#but he’s such an annoying teenage boy
quarter-life-crisis2 · 10 months
S1 Sokka is close to getting trapped in the alpha male podcast pipeline 😅
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mal3vol3nt · 10 days
i just know aang be getting on zuko’s nerves with his “lemme see lemme see” nosy ass
he thought he was just gonna teach the avatar firebending but got a little brother instead im crying 😭
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Something I like about Leo is that he’s honestly really chill? It’s easy to remember the moments where he’s being obnoxious or excitable but I feel like most of the time he’s incredibly “go with the flow” and has an overall affable demeanor.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#Genuinely speaking I feel like said demeanor is incredibly useful for when he has to charm and/or persuade people into listening to him#I have a whole post talking about Leo’s charm and how he consistently gets people to hear him out even if he’s annoyed or upset them#like they’ll still listen to what he has to say in full#his charisma stat is real and utilized quite often in this series I swear he’s not just a loser cringeboy all the time 😭#if he wants to persuade and/or charm then he honestly sooo often does#me listing the 400th reason why Leo grows up to be the worlds best ninja and a good 365 of those reasons are Leo’s various subterfuge skill#Like most episodes where he’s not the main focus (and even many where he is)#he’s a voice of reason who notices things quickly and is often the one taking point to talk down situations#something interesting I found between Leo and Mikey is that#Mikey tells people what they need to hear#Leo tells people what they want to hear#not only out of his own agenda either#when bullhop was wrecking their home leo was the one that negotiated to make the situation go smoother#even if he would have rather bullhop left#meanwhile Mikey is the one who bluntly tells things as it is#small character moment that means a lot to me#Mikey is an honest boy who is upfront about his feelings#Leo prefers to let people make their own decisions he wants them to through steering the convo in that direction#but he is easily cowed by guilt#regardless leo is a people person - he knows how to talk to them and how to manipulate/persuade#and I like that his bros know this and often push him forward to do the talking if they wanna charm someone into doing what they want#I think Leo’s hope speeches are also an example of this - he’s saying what people really want to hear (and often it’s ALSO what they NEED)#the further the series goes on the higher Leo’s inner stress rises and he just keeps that chill aura anyway#there’s a reason!!! he wanted to go to a SPA so badly!!#literally the first thing he does when he gets in is rest#no joke meditation would do him good? like- it’s a Leo thing and I genuinely think rise leo would be no different here
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ystrike1 · 9 months
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a-sketchy · 2 months
liking yosuke is harder than liking akechi tbh. like akechi’s crimes are entirely fictional but yosuke’s homophobia and misogyny and other general shittiness is genuinely uncomfortable for real people for very understandable reasons. ultimately i could never blame anyone for not being able to stand yosuke’s issues, and no one’s obligated to like the characters i like nor in the specific way i like them, but it’s sooo annoying to read nuanceless takes on either end of hating him based on an extremely shallow reading of the text or liking a squeaky clean sanded down version of him. and that does apply to akechi too, but i think it’s overall harder to overcome the instinctual disgust of yosuke’s actions to grapple with a sincere analysis of his character than it is for akechi, cause even without having hard stats to back this up, i’m pretty sure the demographics of people who like persona include more queer people and women who have faced any sort of prejudice than people who have been murdered, y’know?
so like, free my man. he did all that shit but he’s complex about it
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pageofheartdj · 11 months
Okay I think this one isn’t bad and here some general descriptions of NPD.
“While someone with NPD’s self-esteem can be off the charts, ironically, it can also be super fragile, dependent on external validation, or self-deception. They’ll believe grandiose fantasies about themselves (i.e. they’re smarter, more attractive, and more successful than everyone they know), easily put other people down, and generally hijack any conversation or situation to make themselves feel better or superior. Feeling “less than perfect” is very uncomfortable for a narcissist, and they’ll protect themselves from it at all costs.”
I decided to get lazy and just put many of many examples:
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billpottsismygf · 1 month
Episode 3 of Dead Boy Detectives is the best one yet. The murder is absolutely brutal, but it's tightly plotted and has so many great character moments throughout.
This is the most attached to Charles I've felt so far. He's currently furthest down my list of favourites out of the main cast, but his performance was really moving this episode. I also loved how it highlighted his relationships both with Crystal and Edwin, and the jealousy that Edwin feels there. Interesting that that jealousy seems to go both ways, too, with Charles being the last to leave Edwin and Monty alone at the end.
Edwin and Charles are unlikely friends in a lot of ways, but I do buy it, especially when he occasionally makes Edwin smile. Here, Edwin is confronted with the fact that he actually doesn't know many of the deeper parts of Charles' life, and that he maybe hasn't shared all of his own. Really nicely done.
Edwin's sexuality crisis continues to be really compelling. I actually adore his dynamic with Monty. I know he's literally a plant by Esther, but their tiny interactions so far have so much chemistry. I also have Thoughts on why Edwin is more open to him than the Cat King, and it's the plausible deniability of it all. The Cat King was extremely upfront about what he wanted from Edwin, and Edwin could not quite bring himself to admit he even understood what that was. Whereas with Monty he's able to retreat behind his protests that "he is a boy and I am a boy, if anything he just enjoys ghosts".
Also! Crsytal and Edwin are becoming friends!!! Crystal's my second favourite character and I'm so happy they're warming up to each other. Edwin is such a spiky character but I love him and want everyone else to love him. On that note, him being understanding to Niko about her trauma also made me very happy. Edwin is not budging as my favourite character!
Small things:
Esther continues to have the best, most over the top performance. Perfect, no notes.
Niko yaoi enjoyer and general weirdo, I love her so much <3
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ladyddanger · 6 months
the thing about c!Tommy is that he is a little shit just not in the way most people make him out to be.
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axelein · 2 months
did I think that David was so infuriatingly annoying in paradise that I felt a level of rage i didnt know was possible for a fictional character, yes. Do I also think that he is an absolutely tragic character and I literally love him to death, also yes
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santicazorla · 25 days
do i not like gale because i dont like liam hemsworth or do i not like liam hemsworth because i dont like gale or do i just not like them both because i just dont like them both
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sugarcarnation · 1 month
skk plus kouyou trio has taken over my brain
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
liam beginning to realize he kinda has a tiny little thing for theo after the ghost riders showdown and being mad at himself for it because why the hell did his stupid brain decide to settle on theo of all people— and at first he tries to write it off as a byproduct of him having to get over hayden so fast due to all of the life-or-death situations being thrown their way, and really doesn’t it make sense he’d attach his emotions to theo since they went through half of them together? plus his feelings towards theo have always been sort of intense in a different sort of way, so maybe there is a reason for him to be reacting like this. but he still feels stupid, because how is he supposed to explain to mason or anyone else that he not only has a thing for the guy who he’s supposed to hate forever and never trust again, he has a thing for theo that he’s 99% sure isn’t even reciprocated, because it’s theo. theo, who has threatened to throw liam under the proverbial bus more times than he can count (which is what made the whole being-the-bait thing so confusing). theo, who once almost tricked liam into killing someone as part of his plan to kill liam himself. theo, who is older and smarter and brutally blunt despite his past dishonesties, which makes the idea of him ever finding out about liam’s feelings even more terrifying than any of the things they’ve fought against together. theo is theo. he’s contained and calculating where liam is explosive and prone to impulsivity whenever someone isn’t around to hold him back (and lately, that’s been theo more often times than not, which is once again confusing as hell). liam knows he’s always worn his heart on his sleeve, but theo keeps his own emotions carefully tucked away. they’re opposites in so many obvious ways, but liam also can’t help noticing that they still make a pretty good team, and he doesn’t think it only applies to fighting. a word like anchor is too big to use while things are so confusing and crush feels too childish considering how fast they’ve both had to grow up, but partner… liam can live with partner. partners in crime, partners in a fight— and maybe one day partners in more ways. maybe. liam is still mad at himself for how he feels, but there’s hope there too. he’s 99% sure theo doesn’t like him back, but there’s still that 1% leftover from the fact that theo has stuck around town to save his ass and seems to have an unspoken plan to do it again no matter what insults they throw at each other out loud.
and as mad as he may be at himself for letting theo’s presence mean so much, liam is going to let him.
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eosofspades · 2 months
also ruby gillman was absolutely so much better than everyone says it was. idc this movie is so much fun
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qkmlh · 1 year
Never trust anyone that genuinely thinks Raph doesn’t care for his brothers
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leovaldezdefender · 1 year
do you think Leo is a misogynist
nope and i'm not just saying that because he's my favourite character. calling leo a misogynist is just objectively ridiculous; the most "misogynistic" behaviour he ever exhibits is flirting awkwardly and thinking of himself as a casanova but even then when he gets put in his place it's not like he gets angry or violent or even all that upset. it's clear that his flirty behaviour is just another coping mechanism that can manifest negatively like, say, his bullying frank. he's best friends with piper, is intimidated by annabeth, and becomes close with hazel and reyna. all characters with which he has completely normal and meaningful interactions with. frankly i don't get at all how people see him as some raging misogynist—the most he has is a minor sexism problem that is typical of most teenage boys, one that even percy has.
tldr; no. nothing leo does is ever that serious.
#leo valdez#heroes of olympus#this is an ask with suspiciously good timing considering what i saw on twitter today#which i think ill post about actually. just to be a hater.#anyway yeah nothing leo does in hoo is ever bad enough to be classified as misogynistic#the most his behaviour does is slightly aggravate the girls#and he doesnt have any inherent discriminatory beliefs about women#compare that to for example sylva1n—another character i love who is most definitely more of a misogynist#HIS actions actually result in far more serious consequences compared to just annoying girls slightly#(the women he dates actually get emotionally toyed with and hurt)#and HE actually has beliefs about women that are hurtful (though he admits that its nonsensical)#but those beliefs influence his actions and how he treats women around him#now leo? doesnt do either of those things. of course because its not the point of his character like it is to sylva1n's#so consequently its just not something about leos character to. yknow. worry about.#like i said: at most he's just got a case of the teenage boy flirt combined with “whoa strong women exist?”#but the idea that he actually hates women is. laughable lmao.#ricks not capable of writing that kind of protagonist#anyway anon i am SO sorry for this rant. holy shit.#i even threw a fire emblem character into the mix im sorry fksjsks#in my defense you asked me about LEO VALDEZ and also im a sylva1n liker so i have lots of thoughts about misogyny in characters#but yknow apologies are due anyway 🙏 forgive me#ask#thanks for the ask :]#riordanverse#meta
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moonlightfilly · 10 months
I can and will judge people based on their opinion of Adam Parrish and I am not sorry for it ♡
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