#but hey im trying my best... and my best ain't that great...
seaweedoverlord · 1 year
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''Rage flowed like magma through his veins, mixing uncomfortably with his anxiety. He’d known Wukong for millennia, and was still struck down despite it. He had been known as the king’s warrior, his second hand. Wukong had known MK for not even three years, and yet he stopped? Just like that? Why? It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. Why did he stop for MK but not Macaque; not his warrior, his best friend?!
Why didn’t you? Macaque's mind asked him. ''
Fanart for Rit'z awesome fic. Go read it. Pls.
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stormyoceans · 1 month
hey girl write down your top 7 (this is nice number😋) of js's fav photo shoots, images
i mean of course im still gonna try to do it, but know im throwing up all the blood in my body every step of the way and that if you ask me this question again in a couple of weeks the answer might be different ;;;;;;;
1. the chemistry in front of this fish tank is astronomical from LEMON Magazine. sorry idk what else to say except that they're literally just looking at each other and yet every time i so much as barely glance at it i still find myself in a dead faint in front of my screen drowning in the sheer incomprehensible levels of magnetism electricity tension vibes oozing from this one (1) single still image. like i know maybe it's weird to put it in first place since it only has their faces and nothing else but it really makes feel in dire need of a mental health crisis intervention team THIS IS WHAT THE WALLS OF MY PADDED ROOM LOOK LIKE
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2. forehead touch from Starry Magazine. WHAT CAN I SAY IM NOT IMMUNE TO FOREHEAD TOUCHES. they're giving such effervescent 'we are so deeply intertwined and enthralled by each other that everything else just falls away' vibes that i can even look past the school boys attire this picture is just THAT beautiful. also the tenderness!!!!!!!! the sunflower!!!!!!!! I AM BUT A WEAK WOMAN
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3. cuntitude Xtreme100 from ViVi men. invented maximizing their joint slay and serving so much coquettecore cuntism it makes me act deeply unwise. idek what's the worst (read: best) part of it all if jimmy's bold jewelries or sea's outfit that exposes the mole on his chest for the world to see or how fluffy their hair look or the way jimmy is resting his arms on sea's shoulder while sea's head is turned just enough to brush against jimmy's all i know is that whoever styled them for this shoot deserves a raise and a kiss on the mouth.
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4. interconnectedness from PRAEW Magazine. look me in the eyes and tell me this doesn't belong in the louvre with a little tag on display under it that shows this exact title like with all due respect to my man leonardo but the mona lisa ain't shit compared to this picture. it should be studied in art classes all around the world for its lines and composition and contemporary figuration and how the intertwinement of the bodies is a metaphor for the mingling of souls throughout lifetimes. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
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5. whole face economy in one image from Mint Magazine. never in the history of the whole entire world have two people looked more stunning like the visual excellence displayed here never fails to propel me into an entire different reality. the other reason i love this one so much is that this is their usual pose but for once sea is the one holding jimmy and that truly makes me feel some type of way, the photographer really was on some galaxy brain shit for this one.
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6. sea's oral fixation from ViVi men. at first i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot on the list just to give more variety but im currently too rabid about this one to leave it out. im not sure what compelled sea to put one of the strings from jimmy's hoodie in his mouth but that sure was. A CHOICE. i also love jimmy's smile and the more casual clothes and sea's silly goose vibes and how warm and huggable and comfort shaped they look.
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7. high fantasy concept from LEMON Magazine. once again i didn't want to put two pictures from the same shoot but i think this ones deserves a place on here even just for how original it is like THE VISION THE TASTE THE FLAVOUR THE STYLE THE INSPIRATION THE QUALITY THE VIBES CHINESE MAGAZINES TRULY ARE ON SUCH A COMPLETE DIFFERENT LEVEL OF CREATIVITY GMMTV WISHES IT COULD COME UP WITH SUCH INCREDIBLE OUT OF THIS WORLD IDEAS.
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heyo !! i haven't found any active arcane blogs recently, your writing is so good?? hi?? how do you feel about a bit of ekko (and/or vi !) comforting a stressed out reader? if you're comfortable with it ofc, thank you!
(Hi! Thank you for complimenting my writing! Im pretty new to x readers, I try my best even if I struggle with em 😅 And I had time at 2 AM! So here ya go, enjoy!)
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When you're stressed she immediately knows
She's used to the feelings of being stressed
Growing up in the lanes and all
Whether it be from work, projects or anything in general she knows
And she doesn't want that for you
But she sorta struggles with helping when you're stressed but also is great at it at the same time
She has some experience with when she was stressed and helping Powder growing up
So she's been down this road before
Most of the time she'll sit behind you as you both sit in silence, just hugging you from behind while you do whatever
She also tries to help with whatever you're stressed with
And by helping I mean she ain't letting you do it and she is gonna do it herself
She just loves you to much
But there was a small set back because she didn't know how to help you specifically
Everyone was different, so it took a while for her to know but eventually she came up with an amazing solution
You and Vi sat in silence, she had come home and knowing you had been stressed for a while she wanted to help. But she didn't really know how, not really knowing how she could help you specifically so she is trying her best.
So when she saw you sitting on your guys' bed reading, she joined you. She got herself comfortable behind you and hugged your waist from behind, a small smile gracing her lips as she felt you lean back into her.
She felt like she was needed at that moment, like she could help you for all the times you'd have helped her before.
So you both sat there for a while, in silence as she rubbed her thumb softly over your side. You both eventually fell asleep like that, her leaning against the headboard of the bed as you leaned back into her.
Eventually when she woke up you were still sleeping, she would remove herself slowly as she got up and ready. She was gonna surprise you with finishing whatever you were stressed about.
She ain't gonna let you worry your pretty little head about it. Never, for as long as she lived. Because she may be a brute but she loves you, forever and always.
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He's used to the feeling of stress and always knows what to do
He is always, and I mean always prepared
Him being the leader of the firelights he knew what it felt like to be stressed and he understood your feelings
He after all had built the firelights from the ground up
And had been alone for a while, in the lanes after everything
And when he was stressed you always helped, whether just being there with him or making him laugh
You were always there
So he wanted to return that
He never wanted you to be stressed, how could he let you go on like that?
He's not evil
He thinks you're the best and don't deserve to worry about anything, that you deserve anything and everything
One day he would give it to you
And he also tries and helps the best he can, even if he doesn't understand what you're stressed about
He'll be over your shoulder, helping you with it and whatnot
When he was stressed he needed a laugh or comfort
So he thought, why not give you both?
Ekko opened his room door, seeing you laying on your back at the foot of the bed. You sat up once you heard the door open, offering him a small smile.
"Hey." You spoke, him smiling at your soft tone. "Hey, spitfire." He walked over to you after putting his jacket on a random chair and hanging up his mask. He sat down next to you, he noticed you looked tired as he frowned slightly.
You had been so stressed lately, he tried helping but didn't really know what to do. He pushed some of your hair out of your face, you smiling at the affection as you slightly leaned into the warmth of his hand.
He smiled at your action, he was happy he could help even a bit. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, scooching over a bit as you were now leaning into his side.
You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned your head onto his shoulder. He smiled even wider, if possible as he rested his chin on your head. 
As he looked out the open window as he could tell the sun was setting from the orange glow flowing in he got an idea.
He smirked a bit before moving a bit to blow a raspberry into your neck. You immediately burst into a fit of laughter, moving back as he began to tickle your side.
"Ekko!" You laughed, trying to escape and almost succeeding but the boy wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back towards him.
"Nu-uh!" He chuckled, smiling at your laughter as you kept trying to escape and kept failing. "Stop it!" You tried to fight off his hands from your side, Ekko winning the fight as your sides hurt from your laughter.
The room filled with your giggles and Ekko's chuckling, the firelight leader happy that he helped you forget your stress, even for a minute.
And plus, he loved the sound of your laugh.
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zephsthings · 2 months
hey, zeph!! im going to see parx w my best friend tomorrow, and it's his first concert -- any tips you have that i may have missed?
ahh omg first of all that is so so excting !!! Parx is a great first concert - the atmosphere is AMAZING and the guys have awesome stage presence - super interactive :)
as per concert tips, for a first timer;
make sure u have water !!! you are going to get thirsty - no passing out in the pit!!! that shit ain't fun
speaking of the pit, if you're not sure you want to try it, don't - if you have any hesitation at all, don't go in the pit. it is really really fun but it can be a LOT and u may get overwhelmed
watch out for crowdsurfers - they don't mean to, but it is a fumbling activity - you do not want to get whacked in the head!!! so be on the look-out for people to go sailing above your head (don't let them fall though that's not fun)
bring earplugs/headphones/etc for if it gets too loud! i always bring my loop earplugs to concerts because aUtiSm, so when the volume gets a bit too much to deal with, put in some earplugs! also saves your eardrums haha gotta keep those healthy and in check ;)
remember that no spot is a bad spot, usually there are many many great places to view the stage - but if you can get to the front oh man, that's so much fun
i think awsten's mentioned before but don't wave your torchlights at security or the band unless there really is an emergency! If someone has passed out in the pit YES absolutely get the band to stop the set - if it's not something like this you make everyone panic for no reason and stops others (and the band) from having a good time!
don't be afraid to migrate to the back where it's quieter and there's more space - this is totally normal and okay and actually quite a good idea towards the end of the concert when/if you start to get tired
bring snacks. u will get hungry. there is a lot of jumping around XD
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9w1ft · 8 months
Hey Taylor, please don't forget the words popularized by the Spider-Man comics: "With great power comes great responsibility" Yeah, this is a bummer, but it's true. I know you probably don't want this responsibility, but newsflash - you affect economies, so you have it. Please please please wield us wisely. There are so many eyes on this, and lots of them follow your example in lockstep. Be gentle with us in your Machiavellian machinations. We could do so much good, but this ain't it. - your friendly neighborhood fan
i say this with love anon, because i don’t want to see you getting hurt… i think it becomes a little bit easier to be a fan when you think about taylor as someone who has put down the mantle placed on her.
im not saying it’s the ‘right’ thing. we can all hope that taylor calibrates each move in the best interest of people like you and i. but, i think it’s important for us to take care of ourselves. that’s not to say that we are fully capable of taking care of ourselves on our own against everything that she may or may not have a hand in amplifying. but i think there are things we can do, and should, to make life for ourselves easier in these trying times.
taylor did us a kindness with midnights by saying this in several ways, in my opinion. with lover, i do not think she was so clear and it left a lot of people confused. but i think we need to really contemplate this album and take care of ourselves and one another accordingly.
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[There's a strange mixtape left outside of the Black Cat's apartment, left webbed to the wall. It's labeled with a sticky note and some scratchy handwriting... From Hobie]
Kitty? Kat? Is this reachin' the right box?
Heh- Hey! Alright, gotit, we're good. [He clears his throat]
How's my favorite feline been! My comforting companion! My- Damnit, what was Pav's line? [The recording cuts for a moment, he must be trying to remember]
Whatever, whatever, scratch that. You're not gonna believe what I've got planned for us. Just me an' you, it'll be great!
[His voice becomes a bit louder, he was definitely leaning into the microphone to try and act like he was whispering]
I've got this universe, got the code and directions down pat! Prettiest place I've seen! And that ain't even the best part.
You're gettin' an art exhibit there- Isn't that grand! You know, I always liked those pieces of yours, so maybe if no one home can appreciate it like us, maybe these blokes can!
Shit! Ugh I've gotta go, Blue Garfield's been shouting for minutes, you wouldn't believe-
Love ya, Kit Kat, an' I'll be sure to nab ya' something from the Society-
[His recording cuts to a close with the buzzing of static, before the intro of a song begins to play. One of your favorites]
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stripesboneapart · 1 year
Gang team unit possie game on locky so sock cocky but so much ice it's hockey games riged you got me
no do not rogger don't copy but rem who's the best and why I'm great better then tooth paste that fell out your girls mouth while I just ate 68
hmmmm you really wanna know how good her butt n cunt taste
mean look before and after I'm done she got the same slut face
it's okey cuntcake happy birthday every time we fuck things erode and we just cause earthquakes
how meany slerpys to the face before I nut hey I'm so lit let's just call it ok and play with some doe
Look mommy she beautiful
Then I take her to my C u b ick al
Have her looking like rush hour when we're on my train
Yes it's time for hunger and pain
now I'm beginning heat up where's the chillz
IDK just give me 100 lighting pills
while she sucks and drives the wheel
Plz tell me what's wrong 💔 love what's the deal
I'm too heartbroken to even feel
Why I kill people and put them in flies and keep stomping on them for ova 8miles were gonna need a new planet the way I have new tiles
New piles
New people for air
Yeah I'ma runner buyer supplies for my heir
Peaches pumpkins or pears
Got marijuana in the sheets seats and leaves so take a seat while I give this beat a beet
Bitches love to cook ain't even talking about the meat she just wanna meet have fun and repeat
Walk her around on a leash put something on the ground somthing good for her to eat
Nah this ain't a lease least I'm ballin hoopin ball droppin new lip poppin yea I told you we got options
Keep um all flockin
Yes bad bitch bossin
Pussy wet sobbin
Only cry when I supply shoppin
Yea yea never leave um dry top um
Do this shit with no effort, no pressure, lost um why should I even try they must just be playing possem
So meany mouths gotta feed awsome, eat treat um like chickens way I got this feed moshin, they be trying to catch you threw the cord ive seen the feed knockin
Whole lot of dirty deeds
fuck my bitch make some money got back to sleep
Wake up new way
while she cleans the steam what I call peace
Grab my pce and I'm out the doe gotta make some doe could flip some snow or just kill um ice sick al
Dam so cold
Rag she got the flow
Still fuck her and leave her in that pose smash holes and glass walls we were never ment to fall less you deserve to but me watch how I desert it all while im in a dessert and the rain it falls maybe the month ifs fall that's when she gripped on my ball so hard i got so oplald put her on the carpet and fucked out the side of her jaw anyone else wanna ask if the kid is R.A.W.
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Silver's Letters
These are some of the last Letters Silver wrote to her father before she passed. They're taken from different times in her life and dont have any exact dates. But they are in order basicly. There might be more letters in between them too but this is what we have for now:> 
Hello again dad. A bit of a long time since i've written to you. Everything around here has been crazy! I've finally moved together with Anthony! U know the one that I talked abt so much before?? We met again after highschool or maybe in it or something? He is doing so much better now!! It almost doesnt show at all that he's been sick. Maybe only his eyes can tell. They look a bit too knowledgeable for anyone's good. I feel like mine can look like that too sometimes. As if my resting face is just hella depressed, but im not!!! My face never rests for long!! U not being able to be beside me won’t stop me dad!! I'll live the best life ever and u'll be able to read it all if you want to<3 Me and Anthony found a place near St. Magdalena or something like that. Its a rather new city, with very good hospital peeps if u can pay for em. Not that we need that anymore since Anthony is okay now^^ Its pretty but, a bit noisy here. It'll probably calm whenever u become king. In the meantime we'll wear soundblockers;3 and be just fine^^  
-Goodbye for now. Hope ur okay. Gotta go to Tony now
Dad!!! Dibdsksb oh The First!! I purposed!!! He said yes!!! Me and Anthony are getting MARRIEEEED oh my god!!!!! He was blushing and crying and i was blushing and crying and oh RCD!!! I really hope u can come! I'll send and invitation with the envelope!! But hey, if u cant then no one will hold it against you dad! Ur always with me! Even tho it only goes one wayX3 Mom never stopped stressing how much love you would give if you were here. Like, she literally still gives me the double amount of hug-time than other parents ever would. Just to give a hug from u to me as well. She's awsome. But damn. I think i'll give her an extra hug too. She was so happy for us!! But i could see an undertone of longing. Or remembering. But ye see ya! Gotta plan a wedding!! 
 -love, ur daughter, soon to be a wife!
DAD UR A GRANDFATHER NOW!!!!! me and Anthony's son Michael was born yesterday!! He has mom's eyes!!! And our freckles!!! He also has Anothony's spotted ears. We dont know abt his hair yet since he's such a tiny lil alien blob. But he's mine so he is beyond loved and accepted! I just hope I can be a good mother.. I really really hope i can. I bet i will!!! Especially with the help of mom!! And Anthony!! Awwwww he's a father now aaaa. U must feel old now grampsX3 
-Love, ur daughter, busy being a mom! 
Dad.. To be honest i feel off. I've been feeling off for months now. I think my balance ain't too great. In life i mean. Mom passed away too... I think she wrote to you. I dont wanna get this paper soaked. So back to my balance. We have a 3 year old in the house now. He is a true light! Shining and running around. His smile is absolutely adorable. I see so much of Anthony in the little boy. He says he sees alot of me in all his energy. But again. I think i've lost it a bit. Or i am still losing it? Idk. I think i am working too much. But we need income right? So i cant just not either. I need to feed my 2 little guys. Anthony is working too! He needs to set his feet up high after work tho. Nothing too bad he says. So i really dont think its that bad. I just hope it NEVER escalates or something . .
-Love, Silver
Hi dad. I- Anthony is sick. He cant go anywhere anymore. Sometimes he gets in his wheelchair and plays a bit with Michael, but mostly he's in bed. He is in pain. My love is in pain dad! And idk what to do! I am working my ass off! Trying to take care of Michael too! I am so tired dad. So so tired. I can't get the money Anthony needs. The work payment here is bad. I never realized, but the more dependant we got on our income it seemed to get more and more hopeless. We can't get enough to move either. No matter what we sell or gain. How did i end up here? A 6 year old child and a husband thats... Dying. H-how.. What am i suppost to do? I wish you were here dad! I wish that bitch would let you go!! I hope... You're okay.. Or better than this.. Or idk.. I just hope and pray that someday, me and you can take care of Anthony, take a walk to the playground with michael, and light candles at mom's gravestone.. Wouldn't that be nice dad? 
-Love, ur daughter, Silver
. . Hi dad. This is the last letter i write. Not because i dont like writing them, but because, after this there will be nothing more for me to write. Anthony hasn't gotten any better. We still dont have the money to help him. I have no energy left. I can't even stop Mike from crying. He misses his dad. I am a ghost of myself dad. I dont have mom's guidance either. Dear RCD i miss her.. I've always been used to her being here, for me, with me. I can't get over it. I know its silly. As if i'm still just a child... I guess i still am.. Dad.. I am so sorry. I am so sorry i never get to meet you. To give you a pure and proper hug.. I think under the exterior you've made urself as the king, there is a man in great pain. The Borders of the ghost gang here. They're so violent.. I hope Anthony and Mike will be okay after this.. You'll take care of them if you see them right? Promise me. Just like i promised to never give up on ur kindness to mom. And even though i've doupted it after you became king, im still writing to u. So.. I never gave that up. Not even now, when i am giving your daughter up. Her lost life will give the rest of her family enough money. Anthony will be able to get a perminant surgery, and Mike and him will be able to get away from this dump! I will watch over them... 
Dad. Just know that even tho u never got the chance to be there for me. You.. You were always here.. Truly. I've ventelated so much to you with these letters over the years. I think you know even more than mom ever did. Not just because she died but, yeah. Its not because of ur absence that you're losing me.. I've just lost the battle so many times. I can’t rise. Not like you and mom. I've never seen your strength in action, but mom said she never matched ur strength. and she was so strong.. I'm sorry you ended up with this child as cliche as it sounds. I am sorry... I will never know.. Dad.. I will never know how good your hugs are.. Or what you're favorite tea that Oscar makes actually smells like. Mom said she never got them right like Oscar did. I will never know how you've been.. How it was.. Living in that prison.. I will never know what your favorite TV show is today.. I will never see you in person. Mom said you had long fluffy hair.. Do you still have that? Heh. We share eyes too. I think they're both very tired. I just hope that u can stay alive for Mike or.. Something. Not do what i am doing.. Dad. I truly and utterly love you. From the bottom of my heart i do. I hope and pray that someone will show you that you deserve proper good love. I am sorry that person will never be me. Goodbye dad. I love you.  
-Sincerely, your daughter, Silver Rosethorn Clover 
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well um alright. seeing one now i gotta send one in.
im having a hard time finding a job in quarantine. i have to. but everything's so saturated and with the cut hours there just aren't enough out there. i know im doing everything i can and that it's an issue everyone is having. how do i like keep myself from getting down about that shit? i do stuff but just like when it's like "ugh". how do i make my brain not a liar?
[that bo shit was great. the man. the myth. my husband.]
"Hey, c'mon - I can handle that one," Bo complains as Vincent tries to slide it past him down the table. Vincent hesitates, looks back and forth between the letter and his brother, and finally gives in as Bo's scowl deepens.
You live in a ghost town; what do you know about looking for a job? Jesse signs from across the table.
"More than you, rich boy," Bo snarks, then turns his attention to the paper in front of him, just in time to miss black-clad hands forming several nasty words.
You're right, there ain't enough hours to be had right now, and a lot of people are having the same problem as you - but that doesn't make it suck any less. Feeling frustrated is normal, and there's probably no way to totally avoid getting bummed about it, but I do have a couple pointers that might help:
1. Have a plan. "I'm going to apply at X places per week" or "I'm going to research X job opportunities per day." Make your goal high enough to feel like you're getting something done, but not so high that it stresses you out.
2. Be gentle with yourself. It sounds like you're making the effort, which is great. Keep trying, but also keep in mind that you're doing your best, and it might take some time for your hard work to bear fruit. Don't burn yourself out trying to speed things along - last I checked, yelling at apple trees doesn't persuade them to grow any faster.
3. Don't dwell. When you start feeling down, remind yourself that you're doing everything you can, and now it's only a matter of time. Then try to dismiss that voice and focus on something else.
Bo puts his pen down and takes a moment to reread what he's written. It doesn't feel like enough, he concludes, but he's not sure what else to say. He glances at his twin, sitting next to him, who seems like he's trying very hard not to read over Bo's shoulder. Seeing that somehow makes him feel better about sliding the letter over to him.
"Got anything to add?" Bo asks, feeling a little insecure, but then he notices the slight shift in the mask that means his brother is smiling underneath it. Vincent reads what he's got before putting his own pen to paper.
4. Stay connected. It becomes harder not to listen to your inner negative voice if you're isolated. Talk to your friends and family, and not just to break up the monotony - sharing your worries helps to make them feel smaller, and being reminded that you have people in your corner is never a bad thing.
5. Use your time constructively. Relaxing and taking your mind off things is good, but if all you do is watch tv, play games, etc, it can make you feel even more stagnant. Spend time on things that can yield progress - creative pursuits are great for that, or even something like learning a new skill or cleaning/organizing your living area.
"Look at that, you are good for somethin'," Bo teases. Vincent rolls his eye. "Here, sign it with me, wax face."
It's a tough situation (made even tougher by quarantine), but we believe in you!   - Vincent
It'll work out. Have faith, darlin.   - Bo
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danicarosaline · 4 years
We Belong Together
𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Summary: you hoped that one day you’d end up back together, after having some time apart. You’ve grown and matured and so has he but your heart is left shattered once again.
A/N: soo this is based off on a true story.. I don’t know why I decided to write this, i guess its just one of those nights where im missing him again? I dunno but its sad girl hours and i was planning on writing a part 2 of this if anyone’s interested in my drama lmaooo let me know tho! Xo
Warnings: angst, and forever wishing i had a friendship like the pogues
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{ 𝙶𝙸𝙵 𝚋𝚢 @toesure }
The gentle breeze lightly caressed your tan skin making you shiver slightly. Smoothing out your pastel pink dress with your hand and with a cup in your other hand only being half full, you down it quickly. Grimacing at the burning but satisfying sensation down your throat.
You run your fingers through the unruliness of your short iron curls, and let curious eyes wonder over the crowd. Kooks, pogues, tourons, all mingled up together joyously and Ignoring the social statuses that ran between the three classes but doubting the tourons of knowing a status like that actually existing in the Obx.
The affects that alcohol can have on people. Changing their behaviours just after a few tastes, It amazes you almost evertime. Alcohol either brings out the best in people or the worst and that kinda annoys you to a certain degree.
Scanning the crowd of drunken teens for your two bestfriends and starting to get tipsier the longer you stand by myself but eyes finally landing on their figures, you hastily make your way over to the two girls. Muttering out apologies to some teens who you kindly move to the side to pass.
“Hey where the hell have you been!?” Kie yells over the loud music blasting from the big speakers. Sarah takes your hands in hers and pulls you by her side when she realized it was her bestfriend.
“I missed you!!” The blonde squeals in your left ear, almost deafening you. You pull away from her slightly to pull Kie into your side aswell and sway your bodies together to the RNB music.
“You suck Routlegde!” You whoop and point mockingly to the tall brunet across the ping pong table. His head hangs low defeatedly when the plastic white ball successfully made its way into the last cup. He sighs in slight annoyance, but sends you a smile anyways.
Kie and Sarah cheer loudly next to you, pulling you in close while they bounce up and down excitedly at the win. Sarah jogs up to her boyfriend to pinch his cheeks and teases him for losing against three girls.
“Your aim is ridiculously accurate, do you like practice at home or something?” Pope questions jokingly and throws an arm over you and Kie.
“No shit, how do you think i’ve gotten this good?” you answer with a grin on your face and wink at the boy, making Kie roll her eyes and shove you playfully. As the group gathers together in a small huddle, enjoying each other’s presence, you can’t help but let your eyes drift over to JJ who was not too far from where y’all were standing and your smile falters as you spot him with the pretty indonesian girl with the long black hair. Making your heart clench at the sight. You were nothing compared to her.
She had a smile that could brighten anyones day. Her presence screamed confident and that intimidated you. You’re a pretty confident girl yourself but you have insecurities and you’re pretty sure she doesn’t even know the definition of the word.
His hands roams her perfect body as they grind to the music. Her pretty hands placed on the back of his neck as she held him close.
You felt your chest tighten and your stomach drop as you watched them lean in but you turn away in a flash. You don’t want to see that.
Even though you turned away in time your heart still shatters knowing what happened next.
A sudden wave of insecurity washes over you as you compare yourself to the pretty girl in his arms. You barely noticed the single tear that managed to escape your eye until you felt a pair of soft fingers wiping it away. It was your bestfriend Kiara peering at you with furrowed eyebrows and an all knowing look. You’re completely sobbing now and she pulls you into her chest. Embracing you in her tight hold.
The others too busy dancing away to notice your little breakdown but as if things weren’t already sad enough, the song We Belong Together by Mariah Carey blasts loudly through the speakers almost tauntingly.
With a roll of your eyes you pull away from Kie and she cringes at the choice of song playing at a kegger but no one seems to be complaining as many others are chanting drunkily with miss Carey and you can’t help but sing along with them.
I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you, so
I should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I could not fathom that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself
'Cause I didn't know you
'Cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
You yell the lyrics at the top of your lungs as you sob and dance with the others but as soon as they hear the crack in your voice and see the aggressive tears streaming down your perfect face they freeze in their actions and all of a sudden your being suffocated by multiple arms.
Once all arms pull away from your pathetic self, the pogues (& kook) give you a kiss each, on the cheek and in that moment all you feel is loved.
The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
'Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, cause baby
(We belong together)
You feel loved and supported by your group of friends who don’t need to question your sadden state for they know the reason why your heart is breaking right now and your entirely greatful for them all.
“I will fucking kill him i swear” John B mutters angrily to himself but you heard it loud and clear.
“No B John, I’m okay, I’m fine i promise” even if it won’t convince him entirely, you still give him a weak smile anyways which he returns sympathetically.
“Its not worth crying over”
“You can do better”
“He didn’t deserve you anyways”
All that went through deaf ears. You know they are absolutely right and are only trying their best to cheer you up but its just not exactly what you want to hear right now. You already know that you deserved better so you don’t need to hear them tell you again.
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
'Cause we belong together
Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together
“Yo whats going on here?” You heard a boyish laugh coming from your right and there he stood, unknowing to the current situation happening between you pogues. Pope glances at you and you send two short nods his way, meaning- just act freakin’ normal.
“Hey JJ, man, where you been?” Pope launches himself onto JJ and drags him away. Whilst Kie and Sarah are still tightly holding you in their embrace, John B gives you girls one last squeeze before following the two.
“John, please don’t do anything. Not now” you plead. He gives you an encouraging smile, silently telling you that it’ll be okay.
You don’t miss the way the blond male cranes his neck towards you and once you locked eyes all you saw was genuine concern evident on his beautiful face. He furrows his eyebrows as he looked you over. You’re not hiding your tears because you want him to know that he broke you.
As if a light bulb had been switched on in his mind, his cerulean eyes widen at the sudden realization of what was going on, on why Pope was so quick to pull him away from the group.
Taking a few steps forward but before he could make it to where you stood, you shake your head at him and back up quickly and before you knew it, you’re speed walking away with your two bestfriends close behind.
I can't stop loving you. You betray my affections and leave my heart in shattered disarray of pieces. Every single time you steal a part of me, and you make it impossible for me to put myself together.
And yet, I always come back around to you. Why is that? Perhaps I hope that you return what you've stolen. You never do. You just take more. And for you, more is never enough.
You can take me, you can take my heart, you can take the hearts of a million and it would never be enough for you. Your blood is cold. Your heart can't love anything but itself. You smile, and it's intoxicating.
Your fingers brush through my hair, and it's addicting. You laugh, and it's contagious. You and your flirtatious self. You know what you do to me.
You don't mind the company, but you know that you could never, would never return the love I shared with you.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 1
Summary: Your past with Chris catches up with you.
A/N: Can’t say more than that or it gives stuff away! 😂 Taglist is open, if 
you want to be added let me know 💕
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After a long day working at the local coffee shop the last thing i wanted to do was go to a club! But it was Sadie's leaving party so i had to make an appearance or id never hear the end of it.
It had actually been a really fun night, my first night out in what felt like years and after a few drinks i let myself enjoy it. I even had a couple of guys offer to buy me a drink! Just after midnight i caught a taxi home and left the younger girls to carry on with their partying..... how they did it i don't know! Most of them had had far too much to drink already and no intention of stopping any time soon. God i miss the days where i could do that!
When i finally got home i dropped my bag and my jacket next to the front door, went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and headed up to bed. I managed to throw on an oversized t-shirt before crashing face first into bed, the make up removal would have to wait til the morning i was too exhausted to care.
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I woke up to my cell phone blaring loudly in my ear, i patted around for it keeping my eyes closed already feeling the hangover! I mumbled a 'hello' then heard the soft chuckle of my mom.
"Had a good night did you?"
"Mmm it was okay, i'm so not used to drinking anymore Ma. How do people do this every weekend?" I moaned as i slowly opened one eye then the other.
"I remember when you'd be out every weekend, you even ended up in Vegas that one weekend...."
"I remember believe me!" I said as i finally sat up grabbing the bottle of water from the bedside cabinet draining half of it.
"I was just wondering what time you were coming over?.... you said 10am but its almost lunch time"
"What??!! are you serious?.... shit. Okay let me go get a cup of coffee and take a quick shower and i'll be there"
"Okay sweetheart, no rush"
"Everything's okay?"
"Yeah yeah all good. I'll see you soon"
"Okay, bye mom".
I had just finished my coffee and was heading upstairs for a shower when the doorbell rang. I was going to ignore it but then whoever it was started knocking.
"Jesus.... give me a second" i muttered marching to the front door, i opened the door just a crack hiding behind the door due to my lack of pants! When i looked through the gap i gasped.... the last person i ever expected to see was stood on my doorstep.
"Hey" he smiled nervously "sorry for just showing up like this but i didn't have your number. I tried calling the one i had for you but it was out of service"
"Yeah i had to change it a few years back..... wh...what are you doing here Chris?"
"Can we talk inside?.... i don't really wanna do this through a crack in your door" he laughed a little but it was more of a nervous laugh.
"Erm, sure can you give me a couple minutes to go put some pants on?... i was just about to get in the shower"
I nodded and closed the door before quickly rushing upstairs and grabbing my jean shorts from the chair where i had discarded them yesterday. I was just about to leave my room when i passed the mirror and caught a glimpse of my reflection "fuck!" I quickly grabbed a makeup remover wipe and cleaned my face of smudged mascara and run a brush through my hair.... it was no good,  the hair could not be saved! I quickly tied it up in a messy bun not minding the loose bits that fell out, it would have to do!
The living room was a mess so i closed the door leaving just the kitchen visible. Then i rushed over to let Chris in before he thought id run off and forgotten about him. He followed me through to the kitchen and took a seat at the table while i made us both a coffee.
"How you been? Its been a while since ive seen you" he asked softly.
"I guess it has been.... erm i'm good" i shrugged casually keeping my attention on the mugs as i made the coffee.
"Im glad. Seemed like you disappeared off the face of the planet, you just left. No one heard from you...."
"It was for the best, fresh start and all that"
"Im sorry for how we... how i left things"
I shrugged shaking my head
"you really don't have to apologise Chris, you made a choice...."
"A stupid choice..... i was young and very stupid...."
"Whats done is done, theres no point rehashing it... its been almost 7 years i'm over it" i scoffed picking up the mugs and joining him at the table.
"You are?"
"Of course!"
"Thats great" he nodded avoiding eye contact.
"Okay so spill it.... i don't mean to sound rude but i've got somewhere i need to be soon and i'm already running late....."
"Still cant handle your drink huh?" He finally looked at me smirking.
"Apparently not.... how'd you know?"
"Ive seen you hungover enough to know the signs, the hair and the face full of smudged makeup...."
"you saw that huh?"
"Yeah" he chuckled looking me over.
"Right... i um....i need you to sign this" He said reaching inside his jacket and pulling out some papers.
"Sign what?..... what could you possibly need me to sign?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he pushed the papers across the table to me. I leaned forward to get a better look and the first thing my eyes landed on... "Petition For Divorce".
I felt my heart start to race as i looked up at Chris..... "what is this? I signed these 7 years ago Chris!"
"I know. I never filed them"
"What?! you mean we're still married?!"
"Why? You told me you'd take care of it all...."
"And i was gonna, but i couldn't bring myself to do it"
"Jesus christ Chris!"
"Im sorry Y/N" he started to say but I shook my head as i got up to get a pen, when i sat back down and signed them without hesitation Chris made this noise, like i had offended him by signing the divorce papers without an argument.
"Nothing, its just you signed them pretty quickly...."
"Chris, i signed these 7 years ago when i loved you.. why wouldn't i sign them again? There's no reason not to..... what we had has been over for years"
"I just thought maybe somewhere down the line we'd work things out"
"I didn't. Any thoughts of us working out ended when you broke up with me because your career was taking off and you liked the attention from all the girls"
"I was an idiot i know, i was just a kid...."
"Bullshit! If you were old enough to get married....you were old enough to know what you were doing".
He looked down shaking his head again, he actually looked ashamed of how he had acted. Maybe he had grown up.
My phone started ringing and i saw my mom's name flashing on the front.
"Hey mom..... oh god, yeah okay.... i'll be there in like 15 minutes i promise" i hung up after saying goodbye to her.
"Im sorry, but i've got to go. You got what you wanted" i shrugged pointing at the papers on the table, he folded them neatly and tucked them back inside his jacket.
"Thank you"
"Can i ask you something?"
"Why now? You didn't bother for 7 years"
"Ive been seeing someone..... its getting kinda serious now...."
"Right, i get it. Your ready for a new wife...." i shook my head suddenly feeling very sad about my past life with Chris "i didn't even get the chance to be your wife.... not really. That ain't worth shit" i pointed towards his jacket where i knew the papers were.
"Its not like that Y/N i swear, i just.... i want the option to be there if the time comes"
"Well i hope it works out better for you this time. Look i have to go......"
"Right okay, sorry. I'll get out of your way" he got up quickly and followed me through the kitchen and to the front door.
"It was good to see you, make sure you file those this time" i said as he walked towards his car.
"You got it, it was great seeing you too" he smiled before getting in his car and driving off.
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"Hey Ma!" I called walking into my mom's house.
"Your late" she called from the sofa, i made my way to her and dropped down next to her.
"I know im sorry, you'll never guess who just turned up at my house??!"
"He who shall not be named!" I said quietly, my mom's eyes widened as she gasped "you mean...."
"Yep!" I nodded "turns out we've been married the last 7 years! He never filed.... he came by to ask me to sign them again"
"That boy has some nerve showing up here...."
"Did you sign them?"
"Of course i did"
"Just like that?"
"Yeah, just like that" i shrugged "like i told him, i already thought it was done and over with, i haven't seen him in 7 years.... why wouldn't i sign them"
"Sweetheart....." my mom started to say something but was interrupted by the excited yell of 'MOM!" right before a small body crashed into mine.
"Hey buddy" i laughed hugging my baby close "have you been behaving for nana?"
"Yep, i'm always good" he rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around me "i missed you mom"
"I saw you yesterday baby" i chuckled running my hand through his brown hair before kissing the top of his head.
"I still missed you"
"Awww ain't you cute! I missed you too".
"Hey! I thought you liked staying with me? We had so much fun" my mom said trying to act offended but smiled when Mason started laughing.
"We had fun Nana, but i missed my mom" he looked up at me with his big blue eyes and i felt my heart swell with love for my baby boy.... well he wasn't a baby anymore, it was hard to believe he'd be turning 6 in a few days.... how time flies.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
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chromehevrts · 3 years
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                                         𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖
                                           𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : hey, what's up everybody, we live baby, HOT 97 THE GATTI SHOW, and today we have a very special guest in the building, DAVE EAST. how you doing today, DAVE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Ayo...what's good ya'll and Im doing alright, how you been? Thanks for having me.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm feeling great and super excited to have you here today, so thank you for stopping by. i always wanted to have you as the guest at my show because hey, it's NEW-YORK baby and let's face facts, you're one of those new school artists who represents NY. at what age you've figured out you want to do music?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, honestly music was a last resort for me. I went to college and tried to play ball, but shit ain't go how i want. So I sat down and was like shit, what else can I do and niggas was like rap. So I was like aigh, I took on the name rebel and started to push my pen at like 18 or suttin.. So it was either do music and make something outta myself or trap. I went with music, cause shit i had a backup plan if that shit aint work.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm sorry it didn't really go as you planned it with basketball, but UNIVERSE had some other plans for you. i think young people should look up at you, like hey, things might not go the way you want them to be, so you have to dust yourself and try again or find something even better. like you did. what inspires you when you write your lyrics? or it's more a freestyle like process?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, I mean life inspires me... like the shit that goes on around me and my niggas inspire me. I shit I do a little of both, I can freestyle but half the time I like to sit down, smoke and get what i gots to say on paper. I be in the studio from 8pm to 4am mostly every night. But back to what you was saying, when you come from a struggle you gonna do what you gotta do to make it, like I was watching niggas I played ball with get drafted into the NBA. That shit is what motivated me to do something. I ain't want to be the failure watching these niggas living they best life.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : when people scroll through social media, they think all the diamond chains and fancy cars come easy, as if the famous card is unlimited credit card and you don't have do anything for it. no one really thinks about how much you put into work, staying in the studio all night long, tours, shows. i'll have a nerve to compare music industry, and show business in general, with a basketball court. either you sweat and play, or, sit your ass on the bench. and music is not the only thing you do, you're also a business owner and now, a reality tv-show star. hello cast mate, how ya doiiin'? but hey, CONCRETE JUNGLE baby. how did you came up with an idea that you do want to participate in the show?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean... the money. I figured since I'm already doing a TV show and this won't mess with that, why not. I got people I need to take of so doing this show is to help them out to at the end of the day. But I have a few business ventures Im into and that I do, so I'm getting checks in multiple areas. You can't depend on making music forever, you don't wanna get burned out like RIHANNA's ass did. Thats something I always tell starting artist. Like ye treat yoself but sure you invest into some shit and build some shit for yourself.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : and just like that, straight forward and without any fake reasons to get sympathy and attention. DAVE be like yes bitch, it's about the money, so who's going to check me? i love it here. and you are right, once you get your first bag, why not to make more bags out of it? i'm glad you're looking out for the youngsters, but i don't blame them, when you get those figures first it definitely can blow your mind. but let's talk about the show a little bit. are you familiar with other cats mates? do you have any expectations from this project?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean I ain't familiar with all them, but I have met a few and they groupies and shit. I don't know, like its still early to tell, but im just tryna have my fans see more of me than they do already. I just hope the show don't edit me too much cause they will notice the difference.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : since MONA SCOTT has nothing to do with the new production team, let's hope for the best. i'd hate to see some words or actions dragged out of context. okay, moving to the next one. i bet most of the guys would like to know the secret recipe of DAVE EAST's charm, because we all know a lot of ladies consider you as their celebrity crush, along with MICHAEL B JORDAN and ODELL BECKHAM. is there any secret to it and how does it feels to have if not all, then a lot of eyes on you? now i know ladies gonna perk their ears up right now in a hope to hear if they have any chance and what not.
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i don’t discriminate so as long as you keep my attention and you cool. You got a chance..and at first the shit felt weird cause i always had some attention on me but to now have woman that look like models be like oh yeah let’s fuck be on me. I ain’t know how to handle it. Then at the same time it’s annoying cause then you get woman that get jealous and mad at me for no reasons.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : a blessing and a curse at the same time, isn't it? so ladies, respect some boundaries and privacy before showering DAVE with your love. but, let's hop back to the topic of you being on the show. a few days ago there was this shooting at the club where you and other cast members happened to be at. do you have anything to say about it?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i left before the shooting happened cause some nigga and the club discriminated against me. But the shit was wild, i was outside when it first started. I hope everyone but the niggas that tried me is aigh. Fuck them dick succas.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : well, and you know we on air and our audience is pretty, let's say huge. so if the club attendance will go low out of sudden they better not act surprised because you don't have to discriminate anyone. we're glad you made it out safe. and the final question will be, DAVE EAST and MARION, is it the same person or it's more like alter ego thing, like BEYONCE and SASHA FIERCE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Nah it’s the same person i don’t do that witch craft ass shit. The niggas that bump my shit wouldn’t be listening to me if i did that shit. You feel me?
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : you made it clear as a day. thank you so much for blessing THE GATTI SHOW with your appearance, DAVE. it was really nice to learn a little bit more about you, but is there anything else you'd like to share with your fans, you know, maybe some things to get off your chest?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I said all i had to say, but fuck CAVALI or whatever it called and a nigga named VONTE. But karma 3 comes out august 14th so check that out and look out for the EP i got with my boy millyz coming out too. Peace.
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prince-septimus · 3 years
When the first suicide sqaud movie dropped I was just so happy to get Harley content (props to Margot she kills it) and there's a lot I like about that movie. Although looking back I can't help but see that they did Harley dirty? and honestly did not seem to value her, at least to me it seemed she was just there as jokers shadow like thats all a backdrop to the joker
I get her origin/creation in the animated series and that originally her character is tied to his purely because of that, but there's literally no reason the movie had to use that. her backstory simply could have been she saw a lot of shit as a therapist in ARKHAM and ending up trying to give treatment to the joker was just the icing on the cake so she decides screw it I'm gonna go have fun in Gotham and embrace a little bit of the crazy. Orgins and comic storys change in slight ways all the time. because of Ayer Sqaud BOP had to try break her away from joker (love bop no complaints about it) but Ayer Squad she's jokers shadow/backdrop/doll/thing then bop have to try break her away from his character so that she stand on her own as a character and then we get tss (yayy) and harley is finally 'free' to use as her own character and portray her own stories she's not all wrapped up in the jokers story. DC/Warner Bros don't seem to have much planning and thought into what way they're gonna lay future movies out and that's fine they don't need to have thier version of an mcu and dc movie directors get to put thier own spin on it and be creative without really having to worry about long term continuity but it seems like they maybe get over excited and end up not listening to fans/caring about anyone elses view of the character except their own and yeah it's thier project but the characters are important to everyone not just them
And I can't even with her 'suit/costume' in the Ayer Sqaud, jokers property plastered all over her, I liked her hair and the bat and the jacket was okay i guess, I really don't think costume wise it was a decision of 'oh harley would think the tiny sparkly shorts are cool and that's why she's wearing them' it blatantly seemed like 'harley is jokers trash and hey everyone let's look at her ass cuz she ain't worth much else in the movie and she doesn't have much else to offer'? It just sucks to me that Harleys first movie appearance was primarily Jokers accessorie and the sex appeal of the movie
Sorry for this unasked for rant but I am so grateful for BOP and TSS and her costumes/suits in those movies felt way more like harley is wearing that cuz she thinks it's cool compared to Ayer squad where it felt like harley is wearing that so we can attempt to get more views on the movie via harleys backside
I mean for all I've said there i dont hate the ayer suicide sqaud it sounds like I do but I don't 😅 and I don't hate DC movies tbh DC is my favourite just cuz I care more about their characters cuz of the cartoons I watched as a kid and comics and I've only literally read one marvel comic so because of that I do have more of an attachment to DC this is so long winded opps
To summarise my bullshit I like dc I like all the movies even ayer sqaud but Harleys character was handled poorly in the beginning
im putting this under the cut bc i also made a long rant djgsgjsg
i think harley quinn in the dc movies is the best example of male gaze vs female gaze, while also showing what it's like when you let the actor themselves have a say in the character.
david ayer is a great director and i would love to see what he had truly set out to do with suicide squad by seeing his cut of it, but there was so much i disliked about harley's story in that movie. at the end of the day i've come to accept it because it leads into the character she becomes in bop and tss, but this was definitely harley being seen in the male gaze, something that her character has all-too-long dealt with in the comics.
bop was directed by cathy yates, a woman of color, and this immediately meant there was going to be a change in harley's character and her design. this is the female gaze and it meant that harley is actually going to be seen as a character that we love bc we can tell she was written by a woman (christina hodson) and directed by a woman. (this can also be seen by the small action of canary putting her hair up in the middle of the big fight scene at the end). overall bop was very much meant to be the opposite of suicide squad in terms of how they deal with harley. it's basically the recovery stage for her character.
and tss. my dear sweet tss. i love how james gunn handles her character and i love that he gave margot some creative control with some of it, like the removal of her rotten tattoo. i think tss is great in those moments where we see harley being her usual self (when she has sex with the dictator) but james gunn doesn't just focus on harley like that, he gives us scenes like when joel kinnaman is found shirtless and sweaty or when john cena is straight up in his underwear and takes up half the screen. where david ayer spent half the time focusing on sexualizing harley quinn, james gunn switches it up. and i love that.
and im in the same boat - i love suicide squad. i think its a decent set up to bop and tss and i would love to see the ayer cut, but in terms of harley's character, it sucked. but when bop was released and started to kind of fix harley and put her on this path of recovery, it made what ayer did in suicide squad work better. i still dont like how harley was sexualized in suicide squad, but im not as mad anymore now that it can be explained better with 2 other movies backing it up.
this is a long way to say that you're absolutely correct.
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers x reader
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Requested: "tbh angst prompt #12 on that prompt list you reblogged a little while ago screams Milton to me, so could you perhaps do that prompt with him? thanks" -By Anon
Warning: Angst, talks of self hate? (Also if this kind of thing is happening to you, dont hold it in that literally the worst thing you could do, talk to someone. I love you🙂)
#12. "Holding everything in doesn't help, you know."
(Hey anon! So, thanks for requesting, haven'tqrote for my boi in a hot second so it was a nice little transfer over. I hope you enjoy this!)
Milton hated talking about his feelings. Anytime an opportunity cane, he would immediately back out and do something else. You knew this was something he didnt talk about and so, when it came down to your own problems, you didnt go to him. In fact you didnt go to anyone.
This was a huge problem. Talking to no one was probably the worse thing you could do. You admitted, this was a issue. But who would listen? No one would care, they'd just nod and shake there head anytime you said anything so why bother. This was something that always stayed with you and you never once let anyone know about it. This was until milton found out.
Like any normal day, milton woke and went to work. It was completely normal until this person, one of your close friends came up to him. "Can I help you?" He would say with a cautious tone to his voice. "Hi, im one of y/ns friends. Your milton right?" They say with hopeful words he just nods his head for them to continue "Ok good. Listen, I know you dont know me but I've known y/n since elementary school, they are my best friends. Sadly as of lately they've been distant and-" "That sounds like you did something to anger them." He says interrupting "No, no, no! Just listen to me. They're not in the right mental space at the moment. They think that no one cares or gives any shit about them. They ain't listening to me and the only person they talk about is you, so please be a fucking good person and go talk to them. Please!" They say yelling now with anger dripping from there words. He sighs and shakes his head, going straight to his car. How bad could it be?
Apparel Milton thought that everything was gonna be fine, but when he arrived he saw nothing of the sort. There use to be a mirror above a table right when youd walk in and sadly now there it was smashed onto the ground and the pieces were everywhere. He was very cautious now, not sure where you were and he hoped that you hadn't done something stupid. He walked into the living room and it looked like someone ransacked your house for goods. He walked up the stairs next, when he reached your room. He could hear the faint sound of sniffling and the occasional hiccup. You inched the door open and finally laid his eyes on your shivering figure on top of the bed. He walked over to the chair that was behind you. You didnt see him but knew he was there. When he sat down, it felt like time slowed down. Not a single word was spoken. The only thing heard was your harsh breathing. "Holding everything in doesn't help, you know." He says picking at his black gloves. You huff out "If only I had someone to talk to. Someone I could trust, that wouldnt tell everyone about what's going on. It's like you cant trust people anymore!" He shakes his head "Though I know what untrustworthy people look like, there are still some good people out there. And the occasional amazing one. Even, The One." He says pressing his lip in a tight line. You turn over and look at him, still on your side. "Well I wish I could find them, there is none in this town. Only two people milton, just two, that's fucking sad isn't it?" He nods his head but this time he grabs the chair and moves it closer to the side of the bed. "That is sad, but the good thing is that you dont have to worry about all these friends and all these people backstabbing you. You have two people that you trust, hang on to them and I'm sure they will hang on to you as well if you let them in. Tell them what's going on with you. You cant just hold things in. If your afraid of judgement just come to me. I'm not the best person to talk to, but I sure as hell will listen. I'm not the most reasonable but I will try my best." He says making sure that you hear every word. "Your one of those people milton." He blinks and breaths in heavily "Well then if you trust me then, dont hold things in. Tell me about everything. From, one negative though or something that made you angry. I dont care, I wanna know. Okay? " You nod and dab your tears streaked face with the tissue you had in hand "Well you sleep and get some rest and I'll go clean up the mess, alright. " you nod again as hes about to exit your room you stop him "Milton, I just wanna say thank you, I'm very lucky to have you in my life. Your amazing, truly." He smiles slightly before brushing it and waves before exiting the room and goes down stairs. He truly was the most amazing person. He had never been one to talk about his own mental problems but when it came to you, it was like a switch was being turned and then he completely there to help you. No matter what. You weren't the lucky one, he was the lucky one to have you in his life.
(Hey again, I hoped you like this sorry if it wasnt that great and that I didnt have it out yesterday I was slackin' but if you did like this remember that requests are always open. Also remember to have an amazing day and please, please stay safe out there in the world!)
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Dog Days - Chapter 1
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*visual aid, not my pics* (Ben on left, kylo on top, Matt on bottom)
A/N: Please don't get the wrong idea about what this fic will be about. It will all make sense when i put out more chapters, i swear.
Summary: You work at a vet clinic in a big city near your small hometown. You want to become a vet but are only an aid as of right now. You love animals, always have, and you know there are plenty of animals in the city that need your help. But what happens when you meet 3 very strange dogs one day?
You were walking to the Veterinary clinic that you worked at. You didn't want to be late so you made a quick breakfast and took it with you. You didn't live very from the clinic so you weren't too worried about being late, and you were only a veterinarian aid, you didn't do very much anyway. Living in the city, you learned how much people really valued their pets. You had seen so many families bring in their pets that were sick or injured and the joy on their faces when you told them their animal family members would be okay always brought you joy. You had always wanted to be a vet, ever since you were a child.
You were taken away from your thoughts as you felt yourself trip over something large. You fell onto the pavement and scraped up your hands and elbows.
"Ow, what the hell did i trip over?"
You looked around you and saw a dog in front of you, sniffing you as if it was making sure you were okay. It was a black and white border collie that looked like it was mixed with a great pyrenees. You got up a bit and sat on your knees. You immediately forgetting all your pain.
"Hi there, buddy."
The dog stared at you, its tail wagging very fast. You smiled at it and the dog got very excited and jumped up on you. You laughed and pet it, trying to look for a collar. You found it and read the name.
"Ben, huh? Well that's a very nice name for a very nice doggy. I'm (Y/n)."
Ben barked happily and bounced around in front of you and then went into the alley that you were in front of, which you hadn't noticed until now. You looked at him with confusion as he barked into the alley, you got up and followed him with caution. You watched and to your surprise, there was another dog. It was a golden retriever. You squatted down and smiled at it.
"Well, hello there." You tried to coax the dog over and noticed Ben was trying to get it to come over to you as well. The golden retriever was reluctant but came over eventually. You read its collar and the name on it read Matt.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you too, Matt."
Matt's tail began to wag and he sniffed your hand before putting his paw in your hand. You shook it with a smile on your face.
"What a gentleman."
Suddenly, you heard a can rolling in the alley. Another dog? You got excited but the excitement quickly faded when you heard the dog growling at you. You did your best to remain calm. The dog was a beauceron/german shepard mix and had a scar going down the side of its face. You felt yourself tense as it got close and sniffed you. It looked at you and you noticed Ben growling at it, being protective of you. The beauceron mix had a collar too so you tried to reach for it to read the name. As you did, the beauceron jumped, then growled and sank his teeth deep into your hand. Ben immediately bit the back of the beauceron mix's neck and pulled it away from you, growling and barking at it while standing between you and the dog that had just bit you. You didn't scream out in pain, you only winced a little as it stung. Then you made eye contact with the beau mix and smiled, hiding your immense pain.
"It's okay. I'll be fine."
The beauceron's ears perked up in surprise and the it huffed and walked off into the alley. Ben ran back and joined you and Matt, who had been licking your bleeding hand. You smiled at both of the sweet dogs and pet them.
"I'll be okay, but i should really get going or I'll be late for work. I'll be sure to come visit you soon, though."
You told the dogs good bye, while holding your bleeding hand, wrapping it with some of your jacket.
After you were out of sight, Ben went into the alley to where Kylo was laying. He bit his ear as hard as he could without ripping it off and Kylo pushed him off. Ben let go of Kylo's ear and growled at him.
"What the hell was that!?!?"
Kylo huffed and laid back down on his piece of carboard.
"She was gonna touch me and i didn't want her to."
"So you bit her!? She was so nice! She just wanted to know your name!"
Matt joined his brothers and chimed into the conversation.
"I have to side with Ben here, Kylo. Biting her was way out of line. We might be dogs, but you don't have to act like it."
Kylo got up and growled at the other two, Matt backed up a bit but Ben stood still.
"Oh yeah, well how about you tell that to mister tail wagger over here!"
"I couldn't help it, i was excited. She's cute and you know how i am around cute girls!"
Ben and Kylo began bickering and biting at each other and Matt just sighed.
"We'll never be human again."
The other two stopped their fighting and looked at Matt, then each other.
Meanwhile, you were at work, taking bandages and gauze to wrap your hand.
"(Y/n), oh my god, what happened?!"
You looked over and saw your friend, Poe. He was a veterinarian at the clinic, and a pretty good one, too. He rushed over to you and bandaged up your hand for you. You told him about the dogs you met in the alley and explained that one of them bit you.
"We need to check for rabies! Maybe they had some other kind of disease! You can't be so reckless, (Y/n)!"
Poe was freaking out worrying about you but you just laughed.
"It's not that big of a deal. It doesn't hurt or anything anymore. I think I'll be fine."
Just then, your boss walked in. Poe was quick to rat you out, for your own good as he put it, and the boss told you to go to the hospital and not to come to work until they knew you were clear of any rabies or infection.
You left work just as quick as you had arrived and meade your way to the hospital across town. As you did, you made sure to pass by the alley again, and just your luck, Ben came rushing at you. He must've smelled you as you got closer and Matt came shortly after, both of them were very happy to see you again.
"Hello boys. I can't stay long i have to go to the hospital. But since I'm here," you rummaged around in your bag and the two dogs looked at you woth confusion, "here, i won't be needing this." You pulled out your breakfast and broke it up into 3 equal pieces. You gave 2 of the pieces to Ben and Matt who seemed like they hadn't eaten in days, and if they were in the alley, then they more than likely haven't. Then you got up and walked to the alley.
"Hello. Other dog. Are you there?" You called out, and sure enough, the growling beauceron came out from its hiding spot. It walked toward you and you smiled and bent down. You held out the food in your bandaged hand, this made the beauceron mix stop in its tracks. It looked at you then looked away as it slowly approached you. When it got a few feet away, you inched towards it, still offering it your breakfast. It looked at you again, as if asking for permission.
"It's okay, my hand is fine. I know you were just protecting your alley." You smiled at the dog and it huffed. It finally got close enough to gently take the food from your hands and then run off to scarf it down. You waited while it ate the food quickly and returned to you. You stared at each other and you held still, your hands on your knees. The beauceron mix walked up to you, and got closer and closer. Then it sat in front of you and looked away. You smiled and slowly reached for its collar, this time it didn't even move.
"Kylo Ren. Wow, that sounds like a very strong name." Kylo's nub of a tail wagged but he remained still, looking angry even if he wasn't. You giggled and the other two boys appeared behind you, Ben whining to get your attention. You turned to him and stood up.
"Im sorry, buddy. That's all i have right now. After i leave the hospital, I'll come back with something yummy for you guys, okay?" You pet Ben and Matt as you walked out of the alley.
Just as you had promised, you left the hospital and picked up some cheap burgers from a fast food joint. It was dark out, you had been at the hospital all day and now it was late in the evening, you were walking to the alley but something felt wrong, but you brushed it off. You were just outside the alley and the 3 dogs saw you. Just as you were about to enter the alley, a man came up behind you and pushed you, face first, against the wall.
"Hey there, beautiful." He whispered in your ear with a deep and gravely jersey voice.
"Get off of me!"
"Ya know, i saw you walking by and just said to myself that i had to have a piece of you."
His words sent a intense shiver down your spine. You looked over your shoulder slightly and saw it was a bearded man in a black trenchcoat and a ski mask, and he smelled strongly of alcohol and cigarettes.
"G-get off .... or I'll scream!!"
"Scream and I'll gut ya......unless..... you gimme a kiss or all your money. Heh, how about both just for safe measures?"
He pushed something sharp against your back and you cried out for help before the guy kneed you in the back of your right leg. He let you fall to the ground and dragged you into the alley.
"Now your gonna pay." He said as he lifted his hand, a knife held tight in his grip. You closed your eyes as he swung at you but you felt no cut. Instead, you heard a growl. You opened your eyes at the familiar sound.
"The hell was that?" The man turned and from the darkness emurged your new four legged acquaintance, Kylo. He walked closer, intimidating as ever, fangs bared and his eyes staring straight at your attacker. The man started to back up, forgetting you were behind him. You took the opportunity to trip him and get up to run. You ran over to Kylo and he made sure to stand in front of you protectively.
"Hell no! I ain't scared of no dog!"
The man sprinted toward the both of you but Kylo was a lot faster and ran up and bit the man's forearm. The man yelled out in pain and dropped his knife. He fell to the ground and Kylo made sure to stay biting on his arm. While he did, you rushed over and kicked the knife away. The man tried punching Kylo and that was a big mistake. Kylo let go of the man's arm and was about to chomp down on his neck.
You shouted. Kylo turned to look at you. You were in front of the other 2 dogs and they were all watching as he was about to bite down on this man's neck. Kylo turned back to the man who has passed out from fear. Kylo huffed and turned back around to you and the other dogs, walking over and sniffing you to make sure you were okay. You kneeled down and hugged him tightly.
"Kylo, my hero! Thank you!"
Kylo huffed again and wiggled out of your grip. You laughed and pet him with your bandaged hand.
"Still not the affectionate type, huh?"
You got up to walk toward the unconscious man but were interrupted.
"Hey! What's going on here? Someone reported a lot of noise coming from this alley."
It was a police officer. He put his flashlight down the alley and you quickly walked towards him.
"Officer, this man tried to rob me and threated to stab me!"
You told him everything you could and he cuffed the man, then put him in his car parked outside the alley. The officer came back to talk to you.
"That man had a nasty bite on his arm. Mind explaining that to me?"
"Absolutely. You see, this dog named Kylo was in the alley and saw the man attacking me so he came in to rescue me."
"Well that's very brave. Unfortunately, they are out on the streets so I'll have to take them to the pound."
Just then, Ben, Matt, and Kylo came over to you and looked up at you. The police officer noticed their collars.
"Oh, are these your dogs?"
You looked down at the dogs who were looking at you with concern, you smiled and then looked back up at the officer.
"Yes, sir." You said happily. Matt and Ben began wagging their tails and looked at the cop with a proud posture.
"They are supposed to be on a leash if they aren't indoors or at the dog park, miss."
"I'm sorry, sir. I live just a few buildings down and they are very well trained. They always stay close to me so i was taking them out for a short walk and-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's enough. I'm gonna let you off with a warning seeing as i got more important things to deal with right now."
The police officer gestured to the man who attacked you and you sighed in relief. You thanked the officer and he went to his car and drove off. You looked down at the 3 dogs and smiled.
"Let's go home."
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moistmailman · 5 years
Mistrallian Princess Blake AU
*At the castle’s courtyard*
Ghira, smiling: It’s quite a beautiful day out, don’t you think so, love?
Kali, staring into the distance:........
Ghira: Honey, are you listening to me?.....hello?
Kali: Huh? Did you something sweetie?
Ghira: I asked if you thought it was beautiful out.
Kali, staring again: Hmm, oh yeah. Very beautiful out.
Ghira: Is.....something troubling you?
Kali: What? No, no of of course not. I’m fine.
Ghira: Why do you seem so distant then?
Kali: It’s just......they’re so perfect, you know?
Ghira: Huh?
*Ghira looks over at the direction of his wife’s gaze to see his daughter, lying her lap on a redheaded knight, who was leaning against a tree*
Ghira, sighing: Honey, not this again.
Kali: You gotta admit they look so cute together.
Ghira: We shouldn’t meddle in our daughter’s love life.
Kali: I know that, but come on! Can’t I just give them a little push to get toge—
Ghira: No, you shouldnt.
Kali: But they're practically dating already! It will just be a small little push, sweetheart. I swear. Like a little flick.
Ghira: Honey no.
Kali: But I just want to— oh come on! Look at them! Knight Nikos literally plucked a flower nearby and put it in Blake's hair! How can't I play matchmaker now?! It'll be torture for me not to, and you don't want me to be tortured, right, sweetheart?
Ghira: Nice try. Ain't working on me, though.
Kali, groaning: Gah! You're a so frustrating sometimes, honey.
Ghira: sweetheart, if you truly believe that they're meant to be, then they will be dating soon. Be patient.
Kali: But I want them together now!
Ghira: Promise me you aren't going to try anything with them.
Kali: Are you kidding me?
Ghira: Im serious. Promise me.
Kali, sighing: Okay, fine.....mmpromise.
Ghira: Louder.
Kali, rolling her eyes: I promise.
Ghira, smiling: Good. Now let's just enjoy this beautiful day. *Closes eyes in relaxation*
Kali:.........Screw it, they need to be together now! *Stands up*
Ghira, opening eyes: What?! No? You promise you won't!
Kali, running off: I wasn't specific about what I promise, sweetheart! That was a rookie mistake from you.
Ghira:........*sighs* God damn it.
Pyrrha, resting her head against the tree: So, what is that book about?
Blake, head in Pyrrha's lap: About a man with two souls that are fighting to take control.
Pyrrha: Really? That sounds interesting.
Blake: Yeah, it really is. Perhaps you should read it sometimes?
Pyrrha, smiling: I think I would prefer it if you read it to me instead.
Blake, slightly blushing: O-oh. Really? Well, I could always do th—
Kali, appearing: Heya kiddos. What'cha doing?
Blake, slightly jumping: O-oh dear, mother! Don't sneak up on us like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Kali, smiling: Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that.
Pyrrha, bowing head: Hello, your majesty.
Kali, smiling teasingly: How many times must I tell you to call me Kali, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha, awkwardly: O-oh, right. I'm sorry, your maj— Kali.
Kali: Its alright, sweetheart. Anywho, what are you two up too?
Blake: I was just telling her about this book I'm reading which is abo—
Kali: Really? That's nice. Hey, you two have been cooped up in his castle for far too long.
Blake: What?
Kali: Oh, here's an idea! How about you guys go out in town for a little bit. Get some fresh air and stuff.
Pyrrha: Oh uhm.....I guess if Blake is alright with that, then sure.
Blake, shrugging: Okay, i'm alright with that then.
Kali, smiling: Great, it's a date then.
Pyrrha: Ill go get Knight Nora and Ren to come along with us for extra protection—
Kali: No no no!
Pyrrha, eyes widening: P-pardon? Is everything alright?
Kali, awkwardly: Hmm hmm! Everything's great! I just wanted you to go by yourselves.....you know.....alone.
Blake, blushing: W-what?
Pyrrha, blushing: B-but shouldn't we have more knights with Blake at all times? S-she needs the protection and all.
Kali: Oh I know that. That's why I'm assigning you to keep watch of her though. You're our best Knight, and I can't think of someone better to keep an eye on her.
Pyrrha, blushing: I......I guess I'm alright with that. A-as long as Blake is though obviously. I wouldn't want to make her feel unsafe in public.
Blake, blushing: I-Im alright with that too. I mean, I could a-always just wear a robe so n-no one will recognize me.
Kali, smiling happily: See? That's a great idea. You should probably wear a disguise too as well, Pyrrha. Something casual, and pretty. Like a nice dress.
Pyrrha: I uhm....don't really have an—
Kali: You can borrow one of my sun dresses, I won't mind.
Pyrrha: Oh? Really? That's very kind of you.
Kali, clapping her hands: Yeah, I know. Now up up. *Claps* Go get ready for the evening. Excuse me, young Scarletina. Comm'ere for a moment.
Velvet, walking up: Uh, yes your majesty?
Kali: Be a dear and escort Pyrrha here to my bedchambers and pick out a nice sundress for her, okay?
Velvet: Yes your majesty. Come along, Knight Nikos.
*Velvet leads Pyrrha away as Blake goes to her bedchambers to find a disguise*
Kali, rubbing her hands proudly: Heheheheh, all going according to plan. Knight Xioa-Long! I need your for a moment.
Yang, walking up: Uh...yes, your majesty?
Kali: I need a disguise. Something that doesn't stand out at all. Very ordinary. Think you could help me with that?
Yang:.......are you going to spy on them by any chance?
Kali: Obviously. I want to see their love blossom.
Yang: Can I join?
Kali: What?
Yang, shrugging: Im bored and this seems entertaining. I'll let you borrow a pair of my normal clothes if you let me tag along. Plus you should have someone to protect you if anyone finds out who you are.
Kali:.......you know what, sure. I'd love someone to talk to during this.
Yang: Great! I'll be right back. *Leaves*
Kali, smiling: Oh man, this is going to be so much fun. I can't wa— oh don't look at me like that, Ghira! Wipe that look of judgement right off your face, mister!
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