#but go ahead and rebagel it if you want
hooloooo i see you rebagel a lot of stuff for mcyt... what is that? how do i watch it? it sounds so dramatic and full of lore! thankya!
OH WOW ok!!! alright. sit down because i am about to learn you a thing!!!! so MCYT stands for "minecraft youtube" and it actually encompasses a HUGE amount of youtubers/twitch streamers, minecraft smps, content, and storylines. A LOT of different creators fall under the MCYT umbrella, but the SMPs are probably what you're talking about, because those are FULL of lore. you don't have to watch one to understand another, although some might make references to other SMPs. think of it like... huge DND campaigns but in minecraft. they roleplay as fictionalized versions of themselves and do a lot of improv acting
the servers i'm into right now are the DSMP and QSMP!! the DSMP was a server owned by Dream (who is kind of a shit person which is part of the reason the server ended) but the storyline created by creators on the server like Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, and a lot of others was AMAZING. they created this insane story about a small nation who went to war, there was a revolution, an election that resulted in a dictatorship, and so much more. oh my god it was so cool. someone named EvanMC made videos summarizing some major plot points (playlist here), but if you REALLY want to get into it, there's a channel called Blueberry TV that's making full recap videos, and the playlist (here) has like. over 300 videos so far. BUT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!! you can skip ahead at a lot of points, or even just find a single creator's character you like and watch vods or videos from their point of view. i would highly recommend Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, BadBoyHalo, or Quackity because their roleplay was consistently just absolutely insane, but i'd also recommend POVs like Fundy, Captain Puffy, DropsByPonk, or Jack Manifold if you want to explore different viewpoints! I know Wilbur and Tommy have made edited down videos of many of their DSMP vods, so that might be a decent place to start if you're curious (although searching for those in the mess of their other videos might be a hassle lol), or you can skim the wiki if you'd like (here!!!) it officially ended i think late 2022-early 2023 (i can't remember) but the official canon ending to the overall story is really up in the air, so it's mostly left to fan interpretation now.
THE QSMP IS SO GOOD oh my god. it's a huge multilingual server that started around March and is still going!! it was started by Quackity, and the plot really started when a bunch of eggs appeared on the island and the members were paired up to take care of them, with one English speaking creator and one Spanish speaking creator to a pair. eventually five Brazilians were invited to the server, and later some French creators as well!! they're all trapped on this one island by an organization called the Federation, and no one knows exactly what's going on, but there are mysteries to solve and monsters to fight and lots of found family elements in the overall plot. if you want some general recaps, the official QSMP Info channel has a couple videos recapping stuff (link here) and there are channels like Angry Thomas that make bite sized videos (like 5-20 minutes) about some general plot points. Quackity ofc has his own vod channel where you can watch his streams and learn about his character's lore. you can also skim the wiki (link here) to familiarize yourself with some of the characters. if all else fails you can probably make a post asking for the plot and throw it in the qsmp tag here on tumblr and you'll get a decent handful of people in your notes giving you a sparknotes summary. we love talking about our weird little minecraft guys
The DSMP and QSMP are so good in their own ways, the DSMP for its insane improv roleplay and the QSMP for its crazy planned events and and the way it brings multiple communities and cultures together!!! you don't have to watch one to understand the other. i suggest you only get into one at a time because they are both crammed with backstory and lore. i'd recommend getting into QSMP first because it's still going, and once you feel more or less caught up, you can probably test the DSMP waters. they can both get quite heavy in their stories, so if you need a list of trigger warnings or anything feel free to ask and i can def provide :3 if you're intrigued by either of them but don't know exactly where to start, i'd suggest the Blueberry TV playlist for DSMP and the Angry Thomas videos or the Quackity VODs for QSMP. see if there are any creators you enjoy watching and go from there!!!! consuming the stories of these SMPs is a bit difficult because there's so much content, but no one is expected to watch every single video or stream by every creator. a lot of the story gets passed around through word of mouth through the fandoms, so don't feel bad if you feel like you miss anything!!! if you have questions, you can ask just about anyone in the fandoms and they'll probably have an answer!!!
if you're interested but need a little more convincing, feel free to shoot me another ask. i will gladly ramble about my favourite minecraft roleplay characters. it's like my entire life at this point i think it's a problem <3
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pri-the-writer · 2 years
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I posted 6,904 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
6,894 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 248 of my posts in 2022
#saved - 18 posts
#yes - 4 posts
#me - 3 posts
#mass effect - 3 posts
#honestly i respect it - 2 posts
#wait there’s an ad free option - 2 posts
#man wanted to be honest with us - 2 posts
#i mean - 2 posts
#mass effect rp - 2 posts
#discord - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the sad part is that realistically they’re just going to go to some other country that’ll put up with their bs and the cycle will continue
My Top Posts in 2022:
Mass Effect: Shepard Initiative
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In 2157, humanity discovered it was not alone in the universe.
Thirty years later, they found a peaceful place among dozens of galactic species. But this idyllic future was overshadowed by a dark past: Reapers, a sentient race of machines responsible for cleansing the galaxy of all organic life every 50,000 years. Paralyzed with indecision, the galaxy's leaders failed to act in time, and it was only the act of one woman and her allies that brought an end to the Reaper threat.
Now, in 2187, the galaxy is finally beginning to heal after the Reaper War. With almost every major government and military force brought close to ruin during the war, the galactic community knew no one species could recover together. A new initiative was created, built out of the ruins of dozens of worlds, colonies, and peoples. This organization- comprised of thousands of politicians, soldiers, doctors, scientists, engineers, and common workers alike- is dedicated to reviving the galactic community and rebuilding it into something better.
It was named after the woman who made it possible, who saved the galaxy they are rebuilding:
The Shepard Initiative
So, now that the dramatics are out of the way, let me answer some questions. First and foremost, this roleplay takes place one year after the Reaper War. The Shepard Initiative is an organization built by the survivors of the galaxy and aims to rebuild the galactic community. Our Shepard is played by myself; she had a mostly paragon run where Ashley died, the Council was saved, Anderson became a Councilor, she romanced Kaidan in 1, Garrus in 2 & 3, none of the crew or team died in the suicide mission, cured the Genophage after Mordin sacrificed himself, made peace between the Quarians and the Geth, and chose the synthesis ending. Except, Shepard managed to survive the synthesis. How? Who knows, but you can pry her out of my cold dead hands. Currently, she is in a coma, and thus will not be used in the roleplay for now.
There are opportunities to roleplay at any location in the galaxy but the main storyline will primarily take place in Shepard Initiative Station, a massive space station/ship that is a mobile vessel for the project. It houses people who work for the Shepard Initiative and the supplies they will need.
We are currently looking for OCs to fill the roles of the Initiative's leadership. Each species will have one representative each. So that means there is a representative for the Asari, Turians, Humans, Krogan, Salarians, Quarians, Drell, Hanar, Volus, Elcor, Batarians, and Geth. Along with OCs, we have almost every canon character available for claiming.
This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
9 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Mass Effect Andromeda RP
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In the year 2185, humanity lives in a golden era of interstellar travel. Our discovery of ancient alien ruins on Mars propelled our understanding of science and technology ahead by thousands of years. While many now enjoy the newfound freedom and challenges of exploration in the Milky Way, others looked to even more distant stars. For the hundred thousand adventurers embarking on this one-way voyage, the future began in Andromeda.
And when many awoke to chaos and death, they feared their daring dream had turned to an ill-thought-out nightmare. But then the Pathfinder came to them. Not the one who was intended for the role, but instead someone who fell into it. Despite their shaky beginning, they rose to the challenge: making a home out of ruined worlds and peace out of genocide.
Ryder made Heleus live through Meridan, but while they killed the Archon, the Kett threat still exists. The challenge now is to hold on to what they have, and make even more. While work continues in Heleus, eyes turn to other clusters. The secrets of the Jaardan, the missing Ark Keelah'Siyah, and the threat of the Kett are all out there, ready to be discovered. Will you stay in Heleus and help the Initiative thrive, or will you chase the unknown?
This roleplay is a mix of open-world exploration and writing and a main plot that is still in the works. Whatever idea you have for Heleus or beyond, we can make it happen here- within reason, of course. Do you want to interact with the Tempest crew? How about the Angara or the Kett in Heleus? Do you want to find the Ark Keelah'Siyah? Explore beyond Heleus to discover the secrets of Andromeda? Ask, and we shall make it so.
Ryder is currently available, though the standards for a Ryder OC are higher than normal OC applications. OCs are welcomed and all canon characters are available for claiming. This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
13 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Okay so about Lin being cast as Hermes
I like Lin, he’s a decent enough actor and his musicals are pretty good, but I just don’t feel like he fits Hermes.
Now Nathan Fillion, HE fit Hermes. I don’t know why- probably because I loved Castle as a kid- but he has always been my personal favorite actor for Hermes. I kind of wish they had used him instead.
But I’ll stay open-minded. If he sings though, I’m out.
14 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Betrayal of a Lover
Happy Holidays @gelatingem! I was your Secret Santa for the @d20exchange! So sorry for the late posting, my schedule has been hectic lately. I decided to write a ficlet featuring CalAmethar, from Calroy's POV during the Safe Harbor episode and the notorious rampart scene and For Candia Part Two, as well as an "after-credits" scene of sorts. I hope you enjoy it! <3 Calroy thought his plans were ruined after Amethar escaped Comida. But then a messenger bird arrived, reporting the arrival of the former royal family in Port Syrup. Things were back on track, but he needed to move quickly. Place the proper bait, alert the right people, and put on his best pants. And then, there he was. The former king of Candia. Amethar the Unfallen. His lover.
Amethar immediately lights up when he sees Calroy. He ignores how his heart flutters when their eyes meet. The candy rock man laughs as he says, Got some pants. Now, those are some pants.”
“Well, I've had to upgrade in the absence of Candia's greatest fighter.” Calroy says, choking up at the end of his words. He makes sure not to overdo it. Amethar was as dull as a hammer when it came to subterfuge, but the others- especially the new man who seems familiar in a haunting way- might be better at picking up on this. Amethar immediately moves into his space, placing a hand on Calroy’s shoulder and saying, “Oh Bulb, Cal, no.”
They embrace, and Calroy can practically feel Caramelinda’s eyes boring holes into the back of his skull. He never understood why Caramelinda hated his relationship with Amethar; she had Sir Amanda Maillard, after all. But, in this instance, her anger was justifiable. Once he pulls away from Amethar, Calroy begins the dance.
A joke here, advice there, silence in-between. It’s a dance he knows well, and tonight, it will crescendo. Caramelinda wants to speak with Amethar in private, so Calroy suggests that he and Cumulous- another hiccup in the plan, but not a major one- explore the castle and see if the monk can awaken any arcane fortifications. Calroy is careful to avoid the castle areas where his men are preparing.
After some time, Cumulous and Calroy part, and the swashbuckler heads to Amethar’s chambers. A familiar path, no matter where he is coming from. His mind drifts to the first night Amethar had invited him to his chambers. Well, invited wasn’t the right word. It was more like a heated tumble down the hall and into his bed. After that, Calroy saw much more of the king’s chambers, and the queen spent more and more time in her own. Speak of the Hungry One, Calroy passes by Caramelinda in the hall. She doesn’t even look at him. Entering the bedchamber, Calroy winces and asks, “Oooh. Bad time? Good time?”
“Anytime.” Amethar replies numbly. Calroy lets out a heavy sigh as he says, “Well, instead of being in the place where your wife will come back to go to sleep and maybe make you feel terrible some more, let's, I don't know, wanna go take a shit in a field? In all honesty, the ramparts of the castle need some tending to, and I think we should talk about what we do if Sir Maillard fails to hold them at the Cola River.”
Amethar agrees, and they head off to ramparts. The dance partners are lined up now. Calroy looks out at the tents amassed below as they walk across the ancient ramparts. He’s surprised Amethar doesn’t notice the Ceresian tents. Then again, he certainly wasn’t the sharpest rock in the family.
“Look at all those tents. Like 20 years of peace just flew by, huh?” Calroy remarks. Amethar chuckles and replies, almost wistfully, “I guess so. Right back to where we started.”
“I guess so.” Calroy says. He starts to go for the dagger, but Amethar speaks up again and asks gently, “Cal… are you mad at me too? Because of… Catherine?”
His hand moves away from his belt, and Calroy shifts to stand in front of Amethar as he asks, “Of course not. Why would I?”
Amethar answers, a bit surprised, “Because we love each other.”
Calroy smiles and leans up to press a kiss on Amethar’s lips, one hand on his chest and the other moving to hold his waist. Amethar returns the kiss passionately, his mouth conveying his longing for Calroy, just how much he had missed him, and how sorry he was for abandoning him. After a heated moment, Calroy parts with Amethar and says, “Oh Amethar… I don’t love you.”
With one swift movement, Calroy stabs Amethar in the back with his water steel dagger, pulling him closer as he did, just to ensure the paralysis kicked in. Feeling Amethar stiffen, Calroy removes the dagger and steps away as he says, “You know what I always hated about you, Amethar? You were so damned lucky. I mean, fifth in line for the throne, and the crown rests on your head. And each of your sisters better and more-” he stabs Amethar in the gut as he enunciates, - “clever than you. It really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy barony feel… a little underwhelming. And sure, I bedded my way to a position of power, but everyone in court sees me as the Royal Consort. How do you think that feels? I have so much talent, so many abilities, but you know what everyone first thinks when they see me? “Oh, there’s the king’s right-hand man. His paramour. His…””
Calroy stops himself, his teeth grinding in his jaw. So much anger, bottled away for so long. But he needed to remain composed. It would be unseemly to step on his partner’s toes. He took a moment to enjoy the look in Amethar’s eyes- he couldn’t precisely express himself beyond that- it was heartbreak and shock, plain and simple. Eventually, he finds his voice again and says, “Oh, I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky. The least lucky thing that ever happened to Rococoa was when she found out that I was selling weapons to the Ceresians. That, that had to be dealt with-” Amethar’s eyes were filled with rage now, as Calroy expected- “and I think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines! But that's war, and strange things happen all the time. Ceresians, I find, are very reasonable. Very reasonable. And you can see some of their tents out here in the field.”
He points to the field, and Amethar’s eyes dart towards it and widen as he sees the tents. It all begins to sink in, and the music speeds up. Calroy continues, “You know, I don't have luck, so I have to work. I have to work a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the Duchess Coldbottle, and I had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way up the Sucrosi Road to that little farmhouse, I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail there, could they? And they would be so suspicious walking up the road. And yet, you miraculously survived when you should have died! Amethar the Unfallen! You uncharacteristically leave a fight; you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot. And they call the tournament, even with all the work that me and Alfredi put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands! I… I thought I was going to fail.
And then… And then your friend Manta Ray Jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the Dairy Islands, and I thought, that's so interesting. Amethar loves me, doesn’t he? Why would he never tell me? And I got to thinking, Amethar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of Candia- present company excluded- so why didn't I hear about this girl? And I thought I'd better talk with Manta Ray Jack. He didn't want to talk, but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book, very useful your sister, very useful indeed, up until a young Belizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the street by Vegetanian knights. That hurt because she had always been very sweet to me.
Well, after Manta Ray, we saw an opportunity. You know, it hurts to have all of your plans fail, but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning, so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself, Amethar. I’ve worked hard, and I’ve sacrificed so much, it’s time for my dividends to pay up. All that’s left to do is clean up your mess.”
He moves Amethar- not an easy task, mind you- so his back is to the rampart, and he faces Calroy. As he looks at the face of his former lover, Calroy sees tears falling from his eyes, despite the rage held in them. Indulging his worst instincts, Calroy presses one last chaste kiss to Amethar’s lips, telling him, “Don’t take it personally, dear. It’s just politics.”
Reaching down to pull Amethar’s legs up and hoist him over the rampart, Calroy muses, “I wonder if they'll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this. Here's to a future you can't ruin.”
And with one big heave, the former King of Candia falls from his castle rampart. Calroy watches him for a moment- he should wait, make sure he dies, but part of him doesn’t want to watch that. Instead, he leaves to find Caramelinda and others loyal to the Rocks. The night was hardly over, but the dance had finished at last.
They weren’t winning this battle. Calroy knew this, and thankfully, he had prepared for this. His status and power were assured; he just needed to get out. But as he ran across the ramparts towards the secret exit that would lead to his escape, an obstacle places himself in his way. The monk, Cumulous, appears in front of Calroy, who turns to run. And suddenly, he sees him. Amethar, his armor covered in blood and gore, and a look of cold, steely rage on his face.
Gone was the soft look of love. Gone was the sadness, the despair of betrayal. With just one look, Calroy knew that whatever love Amethar might have kept for him died along with Jet. Quietly, in a reserved tone Calroy had rarely heard before, Amethar says- no, commands, “What's the last part of my title? Say it.”
“Amethar.” Calroy says, uncharacteristically struggling to find the words. Amethar asks again, “What's the last part of my title?”
“You-” Calroy starts to say but is cut off by the same command, “Say the last part of my title.”
Before he can speak, Cumulous kicks Calroy in the back of the knees, forcing him to bow. He takes a moment, then lifts his head to look Amethar in the eyes as he says, “Amethar… the Unfallen.”
And in an instance, Calroy draws his sword and leaps at Amethar, slashing him deeply across the chest. But a second too late, Calroy realizes he has made a grave error. He looks to his former lover one last time as the king raises Payment Day. Calroy sees the heartbreak in Amethar’s eyes, not just for the daughter he failed, but for the lover he lost to his greed and lust for power. Calroy whispers, “I’m sorry.”
And then Amethar brings Payment Day down, and the world goes black.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have a feeling we’re getting Billy back… but not in the way we wanted…
118 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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macrocosmus · 2 years
idk how dialectics go and this is a shitpost about my brain
part 1: my family (not my generation but the two or so before me) grew up in a part of the US where italian and jewish immigrants intermingled a lot and while im your average 3rd or 4th generation italian american or whatever, my family, particularly my grandmother, passed down a fair bit of this jewish-italian immigrant cultural exchange. It really just affects my vernacular, not realizing things I think everyone says are actually yiddish or whatever, but really I think it made me just use “kosher” to mean acceptable.
part b: so there’s this post that I saw about how vegans bemoan folk eating pork because a lot of reasons, but one is saying that pigs are smart and have personalities and should be people like us... or something. I have a faulty memory. Anyway, someone in the notes pointed out that pigs will eat you and other pigs.
Synthesis: me, misremembering the wording of the post and notes, repeating it to myself in my head in my own words, “If the pigs say it’s kosher I’ll eat them”
and that just feels silly to say
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barin-mclegg · 2 years
You know, I've thought of shortening or changing my name.
Not when I figured out I'm enby, no, that has no impact on how I consider myself. I have a bit of an atypical name for my area, one that is most definitely from a place further south with very different culture, and whilst people never really struggled pronouncing it properly or anything like that, but some people have trouble remembering it. Yeah there's the usual "bad at names", but it's so much easier to remember a name if it's a more common one.
Also admittedly a few old people that suck at pronouncing things in general, though that's just an old people thing.
But I honestly can not find a single way to shorten it without losing part of what feels like me. And no other name will ever truly be mine and be more typical than this one. I don't even get asked for another version of my name or anything. I don't actually know why I seriously thought about it, I love my name because my mom chose and and it's wonderful and fitting.
But it's just, in light of all that, I think I've found new levels of frustration for people that call others by the wrong name on purpose, or ask for easier to pronounce versions.
I don't think it's ever right to be the one to ask that. If someone wants you to call them something else, they will tell you, and if they don't, you fucking deal with it and put some effort in.
And if you see others calling them something else that doesn't qualify as bullying, then that doesn't give YOU permission to do so too. That's something exclusive to friends or family, or whoever that person is to them, and frankly if you're the kind of person this post is talking to, I sincerely doubt you fall under that category.
Get over yourself. Call people what they want to be called, it's not your place to use any other name.
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quidprcquo · 7 years
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He’s not ours but I want to introduce everyone to Forrest Stump (he lost part of his tail when he was born)
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miscbones · 6 years
Reminder that I don't keep track of my follower count so if you wanna unfollow me for any reason at all I won't be mad or upset or anything, I don't hold grudges or keep tabs on y'all or anything it's fine 👍
0 notes
sybil-writes · 4 years
So what am I going to do with this thing?
An honest question I've been musing to myself about my WIP. Yes, I realize these are flights of fancy and I'm only 1/3 of the way through my first draft so "chickens, hatched" etc etc.
Yes, I'm a planner and not a pantser in basically all aspects of my life, so fantasizing about my 5 year plans for my projects is actively soothing to me. No, it's not a plan I'm married to; just a fun thought exercise to guide what I'm doing now .
But yes, prior to getting this writeblr and still yet now I've been asking myself what I'm going to do with this thing when I'm finished it.
My thoughts on this and research under the cut, if you're interested. I'll post links to each of the articles I've read over in other posts, in case you don't resonate with/don't want to rebagel my personal musings. :)
So in the turnover to the new year I was lucky enough to have my very talented longtime bestie @stephanie221 agree generously to read my first draft and give feedback. I'm still picking through her lovely notes and integrating them into my writing as I get through the next leg, but let me tell you it felt like...getting past some kind of hurdle to pass someone a complete first 'beat' of the story and have them respond to it.
If you're reading this and you have a reliable beta, consider this a reminder to give your beta a big hug/slice of cake/thank you. These are the people that sustain us. To that end, huge hugs to @ave-ari who reads all my first first drafts. Literally could not do this without you. 
But in any case, with respect to my planning, my thoughts were basically "find out if you've got the stamina and desire to write this story, then worry about anything that comes after that later". Now that I've got some solid proof of concept, I'm thinking ahead: what do I do when I have it?
I considered this in the new year, thinking especially about @flopgoblins , two very talented fic writers who made the flip over to original published work and are working with an agent right now (I'll make a promo for them later, they are absolutely rad 11/10 recommend checking then out).
I also thought about my fiancee's sister, who had a self published book that I read on Ebook and enjoyed.
Finally, I thought about Ao3 itself, which I volunteer for and believe deeply in the mandate of.
Traditional publish, indie publish, or screw publishing and capitalism and just put your stories out there to be read. Which one do I really want for Ambergris?
One thing was for sure, I needed to know more.
The first article that came up for me was I Regret Publishing a Novel Through a Publisher, a medium personal piece about publishing through a small company that went bust, and the nightmare that followed. 
What was fair from this piece:
The realities of self promotion just being a built in part of being a sellable writer are emphasized 
We as writers in the internet age have a lot of power! 
Giving over your work to a publishing company means dealing with editing of your work you may not be happy with. Yes, editors probably know best, but it can still sting to feel like your vision is being co-opted to fit a mould. 
A sloppily published book is sometimes worse than no published book at all :(
What wasn't as fair from this piece:
"Traditional" publishing means you go through an agent who reps you to the publisher. I don't know what this company was that this author was trying to publish with, but my impression is that maaaaybe should have been a red flag to them 
Crappy publishing company = probably mediocre editors. A good editor should make your work better and work with you. 
In general it feels like one could read this as the cons of the trad publishing industry. Or one could read this as "someone got taken in by a naive upstart or vanity publisher, and is upset that it turned out to be a permanent error"
 One thing stood out to me big time: even if you end up published you as the writer still have to do the legwork to find your audience.
I thought "well I've got not a clue what kind of audience could exist for Ambergris, apart from me". Reading that kind of sealed the deal for getting a writeblr for me. One thing this community provides, in addition to a space to share your writing and be supported, is a space to hone your summary and presentation skills to an audience, even if just through cute memes. It's all fine for me to critique my own work and get friends to read and respond to it; but hooking people in to give it a read is a skill unto itself! I already felt writing my first WIP intro was helpful for that :3
I started the writeblr and I've been very happy about it so far. The community is fantastic and it's great to engage with people about writing. But of course I still hadn't answered that question for myself…
The next article I found went in the other direction. This one is about a struggling literary author, and though they bemoan the woes of publishing traditional style they are vehement that it's way better than indie style. Though I found their rhetoric more generically applicable than the poor sod who sold their book to a failed company, some of the comparisons they drew felt unfair given what I'd seen on other conversations. 
What was fair from this piece:
Indie publishing is a LOT of self promotion and legwork. You will end up spending more of your time selling than you do writing 
Publishing companies select for quality. 
If you want to win a literary award or be part of the upper crust academia literary world, you must publish traditional style. I don't think I would argue with this point at all. The academy likes things done their way. 
What wasn't fair: 
Publishing traditional style removes a significant part of the headache of self promotion (there's substantial reduction in a fair number of things, but I think the first article wasn't unrealistic in saying if you want your book to sell, your publisher will only do so much for you)
Publishing indie style will automatically turn you into an unprofessional shill whose main concern is pouring money into a soulless pyramid scheme. 
Publishing companies select for quality. Notice I put this on both pros and cons of this article. An existing, hungry for your work audience may reel in a publisher regardless of quality. They're there to sell, bottom line. 
See, I saw the struggles of both of these writers, but both of them seemed like they were coming from a place of personal ego and biases. Writer A made a mistake. Writer B wants to trust the academy, and is vying for status that indie publishing might hurt their rep in. 
Neither of these have me what felt like an outsiders take on the issue. And I'm egotistical enough to think "I just wouldn't make writer A's mistake" but humble enough to realize "I'm not ever gonna be in Writer B's league, so it goes". 
Today I found this article and felt like "oh finally, some delicious fucking food". The process is laid out in a way that's demystified to me, and it seems to speak to the audience of me (or future me) that is "I'm an amateur hack with a manuscript I haven't the faintest clue what to do with". 
A key takeaway from the article seemed to be that traditional publishing was best left to:
People with a huge audience already, so celebrities or big deal CEOs 
People who want to make literary writing their career and are already low-key plugged in to those options (ie. Work as freelancers etc) 
For the rest of us, indie publishing is the way to go; and the bottom line there is to take as much time as it takes to make sure what you put out is professional. This tracks with both the first writer's frustrations with their permanently poorly published manuscript, and the second writer's point: this will take a lot of your time. It also seemed to point the the first writer’s woes being with a hybrid publishing place of sorts, which the article does say is trash regardless.
So, where does all this leave me? 
Well, I thought about non publishing again, just putting my story online to be read. Whether that is what I want. I'm absolutely not someone who is vying to be a career writer, nor someone who believes her audience is ever going to be much more than 20 people at most, even if I was ace at self promotion. I like weird shit. That's just how it be. 
But that said. I am someone who would love to hold a physical copy of my novel in my hands. To say "yes, I made this, and I will share it with you if you like." 
I'm still undecided as to whether I'm going to publish indie or just wait until I've got an edited product and release in as professional a manner as I can, with a few printed copies for myself to have and to hold. But hey, reading this helped me a lot in realizing that traditional publishing isn't realistic for me, nor is it aligned with my goals either :) I am, at the end of the day, a passionate amateur with a day job. 
Thoughts on any of this welcome! Feel free to either reply to this post or tag me in your own publishing thoughts/dreams/pros and cons. I’ll post the articles as their own thing in a hot second :)
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breadedsinner · 4 years
Don’t rebagel
I’m being overly sensitive and I know I have to be aware of how I interact with others in fandom spaces but
I hate how I’m the exact age everyone is using for their callout fandom posts.
32. Not 31, not 35. Always seems to be specifically 32.
And they’re always SO specific that I wonder is this really about one demographic causing problems or is it just 32 year old Karen who write she*th fanfiction and that’s all you know about her so let’s assume that’s all she does, when she needs to get back to buying curtains or some shit because that’s all women that age can do haha right.
Feels like you’re anthropomorphize a problem. If you separate yourself further from it, then you don’t have to be accountable.
It’s not like 18-31, go ahead and be as big a piece of shit as you want, but once you’re 32 hard stop go drink wine or whatever 30+ women do.
There’s a point to be made about how adults interact with younger people in fandoms but I think it gets diluted sometimes.
Then again maybe these posts are a good reminder. I don’t THINK I need the reminder, but.
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fortysevenswrites · 5 years
So like…a month ago @plays-with-shadows tagged me in 21 questions and I…promptly forgot to respond. But you can go ahead and add me to your list of people who are happy to be tagged. I just get back to them…eventually.
Time is relative anyway.
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Tagging: @ck90, @the-restless-brook, @nxbodygoesafterher, @arms-and-arrows, @tuntematonkorppi, @heidiamalia, @ninzied, @thevampirecat, @ejunkiet, @kteague, @jynirso,  @bb8scoldoutside, @skitzofreak, @incognitajones, @theputterer (and anyone else who wants to answer.)
Nicknames: Katie, Kathy, and that one time someone called me Celery. It’s a long story.
Zodiac sign: I am SO MUCH a Taurus it’s not even funny.
Height: Now that my bones are where they’re supposed to be (also a long story), I can say 5’1” and not be lying. Yes, I have been used as taller peoples’ armrests before.
Hogwarts house: Slytherin all the way.
The last thing I Googled: More information on that Ad Astra movie coming out later this year with Brad Pitt
Favorite musicians: Taylor Swift (yes I’m that basic), Halsey (yes I am that angry), Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco. This isn’t an exciting answer because I listen to the same 12 songs, and also because I’ve spent the last 2 years listening to the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack and also am falling down the Hadestown rabbit hole.
Song stuck in my head: Wait For Me II from Hadestown
Following: 515
Followers: 328 people that I appreciate putting up with the fact that I don’t tag things and also am pretty indiscriminate in the things I rebagel.
Do you get asks: Sometimes. Ask box is always open though!
Amount of sleep: 7-8 hours? It depends on if I have an early call or not. I’m not human with anything less though.
Lucky number: I decided to make 47 my lucky number yearssssss ago, and…so it is.
What you’re wearing: Black leggings and a t-shirt I got from Target that says “She Believed She Could And She Did”
Dream job: I have created my own dream business teaching women how to build and scale online businesses so they don’t have to worry about how to pay rent or deal with the fact that their corporate salaries are horrifically insufficient, no matter how qualified they are. I’m eager to add published novelist to that title as well.
Dream trip: To Japan. I actually have a minor in Japanese Culture, and in one of my classes I studied this one pilgrimage on the island of Shikoku, and I’d love to go see all 88 shrines on the route one day.
Instruments: I played the flute for 7 years between middle school and high school. Wouldn’t know what to do with a flute if you handed me one now though.
Languages: English and Internet (and maybe a tiny bit of Spanish)
Favorite songs: Call Me When You’re Sober my Evanescence is my go-to, but I also love everything about Wait For Me II from Hadestown.
Random fact: I spent a decade working in PR for college sports, and even though I’m out of the biz, I still work as a sports statistical for my local college. Mostly because there are like 3 people in the area who know how to use the scoring system we use. It’s based in MSDOS. Yeah. MSDOS (caveat, we’re FINALLY moving away from that program, but I assume the replacement will be just as buggy until the kinks get worked out. Pray for me in the 2019 season yo).
Aesthetic: black clothes, black nails, black cats, leather jackets, boots, resting bitch face, but is secretly really nice
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pftones3482 · 6 years
Older Men
Quick fixer upper for a scene I know a lot of people wanted in the new season. Season 6 Voltron spoilers ahead. Cross-posted to my AO3 here. 
Klance, obvi, but light. Teasing and more friend-shippy than super romantic, but it’s the prelude to that. Under a cut for length and spoilers. Rebagels are better than leeks. 
It took nearly a week for them to reach Olkarion without the castle, without wormholes. The mood had been sullen, quiet, though a faint air of happiness at the return of Shiro still hovered through the lions.  
When they finally settled down in order to regroup, build their supplies, and prepare for the trip to Earth, they were greeted by Ryner, who immediately took Shiro, along with Hunk and Pidge, down to the infirmary to run diagnostics on his status.  
Coran led Allura away for some well-deserved rest, as she had been constantly using her magic to keep Shiro calm and out of pain. Krolia and Rommelle took it upon themselves to unload the lions, leaving Keith alone with Lance, who hadn't really spoken to him since their moment with Shiro.  
They stood watching the unloading process, Lance cringing a bit when one of the Olkari handled Kaltenecker a little too roughly, and Keith realized with a start that he was...he was actually taller than Lance. Not by much, of course, only a centimeter or two, but it was enough that he noticed it.  
He swallowed and lifted his arms to grip at himself, fingers tightening on his elbows. When he had put on his armor for the first time (second time?) he had noticed how it had grown, how it had stretched to fit his new frame.  
Keith didn't think he had gotten that much different. But the way Lance had reacted, it was like he was a totally new person.
He lifted his head, turning to look at Lance, who was watching him with a tilted head and a cocked eyebrow. "What?"
"I asked if you wanted to get food."  
They turned together, heading for the mess hall, and after a moment of silence, Lance spoke up again. "You good, man?"
Keith chuckled a little roughly. "I don't know," he found himself admitting. That was another thing he had noticed; after spending two years with his mother alone, he was faster to admit what was bothering him, less likely to pull back. "I'm just...confused, I guess."  
Lance's voice softened. "About Earth? Me too, man."  
"No. Not Earth. I have...everything I want, it's up here. My mom, the Blade, you guys."
He bit down on his tongue quickly, cheeks warming, and glanced away to avoid Lance's sharp look. "Us, huh?" he asked, voice teasing just enough to let Keith know that he was flattered.  
"Yeah, well...two years alone, with no one but my mom and Yorak..." he shrugged, startled to find a lump in his throat. "What can I say?" he asked, flinching when his voice cracked. "I missed you guys."  
Lance had stopped walking and was studying him, eyes dark and thoughtful. Keith stared back, a wave of emotion swimming through his gut and throat, and he shook his head and laughed. "When did you get to be such a good leader?"
Lance blinked several times, eyebrows shooting up. "What?"  
Keith tilted his head, gesturing vaguely with his hand. "When I was flying Black, to come help you guys. You were giving orders – good orders – left and right, no hesitation, and everyone listened to you. You made great calls out there. What happened?"
Lance frowned a bit, cheeks red, and looked down, shrugging. "Dunno," he grumbled. "Just...needed a leader. I'm the right hand. I guess."  
"You guess?"
"Not like anyone expects anything great from me, so when I do something good, it's like 'whoa, he's not incompetent!'" Lance said dryly.  
Keith took a step forward, eyes wide. "That's not-"
"'Lover boy Lance' is all I am to anyone," Lance managed, shaking his head. "Even you. Even after two years for you, no matter how short it was for me."  
"That's not true," Keith snapped, gripping him by the arm and pulling him towards him. Lance froze, eyes flickering to the contact, and Keith let go slowly, taking a breath. "I...do you want to know what I told my mom about you?"  
"That I'm annoying?"  
"That," Keith admitted. His hand returned to Lance's arm when the paladin made to move. "I'm kidding," he breathed. "I told her how good you are in a fight. How steady your aim is. What a good friend you are, even...even to me, when I know you didn't want to be. How incredibly selfless you are, how you're willing to put yourself in harm's way for someone you care about."  
Keith took a breath and licked his lips, pulling back and rubbing his neck. "I had a lot of time to think, on the whale," he said, his voice timid. They paused as an Olkari passed by before continuing. "And I'm upset that we spent so much time fighting. We make an amazing team."  
"I missed you, Mullet."  
Keith looked up, eyes wide, and found Lance giving him a small smile, his eyes glassy. Lance took a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around himself. "I missed you a lot. Without you there, I didn't have anyone to bounce ideas on, anyone to back me up, anyone to make me feel like...like I had some kind of purpose."  
He took another deep breath, this one longer, and Keith felt himself moving closer. "You grew up, man," Lance murmured, ducking his head.  
"Only by two years," Keith protested. "Literally all that changed was my hair."  
"You're so wrong if you think that," Lance whispered.  
"Did you mean it?"  
Lance looked up, eyebrows furrowed. A tear had drifted across his skin, and Keith fought the urge to brush it away. "Mean what?"  
"You said I was grizzled."  
Lance instantly slammed his head into his hands and Keith let a grin slip across his face. "Quiznak. I'm not living that down, am I?"
"Not a chance."
The red paladin peeked up through his fingers, head tilting to the right ever so slightly. "In that case..."
He pulled his hands away and moved one hand to Keith's face, slow, like he didn't want to startle him. Lance's thumb traced down the scar on Keith's cheek slowly, deliberately, fingers slipping to the jaw and gliding down the line of it to his chin. "I think the scar is hot as hell," Lance breathed into his ear before ducking away and moving in the direction they had been going.  
Keith nearly choked, spinning on his heel. "Lance!" he spluttered.
Keith squawked and bolted after him.  
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mertensiaovum · 6 years
Starter Call!!
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If you want a starter go ahead and smash that heart button or if you’re a side bagel yourself (Goodness do I know the pain) go ahead and like/reply with your side bagel URL or just rebagel the post~ 
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corelliaxdreaming · 6 years
AO3 Stats Meme
I rebageled it but didn’t actually do it, but then @justice-turtle did it, and now I have to do it. :D
1. What’s your first and second most common work ratings? Any surprises? G - 342 works T - 24 No a surprise at all. Even after Kinktober, I’m still too scared to do much explicit stuff, and I do tend towards the lighter-rated fluff or h/c or nonexplict angst anyway. 2. What’s your most common archive warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer? Most - Major character death (21 works) Least - Rape/non-con (1 work) Also not surprising. I would say I’m a little adventurous, though I don’t know that I’d tie that directly to the sorts of things these warnings cover? 3. How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences? M/M - 188 works Gen - 170 works F/M - 64 works Multi - 40 works F/F - 21 works Other - 1 I mean, yeah, I obviously have a slash preference, there’s no use denying it. I try to participate in some femslash/female characters things sometimes to get more of them in there, but the guys are where I gravitate to.
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot? Including subfandoms, it’s: Star Wars - All Media Types (230 works) Star Wars Legends - All Media Types (74 works) Yuri on Ice (70 works) Rogue One (64 works)
Not including subfandoms, it’s more like: Star Wars - All Media Types (230 works) Yuri on Ice (70 works) Les Miserables - All Media Types (38 works) Supernatural (5 works)
I’m mostly only active in the various corners of Star Wars atm, though I do tend to dabble here and there when a prompt strikes me. I tend to have a pattern where I’m hugely active in (aka obsessed with) only one fandom at time, which’ll last for a few years before I move on to a new one a repeat the process.
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled? Wedge Antilles (90 works) Tycho Celchu (65 works) Bodhi Rook (42 works) Cassian Andor (34 works) That’s about right. Rogue One used to be my chosen corner of the GFFA, and I definitely ship the old Sniperpilot.
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 of these into a fic? I’m gonna go ahead and not count tags for the comms things were written for for this, so it’s: Fluff (67 works) Modern au (49 works) and Friendship (45 works) Established Relationship (20 works) Honestly, those four pretty much cover the Reincarnationverse!
7. How many WIPs do you have currently running on AO3? Any you don’t plan on finishing? Just The Last Act of Love, the OT4-but-Hobbie-just-died one, which I’m definitely going to finish at some point, and the old Yuri on Ice au based on the musical Come From Away, Stop the World, which I’m just gonna tottle on over and mark as abandoned right now. That hurts me a lot, and I was really into it when I started, but I’m just not really in that fandom anymore. 8. Tag 5 people! @drinkupthesunrise, @misskatieleigh, and anyone else who wants in!
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amadeyus · 6 years
HI EVERYONE AND HELP: an announcement i’d like y’all to read it concerns y’all (to some extent i guess)
ok so i don’t have much time cause i travel tomorrow and i have a bunch of things to do (which i won’t ramble on but) FIRST THINGS FIRST
During my 3-day mania episode (and now spread to be a 5-day episode rip me), I thought of a lot of creation ideas (art and design, fandom and non-fandom alike)
[More long words ahead about my creation ideas and i want y’all to help me choose what i should work on next; with the exception of #6 and #7 bc those are guaranteed works i’ll work on first]
(This is a really long post ik but I’ve used the @ mention features a lot below and idk if it works under the cut so im sorry for the longass spam this is a once in a long while thing i promise)
AND bc i do not have the brainpower/energy to choose/think about these stuffs IMMA ASK YOU GUYS TO HELP ME CHOOSE which ones you want me to work on bc I love all of these ideas and are !!!! about these but honestly indecision is taking control of my brain pls send help. D: ok so to help me out (and i guess this is great for you cause you can vote to see the content you wANT)! anywho, pls help me decide (specify the number and if you can, the reason why you’d like to see it; it can be a short one sentence answer honestly idc i just want help rn):
A levihan fic-inspired work; the fic is canon-divergent where Levi dies and he’s given a funeral service bc of his efforts as Humanity’s Strongest and Hange goes up to give a speech (fic by Frances @daisybrien ); will use lyrics from Poet - Bastille
A work for Cosmic Love - Florence at the Machine lyrics for the levihans bc why not (but also partial credit to Sophie @drinkyourfuckingmilk bc i remember her mentioning it that it was a levihan song and i love both cosmic love and the levihans sooooo)
Still transparent edits for the lyrics from Stay With Me - You Me At Six for the yumikuris (my first non-levihan work idea :OOO) but also like if you remember, transparent edits are stuff like the Haunt edit I made for levihan spookfest and the All of Me poster I made for Manna @julystorms​
A gifset for Gio @themusicalbookworm 's amaze™ song called Stardust Veins about Yaoyoruzu Momo (im love her so much rn ajelddl;) - this one i have a lot of different ideas/possibilities for but I would go give Gio’s song a listen (especially if you’ve watched BNHA and or love Momo) bc honestly it was the first fanart-song I heard and honestly I don’t regret listening (i love it so much you have no idea dude)
A lyrics gifset feat. Laughter Lines - Bastille for the movie Coco (i wanted to make this for a long time and i kno i won’t be able to get to it for a while so pls if you’re reading this don’t steal my idea cause i know the film has been out for a while now)
[Urgent] Mikasa’s bday post with a hp quote - has duality themes/techniques/symbolisms if you’re interested but it’s a zekeret™ and i don’t want to give stuff away/ruin the surprise
[Urgent] Ymir’s bday post with Call of Silence lyrics and starry stuffs. I give partial credit to Gabby @sookashira who made a Ymir gifset/gfx where she said there was literally a Ymir constellation in the universe if i remember correctly so that’s partially inspired that idea (i can’t find it rn bc i’m tired but i do remember it my dude). And also partial credit to Daya @eren-s bc her latest Eren and Reiner edit of a recent manga chapter was cool and I found the way she did the dialogue pretty interesting and my idea for Ymir has dialogue sooooooo (i’m also lazy to find it bc limited brainpower sorry daya but i remember it and i talked to you about it)
A lyrics gifset/motion gfx for Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine Part 2; basically a continuation to Levi’s birthday post I made last year but with even more lyrics and cool stuffs™ (what i think is cool at least)
A lyrics gifset/motion gfx for Unstoppable - Sia feat. Hange’s moment where she shines and  dodged them MPs and is doing a bunch of cool stuff (have i mentioned how much im love her too)
ahhhhh soo this is really long and if you’ve made it to the end of this i truly commend you for your efforts (come i clap for you™). tbh this is not even all of the ideas i thought of you have no idea how inspired i was these 5 days. buT, i say again, i would really appreciate it if you could tell me which idea you like the best and want me to make (and if you’re feelin extra generous i would appreciate 1-2 sentences of reasoning re: why this idea over the others)
[i might rebagel once or twice more to get more exposure again but yeah that’s it]
and also fyi i am behind on replies and tag games and communication in general; im sorry my brainpower rip but i will get to it tomorrow after i land so it will ALL BE DAIJOUBU (hey @hushpiper look im sayin what you said earlier to me)
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rexcrystallis · 7 years
I'd love to get into an rp with you, but I'm too afraid to ask.
{{ Nonnie let me share 2 u a thing my law school professor once told us--“If you don’t try, you’ll never get there.”
That aside here are some quick tips to interact with yours truly:
Send an ask. I usually respond even to non-mutuals, except if the scenario presented before me is too otherworldly for Noctis, or too godmoddy or infomoddy.
Send in a meme. I rebagel tons of memes. Feel free to send one.
Like an ask response so much? ASK ME FIRST before you turn it into a thread. It gives me a heads-up of how many threads I can handle without me needing to sacrifice those already pending.
Answer an open starter. I usually post some now and then.
A few more pointers:
I do not usually ship Noctis and the chocobros. But there have been RPers and RPs that made me change my mind. I won’t jump to shippy at once, but there are muses (Ignis) that my Noct will be by default, will always have a soft spot for.
I do NOT ship Luna x Noctis. I just do not. Do not force me to go there.
I can ship everything else given chemistry, but a ship that works initially doesn’t mean it will keep on working indefinitely. Some ships just don’t work in the long term, some do.
Please learn how to graciously take a NO when I refuse a route, or a ship.
That ahead, it is ultimately your call whether you want to interact or not; me and derpking will still be here, sooooo. \o/! Good luck nonnie.
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a-wondrous-thing · 7 years
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AYYYYoooo friendinoes *finger guns* guess who’s back! (hint: it’s me)
So, I’ve had over 300 followers for a while now (idk why you’re all here but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), and wanted to do something ~~~cool~~~ like all the youth are doing these days, so now i’m having a rad celebration™ because it’s summer break and i’m out of school and wanting to do some Real Rootin’ Tootin’ Awesome things so.... let’s have some fun this weekend, yeah?
Things That Are Cool and We Could Do But Don’t Have To Because This is a Chill Party:
So, pop by my inbox sometime this weekend if you wanna hang out, join in the celebrations, tell me about your headcanons/ask me about mine, ask me to write short things, make me draw characters crappily in ms paint, get a set of (really basic) character icons, tell me about your day/ tell me a story, just say hi, get music recs, or get an aesthetic/moodboard for you or a character :D !
I’ve previously rebageled some writing prompts, ask games, etc, so if u wanna use those, go ahead! Make sure to copy over any questions, and if it’s a writing prompt, please specify characters/fandom you would like me to use (i’m not gonna do any romance or shippy stuff, sorry). (A list of fandoms i like a lot can be found here, toward the bottom, but if you’ve ever seen me talk about it, i’ll probs write for it)
If you want an aesthetic/moodboard for a character, please specify which character (i will do those rotg powerswap au aesthetics that i did a while ago if that’s what you want, just remember to specify who w/ which set of powers).
If you want a moodboard/aesthetic for yourself, a la that picture up under the banner thing, please tell me: 7 things you like/enjoy looking at (weather/nature, clothing, objects, etc.), a name/nickname/word/feeling you want for it, a phrase/song lyric or character, and your fav color.
Everything will be tagged with ‘sprinkle’s rad celebration’ if you wanna blacklist
Seriously though, thank you guys so much for hanging around! It means a lot, and I’m excited to get back in the swing of writing and creating <3
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mojavejourneys · 6 years
Everyone who keeps insisting that Fallout 76 is bad can suck my dick because I don’t have time for that shit. Assholes, the lot of you.
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