she was screaming for me by now.
"Fuck, yes just like that, please don't stop". She cried out and clenched her hands in my hair.
"Mmm fuck, are you gonna cum for me again baby?". I asked and she nodded.
"Good girl, cum for me". I said and rubbed her clit with my thumb, to take her over the edge.
She came with a loud moan, I almost came myself. But I wasn't done with her yet. I pulled out of her and turned her around, so she's on all fours with her ass up in the air.
Without a warning I instantly pushed back deep inside of her. I saw her hands clenching into my sheets and when I spanked her she let out a gasp.
My hands grabbed her ass and I instantly started jackhammering inside of her. She pressed her face into my mattress, to tone down her loud moans, but you could still hear her.
I spanked her again and then pulled her back by her hair, to thrust even deeper into her.
"Oh fuck yesyesyesyes". She squealed and I spanked her again.
"Don't stop, please don't stop". She cried out and I pulled her back by her throat to choke her and hold her head against my shoulder.
"Look at me". I panted out and she looked at me, while I was pounding inside of her.
"I want you to cum all over my cock baby". I said and her eyes rolled back when I said it.
My hand slid down her tummy, to rub her clit with my fingers.
"I'm gonna cum". She moaned out and I kissed her neck.
"Yes cum for me". I panted out and it didn't take long until she came with a loud scream and shaking legs. She instantly fell onto my bed. I pulled out of her and came onto her back.
We were both panting and completely out of breath. After we calmed down a bit and drank some water we got clean and dressed.
It wasn't awkward or weird at all, which surprised me, because I would've thought it would be a weird atmosphere, after we were done with what we've been doing a few minutes ago.
When Sana's phone rang, and she looked at who it was, I instantly knew who was calling her by the big smile which started to form on her lips.
"Hey Momo". She said and twirled her hair around her finger.
What a cliché.
"No, I'm not busy, why?". She asked and it got quiet for a bit before her eyes shot open.
"Oh my god yes. I'd love to. I'm at Nayeon's right now, but I can send you the address so you can pick me up". She said and I was just sitting there.
"Okay cool, see you soon". She said and hang up.
"AAAHHHH". She screamed and started jumping up and down.
"What happened?". I asked.
"Momo asked me if I want to go to the cinema with her, and to a restaurant afterwards". She said and the familiar ache in my chest came back.
"Oh that's...that's awesome Sana". I said and fake smiled at her.
"I'm so excited". She clapped her hands together.
"Yeah I can tell". I grabbed my phone, because I needed to distract myself.
We just sat in my room for the rest of the time and when Sana jumped off my bed I knew Momo was in front of my door.
I walked her to the door and opened it, to see Momo leaning against her motorcycle.
She waved at us and I gave her a short wave back. When Sana turned around to look at me, she gave me a hug and a peck on my cheek.
"Thank you for pretending earlier Yeonie". She said and rubbed my hand. I looked down to her hand and my eyes glanced at the ring again.
I didn't need to pretend. It will always be you.
I gulped and put on a smile.
"Yeah no problem. Have fun on your date and be careful". I said and she smiled at me again.
"I will keep you updated. Bye". She said and jogged over to Momo, who gave Sana a tight hug.
I watched her getting on the motorcycle, her arms were tightly wrapped around Momo's waist, the same arms that were wrapped around the back of my neck a few minutes ago.
She looked at me one last time, gave me one final wave and then Momo drove away.
It felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest, but I knew what I would get myself into, when I accepted her stupid request earlier.
I watched Momo's motorcycle getting smaller and smaller in the distance. Tears started filling my eyes, when I felt them streaming down my cheeks, I let out a shaky breath.
"I love you". I breathed out into nothingness.
When the motorcycle made its final turn, I made my way back into my house.
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katethevampire · 4 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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circe69 · 1 year
I read your rules and I hope this isn’t too dark but can you do a Simon x reader where the reader has an identical twin and they die during the graves betrayal scene and the aftermath is Simon comforting the reader? Like they were already crushing on each other and he’s comforting her.. thank you💚
I Wish For Simon
a/n - anon i am so sorry it took me so long to answer this, i'm terrible w requests! i want to make it perfect before i post, so hopefully this is what you wanted... wc: 1.1k cw: gore, violence, suggestive themes, probably the best thing i've ever written (yeah its a warning cause YOU'LL BE BAWLING)
fav line from the fic - “That voice could seduce anyone, I was sure of it. It was as if God himself had dipped Simon's vocal cords in a pot of warm honey, then lit it on fire.”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Me and my twin had always been close, we had to be. "Best friends since birth", we'd been deemed from before we could even speak. Alyssa and I were quite the pair and had exceeded our hometown's problematically low expectations of woman in a whole when the both of us had been assigned to serve in the 141 Task Force.
It was a change of pace, but one that I wanted. I had prepared for something like this my whole life, training and worked myself to death just to have a chance to serve. Alyssa, on the other hand, wasn't as keen on the idea. Sometimes I wonder if she just joined because she couldn't bear to be apart from me. I love the sentiment, but we were grown adults, we couldn't afford to make decisions solely due to separation anxiety.
That brings us to today, March 3rd. I hate March 3rd.
My birthday. Well, our birthday.
I hate today because as of now, I have to celebrate it alone. It's been years since Alyssa died, and I still act just as immature and "kid-like" when March 3rd rolls around every year.
Her death had been nothing short of a "hostage dump", my sister had been counted as a waste of time to Graves, someone who wouldn't make a difference to anyone in the force, so why would he keep her?
I can't help but think it was my fault, but I didn't have time to feel sorry for something I might've done. All I felt was anger, hot rage bringing my blood to a boil, all which contributed to what I was about to do. Anger is difficult to overcome, especially when it's brought on by confusion, something happened that you barely knew anything about. I wanted to take it upon myself to strip Graves of all the "information" I felt I was missing, I wanted to skin him alive and make him answer questions as I did it, but as I rose my knife behind Graves’ wall of a body, a hand stopped me.
A silent move, not a scary one. I immediately knew who it was once I saw the fabric.
His hand was heavy around my wrist, his height towering over me, it was all too much for me to focus on, so I did what I'm positive Ghost was trying to make me do, I backed down.
I retreated as quietly as I could, putting my blade back in its embrace of a pocket and followed Ghost out the door, trying to excuse whoever that woman was in there that she hadn't had enough sleep, she was hungry and just wanted to feel something, but Ghost had none of it.
"It's okay, Y/N, to want to avenge someone. It's okay to be bloodthirsty and feel yourself make allowances for it. It's okay."
Ghost was a man of many attributes, but comforting was never one of them. He himself had attended multiple therapy sessions throughout the entirety of our relationship, but they only lasted so long before he strangled the shrink.
I liked Ghost. I admired him, I admired what his life had amounted to. Perhaps worthless to him, a soul placed in the wrong hands, but I thought quite the opposite.
"You're a good man, Simon."
His name slipped out of my mouth.
Oh no.
I had gotten too emotional, I felt myself crawling into a hole of feelings and a strong desire to cry rushed over me. I suddenly imagined all the times I'd watched Simon do simple, mundane things, and stared at him long enough to read his dog tags over and over and over. I'd recited his name in my head, in my dreams, for so long and I still was shocked when I'd heard myself say it.
His eyes locked with mine. Dark, deep, dead, he'd like to contribute, but I chuckle mentally as I think about how the man who views himself as dead was the only one in the world who made me feel as alive as he did.
"What did you say?" That voice could seduce anyone, I was sure of it. It was as if God himself had dipped Simon's vocal cords in a pot of warm honey, then lit it on fire.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I shouldn't have addressed you like that, my apologies." I started to walk away when his body came crashing against mine. My back hit a jagged wall and I groaned in pain, but I quieted down when I realized just how close he was to me. I felt him against me, and I couldn't feel it fast enough. My senses heightened, my pupils dilated, and my face flushed with a dark shade of aflame red. Both of our breathing was shallow and heavy, every breath he emitted made mine deeper, louder.
I could feel the confusion seeping off of him. He didn't want it to feel so good when his name left my mouth. He didn't want to enjoy it, but it was inevitable. A no-good name slipping out of a no-good mouth, it was bound to happen at some point.
I shook off my daydream, finding myself at an empty table in an empty dining hall, the only thing in front of me was a poorly made cupcake, pink frosting, sprinkles, all the works. I stared at a candle, half of it had already melted mind you, and my mind reeled as I stalked my mental drawers for wishes I hadn't made yet,
"I wish for Simon." My voice broke as I said it, and I realized I hadn't spoken all day until now.
I don't truly believe that's why my voice broke, however. I truly did love Simon, I loved him in everything he did and everything he didn't. I loved the fact that he never exhibited any sort of emotion except for denial and force. I loved how scared he was of feeling anything else.
A tear dropped onto the table below me, the chair screeched as I stood, and everything was happening too fast. Before I knew it, tears were pouring out of me at an uncontrollable rate. I turned around and started heading for the door, telling myself that I would leave that stupid wish behind with the melted wax, but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw who was leaning against the doorway with those beautifully built forearms crossing his chest.
He had heard it, was all I could think as I made intense eye contact with him. With everything else.
His mask was discarded. I couldn't stop my jaw from unhinging, I felt it click open slowly and it dropped until it couldn't anymore.
Simon smiled at the action. His white teeth contrasting his pink lips. I looked back at the table for a fraction of a second to see that the flame I had left untouched had been blown out, maybe it was the wind, maybe it was the spirit of my once-lonely-self making an appearance for the last time.
I looked back at Simon like a child on Christmas.
Maybe I'd keep wishing for stupid things if they'd work as well as this one did.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a/n part two : happy new years everyone! i probably won’t post till monday, but i wish you all the best and love💕
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
Randomly had a mental breakdown in the car with my friends last night and today I'm thinking abt how professor!Kendall would react if that happened while you two were hanging out or whatever. Like you're grading papers/helping out and you've been stressed and you just kind of crack and he doesn't say anything, gets up, dims the lights in his office and moves his chair a little closer to you, puts his hand on the small of your back gently. He's there if you want to talk to him but he doesn't want to force you to. He just cares about you - far more than he'd like to admit, honestly - and he wants to make sure you're okay.
okay so like. i'm obsessed with this and i ended up writing a little blurb about this. also, i hope you are feeling better from your mental breakdown. i've def been there so i feel you!
All you have to do is get through this next hour.
You're hunched over the desk, trying to focus on the essay in front of you. Every so often, tears blur your vision, the words on the pages becoming fuzzy. You've read the same sentence several times over, comprehending none of the words as you try to will yourself into composure.
You're not sure what it is. It could be the immense amount of pressure you're under -- between school and extracurriculars and work. Maybe your period is coming or something, maybe it's that boy who ghosted you last week. Maybe it's the fact that you just feel like you don't know what the fuck you're doing with your life. It doesn't matter what the cause is, you feel something dark crawling around inside you, and sooner or later, it's going to come out. You just pray you can make it home before that happens.
Next to you, your professor snorts, you hear him scribble something down in the margins of the paper he's grading. He's the reason why you're so hellbent on not losing it. Of course, you wouldn't want to cry in front of any of your professors, but you definitely don't want to cry in front of Dr. Roy. He'd be the worst option of them all.
He asks you a question, but you're so lost in thought, you don't hear it.
"What?" you ask, looking over at him. He glances at you over the rim of his glasses.
"Are you almost done with those?"
"Oh, yeah," you look down at the stack. "Uh, yeah. Almost."
"Well, hurry up," he says. "I have a meeting later and I'd like to get this finished before that."
You nod and return back to your work, feeling his eyes linger on you for a moment longer than normal. He's not being cruel, you know that he's just stern by nature, the comment still upsets you in your already fragile state.
You've taken several classes with him, and now work as his TA, so you've grown pretty familiar in that time. Not to mention that you've had a pitiful crush on him since the first second you stepped into his classroom. You're still not sure if he knows. Sometimes, there's a gleam in his eye -- he'll touch your knee or squeeze your shoulder and give you a knowing smirk. It's hard to tell if he's flirting or just being polite. In the times you have tried to reciprocate, he always pushes you away. There's something you find thrilling in that uncertainty. It’s also equally terrifying. Does he really care about you at all, or are you just another student who will be forgotten by next semester?
Thinking about it too much makes the tears well up in your eyes again, and before you can will them away, some of them escape and land on the paper in front of you. You subtly swipe them away, but all it does is smear the ink and leave an even more noticeable mark behind. Quickly, you move the paper the the back of the stack before passing them over, and pray that he doesn't notice.
He says your name, and you turn to look at him.
"What is this?" he asks, pointing to the paper in front of him. You peer closer. "You need to write more legibly, this is incredibly sloppy work."
"Sorry," you say, looking down as more tears threaten to spill. "I will."
"Hey," he says, voice firm. "Look at me when I talk to you."
Very tentatively, you turn towards him, hoping the tears will evaporate in the time it takes, but they don't. He's leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, gearing up for a lecture on taking your job seriously, no doubt. "I'm sorry. I'll do better, Dr. Roy."
He sees your face, hears the way your voice cracks on the last syllable, and immediately his brows crease, face falling. "Are you alright?"
Unable to hold back anymore, you shake your head and bury your face in your hands, hiding from him. You expect some sort of lecture about how you need to be less sensitive to his feedback, but it never comes.
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"It's not you," you mutter, feeling something hot and awful cutting off the air in the back of your throat. Then you choke out a sob.
He sighs softly, his chair creaks. You notice the lights in the room go dim, and he returns to you, pulling his chair a bit closer before sitting down. A warm hand lands between your shoulder-blades.
"What’s going on?"
"I-I don't know," you mumble. "It's....it's everything."
He rubs his hand back and forth soothingly, waiting for you to speak, but you don't trust yourself to do it without sobbing uncontrollably. You’re already embarrassed enough this is happening in front of him. So instead, you pitch forward, forehead landing on his knee, seeking comfort and desperate to be closer to him.
When you can't continue, can't elaborate because of how hard you're crying, he speaks again. "It's okay," he says softly. "You're going to be okay."
You shake your head no, unconvinced, staring down at his brown leather oxfords, the tears that are landing on the floor.
"Yes, you are, honey," you assures you, and you ignore the way the term of endearment makes you feel -- hot, and unsettled by how much you like it. "You are. You're just figuring it out."
Both his hands find your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly, and as you finally feel yourself capable of breathing again, you reach up to weakly clutch at one of them, his fingers intertwining with your own.
"Deep breaths, okay?" he says, and you take in a deep inhale. He repeats himself. "You're going to be okay."
You can feel the heat of his body close to yours. He seems so sure of what he's saying, deep voice right in your ear. Somehow, his proximity alone is working, you feel the tension melting away as he continues to murmur to you affirmatively, hands working out the knots in your shoulders. Instinctually, you move closer to him. Even if the two of you never come back from this, you decide you don't care.
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luv4fandoms · 1 year
Most definitely (Bill S.Preston x Fem!Reader)
Ok so go easy on me, I've never actually sat down and watched Bill and Ted before (I just remember scenes in passing when I was a kid and my bros would watch it. But I'm trying to practice (I also need to just sit down and watch it fr lol) . I saw this writing prompt and my brain immediately thought of this, but yeah, the slag for them is a bit difficult for me lol.
Also I pictured the girl to be kinda like Wednesday, and her friend like Enid, Idk why lol.
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Word count: 1,321
Pairing: BillxFem!Reader
Warnings: Drinking?
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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You didn't even know why you came to this party, other than the fact that your best friend in the whole world F/N was dragging you along. You both had recently moved to San Dimas after graduation, your parents wanting a change in scenery and her dad getting a better job. Though you did live a little ways away from each other, at least it wasn't the thousands of miles you were terrified of at first when her parents said they would be going. Really though it was lucky that your mom and her mom had been besties since high school and couldn't stand to be apart. 
But back to the overly atrocious party that you had stepped foot in. It wouldn't have been bad if there had been at least good music you supposed, but come on, where was the Motorhead? The Metallica? The Van Halen?! All there was were drunks, newly graduated teens jumping around with cups of clearly spiked punch, either seeing how stupid they could be, or how far down each other's throats they could stick their tongues.
"Maybe this wasn't a good idea" you spoke, look around, luckily not spotting anyone you knew from your short time living here.
"Oh come on! Live a little!" Your friend yelled over the music as she pulled you further along. 
"I'd rather die a quiet death," you told her,but let her lead you nonetheless. Though a little ways into her walking, she stopped.
"Hey, isn’t that the ‘super hot’ neighbor you were rambling about having a crush on earlier, over there?” she asked with a shit eating grin, causing your eyes to widen..please no.
"What?! Please say psych!"
"No I’m serious, look." You followed her line of sight towards the kitchen, easily finding the curly blonde locks of, indeed, your 'super hot' neighbor you had rambled about any and every time you talked to F/N.
"..Fuck" you breathed. You couldn't help it really, he wasn't like any guy you had ever seen before, it was like he was a Greek God walking amongst humans. Or an angel sent to Earth. You had never actually spoken to him, just little hesitant waves between you both, you didn't know what you would even say to him if you talked, or if you would be able to. His friend was far more chatty, that was the only reason you knew his name was Bill, because Ted had stopped to talk to you before heading into Bill's house. He told you they had a band, and you should come by sometime to hear them play, an offer you never had the guts to take him up on. Sometimes you really hated being shy, sometimes you really wished you were as outgoing as F/N, the social butterfly..Instead of the goth moth.
"I mean they do clean up pretty ni- Wait, where are you going? We just got here." F/N spoke, quickly catching up with you.
"Home! I only agreed to this because you said no one would know me here!" You stated, almost to the door when.
"Most bodacious neighbor babe!" Ted's voice rang out, causing you to stop just as your hand touched the doorknob.
"Are you already leaving? So not cool" he stated while throwing his arm over your shoulder.
"We actually just got here" F/N spoke up, causing you and Ted to look at her, his eyes widening.
"Whoa" he breathed while taking her in.
"You must be Ted" she smiled, before, to your dismay, adding.
"Y/N has told me about you"
"You talked about me?" Ted smiled.
"You and Bill" she added, smiling while you glared at her.
"Bill is here as well, come on! He will be most pleased to see you!" Ted spoke excitedly as he pulled you along, arm still over your shoulder while F/N followed behind. He led you to the kitchen area, calling out to Bill once he spotted him.
"Bill! Look at the bodacious babes that I found" you watched Bill turn around, his eyes meeting yours as he smiled, giving you a wave.
"Neighbor babe" he spoke, though you noticed the faint pink tinting his cheeks.
"Hey Bill" you waved back, trying not to get lost in his hazel gaze.
"Ah this is F/N" you stated, gesturing to your friend who happily waved.
"Very nice to meet the infamous Bill S. Preston" 
"How did you-" 
"F/N isn't this like, your favorite song?" You asked quickly, turning to her as you tried not to murder her. 
"Oh my God it is!" She smiled, before turning to Ted.
"Wanna dance cutie?"
"Most definitely!" He smiled, letting her lead him to the dance floor and giving a thumbs up to Bill, who gave one back.
"They will make a cute couple" you spoke, mainly to yourself, but Bill heard.
"He is her type?" He asked, and you turned to look at him.
"How did Ted say it? Most definitely!" you told him, cracking a smile when he laughed at your impression.
"Hey, you actually do smile" he stated, causing your smile to fall.
"No wait-I didn't-I mean you don't have to smile if you don't want to-it would just be most heinous if you didn't smile-what I mean to say is you have a most beautiful smile" he rambled, the pink growing darker.
"Oh…Thank you" you spoke, your own blush darkening your cheeks.
"Hey, can I ask you something"
"How did your friend know who I was?"
"Oh…I'm not sure" you replied, watching as he nodded, looking off to the side with a slightly sad look on his face, dammit. He looked over at you when he heard you sigh, your eyes trained on the punch bowl.
"I…may have mentioned you in passing" you stated, trying to play it cool, noticing his smile return from the corner of your eye.
"A most bodacious babe like you?"
"I wouldn't consider myself a bodacious babe" 
"I would" you looked up at him, his eyes shining as he smiled at you, dang it why was his smile so contagious? Looking back at the punch bowl you groaned when another song came on.
"Would it kill them to play Black Sabbath every now and then?" You watched Bill's head snap back to you, having looked out at Ted and your friend.
"Or Megadeth? Def Leppard? ACDC? Ratt? Anything!" You stressed, before looking over at Bill, and instantly your blushed darkened even more, because you had never been looked at like that before, not like how you usually look at him.
"Not only are you the most bodacious babe I have ever met, but I'm pretty sure you were the most excellent angel in heaven" he smiled at you, only grinning bigger when you giggled, that was definitely a sound he could get used to.
"Is this where you ask me if it hurt when I fell from heaven?" You asked.
"Did it?" 
"No, but I did scrape my knees crawling out of hell" you replied, earning a laugh from him this time.
"That was the most excellent comeback"
"Do you maybe-wanna go out sometime?" He asked after a moment, and you swore your heart went into overdrive, your brain telling you to keep your cool.
"Yeah" you nodded.
"Most definitely" you smiled.
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So there it is! Like I said, I definitely need to practice more lol. But yeah idk I think it would be hilarious to see these two with girls like this.
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