#so updates should be regular! I’ve got a pretty good buffer built up and we’re coming into the end of the story 🫢
roseinthestars457 · 4 months
Hey, I just reread your whole fic: Give you my best shot, and I'm eagerly waiting for it to continiue. I hope you are doing ok, I know what it is when there is much going on in ones life. Thank you for the work you do and hopefully until soon
Rereading? Re? You’re gonna make me cry :_)
But in all seriousness this is so sweet, I’ve been rereading it and it means a lot. Thank you so much for this! Not to ramble but I’ve been struggling to get out bits and pieces of the story over the past months and this really helped me get my spark back! I went on a bit of a spree and finally finished out the arc I wanted to get done :}
That being said… there should be an update tonight 👀 thank you again, I hope you’re having a good day!!
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lumiolivier · 3 years
The Good Old Days Chapter 32: Small Worlds
A/N: Hi, friends! Look, I know I kind of dipped last week, but I needed a week off. My head wasn't in the best place. And it's going to be a minute or two before you guys get another update. For the four people that read this. But I promise this is a nice chapter. Hang in there. Now, pray for me. Because I need to go back to Twitter and pitch a book. My anxiety's on high and I'm about to scream, slam a Rockstar, smash the can against my head, and scream again. Love you! x
I knew this would be an inevitability. I knew that once I touched Italian soil, I was bound to find one of them eventually. And honestly, I’m kind of glad I found her first. I hugged my favorite little sister tight, beyond content with life. If I’m this bad with Veronica, I can only imagine how bad it’s going to be when I got Vanessa. I’ve been seeing Veronica a hell of a lot more often than I have Vanessa. And I’m not dating Veronica. Tess would have my ass for something like that.
“I’ve never been so happy to see you, Frankie,” Veronica buried her face in my shoulder, damn near in tears.
“Ditto,” I kissed the top of her head, “You doing ok, Veronica? I know you haven’t had me for a buffer for a while.”
“I’ve had Vanessa instead,” she pointed out, “But yeah. I’m alright. And Vanessa knows all about Tess, so…That’s not an avoidable conversation.”
“Because you’re smitten with her,” I teased her, “It’s almost nauseating.”
“Really?” Veronica stared blankly at me, “Really? Really? Of all people, you’re going to try to pull that bullshit? I don’t think so, Frankie. I’ve seen you and Vanessa. You’re gross as fuck.”
“Sue me.”
“So,” Veronica wrapped herself around my arm, “You really weren’t screwing with Vanessa when you said you were at your uncle’s house.”
“Of course not,” I rolled my eyes, “We’re on the same continent again and she thinks I’m fucking with her? Or that I wouldn’t make this kind of an effort? I don’t think so.”
“It’s not exactly like going from one side of the bridge to the other to get here,” she worried, “How long did it take to get from Barcelona to here?”
“Fourteen hours,” I giggled under my breath, “I’m so fucking jet lagged, Veronica. Two o’clock this morning, I couldn’t sleep, right? So, what do I do? Apparently go do shots of tequila with my mother in our hotel room. But then, the plot thickens.”
“Do tell, Frankie. Do tell.” I don’t think I was the only one still suffering with jet lag. Veronica, despite being the regular spitfire she always is, seemed kind of out of it. Either she’s running on jet lag, too, or someone got some Italian connections and she’s partially stoned. Either one wouldn’t surprise me. I lifted her chin up, checking her eyes. Bloodshot…Dammit, that’s not going to tell me much. That could go either way.
“Mama’s the one that told me to get on the train,” I went on, “I think she’s in love with Vanessa more than I am.”
“Impossible,” Veronica curled into my shoulder. Oh, sweetheart, you are out of sorts. I had half a mind to throw her on my back and let her catch some sleep. But then, a third possibility popped into my head.
“Veronica,” I wondered, “Are you just waking up?”
“From my second nap today,” she admitted, “What gave me away? The fact that I have the same personality as a half eaten sandwich or the fact that I’m supposed to be getting coffee right now and some American asshole is keeping me from that?”
“You just wept in that American asshole’s shoulder because you were so happy to see him, Veronica,” I argued, “Don’t try to pull that bullshit with me.”
“I did miss you, Frankie,” Veronica smiled, “But I’m also delirious. Fuck off.”
“I missed you, too.” Nights in the Narrows weren’t the same without her. Don’t get me wrong. It’s been cool hanging out with Tess while Veronica’s been here, but it’s not the same.
“I was actually on my way to go meet up with Vanessa,” she told me, “You’re more than welcome to join us. You know…If you were up for that sort of thing.”
“I just made a fourteen hour train ride,” I squeaked, “I sure as fuck didn’t do that for nothing.”
“What?” Veronica scoffed, “And seeing me wasn’t enough?”
“I love you, Veronica,” I assured her, “I really do. You are one of my favorite people on the planet. But I kind of miss your sister a little more.”
“Because my sister puts out,” she teased.
“It’s not necessarily that,” I shot her down, “It’s…I don’t know. Vanessa’s different. She’s…”
“Alright, alright,” Veronica cut me off, “Before you get into the gross, poetic shit. Jesus Christ, Frankie. I get it. You’re disgustingly in love with my sister. I hope you crazy kids run off, get married, make a million babies, and grow old in Boca together.”
“Boca?” I looked at her strange, “Why the hell would we go to Boca?”
“I don’t know,” she giggled to herself, “That’s kind of an inside joke with Vanessa and me. That when we get older, we’re going to retire to Boca because Florida is where all the old people go to die. And Boca Raton is some pretty property.”
“Because it’s not bad enough I get mistaken for being Puerto Rican back home,” I laughed, “But by all means, let’s move to Florida, where I’ll go from Puerto Rican to Cuban.”
“You’re neither of those, Frankie.”
“I know,” I draped my arm around her shoulders, “Should we go bring you back to your sister? We all know you shouldn’t be left alone on the streets of Rome. That’s when you end up getting picked up by total strangers and taken to God only knows where.”
“To my sister, asshole,” Veronica rolled her eyes at me, “I knew I’d be alright. I didn’t expect to run into you, but hey. Small world.”
“Do you know where you’re supposed to meet her?” I asked.
“She said it was near her school,” she directed me, looking both ways before crossing the street. Safety is important, “And that’s…This way.”
Veronica took me by the hand and the two of us wandered through Rome for a while. It’s weird to think about how a lot of civilization as we knew it started right here. And yet, it’s considered one of the most romantic cities in the world. And I could’ve proposed to Vanessa right here. Or in Monaco on New Year’s. Or if I was incredibly lucky, I could’ve proposed to her in Barcelona and made my ancestors proud. Yet, here I was, kicking my own ass because her engagement ring was back in New York. Oh, well…There’s always March. We’ll have March.
We turned the corner, but Veronica stopped me, “You stay right here.”
“Why?” I asked, thoroughly confused.
“Because,” she kept her voice down, “I wasn’t expecting Vanessa to be sitting outside. You stay here. Just trust me.”
“Veronica…” I was getting a vibe from this one. And I wasn’t sure how to feel about it, “What are you up to, you little minx?”
“Just…Trust me,” Veronica stood on her toes, kissed my cheek, and left me on the other side of the wall, “I know what I’m doing.”
“Alright.” I wasn’t going to argue with her.
“Vanessa!” I heard her call her sister’s name, warming me to my core.
“Hi, Veronica…” And that was the nail in my coffin. I leaned against the brick wall and melted inside. Oh, fuck, it’s nice to hear her voice and not through a speaker, “What took you so long? I thought we were meeting at five.”
“Yeah, I know,” Veronica grumbled, “I got held up by some dick on my way.”
“I’m sorry,” Vanessa awed, “You’re better off.”
“I don’t think he would’ve hurt me,” Veronica brushed her off, “He was kind of cute.”
“Really?” Vanessa wondered, “What kind of cute are we talking?”
“What does it matter?” Veronica argued, “You have a boyfriend. And I have a girlfriend. It’s not like either one of us were going to go after him.”
“Color me curious. What’d he look like?”
“He could’ve been local,” Veronica began.
“Ooh…Pretty Italian boy?”
“I don’t think he was Italian,” she went on, “Kind of tall, would’ve made me feel even smaller.”
“That doesn’t take much, Veronica. You’re lucky if you hit five feet in your boots.”
“Fuck off,” Veronica giggled, “I didn’t ask for the judgment.”
“Keep going,” Vanessa insisted, “What else?”
“Alright,” Veronica fulfilled her wishes, “Dark eyes, dark hair, kind of long. Kind of built. Really nice ass…”
“Aww…” Vanessa sighed out, “It makes me miss home…Rumor has it, home is in Barcelona these days.”
“I don’t think he’s actually in Barcelona,” Veronica figured, “He’s probably fucking with you.”
“No,” Vanessa took my side. That’s my girl, “He’s probably in Barcelona. That’s where he’s from. Mama told me the whole story once. Kind of a sad one. But here nor there. I didn’t ask you for coffee because I wanted to gush about Frankie.”
“Bullshit, Vanessa!” Veronica called her out, “When don’t you gush about him? He’s just as bad about you, if not worse.”
“Really?” Damn straight, baby girl. Damn straight.
“Home misses you, too, Ness,” I couldn’t sit idly by anymore. Not when she’s so fucking close.
“No…” Vanessa could hardly speak. She went from giving her sister shit to real quiet real quick.
“Maybe…” I stepped out from behind the corner, “Surprise…”
Vanessa kicked her heels off and jumped into my arms, bawling her eyes out in my shoulder, “You told me you were in Barcelona.”
“I lied,” I hugged her tight, never ever wanting to let her go, “I told you she couldn’t keep us apart, Vanessa. She has no power here.”
“But…” her voice broke, “You said you were in Barcelona…”
“And I was for a while,” I agreed, “But I also decided to hop a train at two o’clock this morning to cure my jet lag.”
“And…?” Vanessa wiped her eyes, “How’d that work out for you?”
“The tequila didn’t help,” I brushed her off, “The train didn’t help. I’m so fucking tired, but goddamn, it was worth it.”
“You’re fucking right, it was,” she buried her face back in my neck, “I love you, Frankie.”
“I love you more,” I pulled her face closer to mine, getting our first kiss in months. Neither one of us cared about who was watching, even though we were possibly scarring Veronica. It’s not like we were having sex in the city square for the world to see, but…If we played our cards right, it could’ve gone that way, “Hey, Vanessa…?”
“Hmm?” Vanessa let me go. But the second I sat down, she was back in my arms again and curled up on my lap. Fuck, I missed this girl.
“You wouldn’t happen to have anything going on tonight,” I wondered, “Would you?”
“We have a family thing at eight,” she grumbled, “Because God fucking forbid I can enjoy myself here for a while. Thank you, Mother. Greatly appreciated.”
“Hey, hey,” I cradled her cheek in the palm of my hand, “I didn’t make this trip for the sake of making my mother smile and your mother infuriated. Although, pissing off Victoria is always a bonus.”
“Maybe for you,” Vanessa pouted, “You don’t have to deal with the aftermath.”
“Yeah…” Veronica agreed, “That’s not always pretty, Frankie. Don’t get me wrong. I love a little petty once in a while, too, but there’s a time and a place for it.”
“Look on the bright side,” I pointed out, “In a few days, I’m sure she’ll be back on a flight to the States and you won’t have to deal with her anymore. For the time being.”
“Dammit, Frankie,” Vanessa snuck in another kiss, “Always putting shit into perspective for me. Remind me why I ever left you.”
“Because of your mother sending you to the other side of the world in hopes you’d forget me.”
“That sounds right,” she shrugged, “But yeah. We have a thing with the family at eight tonight. I’m overjoyed.”
“Hard to tell under the bitterness and sarcasm,” I teased her.
“But…” Vanessa smirked, “I’m sure I could find a way to sneak out by nine.”
“That’s my girl,” I melted inside, “I’m in town for maybe an hour and you’re right back to having those hood rat tendencies. We’re going to have words about that later, Vanessa. A young lady of your social standings shouldn’t indulge in such activities.”
“Fuck you,” she laughed, “Oh, Frankie, I missed you…”
“I missed you, too…”
“So,” Vanessa thought, “We find a way to kill the rest of the afternoon?”
“I mean…” I suggested, “It has been a few months since we last saw each other…”
“And…” Vanessa was definitely picking up what I was getting across, “We are on foreign soil…We could…”
“You guys!” Veronica got out the proverbial hose, “I’m not third wheeling this anymore. If you need me, I’ll be elsewhere. Vanessa, I’ll see you tonight.”
“Alright, Veronica,” Vanessa awed, “Just remember to stay safe.”
“And that no means no,” I added, “And that you have a girlfriend waiting for you back home.”
“I also have a hall pass while I’m here!” Veronica started walking off.
“Call if you need a ride to the clinic, Veronica!” I called after her.
“Fuck you, too, Frankie!” Veronica stuck her middle finger in the air and took off. Oh, I missed her. I missed her sister more, but damn, I missed screwing with Veronica. She’s fun.
“Look at them, Ness,” I sighed out, “They grow up so fast.”
“You’re telling me,” Vanessa agreed, “But Frankie…”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Let’s go to my great aunt’s house,” she suggested, “That sounds like a good idea.”
“Why?” I looked at her strange, “Why would you want to take me to your great aunt’s house? Doesn’t your family kind of have a thing against me?”
“That’s my mother,” Vanessa started kissing down my neck, “And I really don’t want to talk about her. My great aunt’s house is on the outskirts of town. It’s also very big. And very empty.”
I knew exactly what she was getting at. Fortunately, that something just happened to be me, “I love you, Vanessa.”
“I love you, too.”
Honestly, when I imagined the first time Vanessa and I would have sex, I thought it’d be somewhere back home. That nice hotel room the Old Man has on permanent reserve. The roof of my building while Google Earth was snapping pictures. But I suppose her great aunt’s house on the outskirts of Rome would have to do.
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