#but again thank you!!! ah!!!
roseinthestars457 · 4 months
Hey, I just reread your whole fic: Give you my best shot, and I'm eagerly waiting for it to continiue. I hope you are doing ok, I know what it is when there is much going on in ones life. Thank you for the work you do and hopefully until soon
Rereading? Re? You’re gonna make me cry :_)
But in all seriousness this is so sweet, I’ve been rereading it and it means a lot. Thank you so much for this! Not to ramble but I’ve been struggling to get out bits and pieces of the story over the past months and this really helped me get my spark back! I went on a bit of a spree and finally finished out the arc I wanted to get done :}
That being said… there should be an update tonight 👀 thank you again, I hope you’re having a good day!!
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2aceofspades · 3 months
While I don’t ship Leosagi, I must admit, the way you draw them is adorable. Keep it up!
Waaaah thank you!! 🙌✨! I very much enjoy drawing them hehe~
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A random doodle just cuz them~
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swift-kwikster · 6 months
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A comic about Sam and Max being trans guys, taking place at Sam's old job as a stewardess before he transitioned. Being that it's Sam & Max, weird ridiculous hijinks ensure.
So... After two years of working on this on and off, it's finished! I had posted pages as I was making them on here before but those posts are no longer on my blog- I actually redid most of the pages with new jokes and panels, and fixed a lot. I'm really proud of how far this has come. :)
Please reblog if you can if you like it, so more can see it! It'd mean so much! Thank you. <3
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findafight · 9 months
Robin chose Steve. Robin made the conscious and deliberate decision that she could and would trust Steve. She already liked him! She had fun working and bantering with him! They were already on their way to being weird little bffs and the torture just expedited the process. Steve chose Robin just the same! He thinks she's fun and cool and likes her so much! He chose to be honest and open with her too, putting himself out there.
Even though their interests on the surface level don't match why wouldn't they share them? Steve clearly caves when Robin wants to watch a movie he doesn't think he'll like, Robin can watch a March madness game or five.
Stop trying to take away their bond oh my god people can be close to more than one person!!! Their best friend doesn't have to be dismissive or mean or whatever in order for a romance to be special to them!
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The ''Are you trying to romance me?'' meme but with Barnaby and Howdy
i belted this out in like a half hour flat <3 bc Yes
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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girlboyburger · 11 months
Hello everyone, I really don't like asking for it, but it's undeniable that me and my housemates could use some help. We live in a very conservative area, and all of us are visibly queer. We're trying to raise funds to move somewhere safer, but the only way I can earn income safely is through art, as I've been threatened or put in harm's way due to my apparent trans-ness at every place I've worked at. My roommates face similar tribulations, living in the public eye here is simply unsustainable. There's more info on the going-ons of our situation in the gofundme, but if you can't afford to donate, sharing this post, my commission post, or the gofundme on my other social medias does so much in the way of getting us out of here.
if you'd rather donate directly, my paypal and kofi.
We are extremely appreciative of any help we can get, shares makes a huge difference.
AND, for your time, an image of our cat, Mr Mayor, who you would also be benefiting.
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Thank you.
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temtamtom · 6 months
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Some Bounty Hunter!Ivan for my beloved @ironicorange <3 <3
Please click the image to see it better!
Extra Stuff & a tidbit about my process under "read more"
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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After years of working together, the rivalry turns into something deeper, but suddenly Killer dies. To save his lover, Cross overwrites their timeline.
He doesn't know that Killer tries to load the latest save file at the same time thanks to his determination, but overwriting erases everything.
Due to the damage, they both lose their memories and start from the beginning, driven by a weird sense of loss — and the need to find someone.
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canisalbus · 10 months
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I had a scrap piece of paper and drew the little freakish dog 👍 I have been silently enjoying your art for like a couple months now? I found it randomly on uploaded Pinterest and was like “oh huh that’s rad” and yeah he’s such a lovely sad little beast
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xamaxenta · 6 months
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art vs artist 2k23
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completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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In the most shounen way possible Evil Wolverine SURE DID launch into four pages of evil speeches COMPLETELY UNPROMPTED and for no reason in particular. 
Perhaps it’s the translation or just his wording in general but I’m not sure what the four pages to establish “Divine Providence” doesn’t work here actually means? He says at first that it doesn’t work for Space and Time in general any more, both past and future, but then specifies that this moment specifically is also cut off from "Providence", because it’s cut off from the rest of space and time. (But if "Providence" already didn't work in the past and future, why would it NEED to be cut off in order for providence to ALSO not work here?) And yet I’m not sure exactly what Divine Providence really means in this context, or what it has to do with anything at all that we’re doing here. 
I think it might have been more impactful if he was saying that this moment is cut off from Hitsuzen and so anything could happen, or that it’s completely outside Yuuko’s influence so they can’t be saved. Something along those lines would have made more sense to me thematically.
Also... I'm not sure what he means when he says that Yuuko turned back time? I thought Lava Lamp's wish was with Evil Wolverine specifically - he says "I'll fulfill that wish for you", and when Yuuko shows up he claims that's she's interfering.
But here he says that YUUKO turned back time, implying that the wish was through her power. So...?
I think something got lost in the translation somewhere between these two chapters OR Evil Wolverine really will just say whatever the fuck he thinks in the moment.
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I think at first I thought he was comparing Lava Lamp to someone else, but on second thought I think he means that Lava Lamp hasn’t changed since he first made the wish. 
Something to do with the fact that this scenario has to end a “different” way than it first did, and yet Lava Lamp still has the same motivation as before. 
I think you could probably make an interesting comparison out of the fact that (from Evil Wolverine’s perspective) the universe broke because Lava Lamp made this wish in the first place, but he’s still here with the same goal in mind, and so he’s never really learnt anything. 
Which isn’t true, but I think I’m still just trying patch Evil Wolverine’s speeches in a way that actually makes sense to me. 
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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igucci · 6 months
Any TSSM Otto/Adrian headcanons?
okay! i can give you some 'cause i think about them... a lot.
-otto feels completely comfortable about being himself around adrian. even if otto despises his old self for being 'weak', i cant help but think he still retains a few of the meeker qualities he displayed back then.
-their friendship must have started while they were both employed at tricorp. assuming otto was as timid as he was working under osborn, i think adrian managing to get someone like pre-accident octavius to warm up to him is impressive.
-just looking at adrian, you can assume he might get cold easily. otto wears a large trenchcoat, so its also safe to assume that adrian might borrow it when he wants to. not only that...but otto seems a bit warm and cuddly-looking even without the trenchcoat, so... ^^''
-when theyre not doing supervillain things, they like to play board games and watch nature documentaries together, though adrian tends to fall asleep watching them. LOL
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twigs-sprigs · 11 months
I followed you for exactly 2 BMC posts back in like 2020 it’s just your art looks all pretty and I don’t know any of your fandoms just like the art style
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thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe ppl still know me way back from my bmc phase... hope this clears up the fandom thing though! i do know i get pretty far off from the show with aus and such (which i have a lot of) probably the fact that i love an obscure rarepair and also enjoy drawing gore in aus for this lego show doesnt exactly help my case DWJKDWKDW still, thank you for sticking around!! im thankful people find my tomfoolery at least slightly entertaining
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marihem · 1 month
Let me be the one to ask. How did you come up with this Queerplatonic Frans concept? What drew you into making this?
Aww thank you for asking such a delicious question, pal! Hope you're ready to listen to my 1 am rambles XD
Alright so, to be completely honest...I actually don't truly know how Romance works to execute it myself 😬
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Haha yup, sadly, the concept of Romance and Romantic Attraction didn't naturally come to me my whole life and I had a hard time understanding them. (Skill issue, amiright?) So I learned about them through fiction. And even then, my understanding of Romance was a little bit different from what it's usually is (spoiler: it wasn't actually Romance, the word I needed was "Queerplatonic").
I've drawn ship arts before I started drawing Frans and let me tell you, almost all of them were 2 characters just standing next to each other, no hugs, no kisses. Maybe they'll look at each other with fondness. And I was like "hell yeah, I've achieved Romance 😌" pfft.
My 2020 Frans works were where my ship art skills got improved. But you can still see that they aren't explicitly romantic (like, the first time I drew a Frans forehead kiss was for a request). Whatever, I was drawing stuffs about my fav lil guys and I was happy... and yet a tiny part of me wasn't feeling it, like it felt...odd to call them romantic. All these shippy art and I still felt uncomfortable to draw something extremely Romantic. (...this kinda sounds similar to a comphet kind of situation, you get what I'm saying?)
2 years later, I learned about the term "queerplatonic" and just like that, everything made sense =o Now THAT'S the kind of relationship I've been thinking about all these years and it felt magical. Suddenly, with this new knowledge, drawing shippy art felt more comfortable for me, cozy even. Cuz now, the "romance" I'm making is like something a little special for me.
And then I thought "what if I...👀" I grabbed Frisk and Sans like figurines and used them to make my own little ideas of a queerplatonic relationship as they were the perfect materials to work with for me.
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I've actually been busying myself with thinking up ideas for them a year before I revealed it to my mutuals, even long before I revealed it publicly 😅
Still, my Roommate Banter AU Frans is still classic romantic. I've only been making funny lil contents of them but I swear! They're secretly crushing on each other, there's romance underneath! I just suck at Romance 😭
So yeah, TL:DR, I don't completely understand romance so I did what I felt comfortable and did actually get the most, approach a ship with a queerplatonic lens.
Tho I'm still learning about Romance cuz there're other ships I'd love to draw shippy art for XD
Anyways, yeah thank you to anyone who read all of this and thank you dear anon for indulging me with your ask <3 Have a lovely day/night ^^
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