#but i do see ppl who dip into my notes from time to time
bamnamuu · 4 months
that’s how you get the girl - riki nishimura
04. creepy stalker boy
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| warnings typos hitting ppl with feet | ems note sorry i haven’t updated this in a while i started school and im so slumped but i hope you take this double post as a peace offering | masterlist | last part next part |
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Going to the library after school isn't necessarily bad, but when it involves practically stalking some poor girl all because your friend is too much of a wimp to talk to her is very bad. It's not like you can complain though, there was some humor to this situation you're in, putting aside your feelings for Riki, seeing him in the school’s library of his own free will is something they should put in a history book. “I can't believe you're actually doing this,” you said breaking the silence “A man’s gotta do strange things for love y/n!” Riki said leaning back in his chair ''what if she's not even here today? Then what are you gonna do?’’ ''LOOK RIGHT SHES RIGHT THERE!” Riki yells and lifts his finger to point at Rei who doesn’t seem to notice her admirer. “Put your hand down, you creepy stalker boy!” Riki does as you request and puts his arm down at the exact moment Rei turns to look at the two of you. “omg yn! I wanted to tell you after class that I really liked your project! ” the girl beamed at you “Oh thanks but it was really nothing” It really wasn’t you had completely forgotten about your project and ran to Jay for help. Riki stared at you in awe, and mouthed ‘I thought you didn’t know rei?’ ‘I don’t’ you say back with complete honesty. ''Hey Rei you know Riki right?’’ you say waving your hand to the boy beside you ''Oh yeah Riki you’re on the volleyball team right?’’ Riki practically jumped out of his seat at the question, ''uh yeah I am, 'm kinda the best one on the team!’’ he said smirking at the end, you didn't mean for Riki to catch you rolling your eyes but he did, and kicked your foot under the table causing you to let out a laugh. ''well it was wonderful to catch up with you yn, and nice to meet you riki, but I should get going!’’ rei said coming around the table to give you a quick side hug, and also to whisper in your ear ‘he's really cute, your so lucky!’ before you could tell Rei that her assumption was wrong she had already turned around and left you in silence while your best friend just stared mouth agape at you. ''What?’’ ''Nothing I just didn't know you had other friends!’’ now it was your turn to kick his foot, ''oh shush, I can’t believe you said that to Rei!’’ ''I WAS LETTING HER KNOW THE TRUTH!’’ Riki said loud enough for the librarian from across the room to stare judgingly at the two of you. ''I think we should dip yn before Miss Chimera over there tries to bite my head off.’’ ''ok, ohh let go get boba!’’ you said happily packing your stuff ''No yn let go get literally anything else.’’ ''NO you promised me last time we went out that I would get to pick the next place!’’ you said pointing your finger at Riki only for him to wrap his hand around your finger and tug it lightly towards him ''Fine, we can go where you want just stop point your finger at me you're reminding me of jay and I don’t like it,’’ he said sincerely which only caused you to giggle while your cheeks got hotter from the contact.
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taglist[open] @txtlyn @sakiimeo @nyfwyeonjun @r4innoms @chansburgah
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llynwen · 2 months
hey I saw your tags abt reading the MM book too and I desperately need to hear abt it from more ppl that also shoved it up their ass. Thoughts?
oh brother you have no idea just how many thoughts i have about it.
i really didn't wanna read the book because i knew it was going to make me go insane, but then a friend of mine who i'm trying to force to watch the show (i beg of you martyna. it's so good) decided to get it for me for my birthday.
from the very first few fucking pages i was Perplexed, to put it lightly. i was expecting a light and breezy autobiography with some silly childhood anecdotes and maybe behind the scenes tea about the hollywood crowd. Instead i was served almost 300 pages of trauma dumping, philosophical ruminations and some very TMI info that i wish i never read. i rated this book 5/5 on goodreads btw.
the first thing that really knocked me on my ass was this (i'm ignoring the ketchup story i DON'T want to think about that)
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this should've given me an idea about that kind of book this was gonna be. yet i continued on, blindly, thinking, okay maybe he just wanted to get that out there. more power to him. whatever. (not really).
then the motherfuckers starts explaining his little philosophy, the titular green lights, right? and i'm like, yeah. i agree. you're correct. but why did it take you 50 years to figure this out? i'm 24 and i've been living by this very logic for years. Anyways. i continue reading.
now, bro spends half the book trying to convince us his parents were NOT abusive. i disagree. i think he has stockholm syndrome. i hope he's in therapy. i don't wanna think about this either.
now, this is where i started catching on that he was lying to me. i know it took me an embarrassingly long time, but i was giving him the benefit of the doubt. the undead parrot and the 13 story tree house, however, was what made me go Wait A Damn Minute.
yeah, turns out this book isn't a memoir, it's a mix between a magical realism novel, a self help handbook and a philosophical treaty. served to you on really nice paper (i mean Really nice. i appreciate that) with important words in bold, italics or even sometimes in green (which i appreciate even more, since i am tragically dyslexic).
after establishing that all men do is, in fact, lie, i gained a different outlook on the whole thing (i swear i need to read it again, this time in full englit major mode, make some notes and dissect this thing like it's shakespeare).
i like how candid he is about kind of getting lucky with the whole famous thing. he really took that slutty slutty waist and peculiar bone structure of his and said I'm Gonna Make A Career Out Of This. good for him.
he is, however, just a man, and at the end of the day, you can really tell he sees the world through his privilege. the white straight cis christian rich and famous thing kinda sways him into obnoxious territory in some parts, and it had me seething with rage. like, i too would love to go hike through south america because it came to me in a dream. i'd looooove to go visit my favorite unknown artist in a country on the other side of the world. i was half hoping to read about a piranha biting his shlong off when he went skinny dipping in the motherfucking amazon. (un)fortunately, no dice.
the david and goliath story made me chuckle out loud. he makes it Just believable enough to make you think about it. i like being made to think.
the philosophics continue in the form of the single most cursed wall of chicken scratches i ever did see. i sat there, straining my eyes, trying to decipher this shit, and i'm pretty sure he was on something when he wrote it because all of this
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could be summed up with "you've gotta leave your comfort zone to learn more about yourself and the world." suck my cock dude.
i Really like how he talks about his wife. but then again, when you look at her, there really isn't any other way of talking about her.
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i mean. how the Fuck did his stinky ass pull this goddess. lucky bastard.
now, the 3ish pages where he talks about filming the show (which was the whole reason i even started reading) are criminally underwhelming. i was hoping for a sneak peak into that elusive 450 page manuscript (i will Steal your laptop matthew. watch out), but instead i got a one liner of him being like i wanna play rusty because he's the specialest little girl in the whole entire world and the producers going yeah fine. THAT'S IT. still mad about this, especially because after that he hits you with the love letter to new orleans. i mean be serious. he should Not be allowed to write shit like that.
to summarize, i think he might be a genius, or he might be insane. he is probably both. i want to shove this book up his ass for many reasons, for example him making me learn the names of his kids (i hate knowing things about celebrity kids. leave them out of this) or for making me agree with him. because i do. agree. I don't appreciate his continued efforts to convert me to christianity and i think he's disgustingly obnoxious in some places, but the truth is he has a real cool outlook on a lot of things and i'm very mad that i now respect this bastard for more than his acting skills. i would like to buy him a six pack and listen to him talk about it. i'd love to argue with him, too. i can recommend this book to everybody who feels like they need to experience some psychic damage and maybe an existentialist crisis alongside it. on Very Nice Paper.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I have been going thru canon compliant wolfstar fics oldest to newest (like back to og wolfstar of the early 00) bc I’m a masochist 😋 🤞 and I’ve definitely noticed the shift in the way the majority of writers tag their fics. It’s interesting to see how much more frequently ppl use tags to begin with. Writers already make the conscious decision to warn ppl throughly about what it’s in their fics thru tags, and i honestly don’t think people should ever need to add need tw beyond tags sorry not sorry. I certainly don’t think everyone will agree with me, but sometimes I don’t want to know ever major plot point that in a chapter (which is why I usually skip them, but it’s hard bc I love reading the authors notes) Just read the tags, test it out if needed, and dip if it’s too much 🫠
yeahhhhh whenever i read older fics there really aren't like. warnings on each ch. bc tags are just assumed to be sufficient. which makes sense to me!!
and like i'm sympathetic to people who want tws--i'm someone who frequently spoils shit for myself bc i wanna know what happens, especially with like horror movies and stuff where i wanna know if i can stomach it. but it's about taking responsibility for ur own reading experience, y'know? like if i'm reading a fic and it gets to be too much for me, i just...stop reading. and accept the fact that the fic is not for me.
and from a writer perspective, it's like....on my longer fics i've tried to give a heads-up in ch notes, bc when i entered the fandom i got the impression that was the norm. but doing that takes extra time and work, and i don't always know what someone might find triggering. and like, if people reach out politely and ask me to add a tw for something that didn't occur to me, i'm usually happy to do so!
but like. idk man. when i was writing this cowboy fic i was just like....i do not feel like combing back through these chapters and trying to add in-depth warnings on every ch in addition to what i've already put in the tags lol. and now i'm writing a zombie fic, and even though i've tagged it for like gore and violence and blood and injury and it is literally a zombie apocalypse au, i still feel this sense of pressure to put notes at the beginning of chs, because so many people seem to just expect that!
anyway it's up to every writer individually to decide how many warnings they wanna put on a fic, but i definitely do wish that there was a way to like....backtrack to a time when the norm was gratitude for the fact that fics on ao3 even have tags in the first place + a sense that everyone is responsible for their own reading experience, rather than this sense of entitlement some people seem to have where they expect detailed warnings on every single ch :/
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kissimirrit · 2 years
I’m in love with your killudust fanarts but I’m a bit confused on where that ship stands in your ship list. What do you think about it? How long have you liked it?
One time, I think I must’ve seen you claiming that you started liking it more than killugon cuz you hated how twitter was being a major ass when it came to other types of ships that paired up Killua and Gon with other people.
So I’m curious: if you now like killudust more than killugon, are you gonna start making more killudust art? I’m just wondering about that cuz I thought about it so many times. It’s also okay if you’re not going to either. It’s whatever yk?
(hi! rereading my answer i noticed i come across as crass; so sorry if my tone reads as like i'm mad or upset or angry. talking about getting harassed just makes me feel exhausted).
i like killudust because it's funny and random and it makes me laugh.
ultimately when it comes to ships i like, if it can make me laugh, it shoots up into my top 3 favorites. my otps in any fandoms, the majority of the time, are crackships because i found them funny. my first crackship was gaz x GIR from invader zim when i was 8 or 9 (invader zim was also my first online fandom at around this time btw). i have ALWAYS loved crackships. i have ALWAYS loved silly pairings that made me laugh, whether they had canon basing or not (but them having no canon backing and being very random helped the funny-factor for me)
so as for where killudust stands on my ship list, it genuinely is my OTP for HxH (and in my top 3 for overall ships across all fandoms i am in). i used to REALLY love killugon because of all the silly scenarios one could make with them, because these two characters have such funny interactions!! i started being vocal about killua x gold dust girl in early-mid 2020, so that's a little over two years.
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(note: i've talked about killudust on other servers i'm no longer in before these screenshots)
so i've considered killudust my #1 hxh ship for a little over two years, actually.
but unfortunately, romantic killugon has gotten pretty soured for me? i still love platonic/queerplatonic killugon don't get me wrong! but the way the fandom on twitter acts about ships that paired gon and killua with other people (and ESPECIALLY killua with female characters). like, being accused of heinous things and getting a bout of harassment SOLELY for being vocal about a crackship i liked and making silly drawings for it just absolutely severed any love i had for killugon in response. being called a homophobic pedophile (she's??? a card game character??? and it appears like she's within his age range if not a little bit older??? and even then i portray her as a fictional character he "waifus" and not an actual character. like???) and being called a proshipper (this word has been divorced of all meaning it literally means nothing anymore if ppl can just fling it at anyone who ships anything against the status-quo) for a non-problematic crackship just really killed any desire i had to make anymore content for killugon.
unfortunately hxh is no longer my hyperfixation, and hyperfixation is usually a big factor in fandom content i create. but sometimes i'll find a drive to create hxh content again (especially if my friends still into hxh manage to wrangle that inspiration and motivation out of me) and USUALLY i've noticed that motivation comes in the form of killudust. so the handful of times i've dipped my toes back into hxh after my hyperfixation ended was for killudust, so most likely if i were to make hxh content in the future again— it would probably be killudust. i'm a spiteful person by nature, so i'm definately not letting anything STOP me from making things i WANT to make. sometimes it even fuels me to make it even more when it's fresher.
but i hope this answers your questions! i appreciate that you've been paying attention to me, sometimes i just think i scream into a void where no one sees ahaha <3
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#the fuckin almond monocultures are massively unsustainable and a huge part of the beekeeping industry is built around that
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Snow bunnies enjoying snacks from the yard.
1,031 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
If you imagine a system in which everybody has access to healthcare, and you reject that idea in favor of the current system because you think it would cause long wait times for care, then we are just coming from very different places on "what would be a good way to run society".
Like there are big conversations to be had about whether it would increase wait times, and how we could structure it to avoid or reduce that problem, but if it takes longer to get care, but everyone can get it? That sounds better. That would be a better way to do things.
You're saying you don't want other people to have any, because then you'd have to have less. Given a theoretical choice between a system that's not ideal but does serve everyone, and one that serves some well and some not at all, you prefer the latter.
1,276 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
A moment for a petty complaint:
When people are explaining how to weave in ends, in a tutorial or any video, and they say to "just follow the path of the yarn" or "double the stitches" and then proceed to do THIS
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That's a valid way to weave in your ends, assuming your yarn is wooly enough to not slip and it won't be super visible, but that's simply not what you've described.
See the full post
1,467 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I read somewhere that older ppl in cultures where squatting is more common than sitting in chairs can still comfortably squat, deeply & for long times, whereas what American over 50 can do that and not hurt
It's like a "use it or lose it" thing, so I made sure to spend some time squatting, getting up and down, and it did get easier, though I still can't do it like my little nieces, who can read a book on their knees, but I'm gonna maintain my mobility in this at least
And now it's a nice way to take a break from standing for a bit, or it's the easiest way to do something brief & near the ground, but this is still not what American adults usually do
So sometimes I'm just this strange 30 something woman squatting by the farmstand peeling a peach. And I never think it's an odd thing to do until someone else does.
1,996 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was reading a post about dipping baby carrots in ranch, and it reminded me of what I've previously described as an Additive vs. Subtractive approach to nutrition.
The Subtractive view looks at all the things you're currently eating, or might eat in a given day, and sees a pile of Bad Stuff, with probably some Good Stuff mixed in, which would be better if only you could clean off and remove the Bad. The Unhealthy, the Fattening. So this outlook sees the carrots as Good, and that ranch is Bad, so in order to eat well, the thing to do is remove the ranch.
(I fear I've gotten in too deep with capitalizing Things for Emphasis, so I'm going to back off on that now. You get the point - foods are not *actually* fundamentally good or bad, they are just categorized that way.)
Dipping carrots in ranch is not a healthy food choice, because the ranch is unhealthy. The ranch has "cancelled out" the carrots, by adding all that fat and processed sugar & stuff, so it would be better not to have eaten that at all. Subtractive nutrition is very concerned with lessening the Bad things: calories, fats, trans fats, processed ingredients, carbs, sugar, salt, meat, non-organic foods - whatever their current trend of "healthy eating" says will kill you.
On the other hand, the Additive view (which I think is more sensible) looks at the carrots & ranch snack and says, you ate some carrots! Carrots are objectively good for you, and you got that nutrition into your body. Good job! Sure, you also ate ranch, which nobody thinks is a health food, but a) the carrots are still definitely in there, nourishing you, and b) the ranch made you more likely to eat them, and enjoy them, and so eat them again in the future. Ranch also provides essential nutrients, regardless of whether it's the ~optimal~ way to get them.
Additive nutrition looks at your day and sees what nutrients you consumed, any that are helpful. Any good choices you make, regardless of if there are also bad ones. What's good, and maybe let's not go overboard on "Bad" stuff if we're really worried about it, but what did you eat that helped you? Eat food that serves you, and if you can put in more good things that's great! But if you have ice cream afterwards, it doesn't rip the kale out of your stomach. It just means you had ice cream today, and also you had kale.
And while Additive thinking helps with motivation, because it gives you little mental gold stars for lots of things, and doesn't take any away or call for shame if you do eat all the nachos, it really comes into play in decisionmaking, and weighing options. Subtractive thinking says, don't eat broccoli with cheese sauce, the sauce is bad for you. Just eat the broccoli, plain, steamed, with maybe a little low-salt seasoning mix. But let's be real - you're not going to do that. Or at least, not very often, not if you're starting from "I don't like broccoli unless it's covered in cheese sauce". Subtractive thinking says take ALL the bad stuff out, and make only the Correct choices, and then you're being healthy. Otherwise you might as well not have bothered.
Additive nutritional thinking says the broccoli with cheese sauce is adding broccoli to your diet where it would not otherwise have been. It's not a choice between plain broccoli and cheesy broccoli, not really. Really the choice is, do I add some broccoli to my diet today, along with tasty sauce, or do I not eat broccoli at all, because that's what I would be doing otherwise?
10,113 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kurokolovesakashi · 6 years
Hey guys, I’m thinking I might start blocking people from this blog who I see regularly reblogging reposted artwork, so if you ever notice that you’re blocked, that’s why.
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astrobiche · 3 years
Astro notes 8 🌙
Take what resonates y'all 🔱💛
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💫 Aquarius/capricorn placements can be late bloomers (especially moon/venus) when it comes to dating. Aquarius is traditionally ruled by saturn so there could be delay. However, while caps can still stay careful after trying out sth new, aquas may wanna experiment more after their first relationship/experience
✨ I noticed this in the charts of a lot of ppl with their 7th house ruler in the 10th house : they didnt experience romance as early as people their age, they dip their toes into the dating sphere later in life compared to their peers.
🌔 Virgo placements (especially moon/mars) LOVE recycling old things and finding another way of using something they have owned for a while. The archetype of virgo is one who plans and fixes and doesnt do away with stuff just because its broken. They can also be crafty (using old projects in new projects/an old candy box as a jewelry box..)
🌠 The way i looked into the charts of the most hardworking, top ranking students in my class and they all have a virgo mars-
🌕 3 out the past 5 leaders of the dance club in my uni are sag suns. What are the odds 😳
🌗 Aquas 🤝 mutables : bringing in change. Mutable signs see things from different angles and may question why things are done the way they are, hence suggesting new innovative methods to the "old". Aquarius is a sign associated with progress, novelty and rebellion so they also could introduce new ways of doing stuff. However, aquarius's fixed modality makes the change "snap" into existence, Saturn's influence can still cause delay until the aquarius placement native just rebels and blurts out "alright, out with the old". While mutables can be in constant change so its not as shocking.
Tw : mention of seggs
🌙 I dont think its talked about enough just how seggsual cancer placements can be!! The moon rules fertility and the womb after all
🌘 the difference between 5h stellium vs 8th stellium on the topic of seggs : the former tends to focus on pleasure while the 8h stellium focuses on intimacy. (A conversation I witnessed : 5h stellium : - I wanna try all positions and experiment and have fun in the act / 8h stellium : i prefer to stick to romantic positions like missionary) - the rest of the chart can influence this -
End of tw
🌟 A planet in the house it rules works to its full potential. Example : 9h jupiter and ive always been called "wise", I once chose to write a book for a school project (education) about a girl who travels the world (travel) in search for (wisdom), I know a couple 12h neptune natives and their intuition is soo on point they can detect lies from miles away
☀️ Gem and sag are both on the learning axis, but i noticed gems tend to remember the names of the authors and specific quotes taken from books while sags remember just the general concept and ideas
✨I think its pretty funny how a famous kitchen appliances brand is named "taurus" 😭
🌗 Virgo + aqua (personal placements) in a chart = a walking microscope. They be picking things apart as a hobby 🧐
☀️ Sag 🤝 pisces 🤝 leo placements = dramatic squad. It's not talked about enough how dramatic Jupiter ruled signs can be. The planet expands and inflates and this goes for reactions/emotions too
💫 Scorpio 🤝 taurus 🤝 cap 🤝 cancer placements = seeking/feeling comfortable in control. While scorpio/taurus may want it for power, cap/cancer may want it for the sense of stability they get
🌟 Virgo 🤝 scorpio 🤝 aquarius placements = detective squad
🌠 Aries mars culture is getting mad around ppl who do things slowly. My aries mars mom when she saw me (virgo mars) taking my time doing chores to make sure its all perfect she got irritated "omg let me do it myself I enjoy speed!"
🌙 Saturn - ascendant /capricorn risings / 1H saturn natives can have this aura of respect around them. It's hard to explain but they can command respect when they walk into a room, they have the "don't mess with me" vibe even if they have a "soft" rising like cancer or pisces (ex : people apologizing to the natives when they say curse words around them)
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yandere-dark-cupid · 3 years
If you’re requests are open can I get a Yandere Zuko x fem reader where after the war he looks for his darling by making his guards track her down but without anyone knowing bc he doesn’t want ppl to think that he’s back into his old ways again and keeps her in the palace
Ok Angel 💜👌💜. If you want, I could continue this as a mini part to part scenario series if I have the time T.Angel. There is just so many ideas worming around this concept and just think of the crazy things the darling and Zuko is going to go through, while also keeping both of their identities on the veeery low-key. Just let me know Angel 😊☕💜.
Also everyone is going to be aged up to 18+ Btw.
Side note: For the sake of this scenario, the darling will be from the Southern Water tribe. If this Angel decides to let me continue this as a mini scenario series, then the both of us are going to talk about if the darling can be a Waterbender or not.
Warning ⚠!!!: Their is going to be some slight Nsfw in this.
Yandere Zuko: A Dragon's treasure
Five weeks. It has been five weeks since you've went missing. Once the war has ended, Zuko was planning to propose to you. But every since his coronation of being crowned the new FireLord, you just up and vanished. It was like you were never there in the first place. And Zuko has been scattering everywhere in the palace and Fire nation to find you or some type of clue. But nothing. There was nothing there. You really covered your tracks, didn't you?
Right now Zuko was in his thrown room. He was fuming- No steaming with rage. If anyone were to walk in to the room, they'll notice it was boiling in there. He tried to look everywhere in the palace. Even outside the palace. But to no avail. Zuko couldn't find you. You've made it clear that you don't want to be with him or any where near him with this type of stunt you've pulled.
Zuko took a seat on his thrown. His hands was on his head, just about ready to pull his hair out and shout in frustration. But then a knock on the door stop him. " *Frustrated sigh* State your name and your business." Zuko said with spite and a hint of venom in his voice. The person behind the door flinched at his tone of voice. "It's me Sir. The guard you put in charge of the search party for Ms.Y/N". Zuko perked up at the mention of his missing lover's name. " Come in. " said Zuko. With out a second thought, the guard entered the room. She bowed down in respect for her FireLord.
" FireLord Zuko I have an update about Ms.Y/N's whereabouts. " Said the guard. She almost stuttered. The guard noticed how extremely hot it was in the thrown room. It was a clear sign that FireLord Zuko was pissed out of his mind. " Well, " Zuko said in annoyance and anger. Zuko was beyond angry at this point. He was a whole entire cluster fuck of emotions right now. " M-me and m-my crew found some people who could be connected to Ms.Y/N's disappearance , your majesty. " Stuttered the guard in slight fear. Zuko quirked up an eyebrow at what the guard said.
Ah. So the guard managed to find the ones responsible for his darling's vanishment, or at least had some part in it. " Bring them in. " Zuko said. The guard only merely nodded, not wanting to meet the FireLord's intimidating gaze. The guard got off their knees and went to call the other guards, to bring out the people that played some part of the darling going missing. The other guards quickly brought out four other people. Those people was tied up, bounded, and blind folded. The people was visibly quivering in fear. They were very confused and scared on what they did to upset the FireLord.
The four guards forcefully pushed the four people down to the floor. Each guard took off each person's blind fold. In front of the four people, there sat the FireLord in all his glory. FireLord Zuko glared down at the 4 people in a burning gaze. So these disgusting pathetic excuses of human was responsible for his darling going missing. Zuko scoffed at the thought. After a painful intimidating stare down, Zuko finally spoke. " So your the ones held responsible for Y/N's disappearance. " Zuko spat out to them with his voice dipped in poison.
" I-if y-you're talking about a someone that has (h/c), (e/c), and (s/c) then t-they came to m-my store to buy clothes." The woman stuttered in fear. Zuko stayed quite and only listened. " If you're talking about the same person; they came to my food stand and brought some food. " the old man said quickly in fear of what the FireLord would do to him if he took so long to explain himself. Zuko only merely quirks his eyebrow. " Y-yeah, that same person came to my Shop and bought some bags and extra equipment as his they were going on a trip. " The man said while sweating nervously. " The same person came to shack a-and brought some w-weapons. " Said the short lady in fear. Zuko only hmmed at what they said.
" So you're telling me the lady you just described went to all of your stores and shops to buy something. " Zuko said still glaring down the four people. " Y-yes. " the woman squeaked in fear. The old man only nodded quickly. " Mhm. " both the man and woman said. Zuko got up from his thrown and began to walk down to his stand. " What should we do with them you highness? " Said one of the guards. " Bring them to the dungeon. I will decide what to do with them later. " Said Zuko. " I-I don't understand what did we do wrong. " Stuttered the woman in fear and nervousness. Zuko quickly turned to the woman, the woman quickly shuts her mouth. Zuko then begins to slowly walk towards her.
Zuko shot one of his hands out and grasps the woman's face in a painful grip. The woman squeaks in surprise and fear. Zuko just merely just glares down at her. His eyes is filled with a flaming rage. " You all are held responsible for the disappearance of Y/N, " Zuko spat out in anger. Zuko releases his hand from woman's face. Zuko steps away from the woman and is now in front of the four bounded people. " Since you all play a part in my- err Y/N's disappearance, you all will be punished accordingly. " The four people only shook even more at FireLord Zuko's statement. " All of you take them away were they'll never see the light of day again. " Zuko said with venom dripping from his voice.
The four guards only bowed and said a quick " yes sir ". With that they took the four people away. Now Zuko was once again left in his thrown room...... alone.
Zuko let out a sigh of frustration out. He walked towards a window that was in the room. He stared down at his people, he was thinking about something. Based on what the four people said, Zuko can conclude that his darling is no longer in the Fire nation. Zuko dug into his pocket and took out something. It was a necklace. A betrothed necklace to be more specific. You see his darling was not from the fire nation, no no no. You were from a Water tribe, the Southern Water tribe to put it. While Zuko was on his trip to help Aang defeat his father and help him master firebending, Zuko found out from Katara on what her necklace means. He found out that from the Water tribe in order to marry someone, you have to make a betrothed necklace and give it to that special someone. When Zuko found out about this type of information, he instantly got rapped up about it. Ever since he's joined team Avatar he was thinking about what life would be like when he becomes FireLord, then his thoughts were drawn into marriage. He can't help but think, his darling would make the perfect FireLady. His FireLady.
And they'll have children. They'll be lovely children. With his darling swelled up with another one of his heirs all while holding another one of their children. It'll truly be a.. delicious sight to see ~ Zuko hmmed in delight at the thought of his darling bearing his children. But... that's if he witness such a darling sight. Zuko groaned at his mood being dampened and soured. But he knows it's true. Zuko knows if he doesn't act fast, he'll lose his darling. And that lovely little scene that played in his mind, will be nothing but a mere fantasy. Besides, he doesn't want to get himself accidentally sexual frustrated.....
With that aside, Zuko begins to start planning and strategizing. Zuko walks away from the window. He calls a servant, he orders them to get one of his best generals. The servant was slightly hesitant and confused, but never the less terrified. Wasn't the war over? They pushed their question aside, because they know now wouldn't be the best time to question the FireLord. He hasn't been acting himself lately and has been been flaring up at anything these past few weeks. With out much of a second thought, they did as they were told and went to see if someone could get one of the generals FireLord Zuko was talking about.
Zuko on the other hand, went back to sit on his thrown. He knew it will take time for the general to get here, so he decided to sit and be patient for him to get here. All while doing this, Zuko began to plan out in his mind on how he was going to get his darling. He was thinking about getting some of the Fire nation's best spies to help track down his darling. Sending out a whole search team and alerting the public while cause some type of panic. Not only that but he's trying to show that He and the Fire nation has turned over a new leaf, that and he doesn't want people and the other members of team Avatar know he's basically going back to his old ways. Since everybody knows the history on how he went to the ends of the earth to find and Capture the Avatar, and he's basically doing the same for his darling. It'll put a bad name on him and an even worse name on the Fire nation. So he'll lay as low as possible and keep shush shush about it, so he doesn't rise suspicion and ruin all the hard work he's been putting in the past time he's became FireLord.
With all those thoughts in mind, Zuko decides to call the same servant from before. So he can see if his message has been delivered. The Servant said they already sent a messaging hawk out to see if they can reach the general. Zuko only hmmed and dismissed them, and told them to report back to him once the massage has been delivered. With that the servant left, leaving Zuko in his thrown room. Zuko dug into his pocket again. He took out the Betrothed necklace out. He gently creased and rubbed the engraving and creases. He took so many hours and very much effort into making this for his darling. Looking at it always made him feel calmer, it made him happy knowing that his darling will be wearing it soon. But then his darling ran away from him before he can give it to them. Zuko pushed down on the purple garnet at the thought of his darling running away from him ( the rest of the necklace's gems are made up of smaller bits of Rudy and sapphire ). Zuko let out another sigh of frustration. He began to think. Once is darling is back with him he's never letting them go...........
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My God, this was a boom ass idea. Not only that, but an idea of Zuko having a bit of a breeding kink has been floating around in my mind for some time now. I had a lot of fun with this. Like I said before T.Angel, If you want me to make a mini scenarios series about this let me know 😆! Well I hope you enjoy it. Until next time my Little Tainted Angels, see you soon ~💜❤💜
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kbsd · 3 years
not sure if you’ve answered this before, but what’s your process look like when you make an amv? i’m just curious and in constant awe of ppl who can make videos like you do :)
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hello all!!! i have answered this before and i have a vid help tag with other asks i’ve gotten about stuff like this! but i’ve gotten several more messages along these lines so i’m just going to answer a bunch of them together (under a cut since i love to ramble about editing lol). i do just wanna say i’m definitely not the authority on video editing and obv everyone has their own techniques!
edit: i just finished typing all this up and it’s SO long so sorry in advance LMAO god bless anyone who reads this entire thing
so i work in news tv and we have a very specific workflow for writing scripts, sourcing video, producing, and editing. i’ve just applied that to making amvs! for every video i make, i copy the song lyrics into a google doc and adjust them to match the song i’ve cut (i often will trim songs for time and/or content purposes). then i start planning! i’ll mark down what clip i want to use for each lyric next to that line, and any sound bites i want to use (with episode numbers!). i’ll color code between video and sound bites and lyrics, so my scripts end up looking something like this (for my honeybee amv):
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doing the planning ahead of time makes everything much easier when it’s a video that spans the whole show or involves a lot of sourcing, like honeybee or sports analogies. that way when i get to the actual editing process, i already know what i’m going to do and have a game plan. for videos like happy ending or believe it or not, where i’m mainly just pulling from a few episodes, i can just plan it in my head as opposed to writing it all down, and produce as i edit. obviously i do make in-the-moment decisions while editing—sometimes a shot doesn’t work the way i thought it would, or i go where the video takes me—but planning ahead definitely helps. i know some people use spreadsheets as well, with columns for lyrics, video clips, and sound bites if applicable. once you find a system that works, it actually goes pretty quickly.
as for sourcing clips themselves/finding clips within episodes, i talked about that here and kind of here. the short version is that transcripts are a must, and the supernatural wiki is hugely helpful by cataloguing all the hugs, prayers, phone calls, etc. in the show. gifmakers that tag episode numbers on their posts are your friends. it gets easier the more video you make—that’s another huge reason i make the google docs for each video (even the ones i plan in my head, i end up going back and making a loose script with episode notes just for reference). if i can’t remember where something is but i know i used it in another video, i can easily reference past scripts!
i also cut all my videos in the same project in premiere pro, so i can flip between them easily. instead of checking a past script, i can just go to the video sequence itself and copy the clip i’m looking for! this was especially helpful when i match cut together the 5x18 and 4x22 wall slam shots for my bestie video, and then stole it from myself for honeybee hahaha. at any given time i have at least 8 sequences open:
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because of the sheer volume of videos i make, it’s worth it for me to download the entire show—i have all 327 episodes in HD, plus deleted scenes. if you think you’re only going to make a few videos, i’d start with scene packs. you can usually just google “destiel [or whatever ship/character you’re looking for] scene packs” and there will be any number of ones you can download. if you need other specific scenes, you can always download/torrent individual episodes or screen record netflix (that’s what i did before i got HD download links). i’m happy to share my links if you DM, but be warned it’s a lot of disk space (about 500GB on my hard drive). someone also compiled every destiel scene, downloadable here.
having every episode already loaded in premiere for all my projects also makes it a lot easier to source clips. once i use a clip in a video, i’ll put a marker on the episode file, so that after a while i have most of the important scenes/lines marked to easily find them. to give you an idea, this is my episode file in premiere for 12x10 lily sunder has some regrets (markers at destiel scenes, the car fight, hot girl cas, etc.). markers are the green tabs along the bottom:
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premiere also lets you color code and name markers, so ONE DAY i will go back and color code them all. the ones above are all the same color, but in a perfect world, i’d have a myraid—for destiel shots like hugs, touches, looks; for important pieces of dialogue; for action shots; etc. but for now this works ok for me, so that’s a project for another time!
between detailed scripts, one giant premiere project, markers, the wiki, and my own memory, i have so many points of reference that i can usually find any clip i need in about 2 minutes max. sound bites are often harder to start out, or tiny specific shots i haven’t used before, and that’s when i turn to tumblr gifsets or beloved mutuals to crowdsource. but if you’re as obsessive about marking/keeping neat scripts as i am, it gets easier and easier with every video you make. that’s part of why i’m able to cut videos together so quickly. (also i want to stress i do this for a living and have to produce/edit a new piece for my show every day so i’m used to it. and compared to constantly updating content/sources and news that changes every day, 327 highly documented episodes that never change are much easier to handle hahaha)
this is all great for me since i make so many videos and plan to continue doing so, but if you’re only making a few, this level of work isn’t worth it imo. really it’s all about developing a system that works for you. whatever you do with episodes/sourcing, though, i cannot recommend planning things out in a script ahead of time enough. 
everything i just mentioned is producing, though. for the editing process, i usually do it in this order:
music first. any parts i want to cut, i make sure it all sounds smooth
then soundbites. i usually try to weave them into the lyrics—i have characters talk in breaks between lines or instrumental sections as much as possible. i’ll sometimes go so far as looped/extending an intsrumental part to make room for the soundbite i want there lol. if i do have dialogue over a line, i do the sound mixing/levels at this point as well to make sure everything is audible/one doesn’t overpower the other. (also i always include the video that goes with these bites when i drop them in, and decide later if i want to show the character speaking or have other clips cover the dialogue)
once i have all the audio locked in, then i bring in all my other video clips. sometimes i edit completely chronologically, sometimes jumping from section to section—it depends on the song or how i’m feeling
double check sound mixing. i usually listen to my videos through a few times, with headphones and without to make sure it’ll sound good no matter how people watch it
once i have picture and audio lock, i go through and color correct my clips. i’m basic and just use lumetri color in premiere, and usually just play with brightness, saturation, temperature, and tint until i like it
render and export! :)
i always have several audio tracks, but i try to keep my video tracks condensed. i’ll drop clips on a V2 level, and edit a section there, and drop the whole chunk down to V1 so i know it’s finished. that way when i leave and come back i can know where i left off/what’s done/etc. to give you an idea, this is the timeline for my what the hell video:
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i always render as H.264 with high bitrate, and make sure to check “render at maximum depth” and “use maximum render quality” for the best quality. i’m sorry, but i don’t know what the equivalent options are in final cut, imovie, kdenlive, etc. i post on youtube mostly so i don’t have to sacrifice quality, but usually just using a lower bitrate will get you under the tumblr file size limit and it’ll still look good.
as for the anon who asked about “polishing”: first of all, thank you!! second of all, it’s in the details. all of this is a matter of taste and my own insanity, but here are some little things i always try to do:
after i color correct, i blur out any credits from the starts of episodes. i use gaussian blur for this, but really any blur tool works
as much as possible, i avoid clips where we see a character’s mouth move but don’t hear the words. in tv/film we call it “lip flap” and i just think it looks messy. also i’m trained to avoid it at all costs at work hahaha. it’s more for serious videos that this matters a lot to me (e.g. i think i did a really good job eliminating lip flap in my happy ending amv)—for comedy videos i don’t sweat it as much
i put audio fades on the start and end of every single audio clip i use, even if i don’t think i need it, to make sure everything sounds smooth
i use markers for timing, especially in action-y videos like what the hell. i’ll put a marker on the clip i’m using at the exact moment a punch lands, and in the song on the beat. if i have the magnet/snap in timeline tool on i can just easily snap them together instead of having to spend time finagling it
this is such a small thing but i dip/cut to black for a tiny bit at the start and end of every video. this way if i post with tumblr video player, there’s black between the loops, and it gives you a beat before the video restarts. i do this even on videos i post on youtube, just because i think it looks nicer/more professional
this is 1,500 words so i’m going to stop myself before i pull something. if you have follow-up questions feel free to ask and i’ll continue to add them to the vid help tag, but any more questions about sourcing clips or my process in general i’ll just link this post going forward. anyone who made it this far, i am sending to a telepathic kiss. thank you for reading and happy editing!
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bluecookies02 · 4 years
Dom!Twice x Reader
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summary: Jin and you bumped into each other khm, the attraction evident coming from both sides. Despite you being a hero you can't resist him and you end up together in a hotel room.
->While this wasn't a previously discussed dynamic, Twice is just being rough but its consensual nonetheless. Take care of your Doms/Partners on each occasion, even while having one night stands, someone might need you💕
⚠️warnings⚠️ : voyeurism (two people watching and jacking off /it's a dirty hotel room why r u surprised), degradation, spanking, facefuck, female eating out a male, threesome (with a clone), rough to gentle (twice is a sweetheart and needs to be loved), unprotected sex/creampie.
A/N: this was a paid 6k word commission however for a male!reader (during a blm protest) and much more filthy and taboo but taking from the messages and triggered ppl in my asks and on wattpad, some ppl aren't comfortable with extreme topics so i won't be posting the full story (fuck it i added Jin sucking a guy off... i had to) because the "hate" I get makes me rly insecure about some kinks. Also Jin sucks a guys dick here. Be warned. It's wholesome tho.Kinda.
edit:male version here-> http://www.archiveofourown.org/works/25896667?view_adult=true
Sry for the long intro, enjoy.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
You've been strolling down the streets in hopes of getting back home before the curfew, not having the strength or the luxury to get caught by the cops.
Moving through familiar streets, you found yourself wondering off to today's events, the protests thankfully not becoming too dangerous and hazardous, making your heart flush in small victory.
Your attention was snapped back to reality as you heard a familiar gagging sound, and a loud, angry groan followed after it. Your eyes darted to the source of the filthy sounds, gulping once you managed to make out two bodies in the dark. A blonde-haired man choking on a fat black cock as what's supposedly spurts of cum coated his throat. The semen slowly spilled down the blonde’s lips and the tall man above him pulled the blonde up by his hair. The black man dipped his finger into the blonde’s mouth and glided it on his tongue, smearing the sticky liquid before connecting their lips before disappearing around the block.
His hooded eyes turned to look at you, a satisfied smirk forming on his lips.
Gulping down the cum down his throat, he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand before slowly walking to your frozen form.
He reached for your hand, smiling brightly before introducing himself to you.
"Name's Jin, It's really nice to meet you," he said, looking you up and down, tongue swiping along his bottom lip.
"Y/N, I'm sorry for interrupting" a chuckle left his lips as he shook your hand.
"Oh none of that, I should be thanking you, it tripled my fun..you here for the protests, right?" you nod, your hand falling back down.
"I am. You support them?"
"In my own way apparently, now let's go, we have 5 minutes, I know a hotel nearby" he rushed out, motioning for you to follow.
You stared in confusion before realization hit you, quickly checking the time before rushing off to catch up with him.
He fumbled with his wallet, going to the register and dumping a few crumbled bills on the counter.
The hotel was dirty and smelly, the furniture in the waiting hall dusty and probably washed a decade ago.
"You can wait here until we prepare the room, with this money, you leave at 6 am sharp." the guy behind the counter rang for the staff, sending them off to unlock the room and change the sheets( at least that will be clean )
Jin and you sat on the dusty couch, him already familiar and comfortable, spreading his legs and laying back.
He fumbled with his lighter and the pack of cigarettes from his pocket.
The crappy hotel was full of people rushing in and out of their rooms, borrowing/stealing stuff from one another, and when you took note of it, it looked more like a homeless shelter.
You wondered how many times did he stay in here, maybe even lived here.
"So...you don't like heroes huh?"
"Pft, I resent all people equally...though I make exceptions for those with a fat ass" he mumbled, straining his neck to look you up.
"And you pass the requirements" he laid back down, choking out the cigarette on the couch.
The maid came back shortly, giving you a key and directing you to a room on one of the top floors.
You pressed the elevator button, Jin following you suit as he stood close to you.
You turned your eyes to the numbers on the elevator suddenly interested in the worn-out digits on the metal buttons.
"You know, now that you're standing in this light, you look tasty all over..." his hot breath ghosted over your neck, his arm slipping down to clutch at your hip, pulling you against him.
"And you're so small I could eat you all up...push you down and pound into that fat pussy of yours."
his hand moved lower, grabbing a handful of your cheeks and kneading them in his palms.
You made no move to stop the man, the thought of the elevator opening as he was about to slip his hand in your pants made you swallow a lump in your throat, your cunt throbbing as you imagined the look on whoever was unlucky enough to stumble upon the two of you.
"You look so committed to your little acts of bravery, let's see how committed you are to sucking a cock" the elevator door opened, the floor you reached empty.
His hand tangled in your locks, pushing you out into the hall and forcing you to your knees.
His musky scent filled your nostrils as he pushed you against his clothed bulge, rubbing your face against a wet spot damping his sweats.
"I'm not gonna teach you how to do it, it's not gonna bite" he snarled, watching the way your hand reached up to pull at his sweatpants.
"That's a smart girl, go ahead" he hummed in approval, his hips jerking forward as you grabbed the front of his sweats, tugging the material along with his boxers.
His length hooked on his clothes, snapping up with a quiet "pop" sound as you finally had the opportunity to see it in all its glory.
From the way his cock bulged in his restraints a second ago, you were already drooling at the imagination of it, the situation you were in also adding to your excitement, thinking if some weird lowlife creep could be watching the two of you from the dark.
You gave a teasing pump, your fist tightening around his shaft as he bucked his hips into your hand.
This man was definitely packing, your thighs clenching at the thought of it plowing in and out of your throat.
He watched you carefully, adoring the way your eyes glistened in hunger. Reaching a hand to hold it around your own that was wrapped at the base of
his cock, he guided his member along your lips, his other hand still keeping your head in place.
His wet cock prodded at your lips, your willing mouth stretching around him as he slowly pushed in all the way, your nose mushing against his navel as he removed both hands from his shaft.
You gagged around him, the urge to cough burning in your chest before he pushed you off to the tip.
Spit piled up in your mouth, slicking up his arousal, making it easier to slip right back in. Your nails dug in his hips, holding onto him as he rocked shallow thrust into your constricting throat. You tried your best to loll your tongue out, gliding it against the ridges of his member making him hum in pleasure. You began bobbing your head on your own, timing it with his thrusts as you tried to hold your breath in for a bit longer.
He pulled you off his cock completely, letting you catch a quick puff of air before sinking back in, continuing his assault on your mouth.
You slurped around him, a mess dripping down your lips and onto the floor as your spit dripped over his balls.
"That's a good cocksleeve...you really want someone to catch us huh...if you don't I advise you to try and keep the slurping down" he warned, rocking into you with more speed.
You only got louder, purposefully gagging and moaning as he fucked your face.
His thrusts were now timed and fast, each time almost pulling out before slamming back in, giving you hardly a second to time your breaths.
He smirked, biting his lip as he watched you gasp for air each time he blessed you with an opportunity.
His pubes were messy and long, tickling your nose as you closed your eyes, trying to focus on not losing too much air, already imagining his heavy taste on your tongue.
Your jaw ached and your throat was starting to go numb, begging in your head for him to cum already.
You whimpered and whined as he squeezed your cheeks around his cock, the additional friction of his fingers dipping into your flesh and rubbing against his member making him throw his head back.
"That's it, that's a good little slut...come one swallow around my cock, I want to feel you clench around it"
You did as you were told, gulping down around him, drinking in his sour precum and strings of heavy saliva.
You spread your knees, sinking lower, your aching pussy rubbing against the dirty hotel carpet, still fully covered by your pants.
"Oh, you get off on this too much you filthy shit...who knows who stepped foot on that disgusting rug..."
he all but whispered, finally stilling your head flush into his pubes, the veins on his cock twitching before warm liquid slid into the back of your throat, making you gush and cough around his length, him not pulling out until his cock stopped throbbing, only pushing deeper against you as you struggled to stay still.
Finally, he realizes his grip from your locks, letting you detach from his cock with a disgusting mix of a gag and groan. He cupped your chin with his palm, collecting anything that escaped your mouth and pushing in right back in, watching it dance on your tongue as he kept your mouth open.
"Really...I give you my cum and you have the guts to spit it out...what a shame." he roared, collecting some spit in his mouth before adding it to the mix in your own.
"Swallow." And you did, your sore throat hurting from the large gulp you took in.
"I'm gonna fuck you real good...you seem to like that carpet a lot..." he hooked his arms around you, spinning you and then throwing you face-first into the floor.
Your pants and panties are pulled down to your knees, your legs tied together as you brace yourself on your elbows.
"What, Jin? Is my pussy that-" you're tumbling forwards on your cheeks, the rug burning your chin as Twice slaps your ass.
"I don't like it when you talk, toys don't talk" with that he spat at your hole, prodding two of his fingers making your scream in pain, feeling like losing consciousness before coming back to your senses once you feel a weight on your face.
Jin's foot is pressing you down on the floor, his dirty boot mushing your face as he fingers you.
What you don't see is the two dudes on the far end of the hall watching the way your squirm for his cock.
Jin takes note of them, sending them a threatening but a teasing look, purposefully pushing his knuckles deep in your cunt. Your groan out, rutting your hips in his hold as you beg for him to give you more, finally used to the sudden stretch.
"Oh they sure are jealous of me don't ya think?" you struggled to snap your head back and see who he's talking about, the heel of his shoes pushing even harder against your skull. You grind your ass back, giving it a meaningful wiggle to show off to whoever he's talking about.
"C'mon Jin, don't let them wait, they'll think you don't know how to actually fuck" your cunt is filled with one well snap of his hips, not letting you comprehend how fast his fingers left your body or how fast was his hand now wrapped around your neck, both of his knees now settled between your thighs, pushing them further apart so your back arches down, your pants thrown off of your ankles somewhere around the hall.
You hiss at the roughness of his thrusts as you feel a hand covering your mouth.
"As much as I want to hear you scream and beg, you have too much of a bratty mouth to be left alone".  One of his fingers dipped between your lips, letting you bite down on it as he pounded into you, his face never leaving the two intruders as he watched them rub their cocks over their pants.
They don't have the guts. They could never make you feel so good and wanted. They wouldn't know what to do if a delicious pussy like yours hit them in the face.
Both of his hands are on your head as he plows in and out of you, his hips slapping against your thighs, making perfect leverage to bounce against you.
You're trying your best to keep up, your arm reaching beneath youto flick at your clit.
Jin's kinda lost in the way your hips bounce, losing himself in the rhythm as you hear him mumbling incoherent words into his chin.
You don't have the time to pay attention to it, too lost in the way your pussy is being stretched and used.
You heard a snicker from the far end of the hall, a line of disgusting remarks as they whispered about recognizing Jin from the news, apparently "recognizing his disgusting stitched up forehead" comparing him to Frankenstein and other monstrous creatures.
You knew they were just boiling with jealousy, unable to get any as they were left to only masturbate as the two of you literally couldn't wait to enter your room that was only a few meters away.
"Oh I'm fucking you so good, you look really pretty with my cock in your cunt" "I'm so fucking disgusting, they should lock me up and leave me to rot"
He's not looking at those creeps anymore, his mind struggling as his hold on you loosens.
His thrusts are slowing down, your knees trembling as you have to come back down from the intense pace from seconds ago.
You pick yourself up, looking at Jin as he hides his head into his hand.
This must've been what he thought about when he talked about people not helping him fight his fights, judging and mocking even in these absurd situations, not even letting the man fuck in peace.
You reached for his hand, him flinching on instinct when your fingers tangle with his.
His eyes hold panic in them, aimlessly looking around as he bites his lip in order to stop words coming from his mouth.
While you loved being manhandled, what you loved even more is making people feel safe, so you wasted no time in picking up the keys and your clothes, sending a wink at those jerks as you pulled Jim into the room.
"My face, cover my face...it's gonna-" you closed the door behind you, sitting Jin onto the bed as you tried to see what's going on with him.
You sat yourself on his lower belly, leaning down to cup his face in your hands, leaning your forehead against his.
"Sorry handsome, but if anyone stormed in and saw me putting a pillowcase over your face, I don't think they would hold back on calling the cops..."
His eyes struggled to stay closed, his breaths deep and pained. You didn't know this man for long, but there was something really fucked up going on with his head. Your lips caught his, pushing your tongue in his mouth as you wrapped your legs around his back.
"That's good, you're a really tough guy c'mon...open your eyes for me." He did, his pupils trying to adjust to the pitch-black room.
"I know I might be butt ass naked and you literally have your cock out, but I'm willing to listen "
And you do...listening to him remble out all of the self-hatred he feels, degrading himself as he struggles to make sense of the biased sentences pouring out of his mouth.
"I'm only good for a quick fuck, that's the only thing I can somewhat do right" while indeed you really looked forward to getting your guts rearranged, you found yourself involved in this man, deciding to be the first person to show him kindness and passion.
You made him lay on his back, seating yourself between his legs as he covered his face with a pillow, his ramblings never coming to a stop.
"Hey...You're not gonna split, see... I'm right here" you said reaching your arms to place on each side of his hips.
"Have you ever tried doing something that feels good for you...apart from literally fucking my throat...but you know...letting someone treat you?” you asked, kissing along his chest as you awaited his response.
He shook his head no, head poking over the pillow, his mind focusing on your moves.
You nodded, leaving light kisses along his salty skin.
"The reason those assholes kept talking must've been because they were jealous of your ass, I'm sure of it" you stated matter of factly before dipping your head to kiss at his thighs.
"I don't think that's-" "Fuck yeah, I'd eat it myself if I had the chance" you chuckled at his response, wrapping your hand around his length as you dipped your tongue down his balls.
"Yeah...I'll have to agree with the second one...everyone would, if given the chance, how convenient" your wet tongue prodded at his hole, dipping in only slightly before coming back up to his cock, licking up a heavy strip along his veins as you heard him swallow.
You slammed your face back into his ass, moving your hands from spreading his cheeks further apart to grabbing his hips as you pulled yourself into him. Sticking your tongue out you began licking up and down his hole as you continued to grind your face against his backside, reveling in the smell and taste of it.
"Yeah, lick that ass you whore, you take it so well..." his hand covered his mouth in surprise, eyes wide as you looked up.
You were breathing in deep, licking hungrily, everywhere, every inch of his exposed puckered skin, your hand now giving lazy strokes to his cock.
You close your eyes, enjoying the rhythm his body swayed in against you, all but riding your face as he struggled not to speak.
You continue applying pressure with your tongue, getting deeper, centimeter by centimeter. As you are applying pressure with your tongue you press your lips around his ass and make open-mouthed kissing motions, effectively massaging the area around his hole with your full lips.
The pleasure he felt made him feel all that more guilty, eyes squinting as he tried to think.
Maybe he could do it, he's just gonna make one... He won't get lost...he knows who he is...you know who the real Jin is, you have to know.
You feel a light push at your hole, struggling to look back as Jin's hand keeps you squashed against his hairy hole.
"Clones, I make clones" he tries to explain in a hurry, his head buzzing up again once you hum against his crack.
"Ooh that's a pretty little hole, you sure that's for me boss?" a voice quite similar to Jin's sound from being you, rubbing the tip of his flush cock against you.
As Jin doesn't respond, your balance is interrupted, your face suffocating between his thighs.
"Oh she's so tight boss, you sure you don't want some of this?" the clone asks mockingly, his hips snapping forwards with great force, each thrust feeling like a completely new one as he pulls all the way out, making irregular pauses to keep you guessing about when will you get his cock again.
You try to snicker a bratty remark but you don't manage to detach from Jin as the clone begins to shove his heavy cock in and out of you.
"Disgusting little cunt do you have here...it's making a mess of my pretty cock...how filthy" he scolds, his palm meeting with your flesh, stinging sensation burning up through your body.
One of your fingers slips pass your tongue, making Jin's soft walls twitch as you pump the digit slowly.
"Damn boss, you let her play you like that?" the clone mocks, grinding your ass against his dick.
Jin doesn't respond as you push more fingers in, stretching him open as you bounce against the clones cock, your clit pink and puffy since you still didn't get to cum.
Jin's close, his breath hitching in his throat as you abuse the soft patch of flesh in his ass, your tongue still silking up the fingers plowing into him.
Your hand speeds up on his cock, small pumps focusing on his tip as you urge for him to release.
His clone is now still inside you as he looks at Jin, smirking once he sees him spurting ropes of cum into your hand, white liquid pooling in your fist as you continue to stroke him, your fingers pressed snuggly in his hole.
Jin takes a moment to catch his breath, his copy waiting for his orders as he takes your hands away from him.
He finds his place beside you, reaching his hand to flick at your clit.
The clone sets a brutal pace, Jin's palm securing against your clit as you rut into it.
"Yeah, make me cum, make me cream all over, c'mon" you spur them on, fisting the sheets as the bed creeks from the three of you.
Jin watches in aww as you lose yourself on the clone's cock, violently meeting the thrusts and chasing Jin's fingers.
"Good slut, you're gonna cum when I fill up your ass c'mon"
The clone goes feral, his hands kneading and digging into your fat, groaning and praising the way your ass sucks him up, his thrusts sloppy and uneven as he chases his release.
Just as the first wave of warm liquid fills your pussy up, you're clenching down on his cock, Jin's hand flicking in a hurry as he stares at your blessed out face. Your hips are jerking and trashing as the final throb of your cunt ruins the sheets, the clones cock slipping out to stare at your contracting hole, the soft flesh spasming around nothing.
Jin eventually lays down, pulling your body next to his as the clone leaves, rubbing your back in soothing circles.
"I...thanks" he whispers in your hair, reaching for the covers as he drapes them over both of you.
He'll be seeing you again.
i remember telling someone i won't be doing twice soon but...commission is a commission and the idea also caught my attention
commission:open (1 slot)
Ko-fi link is in my bio💕
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blazinbeautywrites · 3 years
Man Crush Monday
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Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me unless stated otherwise. Full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
A/N: I know this is a lil late lol but this is part of my Smut Week writing challenge which you can find here. Hope yall enjoy Producer Zab!
Length: 1,431 words
Genre: Smut
It was a rainy Monday night when Jade was scrolling through her IG feed. Just when she was bored of the app, she got a notification that her favorite producer, Zabdiel posted to his page. Clicking on it, Jade was met with the best site she’d ever seen. There he was, in all his sweaty glory, in his custom home gym. Jade moaned at the site and decided to be a little bold. She clicked on the post share button and posted him to her story with the caption “Mmmmm looking fine. #MCM” Unbeknownst to Jade, a fellow fan who followed her, saw her post and decided to screenshot it and tag him and Jade both. Jade was a singer with moderate fame and a small following on various social media sites so it was a big deal when she posted other celebs. Jade decided to call it a night and soon was off to sleep.
The next morning she awoke to the incessant buzzing of her phone and a missed facetime from her bestie Malina. She didn’t bother with her notifications but chose to return Malina’s call.
“Malina girl what’s up.” Jade spoke as she sleepily rubbed her eyes.
“Well judging by your calm ass demeanor, I guess you haven’t been on ig or twitter?” Malina said.
“Uhhh no. Did something happen?” Jade asked.
“Girl! You’re blowing up! Apparently some fan accounts of Zabdiel caught your story and posted it on their pages. Well Zabdiel saw it and reposted it.” Malina said. Jade damn near short circuited when Malina said that last bit.
“Malina, imma call you back.” Jade hung up and immediately checked her instagram. She had thousands of notifications. She checked her dms and almost passed out. There on top was a dm from Zabdiel himself.
“Hey sorry if this is weird but I saw the post and I’m flattered. I’m going to this industry party later on tonight and I saw your name was also on the guestlist and was wondering if we could meet in person. 
Jade had to compose herself before she responded or else she’d definitely make a fool of herself.
“Shit I’m just now seeing this. Yeah I’ll be there tonight and I’d love to meet up. See you tonight!
Jade was just about to exit her dms when she saw he replied with a smiley face. She liked his response then sat her phone on her side table and decided to get ready for her day.
She arrived at the party a little late due to her indecisiveness. After she tore her closet apart, she finally settled on a simple black long sleeved crop top with a red plaid skirt, and some black doc martens.
She walked into the venue and was immediately hit with the smell of weed. She also took note that there was a group of ppl doing lines of coke at a vip table. Jade made her way to the open bar and ordered herself a watermelon whisky sour. Zabdiel spotted her as soon as she walked in thanks to her posting her look on ig beforehand. He made his way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Jade?” Zabdiel asked.
“Zabdiel! Hey!” Jade said. Giving him a hug. She marveled in his sweet, cinnamon scent.
“You’re better looking in person, well you fine as hell so I don’t know what I was expecting.” Zabdiel spoke.
“And you’re taller in person. Gotta admit, I was expecting a hobbit or something.” Jade joked. Zabdiel was amused, especially since he towered over her.
“Well I’m glad I could disappoint you.” He joked back. Their banter went on for a bit before they found a vip table to sit and talk. They talked about music and Jade was taken aback when Zabdiel admitted that he listened to her music.
“Wait really? Quick, what’s your favorite song?” Jade inquired.
“Oh that’s easy. Don’t Tempt me is by far my favorite song of yours. Your vocals were like fucking butter on that shit. I wanted to remix it when I first heard it.” Zab said.
“Well what stopped you?” Jade asked.
“I wanted you to sing on it.” Zabdiel said. Jade smiled at that and finished off her drink. After talking for a little bit more. Zabdiel and Jade made their rounds then dipped from the party. 
Jade and Zabdiel were jamming out to some of his unreleased tracks in his home studio. Jade insisted on hearing some more of his music and Zabdiel happily agreed. They were going back and forth posting each other on their ig stories, causing a frenzy amongst their fans.
“I bet our fans are dying right now.” Jade laughed. A new unreleased track played and Jade got hype. She loved songs that made her wanna shake her ass and that’s exactly what she did. What she didn’t know was that Zab was filming and posting a video of her twerking to his ig story.
“Did I tell you how fine you were already?’ Zabdiel said as he moved closer to her. Jade smiled at him and turned to face him. She ran her finger down his chest and smirked.
“You did but I don’t mind you telling me again.” Jade smiled then leaned in, planting a soft kiss on his lips. She pulled back and smiled at him. She got up to move but he grabbed her and hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around him as he trapped her between his warm body and the wall. Zabdiel kissed her, more passionately this time. He slipped his tongue in her mouth, making her moan as she sucked on it. They made out for a bit before Zabdiel fell back onto a sofa in his studio, Jade in his lap. She was grinding on him, feeling him get hard. Zabdiel moved his hand so that it was positioned near her warm heat. He started rubbing languid circles on her clothed pussy. Her moans were music to his ears. He sped up his movements until he felt her wetness seep through her underwear. Jade was a mess and he loved it.
“I wanna fuck you so bad. You want me to fuck you babygirl?” Zabdiel asked.
“Yes. I want you to fuck me so fucking bad.” Jade moaned. Zabdiel didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed his pant’s down just enough for his dick to pop out. Jade was mesmerized. He was bigger than she was used to but she was gonna take it like a big girl. Jade jerked him off a few times then spit on his dick. She pulled her underwear to the side and sank down on his length. She marveled at the fullness she felt. Zabdiel almost bust right then and there. 
“Fuck you’re so tight. You feel so good wrapped around my dick baby.” Zabdiel sighed. Jade started bouncing on his dick, biting her lip to conceal a loud moan that threatened to escape her mouth.
“God you feel so good inside me…...fuuuuuuuck.” Jade moaned. She got into a squat position and rode Zabdiel’s dick. He was in heaven and felt himself about to cum. He lifted her shirt, revealing her bare breast. He took her left one in his mouth while he played with the right. As he continued sucking on her left nipple, he moved his other hand to her clit and rubbed quick circles. Jade felt herself about to burst. Her movements got sloppier as her orgasm came crashing down upon her. Jade sat fully on his dick, attempting to milk him for all he was worth.
“Yes that’s it baby, ride this dick. Fuck I’m cumming shit…..shiiiiitttt.” Zabdiel moaned. Jade hopped off of him and got down on her knees. She caught every last drop of cum as it shot out of his dick. She stuck her tongue out to show him that she’d swallowed it all, Zabdiel smiled. She was a keeper.
“You should produce my debut album.” Jade said as she laid on Zabdiel’s sofa watching him work.
“Damn. Dick was so good you're giving me jobs now?” He laughed.
“Don’t get cocky. I’ve always wanted to work with you but my management wouldn’t let me reach out to you. Thank god you slid in my dms though.” Jade said, giving him a smile.
“I’m glad too. If you really want me to, I'll produce your shit, on one condition though. You go out on a date with me.” Zabdiel said. 
“Hmmmm………..okay.” Jade said.
“So it’s a date?” Zab asked.
“It’s a date.” Jade smiled.
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morkofday · 3 years
Now that this hell year is almost over let’s celebrate the good things! If you’re receiving this it means you have made someone’s year better. Tell who on tumblr has made this year better for you (as many people as you like, it can be something as small as liking your posts or sending something sweet) and share some of the content you’ve enjoyed (your own or others)
thank you so much dear anon! ♥ I am happy to know that I’ve managed to make someone’s year at least a tiny bit better :’) as a year on tumblr, this year has been very special to me personally so am happy to know that someone has felt that too!
this is going to be a huge list so be warned! putting it under the cut bc of that~
@i-am-just-a-kiddo you are and will always be on this list first and foremost. you and our friendship is the best thing I have gotten from this hellsite and I continue being thankful for it ♥ I always have so much fun talking to you, you support me so unconditionally, share things with me and allow me to just yell about things every day! you never get bored of that endless stream of random nonsense I pour on you and it means so much to me ♥ I also feel honored to share your things, to see your paintings and read your writings and just be there for you. let’s hope the next year will be kinder to us and the world in general! and hey, maybe you get into guardian at some point heh (and thank you for getting into so many things with me this year already!)
@leonzhng I think I said this at some point too but you were the reason why I got into this community we have going on with @mdzsnet and gave me the confidence to just approach ppl here and love things together ♥ you are always so sweet and kind and lovable and I appreciate you doing all the things you do. your edits are amazing and inspirational and I love all the tag games we keep throwing around :’D 
@ashenwren you!! you are amazing and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you through our network :’) I am excited every day when I get to talk to you, even if it’s just for a moment as our timezones make everything kind of difficult :’D it’s just so nice to share mdzs and dmbj with you, to help you get into these dramas, to share all these ideas and thoughts we have, to share our different cultures and languages and whatnot. you are always so supportive and excited and kind and I wish I could hug you sometimes! I hope I still can write something more for pingxie and that I get to see a ton of your art! ♥
then to all the wonderful ppl in our network who have made my tumblr experience so wonderful this year, who keep being kind and amazing and full of so much talent! to @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @bees0are0awesome @highwarlockkareena @yibobibo @linglynz @yiqiie @wangxiians @leoyunxi @tiesanjiao @lan-xichens @oneautumnfox @aowyn @wangxianbunnydoodles @weiwuxcian and many others who I might have forgotten: I enjoy seeing you in my notes so much, I enjoy all of your content, seeing us all interact with each other and just being very friendly and welcoming ♥ I am thankful every day that I got to join this network and learn to know so many! continue being awesome and have a nice upcoming year :’)
then quickly to:
@lzswy thank you for loving my music and wanting to know me! I hope we get to talk some more and feel free to push music my way too, am always ready to drown in songs :’)
@kholran thank you for doing my tag games and allowing me to talk to you, to call you my friend, and share my love for liu sang! I will once again tell you that your fic (link here if anyone reading this is interested) was amazing and I hope we get to talk some more! 
and then thank you to all the ppl who I see in my notes all the time and leave amazing tags and just love me with interacting with my content and sometimes making it more known and just giving it their all: @btssjamss @a-force-dyad-in-space @cuppyhands @mylastbraincql @drwcn @fytheuntamed @distantsnows @brutalbeetle @intimisky @kazaore @inessencedevided @bluebelle88 @actualmichelle @sassyassassy @thebeautifulmacabre @merinnan @inkblue-black and many others who I might not recognize or remember or find right now! or who I have already mentioned in the network part bc you guys are awesome like that :’) especially when I have tried out new things this year and have dipped into new fandoms and reached out of this mdzs pit I am still in and unwilling to leave ♥ but you are still there and like my content haha
and then I want to mention some of my favorite works this year (I’ll try to pick one per month from my archives oh boy): 
@i-am-just-a-kiddo‘s amazing niemo fic that owns my heart, soul, and the never to be born firstborn ♥ 
@bloody-bee-tea‘s amazing mdzs related fics that always just make my heart clench but also bring me so much joy!
this amazing wangxian edit that still shatters me
this amazing wwx edit by hanyi ♥ @leonzhng I love the quote in this and this breaks me in all the best ways!
@fytheuntamed‘s whole the untamed memes series that single-handedly has saved this year for me (tho I suppose this started earlier than this year but who cares, quality content either way)
this jc outfits collection post by @linglynz ♥ everything for my am-a-hoe-for-the-angry-purple-guy -needs
this amazing art by @/hana-tox that still gives me so many feels that I feel like bursting 
this stunning edit set for the best album that dropped this year, map of the soul: 7, by @/kassareo
this wangxian edit that inspired me a lot and still makes me catch my breath bc damn that looks gorgeous (by @/itsazbitch)
another very inspirational edit set by @/sammyholdsacandle (some might recognize which one of my edits got inspired by this a lot lol) 
this very beautiful post by @alienwlw that’s really just goals tbh 
@sarawatsaraleo‘s favorite the untamed scenes series, every one of these edits is a huge joy and so beautifully done! ♥
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful, wonderful wangxian edit that keeps being my one of my favorites ever and just. inspires me to this day, I hope one day I can gif :’D ♥
another one of my absolute favorites is this edit by hanyi again ♥ you just have the best ideas and you make everything so pretty!
this soft but heartbreaking, delicate but so emotional edit by @gusucloud ♥ I think I’ve never loved an edit this much, it’s so pretty and absolutely perfect!
this edit by @highwarlockkareena bc wth, the coloring? the gifs themselves?? gosh it looks so pretty and I might cry
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful gifset made for the gif challenge that was going around during this time ;; as I was slowly falling in love with the iron triangle and dmbj in general, this felt like a blessing ♥ 
these absolutely stunning pieces of art by @/tiphs 
this absolutely gorgeous post for wwx’s bday by @alienwlw (all of this is just. perfect?? the colors, the gifs, the scenes... everything!)
this gorgeous edit by @distantsnows that makes me smile and cry at the same time ♥
this edit also by @distantsnows that is just. pure perfection?? bc fuck yes, sect leader jaing yanli!! I love you for this one
this edit by @lanzhansmiles bc the colors are just absolutely stunning and I love how they both sit there like that and just? wow 
this edit just makes me feel so many things and just looks so dreamy by @cescedes 
this adorable but also very painful edit by @manhasetardis ♥ I love all about this one :’)
and as a shameless self-promo (bc apparently I haven’t done enough of that lol) I want to mention my wu xie edit which was just so much fun to do and turned out so great and. I just love him a lot ok, he’s a wonderful character and zhu yilong played him so well ♥
I wish you all – all the ppl mentioned here and all who see this and all who still do not – a very merry christmas, happy holidays, and happy new years too! I hope the year 2021 will treat us all well and that you will remain as amazing, lovely, and wonderful as you all have been! ♥ 
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killiths · 3 years
so where do i start...
well... i just wanna say that i’m fucking sick and tired of this shit. like, i am done taking this shit from natalie (@/simon-haynes) not taking any fucking responsibility and not being able to be accountable for the shit she’s done and people eating up her lies like she’s a fucking saint... i am totally, completely and unbelievably sick of this bitch... can’t even say it differently. and whilst the reason im writing this is because of rae, i have my own story with natalie to share :) because i am SICK and TIRED of this bitch acting like a saint compared to rae... because trust me on this... she really is NOT. also, the reason she’s going round spreading lies abt rae is pretty much similar to what ive gone thru w her so... like, not in what happened but like... rae upset natalie and she snapped and went around spreading lies. i got upset bc of natalie but i didn’t snap and go into other servers that weren’t even remotely involved to talk smack about her and spread lies. innit funny how i am literally like 7 years younger than her but clearly more mature? :)
anyways, i might not have all the receipts but nor does she, actually, and ppl believe her bs lies about rae so here i come with the TRUTH that i’ve been keeping quiet for so long because i didn’t think i’d need to bring it up for people to see how fucked in the head she actually is ???
but yeah,lemme just mention some of the shit she’s been doing to rae recently:  compulsively lying about her to make herself look better to people we don’t know in servers we ain’t in... plus we’re also mentioned in there several times for god fucking knows why so...
but to what natalie did to me, well... it’s been months actually, i think it happened all the way back in july ??? so yeah, that’s how long i’ve kept quiet about this bc at the time i thought we were friends but this bitch is as fake as it can get. :) 
back in july 2020, i joined the womens server created by fleur and i was actually talking to her and the people there. i genuinely liked them and was really happy that i could talk to them too along with my other friends, but then the womens server got mentioned in our friend group and suddenly everyone wanted to join. rae and i have already been in there, but rae was barely talking. bru and zoe joined and dipped the instant they saw the chat, so that’s that. and the only person who stayed was natalie :) fleur kept saying how the womens server is supposed to be a positive and safe place for everyone in the chat, so i warned her that natalie can be a demon, in a joking/not joking way bc our friend group is known to be cunts to each other and it also projects to other ppl who don’t always take it the best way but anyway...
so i warned fleur about natalie possibly acting like a cunt bc that’s just what she did at the time bc it was all fun and jokes... but then fleur actually brought it up to natalie in private messages that natalie herself shared with us, and what she did afterward was make a bunch of REALISTIC manips that said I (ME) was bullying natalie into being a cunt and a demon, a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD (i was still 17 at the time) bullying a grown ass TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD woman into being a cunt to a bunch of strangers :)
yeah, sure.
but that happened and natalie was joking and laughing about it. until i had a BREAKDOWN and an ANXIETY ATTACK because of it. she literally “joked” by compulsively LYING to fleur about me a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD bullying her into being a cunt. do y’all hear this?
anyways yeah... i had a breakdown. i was shaking, i was crying and i couldn’t calm down. until RAE offered to go on call with me to help me calm down. and it actually helped. but the funny thing about that is... as i was on call WITH RAE, natalie literally messaged rae that i’m and i quote “a little bitch” for having a breakdown over her compulsive lying, trying to make me into a bad person to people that i was befriending at the time. obviously i was fucking UPSET.
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and you know what? i never even got an apology. because natalie genuinely didn’t think she did something wrong, even though she caused me a fucking breakdown. to this day, natalie still doesn’t think she did something wrong because by now, she doesn’t even remember it. but you know who does? ME. BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING TRAUMATISED. NATALIE IS LITERALLY THE REASON I DECIDED TO GO TO THERAPY. and i wish i was lying about that.
so say what you fucking will, think what you fucking want about rae. but whatever natalie says... it’s all fucking lies that are written purely from her point of view, and often wrong (which she also admitted btw but still acts as if she’s the victim and WE’RE attacking her).and yeah... rae is a demon, but she actually helped me through a breakdown that natalie caused whilst natalie called me a little bitch for it, so natalie has NO FUCKING RIGHT to act like a saint in comparison to rae. because she made a MINOR cry and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. :)
i’m just done. and sick. and fucking tired. this bitch doesn’t deserve anything. not even a fucking apology from anyone because she’s just as bad as anyone she decides to shit talk in her dozens of servers that we’re not in.
(note: been sent more receipts of shit natalie said about me back in july that i didn’t even know about for this post. innit fun?)
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and to y’all believing natalie’s lies
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the chat is full of bullshit that natalie said and lemme tell you she likes to make the victim out of herself because she’s such a fucking saint isn’t she? well, fuck all of you who side with this bitch. honestly i could write a whole fucking essay about the shit natalie said about rae but then again that doesn’t concern me because it’s not about me of course... but even as a person outside of all this drama who has an objective point of view on everything that happened, i promise you... natalie is NOT the angel she makes herself to be.
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wxjunho · 3 years
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slim shady vc guess who’s back 🤓 too late it’s gemma!! back at it again w another muse 🤪 this time i bring u hwang junho, a brickmason who decided to rebel for the first time in his life and embark on a Journey 2 b the greatest guardian fairy of All Time!!!! ( yes he calls that a rebellion just 2 giv u an idea of how goody-goody-2-shoes he is ) brace urselves for the antonym-of-wtv-a-summary-is of my man junho under the cut and as always, hit that LIKE button and i’ll come runnin 2 plot!! ok thank u 4 tuning in mwah
cap sun, aqua moon, virgo rising, lotta earth in his chart so u know he’s Grounded n Dependable
bg inspo: miguel from coco and a lil teeny tiny bit of mulan
the hwang family has this culture where they’re all super close-knit and just follows wtv the matriarch does
previously, they were literally all winx and specialists until the war w the witches which killed off like... 2/3 of the hwang family
after seeing all the death n loss, hwang matriarch ( junho’s great great grandmother ) basically said yeah nah we not gonna do that no more so they all dipped from that lifestyle and banned it for like every other hwang
the survivors of the hwang family came together to build hwang construction, which is basically just a humble lil family business filled w for hire brickmasons!!
20 dot points later and we’re finally at junho 🤪
he’s born into this family and lit all his uncles, aunties, grandparents, parents are working as brickmasons for hwang construction and ya boi... did not vibe in the slightest
as a kid he was alw sorta adventurous, kinda wanted to do a bunch of different shit but his momma reminded him of his path constantly... like she meant it in a good way but still
growing up in the hwang family, it was real taboo to be saying anyth abt guardian fairies and ofc our junho, the Living Disappointment, was hella curious abt them but he was alw shut down
when he was in middle sch he REALLY learnt about them and really wanted to become a specialist, even started borrowing his momma’s hammer to wield around like a sword cause it was the only weapon-esque tool he had that wasn’t immediately dangerous like a... saw... or something
mom found out and grounded tf outta him, and when he asked about guardian fairies she told him the truth abt his family lineage and how they came from a long line of guardian fairies until the occupation killed basically everyone ( incl his great great grandmother’s mother, the prev matriarch before her ), so it’s a sin 4 hwangs 2 b a guardian fairy
junho is kinda stunned by the news and lets go of it... for now... :))))
fully embraces the brickmason life after high sch, but he really felt like something was missing... like he truly felt in his soul that he was meant 2 b a guardian fairy like his ancestors
sneakily took the pre-enrolment assessment just TO PROVE to himself that he had what it takes and he rlly was gna just leave it at that, go home and be content w the answer
except they tell him he qualifies for BOTH combat and intelligence... so now he has Choices...
after sitting on it for real long ( so like a day? jk fhsd ) junho decided to sneak off to the academy, left a lil note on his momma’s bedside table while she’s sleeping 2 let her know where he went off to mulan style
now he’s here!!!
timeline wise, i would say he just arrived ( so not on opening day even tho he took the pre-enrolment assessment prob at the same time as everyone who joined on opening day... ya boi had to THINK )
personality wise he’s rlly a keep ur head down and work kinda guy, is pretty adventurous deep down but he quashes that part of him A Lot bc family :))) also rlly handy, will help u fix anyth that’s broken and i feel like a lot of ppl would equate him to a rock... boring but dependable hfhsdkjfn
also a lil titbit he truly hates witches espc after finding out that’s how most of his hwang ancestors passed, n this just highlights how the hwang’s strong familial bond still runs in him even tho he... y’know betrayed them
some plot ideas!!
maybe u guys met while taking the pre-enrolment assessment and yall got to talking, junho’s like nah im just doin this to see if im worthy but im not gna join lol... now he’s here :))) call him out
anyth in ur house that’s broken or leaking? junho is ur man!!!
u guys are in class and he’s come super prepared ( think that one kid w like 50 pencils AND a sharpener ) n he becomes ur new stationary shop ( who needs a pencil case when ur man junho is alw there 4 u )
specialists!! he comin in w a huge ass warhammer in versus mode wyd
1a roomies pls holla @ me
anyone he’s met before the academy?? he’s from the south so i assume he’d make some friends there!! doesn’t deviate much from there unfortunately... ya dude was boring asf went 2 work came back rinse n repeat
exes </3
bc im bitna’s mun... someone give me an awkward wink date ( his roomies prob set up his profile w/o his knowledge as a prank and now he feels bad he doesn’t wanna ghost but also he doesn’t know how tf to flirt )
uh... roomies who set his wink profile up who’s gna break the news to him abt the sins uve committed... the one time u see junho losing his Cool
wud b cute for there to be a lil bird that kinda flew into the window and now u n this short dialogue specialist uve never met are desperately nursing this bird back to health n being bird co-parents
as usual i cannot b concise but pls lov me n my new muse 🥺👉👈
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vegetalass · 4 years
RDR2 Boys Cooking + Eating Habits
Somebody else on here wrote some headcanons about Arthur not being able to cook and just eating microwave food all the time and I just have to say…. That’s canon 
Lowkey though he’s trying his best to get better at cooking
Probably the only thing he knows how to make is pasta 
He adds a bunch of random frozen veggies to water as the noodles are cooking 
And then smothers the whole thing in butter and calls it a meal
Or he puts marinara sauce on it straight from the jar 
And yes, that means it’s cold
He’s also getting better at friend rice, too
But he’s really bad at actually making rice 
If he doesn’t add too much water… He burns the bottom 
Charles makes a mental note to buy him a rice cooker for his birthday 
Makes his own popsicles out of random fruit juices and eats them 24/7 
Thinks this qualifies him as a chef
Eats pickles and olives straight out of the jar with a fork 
And sauerkraut too probably 
Just goes over to john’s house on his pizza nights 
Puts ketchup on eggs
Pizza dad 
Probably orders pizza, salad, and a 64oz soda twice a week 
Everything else is just Dino chicken nuggets, Eggos, hot dogs, quesadillas, and frozen peas and corn 
Food you feed to little kids, basically 
Mostly because he does have a little kid 
But also because it’s easy and takes minimal effort and he doesn’t mind eating it, too
Abigail would be mad but she has no room to talk
The most you’ll see him actually make is buttered pasta (like Arthur) or sometimes beans and rice 
Abigail bought them a rice cooker a while ago so that’s one thing he doesn’t have to worry about 
Probably always has some type of dessert laying around 
Doesn’t mean it’s good, but it’s there 
Abigail buys a bunch of those gross, low calorie ice creams and John ends up having to finishing them 
Family lunches consist of a bologna sandwich on wheat bread with American cheese and mayo, a piece of fruit, a bag of chips or crackers, a go-gurt, and some gummies 
And yes he makes them for himself and Abigail too 
They’re all eating good at the Marston household 
(Not really)
Everything he cooks are things that can’t be made in single batches 
Lots of healthy soups, chilis, stew, etc…
Most of the time, he makes too much of whatever it is so he always has leftovers 
Everyone is jealous when he brings them for lunch
Probably finds all of his recipes in the newspaper or random magazines he reads while at the grocery store checkout line
Everyone is like, “Charles… Why are you reading Women’s Fitness?” 
And he’s like, “Check out this salad recipe, though”
Puts hot sauce on everything 
Salad, macaroni and cheese, hamburgers... You name it 
And he’s the king of snacking
All of his snacks are healthy, though
Raw veggies and fruit and quinoa chips from Whole Foods or something like that
Nobody likes this
He’s one of those people who brings hard boiled eggs everywhere as a “snack,” too
And yea, he puts hot sauce on those, also 
He really likes those weird protein bars that are hard to bite into and taste like chalk 
The flavors are either normal stuff like white chocolate macadamia or Protein Power Punch with whey, chia and seaweed 
There’s no in between 
He’s also a charcuterie board legend
Hosea is jealous of this talent
Spends all his money on take out 
He’s totally one of those weird people who’s entire trash can is just filled with take out boxes and cans of coke or beer
Constantly eating fast food 
You ask him what he bought at the supermarket and he’s like “Pub mix and bud light” 
Everything that he does manage to cook only involve one step of preparation 
Unseasoned, fried meats and boiled veggies 
Sometimes scrambled eggs and bacon
If he’s feeling fancy, he will make plain sandwiches
This is very rare, though
Can and will complain about anyone’s cooking
Even if it’s good and he he likes it
There are certain people he can’t do this to, though, or they won’t let him eat
The only person’s cooking he doesn’t complain about is Dutch’s
Constantly snacking from an entire party sized bag of chips
And yes, he eats straight out of the bag and wipes his fingers on his jeans
His oven is dirty
A meal for him is probably a handful of almonds and an applesauce or yogurt cup 
He is constantly making a bunch of those Tik Tok recipes where you just put a bunch of random stuff into your crock pot and add ranch seasoning and cream cheese
*insert all of those memes about mom pulling out the crock pot*
If you complain, he says “Well, you’re always welcome to cook, too”
Wears an apron when he cooks
Constantly eating plain toast with butter
And bananas 
And cheese sticks
Thinks that this makes him “healthy” 
Definitely likes to snack on those cocktail fruit cups and canned mandarin oranges
His entire freezer is just full of ice cream 
It’s all weird flavors like Cherry Garcia, chocolate banana, and pistachio though
Everyone hates him for this
Raisins are his late night treat 
Has a secret stash of candy no one can find 
That’s okay though because it’s mostly Werthers Originals
And Chiclets gum
He picks out all the orange ones, though
Tries to re-plate takeout so he can call it his own
Everybody sees through this but they stopped commenting on it like four Thanksgivings ago 
Buys a bunch of those meals from Costco that all you need to do is heat up in the oven
He does like fast food but only from the less popular places
Carl’s Jr., Wendy’s, BK, Arby’s, etc. 
A&W, too, because he’s old and weird
He can totally cook, he just never does 
It’s just normal stuff like spaghetti and meatballs or chicken and rice, though
Tuna fish casserole
He over-seasons everything, though
Mostly because he’s trying to prove that he’s a good cook 
Eats dessert twice, every night 
Once right after dinner, and then later when he’s feeling like a treat 
Will eat in bed
Uses a little bib and tray and everything 
Likes pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Would eat hot wings with gloves on 
He’s the one who taught Arthur to put ketchup on eggs 
The second I realized that Kieran would probably be white trash, my life changed 
Hamburger Helper meals for LIFE
That one cheeseburger pasta? Kieran probably eats that three times a week 
He 100% makes the ketchup-butter sketti from Honey Boo Boo 
“It’s been a while since I done had roadkill in my belly”
His favorite dessert is ambrosia salad or that weird yogurt/Cool Whip covered jello that was popular in the 2000s
Probably has a TV dinner every once in a while, too
Instant mashed potatoes and minute rice type of guy 
Also gives me big microwave cheddar broccoli vibes 
I’ve said this before, but his house is probably stocked with all kinds of on-brand goodies 
Probably always has some kind of chip and cookie around 
Eats dinner in front of the TV
Dips french fries in mayonnaise
All of this said though, he isn’t a picky eater and will eat whatever is put on his plate 
That’s why he’s great to take to restaurants, because he never complains
Honestly it’s just so sweet to think of him making big crockpot meals to share with ppl even if his cooking is a lil.... strange 
Thinks that the hot dog combo from Costco is a suitable dinner 
Also gets hot food from the grocery store for dinner a lot
Literally will just heat up a can of something and eat it plain 
Beans, chili, soup… 
Doesn’t doctor it up or change it at all 
He’s happy to share but no one wants any
Chips and dip, 24/7
And it’s just Tostitos Hint of Lime chips and hummus
Probably puts hummus on everything, too 
Corn chips, tortilla chips, tortillas, vegetables, sandwiches, etc. 
Will put anything in a tortilla and call it a sandwich 
Eats leftovers cold 
The rest of the gang thinks this is a sin
Makes stir fry with whatever is laying around the house
It’s a little gross because he will try to add leftover beans
Refuses to eat fast food
The only exception he’ll make is for french fries and ice cream
Walks around and eats at the same time
Isn’t above asking the other boys to share with him 
Despite the fact that this only happens if what they’re eating is good
Which is almost never
Sean can’t cook. That’s the end of it
The most he can make is that weird microwave Mac and cheese where the pasta is boiled in the mug?? 
He never does it tho and just sticks with the normal, frozen Mac and Cheese you can microwave instead
Uses his microwaving ability to make mug cakes
And microwave scrambled eggs
Burns his popcorn every single time
He’s probably set of the smoke detector or fire alarm multiple times
He’s Irish though so of course he’s addicted to potatoes and cabbage
And since he’s from the UK, he likes stuff like beans on toast and marmite
He’s a little nasty too so catch him eating bologna sandwiches on wonder bread
Not even the Marstons are that bad
When he does get takeout, he overspends trying to use a delivery app 
He’s like, “And do I need the extra side of special sauce for $5…? Yes.” 
Cooks like this 
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kakatenzo · 4 years
kkyam royalty au 1
okay I have two fic ideas that are centred around a royalty au and i wanted to post both on here and see which ones ppl preferred!
here’s royalty au 1 i’ll post the second one tomorrow
(ps this is un beta’d and it is 2:40am so i have not looked over it at all. just typed and hit send)
“You come here often?” Kakashi ask sleazily.
             It’s a cheap shot. He knows that, he’s sure he’s had better one liners at the tavern after one too many drinks but Kakashi can’t bring himself to care. The entire night has been occupied by stuck up nobility and empty conversations that carried across the ballroom. He’s just surprised he has managed to survive the entire night despite not coming from a royal lineage himself, it seems that all that condescending behaviour blocks all common sense and Kakashi tries not to be too smug about it. It’s a good thing he’s an excellent liar and charming if he really put his mind to it, and now he’s putting all his effort into trying to swoon this doe-eyed brunette. Kakashi hasn’t seen him before unlike the other parties of the monarchy who often were presented during ceremonies and announcements, so he assumes he is visiting from another kingdom. It’s perfect, Kakashi thinks, he’ll bag a noble for one night and never see them again.
             “Yes actually,” the brunette answers frowning and it catches Kakashi by surprise. “Konoha’s been my home since I was born. I suppose you are visiting?”
             Well, that’s one idea out the window so Kakashi replies dumbfoundedly, “Uh, yes.”
             It seems to jerk the brunette awake. “I apologise for I have misplaced my manners, good sir.” he says before straightening his shoulders and giving a bow. “I am Yamato, nobleman of Konoha.”
             Kakashi quickly dips into a bow. “Kakashi, crown prince of the Hatake kingdom.”
             Yamato raises a brow. “I don’t recall the Hatake family mentioning a visit to the kingdom.”
             The crown prince disguise had worked well the whole evening and if Kakashi is going to be honest with himself, it also gave his ego a small nudge but now his ego is deflating because it seems like he decided to try to court one of the only smart people in this ballroom.
             “It was all very last minute, so I apologise for the short notice.”
             The back of Kakashi’s neck prickles with heat and he resists the urge to ease the collar from his throat. The tavern is going to have a ball when they find out he got kicked out from the ball because he found a guy attractive.
             A small, almost bashful smile encompasses Yamato’s face instead and he amicably says. “I apologise I did not mean to doubt your presence. How are you finding the ball?”
             “Eh,” Kakashi says loosening up and his shoulders return to their usual hunched position. “Everyone here is on their high horse.”
             For a moment, Yamato looks horrified but then he laughs. Gentle and warm, and it invites Kakashi to relax further. “You’re very honest, do they allow the crown prince of your kingdom such brash honesty?”
             Kakashi returns a laugh because he is the opposite of honest. He is conning this poor man with his endless spindle of lies from the moment he had opened his mouth. “I’m only honest to people that I like,” he winks, “but I’m sure there are more honest people than me.”
             Yamato shakes his head. “I’ve been attending these royal balls since I was a child. Everybody treats you like you’re below them and make you feel small over the silliest things.”
             “Why do you keep attending them?” Kakashi asks and tries to ignore the sincerity that pools in his chest. “Can you not decline the invitation? It would save you from a lot of misery and hassle.”
             “I seldom do,” Yamato’s eyes slide to the side and breaks their eye contact. “My aunt she—she’s very high up and it’s pertinent I attend these events to create connections with other kingdoms.”
             Kakashi squashes the warmth of sincerity and replaces it with the hot rush of want. “Do you want to make a connection with me?” he offers haughtily and Yamato rewards him with a scandalised expression and a wonderful flush that disappears under his collar.
             His smile is timid but Yamato’s voice is firm when he says, “I’m not opposed to the idea of making connections with you.”
             “Let’s go make our connection somewhere less crowded.” Kakashi says and offers his arm.
             Yamato quietly latches onto the crook of Kakashi’s elbows and Kakashi escorts him out to the courtyard. They are greeted by the cool air of the evening and the luminescent glow of the moon who casts a soft spotlight on the shrubbery below her. The roses sleep gently under the calm glow of the moon, they rest because they are tired after dancing with the sun all morning. The rest of the greenery follows suit, all the branches hang low, the leaves don’t dance as they sleep to the orchestra of chirping crickets. The courtyard is large and paves a quarter of the unending garden, its stones are smooth and even unlike the rough cobbled pavements in the centre of town. The courtyard is fenced off by a low stone wall which Kakashi hops onto and pats the space next to him, offering Yamato to do the same.
             They’re both facing away from the large doors of the ballroom and Yamato tilts his head back as if he’s drinking in the light of the moon. “This is my favourite place in the palace.” He says quietly like a confession.
             “I can see why. It’s peaceful out here.” Kakashi says in agreement. “What do you like to do for fun, Yamato?”
             “What do you mean?” Yamato answers. His head snaps down to look at Kakashi and he almost looks baffled.
             Kakashi quirks a brow. “You know, when you’re not doing these parties or your duties? What do you do in your spare time?”
             Yamato bites his lip drawing Kakashi’s attention. “I like to tend this garden.” He decides after a moment.
             “Is that all?” Kakashi presses. He’s not a royal but he’s sure Yamato has at least some hobbies that don’t involve standing around and looking pretty all day.
             Even under the moonlight Kakashi can see the deep blush that spreads on Yamato’s face. “Well,” he starts. “I like sword fighting and I used to practice with the knights until they found—well, let’s just say nobody really liked to challenge me. The knights were all frightened they’d accidentally hurt me and then would get executed.”
             Kakashi can’t help the laugh that escapes his mouth. “Really?” he says gleefully. “I never expected you to be invested in combat.”
             Yamato looks away then. “I was interested in a lot of different things, but I had to whittle it down because it didn’t seem right, for someone like me to do them.”
             Someone like Yamato? “I thought noblemen could do whatever they wanted as long as it didn’t betray the kingdom.” Kakashi frowns. He’s sure he had seen the duke wandering around doing activities that Kakashi wouldn’t crown ‘duke-ly’.
             “I guess they just have high expectations,” Yamato shrugs. “Enough about me, you’re the crown prince! I’m sure you have much more exciting things to share than me.”
             “Where do I start?” Kakashi says coolly as he rapidly searches through all his memories. How the hell was he going to fabricate a royal story? He had many in the town and in the countryside, but they all consisted of him working or training and neither seemed princely. He then forces himself to remember all those conversations he had with those prudish Lords and Ladies in hopes of bringing up a hobby that was vaguely plausible.
             “If you don’t mind,” Yamato breaks his rapid-fire train of thought. “Can I ask how you received your scar?”
             Kakashi’s fingers find the line that staggers under his eye before it disappears into his mask. “It was from an attack,” he answers honestly for the first time that evening. “My friend and I were out where we weren’t meant to be, and we had been ambushed. This was from a knife.”
             He brushes his hair from his brow and slowly follows the ridge of his brow, over the curve of his eyelid and then over the soft fabric of the mask. Yamato’s eyes follow the path carefully, his eyes bright under the moonlight and his mouth slightly open in awe. “Is that why you wear the mask? For your safety?”
             Kakashi nods quickly in agreement.
             “You’re lucky to have survived, Prince Kakashi.” Yamato quips and hearing his name in Yamato’s mouth makes his heart jump.
             “It was a fair fight.” Kakashi says easily. “I won in the end anyway.”
             Yamato’s eyes widen and he sits up eagerly. “Do you get to train at your palace?”
             Kakashi thinks of the field. It is by no means a training room nor the mighty barracks that housed the knights. During winter, when the ground froze over, was when he would accumulate the most bruises after a spar and during summer, the soil would be so dry that it would kick up everywhere. It ended in his eyes, his hair, under his nails and he always came home dirty. He thinks of his makeshift targets and dummy, the way they’ve been branded with marks since he was a child and how they’re worn and yellowed with age. He wonders if Yamato had managed to brandish a shiny sword at all and practice his footing on even ground.
             “Yes, all the time.” Kakashi answers and he can’t look into Yamato’s eyes. “I begged my father so I could protect myself and it proved worthy.”
             Suddenly his hands are engulfed with Yamato’s own warm ones. “Could you teach me something?” he asks earnestly.
             Yamato is smiling so widely and Kakashi realises that Yamato may be the only genuine face he has encountered tonight. “Sure,” Kakashi says and leaps to his feet with Yamato following suit. “We have no swords, so we’ll focus on hand to hand combat.”
             Kakashi begins with stances, he notes the importance of the stance and how to make sure there are no openings that make Yamato vulnerable. He then moved onto basic attacks, how to disarm your opponent and the weakest points of the human body.
             “You’re a quick learner,” Kakashi comments nonchalantly and gently fixes Yamato’s arms by raising his elbow slightly.
             “Can I fight now?” Yamato asks with a glint in his eyes.
             Kakashi splutters. “I’m not going to fight you, Yamato.”
             The nobleman drops his stance. “How am I going to learn if I don’t fight someone?”
             “Your practice stances will kick in.” Kakashi lies. He had always made his students fight him.
             “Don’t lie to me. The knights spar all the time!” Yamato protests and Kakashi bites back on a grin.
             “I’ll go easy on you,” Kakashi offers. “I wouldn’t want to hurt your pretty face.”
             The deep flush invites itself again on Yamato’s face as he enters his first stance. They both move shift around in a circle, waiting for the other to make a move, arms and hands close to their face and chests, and their eyes locked onto each other intensely. Kakashi throws the first attack to which Yamato quickly parries and it leaves his neck exposed. Kakashi hooks his arm over the crook of Yamato’s neck but Yamato grabs his arm with both hands and throws Kakashi off. He stumbles back and Yamato follows with two quick punches, Kakashi ducks and before Yamato can throw a jab, he rises quickly, years of agility drilled into him and knocks Yamato back onto the grass.
             He lands with a soft ooft and leans back on his hands, he looks up at Kakashi with bright eyes, a ruddy face and a wide grin. His hair is ruffled but his shoulders are much more relaxed. “You’re very skilled, Kakashi.” Yamato compliments catching his breath.
             Kakashi stretches his arm out to offer a hand and pulls Yamato up. He jumps to his feet and ends up nearer to Kakashi than he had anticipated. “You’re a quick learner,” Kakashi parrots from earlier. He’s distracted by their vicinity. “You did well.”
             Their hands are still conjoined and Kakashi’s eyes drop to their clasped hands before dragging his eyes back up to Yamato’s dark gaze. Something snaps in the heavy silence between them, and Kakashi finds himself leaning in but Yamato stops him with a gentle press of his free hand to Kakashi’s chest.
             “Kakashi,” he says warily but his brows furrow with determination. “I have something to tell you.”
             Before either of them can get a word in the doors to the ballroom burst open and they both break apart from each other as if they’d been shocked. Queen Tsunade steps onto the courtyard and they both bow to greet her. Kakashi’s head swims as he straightens back up because Queen Tsunade is not a force to be reckoned with. He’s sure she’s caught him, she knows that he’s not a royal at all and has been parading around as a fraud all evening, and the mere thought of her punishment sends an awful bout of guttural anxiety.
             “Ah, there you are Tenzo!” Queen Tsunade bellows across the courtyard and approaches the duo. “I thought you had disappeared before the ceremony and I was getting worried. Come along now, you know we can’t start it without you and the people are waiting.”
             The relief that Queen Tsunade isn’t here for Kakashi doesn’t take the edge off his nerves. She’s even more powerful in person and this is the closest Kakashi has gotten to her. She’s shorter than he had expected, but her stoic glare and booming voice has commanded many rooms. Her blonde hair is loose over her shoulders, they fall gracefully frown the crown atop her head, and she places her hands on her hips, crinkling the jade green dress she’s often seen in. Kakashi is glad he no longer has Yamato’s hand in his grasp because he’s sure his hand would slip out with how much his palms are sweating.
             Yamato shoots him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I’m afraid I have to go. Where can I find you later?”
             “Let’s meet here.” Kakashi says with the intention to bid Yamato goodbye before he returns to his regular civilian life. He had told enough lies tonight to last a lifetime.
             “I look forward to it.” Yamato says sweetly before turning to follow Queen Tsunade back inside.
             Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief and steals one long glance around the garden that Yamato had tended himself. He cranes his head to the moon, she had been the only audience to their dance, if you could call it such and turns on his heel to return to the ballroom.
             Gai is easy to find in the crowded ballroom because he is impressing a small crowd with handstands. Kakashi joins the crowd in watching Gai perform and remembers when he had challenged Kakashi to see who could hold a handstand for the longest. Unfortunately, it had been winter and the ground was damp with rain that left their hands muddy, cold and unmoveable.
             Towards the centre of the room, a servant calls for the audience’s attention so Kakashi steps forward. “I’m so sorry to interrupt the entertainment, but I believe there is a royal announcement.”
             Gai fixes himself back onto his feet with unyielding control and the small crowd reward him with a short round of applause before they all usher each other to the centre of the room.
             “Kakashi!” Gai booms. “It has been the most wonderful evening!”
             “I’m glad you’ve been enjoying it,” Kakashi says while Gai swings an arm around his shoulders. “Would you like to watch the ceremony?”
             “Why, of course!” Gai exclaims. “It would be of our best interest to make the most of our stay.”
             Truth be told, Kakashi really could not care for the ceremony because all he can think of is Yamato’s ruddy grinning face under the moonlight. How his eyes glittered even in the dark shawl of the night sky. (How dark his gaze had been when they were all but pressed close to each other with the moon as their only witness.)
             Although they are on the outskirts of the crowd, Queen Tsunade’s voice doesn’t fail to reach them from across the room. “Foremost, I would like to thank those who have attended today. It is always a pleasant sight to see, the unity of the kingdoms and our people, especially for an occasion such as this.” She pauses and the room waits with bated breath. “I am here tonight to proudly announce my heir and who will be next in line to the throne.”
             Her speech sends the room to a stifled but frenzied whisper. Heir? Queen Tsunade had no children. Her husband passed away before she could bear any heirs. Who is this heir? Has she passed the lineage of Konoha to a neighbouring kingdom’s prince? How are we to trust this new heir to rule Konoha?
             Queen Tsunade continues resiliently. “I apologise for hiding him from his people, he was too young to be exposed to the masses but I assure you he has been in this kingdom the entire time and I am confident that he will serve you, our people, very well. That’s why he is here today, because he has come of age and has grown into a splendid young man.” She smiles softly, pride shines in her eyes and she steps aside. “I would like to introduce my dear nephew, Prince Tenzo Senju, as your next ruler.”
             The room bursts into a cacophony of applause as Tenzo emerges and joins his aunt, Queen Tsunade, at the front of the crowd. He gives an obligatory bow, back straight as if he’s rehearsed it a lifetime and just like the one he gave Kakashi earlier that night. Except it’s not exact because his hair is ruffled from their short spar. Gai is clapping wildly next to him but it seems as if Kakashi can’t move his arms. The noise is far too loud—no, it is far too quiet and Kakashi drowns in the rushing noise of his thoughts filling his head. Realisation sinks in, like the first chill of winter that sinks deep into your bones, but you’ve not prepared a coat and you’re left shivering in the early rays of the sun.
             Then Tenzo turns and catches his eyes. He spares Kakashi a tight lipped smile, empty of the mirth from earlier that evening. No wonder why the knights didn’t allow Yamato to train, because they would have been fighting the crown prince of Konoha. He had little hobbies to do because he’s spent his entire life preparing to be the next ruler. With each piece that clicks into place the sinking feeling in his stomach only tightens.
             “—Kakashi,” Gai says and it shakes Kakashi out of his trance. There is a firm but grounding grip on his shoulder. “What’s the matter?”
             “Nothing. I’m just looking forward to meeting someone in the courtyard later tonight.”
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